Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1892, Part Three, Page 19, Image 19

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Eemarkflblo Disparity ! n tlio Knmerlcal
i Strofcg'h of tlio Seres.
of II - , ! ctil eir limn Inciting
Tim C < uil tlnn oni-tyl : ! !
citing lirRimitlini * 1'itil * of Hi 11 Omlcs
A Aunc-ty of fn-liluii Ante *
mill loinliitiin < i < ml | > .
Ocnsud building present , nn ItiBlruct-
Ivo comparison of llio munorlcixl strength
of tlio fc6xe . Tlio xvho'.c ' number o (
Juntos tit tno I'liHod Sidles in 1WH ) is
i)2,087,881 ) , iind the whole iiuinbor of fo-
innlefli.fcl'.GVIvlTO ' , For tlio United States
sis a xvhillo , therefore , Iho.-o tire for
every 100.000 males U3BSl ) feinii'ic.t. Ton
vciirs tioforo there \voro 5X1,55 1 fonwles
to every 10r,000 ( ituilos , while in 1870
there wore 07,801 females to every 100-
000 mnlos. Tlio fonmlos oxcocded tlio
miilc in 180 ! ) to ii gronlcr extent thuii
o portent in tlie District { of Cohinibln ,
Mastmchusotls mul Hliode Isliiml.
Suppose ICO moll should xvixnt tn cot
jiiurriod ? If they wore ulloxvod hut the
ratio five of their number would have tope
po without wives. According to the
previous censuses u girl and a quarter
to ti jjli-1 mid a third pits loal every ten
years. "Whither " docH this uirl and u'
fraction co ?
The whole number of Hlixtei and terri
tories where the foinulos exceed the
mitlcB in 1S)0 ! ) is eleven , as against aev-
i enlcen in 18&II. All the Htutea andtcrri-
[ lories showing un excess of fomules over
males in IbOJ are found In tho-Sonth At-
[ latiu and 1101 Hi Atlantic iliviHtom.
I Ten years ago there wore live states
I and toirltories ; in which the number of
1 females was lom than fit ) per cent of tlio
I males Idaho , Novadn , Wyoming , Arl-
/.onuniid Montana while now there is
no state or territory wiioro the females
do not represent at least GO ] > or cent of
llio innlcs , Monlann just getting' inside
Ixvilh r)0W2 ; to 100,000 milcs. : This
shows that many eastern girls have
gone west to eave the nation.
The great number of women clerks in
Washington is responsible for the pro-
noiu'iuranuo of the sex in the District of
Columbia. There they outnmn-
bor the men UH 1 10.121" is to
Bl)0IOO. ( ) ( Massachusetts has always had
more girls tluxn boys , the latter
migrating as eon as able to walk. The
girls cannot get away , so at the present
t ! m Q , they .a re ] 05,8-lo to the even 1(10,000 (
> [ tlio otlior fees. Uhude Island crowds
Hjhe lijyvutv show close with 105OiS , to
lOO.OOO of the vnnminnui * chiy. These
states and the District had two pnr cert
Bnoro of girls ton yearj ago , showing
B.lmt many of thoin have met their fulu.
1 One would naturally supimso that
Jtnh would ahow the greatest piopon-
oranco of women , but the cousin lig-
rcs give thorn hut 88,121210 lOU.OUOmun ,
ot enough for the Chrislhin ceremony
if marriage.
B Now York state has girls enough yet
| o go iiround , but the percentage is Uc-
reasing , and soon there will be liardly
H At prWrtt the r.xlio is 101.480 to 100-
00 men , and In Now Jersey -Wi girls
* < -o ipltoyor after the 200,000 o botli
Boxo.s have become half that number by
mi n is torn' fees.
V The oilier slates in wliieh the men ,
boys and boy b.ibies are in the minority
tire Connecticut , Now Hampshire , Maryland -
land , Virginia , North and South Curo-
Kllmx. But oilier states are draining
[ those moro highly favored stales , the
Binalos being in excess olniwhorc.
V Tlie slates in which the female clo-
Hmcnt i oprcscnts 1)3 ) per cent of the male
Btiro ; , s followe : Lojjjsuxnn , Alabama ,
Georgia , Maine , MUaNsippl , Tennessee ,
B ) liio , Pennsylvania , KontuoUy , Dola-
Hvnrc , Vermont , Indiana and West Vir--
f From 00 to 03 per cent of its soflor
Klcmcnt as compared with 100 per cent
Bfl ) ni'ilo ' population , the plates of Illinois -
nois , Florida , ! MHsourl { , "Wibuonsin , Ar-
Icniibas , Joxvn , Michigan and Texas can
E in KilnfuiB , Utaii , Minnesota , New
Nebraska and South Dakota
girls iu'0 still fewer , and only from
to ninety of them to urn toll 100
f the t.ouglier Ijbor.
Tiie slates and torrilorics where a
can feel lhat she is00 per cent
par are NortliDnkota , Oklahoma ,
California , Oregon , Colorado , Idaho ,
Arl'/ona , Wiihlungton , Nevada , Wyoming -
oming and Montana.
In these latter divisions girls arc
woefully scarce , anil from " 1,000 to
f ,0,000 , men out of every 100'UO ( are
l inch air r.s by the force of circumstances.
ln nitit'tot'ii htatos and territories the
girls liavo gained in ten years , but In
twenty-nine htates and torrilories they
have losu
The group of slates compri-jing Iowa ,
MRBouri , trie two Dakotus , Nebraska
aiisMH tcpnrlsu suh t.intial gain in
. The per cent of gain in females
eds tlui mule guin in o.ich blale.
lias an excess of 77,0(0 ( males , a
in in U-i ) ycaruof 17.2npur cent , wliilo
gain in fc-malea for lh MI mo period
H IS. 1 " > per cent. Tlioro Is : i biirplus
-SI , 00' ) maU's in Mibsouri , but llio
alea allow a gain of UI/28 jter cent
pec cent males , Tlie two
report n Minu\l \ disparity in the
the totals being liSi.S-11) ) males to
" 0lb7 ( foinuleri. The former gained
- ! " -17 per I'ont and the latter it.''i.
N'ebrnaUa luporU . "i7i,8 : l males toI8i ( , -
) females \ , tigain of l U. SI ! per cent in
the foi'iui'v and l.l.l ! ( ! ( ! per cent in tlio
'i'lio inimerical clill'oreiico in
sc.xoa in is 00,000 In favor ol
mules. The incrouso in ten years
s ; Females , -lO.'D per cent ; mules ,
per cent.
U ibiipiirent | that In the tiansmls <
ionrl group of states the girU are more
Ihi.n holding their own and will in n
' ( ] \v dci'Hdob ovureomo tht > male mujority.
, A cheerful old darkey once sid : ! "Imllhi
un do cotchinlst dl.soabo da is. " I fullv
igrco with the wisdom of that romurlf ,
jiuoule boom to think it 'i feort ol
to ting outu merrv cnchlnnution :
by caro'oss chance an involuntiirx
oscaiw the prison of the lips thoj
ely put on n horlyusnlr. as I
to be the guilty owner of sue I
nrliolc. Hut , oh ! deliver mo fron
hideous little chuckles that Home
curry around ready t-j pro
the mumont they moot. you. I al
ivuys dibtruslii "chuckle , " Make a noli
if it. my friend , people who ehuckli
few momeiits , i\.s it in conaUn
of wlmtcvor you may HIV :
deceitful , and will ta'koa'd
of you if they i-im , Never lei
thorn anything iu -nlldiMU'o , for tin
stery will borotnlloand ( ] thnsoehucklei
uf udmi ration clmngcd to ohuoulcs o
derlfclon , *
. Give mo. Bringing musical laugli , out
thnt htrlkew U [ > en the tympanum wtti
a merry- jingle , that rippled out in si- |
very cadence * like Tennyson's song c >
I he { iroolc , that curls up the corners o
the mouth and twinUles in the eyed . \
vvoll "colchln' ' lnugh.
The Amwricau people uro u f uu lovluj
ace , n rnco of Inughirs , tuul much pro-
or comeilvfo tniROtly. Oototho then-
or. A j'olly chnratter nj/poixrs upon
ho stage , ilo IB laughing , at some silly
hlng mnyhnp no ; nntter ho laughs
mil you suddenly discover that you are
icily too. His niock'mt'th affects you ,
or you have "caughtT.ho Inugh. "
Yoi , the old daruoy xvas corrocl ,
'Lnllln am colohln. ' Homa duy you
xro xvallilng along xvith silent thought'
ibiorbed IT real or fancied v'-oublo , (
ivhon you hoar a Intitih and lonUlng up
roil sec txvo people , for fmmohoxv , a
laugh always h w JjMimptny ; lhat gay I
Inughtcr brings lurktylia stnlto to.vow
face , fud thoughts irg bjdl3hcd.
' ( .Soil bless the happy Iriiish. " any I ,
l'I''or mirth dotli lu.irch the bottom of nnnoy ;
Slid souls nrushun in merrr company , "
About ono thing I shall resistor apro-
lest ( I long to say "kirk , " It's so ex
pressive ) . \ \ hy Is it lhat xvomon are
u xvnys describe ! un laughing "to hoi"
xvhllo the men H.iy "ha , hit" ? I susp'Ct
lhat they intend to appropriate it for the
rnnscuilno gondor. Hut don't you be-
liox'o that a xvoman c.xn't laugh ' 'ha ,
lull"lust listen to the next feminine
laugh and you will hen1' no "loho" in It.
lloxv chary eomo are of their laughs and
smiles , for those are companions you
know. Why should these inolaneholy
Danes carry themselves as if llfo xvoro
ono long funeral ilay , for as Hob lnjor-
sol , xvmild doubtless say If the Lord
did not wnnt us to laugh , xvhy did Ilo
give us a Itiughor ? GliAOB TI.
Chrysanthemums are the most suita
ble Mowers xvo Huvo for use at the
Thanksgiving dinner ; they are in keep
ing with the seas in. They and the
"day xvo celebnito" are in'touch xvlth
each othor. Nothing can bo more ap-
proprlito , siya the Ladies' Homo Journal -
nal , than a groat.bowl of these ( lowers ,
cut xvith long Htotns Let ivhito and
yellow kinds predominate , using a few
of the din k maroon ones to glvo tone to
the lighter colors. If moro than ono
table is used in the room or the table in
a largo one , a * it in likely lo bo in homos
xvhoro tlio Uay is kept in the oldf.nh-
ionod wny , tlioro might bo a boxvt 'Hied
xvith llowors of tiutitmo color for ouch
table , or for the cuntur and oads of the
lonij table. * '
As Thanksgiving day is really 11 sort
of harvest festival , vases tilled xvith
xvhont , outs and graceful grasses are
quito appropriate , and can bo made
very olfoetivo if tastefully arranged.
Nox-or croxvd them ; allow each kind
used to display its individuality. Scar
let ro-o hnxvs , or the crimson clusters of
the barberry can bo mixed xvith the
yolloiv trraln and ulivlo lo liei liton the
olTcct , ITrult cnn be made to take the
l > lace of II txvora as a decoration ot the
table xvith charming color olTeels. Groxt
clusters of mountain ash berries cm bo
made to horvo as a foundation. Work
in among them bonds ot bearded xvheat
and yellow rye or oats. Upon those
foundation colors display your purpio
and xvhito grapes and i uddy apples and
pears. Oranges cvn bo added for the
snkoot color , but llioy xvill hardly bo
considered xvorlh eating on Tlmnksgiv-
iiijj day.
If you xvish to decorate the room you
can proJuco line otTect-i xvllh mountain
asli berries , or the red aider , xvhich .
groxvs plentifully in most swampy uluces
" '
throughout the "north. Work 'in xvith
these , ns a buckgrounrt , ornncUus of
evergreen. To relieve the color of
evergreen and fruit , use xvbeat freely.
If a sparklinj ; effect i" desii cduip xvlieat
licails in i lliin solution of fium a"abie
and sprinlclc ppxvdorcd mica over tlicm
They xvill glisten in lamplight as if
covered xvith frost. Ono Thanksgiving
tab e last year held as a center piceo a pumpkin nestled among autumn
loaves. dishes of
the feast had had justice dpno them ,
the upper half of the pumpkin xvas re
moved , showing a "heart" of luscious
fruits an'd dainty candies.
Bracelets and dudes are the latest
combination. The bigger the bracelet
tbo bigiror the dude ; that is , the larger
iho circlet tlio dude c in keep upon his
xvrist xvithout assuming the altitude of a
man undergoing facntunco for high
way robbery the greater his
claim to distinction in dudedom.
Twisted bunds of silver xviro , a- half
do/.on more or lebs on each xvrist , arc
the proper thing , though b inds ot irold ,
studded with brilliants , are occasionally
xvorn. in Ohio.igo , according to the
Tribune , it is exceedingly ' vulfjah1' to
expose these o"naments to public gaze on
tlio streets. Ttioy are only visible in
the seclusion of the dnuv'ing room or
the dudurs o > vn apartments. On going
.ml tlio bracelets by a sliuht twiht of the
xvrists are tucked up under the cuffs ,
xvhich muntbo extra iarge. To execute
tliis movement gracnfiUly Is a test xvhich
Hcoms to distinguish the real from the
spurious bxvoll.
"Oh , yes , " said a State street juxvclor
in answer to a question , "b'acelots for
men nro a fad Unit Is spreading rr.iiidly.
11 hlruck Ohicacro less than a month
ago , but tlio sxvolls have got it bad. Wo
have done a rushing business in braca-
lo.U > for llio last leri days. Most of the
'follalis' for
pretend they are buying
their sisters , but the eo'.icitudo ' they dis-
plav in gottinir an article that xvill just
lit inside their cults gives them away.
Drond of fatreet cumins , I Riipposu ,
prompts them to keup their arm orna
ments concealed xvhun out xvallclng. "
The materials mod fora dainty "rose
bud" costume for a.vounir girl is a n.xlo
two-colored China tilk. Tiio skirt ,
xvhich Ills ruUioi-binuovhly in fionl , has
just hiilllcient fullntiHs In the back to
imiko it graceful. At the luxvor edge is
a Unit ted llounco of pink chilTon , and
over tni-i are arranged loops and knoti
of pink ribbon of a deeper shade. The
bodice is high , fits tlio Hgurogracufullv ,
and has for its Uucoratirnui plaited frill
of I'hIITuiicuoh group of plaits bolus
caught xvlth a knot of ribbon , the xvhole
strip brjlng xvoru as a tlohu miirht bo ,
and draped in at the waist , xvhoio It it
caught by the waiht ribbon of pink.
The full hlcovos nro of the chlU'on , tied
at the olhaxvs xvith a band nnd knots o ]
ribbon , long gloves of p ilo , roso-colorciJ
undressed kid coming up to meet them
The hair is parlud in the center , drawr
back in' a low knot nt the hack , xvliuro i'
is fantastically tied xvllh a pink ribbon
This is < | uHo a dcllcato. artistic droasai
well as prolty nnd inoxpenslx'O.
Klla 1) ira Uusaull , the Amorlc in girl
who has become the idol of Iho music
loving people of fit. Potorsburc1 am
Wtirsnxv. and a favorite all over Kurope
IB ix nullvo of Cleveland , O. When alu
xvas a little girl she used to declare sh <
xvas going to bo a tfroat Bingor. and
daily ranging her dolls In a roxv , xx-oult
Irill and xvarblo b fore thorn liken litth
bird .She noveiv'l4ts' , ; 'ht of that pur
pose. During her ( cons her xvhoio oilu
cation xvus conducli-d xvith reference ti
) her future , and her schoolmates , win
j xx'uto rtovolodly fond of her , ohrlalunei
jI I her , in anticipation , Madumol&ello Klla
I dorn.
Tlio steam ventilator pipe , with it
gnu ah gildings , is at best an unmill
gated piece of ugliness in any room.
capUal way of concealing tliobo pipcb i
to plaoo u pretty ornamental Boreoi
about thorn leaving plenty of loom 01
all xUlcrt for the lietit to radiute. Ju =
now beautiful Japanese screens i-au b
hud for this or any ether purposed
small cost , as a liking has sot in amen
fashionable people for rococo Fronn
scruons , gilded and hung with brocade
ami fur lhoo that coiuu from Vicnn ,
L'ovorcd with glided and minted lonthor
in Roiuil.ssLinco designs.
In the pocket of a tailor made gown
the swell girl carries her knife. Any- I
holy who thinks this U an ordinary j
knife such as can bo gotten at any shop
in mistaken ; It is invariably made of
gold , and , In addition , Is docnratoJ with
some special design. A very original
one lias a heart of lapls-laxuli framed in
diamonds sot In one co-nor of the htindlo
and .the owner's name and a curious
cipher carved on the otlior. A very
general fancy exists for having the name
engraved upon the knlfo in an oxaet
cony of the way one would write one's
own initials.
Tllli l.ile : t Pimhloin.
SHppars laced with ribbon to imitate
a sandal elTec.t are worn with empire
Pelerines of fur , ivhlcn wo used to call
fur tippets , are to bo much worn this
winter. They sooui lo correspond wilh
the Dal shoulders and smooth waists.
Velvet is much worn this winter for
street costumes , oven children appear
ing In rich clo.iks of the soft nritoriixl
which not long ago was used exclusively I
for.ovening , ,
Plaid sleeves with rovers to match
are very fashionable just now , unit m-iy
bo worn with either green or blue cloth
or oven black.
Cinnamon is the favorlto brown this It looks particularly well trimmed
with fur or smartened up with a colored
The ball dresses are very handsome
this winter. The silks and satins have
never been richo.- and tlioro is a prodi
gal wny of using hico and embroidery
which gives a si < mptuous effect.
Silk will bo a very oopular fabric dur
ing the winter for house and visiting
gowns , as there are lee many tumpla-
tlons in the market in the silk line to
resist. ,
The season's now tweeds and Irish
friezes or homespuns , woven by hand
from tlio soft undyod wool , are the very
best of their kind.
The newest dross skirls nro of the
much gored umbrella shape , and somn
of them have an aslonishlug _ "Hare"
around the lower portion.
Fringes are largely imported in jot ,
gold , lined crystal , iridescent , garnet ,
and bronze bands.
Colored velvet or satin sleeves with
s'ish to mutch nro very pretty with
white bull dresses , and are 'very useful
in f'osheniug up last season's toilettes.
A band of fur at the bottom of a white
silk or biitin also covers the murks of
wear on the edges of the skirt.
Now and very lustrous French failles
are imported that are stripad o" plaited
in fancy velours or velvets. Tlieso ma
terials come in lovely evening tints , and
also in deep rich tones for dinner and
visiting gowns in iroldcn tan , golden
olive. Burgundy red , N'ipnioon blue ,
violet , Venetian green , gray and gar
Feather turbans are again'shown with
low crowns , plain or indented , the
brims clo = o and rolling , the snapo long
and oval oftener than round , aim the
whole miido of tips of pheasants' or
doves' foiithors , witti aigrettes in front
the simo plumage , tniokly musiad.
Persian effects uro much employed for
irtlstic indoor drosses. Those are com
bined with velvets in dooo rich winter
.onos. The pielurosquo collars and
leovos uro the special point of decora-
ivo study , and the princcsso is the
lavorod style among thesa charming
Skirt trimmings are everywhere visi
ble. but they are seldom wido. Puir-
ngs , plaitujgs , ruches , tiny frills , fur
and fouthor bands abound ; and some
times , on very clogunt costumes , the
slender fur border is headed by u rich
bead and metal passementerie.
A now and very shaggy make of
cheviot is among the fashionable fab
les for winter traveling costumes ,
coats , and long cloaks. No particular
color predominates , but brilliant bits of
roil bronze _ , red , green , gruy and gold
can be dUeovood on close Inspection of
tlio pattern.
It is siid that iho "Mother Shipton"
or lush pointed crown hats will bo
fashion iblo this winter. Those , how-
ex or , will novoi' bo so protly or becom
ing as the Gainsboroughs. While hats
are of the largest , bonnets are of the
snrillest. A bow with an aigrette or
Hewer , or a tiny e.ipoto of Iho shpo of
a llenri Doux cup , with strings to give
a dignified touch t j their jnuntlnoss , are
the favorite shapes bo far.
"At a recent very elegant woc'ding ' in
Dublin high life , " writes a lariy to an
American friend , "tho beautiful young
bridoMnuids sisters of the bride wore
white colored velvet gowns trimmed
with otter fur , and white felt hats
trimmed witli ostrich plumes and
golden-brown velvet. Those dresses
wcro in Kinpiro style and wore greatly
admired. Tlio brido's dross was of
white s'ltin and velours on prineosse ,
with exquisite bertha an I skirt flounce
of point liuo. Her very rare diamond
ornaments extended oven to her gold
bouquet holder and inlaid fun ! Her
traveling costume was of dark blno Rus
sian volours with Connoinaru cloxk , of
blue camel's hair , lined with mink and
trimmed with a very deep capo collar
and edgings of Russian sablo. "
Note * AlinilC XVinnuil.
In Grout Britain it is illegal now to
employ girls' ' in shops under 18 for more
than seventy-four hours a week , and
shopkeepers who dUoboy the law arc
liable to bo fined.
Mrs. Lydlu Iloyt Karuior , author of
"Tho Life of Lafayette , " olc. , is prepar
ing a work for the woman's department
of the Columbian exposition , to bo on-
tilled "What America Owes to Woman. "
The 'highest-priced piano in the
United Slales belongs lo Mrs. Marqmuid
of New York oily. It was designed anil
p tinted by Alma Tadoma and cost
Mrs. A. M. Mankly has bequeathed
to the city of Washington a largo sun :
of money for the erection and malnteiv
mice of a homo for destitute women , ns r
memorial to her mother. In memory o !
her husband she bus willed to the Onil
dron's Aid Society 6lu,00fo.tha ! orcc *
lion of a home.
To colobruto the christening of hoi
only daughter and her own U-Uh birth
day , the omprobs of Germany gax-o 10 (
sots ot baby clothing to the maternity
homes in llio cmplro. and the omporoi
released 400 women imprisoned for var
ions olTonsos.
From ono town In the union comes tin
report of u u ub of xvomon whoso mom
boi'8 pledge thomsolvus to go to the full
next your In a simple , servicenblo gown
easy and comfortable in lit , and unluim
pared hy extra length of skirt. A small
light bug , which may bo carried in tin
bund , must hold all the other nccnssi
ties , and , with a minimum uxpunditnri
of norx-o force , this club xvill enjoy i
maximum of sightseeing ,
Krom the reports of Iho Woman'
Christian Temoorauco union in Donvo
U may bo com puled tnat moro thanSMO ,
OPfl has boon raiced and expended by tlv
dilToront societies throughout the Unitei
States during lite past year , and mor
than 160,000 women are united in th
cause of toniporanco. Two hundred am
eighty-two colToo houses , frlondl ;
houses and feeding rooms have boon
tnhliahcd and arc maintained by the bt
ooty. | Ho crowded were the assemblio
at the convention that ono hulldin
could uot accommodate the audience :
rind overflow meetings \voro hold , nd-
drcssod by Lady Henry Somerset and
others , in tlio different churches.
The immense amount of money spout
by the duke of Mnrlborough's American
wife in reinstating Ulunhoim from ruin
to Its former glory ns n paltxco Is prob
ably lost lo her forever. It is not prob
able that the heir of such a father xvill
make restitution , and the laxvs of Hue-
land give him the entire estate. Out of
the magnificent fortune the charming
Mr * , llammoraly is liable to retain Hulu
save her dearly-bought title. Yet there
are many American xvomon xvho xvill 10-
gin d the duchess as an enviable crea
ture because her millions paved the xvny
to n place among noisily.
It It morning on thu
For ndlos ahead , bohiud , to the right nnd
loft , the reddish brownriifndnlntlng Dillon's of
the landscape stretch out In voiceless sllunro.
as echoless M the ocean rfhon llrst horn of
chaos itself , Dut for till ) luxuriant carpet of
uiitivo grass , already changed Irom croon to
broxvn by tno 11 m chlilj , pi-oath nf - November -
bor , tha scone would bq , as faniillnr to the
Arab child of Sahara as Vp the dusky son ot
the American savugo. ' The sun has not
rl en , but Us ndvont is already tnkonod by
ho roav shafts of light 'that ixro glancing
ipward throuch tno sldel aruy of tuo morn-
ne txvillght. Sign of llfd tlioro is nuno. Nn-
Uro has boon banished by llio ghostly scop-
nr of silence and xvltti njnlseloss trend has ro-
reixtca hack to oblivion.
Thcro Is commotion among the lloecr clouds
hat frlnco the hori/on nnd the blood-red
dials of Ino rising sun thrust * itself nbovo
ho line thai sop iralCH limd from sky. At
bo same Instant n spck Is soon on iho far-
tiennost stretch of prulrio solitude. When
ho sun tins llnnlly aroused Use ! " sulllcicntlv
o linger on llio rim of earth ns if heslluliiip
o comiuoucc its dolly Journey up llio slope
if the unlvcrso to Uio 7unllh anil dawn acntn
0 Its evening balh la iho lacllic , it stares
n sleepy ninnzotnonl nt the Hguro of ix soil-
arv horseman urging n minting slood along
1 dimly df.Ilncd trull lo iho woUxvard.
Thnt horseman hns covernd many u lonclh-
enlntr mlle smco the stars shone the evening
boforo. As ne comes u oarer It can bo readily
guessou Hint Us is a fugitive. A look of
anxious dotorniitmUon , tbo hurried glances
o Iho uart , of iho horizon froui xvhouco ho
came , the relomless manner In xvhich ho
urges forward the flagging foot of the xvoary
horse boncixtu him , all , toll his story. Ha
ivoutd escanofrom something ; nnd from the
manner of tins man It can bo soon that that
iomethlng Is not far bohlud.
* * * *
Wbon Ihosun has traversed n ( | uartor of
Iho distance from llio horizon lo the zenith
no pursuers are scon lo emerge from vacant
snaco lo Iho oaslxv-ird , and xvith equally de
termined efforts press onxvara toxvard the
solitary luijttivo. A baud of plainsmen xvlth
retribution pictured on every countenance
a uandof regulators in'pursuit of a male
factor : i vigilantes committee clolhed In the
loinely habiliments of prosaic xvosterr. lus-
lice a mob ; call it what you xvill. Un Ihe
prairies laxvs nrounxvrittcn ; but , their
ties uro ] ust ns oxuotinp.lf not so discritninnt-
Inc , nnd Iheir oxoouUon. If sxvifter , not tlio
oss certain.
# * W * # *
The hours sxveop bv In sloxv procosslon.
The oxnanso of prnlrlo xvhich at morn Bonar-
aied fugitive and pursnor has nartoxvcd
until malefactor and jury uro xvilblu but a
fexv rallos of each other. The sun has reached
Us highest point on its diurnal progress and
has airoaJy commenced iho descent , to iho
mountains lo the xvoslxvard. Another proup
is passing over iho trail in the footprints of
Iho fupitix'e. A "prairio schoonor" draxvn
by half lean horses in dilaoidatcd harness ,
driven bv n palo-faced xvoman , xvbilosovernl
frowzled heads peer out from bonoatn the
dlrtv orown canvas cover. Another child
with lash and goad urges forward a couulo
of lagKHie cattle , while hungry dop with
lollinir tongue trots along disconsolalely
under iho xvagon.
* * * # * #
The sun is hastening to Iho cud pi' its jour
ney , and the fugiilvo is now the captive.
Surrounded by ( jrlm-faccd captors ho tells
his story and pleads his cause. Ho is not
particularly an ill-lookiuK man , but ho bad
pvldi'ntly como out sccoiid uoitin the strup-
glo xvllh faie. His facq1 shows Ibe Certain
marks of that Unmistakable desppration that
drives mon to oruno. IJlo nux'or'raises his
oyan from the trail that , , leads back to tho.
eastward , except to JJash them inquir
ingly over the fncesj , , of bis captors
to sea if bis plea for Ufa has made uu im
pression , do is hoard in pcrfoc ailenco and
then Ihere is a hurried consultation iu xvhis-
pered tones ; ono man ppints silently to a
clump of cottonxvoods iuovinK ; ) on Iho edge
of a "draxv" to the riihj.ot | , ino trail. Tbero
is a general nod of Assent and another
quickly unwinds a knotted lariat from tno
born of hU saddle.
The group moves forward nnd the cnptivo
casts ouo IOIIK despairing look hick along the
trail ; nnd as rougn h.iiutS are laid upon his
shoulders und grulT volcps are saying' "como
along , now , " ho sees in the far eastern dis
tance n "nr.iino schooner" xvlth Iwo lagging
caltlo behind. Net a xvord is spoken ; but in
a foxv moments jusiieo uai been udmimsloiMd
in the rude anu hotnoly fashion of the plains.
The band of horsemen ride bacit over Iho
irail and ono of thorn lodds a riderless borsc.
A few mllus bicit they pass a "prairio
schooner" draxvn by half lean horaos 10
dilapidated harness , driven by a pale-faced ,
xx'oman , while f roxvzlcd children peer
from beneath the dirty bro-vn canvas covur.
Another child xvith lash nnd goad urpos for
ward a counlo of Inppinp entile und a huncrv
dog xvllh lolling tongue trots along disconso
lately under iho xvagou.
* t * + # * *
Tun sun has nearly comuloteil its journey.
Its gruat rod disk rests on the western
horl/on as if talcing a parting glance at Ino
broxvu earth befoto disappearing behind Iho
fringe of mountninb ranging in the distance.
Its ruddy ravs seem to intensify as they rest
upon a clump of coltonxvoods growing nt Iho
right of the trail , They light up for a mo
ment the disiortcd countenance of tbo fugi
tive sxviniMnir and turning in the wind which
is now swooping over the prairies iu Jkfnl
gusts. On the ground a disconsolate xvoman
kneels xvith her face in bor hands , xvhllo
several froxxvlcd children pull impatiently at
her skirls , nr.d a hungry dog lifts his noxo in
air und elves n plalnllvo ansxvor to the howl
of the coyote in u distant canon. O. tII. .
' A SUM ing .M.irhlito Ir ip
Our Improved oak or walnut $05 machine
lucod in your homo to use , without cost of 1
cent 10 you. Cut this advt. out nnd send
with address todny. Address Alvah Munu-
fnuiurlng ( Jo. , Chicago , III ,
rt > lii tiirlo JTnblt , "
Pourson's Weekly : The habit of smok
ing dried liorhs in pipes is evidently of
enormous antiquity , for both in the
British islands and in many jmrts of
Europe and Asia , to say nothing of
America , the hupposeil nntivo land of
smoking , pipes of sonpstono and red
olay , xvhlch could not have been used
lor any otlior purpose than the burning
of nonio form of fragrant xvoed , have
been discovered in grax'os and tumuli
xvhioli dale far beyond the duxvn of lilw-
lory. Wilh regard to these islands , .
Ihoro is not the slightest doubt that
smoking xvus practiced long before to
bacco xvas introduced by Tluwlilns and
Itt-loigh. In the Illstorlo of ,1'iantes ,
published in 1576 , occurs the puebugo :
'The purfume of the ( tryed leaves ( of
coltcsfooto ) laycd upon quicko coles
taken into the mouth of a funnell or
tunnell helpeth Htioh as are troubled
ivith shortness of xvlnde and fetch
thoyro breath thlcko and often. " This
points only to the medicinal use of the
practice ; but if tlioro.xvero . any doubt
ns to tno antiquity of Ulnoking for pleas
ure among our ancestors , it would be
disposed of by the folloxving statement
of Dr. Potrle , ono of the most learned of
Irish antiquarians. IldWys : "Smoking
pipes of b'onx.o are frequently found in
! our Irlbh tumuli or boiulohrnl ) mounds
. of the mobl remote antiquity. On the
monument of Uonough O'Brien , king of
, , Tlioraondxvho xvaskilliiAin liiOT , nnd interred -
> terred in tliOixbbeyof t'orcumruo , in the
county of Clare , ho is represented in the
j , usual locumbont posUh-o xvith the bhort
y pipe ordhudeon in hla'inouth. ' "
i- I The "No. 0" \ VueclorVH , ou xvitb
' rotary movoinont U tup lightest runnins
d rrmenluo in the market , ami is uaequallod.foi
g speed , durability und uuality of xvork. Hold
i by Ocorgo W. Lancaster & Co. , DU B 10th Ht ,
U next
How to Cure Freckles
Sltico ttip li clnnlnffnf tlio norlil urotly fucoi Imro
Irren ximtictl with freckle * nnd thr mmt lu'ntitirul
completions tiltUtmnpIir thoutin Uitljr ! bluniHhii .
Hllirnnlr euro PMT ktinwn. Dlvcorvrml by X1XIIC
M. YAIiKc tlio wiirld-fniiioil llpnuty nniK/'oinplotlon
opclllll1t. Minn. Xiilii lin trentiM rnmnoil liMiln
nt hiiron | % . liullp ( if Hip XVhlle ilnii'o.nn I ttio tt-lol-
rltlpi cit ( ho vrorlil. Wrlto her In ctiniitliMice. Shu
inn iinitoyon lit'niitiriil. Slii'cmi inixku rim young
nuiiln. Turn cray limr tn ll'ii'itiirnl rnlnr. Noilro
U'i'dtiulhlnu but mi1 llclno. ShnciM ilcrohM1 y < "if
huttlll out yi > ur iinkeii ctu < * t , ruru yuii ot iiur klti
lilunil h. bcmt for tu fnrmui * Ik'iiutr Hook. U nlll
bo innllot > nii Iroo. All of ximc. X tilo'N remc'tllos
will In" flilpiM'l joii from i lilciu'i , or you mil get
Ilium from lonruriiKiilol. Hu will Kcl tnomforyun.
Onln > oiir < lrtmal t on Xlmnlny nnil KPI n hiilllo of
I.I Krcckla , lake It lioinintnl apply Itnrcor luu lo
onvi lton on .Motuliiyt'riu iliir unit , Vo Inoniay , itihl
on Sniiilnjr you nlil not lm\iui frrcklo. X'ourroni *
lo xltHirlll ho us ported n wliLMi u lit Ilo baby , 'llili
11 HalisoUucly Inn1 t'rlcofl.'W. '
Mme , hi , Yale's Temple ol Beau/ ! / ,
146 Stale St. , 1' . S.-Scnrt
for M M II.
ago , ll VAl.K'S ml-
Mail De 5 ? imblt'llonuty
pi. Hook Krtio.
reduce your weight w.thout dieting ;
cures t'ao causoa of obesity , such as
dydpopsia , rl > oumit sm , nervous
ness , catarrh , kidney trouble- ; keeps
you healthy , und tha com
CniCAndlloAiiit oi-TiiAnr ,
I i Rain writi- you to say I liavo lost 13
pounds , mnkltiK 41 ! pouiulB In t In ID wi > t > Us by
uslnjj 4 lolllcsiif Ilr. r.dKon'sOlieslly IMII3
and wuiiluj ; hlsObomiy Jl.ind.
Very truly yourH. : II. IviNn.
Prof. llAt.K , Chicago University , wr tcs to tlio
Chicago lloralO. f-opt. 18 , 1SJJ :
Coriiiileut men bliuuld u.iy some uttcnllon
to reiliicui-r tholr xvulmit XX hen u man it
Iroublcd with ihi'iimnilstn. dv pt'iisln. kidney
trouble or nervousness tliu redueliiK of woliiht
19 slower , until tlio ( llitslty I'lIlH imx-o cuicd
tbo disease that caused obesity. Iho pills
often and beautify the sk ti of the face.
1 am at libel ly to cltu auasu In point. Under
my nilvlco Mr. Armour used an ndlson Ubesltv
Hand nnd II bottles of I'llls anil lost " ) pounds
In G xvcoks. Ulhui ii.itleius have boon
Lieut. 0. A. SCOTT , tovonuo Cutter Ilninlln ,
writes to the Correspniidonc" Uuparlincut
o' the Now Yoik Sundav World :
Three yours airo 1 xvolKhcil . ' ( H pouiula. liit )
after iiBlnu Ir ) Kdlson's popular Uiicslty Pills
and Salts I reduced to l/l ( pounds and easily this nclgnt. 1 saw how much other
correspondents of your vaiuutito impart woio
Lenofltiud nud wlalicil lo f Ivo Ihu ) ) r..s trout-
inent a tilal.
Dr. Edison's Obesity Kruit Salt is the
best nnd bimplost remedy for regulating
tlio action of the liver that hits boon dis
covered. The printed formula on the
label of the Fruit Suits shoxx's their vuluo
to sufferers from excessive fut or llesh.
Bund inousuro ut J os. 1 , U , 3 Price
82.50 to : > iiu-hes , und 10 cents extra for
ouoli iidditionul inuli.
1'illb SI.50 u bottle , or three bottles for
$ J.OO , enough for ono treatment.
Obesity Fruit Sail 81.00 per bottle.
You can buy the Pills , Hands and Salt
direct from our stores , or by m-iil or ex
( fJTCorrespondenco nnd goods forxvnr-
ded in pliiln , sealed package.
NOTIPH Dr. lidibon's Etoctrle Bolts
nnd Kingor Rings uro sold ut our stores.
Send for our special Elcotric Uelt Circu
lar , sealed !
Klectric Belts $1.00 nnd up. Insoles 00
cents per piiirl
Ror onlo liy LJrufjfjlsLs.
Wholcsulo druggists of J\'ew York City
who curryonr goods in slock :
Charles N. Crittonton & Co. ,
McKesson & Xobbins.
W. II. Sohiollolm A , Co.
And other leading liotihos.
' and Gon'l
I'roprietors Agents ,
42 P West 2ind ! St. , Now Vork City
10 P Hamilton I'luco , Morton , MUHS.
34 P Hust Washington St. , Chicgo III.
Cut this out nnd keup 11 , and KOMI ! for
our full ( eight column ) article
on Ohostty.
vW >
/at y
Urn.Alice Maiil. ' , On jjon , Jin. xvolplit : lb foru treat-
The following IIOMOHI IIBTO taken treatment of
Dr. Snr < lur , wilh loss of woUht ni niton bnloir ,
Tliey will rliearfnlly nninerall Inqulrlui If stamps
xvclsht XVcleht
llufuro. Afcr l.nti.
Mlli' . lUCHEr , f'.JllllXbOM ,
I'aclHuJurutloii. luwu 323 Ibi. HTllii , 17811
oriKiin , ll . . . , , , , . , , ,320" IK' 10 * "
MS II. loi'ie ,
Dmro. XVI , . , . ,310" Mil ( 1315"
Kranklln. Ill , . < 3I " ' "J31 130"
Slits. CKuiinic Hir.ruA.v ,
ft. Illilwell.CH 213" l.i ) 10(1'
Una HAHAII UAii.sti : ,
Ut bo Klftli- * ! . ,
I.onTUU\vorlU , Kan..jri" lit ) ' 103"
o t rrlnif , no laronT0nl nc , iIguana ' no t a
[ cU. btrlcUreonartinllal. ' " lrcaUnQuau (
uigolnU nadr vlth Co. Iq KamiKi ,
DR. O. W. F. SNYDEti.
a3oVlcker'a Theatre Blttg. , Chlcauo , Id.
oed the Grocer said ,
proffering o ther brand. "SANTA CLflUSSOAP
lsWiatwewat7h ) hove you amj now or >
'We'll ccrtairjlij rake wolfter , We use none but' Ihe best ,
Andoll shrewd dealers keep iL.are ijou behind the rest 7"
T RIPANS TABULE8 regulate the stomach , liver and
oia ) purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe ahu
always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness. Blotches
on the Pace , Blight's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation ,
Chronic Diarrhcna , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered
Stomach , Dizziress , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence ,
Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives ,
Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , toss of Appetite ,
Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash ,
Painful Digestion , 1'im- pies , Hush of Blood to
the Head ; Sallfltt Corn- plcxion , Salt Rheum ,
Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , jskin
Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling1
Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every
other symptom ordis- case that results from
impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of. their
functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given
to over-eating arc benefited by taking one tabulc after each
meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest
cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be
injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross § 2 , sample bottle
15 cents. .For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid.
iOvVfGU < C A fiRTOrf , ( \U.wy/Atf , E-WWASH v
J 00. OO6.00 JHMiuXD Tnoa L
sSZS&3. ' .
g ami Hiih' > crlpiAii | Dupaitnuiiits. wnsrKitN UNION TKLKOIIAIMI
biTi'niuxTKNiH-.Ni' ur.i : IIUIMUNG.
H. A.\VAOiNfiU.StiitoAscnt fur tTnliuil Hlulo
Mutual AueUlont Ahioolatloii. TUB rQIJITAllU ; MI-'B ASSUUAXCH 9t >
Ult. UIIAIIU : UOSnWATKH. oiirrvor NI\V : YOUK.
I'UOVIDENT HAVfNC.rf MIT , ot Nmv Vorlc
MASfeAOIllJSiriTrS Mt'TIJAL I.IKK I.N'SUU- HIB : itrucAiT or
ANCJIJ COMI'ANV , DIt. II. II. Ill UN BY. Xo-,0 itiiil Tluo-it.
. IIUANT UUlUMmi : , Ueu'.lsfiml A
Ii N OKANTConlniclorforSlrootainlSldi- ' . , DU.OM7AU H. UOrniAN ,
wulU I'.ixunu'iits
rv. . \TUIOIC. . r..ixv oitiuoi.
. of Now Vir ) ! ( .
KUlilTV I'OUUl' NO , ' , H.V. . MtlKitAli.
iA\yp $ > tmT NO. 4. - i ; . ' s. LOAN ANII isvnnMin.XT . co. ' .
XX.M i tlMUAl/
M'.llATi'AN / IJKR IXbUUANOi : OOM- , - . II. I'AT'I'KV , l uiniit.
M. U. TltAUEItMAN Attornoy. rojll'ANV.
ANUC OOMl'ANY. T. M , T.M.Irf , AioliltuJl. l\irt ) ,
SJ N MUTUAL i < irn z.vauuANcn COM- TUB I'ATUICK I.A.N'l ) ( JilMl'AXV , Utxnurd
Of Illllllll'l' Pllll'l' .
I'ANY. JOHN J.i.rill'.M. I'alillslinr.
ANTE COMPANY. ) ' . I' . iKIJXUKHl. : ( IVi'scn I'ulnlnr.
WKllM'IIlt ft IIUWAUI ) , Iiisiiraiico. ALKX MOOKl Itn I K'lal > uaU I.DXIII.
J. J , . \iK.ilvll ! iiialnuor. : JOHN U. IIAMII/1' JN&O J. . Iii.iirniipc. '
HOIMJINH ft' ' SMI I'll. Hl I..SIJUA oi : < Ji ) .
Ult.J. W. IIOM.IDAV. J , n. IIAJKiNlliia ( : : ; . Maiiufuolur.jri1. A'-tut
AIIKS-I | ) > OAMr.
O. T. HEIXDOKIV , Arolilloot. } L. O. NASH , I.o
iuni : ) jo PUINTJXO. co , HAMILTON LOAN AND TUUriT CO. , ,
IIITOIIAL : [ nooM.s oKTun > iin.c ! ; > ompoif
- - . .
i g , HtorDotyplntf and Onllcy i-j-lir.t.
MANUrAOTUUEUs' AND CON3UMEIt'j Ad M. A. UI'TON CO , , lloal Kdttl ; , ' '
A few more elegant oflice rooms jnrxybe had by applying
ot R. W. Baker , Superintendent , office on counting room flooi