Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1892, Part One, Page 3, Image 3

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    r T
. X v.
French Faille
11'ulnr * l.j.i. Most reliable nna
best brnnd in the mnrkct. All the
lat < El shades in stock ,
$1.15 Our price Monday $1.15
tfc Have Jast Kccciud *
Superb fancy party sillt See our
new evening- sill s at
$1.50 _ J > 1.50
Crepe de Chine
Any shndo of thin oxtrn supcrfino
china oiupp. worth 51.oO ,
$1.25 On Moiitlay _ $1.25
Gros Grain
A I r-o < vi in stock. Regular prlco
SI 25 Tine dress mlk. Sale price ,
85c 85c
Changeable Taffeta
Just icci'hed now effects in this
Mvlibli itk.
Novelty Silks
Wo htixo IIIIIL'O ' a i eduction of 'P per
cent on all our It limning f > ilk If
you nocil u prt'l'v ' dress take ad van-
tiller * flf tlllw litrr flit-
Fancy Plaid Velvets
Just 111. Splendid value
India Si Ik 30 indies wide
All the pirty shades. 30 Inches
wide , Cheney llro . ' Sale price
85c 85c
New Velvets
New Bengalines
Glnco Ilrocho in sttlpos nndp-otty
' Our -IS Inch petticoat talTeUv is n
git-at bniKiiln at
Black China Crepe
Our Sl.L'-j
- now telling at
Our Si 50 reduced to
Our 31.75 cut down to
Me AM ill > rhndntna . . . . NOW . 70c Hliuk reduced and white pi lid silks at prcat'y '
SI 00 Supo line ihadnina . . . . Mi < -
fl L'O I'm" j.'l < is J-'raili silU . . . 'Ut 60c 75c S5c
- , and
51. M Wan.inted nltn.i roval Jl,10 , , $1.25. $
I 1M ( Iimrantuud I'oatt de Soi 'tl.IO
$ " 00 Wart anted iilm i rovul $1.7) Sec our New Tuitan I'laM Silk.
flnrt RnlnnRrl HPPSS Rnnrk
BROADCLOTH-Steam shrunk , fine
Imported cloth , 10 inches wide , at
BENGALINB Fine French bengalino
cord , any shade in stock , 1:1 : Inches
wide ; tegular unco * 1 ,
85c 85c
WHIPCORD SERGE 40-inc'h fine
imported serge , worth ? 1 , tun color in
75c 75c
now ; best wcuringdiess fabric known ;
extra w de ,
is an exceptional bur .un at
6Oc _ 60c
FRENCH SER3E IG-inch extra line
French serjji' , worth SI ,
85c S5c
PL AIDS We have one c.iso ofpiotty
plnidb we sell on Monday at
35c _ _ 35c
LANSDOWNS For pnttv or street
wear , Will i tinted dross fubrie , 4'2
ini'hos wide.
$1 25.
New Plaid Dress Goods.
Lacbt nssortment of Indie- . ' fine Kid
i the west , for both btreot nnd
In Lace Floincings ,
Comprising C'hantllly , Point do Uordon ,
I'olnt Gaue , 1'olnt de Venice , Point do
Gone , Marquise , IV'dora , oli' . , in black ,
cioun and beige ,
h'ltcit no\ cities In
Latest Novelties in Dress
Trimmings ,
Comprising iiTiile ceut beaded Dif ninsr-
lories rich jet p saiiontoiic ; < , bodices ,
gltdles and /ounvcs tvh I'orslm nnd j
n bands , all at popular ptL'c-i.
Great Sale of Handkerchiefs.
100 do/on 1 ulici' scjllopod border tin-
laundered all linen handkerchief ? , -Oc ;
i educed from . ' ! 0e.
I 100 do/en ladies' scolloped border
S\Us \ bitistc Inndkerchiof3
1 onl. 13c
each , usually sold at L'ijo.
100 do/en ladies' scollopeit and bem-
stiti'hed border lition lawn lianalcr-
chiefs , in all the latest stjlc3 , only 25i- ,
woith 'jOc and . ' ! Jc.
I I-anies' coin pur e , combiirit'on '
pocketbjoKs and card ca es at 25c , :5"o. :
. "lOc , 75c and il each , worth almost
double the money.
Xew ft lcs in ladies' shopping und
chatelaine bags at * 1 , $1.25 , * 1.OT. ? _ > ,
62 oO. Don't fail to see them.
Ribbons. Ribbons.
All silk , -ntin and gros frrain libbons.
nil silk , rich , heavy faille ribbons , all
silk , rich moire antique ribbons , rich ;
new plaid tibboti" , in all the now shades
rfoart and fancjr work. I
Ladies' Hosiery.
Ifou want h.dics' fast blank "otton
hose with double heels and toes wo have
them at 23c.
If .von want o finer quilitv vvo hive
tin i eo different weights at 353'or 3 p iirs
forSJ. I
If t\oti want the best woarinc hoc
made } we have tlioui. They are fine in
grain | cotton with white 'soles and are
very cheap at oOc.
Wo mo showing a < lno line of ladies'
fine fa-it bV.'k , double Mlk fleeced cotton
ho e ntJc , 8" > c mid oV. (
] If you want ladies'fine pl-iln bl ick
rashinoio luike wo have them at JWi. * , .Ve ) ,
( tjc , Toe nnil $1. Thuribbcucotne at oOc ,
fcoc and f 1.
I Wo will have nSlT.CTAL SALKon
ladies line silk ho a for Thanksgiving
'week ' at $1 10 , $1.00. 41.76 , fc.2 ! : > . jW.flj.
i ) , M.OO. SLIT ) and $3.7. * . Out sires
at $2 2) Tiunk tops at * ' . ! oO. Opera
length , black , at $ J 00. Opcr.i length ,
colort , at $4 OD.
Infants' Hosiery.
Infants' nliin or ribbad eishinero
ho-o , full or I length to 5J , al ITic.
Infinite o\t a line ribbed eibhtnoro
I hose , "i lo 7 , at 45o and 50c.
I Infants' plain wluteorblac'c ca-htncro
ho'-e .1i ( ) ; .
Infants' fine bl iec ! ilbbed eashmoro
hoco " )0e ,
Children's Hosiery.
We are showing an o\tr.i fine black
i iubcd wool lio-e. "i to } . at i5c. and a
still finer qualitat "o or I ! pairs for $1.
1 Ale .in o\t , i hca\ i ibbail wool hose
for bovs with double Knees , heels and
toe , at Joj and jOo.
Ladies' and Children' Un-
j j ! derwear ,
Tlio best and warmest winter under-
vvear is male from pure camel's hair.
The ) do not shrink and wear well. \Vo
have all si/us for ladies at ? 1 7o per gar
ment. The children's si/es come at OOc )
for IS inch and rise H'c ' cai'h sie.
An extra lio.vv nualitv of wool vcst
and pants for ladies at $1 eicli. They
come in gray , white and fCiu let.
UNION bUIffc. . . We
have them in '
lietivy b.ilbtigjjin at $1 50. In natural {
grav'merino at ? 2. In all wool at ? 3 and
SJ 00 up to fii.
Wo are solo agents for Omaha and the
west for the colebru'cd Ypollanti Dicss
Hufonn Underwear. Wo have these
goods in equestrian tights , union fcuits
at.d vests and pant * . Thej come in nat-
nral gray and Mac * .
.lust received , ladies' heavy blacic
wool k-ggings .it OOi- and JlOe.
For Thanksgiving.
We wish 1o cull your nttentioi to our
now 'incn ' , bought especially for
a-id ho'idaj trade. Our
stock in this department is now supoilor
lo any over shown
Hemstitched Squares and
IK in. qux e , fine quality , at oOc each
20 In. squat as , with drawn work , OOc
21 in. Mimic * , beautiful hand woik ,
$1.75 curb.
Handsome applique. Irish point and
Roman ombroiUeiy , center piece' , nt
$1 05 , $2 00 , * 2.25 and upward.
Tray Cloths.
Hemstitched tray cloth" , pure linen ,
at)5e' ) , lOc , 50c , HOc , 5c , IMc , $1 and up
Lunch Cloths.
i'lno s-itin damask lunch cloths' hem
stitched , at $1 .r)0 , $1. H ) , $2.5'J , S3 2" , 51.
1'lnin lunch cloths , hemstitched and
drawn Jjy hand , at $1.13 , $1.50 , ? 1.
* 22- " ) , 5300.51.00 , r'.OO.
Sideboard and Dresser Scarfs.
51 inch plain linen scarfs , drawn by
hand. $1.25.
72 inch plain linen scatN , drawn b
band , Sl.oO. * 1.7o
Beautiful Irish point scar's J4.00 , JI.7-3
and $5.oO.
Lunch aud Dinner Sets.
In this line we show n , great variety
of the handsomest coeds in the market
IVinged lunch sets , all H 'ss , ranging
in price fiom SI.OO to $15 00.
110111311101100 sets , till si/es , fiom $7.50
to $25.00.
Heal Trench double dam isk hem
siitched ets. 2 : . j arils wide , at $ ; iO.OO
$ :52.CO : , $37. oO ,
Cartful attention "irai
If \o ' want something adapted for
children' ' ! giruicnts , caps cloak" , robes
mil wraps , o1 for making countcrpitioo ,
afghan" , rug * , units , lap robes , and
whorevo-wa mlh and durability , com
bined with go amor llghlncs , H tie-
bircd , you will find the < -amo in the fol *
owing :
30-inch eiderdown cloth , in all co'ors ,
.S-Inch pt inccoscloth , beautifully mot * , at OOc.
'W-inch fairy cloth , in dark and light
lades , mounted with lleeccd polkti dots
of beautiful cont-asting colorsonly $ J.15
i)0r ) yard
27-inch jo-soy stripes and plaids at
H7K' , CC , 75c and ( * 5e.
Sen fo mi cloth , in red , white , bjue.
tan and gray ; this is a new fabric of
super or textile qtnlitj ,
Blankets and Comforts.
Wo are show ing very goo 1 comforts at
$1 aad $1.25.
Our comforts at $1 50 and $1.75 , eov-
oied will , saline and filed with pure
white cottou. ate extra value.
l'\telont ! comforts , with handsnicdc-
signs al * 2 , $2 2-J. $ 'l and 13. M ) .
A large n soittnenl of light woiglit
comforti , covered with sill , ilinu and
lined with colo-ed cheese cloth , hand *
knotted , p'a'.n , $ . ' ! , rulllcJ cdir's , $ t 25.
Thr > o are beautiful goods Don't fail to
see tlicm
Wo are showing eidcrdrwn comforts
at prices much lower than ever before.
Hand-nine eidoidown comforts from
$0 upward- *
Blankets. Blanksts.
" \'oti have only to read the following
prices to bo convinced that our blankets
tno r\tra valus. These are gome of our
spei ial leader- * .
A 10 1 all wool white blanket $3 23
An 11-1 all wool white b ankntal ? ! 23
An 11-4 all wcol white blanket at.3.50
An 11-4 very fine - oft all WOQ ! white
blanket at > S piir.
A 12 Ivorv line &oft all wool white
blanket at $10.
A 10-4 giay blanket al $1.33 piir.
An 11-4 gr.ii blanket , quite hoavat
$2.lo pair.
A 10-1 all wool gray blanket at $1.03
An 11-4 nil vvoal graj blanket at $5.75
pair.An 11-4 u 1 woo1 graj blanket ,
Special Prices This Week.
Lidlcs * 30-Inch fine Cheviot jackets , in
blue and bltu-lt , finished with Inp soara *
nnil tlirco pockets ; our price only ff > .
Tallies' fine beaver cloth jackets , in
blue , black niul tun , with larpo pcnrl
buttons nnil haif-llncil. Jll inches long1 ,
undo In the now half box style , with
lap soaino ; repulur prlco $13 , our prlco
Lni1io- < " line clny worsted cloth jackets ,
nKo Uortoy cloth jnoUol * , iniitlo In the
i cry Intcst style ami hiuMincil ; choice
of these two styles Sli-.oO. v
1/idics' fine horsey j icKct * , HI Inches
Ion } . ' , with bo > c plait and belt , largo but
ton-anil tialMinud ; price $10.
1/uHus * tnn whipcord jackets trimmed
with rronch soil nnil handsome buttons ,
cntlioly new ; price SIS.
\Vo ha\o about 53 ohildron's clonks , 1 ,
12 ami . ' ! oar , undo of cidcrdovn flnn-
iid , in throe slwdoj , red , gray and tan.
The tegular price of tho-o jjirtnonts is
So ; wo will close thorn out this woclt at
llacou , seen the nowp'.ald dress
waists , the very latest outVo have
tliein in either bilk or wool. CaU and
tec them Thov nro e.\lrcmoy ! stylish
this season.
Capes , Muffs. Boas.
See our line of ladies' IS and 32-inch
wipe" , all new sooJs und ma < lo in the
M jfTs and neck pieces in all the popu-
KK A J UU. uorner u arnain ana 11-
. . teentli Streets.
Mes-eu'er Baglay's ' Queer Erpari-
oncc While Eiir ute from Uraaho.
Oillrrrii of HIP Unltril Mali's Kzpross ro
pany Ilt | ) < ii.cil to Conrrul All facts
In tinCiiso MCIVH < > f III"
IInnk' lt < | ) rt'srntr.ttve.
Cnico , III , Ncv 10 Did United States
Impress Mcsseniror Gtorgo T. Hagley steal
$100,0001 I hlcf Dstcc'.ivo John bnoa of iho
{ blcago police force answcis "Yes , " to iho
qucbliou , ( .eneral Manager fahepard of Iho
United States Kxpress company answers
"No. " Ono hundred thousand dollars , Mr.
bhopard sav , wni , missing for a dav by vir
tue of what circumstances ho cannot explain
In octail or with an } cleflnltcr.ess.
Captain Shoa sajs bis ofllcors hive the
man and the money r.nil nio now with him on
the road w 01 kiiif up tbe details of the rob
U.iglov's tun Is between Davcnpsrt , la. ,
nnd Obicngo uaptnln bboa says ho loft bis
train ut Davennort at .1 o'clocn jester-
day uiorniuc to arrange for send
ing some potatoes to his fnmllj
Ho did not rututn. When the train reached
this city It was found that a largo package
of mono ) WOH missing. The captain detailed
Ofllccrs PlunU'itt anil Weavur'on tno caso.
nnil they learned that Bag'.cy bad n female
"friend , " Mrs Miller , a droismaker at ill 10
Michigan n venueBaclov had not beeu
Ibcio. Ti.ev waited Soon ha appeared and
was promptly ariostcJ ,
At police headquarter * Bagley mot
General Agent Wjpant of the express
company. The messenger admitted the
lobbery and said the money could bo
found at Goncseo. Dctccllvo Weaver at
once started for Gooosco with llairlov and
lound tno money Ilagloy , the captain snja ,
inaclo falsu statements concerning his ac
tions , whlcli led up to securing tno confes
sion. Then , too , his action In buying a
ticket to Chtcogo whun ho Is tbo benrnrof a
jiass was peculiar riucli Is Captuin Sliea's
btory. Now for General Shepaid' -
"It Is tint i rue , " ho said , oven when told
the cnplalu's story , "tbat any money has
boon stolen from ibis company or that miy
arrests hove boon made or will ha tnndu "
Hiley Is now locked un at the Harrison
street ttntion In this city , having been
bronchi back lute this afternoon. Ho tells
the ofliccrs bonpaned the package because
ot curiosity. Tlion ho bacaino alarmed at
what ho bail Uonc anil determined to keep
the money rather than turn in a broken
package. Ho put the money Itao : i sack of
potatoes wbicli lie was bringing home.
After the train had gene he shouldered tbo
kack and took It homo. Ho bid tbe money in
the hay irow He took from tbo bundle fl-
000 and taking tbo train at5Mo : ) , m. stopped
ntGoneseo where ha told Jniuew Hav , u
saloon keeper , and pave him f'J50 with which
to employ a lawyer in c&se he should bo ar
rested. Ho came on here taken
ana w&s Into [
All tbe money was recovered
today. It is
cot likely that Daglt-y will bo prosecuted.
They TlitnU thr MinioncerVrakpnfil anil ,
llrtnrniMl ihu loiin- .
UAVUM-OIIT , la. , Noy. 19. fSpaolal Tele-
pram loTiiu Hii..J All the oflliials of tbe
United States Express
company refute to
talu , but u U certain tbut tbo
company was
roobed of a largo sum herd Friday morning.
Uoorgo I. Bagley
, messenger
, wus eorouto
from Omaha to Chicago wila t > big lot
of bank uioncy. Ho
got off during
the stop acre , garo orders for sending
to bis bouse some imatoet purchased > Iffy
him on tba road , anil did
not get on bis
train again. It left hero ot 3 a. m. without
lilm. U is alleged that h "plained" jtm
money , crossed to Hock IsUcd and t > ion
took another Uock Island trulo w ° *
Uo was taken in custody there anil last nicht
Josanh bhcpard , nsslstani. manager , nnil
Gooreo A. IJaloiig , general suDcrinteiident
of the compiny , came here .vith htm. Ho
uneailhed tno money nnd they returned
with him to Chicago. The mm Is placed
hero at fltW.CTO
Baplov has been with the company two
vears. He was alvvavs trustworthy nnd
competent. He is between .13 nnd 40 years
old , and has a wife and several children
living hero. It is the belief in calico circles
that bo pieiiiedltntod lha robbery , but
cued after ho icalized loc enormity of ths
theft , and went to Chicago , intend
ing to surrender or fall Into the
hands of the express rorapauy ofllcials
latter are Irving to cover up
the manor and make
upuoar as n mere
blunder. It is denied hero that Hailov is
under arrest lu Chicago. Local detectives
believe that ho weakened after "planlinc"
tbe money. thoLcht it
impossible lo esc inc.
nail went to Chlcaeo lo make terms for iti
restoiation without jiroseoutlon The com
pany oflicials tic-clam that all lias been ad-
usti-0 , und that I here will ba no proceedings
of a U-gal nature.
OMIIIM > or mi. sroit\ .
U hllc HIP Money IV al > nnt us KppnrtiU tile
Iliinlc 'I Inn ) * * ItaCt - .
Between fear of train robbers , crooked
mcosenK-urj nnil others whose iutontions are
evil , the ofllcialj of both the express com
piny and bank lu Onnba immediately Inter
ested in Bagluv's alleged effort to gel aw.iv
with the } 103,000 are loam to siy a word re
garding the affair.
The express company's tisoplo are particu
larly close immthou. Mr S. H. Huntoon ,
agent of the United States company , demos
cmpnaUc-ilh that nay such sum was snipped
tncm on BiKloi's run , Thonpent was found
ui his homo on Georgia uvuuue last evoninpr ,
nnd asked to muko a stotomunt concLiuiiig
tbe robbery "Thtre U nothing whatever lo
say. " said tbo Kcnlloman.o have lost
nothing Tbo whole thing , according to tbo
Information 1 hove , is a mistake. "
Mr Huntoni wa told that Bajrloy had
been ni rested , out he still pomsted ID claimIng -
Ing that a mlslako hail been midu and tbo
expre.s messenger had not done anytning
wrong , so far as he knew
"Another thing is , that there vv&s no such
sum " as that shipped that dn > , " be cdded.
"What was tbe amount ! '
"I don't care to say about tbat. Naluinllv
Iho express business is n seciet one and 1
don't fuel like giving pointers lo train rob-
brrs about our business. We have plenty
else to guard acalnst. "
That a pacKaca containing $
$100,000 left
on Thursday evening y/ns , in an uo-
gunrucd moment , acknowlcatd b ) Cashier
Wdllnco of the lmh.i National bank to a
Bur reporter when tbu
former wa * tten ui
his homo , L'I3J Harcoy street , with reference
to the rooberv
'Not having seen lha express oflicia ! < , I
ilon t care to say a word , " said Mr Wallace ,
out ho did ami taU several , though bo
teemed to tlilnu "
iliffertttitly "If some of the
express company's people wete iicre with
us I bbotildu t mind talking lo jou. All the
ino'iev vvo have sent to Chicago has reached
too naoolo it has boon Rent lo That I know.
tu woalivajs receive letters to that effjot. "
"Old you ship anj maaev on Thuriuay
Voi , , JIOO.OOO was to Chicago and it
: ias reached tbo ones to whom ll was for
warded. 1 haven't received a letter ot
about it , but I
presume tbcro is one in ibe
rnstoRlce now civing uu the iuformitlou "
Mr. Wallace wa asked tbo naiie of the
company carrying tbe money , but be grew
sphinx like.
lluw Tilt Ir Jlont-j li SlilpptU ,
"Wo thin money over different routes bo-
twceu hero und Chicago
, excepting of saurse
tbo I'aciriu
anil Wells-Farce
, ono of which
Uoei nol run there and tbo otber only by an
indirect way , ' ho mid. " 1 presume our bank
employes go to iho express omio which is on
their way as thov ra'iko ' their rounds. "
Mr. Wallace aid nut believe In publicity of "
details In a case such at this , sjyinp ho ;
thought U rave too much Information to men >
"woo would kill another for
" fi\ooj and take
chance * .
\Vneu askoj as to whether a sum equal to
the one alleged to bare been itoleu by tba express -
press meiseugcr w at sent dally from Omuba ,
tbo bank cashier said : "J'Qo amuuut of
money iblppud ddlly to Chlcairo varies as tbo
omerconcles require. An ) atnounKroui rii-
OCX ) to U5J.OOO i liable to bo toot any day
either from Oautm to CQlcifO or Chicago to
Omaha A I have told jou , tbcro is no
choice betweou the express coiniuules in the
snlpment. "
Tno money aicl to have been taUan by
was in two pickic ? , eacli about n
fo t ID leiicth , aud consigned to one of the
Chicago binUlui : institutions. All tbo $100-
UK ) was In bills hnd It wts an
easy "latter to cet away with It without cjv-
citing suspicion. The ne > enier arrived
hero at S-.t' ' a. m and loft on Us run at1 ,15
in the afternoon. Bigtev had no sleeping
placti in this citv as far 3 rould ba ascer
tained anil the nriMumptlOD is mat bo did his
slecolnK coming wmtwirtl from Chicigo in
bis car. Ho hud a three davs' lay-off at the
other end of his run on his urriral there.
An fffjit was made to learn whether ho
ficqucnted gamblinc houses or other ques
tionable rosoris while In Omaha , but us far
as could be learned ho conducted himself
with pn > prletv while here. Another ex-
pro-is mnsken > ; ei who knows Baclov fairl >
well said last nisrUl in spcaUin ? of Ulnr
"Bagiov uuver went around n.uc'i while
here. 1 don't think he hail a 'woman' in
Omaha as has been intimated. Ho was
sober and bteadv a ? far as 1 Know ' '
That the mesient-'Or stood well in the csti-
inition of the '
expros company's officials is
evinced Lv the tact that bis luuls one of
tbo b stand heaviest on tbo Iloclt Island
road. Ho uas Loin running out of the
Ornul'a oQlco for over a vear or finco tbo
entranceof thstoid Into this city and i ,
spoken of by the oflicera of the company
here as u " oed man , " a sa.vinK that covers
a multitude of good point * used In a
/ „ i r n mi ror.KV tit * .
SuulliPflj VI liul Vtlll Illoiruiid It Will He
Inlriiniliiriner in Ntlirusk i Tuilij.
WASHINGTON. D U , N'ov lb roreeast for
Sundav : Tor Nebraska , South Dakota , Joiva.
Missouri and Kuasas Fair , vvarrar , south
erly winds '
For NoilU Daltota Pair , followed by
ibovvers ; slightly warmer ; soutaorlv
I.IK il itecunl.
Orrirc or TUF WEATHER Bt'itcvr OMAIII.
Nov. Jil. Omiha record of iomcer lv.r3 and
lainfallcompired with correiponUTis tlay of
past four yeaw
Ii9) . 1M1
Matlmuin tomuoralurc. as3 4'l ' = ( jj = ftJ0
Minimum letupur ituio -1 = .11 = aO = .Ji3
lenipuraluro J5 4J ' 'l3 ' "
' ; _ J-
I'rujlpllallon . 00 .00 00 .00
Statement showing the condition of tarn-
peraturunnU prjcipltuiion ut O.DJba for tha
day and since Mnrca 1 , ISUi , as compiraj
with the Bonerul average :
iBtnuoriluie . 7a
> < forthi ) nay
hlnoofareh 1 . Ti
.Normal prei-ipltalliin
. 01 Inohes
Dplluli'iiuy for lli l iv , . . ni Inches
Deficiency * 'IICB ' March I . I. IS inuhes
G U. HUNT , Local Forecast Uflicial
> > inuvi iv M i > 3iuni > iiKi ) ,
\\ltliuu S. I'ollH I muni 111 the ll ! tr iilih
IIU M < ull CriMlii-il.
Hiotv CITI' ' , Nov Hi [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BUR JVilliitn J S. FollU , one
of the best , knonn citizens of bloux Uity and
connected with several financial institutions ,
was found murdered In 1'orrjr creek under
the oieetrlo railway bridge at 1 o'clock this
otlernoon. There was a fearful ca b ID bis
He I'rutfcttiil MM .Miitlmr.
BOOSE , la. , Nov 19 The Jury In the case
of Usorfro Jaffursao , on trial for the murder
of John Burgesou at Angus lust Juno ,
broupl.t In a verdict o' acquittal this morn
ing. Jefferion klllaJ Iturtro on at on
Juno 11 in protoctlu his moltior from uu
assault by bureeson.
One.Muile nl DPIIIUI rutlc Julillntlon.
Ro"nei-oHTMo , Nov,19Durlnirlho | domo-
cratli- celebration last night some one- threw
a stick of dynamite Into
a saloon aad corn-
plctely wrecurid tbo place. Xo one was In I
too building at the time. The saloon had
bccoma obnoxious to a lajso number of pso-
ulu und many arn pleased that the city is at
least rM of It. U i * not known who threw ,
the dvnamlte.
New lurk Kicli nce < Juotutluni.
NEW YOHK , Nov. ID.-Special [ Telepram
to Tut. Brc , | nichanpo res quoted as fol
lows : Chicago , 60 cents premium ; Boston ,
to I' . " , ' cent * Uiacountj St. Louit , 90 cents
Tir.asmisEouri Beads Hava Decided Upon
a War of Eetaliation ,
Tlirj ll.ite Not Kiactl ) Acrecil L'pun a
liovcott , lint It ImaiiuU to I'll it
JloiiiUlilcli Mine intrr ; ' < t
I lie Coinlilnatlou.
Ciiuino , III. Nov. 19Ontoials of the
Atchnon , Burlmzton , Kock Island , Colorado
Midland , Hio ( .rando Western and Danverit
Kio Grande reid , after n ccnfereuco of
ncarl ) avveok , huvu ui last decided on a
method of dealini ; with the Union Pacltjc on
account of its refusal to aivida business with
thorn at Denver and Ocden instead of at the
Missouri river An agreement wus reached
this afternoon , t % huh icsultcd in the issu
ance of the following joint circular , signed
by the general pai.cnpcr aijents of every one
of the aoovo named ioad :
To CONNECTING 1/iNEa. The Tn'on I'.iclfio
s-fctfin hiin , ' , liv itiurroiil and
resu ntloii ? pr ililbltl thu is uo of n > onc-
uny anil rouu I trip tlcUcts readme In I'.irt '
over the uniterjls'ie ' 1 ne i or niuilo tiio bi'o
sueli tl kuti pr.icLlcilly lmposlbjc. . thus
cloblnx lo our lines und uiir various conncu-
tlnris Important jutuvrus that vicro formerly
open to u tint ! Imp. } n ; l ) > ltsactsa < U"iiru to
dL < ruuse the luto.-oli uu-e tit liusine = ultn the
ouiiipiny In ( low of tho'.o facts > ou ro re-
spootdilij ii'queBlPil lo remove frim silnull
round tdp t oketi or orders fure iinu ru iilln/
( uurtlin uu k-rilniBfl lineiny portloii of
which re ul over Ihu I'n'uii ' 1'Hcifir.ilhv iy , n
Bath tlel.etulli nut bo ic < rpiu3 l > y the
iindurgUiiLd loidb If sulil uftur Nuveinlier
M , .Mi
Not i\actl : } n Itnjcolt , Milt.
While this is not a boycott , it is u form of
retaliation tbat is calculated to make the
Union I'ucltic. vvlnre. A cousldaiable per
tion : of the California business Is done ulth
J tound trip tickets , aud not one ID 1UO of
these tickets is made to read over tbo same
line ' going and coining P.isscntcis have the
prulieef of going ono route and returning
by another. Consrcjjenily tbo Union I'jcitlo
has sh tcii very largely in tbi profits of this
biislness. The now ngr cment will deprive
It I of any portion of such traffic , vvhira will
now bo given to tbe Southern 1'dciflc , the
Uio Grande Western , the Uja\pr & Itio
Grandn and tbcC'olorzilo Midland.
Two or threa yeat * JIKO , when the Doom
was at Its uol'bt In tbe nortawe t nud tlion-
t-auds of people were llorltlng to Oregon ,
Washington and 1'uu-ot sound point * , tbo
Union I'afitlc cutorfll into a fljnt with tbo
Northern Pacific over tin business. It
solicited the aid of tbo Hio Graude , tbo Cole
rado Midlaiia and thoPjnv r A. Hto Grande ,
tbo rnte with them on alt tratllc ex-
at O/dea. Last January , without
previous notice , it U&ued n ciicu'ar ' to the
effect tbat It wuqld , tleioafter exact
its full local rate on traffic deliv
ered U at OcJen for Pacific coast
points , toubicuuentiy 1t declined to accept
through tickets by way of O dou. .Still later
It announced tbat It would divide certain
westbound business vvltli its Connecticut at
Denver , but that on ell castbound business
it would lD ltt on the haul to ibe .Missouri
river At this point the tranitnissourl lines
reaching , Colorado [ iplnls became alarmed aud
tn d lo prevail upon tbe Union 1'aciQo lo
modify its order In this ther failed , and
tne action they took today they claim was
literally forced upon them.
The Union Pacific refused lo divide Ore
gen and Wasblucton business with ibeta at
cotinectinp points west of tbo Missouri river
and they will now refusu to share their
California business with the Union Pacific ,
so far as they are able to control It ,
KiKiiiinln ? Intrmlrttti Cutn.
A. C > , S afford of WmhlnKtoi , allornoj erIn
the liitcrstato Comniorco cammission , U la
tbe city examining the cases of tbe shippers
and rallro&ds which will coma up under fed
eral Indictment * before ) Judno Bunn next
week. Ho and
ripacial Acent -
bad a long Interview today with United
States Attorney Mllchrist , presumably with
reference to the Swift case aad other matters
now under examination.
Condition of ( lie Alrlilton.
BoiTO.v , Mass , Nov. 19. George C.
Magounp , chairman of tbe tinance commit
tee of the Atchison In
companr , rcolv to a
tclegiam a'-kin ? ai to tbo truth of the rumor
that tbo Atchtson's annual report would
show a floating intlebtcJncss of ? S,030.UOJ ,
soot the folIowiDir > eply : "The Atchlson's
ainual report will show a cash position for
the cnmpanj on January HO , last. The com
pany : has uo floatlip debt tbat is , no float-
iiiir debt thnl is not niora than covered by
cash assets. "
Inillr. th > n Tliut a Line U Itl Crust the Old
Sioux lleaertatioti.
Kxi'in Cm , S. D , Nov 19 [ Special to
TUP Bnc. ] Tbo prospect of n mad from
Hapld ! Cltj acro-s the late bioux reservation
tcB tto Missouri river , thereby giving tno
Black H11U countiy direct connection with
the east and opening up one of the largest
tiatks of land in ttao country not. rut occu
pied by a iailiocl , has recently assumed
tangible form. Two local companies that
have oetn trying to accomplish that
result have , It is undcrslooJ , been
c. and are now controlled by
the Hauid City. 1'Icire A. Kastetn , The
arlicles : of incorporation filed at Pieire name
Charles Kublce , Jo.c-pU 1 Burnum and
Charles li. Dri pk of Now York city ,
Thomas C Thonio oj Uroo lvn , Fronpuck
.1. Pratt of Utlca , A P. Bi idstroet f Thorn-
aston , Conn , and Vlrcll T Pi ice , .lames W.
row for and .Mv roil Wilaio cfllapid Citv as
directors. Terminal points , Uncld City ana
Aberdeen Cuuitul stocil , * . " > , * * " ! 9,000
The local compa-ics mentioned aie the
Hapld City , Missouri Kiver . < c St. Paul ,
which ha : survejed , secured light of way
and done part of tno Kradlnjr between tuU
city and Pierre , ana the Uuluth , Pierre A.
liljck Hills , which his traded a man no
tvvcen Pieiro and Aoordeon. It is under
stood that thr new company has made salts
factory flnanu&l arraUKemenls , thr.i it will
rumincnro work hv April 1 next and have
tbe roan ID operation in less than clcbtcan
i < > itiH
Iiidicatlrins That Another itaail Wan Is u
tclirnsk * t'o nictlim.
| "OKT UOIIOE , Ja . Xov. 10 [ Spoclnl Telo-
Brain tu THR Her J A pr.rty of suiv-'yors
have been at worn for the past two weeks
running a pralirnlnanv survy In the direc
tion of Omaha. Hie surveyors no .outely !
refuse to talk. They are now In Carioll
county It 1s Uiionn that they are not con
nected n lib tnc Nebraska Central and u Is
rumored that they arc ut work for iho Chi
cage Great \Vostern , mpplnc out an Omaha
extension from Mason Cur connecting with
this place b ; tha Masnn City .V Tort Dodge.
Tbe fact tbat N B. btluknuy recently inni'c '
an overland trip ovur this same counlrv
lends color to tbo surmise.
Tun lutril liy I lie ItiirlliiKloii.
DPIWUKJII , S. I ) , Nov 19. [ ripaclaf Tele
gram 10 Tue Brc.l It is reported here todaj
that the eatiro Oeaawood Central
hat been sold to the B. & M. railroad The
report Is given color by changes that have
suddenly gone Into effect in tbe operation ot
tbo ( 'cnttal. The purchase pivea tbo Uur-
llngton a new line to tbe mines of Bald
Mountain and Huby Basin districts and alto
access to head Cil > , wbero are situated the
rreat Homest ike mines and plants. The
Deadwood Central IB a narrow geu--o , own
inc very valuable rights of way and operat
ing about thirty tnilas of road. What con
sideration was paid for il co jtd not ba aiccr-
lalnod , but It must hare been large , as an
ofler of f7.1J.OJO by the Burlington was re
fused six months upo , since which time ne
gotiations have beeu unacr wuy , until they
are uovv closed by the transfer.
Out tun ; 1 rrlcht lUtei.
STOV , Tex , Nov. 10 The .Santa Te
system , has made a cut of Scents on wheat ,
corii aud Hour rates from Kansa < to Galveston
voston , which putn Gnlvenoa on an equal
basts with Now Orleans.
Colonel Fairchltd , who represents tbe COD- i
trollau ' of the Santa Fa
r ) stein of elevators ,
and T , J , Temptnr , a cr in man from Kansas
City , are here oxaminlne elevators and har
bar fucilillu * . with a view to leadl.ic a move-
men l lo dheri Kanja grain iraile to this
Y. M. C. A. General Secretary of Omihi
in Great Favor.
Nrliraskit Mninlirr < < of Ilir Astniltllon 1 > |
11111 Mi'ikiiK'n ol InKiri it ul the An
nual Ciiuvenllu i Oilier Slntu
ji'riNi.Noo. . , Noy 19 , Special Tele-
rraui to Tiih BEF j Jobti It Molt of Now
York opened the third dav's session of the
Young Men's
Christian association conven-
! cal toda'with a bible address Following
this cam3 tnj llnnnciul meeting of the vcar ,
al largd sum being raised for the furtherance
of the cause during the coining vcar.
la the afternoon L W Messer , general
secretary of tha Chicago association , made
an address on "Uolci-ated Uciponsiinlltj. '
Oghtoen ine'Dtters of ihe exnculiro com-
mittro were chosen for tbo coming year.
Mauj of the olu cDiuwlHso wore re-elected.
J his action will Insurn the ie-oeetion ! of Mr.
Nash of Oiiiaha ai goneinl suciaturi for the
coming vcar , as unout all or Iho old inom-
bcis hive OKinesseU themielvci as plonscil 1
lib bis work.
Papers rclailag to tbo physical callure
depirtmeut were ieml HI follow , "rno
Place il Occupies in Orork , " W V
McUuffos. Lincoln , 'How lo Oiganl/c in
Order to .Secure Best Heu t * , " ( ieoigo Wil
liarnu , phvMcai direcloi. Linroln , "Oatuig
Clubs , ' U H Thomas , Omaha , "Whit
.Should Our Nebraska Association Ij' ' W.
.S buoldon , physlc-al director , Omaha. J J
Hauimel of Lincoln tpoko on tbe work
nmo'icr forelpn speakmi ; > ounguicn. Tbu
canwntlon then broke up intosocm ! coufcr-
cncoi , tllscubslng the best methods for
general buiious *
Jn tbo eveningnftcr a "pficln ! pra > cr ser
vice , J H Van daiiblieek of Neligh ar uca
for more work among ibe commercial
lravolcr . Lev ! Livciinj ; of Belluvue col
lege , a full blooded voung Indian , spoke on
the "Prospects ana Needs for Work Among
Indian Young Mon " Captain II B Virions
Of Fort Omaha made an appeal for work
among the soldier * Mr. Mosscr addressed
the convention on 'Oar Kesponstbility for
the Work Among Young Men in Foreigu
Lain ? ! . "
Snjijxirl a Dmnm rat.
FiirMOM.Nob. Noy 19.Snr ; > cUl lo TUB
Her I-lion John Thoinjeu , who was elected
Henator from this , Tenth senaiorial district ,
conblsttng < of Didcrci and Washington coun.
ties , ai corn In ProdeiickMadt , bchlcswig
Holstcln , Germany , la IbOJ , ana came to this
country . \ and city wilh his parents In April I ,
IftTO. Tbo third day utter their arrival bore
bis father died. Soon afterwards the family
moved on a homestead in this county , where
thov resided for eight vear * Since thai
time bo Has been encaged In tbo insurant ito
business in IbU city He w us elected city
treasurer tvMce , assessor thr < jo times , and
was a member of the public work * board in
this city for four yean > He has always
taken an sctlva interest In matters of
public enterprise for tbo city and county as
well as lo politics , anil bai never been de
feated wb n nominated for ofllce , Mr.
Thompson Ua Jovial , whole-souled fellow and
ilr held lu high citoctm by nil who knoiv him
regardless of politics. He informs TUB BEE
reporter tbat be has not decided us yet vvbo '
bo will vote for for United Stales senator
but beluga life long democrat , It will doubt J ;
less be lion W J. Bryan , lion J , Sterling
Morton or some one else on whom the daino-
crats may unite
I'ut IIU bknten on Hint dot Hurl.
P/ATT.-JiiiiTii , Neb , , J.'ov. IP. JSpoclal to
TUB Bee | Thomas Klldon , an cmDlojro ol
Halt & Otto of this citv , met with a serious
accident tbis forenoon. While under the
influence of liquor be was running his team
at a Droak-nfeck speed , and , when turning a
sharp J curve lo tba road was thrown out.
One rar wti nearly cat off aud bis face badly
Ilu was iriven medical attend
ance at soon a * possible , but is in n ciitical
ccK PiirsMotTii , Nob. Nov 19 Theodora
lihinehart was brought tu Urn citv today
from Nubawka and rrnmlura as to his san-
Hv. Tbo board adjudged him insane. Uls
mind was unbalanced Became he sent to tbe
old country for hU best
olHI girl and after she
' unived she married another.
Pi iiT4vioi in , Neb , Nov. lu Alqio Johnson -
son , the joting man who ban cnargo of TIIK
Bin oirculntion here , and Peny Latbroii
todav nuicnaied and have lakon charge of
N. U. '
Cbllberc's news stand nnd hook store.
Willlui ) Weber hul night paid ono of his
election bets. The bcl was a "goose and
trimmings" and iho feast was pcrvcd In nts
saloou. About twenty-flvo were present.
1 irn nt dcmr * t.
Of sr.v * , Neb. , Nov 19 | Sp3iaI to Tim
Jrr | A store building bsIoiiRing to H. H.
Mm tin , at the cornel of Court Hiid Main
treats , occupied b ; C II Bartz aja boot and
hoe store , was burned ihU mornmtr at H
o'clock. The building anJ stock arc a com-
ilele loss " Building valued at f J OJ'J. In-
iuianco i"W The stock was valued at
iJM. Insurance (2 VJJ
' Ttio lira Is supposed lo have originated
'rum the exnloslon of a lighted lamp which
he proprietor was in tbe habit of leaving in
th'j loom.
Will Vul Siiricnili-r tint ( iirllllcatr
NJOI mil , Neb , Nov 19. [ Special to Tun
Hi r -Chejter I Notion
, republican , made o
foimal demand ol County Clerk VanCaiup
vc ordr.y for bis certificate of election as
repiusentntive from ICnoi ind Boyd rountloi ,
out , was rcluiod Mo thoi r'quosted a coril-
fled cop , of the vote from boib counties and
: he reijuest VTI * prantad. 'I'fie cleric informs
Tiir Bm corrcspondnnt lint ho doss not In
tend to giv ? up llio certificate until be U
uoroUn'hl ) convmnoj to whom It belong * to.
l'ir-,1 irniff fur \\intrr rrafllp.
Mru > , Neb , .Nov 10 [ Special to TUB
IJiE.I The Union Pncitlc railway has a
corps of surveyors v.-orklng ] usl cast of this
place locating sidmrarki , which will bo luld
Qcfore scow Hies , and are making neces
sary preparations for ibe bjrnlng of dirt , lo
us used for bitliast'ui ' ; the roadbed. This en
terprise will omplov In the uclgbDorhood of
100 man , and will ba Itepl runnliur dav and
nlchtthli winter , and In all probjbillly Iho
greater part of next summer
Atrlili-nll ) Klllril
A'in ' it\ , Neb , Nov 1 ! ' ( Special Tele-
giamloTiiE IJ i : ' Jamoi A lllckey , bis
brother CuoiRoand Puail , starlod thU niter-
noon froic hero for the Nlsbnabotaua
In Mibsouri fishing , aud when they
nbout ono inllo In Allssourl , tbo gun bold by
James was , In aomo unaccountab'o ' manner ,
discharged ' , nnd thi vvbolu sidu of his bead
blown off. The remains vrern brought homo
IhU ovenlnt ; about S o'clorK He loaves
wife and two small children .
ClriklML' ( I > Hi" DIM llrl ,
, Nob. , Nov. 19. ( Special to TIIB
Her I Judge R Woeoler
has been tr > lni ;
to clear up tbo JockoLs lu the district oourt
sluco tbe day bjforo election , and during
tbo last week bat been holding court both
day and night , lid his made twenty.livo
rlllzuns , grained a number of divorces , and
tried a number of state cases , The Judge
finished tonight , as he must convene court
at Seward Monday.
Sullied un Ilil DUpltlr ,
Neb , Noy. -fSnsclal
to TIIK BKE.I At a tnaatlns of tbe County
Hoard of Supervisors yesterday afternoon
A. K. Powllo of Alnsly vva employed to In-
vcstlgato the county rocorJs for tha pan tea
years. Tbe people of the cojntv voted upon
this proposition at tbo election and thus
ended a long nupule. Tuo oitirnalo of the
rest of the examination Is put at t-UX ) ) ,
At III Hue uu Canal \ \ ork.
sr , Neb , Nov. -fbuerlal to Tun
lieu.j Governor Jauiei U. Boyd has ap
pointed Hon. J. W. Love , of this ci ty , a coui-
mtsiioner tu represent thi stale la the
Nicaragua ciui coovenlloa to bj hold lu
Now Orleans , Li. Mr. Live hit baen over
both tba Niotra/ja aud i'anaou canal
routes ana can speak from pronal obser