OATATJA TiATT.V ni.K. SHVhAV NOVKATHRR Sn. lSn2-TYVRNTY PACTPS. BLUE ABOVE THE CRIMSON Yale Defeats Hamrd in Iho Great Match at Springfield. POP BLISS MADE THE ONLY TOUCHDOWN TcrrllloStrnggtiiol tlinTfnnn Cr.iwnpil by n Trick Tluit simply I'nrnly/ed. tlin liny * from Cnml > ritlio Mory oriliu < i.ltiu' . Sraisonni.n. Mass. , Nov. la-Tho blue of Vato oijaln waved triumphantlv above the crimson of Harvard , uud every supporter of the Now Huvon colleao. from the king of American foot bnll , Waller Camp , to the smallest hey who wants lo bo on Iho winning sldowhcn ho grows , Is the possessor of a Joyful heart. Ynlo won her foot ball came with Harvard with the score of six points to nothing. Twelve minutes before the close of playing Umo U. U. Uliss , the while-headed popular Yale half back , familiarly known ns "Pop. " made Iho only louchdown of the game , scoring four point- , and Hullcnvorlb , the Yato full oaclc , kicked a goal. goal.All All in I'llii-iiii Mlnuti-i. For nn hour and thrcc-iiunrtcrs the two elevens had ftmclitovor llio resnonslbln pig idcln and neither * ldo had scored. Harvard hud minted oul of bounds nt her IIfly-yard line and Ynlo brought It In. Then Yiilo sent her backs In ri ht succession to the Harvard line for HUbstnntlnl gains. Flvo yards , ton , llftcon and twenty were named , and the Ynlo contingent , 1,000 strong , went crazy. The air on the west of the field of lampden park was a sen of waving blue , while not a crimson Hair was stirring. Nearer and nearer the Yale players i-nrrlcd tlio bull iliillllhov were wllhlu llftcon yards of Har vard's Real lino. The Yale team had bean wltlila iwo feet of Harvard's coal line In Iho llrst half of the gnmo , but faded to score , and as the game was now druwint ; to n oloso It was either score or make a Uo of Iho Otlt'of a confusion of cries nnd hysterical veils came n tremendous volley of Yale en- couracmont in cry.s of "Yale. Yale. Yale , " every throat of the Ynlo men straining wlta Us nolaliborlui ! Ihroat , every Vale lung heaving together to the boat of n blue llHg swung back and forward by n YalR man 111 front ot tuo stand. Tnoy were enr-spWtlnir vellj and curried lo the heart of every Ynlo player the courage to gain ground or bruuK something In Iho effort. And M ro Vntiin lllliH. Up lo Harvard's llve-ynrd line the blue loeeedntblotes fought their way und then Yale slowly formed Her wedge and prepared lor Iho final irinl. Harvard massed her men right in front of the Yale players nnd were Just as determined. A few seconds of wait ing as Stillman. llio Yale center rush , Htoppud over the bnll unit then Iho bill wus seen snapped back und Yale wedge charged. The struggle wus in Iho souituvo.it cor ner of the Hold. Harvard pushed desperately forward forgetting nil else save wltlistnndliiir the Yale altnck. .lust ns the tvo teams mot out pepped "Pop" Bliss from the Yale moss , und while Harvard was still shoving ahead ho galloped to the lefl and lay down wllh the ball behind Harvard's goal. For nn Instant Harvard wns paralyzed by the iriok. Then she realized what it meant. Looklnc 'round him. Captain Tr.ifford saw a slrlne of blue that caught the Yule eucors and shattered thorn to llio four points of the compass for miles around. Kvory Harvard player was dnzod by the slsnilleaneo of Iho situation and the crimson color In every Harvard hand choked In n dying effort at turning defeat. It was a qroat game ana was played on as flue a Hold us was ever seen nnd in as line weather as over .favored ' nrnlli > io contest. Up to a Into ho'ur last night it was foarcd that a wet day would test the loyally of fool- bnlllovors lo Ibo ulmosl. Hut nt midnight the slurs came out bright overhead nnd a cool northerly breeze lupoed the moisture from the Hold. Splendid l iiy , Wunili'rlul l.'rowd. This morning the sun came up In a clear 'sky nnd was Just warm enough to make moro refreshing the cool bracing wind. Special trains from every direction broucht thous ands to the c'.ly this morning. It was 13iO : ! when by common consent the crowd starled for Htiinpden park. Poslod on the bridge were Instruction ! ) "Yalo to the lioft"Hurvurd to tbo Hk'ht. ' ' Su Yale on- ( huslnsls entered the grounds in ono lane and Ilurvard Into the other , und , arrayed in cayesc war paint , they were no longer In clined to swim peacefully In Iho name river , " riioro were moro Indies present than usual , \lhls probably being duo to the arrangement * or reserving the souls. tlKTho nrrlvul nf Ciovernor Kusscll wus vnry and V - H'1 cumu in on llio liold ut 1:4 : , " > p. in. nmjiivnlked ; upin front of the Ilurvard stand At 'i r "ti npplnuse. the Held. * there were fully 50,000 people ou Hag ut lbt''lvo ' m'.autcs later Iho crimson began to \ \ northeast corner of the Held eleven was eo'fl..furiously. The Hurvapi and ns the big stiW.Jhe seeno ifciotllcj in tholr foot , ball jackets nnd'yAifdod canvas trousers , trollon oiit ou the Hold Harvard gave u raluhty choer. For just ono inlnuto Jlnrvurd had ovorytblng her own way. AI li.r > : i Iho Yale plavors came on the Held from Iho northwest cor nor und Yale took her turn at yelling. As tlio players of each loam fell on the ball und rolled ovur the field in the limbering process everybody cheered , whicb lasted for about llvo minutes. How Tlmy I.IIIIH ! Cp. When Captain Trafford of Harvard nnd Captain MeCormlck of Ynlo mot to toss for ' choice. Yule woii , and an there was not wind [ enough to oo of any advantage slio took the balls. The elevens took tholr poaillons quickly and prepared lor the opening crabh. The men were in the following positions : Yule I'osltlon. Harvard Illnukny -.I.etLend right llallownll Wiillis I.efi tneklo rhrht Newell Moltua l.oft L-iiiiid right M uklo Stillmnn renter l.oinU Illoknk ItU'hl guard lofl . . . . \Vulrrs Winter Ulislit luuklo loft rplun ( Irornwity Illsht end left. . . . . . . .Kiniiinns MvUorinU-k ijimi ( or imolf Tra for. ) O. llllss Half bid ; IIIJD li. llllss Half birl : ; Orav ( llutlerworih. . . .Kull bank llrowo'r T vnly VariU on tinSiurl. . Yala had the ball und formed the wedge , Bultcrworlh was put in the comer of the wcdgo and ho snapped toe ball b.ick to thu Yale captain , Thu wedge started to tlio left und bcforo li had stopped thov had made n gain of Iwenty yards. The ball WUH uassod to Laurlo HlUs nnJ ho starled through the line but was downed by Upton In u line tncklo with scarcely any gain , After the second futile attempt to ouck thu line lluttorworlh fell buck fora punt , which bruugnt the ball well down Into Harvard's territory. Trafford tried to send his oacKs throuch the line , but , falling passed the ball to Brewer , who made a line punt. Duttorwnrih tried for nf.nr catch , bin muduii miserable fuinbloiind Harvard gal tliu null near tha oontorof ito liold. Luka bucked the center for Hvo yards and the Harvard eleven then made slight gains by pushing with the wcdL-o. lirowor punted uud the bull struck L. llllss nud rolled over the line , Out wus brought oul on Interference. Hot Worn Illicit Here. Wltll Yale's bull ou her ton yard Iluo. Uuttorworth punted , but the bull was brought bacU on nn off side play , L. IJUsu gained llftocn yards around tuo end und then Iried to go through the Hue. but failed. Buttofworth Kfjnin was forcci1 to punt und Urowcr soon roiuna-d U. The ball was muffed by L , llllss uua Lovvji aronpod on It. Upton made s ; ; or > d gum and Hien the ball wen I to Yale und they pushed pushing ' lactli's. U availed llttlo and avalii U utter- wonh had lo punt , U. IX jlllss tileu to go around tbujoflond , but bU interfere ! * were too far in advance and ho was downed. Falling to gpt Hvo yards , Huliorivortlv punted , bringing the ball "ear the center. L. Bliss vet by thu end rushes und wit Huoly tackled by Lake Ilurvard gel the ball , nnd n punt by'Brewer ' brought it lo coutcr , Har vard's end rushes gelling down Ihu field ilnely , Harvard rush line broke through and got tbe ball on tour downs , Yale got tuo ball in a sorliniiutca and Uuttorworth was sent to buck the line. Ho made good gnln , uud after luo downs punted , The Harvard rushers blocked the kick aud U , I ) . Blls < got tun call ou Iho re bound , .L. Jills * then started on bh llru bdlllaut run , going around the right end with splendid Interference bv Mct'ormlcU and Hullcrworth. 1 C. I ) . Bliss broucht the bull to 1 the llvo-vnrJ line , nnd h ro It was lost to Harvard , Time wns c.illca n mninbiit later with neither sldo having scored a Dolnl llnrvnnr * l.utcit I'nllcil. Harvard opsned the Meond half wllh her now trlc of thu checker bonrd play acd made iwunlvllvo yards. Hrower'h punt yar ned the nail in Y.no's llvo yard linn , inlo advanced tbo ball by short rushes uud was given tori yards moro an offside play. II ot- torxvorth Kicked nnd the bull was blocked bv the Harvard I rushers , nnd downed on > alu a fifteen yard lino. Ynlo again forced the bill bv short , bard rushes. Hultorworih being sent effectively tbrotich the center several lime , C. D. Hlisi pot out of a scrimmage will an open H lii. but ho was overhauled byl Haliouoll. Ynlo lost eround t'.nd llnrvnrd Boll the bull. Oruy mnilo a run-of ton yurds nnd Ihen Urowcr wns sent through the cm- tor for a small gain. The ball wns then panned to Upton , who ran nrouna from his position on left , encircling the rush lliuvs nud ( unking n brilliant run of thirty yards around the rlcht end. It brought out deafening an- plausc nnd Harvard' * hopes went ' > ! > . > ° rot the bull on n kick from Ute-.ver. Uiton | was bun In n guriiumaeo und Musoti tto't Ills pine . A few minutes later Kmmons wns badly hurt ami Mason took his place uml She ' .vent in ns tackle. lUrinril IVm Orlppleil. Captain McCormlck to tabo nd- was quick . . . . . . _ .i Iho weak spot now nffordnd , nnd thollrstpltiv sent Lnurlo Uliss nround Iho weakened cntl for u great run of forty yurds , bringing thn ball to Iho tlurv.trd ihlrty-.vurd lino. Ynlo'.s center braced and McCormlck and L Hdss plungrd through Umo nftcr time , Yale's done-lily liltlo cnptnm pome U. rough the hoio opened at.d ptilllns the man with Iho ball nftor him. Tlio ball was ad vanced by shorl bin sure gains to the Iwenly-vurd line nnd Ihon Wallls carried it Inside the llvo-ynrd lino. Instead oftr.ung to pusli It over ( the whole Yale eleven were massed us If for the purpose ) llttlo Laurlo Dlhscottho ball nno rnu out to the loft wlthoulnslnglo Harvard man opposing und placed the Lull behind tbo goal post. It was an easy goal und Buttcrworth hud no trouble In kicking it. Score : 0 to 0. indi : > il In Yiilo'M Territory. Llttlo Umo remained , nud it was clear that the gumo w s decided. Harvard started the bnll again with n pond rush , nud by u punt got the bull pear Yale's Uvrmtv-livo-yurd lino. TralTorrt fell back for a drop kick , but the Yale rushcts were on him hoforn ho could make the attempt nud ho was downed bv \ \ Inter. "It was the fourth down and TralTorrt bnd not lost his twenty yurds. The ball wont to Yale nnd they limn punted. ll rower re- turnnd it after failing lo gain , nnd Iho game ended with the ball near Yale's thirty-yard line. I'rlnroton tnlcrhtr < l. NEW YoitK , Nov. ID. The sixty days relpu of foot bull ns nine of sports Is ncaring its end. Foot ball ui thuslasls have no eyes now foronvtting out the uroal gnmo today In Hnmr-doti park , when Yule and Harvard will lock horns. The game will ho of ex traordinary interest to the Princeton cloven , who will laclclo Iho blues on Manhattan Held Thanksgiving day. The Tigers are practicing with a vcngoaoco for the fray nnd i hey mean to wipe out Penns.v's dnfeat If within the bounds of posslmlitv. The Prince ton uo vs will attend the Yale-Harvard match and then return to Mnssau's campus nud sco if they can master Iho strokes they have scon. Tliuy will probably nol use llio snrao siunals which ha.'o been prepared for the Princeton game , ns there might bo u chance to block some of their combinations. OMAHA AX K.\s V lllfTli Sclinnl I'Muvcn CnlH Away with Illli l.lnrntn Trun. The foot ball teams of the Omaha and the Lincoln High schools met nt the base ball park yesterday In o one-sided but Interesting came. The players were arranged in the following order : Oiuahn. Position. Lincoln. Sheldon Ulilitund Kitwlur O. M'liljiplu Kli'lit tacUlo Churchill I'urvlte Uight uuard Si/er II. Oury Tenter Ilo.vt Clarke l.isft end Cre'-'g Ayera { .cfttauUla Isolds I'olorMm Left suard Kyiiu Iliiuinhrey yunrlur Imi'lc Samlers .1. Oury Illaht half back Cook Wltniur lefl half biieK Oelsler \Vhlpple ruIIOutk Kuljriin The teams wcro not so unevenly matched In weight nnd size , but , Omaha had Hector runners und displayed more stralogy , partic- ul rly In making deceptive passes. Thu wedgn was llttlo used , and buih teams do- pemled on rnslung and on running around the ends , except that Lincoln's full back , when llttlo or no gain had been made on the first two downs , lifted the pigskin with his toes. The first touch down w.is made by Omaha in twenty-five minutes. Winner crossed the goal ilno'iiltcr a Hue dash of forty yards nnd O. Whipple made n successful kick for goal. Although Htfigau Ihun made a flfty-vnrd ni" nrounathocnd that was u beaut , tjs Vi | , ? pulled him down within ten goal , nnd Lincoln's only - " ' by without oi ' Omana , 0 ; Lincoln , 0. SCIC' second half it only look Omnlm " "i y minutes 10 land the ball behind the , JiYr. Chirk cot nround Lincoln's loft nnd aped down the field for sinly yards without interference , gulling n clean touch In goal. II. Oury then complutod the job ty kicking the goal. Nolblng was achieved by nltlior team in thn Umo remaining. Score : Oinahn , i'J ; Lincoln , 0. r.us-,11' . l'nilll.tl Tniliilni ; iiuu Tallilnj.Vli it the Minirr One * Are Diunc , Nr.w Voiuc , Nov. 10. The GroggalnB-Cos- tello battle whluh will occur on Monduy , November" * , nt the Cnnc > Island Alhloilc club , promises to bo 0:10 of tuo most famous that hni over been decided In the stakolcss ring of thu nlub by the uea. Doth men are princcj In the art of boxing und oaeh aspires to the middleweight championship of the world. The winner will , without doubt , bo matched to 'Mil thu victor of the H'lll-Fitz- Blimnon.i contest. Muher's trainer , Tom Chirk , says that ho is doing all that u necessary mid no will bu in line form on Decembers , when Ooildnrd faces him. MclJrath i extremely lazy for a little fel low who Is coins up neuliibt IJilly Pannor , but may bueklo to his work after n while uml put KOir.o gliiRCr into his gait by the limn ho moots Plimmer December ih. Maher did a little unlooked-for fiprlnting the other day tu get out of the way of a Long Branch express on thu Shrowibury river bridge and ho showed r. line burst nf 'speed Hporls who tiuvi ) a line oyc for''llne.-v" on pugilists suy Urcjrgains will win Ins light with Coitclio , .llnuiiy Carroll has put up $1,000 to bind a match between his clover featherweight , Johnny ( Jrlflin , of llraintrco , and the little , SonoguniDinn of Humpton , Uoorgo Dixon Carroll insUts , however , lhat he will not permit ( iriniu to light1 at ids than I'-'O jiounds , and ihU he add.s is two pounds lighter than the locitimato nvoirdupoiso of fuathurwelptils. As Tom O'ltourho in hU book says emphatically that ( Joorgo shall not scrap at over IIS , and demands the some weight from ( irilmi , It U not easy that : a muss is assured in the near future. After Dixou announces the match is open to young ( Jriflln of Austr llu or unv man In the [ featherweight elms , Tom O'Uourlio says ho haslOUO for Hilly Murphv to cover and ! take on a mill with Dlxon at US , but not an ounce heavier. Somothlng tangible In ho scrupplng linci surely ought to como out of all this convotsatlon , Othrin Tlmu riuliteiit , Plill Divyor baulcnloj thut ho is Corbott's backer , and insists that no never backed In Ik-liter lu his life. What is more , ho does not intend to. Ho adds , however , that hellO is wlllinir to advance him any reasonable amount. He has aunouncod that ho wilt uot ) t , In the futiiio , hold any morn stnlics. The bovora ' ) committees of the Nuiv York Press cliiu's projiosou ntulotic turnival at Madison Square cardon on the afternoon und livening ol Dec-ember 17 , are working hurtlHo muuo Iho offuir a succors ; the pro- reeds of the uicotinR to go to the building of n fund lor Uio clut , und to makto the occusion a pleasant one. The committee hoU urraiu'lnir uu athletic proirrum Una will eclipse any thing of iu klud ever Riven in the oily. Footraciog. hurdlinp , jumplnir ' , bloycllnif , tuit-o'-wnr foot call ' , , wrctllnvon horaol'ucU ' , J'onclng on horseback , nnd other equestrian uerformanccs uro some of Ibo ports already decided upsn. TUo committee - too will nlm lo wane ttio afternoon perform ance u success ai neil ns tno nvoclng affair. Sporting men are union excited over a ro- port that AI Smith , the well known sportlne m n , had bucked the tiger and won fcJ3,4X ( ) In cold ca < h. Of this aiaoiint bo M said to imro xvou t'W.OOO nt ono sittlno nnd Ji.-lOl ) at nnolhor. if alt accounts uro true this Is tha way Smith won bli small fjriunc. Over n venr n o u frlond of Ills hot him ? IWO Unit ho wotld not abUnlti from liquor u year. Smith took the hot arid was successful. Ho went to a gambling resort In West 'iwonty-clelitti street and boenn to piny faro. Ho stnyiul there twodavs uml uvo nlehts , callnc and drinking nl the table nnd takiiia short naps at Intervals. When ho uroio from the lablo ho wns # . ' 0,000 richer. Ho went homo , ac cording to ttin 8'orv , but the next dav ho won 91,400. Smith hns been the barker of several prlzo lighters. The only game he never could beat was the up * nud downs of stocks in Wall street. t'rl/.rn ill tlin llnr/inSlintr. Niw YotiK , Nov. 10. At the horse show today llr.st prizes ivoro awarded as follows : 1'nlr of ireldliiiis. nr iniito ami enhllng. iimlnr slxlecn hands , in bo sbnun In-fore Uabrlolel , \V. So aid \Vulih' Sproltro I'aslilon. Saddle IIOMCM. Knjjenu Ill'ifflni. I.aildor- dale. t'aekcrs hoforo Ilroniliiiu appoinlmi'iit ' , iinlr of niarnort'O dlii'-'s.or m ilualid jelilliu' . UV. . Hopes , team , Hurry nnd Do. ' . Sialllons ( llacUnovsi Fiivln : ; laken a llrst prl/.u iit iinv rcooinlzuJ hnrso show , John A. l.oztiu , .ir , lion I'I re. Ito ulsters nnd mad llu * , mare or guldlni ; . Iinurcnto Klpp's I'.rinlnle. Itonil ) ( tniiins four In hand , olTureu hy mom- i.r , of Iho Co ii'liitiJi eliib. shown buforo eoaoli ( ) rl break , Knccnu lllgi.n'.s . tuim of four blown cul'liusv hunilcr. IllltZ'-u , lllustor and Illl ; In the evening Mrs. Clovelnnd visltoil the horse show with suver.il members of ox- becrelun- Whitney's family. The president elect's wife lies o keen appreciation of good horseflesh. This was her lourtu visit of luo week to the show. ( ilcit Miorl llorsn D.iy. NvMivti , : . ! : , Tcnu. , Nov. lit. At the West Sldo | ) ark today It was tx Bi-o.lt day for long odds players : I'lMlruot * . MiiHIiiv. live ftirinnzat I'olo ( fi to "oil , l.oug HIOOK Ci lo 1) ) second , Tin , .lull50 I ) iliird. Time : 1:07. : Surond rai-e , solllnp. lx furlong1 * ! Hrot Halted1 ; lo | ittim.SlsO'l.e i4tolicuoiiil ) , Tea , Sot i.-i t li third. Time : lr'J. rhliil nee. ban Heap , seven furlon-s : I'llnci ) Klnney (4 ( to I ) won. Inilm KublierU ( ) lit ti second. Jooi'.irler ( J'si ' to li third. Tlno : l-'ourtb inee. sell In.- , four and ono-lmlf fin- IOIM : Kiibc lltiiMiwn i.'i to I ) ; MIII. VldnCtto t ) cauonil. Sir Carl ( s liiSl third. 'I'lniu : Mflh r iee , llvo nnd one-half l.otle ' ( GUi 11 won. Dueiiiiu ( - ' to I ) second , I'lot 1st ( I I lor. ' third. Tl.no ; liU. ! : I i in uml I'otur Mmko Ilitmls. PilliADi-.M-niA. Pa. , Nov. in. For tha first time since the colouritcd mooting before tbo Alhlctlo uuditorium .lames .1. Corbotl and Peter .IncUsqn , the colored hoavywolcbt , stooil fnco to fnoo lodav in n holcl ofllco la l'i ihulelptila. The incolini ; was friendly. Peter oxtondPd his hand , saying to Iho champion : "Air. Corbel ! , 1 'concralulaio you or. your splendid victorr. " tlorbutt re plied In u quiet wav. thanking 1'oter. No lighting talk was. indulicd in. A regular mooting of the Omaha Lacrosse club will bo held tomorrow nignt in the ofllco of Montgomery , Chnrlton & Hn'l ' , room 009 New YorK Lito building , ut S p. m. A full ultendnnco is requested , as linul ui-range- mont- * for the championship game on Thurs day next will bo made. The club practices today at : i p. m. ai the fuir grounds , it tioing the last practice before the Kearney game. Silmvocid ( hit tint lEi-rorii. STOCKTON , Cal. , Nov. Hi. btamboul was started against his st'alliou record of 2:03 : j this afternoon nnd made the milo in ! 2:0'.l' : | . The stallion Sllkwood wcntapalnst his 2 : record und made tno mile InlUTJ.j. . His quaiters weroIHK , 1:0. : , 1:33 : , a:07 : ' . The wind was strong. Tliuy Kliln't Slnrt. NA.-IIVII.IK , Tonii. , Nov. 1'J. ICromlin nnd Arion did not start , today at Cumberland park because of high winds. llnkarVnii. . Crrr. Kan. , Nov. in. Football : Baker university , IS ; Kansas Slate univer sity , 0. ZUM LTJSTIGEN SCHWEIZER. Tliuy Spund a Nlilit. nl Urlitlir.itlonrltli .Son ii anil OiUicliiK. The Omaha Scbwolxer Gosungvorein last nlqht coluhratod il.s ninth anniversary and the CJrutlifeior with a grand concert and ball nt Ccrmania hull. The Hall was packed to the doors for the concert , and. the ball which followed con tinued until nearly daylight. The program included "Schonsucht nnch den l'"r gen , " by the C.asangverein : T. . > iiauser by Uio Liederkranx- i-Jt.Joiii ; , " by Iho liohcmlnn . ' * ' " ? .cioty . ; , "U'acht Auf ' 111 ijedcr , ' by the Cicrmanla Sincing so ciety ot Lincoln ; "Auf dun nergcn , " by the Co ! aiicverciu : Sonnerin's "Hcmcrfohr von dor Aim , " n. . zilhoi solo , by F. Cozak ; "Un- ter dom Lindenhaum , " bv the Arion b'ii-u- gerbuiid ; "Lloho und Polizel , " by the Liod- orkran"Walilnucht ; , " bv the CJesang. vcn.'in ; "Johannlslled. " hy the Concordia Singing sociely ; "Fruehlingsinarsuh , " bv the Llcderlcranz ; "Die Hclmath " , by the Turner ( juartct ululi. A line supper was served after the con cert , to which most of these prusent , dlu ample justice. 1.1 ni fi-nn-K .ir.utKtir. Thurii U'us I-'iilly nnvi'ri o Siitnrd.iy'A Supply nl Cultln. Ciiiciiio , Nov. ID. [ Special Telegram to TUB UIE.J : There wa ? fully an average Sat urday's supply of catlle on sale nnil abo'it ' the usual Saturday's demand. The inquiry cnir.o principally from local buvors nnd for butcher's and cannor's stock. Thotono of the nurkel was n liltlo lieallhior. Next week's receipts nro likely to bhow quite u inirkod falling elf nnd the situation looks stronger. Quotations uro from 51.Oj to fioo ; for cows and mills , nnd f I .fill toftt.i : forstockew and fecdor.s. * ' . ' .sr > to & . * r > lor dressed bouf nnd shippinir steers , $1. It ) to $ ; i. I ) for Texans and from fl.5 ! ) to * 5.l'-i for calves. After oponluc ui'tive and strong the hog market soon took another turn and the close was bad , late sales wore llo ) off from the opening prices or ui from jCi.'M to f-.YBO for poor in prime light and nt Irom ijCUlU to f.'i.hO for poor to c ho if a medium nnd heavy weights. There wore scattering sales early nt from K'.70 to S3.77. ' ; for light ana at from 53.85 tuf'i..itJ for houvy and medium. KeceipU ; cuttle , : iUOO ; hogs , l.KOOii. rii'iisniit riiinii itrciini , Thf pupils of Mr. Murtln Cahn gave their llMt piano recital ut the i.iii- liigur art gallery last evening In the presence of u select ntidloncn of their parents and friends , The program comprised n do/en selections from the works of well known composers , wmch were ren dered In u muuiur which was alike compli mentary to the proficiency of tliu pupils an > 1 Iho oftlcieney of Iholr Instructor. ThaPolo - nnho , " by Master Willie McCaffrey , a 10-year- old boy , wns p'uived in a inaunor that would Imvo been creditable to u much older per former. One of the most pleasing numbeiM ivii * thu concerto In D minor from Moinrt l , which was tticcesslnlly rendered by Miss Broun. Mr. Hurt ' HutlcradJoil'two violin solo i to tbo evening's cntertmiiinuut with Mr. Culm us accompanicst und ino. responded to an oncoro. The other participants ucro Misses Muool Hoyd , Annlo MeDowell , Annie \Vhlte , Hello Robinson , Wosmer , Frodrlcku Wesuols , Mabel Hcllman and Mabel Cotter , I'mi.il I'll I r , T. ,1. Hunter , u colored porter who barpj ubout the Paxion und T lurray holelt , came lo Iho i-ollco station lust night nud wautod ) to know what ho was to do with a babv ho had found on his doorstep. Ho acknowl edged thai ho wu ths futucrof the Infant , but heiis married in tbo police court on compulsion , nnd hos not since lived with his wlfo. Kvcrythlnit won lovely ns long as ho sentuwutkiy romittauce for tuo support of mother ami child. This ho has latolv failed to do. C.iptuln ' Mostyn convinced h'un that It oohoovod Dim to take care ol his offspring. , \ IlonkTliiil i.iion. "Tho Lightuliig's l-'luah" wns placed on sulo by the Oinuhiv .N'ows coinpnny in Ouloboruiid in less thuu u mouth tlio first edition was eoiuplotoly exhausted nud u Bocond , lurpoly iuisronsod in iiiimlior , has boon printed in order to supply tuo demand. HE WILL 8 $ COMPROMISE Pwsldont Harrison Not Inolinod to Listen to Democrat njg stioni. MOW APPOINTf tflS WILL BE MADE Cleveland' * I'tlnn iVIM Oppose niiy ntVort to I'lncn ( trpuji .in . In Life 1'oMlloin-- l.ittlo I'rol nl illiy of iilcctinu tlin l > e.l. , I ) . U. , Nov. 10. [ Special Telegram lo Tun Hci.I : Evidences nrd oe- coating dally more apparent that there will be cousldornblo opposition to the confirma tion by Iho sennlo of the nomination of Louis McComas of Murylatul to Iho supreme bench of Ihu District of Columbia. The opposition will ba ou parly linns und will prow out of tlui lietioa taken by the republicans In the soimto almost four years no. Tnun u num ber of Mr. Cleveland's nominations were permitted to ( all for lack of con Urination. The notion of .Senator KJmunds , then nt the head of the judiciary committee , lu report ing adversely on a judicial nomination , Is recalled in this connection by the demo crats. Mr. ICdinunds held that Mr. Cleveland , having been defeated by the poopio , hud no right to make Ufa appointments upon Iho verge of bolug retired to private IIto. This position was not announced by Mr. I3J- inuiuls until n very few days before tuolib of March. The nomination of Mr. Me- Comas wns niado moro than three months before thu time when President Harrison will rollro. and is to Illl u vacancy which has o.xtstcd for several months. It must also be romeiuberod that thy present chair man of the sonutu coinmltluo on judiciary , Mr. Hoar , is n warm friend of Mr. Mc Comas , ind will sou that llio nomination Is prompt.roporlcu bud : lo the senate wllh u Vury slrong recommendation. lluw ll Can ( In Done. While Iho domocrais tuny bo strong enough to resist Until action ou Mr. McComai und other names for u week , ll will be impossible for them to prevent continuation unless they can tnnKo some "doal" which will take to thrni M least Hvo .republican senators , ns there can bo none but partisan objection raised to Iho nominations made nnd which will be made bv President. Harrison. It UHII bo stated in this connection thut the intima tion of democratic senators that tliov will at tempt to dofcut ncinlnatlons to life positions between this time anil March 4 has not had a depressing effect upon President HarrisonIL nor is It at nil likolv tliat ho will listen to the "compromise' ' olTvrcd him bv democratic senators , whereby ho shall appoint n demo crat tp Illl the other vacancy on the dlMttct supreme ! court in return for Mr. McComus' conllrmation. ' 'ho nroiidcul has In mind luo nomination to this vacancy of n gentleman now iocntoj in this district. Ho Is n republican , n good lawyer and Is familiar with the intricate jurisprudence ot the district. Preisuro Is uoing brought upOn t'iio president to nomin ate for tula plni-o < ( ' well known lawyer of Indianapolis , but ; lhg chief oxoculivo , while very much desiring to recognize t no con tie- man , docs nor. waul , in making the appoint ment , to lctvo : uny ground for criticism by selecting any one dhfamiliar with the laws nnd practices of - the district. There Is no stnto or territory where the laws nro * o vari ous or complicated juiiore | | , where the judi cial system wns built upon the respecllvo laws 1 ot Mnrylariu.WuibiiiKion. Georgetown , and the acts pivssed lhce congress ilself has ' assumed , ' entire co'ntrol of the Disttict of Columbia. > ' > ' Capitol City Nntm. The coining T. hnukipiving will bo a quieter ' festival In o'lHclal .circles than usual. Naturally to the hinuehold of President .Harrison the day is ful ! ofSad reminiscences. It will bo just u"morilh on Friday next slnco Mrs. Harrison ; pas.safi lo the life boypnd. On Thanksgiving day' tno usual family circle nt , the wnile house will vnrv Ilkelv bo Increased by Iho prasenco ot Mr. and Mrs. Hussell Harrison , who have been In Now York a good xleal lately. Lien tenant and Mrs. Parker ana Mr * . Oommlck. Margaret K. Thompson ef Crete Is nt the Freuonin- . . C. Hurshuun of Lincoln is nt the Kundall ; E. U. Hulcnins of DCS Molnes is al Willnrd's. ' The dining roomof Iho Astor hotel was the scene of u pleasant gathering last oyeniiiu , being .1 farewell parlv lo Mr * i"ir ft'cursis , whose hompJ""Uoiovln , la. , whither she : now. Mill's I'OK THU Alt.lIY. I.l t < it' the Onli-rs l.ssnnl In tlin Krgnlttr WASHINGTON' , D. C , Nov. V. ) . [ Special iTelegram loTiin I'.iiE.J - Captain Henry J H. Ilcistant , Kloventh Infantry , is dolnifod usnmomhorof the nrmv rolirinir board at Coiuiiiuns barracks , convened December 2- , l.S'1 ' ' , vice Captain Constant Williams , Seventh Infantry , heniby relieved. Captain Alexander ll. M. Taylor , Nineteenth infantry , will report In person to Captain Simon Suydor , Nineteenth In fantry , president of Iho army roiirins board at Columbus pat-racks , for examina tion. Captain .Smltli 1-cacn , corps of engin eers , is relieved from duty at Boston under the immediate ordow of Lieutenant Colono Sainuol MansQold , corps of en ineora , and will nroccod to and tukti station at BiirlhiK- ton , Vt. , relloving Major I ! . Adams , corpi of ennlnonw , ot the duties In his charge. Major Milton D. Adums , corpj of engineers , on boinir relieved from Hurlinpton , oy Captain Smiths , h'lach , wilt procBod to and take station at Detroit , Micli. . for duty as engin eer of the Ninth and Klovontli light house districts , rcllovini ; Colonel Orlando JSI. Coo , corps of onginenrs. UOAVO of absence for two months to toke ofTuct December 10 , with permission to apply for mi extension of two tnontlis , is granted Captain John C. Scanting , Second nrllllery. The leave of nliseiico granted Fint Lionton- nnt Kdwanl H. Catllti , .Second artillery , Oc- tobi'r ! i-l , Is extended ono month. Captain .lohn 1 . Mvrick , Third artillery , and First Lieutenant Hurry H. .Anderson , Fourth ar- tilicrv , will report In person to Colonel Loomls L. h'-itu'iion , Flrbt urtillory , pro.si. dent of tlio oxamlning board at Fort Hamil ton , N. V. , utmiuli llino ns no may designate for examination as to their fitness for pro motion , Leave of absence for seven days is granted First Lieutenant John L. Harbour , Seventh infantry , roeruilinfC ollicer. I.uavo nf ah- snnco fq. sevfjti days Is granted First Lleu- tended tliroo nionlljd ) The following changes in the stations' itilcor.4 ) of the quartcr- muater's dop rtniBfu'are : ordered ! Major Amos H. Klinball , , quarlormaster , re lieved from toujpoi/iry / duty at Chicago cage nnd also frtjin fnrtlior duly nt .lolTorsonvlllo , lndind ] ( will proceed to St. Louis nnd uWfimo churgo of the tronornl depot of Ul6 qunrtcrmastor's do purtmonml that pfLCiV ? reilevinc Lioutotiani Colonel .lamr-H f , Mhoro , deputy ijuarler- tnastnr general , from .Mint duly. Lioutenani Colonel Moore , on uayja relieved by Major lCtmb.il ! , will proceed Xo Now York city and ussumu charge of'.ihp cuneral dopol of Iho quartermaster's ' dontichnont lu that li\1 > } / 4u" * I'1 tMUlt city | ru- llovlng Colonel AleVantli-r .1 Perry , assist- ' nut quiirlermaster Cfcudral , from thai dutv ; Colonel Perry , on b/lo'/j rolleveil uy Lion- ' ' ibnanl Colonel MoO < ? 'wlll repair to this ciiy uml settle liTf ( lucouots preparatory lo hU retirement froln ac.UVo service. \VIII Nui'd a .Noiv Apprnprliillon , * WASIIIM.TIIX , IX C. , Nov. Ill Second Auditor Patterson , In hla upnuat report to Iho secretary of the treasury , says that the present indications nro that the balance on bund for the pur incut ot claims for back pay and bounty will bo exhausted Jang before the close of Iho present fiscal year , nud thut many claimants will Imvo to wait for their due ) unless c'oui'rcas provides for their nay- incut during the coming session. Itrnturnl lu tliu I'nlille Domain , \Vjt6iiiSfiiny , D. C. , Nov. 19. Too presl- dent loday Utued an executive order restor ing lo ike public domain all the lauds de scribed lu tho' executive order of Ma ; 17 , 1680 , by President Arthur , that lies west of the HOih tlegrooof wcsl longitude nud within tbo territory of Utah. The order of President Arthur mentioned withheld from sale nnd settlement and sol apart for "Indian purposes' ft very much larger trujt tint , besides InnludlliR Uo lands now restored , extended oirst into Utah to tbo Colorado line and south into Arunnti. The lauds ) now restored nro only the western hhlf of ihoAmnll part lying in the territory of Ulah nnd there is itronp reason to bellovo are vorv ' valuable In mineral * , gold , silver nod copper. SOUVKM It 001X3. iSlnryor the Onlnlni ; ill ( ho | , ' ( rnl "rnluin- bin" Hitll-llnllnr. WASIIIXOTOV , t ) . C. , Nov. 19. The work of colnlnc Iho. touvenlr hi\'f-dotlari will not bo llnlshcd much before the opontng of the ex- position l In May next. When the hour ar- rived today for striking off the llrst coins Superintendent Hasoyshcll was summoned 10 Iho jiress rooai by Chief Colnor U'llll.im S. Steele , while ICncravcr Charles H.irbar. who rt oslffiiod thu famous coin , Chlof Clerk M. II. Cobo mid olIiPM assembled us ivlluo < ses. Foreman Albert Downing und Ulwln Cliff , Ills assistant , htu < npo I Iho llr.st few coins by hand. Unfortuimleir Uio tlrst attempt was u failure. A llttlo Haw caused the coin's ra- je.'iion. The next attempt wns mftdo iporo carefully nnd ( ho result was n psrfoct coin. The fol lowing CiU'tllicato iieco'np.inlnd the coin : MINT op THE UsiTRti STATUS AT I'IIII.APKI- I'liiA , HJI-KIIINTHMIRNT'S OKKICK , Nov. It' ' . IS'J'J. I hereby certify thai , the stiuvonlr oiilu In b.ix marked No. I was Ihu llrst Pleco itruuk from the dies adopted for thu I'nlumnian half dolliir nun o ilml up in my presence , and In the | ire t'ii'lo or the e ilnor lo ivero I In .I.imns w , hllsworlh ot thu roluinlilun Imposition dl- rootory , u. W. llislivsiliit : , , Siipi-rluieiiduut. After the delivery of thu llr.sl eoln the foretirin and his assistant continued col'ilnir by hand until Ihey had trno1c 10J proof pieces , occupying about , an hour In llio task. Power was then applied nnd the actual work of making r..OOJUJO half dollars wont rapidly uheiul , Onn of the now halt dollar * was shown to the Associated pro s ruuro.iontiitivo. ll uoars Iho portrait ol Columbus upon ono side , while upon the other la the discoverer' * j.irav.'l , tliuS.int'i M.irla , in full salt. On the vessel Is Iho date Mil. ' , and two men sup porting hemispheres , rcprasQnllai ; the old und the new world. The date of Iho anniversary. IS'.l-J. ' and Iho inscription "World's Columbian Expo sition , Chicago , " complotn the detnlls of Iho reverse side , while surrounding Iho head of Columbus nro Urn words "United States Of America" und "Columbian Half Dollars. " Complexion nl tin. .x > iv ( ! ciniri < s. WASHINGTON- I ) . C. , Nov. IB. A complete list of represenlatiyes In congress elected last iveok , mndo up from Iho returns round ceived by llio democratic national eonvnltloe , und | | compared with these received bv Iho clerk of ihn house , ngrcos subs'.nnllally wllh the ' estimates sent out by the Associated pro.is. . It shows that the ilomocr.ils have elected | 22J members , Ihu republicans I''i and the ( pnpulHts 7 , giving too domoof.Us a mu jorlty of ' .U. Itnth llhilnii and 'MrKciiiri I'.i'tti'l. WAsiuxiiroN' , I ) . C. , Nov. I1 ) . Mr. Hlalno Is reported to bo very much improved ibis morning , llu passed u very comfortable nieht and was rotrjshod by n sound sleep. Ho is said to bo oright and cheerful this morning. Senator Keuna of West Virginia pissed a bad night , but Is hotter this ir.ornina. He said : "J nm froar from pain this morning und my general condition ii bettor. " Storms nn tlio nrtlMvi'st Co.lit. POIITI.VSP. Oro. , Nov. 10. The severe storm Umo baa prevailed alone the north west coast for Iho past few days sllll conlm- lies , The wind has u velocity of U fly miles an hour. All vessels arriving report heavy weather. No accidents of any consequence quence have bson reported. Northern Puuiliu ana Union Pacific trains are delayed by land slides and washout , caused by bonv > rains in the mountains. The Northern Pa c'.Ilc briapo across tirand river , forty-foui miles east of Tucomu , has been washed out and trains will not be able to pass foru da\ or two yet. On the Union Pacific lieavv landslides at tba Cascades will blouk the trallic for several duvs. Th'ero is only sli-jh delays to mails und passengers , however , a1 transfers uro mado. Krall/.n Tlnu tlin Mrike i < Lost. HoucsrnAO , Pa. , Nov. 1U. Nothing uov developed loduy which caused any chance ii Iho situation. Aoout 100 men applied fo work , some twenty bolng accepted. This afternoon ma Aii'nl aiyated men i'tfu" u mooting in the rink , which was well nttondea. The meollug wus in ses sion about two hours , when they udjourned to mcot again lomnrrow morning. TUo men have nearly allcomo ; to n re.ilizallon that the strike is lost , as far us the original purpose is concerned. Thomas .I. Crawford , who succodcd Hugh O'Uonnell chairman of the advisory com- nilttco. ri'slgned today to accept a position as roller In the Columbia mill nt Uniontowii. Others nro leaving us fast us they can obtain work elsuwhero. Piles of people Imvo mlos , out Ua Witt's Witch Hauel salvo will euro thorn. C. C. ICIug of Emerson is at the Paxton. U. 11. Dickson of O'Neill is at tno Mlllard. J. W. Fey of Sioux City Is ut Iho Mercer. I ) . W. Clark of Dav-id Cily is at the Mer cer.W. rr W. N. Samson of Long Pine is ut the Ar- eacto , U. C. Wilklns of Kearney is at the Bruns- wleii. K. M. Oaroy of ( Jr.ind Island Is nt Iho Aicndo , C. A. Gregory of Falrbury is n guest ut the Arcade. ,1. I ) . Diugmoii of Button 1s u guest at the Mlllard. B. S. Paddock ot Fort Hoblnson Is nt the Murray. A. C , Mcfiityro of Hastings li nt the Dollono. K. H. Lewis of Lincoln Is n guest at the Dollono. F , M. Polk of Lincoln was at the Millard yesterday. C. .1. Fmlenberg of Heatrlca U a guest nt the Puxton , C. A. Itandall of Lincoln is registered at the Uollone. John M. Cotton of Lincoln is n guest ut the Mercer. Frank Stout of Valentino is rogislorod at the Arcade , itit F. F. Field of North Platlo is registered ut the Murray. Ueorgo W. Lowry of Lincoln was at Iho Murray yostordiiy. UoualdV. . Cumpboll of Djtiver is rogls- lercd at the Mercer. Ueorco W. Shoedy of D.ivld City was at the Paxton yesterday. \V. 11. Remington of Salt Lake is among the guests nt Iho Morcer. . . F. M. Hilsli , thu Lincoln tnamiijcr of It. O , Dun it Co. , is in the city. Mr * .lano Cnssldy , formerly of 'ioS Davon- poit , lb vitdtlng Mrs , K C. Cushlng. .lolm liridcntb.nl of Topeka , chairman nf the Independent statu central commltteo of Kansas , Is stopping ut the Uellone , Mrs. O , II. Jen'rlos loll yesterday to join her parenu at Hurton , Kan. , thU ovenlng , unroulo to California. Hbu will bpoud the winter at Los Angeles. Niw : YIIIIU , Nov. l'J.-- | Special Toloitrain to Tin : BKIOmiiliu. : | . Ii. F. Oglo. Union HqU'iro hotel ; K. A. Cnbb , Hroi.dway Central , Kfurney H. I ) . Wutson , Union hotel. . III. , Nov. I'J.Special [ Telegram to Tin : IIK. ! : ! Nuhraskuus rn Utored hero today : Victoria W. F. Cuduiran , Oiimhn. Auditorium . H. Dumont , Onmha ; Mrs. F. W. Lltllo , Lincoln , tirand Pacilic A , Parlow , Omaha. Postmustor Whoalen of Deadwood , S. D. . HobertV. . DrKcoll. clerk of the district , and county courl of Lawrcnco cnuniv , ahu Uiu MeLuughllii , editor of Iho Deadwood Pioneer neer , are in the city , The party will luavo this afternoon lor Sioux Falls , S , D. There will bo a studio onouir.tr mid exhibition of hand painted cliinu at 1(112-1 ( Farnain tU'oot , Omaha , November i21 tui'l lit' , anil at the Cranil hotel , Council DlulTa. November "I and 25. All intnr- ostcd In beautiful china cordially in vited. NOT MiA.YriT.INaS MEIIEI/T. . Kvaliitlon nf tlio Old f liloned Tor tn I ' With \ Iho advent of the winter s ison the various . . fancy stores are overflowing with ! tholr yearly stock of holiday goods which for the moat p.irt nro intended for the odlll culloti nnd ontcrtalninonl of these small people , to whom Christmas' brings n galaxy of joyous memories nnd fond nt.tlclpiilious Of thn I surprises that Sixtitu Clam has in1 stoio for thorn. stoI Kuch I y ar brings many innovations 111 Iho list ot Holiday playthings , The j tastes ot childhood nro much the snmo as arovt , but the Santa Olau * ot today ha ? n much moro varied ussortmonl from which lo cheese his favors than had the same ji i nst ton years HRO. The luauufnut'ir j cw of holiday good * nro uotiHtantly I mprovlng . on the olil types und tnu him of years ace would hardly bo bio to ri'ooenlzo the playthings tliat will uo Isplnyi'd la tliu shop windows thu year. 'Iol 1'livro probably never was child who has ol nt some stUL-o of Its Intnntllo years ookcu for n doll us n p.irt of tsas Christmas htipptness. Hut the old ashioned wax and ehlmi dolls have been uccotdod by "plnv babies" lhal uro r.'ally vorksofr.ru A doll that could not squeak jrnu roll its eyes or perform some other nuehnnlcal foul has caused lo be in demand mil still grcaior wonder * uro Included In Iho lollday goods of tin ? present season. Ono ofoi the most peculiar leatures ot llu-so joods ; is tholr remarkably eheiU'iiuss. The * nrno articles thut sold for a dollar or moro 01 years aw could sc.ircnly no glvim uwuy now nnd Ihu numerous neehanle.il playthings of recent orUIn inW sold ut comparatively small ilguros. ll > vas once n common iiraeth-a to manufacture linllday toys nt home , und many women made wax dolls fur their children r.uher priding themselves upon Iho uccompiHli- iiieut. ! Bui Unit has been done uwiiy wllh under the present Inexpensive mat.ufneturo ot lhe.se articles und u few dollars will buy to onouuli to secure the temporary happi ness ot almost any kind of a family. Ono yf the Innovations In the doll line this year is Iho use of human hair u place of the Imitations that wcro formerly used. The nricj of dolls thus ornamented runs from ? 2 to $10 , and Iho luxuriant , np- ? oflimroili natural bale gives tbo plaything almost , human appoaranco. 'llio [ lolls ! that open uud bhul their eyes liavo been Invested with real lids und eyelashes , while herotolore the effect has been pro duced ; by the simple rolling of Iho oyuball which was nITi'cted bv the n'taclimont of bent wire with a weight on Iho und which caused Iho eyeball to turn ovur when the hall was placed In u horizontal poskllon. The now eonlrivaneo 19tu managed by pulling two strings at tlio back , one ot which shuts the eyes while the other opens them. Among iho novelties of the present , season is the Columbus doll , u wax lU'iira brilliantly arrayed lo repiesont the great discoi-awr. Then there uro Lord Fiiuntloroy , prldal , and nursing dolls which derive their names chlelly from the manner In which they uro dressed. The "eou.ualto" doll is u mannlkin In which the eves move right und lull giving the face a very droll expression. The two-faced doll Is nn interesting novelty. Pull ono string nnd the head , thu br.uk of wlileh is covered by a hood , revolves and snows a crying laoo while the doll cries "mamma.1 Pull lho oilier string nml the lui'chlug face appears and lho lips give an excellent imitation of the crowing of u laughing child. On the sumo principle n colored doll Is made to turn white nnd vlco versa. The holiuay outfits of clothing , jovvelr.v nnd toilet articles which nro provided for lho fashionable doll are something aslonlsh- inu. They have n trousseau which in com- plotonois of dolall und elegance of manufac ture would vlo wilh lho fnrnUtiiutrs of u so ciety belle. Boxes come with a variety of droiscs necessary for all occasions. Them are morning gowns , oveulng dresses , street dresses und wrapper. ! for doml- toilot. but the modern doll has not yet swcumued to the luxury of suspender. * . The doll's trunk con tains a complete collection of miniature cos tumes even lucludlngundorclolhing , bonnets shoe. ' , stockings nnd parasols. The blocking" are imported from Germany unit may liohaJ either of cotton , lisle thread or silk , und cost from . " > cents to 5'J cents per pair. Almai any kind of a slioo that , is funiishuj for t h wear of ordinary ponu.o may bo found among iho unllM assortment. Tno cheaper grades nro made in Germany while the moro expansive uryjfa IU.U N.O.W--Ysr ! ; and IJroolilvu. Tnu line of doll mililnurv Includes straw , fell and silk lials , Tain O'Shanlers ' and mlnialiiro silk and lace bonnets for full dress occasions. A similar variety is ollerod In parasols and an ivorv handled ufTuir of silk with u luce edge can bo oDtiiinod for fi'J cents. Mousquotairo gloves Iif all sizes are 50 cents per pair uud dolls' fans ! can bo bought nt from ID to GO cunts apiece. The latter are of gr.u/o with ivory sticks , hand paintea.nnd trimmed wilh swatihdown. The supply of doll Jawclry und tnllot np- purtonances is mostly imported from P.iri-i. A necklace of . po.irls with bracelets 10 match , with an enameled watch , gold chain nd hroast pin , nil dictated in n handsome ox , may bo had forl. A qmrtor will buy romploio lodel tui , Including brush , como , ponce , looking glass , powder box , button ook and perfumery botllo. The toilet ! > et irer a considerable variety , costing from 10 outs up. Chin ? , sols for doll parties ranee in nrie 0 om . "i ci'iils lo f l.'i. The latter is a complete for u doz.'u persons , every pjoeo hand in ted and compoto.l of tha llne.st Imported nro. Germany Is the great center of doll unufacturo und llio finest dolli come from uronbqrir. The host heads are now made f "bisque , " a sort of porcloaln which \ not early us perishable ns the ordinary wax ompoiitloa. The logs , arms , nnd bodies are oinposed of papierinaclio uml tin ) wrists ml nklos nro provided with ball and aoekot olntb BO that the limbs may be composed in unv position. The mechanical contrivances have eomo to occupy a largo share of holiday attunlion and many now Ideas have been ntill/cu since nst year. 'I'uo toys that o'llv m.ilta bollovo uu tiiivogouiiuutof fiivoraud young America oniinds somathinir that can bo made of radical utility. Tlrj iu3ahaulc.il tovb thai re run by stoiitn Include st.xtlon.irv nnijlnoi hat ' ' run a mlnaturo lathe on which work an ba done on 111 nail ccalo. Then thorn are oeomotivoi that nro rupillv becoming - coming nlinojt exact miniatures of real ones , and hti-amtioats of all stws and ilcHcrlptions , Tnoso Inclimo exact reproductions on u small sealo of the wor Hhi | ) "Phlladnljihla" und the oruUcr "Concord , " armed with revolving guns and manned by , nirincs In gorgeous uni ( forms. For SO. ents n real stuain launch can bo purcha od which cau bo so ndjiistcd as to run round and round n tub of water to tlio Inllnlto dollght of the invcatlvo sum ! ! ' ooys , Stoves for the playroom nil patterned oxactlv line kitchen run got with nil nocojsarv fncilltlKS forroastliiL' , uaKini ; and boding on u small scale. Small savlnas banks with real combination locks can ba bought from f > 0 cents to $ ' 1. Clockwork toys nro to bn morn popular than over during the holldny * of the coming wlnicir. There Is a conreomlv pluiuod oock- utoo , perched on a gilded stiinii , ivhluh npons Its beill , , Him-Hund warblef , and also whistles popular air * . A neil with a butterfly not catches butterJIIcs that llntter around. An other llguro U that of nn old man , who takes snull from a bo.rulsos It to hn IIOS.P , throws back his head and snowes vlolmitly. A fash ionably dressed ladv fans hui-holf. turns and nods her head , and at intervals roads u French novel. The "Man In thn Moon" la nn eight dav elork , witn n funny face which moves Its mustache and lolls UH eyes while n bfo buzzes about the hoad. A rlown holds on his nose nuothur clown , who talances him self theio , turns around , inker olT tils liat.ana bo"'s , the ilr t clown moanwhllo wmkin " and moving his scalp. PIGIITS ' OF LABOR IA\VS \ Yest.nl nys's Session of the Qonoral Aaiora- ' 4 bly Mnko3 Some OLD EXECUTIVE BOARD ABOLISHED Snlimlny IlitU Untidily Vntril Oinvn Clim Q ill Co-Uprrntlon lti > | n > rtnl Upon ' ( area . . TIniiHiinil .Miirliln IVorkurn Auk lit .loin In u Unity. It .S ' Sr. Lotus , Mo. , Xov. 1' ' . At the opening jf session of iho Knights of Libor ns.ombly jfe e tins l morning , n motion to proceed to lho election of olllcers was dnfonted. The mat o tot Will ooino up usnlii ou Monday. is The rep.irt of the commtitco ou laws was again tuiten np , mid the old oxocutlvo board 10c waj abolished , \c A motion tor a Saturday half holiday was S voted down , nnd n recess inwon for dinner. A largo 11 amount of business was transacted this nfiornoou. The question us { to whether thu constitution of the order , at utiiended by the ivaimittoe should ho subf - milled lo the etulro order for approval , was t raised. It was uueidod that it bo not sore- ferred this lime , bill that In the fu1 uro tliu . sj.Hti'iii of Inltlallou nnd referendum should bo established lu reg.ml to nil matters of Hits klud. The committee on co-operation reported a r\ ' \ p'an of fO-nporiHlon ; no nelloa was takon. , A loltur was received from thu marble pol ishers , bed rubbers and sawyers of America , who had just concluded their convention. 11r They number il.UJl ) and hu\v decided to i-omo r li-io the order of the Knights ol L.ibor lu a body. Tlio eommltteo on appeals nnd grievance * reported on several fines lu which appeals hnd been taken against the do iMinns of tliu general executive noard. In each cuso the decision of lho board was sustained. A lettoi win received Irom lho o.irpotiler.s council ( if St. Louis , Mo. , requesting Unit the Knights of Labor bjycott thu Di-Jmmoml Tobacco company of thai city. The general assembly RUtfiC3totl the mutter be referred to the St. Louis assembly. This endud the day's work. cl ni ( ! c ( . > i HIM : . cle Southern Allliinri ) .Tlrmbi'i'i l < 'iirninlat M ( Inn nl lliMlni < HSA Illc Spin. Miniums Teiin. , Nov. 10. An elaborate plan of u cotton combine wns formulated by tno Farmers Alliance and Industrial Union , ue-foro Us adjournment , by which 11 U sotiphl j to control th , ; cotton business of the soulh. The sc.homo lacked the support of the north . crn members , ami some of them claimed thai it did not receive Iho snunUon of thu order However , this oveniuir uolosatos from 11101 of the southern slates hold a meeting ut Iho Gayoso hotel and elacted U. ,1. Kledgo of Toxus. prosidonl ; Genor.il A. M. West of Mississippi , vlco president , and .1. K Max well of Alabama , financial secretary , ills proposed to imiko headquarters in Memphis , which will oe in charge of General West President Sledge will hold lorth in Now York. The cotloti committee , us the now organi zation is called , propoios to hot row money from the east as ohoap ID local bankers can secure It , and thus save lo the producer the dilToroneo in interest. The sumo plan was I tried In Texas some years ago und failed. The only new feature In the present plan U that coiton factors over the country uro to be admitted lo lho combine. It is given out < on good authority that this cotton combine was planned by ] ) r. Macuno to rally the southern delegates and head olT thu third * party. In u tons Interview today. Dr. Macuno complained bitterly of the treatment ho ro- , coivedandof thu prostitution of the alliance by the third n.irtv politicians. ' To nn Associated press roporicrj-'Pr. Ma- , cuno said : "Thoro has bnon ti-tibld and de liberate plan laid nnd worked by some poll- i ticians lo capture the nllianco movement and make It an adjunct of the people's party. A , cominlttoo of Ihu people's party had lioad- ' quarters In lho holuldurlng this nieotlmr und , ' ' constituted themselves an active lobby lo conlrol llio order's proeoodiogi. Tlioy had . , 'u" ' " . " " ' .Yin ? pj"llftSSgre able lo secure ad mission to the secret meo7ingr..Vi ? ' i'2 ' liJ ° ' the delegates In suoh u manner th it K , ° wishes of the people's party dominated tnu farmer's alliance. This is in violation of the _ principles of the or'Jor , which declares it to i bo lion partisan. " . Ono year hence , ho said , the stuto alliance K would send up men to the national conven tion who would right matters and secni'o this order from Its enemies and restore It to Its original purpose. The report that Gid eon's band , a secret oatbbotiml inner circln of Ibo alliance , hud accomplished his dcleat lho doctor would neither iifllriu nor deny. It is Rcnorully nndurslood that Ihu split in 1 the alliance , In splto of the outward show of reconciliation , ts very wldu one confessedly democratic , tliu other confessedly populist. , Afl'.ilr-i of llni Allnncupolls A : St. l.onls. Nr.w VOIIK , Nov. llThe ) plans for the readjustment - adjustment of thooblleailoiis of the Aliiiucnp- oils A : St. Louiu Uillway company will bn ulvou oul shortly. The rncolvor and lho stockholder commllteu have been moclin dail > during lho past week. MnviiniKiils nl llrniin Muiiint < ri. At Hrowhoad Passed Aurcnui , from.J | Now Vork for Liverpool. At Llu ird Signaled L-i lrolaiij'c , from c n ] New York for lluvro. . .i.s.sri'/.r// ( Over -100 shares have already been .subj ocribod in tlio i.'Mh series of tha Omaha. Wildcat banking und reckless loaning nf inonov an1 the prime can sea ol the puildlng association wruck In Kngliimlut thu present time. Local associations bhould prolll by tlio costly lei-son. Many Nobrasku associations charge II ) par ) f cent Interest mi loans. The ruto is oxiun Mvo. Ttiroutfliout lho country thu gonnnU tutidcncy Is toward low Interest rales and u Hxod premium. Anoxrtmlmitlon of the conHtliullou and by- luwsoi several Nobrasmiassociations shows. , thai iho Hialu law U not very closely lol- > . lowed. It is siiriirlslng lhat they have been 'runted Btnto corllllcatos wilhoul being tJ compelled lo cllmimuo the illegal fealnre.i. Tlin twenty-ninth report ot the Nobraulci of Omaha lor thu nuurter ondlrig Soptcmbor J 'M shows the association lo bo in u prosperous condillon. Thu total curnings since oriruti' . . /od , August , lsS.- ! . , umoi'lil to fc')0,47lM7..J ' ) Number of 'I l'lll , ot .vhich1' ] 1,081 ! urn now In force anil IN uropludccd foi j loans. The total amount loaned is jil.D.VJ' ( Thu withdrawal vuluu of Ural ( .cries Hharei , on which uU'luy-slx payments have uum- : mudo , U ? iil..r : < , a net prollt of f I3.M pei uharo. At tlio monthly monling of the diieutorij of llio Omaha , Thuwdny night , Me.ssrn. .lohn ] H , iliiller and Kdwuru A. Purmutou were , ciootod deut utOH to the slam league c.onven. lion at Lincoln. Thu proipornu * condition of lho assoeiatlon is uviduncod In the fad that Its capltnl mod : ol WH > , Winusl \ bo In- creusod to u million or moro. Tim usso'-lu- tlnn lini ' 3..WJ of Its U.fitHl flhari'H of stock taken. The tucrciuoof capital will como le < < fern the nloukhnhlur.41 annual meeting lu February. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minnimi , " asked Uio llttlo girl as looked nt the chlnn boa in the store window , "U that the chicken that lay * the IIO.l Uo'KSl" Ilijjhcstof fill in Leavening I'ouvr. Latest U.S. Gov't Rcp-jrt.