Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    OMAHA DAILY BHK : 1UAY. ) NOVEMBER 10. 181)2. )
JDUN'S ' Will
Conditions Still of an Encoura g-
Ing Nature.
of I'hiUlicil I'riiilnd * Hrcnler
I' Thin During Any I'rrtlitil * V - r Itr-
piirlt frnin ( Jltlm-iJlo irltiit Miimc
tiiill Strri-t Icira U'fk. .
Ni-n VOIIK. Nov. 1U. 1 . O. Dun As Co.'a
Weakly Hoviow of 1'indo ! No Important
ctungo nppcan in the condition of business ,
tno distribution ot products continues enor
mous , production by manufacturers Is
' ( rroatorou the whole thnn In any tirevlous
year und while som-j hesitation Is soon about
oiitonn ? InVo now nccounts the concral tone
of business And Industries is remnrKohly
bcatthy. TrBiiltis lu cotton has boon much
the largest over known in any weeK , but
lock dealings have been Vut modcrato.
At lloston business continues largo , col
lodions good , monov easy. In general the
ituotlon Is unchanged , excepting that wool
Is more quiet. The shoo trade is in good
tihapo and lumber active.
At Philadelphia the open weather artccls
\rado In heavy dry poods. Wool is very
quiet , bhoea nrc steady. Iron is In peed
demand , Money Is n little tighter , much
being placed ut 0 per cent. No material
change Is scon nt Haiumora.
At I'lltsbiint the demand for pig Iron is
Rood , and linlshod products are moving
freely. Plate glass is very dull , but other
Klass Irndo unchanged ,
A strilto In the harnoi * munufaoto'T ' lit
Cincinnati during the busy season disturbs
In most lines business nt Cleveland Is good.
Sotno lareo orders for pig have boon coun
termanded. Thcro ii a strong demand for
Manufacturers continue busy ct Indianap
olis mid tha jobbing trade is uooil.
litisluuss is prospurous In nil lines ut De
Chicago reports good wholesale trade and
collections. Kccolpts ot buttershnw nlurvo
Increase , but a decrease Is set-n In oats and
wool , dresMCd bcnf , hidoi. Hour and ryo.
JMoni'V ' Is In Htrong doinand nt (1 ( nor cont.
Trn'do continue * strong at St. I ouls with
collections prompt.
Milwaukee rooorta a larger trade with
good demand for money.
Jobber * ; u St. 1'aul raport backwatd col-
At Kansas CItv cattle receipts nro largo ,
but gram receipts light. Monov in bettor
tiomiind and business fairlv active.
Denver reports very fntlsfnclory trado.
At Loulsviilo undo is about average , but
dull in Little Unck , witti u small cotton
At ftnshvllle business Is improving. Sales
of cotton amounted to 5IMUOO ! ! ) , bales , with
an advance of tlirco-olgnths of u cnnt. In
wheat ntul corn advances of three-eighths of
a cent were mndti , but oats nro one-fourth of
a cent lower. A rUe of nearly 1 cent oc
curred In coffee.
Except , for cotton , speculative ) markets
have been comparatively mill. Iu the threat
industries little chanca is seen. Shipments
of Loots and shoes from the east continue to
largely oxcccu thuso of last .year.
Cattle rpcolpts at Chicago are falling be
hind. Colliers are now only working halt
timo. In pig Iron some hesitation of btivcrs
Is noon , with cancellation or postponement
of ardors , but the situation is considered
very healthy. The bar nulls are said to bo
near the und of their oraors. A snlo ot steel
rails at the fixed prices is reported.
October exports of priucmal products were
$ iri.0ir ! > > ! > smaller thnn for last year and in
two weeks of November the decrease has
bucn $ J,000,000. This fact , with a largo in-
crcaso in Imports , has cnusrd an advance of
foreign exchange to f t.TTJ.j and with inonoy
denror at London and cheaper here tticro U
thought to to some prospect of gold exnorts.
'IDo business failures occurring through
out the counlrv " during tbo pat ooveil days
dumber ' . ' 10 , ns "compared with totals of 210
last woolr. For the corresponding week of
last year , the figures were "S > .
LAST WKKK'.S OMM Stntviuuiit of Iliisliirts Oiinu
Iiv Mir .liiiihlni ; Criiti'ra of ilici Country.
'Nmv YOIIK , Nov. 18. The following table
compiled by Br.idstrect's gives the clearing
house rot urn a for the week ending November
17 , 1SU ! , und the percentages of increase
or docrcasu as compared with tbo corresponding
spending ween last venr :
; u
l (
n it .v tVKinc ,
llrnilntri-ol' * I' llnvlmv IlrtulU tliu
l'Vulnri' ( if thn'Miirld-t ,
Nr.w YOIIK , Nov. 18. Hnulstroal's Hntn-
olul review for tills week says : Snociilulloii
lias contmuaU to drift along in an initifrerei.t
fatbloii , tbo professional traders liavlng tbo
inurUot pretty much in their own bunds ,
Tlicro baa boon an apparent ducroa.o on tbo
part of heavy Interotts to talco any dcolaed
iutori t , auti Ibo proceodliiL-s of the ll bt-
weight operator ! have , ut usual , not hcou of
a cbaruotcr to ulthcr impart , activity to tbu
market , or to fflvo aur UreUloil cburacior to
tbo usual movouieni of prlout. In tbo ub-
sonco Of ouUlilo Intareits Iho publlo la bo ni ;
entirely ubaent from Wall airooU Tbo loading
factors hare been tbo creation of khort tn-
tareiti iu vnnouk lutorcsts , and tba ub-
soqucut und usunlly snoody coveriu ? of
contract * . To tba Utter proud. * * tL
market owoi whatever stronRth or support
It hm exhibited. HM true that London has
stiovrn more rendlnoi * to bity our tock < ,
the purchaio for foreign account bavins on
tororal occasions boon largo , but the
ntnetico of any response or encouragement
from this snln scorn * to hnvc A chilling effect
on every European onHiiman. Thn most
prominent feature of the Mtuittlon has boon
tlio market , Decronsoil fundi nro worn np-
patent and already create symptom * of
caslor interest rates. On the other hand
tbo Mack supply of cotton and commercial
drafts on Kurppe. result * In an abnormal
hardening o ? oxchaniro , the situation helnff
nRcrnvntcd by too paying ort of large
Btcrllnc loans which matured thU WCCK.
Incrcasca prcs uro of this klna rosultcil late
In the wcou In Increased Ilrmnms of ex-
clmnpo , the movement naturally cnuslnK no-
pronetislon ot gold shipment.
A tt.irliclor I'nlfi UN 'Ihhik lank I o Work-
on tlm Itrccnl t.niMMIIdi * .
OMUM , Nov. 17.-To the Hdltorof Tin :
HBK : Over a week n < ro the democrats hold
an election. Of COUHO this was not In koon-
\i\K \ \ wltn the program , but xvas brought
about uy an unfair advantaga In the secur
ing of more votes than wo could nosslblv
muster. Such a proccudlnu should not bo
countenanced. It is the strong domineering
over thd woalc.
is It not nilRht vcrius iint ( ! Wbothor
you ndmtt It or not , I shall continue to so
aver for thu reason that mlL'lit rliymei with
not npiicur to luivo dlscoinlltcd tlio .Ic.'tto-
.lauksoniiui combination in tlio least ; induoil
its lusoin has heaved nnd swelled a la pea
cock with n Jov thut is cold , relentless and
bard lio.irtocl. Tills U n proround illustr.i-
tlon of the tntonslty of porvorslty.
This is indeed stroiik' liuiKunpc , but \vo 10
putillcaiu feel juilillcd In toln to iinv loiiRth
under the circumstances ; not that wo nro
sere over the olection--of course not but
wo think that thn democrats should oh-
servo tha common amenities of life.
I micht glvo several scrlutural quota
tions In support of my position , but I barely
suspect , that the momDcri or attntches of
that perverse political unit would not have
time to fully consider tuy biblical ilivorslou
between "blowouts. "
tioro lot mo atilo that I have satis-
fnctorlly proven Unit dotnocrntlu lunirn nro
ninths of tin. Thousands of thorn were on
the Ktrout tlio other niclit each of whom
had his luuis hanging out of bis
mouth. The lungs were Ions nml nar
row , but quito robust somewhat stiffened ,
owlntr pet baps to oxposuru to the damp muht
air , and emitted soutuK that wuro at oucu
oriciiial and unliiue. Those sr.Uod harshly
on minocnr. If tlioao sounds \vrni blended
( "blondcd" is too smooth u word to bo used
in this connection ) , forming 0110 composite
sound , it would closely roseiublo the conver
sational tone of a Protozoan Amphibian , So
far as I am ublo to judpo the democratic
luiiff Is reversible. This may be the solution
of the picudo-pticnoinotinii ,
The rrpuollcans of Onialiu would cor-
lalnlv bo cxc-usablo If they should uonsuro
the 1' , P. U. for Its iixtromo exuberance , In
asmuch in It did not capture ovcrytlmiR -
certainly not. New
Hutnp-itilro snoko in no
ui'cortain ' .sound ; and tlslit hero in nuroivu
municipal bailiwick wo elected Chris Siuotit.
There is u coutloman occupying apart
ments with mo who was born under tbo
careful supervision ot John Hull. At a
somewhat later date ho saw thu error of his
wav.s and sought the protection and guidance
of Uncle Sam mid H now a votor. Ho has
until this last election ridden in the republi
can band wagon , but in ua unuuardod
inotncnt voted for Mr. Cleveland. Thereby
liaiiKs a talo.
About two months ago bo sent an ordnr to
Queen Victoria for a suit of clothes , for
which ho paid J2U. In duo titno it sought nil-
inltttiuu ? to the realm through the Now
York custom house rmd succocdud by Jump-
itiK over a $ ! , " > Impediment.
This wa * bad. It liually roaohcJ him horo.
Great horrors ! It dlati't lit. Tnis was
too inueu and ho shook the republican dual
from bis pedal extremities. Ii It not possible
ttiat the roul milk in our political cocoanut
inny bo found right hero )
U trllELOUS'
Heail Ciiiiipur Almlprn Woodmen Count * Its
IVIilili' * mill Ailjniirnst
The head camp of the Modern Woodmen
of America concluded its biennial session at
Exposition hall yesterday. The day was oc
cupied in discussing further proposed
chunges iu the fundamental law , most ot
which were of minor importance.
'luo tnno for holding the next head camp ,
which will convene at Madison , Avis. ,
wns fixed us June , IhO" . The time \7fls ex
tended on account of the fact that the lozis
laturu would bo in session there lu .Novem
ber and it was thought that a auinmor visit
would bo more satisfactory.
The htato associations will maul to select
delegates December 37 , 1894 , as proviojsly
arranged. Tbo law was also chant-oil > o as
to provide for the payment of the expo-isoa
of the state associations by the head camp. usd
The newly elected olllcers were installed
by Deputy Head Consul Faulkner of Lin
coln. Nob" , nml tholr salaries were fixed ills
follows : Hond consul , ? 2OOU ; head cleric ,
tJ,5U : ; head banker , JOOO. The members k.of
thu board of dlroctors and ot the auditing
committee will receive f $ per dar each und
expenses whllo occupied by the business of
the order.
Resolutions were imenod oxpiflsslng the
satisfaction of the dcleijatos with tliur rc-
coption and entertainment at Omaha and cat
the bands of tholr Nebraska brethren. Then
with mutual good wishes the camp was de
clared adjourned and thu delegates separated
to meet unuln two yean , henoa.
MarrlaptJ licenses were issued yesterday
to the followIiiR p.irtles :
Naino mill In ! lilencc.
I llarrv Tlio'iim. Iund C'lly , S. I )
I Ida K IV.IIK. Dinah.i
I Hort M. Ulmstead. boiith Omaha. _ .
| Muud I'liiiiet. froutli Oiiialui 21
Mrs. \ \ inslow's Soottjinj ; Syrup for chil I-
dren tcolhlni ; softens thu gum * ttuu allays
alt pain. 83 CJMU n bottlo.
Knt\tt \ nf Av llnritnr I M itntkr I'll * lieildly
centx ; eacli inMtllo-ttii line , ( m cents.
MiNOii : : > OIIT " AiiRiisti. aped IB ) yoari , (1
months , . ' . "i dnv , of hunrt failure , wlf of
I'reu .Monnt'ilolit , I' services .Moml.iy.
November : . ' ! , - o'clocU , from residence. Kill
Kynertilruet. Interment Fount , Lawn cum-
uiury. I'ViomU ' Invltod.
Officers of tha Concern Enid to Hnvo Been
113 * Judicious Miinnsmnent thr tcin | ltiiri
Are Not litprctnil to lo < n , \ntliliig
und Something ,11iiy DP > n\e < l
for tlm
LIMCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 18. [ Special to TUB
Bci : . ] Ttio Hank ot Inland was closed today
by order ot Iho supreme court , upon n nntl-
tion Hied bv the attorney last even
ing. The Hank ot Inland or anlzsd Ust
summer and commenced business on Sap-
tombcr 1. It ) o Ulcers anil directors were
principally farmers and small merchants and
notio of thorn had any provlous experience in
the banking business. The proidont was
( . ! . W. PhllllDi , who nUo managed the eleva
tor and lumbar yard at In Intnl. llo moved
In to the town from a farm about a year ago ,
The vice president was B .1. Stcmbcrt. t\
stlont partner in the Institution. Thn cash
ier , S. W. Stevenson , bad bad no experience
in banking , und the booUs show hl.s lucic of
knowledge oJ ° the principles of Iho bus I no s.
The List examination of the affairs of the
bank \vi\s made on the Tlh Inst by D.inlc
KxnmlnorYulls. . I1U report showed that
the bank had discounted notes to the amount
of fl'j.biQ.OI , of which amount nu reported
f-J-WI.Ul to bo good and colluctnblc , whllo
the balance Is very uoubtful. Thu hauls
Held at that time dtposlt.i to tha amount of
* l,770.l > . " > . It also had bills receivable
amounting to nearly f 1,000 moro , so that
with judicious management upon tno part ol
the receiver the depositors will not lose anything -
thing and something m.iy bo saved for the
stockholders themselves. Gooruo W. Good-
oil . . , also rooelvcr for the bunking houo of
IClouiiin .t Arnold und the Bank of Ansclmo ,
wont lo Inland this morning to talco charts
of ' the bank until a receiver could be ap-
poiutoJ. (
OH In | Mct Ion lor Ortolier.
The operations nf the state oil Inspection
departniont for the month of October were
tabulated for Iho llrst time today , The re-
porr shows that the following number of
barrels wore inspected in the dis-
triots : li lrat District Aucepted , 1,044 ; ro-
looted , OS7 ; total , lrtl ; ; receipts , $173.10.
Second jJismct Accepteil , MlT.'i ; rejected ,
! : ,0'2 ' ; total , 0,1)77 ) ; receipts. $007.70.
Third District AccoDted , l.Oi'.l ; rejected.
l.IiOO ; total , 3'JIO ; receipts , SMI.
Fourth District Accepted , JIJ'I ; rejected ,
202 ; total , KIS ; rocolpts ,
Filth District Accoptcil. , " 15 ] ; rejected ,
201 ; total , SID ; receipts , fSl.c'O.
IJecaoltuIutlon Total accepted , S.2iS : , total
rejected , 4nrx total inspected , l',7'Ji > ; total
receipts , $1.27'J.GO.
Craiid Jury Milking I'mcrest.
Although the sessions of tbo gratia jury
now engaged in investigating llio asylum
frauds are secret , It Is known that they tire
haru nt work on the ovluunco in ihe caso.
The nieinbors of the State Uoard of Public
Lands and Buildings have been on the stand ,
and the vouchers for the expcnso * of the in-
slltulloi : for several years back have bneu
examined. Huwiclc has not yet been cjcniu-
nod , but the public is ulrcndv tolerably well
acquainted with his testimony. It is ( julotlv
whispered that .several now "names are to bo
dragged into prominence in connection with
the frauds practiced upon Iho stato. The
peculiar methods by which the state Is nl-
logurt to liuvo been robbed in the purchase of
coal for several years back is Hxclv to bo
fullr ventilated , ana tha public may prepare
itself forasurpriso of sensational dimen
sions. Nothing has Icaited from the jury
room , but. . it Is certain that , the members of
that body are by this llmo in full possession
of ttie facts concerning tbo coal contracts.
\Vfote Oli euiio J.rtt r .
David Parker , u colored man aged 41 , was
urrested at his bomo nt fijl South Eleventh
street this morning on the charge of .sending
obscene letters through Iho mails. Tup coin-
plaint was made by United States District
.Attornov Baker of Omaha on evidence fur
nished him by Chief of Police Otto of thU
city. The letters comuliiincd of were written -
ton to a colored cirl of Omaha and were
about as ulrly ns "liuirmn depravity could
suggest. The man anscrtcd lhat ho had bean
carrying on a nlmllar corcsp3udenuo with
the girl for some tlino and that her letters to
him wc-ro equally oosceuo. Word reached
thU city today that tlio girl iu ( ( uostloi , Amy
Ulbson , has boon arrested there. The Gib-
.sou woman formerly lived with Parker as
his wlfo , but deserted bun some time slnco
for another admirer.
I'rtfdilmit C.ible in Town.
President Cable and a party of Hook Is
land ofllcials spout the greater part of the
day In this citv. The party was niacto up of
Benjamin IJrowbtor , first vice president ;
W , 1. Allen , asjmaiit roneral mauagor ; C.
Dunlap , general superintendent , and W. 1C.
iMcFurlaud , superintendent of construction.
Tbo time was spent in looking over tbo
various Improvements now under way In this
city. Thov spent four hours in examining
the Autclopo valley , but gave no Hint as to
tboir purpose. It is boilnveu by these who
claim to bu on tbo InMdu of railroad circloa
thai Iho visit is intimately oonnoctod with
Iho project to make tha Antelope vallov the
gateway , through which thrco or four Ural-
class roads will enter tbo city.
Kert Chiuuiy Still
The people of Lincoln have about settled
down to the conviction that Burt Chancy ,
the missing clerk from the olUco of the dis
trict clerk , has cither left tbo city for good
or that , ho has mot with foul play. Ho went
to Omaha last .Monday afternoon , intending "
to return the next day. On Tuosany , how
ever , bo that ho VII
telephoned would Btuy mi-
ntbor day. Slnco that time nothing bus' boon
hoird uf him. His
wlfo state * that ho was
not financially embarrassed and that she
know of no leason wny ho should leave the
city. A letter was received from bis brother
today from Omaha , stating that Hort had
loft that city Tuesday nt 10:10 : In thn for.- :
i.ooii , having bought a ticket for Lincoln.
Lincoln In Hrlnl.
The Board of Health
huajsix cases of soar-
lot fever and nevon of diphtheria under
It hn.s tinally boon decided to hold the
K.'iitj oanquot nt tbo hotel Lincoln next
Monday evening. A number of dis I
tinguished guests from Omaha nro oxpcuted.
27 % Difference
The "Royal" the Strongest and
Purest Baking Powder.
Whether any other baking powder is equal to
"Royal , " let the official reports decide. When
the different powders were purchased on the open
market and examined by Prof. Chandler , of the
New-York Board of Health , the result showed that
Royal Baking Powder contained twenty-seven
per cent , greater strength than any other brand.
When compared in money value , this difference
would be as follows :
* If one pound of Royal Ba'ng ' : Powder sells
for 50 cents ,
One pound of no other powder is worth over
36 cents.
If another baking powder is forced upon you of
by the grocer in place of the Royal , see that you
are charged the correspondingly lower price.
Will euro Yonlsa trH < - st.itemcntot tlio
action of AYEU'S S'U-ft.iti.irHIa , wlien
tnkcn for ( licenses originating in Impure
Wood ; but ) wlillo UirrnssiTtlon Is true of
AYBIt'S Sarsnparllln.ins tlinifninls can
attest , It cannot , tic Ir.iiMifnlly nppllcd to
otlicr i > rcpiiationiiwliieli un ; inclplcil
dealers will rcconnjyuil. ami try to Im
pose upon .roil , ns "just as RODI ! T
Ayer' * . " Talc'o Aycr's S.iMaparilla nml
Ayei-'s on ) } , If yon nuptl a blooil-purillcr
.niiilvoulil bu lionelilcil prriniiiirtitly.
This iiiPillcini1. for nearly lltly yc.irs ,
lini cnjoxnl a reputation , unil niaitu a
record for fine's IIIH never liren
citnti'd ( ] by oilier pipparntlom. AYKlt'H
Snr.siipirlllit : crailie.itiM tlio nint of hu-
rcdltnry srinfiila and other blood dis
cuses from tlio system , and It lins , dcscr-
vcdly , tbo eonllilciice o ( llio people.
"I cannot forbear to t'NproM tny joy at
tbc relief I have obtained from tbu use
of A YKK'S Siinmpiirlllu. I was atllicted
\vltb Iddney troubles for about six
months , Miifferinc gifiitly with | i\lns ; in
the small of my b.iclc. In addition to
this , my body was coveied with pimply
eruptions. Tlio retncillui preserlbed
failed to help mo. I then began to talco
AYEU'S Sarsapaiilla , and , In a short
time , the palus ceased and the pimples
disappcatcd. I ad vise every youiij ; man
or woman.In case of sickness it.'Milt-
ing from impure blood , no matter how
long standing the case may bo , to take
A YKR'S Sarsaparilla. " 11. L. Jai iimnn ,
33 William st. , New York Olty.
Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co. , I.ou vll , Mas * .
Weakness ,
Catarrh or
Rheumatism ,
Chronic ,
Nervous or
1'rivatiJ '
' . Searles & Searles
Consultation Free
For the Treatmant of
Chronic , Private and.Nervous Diseases ,
Cured without the usa ot knife , ligature i or
All maladies of a private or delicate
nature , of either wx , positively cured.
Dr , Searles # Seines , nssaL : ot ,
Nuxt tluor to I'oslollii.'O.
for Farmers , Miners and Mechanics ,
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Wotei
Tlio ily > i > cptlc , the dflillltiitcil , uhotli-
iirfrom cxrrkt of worlc of mini ! or
. lioily or nvpoHiiro In inularliil rc-clons
will nntl Tntfd Pills ( ho HUMt KPiiLil
r * tonitiv ever olfcnul tli Inuilld.
'I'lieOnlr I't-rfoct Vnitlnal I
* iu ! Ili-flul fcjrin o In Iho
. , , the only nyrlir/o over
hit PII is ! lif wlililianliml
Iriji-clliiiK van liu a liiiltih-
ICailvilliout ItnkliiK nnj
/llli , ' Iliu i-liiililiu or iiu-
i rV'llKlnu' : tint u u ol u VIH-
n'l , unil which uni alia lit )
n > c1 1 lur ri' liijuctiiini ur
. > UtT uiniiiisit ni'i.n I
'Price S3.OO.
Mull onkTi follclli ! I.
llieAloB&l'cnfolill'o. '
, < JBth Street ,
( BEAT TO I DS-1 OF ' ici :
' pri' crlillou |
art'lulljr | ) roi rocl at low
DR , R , V , Mil
'Jcelh rilled
out I'.iln ti/ 1 10
S.uo ,
Perfect ntxiiirantee 1. Tooth oxtriutoJ i lir
tlio inoriilnt . Now onoi Itisortol In luj
ouino day.
Hfo spueliiieiuof Itoniovalilo HrlAso.
tJootpooliiion-iof I'laxlblo Uri\tj | I'U '
All work warranted in rupruaonteJ.
Olllce , J hlnl I'lO-ir. I'.txwn Illojc
1 1 Ii | I'l ' nu HKS.1. liliai ( ! : I I'nr.i i u S i
U iikelVorulo or su rvr iy ( ro a IH-i
btruu tenlranco.
Sunday Morning You will want
Something wartli Reading ,
You arc TircJ of Bu inc . 1'ircl
of Politics and Tire J of Talk.
Something lo Divert Your Mini
ani keep it Pleasantly liii-
eaged All Day Sunday ,
is What YoiuNccd.
You Will l-'ind Kntcrtainmcnt and
Instruction in Great Variety ,
Just Glance Down this Column
und Gat n Foi'ctnste of WhnL
Out- Corn in Europe "Cun > ' : tolls of
whnt is beingdouo by "Corneaku
Murphy" ' to introduce American
1IHU70 us si breadstuff in Germany ,
llio opposition of the established
baking interests of liorlin. llio pop
ular fooling on tlio use of corn liour
and what ils adoption by llio Ger
man government us an nrmy and
navy looil will moan to the farmers
of this country.
Municipiil Ownorehip of Elcotric
Ii'gnta Victor Rosovvater in tbo
Now York fiulopciuioitt discusses in
u second paper the inuniciiil | ! own
ership of olocli'ic lighting plants
anil shows bow the monopolies huvo
allied forces to protect their inter
ests and prevent tmfiivorablo legis
Amending Omalm'a Opart or City
ollieials anil citizens givolhoir views
of neodeil changes in the law gov-
orning1 cities of llio metropolitan
class. Suggestions for the council
A Woman and Her Millions Stoi-v
of tlio remarkable lifo of Hetty
Green , one of the wealthiest women
of the world How she talks and
They Don't Wear Suspenders I1 ho
dolls this year follow the fonilnino
fashions in everything but Iho
braces. Some of tlio useful inven
tions offered for the young people.
She Dearly Lovoa Su'cldosStrango
desifo of a younp woman to see the
victims of Helf-slitughler ( nl the
morsuo. People who have nad for
visiting the undcrtnltors' establish
ments aiul iitteiuliny the funerals tiDf
Corsets and Their Curaos One of
fnshion's followers in a mild way ,
tolls of the evils of the corsel habit
and gives hope of the linal emanci l-
pation of from this relic lof
barbarous fashion.
"Too Sweet for Any h r.g" Hero's < a
tip showing the women how ton
fashion their next new gowna. In
dications that the "Hmulro" will
not bo the faHliioii long. All sorts
of hints for the women who want to
bo in the fashion and who of them
do notV
A Star ! ling Census Socrat Remark
able disparity in the numerical
strength of. ILo HOXOS. and llio girls
on the g.iin in the great inid-wca
Something about /.Thanksgiving
decorations and an assorted lot if
foiniiiine gos-jij ) .
A Tragedy of the Prairies Pen pic-
tii-o of the work of ono of Juucro
Lynch's courts in the early days "of
the wild west.
"Do World Do Move" Story of the
material progress of the city of
I'ouncil HliilTn , giving the hihlory
of > < oiiio of llio liig iiioniiincnts of in
dustry and their small buginninge.
In and About Eton Colicgo A
graphic picture of Kn laiul't ; great
est public hohool , an account of its
foundation , its .scholastic : system and
ils great result" , with n'robloi- of
llio many Englishmen , eminent in
all spheres , who have boon prepared
for lifo undur tiio shade of ils im
memorial elms.
In the Field of Spor a The week's ;
sporting resume will bo found , an
usual , thorough in detail , and intor-
eaiingiiiid ontorluining in quality.
Tan Hii : ; enjoys nn enviable prom
inence in this line among those who :
are fond of dlvert illud ioe
> amuse
ments. It neglects nothing of mo
ment to thlb class of readers , out
ever muiiitniiis ils high standard us
a local history of all outdoor pas-
timed , with especial atlunllnn ISto
local alTnirs , affording each Sunday
an inventory of what has passed > ,
and an index of that lo come.
Farm Prioas in Olden T ines lu -
aiilo dalu concerning wages ll d
market values in the early davs def
the Republic , collected by the Agri
cultural Department.
Bulldlnw Aeaoolation Notes Sum
mary of news in co-opuiatlvc circles
in Ncbntbku.
For Sale by all Newsdealers
VI ) Cblfbt.ur" . KorlUW lil.Buurt llrtao.
thn tumuli , liver uiiu bow i It , i url- ;
fy the l > lee < l. mniuliami utii lualiz
tin * * * nuxlirlttvki tvknii > r Llnoiu 8
turu'tU. ktailat Ii . licartliuru , ( am vl
_ itPIx llttf , II tfiiUil ueprf-NKlou , iwilnful _
itifr.tlnn. ( ilioplM , tialluw niiiiiuix
liBpuro Mood , or a falluro liy tuu toiiiuci , lln r or InS -
S Riven toixi r t'Atlnif arutjciiciltddbytukluironutrtvr *
Jisu-liiiuul. I'rtifiln mall. lenr < Ml i |
t 1111'A.VS CllKMlOAlX.VlPlTru > > t.Yew York J
Another opportunity to save from
$5.00 to $8.00 on an Overcoat ,
The balance of the Beinnan-
Heiclelbcrg Auction Stock
, consist
ing. of 500 fine Melton and Kersey
Overcoats , \vill \ be on sale
. .
The success attending this sale is based
on the fact that Beirman , Heidelberg & Co.
manufacture fine goods , Extra Salesmen will
be on hand , and we hope to be able to take
better care of the crowd than we did last
Saturday ,
GOO Men's Blue Chinchilla Over
coats , worth $10.00 ,
S9OO Men's Elegant Brown Kerseys ,
worth $15.00 ,
S1O.OO Men's Blue Elysian , wool-
lined , worth $15.00 ,
ISi-OO Drab and Brown Kerseys ,
wool and .silk lined , worth $18.
1Q.OO At S15.00 we sell an Elegant
Brown Kersey Overcoat ,
sleeves and shoulders silk and
skirts wool lined
, which we
claim to be worth $22.00 ,
Come as early as you can on Saiiirday.
Boys' Cape Overcoats
We will open on Saturday
4 new styles of Cape Over
coats , ages 3 to 8 years , which
were bought away under price ,
at $4.25 on Saturday.
Special prices on Two-piece Suits for
Saturday---$12.SO : tO
BARNEY " Skates Free to the Boys ,
With every Suit or Overcoat we will give a
pair of Columbus Skates free on Saturday.
25 dox.en of the popu
lar Ladies' Tourist Hat
on Saturday at
13i6 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tlio eminent fpeclBllit In iiervoun.flirnulo. irl ulolilool. .
, | klniinJ . urliur/ ean' A rouUr nuj ro-
clilimiclnrjclualjlii . ini-illilnnn . > clIpldiiiHjiihil . rc-rllllcal s lici * It nlll trviUIn * wllli tlm , Ktu tv > t meetit
uturtti.Uikt manboou. fcemliuil wuKkium. . nUliHn-HfS . Una nil fiiriun of | irivaluill im > H r < u niciciirjr . u > it. .
JMivrlrrtlmuntfurlOBtcil . vllul | rfiwur. I'urtlfi ui.nblu lo visit mu innjr , lo Iruuted ut Iiomo l.y oorrmfxind.
rurn. . Mulldmi . urliulrunmiiU mill liy mull or . viiru > nucurulr puckutl . nu murk * lu Imllcatu tonlcuti
jniler. One i.fnuniil lulfrTlHW . iin < fcrrv < l. . , Connullutloii . . frao. Co . rc . iKi . < li < iiii , < trutir I rlvute. Hook ur
M ; itrlc of JJIi cnt Irev. Onltu fiourtiia. in loyp.m. tuiula/t lu.ui.W i''iu BeuU Uiiii |