GUILTY OF CUTTING RATES Decision Reached in the Burlington's ' Onse Against the Elkhorn , MR , BUCHANAN'S ' OPINION OF THE FINDING Can't ( lot Men Knnncli to IMuli the Work on Ilin > MT Hrlilce I'lunn of the Melli-1 arRo I'roplo Notes nnil 1'cmoimU. The cnsoof the Hurllngton against tbo Hlkborn , wblch hns occupied nttcntlion slnco October 15 , was decided ut tbo monthly meeting of the Transmlssourl Passenger association , .Secretary McFaiidon rcadiiur the opinion which llnd * against the lilkhorn on every count. The ICluhorn secured the transportation of troons from Fort Uoblnson to the Ufdie.-itory service of the Columbian exposition at a rnto of iH.iiti per passenger. This rate the Uur- llnglon , which wns not n competitor , claimed was n cut , nnil In tluo time Mr. .lohn Francis , general passenger nnil tlcuot UKcnt of tno JJurllngion , filed specific charges against Mr. IJuchnnan's roud , alleging that the ruto wan Incorrectly made nnd that it was against the agreement of the Transinlssourl assocUUon. Mr. Huclianati replied to the charges of the lliirlluHton , Joining Issue with the somewhat - what moro powerful tlvnl. Secretary McFaddcn and Chief Clerk Stobbins heard the uvldcnco nt lliu Mlllard hotel on Novem ber 9 , and took the matter under advisement. yesterday Secretary McFntldon handed down the ucclslon which sustained the Hur- lington's nosltton on every poltu , Mr. McFuddcn states that the rate of ono faro from Crawford to the river was never agreed upon formally , and that the discussion of making tbo rnto at tbo mooting of tlio Western l'a en- eer association accomplished nothing as no llnal action \vet tuken. It was uuon the Idea that n rate of ono faro for the troops to the river should bo mailo that indue d Mr. Biiehniuui to lltfiiro tbn rato. L7pon the question of the subsidized Sioux City & I'ncltlo and thoslirinlcngo of the rate of $ l.i ! ! In that rnso Mr. McFadilon belli wns Illegal and should not piovull. Ho contended lb t rates must bo figured upon a cash basis , not upon a chimerical land grant , whloh was tlmply a figment of the Imagination. And the walvor of damages on the Bur- llng.on's part olono suveil the Elliborn from beini ; mulcted 111 daraugo to the tune of 8omo fcl.OOO. Mr. Uuchauan , when asked as to vrbat course ho would tuko now that the decision was against llm ; said after no-no hesitation that ho would probLblv allow the mattur to rest , tatting the position that what was peed law for the Bur lington WHS good low for the Klkhorn. He thought , However , that the decision would prove n boomerang for tha Burlington as it would lese them the business from Crawford In the future , a War department decision making a subsidized road preferable to u non- suDslcll/ca trunk lino. IN I > AMltil Ol DISSOLUTION. Uin'erenrcit In tlinTrniiBciiiitlnoiitnl Associa tion Tilt ; t'lilim Pnrlllr MnniU Plriii. CHIC too , III. , Nov. 15. Chairman Vinlng is trying bard to save tbo Transcontinental association , but few pcoplo bcliavo that bo will succeed. Ho probably doe ? not beltovo It himself , for today's experience , wbcn a meeting of tbo association was to have been hold hero today for the purpose , us explained in tbo call , of considering tbo | notices that had boon given by certain mem bers of tbeir Intention to withdraw. All tbo roads wore represented except tbo Great Northern. Tuat company did not send ita representative nor an excuse for failure to do so. Tbe otber roads declined to talso up any business matters without a full attcnd- anco und tba result was a postponement of tlio meeting until tomorrow to gvo ttio Great Northern further time to inako a showing. In tbo meantime Chairman Vluing WHS In- stiuctod to communicate by telegraph with Tronic Manager Fin ley of tbat road. M ( ienornl Passenger Agent Lomox of tbo K Union Pacific positively refused today to i inako any concessions to tbo roads Unit Imvo been trying to parsuudo bun to divide Pa cific coast business ut Oh'Uen instead of at tlio Missouri river. Mr. Louiax took tbo po sition tbat bis company , having tbo only Hues to Helena and Portland , was entitled to tbo full measure of benefit to bo derived fiom that business and vns not bound by any la'v or equity or fair deallng to nbara "tho L'cncllt with tlio Denver iVi Hlo ( Jrando. So ended 1 tbo conference. Tbcro has beau coiibidoruldo talk of a boycott , In case tlio Union Pacific refused to accede to the demands or tno Burlington , Hock Island , Atchison nnd Kio Grande , but nobody now believes tbat n boycott will DO attempted. The Union Pa- cillc hns two strong aliios in tbo Chicago & Northwestern and the Chicago & Alton. Both tbo Chicago & ( irnnd Tninlc nnd Wabanu roads emphatically donv tbat they nro con tn but In ir to the dotuorali/.alion of passenger rates in tlio territory of tbo Cen tral Tratllu association by the payment of ' commission ! on immigrant business. Tbo I cbnrgo Is made by otlur lines against those- i'AO tbut they are paying as high as fS per passenger for every Immigrant turned over Jo them by the steamship companies or their ngcnts. Doth of ttio accused companies positively deny that they are paying any commissions whatever on any class of pas- ouger trafllc. Tim Now llinlKi ) . These are busy doyb for tinOmaha Dridgo and Tormina ) company , over : IOJ icon now being tit work on tbo fnlso work and mat tress work of the now bridge , which shall span the river at Kust Omaha. Tbo demand for labor ls so great on these works that Bomo of tlio gangs uro compelled to run with out sunicleut force to help the contractors along. Material la arriving every day ana it looks now us If tha brldgo would bo completed within tbo time specified and tiulns ruiinlni ; over It by .Inno 1. In regard to tbo track laying on tbo Council Bluffs sldo by Mr. John W. Paul of tuo Union Land nnd Improvement company , und which threatens the Omuiia Hridgo and Ter minal company1 ! , Interests , tbo following has boon glvuu out bv tbo company : "Tbo Omaha liriiltroami Torimiml has applied to the city council of company Council IHiifTs fora frunrhho fora rullrouu right of way to connect their bridge with the various railroads entering Council HlufR During a consultation with a committee of tno council the commllton oxprussod llbult of tba opinion tbat tlio fruncbiso ' wbicli Mr. Paul nan been given was aooiu'whtit the Omaha ought tobavo and tbattho council would company pro- fcr that thu Omaha cninpam should make oma arrangements with Mr , Paul to use tha same streets rather tban cumber tip otber streets with tracks , "Acting on thin suggestion from tbo city council CQinmluo , the ( Juiulm company bus communicated with Mr. Paul and negotia tions are now ponding. The Omaha com pany hopes to reach a satisfactory agree ment with Mr , Paul. While negotiations are pending the Ounlm company will not. at tempt to luy any truck or interfere In any manner with Mr. Paul's work , it doilres to carry on It * enterprise wlkiout conflicting with tbo Interests of any other part } , and It hopes to have ull Its relations vvlth tbn var ious Interests of Onutu and Council Dmfts of tbo " most friendly and harmonious char- actor. \VIII Ituiuutu tu rily , Jt Is aulto likely that \Vclls.Knrjjo fon- The enormous quantity of goods sold by us during the past two months , has convinced us of the "wonderful power of price. " We have therefore decided to sell all our hereafter goods at one half our former margins , expecting the increase in sales will more than offset the decrease in profits. We are daily receiving a complete new stock and all new goods placed on our floors will be marked at the lowest possible percentage of profits. This policy of selling everything at a small profit with price as the leading feature , and maintaining a good quality of goods , will make our store more than ever before the most pro fitable place to buy furniture. All goods marked in plain figures. Charles Shiverick & Co. , Furniture , Carpets , Draperies. 1206 , 1208 , 1210 Farnam cral ofllco will bo removed to Kansas Citv in tbo spring , at least tbat is General Superintendent Andrews' opinion , and no bus just returned from a confer ence with President Valentino. But whether the business that the Wolls-Pargo now controls , tbo Elkhorn line , will bo turned over to tbo American Express com pany as alleged would bo done on January 1 Mr. Andrews was not In a position to say"as that matter was not discussed wltb tbo bead ot tbo INolls-Furgo company. With out speaking authoritatively Mr. Andrews thought the U'olls-Fargo would continue to operate the Elkhorn and would push out toward the Dlack Hills and Wyoming , keep ing its line open by this route to California , lie thought that all signs indicated that Superintendent Morvlno of tbo district onico and Local Acnt ; Brennan would re main bore and look after the company's business. Should these conditions prevail tbo Wolis-Fargo people would still operate about 1..VJO miles of roac , although their northern connections nro still very much In doubt as to whether the old rela tionship is to continue or a now agreement niado on January 1 , U , ot'coin-so , U to bs regretted that tbo division ofllcers are to bo removed to Kansas Citv. but tbo loss of tbo onices will bo com pensated in the increased force of the Adams , which will control the Burlington system after January 1. Itutlnuy Niitox nnd I'uruinuli. F , TJ. Capron , traveling passenger agent of the Chicago & Grand Trunk , is in tlio city. The Montana-Utah rate shoot will co into effect , December 11 , if Mr. Murray who has tbat matter in charge can col it out by that timo. .1. R. Buchananrflturnedyesterday morning from Chicago , anil did not go , us expected , to Kansas City to hear the decision in tli'o KlUhorn caso. Colonel Dougherty , cloud pusher for tbo "Kuty , " Is telling tils army experiences to willing listeners and inc Idcntally boom ing bis road , uliluhis | becoming quite u rival of other roads tor Texas business , The sleeping cur service botwcon Omaha ami O'JicaKO ' , on the Burlington , which was diminished a fortnight ago to ono car , has been augmented by the uddilion of another through rar , leaving Chicago on No , 5 and t'Olnsoast on No. 0 , A now time card wont Into effect on the Burlington last Sunday , and Sheridan up. pears as the last stopping point on the svs- tem , n distance of O'.U.I nulei from Lincoln , While Iho Iron Is not laid to Sheridan , it U thought the road , vlll bo open by Docombar 1 , uiul trams runniug regularly into that toivn , which is destined to bo a key for a north roulo to , Helena , a consummation lopg desired by the Burlington. Nhlson Vandorpool of the Now York Cen tral lloatod m yesterday * morning with a huge bundle of Central advertisements under his ar.n. His theme those November davs Is tbo fast time being made uv thu Empire stnto express , which , ho snys , will bo consid erably shortened in thn next month , The engine pulling thn train Is really anlntocnth century wonder , having mailo repeatedly the marvelous lime of eighty miles an hour. .Notice tu folio ? Holding nnd Otliora. I'YnnU It Lyou , i-nshlor , BIK : build- liitf , Oiimlui , la authorl/cd till further notice to rucoivo and receipt for Inatir- unco promiuiud duo this company , nnd hnrotofnra pnyublo tlirougJi Into Goo. W. Hull , inniuifjor , Stuiulard Lifo nml Accident Ins. Co. Stownrt Miirke , el's . aking owder The only Tine Crcaui 6f Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. Used iii Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. , it j % f 11AVUKN BKUS. tlrnmi Special hnlc. Having purchased the ontirn wholq- Bale stock of purses , pocltetbooks , bill books , etc. , from C. M. Schneider wo are enabled to inako prices on these goods that defy competition , viz : Heavy calfskin purses only < 3e. Heavy kid purses only lOe , Very line kid nurses only Me. Very line undressed kid purses , with oxidized mountings , lfe. Ladies' line poclcotbooks , loc. Another grade bettor at 20c. A very fine pocketbook at - > c. ( jcnts' good heavy bill books , loc , worth COe. Also , a very line line of card cases , letter - tor eases , etc. LACK COLLARS , RUCIIKS , KTC. Wo have a very largo stock of these goods , and will oll'or them at just ono half their original prico. L'icc collars only ! io oach. Liico collars only 5c oach. Luce collars onlyTTc ouch. Lace collars only ! ) c each. Fancy black ruching , Ho nor yard. Very line niching , 7c per yard. Fancy rtichings witii silk baud , lOo a vurtl. NOTIONS. Wo are the aclcnowlodgod lenders in the notion lino. Wo have the largest stock and make tlio lowest prices of any house in the city. Wo ollor you 1U package's good heavy pins for lOc. 12 do/en good nursery pins for lOc. I' ! good thimbles tor lOc. ] " do/.en ngato buttons for fie. 12 good hat pins for lOc. UOO vards cotton thread for 1c. SPECIAL SALK ON COlMfiS. For ono day only wo will oll'er CJood rubber line combs for , ' ! c. Heavy rubber coarse combs for -lc , 'oi'.V good coarse combs for fie , Our lo.ulor , the unbreakable comb , ll'c. ll'c.Our Our heaviest rubboi1 comb Ibo. wor'tli ! ! 0c. 0c.Cliild's Cliild's round combs He. Child's round combs fie. Child's round combs 7c. - Special Halo on ono line of liitir brushes ; they go at 10o for ono day only , fully worth < ! " > c. This is the last time tiiia olTor will bo mndo. HANDKERCHIEFS. Grand special bale. Wo yill olTor tomorrow ladies' linen ) mndkorchiu ( > > , ladies' sill : liandkor- cniofs and'ladk's' ohilTon handkerchiefs from lc up. Dordored lintidkorchiefs lo one ! ) . Hordorcd handkoruiiiofs , dcop hem , 1 jo oach. Fancy tinndkercliiofa , very flno , 3o oacii. Deep hemstitched handkorphiofsIjo cnoli. Corded and hemmed liandkerolilcfsfio oanli. Fancy and embroidered Handkerchiefs So ouch. Very line initial handkerchiefs lOc oach. Embroidered silk handkerchiefs , beauties , 'Ms , Very line ohilTon Imndkereliiofe , 22e. HAYDEN BROS. Now Thuy Want u Hurnesi , Tbo Associated Cbaritlos advertised In Tin ; Due tlio otbor day that they wcro sadly In need of a uorse for use in the work ot the .orKanliatlou. The result was very gratify- iuy. Hon. fi. Kutabrook at onoe donalca a crto hud six others were offered on such terms tbut the nssoclutiou decided to buy ono of them. They now Imvo two horses , but have discovered that they need B set of double hurncss i > .nd will ba pleaded to bear from some charitably dispoied citizen who has a barnosa tbut ho cau elvo to tbo good worlr. If you have piioi lj\Viti' * Wltoh Hazel talvo will surely euro you , lliiyilnn llro . Buy from tlio Commoreial National bank assignees the entire bankrupt stoclc of the F. C. Schneider Co. , whole sale dealers and importers of fancy dry goods " , furnishing goods and notion's. ( 'losing out the Schneider it Loomis wholesale stock at about ono-fourtli the regular price. Cents' best quality linen finish paper colliii-3 , only 5c per box , worth 2'jc. Gents' linen finish pijer ; ) cuffs , lOc per box. Shoulder braces worth oOc , go at 12c. } WM ) do/en gents' stisponderi , worth OOc per pair , go at lOc. Schneider fe Loomis' stock of men's underwear goes on sale tomorrow. 2 cases of men's natural wool shirts and drawers , oOc each , reduced from 9Se. 2 cases of gents' line naturnl wool and camel's hair underwear only 7oe each , Schneider & Loomis jobbing price was $11.00 per do/.dn. Schneider & Loomis shirt and draw ers that they jobbed for$15.00 and $18.00 wo will clobo at ! ) r > < ; each. Tremendous cut on children's under wear , odds and ends , will bo closed out at i the regular price , It cases of ladies' natural wool camel's hair vo'Us and pants only 50c , reduced from $1.00. HAYDKX 13ROS. TIII : MOHSI : nitv cooos co. Sliou llrp.irtinnlit. Ill ladies' foot wear wo have every manner of Minim , every good sort of material , for street , house , reception ; every si/.o as uoll. Tomorrow and Thursday wo invite your attention to two numbers of great merit. IJRIOIIT DONGOLA ? 'i.25. Wo offer a line of bright dongoln. hand-turned button'hhons , A to KK widths , all si/.o-j , and for tlio next two days mark thorn lit,23 , the regular price- has beep $3,00. AND STILL ANOTHER. Ladlob' cloth top , opera too , patent Up , Goodyear welt , button , all Hi/.cs ; 411.00 is Iho price for tomorrow nnd no.xt day. The gutting price around ( own hits boon $ fi.OO. THE MORSE DRV GOODS CO. Real 'estate. Bargains only. My word is'Rood. W. G. Albeit. 621-2-3 N. Y ; Life bid ? . THE COUNTY ROAD FUND. AVUli Onmhii KallHllml , South Oniulmiiv Prmnitu Her Cliilin. During the uazt two or tbrco wooki tbo county commissioners and tbo city ofllcials of Kouth Unmbn'proposo to pot together and settle tbat quosxioa of roud fund wbica has been bnir.'liiftiira for sovornl months. The city of South Omaha claims tbat the county owes something Itlto f 10,000 , which bus been collecteU from tbo taxpayers of South Omaha and has never been paid Into tbo treasury ot the municipality and tbat tbo amount must bo paid or tiiero will bo a law suit. 'Jho county hns a somawbat different opinion upon the HU bluet nnd tins tbo UKUTOS tosbow Ui at during tno years ISS'.i ' , 1SIU and Ib'JJ tlic county liai advanced tbo city of South Omaba more tban tbo amount which it is entitled to receive from tbe roail fund , The statement wbich showed these facts was delivered to Mr , 1'iJdooK some weeks before tbo election , but for some reason , boat kbown to himself , bo never reported to tbo board.Vbon bo will report is not known. as be hns taaou all of tbe papers with blin. Every season brln s u new crop of remedies , but tbov cannot compete wltb tbat erutid , old Pr , Hull's Cough Syrup. Frescoing and Interior doi-orating ; de signs and estimates furnished. Henry Lohmunn , 1608 Douglas street. IF YOU WANT THOSE WHICH WILL BUY ONLY THE ONES WHICH HAVE A " " SOLE A "GLOVE" IS TUT "TRADE ilARIC" AM ) Ib Wift" SOLE oio EACH SHOE. REMEMBER TIM'S ANDTAKH A' > OTllHIt RETAIL wiAH AS WHOLESALE , 1520 Fiirnaiii St. , Corner IGlIi. I.mly olcrlfs in uttumlanco. Tlia Liaftig COMPANY'S' ' Cattle are reared on their fertile grazing fields in | Uruguay , solely to provide j prime bscf for making the , world-famed ' Liebig COMPANY'S ' Extract of Beef. ( \imuolent L'liomlsts siippnlso every dn- tHll , from tin ) ( 'tiro of tlio oattlu und llmmjjh HID prout'itus of iniiniifactuni iTiipuloiM iMii.'uilliios' , provallsto thn I pottlir-'of tbi ) nimplutoil nxtrtut. ! | iroorvcn tbo giMi.rri , riMViiii and IUMI- n v of tlil fiiiniuiiroiliiet | , which Is to- iluy , as wlion llr t put up , by thu r ' oheiuKt , Justus von Mobu i Incomparably the Best For liminmtd Hint Ki'imoinn ) t'ookury. I or Uellcluun , Kufrushln ; Iluuf Tu . 1)11 i.C.WBiri Ni'lV5 AV.J HI AV | input tt KPitclflo for KysturU. DlclnJii , tlti , NJI rulKlulii-'auacU ] , Mdrroui I'ruitrntaa c uial lit Iquur or i'D. oj ) AVukufulnun , .Mentil IJjurJi. ilon , ioflii8 iof tluilrJlu. uiuiliu lni.inllir ; mliirr ilociir.iloiUi. 1'raaiatura DM Aja , llarrduaii , tan t rowerln cltbor * , IiDpotunoy , l.onc rrliu J an 1 ull female Woikiuii 11. luroluutirr Ixmui , Sjijr matorrlio ctuidl om/.jujrlljii ut tubrili fcoljbu > oonjr-liiUjlifOUC3. A moiti'J ' Irj.Uiu.i ; IIU { orli.ur mill , Wovutrintjialc Uioi to o\r > Kuclionlafortfootji , irltti t > will mil irrlltii iu rantc lo ruTunillf notouril Uu irjntsi lu onlr l > r TlioO'luru. V. Ixinls ilru l t , tola tui outdeu'U'urnur Hituunil Kurnum > t > Om u Caai9lot1 Buppoiltorlti. OlaUiniit la liipiulu , nliu la Uov ndl'HU ; a I'diUlfa Uura ( jr KxDruil , lutornit bllndor UlealliuIt3Jlii ; < , i.'aronlo , Itoj.'ntof llorJll- Urjrl'lUi. Tuli Hj ujlr lui narur tuea known to p jr box. u lurl'i ; unt ur m III Wlif luttorfro a tliln lurrltila UliiiKi wliaia wrluj.i ifmr.inUJ li elral'u : ! wlthd tijtai or rufunl Uiuiujajrlf noicuraci Seal ura i tat tot bmnpla. 4Co. . Dru gliti. Utl > uua DOCTOR : WUJ3 SC'ECIAUIST. In tlio treatment of ull forms of PRIVATE DISEASES. nnfl all \\'oikno s anil I ) sonlcrof with ItHsof cotiragL' , ainlilUoii. nnil vllullty. ICIglituon yours of thii most luiiiarkuhloNiiei.'eis In tlio treatment , of this class of lilsimicx. which Is ) > rou"i by thu iinivnrsal testimony of tnoii- HnndK who Imvo uoou rill ml , Wiltn for olruu- lur unit iiiiston | ! list , lltli uiul J'arn.iiu its. , Ulllitll.lS'ul ) , INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM I6tli and Howard Streets , CO ItDonisfor I'ntlrntn. OMAHA ) HED , Tor the treutment of Chronic , Private 1 Nervous Diseases , MA1K AND l-TMALK. TJIcs , Fisdtlu. Flhsnri ) nml StrJc- turoot'llio JCt'cliiiu pcnnuiinnt- jy cured without tilt- use of Knife , ' 'J.igiiturc or Caustic. Enclose 4i' In stamps and onr 107 pn o 1100IC ' un UlSKAhl'H nnil OncMlon illunkb , win .MAIUIJ : rnii : ; , JNTiitNTIO.VAI : , KAMTAKIUM , IGlh nnd Hounri ! bts. , Omaliii , Noli W. c MAXUTI i. . M. I ) . , I'n's. , .no. ILI , tnn BHRREL8 of if That you may know what a wonilorfn1 , ox- , llfu giving element Oxygen is , wo havoprupareil barroli of IC OKTGEH 1 and ror 30 days , oiler Inhalations Free. . ' It reilly euro Coughs , Colds , Catarrh , Bron chitis , Con.uinptlon , Nervous PfOHtratlon. "Oxyyon Hoot" frey o ll or writo. THE BPEOIFIO OXYGEN CO. . Suite 610 cHecly Uulldlin , ' , Oniali , Neb , U. AMUSEMENTS. FARNAM STREET THEATER pigj:3 : TO-NIGHT. Hoii9o I''icUnil to the Doors NlRhtly. MATJNBH WlJUNKbDAV GTJS WlLxLxIAMS And 1IH Mciry Coinpuny in APRIL ROOL-j ' Assisted hy llnss niul "I\TOV : , Ami'i lea's I'rcmlo 'i I mealy Aillttt. Jlmiyln u.ali 1 hour lime. Farnam Street Theater. . .MUC . S. Uhrco HlL'htB ' ' nnd Sjlnrilny Vntlnoo , coimnoncln ( ( 'J'lnirhil.iy Nuivmbur Kill j Amcrk.t I liarnitcr Arlor. J. W. SUMMERS , In Ilia new loumnllc coined jr eucrugs " xf R R ' R. Y , Aplny _ Unit wl 1 boar ( I'fliiK iiKnln nnil nuutal TIIEA1RE. L Tlirt'O .M.'hls. ' ronimcnoliii ; I'llilay , .Nov 18 , TIIK SKAMN h Mil ! SI'VHATIONI . ' TUIII.MI'IIANTKVKm WIIKIIIi ; ! Dslng a nil liiiiiu'i-lvo IVDilnrtloii of lhuirca ; , Intcriiiitloiml Mi'lo-Druiiuillo MIITDM , "THE STOWAWAY. ' rumouB .Vi'n Vork 1'iixl S I'nr lun > lii rsrniicry 'J , tTVeoflK ) lllir Wliim Inilil mill Hi-ill Mimu and fnlls ami I nil Illi ed In llvury 1'uitlciiliirl 1 " NO'l'i : Inrllcnliil ' In Ail II. 'Hilko" | lli > iinu > fynni "Kill Jici'ny Uin Kniiui'iit ' IliHoriiiuil Crnckiiiiiuiii lll Illunr OIIOIKI llruml .Now Irnii Sufii , In fullrloil of tliuauUlunco IJuallsllo niMl tck'illlllc ! ' IWII ML sii JAMES WHITCOMH 'I In ) Dliilua I'"it Tim lulinll.ililn ' ) HitHTVi'il , . ' SoulsT.'ir nnil II Hnln OIUMIH 'DiiirvdH- uii > rnlnKi Kill ut tin in lU < Innu \ l.ilily o , 111 - Iblli nlri'i't ' NEXT MONDAY , NOV. 2 : EXPOSITION HALL. Evening Coneort at 0:16. : Incoinparnbin ' CnncrrlH by tlio UriKiiml. I'a 11 0119 jinl Only Dodge City Cowboy Baw lliV : M. WATfltX , JACK hINOI.AIII , 1'riip und ( < cn'l Algr. Mnxlvjl Dliectur. hl'KCl.VI. AKIISThl MIHH DJItA WlhCV. I'rliurt Iiiiiiu ) ) .uopr n | KMH.I , AMI MuNm tlio'ornct. ( . Virtuosos , iliu lUM'ii Itovr.n , thu I'liunoiiioniil llasso. Hosci veil Font * . 75o anil 11.1 WONDERLAND aid BIJOU THEATRE ! All till * Wuulf , Over ( lie Hills ( o His Poor House " < > ' Alhambra Vaudeville Co. ( IINKII\I. : AOMI&SIO.N i nni Inulndliitf lluinrvi'dUJH | I /.I ] I N ( IllUlllilC l u HOT Kl'UI.MH , hIJI Til DAKiil t I 111. liuil of AnitTK'j In Ilio mark Ililli , ' ubiiru ilia ma. A vrlip , luuihu nlinuiilu | < | l.uwly ( leiiury. 'Iliuii warm inuillciiiiil irutf ut pitlunn I'lnuil iiluu 1'utli In tnw tl H Tliu llv.nn , iiutlt ur nlnk i titonp.accumoclatoj UJ pDoplot virlcily lirit ( I * upuii Wru plncei.muam , olvctilii Iliflitt , rlt furniiliuil , llus wl | j rer inl.iln. tttila upo l.Tl Unu aulumni , lullil winters , lloiluci" ! ruu hy 1 neck at luuntb. 'J'HrnuvU IrMni ffum Ctilct . b. MAUUKN , Tlio KVHIII , Uoltfyrlogi , luk