J. PRRT ONE- - H PflGES 1-8- TWRXT v stfcnxn YEAR OMAHA S1TXHAY TVTOHN1 NO ' 10 IKfW \VH\TV PAOKS SPLIT m THE BILL Germany's ' Political Gioups All Undecided en ths Array Bill. GOOD CHANCES FOR IT TO DE PASSED Gcrranny BanVors Hoidy to Cover tbo Now Loans it Will Necessitate. VON CAPRIVI'S ' DOWNFALL TALKED OF Opponents of thoGovernmjut Already Fig uring on Hia Successor. BISMARCK AGAIN ATTRACTS ATTENTION ttllllnm iinil tlio King of Snxonj tjniirrel About IImiViiriUMlBiilniit Inl- ! InuHuw A nirrlciin 1'iirh Note * from tliti riiUn-rliiiil. [ Cop7rl litcill69Jlir . ow Vork Asjoeluted Pren 1 Bi ill IN , Nov. 1'J. TboHelchstau will opea on Tuesday with the party groups In such u Btnto of variance that It would bo futlto to attempt to predict how they will subse- ijuontly arrange tbom-.olves. The centrists nro In tlio meantime split Into two sootlons , one of which Is uncompromisingly opposed to thu military bill , whllo the other will openly support tlio government If it can obtain con cessions widening the Catholic ptivilogns Out of 10' ) cniitusts the government Is still honoful of getting nuppoit I'ho conservatives nt divided over tbo aimy bill , nnd thny will icn.Llro skillful ministerial handling to induce them to support them with tbo ttholo sttcngthof the group , Tbo Polish gioui ) contluiios to hesitate in its nlleglnnco to the government. Onlj tbo Kolclistat ; paity will go solid with the wbolo branch for Chancellor von Capilvl. Thu tmperoi's speech opening tbo Reichstag mid Ir I Urn RUbsdiuout statement of the chancellor on the new loans to cox cr the military ex- ponditures will bo the earliest factors in legumting the policy of the groups. The bont-oO holds it us : i forcgono conclusion that the loans w ill bo issued at a per cunt. Whatovpr nd\eito crlllcUm the arm v pro Ject may rcreivo In the Reichstag , ( lorman banknrs" and mo.iibera nf the bouiso nro , ready to fully coor the loans. The bill is ! certain to p ns its llrst ktaco In the house nnd will then bo icfei led ton committee. In the meantime ) the opponents of the covornwc ment , circulate endless rumors of dissension In the Huudesiath nntl tno approiching full ol the cbnncellorsblp Chancellor von Ca- prlvl's latest successor Is Von Lee , com- inanucr of the Lluhth army corps. Ho cot- tnlnly is moro likely to get the post if Oonoial von Caprivl Is ousted than either Count von Ktllcnbcvg or Heir Mlquol. OiiurLloil O\ur lliHiiiurrlc. A Bonsatiot. bin been caused by the abrupt dopartuioof thokine of Baxonv from Potts- dam , wjioro ho was visiting Htr-poror Wil liam. The sudden ending of the visit caused to uo circulated a loportthat the emperor and tha Iriug had qunrtolodovor tbo nrmv measure. Liotnc sudden tupturo un doubted ! } occurmd between the sovereigns , but ns the government of Saxony some time ago assented to the military reorgan isation , tbo rnpturo could not have h ipnonod ever the aimv bill. Members of the diplo matic ciiclo ctedlt tbo report that tuo differ- oncoaioso over the omporoi's proposing teSt prosocttto Pilnco Itlsmarclc , whoso St revelations ns lo how ho precipitated ar with I'uinco by falsifying the famous Urns Cbpntch , aio believed in onlcinl iiunrtcrs tote u&tlfy any mensuro that m v bo applied to Bileuco him. The king of Saxonv not only lint opposed Prince Histnaick's prosecution , but uigod the empeior to make the llr t ndvanco toward the icconcillation with Bismarck. Whatever oci-uried , it Is a fact that after cro the private conference , which lasted two hours , between tno monarch * , the king of Bnxony cut short his visit , made a brief call on the chancellor nnd quitted Berlin without nny court oflklal doing the usual houoi of nccompan > inp him to tbo railway station. in.ho The emperor , who had rOLoivea him at hoof railway station sui rounded by the ofllcers of his household , cntlioly Ignored his departure. The incident will not abate the determin ation of the king of Saxonv to prevent hem emperor from prosecuting Blsnnrok. Will Tr > to I'litnU Up n Irmly. The failuio of the negotiations for n com inercial treaty with Russia is not final. The HI. PeteHbiui : Boutz Uu/otto today sa > s that Russia , though iinnblo to Bnortllco ber real nnd Iron ttucles In oxihaigo : for n ro ( luclton in ttio ( iounan corn duties , will resume - sumo negotiations on moro fiwcrablo eco- nomlo linos. Uho socialist congress this afternoon qulotly disposed of all the amendments tn the paity piogiam by pa slng the ordeiof tuouny. Thioughotit thn congress thu tods Mid tno niinrchlkts have bcvn unheard. Many or the country delegates sul/od the occasion to bung their wive * to Berlin nnd ' ) iavo ilono much fclghtseolng with their families. This probably assisted to make the congrass the most poacotul githcrliig of BOclalUls ever Known , About half tbo delegates ) - gates woio absent today , finishing the week m a foatlvo manner. The extremists conorally had n bad tlmo with the police. I Mho arrcnt 9 ? Hermann Leimert , editor of the late anarchist journal , has bcon followed by the arrest of a number of others bore and In WlHsenmn The government ot Baden has publicly warned the people ncnmst eating raw Ameri can iioi k , and has ordered that all American meat brought into Cictmuny bo re examined , although accompinlod by un .American cer tificate of otnininnilon , Thuuk ilvln v ill bo observed heio at thu American legation , \\lll 'lux llrnuil ] mill llrcr. UEHIIN , Nov. JO.- The Rolchsauzigcr to- nlirbl btutcsthat incanurot to cover tbo 1 In ' creased expenditures Involved bj the army bill ulll bo bubuilttcd to the Bundcsrnib , These measure * \\illpiovidu for Increased taxation on beer and brandy and ulll double the picaunt taxation on ho'iso ' ttansncUons , the whole producing an Increase of 53,000,000 > marks. The tnon tobacco will not be 5' In- ' created. _ ( lot Hurt In u llnrl , PAHIF , Nov , 10.M. . idward : , editor of Lethe Matin , nuu M. Uroumcr , mcmhor of the Chamber of Depalics biuimo , Invulved In a pomnnnl altricutlon at the Vaudeville thea ter. A duel wns founht today. M , Urouiuor wounded In thn arm. Ujimiiiltout I.UIiiiu. Liriiov Nov. 1U. A , cljmumto bomb i ox. jiloded today ojthlclo of the residence of Count Kolgnsa , picslde in of a commltteo or pnnlzcd to give u brilllaut reception to 1 the queen upon their return from Mad' rid. The house was damaged and all the windows shattered. Nobady was hurt. The outrage has caused considerable excitement , nnd It Is thought to bo duo to the friend * of some of tbo men who wore arrested for riot ing when the king nnd qucon took their de pot turo for Mtilrld a few days ago. uii.i * sui : mi ; itir < mrin. : Ilp-Kliifn > pw Voru I'lrm Aflpr tlio Orlg. In.tliir nfu Uuiiiiril. ffopyrlKntGil l33Jbr JIITIIH ( lorlj i lljintl.t LONDONXov. . 1U | New York Herald Cable Special to TUB Bsn.l Tharo Is trouble In store for the originator nf the statement that C II V.tnln en ot tha well ktionn tlrm of Vaitlngen & Co. , Now Vork , had Induced a number of 12 iglish tnantlfac- lilreis to Join him in a corruption fund to 1)3 used In Insuring the election of ClevoKnd. Thu matter U viewed In the moil serious light by Vnntngon , who hai plated It In the binds of his solicitors , Cirovd , Jamas & Mullor. Tno dovlco by which Vnnlngon wis bcinc trapped was Interesting and unique. A tap- rosontatlvo of a Gorman llrm of bottle manu facturers , wlio now tutus edt to have bcon none other than a nowsgatliarer employed by Diilzlcl' * itL'oncy , called nt Vanlngon's ' olllaJ and dcsliod tn loava some money as a contri bution from his llrm to the Vonlugcn election fund. The head of the house would not sea him nor give him an appointment for a future bout , mid the manager of iho house declined to recclvo the money'which bo tried turd to leave there. Nevertheless tlu icport cabled to America , and prlntod in many papei .stated dlUlnctlv that tha man is'or had voluntceied the information thu the sum al- read/ collected nmauntoil to between n qu 11- ter and u half million clollir.i. Vnnliigon was described ns bain ? moil disturbed when tbo visitor's otrand w.n stated , and that whan pressed on the subjict had positively refused to denv the stoiy. Thence the wouldbo bottle manufricturor hastened to Colonel Ochlltrca and quoted him as hnvlng nfllrmcd tbo liuth of the ro- pott. Ochlltreo was quoted as knowing all I about tha cotruplion fund , Indojd he had I roison to believe that It amounted to half a million dollars. Another authority on the question wan Captain Thompson , of the Uijulttblc Life , wao . was said to bo thoroughly rotvor a.nt with the movements of the fund's projectors , and | in order to bolster up his other misstatements - statements ( ] the writer of ths diapitch drageed In that most convenient assistant to romancers ( | , namely fabrications , tha nnotiy- motlsbul | wall knovn merchant who knows lt all. VatiliiRen's solicitors have Interview cd Oclilltico ana Thompson , who bnvo both given wiitton dlsnssitlona denying the stato- mrnts , attrlbutod to thorn. Ochlltreo say ho never told n reporter thnt ho knew the fund was in existence , but ho did say ho would 1 not bo surprised if such thing would cotuo 1a 1o light. In fact , he put his views In bin ok and while for the interviewer's guidance and this paper , which I presume is on fllo with the offenders , will , no doubt , bo forthcoming when ] requited by tno stern mandate of the law. LONDON rt.NA.NClAI , KUVIKW. mi tli Mcx.k I.xth'incotn It.itln r Oiitot YiwUmlay. 'il 1S3 bf .ninot Cordon Ili > imi > tLl LONDON , Nov. 19 fNmv York Herald Cable Specnl to Tun Bw.J As usual on Saturday when imnv loading operators are absent , general business bus been quiet on the Stock exchange. Themai kcts presented little special interest. Funds ara unchanged , whllo Indian lupco is ' d low or , o.vihg to the weakness in eilver. Amoilcnii railways have boiMt quint , npjraton here waiting for New Yoik to taka Ihe l ° ud. The general lonu has bcon gno I. Nearly a gonctal advance is established runging from to 's ' pet cent. Canadian lines have been quite active , on tbo lush of ' ' oear lopurchnsos O'J'tiey close oxttonely btiovntit , Grand Ttunk llr-,1 preference - erenco having advanced ! ! ' < [ per cent , Grand Trunk second preference S"b pel cont.Gtaid Trunk thini prefetenco. Grand Trunlc . Guaranteed anil C inadlan Pacific 1 > to 1 i. > 4 per pent. 1'Oiotgn tailwavs have boon quiet and nn improvcmentof ' 4 p.or ceut has oc curred in Amciican first profeunco and Central Atvrentino. Miscellaneous securi ties bavo been neglected. Thoio has boon very llttlo inquiry for money on Lo-nbard street. Short loans bavo boon obtained at I'jtol'jpor ceut , The discount market ; has boea quiet. Two and thioo months' bills ate not quoted hultir than 'B ' per cent. rniiK ; It-it * I'orlimn a lit > llliiiu CPFP- iiiony Dnili r DlfllmiltipM. LONDON , Nov. 19 Tha Moscow cot re- sponoont of the Daily Now * states that the Jews , alter having obtained fotmul normls- Blon to consecruto n sjnitgogiio in that city , found upon going to the edlllco for the pur , pose of earning out tho'cereuiony the crown t > cal upon the door and sentries guuidln ? the place. Not daring to foico an entrance throuch the door the , peasants scented an entranceby ladders thiough the win- clews and consorti\tod the building. ltn" Ihov made their a.Nit in the sumo manner. This evening twelve priests whopaittUpatod In the consecration service wcro uxpdlud [ ( from thu city. ItlSSIItl.ACK M , ll.OOfv. Mill-union M nil I'rrt-rliiK St.irn thu I'IMW mill ) In tlio 1'acf. Sr. PiTEiisiiiita , Nov. 10. Count Tolstoi , in tbo Russian ( iazotto , has called attention ' to thu continued miserable condition of tbo peasantry of Uussla. Ho sitjs fam mo again threatens tbo clUtilc.li. The 110 haivost U as baa as It wiib in It'.i ' I , nnd oats are an utter fallutr. Theio is n complete aoarth of material for nrcs , and the people arc exhausted by lat > t n Intel's tnUeiles. The outlook ii as black as possi ble. ( IIIIIPPH lor ii Oitiuptonline. LONDON , Nov. 10 There is now a better ' prospect lor thu bottlcment of tbu cotton sUlk' ' , owing to thu discovery that the oper atives nro willing to consider thu proposal for a temporary reduction of wages , concur rent with the placing of mills on short time. The propobnl was mooted before tbostilke. but neither side appeared willing to Initiate thu offer The secretary of the Splnncis association sajs ho will consider the matter U tbo masters propose It. TUo employes uf North Luncasniia are willing to effect a compromise , but these at South Lancu'htro nro unwilling. The latter , however , uro likely to suumlt to pressuiu from tbo North Lancashire nianufaotuiorj. thu Ainniiiliiiiiiil , LONDON- , Nov , ID. The Tlmcfi1 Urussels corrcapoudenlstutcs that tbo HclglutnCIImm. ber bus rejected bv a veto ol S'J to Ul M. Jan sen's ' mo ion to insert in tuo teuly to the ' ' roxal speech a declaration fuvorlug unlvcr- ml suffrage. t'nlii'ii busiir Crop , , Nov , 19 According to HuUo fi Co ' statement tbo Cuban suuar crop will yield 07-1,735 toni. CAPRIVI IS ON TOP Bismarck's ' Successor Still Smart Enough to Hold llis Position. MELTZER MAS LEFT BERLIN FOR A TIME Not Exactly Expsllod ) But to Esoipj Un pleasant Personal Expjriencoa. LOCAL PAPERS DIFFER VERY BROADLY Some Sustain tba Chancellor , While Othora Oritio'z ) Him Sov.rely. PREPARING A PECULIAR SCRAP BOOK llnir Caprivl .Mitnigcs to Kc | i Illsntirt K Irinii llplng ItPi-illiul-Siitiip Clouds > ( tlll Minor Oipr the Army Illll Munition. ICoprrlglitxil i H'llij .InmcM ( Umlim llc-uiatt 1 UHIIIN , Nov. 111. | Now Vork Herald Cable Special Telegram to TUP. IJr.n J \Vo nro enjoytngsuperli vvoithor here , which Is bright t , line and cold , with light frosts. alMr . Meltei loft for Boutnoru climes on \Voduosdny fight , leavlntr behind him a blnck mark on the Capiivl regime , which the chancellor cinnot wipe out. To bo n llotiild correspondent in Htrlln nowadays Is to live under tha closest scrutiny , often walchod bv dotccttvc-s , subjcutod all thu while to Insults from that section of the press whoso repre sentatives wall outside the doou ot the for eign oP.lce , iusldo ot which thny nuvor got , for crumbs of news disdainfully thrown them , and teturnlng to their ofUcos to vvillo meoklv , humbly und II Hteringly of the great ness of Count vou Caprivl. These llunky shoots publish in many cases long articles ! n- trnultiB to instruct tbu Hcrnlit how its cor- icspondents ! should vviito. U li it thu I'llinrx Ale I'rhilli K- The ijoorson Couiior is notable example. This paper inyonioubly sinf osts that the Herald piovo the authenticity of its news nud should divulno the natuoof Its iufoiuiaut. "Olhaiwisi' , " says this shyet , "il must bo all lius. In fact the rjctlincoricspnudonts of the Herald ara nothing but hlchlv paid liars , who never got anv news , but mnkc it up tu they L-O along. " It goes on in tillsilalculoiis strain to tha extent of two wearysomo col umns. The Volks Zcitunpslnsnes the governn'ont right and left , and after giving an nuDartlil statement of Mr. Moltrei's case , concludes bv romaiking in reference to Ihe offensive oosurvntionsmadoby Her von Klderlonwach- ter aboui Prince Bismarcl ; ' "Wonic obliged in ' this mallei to laka the stand tbat Mr. Melt7fli did not misunderstand Herr von ICideilcnwachlor. although wo might well bollovo that this is possible , when a diplo matist does not speak directly. It has been ! said formerly , mid the observation is well known , tint Prince Blsmaick was less ruda in Iho performance of hl9 duty. It Is for Hcrrvon Kiderlenvvnchter to corao forward with n justification of his tonduct in this matter of an inconvenient foreign Journalist Just , ns in the Blsmnicliian ora. His re ' moval from the scone of his activity under > an order holders upon expulsion. It is so significant that ono cannot have any furthoi doubt that it is an expulsion. " Cupriil's lrsu ul IMipurs. Tbo latest movement of Chancellor Ca privi is another attempt to dumagu Prince Bism licit. Huh is made a collection of all ifarticles aud interviews of the lute chancel- lor vv blub bavo appcaiod in Berlin and for clcn newspapets of anv nature hostile to the emperor An armv nf toaJoiM at the cbau- cellorv has been busy 011 thla for some tlmo This is n collection , the effect of which , cCaprivi holds , is of high importance. The same tactics are bolng pursued against other hlh poisonneo . These documents Capiivl is fruit ! of producing , ana it mini ho said thev foitify his posttloo , und tbo result Is that tbu kalsci renews his promises of poi- sonal suppou. Those ptoss cuttings are cirofully pro- pared. Thov have without doubt often prevented vented the kaiser ftom exercising bis period ical stiong desltcs to iccall the lion chan cellor. Thus , for the moircnt , Prince Bismarck Is voiv much out of favor ICOat court , and further the empress dislikes him because I of tbo woiry ho causes the kaiser , Ills II ippliipnH Mill Miirrnil. Caprivi would now bo happy weio It not fcrtho black cload of the army hilt ing ever him. Notwithstanding all manner of piessuro has been broughi to baar thoia seems oveiy prospect of Its being thrown out or withdrawn. In thrj latior case can Cannvl stnnd another sot down like the education bill ? H Is now nn open secret that tbo kaiser rc- fused tba advlco offered by the king roof Saxonv dining his lecent visit hora nnd re fuses to appioclato the opposition to the Caprivi re imo by tbo liberals of south Bavaria , B iden , Wuitemburg , an 1 nbovo all that of the Saxony conscivutivcs , vv hloh is very marked. I hear thai thu minister of foreign affairs has exhausted the tuud of iYOUO marks placed at hU dlspoial ns n secret fund , which i was largely s > pont in keeping tip ploasaut 10- latlons with the press. Mairlmlu Uiiniiiiiinor , MUNICI , Nov. lit , Duke Luis of Uavnila , biotbor of Duke Charles 'I hcodorb , the head of the ducal house ot Havarla , toJay mortrnn- atlcally mnrriccl Antonio llatth , whom the regent of Havarla has ennobled under tbo immu of von Daitolf , This u Duke Luis' secolul morganatic manlaga , his llr t being ! i ( wltl' Htfnrlotl M snilol , who was rreated Liaionesb von Wiillerseu , and who died No vetnber 12 , 1S9I , The duke Is (1-\ears ( of i go. Antonio Uarth had boon for some tlmo a dancer at the court theater in tills city , and It wus only n few days ago that bho made her last appearance there Aulul \ i iigt-uiirit on a I'ripKl. Itovic , Nov. 10 The trial is lu progress at > Palermo of the two punsants who wreaked vengeance on a priest by pouring a solution j of coiroilvo subllnuto in the challco which tbo pnast used at mass. The priest died on tha altar stair * . nllin Mu'hilltt rurtj , UM.I.IV , Nov. 10. Ilcrr Uebl was elected president and Heir bluper vice president of thoceiitial committee of the socialist party. VMliI Mono In thp Aiutrliin llrlclmriilli. VIENNI , Nov. lO.-lJjring the debate on the budget in tbo lower bouse of the IMchs- rnth toJay Herr Monger , a German liberal , addressing ttio joung czecus shouted ; "To speak at the present tlmo of Bohemia's con- elltuiion U ticason. Ynu are traitors. " A iceue of indescribable tumult followoJ. A number of ctoohs crowded around Herr Mengor , thrcatonlng to strike htm Herr Monger continued to snu.it but hUolco was ilrowiiocl tn tha uprnnr. 'Iho profldont of the Chamber ivas compelled to close the sitting. ' .it i.Mi.tri.ivt.ttn ( Jrmor ClrrMum ! thu llnost of HIP i\on- : injf Illi Pri'cimnt Until irxs. ' NEW YoitK , Nov. -LllstlnguUheil Jurists from all parts of the nation wcro gathered uround the festive board of the Manhattan Llub tonight. It was a reception and banquet clven by tba clua In honor of Picsldenl-clcct C > iover Cleveland It was a nplendld success. Over l.'JO democrats rokpondecl to the Invi tntlons , nrno.ig them goveriiors , ex-sovotnor. United S'.itci seniitord , conaioasmen nnd ofllclals and nolitlcluut of great nud small degree. After the reception the tmmiuot was discussed ll was after ll o'clock vvhoii the dinner commenced. Mr IVoderlck H Con- dcrl Introduced Mr. Clove-laud tn a highly complimentary i sueoch , It was more than a minute nftor Mr. Cleveland - land hud risen that ho got nn opportunity lobo t)0 hoard , so great was tha appmusa that greeted him. Mr , Cleveland assured his fel low | members of the Manhattan club and their guests In tba scriptural phruso , that It was good for him to u-J there. Ho tofcircd to the reception tondcrod him ton yoari ago whou ha was elected governor ot the stuto. " .Slnco ihon , " ho coitlnuati , "political events Imvo creV.lv changed. The people bavo tocomo more political , moro thoughtful nnd moru watchful thsu they were ten jcnrs ago. Tnov aia considering vastly greater questions than they were thon. They mo givliu im portance to pirtv policy rather thin to party tpoils. This must oil mot intelligently by thoio In chnigo of our party organization No paitv can got Iho suppoit uf the masses of thaoteis bv incrolv piomislng ofllcos , llnnuclal roworai or other attilbutcs of Iho spoils system. The wliolo people will bo sat- Islieil with tiolblng loss than tha redemption of the plojgos luftilo to them collectively , Iho domonstiiiUon of vvise polices and iho giving of an honest government. " Speakinc In a low tone Mr Cleveland con- tinned deliberately : ' 'I would not have it otherwise. 1 am willing that the democratic pin ti should only succjcd by mooting the situation fuiily and siiiaroly [ , by being abso lutely aud patrlotic-illy tuio to Its principles nud piofosslons. Tnls.is the assured guar antee of success I kniw of no other. " At the conclusion of Mr. Cloveland'a ra- marKs tha bupncr was sorved. Mr. rievo- land sat on the right ot Mr. Coudort. Oo the loll sal n. C Benedict At the lublo ad joining over which BonJ iniin Wood pre sided , sat Walter Glider , .ludgo True , George Miirtin. cx-Mlnl-ner to England 1'holps , Na tional Commlttcoman Beujimin T. Cable of Illinois , evCoveiuor Catnnboll of Ohio , Governor Abbott of Now Jctsay , Governor Uussoll of Massachusetts. l.lNti-iipil to Uulilp's Clalins. VOIIK , Nov. If ) . Pioaidont Cleveland has discussed Informally tbo cabinet situa tion with several democrats durli.g the past few days. U may be stated on excellent aulnoiily that Mr. Clereland had practically asked Air. Hatrity to accspt o cabinet pott- folio , ito has ul-5o lent an ear to complimen tary oxuressioa on 'behalf of Congressman Cable nnd his claims. KKX IT. I/'S. .SoMSiitliiiutl I > p\cIoinipntH inn Trx.m Mui- itur Iriul. DAI MI , 'L'ex , Nov. 10.-No murder was over committed in Texas which produced amore moro profound sousa'ion than thai of W. G. Veal Dr. K II. by Jonos. during the con- nin Vcal was shot down by Dr. Jones vvhilo sit ! ting at a tibia surrounded by his at my asso ciates and without a word of warning. Dr. Jones today was biought before Judge Tucker upon u writ of habeas corpus , asking lor hail. 'iho principal 'vltnoss was Mrs. If. II. Jones , wife of thu applicant. Sbo testified thut she met Veal at M ra. Cockrell's twenty > eainqo She -Vila t icn u widow with ono child. Veal was minister nnd gained bet conlidence , ' I thought ho was suiely r. good nnn , " said she.'Ono night when I awoke and found him nt my boeiildo 1 was speechless ! with f'icht. 1 roUjd myself and said. 'Go nwav. ' 1 v\os too frightened to know what I was saving. I think he said , 'Hush , they will lar you , ' or somelhtug like that. I made ry cfToit to duva him awav. Finally I throw ray arms mound my sleeping babj and clung to the baby until bo toro mo away ham it anil accomplished his pin pose. " About eight months after this itic married Mr. Jones. Last fall , nineteen year * after the outrage and ufter MX children had been ' Porn , she told Dr. Jones tbo wliolo story. Dr. Jones waited ono j oar und thou killed him. him.Tho The homing was not concluded at n late hour lonisbt. VtlllOMU .Utl'HIUtHOI'ti. Ilitlr Moptlng Vrstcrilii ) un Inliirnml Onn A stiitiiiiioiic ( livun tu thn 1'ri'i.ii. Nl w YOIIK , Nov. 11) ) . The Hotnin Cjthollo in clilJlbhojn held only nn in for/ml meeting loday. ArchbUlionCoulgau , upon rcfjuost , was pormlttcd to make the following statement - ment to the proas- "Archbishops' of tbo United Stiles vvill- Ingiv iccoguize thojjro.it services rcnuerod to religion by Jouinnllsts At tbo gumo time that their I a Lor a m y bo moro fruitful and cfllcacloiu , the nrchDHhops request the editors of newspartors to bear In mind tbu wise nnd weighty words of tbo sovereign plalntllT. Especially , ' regarding tlo Intem ! perate aiscusslon of matteis that really be long by right to tboj | Episcopal authorities. They also doproclato all acrimonious con- tiovcwks , antlZallNto tbo memoiy of ionnil concerned the lomarU of the third council of Baltimore , thab Cbrlbtian charity and difference of opinibn can amicably co exist and bo unltou in inert"of good will. " OreK < ' * ' ( ' < > Vnti' . I'oim.AMi , Oro.ToT. | 10. It will tike tbo ofllclal count to doter'mlno ivhcthcr Oregon shall cast three or foiirvotos in the electoral college for Hanibon. On thu fuca of the ro turns at hand Pierce , ' the poftilist , tor , who was cndoncd bj tbo dJmocruts , has less than 200 votes to overcome. Democrats and populists claim that tbo counties yet to hoar from will give them at leiut-130 votes moro > than noccessary to elcotlooVblchovor way the ofticlal count rciuita there will bo a con- test on tno ground that the ballots were Ir- ri'gulur. Noui Scotia' * lit : ; ( inlil strlkp Tut no , N. S. , Nov , 10. Great excitement hero la consecjuciico of n big covery of uold at tuu Cailbou mluei , worked by tbo Truro Gold Mining company. Ibo pioscnt discovery U expected to lurn out the biggest and richest gold mine ever opined In Canada. \iuvn Iniin O > urUuu hlpainrr. Nbvviiuinu , Mich. , Nov. ll > . The steamer Pontlao is reported at auotior in Munlsing Day. GOOD NAMES GOING Fair French Raputatioas Blastaa bj the Gnnt Pannnu Canal Scandals. GREATEST MEN OF FRANCE ATTACKED No Plnoa TOD High to Ecipo Besmirching bv the Acstneis. PLITICS : AT THE BOTTOM OF ALL [ 1'robnblo < Candidates for lha Presidency Assailed by Olhors Who Aspire. M. CONSTANS TAKING HIS VENGEANCE Duposoit MlnUtur of the IntPt tor ( iottlng I.\cn with thn .MenVlii ) I itriipd Him Out Dejilorahli ) .Injtfltni ; with the rtni ! 's I'.iinc. ilpil 13D3 hj Jnii3 < ( Ionian Hot nt * . 1 PAIIIS , Nov. 10. fNcw Vork Herald Cablo-Speclal to THE DBF 1 - With profound sorrow ovary l-Yonohmin has noticed the turn affairs have miton in the Panama scandal. Let us try to explain the real political situation. Today M. rioiitiot , who was fern cily president of the Chamber , sUucls iiccuied of having askodfiJO.OOO francs from the Panama Canal compinv to make a oftinnnlgn nsainst General Uoulangcr in .lanuaiy , I'ibb It was announced yostciday that the same accusa tions would bo made against M dorrovclnot , minister of war. The accusers do not ptttoi-d IhatM Tloquot ut M do rrojoiuot took tbu money for themselves. They snv . tint ) tbo money was used for political pur- poses. Thov UomnnU thu enforcement of . ntticloclxxvll ( of tbo pjnal code , \\lilch pro vides for tbo punishment by civil dograda- tloti of ovoiy ofllclal who bus uccoptod a cift for doing anything in the line of his duty. I'rcuslliK lur I'ulU } s il < p. If the Sonata and Chamber took action on this section 1 think M. do Provclnot and M IMoquet will bo diiven out of public llfo and also tbo loading men of the company. I mil not free to siy if tliay .vill nftci- wards look into tbo accounts of M. Kouvler , minister of linanco. nceuseJ of having to- cohcd personal niollt fioin the Panama canal schemeIt is talked about in tbo lob bies of thoChnmborastliQ most natural thing in thn world. Pin.tlly they will attack President Cirnot , not patsonallv ou hU Integrity , but as a foster parent of tbo accused , and for favor ing the reports made by the Panama canal engineers. liy raising debates on thc > o scandtls tlio accusers desire to run down the diiTeratit chiefs of tba parli unontarv groups. They suy that about 100 ara involved , as many sen ators us dep'itios. A number of minis. ; are given , but I cauuot caolo them , us the cen t- sorship of dispatchej is strict. You will have to get tha names as they nro muitionod in the bit pailtiunentary-debates. What Hoes llo Mi-an ? It uiav be asked who will look after the nf- fnirs of the coinpnu ; ' Uho ititoiosts of f10 BUaiuholacra will bs safeguarded perhaps in another way. Hut M. Uic.tard. minister of Justice , wanted to prosecute other ? in the country. We do not unacistand his political Mratogy. Did bo wish to make himself pop- ular and bocoino an aspirant for the prosl- donoy of the icpulillc1' .M. Curnot becnmo celebrated lluough His ' uonpsty in the Wilson uftair. M. Klrkiiil 1 desires to become celebrated thioujh the I'amm.i j : canal affair , but ho does not pct- ! coivo the conscijuencos of such r. business as that. Uo thought ho was able toiuri tbo in executions to hU own account. Throutrh them ho is now in training. The Libre- naroln with M. Diiinont ncd the antl-.Seunt - > by the occasion to have a slap nl everybody , and thoj continue tbo excite ment. Tha campaign of cleansing has ) oe - gun. A\OIICUIR : M , Still Another thing. It ! icnnrkcd that the hlous aio aimed against ihc possible candidates for the pichidenov of the lopub- Ho and against the ministers , the : al authors of the do.vnfoll of M. Constans. It Is , therefore , the old minister of the interior who U talking vengoince. Ho wants once moro to appear upon the public stage. Ills f i tend : are already asserting tint ho alone can save Franco fiotn the peiil of anarchy. Bombs binst only after tbo advent of M I-oubel to power. Ho Is playing the tolr > M.of ptesidont nnd overlapping overvbojy , just us did Mine. Constuns , who was jealous usof Mesdames Cninotantl do rioyclnot. His Quito possible that M Constans cli- iccts or countenances Who will lay baio thu foul plots I Nobody can have an Idea of their foulness. Many Innocent porons will bo Miihclieil. jut the politicians ara nftor the le idcu. DppllllIlltlO ll llOPlI , Tor two months I have been warning the leaders of tlio Herald of what would happen , but I am nsnaincd of my compatriots for hav ing choaon Just this time for n cim- palgn of this kind , a tlmo when the foreign policy of franco showi an improvement. With the iup , > rochmont of A'l-trlu and Kussia are created now hopes , and the nopn is moro friondlv to 1'ranco than ovor. Thn proof that the war of IbTO was the wish of 1'rlnco Ilismurck h now admit ted by thn whole woilcl , even by the German liberals and socialists. Are wo going to spoil everything by this abominable spectacle of a country which respects not hint.-i CFIIII. I'llsMHl Dm ITitxt Illll. PVIIIS. Nov. Hi. Tbo Ctiambor of Deputies coinmitt-o ou the prosn bill announced they hiu fxpungcil from iho document , all phrases which could bo made the pretext for arbi trary proceedings M , Lioubot accepted thu amendments , ns they guarantee the liberty of the press with out lobbing It of Its power. After t bo bill nad boon further amended in unimportant naitlculars it was passed without division , Will ItiMTgu tint I'm PAWS' , Nov. 10. Thn Kelalro states that M , de I sseps will resign thn chairmanship of the I'auami Canal company whensuin- mons In the action ot Iho ( rovorumout against the dliector * of the company Is seru'il upon him The Kdulro adds that M Leon wilt succeed M. do Lesseps. ( [ { cntorlui ; Irinii riiolr Injurlci , DKN\HI , Colo. , Nov. Ui. The passengers who were lujinotl by tbo Suulh Park tram being blown oil the track yostcraay while passing ever IConoshu hill , in the mountain * about sixty miles from here , are all doing well. No one was fatally injured , but the following received severe bruises and con- THE DEE BULLETIN. HVnWi'ror OmitVt an I'tel I \ il'j/ ' l\ti > iin < l I. Cnpml is Still ( lorniinj'it Clmnrpllor. lute "t the Ami ) Illll Ili-rlili-illv slilU } . I'runc < j ltnrt.nl In tnr I'utiiiitin s ( < mil il. r Min > lv > nl i Minor * I ! itointiiMl All p , 4. Vulpln thn llnrt iril M itrh. l'tr < lipiil | Iliirrlnnti'n Mnid } I'nllr } , Knight * nl Utlinr I.M H. ! l. ltpinrpil | Ktpip . ' nptiiy Unhltprj. ; It tttrnail Noli * * HM I VPUH. \ , U , C. \ . C inxi-ntlnii it II mills' . I , l.illturliil nnd CiiTiinirnt. n. lIcuth'KmliliiKtiin I. pltcr. I.liipohi mid stutr u i lp , Smith Uiitxli tutiil the ( 'ml tliyn , ( I. t'omipll Itlnll-i I.OCM ! NP H. 7 Tul Id ML' MIIIIII Vnrliiiis CipoilllotM. UngllKh 1 lipatpr/i HIM ! Xi'lor * II ) , Sniidio Sp irlltiK MPIIMIKP. II. Oiii.ilniU Truln lti-\ln PI ) , ( iriiln , rrmliloiu itnil l.i\it MmIt. . \\hlt ; thn CllilrcllP < Oiroi. I' , ' . I. mti tele In dm ill t sod it C'lrclps. Ill llntlj Crcpii mill line MIIIIP.V. Kliflilc Light ) iiprilil | > . 13. ' 1 turn's 1 until In Council Illnllt. .NpliriisKii Dollliiri ; lls mill tlio spoil * . -Mi-n Ulu > Hunt ( lie IMItnr. IK. llton Coilpcn mill Its Itujn. S i nl 1 1niiKrt fur tlio I tilt Olio * . OnmplK mill 1 liplr L'ur ps. III. startling Spcrot nf tint Ci'iuiM. 'l ) . AliiPinlliig the Cllj ClnirtiT. SIM rpt soplplv Mtitti m. Ulslons : L"xpross Messenger I ) . M Gates , M. A. Warner of Denver , Mi s , Louisa Lee of Denver , C. L. WoiWrumn , mayor of Divckinrldco : MiVolfo of l ) . > uvor , Kov. William Wilbur of Woraon , III ; II. H Martin - tin of L"ailvilli > , John Moriof police head- iiuaiters , Denver ; Mary Urown of Lend- villa. There v.'ero forty nassgugors ahoiul the traiit at thu tl.nu of Its being blown off , and il is surpiising lhat noooby w 13 klllud. IIiiiiy | | ( iiii iiiiiiiiiiilnii ol n Itoinmipp. CIM INN MI , O. , Nov. li ) Mr. Charles Hnvilcn Tollla , loadius man of the Llllluti Hjssell Opera Lomnany. now tilling nn en- this ciu , and Adsllado M Da- L < tiw , also a member of the LOtupsnv , ucrc miirlcdat the court house today. This Is thodenouuinent of a lotuanco which uegiui in London , w hoio the bnuo of to lay was Uio xvife of thu famous muslrl-iii Hindo ger. A duoice has boon procured anil lodaj the tenor aim tno handsome pupil and dlvotcad wife of UtindcgRororo marilcd , S ilx itlnnlsts Mnlilll/liiR. XrOKU , Nov. 1'J. i'ho Salvation army is mobllUlnr beio , ready to take part In the gtand congress of the United S'atos fotcos which will begin Monday and last three davs. All the Salvation army notables will bo here , including Cotnmindor Ualllngton IJooth and wife , and Mis. Booth Clibboui , I'ommander of the nimv In Pi mice. Criminal * Suiitpiipml. Ciir\E\N-c , U vo. , Nov. 10. | Speciil Telo- gram to Tun Hnc. I Charles Kingston and Hichatd Weston , charged with passintr idn torfcit money , were sentenced In the federal court today to olghtaan months imprison ment. William Hayes also go's eighteen months in tbo nnnttcnttary for forging a gov ernment poaslon check. < o\prnot Me Kiiilt'v'H father III. Ciuvn.iM ) , O. , Nov. 1'J - Governoj Mc- Ktnlevwas callea to Canton lait night bv clin sciious illt.css of tilt father. The old gcntlo- nmn LClcbratcd his S5th blithday last week. CVMONO , Nov. 1'J - The father ic.of Cioveinor Mclvinlov is criticollj ill nnd imy not live until morning. Tbo governor and wife are at his bcjsldo. Just ( .titling Into Miipr. , III. , Nov. 1'J. All oloLtnc wiios , woie . . scilously cilpplod bv the recent storm. The local iclonhotio and electric light wires were dam.igod and thn telog aph wlios were prostrated. Galena bid no telegraphic com- inunlcation for forty eitrht. hours The wires are only partially restored now. \MpiMl Out Ciiliinllj IliMtli-t-h. ALIIIKN , Neb , Nov. I'.l. ( Special Telegram - gram to THE I5tiTho | demociats of Nc- maha county latillod their success in tbo last election hoio tonight by a toichllht proces ! sion. The laigcst nnd most prominent ban nerivad : "Wo hiivo ivitiocl the calamity howlers ftom tnofaco of the earth. " SHJS Hi ) Oivm 'Kin. Pronu , III. , Nov. 10. Samuel Woollier today announced definitely that ho had purchased - chased the Central at St. Louis , the No- banska City and ths Star and Ctascont dls- tlllencsnt Pekln. Ho announces ho will inn the houses to their full capacity in opposi- I'on to the tiust. l.tnilxllile on thn I nloii P.l < Hip. POIIIINl > , Oro. , Nov 1 ! ! , A landslide oc- cuncil on the Union Paclllc four miles vvosl of Cascade. The passengers- and mails are being tiatisfouvd hy boat aiouno the : obstiuctlon , Tha slide Is about 41)1) ) ) feet In length und suveial dajs will bo icqulrod to inraovo It Illouki il lo * iiou. liioNWfion , Mich. , Nov 10 The soveiest snow storm of thu season has bean In piojioss slnco ii o'clock last night. Scvoial feet nf .snow has fallen nnd thu dilfts are from six to eight feet dcon In places 'I ho clectilc cms and all icllror.ds trains nio blocked. 1 rouhlo ol mi Oukihilu ll.iiiknr , OIMI u , Neb , Nov , 10.- | Special to TUB nni',1 II H. Hay. ono of the propriotois . . . > of the Oaltdalo uank , has boon doolated Insane and sent to Lincoln for treatment. Thu cause of hia Insanity is supposed to bo teen much pxerclsn of the mind in ono dlrootlon monoy' Iliiiluriiil Mill < Jinn. Pun viii ii'iiiv , Pa. , Nov Id , Tno repub lican city members of the lower homn nf the legislature mei thla nltoinoon und endorsed Hon. M. . ( , 'uuy ' as candldato for io-olec- tlon to the United States sonnto. . \illlllltiMl lo Hull , Mi'MHiifl Tenn. Nov 19Jack , , - Divls , tbo pri/o lighter , who killed Nolon with a blow Inwof In the contest boforj the Anaieur club of this city some weeks ago , was admitted to bail today lu tbo sumoflii ) IllllinU' \ < > t , Ciiicir.o , 111. , Nov , 19-Oftlclal returns from all couutlos In I.llnols give Clovclund 131,140 votes } . HiiriUon , 1107,1 ii ; Bidwcll , m.fiWj Weaver , 20,113V , Cloveland's plurality ever Harrison , -M.BJl Impiirti ul .Niiwiirlt , NhW Yoiti , , Nov. 11) ) . The ImporU ( e\- cluslvc of specie ) at tbo port of New Vork for the week were * ll.lTiir ) l , of hlcll f .Tll fXJ were gen era I morchaudUo and $3,400,1111 ory goods hHl.-l > lii I'orl. i , O. , Nov , 10. Tbo stool uteamer Pontlao and the schooner Ulonora , which It was feared had been lost on LuUo Superior during the recent hoary atorra ) , unlyed a.a. IN A LIVING TOMB- Eight Coal Minors Imprisoned in a Pennsylvania - . sylvania Miu3 , THEY WERE CAUGHT BY A FALLING ROOF Almost Mi arulotn Esoipo from Being. Unultcd to Doatb. COMMUNICATING WITH THE PRISONERS T * Tl They Are Unhurt anil Ara Patiently Await ing the Rtsoaera , WORK OF RESCUE PROCEEDING RAPIDLY lhiir | Kntcrl illicit I'lut Ilia Men Ulll Ho Uitl Uiihiitt NIIIIIOS or si ! Who Arc ICiiuuii tulle llo In tinMlnr. . Pit , Nov. 10. A cavo-ln oo- cturod thisaftornooi lu thu Hii7Ji Dell col liery , Contr.illu , opiratod by L A. Hlley ft. Co , whereby eight non ara now Imprisoned In the mine , bosldu two others , who hnva been uikc'n out vor > bully Injurad. The colllcrv IE situated about two miles from Ashland , and ls ncr \ liuxo concorn. Partner operators uf Ihe II i/Jl Djll and Piick works cliltn tint th3 tltnujnng thoto was totton. ThU , It is fonroJ , had consid erable to do with th3 civo In. KvcrvthltiR vv as moving along ns usual m the lla/i : ! Doll troika this morning nud no signsof | danger woio visible until 10 o'clock , when n cracUintr in the loof of the mlno was boat d and a few pillua romaiulng lu that mil of the mine , stilted to run , und before thu minors could retch pi ices of safety the loot fell lu. These who oscipod say that tha suddenness of tha caw-in give thorn no tlmo tfl do anything but llv for their llvos. Very narrow ( J escapes vvoro nude bj ha Uothormel and | | his son , Will ! un. The former had a loft broken and Is otherwise injured , whllo bis bon is badly Imtotcit. ClIIHDll ll.V II lpkS'lOt. . They suv that shot I ly bofcra they fi rod a rather hoary shot , which utarled a pillar of coul running , and nt the sumo tlmo sUrtoil a largo body of water which htxd accumulated In a broach from 105'oraaj's ' storm. As the pillar ran and the wntcr forced its way tluouirb , It brought the loof with it , and at the same time cumo lu in so great n volume that It wji ahond of Itothormcl 1UO yards to tlP mouth of the di ilnagi ) tunnel , at which point tboy vvoro lescuod. . The only exit from tba part of the work ings in vvh'ch occurred tl.o cavn-in is iho point where the fall ocourrotl and ns the mammoth vein is forty-live feet thick and about yjj foot from tha surface , it U calcu lated by piactlc il minors that thera are TOO feet of coal to bo cut through bef ire the man fin be reached. Tbo ablest mining engi neers nml mine experts have boon on the ground all day and after a thorough exami nation had boon undo and the grout danger attending tlio removal of thU muss from the lusldo bad been co isidorad , It was oecldod to use hydraulic power a ; tbo safest and quick est , means of galling at the men. The work of rescue is under the direction of Superintendent Ijdwant Williams. JUpiiVliu Wcro tn the Sllnp. Tbo cancel list of th' ) entombed man Is at follows : JOHN KFIMIV , jr. , single , driver bov. Honuur STAHIIII , miner , wife ana tvTO children. Jonv llvv , minor , wlfo and four children. AIICN IloriMVN , miner , widower , two cbllaron. Hi.Mtr MAHTIN , miner , single. PUA.NK HVIN , door boy , single. TIIOMIS MCDONALD , miner , single. A POI.ANIIKI : , single , iiamn not known. All reside nt Centralia , and the deepest gloom prevails all over the little town. This In gloom was turned to the wildest kind of joy uhoitly It before 4 o'clock by the announce ment from the mlno that the washing away of coal and cliit hid progressed so rapidly that ' the rescuers hail been enabled tocommu- nlcatn ' with the imprisoned men. The driver hey ' , Kelm in , noted as spokesman and an nounced ' that all woru tininjuiud und well and ! waiting : for icscuii. They vvoro shut UD In ' a cave-In and to this fact Is due their escape ' ftom Instant death. All lltKcitpil lint Two , The woik of loscuing ttio ontombad men continued during the uftcrnoon and was gl cully accelerated whan the voices of tha entombed men vvcio hoird. At about 4 o'clock an opening bad baon started. As sooji as the opening had boon cut through , John Kvnn , nulr.juioa , crawled out. Soon nftor another of the entombed men criivled out , until nt nightfall but I-AO rcmalnoil , John Chapman , jr. , and Robert Stabler , the former bolng bndlv Injured nuout the Doily , and the latter having a log broken. Thov will , however , bo tukon oul during tba night If no accident occurs. Late this oftcrioon Ira Kithormol , who with bis son Wiltiam , was rescued shortly after tbo cave-In occuricd , died from his In- juiles. Ho bud n log broken and was In- jiirnd intoinnlly. I'rolVrinil Drill h to IniprlHoiiiiimit. Ciiini'-NM.1 , Wyo.Nov , 10 , [ Special Tele- grain tu Tin' Hrr , ] Pohewab , the Shoshone bravo convicted In tbo federal court on Frl- dr.v of manslaughter , early this morning at tempted to commit suicide. Lr.cldng a Knife , uo bioko iho chimney of a lamp In hi * cell and with tbo shai p edged fragments out his throit anil both arms , missing the jugu lar vein , but reaching tha artery of tils right arm , lie was found by a turnkey halt dead. After long oxcitlnn the fooolo Ihmo of llfo was renewed ami It U now expected lui will recover. Ho had provioJbly told tbo sheriff ' that If ho got "two snows" ho would die , but u wiong construction was put on his words. Ho maintains ho will yet commit sulcitlo. Mint I'ay jAci > 60v , Miss. , Nov. 1'J. The United Stales circuit court today decided tbo suit of the fitato against the Georgia PaUllo railway , Involving back taxes to tha amount of 17.5- 000. The road Ualtnod exemption under their nriibont charter , which wus a consolidation of several chatters. The court'sdeclilon do- nlc the exemptions and vlltually subject * the entire road to taxation , An appeal will Le taken. lrfc < U In llu > Mliiiit < iii niair * Aim hlniiry , Nr.vv YOIIK , Noy. I'J A recent Invoktlg tlon of the machlnorv of tbo United Htut ship Mlantonomah developed the fuct thai there Is much faulty material In the heavier parts and that the eui'lnei are llUcly to col- Japsa any day.