T1IR OMAHA DAILY HKE : SATURDAY , XOVKMBEU 19 , THE OMAHA BICE NCI L BLUFF& O-FICF. NO. Is- I Hlrerer , I y carrier to tinir part of ltt. < ntt/ U.\Y. TI1.TON. - MANAtlEIL lrn i unvrs.l Hu * MM Office . v 0i MIor'hMplit - -a ) Killlur . Noa . .llh.IMA. . K V. Plumblnp Cr. t'ouncll HlufTB Lumber Co. . ThoCftthnlIc Younc l.ndicV ocioty cvo nn er.Joynbld social Ttuirsdiiy nlf'lit at - Joseph's ' academy. .loUnncn .Icnucn nnJ Hvn Wclnnt wcro married Tltnriilny tiy Itov. .1. 1'nh at ino roildenco of N'oIM OHon In this city. O. O. Nolsoti of the Coinioll IllufTs Furni ture company untiirolmd hut uvoiilni ; ill * . irlbuttnK smiles and clears tvlth unwonted HbcMlll.v. It was n Rirl. Manonlc- Special convocation of I rcUlur lodtja No ! ! "P ! ) , Anclonl , Woo nntl Accepted Mmoni. IhU ovciiiMit rot' work in the llru dcjrce All M non iirolnvltaJ to Im p'VMont. WllllntnVultun , who wns to hnve had it linnrinir yesterday iiflcrnoon before .liistlcj Hummer on the i'h 1110 of murdrtlni. .Icrrv KnlXi wns irrantotl u continuance until itils mcrninc at U o'clock. Thoroeulnr nirclliiK of lUcholnli Council No. II , Hcerco of I'ocahonta , ulll ba hold Oils pvcnltiK at I" " wlKwam , corner of IJrondwny nnd Main sticct ut tlio eighth run A iiioclal program has bcon pi r pared. The railroad cv.itiRelUts. Miss .lonnio Smith mid Mhs Addle bhariunn , will hold u muss tncctlntt In Majouiu toinplu Sunduv nt II o'clock p. m , anil all are Invited to coma out end hear tlioin. Kiped'tlly nro nulroad men nnd tholr famlllM requested to uttund. Homo of the prisoner ! nt the i-lty jail have boon trying to Indo the stool knlovoi that are font into them with their meals for thu purpose - pose of miwlntf their wav out. They wcro dlbcovcrod bv the marshal's mon , inU tin in- vcntorv of cutlorv Is now taken b a fora the HtiKcr bowls are nassuJ nt the rloao of cao'i meal. meal.Mrs. Mrs. John Montgomery , who Ins been living with her nloeo. Mr . \ \ . S. U-iss , nr , ! iil WnililtiKlon iivomio , ror some tltnu past , died yuatcnUy iriorr.nif. ' , nfter a protracted illness , used fil voars. for several ivook" . she has boun considered much bolter than formerly , but --ho suffered 11 middi'ti relnpso and within twontv-foiir houn died. Sun lonvrs a dauBlitor , Mist L\dii MonlRnniory , t\ho was at IUT Dedsldnhon the end c.iino. The remains will bu tnkoii to Canton , 111. , for Intel menl. Axvntof pro- action wns issued bv .luflRO Smith yosterduv in the ciuo of 'ho Kearney Milling nnd Ulovntor company the Union 1'iicllle llillwav ootnp.iny und the Citizens' Stnto b.ink. intervenors. The Interveners lllc'u nn nllldavit provlously alleging that Charles T. Drown of Lincoln , one of the flrni of Urown Bros. , which formerly had ohanro of the Union elevator of this cllr.was u necessary wllnoit In the case , but that ho was afraid' enter ihu stale , ns throats hail boon mndo agMnst lilM , to the offcct that nil the powers of civil nnd criminal procass would hi ! bioiiKht Into play nir.ilnst him on account of his connection with the elevator ruse. The writ of protection gives notlt-n that the snrvlco of nny notlco or nnpor in nny civil or criminal notion shall bo in contempt of court If niado ( In rniK the tlieo ivhen his uttrvlco * are rcqu'rcd ' In court , or before ho hns had n reasonable tlniQ lo K < * t out of tbo stiito utter ho has Icsllllcd. Use Brown's lironcbiul Iroi'hesforcouphs , colds nnd all other thiont tuiublus.'Pre - I'liiliiPinlv the be3t.-Hcv. llcniyVnrd IJecchur TIH : 'os .STOII : . \ \ nrili tit 'I liucly U'lirnlnz TTNI > KK\\fK VH DKI'AUTMHNT. Our f.ill urdor of.inter iiiulerwcai1 is now on Bale. Wo invite inspection on this line of inorrlmmliso ; it ulwnys liis : lcon ) tlio nrido of Uio itoro , ando Jn- toml inakliit ; it inoro fie limn over this Benson. Hn.vin.jr plncotl our orders osirly In tlio .your when tlio mills worn riint > ii > jr light , ft unnblod us lo iniiko better cpn- traots with the niaiuifacturors , which represent sumo of the moit rolhiblo in the oust. Our Now York buyer plnccd our oidorb along with our cnstcrn coiinoc- tious , tnnUing nn order of over 500 osisL-H of underwear , iitul for this reason we think our tulviinl-igo bcttnr thunixny incrchnnt in Iowa. LAD1KS' UNnKUWHAU. Urnyiibbod vests , extra , lon , also white at 25i1'iilHs at 'Me. Three ruses ladies'plain and ribbed vcstu und pants , nicely linishcd ( joods , nt U.'io and . ' ! ! ) c , is worth compaiihon. Our CO.- line of Indies' underwear is composed of 11 vo cuhcs. .all dilToront iiiaKuH , white , ecru , tfr.iy. natunil , both plain and ribbed. AMH'OOL UXDFJIWEAR. f.nilics' line ribb-jil vests and pants in \\h to , ecru and natural ib a bargain at 7JC. 7JC.Plain Plain knit \ofls , anil pants $1.00 , Sl.L'o nnd $ l.r > 0 , very line wool. Saxony wool ribbed vests in high col ors ut sji'.l ! ) uro orth soeiiifr. Ladles' all wool bl-iek vests ami iiants reduced from fcl.tt ! ) and SI 7o to 51.U" > . HqncHtiinn titrhls in black all wool , extra weight , il.Oo and 2.50. OF.NTS' rN'DKKWKAn. Oonta' if my hliirls and drawers , nil well made. IMc , li.'lc , ilic. ) At rtt'o wo slnw a line soft Rroy , rnn- ilnm-ml.sed nnd camel's half mixture IIt. , the best llnu of 500 oods in the market. Our Too , $1.00 hhirtH and drawers t.in natural wool tire bolter this sotiEon than ever , our $1.00garment beinj * niado from ] ) uro Alibtruliiui wool. Sea other bargains niailced Sl.CO nnd $1.75. $1.75.CHILDIiUN'S CHILDIiUN'S UNDUHWHAR. ( In M the popular ( Traded. ) Wo carry six dilTeronl lines and u full ' line of fil/od. White and ( Troy vents and pants lc ( ) to ! ISo. ISo.Ked Ked all wool undorwcar 23c up. Flno ( 'roy all wool imdorwcur from 2a up. Infant's sliirts in merino , nil wool aim filllc. HOaTON STOIUi Fothorint'hnm , Whitolaw ft Co. , Coun cil BlulTri , la. N. li. Mail orders promptly attended to. All orders sent either per expresser or mail free of charirc. Genuine iiound O ilc , Kadlant Homo P. 1 * . Htowart stoves and ran c * , told cxeluslvoly by Cole it Cole , -II Main. Mortimer Ncoly , -romlnrat | merchant . r.t llhinclmnl/'lit. , wns In the city yesterday. General U , M , Dodge has been elected president of the Army of Iho Tcuncsseo 1 at tit. Louis , .Sick hoadachnfrields to Deecanm's Pills. 1 GoiUlomon , the finest line of tall ooJ- in the city , ju t roceivoJ. Uoltor , the | tailor , UIO Urondway. See these oil heaters at Swalno's , 737 Broadway , l.nnlni ; liir Hume. Thq Hoyal Arch Maioim comulotod tbo work of thulr grand chapter yestcrd v morn- Inc by Installing olllcors , hoarlng reports of conimittiK'B and doluir other routine business that would uo of lltllo Interest to those out- bldo thu fraternity , At noon the meeting ndjourued and uioUot the delegate loft for thulr homos during iho : uftorncon and QVOU- inc. A few will remain a day or two to vim with personal friend * . The banquet at Mksoiilo hall Thursday nleht was one of the memorable features of tbo session. Holiday photos , out prices , $ l.oO for oabinutx , for HO days. L'ottnuu trnllerv. old Btund. ICOuooplo In tlua city usa t'u stoves lieGiu Co. put ? 'oui iu at ojjU \F\YS \ FROM f)11\ni ( ) HI IJFFS illjllk ) I IV'Jill lyUUl'Vll1hUl 1 \ ) Stnrtjtl ly an Incendiary Came a Great foal of Damigo. HE IS PURSUED BY A FIERY NEMESIS > . ( lolilttrlr.'i Hard Link llnrncil Out Tor thii'llilrd riniB Iliinl Work fur tlic I Irrnirii An Arcldent During llio i : 'lt(3inrnt , Thn llro dontrtmont : wai enlloJ out Th'in- ilny night by un alarm th.it oimo in from the Noilhwi'stern d''pot. A buildln ? that had bojn occunlcd by S. Ooldsloln us n saloon anil fcuJ store , on Broadway , Just west of the Indian crook urldgc. wns on tire , and was almost entlrelv consumed oeforJ the depart ment arrived. Tno llro was conimuiiiet'.ea to the tool house of tbo motor cotnpiny , to ( foliMtoln's barn , nti.1 tn several shanties oc cupied by colotud people , which wcro also columned. A horse that was in iholiarn \\us burned to doatn. The entire ilannpe to property wa oillmitod at uuout tlOJJ. Mr. UoUHtuIn bas had bad luck , tnis being the third llro that has nc'-urrcd In buildlturs which ho was occupying within the last fuw The Hist was when bo was near the corner ol Hto.idwuy and Seventh stroot. Tno second was about a year nro. In the same pineo xUiero Thursday night's tire started. All tbrco were supposed tn In of ineaiiillnry origin , and llio List undoubloJiy waa. Tlio insurance on Iho buildings tnnt suffcrca amounted tn about fl.OJJ. .lust nftcr tbo alum bad been sent In an accident took piaca in which Iho horse usu ally driven by Chief Nicholson was ludly in- jtltod. H vins lurncssRd to tlio hook nnd ladder truck nnd had t'con left by the dnvor , Miles Scholleld , who supposed U would slnnd , while ho went lo help the other lire- men. Something frlchtcd the learn und ihev stalled tn run , but collided with the chemi cal engine , the liidJur of which pierced tha duel's horse's llanic and made u tcrrlbln cash. Tbo iorUcns of n velurlnnry surgeon wcic secured , anu yestcrduv It was thought the animal would pull inrouzh nil right , Tno chemlc.il engine wai damaged sllshily by the collision. _ The "No. ! ) ' ' Wneeler .t Wilson is the onlv loclt-stitcli machlno niado that will iminuiin nn oven und perfect btttehatu'ifreroiitspoeds , Sold by C.co. Lancaster ft Co , fil I S. lllih st. Coal anil wood ; bust nnil cheapest Missouri hiird xvooil in the city ; prompt delivery. H. A. Cox , No. I Main. Tlio A. I ) . T. Co. has milled two now linclia to Its force and will answer at all hours , day or night. Telephone , 170 ; ollluo , H Main btreoU Mrs. .1. \Vmlsworth will tike : i lim- hod number of pupils in voice culture at 807 FirstiU'omtc. ( rndii ituil ulth lliinr > l-i. Yesterday saw the close of the November mcellnenf Hie County Uj.ird of Supsrnsor * , tbo last msctinu which mambirs A. C. llruhutn and August Bo todt will attend before the elosa of tnolr toriijs of onic ; . Thu rest of thj raeoibois , in viavv of tneir retire ment , took occasion to pass roiolutlons In which they commended the two ( 'entlomen for their efforts ut , sivins ; I'.ittawjtUimo county a uooil administration Simllir reso lutions wore passed In view of Iho pros- pi-ctivo ratlreiuont of Aualtor HcndrleUs. The principal item of business transacted was wiih rolurcnco to the proposition maclo by the cchool board to luivo the tnx levy poslcd iiucn Iho books nt the uxponso of the county In order that the levy mlchi DO made und the intercut which conies duo soon on outstandlnz bonds bu paid. The board took the ground that anv monev that niipht bo iiceucd for tins purpose could bo borrowed for less than the posting up would cost- President Waite of the school board had stated that there would bo enough money in the troisurv to mjno Iho 11 m piymanl and ihev thought thai other arrangements could bo made for tnootinj ; the second. Thov ac cordingly pjsscd u resolution refusing to make tlio noccsjary nopropriation. A matter of some interest in connection with the last incotlni : of tno board was the report of the appraisers , who were appointed to llx u measiuo of damages for iho Kock Island and Milwaukee railway comiianics thiouch tbo crossing of their tracks by the now road which Messrs. JJav & Hess are having lam out through iho Kllno tract. Tii9 compunles hud nut In n bill for $ .I.7JO , npiece , out this ban been cut down by the appraisers to JlliC. llvon this reduction was nolsatlalsctory to Day & I loss , who put in u petition clu'.uilnc thai , they had reason to be- llcvi ) that the appraisers had been led to make allowance for the expense that thu roads would DO lo In having their wtdsties blown , in mitlinr ui > rnttlo guards and in other particulars which did riot ) 'ho grounds for damages , TLo supervisors upreed ul'.hthcm and c < ii the ul'ls ' for uunmgcs down to ISO apiece. Cook's Uxtr.a Dry Imperial Clmmpapno U batter , hoaltnicr and puior ihr.ti the 1m ported article. It 1ms ndrligbtful boquot. Don't malconny nrrnti oinontH for your holiday { foods until you have been the many now and useful articles at Lund Bros. Miss 15 J. Davis is closing out her Flock of notions at U-sa than cost. 6UJ ) Main street , opuoilte Kiol'h hotel. Coal and Wood. Saukott ft Preston , ( ! 2S liroadwiiy. Telephone . .More llonsts XV.inti'd. If you Imvo any dillloulty in finding tenants lor your house allow us to put our card on it for ten days ; you will bo iileubud with rojiilla. GitEiNsiuii.i- : : ? , NIUIIOI.SU.V & Co. cut Illn Tlinnili. A rumor wa In ciruuliitlon oa the streets yesterday to thu effect that John Schultuolss , who keep * nn American Un pan factory nn North iNlnln street , bad hhol himself. Sev eral tunall boys stood at Coroner Sovbon'n odlco door with horror depleted ou llieir faces and pointed to the dropi ol blood oa the ptvoinont , supposing that the corpse had goiio InuMo to have bis lniUCHt | held. An InvouiKatlon suowoa that Mr. ScbulthcUn bad not shot himself , but tnut ho bad suc ceeded while nt worn in nearly spvcriii bis thumb liom his band. Dr. Hoybert dressed tbo wound , llio Injured man fainting away frequently in the muantimo. Davis for drug's and paints Ton shares capital Block Clti/cns State bank for sulu , K. II. Shoufo , S. II Protvoll , watchmaker , 740 il'way. - , ( iiinoiinu i A liasollnn exnloslun called the lire dopirt - rtof ment yosterduv noon to tbo residence of Charles Hnooln , 7,1.1 Mynster Mreet , Tno j ula/.o was cxtiugulshed baloro much lUmaco bait been done to tlio house. Mrs. .Snooks' hand Vas very haillv burned whllo bho was tryliic to cxtuiRuhh the llrr. Don't forgot to attend the third an nual ball anil supper ( 'lvou by llio ( I rand hotel bell boys at Mason it : temple , Nov ember ! Day it Hess have a force of men work Ing' on the roads through the Kloln tract , liuy tlvo or ten acres there whllo it Is cheap. \Vlieru U Iliu IlinliV A sensation was cauicd at the pollco tu- tlou.\csteritay by u reportthut the dead body of a ilttlo child was lytnir under the Indian creek bridge on ' North Sixth struct. lunA couple of officers were sput to the place , whore It wns found that to far as tbo body was concerned Iho report wns ialie. It was evident , howorrr , that ioraetblnc was wrong , ( or on the Uanu under the bridge luv u white garmoat , laturatud wltu blooJ > , which tbo ofllccrs thought bail been used an 11 wrnp for iho child Tholr theory for thp illsnppoarnnco of the bodv wns that U hnil been ilrnpBciI off by dottn. There wns no mark on tbn wrap by which the owner could bo ascertained , _ rinit < cr Cnmo HIT. Ohnrlos Mnnkcr npplloJ to the countv clerk yesterday afternoon for a marriage I'- cense to wed Hello Mowcry , n younc lady who llvoj In Duck Hollow , but the clerk re fused to usuo iho llcunso without the con sent of the young lady's father , aho being under the legal nuo. AHnkor loft the ofllco saying ho would return as soon ns possible with tils prospective f ther-ln-biwwho would swear to his dauchtcr's legal ( | ualillc.illons for Dotting man lod. On the way homo hemet met n lively old gonttcnnn who was in the cltv buylncr coeds tu ttikc tn his store down In I'.igo county , nnd the two nut In a pleasant hoti < < or so rounding up the town nnd cultlv.itlnc each other's ' acquaintance. During the afternoon M.inkor Icnrncd that his newly found friend had $ . ' 0 In his inside pocket , and the police sav that ho ui.d n voting man named Charles Ilonant wcio overheard muting up a Job to get the old man In n hack and take him to Uinnlin , in tending to rob him on thn way. All three won ) tun In soon after nnd M.inkor wns charged with larceny from the person , the othnr two bclntr slated with drunkenness , Whether Mankcr took Iho moiry or not tno pollco do not know , but the old man claims to bo nut that amount. Thu uoildti g In J Duck Hollow bun boon _ Indefinitely postponed An brnesi pill Is the nonloit woric of the npothocnry. UaU'llt's ' Little Hirly Klsor * euro ( o.isUp.itlon , ulllo.BiiiHs and slckluad- ; u.i A late invoice of cl.cnoillo ourtalnl nnd hiiiyrnii rugs at low priced , ( 'ounci Hluirs C'arpol company. Don't forget that tjw.iluo soils the Klmhurst Htove.s. WANTS TO OUOANIZS. CliIrT M'.noy SiiKKi'stn nn Asuorliillun ill Illuli roll. ' . ! AillllDfltlcs. Porsomn time past Chlaf of Polluc Soivey bus boon working on it scheme to form nn association uf Iho holds of the pollco dc- pirtniciiti throughout the country , nnd has sent thu following teller to the chiefs In cities contalnc ever 10lJO ) Inhabitants ) MIIU. Nov. Ifi. I1).1 ) Do-ir * ! ! : 1 ha\o Iho honor losn < iMt for vi'iir consider illn. i tin' : iU > . iblllly nf ' ) ik"uil/Hi- : is > ouliit on coni- piiM'd of thu LOiici.U Mii3rlnliMidunl | > ' and rh'i'fsiif ' police of all cjlt u. uf tint I nttud t-r.itrs nun C'litiiiil.i Inisliu- pnptilutldii of I Mi 0 or inoio I ihlnK If the super intendents and clihtfs of police of > i > w Von , llo ton. I'hiladoiplili , Cli'ciun ' , t. l.onU , Clnclnii.ttl. .New Or'uins ' I'ltts'mrIt ' iltliiioro mil San I'I.IIK'ISI'O would favor tin1 sriiiiini1 , the instwotiid icail- ilv T.i 1 Into llnu Inasmuch us tlio U'oi Id s Coliitnbl.in u\iot | tlon will be hu d at L'liloaco next year. It N re isonablu in 'iinpnio llrit the lii-iiiK ot the pollio dup irtinents of nil In till- , uo.inlry vvhl M > IIIO llmu dur.iig the soiso.i \ .sit the expuilllon , und ll ouc'imto me that next Mitnnmr K the time , and I'lili'.a o tin' pi UT. ID uili'ct tlio ors.inatlon I full the ulilcfs of pollcoiov Ihls Impoilanl mnttrr nn I do. I bclloio tlrit bofoio lli-i oxplral'on of two jrnn \\o would MII\U nn or unlitlon In full worUIua urdiT nlilehonlil coiiiin itul the un- inlrillon uf the police dep irlnioi.ls of the woi Id , nnd bo the means of olc\atlnj our Aiiiuilum police nystoin to u innuh moio nro- ( Iclentatil liluh stniuluid. W.th thu aid of llil.s or ' . nil/ut on 1 liulluvu that within u fmv j o.i is ihostiUnlcsof nil the it itos andtniil- torlos covi'riilne I'rimoand . ippo'-taliiliia to c.xlr.ulltion and pnlloo niUli'i- : would ln ) c M- | i untlM'ly thui'P. : : . nnd with tlio moio eflk'- iitnt poll' n Mjrvli'a lliroiiKlinnt the eotinliy whlolith s oi-'niil/'it'oii would n itnrilly pro mote would , nci'nrilin : to my Iden , opur itr us Iho sre.iti-st SIIOMwnlcli ha > . o\er boon mndo In this country nc'ilnst oriino. l'lea o consider thli and let me Heir from you nt your cnnvi'iilnncu eonvuinlng the mut ter. Obllco yours \ery resDortfully. \ \ . S. i'A 'Bi , Chief of Police. Already Huperintendents of police of n number of the large cities of the country have signified tholr willingness to join the asbociatlon nnd to do nil In their power lo perfect , the organi/Viion. An association would no doubt bo of great , benefit to Iho po- llco departments of the country. / / I N A r H ITfllHt.l HV. . .Statement from Ailnlph 8. OcliM ot tlui Sinitliurit AssorHtcil Pirns. CiiATTANooni , Tenn. , Nov IS. The follow- inR statement fiom Mr. Adolph S' . Ochs , pro prietor of the Chattanooga Times , explains itself. t'HATTANoOfiA. Tenn . Nov. IS The publica tion In thu Now York rimes that thu proprie tor of the Chattanooga Tlinss Is dls.miiitled and likely to wlthJriw from the -outhori. Associated lilies Is without the hll.-lilcst , foundation. I have for llio past ten il ij's pcr- sUtcntly ( lecllned toieye MI the reports ot tlio .Now Voik Associated pros- , , though tendered loinoovoiy iluv. The "outhern Associated pre < s has no member who Is more lov.il lliau inysolf , Tlioio wns UV.MJelTort Hindu to cro uton mutinous lUht In tlio Southern Associ ated press , but It t tiled uf its purpose. The bnuUicin Associated . has Iu PIO-.S Its mombei- slilp oveiy dally uowsp iiar | In ZMirt'i mil biiiilh C.iiollna. "riorld.i. IjeoiKl.i , K.ist Ton- no-sec. Mahiunn , Mls-l' lppl and l.iu > .111,1. that has heretofore rccehol tiiu Ni'trlurc press news , pay In ; therefor H1 > , uu per an- The fcouihern Associated pitiss has. hy ron- tr.iut , control In Iho slaUs inonl oni-d of nil the news of the I nltcd pn > ss an 1 the \Vpiti-rn A'-soclaleil pre-s an l lliiini''h thosulxtuor- iuiii/allons Iho jirlnvlp il foreign news .14011- clca. I'hu propr.elors are pulillsl-i-is ofu ah- eiu dally iu > .vHpapers and had every nppoi- tunltv * lo continue theli rolatloiii wllli UID Now \'oi k Associated piesi and on lei nn ihey could thoinselvos dltatiand they unoso m ilecllno all ovei Hires. It Is supposcu tliit thiiy know what Uiey HITO about , nil hi'lns hiiL'L't'r.Hfnl business The mon. inonihi'rb of the Southcin Associated press boarno 111 \\lli to tlio Now Yoi it Associated press , bnl Jolneil a inovoiueiit that Includes , with o\civptlons haidly wotlh mentioning , inory dally iu > ws- p.ipi'r In the fulled Mates from hj itllo to HaiiKor and fiom thu lakes to the --uT lo put a slop lo the nrraiueinunts which enablea MMiMi Now VorU dallies to control Iho news ol iho count ! v and ox.utliiloer pay they dcslri'd The door Is open to tlio Now Voik Associated press to conn In on ciiiuil trrms wllh iho most f i vorod , The Southern Asso ciated pics * hopes that Its founcr Now Voik city iihsoclntes may soo-i n > all/u tlio folly of tholr nlforts to > top a pro rjsilvo movement th.it. fora uonilDr. was not commenced years list ) . Aiini.i'il S Onih , ( . 'Ifilrnrin Kvecullvo Comnillteo boiilhcrn Assoclaled I'rui4. PUBLIC VfORK\ SOIIID Moro Contriirts AH.irili'il for liiiirotc- | mmits on tlin ( 'lly struui * . The regular woelily iiicclint1 of tuo lioara of Publiu Worm , held .voiiorduy afternoon was attciulcil by an unusually largo nurnbor of contractors , nil ot whom were ttiere to secure a slice of tu ? awards of publlu work. flenry Hull bUII il 4' cenis jier ou bio yard and wtts awarded tha contract ' Thlrtr-sccond unit Ttiirlj-iUlrd streets from M.iule to Corbv , and Miplo street from Talrly-llrit to Tnlrty-tourili. Ou the pradltiir of Twonty-fourlh street ft oni Leaven wortu to Hlckorv , Hd Pliolan was tno lowest bidder. Ills bid was 1H1 , cents per cublu yard , but the award WIH withbold ou account of some mistai'o In [ ire- tiarlnK tlio proflio of ibo atruot Ordcri were Usuoa to have the lntor cr- tbii of Lowe avenue and Cumlne btrcot paved , that iho pavlnc nmy bo coDllniious Irom Hamilton to Davenport street. The contract for sloping banks of earth nnu for llllln. tbo nulsuncct lots wns awarded to K'.l I'helanal'Ji cents per cubto yard Kivmond liroa wcro Iho lowest bidders for tbo bullilinc of I ho llvo wooden bridges over the North Omaba open ditch. They bid f.ll,50 per 1,000 feet for yellow plno , . . . . - , cout ! > per lin'jal foot for oax piling , I 0-lu cents | ier pound for cast and wrought iron nnd 8 ! cents per oubio yard for grading , or flUOU4or Iho live yif " Campboil of Omaha bus given a bill nl t > ald"ot hU meat market. > The Koincrcit Trust companr of Omaha llled anlclos of Incorporation this moraine , F.V. . HUMSO has succeeded HOHSO & Swlncor as proprietor of the mui market at LooniH. ON THK MIQHTY YUKON. Tint Country HordcrliiK oil Aliuki'n OreJt Utter. . .1.V. . Hlaclf , un to the lima of hlb de- parturu u t-'llu , ' in thu First ISntlonul ImnU ot Fnlrhnyon , VVitsh. , nnil Henry Wirt'j ' , iinuthcr protnlnont yoiin in-in of tlua olty , rotiTl'iiod ret'Ciitlj' from ono of the most I'otnnrkiiblu trips ever inadu into the interior of Alaaku. They wom gene bovun inontlia , most of wliioli tlmu was sputit In travorslng thogroit vulioy of the Vultoii , from the houdwuterd of that mighty river in the northwest tor- i ness ! it i" i To como to the point nt once , let us infer that you wimt now clothing. We know how you feolnncl wlint you wnnt. Wliother you hnvo Ilttlo , or a snug sum tr > sp ic , you deslro to get fartho amount you spjti'l the , bast p > lble I'eturn fet * your money. In this you are right , nnd ivlETCALF'5 Is the place whsreyou vvlli get It. The pretty styles of suits nnd overconts nt $3.OO , $8 OO , SIO.OO , $12 OO , nre somothlng miuh supet'lot1 lo suits nnd overconts usually olfji'o : ! nt thoss pi-loss , bslng inndo betiof t'ion ovet1 , and the fi' , style nnd finish nt'3 oxtiMordlirni'lly good. VVint'r1 dn vs fast nppronchlng. will remind mother to tnke nn Inventory of the young hopeful's wcni'.ng nppnt'cl. Wo nt'o i-endy to supply his neds. If It's suit , trousers , ovcr- cent or n shirt wnist. Our pricss nre noted for their modesty. Complete stoclt of hnts , cnps nnd furnshtng goods. Mall OrJers solicited. BOS Broadway , Eisman building Council Bluffs. Twin City Steam Dye Works c ; . A. srnoKnsAc'K , PUOPUII Ton. , CLEANING- AND KEFINISHINQ OF GOODS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Oinnlr.i Olllco , 1'iJl Fin-n nn dt. ' . ' ; Tolopliono lo'Jl. C'o incjl lUulTs Ollico und \VoiM : Cor. Avo. A : ind-Oth St. ; Tolopbono olO. Sonil for I'ircuhirs tunl pricohst. TELEPHONE 724 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUETS , First class in every respect. Prompt attention given to transient work and satlsfac ion guaranteed. BJSI. term's to OCT. of town agents. ritorv entirely iicross Alaska to Roping sou. The story of their trip is well cnl- culiitod to dis-nol many of tlio illusions which the roseate reports of the trroiit eoinmereinl nnd trnns"io-tution ) : compan ies interested in Ahislji : lisivo liitil u ten- donoy to crn ito not nt , regards the iconic glo.'loa oitlicr of the interior or the coast , butns to the extent and valno of the gu\il \ discoveries and tlio conditions of life in the vast valley of the Y"ulon. In ti con versation last evening Mr. Mind ; baid : "You asU about tlie YiilvOii. ll is u mighty river , L',70J miles long , [ inn told , liinl 1 Know it is iilteon inilei wide at Fort Yukon , I(100 ( mi es tibjve iu mouth , and that its uvorngo width ftoin thcro to Bering sei ; is fully four nulo < - . It la ninety miles widu nt its mouth. It is rmvlgiib'lo for over -UIU ) mile- * from Julio 1 to October 1 , though tlioro is pmo llofiting ice during pirt of th is timo. Its cn.Tont runs at the rate of six or seven miles an hour. The valley - loy is very grand in plncos and in others Is as dreary and utterly uVsoInto as you can imagine , l'oi100 miles above Iho rivor'b mouth it is absolutely treeless , .ho only vegetation being moss and sw'imp grass. Further up tlioro is u dense growth of bi-rubby timber , bit eh. bull piuo and spruce. In placca , even us tar up as Fort Yukon , tlio valley is fully -00 miles wido. "II abounds in game .110030 , caribou , and bear , while during the short Mim- mor there are myriads of geese , ducks and swan , so plentiful that wo killed many of them with clubs to save ammu nition. Though llioro is frost there every month in iho year , the mercury at midday in Hiimmorfcoinotiines rjhos as high as 110 in the shade. Tlio great valley is practically uninhabited , except by Indians , anil the cHiintii : conditions are such thut it is never likely to bo populated by white people. "Thoro are manv good Indians , those in the interior bofng tall , well formed , and of much liner nppcarunco than Iho ones wo tou about bore. The Jananas , living fur up on tlio Janana river , which , by tlio way , is a largo navigable tributary of tlio 'Yukon , but in not on tlio maps , n "o a Wild and lloroo tribe , among whom tho1"missionaries hnvo never yet ventured. .Some of the mis sionaries have undpijlitedly douo a good deal of good , but It seems to bo the general - oral opinion up tl crp that most of thorn are on the maku and gladly profit by opportunities to suit the natives bibles anil other articles'of Christian make ut asioundingly low prices. "Of course , I am ready to admit that Alaska as a whole la a grout country , in point of Hl/o , imd it undoubtedly liiij grout resourcesnit , in my opinion , most of Iho nublihliod iwcounta of its attrac tions and riches arq very highly colored ' to suit tho'great trading and transporta tion conipunias which have largo intor- eats tlioro. " I'nr rciuiratlne tbo cnllro njelein , rllininatlni ; all IViisonn from tha Illood , whether nf hrrofnluus or malaiial origin , this pri'iaration has nu ccjual. "Tor eighteen months I had an eating sere on my tongue. 1 MBJ treated liy l.cst . local phjnlclan , but obtained no relief : the ere gradually grew worse. I dually took H. H. 8. , and was entirely cured after using a few liottlcs. " C. li. MCI.KUOIIE , Henderiion , Tex. TreatKo on lllood and Skin I > is- TUB BWIIT SrE4a o Co. . , O'a. i I I Omaha I MeiliBil an J INSTITUTE. INFIRMARY TREATMENT - OP ALL - Clroi ail lm\\ \ \ Host fu Illlli" , nppiritin i 11 iv mini ( > i , , , ' tie itniont nl iV'rr form > nfitho iu r iil. In.nicille il or inrxlral treu unit aieilsforiMttants. iinirl un I ntte ilii'j. llj < t a , ( oiiiiulitlnnoln llu i , .st. Wrllii fur i IrLiilan on ili'formllliM an 1 br.TMH Inn i-Sclub f/'et , iMrrntinei nl ( .pini * , pilot , Union r.t-f UT , ( Mtirrli , 1'rnnc'illl * , lull ilillon , nlncirliltiur / iur- uljilsoplli'iisr , kllnojr , liln'llv. oye. cir , tsri ail Lilnoil tin iHll Mirucli A ! n.ii'ralloii. _ . _ _ _ 1JS OF V03IBK il ! ' , ; 1'-- ) ; Wnnifii MIKIJ. Wiihivi'lately al Iu I ii llnllii ilo lurtincnt for women iltirlnj roilnrnisnt , strtJtlr inMile , oul ) llullililu MOJIUJ ! liut.tnlo miiin ; a fc | > i'clill : > of ofjMiivATK jMiivATK nisn.\sis ' All Illnol lls"i'c ) < 1111 r s.full- iroi'ol..y.i'illltu I'olsonsii'iuiiTi'l fniin tips ' ymi iii wU'uiil niurjir/ , New ItD'lorullvii Tn1 itiuont Mr l < j * nf Vll'Ali 1'OWUII. I'orsonsiiiiu'i'o l > uilt iiiiniy Iu Ir.nt'il ' at linnio by rorrii-iiuii IIIIUM. All c i iininnluill i u loiillileiitliii Miilk'lnti < i < i ln < tr l nnuts HUIH liy in ill n- cxiiri x.ri'nirol/lut'icul , no in irX In Inilloito u > i ti'nlsnr foiiili'r. ijim I'lT'onil liiturri- iiruforral I nil an 11'oa-iill ill nr * jiul hUinr/uC join cai. , ail we vrlllsen 1 In plain Mlatmor. < iar BOOK TO MEN 'UKK'i" ' > ' 'fi"'o su . DUUlIV HIC.ll , , ) „ , „ NnM1 | ) | 9i j , Inilioli'iicysypliilUtCilcut il Viirljj'elo , iril i | j n Hun Mil lliMut' ! ' . /tiiplhinocs for Hi'forinltlei an I Trimo ! Out ) numlfurlor ) hi tlio < ruito { DI'.rOllMITV. AI'I'I.IANCV.J. TIIIT-iSK'i , KI K31' 1110 llA'ri'hlllKS AM ) IJIII.T.-i. Omalia Mcilic.il . and Surgical InslltaU 2Oth and Broadway , Ojunoll BluTi. Tuiinilntnoiililo fro n rn.itcrnf O mill j i anl cou nil Illulft elu trio iiiiJi'ir II l i To J , A. lientelto , MIUo Volor.i , t'ltliarlno I.oehlln , M. Soernii horonson A. I' . thrlitj- nliorsiiii , cinr.i ' I'linl , ( i. II. . Clis.vorth , Jonn You are hcri'liy notified that the iindoi- slfiiuil , thri'o dUliiterustL-.l froilniKlerj nf Iliu city of Onmli'i , h ivo been duly nppinitol by the mayor , with thn appmral of thoclty coun cil of bhlil city , to usscMs llio ( I iina 'o to the o\Miera ri > n | > cutltuly of the pioporty doelaiud hy ordlnnnce ni'ci'a > ai y to ho iiupriprlat'd for the usonf hald eity , for the pniposu of open- HU Hinl oxteiidliu Idlh fitrooi from Vuiton blrrct tosoulh city IlinlU. You uro furlhri iiotlllcil , tli'it liiivlu ? uc > copied till iippolntini'iit anil dnlVuallllod | ns ri > iiilu | > d by Inu.u will , on Iho Jlbt dny of .N'IM cvnlior , A. IK IV ) . ' , HI UHI hour of tu o'clock In tno foinnoon nt thoolllcoofT.lt. . Mc < Jul- loeh.roonihli N Y. Ufa llulldln ? . within the corpui to llm Its of s.ild city , moot for the put JHHU of tons'dcrliu and maUliri the usscns miuitnf il i mn 40 lo the owners rosuoctlt ely , of said property , liy reason ut Much talctnz and iipproprlat'on thuiouf , tiklni : Into fonilderit- tlon hpeulal honeflls , If eny. 'I lit ) propel ly liolonituu to you , propo.ucl to prlatcd ui ufiires ild , an i which has bron deelarod nvcunsary by Iho council , by ordinance , to approiirfHto to iho mo of tno city , t'ohu sllii'tlu ' In h ild city of Omaha In llm comity of Doiu-luh. nmlfcUtoof Nebraska. Uilesciibed in fotlowt. . tn-wlt : KVO feet of wtxj feet of lot li , . U Itojern plat.OU ihiiniu. U'uhl Idlcot of lots 10 and II. Mottor' * subd - vision of lot 43 , H. U ICoiurs1 pl.it of Okuhonu. \Ve t W ! fi'ol of H.I Ii loll , l. < \ ( it VU. \Yi-xi M ftiot of lot ! . - Oak Hill No. . ' . r-'oiitiiTfeetof wobtvOfestof lot Id , Oak Hill No. ' . ' . Wcet infeotof lotsO. 7 , 8 Mottor's Hiilioflot IS S. r. Uoiers' plat of oltahoir.u. North .01 foot of uest ' .U of lot l , iK irs' pint OUuhiniiu \Vcnt.Ti feet sun lot > lit t.ilot OU. You are iiotllleil to lie iiresiuil Ht the Hum tlino iiml pliu'o nforoitiild , and inil : > o nny oh > jeetions tooDitale iioiiUooncernln. . nut i pro- posul appropriation , or uiHe&kinont of dain- , unyou miy : considur propor. T. II. MOUUJ.I.OOII , JOHN I' . Kl.AL'IC. .lAMKs faTOUKJJAI.n. Omaha , Oct. Glh Ib'Ji o..dtt'O clSt. < M * L A bine ami black di 7 ) lining ; velvet collar , worth * " " * CA * " } / \ s \ j shades , black , tant o.\'ford \ b'te I j i I and brown , in genuine kerseys * t Lx L/ ; ; /rtirV and jit as nell as those which sell at VSV. ? , now $ S.oo i fl f ] J/eavy an burn meltons , in black. ' \ / [ / and brown , worth fifj.oo , now $ y.oQ C7 / / /O > O beaver in two shades , bine and yC / / / b ak * ' s < ) a kersey same colors , \LJ . / JL Q\.S Lx sn le or double breastedJlanncl lining 200 of them , worth as high as $16 , now r' f\ SPECIAL / j All wool cheviot diagonal , / L. ' / / / two shades in brown and gray , a I . , Ulsters , ' in any fabric or color extant , from $4 to $30 Columbia Clothing : Co. , Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts. SPECIAL NOTICES CDJ 4 3iL BUFr3 EMPLOY JIKNT. \\7AMKO-Ulrl lui fcni'rnl liuurcnnrl ! , IU 1'ixirtli el ( moil v WA.NriCl-llr inltl furtltj I'liurrli. ' li , lloo , rnnnill lliuT ! ' . 11 fclmol Klrl lo win k for l.c r unaril at HOUdES AND LANDS. , 'AKM iiml rlt > In in * Miim > y ItMiii-il on Ktoi- > nnrl rnlir. Hi'.il rtHle for nr.lc Uwrllln * : nn l u lin'ii riMitalu Mnniij * lonnutt fi' . local tiiMatoru. .IIIIBI-U.'I ' lowli1 IK I'vuil otri'ft I'Jit ' - M.itiinlion : fnini In I'.itt.T.iatlninli' Co ll.i mi L" * . well IniMtiMl unit liniirovotl. 1'rlcu I'JnnniTi' . K II felti-afo. IJOIl lIXrilA.MiK A ulci' hoiiiniiiiS 7tli tioct , near I'll ' ! nximnn. i tosr of I'lifuintiruni i * . fui lioiim nliinalin. Iliui'iom I'lnoii in Kuunlni 1'ltiro pre errcil Will | ult In JiJJilllTiMi'npi' ( .rounshli'du , Uliolsi n.VCo I /III UM'IMMiK MOIITIS In I'lillllin rounlj. Ciilu .oltli luiiiorLMii | > inl fnrrlnrkiililr } KUDU * niul i IntliltifcT or iitlior inilst * K II liunrn. ' J OltSAliK Oniimll p iv nii'iitJrnlt mill i-'iinlcn Itiiul nour C'ttuix II ItliiiT K II hi.ilu. ilro ii ] i\it > unil .Mr.ln Miccl A WOODX ( O lii\i- nu uf Ihc llni'M fnrms .In soiithno/ilfr/i / lun i Inri-ilo Tall niiil st'O 'i0 ! Mnlti Mrct'l dll IIM'HAMii : liooil I mum lion.'i ) on siuitli III nlruut fc/rhiMil ( iri'iMiblilt-M . N'K-nohon \ to. . 'nlt IK.NT 'I lii ) fdl nwliu ' HI room II.M-III-J- I II I'.irk nru , ! l ) . Sruuni ilnolllnt ! tie \ iilli n tr > . h loom ilwclllu . * > .M Vnil ni > . $ . ' " room ilKiilllni : . on dtli u\i- ? : ! > .i rouin ilwellliitt , UlliI ami Avii.iua I ) , J. " ) T roirn ilni'lllnu , ISllro uliv.iy , * 'i. 1(1 ( Until ! ll\M < llllllf , .1 5 Itl'IIIOII M S.1J S room ilui'IMnfj II.1VOIIUP IJ , frld fij. lirooiniliu'lllni ; 1.0 N I.Mh i-l . riiii/i I. room ilnrlllnti V.'O AM-IIIIH II. ild 7 loom ilnollliitf ( M I Ini'oln ni' li > ( (3. ( "i room il ullint : i.tlj llm iiioii ) A | t5. ! 7 room ilnulllm ; , Ilnhlillt I'luc i' . Jl.'i A loom ilHdlliu A .1 .M > nilur t , iH fi room ilrti'lllni ; I'liS ' Hnl n\r ( l.i < ' loom ilnitllliii : . Ml Mnnli'r t fl ! V ) . I' loou ilm'lltiiK < > r ih nn \ i' , &l. ' I room ( InilHnc. IjJ'i''lli n itl. . ' i ! loom ilnHMni ; Hnlihllt l'lii.HI ' , ) . loom ilncllliu Mornlnt.'slili. } 1'VI * 4 roomilwi'lllnv ll.'i I'uik im < ! ' ! . . ' . room ilircllliiK 'MM Avi-iuui A. * IJ. Arooniitnvlllnu Ul N Mil ' . flu 5 room ilnvlllne , MS ; ihi-i.fll. I room ilKclllm. , Hu : . tth n\t > . HU 0 room ilHi'lllni ; .Vfinliit | ( ) . 1 room ilni-llliiK US Vlnpst . { 10. Uroum ilwullliii , 217 itlum > .till C room iliTi < llliii ! l.'iV.'i A\rnun II HO ii roum ilnollliiir.'j \ > . " sili rnc. . ; io. ii loom ilnpllln , TUU A\oniio A. Mil S room 'Iwollllirf. ' lirnlinm n\i * . IILMIT Illi'li. I.I. 4 room hump , 1701 MI ' . 'III ' i > ! . JIO 5 room ilnpllln , ' IHJJ \ > i'nilu A n 4 room ilni'llliiu . " 'Ul AVIMIIIII II , 'i-roum ilHullliiK ' "i. . ' AM'Mut. ' II , IS , < room ilrtollliiK , VOIJ Avriiuii c IH ii room ilwplllii/ Slut > t unit AMTHIU U tii. ! > room ilwolllni ; ; uiuo ; .lil | , fit ! i room ilwi'lllni ; .ttJIO AM'IIIIO A. Id I room ilwrlilni : , ! ' ' > N 1st M , 17 I room ilwplllni , ' . I'll ' No IM M , f\ ! \ . . L room iloi'lllni' . IIJQ Atvnno A , in. ti room ilrrellliiir , W.t Ulli uvo M .Vrooin il i Illni ; 2. < OB A\rnuo II. fi. 'i room iluDlPii.IHU Atmim I ) , f > 4-rOUIII ( lUOllllU. 'jl'.l ' AM'IIIIK II , fl ; ; rooiiiilwi'lllrv ' . ' " . " .I o Mlmt.O. 4 runin ilnpllliiK .1)1 ) 1'nrk nu f)2 ) 7 room ilni-lllng. 711 MiiHcr nt f-'i i ! room il illliiU.'i M'uililnk'ton Mtc , f 12 , i room ilwL'llliif. M.7lli nu < f > ii room ilni'llliiii HJ1 ! .MHIIIII' A. 111. 4 loom itwpllliik.in ; Mill tt fill J room ilvM'lllnn , J2I .111 it\i' . (7 Broom ilwullliiif ll ' .i.\lijitrr l H ( XI. I room ilvvi'llllif. I'll hlilli HMll ( 01. I. II. Shuafi' , ruTlni a"n' , UroiJw.ix iiml Main F V OH luui * nnytlilni : for nulo nr luulornel ! II. Mii'iifi1. Ilru.i0n.iy mi.l.Mnlu tired IOIloU In 11'iilriil kiili 'iJliitu In .MuliiMi'i HIM. < * . > loll III lln ) llm A I'uliiii'i i' . hJ lou In .MuymInt. . 10 lulu In I'ottiT ft ( ' ( jlili'n , 21 loin In lliiDr'i M ill 11 lulK III llcvr'n niiil 11 loin III lltKlilnuilniM It lou In llulrlilniun'n niiil. 43 lotK III Turlcr'n intil rildUIn IllitilUi'n ml I. 120 lulu In Wrluht'N ml 1 Ib lots Iu 1'lurcn'K oild I.on In e\otf uiliJItlon lo tlio rllr ) rlifop , nr un imjiiunitu i nil un I i-u u MuKuuhlo tu eliow ( irupurty Crpi'nublolilii , Nil Uolnon A Co \llAllli.\IN. 10 ncrii fruit aim Kanlun trui't iW iiillrn from punuillk'u ! i nrrm In nruinW ucru In lil ckbcrrle . V.'il nipli | ! Irt-es. 75 tiliim tri'i'n , Ui , rliprri tri't' , ilvMilllni ; , tlalilv , utc. I'rlcjH.U'JU Nu i trmln. K II cliuiile. / ( k A'llis ( : upjier llruailuur. tpli'iullil plpiu lor wilitiiKi | | | rliuJp tor mill , or will I'icliuii o for ImproTHil reildi'nce proper ! ) In Council ( irt'i'iiiihltiliU , IcliulmMi A Cu IU ACltKH ol ilear Iiml In rutli-rii Ni kraika Iu IiiirlmnKB for uoucl ri > > lil nru In l.'ouncll HIiiUi. Want liuuin ami lote for Nuliratln luuil Jgliimton , \ Vim 1'otti'U. i 4 ht-T IIACI > Biul luaiu Knrm ami city proporlx I -/i | > oiiL'IU anil told. ' . ' . 1'ui.o } A. 'lhuiua > , luuui.ll lllulln. [ | ' _ _ _ _ * /I7IIIIOAIIWAV fiirnulu. Will p y IJ pur r.int I tun Invvilniri. ! . f.'UUUiuiili. J. J. lilbton , ! W7 Hint \ iloiml lunik , Duialia i JjVlH HK.vr Nuxr Srnoui furnMiM cottavc on inolurllnei nultulilu fur founv cuuylej vlicap , I Inquired Scon liuunu , , I SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS. MISCELLANEOUS. G \HIIAi.K ri'tniiMitl. rc'uiouK uuilti nnd ililnmos tloinotl K. 1) . llurki * . Hty lililtf. 1'OH HAI.Ii llnnlnnra ntorks In town nnil No- linihkn. InuiliTsJI.UJJ to H3.0H. I ! . II. Mioarii. tfOll SALK ramp , or In i'IIMIKO lor Innd nn 01. tnlill'lioil liii-liu'i. Aildrem I * . O bo t lii ) , Conn- ill lllnrti In. noilSI'ri nnil onllln winter-it on Ci'drKO 1\ Wil/lit t fur in , opponlH Wab n'i rounj IMIIISC. l-oi li-rnih apply to J.uni's llnljili. i.t Ir.rui , or I' " . I' . \Vrlulil. clxlh llnur , Ilalilnln lilDcb DANCINQ SCtlOOI . " \rONIJAVSIn II ft. pirlnrn tlilltlrun. 4 p. in. ; lllailiiltn 7 UJ p. in NiiMnN uirouil nml fnurlli Moniln > r lip in MVidlc fiiinlnliii'l piirtli.s nnil ulnbti. /thlruh. it. , \ I'nrlnrj.toiiiicll Illuni.orltu'J Karnant sl.Oni-tlin W K. i. Imbibers , Ink'nictor. W. PAN6LE , M. Tfi ? Good Samaritan. 20 Vwrs' Eijericntc. KS.inrat or nisKAs or BIEN AM5) ) WOMl'.N. I'KOIMtlETOJl OV THE WOIII.D'S IIKKUAI. DISL'EN- oAUY 01' .MKIJ10INK. f treat the following Diseases : Catarrh of the Head , Throat , nnd . 'jng * ! - ( visesol the Kyeand IJir , Kltaaid Apoplexy , uoart Dificoso , I.Ivor ( Joiniilalnl , Mdnuv Complaint , Narvous Doblllty , Mental Depres sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness. DI l' tfl'.IirlFlil.iIil-caMBt.Vltu f fiance ; llDeiiAatism , I'uralpU. White Swelling Scrofula , Tcvcr Eorc3 , Cnncoro , Tumora and Flotilla In ana removed wlthoMt the knife or drawlnc : a drop off blood Women with hi-r delicate ort'r.m re- ttorcd to health. Droj y cum ! without tapping. Special Attention given to private and Venereal Diseases of all hinds. SQO to sSUOO forfeit for any Venereal Die- ease i cannot euro without moroury. Tape \Vonns roiiiovcd In two or three bourn , or na pay. lU'iinrrhuMa or I'llw cured. TIIOSK WHO AltK AFI'T.ICTEO Wllleavo life and hundroda of dollars by ca ou or uiiiif , ' DR. G. W. PANGLE'S HERBS ! . WEDICINES. Tli only Fliyilclan who can toll wlmt nll | a iit > imin ivltliout anlilns a All rorrwiKJiidcnce Mrlctly confidential , Mecllotltf eont by eipress. Addn-ta uli leltira to 6 , W , Pcingie , MO. 358 Broadway , -Council Bluffs , Iowa Sim & S fcdorjl court' . Hoo.ng .1. 4 und & HliU arl llonro block , Council lllulli. 11 llnbltt'tirro Iu l J Bliu'7h" / I'll ' i-ui-rd. Ur. J , ' Sii'Vlli-ii > . LvUunuu. V , rriipoiulH for Kiiiniivliii ; ISIortlnn llnotliK. Hoali-d propoails will ha rcncdkod at Iho coniptroller'dolllue. to 4 p in. , November Wd. 1 < 'J. , for tlio inrnuv.il of llio ho itln to&lor.ixci liousu and thu reiilueliii ; ut thu next eluetlon. Thu contractor turroln to ropiaco Ilium all Iu cou'l order ) Iheollr LHIII | { HI nouvptnso .vh l- evur fin nnv wasloof niau-rlul or bruakuKu nbovo iheconlrjet prlve. Thu itiutraetor ra vel vlni ; one-third of contriit't pricu wluui thi-y are Htutou and tuo-ll. ids \\hun tiu-y vita I 11311)11 ) bo repined I , A ritrtlllo I uhinik o ( ( V ) lo in 1-oinp.iny etch bid. Thurlulit Urosorveilto lolic'tniiy r all hlUa. .S'ovoinber H , WA TIIKODOIU : OF.SON , ulOUCl CuinutrolUly