TIIK OMAHA DAILY NOVEMBKR 2 , ) , 1892TWENTY PAGES , ililDHl * mnjpnmn ' lllillliluiliiliiiiuiiiiuimiiM'1' ' When you want-to buy Goods on Credit , we advise you to go to a First- class Establishment , where you can get a Large Stock of First-class Goods to select from an establishment that buys and sells more Goods than any Three Installment Houses combined. That House is The People's Mammoth Install ment House. We have a Furniture Store , a House Furnishing Store , a Crockery , Lamp and Stove Store , a Carpet Store , a Jewelry Store and all the other branches in one large building 50 ft. wide by 300 ft. deep , " four floorsby far the largest house of its kind in America. Now do not go to stores on side streets , where their stocks are very limited. Our Customers know , and you who are dealing with Installment Houses will soon find out , if you will only go to the trouble , that you can save from 25 to 40 cts. on every dollar by buying from us ; besides you are not annoyed with mistakes in delivering part of your goods today , another part tomorrow , and in many instances inferior goods and goods that were not ordered at all. Our Establishment offers you Better Goods , Better Prices and Better Terms than elsewhere. Do not be bulldozecbby a lot of statements to the contrary that are simply rot and false in every sense of the word. It will cost you nothing to call and look around our Establishment and we are sure that such a visit will make you our Customer. We know of your dissatisfaction in buying of Installment Houses , for the reason that you have been overcharged for your Goods and deceived as to their quality. The fault is yours , because you did not go to a Reputable House. Make your purchases from us and thus avoid all like trouble in the future. Our Stock is too large to give you a complete price-list , therefore the only proper way is to call , see the goods and get the prices then there can be no mis take. Our building inside and outside is brilliantly lighted so that everywhere it is as Bright as Daylight at all hours , that vou may know the Goods you are buying. * As we are verybusy in the afternoons , we ask you to call in the mornings , that we may be enabled to give you all possible attention , with a better idea of the Immensity of our Establishment , and an opportunity of looking at the Beautiful Display in all the Departments. By all means pay us a visit before purchasing elsewhere. Very Respectfully1 , : * * 1 N. B. Write and for also our for 128 Samples page of Illustrated Carpets. Catalogue ITamarn © treet. Tttl'll'lr ' u