THE OMAHA DAILY SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 20 , 181)2TWENTY ) PAGES , 'HOW ' DEYORL1) \ ) DO HOVE" ' /he Corner Grocery Supplanted by the Modern Court House. PEN PICTURES FROM YELLOW PAGES ) 'lnn for tlm I'MmltUc . .Inlt1'orry I run- chlicinnit Itntp * Over ihn Missouri Xiotrnrtl lor DrilKtiliiK "lo County hrnt. It has b on \ cars slnco the cosmopolitan prowtn of Council Hluff caused ihoconlor of pilltlcnl gravity to swing from the corner grocery to the county court house , but Just n the whllltod edges of Ihe soap box and the bcscrlbblcd lop of Iho stiRar barrel marked tlio grocery store as the center of popular resort and discussion , so thu modern court homo has certain signs and ymbols whlcn indicate no less plainly that the people cUlm the latter ns the legitimate successor of tbo forrnor. Stately cuspidors Imvolnkcntho place of boxes ot sawdust , but tbopxpoctorntlng demo tivnts them with the same , old tltno Indifteronce ) . The rural statesman plants his fertlli70d boots on top of the polished oRIco desk with the name btipretnc RHIibfaction ot conceded ownership which In tlieycarsngo ranrKe d his supremacy ever tno groeor's molnsups bairel. btich familiarity would breed contempt were It not for the fne-t that the modern court house has inherited from the ancient grocery not only the popularity of a resort but also tlio deference of un urbilcr. Its massive vaults Illlcd wilh the rocords.roadv to solllo anv dispute ) by crushing error with an nvnlanchu of authority , command respect of which Iho Irises ball umplro never dreamed. Ho , ns Tn the grocery days , iho pcoplq moot at the court house both to swap sentiments and decide disputes. When did the court house succeed the cor ner grocery ? On a vollow page of u musty llttlo volurno whlrh sleeps tranquilly in an upper berth in Auditor llcmlneus' ofllco ono ilnds written , in n cramped * lvlo , the minutes of the first mooting of the board of Pottawottamin county. It deelarcs : "David U. Yoursloy , Ueorgo L'oulson nnd A rid row II. Pcrlcins , having been duly elected anel qualified county commissioners in nnd for Pottawatt&mlolcountvln the state of Iowa , convened nt the house of Hiram Clark , In the village of Ifonusvlllo , In said county , on Iho lOtn of October , A. D. ISIS , nnd after opening court according lo law , proceeded as follows : " That the heart of the ppon'fi could not bo suddenly and ruthlessly transferred Irom grocery to courtihouso Is indicated bv the record of this Hist meeting , which ftirtho. ' declares : "This day came Hiram Clark and mtulo application bolero the court for a license to keep a urocory. " The notU btoo in the development from grocery to court house was the olllclal dec laration i 'Ordered , that Kmiosvillo , in Poltnwalta- rule county , bo Iho place to traiibacl trie county business of thu bald county for the time being. " It was deemed necessary that Uiere should bq some olllcial symbol to take Iho place of the woatbui'bcnlon sign , and so o seal was ordered , nnei In the following April , us a re sult of a whole winter's work , the successful designer was duly rewarded , the record nhowbig : "Ordered thut.lonathnti Hrowu- ine be allowed 75 coins for cutting out the blocks for two county seals. " This munillccnt recompense shows the ap preciation fell for art in iho llrsl half ot Ibis con lu ry. There nro rnr.ny such blls of historic in terest contained In thu vaults of thu modern court house , which would long since hnvo been lost to the world ntnonir tno boxes ami barrels of trie old crocery. While during Iho pistwcelc thn county commissioner , were canvassing the vote of the recent election , in the. vault beneath their feet slumbered Iho following drowsy ' bit of history of n meeting held by their pre decessors May 21. 1SI9 : "Ordered that.fuhri IX Parker bo allowed $ M2.fi5 for going and returning from lown City with the poll books of the presidential election of November 7 , ! S4nnd for other services. " The seal of empire in Iowa and the modes of traveling have mot with great changes. Kven u trip across the mudely Missouri ap pears In starlling contra , t'lo the days of olectiie cars , with iiasso'iu'ers all lucking fern " n 6-ceni faro , when" one reads the rooorels of tbo early franchises granted to ferrymen , of which the following Is the curliest sample , under date of May 27 , IM'.i ; "Whereas , Cicorco A. Smith came before the court this day and applied for n liroiibo to keen n ferry across the Missouri river , iui mediately opposite ) Winter Quarters , nt the place known us Winter Oirirler.s ferry , in cluding otic mile above nml ono mile below said place , and whereas iho commissioners considered said Htnltn a suitable person 10 leoep n fcrrv , ordered that said ( leorgo A. Smith receive frenn iho clerk ol this court u Jiconso for himself or assigns to keep the said lorry iircoreiiug to UiK application for n term of twelve years , on his or their paying into the county ircasury f'.1 annually , and providing anil keeping constantly on hand at mud ferrying point huoh boats , llxtures and hands ns may bo necessary for iho public convenience and bnlen.v of all persons ami properly crossing said ferry , iho said ( ! . A. Smith and his assigns .shall hocnllilod to the rate of ferriage llxcil by the boat el , nnel nhnll have all Iho rlultts , privileges and ad\Milages and emoluments arising from sold le'rry eluring Iho term of Iwolvc years , The ) following are iho rates : IVnlT 1'eirall four-wlu'Ol canla cn e > r ooiivuy- ancos 5(1 ( 1'iir nil mo nhbel canluxeis eir eeinvoy- nnce's : L % Jvi ! ry vnUi > uf OMMI All lemso cuttle f Micep Ileus . . . n All horse * , mule * und jai-Ks . . . . Ainu un > heir si' I'toliuan . , ; . . . . . 1U The lerrv buslno-is wns evidently prolific , for in the lollowing October a .slmlfur license : was granted to Ualvin Ueebu mid I ) . \S' , ( Sarilnor lor u ferry "across the Wesi NUhnnboiny at Iho old ford on thn roiul lending frum ICanesvillo to Plsgah , " anel i license to namucl Fcrrln "at HocKy Kord one and half u.iiea atuvo indlnntowu am extending two miles uboyo and below sine point " With the supplanting of the corner cro I'ory uy the courthouse ns the people's honsi e'liinu the ) nere&hliy ol that Ies agrcoablo ad Junct ujuii 'J'hosn who nvo famlliur , a leiist wilh the exterior , of the pro/tent / mam moth tbice-iitory Llnl cage , hurrounuvu bi it * , walls of brie-It and slnno , will bo inter cstcel in lending the plans and specification : of iho lir.u county Jail as decided ur on by i meeting of the bnnrd May ' 'J , 1M9 : "Ordered that John I ) . ParUcr bo appolntci special ncent to uuild or contract for a count ; Jnll 10 bo li ) foot seniaio on the outside with u douolo wall of timber , 1 foot tejunrc , to bu dovutuileet through togoihur both lublilo and ouUIdc walls , so as to conn close toRclher. Tlm wall to bo IS feet higi from bottom 10 the eaves nutsido. To bi out ) outsldei eloor , ii feet by li feet , to bo nmdi double of tt-lneh oalc plunk , Iron bhcelcel 01 the inside , nnel hung on goevl Iron hinges. Ti IIOOIIQ trnpdnnr through iho upper Ilooi ! l feet i > eu.urc ( , amo thlciuicss ns the otho door , 'lo be ) two 4-llirlite < d wmaows , th lights 10 bv IS ; in i-inch iron birs , acres uachvindow. . To uo two lloors maJu doubl of foot-square ) timber. The 'rult' lo bo pu on wilh ijooa bMbotantiiil rafters. " Notn fowof thoieiidera of Inn UIK ; wll Und their memories reifreahed . bv such pen pictures , of thei past now prpf > ur'vcd lu th uro i vuulU of iho peoplo'h hourto , Anolho cliiss of readers , who may well prolll by sue1 gllmpbCH of lifty years ago , consist * of'thos wnt. arocomplumiug Lccauso "tunes are low , nnd tbero't , nothing golni ; on. " Th yellow iccoreU provo that the "world d move. " There aru t > ovcn Hebrew mombar uh havu seutb lu the HritUh Ilou-.oof Conmon : ; nml they mo ull related to the Itotusohll family. At Jefferson's recent apprwrarro In Uos ton the box ofraoo rccoipucre C .oOO , prol nbly the largest on record for ciul nlghti performance ! ! ) Tuomng Kelson , tuo recently decimspel Hi mbur h imtiluhor , left f UKI.WK ) fur the erne lion und cjulpmeiu of HOiklnguieu'h cluli und reading , Uvovral Qrwt vrbo lorcd Clsysluud fc K3cjRr ? = - tc-SEL- . ho onomlo.i ho hurt m.iJo , nt the convention ' hat first nominated Mr. Cleveland for pro < dent , I * going to try and ro-ontcr the minis- ry to Mexico. Kx-Secrotnry Hlatno refused to bo Inter- . lowed regarding the result of the prcs dcntlal flection , nnd oven und his telepnono niton out of his house to escape continual ntorruptlon of bis worlc last week. Ouptnlu lllino. whoso death 1ms just been ronortod from Russia , commanded "tho tor- rlblo bittcrv" xvhlch maJo such havoa at So- li.istorol. Tolstoi has immortalized this liiittory in his worlc on the operations In that lego. The Journalistic and literary world of Llormnny has suffered n loss In the death of Otto Untsch , for many year * rdltor- In-chief of the ftxmnm weekly Journal Uober Lnnd und Mecr. Herr Halsch wai sicK oniv short time. Knuto Nelson , lbe govornor-oloot of Mln- ncsotn , wa Dorn In Norway , anel wns six yours old xvhon ho canm to this country Hut ho Is a thoroueh American In his Ideas. Mr. Nelson mndo seventy speeches In bis own state during the recent campilgn. Chris Schilling of St. Louis has made his record by oatlne u gallon of ovstors in ono hour on n hot of 73 cents. Mr. Schilling Is not exactly the sort of man to bo Invited to n euiot | dinner pnrty In a family ' where they do not wont the cook to go upon'striKo. In memory of General Robert 15. Leo two Htnlncel glass window * , mailo In Munich , hnvo been nut Into St. 1'Aul's Kpiscopal church In Richmond. IloUvcon thorn on the wall n brass tablet Is to bo placed In the form of a shield , having on It u crusndrr's cross , the confederate ting , lua Leo coat-ot-arms and an inscription , Augiistin Ualy is a devoted oook e llector. Ho will buy n book at a good nrlco slmnly lo got u picture bo wants , when he has tnki'ti out the picture throw the book away. All the books of his magnificent library nro splondidlv illustrated , and In many Instances the Illustrations cost a U07.011 tunes m much ns the original price of the book. AFTER THE SPOILS. Mrile1 Aiming l.oiiilliii ; DoituipnttK Ornr tlio DUtrlliiitliin ul I'letniimup. "I notice that the Lincoln Journal prob ably at the instance of Its postmaster editor Is endeavoring to stir up n row over the distribution of patronage in this stuto , " said n well known democrat of Lincoln to u Hrr reporter. "It is out In an article saying that Hurwood , Sawyer nnd Watkins will huvo a large voice lu the matter nnd that Mr. Hrvnn will not have n monopoly of It. Of couise , it is to the Journal's Interest to bring on a battle nnd thereby prolong the oftlclnl life of its editor ; out I can toll them they nro reckoning without their host. 1 know It Is the goncral Intention of democrats to con cede Mi1 , tlrynn full swing In his congres sional district , so far as patronage Is concerned. This is especially true with rcgurd to the nostoDlco in his own homo , olllcial courtesy having always con ceded tbnt much to a member of congress. If Dryan's strength alone is not sufllcient to accomplish this end , 1 know hu will Imvo the nctivo co-operation of ( lovemor llo.yd , who 03teoms : the young man highly und did whnl ho could to "aid in his olnclion , and 1 bo- lievp that Governor Hoyd will wield the most potential lullucnco of any democrat so fur ns Nebraska patronage is concerned. "The most likely opposition to BoyU a patronage distributer would bo J. Sterling Morton , who , at tlio Chicago convention eight years ago , did nil in his power to de feat the nomination of U rover Cleveland , nml who used very disrespectful language about him and nppliuu opprobrious epithets to him. His couruo at that tlnm was made known lo Mr. Cleveland by Dr. Miller , who was then editing the nartv orcau and bitterly opposing Morton , It is history that during the four years of his administration Mr. Cleveland studiously ij-norod Morton , von to the extent of denying of- iico to men whei came with Morton's ndorsemut. : At St , Louis four years iatar , vhon Mr. Cleveland was unanimously re- lominnleil , Mr. Merion did not appear upon he lo vote , although a delegate Irom his state ; and ns ho hubdono iioihliig since ) o elcvnte him In the estimation of Mr. jlovehtml personally , or as a lourcsentativu of his parly , I do not fancy that ho will huvo any InlhiRiiuo with the administrative service. The election return ? sealed his fate. le ran Uohtnd every other mat : on the ticket , nnd received n paltry forty-odd thousand otcs barely a llttlo over half the cumber lolled for Uoyd two years before. "With Morton disposed of , there Is ISuclId Martin to consider. Martin was not HI ravor of renominatiug Cleveland ; hei was for Hill , us Is proved by n letter which bei addressed to Mr. Hill , which letter is now in possession of n certain Nebraska democrat nnd can bo had on application , if necessary , to prove the fuet 0 Mr Cleveland. Ills utter incompotoncy is ohnirmnn of the state committee is also .lemonstrntcd by the election returns , while the persistence- ) with wmch ho continues fac tional stnfo nuts him beyond recosrnition. The iimmi'-'ors of the national coinmittco have nl'-o cot it In for Martin IJJLMU C ho re- fusee ! co-operation upon the Uoavor elector ulna unlcs ho was given assurances ( whie'li be did not get ) that he should handle tlio patro'ingo in event of victory. "Tnon there Is Tooo ( Jastor. Tone's nllegl- unco to thu Uurllnston road In politics , coupled , vitn ttio tact that his selection ns mombcrof the national committee was ac complished bv underhand means , Icuvc.s him in bud odor with his party , particularly \vith the young democrats , many of wnoiii are loud in tbeir protoith against any dictation em his pnrt as to who shall hum access to the Hush pots , claiming Castor's luck of intelli gence and ability. "J'hero is Dr. Miller. Ho , too Is. viowoel with suspicion bv the younii democrats , manv of whom attribute to him thei eloal which defeated Ogden and elected C.iator. Dr. Miller e'luims to bo out of politics , but ho la iiielnlgiug in what Mr. Cleveland was wont to call 'pernicious activity.1 I huvo heard it said that Dr. Mil or is ator ! bomotbln. - unvthinu from minister to Knu'lund tn poit- miiteji' ot Omaha. While ho may have bomc- 1 lung to .sav about federal pturonngu , I do not think ho will bu e'Vctivo in co operation with James U Ooyel. It cannot bo gulnsnld that the young elemocracv is the uutivo clement of the parly , and Hoyd Is about thn only ono of llio old leaner * 'who has Ucnt in touch with ttio youriiT men ; as ono of them said to mo the other day : 'lioyd's all right ; ho can tie right nlong with the --year-olds. Wo can Htiinei by liltn uiid will if th ro e'omos any llphtem him from the moisbacK wing of the ) party. ' Hoyd. Inn , has claims upon the administration. Pining Cleveland's llrst term hu was in constant touch wiln the prcsl- eluin , who left to him uiiiioil entirely the dis tribution of the patronauo. lu thu e'ouvcii- lion nl Su Louis hu ucaln headed the delegu- ilon tor Mr. Clevcl'tml , and in the last con vention he , more than any other one. hold the slate delegation topether for Mr. Chivei- hinil. Then In the conduct of the campaign In NohdibUa this year , it was Mr. Hoyd who wns summoned to New York for con sultation with Mr. Clewotaud and Messrs , vVhitnoy , Hnriity nnd Uicklnon , It was to Mr. Uoyd thut Mr. Cleveland looked for tbo eonsumm.uion : of hU wish , that NabrasKa bu tnlioii out of the republican column ; ami while the face of the returns show that the bohome to elect the Weaver eleclors was not n success , they also show that fully 35,1)00 ) democrats were influenced by him to that emu. You may expect to see Mr. Hoyd hav ing the lively support of some very iniluon- tlnl men nmoug the iluniornus'John ; A. Crekliton of Unmliu , for Instance , who contributed f lU.OiK ) to thu democratic earn- palk-n fund ; and Dr. Mlllei- , too , will Und it pluisantcr to cn-opernto with Hoyd than tc lock horns with him. Ami as tor the young democracy , I can iiaino u host who will be right with him , inllncntiil young mou like 1 inland of Mubraska City , \\ulto of I'lutts. moith ) , I'onlo of Tecumseh , Campbell o ! Hubtliu'ii , Corduul of McC'ooir. McDonald ol .N'orlli Plane. Hahlmau and Mabor of Chad , ion , Kittle of hewnrd , UooliUlo of Atkinson , Mummluiicr of NorlMlr , Golden of O'Neill ' , Davis of Columbus , KUIcon of I'Veniont , nol to mention Ogdou , Ualla her , Sheean , Su-ltz ler , Mcllupli ami a scorn of other active ant Inlluentiul young dinnocrats who nro tlreil o tbo battles and old sores of the old loadori and are ready to eloclnro themselves if an other btittlo comes on , " A Naw York paper advocates ponsloniui teachers who have prowu olu iu the service ly the will of David I'routy of Spunoor ai > . . Wollcsley receive * u boeiuoit o SIO.OOO. The total mombcrihlp of Qroek letter so clailrs in the American college ) is estimate ! Bt 177,000. , Ttioro are nine klmlorirarton schools ii Now York city , m whlca nearly 500 ubildrei ccolvo Instrtiotlon. The schools nro main- nlncd by [ , rlvto contributions. The University of Pennsylvania Is to hnva i now dormitory costing tlii.OOO. It Is to bo ho largest In ttio United States. Tw nly-ono women nro rcfflstorcil ns Yale itudcnts In the postgradualn courses , under ho arranpomnnt which this fall threw thcso : onr. < ci open to graduates of any college , re- ; arellcss of sex. Hrown university , Providence , U. I. . Is mo of the first of the American collivos to ; ako steps for representation nt the World's fair both by scientific and educational ex ploits. It Is Intended to send specimens that represent botii the college and the itnto. The chair of apologetics nnd ethics tn I'rlncetor. seminary , inntio vncf.nt by the loath of Dr. Aluon , has been tilled by the Jlertlou of Hov. Dr. William U. Groan of I'Llladolphin. Dr. Oreon graduated from' I'rlncoton university in the class of 'TO , nnd from the theological seminary lu the class of 70. 70.1'bo 1'bo corner stone ot the now homo of the Chicago Historical rocloly wns Inld lost ook. Thoslto is on the corner of Dearborn nvonuo and Ontario streeit. Till ? strticturo will bo in nil re-spoets the finest historical society building In this country. Its total cost , when completed nnd fdlly equipped , will bo JI50.000 , of which fl2UlO has boon provided. Cornell ( la , ) college is belne favored with au unusually | ; oed list of entertainments this scusop. The < Schubert quartet charmed every one ; John DoiVltt Miller's leoturo on "Love , Courtship and Marriage" was full of peed advice anil line honor. " The Whllnoy Moekndco concert nnd ex-Konator Ingnlls' lecture , ns well as 'sovcral other good enter tainments , are yet lo como this term. The Philharmonic society gave n very Interesting und unliiio | ontcrtntnmcnt on the nicht of thnlr annual public. October'JO. In the lat ter part of the natnrlnlnmonl n very pleaslnc chance from the usual program was rondo bv the representation ot the loturn of Colum bus. The nlhlollc spirit ot the school Is showing Itself most forcibly lu foot ball. The gnuio has formed n imrt of the athletics of western colleges but n short time , nnd especially is this true of Cornell , where the "Hucb.v1- game ha , been ployed but llttlo previous to thN fall. Hut with excellent ma terial and under the ttmuagnmciib of mi ex perienced and competent trainer the team made rapid progress. Of the two games played this term the ilrst was won from COP , nntl the second lost to Grlnncll after a hot contest. The Young Men's Christian asso ciation Is at present negotiating for n gym nasium on lilt with which to fit up the largo building on "Ash Park. " IX L.tllUtl'S FU1U ) . The supreme court of Indiana decided that Sunday shnvlug is n luxury , and not n uocos say. say.Chicago Chicago printers nro alarmed at the pros pect ot a gigautio influx of members of the craft Into that city. An ncitatlon is on foot to establish an eight-hour working day for the building trades in Plttsbure , Pn. TheBlriUo of the electrical wlromon for maintenance of union rules remains unsettled. There nro IT.'i mou on strike. There nro now in the United States twon- ty-onu law llrms composed of husbands and wives. Miss S. E. Fuller of Now York city is the first \ \ Oman to raceivoa government contrac- for engraving. She is n practical wooden- graver nnd prepared the first manual of lut structlon in that art. The youngest barber Uuowu to work In a shop is Nellia Wick , nscd 14 , in the Olobo toilet saloon , King's road , Chelsea , London , states au exchange. She recently shaved live men in twelve ml unto s nud ro'celvcd a silver medal for so doing. Ono result of the strike which for nearly a month paralyzed business in Now Orleans is gratifying. Through the efforts of commit tees from the unions and employers , nearly alt the sit ikera will bo taken back , and the question of waxes will Uo submitted to arbi tration. ' A writer in the Annals of the American Academy says : In 1S9J the population of Kssen wus nearly 7,0X ! ) ( ) , and this number in cluded Ki.COO of Krupp's workmen ( with their families , numbering over no.OUO ) . In addition to this , a largo number of the fac tory hands llvo In the workmen's colonies lu tlio suburbs or Essen , nifd nro not , reckoned with the population of the cay , while about ; tMU ( Krupp employes are located nt various branch works. Thn total number of men employed by the ICrupps and affected by their bocial experiments was , according to the census taken in this year , 'J.l.iiO'l : and with their families amounted to b7,30U per sons. .i jfuo\Ticit ! > Krriiifs ni'tiiiTM in JO/vK. Hullo thier. ICurno ! Howdy do ? Olldunrn un' tie yer boss. It's sort < > ' eluviitln' tn my sun I lei inn across Asocial felleraich as you lo's bee , it's nigh u year. Since yemr cood-mitiitod eonntennnco war" noticed around hero , 'onio In iho cabin Katie , hero's the Kiirnul haex i.gln Weiuldii't , : i i.nowud thu llttlo gal ? She war' ania/ln' thin Won lust MIII * eel her , K.irnul now shei's b nuniln' .11 the day. An' Iliu channel uar1 Inoemhl about In u poeil- llur Mirto' way. My little wlfo wnr'slelt , you knenv , the lust tlino you Mooned with us. ' ' eleictors' dnsln' she ' An'hpltuei' kupt glltln' weiss nml wiisa. Au' ei'io tltno I buj-uti te > thlmc unless Ihar' \ \ aile ' cliHir'e. .ir's bu a robust wldenver n monln''round lliu'O. bhe .nt M > thin a stransor'd nilstaUo her fur a Khnst , An' ulways tired an'droopin' tivory doctor un the enlist That o MIIU tn see her dlsaxicud 'heiiil whar' the trembio stooil , An'nut. a uiia oa unu of "em cuulel do her any goeid. Thoday nlTorolast t'hrls'ni'is I war ROln' to HID sioro. An' Katiu hollered lei me. btandln' right tluer' In the ) dour. A sort < > ' half way Jokln' , soi t o' serious t'other haif , Shu'il liaiu- heir stocUm's up that nlsht an' then uo hail a laiuli ! Thu lliein : lil lept eelg n' un mo I conlil have a hi'iepd' bport lly lUlln' 'emltli bomcthln' eif re most rlillL'- Ins sort , An" w'on I re.iclied the sutlleinunt I'd 'bout in.ulci up my mind On pnreh.nlii' thu most outlandish present I ceiuU Ilii'l , I'hei fust thln that I eeiino acrosb war' Minta Clanniemu. . An' up I iillvcel to maUo a e.'lo u Inspection o' the Hamii. An' I'm a 'tarnal oiuluw a elescrvln' ei' the reipo. If ''t umbln/onud em a b'iv con tain In' only bill ) ) ! Now. Uniiwlii'Santa Clans In be tlio boss o1 I'lirK'nmsdiiy , Thlnki I to ha\o Kiime I'nrK'iiKH fun , liero'a | nt th prupur nliiy. An1 Hei I buiiL'lii u do/un chnnl- . . an' hid 'om In a be ) IP O' brush behind the cabin till my Katlo ot ti S IH'P . . Talk iitiout lauRhln , ' ICnrncI ! Why , wo ooth nl-'h had a lit. An' I iiln'l full recovered fnirn tliuRoicnuai ol ll.vit , Won ivutlo vntnoscel eiut ei' bed. her eyes tiblit/.o with bopu. An" femml her bin 'kin's both bulped out witli bpiey sinullni' sni.ip , Wo laiilio. ( . | and lunghud , and laushod aslu und l\atl > said thut I War' lesta'Urnal JuUUh nruto , an' mom enuuKh to die , Hut then she tuU that premip'Iy b-cl ; w'cu hid unhliiU tno eloor , She found the very nicest dro i they hud le 1'urUur'ri store. . I'rom tlintelay shebo un ton endnn"t\yasu'i Inni ; ufnri ) I mitiueil that the ne.try loo'e wu n't ouhei fuco no metre. She Kotaschipiiurus u gal , Josr ll.ioslui usoi te bu llo iin ashi lior ol'-ltnio way of playln' pr.inki em me ) , I couldn't iindorjund the change , till emo emv bhu cunfesscel. That somehow bhn appoaroJ to git a poiv'fu lot o' rest , An * Hulel thut Chrls-'inas gift ei mine had ll ht unod n ( bur work , An' then a big ati'.plclon In rny mind bo.'iin te lurU ! I'd bin a'tarnal , sonsuloa , , lint able fu. to see KlioM worked hcraolf eloiu onto dcutb , 'tliou iiHirmurln' to me ! ThOKCrubblii * an' thu "rashln1 nho had elon day arter elay , War' 'nouBli lo war' the life o' most o' WOII.BI lileim aivuy. An' 1'iu ii-tlilnlcln' ' - I'ruyldvncoliieelpiirty mud tuelu \Vltli that 'ar OhrU'nias JoUe o'mine , at. ' Kurnul , If you know Uf any ullln'weiaiau that's uliout loglyueii hope , AdvUu her fur to try a cuun > o of t'autu Cluu. ' \ ABOUT NEWuTKR BORES Men nml Women Wlioi&ll at tlio Offioa With Talcs of Tiring Trivialities. EXPERIENCES OF THE'ANTE-ROOM ' MAN Thero'n the Anileiiis CinUllietp ' , tlio Swell * IllC t'l'ttj1'nlltlclnii , SIIIn Must I.einUril In , " nml tlio li I'lcnd. It was the ovcnlngof election day. On the street an expectant crowd surged In front of Tin : Hnn building , anxiously walling to gain some reliable information as to the result. Thousands of eyes were upturned in the direction of the canvas upon which the stcreoptlcon from time to tltno flashed the latest returns. Lonthor-lungcd patriots , some filled with enthusiasm * nd some with n dash of spirits , roared themselves hoarse , while others made the nicht hideous with thnlr Incessant tooting of horribly discordant tin horns. The whole population scorned to bo on trie streets and everybody appeared half crnzoel with excitement. Hut up on the sixth floor U was different. Hero wns a busy hive of workers quietly engaged - gaged In comnlllne the facts nnd llguros the public was so eager to learn , tivervthlng was carefully nud methodically arranged so ns to proven t confusion. To each member of the sfeft was assigned some particular duty and in the various rooms of the editor ial department perfect order prevailed. As a result TMK Btr was the first newspaper to appear on the streets with anything like full and accurate election returns. It was deemed prudent to assign to the religious editor the task of answering telephone ) calls , and notwithstanding his many temptations to forgot hit position he came out unscathed. It wus a trying ordcnl ho wont Miroueh us ho not only hael lo attend to the legitimate calls of the puolio for election news but , what wets still more exasperating , ho was kept almost continually at the 'phono contradict ing fake rumors and imaginary results that had been concocted in the ofllco of au alleged newspaper. Ho is a most amlablo nnd longsuffering - suffering individual , but ho wus heard to remark that there is such a thing as riding a frso horse to death. Uohlnd the iron wicket in the nute-room sat n solitary Individual wnoso dutv it waste to see that no nna passed through the iron gate tbalnight. Holt was who all through the long niirht and 'way into the next morning stooel between the nnxioua candidate and the editorial force. It would take two or three issues of this panor to detail all thu schemes devised by outsiders to gain admis sion. Among the most persistent was u candidate on the elnmocratlo ticket who oxhaujted every available nrtltlco to offoot his purpose. After trying , without success , bribery in the shape ol liquid re freshment , ho oven went so far ns to threaten violence , but upon being told that tbo man in charge of the ante-room was perfectly willing to die If necessary nt his post of duty ho concluded to give up the attempt. Ho wns asked why ho diei not go down to the organ of his own party for the Information , but he ropllo-J , wilh evident feelmcs of dis gust , that , it was no good expecting accurate returns there. This sort of thing wns repeated - poatod with more or less variations all through the night. It was astonishing what a number of persons hadIjusinoss of a private nature with the various members of the editorial corps. Some nooplo seem to bo very much offended if they are not at once recognised on enter ing n newspaper oftlco. ' Only a ilav or two nco a shabbily dressed , hut pompous , pnrty called nt the odlco and after mnldiic n bow siild : "You know mo , of course. Nol Well , 1 declare ; that is strange. I tnought nnws- paper men always know , prominent public men. Allow ma to iufosui you , young man , that I am n candidate for the position of as sessor In tbo Uluvonth ward. " ? But It is not only at election times that n luwspapor is besmgod by bores. All the year "round they arc subject to visits from all sorts of people upon every conceivable errand. Probably the most annoymtr visitor Is the : mui who wants to see the editor nnd coolly remarks that having nothing to do he simply wisncs to kill a few hours limo before his ; rain starts and thought ho would just ook in. Many people have an Idea that they must seei the editor-in-chief on the most trivial matters. Not lomr since n well dressed gen tleman called nt the onion and insisted upon beeing the oillior-ln-chiof or the managing editor. On bfinc told that ho wovld havu testate state his business ho said : "Tho fact is I lave mot with n serious accident. As I wns coming down Sixteenth street this morning I stunpnd upon a nail that projected from llio sidewalk und It midu u hole in ny bbno and injured my foot. Now I think It i-t disgraceful that the sidewalks should bo so neglected when wo have highly paid city oniemU , and I want the e'ditor to write a strong editorial on the subject. " Sometimes very funn.7 incidents occur in a newspaper ofllec. About three months ago n man came into the otticenuel wantod'to Insert mi advertisement about n , Has he had lost. While ) ho was talking ho noticed a dog at tached lo the log ol a table , nnd at once saw that , It was his dog. It so happened that one of the boys had found the dog on the street , anel taking n fancy to him had persuaded Iho nnimal to follow him up to the editorial de partment. That day Tin. BEE lost a short ad. und the reporter was minus a dog. In writing up it prize light between a couple of colored men SOIUH time nijo the sporting editor said thut ono of thu pugilists resembled u big black baboon and that the other lookou line a rnanogany colored ourancr oiunng. The next rnornmir ono of Iho holliercrents cnrao urounu to the otilco and exureiseil great Indignation nt the use of these names in describing the principals in the light. Ho was asked which one litte'd him and ho sild ha i-uessod ho was the blauic baboon , 'iml ho proposua to imiko the writer pr'ivn the truth of bis assertion or he would HUO the paper for libel. Some people seem to think that It does not rcejuiro much u In lily to edit a newspaper. L'.iitJuno a furmer called at this olllco and said that ho wanted to got bis boy nn 11 news paper. Ho remarked that hu had tried to u-ot him to Jearn HOIIIO iisoful trade , but it was no use ; he had no brains anel could not learn , nud thuonlv thing he could do wns to write for the paprrs. . Ho was not engaged. Hut of all the Honda that make thu life of a newspaper man at timers un unhappy one is Ih'j exchange llemd. Ho Is sure to put in un appearance ! ; IM duvs out p ( tlm year. In anil out of season ho must ln .utteuded to. If ho cannot gel the paper hS'wants ' ho often bc- citnes insolent and will leski "What Kind of a newspaper uro yep running unvwayi" Sometimes he will asu-Jo ECO some of the most outlandish HOWSOMUUM , such , for In stance , us 1(10 ( Hlcblloftf Uipsnorter , thn Sedallu Hnzoo , the DuaJA-bod Ujspanula , the Texas Terror , the Codliver Courier or the Custoroli Uivnlct , und will ho indigatint if you cannot uccommoilato him with a copv. Then there Is tbo cffarrniiif ; youni- lady who can write poetry uud would accept p.isitlon ns proofreader. " 'When asked if slio is a good suullor she ) wiU very likely reply that she U not , but will ivdd tbatshe would "catch . " boon on. * ' 1 ho p.'opio who want'reo theater passes and circus tickets uro another fruitful source of misery to thu unfortunate nowspupor man. The reasons they give why they ihlnk they uro entitled 10 this favflr ctro frequently veiry ludicrous. Ono roasop rttiU Is often given is that they ore old subscriDeri for tbo paper , Somctimob they will hasu their claim for n frea pass on the fact Urn ) , they have always buokon u good word for the paper. Tlinu UUTO uro the snide piofasslonal peJustrluns and pugilists who want to put up wind forfeits 10 ontrun or whin any man in the world , U Is simply marvelous the number of people ple who tbluK they have the right to request unylhlnL' of a newspaper from a recino for making ink to the loan of n few hundred dni < lars for a short tirno. If but part of thu energy - orgy and Ingenuity expended by these poo. plo was directed Into a proper channel they would , in many cases , beconio the rivals " . - roiurds wealth of Uockefoltor , Gould or Car negie , * - _ AMU. * " nut Tiiti.i i'tiii * . At Boyd's theater this ( Sunday ) evcnlrif "The Stowaway" will cloio It * Onubu on- ( rai'ouicnt tbl $ season. This play U au ox OUID tflcatloa of the old tiayiui ; as to too sur rival of the flitosl. Whether the l < oy to lU lopuUrltv llos mostly In Its thrilling plot , In , ho ipiciidiel effect * or In Its ronlistla racht nnd safe-blowing fonturtys , it would bo inreltotell. In "Tho Stowaway" U a plot ) f rate dramatic force. Tno Chicago-Times speaks of Pcto lUkor In "Chris and Lonn , " which comes to the L'arnam strco' , theater tor four nights , com mencing with Sunday's mntlneo ( today ) as Follows : The llnymnrkot drew its usual packed nddtcnco Sunday evening to SQTI Pcto linker , ono of the most deservedly pop ular of Clcrman alalsct comedians , In his revised version of his well known comedy , "Chris and Lena. " The play Is improved , ' mndo livelier and merrier , bu't without ma terial change In essentials , linker's special good points were recognised with nil the favor accorded him for man v seasons ; his coadjutors nro competent , und the whole performance humorous ns well ns U\oly nud brisk. Mntinco Wednesday. The eminent tragedian , Mr. Thomas XV. Keonc , will be the Thanksgiving attraction at the Uoyd , opnning with tiiatlnoo , when "Morcbaut of X'onlco" will bo prosputoel. Thursday "Othello. " I'ridny nnd Saturday evenings Mr. Kcctiti will appear in n erand scenic production of "Kichord III. " "Klch- clleu" ut Saturday malfeo. Mr. ICocno has been too frequently in this city to require an extended Introduction orconitnendntlun. The elemth of the lite L-\wronco Harreitt , and the announced rctirrmnnt from the stiign of Kel- wln Booth , leave Mr. Kcono the onlv Amer- can representative of the class of plnye'rs who conllrie their tuionts exclusively to the elellncntion of clnsslo tragic roles. Mr. Ktouo Is ns yet u strong man , possessed of till the lire nml vitality of youth , and blessed with a keen , discriminating mind , n broad nnd accurate conception , and n volco nnd physique which ebulliently tit him for thu portrayal of the line ot parts lo which he has devoted his art. Mr. Ivcemn Is this season supported by the best company xvlth which ho has over boon nblo to surrounei blmsolf , nmomj whom are Frank 1 Icning , Kreeleiriclt Pauldmg , Curl Aherndt , Henrietta X'ador , Malda Ctalgan nnei others. Manager XX' . .f. Burgess Is especially for tunate in securing such a strong attraction for the Ifarnniu Street theater three nights , commencing with Thanksgiving matinee , November .M , ns the "Kidnr.pped" company , composed of some of thn Dost people on the road , with beautiful nnd appropriate scenery nnd mechanical effects. The play Is n strong one , nnd tells a story that will touch the hearts of all. Its scones nro laid in Now York city. Among the many realistic effects Is a fire scone , the abduction. In which a coupa and n pair of horses are used , and the great sensation , the oolico patrol wagon , con taining n platoon of police and drawn by a maKiiltlcout spun of horsos. The tiluyls'of contemporaneous human interest , dealing mainly with the mysterious abduction or n beautiful young society lady and the croup of exciting Incidents surrounding her ud- vontures. Matiuoo Saturday. On Monday , November , tno unique or ganization known ns the ) Doilgo Citv Cow boy band will appear at Exposition hall , and It Is promised by the management to present ono of the most attractive and certainly the most novci entertainment of any musical or ganization now traveling. There are cowboys and then thorn are cow bovs anil the public are warned not to con found the OHO with the other. Of the llfty instrumentalists in this noted bnud nearly every ono has lassoed the steer , headed ort a stampede or shot a rlllo ball plum into n bull's ejyo while riding a mustang nt apace to put Nancy Hanks to the Hush ; yet todny they have wholly abandoned such pursuits nnd nil trades , professions , arts and sciences llnd many brilliant exponents among them. If such a thing Is possible , XVondorlnnd nnd the Bijou theater have a moro brilliant line of attractions than over for their patrons this week , opening up us usual tomorrow afternoon. In the specialty department will bo soon that vivacious knock-about soni ; and dance team , Montgomery nnd Williams , in their new nnd novel ideas ; the beautiful Hyan children , in their euchnntinir dances ; Sundoon , the wonderful mind reader , whoso feats of mystic power hnvo startled the world ; Peter Hellstrom , the Swede emi grant , in his Inimitable violin net. Besides all these , there are Frank Davis nnd Mtss Lizzie Gerome , in their ronncd skotchos. mirthlul dialogues , funny saylni-s , songs and dances. A piece do reslstanco is their "Fogg's Expectations. " In the . dramatic line the ; thrilling live-act molouramn , "Tho Convict's Daughter , " will occupy the boards , with all now scenery , beautiful costumes and marvelous stage effects. Truly this Is nu exceptional treat for tno patrons of this popular and favorite cheap playhouse. ( iiMHlli ol the ) Sirnh liernhardl is writing n play. Pnderow.skt will sail for America this week Now Orloms has the only permanent opera In this country. Verdi is now leported to bu writing a new opera on "Don Quixote. " Henry Irving will b gln his American tour at bun Francisco next September. A Now Vorlc. museum has a tug-of-war conlest with girls pulling at the ropes. Saint-aaens has written a now opera "Proserpina , " which will bo produced it Paris. Thco has made a successful reappearance lu Parts In a now opera , "Lo Bnlllai.t Aclililc. " Miss Minnie Galc-Haynes will resume nor stage * work at Now York the day following Christmus. One hundred penniless actors arrived li Nenv York ! one elay recently. They uamo from stranded companies. It is asserted that La Dusc , tbo Italian tragedian , will ba paid SI5JOUl ) for lifty per- lormancos in this country. The New York Casleio was not a brilliant success sis u music hall , and comic opera bus boem restored to its boards. Manager D.lly of Now York has imnrovod on "ru-rn-ra" uy combining the old "nuzlo da/ziu" song nnd elnnco with It. iV Mierosful quartet limning a prolllublo concert tour lu Sweden Is composed of blind singer. * who have u blind conductor. Sol .Smith Hubsell has in hand a now plaV entitled "An American. " Abraham Lincoln will bo the most important ohm-actor in it. Chariei II. Hoytxvns sent to the legislature of Now Hampshire ) in the recent e.-leetioii. Although a democrat ho got n. largo iiidjority In u republican uistriut. Stuari Hobson Is au earnest unbeliever in Christianity , mid , instead of having bib baby ohrUtcnoa by a clergyman , ho hud him sprinkled by Colonel Ingordoll , who recited a quotation Irom Voltalruus part of the cero- rnouv. "Fun on the Bristol" has been rov'ved in Now York , This v/as one of iho pioneers in variety liirce. John F. nhoridau look it to England years ago , llioii to Auslralla , and now comes back to Ame-rlcu with u roil of money to try it again in rovhod form. Miss Mildred Holland , whoso le < ncng ! will ho rome'inberpil by many members of the Omaha AUilutlo club who worn witnesses lo it when bhu wus hero with "Superba , " is now the loading lady in "Paul Kauvar " which Is playing through thu south , MJJS Holland u receiving rnanv fluttering notions from thi ) southern press. At present the company Is in Toxas. ( Jeorgo ( Jrossiulih , a London "ontortalncr , " lateiy came lo Amoiloa He was grudu.elcd ns thu How street reporter ot thu London Times , and was an ciuertamur from hit cradle. Ho was the original or mojt of Gil bert and Sullivan's eccentric uharauten. Hu will give sketches of charantor , sing top ical and "patter" songj , and show his method of amusing too British arUtocrauv lu iheir drawing rooms , The lessees of important theaters in Nt-w York aio carefully discriminate in choosn g entertainments from these thutara current. Actors of minor importance cannot got into these houses unions they have attractive plays. Lily Langtry nud Wilson Barrett arc examples , Neither wis able to offer a now pluy which appealed to the bushier sunnol the rn-anaKors , ana 60 MM. Laujjtry U not coming to this country at all , and Mr , liar- roil bus boon compelled to bu ln bu tour elbo.vlinro than In thu metropolis , Do Kovon has boon accused of utuallng 01 ot hiring some ono ulsd lo write paru ol "Kobin Hood" and "The Fencing Muetcr , " Ho published ttm omphalij denial ; > > I unroby challenuo any persons who claim tc have written uuy part of my operas to come forward und i > uy so , opcnlv and boldly ; unc If they bhull succeed in proving that 1 have not written every imrt of Uu piano utit oixhoiiru score of published oncrai I un ready to turn over to thorn from now on the whole of my royalties arising from tliu pro auction uud publication of said opera * , j Overcoats in full blast A bine and black diagonalwge lining , velvet collar , worth $ S , 5 shades , black , Ian , oxford blue $8.00 and'brawn ; in genuine kerseys * . made and jll as licit as those which sell at $12 , now $ S.oo Heavy auburn nicllons , in black .00 and brown , worth $15.00 , . now $ o.oo vO > o A beaver in two shades , bine and $11 Jill b'.ack , also a kersey same colors , single or double brcastedjlanncl lining , 200 of tlicm , worth as high as $16 , now fiff.oo SPECIAL 4.50 All wool cheviot diagonal , . in duo shades in brown- and gray , at $ 4.50 Ulsters , in any fabric or color extant , from $4 to $30 Columbia Clothing Co. , Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts. am also willing to submit my original score of any or all of those operas to any com petent" musician in pioof that I mvself have written them. It has bcnn said that Hichard tionec , thn will ki.own Viennese ) composer , whoso pupil I hnvo the honor of calling my self , wrote the greater part of the score of liobiri Hooil. ' I am willing to wugur the sum of SIU.OOJ that Mr. Gcnoe did not write or In any way inspire any part of any of my operas , and 1 will engage to obtain Irom him n wriUon statement to that effect. I am also raauv to submit , nt any time , to any test to provo the truth of my staloment. " Actors gn up or down with surprising Hue- tualiims of lortuno. Harry Leo , once a promising Loris with Fanny Davenport in "Fedora , " Is ploying the minor pnrt of un old man In Nat Goodwin's now play , "A Glided Fool. " On the other hand , Adelaide Dctrhon was regarded ns of small account when she went to lineland n few year ? ago , but there bho attained great voauo ns u par lor entertainer , nnd comes back prosperous. How to Keep good fortune when once they hnvo it is a problem with slngu folks. Lotiib C'ollins , now receiving * UI ) a week during her American season , knows- Hint she will requirn bomothing else than "Ta-ra-ra Lonm de-ay" when she returns to Lonelon , else bho will drop back to omowhoro near the wages she used to receive. She is trying hard to discover unothor American sons as peculiar us ttio one which has enriched her already , and which she can extend Into some sort of extravagant achievement. rim newest prlma donna that tins been cn- shrhiRd In Parisian favor p.-Bosses u his tory which would bo romantic outside of the npcra. JSIarlo Deltia is only 21 yours old. Four years ago .sho was ungacod as waitress in n provincial lestnurant. \ \ hen not wait ing on travelers she assisted in the duties of the kitchen , ami in Ihoso intervals Degullod the tedium of eilslrvashlnu Uy singing. Ono afternoon nn impulsive eliner cast tisido his knife anel fork , und rushing into the kitchen embraced thei young woman enthusiastically. The dishwasher wns u virtuous ponon iiiul nol to bo tiillod with. She promptly dropped hersoni : nml her plates at the MUIIU moment , nnd boiling the slrnngor'a beard eulTcd him soundly. Ills ardor biimowhat elampemcd by I his recmilion , thu gentleman explained that there was a fortune In her vole-i1. There upon M.eilu dried her hands and slgeud n contract , with him. The enthusiast look her to Pans , placed her minor good training and has tccontlv Intro.liic.'il her with irreat DUO- CB.SS Into the musical r.-orlJ. Mrs , Peittor recently nave n Washington reporter this bolf-autlsllc-d account of herself , and the pecuniary independence bhei siiealtj of H eloublluss iho kuvnoto to much of the attraction a profnsbionel : carejer has for women. "Hut , you know , 1 have never been n society woman , a genuine society woman. The woman who makes her way in society bv her wits or her lace , or whatever clinrru she has , Isn't a society woman. The toclotv wnman Is thn woman who holds n position In the soe-Hl world ihroiiKli lior family or her fortune or her husband , which doesn't ' depend on any one's favor thu woman who la n power because of whnttthu e-an do In iho way of entertaining , eatliorlnif pjojiloaround her thei woman who can havu a snlon. 1 was novnr such n OHO. I wnnt to Now York un known. My huslKinel'h ' family never Pxi'rted thointulvn ? lo m ilto mu papular in siinoiy or give mo a piauu in it. I had no IIIOIIM to on- tertalri. I could reclto. Mv facu p'n.ised ' , I huppn e ) . I could turnlsh amusomonl and entertainment for society people ) through mv pjiii'hunt for amatuur thoatrlculs. What irieMieU or popularity I won I won myself. Thei woman who makns her way ns 1 had lo imiko mine in bociuiy is " only n social charlatan. My llfn Is a full"nun and 1 am happy. 1 have worlc that Interests me. I lovu U. I am making my own living and urn indcpnndcnl. I needn't en to any one lo beg i i or 5 cents when I want to spend money , und when my money Is bp nl I need nciount for it to no ono but myself. I have seen moreoC the world than I would over have snen had I notgono on thu stage , nnd that lias been u delight and un educa tion that I canr.ot describe. I have friends all around the world genuine friends , in every city I goto who like mo lor my own Buko and who uro conccnlnl. " H.11'IW. Returns from four Mutes show that six ardent IOVUM won bndts by bcttlai ; on Oloyulaud. Acnes Huntlnglon , the prirna donna , and Paul Druuuun Uruvuth , u leading lawyer of Wow YorK city , were mai-ricd at noon Tuesday , Tbo girl that rnarrie * tor mnnov us ally nas a look ou her fauu after marriage thut Indicates that she Is bavlag trouble collect- lug her salary. Ho ( despondently ) Our marriage will Imvo to bei postponed. 1 have lo > t my situa tion uud huvuu't uny income at all. She ) INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM IGtii and Howard Streets , BO Iteieims for I'ntlcntH. OMAHA , NED , 1'or the treatment of Chfonic , Private 1 Nervous Diseases , MALE AND FI'MAMI. Piles , Fistula. Fissure and Sti'ic- tttru ol'tlio Itue'tuni ly oiirc < l witliont the u < , c of Knife , 'I.igatuie or Caustic. Enclosi Ic. In strimps nnd emr 107jiago HOOK em DISI.ASI.S und 1'iirstUjn Illnnks , 111 lie MAIM.I ) l.'lii : ! . . INTIMIXATIONAI. SAMTAItlUM. I'lilh nnd Ilo ar > ! SIR. , Omaliii , KeU W.c MAXWKI.I. . M. I ) . . l'ies. siei.Ho , , 11.1 , m. . . Chnpofu'ily ) That eloesn't matter now , dear. Wei shall not need any ; I've learned how lo trim my awn hats. Mrs. Hunting ( readmu' from n fashion D.rppr ) I'lieni Is no clmngo in poclrotbouks Hit'Ko.isnn. liu'itlnir Thorn hasn't been any In inlno since I rnarricil you. Henry .lo'ics of Iionton , Mo. , cloned wilh his own wlfo. iShu hid been forcibly lukon from him after thu marriage last July nnd e'losoly guarded by her parents. Hut It availed nothing. This is a ( Jliietixtro advertisement : "Tall , cdncaieel , prolessluiial wnlowor ( past middle ) iii-c ) , no ineumbratieu ) , with ninnlo Income anel line suburban home , desires to marry before Chrlxtmnr. " Newly Made Hridn Mamma hays she does not ihinK wo will over iiuurrol as shu and ji.ipa do. ( ironm Never , dearest. Noxvlv Mido ilrieio No ; ho suyr you will bu much easier to manano than papa WIIH. Mrs. Hollows My lira husbanel , sir , was n kind brurtPd man. Ho would novoreluun net that would tend lo rentier nnother un- hii | < pv. Old liellnws ( sncorlngly ) ( Jh , nol Hei eililn'i go dlo and leave ) you to rope mo In , did lief When the Mmilnw of a young iiiun'tj hat Is si-oil for several buccossivo .Sunday nlghUs against the p'irlor cui'li.ln it's proof lio'.s doing verv 'cll , but when the bhaelnw afior- wards disappears In totnl irloom tbo proba bilities uro he's just holding his own. For nt lenst two months after a man Is married hu never uous down the nlslo to his Heat In rliurch without feeling lu the back of hinoi'U thut everybody Is looking at him , AH a mailer of fuel , noriody u paylnu' him itiu loabi attention , I' ; very body is .staring ut thei lirldo. bourn ir.tcro tlng statistics em marriages in Prussia show that the marriage rate has risen from eight eir nine lo hovoiitcen lu the 1OJJ inhabitants durlnc the last yeara ; this rate is us high as thai in Iho "good old iimos" from IblO lo IblH , The avoraco uge of rnairving IIIRII rumalns at the former lU'tiru of li'.i1 ; . In Ibsl It was U'.i , in issi ) S'J 2-5. Mr. ( jeorgo Stewart of Now York aslcod MMM Alills tu bo his wife. Hodiii bo } ust for fun. Wt.un hu l.iiled to como to time fihei buud him , Just for damages , The court in structed thei Jury thai iho law could not dls- tiniiuish botwcnu Jocular proposals and the olhei iitnil. Wherefoio Uiu iwolvo good men decided ( ieorgu ought to pony up about SJ.lKiO for hU little Joke Thu tnarrmi < o of Miss Coraho LivlugHton Ciiirdiilor to Alexander U. Cox of London Drought out colonial fumllK'i of Now York. The bride , u brilliant brunette , were an ux- ejulsito eiroiB of rolnt d'Alencon lace and whlto brocade. It was made with a court tiulu of nrccado which foil over the skirl of while a.UIn udorncd wit li draperies of lace , Hur veil was of rich old polr.i d'Alencon , an heirloom that bus served at several wed * dings In the Gardlnor family. Kho wore a pearl noclclnc.1 , thu ( ; lft of her brother-Ill , law , Mr , Alfred Uox , and u dmmond crescent , ll.ogiltof tt.o groom. Hho carried a Thorloy idiuquet ol turtjo whllo shrysuutbomuia * tied with a narrow whltu shtln ribbon ana kprayed with white obrysuuthsuiutai.