TflF/'OMAtrA TAlLf SUNDAY . 20. 1802-TVVRNTY PAGES. READY FOR THANKSGIVING I it Society Acojpta a Obanco to Show Its I * Swell Clothes at tlio Kitchen EccopUon. DOINGS OF WELL KNOWN OMAHA PEOPLE Happy Hollow IXinni t" tlm Sound f Mil * Ir Krii lnR ou Tlinl Kht Out the r lrVnrl < rr In l-nreo Nnmtier * . Among the various now holidays ihut nro flndlne a permanent place among the "days wo celebrate" no true American should over allow tbo tlmo-honorod fesltval of Thanks giving to lo o Its proper place of prccodsnco above nil others ( always excepting of course thn Racrcil fnast of Christmas ) . Bvory and child should fcol patriots man. woman a peculiar pilde In Hooping up this distinctly American holiday ana celobrullnp it after the manner of our forefatheis by family reunions nnd a liounU-ous and tiospitablo board cov ered with the dear old national dishes , It should bo n point of ronor with us that the children should keep this feusl or omanclimtlon and the now disponiatloi' , no. lluo Iho old Jewish meal of unleavened brcRil , eaten In haste with n fear and droaa or the future , but n repast of pcaco nnd plenty sel Jonn by ihoso poisesslng the land with n tbonufulhcait. And while on tbu subjeetof Thnnksplvlne , partlculnrly dear to Iho Now Knglaiider in whoso dominions the festival originated , n few suggestions may bo pardoned regarding the decorations for the dinner , which should como in the curly iilternoow , so that the chil dren big and Ittllo may bo permuted to como to the feast. It Is not nt all necessary to have expensive hot house Mowers to maitp o really ocautlful arrangement lor u'lbanHs- civlng table. Nothing Is moro dccotnllvo than the fruit * of the earth it cleverly ar ranged , atiu thuy nro particularly apnropnato at such a lime. WDnt llowow there are should bo in keeping with the season ; llio lalo chrysanthemums ara particularly aanpted to this oulumnal dinner , nnd ruddy carrot tops , copper beeches and llamo colorca oait leaves , If obtainable , form u beautiful combination. For a centcrpieco on the table a beautiful group rauy bo mauo with colden ears of corn , tomatoes , crapes , nuts- products of nature of ull sorts. Tinv sheaves of wheat a. cncli pluto , tied with colored ribbon , inako a prcity rcstlue place for the card In dicating tlio occupant of the scat. And with the generous gifls of nature la nil ihelr lux- urv iho tublo may bo maao uplcturo of pleas ing dollpht , a perfect accompaniment to Thanksgiving. Society amused Itsl-lf suDlclontlv during the past , \vccic to nttotid several charming function ? , notable among which was iho Kitchen reception and house warming. Happy Hollow contributed in a sraull degree to the pleasures of ttio weuk , while konslngton ? and card parties fur nished enough of excitement lo keep tbo ( .mart world from dying of ennui. Prospects for the future nro by no moans bright , although it is presumable the swells will attend Iho fool ball puma on Thursday balween the university loams of Nebraska and Iowa. Last , year Nebraska was "not iu n , " but It Is lliought. Ihis year tuny will give the Huwkeyos qulto n lussle. Inanvovonlitwlllbointorcstit.Band ; will un doubted ! vatlraot a big crowd. A masquerade party is planned for iho week and lao assem bly will sborlly give Us initial aance. possi bly Just hoforo the holidays. Miss Dundy hn announced a fancy dross party for 1-ri- day ovonlng , December U , in honor of her sister , MM. Henry Newman , while the Yost- Offutt wetialnion December 22 will sot nil the belle to ringing a morrv tune. Bovond this Uioro is nothfiiL' iu ( tight except the homo coming of the ooys and girls wno are nl college nnd sctninnrv , anil Ihev will set a pace for Iho older people which will bo hard lo follow. From nrcsenl imliciuions it promises lo bo n quiet "pro-Lenlen season , but attorwards well , that's nnothor story. A pessimistic social circle finds that there Is a regular wave of bad manners rushing over certain portions of society nowadays. Youtitr women are brusque aud rough ; young mon are anccrlni : und sarcastic : Ihoso folk who have made mouoy fast und Tool Ihelr bank balance where their brains ought to bo , uro nervous nun touchy uud self-assertive ; these who huvo fallen behind and uro not able to meet tno impulsive charge ol Iho nouveaux riches , are disdain ful nnd unapproachable. A few umiublo nnd well-bred folk ry lo run wilh Iho hare of an noyed oxclubivoness and wilh Iho hounds of aggressive snobbism , and a hard limo Ihoy have of it , a time of alternate heat ixnd fcblvers us outraged trudllion or cool impudence coufrouls their anxious and peace-desiring vision. How can good manners and courtly ways and speeches flourish in Ibis aimospuoro of general up heaval nnd Iconoclastic rampagel What is needed is aolf-cunlrol and i-olt-disciplina. U Is an art , aud u very consummate art , too , lo bo able lo turn nil one's Irionds bust-sldo- foremost , lo display with apparent uncon sciousness the foot thill Miss A has a sweet volco , Mrs. B a generous heart , Mrs. C a faculty ol organization , Miss D a graceful Jlguro , that Mr. 15 is the model hasband , aud young F has the > uost chivultous inanneis ; and In ttio prucllcbof this graceful an comes in the disc'p'mo ' which so irks and nnuoys our selfish nature * . 'Jliu Kitchen Hi i-ritlon. | No moro brilliunt reception has ever boon held in Omaha than the dancing rccoplion given by Mr. und Mis. J , B. Kilchcn Thurs day evening at their new residence on Thirty- second avenue. It was rually in the nntuio of a housu wurmlng lur to many of thoguesis present it was ihuir llrst glimpse Into iho uuuusomesi homo in Omaha , all thingb con sidered. Lxturiorly the residence can tiardly bo placed In any nartictllar school , u.1- thougli from many atiindpoints it mlKhl bo called modurn HuniiaiBsauco If .sucti a thing wcro pojsitiloor purmlbsibio. Thuontrniico lo ibo iouso is ihrough u porch suvcnty-olght feet long , fxlunding 'round ' thu front , four- . icon fool la wmih , 6UiiJrted ] by mono piers and inclosed by artistic wrought iron mil- ItiKS , The hullwuy is directly through llio center wilh diawing room * rJL'hl and loll , the library oil on Ibe souih , dininc room und brouKfasi room. BUCK of the main ball U the stairway hall proper , thb tunding being in front ot a nugnlUceiil inuulul llnishca lo iho coiling. Two small balconies pro ject , over the main halluay from llio second story nud give n very forolifn alrlo llio homo , in lacl qultu auiwativo of Iho Interior of homouf thu Florentinepalaces. Tlio feature of thu house is thu hoigh't ot the hallway , \\lnch reaches to llio top ol the sec- ouU slory , und tlio loculion ol Ihu bacl ( stair- wuy. The parloiuro trvutod richly , ino muntols bolug puiliculuily hnndbomu , Jin- isbod to llio toiling , The draw in f rooms are rich in troaio of neutral tones with bor ders of lighter and more llond Miadrs. Tbo cornices uruul .siuico In Imitation of a rare winch Mr. Kilchun found in his travel : . , Thu Uinlni : loom cornice is par- tlcului'ly beautiful , plunntu liKe mo interior of a Pullman dluing car wilh dcop covea of vouoorod wond. The llropluces which , on Ibis occasion , wcro bankua * , vitli Ihu rarest llowers , lumii , and curyuauluumums , are dlfluront from these In unv other Umaba house , bclngiMiilicl.v rocossi-d.liL'urths und till , and coveil on top , hunnouiuud wilh mugnilt- cent beveled narrow. On the sides of the hounhs uro mcues for btatucs end statuettes , UOWCM tinting tno place of Jluures on Thurada.v niulit , Ttio celling In iho dlnlug room is. nulnted in dull browns nud uul ] nils , the border beliiir a roproduct'.ou ut tbo color * iu a Japunfsu rui ; yUlcli : lies on iho Iloor. The uiuirway u ilnoly liehtod oy a lurgu siaiuod glass win i- dow on the north , muriul in dubign , mo only Btuinod Rlass about the house. Tha cuiliu- g of the ballwuy iu ttiu second ntory is treated with btucco puiiois and oak rlbi. multlni ; uu Indescribably rich nffect. Tuo wrlier , woo ha * been urivilrgud to vlow Iho Interior of many Omaha homes , knows ot no moro BUC- cosafully plunuod dlnlni- room than In Mr. Kitchen's pululial lOilJenco. U is really a perfect room , aud for that matter the whole lower floor is urlUtloally planned , for one may stand In the Imliwuy iuu lusldtt tbu i-n- irancn und look through tuo drawing room on the gouluiuibo dining room und breau- /u t room , a uUtauco ofeigoty-lour foot , ana on * the north see tlio sn'.on ' tbo mantel and all t fin beauties of iho stairway hail. Upon the night I" quoitiou the hou to looked lH > u u section of fairyland , for lunuuiurubla fairy lamps burned ia tbo niches , the alcoves nnd on the mantels , whllo the soft light from myriad lias JcM mada the sccno mcmorablo , n'ncctlon of "Tho House of n Merchant Prince" jet down in Omaha , Ai for iho floral decoration * thuy could not have lifcn curcllcd. 'Iho Itorlst , Mr , Porter saw hU opportunity anil ac cented ttio cuacco with the roult tniit ovcrywhcro ono turned soitig rare nnd bcntillful ilower or plant , mot the g * e. Tbcro wcro nalin * that must liuvo cost n pot of money ( arnca tutcsccns ) , show plants ovcry one , aim thov stood In couimaudlng lilnccsln the hallway. Thuro wain fern In the drawing room ( odUntum farlcyonso ) which has not Its equal In iho country , beautiful as to follnpo and sugcosllvo of the strnndi of some fair maiden's hair. Over the doorways wcro twined long streamers of Iho plumed asparagus which guvo n soil tender ellcct , to the roomi and In the hall Uroplaco stood two evergreens ( aurlcarm oxcelsa ) which carried ono back to our grandfathers' lluio. Tbey were svtnmetrlcnl to a decree , mid relieved by sev eral tall queens of niltumn" the llrepluco was n picture lor an artist. Two rnro orchids hung in tha niches bet > Jon the uin'n ' and stairway halls and were universally ad mired , for the llowor show wasqul\cas \ eorseou * us the moro eluuorato function. ' ) 'ho dining room was exquisitely ilecoritcd , llio tabla being onrichcil bv n largo bowl of I.a Franco roies , with candcla- brn at cither end nnd mult tupers bringing out the beauty of the cut class. Hofrosh- mi-nts weio served In the dining room und the breakfast room adjoining. Uvervwherc there Wire bowls of loses , tinndsoino pri o chrvs.inlhemums and patted piunlaof aiato otiler Until lUo'clock Hans Alocrts' otches- trn auRincnted by The Sunphouy llanjo quartet , plavcd concert music- from the balconr , mid alter that hour Huns Albert's orchcstr.i plavod dance music In the ball room In iho third story , a room in every way in keeping with the rest ol the inbouse bouse . Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen rccived In the nnrth drawing room , assisted by Dr. und Mrs. i : . W. Lee. Mr. and Mr * . J. H. Buchan an and Mrs. Vick ot Now .leriov , xvhllu assisting throughout thu beautiful rooms were .Miss Dovoy , Miss Hooltor , MUs Mar garet Williams , MM. J. C. Cowin , Mrs. II. B. LocKWooil , Mrs. J. M. Molcalf unil Mrs. Boggs. Mrs. Kitchen \\oro n handsome costume of old rose .silit and jot wit a black luco over dress , the gown being further heightened by the diamonds worn bv the hostess. Mrs. Leo appoiircd in pink chiffon made Ktiiplro style wnb largo sash , pink carnations about the neck and In tlm dark hair of this distinguished looktne woman. Mrs. Buchanan worn an olive creen costume - tumo trimmed with urcen velvet , wuilo Mrs. Vlclt graced a whitu crepe , entnilno. Miss Doivcy was hatidioino In the gown she locentiy were nt the Orchard-Wymuti wcddlne , a icllow oinbroitlurod lalTota , the sleeves vcrv full and high , wilh a footing of chrysanthemums and she carried an immense bouquet of iho Mikado's favorllo flowers. Mus Hoolccr also wore her bridesmaid's pown of tiinl : embroidered tattota and carried pink chrysanthemums. Miss Williams , one of the sweetest of our sociotv girls , worj a smart gown ol gr.iv silk with black velvet bows and black lace. Mrs. II. II , Lockuooa were an u.squisito yellow crepe cottuiuo trimmurt with black velvet. Mrs. , f. M. Motcalf looked a veritable "Held of Iho cloth of gold" in a magnificently cinhrolduied gold cosmmo with pearl passe- inonterlo. MMJcorgo Boggs were n Beers gown which atlraoted great altonllon , Imviuga brn- cadott from in creoti and tan with shot effect , the vest front having u JacUctliko effect , be- iugiD gold nut , full rovois extending over Iho shoulder * . Mrs. Dan Wheeler were a pretty blue and gold combination with a jacket madn Kmplro stylo. MM. Cud any traced ono of ilia handsomest crowns seen nt a swell function this.soaion , a Fell1 ; costume of blame and wnlto wilh small graduated strides , lane and jet effect ively used in trimmings. Mm. Comnnl , u niagniiicont imported gown , ashes of roses in color with beautiful velvet sleeves. Mrs. Chine , rod crepe made bouffant. MM. Sclu Dundy were n dainty whlto am yellow strined bilk , yellow satin bash and chiffon rufllus. Miss Duudy were pinu chiffon with jot Birdie. Mrs. L-icoy graced a palo blue satin and pale blue brocade ; diamonds. Mr . Itcdlek , black and red sillf , with of- ' fcctlvo jot pnsscmcnlcrlo. Mtss liJnn Cowin was in ptnk crepe. Miss McC'oriulclc were a gown of nalo blue brocadelarco sleeves. Mrs. Fraim Halter , an Kmpiro gown of yellow silk and lace. Mjs.s .Mattio Sharp wns In black laca. Mrs. N. li. Hubbartl also were n protly costuir.o of blcick lace , while Mrs. William KlcMtuiid upboarcd in n niagniiicont costume of heavy gray silk , wide biueves , a glrdlu of green velvet , wilh pink about the nock und down thu fiout of the bodice. Among these expected were : Mr. nnd MM. A J. llanscom. Colonel Hooker , Miss Hooker , Mr. and Mrs. ( ieorgo Crosov , MUs Dewey , Mr. and Mrs. liulnli " Kitchen. Mr. ana Mrs , Jo Barker , "Mr. and Mrs. Ifobort ItitiKwnlt , Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Corulsb , Mr. anu Mrs. J. M. Motcnlf , Dr. and Mis. Hanchett , Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dickinson , Mr. and Mr * . T. M. Orr , Colonel Clmso , Mr und Mrs. C. C. Clmso , Miss But- lorMuld , Judce anu Mrs. Irvine , Judge and Mrs. Duudy , Misa Duudv , Airs. H. New man. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Drake. Mr. und Mrs. 1C. C. Morehousi , Mr. and MM. C. K. Coutni.t. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hamilton , Miss Hamilton , Mr. Frank Hiitmllon , Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wheeler , jr , Dr. and Mrs. Lee , Mr. anil Mrs. ( ieorgo Bo-'gj , Mr. anil Mrs. C. J. Cireuno , Uencral nnu Mrs. liawloy , iho Misses Hawley , Mr. und Mrs. W. F. Allen , Mr. and Mrs. CJeoruo L. Pritchett , Mr. nud Mrs. W. H. McCord , Mr. and MM. B. B. Wood , Mr. unJ Mrs. U. V. Morse , Mr. nnu MM. ( ieorgo Llninger , Mr. and Mr. ' . ( Jeorgo B. Lalte , Mr. and Mis. K. L Lomax , Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sharp , Miss Jua Sharp , Colonel and MM. Sheridan , Mr. and MM. Adolph Movur , Mr. aud Mrs.V. . Lvlo Dickny , Mr. and Airs. W. A Paxton , Mr. and Mis. 1'Yai.kColpoUor , Mr. aud MM. U. C Cuslii'itf , Mr. and Mrs. J. J. 13rown , Mus Broivli , Miss ( . 'unnalor , Mr. and MM , J , N , H , Patrli'it. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mo Whorter. Mr. and Mrs. Jloraco li. Burl , Judge Charles Ogdcn , Miss Ogden , Mi s Aminoll , Mr. and Mrs. .1. 11. Buchanan , Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Unyuiond , Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Cat-tor , Mr. uud Mrs Chris Hartman , Miss Hartmau , Mr. and Mrs. Ocoruo I. Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs , K. L. Uiorbowor. Mr. mid Mrs. C. 10. Fara , Mr. and MM. II. W , Yaliu , Mr , aud Mrs. ia. : Peck. Miss Vatw. Miss Ilessio Vale * , Mr , and MM. Help Dundy , Mr und MM. K-l Cuduliy , Mr. und MM. Warren Ho era , Mr. and Mi-b , ticorgo Kelly , Mr. anil Mrs. C. N. DietMr. . aim Mrs' Thomas Hxvobo , Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Itoaowater , Mr. and MM. Alvin Saiindors , Mr. Cnarlos Suundera , Mr , and Mrs. 1'Vnnk ' Johnson , Mr. and Mrs. Sum- nol Burns , Mus Burn" , Mr. nnd Mrs. Bon i Smith , Dr. and Mrs. J onsen. Muss Piatt , the ) Mlssca MfCorunck. Messrs , Hartlotl Kich- nrds of Claulron. Art ( iuioulll Dnano , Plerro ( iarneau , W. B. Covvhord , mayor of Kansas Citv. Henry Wyman , Milton Barlow , Luther Drake , Al Patriot : , Charles Uilson , Dick Berlin , Culdwoll Hamilton , Clifford Smith , ( ioorgo Voss , Mil ion Darling , Cur'is Turner , Mr. and Mrs. Henry U. Lookwood , Mr. and Mrs. Cliarlo * Turner , Miss Turner. AliiHin nl : | | ) Iliilliiii. To meet Mr. and MM. Jumos Ulco of Tubtm , Cat , Mr. and Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick liirlli'd a few people tn Happy Hollow Mon day evenliif , ' . and i > er conscqucnci' a most delighlful nuuicul ovonlng was hud by ina foriutmto tow. MM. liico has a boaatiful 1 1o Hoprano vico. line in tnnbru and boll-llko iu qnalily , winch sliu displayed to Uu inor- ough cnjoymoni of llu guusis. Tnen Mr. Hico , wliu is also a clever nmateuroa llio violin lin us well as a liMl-rutu siupor , gavn Hevurul vocul und iiibirumontul numbers. Thuro worn solos by Mrs. J. W. Cotton , MUs Mary Popplutoii and MUs Bishop , und a humorous recitation or two bv MM. Maihaion Ho- frckhmoiits wera served In iho dining room und broaufas ; room and were delicious , Ilk * all thu service ut this typical country houso. The BUOsU prnscnt were Mrs. Hoy. ' nolds , u guest of Mr , William Wu' | . lau , Mrs. Clmrlca fiardiier , Miss Doolittlo , MUi Jackson , Mibs Mary Popplo- eton , MiiH Yost , Seoulor aud MM. Mandor. sou , uucbis at lua Put ricks ; Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Morse , Or. und Mrs. Victor Coffman , Mr. uud MM. Ueurgu Prlicheit , Mr. and Mrs. \ \ llliiuu Wullaca and Miss Wallace , the Misses Smith , Mrs. Cotton , Mr , und MM , John Wilbur , Mr. and MM. Henry ( Jalea , UMr. . aud MM , Joseph Bartter , MM. Cowin , Mr. aud MM. U M. Bennett , JuJgo and MM. Irvine. Mr. Kstubrook , Mrs. McCormick ol Salt Lake , Mr , nud Mrs. Vmtor Ualdwcll. MUs Kouuuo and her guest , Miss Mi-Cluro , Miss Douno , Mrs. Brooke. Capialn and MM. Ayorn , Mr. ud Mrs , Lewis Heed , Mr. 'jOarnoiJ , Mr. Offiilt , Mr. I'narlM ICouctzo , Mr Unnuott , Mr. J v Urown. Mr. und Mrs. Thane * Hull , Mr Will Doftnp , Mr. KU 1'ecl' . Mr. Prank Hamilton. Illeli Srhiiol J .IIIOM MiikM Sin ry. The rla s of 'W , Omiha High school , ? ave ts flr t rcccntlon Friday evening and scored ft tig tucccss everybody having n jolly time , notwithstanding that there wcro a goodly lumber of toachcra nnd tmrents present lo see ' .hat their chirgcs did not become too illations. Previous to ttio untieing there were UU''tK , piano solos , panto * nltnes , tnblnntix nnd everything thnt pori to innko nil Ideal class re- conUon. Hpfreshiucnts wcro sarvcil > n the third Iloor , whcro also could Do had ots of lomonadii just for the asking. The success of the evcninp waslnrgolv duo o the reception committee , Fred Van Horn , Gilbert M. Prntt , Clara M. Uood , Ueorglana Pjrk and Ada M. Stono. The following wora among these present : Misses C.irno Alt him , Solcna Hums , Alice M. Urnlg , Hettv Delsraff , .loiinlc Donaldson , ICiva M. Fisher , Nililo O. French , Lucinda \V. tiamblo , Selma K. Hclnulst , Abblo H. Hodgotts. Katlo Humphrey , Kminn F. Lovl , A led 11 M , Ior ing , Louisa Matlbowsnu , Ceortlna M. P.irk , Kll7.ibcth 10. Phillips , Mary H. Robinson , Marlon Sclilbsbv , Kilnn K. Thane , Clarissa M.Vllliclmy. . Mav Wyman , tlraco II. Mortv Viola Burns , Klolsu Clark , Helena D.ihl- strom , lili/.ihetli Dempsey , Hcsslo Dunn , Clam Kilholm , JciuiettoGrcgc , Mabel Hell- man , Jonnlo llultinan , Uo < mu Lciiniug , ( ii'orgtn Lindsay , Anos Mtldiv , Annlo B. Muver , Fiorenco L. P.irmcr , Marie Price , Clara M. Hood. Kdtth ( ! . .Schwartz , .losstol. Thane , hlbabeth J. Will , Adu M. Slono , Mcsi9 | .liiku Abrntus Hort Duller , Herbert Dunn , line Shine ; Hobble , Herbert W. Hop per , Frank M. McCuiio. Harrison Oury , Oil- bert Pratt , William F. Search , Fred Vun Horn , Otis G. Whinple. Lorenzo Hoans , .lohn V , Cortelvou , Ueorgo Uilbort , Allan Hopkins. James L. HoustonHenry MeiiRcnu- iloht , August 1'otorson , Frank T. Kiloy , .f. \V Irt Thompson. Will 13. U'olshans , Hussol J. Wilbur. TlioSliurp Curil Party. In honor of Mrs. Henry Newman nnd Aliss Uiirrlo Chambers ol Jacksonville , Mo. , Miss Sharp nnd Mis' * Ida Sharp gave n card party oti U'odnosany from 'J until 0 that was ouo of the vurv pleasant events of the week. Among our social entertainers tlm Misses Sharp stand very high , nnd n function nt their pleasant tome ou Uonglus street is alwuys t > uro of bringing out tbo loaders of our social Uro. High llvo wns played and llio cnjoyitbio foaluro of llio afternoon was the winning of the lirst pri/.o , n cut glass bon bon ilish , bv Mrs. Newman. The second prize , a picture * fraino witli Prosldent-clLvt Clovehinit's picture therein , was won by Miss Pink Halcho. It was really a Cleveland party , for the Misses Sharp are nrdout democrats , and thov thought no moro appropriate time could bo had to colobrolo iho late victory than ou this occasion. And so the house "was decor ated with red , whlto uiitl blue bunting from top to bottom and Cleveland pictures were ovcry wherodlsplaved. FIap were presented to the ladies as limy progressed and by Iho time iho game was over ihe women scorned to bo transformed into starry emblems of the nation. Thora were luirtv-six ladies present , who thoroughly onjovod the nlternooti und the refreshments which were served ns an intermezzo. H/.vr / ; ivjriiii /jfon ( ( ( / lltt .Yew I'arJ ; Herald. A HOI-SI : imr.s4. Princosso gown in rose colored silk ar ranged on Iho bias wilh black stripes. ChomiscUo of rose colored lullo wilh black spots. Bolt of black velvet. Ko.val . .rcMiiitin Illc'i ' ! ) I'ai'ty. Union Pacilic couiu-ll l.OOit , at tlicir hall ir Tin : CKE building , gave the second of their .series of monthly socials on Wednesday ovctiiug , Novoinbjr 1(5. ( It was such on ovcul as this council Is noted for. All member bor * of Iho council and Utotr ladies are Iu vltod to those socials anil they atlcnd in such nutnoors us to leave no doubtln iho minds ol Iho entertainment coinmittco as lo Iho royal good time had al all parllos by the attending inonbers. : I'hTu were nrebcnt : Mr. and Mrs. Jour Sheldon , A. P. Connor , A. P. Brink , J < \ L tirogory , C. B. Ciodno.v , C. S. Potter , J. J. Bliss. W. P. Uavis , M. C. ICtdder. H. C Boughman. A. .1. Vlorlinir. Dr. W. V. Mil roy. Dr. J. M. Borglum , U. H. Alc-Kclvy , E B. McCJilton , C. A. Fjwlsr , H. Salisburv. ( Jeorge B. Uriswold , W. K. Cnuler , I. O. Ithondes , C. D. Sutphen. 13. C. Snyder , William CSygcr , M.Cook , Alosduinos Notson , JolilTo und Dybali ; Misses Ximmcrinan , Pick ering , Stork , Livusoy ; MISS.-TS William Oil- lor , II. A Slimier , L. O , Camnron. Dr. .lall- inps , L. A. Stork , U , W. Dyuall , CJoorgo Dvhall and Thomas Wllsnn. Pn/cs worn won by Mrs. McCjilton anil Hurry Salisbury. An elegant lunch was served from their very complete culinary ac- partmcnt. In llonnrol .MintVolcli , For Miss Welch of St , Piiil , the gueil of Miss Hurtmau , Miss Lou Johnson gave a high fivu party Tuesday from a until ( ! that , was very enjoyable nnd very elaborate. The house , Twjuty-foarth and F.irnam , was gaily decKCil with chrvsanlhoinums.urosos and ferns , und Iho ten tables devoted to the players were surrounded by iho brightest , stnurtost young women of iho town. The llrst pri/.e , a box or candy , was won by Miss Welch , whila the becond prl/.c , a hand-painted pinto , was captured l.y Miss Polack. Tno. third prize , a Russia leather photograph fuse , was taken by Mlsj Djtwcilcr. Among the gtie-sts wnro : Misses Fitch , Hurtmau , Polack. Dolly Pol.ick , Alice Chambers , ( JoorKlo Sii.irp , Parker , Alioo P.irkor , Cjraco Hudson , < ? | im Marshall , Marr Uuryca , Helen Smith , Mnbol Pr.ut , Margaret Cook. Mnmio Moore. Nolllo Alooro , Llvofoy , Pnrrotie , Nuillo Bnum , I\luy Williams , Crauj Sluughter. Taium , .Mrs. Barnard , MM. Millur , Mr.-i. > \lbnrtCahn , MM. Chiirles Dean. MM. Walter Williams. Mrs. Davenport , Mrs. Harry McCormick. A I'rrlljDiiinir. . Mr. and Mis Wnrron Swli/ler commemo- rated the tenth aimtvarsur.v of tholrmnr- rluco last Tuesday evening by giving an elaborate and well appointed dinner. The table was profusely decked with trailing biuilav and huge clubters of La Franco roses. Overall of this hung an immense brass bell , n present at tuo ori'iual wedding , which was literally ( incased in roses and from * , - , hlch depended the delicate tendrils of the smilax to the corners of thg table , Tlio menu , which cotmlsteil of bovoti courses , was gracefully and delightfully served , a couple of club waiters deftly attending to the wants of the guests , who weio amonc the ormlual KU03tn for whom tills occasion as exclusively designed. Tbev uoro as s : Dr. and MM. Gordon , Mr. and Mrs. Perrlno , Colonel and Mrs. Bird , MUs Kennedy. ft uud Mrs. Donne , MM. Mereuiih. Mr. ami MM. Powell and Mr. aud Mrs. W. F. Our. ley. Tint Olllef 1'lu.r * 1'itriU , Wednesday evening Mr. and MM. tioave.i govo a very delightful card parly at iboli residence , 1514 North Twonty-sucond street ut.ns The ilMt prize , a cluster of carnation ? patutod by Mrs. Saavny , wai won by MM , Bender , while the second prize , a faucj card painting , was won by Mrs. Lavender lCufn3.ibn.onts were served at 11 o'clocK. or.M. Toose in aiteuduuco were : Mrt , W. M ThrccUraorlor. f"uraml LaKo.CoIo. } Cap tain nnd Mrs Reynolds and Misi Beebo of Florence , Dr. mid Mrs. It. At Stone , Mis * Sfldlo Stone , Mlsi LoltnStono , Mr. nnd Mr * . .1 , It. Doolev , Mr nnd Mrs. Georso M. Wrtaht , Mr. nnd MM. W. 1 Klerslcad. Mr , nnd MM , William ( Ivcor , Mr , nnu Mrs. V. Bsndor , Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Lavender , Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Moorp.o , Mr. nnd Mr * . J F , Ilvmi. Mr. nnil Mrs. Noel Abbott , Mr. and Mrs. iarl S-nith , Max Meyer , Mr. Chnrles S , McConncll , Mi Ctilllu McConnell , Lulu IATS ! and Mr C. M. Doolov. Mr * ) , lliitilmril anil Mr * . .Vitntrii llutnrlnlii , Mrs. N. B. Uutibnnl , jr. , nnd MM. Captain Wordon gave ono of the prettiest high llvo parlies of the season Wednesday at their residence , 'JiOS Doyrlas street. . There were ten tables occupleilthrouRliout the afternoon and on the conclusion of the gnmo beautiful and unique prlres were awarded to Mrs , Johns " ' - - - * - - - - . -s , Churchill Parkerand Mrs. SJrson. Tnen refro. < timent wcro served , the following * bc'.nc ' p'csent : MM. John Baldwin of Council BliifTs , Mrs. .fplm Barker , Mr . Churchill Parker , Mrs. \ \ . Wnuolov. Mrs. J. N. H. Pnlni'k , Mrs. Wesii'l U'eitDlialthir. Mrs. li. Kollov. Mrs. iVllliain Spencer , MM. William Wrish' , ilrs. II. B. HnMnn , MM. Marvin Porter , ilrs. F. T. Van Liew. Mrs. J. K. Waring. Irs. 11. W. Wood , Mrs. 13. L. .ornox , Mrs. I3rnest Rlall , Airs , 'uislur. Miss Klnslur , Mis' . Bacho. Mian Haitrudc , Miss Oscood , MM. Bonjamiu lallnghcr. Madame N. M. llnblmrilof Cedar iapids , In , Mr' . MiCiaskoll , MM. tJeorfiO .mlto , Mrs. Cunrlus Dauol , Mr . ( ioorco Joegs , Mrs. R. C. .Ionian , Mrs. Honrv O-- ood. Mrs. Wllliani Louden , Mr . JIIIIIIM illmoro , Mi-s. F.V. . Wossells , MM. T. itnnton , MM. M. Western , Mrs. J. Htioh , nnn , Mrs. David Bnum , Mrs. J. A. Tom- ileloii , Friday evening Mrs. Hubbard and Mrs IVorden followed their card party of Wodne-- luv with nu "auction" pirty , nnd a jolly lot if tun ivas Bottun out of Ili9 gnmo. which , al- hough old , is now again. All tlio playoM given a certaiti number of chilis , ui.d ng seated ut long tables the auctioneer .nkos out of a pack of cards two or moro : ards , which nro concealed. Then ho Olfurs .ho rcsl of the cards for sale uud knocks bom down , Iu real uuciionccr style , to tlio ilghost bidder From nnothor pack ho calls ho curds , nnd Ihosu holding the cards indi cted throw lliotu to the center. At last ) iilv two cards remain and the holders of .ho'jo cards rnko In the pot. It Is very amusing and wns greatly injovcd Friday night. Among tlioio iresonl were Mrs. Brooke , Mr. and Mrs JiiUahy , Mr * . It. C. C'ushing , Colono and Mrs. Panto , Captain Km/if. Mus Kia/le. Lluulonuiit and Mrs. Webster , Mr. md Mrs. H. O. Hurt , the Misses .innlnv , Mn. Lomax , MM. Uiniles Dauol. " Mr. and Mrs Rutikln. M Jor md Mrs. Worth. Miss Waring , Miss hmlly iVakoiov , Mr. Will Walteloy. Mrs. Captain Avers. Mrs. llutlor , Dr. nud Mrs. Uache , M'iss Bnchc , Mr. nnd MM Victor Bender , Miss Caldwell and Colonel Hughes. Mrx. rbstev'it KOIIBIIII- ! ' Mrs. John L. Webster cave u Ijonsiiipton n Friday which iho guests pronounce ono of Lho most Euccosstul of Iho season. Tnoro ivoro lots ol llowors used in the decoration * and the refreshments wove delicious. Mrs. Webster is a taclful hostess ana brought to gether a host of well known social Ughtb in pleasant converse. These presout were : Mr-sdamoj Cainermo Powell , lion "ar rows. It. C. .Ionian. W. J. Council , W. . . Jlrostcli , 11. J. Clarkson.V. . W. Wallace , J. H. Millurd , MlbsMlllurd. Mesdiimos bajago , Georso I. Gilbert , Wood , \Vill Hedlck , L. . . i- . Yost , John U. l > rooko , J. N. Cornish , Mar garet Bnrkalow , L. M. Uonnett , C. H. I. ' " - nor , G. M. Hitchcock , George B. Luke , Jam cs McKcnna , C. E. Squires , Will Morris. " W. Vatcs , A. J. Hnnscom , Georco K. I'ntoU- ott , W. A. Paxton. , T. J. Dlckoy , 12. Wakelny Miss Wakoloy , Mesdames A. C. Vowel' ' . G.V. . Doatu , Charles Keller. F. H. Davis * .T. N. H. Patrick , S. D. Barlialow , J. C. Denise , Joseph Barker , Lyman Richardson- Georco Barker , Josooh Barton. Oeorg * Stebbins , Frank TVllllsDatieb , Elmer " Uiindv , Bon Wood , , C. 1C. Coutant , G. , S- Linln'ger , M. T. Patrick. O. F. MandoMon'v llio l' < 'llllUHlli | > dill , . Last Sunday ovcnii.g nl ttio residence of Mr. Abram Kulish , Wo lirat cnturtalumont ot tbu Fellowship club was held , iho follow ing proirrim being rendered * Oponlng address by the picslilciit . , . - . Mr. Aim II inks „ | ! lal."Vi ' > 0 Miss Annlo Knlisli KoL-lliitlon. . . Mr. n. HurnsU-li DiiofJ " ' ; " 'orlno Mr. Abu Itnul.- ' ' 'I" ' ' " Mr. llnrrvOiel , , , nnloet ri'.idlns Mr. AlirinriCa'L-,1 ' ' I'ianuMilo MIssTuii'ba IIair Oration. . . Mr. N. llarn f Mi. A Haul , Qnartutto-f : , Mr X. 11 nr I .Mr. II. lloinslulu . I Mr. 11 ( illel ; I'lnnosnlo Ml , Klt.i Kallsli \unal i' ' > l" Mr. .M. Kiurmnn Mr. Ali-x Goldsloinmouon.short add ixss on Iho no ro question , which closed the lilorarv part ol Iho program , aflur which refresh ments wciu served. Till ) Alltl-SluilK dull. The members of the Anll-SUng club were entertained in a novel way Saturday after noon , November R , at the home of Miss 13. L. Wilulns , 'Jll'J Grant stroot. The occasion was an old-fashioued "qulltin' bee > , " tno guests being requested to quilt tbolr names on the nutogrnpli aullt. A right merry limo uua hud until -'airly candlelight , " vvuon sup per wns announced. Cards occupied the ri- ! innlndcr of the ovunlng. Tuoio present wore : Efllo Moxhnra , Klttio Itubsull , Lulu Willard , Lulu Thompson , NullioVebbor , Mabel Loivls , Sidoulo King , Bortliu Mutisileld , Clara Thomas , Tessio kio. Saturday evening a merry party of bright lllilo , ; irls assembled in masqnoiMda nt Iho homo of Mary Barker. A most enjoyable ovcninq < "as spent , anu Iboso present and llio charnclBM each roprcsonlod were as fol lows : Munro Tnvlor. Dnllvrarden ; Craco Taylor , Lllilo Hod Hiding Hood : Ada KtrkoniJall. court lady ; Bcbslo Brady , Lntlo Lord ruutuloroy ; Olga Sidles , Mar guerite ; Darlene Coo , Alepblstoiiholcu ; Moua Martin , Widow Watuins ; M-ibul Carter , Little Boy Blue ; Leila Carter , Arab maiden ; Lcono and Frankie 1'jllor , runs ; Agues Lund , winter ; Kato PaMcIl , Tilly Slowboys ; Blnncho Miller , Normandy girl ; Failh Potter , qunlc- orcss or Friend Hulh : Pnoobo Smith , musi cian : lOmlly MeKall , Oscar Wildu ; Mary Burkor , Topsy ; ( leorgio Barker , African child ; Joseph Barker , an Indian ; Carrlo Oa- born , llowor girl ; MM. Barker , "roso in bloom ; " Am. " Barker , "ati original belli * . " Thn Jolly Sixteen had nno of their d > ful card partli.'s til Iho homo of Miss Faiinlo Fruehauf , on South Twentieth , last Wednes day evening. Kulrcshmonts wcro served und iho prizes wqro rcceivod by Mr. lion- i Ingcr and Miss TfuiSv Jahn at iho close of the contest. These who enjoyed and took part , in the pleasures of the evening were Motsrs. Hoag , Hennin cr , L. and M. Ituich- unberg , ( ironiouch , Fruehauf , 1'iisrh , Milido aid tbu Mlsbos Putqrspn , Clara Jnhn , Tracy Jiilin. Tehbins. Harte.fVuothilch | , Fauny Fruehauf and Luov irruohauf. ( il-fllt SlIC'lllI IllllllVlllllllUlllllllt KVflll. The Bon Hur eniertnlumont to bo given by the society pcoplo of pir.ulm nt iho Boyd on Monday , Tuesday and Wodnesduy evnn inuii of this 'Wuflk w inoue ouo respect a ndVol experiment. Iu ail previous amateur performances given hero tha sconcry and costumus were home made und iho munagoM were moro or loss mixed up with tno churaoters , but for lion- Hur tUero will bo ten professional directors anil an enllro car loud of special si-enery. The hlstrloi.lo ability Intonl in Omaha's plain , ordinary cilirons will ihorofora DO en- banco : ! by uu appropriate setting and will be oen at its best. - The wealth and fashion , talent find beauty of tbo city will nrrav themselves in the slrik < Inc costumes of a.OOO years ago uud portray the crufl and cunnlntr , iho pure modosiy , the stubborn fortitude , the oarnubl faith and the r strong affuutlon so vlvldlv dcscrlbon In tin . rhuructora of General Wulluco'u f > rout book , Tbu cravor-jceoes will bo cnllvonod will quaint steps and oriental dunces , stulclj , inurchos and'drllU and beautiful psntun.inos Statuary roprosenllue early conception o ; . art , gods nnd godebsies of Ideal beauty will be porionutod tiy well Unovvt . youu ? ladles under the charge of Mrs. D , H , AT Stoves Ranges Made in over 1,000 styles and sizss. REMEMBER : Thtil fie Ai'On Unsu Murnors were iho llrst Ventilators ovofioltl In Oiiitiliniititl are imtontcd. Do not buy a I'hoiij ) iniltaUoii. The Acorn will siivo .MMI U."i per cotit In fuel. Over llvo hiintlfod tinuniiUs ) from Omti- hn usura. ' V The \roriiOak. airtight larao : islipn. no \ \ ill hold lire lunrs wiHi scift i-nM. e TIIim : 24Q7 Ginning Street , TIU : im- SOLE AQENT FOR Acorn" Stoves and Ranges Lily" and "Lincoln" Steel Ranges. 1 RI3ES LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. BUT THE 1ST THE BEST CITY. WII/L IN BE PRICE GET ONE. Made for They are the WINTER. And cost less FOR LADIES than any or GENTS. OMAHA RUBBER GO. , 1520core Street ] &j 'tiy//m.-'tf&'F' < f - " i ! > / . - ' f"i. . . ( olorlts in iiltutuliinco. ] 5i'iiifr tliit , nil , to jrot spucinl pi-Icos. U heeler , jr. Tbo spectator will iccall Byron's lincb : "I'vo si-oil moro living beauty , ripe and Than ail the nonsense of their btono Ideal. " A number of boxes have alieadv bo sold and a largo house i.s anticipated the open ing porforuianco. ( Vlrliriitcil Her Illrllulny. Irene 'J'enmlar oolonralod her eighth birth day yesterday bv inviting u number of her young frlouds to oharoiiih her tha pleas ures of the day. The house , lOl.'iSouth Nino- leoalb slreot. was crowded with little people , and excellent muslo and delicious refresh ments quilo captivated the guests , who wore ; Mlshoi Bosslo Burwiok , Anna Mabannn , Emma David , AnnaDumond , Delia La Flour , iJllB Kortsig , Laura ( jiinsaul , Besslu Scar borough , Mary Crousc , Mortio Wcarno , Lulu Sbafl'er , tirade WilUlo. Oracle Wolshans , Jennie Bergnor , Kllu Boi-Riier , Tilda Hall , LtZ7lo Nibson , Alma Dybhorcl , Masters Arthur Petersen , Charles Shaffer , Joseph Wllhroxv , Joseph Burns , Juuob Alvori ) . Uolltgrt ot llulliu l'm } tll' . Miss Kugoulo Ivount/.o left for Chicago on ' 1 luirsday. Bishop Worthlugton loft for Cleveland oa Tliuvsday. Mrs. S. II. II. Clark loft for St. Louis ou Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Millscaugli returned to Min neapolis on Friday. Mr. W. K. Anniii returned lo Omaha from Washington on Tuursiluy. MUsBuchocntortaliied a number of friends at cards Filday evening. MM. W. (5. bloaa ontortiiitiod nt cards yeslerday for Miss Sharp. MM. Frank Crobs has returned to the city from an extended trip east. Mrs. X. B. Hubbard of Cedar Kaplds Is visiting friends In this city. Miss Carrlo Chambers of Jacksonville , Mo. , is vibitlng Miss Bonn-Jit. Mr. and Mrs. McAlviu have returned from an extended visit in Wisconsin. MM. W. Whcelpr nf Lincoln is visiting her ir.other , Mrs , K Slaughter. MUs Bessie Steward of Council Bluffs has returned from her visit to Denver. Mr. nnd MM. Bon Smith arrived Thurs day from Now York and are at iho Paxtoii. Miss Nelson of Kvutisvlllo , Ind. , will bo tha guest of MM. Wuncn Uojjors this wuof. Miss Woirloft Monduv for the KOUIII where sue will spend iho gruuiur partof iho winter * Miss Mct'luro of Sioux Clly was Iho guess of her cousin , Miss Kounl/.o , for a few dayt last woek. MUs Fannie Diriibaum of Kun l''raticlsco is visiting Mrs. Max Abraham , Shuriuan avenue , Mr. and MM. Frann J. Burkley and chil dren rolimied from Chlllicolhc' , t ) . , labt Ttiuisduy. MM. It. Hobinson of South Dakota , Mstcr of Mrs. Fred Uiumunn , Is the guest , of the latter at the Frca/er. MM. F. M. Marsn gave a verv proitv Kensington lunch Thursuay at her resmoncp , JilVIl Harnoy .siroot. ftlr. Henry Newman arrived from Bayonne Citv , N. J. , lust week and Is visiting ot the residence of Judge Uundy. Miss Doollttlo and MUs Jackson of Utica , who have been tbo guests of Donn and MM. Uarduer , left Wednesday. Mrs , Kd Peck entertained n few frioni's very informally Tuosdav ovonlng for Mist Doollttto and MUs Jackson of Utlc , N ! Y. Mr. and Mrs. H , D. Fisher of Florence , Wis. , are In the citv. gucstx of their diugntur , MM. A. W. Plnlo , li.79 California sirect. Judge and Mrs. O , W. Ambrose spent lai > t ween in Oinvor , business calling the judge tiicro and MM. AuibtObo visiting old Chicago friouds. Mr. ana MM Sam ( Joldbprg and duughler of Clnclnnuti , O. , are spending a few ouys with MO.SSM. Suiiuonbon ? aud Arnstcin , JOIU Webster Htreot. MM , Samuel Burns returned homo Mon. day from a visit with her daughter , Mrs. Kabtinan. Miss Mao Burns is expected homo after Thaniofri vlng. The marrlHu'o of Miss Ilattlo 15. Cope nud Mr. Samuel II. Cool : will bo solomnl/eii nt ! M4 Hickory btx-cet , thorosldqiicoof Ihe urldo , on 'I'hankflcivhi day nt 2 o'clock. Mr. mid Mrs. W. A. Hedlck outortainod nt cards Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Douol , MM. Rogers , Miss Doorine , Mr. and Mrs. Bradford , Mr. and Mrs. Whoelcr and Mr. nnd Mrs. Chaso. - > The I'aladins hold the second of their caries of club dances al Chamhnrs' hall Wednesday ovenlnir , with noout thirty con plus present. Thu club Is making prep arations for an extra on ThaHKsglvititf oven- i UK- UKMrs. . Charloa Kniifmann ami dautthters. Misso > Tina nnd Anna , loft for Los AiiKolos , Cal. , lust Saturday , to bo absent tiuoul six months. They wunt for Miss Tina's bunolit , \viioflu health is Impaired from dlflicult music studios. Mr. nnd Mrs. John M. Cowin cave n din ner party Friday OVOIIIIIK in honor of Sena tor mm Mrs. Maiidorsim. Thoio piosonl were Mr. and Mrs. J. N. II. Patrick , Mr. nnd Mrs , Vat PS , Mrs. Klta Mathinon nud Mr. Hoborl Patrick. Mr. Ilcrman ICountzo returned last week from Now York , where Nu wont to see his sons , Herman aud Luther , Hit ful v sinrtod abroad. Tliuv KO with a party of eastern friends for about a your' * trip , und combine study vMtn pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wyman rotur-ed from their weddli g tour on Wednesday and in the absence of Mn. A. U. Wyman in Washing ton have taken up their roslilot.uo with Mr. A. If. Wyman , Thirtieth anil Pacific btrccts , until their now homo is linUliud. Mr. K. N. Kolin leaves Omaha December 4 for Clovcland , O. , where , on December 'ill , ho will marry Miss Carrlo Foil , niitor of Mr. N. P. Fell , business manoRor of Tnr. But : . Mr. Kolin Is ono of llio hoit known traveling salesman In llio wost. and is contio tcd with Kllpatrick ft Koch company. Mrs. Con neil gave n dollu'hlful luncheon Tuosnay , in honor of her gnnst , MM. Nathan Shollon of Annapolis. Tbono pioi- were ; Mis. J. .1 , Dlckov , Mrs. WobhUir , Mrs. Lovl Carter , Mrs. Fred l.wis , Mrs , Mllispaii h of Minneapolis , MM. Joseph Iturion , Mr5. Contanl , i lr.t. Benjamin Wooil , Mrs. Dunlao , Mrs. Barl'.alow , Mrs. dooi'L'e B. La lie , Messrs. Ilchards , Taylor , Conrad t and \Vobslor , who hnvo boon connected with the Conllnmilnl Clothing company since Its open ing In Onnhn , gave a dinner loS.imuol . ( Jam- hlo l-'riday ovPiilug at McTai-uii's in honor of tliuflfih nnnlversiirv ot thu houso. There wurn felicitous puecbos , a I'nn ' banquet and the hcarlicsi good will shown to llio popular manager oi the homo. 'i'liu inaiiv friends of Colo.ielV. \ . T. Mount and wife uri > pleased to welcome thi'in hoinii after a prolon'uu | hojourti In Texas , ylsltln/ their dnuirhicr. Alts. Dr. Momojof San An- lonlo. The colonel reports grouse plentiful nnd mi evidoncu of IIH uncrnncaini H found in the fact of his many friends having boon thoioclDloiili of numerous boxes of game. The colonel will bo gratitlcd lo receive Ins frlouds at Ills Omahit homo. Mn. Agnes MoAuslund.mirj SouthTivenly- fourth avenue , wlincumotn Umuha in Till .Hid has lived hero continuously ever since , cole- brntcd heroighty-fouith tilrthdav on TJC - dav. and in honor of the occasion tlilnv children , Krondchlldren and great grand children sat , down to a delightful dinner and tnudo merry over iho faci that luo jiloncur ninther had boBn permitted to 1.00 so l rio a faintly grow up about her , Mrs McAusland wns tbo reclptoit of Jorge quuntltlcs of llowors BOnl bv dear frlouds. On Thanksgiving ovonlng the Moiropoll- tan club wlU'eivo a coinody entitled , "Loup Year In the Village Wtih Ono ( Jontluman. " Tbo participants ougairpd in this aim slug leprcscnlatlon am ; Manilla Dix , liwtiillous lady. MissDoillo I'olaok ; Kobcccu Barnaby , widow , Mrs. Martin Cahn ; Fronclnu Burn- obv , inader , Mrs , Arthur JJranUeis ; Uubella Smith , couotte ( ) , Mrs. Andrnw HuaHj Han- nnh SthpoU , doinostio lady , Miss Lobmun ; Jedodlah Brovni , master of urn , I'll. D. , Albert Cahn. Mr. and Mn. I. Hosjolbor ? gave a delight. ful entertainment Wednesday ovonlng at j thuir residence. Mr. Kd Hessolbovr played u j few of his own compositions , and Mr. Mar1 1 tin Cahn volunteered several numbers. The 1 cuosts picsont wcro Mr. and Mrs. I. Brown , I Mr. and Mrs. C. Uranneis , Dr liciibon , Mr. 1 Harris. Mr. nud Miss Bernstein , Muillu I Cahu , Dr. Kohnstumiu. Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. I Kopuld , Mr. and MM. Kosonstoln , Mr. und I MM. Holchcnburg , Mr. ami Mrs. Lacks , Mr. I Trauormnn. Mr. UvplnsUy , Mr. and MUs I Ponnocu , Mr. Wiiliuins und tbo Misses 1 Brown. I A vor.v pretty , though qtilot , wedding was { solomni/c-d Thursday nvunlng nt the rosl- ] tlonco of the bride's mother , 1807 South J IClovctith street , whan Miss Kitnor Davenport - ' port and Mr. Nod H. Copolnnd word joined < in wedlock by Hov. Mr. Dawaou. Hrwln , ' Davenport , brother of the bride , and Josunli Barker , Jr. , ofllelatcd as ushers , and the thlrtj-livo or forty people present , relatives nnd It lends of Iho coniraullng p.irlios , enjoyed - joyed tiio occasion , for it bound together two well known ami highly respected youtie peoplo. Mr. and Mm. Copolai d will rcsldo nt IS07 Soiuli Kleventh strcot. Miss Ituth \Vcllor insisted In Hit ! cernniony by playing MondelssDhn'ii wedding march. ' 'J ho following ullpmng from a Ciistogcfo , Ita'i ' , panur iimlor ilaio of October ! l , aliowt i vvitfi what stndtis Oinalm Is Kiilnluir promfl incnco in the musical wiiild. The "most , t cliurinlng diiuirhtor of North America" rou foil-oil to , U thu sister of I' . W. Tullaferro , t inaniiger of the Omaha Packing company , 1 who has been abroad for tbo pasl 1 threu years completing her muhlcal ] education under the direction of some of the inon famous Instructoi-H. She lias spant the past senion at ( Junou recolvlng Initructlons i from lliu illsilnguiblied artist. Beatnco CosI I inelll , and oxnccl to rouniln abroad at least 1 nnothor your. "Last night ut the Sociulo I theater the Mi'lo-dramatlo society of I Caslcgglo closed thtilr course of reprnientu-I lions given for cnanty with n mlxod jiro- I gram , whl'-h was mo t attractive. Ttio then- ler was pocked ; nil Castegglo was theio and I ninny from noignborlng towns. The attac J lion of llio evening was the Slcnonna ( Jiulln I Taliulorro , most churnilngdaughtorof Nortli I Africa , who kindly consented to aid In the J won ; of charity. The Siunorlnu Tu-1 ll.iferro. pupil of the distinguished 1 uriist , Beatrloo Cosaiolll of ( .Jonoa , unites to | mi exceptional musical taiunl , a voic.'i oxtoa- } bivo and po\vurlul , hlngs wlHi pamion , and jiromises wiMi tliuso oii'Jownienls tocontlnuo Ijiillliiutly tlio caieor that nil" has rom . innnced. I" the iirlu of 'La Favnrltn1 us wull us In thu wnlU BOIIJ. ' of \ uii/.ano , shu was greutly uiiiiUiniud. In I no ruvntlnu of , ihu 'Barber of Sovill" , ' 'Una \ eco Poco Fu.M aho was nblleoil to | irui > 'nt horsnlf bufnro the 1 curt"in many tjinim , and prcbcnlcd with l lui , I'liiullfnl ImijuetH , 'Jim of which wntl from the Phllo Dnnnailo boch-ty The pro-y cram was llniihod great nppiauso , und 1 lufl In thu liu.irl f thn hpectutors a desire | to hear unothcr similar. " There will "n u Ntudlo opening nnd pxhlbl- > lion of hum ! p-nntud china al l.Vr : ( l ariium 1 street , Omaha , November Bl and ' i , ami at j the ( Jr.ind liotul , Council Bluffs , Novoinbor ] Jl and t ! . " > . AU Interested in beautiful china | wrdlully iiivllod. , hulh lodge No I , D.iughtnrs of UnboKati , ! Independent Order of Odd l-'ollow * , wlill Visit Council Bluffs lodge No. a on Tuesday J oveiiiog. November 22 , In a body Cars wllll bo ut the hall , corner Fourteenth aud Dodgoll strcootn , nl : 'M slmrp. A royal good ilmo isv iintlclpaiod , A at-li-galion of Kuth and I ( Jo'.don ' LlnUlodgo , Daughters of Ucbolub , inaaun fratornul visit to Alpha loik'o on J'rl- day evening , thu IHlh , al South Oinahu , wlt-J nosed some very good Iloor work und weri delightfully entertained with rofrcshmontsl IT is THI : nnvr. 1 Tluit U \ \ liy I Kriiiiiiiiiuiiiil II. Chamborlain'u cough rninvdv given the liem natUfautlon of any cough medlolno I handlifl and AS u ml I or luiidj all other proportions ! hit market. I It bocuiiio It ! ho host medlclno I iivor handled for uough tolili und croup. A. W , BuldrlUgo , Mlllorfl vlllo , 111.