Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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    TI1F. nitfAUA DAILY HER ; RATimDAY. NOVRMKKH. in 1.905 ? .
Daniel Kulm's ' Mississippi Argument Failed
to Ocnvinco Cominlsjiojer Winspear.
Ono Mmnlr , Drfonilnl liy i Miin wllli i
lonl > lr-IInrrpli il dun , Iliiulril Aunjr
llndilj Anultirr Srriirnl n
Court Injunction.
Tlio pile inlunutir : iilr of the south bst-
torn * came within an ncn of being ulreattod
with liuman blood yoUordny inorninE , anil the
lark of ncrvo on the pjrt of the bottom-
dweller wn nil that proventuit n battle
which undoubtedly would hnvo resulted In n
uurvlvnl of tlio intent.
For innny ytnn ono Dnnlcl ICtitin has oc
cupied n shinty which has had Its location
on Willlntiu , lit the Intersection of Fourth
iltrcot , In the Credit Fcncler addition. Kuhn
had no lipht or tltlo to the land , out was a
tenant ftt will , ami never tbouu'ht of paytiiR
the city a cent of rent for tlio tno of the
Iniul , though ho had been there In mid out of
season until the tlmo had nearly arrived
when unlcsi t'io ' city a crl2d 1U rlfjhts ho
would liavo ponoislon , neil no ouo would
nnro to make him afraid , This fact was
called to the atlontlon of tbo city authorities ,
and uruicil with an order of i < ] octmont Street
Commissioner \Vlmpoar started to throw
Mr. ICuhn out Ho found the place and the
man , but the throwing out uct was another
thing , -something that , the stroct minims-
Blouor hud not consldored nrlght. Plrst ho
tried to arcuo the case , on' , the nruiinianl
was wasted on the air , as the squatter was
not in the least inclined to clvo up the pos
sessions which ho held. ' 1 hen three or lour
throats weiomudo , hut thev did not scato
the man who lived in the vlclnltv ot thu runic
smells niid ttiu outlets ol the sewers.
The citv olllclul wished for n Uiat ho
was not ni'ltr ofllclnl. but ho revolved the
matter in his mind and at last hitttnoii n
plan by which ho thoucht ho could norform
the cvictitig act without hrliiKlup uii u lljjlit.
Up town ho ennio and hired two teams iind
two liuskv drivers who boon battles and
Iind studied gunpowder seine thirty rears
HKO. tollinc thorn tnut ho h id
some iiinicult and flntiKcrous work
for them to perform. They
\voro not anxious for the frnv. but the slijiit
of several dollars tomp'.cil thorn and tlioy
decided that they would lake the chuncot.
\Vlth his reinforcements , the street coinmls-
eloncr roturncd to the souno of action and at
oncj laid his plans. The mon woio Instructed
to hitrh to two uoinura of the shanty and
pull for the hljli l.inds to the west. This
they did , but thcv had not milled larvhun
Mr. ICuhn dppcared in the door , armed
with : i shotgun , uud stated that ho would
lot diyllijht into the next man who urged the
horses to pull another pull.
At UiH point Street Commissioner Win-
npoar displayed his bravery. Ho stopped bo-
tore the door , the man and the gun , and In a
cotiMiiandliiK stage tonu of voice said , "Shoot
if vou dare. "
This exhibition of nerve was moro than
Kuhn had bargained for , and dropping his
uun to llio lloor ho qulotly roimirued , ' ! hayo
never hiid the plcHsuro of formlntr yourac-
quniut uici" , but If It is not asking too much
1 would llko to ask you what nerve tonic i u
The stieot commissioner could not sne the
point of the 1oko , and refusiiiK to answer
told lih men to whip up the horses , whlcti
thov did , and now the shanty rests on land
that docs not belong to tbo city of Omana.
Tills Olllt ( illl lilt lllllll | < 'tl < lll.
The oily of Omaha has bocn enjoined fiotn
moving the house owned and occupied by
Mat.ij SUi.uck ) | and situated In the iniddlo
of UotilQi'iird avenue , near Shcnly stntlnn.
The amiounccmentof this s'.niplo fact carries
no startling Information , but there uro some
Attending circumstances which help to give
the case moro than the usual amount of in
Some months ago when It was doctdod to
Krado llio street it was discovoroJ tlrit-tho
man had planted his house In thu middle of
the load , and ho would not vacate , claimIng -
Ing that ho had losldcd there for moro than
ten When this information was con
voyed to the eltv council Unit bodv declared
itself , ami ordained that Mr. Slonanei : must
KO ui .suffer the consequences. In the mean-
tlmo the Htioc-l was gr.ulcd nnd thu little hut
was set to onosldi1 , iiml allot the douartmonts
of the city government expiosscd considerable -
able b.ilisfiicMO'i , icali/ing that the loni-
looked for war was ovur. This , however , was
D mistake , for Mr. Stcp.\ncU was only wait-
in jr.
The grade ot the street was completed ,
nnd when the members 01 the Xionrd of Tub-
Ho Worlc * sent n man ilown to ilguro up the
nniount of earth that had bucn tumovcd , the
man found the house , KtopiiriPlr nnd his
faintly ouiotiii'ftiliiic in llin mlddlo of the
htrcot , as In llio duys of long ace Then the
case \.iis inniod over to the btieet commU-
Bloncr , ttilh Instructions to pull the House
clown , That gentleman served his papers
nnd was politely told to go to
that place wlu-io the flics aiu al
leged to never bum low. The
Htrcot comnili'jionor was not inclined to
obey thu instnic.ions and at once miiao all
provisions for the iiioviuir of the houso. Ho
encased his mon and Instructed them to bo
at the iceno of action this morning , with
KiniH , norscs and wagons. Tlioy were there
nn time , but when they nrrived they found
Mr. Slopamik nrmrdltu an injunction
from thedibtilct court Of course the street
commissioner withdiow his forces and Is
now resting on his arms , awaiting thu dn
clslnn of the court.
The cltv will set up the claim that
the innn 1 u squatter ; that ha has
no tlilo to the lunl iiml that it
has been used as a pit blip titsrluvav
for moin than years prior la ilia issuance
of Ihu older to v AIM to , which was ( iirocled
by llio city council ,
' District Court . * \nti > .
Tno case of thu state nij.ilnst .lamm Mur-
Iiy wus dismissed , The defendant was
chin cud with having \vhliiped HOIIJO Soutl
Ouiuhaman , but the statu lacked the o\i
donee to convict.
' 1 ho cu o of the H. ( Jasnoy Llvo Stoik Com
mission company upnlnbi Orrlu 1C. I'addocli
linn ( MiniIc.s I ) . Mlllur Is on Uiat bjfotn.ludgn
I'Viguson , where the plaintlfT Is sc'eklnc to
recover llio sum or , the alleged vnlu "
of eightocn bend of ful slums , 'J ho claim I
thnt the steers wuro cuiifiignuii to th
plumtilT nnd that by some hoolc or croo !
they wt'iu nitachod nnd wont nto the po c's
Ion of thu dufondnnts.
It la not wlm * IU proprietors snv hut what
Ilooa't ) Harauparllla iloos that tolU thu slory
of Its merit. IlopJ'e Karstipnrlllu cuios.
At noyrt'H thontep. Novomlwr 21 , 22
nnd - ' ! . for tlio bt < nulit of the
IJhiirlllc'i of Oimihn , tlio S
"Uon llui1" will bo produced. "I ooin-
inoud H to cluiri'lius and comuuinilius aa
n VCPV onjoyiiblo and insiructivo outer-
tnluinont. " .losoph li Ttittlo , 1'icsi-
'dontViibiisli Collotjo.
< i
Special Fiilo on blu-ikota tomorrow at
Hay don Jlros' .
ONI : r.\iti ; i\uiiif9iu.v :
To tlir UU ) ' of .Mexico unil ( tnturn.
For the inooiinr ; of Iho Amoricnii
Public Ilualth Absociution and Iiiloniu-
ilntml Mudical ( . 'onirrosK , lo bo hold in
tlio City of Moxlco November 2'J to December -
comber i ! , 1802 , the Sintn Fo rouiovill
toll ticjU'cts at ono lowest llrst-iUuss faro
for the round trip.
This la an excellent np | > orttinity to
vJriit Mexico , onu of the most delightful
trli > 3 iinii lniiblo , at viM'v little cost.
A Fpucial party will leave Omaha
Butunliiy , Novoinbor ID , nnd join a Inr o
I nrty from lloaton nn < l ether outturn
cities at Kuiisus I'lty.
The faro tor Iho round trip from
Onml-alboiily WW.
Korlurtliur liifornintion and roservn-
tloti of 1'iilliiiaii luvoinniiidatlona call
on or mldro'9 , li L. P.M IKII ,
i'us ciiijfoi * Ajji 'it ' Bantu Fo Hob to ,
Furrmut St. , OuiaUa , Nub.
: nitv noons uo.
Thrco Invjtltiff barjfnlns for tomorrow.
First Hoys' thrco-plcco , short p.ints
suit ? , in chovlols. worsteds , tweeds ,
homespuns , sixes 10 to 10 years , nnd the
nrico J3.00 ; $7,00 nnd tip to * 9.00 has
boon the former price.
.Second. This lot Includes all of our
suits that lm\o bucn i'.l.OO ' and up to
$12.00 ; thcso for 50.00 each.
Third. Comprises ovorytliin In our
Block Unit luiii boon $12.00 and tip to
$18.00 ; choice tomorrow , $7.00 n suit.
Ton lo fcovcntoon rears ; unseasonable
weather , tin overstock' , prices cut to sell
$7.00 qualities now 3./iO. /
S'.t.HO ' qunlitlos now W.OO.
* 12 OOqtmlUlua nowiOOO.
820 UU qualities now * 7.0J. (
riioii'u of orepy Ivlnjj waist , the best
wear resisting , perfect lUtin nnd wash-
tihlu wnlnt run i-an Iind anywhere for
81.00 ; "no Is our prlro tomorrow.
THI : .MOUSIimv : UOUDS co.
Special sale on blankets tomorrow nt
Ilayden IJros' .
llotrii ( in HID I'rii-iM nn Itnllrr.
Country butter , Hf , IGe , IFe , tintl 20u.
Wo just received llvo thousand pounds
of tins choice country buttot1 , it Is
rciilly worth ilottblo tlio money but \vo
will soil it nt tlio ubovu prices.
\Vo will soil creamery ut IL'C ! , 2lo mul
0o : others chtirgo ! ! ( ) o unil I15U.
Tlio war is ever with Iho oyster busi
ness unil they Inivo raised the price , but
Ku.\(1ciis continue tosell the solid moats
Haltinioro oysters , for Htb pel-quart.
Wo Hill Wisconsin full cream cheese ,
at 7je , lUr titid lUJe per pound.
Young1 America full crcinii , Uu.
Eastern piocosa full cream , 1 le and
l(5e. (
Hrk-lc cheese. l-e } , Hi ; and lOc.
Llmbiirivor i-heeso , l jc and lie.
Sv\l s. cheese , 12Ac , 1 lo and Hie.
Hal ) < ; : iiro i-heose , So pur pai'lcitge.
Neufchatul Prom-h imported , 5e per
UoelJord i-lieosc , linest imported fiOc
per pound.
Frontage do HrlolOo ) ior pound.
1'inoapplu cnocho , . * > Ue o.ieh.
Kdam cheese , $1.11.5 o ich.
IXnififliorty and Anderson's tnlnco
meat , ; > jiaclciigos for il5e.
Cane Cod cranberries , 7u } poi1 quirt.
Aunt Sillv's panctlvo Hour. ! ! 5c.
Aunt .iomimn's pincako Hour iJJc.
l iob's It-yoninjan llap-jaelc Hour HJc. r
Special sale on blanUcts tomorrow at
Harden liros' .
Tliursiliij'H Illgli Wind I' : < t Hnnc Itli
tliu I in1 unil I olcsr.'ipli I.inos.
The severe storm of Thursday , which
raged with gii'nt fury throughout the middle
and western states , rather gave Omaha Iho
goby. As U genorallv tbo ia e , the tele
graph compinlcs were the sroatest s > ulTtfrers.
Manager Umitoad of tnoVetorn Union snld
yesterday :
" \Vouroponndincawav nt delayed dis
patches nnd aio rapidly getting the accumu
lation of business oat of tno way. Yester
day afternoon and last night wowcroin
very bad slw pp , but now two forty oper
ators nt work and oy night expect , to uu In
first class condition again. From cen
tral Jtma east to Oblcaeo all our
wires weio laid out by the high winds
and the heavy , wet snow. All business
in Kansas and Missouri \vus also
delayed for the same reason. In Omaha and
vicinity wo experienced no particular trou
ble except the swinging of iha wlrai. Our
trouble nero was soon located and stopped ,
very few wires blow down , although the
wind I'iMched a velocity of thirty-two miles
per hour. Many of the railway com
panies' poles blow down , which not
only deUyed their buslneis , bat
OHM too. U'u have a Rood outlet to Chicago
via the St. Paul road anil arc haudling mas
sages as vapidly as possible. "
Uhiet Opeiatoi Waters of the Postal comp -
p in v sild his lines were nearly patalv/ed.
"Uotwcen Ucavonwnrtli and Ivuiiias City , "
said the chii-f operator , "a stung of twenty
poles uro down , thus cutting oil our southern
and southeastern wires , nnd from Davenport
to loivu Citv from IHty to sixty poles
with their laid of niics now Uo on Ihe
ground. Husinuss with us Is almost at n
standstill lint wo will bo iu working shape
Dy night "
Tlio Telenhono compunT cxnerlcncud no
severeticinblo from thu high uiiul. of llio Iho and iiollro nlartn wires
biolto , but Kuperinlcnaont Coulter worked
his men nil night and by morning every
line In the city was In llrst class .shape.
Increased attention Is being paid this [ in-
poitant subject. A ohnir of "Climatology"
has boon recently founded at the Hush Medi
cal College , In Chicago. Most conservative
phjsidans mofer to send pooiilo with ca-
taiih , dollcato ttitoiitH or lungs to the balmy
air of the south , nrovldcd thu exhilarating
tilrof the sea ran uo Included , This admira
ble and noccasary combination Is lurnlsho I j
the i.oitheinpp nt North ( ialvuston , a few r
miles noilh ot ( iiilv ( < ) 'nti proner. on the
nholtcriMl and buautlful Gulvcston b.iv. The
North ( iaivdbton aisoctatlnn U prepared to
furnish c-upoitutnMcs of u Ufa time to the
Investor , the merchant , the nttisan , the in
valid -or to any person whom llio In u
charming , brnuuic climaio is dusiraUle. Call
upon or wiito to FraiiKlin P. William" , tholr
Oin.ii ! ; icnt ; ; , for full inforniution.
Special sale on blanluU > tomorrow at
Ull Jll'Os' .
ig mul lulonor duioratli ! ) < ; ; do-
si 'ii-i ami liitiinatei funiishod. Henry
l.uliin.tiiii , 1"US litijrlus ) slroot.
Heal estate.
l.irsaiiis ! : only.
My wet d Is fjood.
\ \ . ( , . Albi-l.'ht.
6'Jl-a-.lN. Y. I.ifo bid , ' ,
In DKriMH tliu Oplluii IHU ,
Thcio will bo a meetlui ; in tli < 3 Omaha
IJoiird of Trade oxchanso roini nt , 2 o'clock
p m Siturduy , November U > , to dlscubs iho
opMou bill tvliltili coni' : up early In IJoconi-
ucr befoio t tin I "nltcd States scimlo na tr .
llnUhod ImMnois. To this moollng Imvo
hrca iiniiod ail ot the mumbcrs 01 the scn-
ute rt'id i-ontrosi nnd HHU ttiojo uho bavo
bcon reronlly circled.
It U nrodlcss for mo to Imprest on you tbo
linpoitimcc- this nicct'nj , ' , ns tlio griiln lu-
teiosts of NobiusUuilt ba greatly jcopar-
ill/I'd U It boconifb a law. Vour prosoncn Is
) ' volli'itcd anil also your Inlluonco
with Ihu gram dealers of iho state uith
whom \o\i aciiuointrd Yours very
liuly , \V. N. Niso.v.
ir -rmiisr. _ ( : .
Tliat it \\l\y \ I ICrmiminend It.
Chatnberlain's cough icinrdy gives tbo best
sutUfuciion of any cough medicine 1 bundle ,
and AS a seller U'.ids all other preparations la
his marlcot. 1 recammuad It bdcause II U
tie bust medlclna I over Imndlnd for coughs ,
touts and croup. A.V , Haldrldge , Millers-
vlii'e , JTl.
Olosing Out the Schneider " Whole
sale Stooi. i .A
, .AW
, - ,
_ _ _ _ _
Comprtltlon U Unllnl No Tlio Sclmrlilcr
Mock It l.ciiilini ; Tliuin All-
Coin ) ; nt i : rn I.M Tli.iu
\\hclranln 1'rlcos.
Uuy from the Oimmorctivl National
bank nssiirnoos the ontlro bankrupt
stock of the I-1. C. Sli loidcr Co. , whole
sale dealers and Importois of fnncv dry
( joods , furnlshlntr ( , 'oods an.l notions.
Cloiinn out the .Schneider A : Loom 14
wholesale stock at about one-fourth the
regular nrli-e.
( Si'iits1 boat quality linen finish i.iper )
colltiiM , only oc' per bo.s , worth 2.c.
Cients' linen lliilbll piof ] ) cull'd , lOc
per box.
Shoulder braces worth 50c , tro at 12c. }
fiUO do/on gents' susuonders , worth 60c
I > er pair , go at lOc.
Sclincldor ft Loomls' block of men's
underwear fjoet ) on ' alu tomorrow.
2 cases of men's natural wool shirts
and drawer" , 50c each , reduced
from ! )3c. )
2 cases of gouts' 11 rib natural wool and
ctiinol'a hair underwear only " each ,
.Schneider & Loomls jobbing price wits
811 00 podoon. .
Schneider ic * Loomis shirt and draw
ers that they jobbed fofBlo.OO and $18.00
wo will close at ! )5c ) each.
Tremendous cut on children's under
wear , odds and ends , will bo closed out
at J the regular price.
; ) cases of Indies' natural wool camel's
hair vests and pants only oOc , reduced
Having purchased the cnliio whole
sale -Hock of purses , pookotbooks , bill
booketc. . , from C. M Schneider
are enabled to maKe prices on ihoso
floods that defy competition , vi/ :
Iluavy calfskin purses only fie.
Heavy kid purses only lOo
Very line kid nurses only loc.
Very line undressed kid pluses , with
o.\idi/.ud inotintiiiRS , loc.
I/.idioi' line pookotbook * , loc.
Another yrado bettor at 20c.
A very line pocketbook at 2oc.
( icnts * jooct heavy bill books , ijc ,
woitli 0c.
Also , a very fine line of card cases , let
ter oases , etc.
Soiling tbo best makes of shoes at our
low dry goods prices put us at the top.
The prices wo make on line shoes this
week will put us ahead of all. If you
war.t a pan of good bhoos cheap just
step into our shoo department and bo
convinco.l Money refunded on every
pair not satisfactory.
2SOpalisof Uioolc Bros. Rochester
make ladles' 85.00 hand turned nnd welt
shoos go on sale at 8X7.1) a pair , A to E
uJdtbs , all sizes. There are no liner
shoo in idc.
I2 ; > naipb William Nailer's Rochester
mnlco ladies' S4..rand ( ) 85.00 hand turned
slious go at $2.01) ) ami iH.OO a pair ; .si/.os
arc homo broken , but if you get a lit in
the lot it is a. bargain.
170 nttirs Adams & Pottingill's make
liulica S4..r > 0 hand-turned iKitent vamp
shoes , 82.03 a pair , A to K widths , all
04 pairs Adams it Pettingill's make
ladies' $3.00 cloth top button shoes ,
$1.05 a pair ; this-o ) are nice and will go
; t2S pairs of samples from Adam &
1'ettingill'b factory , Lynn. , Mass. , con
sisting of ladies' Pine velvet , ulush and
felt slippois. worth $1.50 to $ . ' ! . ( )0 ) a pair ,
go at OOu , SI.01) ) and $1.2"in this salo.
134 pairs men's ) line t > ample bhooa
from A. .1. Bates & Co.'s factory at i25U
andiXOOa pair , worth M.50 to SS-OO ,
icgular price , si/es OJ to 8.
100 p.urs Ituynolds' make line calf
and kangatoo Si.50 shoos , $2.10 a pair
All our mon'b il.SO and $3.01) ) band
made line blioci Kt.50 n p.iir , A to 1 ]
widths , and every pair warranted to
wear well or money rcfimdud. .
Dry gcoJt. .ind nhoes.
Special sale on blankets tomorrow at
Hay den Bios' .
A Xrw KIIHIII'I | | li.inlcszliliiK Illnnor
Is worth traveling a lunjj dibtaneo to
obtain. All Now Kn land points din bo
reached in the shortest , time and most ,
comfortable manner by the Lake Shore's
'Uhiuafro and Hoston Special" leaving1
Chicago daily at 10 : . " > 0 a. m. , teaching
JSos'ton next afternoon at H:10 : and intor-
' medinto points at u correspondingly con-
venlonb hour. Close connoetion is also
made with all diver < ; inr lines , li , I1.
Ilumpliruv , T. I' . A. . 727 Main St. , Kan-
Mis City. O.K. Wilbor , Went. 1'at-s.
Ayt. , Chicago.
.Mlidli'loiViiH ! ; /U'illtli' | < l.
T ho Juiy In the case of Chides Mlduloton ,
tno soliller on irlnl for assaaHln avonmu
nr-nr Fort Kobliibon , came In w Mb a verdict
of not guilty. U is trunoiuliy conceded that
the seventy 01 the punishment as provided
by iho Ui.Uou Slaltb laws ouvod the neKro
fiom nil punlsbinont in the case und sent
him baclf to hh company at FOIL Hoblnson
nn Innocent iniin in the eves of the law.
Middlcton was funiHhca with transportation
und was sent to bis post yesterday ,
Lr\vi-N\\oitrii , ICnn. , .luno 15 , ' 00 ,
Mr. .1. JJ. Moore : .Mv Uaur Sir 1 h.ivo
been subject to sick hcudacho nil mv lifo.
Over two yonn nco I began iislnt ; " .Mooro'-t
Tree of Ll/o" for It and never had a ease of
blck hcadacho t-lni-c , except whoa the meJI
citico wts at ono end of the raid und I nt the
other. It 1s worth moro than inonov to mo.
1 linutily rpuonunuiid it to all sullorors of
beadachf. Very truly yours ,
yoursV. . \V. Ln.u.
i'astor First Uipttst Church.
U'lll Anc8 ltiillrn.ul J'ropurty ,
Citv Clorit Groven has notified tbo tallroad
companies that the couucll will moot us n
bonid of equiill/ation ou Piuluy , Uocmnbor
, to assess nil pf the r.illioad propurly siui-
alcd within tbo city limits , and ouUiilo ol
the iplit-o.f.wii > .
The raliioad companies am cltod to nnpcar
nnd ebow cause why ibis pioporty bliould
not bo usHOssed and placed upon tbo tax list
A Sure Ciit < > lor ( ronp ,
Jfarniora como Illlecn tnlioi tomystoio to
get CluiinueilulnV couii ; ) romedy. Many of
thorn , lllto m.vinlf , am never witliout It la
tncir homes. Itemed in v boy of a snvoio
allai-k of croup and , I bellovr , saved tils lifo.
K. Ualton , Lurav , Hussell county. ICau.
This lemody Is a cerium euro for croup nnd ,
U used ns soon as the lirst Hymptcmu appear ,
will piovont ibo attack , For bale by urug-
owdel :
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder , No Ammonia ; No Alum.
Used iu Millions of Homes 40Years the Standard.
"Given up to Dio" by tlio
He Tlianks God for Sagua anil Prajs
for Us Success.
i , KANSH , Aug. rM. .
I ill-cm It my duty to Icndri UiU my te tU
inonlnlis un offer of iiitltuda for \ > lmt
" lilcl.apoo Inillnn S.iijwa" Inn doni- for me.
I eiinio out of tiniu my In tlic dill of ' ( W , bro
ken duunliehionle i1) pi < p ln In Hi wont
form , anil al o uiilniKi'inrnt "f the
In-Hit. 1 i-im-nlti-d Iho bi' t phsslclmn ,
unillsltcd Institution- tin-iu : t , mul ona
mul nil told mo the sumo thins , ' , I iie.r
coulil not well.
liy Miir.Ku-tloii of nn old rnnundr / foot
AiOAupoo Iti'linn .Vfir/M-u , ninj tliaiil. Itwl lor it
Siixwn hill t'liungnl mv life fiom niHi-tv
mid pnln to one of health mul ubidni"- ' , unit
1 enn no\\ nit miUhliiKlthoiitillstioss . My
lii'iut U till light ami mfiliiuU .110 aston
The pli.\sli-Inn who linmv of my OIKC nnd
1ii > iiul of mv oiiic' , | , iimi a mi-dlidne thnt
H captiblc of innllni ; smli : n mi o , hi- not enl >
cndiios but chut-i fulIj u-i-oniiiiuniH to any
1 thl-i ti" tliiinnlal COIIIOM nmlci the notice
. miysoldlei who I * MiffiMlni ; , let him tiiKi-
the enl of nn old cnniiiulvi in bottle of
Iniliini si ( . ' n at OIHT , niul iniiHod piiHiier
iii with the siifcesi of thl-j ieniud > it the
Kiutt'fnl piujei of
, i.MisyvumxKU. .
Sold by all
$1 per bottle. 6 bottles for $5.
? E 7 Send three 2-cont
K stamps to pay postage -
ago , and wo will mail you free a
thrilling and Intensely Interesting
book of 173 pages , entitled " LIFE
Tolls all about the Indians.
Address ,
321 Grand Avenue ,
Now Haven , Conn.
Driving the Brain
at the expense
of the 13ody.
While \ve drive
the brninve
must build up
tlie body. Exercise -
ercise , pure air
foods that
make healthy flesh refreshing
sleep such are methods. When of Mesh , strength and nerve
Standard.'V physician
will doubtless tell you that the
quickest builder of all three is
of Cod Liver Oil , which not only
creates flc-bh of and in itself , hut
stimulates the appetite for other
Prepared by Scott A ttnwne , N Y. All
" SANA'l'IVO , "
tlio AVomlcrlii 1
Spani'ilJ remedy
pioNcrlhod lor
ever 5O venrN ,
cur OH alf Ner-
VOUH tHnfcano ,
of irjcino-
\Valtoriilnvnu ,
Beforo&Aftor Uso. KmisKiuns , Loot
PJiotofrrapliM from llfo. Iti a li ti o (1 , or
rtliiitiiullon oi * tlioGciii-riitlvo OFKIUIN ,
etc. , ntitl ull titl'vilH rniiNcd liy pant
nliUM-x. S'n ( ni > roiivciilcntly to carry
in llio vcNtpocUrl. Prlro 81 a ixicUnK * . ' ,
or n Tort5vlthii ivrlttrn ( iiiaranlco
it ) euro or rcdniiKtto ruoney. Ifn druwlsi
ItkH In 8uM you cninu U OUTIII ESS I.tlHTA-
'J'lO.'a in plniuof SAN/V'l / IVO , oucloho ( irlcu Incmo-
IOJKJ and \io will Bcnil hy mall. I'uniplilct Iu
plain Mcalfil eiiiolopo Ireo. AilclrrAK ,
MADRID CHEMICAL CO , , Branch omce ( or U.S.A.
2 8 Doarbora Street , CHICAGO , ILL ,
SANATIVO li aolil in OM MIA , NI-IJ , liy
Kulin & Co , Urinal IB Cor is'li & Uou iita.
J. A I uller ft Co , Piiici'itls Cur 141(1 ( & IJcuglas
bis , and druggist * ( .Lvvralli.
jMioit nnl com9tof > TrjHtnjV. conilitdu o
Buppoiltorlai , Olul3int In OtpnilAi , HID It ilx
anJl'llla ; a I'oiltlTo I'ura for lixl.-rnil. Inlornil
bllndor Ulao lliuUnli ( I'aroaii , llau.itur llorjll-
Urrl'lloi T lU ItJJidl/hii nuvjr bian knoirn to
( nil llpjrtiox il furii. a'ntor mill Whf uu lorfrJ-u
tblmurrlulj illiui > TIUI : n vrrlltin Lriiar4Hjj li
D0 ltlvilynl ! ii l tri Djtili Or rofjn 1 llio u in > r if i
noicurj I-tn I stniy for fei b.v.niiU dturintiij
liiaU brKulm XCo. . Dru/uHU , Sola Aoa'.aoar.i < r
litlunJ Uuuirui iriili u-j.Ui .Soli
| ) lt 1 C WBsT NKH/J AX I U t I IS T.t { V r
lilt-lit II IU. . | 13 tUI ll/l.J.-lu IIUlllJII , l-lll , , XJ1
r ilxii limaaoiu Mjrruai l'foirjun 0111134 u/
Iliur or louujjVnjfiilcioii , Mantil Djurii.
flu M tonni)3ijf taj Jr il i ciuiri ; Uu 11 tr , mUjr/
llU'Vlir. Ull I. I'MUttUH UII Aii. lUlTJUII. 1,011
I 1-oivurln I'll urofli , lii.potono/ l < j j-urfaji 411
ull Kaiualu Wai'tntim , luroluntirr I/oim. rfpjr-
niatorrlio.ioiiul tr uro-dtortUi o tuurtli
holf-aUjtaofur-ln Ijli/Jnc ) . A iimti'i triitmii
lll > for * iUr m \Vojjirant \ j < lt Ujtii t > oirj
1-ncli or.laloru ji tn irlui ft nlll mil i
u r ntcito rafunllr novouril Uu > riiita9
unlr l > r TlitfaUard. K. l,3 li ilnu u-
outhua'l i.ornjr lut innJ l-.irn > u u.
This lenntltiful. crquliltc , llfc
( ; a'0i < / element ,
Specific Oxygen.
Wu IIIITO nrepiirfd iMinu.isot
l > . lint diirliiK llui nvit , udnr > ,
the t Irlut * IIU'K in All. . MM *
A Homo tremmonl.
Hi , Antlima , Oiiniini | > llnn , .Servuii rr lrniliin
< > \ \ nrHOJK" FIIBB I'nllnr write , Ttio hl'KCIKIO
OMUlt.N CO. dullcJIOthccI/ ,
IGtli and Howard Streets ,
60 ItnntiMforVntlrnM. OMAHA , NED ,
Tor tbo treatment of
Chronic , Private i Nervous Diseases ,
L'lli's , Fistula , I'tssurntul Strip-
turool'dio lioi'luni
Iy cured wilhoiit the use of Knife ,
or Cntistie.
i 4i- In itinnim nnd our 107 impi- HOOK
on HISI AS1 * niul fiiirslloii lllanks ,
will ! M11 i I' riCKP
tnib nnd llowtip'ts , t < innba , NOJ
W. P \1\X\\MI M D.l'lfs X.nllnn IU. c.tir.
Onlike the Butch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
arc used in ! ha
preparation of
which f absolutely \ > itrc
and soluble *
Itlm3 more than three times the strength
of Cocoa inixL-il with oturch Arroxvroot
or Sugar , and is far nioru ,
cosiiiiy less than one cent a cii ) > . It
IB ili'licums , nouruhing , .a'li'i KASILT
Jjold by Crocors ovoryvvhore.
, ,
_ _
I'nltcd Plates liiilliin Service , IMno Kldso
Axeiiey , South I ) iKnti. NoHi ivii
Soilud pioosils. | endoised "I'loposals for
liiinlipi , wlnUuAS und hnnl IIP. " .ss the i-.iso
may 1 11. "mi iiddro-si-il to ttiu nndurslL'iicd : it
I' nu Hld'.i ) ncuntvouili ! D.iKota.lll bo ic-
eclxcd at this a uiu-v until 1 o'clock p in of
DcDUinliur U , IS' ' ) . ' , foi fiirnlsliliu .mil ili'llxoi-
Ini : 'il tillipcncy [ ui out i'JT.MM feet iis nrtrd
liiiiihoi. 11 1 pnlrs sir ij > liliicp * . , " ( ildoor luuks
811 Willrlou - | s ] | ; itli | III. .Mil | ) ( ) lllls ] ( u-iSIII toil
nulls , -i full .Nt and ili-ici Iptlun or \ < hleh n ay
bii olit. ilncil by uupllc'ition lo the nuder-
Illilderf niuststnto'-iRvlllcally tlio Mnrt nnd
urlou of cacli : u tiulu ollercd for deI\ery !
niulur u oontr ict.
All in tlclvs nhcn dflltcrcd mil -.iibjoct
to ii rliild liHiiuutlou
Tins ilKbtls resi-rxed to roji'ct any or ill
bids or iiny p irt of any bid , If deemed foi the
bctt inlLiest < if tbo servli-p.
cnUTiril.I ) OIIKC'KA
Hacli bill ninsL lie ai'eninpiinliMl liy a ccrtl-
( led cheek or ilraft upon some t'nlteil irfitis
depository , or solM-nt nntloniil I'anK , In tin-
\lulnltyof the lusiileiiL-iiof the bidder , ni.ido
piy.ihlu to the order of tbteoiiiinlhiluiioi of
Indian iirTairi , for : it least s ucr ci-ntof tlio
.inionntof tiniiopo ) al. which check ordr.ift
will ho foifeiiol to the Ignited M itcs In f itu
.my I Idtli-r or bidder ) locclMiu 1111 awanl
* > li.ill fall to prompt y e\ecnt .1 e mtrac'tntli
cunil und biilllcli-iit biiHitli'j. otherwl-o to be
nitiimcil to Hi 13 bind i
II dn ui'coinunn od i v cash In HLM of a certi
fied < < lici Iv will not 1 ocoiisut'ied
Tor fuflii'r Inform itlon aoply to Paptiln
O I. Iliuwn. I' J. A.Acllns I'nltPil Ht.iti- ,
llllll III .l'Lllt. NlMlJit
HY rii c i itrci iv
i"i I II11 \ M'oiour II ) ' .nto I'll : iitMti
( \i 1 ill mvM > I'll Mil i '
H II li III.ISjJ , lilWA rAI.I. . lllttA.
A\V will rend > ou thn murTtlr in
I'lunii l'ieitniiloii | CALTIICI3
i roe. uinl louil min.iiitu li ! u
I M.I II us will Ilrnlurr .four
3lpulti , Mrfiii.ll' uu 1 V iior.
l''filanil favifnl < fnt
AcJdresn VOU MOI1L CO. .
Suit lutrlraa JIrnUt | ; llDtlnn .l , Ohio.
Coiinr-ll C'liainher , Oinib i. Neh , U02
lie II rohoued Dy ihu ultv coiiiu'lt of the i-lty
of Oiniih i , tliu mayor com-urdu , : :
'Hint wooden MiluwaUs Oo cniiitructo I In
thi'olty of ( Jin.ih i as lUnlstnato I bi-lou , with
In llu d i/s aftei tun imblli-itlon of Hits n-si ,
liillnn , urtlio ] i"ronii | ni-rvlro theieof. : is by
in llniince N : iuihui/Oil nnd n-ijnlreil : s.icii
alilnu.UKs to bi > laid to tlio Kr.idn on
tliostri-ots SSI.JILM ] ) | | honMii , and 'o bo con-
stiiKto.l of [ ilno plinivof Niiuh nllili nn I
iliicknu-i , uui ! ) i ) I.ild iiju.i | ohts nf snli
ulnitMihlims and In Riieh in inner IN Is pio-
scrlbdl by Ihu operill'.Mtluiii on fl'o ' In llui
ollleo of iho lioitnl of pu'jllunii indiiiiuct
its siiiK'rvlsion , toHll :
Westnlduof stiei-l , hits I 'in' ) I hloi-k 11
Ui'sl ( linulin , pi'iin.uiunt jr.ule'i ' fi i \vi.lo I
.Noiths'dKol DuiUnstreol , lots I . ' -I Ml hloo'i
II \ \ eht I.nil , iiri-scnt KLide , iifm t Mldu
WiKthldt-of J th aycniiiI I > l J bl.M Ix I HOZJS
, ' . Mart Intndd , pri'si-ntKi de ifi ) t ldo
Siullis di-of Cim lots | to 11ii"1 listvn blocl. " .
lii\ei' ) siil ) , in L'siiiit ni'udc , I ( riu uhlr.
Noilh hlilo of Chiili-s nln-iU lot II hlocK !
Miinu1'idil , i-stiihllsbed Clinic , Hfi-rt wide.
Noilh sldo of Chilli's sliri'l , loll N und 9
bio ! I bhlnn'd acid , u tahllbhcd | ! iade , b fen
until sldo or I'lmi-lrs Tstii'ui , lot II bin ! > U
hlnn'n add , cHiaiillsln-d uriidi- ftttIMI - .
\\est s ( hOf 17th Mrect. 'ota I to il Im-nuKo
blouk li K Ilk wood , iiresi-iilm'Mli- feet uldn
Kusl H dn of .soiilli .uitli siu-et , lots ItoTln-
elnt-lvo bloi-U D .1. I. Uedleu'j bill ) , poinriiienl
Kradi- fettIdr. .
North hidu of Ihinilllon htreot , I" fci-l inoro
01 less hit Iu hUuU " ( JrL'li inl Mill , presunt
nidili fuit wide.
\Viistalduof ITlli streot. 11'ot ' , ) J see .11 l'i
pru enl ur.idu , I feel wide.
I'usl s tie of IHh btieet , loin fi and fi block 1
Dioxul'hsui ) . pr.-senl Kr.ult1. 0 fi-nt ivlile.
I ! ist nidi ) of Kill stii'iil , lolH " > an I li blouU "
Diuxul's sub , uresont ui.idu. fi fnnt wlilo
I .list nidi ) of Kill Mri'i'l. lots 5 und ( > ijUx-U
Iirc\ol's ' Huh , pnsoiil i.'rude , U fuel H lili.
Konth ildi ) of r < prlnK fclrcul. lotH I und
b.oik ii IH'ur I1 it ! , , niosent ( 'l > idoii fuotliU' .
\\09t h (10 ( Of Kill stllUl. lilt 1 block . ' I'liCI '
I'urk , presinil tir ide , U feet wldi- .
\Vi \ st Millof Kill htiro' . lots I to 11 im'liit.ho
bliR-U fi IHor I'aik. iirosuiu.'i ilo I fuel \\ldu
\\C9tsldoof \ li'th Btiitiil. lots I loHni' ! nslve
bloclt II Dei-r I'nik. pie cnl r.ulo , I fi > ut wide
\ \ OHI tilde of llli ilieiM , ul-i I to in ln > lutlvo
bock . ' IJ.i/i'l Turru e , piescnt gride , I feet
And IIP H fnrlhor ro < 3io I :
Thai the bo.inl nf p ibiu | nur' > b bo and hereby
by is .inthoi l/i'd and dlrucluil to eiiuio ai-upy
of tliU rciolul en to bo publlsho 1 In tht ii'll-
elai paper of tlio eltv foi unoeuk. . 01 bo
or\ud nn llio ownoi of s Mil lots und uiiltisi
sncb ovsniT-i sli.ili w.tliln Ihu diiyx uflor the
public.ition orscrvl' ' oof stiuh ropy coiittnut
failil iiitnuulks as hiiruln iivjiiiiu ] , tint the
board of publlo orks i.iusu thn aamo to bo
donti. iho coil of construct n , ' said nUU all > 8
loapo.'tUoly to La Hssess-'d luulnsl
(3tiilo , lot or part of lot In fiont uf iind ulnH-
tlnx hiirh nldi-wiilks
1'iissed Oct. iiJtli. Nov M nnd Mill , 1SOT.
i : i' . JIAVIS" "
rresldont C tv Conn IL
T .1 I.OWUV.
Acting rri'Jldcnl of tlin t'uiincll ,
Attest ! .IU1IN OUOVh- .
lity ! Olerlc.
Approved ! oi : i r m\iis : ,
Totho OVMH.TS of tbu lots , pirtsnf lots and
roil est ilo descrlboil In tbu above resolution
You .nut uucli of you urn hereby nntlUcd to
coii tiiu't woodun nldow ilk * ui luiinliol by u
ru90lutiii | ) of the nllyrcnnell und iniyurnf
tl'u cily of Dm ili.i , of wliU'h Iho ilo > o Is ii
C"'y' '
. I' . W , IllltlCIUUsKlt.
( 'iMlriiiun Un.irl of I'nblio " > Vork
Ouiuhu , ub.l Novciubur inb , lev. ' , uieujt
Oui'selesin the overcoat department for the
past few \veeks have been a sort of a surprise
party oven to ourselves. Lot after lot of great ,
thick storln coats Heavy ulsters business
overcoats dress overcoats heat producers of
every conceivable kind and description have
been piled out on our overcoat tables only to
disappear like republicans ' "when the returns
cnme in. " Great big stacks of garments came ,
and were gone before our salesmen had time"
to become fully acquainted with their merits. ,
We have already sold
more overcoats so faij
this s e a s o n"Th"a Fr we ever before sold up tc
Christmas and still the good work gocsTmTix.
Letter after letter telegram after tel
egram has been sent to our New York reprc-S
and buy he has. For the past week we've been
receiving case after case load after load of
overcoats bought under value of manufac-
facturers who'd r a t ho r have mon c y and room
than winter goods. Today they go on sale at
the very time you need them most at Febru
ary lpFrc TTn TToveTnTDe7 ! Six hiTnxTred magni-
cent'genuine chinchilla overcoats lined -with
h e a v doTnjre" a r p s e r g e with full velvet col
lar the same quality of garment which sold
two weeks ago at nine dollars go out in the
cold world at
apiece. Twelve hundred beautiful overcoats for business or.
ior dress cut in this season's length -in fine kerseys , cassi-t
incrcs and chinchillas--m blacks , blues , browns , tans , modes , <
grays and mixtures-some double and some single breasted
some lined with phid cassimere , others with serge , Italian or
Farmer satin some with velvet and some with self collars all
with full satin sleeve linings some of the same identical quali
ties which sod ! for fourteen and fifteen dollars a month ago
today any and every one at the uniform price of
.9.OO- .
Don't forget we sell Fur Overcoats.
Corner Douglas and 14th Streets.
A M U H IS M Hi N T S.
y. M : c i HALL butiir.lny
. , I M'ulu. , ' .
.4 MY
1 liu Uluiuct ! ' < 11 The Ililin tahlu Humorist
Ito-i-neil scuts tV1 anil 51 s il , OJH'IM llnn-iln > -
inornlni : IVth nl'Jiiiu nt lliu-o , v 1 ilily n HIS
ui\ inv : run
Assiitod by the Mirlous ( it-nuiii s'n lni ; si-
clutIvs , tin' llolioin.u i 'In lii-- Club .niddri-
iiinnl.1 of Lincoln , GAIURDAV. NOV. IOTH , "I
hiVclocK.'itGERMANIA KAIL , l' li and Iliiinuy
Us Adinisil in iii < ' , ! ! , ficc.
Ii. llio tioiitnont : of ull forms of
nnd nil Wo il.nosi and I ) sorderof
XI witli lossot courat'i' . iimhillon
(1\ and Utility l.iKhlionou i of
HID most rumur't ' ihlDHUi-tvss In
tlio trn itincnt nf tins uluss of nisi iisi-s. which
In prni'im by tlio nnivorsai tusthnony of tiniii-
Biuids wlio liuvi ) DDDII i uroil Wilto fin olrju-
luri and ( inost on list llui mul r.irniiii
Stw. , Dm ill.I. Vela >
Elastic S'Ijj'diji. '
' Trussss ,
Crutch'31 ' ,
Atom 'zift ,
Medical Sinili3i
114S I5t'l ' St ,
Xcxl tol'osi ' ofdc
National Bank.
Ciiiilnl | . . . . . .7. r.M ! ( > : ) ,0' ) )
$05,00 , )
CUcr tto < lllrlcr < lluiirr W Vnte proilUn
It. r. < inliln ; , rlfo proiiuoui. i' M. MnuiloV V
Votte , John i , tJudii J .X. Il l'ilrlc < . tai\t \ \
Iliti. ' , cmlilijr ,
Farnam Street fnaanr. "
TOXIC ; in
Amorlcn'fl ( tmrnrtt r Acton
In lili nen lointnllc uu-ucily BUCCCM
'xf E1R R Y "
A pin ] Hint nlll Icnr riclnx ncnln nnd ngnli , !
I our nl lita coinitiPiirlnif siiiiilar tuit IMOI.No ) 2 (
Tliu ( ifrinaii lnli-ii ) ! I oniriHtin
IT/l'i ; I In 1.1 1 n IMV M , , | IIII
\ 1 C HIM ANU J.I..NA. .
"nnportoil liy
1III.1 \ KIIN'M l 'Hi ' Iclili ( oiiiiiilhin
Ml Ii I'll \ ( ; i'ii/i : ' | : : llnMii runn Mulitlniale.
Illl I.I * /\MM' I liu ( hllil \ \ > nik-r
'lllico Mk'lit * roui lie-in Init I llilii ) Nov IS.
sntiinln Mutini'i-
Till : Si\sv , . , mi ,
'iuu .Mi'HA.vr i\ i iniiii „ 111
linnnilni ; mul Inmp-u'lvo 1'Hiliirliiiii of tliolircru ]
Intt-r/mlluiinl Mt'lo Dim intlo '
1 unions New t tirk ( n t
1 ! t nr Lonil * uT conery ! i
Aiuirlnu Mt-ilianlt'Hl I'lTi'Ct .
STTSfn HID TlK Wlilnui IU nlth I'oal MnnU until
nils Hml I nil HUKeil In | ] tpr > rmlkulirl f
Ni.TK Inil - . " . "
li-ntnl lo At I Il..uplk0" lli'iinoi-i-r - uCl
'Mil Mr < > y the l.iiilni'iil Iliiloriiiiil Crii' ; "ioii.l
nlil Illun iiin.i | llriinil-Ni ir Irnn ' nfc III full vlcwl
nf Iliiiniiillunii' Iti'.illMlu muliluntiili , ' 1
I liu o .N'l hls , ind Wodiir-t - my M.illnou.
MONDAY , KOV. 2st. !
Chirk anil Cox's Snpeil ) Spectacular
I ndoi Ilio.uispii'i'SDf tbr Ass > < .tteill h irt'l'j
100 Pcoplo 1 i th Oaat ISO
' liilcly Drill of llio N.i'ndji ' , ( Mi n minx D.mtcl
of iho Until rllli's Inlil uii ! lluiilon i-uar
| ) | IIICI > , ( Jliy Itinclhlif till ) I lllhll-SrtOM
r-i'i'rHi 8ciNiiv. : : IU.I.\M : ( o-
Olmnto , Hist rlcal ,
heals on snlo ut I ox ullli'U I sn il
All til t UiL'k.
( lie Hills lo ( In1 Poor House umi
Alhamhra Vaudeville Co.
< n.NMt\i. : ADMI--IUN .
dliiJ Ifos-ru-d oiln
Evonlntf Oonco-t nt 0:15. :
In mpiribo ( onerrts by tlio Url ual ,
r.iimms .ind Only
Dodge City Cowboy Bam
I'ron ui.d Uon'l Mans'r. Mmloul Dlrei Ur.
M- ! IKiItAVMiV. ; . I'rlma Donna "opra
Mi , A II. KMII i , . Aincrlrn's fiiuirltt ( 'oiiiu
Mm MAIIII1 : < NKII. cr atr l l.udy ri/rne
Mr liM.i'll Korea , HID I'hcnoinonal lljbso.
IMMCIJ'sJ ' > ln or roil , 73o and
1 llltlj. ) AilniUilun .
Adviinu ) .ilu ut .Max tlvjer It Uro. Cd
Jonolry stor * .