Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Light Receipts of Ho s C'cued Shorts and
Sent Fork Up.
An n lirmlt of tlin Udionil Storm In the
Norllimut .s'mnllcT ItrcelpM ( if
tt limt XVoi o I'rciliclril for , -
rral lnj tn Conic.
CIIICAOO , III. , Nov. 18Tlio provision pit
WMllio center of Interest today. Thr-llRlit
tecolpls of hozs scared the shorts and .l.m-
tinry poik sold up ll.W pur bb . from
tbo prlco twodnys IIRO. 1'artly as a iciult of
thoHcntl-pinlcIn ling pro'liicls was In
brisk dCmiind nnil closed wllli nn iidv.incc of
moro tlinn lo o\nrlast nlKht's H-jnres. Corn
unil oats Dallied from ' 41 * to 'Jr.
Iluoyiincy Hud excitement pruvnllcd In ho *
products nturly nil day. The rcco'pts ' of lions
wcro about G.00'1 lessthanostlmatod .mil prices
m tlio ynnl were frrin lOe to20c lilKbcr "hurts
ntonco RlnrU'd to cover nnil there I.eliiK lltt'o '
for s.iluiiiMilcU jump ' v.ilucs was HIP 10-
milt. Itu'iiliy ' , Ilitoly and Kolilnson worn all
Kimil buyers , . . .
Thu butt receipts for tlio weal , will nroli.iblv
Ire about K'.VOU loss th in for thu s'lino weeU
lust \car. mid for October mill November will
f all A'f. in bulow tliu reco.pts tor tlio saiuu
tlino liiHtyniv 'Ihi'iiiwiis Immense lo-illrlni :
cm the iidMitKO liy HIII b'lll elhiuc. bill tlio
.hurts were so dtinor ill/ed tn.ii tlicv took ml
Hlllt Was "lU'lCIl Wllholll Wllltlll , ; HI llNIUllO
whence It ( Mine. Them wus Homo rn lutliui In
( Ictiimul towurd tliu close , iind ; Juiiumy POIK
tumbled hick , i-loslin ; " u finiu Hio ton tnr tin' '
< l y. but ic hinder tli in lust night. l , nl wus
even Ktmiin'or than porlt. Thu .Imiti'ii v dollv-
ry , which closed yeslci\lav "t HUT1. . ad-
vmiccil to jK.SJ , mid stood at i 7" > nt Hit-close.
Hlbs for.lunii iry delivery iidvineed 2V mill
closed with a e.oar . caln for tlio ilnv ( .f 2k1.
A wild stoirii w s prev illlinr In tliu north-
vri si Mini sin illor loco pis of wire pro-
illctctl for omoilijs lo ronuI I liu lecopts
loc.illy fell thittv cms bo o tin1 uslini IIP.
l/'nhlcs reported tlio I.M.-'ibli us Drill
< ind domestic urn lifts wern also u Mmdn
lictlohlio the tjiioyimry In the provision
market fl o hi'lncd lint tlio rcpoit Hint
Itnssln. eonlompltitcd tlio imposition of an expert -
port tnx Is ti'R.i riled us iinieason.ihlc mi'l bad
mi oirect It wns not bo lined u furthci
liurdcn would In | , iid upuu It. However. It
was found illlllr.i t lo buy wheat on the ad
vance. Tlio ohoitx wiiulei } it all Hio inori1.
Lowest in ITS of the ( lav welo in iilu lit and
nroiind the upcnliiK and tlio wlnJ-up'Mis
hlroni ; . Tin- open IU ns .iboill tlio sum .1-4
yislerd.iy's I'iosin ' , and wllh onlj slight
Iliictiiutlons prli os were iidviuu'C'd I'iC. neld
stonily mid Hun and the o ojlii , ' u .is about 'Oc '
hlchcr th in vcsliMilay.
The corn niuil.ft was higher In svmp.ilhy
with "heat and In some mc.isiiro also to ill
inliil&hcd u'et'lptp. Tlu > Inspection luliuns
filioucd .11 cnrlo ids of which IUS were con-
Ir.icl. I' r lomniinw the Inapcclloii Is ox-
iiccicd to bo 2M ) i"irThi > ro w is an active
trudu with shorts who si'i'incd plnnlifnl. I'list
H ilos were at fi.ietlonnl declines , hut pi Ires
Ilrtnud up fioni "ao loUC. . cliun'o 1 .mil
lit the ulo-o hud iMlnud fioni ' 40 to Vc.
In oils few outers \\uiu luiolxoil and trade
WIIH ini)4tl > of a s ilninic ii.itiiic. Theio were
f.itr oll'crln s ofi"i i'l roniii mill the cli'in.inil
llirht. Uutes to lliitr.ilo weio'-'io for
and ' . " 40 for coriu
ICstlnialrd lou'lpts foi tomorrow : Wheat.
15 curs ; Kiln."Jj uarv ; oats. 171 ; liu.s ,
Tliolc.ulliu futures fuiin.l us follows :
Onsh quotations were as follows :
I''l.otlll Dull aiuf unch.iiiL'cd ; winter
patents , * 'l..l ) : winter stral.Mits , il Jnfo. ) , " > i
kprlmt stl.ilu-bts , j.7 Cii.50 : ; bakeis , { . > .40iU. !
\ViiKAirNo. , ' sprlnW5io ; .No. . ) sprlnj ; .
fiianic ; Xo. L'lml. T.-aC.
Uon.v-imiaii No. S. llc ; No. a yellow ,
OATS No. e , : il'c : No. a lilte , f. o. h. ,
aftNO : itthiic..e > i.iQi 'ic.
HIK No. ' . ' , 4'S5c. ' )
lUni.iv-No. : . ' , ore ; No. : i f. o. b. , 45flC" c ;
No. 4 , Ilb'1. 1.
KI.A.X SKBIINo. . I. ? I.O ! ) ' , ' .
TIMOIIIV M.UIIPrime. . J..d1 ! .
I'onil .Me-H. per lib ) . , Ul .bTVtSKlon ; lard , per
ion Ihs. . JIli.Wi ; short ribs. ldes ( loose ) ,
tT.fiOI&T.fii ; dry silled shouKtors ( bivod ) , fr.4l )
tiSA.M : shoilcleai sides ( boxedl.tTO © NOO.
WIIIBKV Dislllleis' llnlshed seeds , per sal. ,
f-lKMli'-r'nt loaf. D'sav ' '
c : sranulated. 5'ic ;
btnmlmil A , 'i'ie.
The followln ; were the rccolpts and ship
ments today :
-Vim \ one Aliiruels.
New Vomc , Nov. -ri.oi'ii Iteceluts , 21.001
llKs ; enorl2.11KI Mils , 11.4J ) .sael.s ; mar
ket dull , nrm ; "ales. 11,200 bo's ,
COIIN MIAI. : Dull , uluady.
WiirvrIteeolpls. . I'.sono Im. : exportKi , .
nCOlm j sales , I,1 , > 0ljO ( bu. of futiiies JUKI HIO.OiO
on. ofHfot. Spots moder.itoly ncllve , hlionaor ;
A''JoH. , ' , . ' " ' . ' ' " J. ' " In store and ulovatcr ;
78J ia7ll'iC f o. Ii : No.liod,7i.ic ; unsi.ided led.
.J'4ll7l'c ' ; No. 1 noi thorn , jnci No , 2 north-
No. 2 Milwaukee , ,7J. No ! ; T
744t7l'ic. Dptlnus iidvanced I'jijl'ic ' ami
oloscd slionsr. adv.ineo due 10 ll lit tecuipts
JurKo cleaiam-es nml shorts covet Ins. Una
rumored icimrt that lfusnla would tax all experts -
ports of Kralii , lulling wasdull. No. 2 led.
Decemboi , 78 c , closln' ' at 7Sc : .lummy , 7S' ' , ©
VOHc1 , closing at 7U'ie ' : March , HH:5t 'i.c , clos-
limiitK'ie ; : .May. .si'4sp4c , closing athl c.
Jtvn-Dull , stonily.
Cons Hccclptp , W.W ) ) bu ! exports. 100,000
TUIM solo * . : iuuaj bu. of fit lures , HI.OJO bu , of
Biiot. Kpoisiiulot but firmer ! No. 2..r,0u In
P..P.V".10.1' * nl | > < iWI" e iilloits uncnided mixed ,
noJ ! MifC. | Options dull nt " < B'io ndviiiico ,
cloning linn us follonlni ; wheat and the west :
December. fi'i , .1e. | oloslni at .lie ; .lanu-
nry , 51 SSMl'.c , elosln , ' ia | ' , : May , Si' , ®
OJ c. old-tin'lit .1:1140. :
UATS-ltecelpts , 4.1.0JO tin. ! cxpoiis. a'0.0.0 '
bill miles , \S\aoo \ Int. of futures , .ii.mio bu. of
l'0l. Spot dull nml loivcr Options dull and
lilKhcr : Di-eembor , M a.-uije. eloslnat Illijc !
Jliiy , 4i.a4'i(4l < c , cUniiis . ' , inrxodttaU-
orn , HOUff i' : No. 2 spot , whlte. western. u'J'i '
jUJc ! ! No. 2 I'hlcaao. 'l7o
HAV I'll in. liiflot ; bli'lppln WGO'e ; jood to
oho cc. 7..Wt'.Huii. '
lloi't , Quiet , Htuadr.
SlKUli lluw. quloi , steady ; sales. 1,170 bacs
inutcovado b ? test at 2 l.l-Kio ; rullued , dull ,
Itii B 1'ulrly iietlvo and steady.
Kuos Quint ; roiolpts.i.iipii : : * .
lllliuti-liull , steady.
WoolSlodpruto doniaud , Jflrm : domestic
fleecf. V-WBui pulled , 2 ( ftlVc ; Texas , 1.1321 p.
I'lioyisio.vs-l'ork , hluher. fair dumnml ; old
IHCM , H.l.ill4,4il ' ( ( ! newmo > s.JI4.00l4.fiO ; oxir.i
new. tlll.'i'lMnoi : cut meat * , sow ; plel < led
liellUx , hVits'to ; mlililluM , dull ; lard , muuh
lil.-her. ( inlet ; western sl
am elo ud at $ I0.2 > ;
November , tlO.IU uIJ , Sia2,1 nsUod ; December.
tJ 711. ;
iliirruii'-yulei , nrm.
I'm IIION Actho ; American. 11.1.0 ( 15.JO.
i'ari'Bii , * < truiij | lake. flL.iOiai..IU
I.EAD-Hiill : domestic.
TIN Closed meiuly ; slr-ilahts. tM.15 bid.
Oniiilm I'roiliiru .MnrKi < t ,
n\UK l'ralrlo ehk'Kens aroeomlut In freely
mndduclts urucommruelii ) ; in arrive. Quail
mo ncarce , Thu cooler wo iiher Iris Improved
the KIIIIIU hllnatlon. 1'ralrlo chickens , * I.DO < a
4.S5 ; crouso , II. 0 ; iiiul | | , fl,7J ; knlpu , fl | oy.
jack Milne , l.r < aiMI plover , $ I.DJ : Jdeii
plover. JI..VIH.M ; canvas-back ducks ' $7.0
IMAI ; redhead duVks. * ir * ) ; mailHid 'dueIts.
HSU ; bine wltiK leal. 14.7.1 ; eieon wluit teal.
( ' .Mj mixed ducl > , < I.M ; jaolc ribhlls , Jl.uixri
4."u ; small r.ibbltd. i biiulrreU. ti.AO ;
utitelopo Hiiddlex. ; Uour saddles , LV IG * ;
iitilelopuuiircasses , Ujrldc ; deer carp.iticn , luiA
12c | llvo plueotii , JI.V.Vltl.50 ,
IIUTTBH The market U considerably lower
linn It us a fov ? dnys ao , and It Uh idly
nfe to quote isood country roll abovu ICit.bc.
Kocs 1'rcsh stock , 22fivae.
I'OULTHV'hlel.etm. . a'Ji7o ' ( ( ' llvo ; 7Cl < io
dressed , tin keys , luttllo live ; coed stock , loT
dres.ued ; KCOJU and ducxs , 8. .
Auiorlcau Kurrlcurutiir llerf.
( /tveuroou Nov. 18-AUKIIIUAN LIVE I'AT-
TI.K Hlnklni ; the olTal , Mid.
lluri1'oieuunrlerii. . Ubdit.adl purlb ; hlnd-
iiuurtcn * . SsiiU pert * | ba. by iho purcnas.
Oinulm Illtlvk mul Tiillovr.
HIDES NO. IkToon,3 o | No.lcreen tinted
4414ko ; No , 2 ijreeii iilluil , ! ! ja to Uita' ci ISO
1 isreeu mltetl , 23lo401t § . , f cj Na : rcuu
nMtoil. (04111)4. ( . T4"i No 1 Yoslcnlf , 9 lo H
His. , rot No. 3 venlrilf. 4 I" l'i Ibs. 4o , No t
dry flint , fie to 7C ! No. S dry flint , 40 to r.o ! No.
I drv villpd , . ' lore Part cttrml lildoi oneIn
half rtMil per pound lots limn f inly euro I.
I * I'r.l.Ts-Oreon s-iltcd. Pldi 'Ifoiltl Q3t
sa.te I shnnrlluss ( iiort ) wooln.l enriy
sklnsi. u.icli , lVTi.ru1 : dr ; shcnrllius ( short
woolcd ruriv sklini , No I , o leh , , V < 4IOc ; dry
"heirllnzd ( short noolo.l early skins1 , No. i
oich. . ' ( ; drv Hint K'IIMH mil Nebraska
butcher wnot poll" , per Ib , actual itolglit. U
( JlU'ic ' ; < 1r > Hint Kaiisisanil Nebraska mur
rain wool pelln , per Hi . artifil wolijlit. 8i ? > r.'cl
diy Hint C'olor.ido buleher wool poll ? , per Ib. .
actual welihl , lOillii'iCl ilry Mint Colnrnclo
murrain wool pelts per Hi. actual wulilht
Mine : dry pleees an 1 IIIIBKS , actual weight.
7flV. ( H.ITO fo tent elf , us It Is iisoleis to
p. iv fruhtlit on them.
TAI.IOWMI OIIKVIRTillnw , No. 1. .Vc ;
tallow. No tf. .iniUo : uroaic , white A , ! | ) jo ;
Krii'Se. whllo II. .Pic. sro ise , yellow BOOS'I :
src-i p. durk"to ; old butU'r , -/Wie ; BOOS-
wax , prime , l63'/'ie : rouib ? tallow. '
M. l.oiiU IHrKcl" .
FT. l.otrii. Mo. Nox1. It.I i.oun I'lrm but
r \Vo < dull , but later both activity
anrt strength set In and oloso was 't'tt'io
abinoosiunlar ; oash li oi November. l > s\c ;
December. i.e ! ) : J.intiiry. 7lc : M-iy. 8l Si4i' | .
funs Advanced aloiu with wheat and
i'io i'il ' 4 < ( tjC nboyoslerdnv ! cash , 401 C(4 (
e ; Do ember , . - O'nuear. . .JO'.ei May. 41'ii
CMH-Hettor. but very slim ; o.iih.Ilc asked :
MiiV. ai'.c.
lluii.r.v 'Icadv : sample lot * Nebraska. jt > i
U c ; Mliincsot iv.Mtirc. (
llli\N III. her. .Mil'jOo on east track.
HAV Top rides and both tlninlhy nnd
pralrh ) hlirher. I'r.ilno v > M .it ? 7.0iXiW. < W : llm-
olhy. * i.2.1f MII )
I'l.A.XSKMI-Hotter .It } l Ofi'i. '
I.I Vli-Quiet at Sllli ; spelter du.l at $1 12 i ,
lll'TTnn AMI I'OHS I'liehitiuod.
I'oiiN MIIU.-IJ ild i fi si.
Wllism Steady ill
lUi.oiMii'irrroN ) ( Tii' = ruchiniod. :
1'iiiiK Illghoi : | oh lots attl ' .1 . I.aril nomi
nal y h'Bhvt ' ut I'li i. I'rv ' Kilt and
liicon ( inlfl wllhnnlv a job tiadoat piuv.oiis
ii notations
HBCCIIT * riour. fiioO bbls ; whoit. 61.101
bu. : coin , VM.OII Im , oil * . KOO ) bu ; lye , J.uoO
bu ; h.irlny , il. ( KI liu
SIIII'IIIMI'liiur. . VOO ) bbls. : : i5.0fO
lu co'ii..loji bu. : oiu. i..uuJ hu. ! rye , 4,000
bu. . burley , mrie.
l.l\crp ml M ll'ltcM.
t < lvpitt < nni Nov. H WIIKAT rirui ; de-
niiind | onr : holders olldi1 sp.trlnitivi receipts
of wheat the | i ist Hiri'o il iy , ( 'l.tuO centiils ,
Ineludini r.'l.iinu American.
I'OilN rum ; nenmnd Improving : western.
4s Id per c'uil il ; nice pn Atnerlcm coin the
p'ist thiee d i ) . .M.sjj contals
I'DlliI'rimc mess west in , flue , S''s UI per
western , .Is percwl.
siis Cllt Mmlcels.
Mo , Nov. H. Wiimr Sleailv ;
No. ' - ' h ml. GI'tiT.tlo ; No " ind. li 'ic.
v lint'uliir ; No 'J mixed , : ri' > 2 > illc. ! !
i -tuudy ; No. a mlxu I. iNUH1 Se
ll * v t-tc.iav an I nncli mgeJj prairie. K.OOIfi
y.Di ; tliniithMOilMi. .
IliiTrmi rirni ; ore. imorv , 'JJiiCOi ; ; dairy , li-'Jt
Sic HRIIS i'lrm at 2lc. .
oil Uirlii-u.
Nr.w YOIIK. Nov. is I'ICTIIOM'UM Dull and
foilurelc s throughout , iho day. I'otmsyl-
Minl.i oil sp it s iles , nonu : December oplfon
I ales , " > , ) > o nt .VJ'aC ' I , HUM oil S.i e . none ;
I7o bid : tolil siles. .1,00) ) .
I.ONMIOV , Nli ( ) L't.ClMTIjl.NSEKII 10s IM
l.lsbLKii CKKii Wustein , 7 pounds , IlsOd jior
.Kt'M 1U < I pr irallon.
< ollcn .M.U ! crt.
NKW Voii-t. Nm IS. Ootlons oycne1 ! steady
.1 to U points down ; closed steady , unehauired
lo.lilonn. h.HI H. , [ ) ,7- , ) | i im , Inclildliiz : No-
ember , tilt. llfbni.40 ; Docombor. Illi
.1 iniiarv , ? ! . " > . -O'rlli' ; Cobrn irv. Jl.1.7i ; .March.
ill > C5 .I'l' ' ; Apr I. 1 fi IlVfil'i ill ; Mny. ilVIfiW
1.1entember. ; . Ml.i.liM.1 - " > : October. JI1 UOM )
1S.IU hjiot Itlo. it ) lol. steady ; No. 7 , 517.00.
Oinnli.i I i nil Miitltot.
fiilM'US Now YoiU , I'SSUj per
10-lb. basket ; 1'ir e lots. Jiisr.e.
( 'A 1,1 MJII MA lluu'u * 1'orcr ito. fl.llSl 7.V
CAMKIUM * I 'nut i : i)3) ) ) . ? i nor box.
Ai't't.Bj Wusturn , $ I.OJjJ'l 7"i ; Now York , $4.00
© Ml.
Qri.or.1'cr liox , JI.71.
-Per bun h , JJO'J3\V ) .
New lot I ; Urj ( intuit Vl.irket.
Nivv : YOIIK. Nov. IS. There was a continued
dcni mil for cotton Kinxls. H ilo * during thu
vvnok have been viiry 1-irio In brown ana
bleueho'.l nf colored deiorlptlons. There was
al o moie doing In Blush ims and other spo-
Cotton Market.
Nr.w Oitt.E.tsR. I.a. . Nov. JR Futures.
8ii > ady : MUCH. IOI..10J liilo.November. ; . 58 r.i
bid : December. KbigSu'i : January , .7.1Qs.7a
blOLKS A\l > ItOMJS.
There Was a Purthcr Slirlnkasi ) of Hiislness
tit i ho Kich.ui o Vcsturday.
New YOIIK , Nov. 1\ There was a further
'hrlnUaso of business al llm Siok exchange.
The maiket early In thu ( lav was Irregular.
At the opening f notional advance- , were gon-
ur.vllv recorded , but subsequently M inliattan
holdo'.TU to'i : I'liloaso. ( . 'level uiu , Cincin
nati & M. Louis 1 per cent , loGJ ; American
fcuKiir Ti per cent , M 103\ : ickanann i ' per
cent , to 11)5 ' : Iliiltlmoio A. Uhlo ' , ' per cent ;
Mls-ouil I'HCllh- ' , per eout. to5b' , , and Hie
balance of tliu Hit ' , to 'i per cent. These
concessions were HIII ill , considering the talk
itboul sold * 1iU" and Iho efforts m.ido bv the
Iearto fniuo lung stouk for silo. Umlor
cover of the weakness lu eorta'n ' stocks
named the pnfosslonal dealers ijiilelly au-
cn.uul'ilo I Ite Kiln ? . yt. Paul , Now I'nxlaiiil ,
Atchl'-oii , 1)1-1 ) Illnr. , tMilc.i.'o Has and other1 * .
Dm Ins this alteinoon a change for the bet
ter tuok place , and thu whole list advanced once
co njii'ratlve'y llxht offeilngs. Manliiittau
iiK.iln led the maruct. sellln ; up * > percent to
K'.O'J and was followed by the ( "oilers , fiunera
Kleoti lo mnl ntlier Industrials. Tlie persistent
buy in of HNiinlii ; and Cattlefcedlni ; , which
at no tlmosold below last nl lit'- , closl-i : ; , anil
left elf with a net ijaln of ' , per
conl was a conspicuous fo'ituro of
the day's operations. Koadln , which
amoii't other slojl.b In point of activity ,
wasalso mitkcably hlroii4 and closed at M ,
the top price , l.c-iihiu hou.os hotiirht freely ,
An.nii thu "peclallles , Itlo ( iiand and \Vot-
irn preferred biokoU lu 04 and later sold l > 1 :
Ohio -oulhein .lecllueil 1 percent , whllo Chl-
> f'O.V 1'islern Illinois Hhowod a coiresiumd-
IIIK advance , The common slock of tliu I tilled
Males Kubber company was ( inded lu the IIrat
tlniu lhlsiifl"iuouii Thu pilcu was marked
up rapldl/ from 'Is'a to 4'li. ! National I.ead
and Cotton nil were lu brink donrind In the
tliul liansactlims. The ninrKot closed Him In
The I'.nt says : Ono of Wall street' * vvonlcs
toda/\vas Ilio mvsterlous tii'k of laivo " 1111-
coveied aecoiintV In short stocks , Hut be
yond the tcchd'cal iihr.T-o in which these re-
puils weie e othJil , there would hate been
noililiuc In them olther iinoxpccted or alurm-
Inx' . The past sleillnn iiccounts me no now
Ulseov ery They oxlbl ami ivoro known tea
a month ago. l.vcrvbody remembers
the "foiol n iniinny" which lushed Into the
New York loan market In October when the
rules were al top notch and caused ml-
Mince In Ihc local discounts. It
no secret that this money wai
heio through short
of bturlliu oxchanue. It could Inuo been
broiiKht lu no other way. A doublu move
ment , howovur. Intlmaloii Much transaction * ,
Ihu corl.iln piollt from lorrovvltit ? tlmo Ion-
dun iiiuncy in ii per cent and ll.n possible
prollt fiom selling October exchange with iho
view of eovorliuat lower NovomOor r.uus.
ThohieilluK market's llrmnuis hid upset the
soi onil of those cxpcctullous. and Ilio iiuei-
Him , therefore , on Iho maliirliu of Hiioh con-
I r.i i'If , is whether the condition of Iho ivvo dis
count iatii ! will maku It longer lirulltiihlu to
keep the foielKn money hoti'ibis , with tlio
iincNpcctodlV small voliimu of onr cotton ux-
IiorlH , U Ihu qnesl'.on of doubt In Ihu gold expert -
port pioblum ,
Tim followne aru thu oiosinu nuf.ltttlons for
thu lenillni ; Btouks on tliu New 'i ur > > stock o\-
clian.'O tuuay :
AUblion . . . . : i7) ) N J Lumral , , K'o
Ailaini Kxpion * . . . UO Norfolk & W. pru. 41) )
Allen , T II . . . , U Norlli AmiTlcniiio. t'M
ill ) I'rofriicM ' . . I5j .Northern I'ucltic , I H
Auii-rlcnn Kiirm | . lil do | idl 17' .
llHllluiore A iiiiln. 1'7 ' I' 1 * . lionvor \ ( i'lf n.5-
I'niiHilu I'aclllc . .NnrtliHC-alorn , ,
Cnnuiln Huutbera. . , ti7 do pfd in
lentral 1'iicllle . ' "J 'N. ' V. Central . . . . HOW
Clu" \ Olilu . . . 21 > . V. A N. hint . . l i
I lik-nxo Alli.n HI Untirlo * Weiturn. .M
Chi llur. .V Qiilncy. . Uri'L'im lini Ill
l tiicaiu I UM v t Orek-on Nnv , . . . . , 75
Coniullilileit Oiu. , Kit ) u. K l A U. N . . . . ii
I'.i t" . AM. I , 6\t \ I'udilo Mall ia
Culn Coal A lion . iltm I'uorla lite. A K . . , li > l {
cottnuoiioortir'i. . < n > I'lttiliurif l.M
IK'I Itmltun mi I'ulliuiMi I'aiace. , . ll'T
a. u Av i5ix llfndlnu UK
n. u. A ii. ii r.i . , , . , M < ( Illi'buioud Tor 9J4
H.A.U.K. ( .0 UfH du ptd IS
KB. t Tumi. , , , , „ , , . , 4)7 IlloUrnnda West. . , 30
Krlu , Ji ) ( | ( la iifil M
( to pfil , , , , , 1,1 Hock lilanil tt %
I nrtVuyni ) IM 'SI. ' I. . Art. f. l t | ) M. 75
lri' l Xnrtlicrnii'il insist. I'aul. , , , H )
( V A. K. Ill | iM Wbl do pfii , , \int
Ilucklnn Vnlle > , , . : 8 St. I'aul A Omaha , . ISV
Hill ul ( . 'Hiilral . . . . lUJiJ'ita pfd 1IDU
M. I'aul A Uiilutli. , (0 Southern 1'aclUc. . , . S5H
Kau.ATax.iiId , , . , X4W ' . . . . . .
l.uku Krlu.\\Vuet , , , tlli IVun. Cuil & Iron. . .Ii
. > lo lifd , . . : : it Ttijtin I'nclUc. . , . . , , y )
I nkeililiure . , I" ] Union 1'acinc. . , , , . K )
lA' J'Jnnt. . . , (5 U B. Kxprem . , . , It )
l.nul * . A Nii b 7iH \V.fct.U\l1 . 11
I iuli A .Sew APtiir , 1IW ilo pruferred . 25J
Munlimtunr.iu. . , . 1JO Wull. Kirvo Kip. , us
Memiiblt AC &U Weilern Union . , , l
MlclilcaiiOalrnl . . 107
Jlliiourl I'uclMo. . il Jo pfd ,
JtoMloA Ohio , . , S.IW M , A fat. 1. .
" - ' - " - Cli tt . U U. All. O.
Nulkmtl . . . Con. Ulcu
do | ifil . mi , National I.lnieoJ. „ . .
Tlio total talus ot itocks today were iVO.CUO
shite * , inflludmai Atehl < nn. IT.nUi Hurling *
ton , J.lfo : eht < yico.i . 4.ojo ; Hutlllcr * . ll.iui ;
Krlo. .fiX ! ) ! Missouri I'aclllc , 0.4TO ! Now I'rig-
Innd. ; .r > ( Xi ) Northern I'nc-inc. ( t.fiX ) ; Ucadltijr ,
31 , IW : .ut. I'aul , 18,100 ; Sugnr. l.\coo
* > o v Vork'.Monov MnrUet.
F'nsjr , ransliu from n to I per cent ; last loan , 4
3er ccn't clo ins altered al 4 per cent ,
I'nivir. MHiicANrii.r I'AiT.u-.vfil for cent.
STKMMNd IJxciUNdR Kasy. with actual
business In bunkers' hills at tISI'iQI.S'i for
nluy-days and f ir doinand.
' 1 tic eir.slnit ( | iiotatlon on bonds :
i r 4s ten ! I H'T M m mTlTiTMin iiw"
U. H 4 < conn . IUVN .1 C Inl Cert . HIM
i ; H 4tn * rcjt. . IOuiNortli ! I'nilllpl'l' IIT'J
rneincii < of 'vi . IUt < . North I'ndllcSmli III
l.nuMniinsfiol | 49 ' . ' ( ' ( ] N W OiiuoU. . . lit
. W ( 'oil Dul ) f . lUI
'Icnn now cll IUI Jril , U A I. M M-n Si ! > ( ' (
'Icnn now jt M . 1)1 SI I. AS. V. ( Jen M 10 !
T nn now cl .Is ( , ' > t rani ( "on ol ?
l-iinodnSo iiuli .101 , t I' t A I' . lt 117
rvntrnl I'acilio lsl > . KM ' lei I' . UC. IT. Hiti nn't '
i ) A ii. ( i ) ' . . . US' , IT I'.u li 'ir. itvti S'.H '
I ) All O ( s Hi rnlotl I'ncllle lets KnU
Krlninli . I0i' ( We t Sliure . tirt (
M K A r lion M St'J.ll ' . U W . 7fi
M K .V I' . Uf n M 47 I
ItiMton Stnek quDfitloiii.
llnsTiiv , Mas . . Nov. 19 t'ho followlns are
the closlni ? stoclt quotations :
Afrh"Tiip ! fi < i CatBtiiii . . . . 5T
llontiin \ Alliiaj . A'l > t Kriinklln . 14
llo'ton.V Midiif. I'll HiKi'cnli . l'i
I II A. y . ID S Qulncr . . 1 17
1 Hi lilmrs II II 8li | Smli Ko loppjr . . X
K ( . -t .1 , \r II Tn IJI ranuriet . IHO
.Mn I I'litrnl. . . liii Aimlilen I.n.ut Co. ! >
Mex ( 'en com . ! " * ( Mono i l.nnil Co . . l <
S V \ N Ctuliliil 41Vo , l flint I , ml Co I7 i
OM Colour . 131 ' lloll Toloii'ione | . . . 2)7 )
UK Lou cum . . . IHU l.itminn store i. . . . li !
Alloiicr XI to ( IICTI 'JOX'uli > r l'o er 'M
Allstillu : Iii'dl'enlral M * <
Ho'ton A Mnnt . . ! ! ' . < II. T A ( I ! > ' <
Csluiiiut A I troll 2S- . III All. C 10
> HU Vurli Mlnlnc ( Juoliitimn.
Nr.w Voirc , Nov. H Tbo fo'.lowlnj rro the
Nonius nilnliu iiuotallous :
Cronn Polnl II ) ' < ) | idr ! ' 'hi
Cnii C-il \Xit . . U.'i l'i\ninuii l.'il
lenil\viMiil ) . . , 101 i.-ljrm .Nmaiti . . VID
liuiihl , t ( nrry . . . . W lindiril IH'i
Unit1 . 't ' .Soriros * . . IM I'nliiil Con I.IU
HomeMtaki I.UIelluff .Hcket W
MeMcin Il ) Irnn-liver . . . . 4'J
.Sorlli * lnr ' , ' , ) g'i'ck ' Sllxor . . . . MW
Onlrrlo " . _ . . _ _ . . " ' ' _ ! _ 'I ' > Jirefeirurt hM
rtiiuneliil Nolo.
, Mo. . Nov. 13.Olo.irln ? JI.7.II.-
NK\V VdiiK. Nov 13 CIc.iptiiK' . tl27nSI. U ;
balances , i"i > .
I'MIIS , Nov. H. Throj pnr cent icnlm. 10 f
l" > o for the account
lUt.Tnrmc. Mil. Nov. 1S Clearings. J. . . " > Si-
.ll'ij ' h il.mi-us. f.jr,7ii. ) . 'Money. ( ! per cent.
\ , I'a . Nov is. Clu.ulius , ? I2.-
bl'.O1. ! ! , Dtlaiico' . H..OJ.'Ji. . .Monoy , J per font.
MI.MPIIIX , Tonn. . Nov. 13. Now York o > ! -
ch in e selling at par Oloarlu l , ( MT.IUS ; hal-
nnci's , fr)77.t. )
RONDOSNov. . Is.moiint of bullion with
drawn fi.iin the [ lauli of Kngliuid on h.ilances
to lay , CII.UU' ' .
Ninv OHI.UA.NS. I.i. . Nov. 1 ? . Cleirluss.
$ , ! i ( : > . Now Vorlc cxelrince. commeiclal
fl "O per JI.Ou ) discount. llunK
IlKKi.iN , Nov. 18Tho htalcmmit of the
Imiuilil'c ' of Henuaiiy shows and In
crease In specie of S,4IUUOO mat Us.
Si. Louis. Mo. Nov. IS Cloarlin" . II.MI.-
! ( : baliuiee > . ? 57. 151. Money , niilot ; 7 to a per
cent. lAchuiiKuoii New York , UOc premium.
HUSTON , Mass. Nov. 13 dealings. 51S.I41.-
IM : Inil.inccs. fillTI.MJl. Money , 1 per cent.
Kxchaiijie on New Vork. 5c to lOe discount.
IKVANX. Nov. H. p.inisli sold. SiM'i ©
2.MVS. Huiar ; quiet. l'\clnnni llrm : on tlio
United St.ileshort blsht sold , 10U : Rolil ,
Ciiicjoo. III. , Nov. is CIcariiiR" , JS.OT.rno ! ,
Now Votk exchange , .vie premium. StorllnK
u\ehinuo u iy at SI S"i for slxty-dav bills
audit ! t > i'i forslnht dtafts. Money steady at ( i
pel cent. _
C.'ittli ) .mil HIIK I'crclpts Mshler ami I'rires
rirui tn lllilior.
OMAIU , Nov. is Itoeulpls of all Kinds of
stout woiO comparatively ll ht Kunplles for
luo past lUodnys fool up l",4 I oatt e. AI/JI4
hiV'H und \.M\ \ \ sheep , aiiilnst I'ii7cittlo ; ; , M.GJ :
ho s and S.UJs sheep thu coriespondliu llvu
days 1 ist weeU.
'I he cattle nmiket , Ind innro of life and
sttcncth than on any day for mer a week.
This ilrmiicbs nnd activity due cutlioly
10 Iho II. Illness of Iho iccelpts The ineacur
oltorlnis included but few re.iUy u'ood BteeiH.
but buyers for this reason were Inclined to
overtoil ( a BOOH many Imperfection' In the
outllo would h.i\o mllllaled aualust
Ihem had the receipts been lamer. As
11 was the Ir.ido was tolerably brisk and
auyihlns at nil useful could be moved with
out much dlflleiilty at steady to trons prices ,
and II. o cloao found nearly everything out of
liiHt hands.
Cow sttiir sold freely at prices stronR to a
dlmo higher than on Thuisday. Only ubout
thirty loads v erj on s tie. and prices foi poor
to very itood cows and holfeii , r.uiKcd from
il.OU lo JJ.SI ) , t ho bulk ot thu decent stock ' ell-
inn at from { I.U to $ - ' . l.'i Hulls. o\en anil
stags ere strong at from $1.4" ) to } J 7.1. Veal
caUes woiuln ioi ) 1 dcniind ami steadv at
from 1 1 00 to fl.7. > : and laiio calves
dull at from Jl.OJ to JiW.
There was a uood aullrn tridolu sto-l.ers
and fecderb at uonerally firm prices all
arounl. S ilos woi at from i..uuto Ji.10 , tlio
fair to Rood SJO to 1 , 100-11) . steorssollInK largely
at from J2.5J to $ 1 00. Itcpiesentitlve hales :
No AtI'r. . No. Av. I'r. No. Av. IV.
1. lib * till ) .1 I. VJ ID. .I2o ) H ted
cow. * .
i. KI ) i oo 4 . hi : i r > o i 1110 ana
1 I iM 1 2. ' > U. . ls.l ) 160 . . S10 200
1. . l 0 1 2."i 8 hl-j 1 : ,0 ! : > 10U4 20.-I
i UK ) i i x , 2. .moo nil is. tuoi s 10
s uin 1 2. > 1:1 : iwi iin ii lots L' 10
_ ' SiO 1 2. " > 11 7J ! 1 lu I 11(1)10 ( )
„ Tf.J I ' > III . HIT 170 2S 10IS 2 IS
! l 80 1 I 2. . X'.l 74.1 1 70 JO ! I7I 2 1.1
1 70 1 ID 1H. l/l ) ( 1 ,0 11 Ml 21.1
! . D7i 1 HI I 11W ) 1 7.1 .11 K1J 2 1.1
J ! )7J ) 1 'M I IIOJ 1 7 J I. ' . U7i ) 21,1
1. lO'iO I IK ) ' 'I. . 8'iD Id ) II 1100 211
S llUl 1 'tl 2.1. 877 1 ( M 1 I . ' 70 21.1
7 SJtl 1 4J Ki 112 IM y 1UIO ' . ' 20
1) < ) V. ) 110 ? . ' . . " > ! ) * 1 ! 12 % J U'20
.1 . Kill 141 1. . 'I.'O 1 ! 10. 071 22J
1 HID 1 .10 II 'Mi 1 yj 1.1 1010 221
II. . M12 1 .1) ) 1 . IMC I 03 2. . fOJ 22.1
2 UH 1 M L.liU ) 1 ! U J..1J.'U 221
7. UU 1 5J H. . SH 1 IK ) 1..133U 2W
4 , .WJ 12.1 3 . 117 1.11 4 111 17.1
i . ro i a > i. . ate i r ) i. . 4 o 200
i : isi i no : i. . : m 2 so i. . iso 450
17. : in 2D ( i. . 4.11 ; i oo : i. . niM ;
1 210 2 OU U. . 2.10 4 23 1. . 1UJ 475
I ! III ) 1 41 1. , liiO : 1 8J 1..IOOS 185
I Ub7 1 41 ! l 14 < V ) 1 H ) 1. lK ) ! ) 200
IS .121.1 1 41 1..1UO 1 SO 1. . ! ! , ! 2CO
. ' Ill ) l.ll H 14 ID 1 H ) 1. I4M 2 ( JO
! ! . I.IJO l fi I. .1,110 1 t < 0 1. 1470 20.1
1 l.'W I Ul 7. .1147 18) 1. . 121)0 ) 210
1 1170 1 fl.1 1 .UK ) 1 81 1 1,1-0 y ID
1 .Ultl ) 1 70 1..UI7) I Ki 1..I170 22i
1 1U40 1 75
1 IIS ! ) 1.1) I IfiOD 22.1 1 1770 2.10
I I Mil ) 175 .1 .IWI 2111 2. I''OJ 27.1
li ll1- ! ) 2 UO 2. . I HI ) 2 .15
1 U10 2 10
1 600 2 00 1 OiCi 2 59 10. 0 < < 7 2 7.1
1' . ' CSO 20) 2..I.I 1.1 2 .V ) 10. HIB ' . ' 7,1
1. HO 200 ( I. . Ml 2M fil .mid 27.1
1 . IIJO 2 00 44 8.M a M | 5 . 772 ' . ' KI
10 . 7tu 2 ii ' ; is . hvj 2 o : i . no am
n. on 2ao' a . twi 2 m 4. loiii aoo
ai tot 2..i ( 2 . sn 2 ix ) a , ( i.ii aoo
4 . I&7 2 'LI 111 . 878 2 61 a. . Hill 1100
2. . 7M 2 ai C . R.1II 2li.1 4(1 ( HbO a 00
i i2.w 2 a.i : n . 71)7 ) 2 ai : M.JIUI aoo
1 770 240 Ml. Ml 2(15 ( 21.1141 II 10
1 . WO 250 21. . 8dt 2 b.1 42..1i'Ul a 10
Na Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
1 bull . . .HbO ? 1 7' ) 2 cows 1210 J.J 10
10 cows. . .1117 21) a cows. . . .lO.Ti 210
aj feeders. 1WJ a 10 22sleera. . JlUi 'J53
Ba feeders IU70 2M ! U toois .1092 a 15
17 bulls. . .14)1,111 ) lllcont piai 220
21 cowit. 1".8 220 II ) cows. . .10.1J 220
1 * sti'or. 1110 150 27 cows , , , , flll 2)5 )
h feeder * , II4J 27.1 01 steers. . ,11.11 It to
2 4toerA MW 150 40 cows OJJ 220
lions Itccolpts were considerably below
expectations , less than half
as many as were
rucolven on last l''ndav , but Hio iiuollty was
A Na I. Owing to eastern wires belnit down
lliero were no advices from Chluaao and there
wus no Improvement In the dlilpplnsr demand ,
The looul Inijulry , however , was very urgent
and between buvora und Bpeculiitoru Hio
inurko' . went wild , In extreme eases prices
were from Ac toVOo hlKhorthnn Thursday , but
the general trade wan on a basis of a luo 10 ISo
advance , 1'ulrlo goon hogs. roanlle s of
weight , sold mostly ut J'.W und * i.M ,
with the Rood lo choluo butcher and
heavy hoxs at from J\57)i ) to VO ) , A few
prime heavy loads brought ( . " > .U1 and 15.70
ami common llsht and mixed Etuff sold as low
astj.45. The big bulk of thu trading , however -
over was at from M.A ) to t.XUI asa n t t-'i.ld
toH41Thurnduy unit | l,41 totaftO last Krlduy.
In other words the market wus a bhllllng
higher thin Thuitilay and fin to lOo higher
than a vteak ugu Hcprpseiitatlvn bales :
Na Av. fen. I'r. No. Av. Sli. I'r.
Oi 127 J.1UO * 77. , . . . 274 2)0 1.1.ia
C3. . . .184 40 045 711 24U 280 0.15
4 4H1 fi 45 0.1 i'M 6j 8 Si
7 1C.1 5 15 5S 2711 SOU 655
CO WH 200 5M 7J , , . . . V48 1VO 055
M . . . .2U 10 5SJ M..til 400 565
4 MO 56U 68 , .J..2J3 JO ) A57ii
78 . . .ifj 101 a 5) ftl . . . .11) | SOJ 567U
M 201 W ) 8M . , , . . , . 29) OftTiS
n .w 16J ftoo i . . . . . ; aB so 5b7i
kliX \ 120 6 SO tl , , ,7.ail WX ) 5571' '
Cl,2a3 169 56' ) U 251 JO ) 557) )
fil IM S40 ft 'Ov. n ff > . "U ! J "fi' '
7s vis ia a v ) fti . ; iu 12) 5fio
M . . . .KB 40 A I Y } > , , | r\8 \ Jll 12J .1" )
tvi 20 1 All 5.v . ro . ; i.'i 40 AOI
7JI . . . . S47 3.0 .I V < > i ( U . . . .V7I 12J C.OJ
(17 ( . V70 8J SSIMI ID . . . . . ' "O 40 fl W )
. . . . . : in ) .i.v , r.i . . . .7.1 . 40 101
4(1 ( . . . ,1M5 100 5M. , fil . . . 273 HI f. fil
7.1 . . tISI 411 ft SSJ ' fiO . . . . 211 IM fiftl
(11 ( . . . . ' 40 : ) S .1. ' fJ . , , ' ,74 SIR
. . . . ? : P.M r , M 01 . . . ' 'JD 570
' . . , .vw ; TJO 5 ; , s , i
A < ; II itouan.
6. . . . . . . .500.ftrt . .
Sn EC p--II ut one Iliad of sheep was received.
Thpy were pretty aootl mixed natives and mot
with a ready sMo at Jl.1.1. Hi o I muttons are
In nclivo demand at Mpidv to stront pilces.
T.ilr to K 'O I natlvf , SI..V136I 3)1 ) f.Hr to iron 1
vestC'iii" . I'lTj'ftl 2.1 ; common and stocM sheep ,
$ ! 'J-'i tl' ' . ! ; peed to'choice 4) Hi l-lb. ) lambs ,
HO 464 7.1. Itcprcsoniallvo slilesi
No. AT. I'r.
llCnlxcd natives M } l 13
Itnrelpts and l > Uju ltiim nl sturU.
Ofllclal rdcolptsind dl i > ultlcri of sWk at
Miown bv Iho books of HIP Union Stojk Vul Is
company for Iho t\\enty-foorImnri unilliU at
5o'clock p m. , November IS. Itfi ,
nm I
Cars I llcnil.
IM , S13II 4I | ll'i ! | l | .1
linmlii I'nekliiz t'u ,
Tlinil II. ilniiiniuinl Co 171 114 < sr in ;
'Hit 1 ! Oiilnh ) I'nrkliig Co . 101 . i.
1i . llotliolillil 47 .
i Iniiilltnn ! A M " '
Wliltu P. A. II
II i ; A N
Vnn "nnt
Andruw Unas
II. Meeker A 1) nr.
ilpir | * nml l-Veilrs M ;
l O > cr )
'I dtnN I.UAI III !
Chicago I.IMMock Miukot.
OIIICAIIO. III. , Nov. H ISppoialTulo rnin to
I UK IlKf.l Itceolpts WCMU sc.ireolv T.OIK ) and
t lie in irl.i-t .isaunu'd a llriuor tone totHy. l"n-
douliledly sullers would have sol mi .id-
vunee. hut for Iho fiict Hint theie was
a Imen mnoiint of stale stoeU rn
Imnd Iho neiMiinnl.itloiis eonslstod piln-
oipullyof butcluM's > ind oamiei's stoo'i. ' but
there wcio i-noiuli f-ilr to cool steers to
lirovont nny iniirxcd tippmiMiilluit In viluc : .
owmcr. IhnnmiKut slumoil llnnness foi1 nil
descriptions. Thu c'lu o of trading found
iho yaids noiiior empty llnu they have
been for a number of days previous , bales
were on a basis of Horn J2.S1 to tl.M for \ery
common to e\ti i ilrc--ud beef nnd shipping
MIPM , II ( ! l to f.l 21 for slooker-i and feedcts , ) to * l.0 for cows nml hoifcis unil bulls ,
and fiom ltl.40 to f 1.40 for To\as uattle.
llm altogether unlocked foi deciease lu the
ai rivals of hojs .unt pilceskltlni : . ' lluyors
werurushiiu blthernud thither In quest of
stock , and they did not hesitate to pay from
lOe to per 100 pounds more for It th in ihoy
were Induce I to pay on Thursday. I'rlces '
were rapidly pushed up until they stood at
from $ I.D to il * . for common to prlmo
medium Wrights und ut from 1.1 M to Jl ,0 for
lleht. Milpuors secured a liirun shiiiooftlio
olTurliiKs. Iho ( | uatlty was ROOJ and there
was hut lltllo business below J.1.IW. the pio-
valllna Ilijures helm ; from $ VU ) lo Ji71.
fccaicllyof prlmo unit tons Invo niado It
pa y foi sellers to siiscnln prices for that par
ticular Rfidp. but for anything not coming up
to thatsiandnrJ the maiket was lower. Good
tooholeo natives arc fjuotod at fro'n JI.5) ) to
S.iJ. > . I'ooiiTKr ides sell all along down to from to n'.s.\ \ \
n'.s.esleriib are ( | iioted at from
W > 0 to J4 S > ,
; according to iiuullty.
ceelil | : C'attlo , 7'JBJ ' : II-IKS , 14.00 : sheep.
* n . . . ' - _ . _
'IhoKvenliu'.lournal reports :
- J' ' 'T'-K-'Sceeliits. ' ' C..010 head : shipments.
.J.IOO haiuli - market dull , steady ; best n itlvos.
. .OW.-Sj ; other- . * iSJI.H : we sterns J.
4 .00 ; Iu\nii8. SM5iiiiU : ; cent , } | .0i4i" 0' '
„ ' ' " . " ! " - ' ' " - ' ' " " " (1) ( ) llo-lU :
r.OOO hfiid ; ni'iiUot" ii'aaVo""lilsherV
and common , ifv..ia.l.'ij ; packois and mixed.
titi)1i ( > .7.i ; prlmo ho.ivv mul hiileliots' wclKhts ,
M012.1.S3 ; ll.ht2ia. . ' > .7.1 ; skips and plR4.ryj
SIIIIP : : Keceliits. .1.010 heid : shipments
1.00.1 head : maiket Unor : natives , f.l.l 0.121 ;
w esterns , ) HJttl.41 ; t'cMins , Si.liJ ® ! V.I ; lambs.
New Yorlc l.lvc MKICK M irltet.
Niw'UHK , Nov. 1' . ItuKvns Kocclnts. , ouj
head ; market lotv and a shade lower ; com
mon to medium tirades , n itlvo steers. J-UVft
4.1)1 ) ; bulls : .nd cows , Sl.UOifUOl ; dieed buof
dull at 7a3'ic ( ' ncr Ib. Shipments tomorrow , I ) "
heuvei auel 70) ) id.triers | of beof.
CAI.VKS Ifucoluty , 200head : market steady
veaK. $0.13167.10 ; Ktassuro , . ' .UD ' .ti'J'i ; vvobt
orn calves. , J.1.0'4i'-1.
SJIIUBI- AND I.AMIIS Kecolpts. 4,10) head
Market scry dull , bhcep , $ per 10
lb = . ; liimbs , ? l,7.V&1.i : ( liessed muttons slow
ntO''ato ' ' pur Ib. ; dressed lambs , dull at 7 ®
IIoos Receipts , 2,700 head. Market steady
: t f I.Wii.iO per 100 Ibs.
KKMSIK City MVP Stock Mirlcl.
IVANS H Cirv , Mo. , Nov. 18. CATTLE Ifo
eelpls , 4 , ! > l : shipments , U.2)0. ( loou c.iltli
stroni ; : others dull but steady ; shlppln ;
sleertl.a ! ) < ai..10 : shlpulns unil Indian , Jl.40t
li.Ul ; stockers , :
Ils.-Ueceipts. ( ( ! 4,4) ) ' ; slilpniont" , 6)0. Tin
market WJH nctlvo and conorally hluhor : a !
grade * . Sl.7Mfc1.CiC : bulk , $ " ' .riOB1..1.1.
Uecelpts , 2/)0 ( ; shipments. 201. The unuhangod ; millions , jj.70GI.23
lambs , $ j. . " > ) .
St. I.miM Live MocK .
PT. l < uuts Mo. . Nov. 13. UATTI.E Kceolpts ,
.V.'UO head ; Hhlpmeiits , 4,100 he id ; market
easier ; fnlr to cool native stoeis. J.IO'4iO ' ;
choice. $ l.liHOJ ) ; To MIS anil Indian steers ,
i2.loat.OJ : rlo.\aseons. Jl.riCffi2.20.
llOdS-Hoeolpts. 0.700 head ; shlpmcts S.700
bead ; ntnrhot lOc hl.'her : heavy , } j.40if > 70 :
p ickltiK , tl..1 < ar > .W ) ; H-'ht , Jl II W > 1) ) .
Slinui1 Kccetpls , bull head ; shipments. 10 }
hum ! : mmkelbtcady ; natUes laiued at 11,00
You don't waul a torpid Hvor ; you don't
\vantabadcoinploxion ; you don't want a
bid breath ; you. don't w.iut a heaductio.
'Ihcn use Uo Witt's Little Early Kibers , the
famous little pills.
, \n OlmeiliiB Tr.nulor Tolls ol tlio Klt'vct
Ol tllO lilcTtlOM ,
Isaac 1) . Snousuporlntontloat of ngouts of
Hio Massachusetts MuUml Llfo Iiiburanoo
company of Springfield , aMaas. , cimo In yos-
tcrday morning on Ills soinl-annual swlnc
arouna Hio circle , in spcjKini ; of tbo gonorul
condition of business in tlio Mississippi unil
Missouri vnlloys , bo said ho found it fully as
goo'l as it bad bean for two or three years.
In Mumcapolii and Ivansas City be found a
feollufrof conlldoiico and general satisfaction
provuillng , It was even moro so in
Omaha. Through the i'acilio northwest ,
thuro is n prevailing attuosphoro of prosper
ity and contentment , but in BAD Francisco
they nro complaining of tiara times ana
scarcity of money. There is nUnty of It in
tlio banks there , but not enough in circula
tion ana there is considerable co.nplaint.
Mr. Snow was of tlio opinion that there
.vould be vorv little improvomnnt over the
present condition of affairs until after the
World's ' fair , as it has a tendency
to unsettle everything. Every city o'f
any si/.n Is losing u nan of
its population , tbojo oC the sUe of
Omaha losing between -IOJ and 11,000 , most
of tlioni having already cone and others
ready to tulio liulit. Ho found that the
migratory fever was not conllnea to the con
tractors and mechanics , but that thnsorx'anta
and those In simiinr | wains of lifo were Hit
ting to the city by the lake. TnU took a
considerable Hum of money away from tnoso
places , and it woiilu tin felt until after the
great exposition wus a thing of tbo past ,
Mr. Snow said thut be thought the World's
fair would nrovo to bo of more nernmnout
benefit to tbo west than to any otbor part of
tbo country , ns tbq people ol the east who
visited it and were 'not ' tied down , or were
loaning about for a'n en v location , would nM-
price * won't buy
the yoitiinc med
icines. Dr. Pierre's
Golden Mtslical
Dibcovcry ( for the
'Liver ' , lllood and
} < unp | ) oiul Dr.
1'icrco'a Favoi ito
Prescription ( for
\vonmns weak
nesses and ail
ments ) , each cost $1.00 per lioltlo , and his
PlooMint Pellets ( the oriKinal little Liver
1'ills , 'JS cents a vial ) , rnui no ilivotint ,
Thc /omfiic ( medlcima cro now bold only
tlirotigh druggists , regularly authorized as
iigentH , mul at the above long-eitaMlthwl
rco. Hut if you get the genuine , they're
the clieniiobt modichica 3-011 can liny at < iny
iiriea Tliov'ro Kilil on a iioculiar plan
" value received or no jiay.1' In every case
they're uuumnterd to bencilt or cure , or the
money is icfmulcxl.
Unuuthorized ilcalers may offer Fjiurlous
IiniUitlons or fcul&titutcs at lower priceti thun
ulove. lionaroof allFUch.
" Discovery " is n perfect remedy for scrof
ula in all its forms something that jiurijlrt
the blood , as well as claims to. That , it it' *
toteu ia time , will cure Consumption ,
Urallv continue tholr trip out into the trans-
mlssouri cotintrv , nnd the central wo t
vould bo greatly built up bocauio of ihU
act. Ilo dtil not ttilnk that Chlcnpo
could help having n dochlad iotnacit
after it was nil over , for real
estate has jumped clear out of sight there
nnd ovcrvthlnK is fearfully high In proper-
Ion. und ho was posltlvo-tliat there must bo
aicao'.lon. Ilo thought such u thitiR ns suc
cessful speculation In ChlcaRO orouorty under
existing'conditions mi Impossibility , and did
not think that eastern capital looking for an
nvostmont would stop thoro. This Mnto of
affairs would he the moans of benefiting iho
country further wrst.
TouchliiK on politics , Mr. Snow snld that
tioRPiioinl sentiment thiough the country
was that the ctintigo lu the odmlnistnitlou
would not so much as cau o a rlpplo on the
surfncj ; that there would bo no radical
changes in the governmental policy ; that
Jlovolmm was above his party and wn
jlcctcd on n platform of his own which was
I'b favor of honest monov and tariff reform ,
BUI with no leaning toward frco trade , and
that H olio the tariff would probably ba removed -
moved from some raw materials there would
b ) no radical oveituriunc.
During his trip through Kansas ho hid
become satisilcd that Mr. Martin would bo
the next soralor from that stnte , because
there was n fueling there that the democrats
were entitled to something for tholr support
of the independent tloliot during the cam
paign Just closed , and u was understood that
the , l.idopondonts Would support the demo
cratic senatorial candliUto to n mm.
Ito 1 did not think there was even a poolblhtv
that the states in which the lecltlaturo is
close would oloji enough republicans to glvo
that puru n nmjontv in the seimto , and said
Hint ho believed the republicans of the coun
try would bo hotter satislled to liavo iho
democrats luivo the whole thing , ao tbnt they
i-ould uo held ruspotisiolo for the administra
tion , and could at the same time bavu no ex
cuse for not mrrvlnc Into effect the reforms
unit rhatijos that thov have led the paoplo lo
expect that they would Klvo thoin.
Why 'brow away your monov for ovcry
now cough syrup , when you can buy that
standard remedy , Dr. Hull's Cough Syrupi
Canvassing I'nr thu .Mills .1
The committee In ch'irgo luvo secured vis
itors and districted the city , und proparcd
Invitations . and cards of introduction with
blank lor the vlsitni's iiuino- and next Tues
day the work of calllne and dlstrlmulnj * ; in
vitations will begin. It Is the purposu tbat
ovorv business block , ofllco. saloon and
dwelling , without exception , shall bo vlsltod
and invitations given. Owing to the fact
that the preparatory locii lucetiiiRS becin
.Monday , iho ciuvassois will not moot at the
First li'iotut church , but at the local dis
trict services , wtioro n munibcr of the coni-
niittoo will bo piosout to glvo further in
structions or answer questions.
Tin : CoMMitirn.
You should keep Salvation Oil on hand ; it
will euro all aches nnd pains. 1'ricc , L'5 cts.
.Minn Ilonlcn .Mill ilfr Coinlp.
Pu. Kivcit , Mass. , Nov. IS. The Dordcn
murders arc ayiiln the principal subject of
conversation in this city nnd n rumor is
be i HIT generally circulated that Indictments
may bo brougkt against two persons other
than Li/zlo lioiden , provided the jury llnds
a verdict of guilty against her. These per
sons nave been Intimately connected with
Hie f HIII I ly , moio particulailv slnro police
attention was directed to it. On the stand
they piovod to have betm not , only willing ,
but even misleading , witnesses.
If you have piles DjU'iu'sVltoh
salvo will surely euro you.
Iliiiitluc lorn Wild
l > \viu : , Cole , Nov. 18. Mr. Will'am '
Morelaml of Poi-tland , Ore. , is hero insti
tuting u vigorous search for Joi nio Soutond ,
an heiress to 5IJ,000. What makes the case
mure dlfllcult is the fact that she u traveling
under assumed names. She was disowned
by her father ut the tlino ol her birtb , and
ovorslncu her girlhood has been loading
rather a wild life.
1'iles of paoiilo have piles , "out
\Vltch Ha/.cl salvo will euro them.
.Mr. SainidiT * ' I'rrr.intlon' .
Hon. Alvin Sauiiders , who holds any
amount of veal ostalo as trustee for tlio citr
of Omaha , lias notihVd the cily attorn iy that
ho shall looic to the legal department for tno
protection of the city's rights in tbo Injunc
tion suits which have laoenlly been com
menced to prevent the citv from entering
into the deal with luo Union iJjpot com
< f
1'orfoetaction and pjrlect health result
from the use of DaWittN Little Early Ris
ers. A perfect little pill.
.Settled tlin Tuning \ \ III Case.
SAV ANTOMO. Tex. , Wov. 18. Tno cele
brated Twohig will contest has ucon settled
by a compromise. John Twohig , banker ,
loft n fortune to tbo Catholic chuich. Hola-
lives contested the will. After the adminis
trator fees were paid , of the SST I.UUJ re
maining the church receives S-00Oi ( ) ) , the re
mainder being divided among tno relatives.
Constipation cured by Do Witt's Early
Smallpox llaplilly .Spreading.
NinvUAVKS'Coan.Nov. IS. The smallpox
cpidomic at iho general hospital is growing
moro serious each day and threatens to num
ber all iho patients now confined in that in
stitute among tno rases. The rapid Increase
of the patients at the hospital lias rendered
the matter of their bcinp properly cared for
a serious question.
An unloosed for oppor
tlinlty is offered to tent tlio
oflicacy of Johann Hoff'sfalt ] \
ExJract. Lu Grippe is raging uni
versal. The effects are extremely
ilebilitating. Vonr constitution
needs strengthening ; your ( stomach
an invigorator. The genuine Johann
Iloff'h Malt Extrat't is known to do
all this and nioie. It will aid diges
tion , incrca&o the appetite , and htore
up fat. Dr. Frieke , a well known
praulitioncr of Philadelphia , wiite.s :
" In my own case of impaired diges
tion it JIUH benefited mo more than
all other remedial agents which I
have used. " Bo sure to obtain the
genuine which must have the signa
ture of "Jolmiin Iloff" on the neck
of ovcry bottle.
Union Stock Yards Company
llm OHllln. IHIL- and Mioop market In tlin west
Wood Brothers ,
toulh Omaha Telephone Ili7. Chicago
Market reports by mall aiU wlro cheerfully
furnished upon nppllc ittun.
Perry Brothers & Company ,
Llvo t-tou' < Commission ,
lloora 61 txcbangu Ilulldln ? , bauth Omaha.
Tulophouu Uiit
Jotters' Dii
Mis'iTSIS & 0 ,
K toVKIl llns , i irvrnir nil HI l ,
iliij , ii-i mi' . c'r 11
Knr , <
sin l roicittliu i : jlS lit''i
BSsOjialiaBajC- - ] M , o , DHOI ,
Importer * iimlmfi" tl nir lll jriPKiiM mi monthly
' "k , lmrln | ' In inn pimeU ! . 1'iN IMti s't
rs AND S
MOKD-CflC S1103 C Hip 111/ / ,
II 11 ll.mnr 1 Mr * * ' ) ,
t-iiPliT ) cnriipr llthn'iil lie i tint < ! | rv > l < ,
vVe ftre uiiklni * 11 1 1 * prl , < ' 1411 r li li ire-4 tin I
ultlinur lnnt
Kirkciiiu jTsT&T ta ITiilsiT
on iinr.'T'i , , , . .u , , „ , s.'l 13 e Klip V1T , b t 1
\ui < H ii u ill i ur M'l'i ni Ir n > b T con
? \ fin inHi. . liu II" ni I tin llur ,
Illi If 11i. . ) i . 'trj't.
t'OAl. , OOKK , | COHXfl'i : .
1 trnl ami soft en tl. > 15 \lfrj. k'nlvAin/ " ! Irnn
cor. 10th unj IioiiiriU cornlc" , nlniioir civm.
Mreeu , in.'lallr nk > lli > hl < elc
HID , IIU l ) , , U'.t.
nuv cjoon.s
M. K. Snillh i G ,
iK tniilin ( fur- di > t i' ) Vollou
iiUlitnc Kiiiiil * rnriur Ki'iit * ' f iniltliliittf mil
lltli in I lluiT.inl sti Cur Mill im I II iriuiy
rp'dsleriiij ' Co , j llccbc & Iliiayji
plioMirel firiltiri . Knrnltiirno. . ill 139 ti
1KU11IH , 'L'i il u-iUJi : IJilulrL-et.
Wliuljulj o i\f \ I
cn ) j- : i : : * | D . ; ; * , ioi'u.
O7stcl3 : & cTr'lIikc.'Inici' .
lOth an ! Iliniv " tojl
O inn tin
Nut Ire.
Hsalo I proposals will ho received at any
line on or before " o'cloelc n. in. of Ibo IM h
11 } of December. IMI. ' . for the jnlnllni : of till
) llls for the legislature with such iiuitler as
ii a v bo 01 dried bv cither house thereof , to ho
iilnled In "bill form. " which Is shown nnd
Icslmritc 1 as cliu-s ono il ) under thu pilntlnR
aws of tlip Male of Nebraska.
lei the and bin Iliu In cloth covets
if ono thousaiid (1,00'I ( copies each of Iho blcn-
iml reports of the aiidltoi of public aei'ounts.
trcusuier , scctourv of state , coiiiiulssluiii > r of
iiibllc lauds nnd ImlldliijT' . und liiiro.ui of
labor nnd industrial statistics , mid live bun-
lied ( vj ) ) copies e.ich of the ulennl ilrepmtsof
: ho attorney KPIII ra' ' , unei liilcndoiil cf uuD-
lu Inslriiutlon , siilo : .mil
Hcnoral ; one thousand ( I.Dull ) copH s rcpnit
slate board Jf transportation for It'JInnd ' llvo
thuiisiiml ( .MM ) ) copli s rjport state ho u\l of
iiKrlLMiltnro for I8J- . and all other rcpuitxmil
documents that may bo ordered printed by
Iho legislature , except such as may cnicr Into
and form a p irt of the jouin il , which class
uf worU Is UIIOBII and dcslzirited .is class
ihreo ( Hi under thu pi Intbii I iws of Nebraska.
The bill vvorl. . executed uiider elnss ( me ,
shall bo prmlod In sm.ill | ilc i type , on paper
fourteen (14) ( ) Indies Ions by clubt anil one-half
is'i Inches wide , slnirlo pn o ; p.ipi-r to bo
twenly-el lit < JS ) pounds doiiblo c.ip to tlio
ream , and e\cept llm tlllo puc , oich P.IIM
shall coutiln not loss than twouty-llvo rj > )
lines of solid mailer of scvon ( Tl Inches in
length , 'ind the llnps sh.itl ho Hiiocess'voly
numbered , with a blank on y In o ich
between Ihu lines.
The llllj IIBSP of s.ild hills shall contain not
less limn ehluen : ( la ) 1 lies as above , with
Ihreo ( II ) Inches snaeo.illow.iblo for
dlipl.iy title nrittur.
I , ich bIJ shall st ito vvlnit the b'dder Is will-
liiK to do the wor < compleie for , jut p f-'c , for
the three hunilrol ( IVUi cojiliH I'.ieh Dill , also
HID i.rlco for additional hiiudieds thai iiiavbo
orderulof llnsiino bill al Iho i-amo time as I
IhuorlKlniil tlnce huiidlLdi M ) Including com I
position , p iper , pre-s work , stiichlnir. loUlbu
and ill work ot enlerln Into the
vioru . , , ,
All work o\ecnton i uiler el'iss one Hhall bo
dolhereil In uocul oiaer bv lliocon'r.uMor to
the oflleu of lliobi'iTotmyiif slatn within tlneo
iluva after therecelptof thoordcrby said eon-
tr ictor from iho I'lmliman ot tbu soiiimlttuo
on prlnlliu' , In elthei Ijinilebnf the livlslatnro.
All niiikuxcciilPd uiiilei class tlneo ill ) shall
bu prln ed In hms prlmi'i. brovlei unil nonpi-
leli u pe , 011 p iper to bo nlno lnehes Imu by
six ( ! Inches wide , sln.-io paae. pnperlobo
forly-fl o ( I'll pouiida to 110 icam. of twenlv-
foiirbv thlity six whllo book. Kueli bid mi-
dei class three shall ntito what Iho bidder Is
v.-llllns to ( In Hie work eomplcto for , per pane ,
on each repoi tor Item In thoel.iss , niolnilliu
eumposition , paper , press woik.stllehlii..fold-
l.iS and all work or oiilerlns Intoiho
\voikieiinlred. Oalley anil 11 IRO proof must
bo fninlslied when n > iilroi | by the ollleeis of
the oXki'Utlxo department or the eh.ilimanof
tlio coinmltteeon pi lining In either brnneli
of the lecislmnro Woik when eou.pleled lo
boilelhoied free of expense at thestiilo house
l'ri)0 | § Us for work In c.i 'h of the abovu
classes will not bu eonshleied nil es > iho H mm
bo accompanied by a bond In the hum of fhti
thoiisandrtj.iijiidoll-iiswlth two or more HIIIII-
tles ; tlnil In easu the p irly oinpoilni ; for neh
contrnet shall bo aw .11 led the saino sneh nal-
ty will. Mllli'n ' IKo ( "u days ufler Iho nnmil to
him of sneli eontiael , onlei Into bcmils for Iho
faithful lierfonnaiu'o thereof , us piovliled by
law and tbo tlio teni.s of ihesu proposal" .
I'roposals sbntl be nniked "I'loposilh for
pnbllopilntliu" and adilinssi-d to Iho ht-ito
board of prlntlns in eatoof the .ooieliiry of
state , \i \ neoln , Nob. .
ConliaelH on elasts one il ) as above speelllru
will bo uwaided as uuhole.
I'oiitiactsonelabslhri'o uDaiabmohpecIfleil
will bo awarded In who.o or Inpaitasthu
board may oleet.
Sanipli'a of the woik to bo o\eculed under
elnss one ( I ) mid three ( .11 may bo heon at Iho
ollleoof the i-eerolary of stalo.
L'onti.ictson above el.isses ono ( I ) mid three
( II ) to run fui at yo irs fiom December 111 , IMU.
oxeepl tlio leporls of Ihu board of traiibpcula-
tlon mill ht ito hoard of aurlcultuic , Iho lullor
to bo eomp'eled within blMy Utiys iiftci the
awarllni ; of IliiieonUiiut.
Jim stiitu mmllii'lioud rosrrvos the iljjht
hniTiitorr of htale.
i .1. i : . HIM-
H ito I'llnthiT ' "o.iid j- " ' "
| , ; | | TN "UN :
Aiidltoi I'ublic Account ,
Lincoln. Neb. . Nov. II. is'U. tii7d."t
'lo the owners of all IIIIH or ii.iil.sof IOIKOII
Tvveiity-hlxlli street , fioni .1 uoint 17a feet
boulh of I'opjilnton iivenue 10 IHcKory btrcet ,
iinil lutci'si'dln , ! strccta.
Vou mo herebv nollfli'd Ihat Iho iiiidnr-
sU'iied. three disinterested freuholdurs or the
city of Omaln. h iv o bran duly , , PP" n" " ' by
the mayor , w lib the approval of the oliy coun
cil of mi 1(1 city , to akaoiHlliPilinil.iBOlo ho
owners reioctlvu.y | of Ihn piopertv iiITeclod
bythocbiiiiKuof uraduof rwenty-slxth hlieol.
fioina point ono hiiiulied and hoveiuv-llvo
( I7iifpothoiitli ) of I'opp Hton avenuiil ) III 'K-
ory htrcul and Intorsectlnc i.ticet . decliirtid
necessi.ry by Tdlnunco IIM. paused uciounr
UUh. Ib'.i. , improved Uutobor'Jit i. Ij'J' .
Vou are further notllloJ. that liuvlnr iic-
oeptod bald .ipiioliiliuciit. ami duly ijuulillod
iisrcnulrcuby law. we will , on thu twonty-
llflh diiy of November. A. I ) . I/ . ' , at the boiir
of ihreo o'olonk in iho ufleruooii at the olllco
of ( Joor.'oJ. I'aul , 10)3 ) 1 nrnam btroot. within
thocorijoriitolliii tsof iitlij city , meet for tbo
purposoof consldennu und muKlnz Hi" as-
! , ossmciit of diimaao to Hie owner * jospoct-
Ivoly. of sal J properly , nireuied by mild Hiiiiiiro
ofurade , uuinx Into tonuldurutlon Hlioulul
bi'iiullt * , If any.
Vou mo notllled to be present at the tlino
und jiluco aforesaid , and maltu any objiicHoun
to or itntuiiiuntii uoniiernliii ! hlild uswssnioiit
of damuses , its you muy consider promir.
W.'li Hl'll'livBII.
' A""H ' * "
Oiimha. Nov. Illh. IK' ' ) . ' T.N'iajj.u.L-
To7iU"iiriio"rTof Fotu or jiartsof lots on Woolworth -
worth avenue from fcccond Btreeljo HKih
* " ' ' '
v'o'u' are hereby notlllod that the unilor-
sl.-ned. three dlslnterencd frcuholdorfof ine
elty of Omuhu. huvo been duly uupolnled by
the niuyor.vllh the approval of thuclty louii-
cil of euld city , to usst-si thu duiuazu lolho
ovvnerH re peollvoly of Ihojiroporlviiliiscled
by Hie uraJjof Woolworlh avenue , from J-nc-
end ilreul In hlxthmreot. douluied iiitcc s.iry
by oiillnuiiui.No. . IH. pibied Novembei I. ifcU- ' ,
approved November ' ! . IKti.
Vou uio further notllled. Hint havliiz ao-
cituiud nail ! nppolntiiient. ami duly uiiullllud
us ri-iulieil by lnv. wo will , on I ho.I thduyof
November. A. D. IbW. t Ibo hour of 4 o clock
lu the uftcruuou at the olllco of Uuor u J.
I'aul. 1C.j rarnam htrcet. within Uioeorpor.ito > u
limits uf said elty. meet foi Iho purpose of '
consider UK nnd mal.ln : ( lie assess-neiil of
ci.un mo to the owners icapcctlvely. of s.ilil
litnpoit v. allcctod by sill eh itiji of.urade.
tiltlni ; Into consltlor.itInn spccl'il bonelltfs If
aiiv.Vou are iiollllod to bo jircsimt althntlmo
and pi.ico afoiosald , nnd imil.o nnv objections
tu or M moments concei nln. ' , s ild assessment * ,
of damage ? , us vou ni'iv consider proiiui.
ncoitHi : .1. I'M i. ,
\V 11,1,1AM ( i , Mlim I II ,
ItV ( > IIIMN.
Otnahu. Nov. ljlS'j ' ; _ _ NiGdlOt 4 | ,
'I'lil' . Iverson. J WoodSmll'i. II.U Al ( 'uioaiul
holrs at lawof Augustus Ivount/c ueeeiisuil ,
( ' KouiiUci ihls wild. Heiinaii
Kimnl/c , Luther K ttiil/p , Charles ll.'oy
ICoiinl/o. Miitllda ( ! ifd.iicr. Ad illno lEutli.
C enipntlnu llrown. Mirnet N. lloyer ainlfto
-Mniy Dora Oliver. ( n\ \
Vou u ro borobv niHII"d ) thai thu under-In
'Isucd. three disinterested freeholder- iho
olty of Uiniih i. have been duly appo'niod by
the mnyor. with the uppiovnl of the cltylo'i
council of said city , to a' . . > o-s iho duinaio torn
the ownois respective.y of iho nioporly ui
declined ny ordinance uecuss try lo be appro-
prilled for thu use of suhi cltj. for Iliopur-
1)0,1) of onenl 114 nnd i Men \\nx \ \ I lib street.n
fioni the allnv nc\t noiih of Nichol is stieet.oi.1j
norh to the south line of J'adilocl , Till o. uncluii
fJom the onth line of I'adiloclv I'laeo north lo
Ohh ) street , and opening nil I exlL-udlnz L'larlc
-treol , In L'unnliiilrim's iiddlllon from Usit
Uicsont western tutniliins west to 1.11 li strootir-
xoeMendeil. as sh ivvn by plul Issued to US'3.
from the olllce of the pity unirmeer. ' j
\ini are nollllcd , I hit hiving accepted
said upiiolntmont , and duly iii | illlln I as rn-
iliiircd by law. we will , on the "Mbday of 3
Sov umboi. A. I ) . , IS' ) . ' , nt the hour of 1U , .
o'cloclt In the forenoon , at the otlli'O of Shrlvor "
A O'DonuhOP , IKH I'.irn iin street , VTlthln Iho
cor | > oratolinills ) fs ild cllv. meet for llto pure
po u of ooinldui Ins unit ninUlns iho assess- ,
incut of diim IKO to Hie owner * respeetlvo'vri '
of s.ild luopurty by rensim of suoh taUlii , ' uud
iipuroprliitlon thereof. y
The proportv beloniliu to you. proposo.l to H
bo uppioprlalod as iiforus-ild , .mil which has
bonn deuliiroil necussiiy bv llm lounoll , by
oidlniincu to .ipiiroiirlnte. lo Hie use of the oily r ;
belni ; slliiii'LiI ' liiBill cllv uf Omaha , In tin )
cnuiily of Douglas mul ht tie of
ileseilbo I HH foi ows town :
1'iojiuity ' In nanioof I * Iversnu \
Theoist I'l'j ' feet ( if su ! < lot IS of llioea
; H ) feel of tu\ lot Hln th ) NW. of tlio i : 4 o t
nc 10. T ! ; > , I ! 11 I.
riorty ; ) m tlio n.unoof .1 .1Vo \ d bmlth.
A strlpofl in-l ( ifool uhlur unil In ; noit i and
out h throiilisub lols.'i and boff IN kill , tins
east llnoof sild slilji noliu lU'n ' feel wosl o
t li nlliid iMitvvecu t ix lots 4 und II InelIon 1J
T r.U II l > .
I'Kiiiiutv In ihu nanioof AiiRiistiis Kinml/a
und II W. McOiiiro.
-4'ho following pircol or Irict of 1 ind : llo-
VI lining allho southwest cm nor of lut Stl bluclc
' > I'addook I'laeo ; thence so-ilh to i tin north
HniMif I'lnrK slro'it. inodiieml from Ciinnlnsc-
Imlu'H iiddlllon : Ihenco e.isl about Il-'i food
nlon.thu nurlli llm ) uf snhl ClatU stieot. to
the west llnu of ( Jininliuli mi's addition ;
Ihonco soulh aloiu tin west llnu of I'liiinliiK-
IIIIII'H aUdUlon i l feel to thu soulh line of
Chill , street. lhen"o uoililoiw HI Id HDIIIII llnu
ofLlarK street lo n point In line p.irillel lo
Ilioiiaslllnoof lnIOIH H mul li. "ii'lHild ' I no
st.irlln .ll fcot won of Idi.l , blii'li .Di'.clty ' :
thence soulh .ilotu diifd Hiio to the nm Hi l > mi
of lux lot H ! theneo west Irl fit M lo HID wain
llnoof 1Mb htruol : Ihcii'-o noriit par illol til
I lie east llnu of tn\ lot < K nml tl to thu NOiith
linn of f'laik blieut. pioilueol from Cunnliii : *
bum's ; ulllt ( on ; theneo In a noi tb'.u'-.toilv ( II-
loctlou toihu nortli llnu of ( IHII. Hlieutnio-
diiced : theneo noitli lo thohouth Hue of Pad-
dmik riacot tbunco east ' ) feet lo plucoor bo-
Voii aru 'iotIloil ( to bo ptoscnt al llm Hum
und jilacii .ifoios.'ilil , und inako any objectloiH i
lo or htatninuntt i-onouinlnir said proposed
iipjnoprUtloii or iissussmont of dam iics a *
you may consider propel1.
, ' sniMvri'
.lull\'r. I'LAl K.
f'ouimlttcoof ApiiMlsors
Oniiiln. Octobor'1. IM'i. ' lu" t
To Ibu owners or all lots , p iris of loUand'
esl.ito alun-c IDLIi Mi ol. fiom Hiand ave
nue lo j'owlor aviiiiiie.
\nn RIO hcroby nolillod ( hat llm uridiirJ
tk'no I. three < llsliiloro > tud frcoholdorii or inn'
city of Onialiii , hivu bi'i'ii du y npDiilnltnl by
iho iniivoi. with the appr.ival of the ciy !
< -oiincllof ild olty. to lissom tin ; dannico IM
the owniir * icipoctlvoly of llm pioujirtV
nlfeeled by ehmiJe of crado ot nth Mi cut from
lil mil aveiiuo to Towlor au'iiuc , lUuluioil
iMicossaiy nyoidlnuneo.N'o II7. ! pissed October
nth. 149. , niiprovoJ Oet.ibei ! } Mi. IH . '
Vou am fnrtner notillo-l tlinl. hai us no
coplod Hiilil.ippolnlmenl. mid duly im i IHod |
ui n > iiilrei | | by law. wo Mill on thuv.lril day
of Novomlior. A l ! > > ' > . ' . at ill" h"1 " of Uf
o'olouk In llm foiunoon. lit thu ollloo of
.Inlm I' I'liiolt , . ' .11 riumiUui of CoimiinriP.
within tlto torpor ilo limits of nuld < ty , meet ,
foi Iho purixuo of considering ami niiiKHU
Iho iisieniiiunl of damaso to ihoowiiiiis re-
( .pertlvely of u ild properlv , ulfculod by iiild of uradu. tiUm ; lulu connldeiatlon
special boncllti If any
Vou urn notllled to bo projunt at thu tlmo
and plaoo nforos-ilil , mid mnKu nny objnotloni
toorHtntomunts coiieorniiK s ild imiusiinent
( JIOIKI : : j. PAUL.
Dm.ibn. Nov 4. Is r. ' . iiUMJOt | _
NO-l'irl1' 'J'OTuOlM'JriTV"'OWNKIW ,
In puiausiicoof ordliiHiico No : ii9. , iiiiiilrlni9 |
water and Rr.scoiiiieutloiiH to bu madu to Hie
properly linen In llm nlley between l l utreol
und 'l.'il aviuiiiu from I'.irnum klreello Doouu
nlicHt. comprised In Nlreiit Improvoinnnt di > -
trlct No. 4111 inthuety of Omaha , you nro
huruliy notlllod tomauoall neeemircoiintic -
t.'diis with wutoruiid BUS m llm or lalurilf ,
mid tocomplotu mifh nor. ( on or beloro I'D'
criubur I. IS'j ; , a It hi the purpose lo tuvutlio
Illle.V In the wild dUu lei.
liatod at Omaha. Nub. , this ITHi day of .No-
Chairman Hoard of I'ublio Worlc * . I
bad of America. In thu llliiik lllll > . VMIutil
utiovo tlia aeo. A i-rltp , br.iulni.utino | ilicr .i
Ixivi-lr Konur'Iliosd norm mii'lldu4l ' uter l
Ii.i ii < > iiruilUou | niI < uf P4lliiil Klnuil pluugaP.
imtii i ; . H , Tim ivinn , uniit or i > iii itua > * |
nloiie.auoomodiU'i il puuplu , > trlllr lint cu > :
upeii Hrupluuoi.iituuiu liutt , ulocUla lUliU , rlcblr
furiiiihuil , Iliia wldo vcrtnUln. tublu u u cl lir.
Hno uutuium. iiillU winturi. Hu'liicol ' r tu ur I'J '
nb k or uuatu. 'liiruiiiij Indat from CUliinit *
0. b. MAUUKN , Tliu Utaiu , UoldyrlDgi , l ) kat |