Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1892, Part One, Page 5, Image 5

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    OMAHA nAiT.v urcrc. KITVIUY. .fonvii\rm.n ! ' > ciAo \ ; . -T\ri\vrv PAH K
I have just returned from New York where
1 have
secured the
most extraordinary bargains , both at auction
public and private sale. The market was in the most
depressed condition I have ever seen it and I bought . I
heavy. could
not resist
prices they mode. We place them
on sale
Monday , giving our friends the
advantage. You have only to look at the entir0
to .
goods that. I
see would call
year special attention to the Silks and Dress Goods.
goods , and the prices are ridiculous. Also notice the are splendid quality , all perfect
extraordinary bargains I obtained in Cloaks and Jackets and Fur Capes , etc. Also in
Linens , and Millinery , and Books. Hosiery , and Blankets , and
- JsJ > $ . l AJ.AQQSI ] E
J _ d
Mcuvy black wedge wale
royal siilc , tegular price $1.50 ,
on Monday , 790 ; only one pat
tern to a customer.
Colored crystal bcngaline ,
in all colors , regular price ,
$1.75 , Monday , $ t. 17.
Extra heavy crystal benga-
line , in all the latest shades.
actual retail price in New York ,
$2.50 : our price on Monday is
In black silks \vc ofl'er , on
Monday , black failles and satin
rhadames , worth QOC , at 5/c ;
only one dress to cadi cum-
T Icavy black failles and satin
rhadames , worth $ i , on Mon
day at 67c.
Heavy black arnutrcs , crys
tal bcngaline statin rhadames ,
faille Francaisc andgros grain ,
regular price of which is $1.50 ;
on Monday we place on sale
at 97c.
The finest quality of black
gr os grain , with heavy satin
stripes , in cardinal , blue ,
cherry and gold ; the regular
price of these goods at retail in
New York is $2.50 ; on Monday
we shall offer at $1.25.
We also place on sale a full
line of heavy silk Scotch plaids
ati.,25 and $1.50 ; these plaid
waists are all the rage in New
York ; worn everywhere , mak
ing the silk so scarce that it
is only by patience we can ob
tain them from the mills. At
no time have we ever offered
such. bargains in silks as this ,
and when sold cannot be re
01110 of the Queslioiifl Likely to Trouble
the Democrats ,
Importer * -\VII1 lolTii llllin. tit Clvn Onion
I'ciiillng tint I'rnbaljti ) K < * iiiljiistinant
of tlio Tnrliriir the Oloti-hnu
3 FooiiTKK.vrii STIIKKT , V
WASHINGTON , I ) . C. , Nov. 10. )
Becrotary Foster of the treasury today
tated that he bad no Intention of recom
mending an Increiiso of the present internal
rovouuo on whisky as bus been stated In
various qunrtcn. This administration has
no Intention of making any suggoitlons of
ways nud means for rmsint' rovontie for tno
Incoming administration. Ho .adds thut
thorr will bo no dollclency this year In splto
of all ulurmlnir reports to the contrary.
Tbo olllcois of the treasury now bollovo
that during the first year of the Incoming
administration there will be u scrioub dellcit
owing to iho great falllni ; oft of customs re
ceipts. Importers will bo unullllng 10 give
oraurs pendinu tha prooubla readjustment of
ibo tarilf , uiid for the next llftcen mouths the
receipts from import dullu.s will decrease t > o
matorlallv that tbero will not be mifllcient to
moot thu constantly mcroaslng expenses of
tbo government , BO thai u dellcit is inevita
Sffiotury ItuMi Kxpminiu
Seorotnry Kusk feels tluil ho owes It to bis
constituents and friends to explain why bo
refused to allow uls name to bu used for tlio
uomlimtlon nt Minneapolis.
" 1 ntn no Irultor , " ho suld to an Intimate
friend this morning. " 1 tun no t nut or , and
never buvu been , cither to my country or to
my friends. I hnvo no regrotn whatever.
They used to tell mo I'd got tbo farmer vote
If 1 was nominated. That was the argument
of ray friend ? , but it was mi appeal to my and ambition. I tofused to
penult ray i.nmo to bo used and
told my frlendy they must lot
uio nlono ; that if I was in
u position to gut tbo fm mars' votes it was bo-
cuuso I wus secretary of uprltullura nnd I
was In Una position -iniiolntiuer.t nf Pres
ident Harrison. Of course 1 bad considera
ble to oo with tliosuceebi of tnoDepartment
of Agriculture , but that wus only ono part of
the administration und tbo suicn of Iho on
tire administration wus duo to tlio fuel that
Jonaniln ] llainson wns nt thn bead of it all.
Ho uus my friend nud supporter from begin
ning lo end of the endeavors to got mi Amer
ican hog Into Ktirop"an countries. Certain
ofllduU in the diplomatic service undertook
to claim credit , for ttio buccess achieved , lint
I am no Irullur ; I g'tvo credit to President
Harmon ull the time. "
( V t rii IViirtliuu.
The following wcstorn pensions granted
are reported by Tun Hiu und Kxuminor
Bureau of Claims :
Nobruslia ; Original David Purkovpllo ,
Edward Reynold : ) , Huisoy'R , Smith , ' Her-
roan F. Monko. Frank Krieger , Uoorgo W ,
Meljon , JainLMH. Cbldister , IVuncla N , Uro
knw , Oeorgo O. Adams
, Clark P. VYetzt'l ,
William H. Curry. Additional Kdwurd
Owen. John W. Miller , John M , Moon , Adol
phus Holloway. Increase Reuben H. Deil
rick. Kciiifcuo David F. Frv , Joseph A
Dudgeons , William ] } , Kink , John K. Snuiv ,
Frank H. Uleuson , Jos.pU H. McAtoo ,
tleoreo U. Ashworth , Cburlos A , Shell ,
Urorgu li McCo.r , Samuel i : . Woods , free
man K. Chapman , Thomas .1 , Smith , Uos-
well O.illlams. . Additlonul Homy H ,
Uurtob. Orieiuul widows , ttc. Janolvoal-
Ibor , mo'bor , Delia A. Mutlmon , Mutlldia O.
Sluurt , Johuuu Gerhard , I'Vetiorick Fuer ,
lown : Original Krlsoy T. Fisher , O
rcuus W. lleudrieks. John Marsh , ( Jeoruo
O , DuuliutP , Alexander Martin , Sylvanui
Jlonuell , ( U-oruo A , Crlit , Michael Fluu
liocmi. Jacob Long , Stcpbeu Joyce. Tbo
HeudrlcKiiou , Porter Herring. Additional
Dress ( jcoocis.
Mr. Falconer bought these
goods in New York at an ex
traordinary sacrifice and at the
prices underneath we give you
all the advantage.
44 inch heavy cheviot in
plaids and stripes , regular price
Goc , price Monday 250.
42 inch novelty tweeds in
plain mixtures , plaids and
stripes , beautiful styles and
every thread wool splendid
for school wear. Regular 650
quality ; our price Monday sSc.
A big lot of 54 inch novelty
suitings in cheviot and camel's
hair effect , strictly all wool.
Regular price $1.50 ; price
Monday 75c. This is the great
est bargain we ever offered.
Our high novelty suitings
which have sold at $1.50 $1.75
and $ i'.oo , all new and stylish
goods , on Monday all at $1.00.
Black drap d' alma cloth , 40
inch , beautiful finish and worth
65c ; our price Monday 38c.
Black all wool French serge ,
double width and worth Soc
per yard ; to close out Monday
Black mohair brilliantine ,
good for dresses or skirts , be
ing a very durable quality , reg
ular 6oc. Our price Monday
( Jcorgi ) ICIrkpatrlok. Hehsuo Cbarlos
Jrnmm. Original widows , etc. Alon o
Lawrence , father. Susanna H. Moon ,
neither , Kacbnel Titus , mother , Sarnn J.
{ nberts , Frances Ashburn. Original
Daniel 1 , . Thomas , SVillnun 1 $ . Chick. Har-
non Hiker , Ell Busby , John B. Melvown.
Additional-Joseph A. Loiidonback , Con-
slantlno Dougherty , Henry H. Smith. Will-
am II. Clark , Lemuel T. Womacbs , George
Cent , Hobort P. Wilson Lifavotto Bout-
well. ' huDDlomontal Ba/11 H. Wiggins ,
'ncieaso John M. Carry , liolssuc John
[ lolden , Edward Nowoll. Orlginul widows ,
etc. Hnilcot Cotrican , Eliza Butler ,
PrUcllla Payrton , minor of Henry J. Callu-
South Dakota : Original John Brustor ,
Charles ( J. Pratt. Additional Herman Van-
Jerboof. Reissue Thotnan S. Pock. Oriir.
Inal widow 'J ryphona A. Collins. Addi
tional William D. 1'utnim. deceased ,
Ueorgo Sprakor. Uolssno and incroasa
Samuel 11. Taylor. Original widows , etc.
Ann E. Putnam.
Mlscelluiinniij ,
Secretary Noble today decided the follow-
log land appeal cases from Nebraska :
United Simoj vs L P. Kingston und J. T.
Stewart , trsr.Bfcrred from Urokim IJoiv ,
commissioners decision afllrmod ngainst
Stewart ; LnvvlsKooh vs Nnnuv A. Llttlo ,
motion for rnviow from North Platte , motion
denied npnlnst Little ; Ambioso 1C. Dllss vs
John H. Nunn frnm Sidney , decision uf-
tinned. Tbo following cases from Huron ,
S. O. , were also decided by the secretary :
M. A. Hogcrs vs C. U. Frost , motion for review -
view denied ; John CSuvdor vs Henry
Murphy , motion for review denied.
Ij. A , Hunt wns todav appointed postmas
tor at Harden , Phelps county , vIcoJ , K. Ar
nold icslgnod ; J. Snell ut Memphis , Suun-
dor.s ununtv , Neb , vice Mnttio O , D'ullor re
signed ; Kmmii Schoub.u : nt Corloy , Shelby
county ; U. W. Thomas at llurrls , OjcooJa
enmity , la. ; S. S. Ivellokon at Argo. Hrook-
Ings countv , S. L ) . , nnd J. C. Meiirn nt Tol-
fcrd , Lawrence county , S. D. P. S. U.
I.jnoliml n Micro .Murilt'rnr.
Cu III.OTTI : , N. U. , Nov. 19. Deputy
Sheriff Livingstone of Richmond county
Tuosdny luat attempted to arrest u negio
named Uuneuti Mul'iiattcr for a disturb.uieo .
at the poiU on election day. As Living- '
atone was rending the warrant McPnattor
iihot bim tifmd and tied. He was naiituied
last night near Loworburg. IIu was put on
a North Carolina Central train at Kockylium.
At l.auiel Hill stution , u mob invudea the
train , carried tbo murderer out and hanged
him ,
OpcratorM huiuirn : in Increase ,
lUi.riMoiu : , Md. , Nov. IK. The grievance
coinmlttoo of the Ordur of li illroad Tolog-
raphera hut cvoning came to nn nnilcablo
iigieemeut with the Haltiinon ) & Ohio
oflh'ials. It Is agiosd that an incrca oof
JPfi 000 faluill fo to the opsrators. Paj mont
will ulso bo made fur over 111110. A com
mittee ropicsontlng conductor * , hrakumou
nnd switelinien is hero toconfnr wltn tbo
Daltlinoro k Ohio cxm-utivu otllcors regard
ing an increase of lu per cent in wages.
11 i'i ; v > ' llii\\iiiiinr | \Vii4liliigtiiii ,
TACIMAVnsb. . , Nov. 19. Within the last
twenty-four hours tbroo inches of rain 1ms
fallen , being the heaviest rainfall ever known
In thu Puget sound section. Streams are
swollen und last nlKht tbo Northern l'arilo )
roaa brliii.'a over Cirocto river was carried
awuy. Trams cannot pass before Sunday ,
( turned Up UIB lunillil.
Hinoixsvii.i.K , Mo. . Nov. 10. Tbo bouse
of Joseph Thatcher nt North Hlgginsville
burned to tbo ground yestordav. Then
were In tbo bouso at thi tlmo un Invnlid son
of Mr.T'hutcbor and two young children. Tbo
latter otcaped , but the luvuild cblld was
i ) u rued to death.
. o
( i.trzVa llroilnir Out cm Ilimili ,
SAX ANTONIO , Tex , , Nov. 10. Kncanmcion
Ourza , u brother of tlui famous filibuster ,
Cutarlno Ciarza , bus boon released on bonds
of f'J.iMU ) . Kucuraiveljn was captured at
Key \Vost , Flo , , some nooks ugo ,
hnmll ( ) r iiur Uutton.
New OIU.CANJI , Lu. , Nov. 10. The cotton
crop propeels grow worse ovary day and the
yield "lil 1"I5 per cent loss than last year ,
with a total not exceeding 400,000 bales.
* * "
! !
We have just received late
novelties in children's cloaks ,
novelties in ladies' jackets ,
wraps and ulsters ,
Novelties in infant's cloaks.
The afjcnL representing the
firm of Uavid Stern & Co. , 72
Greene St. , New York , has
turned over to us his entire
sample line of cloaks which will
be on sale beginning Monday ,
We can safely say that this
manufacturer is considered by
the trade as the best maker of
infants' and children's cloaks in (
Children's cloaks , made of f
eiderdown , lined with Canton (
flannel , collar trimmed with
angora fur , regular value 63.25 1
size 2 , 4 and 5 years , Monday
only $1.93 each.
Children's fancy vicuna cloth
cloaks , color tan and gray ,
trimmed with tipped angora
sateen lining , size 2 , 3 , 4 and
5 years , regular values/ , Mon
day only $4.89
Children's and misses' jack
ets also at special prices Monday
Here are our prices on furs.
French Hair Capes $5 ,
Best quality Cooney Capes $7.25
Hest quality Astraclian Capes $15
Beaver Capes , German $16.50
Beaver Capes , Nostern , $25 ,
Hudson Bay Beaver $45 ,
Monkey Capes , best , $21.
Martin Capes $32.
Beaver Muffs $5.
Astraclian Muffs $3.75.
Electric Seal § 2.25.
French Cooney Muffs $1.75.
Minlc Muffs $7.50.
Martin Muffs § 7.50.
We have a full line of fur
head scarfs in mink , astrachan ,
cooney and opossum at from
$4 to $9 each.
Litigation Orar the Failure of the Inland
.Stock In tlio IiiHtltutlnn KxcluuiKcil fur f.nn-
cnstnr County Kent Kstiitu and Thou
thu I'roju-rly V Trniiklerrcd
Oilier Lincoln
LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 10. | Special to TUB
BKU. I Litigation over the failure of the
Bank of Inland has already boon commenced ,
I us will bo scon by n reference to tbo particu
lars ' of the case llled iu the district court of
Lancaster county this foicuoon. C. W. and
J. N. Axtoll llio u petition with the clerk of
the court , 111 which they sllogo that the
Fidelitv Trust company , S. W. Jacobs and .1.
N. Burliiig.itno , secured from thom tbo title
to certain pieces of property In this city on
fraudulent representations. The property in
question in located on the corner of Thir
teenth and K streets and in Ilill&dalo addi
tion in thin city. Tha petitioner * assort that
the defendants induced them to
trade the hind for thirty-seven shares
of the stock of the Inland bank by repre
senting that the bank was in good linaneiul
condition. Not knowing ur.ylhing about Iho
condition of tbo bank thotnsolvo * they took
the statement of the president of the Trust
company and made ttio trade , signing a deed
iu blnuk. Tno property was a ( tor wards
deeded to Burllngume , who Is a relntivo of
Jacobs. Since thu failure of the bunk tbo
plaintiff * believe that they have been de-
Iraudod , nnd tbov assort in their petition
that the otUccrs of tbn trust company know
ttmt their statement ! ) in regard to the sound
ness of the bank were false , and that they
made thom with tno deliberate purpose to
aefraud ; that thu trust company was organ.
I zed for the solo purpose of unloading upon
it n lot of worthless notes nnd securities ,
which weio la turn unloaded upon thu bank
ut Inland.
Ansnultml 11 lt tlr iil MUM.
A WBrrnnt is out for the arrest of a man
named Davis , llrst name unknown , who is
charged with a folonlous asnatilt upon John
( iibion , u laborer employed in ono of tbo
construction gungs on the now Hoclr Island
ilao thiougb iho cltv. Both men have been
at work near the penitentiary. CiIoson as
serts that Davis wus the loremunof thu gang
in which ho worned , Yesterday Gibson
took u notion to cjult work und tbls snoinod
to mouse the Ire of the foreman nnd tha as
sault too . pliica in consuuonec. | liibson ex
hibits u badly damaged Head as u result of
ibo con ( I let , In which ho cumo out second
best. Judge BorcoU issued a warrant for
iho arrest of Davis and it Is now in tno
bands of Constable Mullory tor service ,
( i osI put tlio htuto llnuie.
Ueturns from alt but six counties of the
state bavo been received ut tbo ofllco of the
secretary of stato.
Hon. Orlando Toff t of Cass county came
un to the stnto house today to pick out Ibo
heat ho wishes to occupy Jn the senate next
Uoprcsentatlvo-oleot John Davies of Cass
county was H a lute homo visitor this after
noon. Mr. Davies is foullni ; id I tbo bettor
over bii election to the uouso from the faot
two years nso u ben bu ran for attorney of
Cass county the fuslonlsu beat him by about
700 votes. Tills year ho turned tho' tables
upon Iho fusloulsts.
Pro ) , W. 1C. Andrews , the man who out
McKelgtaan'n majority of 10Ul ( two years
USD down to U.'JOU thU year , \\us nt the state
bouio tbls afternoon , lie says that at the
satno ratio ha will nave about 4OJ ' ( ) plurality
in the district two years from now. The
ofilclul returns from tbo Fifth congressional
dlttrlcl bavo bean received and tabulated ut
ut tbo ofllco of tbo secretary of stato. Tliay
give McKolghan unujorlty over Andre\Yn of
a'j o.
Tbo case of UV. \ . Urowstor against the
Ladies' ' Hosiery Dep't. '
too cloven ladies' solid color
and fancy striped cotton and
lisle thread hose , actual value
25cand35c , Monday 167 .
200 dozen extra fine quality
of lisle thread in black , colored
i boots and lancy patterns , 750
and $ i grades , all at 25c Mon-
i day.
I ' Gaelics' b'ack ' equestrian
j tigh's ' , fast colors , at Si a pair.
! Ladies' ribbed balbriggan
union suits at $1.50 , worth
Ladies' balbriggan eques-
trian tights , in cream colors , at
650 , worth $ i ,
1 25 purej-hrcad , bright
silk hose , black , a regular $3
quality , at $ i.8S a pair. Ask
to sec them.
Men's Furnishing Dep't. '
2B dozen men's qooci muslin
fancy irimmzdnightshirts atBOc ,
nil sizes.
At OOc wo ore showing the
best unlaundered sliirt in the
12O dozen extra fine quality of
English merino half hose at 23c ,
worth 03c.
Boys' flannel waists at 5Oc and
7Bc ; all good dark patterns.
Novelllos in light and dark
colored neeksvear at DOc.
Linen Department.
5O 12-4 genuine Marssilles bedspreads -
spreads that we have always
sold at $4.7B
and $5 you can
now have your choice of pat
terns for$3.2B each.
We have a. lot of odd dozens of
napkins , slightly soiled , that we
will offer at the following prices :
IB dozen bleached napkins ,
regular $2 quality , for $1.48
16 dozen 3-4 bleached napkins ,
regular $2.75 quality , now $2.19.
IB dozen 3-4 bleached napkins ,
regular $3 quality , now $2.33.
IS dozsn 8-4 bleached napkins ,
regular $3.25 quality , now$2.8B.
Bank of Ains.vorth was filed with tbo clerk
of the sunrema court this afternoon.
Hunk Kxnminor Croighton Morris was
sent to Johnson Iu Nomaha county tbls
morning to tnko charge of tbo Bank of
Johnson , which closed its doors yesterday.
The exact status of the bank is as yet ua-
known to the State Ranking boird , and will
uot bo until Examiner Morris Hies
bis report , which is looked for Monday.
Mitny I'niorltO ! * for Soimtm- .
A great many people of Nebraska took
advantage of the provision of the constitu
tion which permits thom to express tholr
choice for Unltod States xonator ut the
general election preceding an election of a
member of that aristocratic body. Tbo list
of favorites this year is a long ono , and if
any of thn Nebraska statesmen are missing
from the list they bavo escaped the notice of
the voter. Tha following Is the list of men
who received complimentary votes for tbo
place : J. 1C. Sloven" . U. H. Von W.VOK , A.
S. PuddocK. J. II. Powers , Henry St. Itay-
nor , F 1C.Vhlto , T. J. Majors , J. D. Strode ,
J. W. Edwrton. C. F. Manderson , J. E.
Uoyd , Uhurcn Howe , H. E. Moore. W. I-i.
Green , W. J. llryun. Orlando TofTt , C. D.
Schrader , A. W. PI Id , .1. M. Thnrston , J.
Sterling Morton , W. H. Thompson , J. E.
North , (5. D. Melklojolm. Lsandor Gerrard ,
D. L. Bruen , J J. Burr. Julius Cooley ,
lionry Uluni , Mux Meyer. W. A. Pnxton , 15.
Harrisou , J. Burrows , John Koucbmiui , K.
A. Cudabv , CbailcsVltbnoll , W. J. Droatch ,
U. L. Miller , .1. B. Wea/or , W. N. Duo-
rock , T. .1. Mubnnov , J. C. Brennun , C ! .
Cleveland , J , L. Webster , U. O. Lobock , J.
U. Cowin , Euclid Martin , U. W. ICing , O.
W. Hitchcock. U. II. Clurko. H. U. Bromo.
O. W. Doano , Isaac Moves , II. D. Estubrook ,
L. Cronnse , Willlum Coburn , Lee Estollo ,
Isuao HnsUull , O. U. Bentley , It. S. Me-
L-iuchlln , V. O. Strioklor , W. O. Curtis , S.
D. MeroorV. . H. Munger , 0 , Morcor. G.
\V. Llulnger , W. I Brewer , J. C. Wllcox ,
< ! oorgo O'Uneti , E S. Montgomery , Alvin
Saundoru , .tolin A. McShnnn.
Another CXCptrr In the Horror \Vur.
Another chapter was Issued from lha
records of the district court today in the
war ever the Berger children. Mrs. Proese ,
the former wlfo of Bergorauu tha mother
of tbo children , comes into court with a
petition in which she denies emphatically
every allegation inado by Uorgcr in mipport
of blJ request lor tbo custody of tno chil
dren. Sno says that bo had the ttecreo of
tha court changed after she hod consontcd
to n certain disposition of the children , and
that bo so annoyed bar by bis requests and
demands for Iho ctiifdrcn inatsbo finally
consented to lot him have the bar ; but whoa
ho got the boy ho bout and misused hlrn to
such nu extent until tha llttlo fellow ran
nwuy. She also alleges that Berger mistreated -
treated the little girl to sucn an extent that
she took her bomo aguji. |
llrnril In tlio Court Ituuin ,
The grand jury has adjourned until Mon
Arthur Young was inado happy this morn
ing uy thu receipt of u now and I m pro mi
divorce from bis uifu Nellie , to whom bo was
married but u few motif-hs 111:0. Nolllo turned
out to bu bad , very bud , und the particulars
of Ibo ctiargo * timdo oy Arthur against her
would make the most hardened sinner blush.
U. B. Sklunor usksio ) court to sot aside
tbo Judgment reccntlj ; obtained ngalnst him
by the Nebraska Commercial bank.
Tbo Fidelity Trust company of this city
Is Involved in 11 suit commenced against it
today by J , J. Kelt. Tbo plaintiff alleges
that ho cumo ironi fork , Pa. , to manugo the
Institution and , hat ho was to receive toO \ '
par month for bis services , Ot tbls amount I
JIM was to bo lu caih and f > 0 in the stock of
ibo company. Ho aUn purchased f..r.W )
uortli of tbo stock of the company upun tbo
express agreement that if at any lirao bo Wd
difsaiUlleJ ho could return the stock and
gat bis money back. Ho states that bo became -
came dissalliilod souio time slune , out that
when bo oamj to get bis money tbo oftlcers
of tbo company refused to give H up , Huuce
the suit.
The application of J. F. Lansing for the
appointment ol a receiver lor the Lansing
theater cnmo up today , but was postponed
until Monday ,
Lincoln In Hrlof.
M. A. Luun , thoinan who is doing mora
for tbo beet sugar industry than any in n In
tbo state outsldeof tba manufacturer. ! , > > tatcs
I bat tbo Now York capitalists who dcsiro to
oroot threofactories lu Nebraska -will bo iu
At these prices for
Blankets and Com
A full 10-4 whlto blanket worth 31
now Too.
A full lllvhil3 blanket worth $2.50
now $1.1)5. )
A full 10-4 wliito blanket ( wool ) worth
S5 , now Si.05. :
A full 11-1 wltito blnnkot ( wool ) worth
Sll.fiO , now $5.7. " ' .
A full 104cnrlot blnnkot ( wool
worth $1. now $2.0. " , .
A full 10-1 gray blanket worth $1 , now
7uc.A full 10-1 fjrity blnnkot worth $ . " , now
All styles , all grades , all col
ors.A good comfort worth 750 ,
now 490.
A full si/.e comfort covered 1
with satinc and turkey red lining
ing- , worth $2.50 , now $1.9 ? ,
filled with white rose cotton.
A French sateen covered ,
filled with eiderdown , regular
$6 , now S.-75. |
A silk covered , French
sateen lining , worth $8.50 , now
All wool skirt patterns , 36x
90 , worth $1.50 , nowsi.
All wool skirt pattern , 40x90
worth $2 , now $1.25.
Shirting" , skirting , cloaking
in all styles.
A full wrapper of 36-inch
bedforcl cord , worth $ i , now
49C.A full wrapper of 36-inch armenian -
menian serg-e , worth _ $ i.5o ,
now 6Sc.
A full wrapper of 36-inch
angora camlet ( fleeced ) worth
$1.75 , now 980.
( All of the above in plain ,
fancy stripe , checked and
for a preliminary conference next
John Olcson Is confined to uls b ardlnc
homo 1 on P btroft with a broken collar Done
and ioveral deflected ribs. Ho is a very
heavy I man. and last night fell over the rall-
mcof i the Industrial Savings bank into the
bascmont I area.
Chancellor Canltold of the State iimyerMty
has rocolvoil n letter from Mavor Setu li.
Loworiiraolilyn , N. Y. , saylnp that ho will
accept an invitation to deliver the oration on
Charter , Day at the university coramenoo-
mont next spring.
Three drunlc.s made up the roster at the
police ; station this morning. Judge Waters
t-avo , them live days apiece.
l-rof. Itlckx DUohurcod.
Thocasoof Prof. Hicks , chairman of the
Board of Public Works , who was charged
wtthillepul votinpon last election day , was
dismissed , this afternoon. The arguments ia
the \ CD so were made before United States
CommUsiQner Billiiigsley this afternoon ,
Deputy Unltod States Attoruey Baldrldso of
Omahn appcaroii for the federal govornmnnt ,
and J. B.'Strodc of mis city for the defend
ant. The nrguinijuts were ma.lo on the
question of the intent , and both sides sub
mitted , numerous authorities hairing upon
the | point in controversy. After hearing the
arguments , nnd examining the authorities at
length j Commissioner HillliifMley stated that
In \ his opinion Prof. Hicks had voted illegally ,
but ] had ilono BO unlntejtlonnllv , unJ under
the 1 circumstances I" , was clear that tuero was
no , corrupt Intention upon the part of the defendant -
fondant j , therefore hoould dismiss thocaso.
vxTititit i I'lnd ill the MI-HI t of mi O.ilc in In.
Wi.v\MtC , Ind. , Nov. 19. Walter A. Wood
berg , residing in the southern part of this
county , cut down a will to oak tree , which ,
when Hplit , revealed a rottuJ bun
dle containing n door hide tanned
by the Indians and covered with
tboir method of writing. A translation of
tbo characters Indicates that a treaty Had
bcoij entered Into between thu Miami nnd
Pottawattamia Indians In the yenr 1761.
The former , through Mlshouoiiogush , ceded
certain territory north of the Wabssh and
west of the KnuliRkoo rivers to AubDerraabbo ,
the Poltawattamlo chief.
J H'O MUltK 7VJ/t.\.I/ > ( > / : .
FJn > Killed iinil JMiiiiy Hurt In Arl < insiin
Diitimcii In .tllsnmiri.
KUKPKI Si'iiiNfls Ark. , Nov. 19. News
lias just roacbod hero that a cyclone struck
Harrisou , Ark. , Thursday night , killing llvo
residents und woundim ; many others.
A largo number of hoiiRcg wore blown
down nnd considerable stock killed.
Sr. Loi'if , Mo. , Nov. ID , News reaches
here that novclono passed throuzli West
Plains , Ala. , Wednesday nlcht , causing con-
sldcniblo jiroporty loss. The bouse of John
Armstrong was blown down nnd nil tbo oc
cupants , Armstrong hlnuolf nnd wlfo , were
fatally lujuicd.
Want lliiKhlit In Itupiirt.
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 1' ' . Within u few days
President Marvin Iluchlttof the St. Paul < t
Omaha railway will bo requested by
leadlnu eastern stockholders ou'stoo
the Vanderbilt interest to issno n
dotullod Btaioinont of the operations
of tbo road for tbo past six months. Mr ,
HllKbllt , a * head of tbo executive i.epart-
ment of the company , will ulso be requested
to furnish wooltly and monthly returns , tbo
snmo as tbo St. Paul , Northern Paclllc and
other leading western competitors.
bold lu u N < ur Yuri ; h.\ndlciUi- .
IsiiUNAi-oi.iH , Ind , , jNov. ID. The Indian
apolis street car lines have bean ( tola to a
Now York svmlleato headed by 1C. I. , , tlel
Knapuiul J. O , Ilafnor , ex-president of llio
company. Tbo prlco paid Is said to bo
( ilvcn it w l.i'iiiii of l.lfr.
< fv , III. , Nov. 10. William J , Jamison ,
who was to bavo been hancod next Friday
for the murder of Charles Aaron , has been (
granted n stay of execution br the eupremo
court until iho bill of rooorils of bis c.uo
could be exauimod.
, Announcement.
We wish to slate to our
) trade and the people in gen
eral that we ofTcr for one week
the grandest bargains ii\ mil
linery ever offered in this city.
Time is too precious to quote
prices. Come and be con
vinced ,
Special sale of cushions , head
rests and yarns.
A good china sillc cushion ,
with double ruffle , 16x16 , $1.23.
A good china silk head rest ,
all shapes , made with double
ruffle , S
A good stocking yarn , in all
colors , 30 per skein.
Zephyr , Germantown , in all
shades , 150 skein.
New baskets , drapes , cush
ions and art goods in endless
Cutlaliy Company Increases Its Capital
tck Several Times Ovor.
Steady lucronne In tin * rinporliincn of tlio
iMurKnt Kept Kvpn I'nnn \ > lth by
the riant Notes null Xew
from the .Mnclc City.
Tbo Cudahy 1'acklne company recently
published iu Chicago amended articles of in
corporation , Increasing tha capital stock of
the corporation from $750,000 to Jfl.fiOO.OOO.
The increase In the capital stock of the com
pany was inado necessary by the Invostmanls
and onlnrgamontu of the property which
bavo been mudo by Ibo company since it was
South Omuha Is the piincipalpluoanf busi
ness of the Cudahy I'aclilng company , and it
is bore that many hundreds of thousands
of dollurs of thu company have been
invested nnd expanded in improvements of
and oxtonslvi ) and lasting nature. The
growth of the Cudaby Packlne company
within the past few years Is only equaled
by thogiowth of South Omaha us a great
ivo stock market and packing contor. Tbo
prosperity of the company , which has neces
sitated increased capital , representing such
extensive improvements , U caused b/ the
prosperity of the city. Tno ono liolpi to
build up tbo other , und with the Increased
cnpltnl the Cudahy company is prepared to
keep pnco with the onward march of South
Omaha and moot any demand which in
creased business may create , and their mam
moth establishment will bo Incrcaind iu
capacity whcnovor necessity compels.
The C'udabya aru among the most enter
prising packers in iho country and it Is thair
aim and desire to bnvo bulldod up at this
point a stock market and ppcklm ; center
wblrb will not bavo a rival within tbo
breadth of the land , and their wealth Is al
ways ready to assist in that undertaking.
Cliurgfil ivltli'I'.illlng H .Sink ,
O. P. Grlflln , formerly atowurd at the
Murray hotel , w * nrrostod yesterday after
noon by Ofllcer ICroogcr In Omuba on tbo
charge of larceny. 'i ' hn complaint
was tiled by P. L Monahan , who nl-
that Grlflln took u wooden ulnk
nnd pipe service fioin u room In
the Cunningham block which did not he-
IOIIK to him. About two weeks nco ( irlllln
purobusoJ a restaurant in the uiiuninuunm
block and conducted It until Frlduv , whun
bo moved out bis oflociu nnd quit business ,
Tha sink nnd fiervioj
in question vicro 10-
movcd. and Grillln claims ho WFI compelled
to got them out nf the way In otdor to tnovo
bis ranco. and tbat ho placed them in the
collar nnd If they nuvi disappeared sumo ono
clso is rosioii ( ! > lblo. Jud o i < * owlnr will do-
tcirmluo the merits of the cnso Tuesday
morning and in the meantime Grlflln Is out
on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Allirlclil'it I.IUir.itl.
Tbo KxccUIor Literary society is the naino
of a now organization just uorfectud. Tbo
society was orpiini/cd at the Smltb school
bouie , below Albright , nnd will moot each
Thursday ovonln ? , Tba following oilcorn !
have been chosen : President , William
Bini'.h ; vice president , William Cire 'c ; secre
tary , Irvinu Smith ; uiilstant tocroury ,
Cliuilea Chandler. Tbo society marts out
with a peed membership and promise ! to bo
a success ,
Hold lhMir ton Hey ,
J , H. INleholson , who lives near Twenty ,
llftli und P streets , was the umdde&t man in
South Omaha yeslecday , and if bo does what
bo so numorsusly promised sonroonohas
trouble uhoad , und very eerioun trouble ut
that. Mr. NlcboUon's son and holr Is nbout
12 years old.und tbero is tbo seat of the trou
Book Dep't.
Special Sale Sitimlay ,
At 15c.
A l.irg'c assortment of fine
juvenile books :
Lithograph , board covers ,
worth 25c.
Autograph albums ( closing
out ) at i ; c. snap at 250 ,
The Favorite Dictionary. Il
lustrated , only i5c.
Also , a few i2-mos. ( to
close out ) , chrap at 250.
Above books only 150 each.
At 65c.
The largest and finest as
sortment ol 12-mos. ever of
fered for the money , all in ex
tra fine c'oth binding , first class
paper and large clear type.
The following are a few of the
many authors : Dickens , Irving ,
Thackeray , K-liot , Hawthorne ,
Ruskin , Ivingsley , Longfellow ,
Edna Lyall and many other
equally popular writers. Red
Line poets arc included in this
lot at 65C ,
At 35c.
Handy volume editions of Sum-lot Letter -
tor ami Di'iimtnunil'ri iiddrosscs ; both uro
attractively bound in fancy covors.lui'go
float * tvpo and splendid pupcr.
At $195.
Goorjje Kliot's Life , 1x9 related in her
loiters and journals , edited by J. W.
Cross , attractively bound in 3 volumes ;
special price , 81.1)5. )
At $1.25.
Prcscott'a Mexico. II volumes , oloth
binding , largo , cleat1 type ; special liur-
Ijuin , 91.25.
At 95c.
Klsto books only 05o each.
2 for 25c.
A larpo assortment of 25 and 60c jri-iBr
novels at" for ioo. !
bio. yestordav the boy purchased liquor Jn
n lowur N street silicon , and ho tasted it so
often that lit ) wns tmatile to carrv tlto load
around without , resting most of the lima.
The youiiBstor could not even talk , and when
ho wont liomn In that condition tlicro wns a
dcnca of u rumpus. The upshot of tha
wliolu iitTiiir Is thnt the boy's fothor threat
ens to prosecuio the saloon nun us soon as
lie secures the nocossarv evidence to provi )
where the liquor wus purchased by his son.
Kuimimlitr HID .Mirtjrs.
The Irish-Americans of South Omaha lira
making extensive arrangements for tbona-
tlomil colobrntlon In honor of the Irlsb
natrlots who worn executed at Manchester ,
England , November ffil. 1807. Tbo colebra-
lion will bo bold Tuesday evening In Ulnm'i
hall ana an Invitation U extended to the
people of South Omnbn to attend , and thai
show sympathy with the fete of the executed
patriots. Huv. Father D. vv. Monarlty will
n at the mooting- The following uro-
has been arranged :
Bone . Miss Hose Klnnnery
Afc'ompunled by Ml as M.-wuio Swift.
Address . . . . Hon. T. J. Miilionov
i-otig . M ss HCHO A , Hrtuly
Address . Ituv. li'uthfr II. J. MuUorlll
SOIIB The \Vost Asleep.V. . W. Mc-Oormlelc
Address . Hon. M. V. Ounnon
Bens ; Oed Buvo Irolnnd . Ily the Audlcnoa
IMuglilur * \rlrnitlN. .
A lodge nf thu Daughters of Votornna has
bean rei'ntv ) oiganl/cd in South Omaha ,
The fellow-lug oi.Vors have boon elected :
( 'resident , Miss Coo Crous ; senior vice presi
dent , Miss Mucglo Slater ; junior vice presi
dent , Mrs. J'.ddy ; treasurer , Miss Swiss
Leo Elliott ; uhnnlnln , Miss Slater. The
ledge has been given the tinmo of Miss
TniOMlulu tent nnd will hold meetings the
second and thliu Mondays of each nionlb.
Mulii nil Oi mount.
Fridav night whllo.l , Connolly , a Block man
from Albion , was uwnltluK tbn arrival of a
tram lit the Union 1'ucilla dopot. nome thlof
Rtolo u line nvorcout belonging to him which
ho had loll lylnir noon n snot in the waiting
room. A fellow who purchased a
ticket for I'ortnl , u sinull Million down lliu
roud , Is suspected with having purloined tba
.11 rx. Mllli-r'H 'Hunks.
Mrs. Cbatlas I' . Miller doslros through the
coliiinrib of Tin : Bin : to extend her thauks
and npprccmtinu to the many friends wbj to
lilndlv assisted her during horluto borcavo-
riiout In the loss of hur husband , Mayor .Mil
ler. Shu also ucslrt's to ihurik tbo secret no-
ciotlcs Tor the kindness shown.
city Oim4fp ,
Mlsn Musgio P.irUs nf Cambridge , III. , li
vi.HInc MM , ! ' . J. Kttor.
Bert M. Olinitcd nnd Miss Maud Plquot of
this city liavo boon Jlcciibnij to ued.
( juorgo li. Cioutischull of the uity flro do-
purimentruturnodcstqrduyfroiii a visit at
Do-i Mollies , jt.
MUica Loiiio and Anna I'omiirv outer-
tulnud their iriondHfit tholr homo , Twentieth
and I strootH , KriiJuv ovenlnn.
Mrs. T. H. Kiitta loft laat evonlnir for
Hpolcino , Wnsli , to pay UN oxinndod visit.
Air. I'Yitts nocoinpaniod hur to Chuvonne.
M. ( J. Xerbu has bscnmu editor of tlio
Tlnsllo and Crown , the p .por Isbuca by llio
Younu 1'eoplo's society of the First I'rosuy-
tcrlau church.
Tno I'ipwoi'th IO.IKIIO of the First .MotlioJUt
church hr Id n mcoilntf Friday ovcnlntr , imtj
nindo nrratuoiii'MtH lor sorvintfn biffuluuor
' '
on 1'lianlisglviiiij dny ,
MIBS Lulu Miller of the microscopical force
of tbo meat inspection department of the
Rovcrnmcnt cnlcrialnud a numborof friends
imt evening at her homu , bill Ttveiity-thlrU
Franlt Mocktcr of iho South Omaha lea
company , and onn of thu popular young men
of the city , leaves todav for llosion , Mass. . It
Isfculd Mr , Mncklor will on TlmnkiKivlotf
day lend to the altur onnof the lairdauyutors
of the Hub.
Douulc'TnmtHly In ( * iitlli > rnlii , , C l , , Nov. ly.-Davld Suhnefer , a
flbh dealer by occupation , btiot his wlro In
tub tieadvltli a rovolvor. Tba wound is
prohubly fatal. Ho ttiuu placed the revolver
In his own lieml and hluw his brains out.
Domostlu Ironbio is the cause of thu trogcd'
TLo counlo luavo four a mull cullurou , /