THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEUJilSSIIAY. NOVEMBER R 1892. SPECIAL NDT1GE8. . . , - . - - . Anvrnri tmH ! tJ 10r m tor the fvrnln * ndunl B .Op. m. lor the morning or Sunday Mil- No adtcrt a menl taken for ! th B 25 eenU for lb * flfFt lnrII % n A ladvirt vro'iil' In thp e rolamnn m rcnH unrfl'ttll.f Br tln * Mlon na I cent * word for raf'j'ul t. , nt Inwrtlnn. or 1 , " / rr line | Tr uirr.i 'J rr. mt.ali In advance liltl l . ce * e , fir nub count a * ft word All aflver * ' cn t run ronfi-entlvely A vprtlier . tr'f. ' t'rz n nnnitt"rr 1 eh vk tan linvp the .i rfi-vcl to n numbered letter In rate of Tlirlini i awrra no Mr * f1 will l > o delivered on the p. 'N > tatlon of thecbet-k SITUATIOUS-W ANTED. ATwANTI D INiSlTlON HY l.ADT rnphcr wll wutk for ( mallwMtes. AUdr * * " llee T WNTFlT lTl'lN lt I.M > Y STl'SiMl- Vt | .hi'r lie.-t.ncr Addre It II I'e ' * am u TIIAI'Scf N WHOLf.S'ALE trotcrf far ? ti-rrlliiry. IUjtrr- tnc-ea. Ao"rn It 1. llee M 4 ; Jl * WANTi-D-MALE HELP. VV lOMP'TlSrSTENOfillAPHEIlS AND1YPB- JJwrder ixratora hoare out of omplotnient re Invited to c-iil und reriner their names nnd quallnrat..n * with our employment department. We make f. i-h&rce to either omplover or em li.syel Dr plnand eeu we take 5iiea MriIn doing nil wee n for the worthv Ptenocrnpher and ype rltl t Th" Tflltli Ptemier Typewriter < 0. . ] Clbv ( I'arnam t Omaha. Net. _ 1. _ ll -WANTED IN AN CilTICT. . llllhiHT YOL'NO roiinah.t ) ; . yi-ars of ac . lieit r ferences re quired O n who understand Henocraphy _ > d type * rt t. B preferred. Addre 1 * M. llee 6j , AClf.NT < , VM TlS ff. > IKNIH CLOTHINU B Iitltrrt , ie Jlo nnd tur ml. allks. woolens , C'.OTC-S hrt 'tic yd. HI.12 vdv Wio bj uiall W Mayner A. t'o . I'rovldenw. U ' SAI.AIIT "H cx\iMi M is I1" 'il : ! i TO B 'ha.tlle : Ibo Tntent riiomlfnl Ink rta lne r < nrll Iliemost utrtu' nnd novi-l Invention of the iiir , . Kraseslnktli n tiKhly In two w . .nrt. . 'Works like inBKic yjnto.tfi per rent v11"1 ' > cent - > moKIn fJt : 'rwr > V.Ve 1110 wmit n rni ral ncent to tiike clirrseot t.'rt .ry nnd ni.iliit | uh s it A rnre clianie to male money W-ite lor tenn * nnd mtn- | ilo lit ernMnc Munioo l.ta ii > 'le. < o.X ; . l.a CromWin. . 'v - TOC.OWK'-T A 1'ACKINO llOt'M ! man who ih'irouchly utiderstaid cttttlni : and rurlnr A man nhnls well roeutniiii-nded can havw steady job nt coed | .a lied D. Hurrlj. Ijll" Dodcp Omaiia. ' & ' ' WANTIIA rii-T CI.AX- * MAKBi : B N iiielai , llroken luw. N'e' . M 25117 * - . A OOOD V.rMIKI.MAX THAT understands tils huslncs- . steady work for coed man U ( .musky. 012 Htoudmiiy. t i > nucl ! llluHs. - - . AT OVtK. Ktlt K Oil 1 IVI' ( JOOD B elate rooleta. II. tirahl A Son. Council WltiCs - . KXI'KIHCSrEII CllnCKEKY AND B-WANTI5D. clas ware satesmen. Address , statlnc etperl- encr towns traveled to and lull pnrtli-nlnrs. only tbosMiavuic established louto- will be ron lderu4. Ilurle ) A Tyrrc-ll. K an J 44 Lute meet ( hlcaeo. T > _ WANTII > . \V At V : ; * * l.7&rBIt J 'day AVU y to Auicrlran Wate * Works Co. . IleebuMdmc TWA > TI'I . A jMlT ) I1AHN1 > - - MAKKH. TO JJ jo all kinds "t Imincss work Addrt-is V.V. . Jotlrey Alvo i ass onttnty. Not- M3 15' | > WAXTVD. Ol NKHAL AfiK.ST OHMANAGKll J > lo takeUmrirr ol permanent mid pleasant busi ness In c ly umlwc.rk tuiiriiuiidlrc country throuch cori of canvntsers Ilnslne 'trlctly lecltliantc nnd eice ; 'ilk v proiltnble. Liberal cash salary , openfcs uni commission to richl man. Must be a live , enrrireur w < rkcr. n cot d talker nnd able to clvc flrst clan refiretires rrererene" clven to IUKII with a U ti | > capital , though litrk ol It "III not prevent cutafioctit If nppllcuut suits In other re- ppecls Spec n Inducement to one who already ctiutrol a fin .f active acent In any line. A few vacancies o t iIT cities Acldrc * ' * . nt once. Mn t , Crowell \ Kirki-atrlik. ci'rlHEtleld. o. S2C 15 T > WANTKI" S1AN IX ) lllllVK WAGON. MIIST J Jhave Minio experlrnee In the UuBlneep. > eb. frteoni l.nundiy ictn unit llownrd 3M 15 * - WANTK ? ) KVTI.I5MAN IIOCIKRIZKI'CIl , flonble etnry. ftato wliere inay l e een. Addreis Lock Drawer OS. Council llluBs. la. M306 Ib' B WANTKD. AI.KNT . JI.OO TO flll.lKI I'EH DAY collcctlnesmsll ji.V-turi-s lor us to copy and en- larce. satisfaction runrantei-d and n t-.O'J outnt free A Dutnc A. Co. . Do Iteade street. New York. B ; - \ VANTFIYOtN(7 : MAN AIKU'T IS YKAUS old to ( earn buslnc ; " . llor 7O. Riy. S4s 1C E-AliKSTSW \STiDF.VKHYWHEHi'OltTUE ! new book ty Jtiflali Allen'ti Wife "Sunjantha oc he Hac3 Problem " Send W cents for outot line te the tlrn In the Held. Liberal leruis Address J. WllldiCo I'M IDs Wabash uvcuuo , Chlcaco. III. M.I4H in' B-ACTIVE WOItKKH FOIJ ' HKI'l-S PIIOTO- craphk of the WurM. ' costlni : Hirj.UUC : holiday bonanza. AccntH wild with success. Vr. Kdwnri T.ilenry , l'oyerto 'n. I'a . clcan-cl ft'.O In one week : Mlss.lcnnlft A Clark , jsallda. Cole f.lsi the Hrst Cny. Outnt tl HI T"rms free. Adilreu ( .lobe Illblo I'nullshlnp Co 7 : t Oiestnut street , Pliilndelivhla. Pa , or XiS Dcarboru street. Chicago 111. MMI 25' WANTED-FEMALE HELP. ( "IWASTED. . tilHL FOIl I.KINCUAL V 'work ' In familvnrtwo. Must know bow to cook IJennnn or llolicmlnn preferred Will pay cooc wases. Apply ut4'XI S'o. 2itli avcnne. M > O fWANTED. . A sTKADY BEWINC WOMAN FO1 v.'a ' ctrady ptacn. ouo who speaks ( Jtrman or Freccli .tia Karuam. A Tiionorfsiii.Y v > cook nnd laundress , whcie hceotid clrl Is kept. 10HSiUthae M2I9 II" Ci WAXTKII. ciitij i oit B"-SKIAL : IIOUSK ' ork Mra K Illihewnter , 1TI1 I f l-WANTKI ) . L.AUIKS ( lit V < ilNC | MKN TO V tale ilrht , iileanunt work nt their own homon : ll.OUto fn.0) iirrrtnj ran Im qulvtly rundc ; work rcnlliy mtl , no pativn lnir. K r pnMH-ulur ad- dreio Globe Mis Co , r-oli l. UuHi'i : . Slum. l > - ut-Ualii-t ) 1S , MK J ! > ! I\VAffTIJlT I'OOK AMI WAITKI > h IN I'lII- VBtc fnuilly llvlercncck lequired Inquire ITiS Dodge rtrert -NUIS" IS ftWAVIKII 1MMEIIIATKI.V.T WKXt'llXK VJCjlluI VliJj Hth _ S2315 * nilSTl.AS COOK AND WAIT- V. 'refcs in urlvale family. Helerences required. In * qulrol7j3 liodircit. 1 * It * CWANTED. . LADIKS AND GIHI.H WANTED TO V 'do our new work for n * at boiie. ; ( 'I to IS a week caally made ; no palatine and canvassing : send self aitdrrwed envelope. Kcho Manufacturlnc compaii ) I Liberty nquarc. Iloitnn , Mats. So ID' p-LADIF.S .MAKE nsi A WKTK WHO WHITE N'for ' UK at honut. No canvussluc. llfp.y nlthnd- dre * ed and Mampcd envelope. Woman' * Co-op- rrall u Toilet Co . Incorporated , South lleud , lud. 1I51 ! 10' WANT. D. I.ADlEri AND YOfVfl .MKN TO ' 'work ' ut their homes : constant employment : Fond pilrcs cijicrlenw not jiecersary : no cauvnss- inc Address MJindanl > l > i : . < ' , < > . . lock box 107. kuutli I'rnnjinjluiui. X1 B . . Inclose stamp : mention paper MSW-lli' 11 WASTBII , i I'lnts-ox nicr.ivK : i.s'-Titrc- V ' , kpi p K-t of l > ooki In Li-evmlivr. J 11 rniltu ! > , hlieely likfk M54J II * r.XPlilIENCii : > Nl'IIH ! I'Cll ) V Uaby ( woman about 2i year * old ) at 111 } North IHh strt-el M:144 : 'fc * / 1 \ ( iiiiLroi : ONE V 'ihat ' .lerp * nt home : white preferred , fun llarney ftiiH-t ! 11-A noMKori ) itcKiMS , run l-'liUlied or nnfuriilklicd , I'uiliek - irolni : to Call- fjrnla Avptfu a ( ircail > va , 1113 smith 'I'entli tnt. . 417 " TF0 : KK\T. & UOOM COTTAR 15 I > ; T MU7I'OU - * - ' T I'P'r ' N. VV corner 111 aud Dou laa MliiQ 1 \ IXHt Ill'sT. MMMUKIU IIOI > K , MOIIKItN IJ a\e-\rutt.ttH \ lko at. Inquire C. t ) . Wuod- 'U I "J I arnim l j 7 ) UO01I COTTAUE. 31IJ MASON.JHUUM I 'u'JUM ) laiHtcni. JI t i Jlaaon. Apply MM Jl.-i.oo. M [ 1 > l ) lt"HM IIIUCK HOI'SE WITH MODEKN J'in.prcvement , on SJtU t near L avraworth. uqulroatic ; S iili i. 4'M * " I ) K-JII UL'NT liot'sKK IN ALL l-AllfToF I ' -lly The O ) \ llulU coupauy. liUJ I'arnam at. T ) IXUl IIKNT. IIKHIIIAIILK lUtOHl HOI'sE , ; . /yii"1"1 ' ! "Teiuwit * . nnUlitortuoa tuo toml. U t l"att r ou. ilj luuiso Work. illVJ 0'iJtooM iioiSK. itTASAri.i : TnitM lltft Ii ( 1c- M77V I ) 'JA ' ' V'Ll.lNUb. l-OTTAIJKS lit MA. i 'jinrii ' nty Kllitunj A Co. , ( .onllnental Wk , ] ) * * i"M i" Mron''icS' ; ttftl. HUT JlNII ' ' J 'ot'rt wall r all wudern iBivroivtcienta. | bl local on fi-r bii.ini lueu ltl i Uijuj . .tmilord flnlr < t"Vi.Unt uiOiaklu uml ex > itirumi.lia. A | l''y i a. I 'cutu-r. iuuw , Xsw i rk ut imlid- 1" _ _ _ _ W4IB D. 10 li'X'M HOI'SB ' AND HAU.V DlVIl lIKVf VKHY HESIHAHLl : MX-IHHW rplUcv. furuMiea woipWelor lh winter : uo chlldtru xU N mil H- UllvJ 1C . XGK. AND , fur * ' * In oed condttUtii. ( JO. Api-.jr lit TOi.uur. . Itttu trect. ur lo lUur- wall tlroa I'.srkrr Ulot-k , 1 arnaui and Hlh. Ueorje ilouart llj , rj ASH f uoiv iiousrs MSJUI HIGH -I' CtlOOt Kl quiteri"'llj l' | .ttol At * . MSB JU * 7icTKtt " .urTT . TTiMH > M iiuirK nous. , -I'luruacr , lialti vat u > J Kvud tinrn. , all tn cral- rla.i rouUitU/B. I7UU Luiatia linl lUttie and ' 0. ruuai l , iiet Uuildlnj H3I4IT FOR RENT-HOUSES. 0-n > H IIKNT. NO. Silt CAI'lTuL AVENUE , 11 room * , modern Thr o. K Havli Co. , UK * 'arrum 1 Iti A NEW BUICIC HOtB. ; MNE 1IOOM9. flrft c' * mofl'-rn Impmvenents Park avermf. faclns llan-Kim purl. ) M. Hleh rd , UWo : id MKI lr -\-11 > lKNT A NEW ; f > rtM MOfSB. 1 'niodvTn rnnvenlnee . ar w nl Parnam and RMh. fSi per month Dr. Mat tier room 2i. Docclit * tlik MJ71 IT _ D-YTtK RKNT. * I'llAMK ! > WEl.lINfJi roitvicit c.f iKxipf and ITtb and 17th n > 1 t Htol avrnne 1'lfvrn room * each. Near npw | > uMom > etie SM II fi n rk , \ Co. MJM Hit IA-M1H Ill-NT. A NICK fl IIOOM COTTAUV : . CITY 'water nnd hfwy | p pMi l. ] l iN3th > t near I'arnaB. . | , rlce Ml 00. W. K. SHxtrel. til . ifth M. MC16 _ _ _ D-IliUTPK OF 11 IIOOM * . Al.t. MoDI'ltN OON- vcnlrnrc- * . pleasantly locileJ near lia"lnr en- trr. Apply isw Chleazo t. . or U A skinner. 11 = 11 I'arnam. _ . VTiwn D- iixB HOME NiCKi.i vriiNUHKn TO A re > p' > n lhle party for f root C to t month * Ad dre 1133 Her 3JJ 3D" DAN El.liUANT 10-HOUM 1II > 1IKNCE. 4 bliipkn trora conrt lieu c. iM-aullfully papered mid | ialM"d lir"iiihont ! Mnln i oectipled , B . bath water ! < . barn for U liorsea. etc Mar Loan and Trti't company. MUI Hi * I ) - 11CK1M COTTAUi : IXIIl KENT , , " Win. D-VT > It 11KNT Nr.AHltANSCOlt I'AUK- Ilrlrk tionse. p'cht rooms. No 83)1 I'oppleton ateiiue. cornet l'uM > leton avenue and Wd street , soulli HIM ! < - . I front , Cnl-licrt 13 okk. with band- SORIP manll . batb. splendid furnaoe. brick ocl lars. rtn . h.'iOU llrlck bou e. i-lcht rooms. No 1141 Soutti K2d street , oak tlnldi with nice li lh. furnace , city water , cistern c s , ewer KC brie * eell i etc fntri lif.-tint l.rirk hotisi. . No llhl > I'acltl" street onn of the tlneM nnlsli.d and cosiest el/hi room tmusr * In the cltv. with Hll tuoderonnvenlenees. . Inciuil- In : < < lezant porrelaln bath tub. hot and cold wM ? , stallftnary laundry tubs , etc no Cuer loca tion In UioltT. t'JI.W The ai > ovc hou s are all on paved Mrpeti. nn lenient to motor Hues In perfectl ) licaltby loca lion and pleasant nelchb'irho'id Uvurce N. Hicks : ai N Y.l.lfe M.'UXl 20 RENT-FURK1SHED AN ) i-Nn-ii\i HiMTiAx -.beatedrc-niv uear llU'h sctio-il. nt 2JI3 Haven- port st. llcference required Mrs. M. K. Kutledco E-v Y f'C UN 1MJ hit TKONT IIUOM. I'M - -l 1 Itol are M6SS Hi * ,1-UnilMS WITH Oil WITHOUT HOAlli * . i.T > > I-ilOUelB8. 2.V 111' E M'lTB OK rilONT HOOMS AND IIOOM IXI rent. 2l Sooth IBth.Jd floor. M3J7 lf ! Son H HOOK. AUIiHE > s It . UKE. UKE.MT.ISDla MT.ISDla * E-IIOOM I'UKNIMIUD OU trMTUNlSUEI ) for llcht bonseket'plns. feja N. Kd ttreetM3J9 M3J9 IS' FURNISHED ROOM.S AND BOARD. I'fllMSHUII ItOOMS. FIltST data bonrd. at Tbe Doln'a , 2UJ ndil N. 1-tli. 4U3 1HOOM AM1IOXU1) IN 1'lMVATl ! FAMILY 1 tor two centle-uen with roTerences at U per week caih , all modern cunveulenojt. ilj N. 2Td nt M1W 17NirniA n'iiNi iiv.T KISIIVT I : - M < WITH A ttr t < laiis tuble board II < 1e lred : ull modern con veniences , terms leasouublc. UIJ N. L'-Jth st. Mllil IS' i-M > fTll UOUUS. WITH I1OAIIU , U22 rill- I caco ttrcrt. M2M 1C * U < OK AND 1IOAKI ) IXIIt 1 (5 ENTI.K.MKN k Cor. 21tt nd J Ktreets , south Omaha , f. I. Hu bert. V.b 'JU' 17-TH ! ! TK HOOMCKNTItAI.I.Y LOCATE ! ! i furnlsbeil for llcht housekeeping riluqulr. ' at M , Noitb23d St. M7-20' f LAIII : ; : HOOM. GOOD TAIII.K. ON line f I JU per weeU If taken by tn o Ms No. 24th. M140 I LY Kt NlHll ) 1IOOMS WITH UOAIll ct tbe WebMer. 510 and ilS N I''tb st. Mills 22' FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. G 4 I'.otlMMUDKllN 1iNVKKNlNCK TO famtl > without children : 23J1 Karuam. Inquire ( UU I'ajiUin block. 71)3 ) p-TIIUKK ltOOM01IHor > iKKKI'INO. KUH- * nlBlietl' unfurnished , modern c uventeDe'-s stesmlient ' 714 Nicholas street. M141 17' ( - J fNH-ltNI UKI ) IIOOM . WITH OH WITH- v'oiit board. In victiancc for new furrtture. 1157 , Hue. MSI717' G -2 rNFfUNI < UKI > IIO'.M ? KUt LK3HT bou&ckueplrii ; , heat , pas , baUi ; Iff.1 Suutli ? 0tli BOARDING. H fnit nixT. TWO VKity Dt iiL'vuLB ' rnt- ni'liHd or unturr.ifbcd nouth and east tlrst floor roomi at "The 1'renier , " 116 No. 23th 1. MiTO 19' FOR RENT-SxPRgS AND OFFICES. 1-rOlt HENTllUE 4T"nY IlItYi-K iiriLlUNG JBlc Karnam tThe bulldln : ha n Breproof ce ment basement , complete sfjamheatloz natures : watcron all tbe Uoors , gas. eta Apply at tbe .iHlce ot Tbe lieo. ViS _ FOR HENT 30.ISCELLANEOUS. T KOUXY'S HALL ( OLD MKTttbl'OLlTAX . "W.t .r Dodce and 1 uurtecnth streets. Cau bo routed for balls , parties. KOIctles , etc. Tor dates apply ' . < ui Xcw York r.lle ImllJIpc S17S. d. T I'Oll HBNT A BUANIl N\V H1TY-UOOM ' h"tel. In best loc.--ial.pti. with all modern Improve mcnttt In south Omaha. Neb Address , , 'obn C. llamard. low New Yon Llf omuha. MUJu 1C * WANTED-TO KENT. - ( . : WISHiS FfllM-UKD IJOOM nlth private family. Address H 1TC , Ilee. . iUb J ! STORAGE. M -fTOIlAGE CHKAP. CLEAN. WELL , 1111 lu mum btreeL 4114 M-yroKAUK. VOL'll UL'lir.Y Oil CA Kill AUK < * arelully looked after. ( Heuu. dry. airy room Isih end llarney. Drumuiond Carriage Co. ! ! till WANTED-TO BIT'S . kT-WANTKl > TO 11UV fiOME b PEIl CENT > flrit mortcocea. Heed & Belby , S14 Hoard Trade- TO BfV. 2 SECOND HAND OU new hlch cradu aafety blcyclea. I'cvuniatlc tlrcn. In coed condition. Adlre P. O. box l'N"i. ValentineNeb. . tJKU Ib J-WA TKU , A l' ESH COW. APPLY 1S1B PAB- nnm. 504 li WANTED. flOOUO TO ft0.0no. ! VAN Putteu' * Eutlneta Exchauce. Mj Ilbard of Trade. Mill 16 * VWANTM > . TO HOY VACANT IXITS CHKAP > for cmh. LWI-OOtoFiUO. Mu t b bnrcams. LIU ith Hutrbliiion A Wead , lic.i Karnam itrret. FOB SALEFURNITURE. . 0-r iK SALE AT A 1IAIIUAIN , Ol'PU K Oil bank furniture , fclio c < " > d burglar und fire proof aafu Inquire American feaviiiffi , tmnk. Vfo -Kt-lt Al.E FUlMTl-UB 0Ktlt ; CHEA CaHtol | av . O-KI IIMTUUK OK 5CVEN 1KKIM KTEAM- neitted flat , all roouia reeled , rial C , 614 t-ouih lUtli fctreet > iS3 IV fOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. p-Poll t-AU' A MATY lYoi.LAir TOp"TrUijr - Ifort'ti.U ) . U. E Cole. Continental block sal > IXlt SALE. GAItl ANlTHAsiE IirUNKlt. UOOO aa new , foldluc bed cheap iaau Etutuet ft- ft3UT 3UT 1C * Q-FOU HA I. IS CUBA ! * . A S5-IIOK C IVWKfl automatic cnrtne ; al o one 12-uorke power uu- rlcbt < _ i-1ne : ! > ulu In coed repair Inquire of I > > 1- ner I'rlntlnK Ci. , 1W7 IluwardatreoU Umahiv , .Stb. MU5 -I'l.'u rurruw , IUXJM aa. UAUKKK iy > cK. SsS Mi Q KNOU < JI smTKii rirr. s MONTHS oi.u , .ifwell trod , nud marked. I118 , llarker blk. IX. QQ Q -PUSH roil SALE , NEW : JJALr'I'ltlCE J-OK ca > h. I'.yOCuplUil avouue. M 4 IV 1'OLSTEl.N COW AT 3C15 N. tITH. is > MISCELLANEOUS. I -A HOMIt fXlt l-AIIIl.'S IIUKINU CONI1MJ- Icient. tuLlei adopttil. 21 Cumins atrttetOnmuu. W HO MC CLAIRVOYANTS. O-MHS ' SANN115 V. WAUIIKK. CLAIKVO J-AXT , I'relUUlo bu iDt miulum , ufiu year at 119 X luti. -O MRi li .M MtfiTtAVU. I'llorillCIKSS. IJKAU Otranrc clairvoyant and life reader trlli your lll Irom cruile to crave , can Ixi i < oo nl | d on all allalnof life nit till ) oeleornted Kgyj > tmn brcail plale to unite tlie aertarated and caaae. murrlojiv Ull our lou lo > . Cuiua uue. mini a all and t run- vlnrrd ol Uer rruiatkable jiuwrra , Office uud reil at * 4tl S llluat , noun 9 a. m. to * p , m , strict lUucbart anil i > tioto of your tuturt ) wile or hut liaud aunt Uirou < ! i uatl fur fi.OU. cbart alcne I. OH All letti'r containing < ceau In atampi tirouiptly anavetrd. 717 K MAS3AOE. BATHS , ETC. TUEATilENT , EI.KCTttOlHKH- mat tklua , acalp aud l.alr treatiauut. tuanlrurr and ciitropodUt. Mr .Po t. SIV' & | jUi.WituUcll blk , . . 4'.H _ ' t MME.I.AUI-E JJA--AOK | , It , buLTU l-TII 1itrec : . Ird Hour Ball. MASSAOB , BATHS , ETC. f 'in TlAIJAMK SMITH. 1 SI I AI'IT > l. Itcxim X , M floor Ma a5. alcohol nlt > hnr nnd fa t'fitln Ml 61 U' rp-MMF. fcToWK. MAONnTIC 1IKAI.K11. * I iKimrlfis Mork ror 1 th and Dadra. rnST SI * MUSIC. ART AND LANGUAOB. * ( J. K flKM.KNHk.rK. HANJ.i TEAl HKILN W. 1 mr 1Mb and Harney llnrnty atrret entram-r 1O LOAN-REAL B3TATE. A\-lA AN > u.N IMI'IIDVXIIMU NIMPIluVEl ) ' i rltypropprty.JJ.OU rnd npwsrJ f. In ' i > t > rri > nt No di-lnys \ \ . 1' smith A Co Ijth anil Harney Sot \\T-UKAI K'T\T < t/ S. t-Tti : PICK CK T ' noaldltUmalcharnn for ejnmi loa or attor tier ! > feet W U. MMJIrirnt Nailonal Hunt bid ; \V CKM'IIAJ. L'JAN A THUS.'CO. . I1EK UI.OO ' MS \\r-c r. HAi' N. v. urn. * * i'O \\r-7 I'Elt CENT MOVKV NUT TO 1IOHHCMV " cr > on HmxhiirUr prnpjrlj No ritrn rhnrci-i of unr lilnil. Wnjiur Man r t * Monet li cheap. You rr licet full I > "nr9t ot Irra rnlcs Iruui ulnho I-utn nod Truit Co. . H'.thnd Dodre. : < ui \\--MOHTnAKK UlANLKsSTllAS ' , I'BU T > > Inclnditic nil rbntBM ni rh' W. KMncf. Omaha NM. liank MtJs 531 irI I AMI ! YKAIl UANS O.N CITY ASI ) I'MtM I uiorlcBcei Heed i s.eluy. Ill Hoard of Trad : . ma WT Y T < 1 I.IAN AT IX.WCST ItATK" . Tlio , O. K. Invl Co. . ISB Karnam Mre't. Ml W TIIKAI1 MJ.VKV. srfti tiV 1 * . IV A , TIM * lf .4 tarnatn fi03 AV k * rillVATBMuXCY. IsTAX.ll ) M Mr loans , low rates. Alex Moore. Us ? oldj \\r II.MU1A > AV1S , S KAVK MARbS LOANS ' ' on real D t tent | .iwe . t tujrkt-t ratm. I.oant made In small or larite sttnx for short or l n : time. N < i rommlsslnii i * cuirffj aid ttio loan * ure not sold In the pant , but can always tie fonuj M the bliut on the corner or l ib aad l > ouzla < i slr-V . KB r MONEY TO I.OAN O.N IMl'ltOVKI ) CITV property , low rate. A. C. I'ro.-t. 1'ouEla-lilt. . HO W-ANTIHIXYt.O\N AXl Tni" < T CO. . 314 N. Y. Life. l. nds nt low rat91 for el la j sjejrlr o'l Nebraska or luwa farai < or Ooi Ua city pronsrtr. " -I.OWI-.sT UATi : * . riUUUTY TIIVST TOM- | pany. I7u2 I'nmaui street. A. K. ItlLEY. 417 UlB Bl'lLUlXG. MS70 17' \V-MOXBY TO LOAN ON COOD IIUAL C TATB ' ' sc-curlty. Addrci > Albert K. I'eternon. 199 Chestnut ft. . I'hi'adelphla. Ta. MX > 3 1C' MONEY LO .LOAN CHATTELS. X- DOOf WANT MONEY ? THE nilELITY 1XJAN Ol'AUANTEl ! CO. , HOOM 4 WH'IINKLL 11LOCK. buUTll 15th COKNKK LIAIINEY ST. WE MAKE LOAN < ON KCIIXITUIIK , HOltSEr , CAKUlAliES , WAUUIIUb' KUBC-CII'raUIt 1'Kll- SONAL 1'ltOl'KKTY OK ANY KIND. OUHTBKM4 WILLMKIT YOUK AI-IMIOVAL You can pay thu tn.mey back nt nny tlm and In on ) amount you wish , and thus reduce the cent of carrying Uie Umn In proportion to uniount you pay. IK YOl" owe a balunc" on your furniture or other per.-oaa' p-operty of uny kind , we will pay It on for * ou and carry It an Ions a * you desire. YOU CAN llAYa , YOfllMONBY INilXK I1OUH FKOM iHK 'IIME YOl' MAKE APPLICATION. No publicity nr removnl of property so that you cct the use of both money and property. 1 ! > 6 ' -1)0 YOU X THE OMAHA MOUTGAGE LOAN CO. will lend you any sum wlilcb you * lib. binnll or Inrce. at tnelowost | > DB > > lbl rntpi > . lu tbe quicken pos" lble time and tor any lenetli o ! time to mil you. Yon can uay It back In Mica ln t&llnlent uj > you irl u. wuen you wlali bnd only pay for 11 ab lone n9 yon Loep It. You can borrow on HOfsKtRlLl ) KfllNU'U'tK AMI PIANOS. IJOItSES. WAGONS ASI ) CAIHtlAtiEi , WAHIHOU-K UEcmrTs , on 1'Iillxli.NAl , I'lUII'KHTY OK ANY K1NII ON TUK HAY Yi > r ASK ron IT wltbcut publicity or retnJvnl of property. IleDiemoer tliut you cnu pay any part of the. loan ut mi ) time and that every dollar paid Icbbens the toi-t of ctrrylnc tbe loan. Before l > orro luir elrewhere call and tee ua and you will find H creatty to y ur Edvantupe. OMAllA MOUIGACK 1.OAN CO. , Koom II. CrelcMon Mock. lll.5onth ISth ureet , next to POM office TUB JW > EST. LAIUiUpT ANII ONLY l.VCX. UATUO LOAN COMPANY LN OMAHA. X MONKY-30. W. W DAYS. CUKAP KATKS nnd easy payments , on furniture , pianos , live stock , etc. . without delay or publicity : cash on baud. Duff ( Jreeu. room , llarker block. &l'j "V WILL LOAN .MUNKY ON ANY KIND OF 6B- Vcurlty : strictly ronadentlaL A. K. Harris , room 1. Continental block. 61 : , SI DOCGLAb BL1C. 16 i DODGlt. X MONKY LOANBD CHEAP AT lom OWN time. Nebraska Loan Co. . 131B Douglas st M7 x tUATTKL 1X.IA.N ? , W3 N. Y. L.1KS. MOltllH. 4S3 Nf BUSINESS CHANCES. y-CASH KOlt MEKCUAVnlsE , f-VJU TO f2U.lKX ) . quick' Van Patten a Uunnesi Eschause , .M Hoard of Trade. MlsSiill * Y' TITLE AlteTHACT HOUKy. ON1.V SISTydF title nlntrnclB of Hall Co. . Neb. , for aale or ft chance for Implored , clear , realty or clean Block of ruerubandlM ) lle.-t opentBi : In the Mate for per nmneut paying buBlm'a 7'oo much otber huvl ness on hauJ to jrlve tbem proper attention. Ad- dresaVIIIUra rrant. owner , Uracd Uland , Neb. SUi Id \T-foit BAIE. IIAKEHV. IIK&TAUUAXT ANI > J confectionery , iloluc rood buKlneaa. IDTCHI pate ; coed reatcn for hellln ; ; addrem K 11. llee. SOI Y AUL1NOTON HOTEL LKA--K FOit S-ALK. eath ortlme.8 monih * ' tiu liiPMilUiO : If 1 cnn- not i-ell want a hotel clerk at once ; * 111 clvo full charge < > f tititel. mukt furnlbh coed reffrunce : nd- drett J O. llle klcc. hurucn dealer , Arlington. Net ) tt Ib' V UCXI > Pin > RTAN WITH SOME CASH CAN i n-cure hulf Interest In u tidfc ui.rt throat priic- tleopaylDB fl3.micB"h ( ( betldef oook uccouuti. . by uddrctalnc II Si , Uwufllre. 3UC yj \-ISU CENTS ON THU IKJLLAIt lIUVs A STOCK 1of rlolhlnc. liootn end nhoea or pentv * furul h- Inc roodh. Literal dUcouni on druirii. general nierchandlfto or proi-ery. f7t > J for weekly paper with KM ) KUbwrlptlon due rebruary Mlrhlcan fruit farm for hotel or incrolinndUp It you are nertlnca burlne * ! opiurtDnlty lu any llnt > call or nddret-f Vun Palten'e Ilunlness Exchange , US Jfoard of Trade. M310 1C- V-MONEV MONKV irior WAXTTUMAKK 1 money by kafe and protltablo Itivcunifr.t. . whetberof u few hundred or thounundk of dollar * , call upon or write W Chicago Trust and Ravine * Hank ihlcaco. MiI3 : ! ( , V-A f-.WIGoo piiArnrn KOK SALE. WITH A L beauiifu > home nnd otiu-e Ineluded. in n detlcbl- ful little wertern town , llcanonp for n-lllne. am co- InE tuto thti vpeclalty ourk. Addren 119 liue. tub If , ' Y-DO YOU WANT A FINE HOTEL' DO YOU want a tine laloonf A dry rood * , grocery and hardware htore' Do you want , a i-tatluuery. con fectionery , c fara. tobacco * , p per ' ' AddretiJ. I" lllthop , I'lonuer iiualoeta Aprnry , bhrrldun Wyo. J54 If Y'-nm FAI.E , AT A VEIIV LOW . entire Hatu Interest In one of theheavleat pai- Inc monopollef now before th public ltwitav | ) S percent of the coal I.lili of rverybodt and pro iluce better rennlt * . Everybody wauta it and lll bavvlt when fern. A largebunlneri c n bt > done ut < net ) In every cot.utr r'ull purticuluri. by mail AddretuG E Kli ; I , H. . Lincoln. Ni-h Milj \T-rou SALE. ONI : OK THE DE T Lund paylnc meat market * In tbe city , or will tell half Interest to riibl mant'fchb kale * over liUt. dally Puorliealth tbereatou lor telllnc Addree * U U , De , Council lJpfl ! . MSjh 11 FOR .EXCHANGE. y mil EXCHANGE. GOOU IMPUUVEI ) NE- /-J liraaka farmi for aoy coed real or chattel property. 1'onom'ce bet 1 , C.badroj. Neb. S n.4 TI 4-U AOHEs OK CLKAII LA.SIl IN OVE OK fJ the be t wluler when dl trlcl la Kuuaa tu ei chunctifor ID orKJ fccre traot near umaha Hty llmlta. Will pay cash dlUureuoo If i > rui > erty li trood. Addrrit , clrtii ; price aud location , Uvv. Her uttitva. MAIj y-roit EXCHANGE. M IIEAII HOUSES rou ; al oierchandlte. Hoi (1 G , Uurnrll , NVh HUltiALKOU irxriiANGK , AUOLTT H.UJJ lilt Ar.lU wonb u ( dry cuuda. clotuluz , booK. aaoon and croc rlei. well weliHitad and clean ttork. novr rnnnlttc ulet or.-r fIS Ually Will name fi.ud prlc. for all rath or take coed Ituprorod l&rai lantl > lu Netirafcka ourood roiJcm-j ( irepcrlr well loc ted InOioaha to vulunof | j.UQUor fS.fuj. balauce caibor f.-oil notea. Write l uc 1101 24V for particular * , Utnaha , Nvbraika Z CLEAN B'TOCK Or'liENKUALM'DVE ; Wll.l takercaj ettata it Biouey. lluiiUi.l'rkukfurLlu ! ! HI liZ _ ZI I HAVE AIHHII ) KAHU WHICH I WILL EX cb ne fur * atuck-of crueral uirrch odl > e. For particular * addrvat r 4J. Uoryell. Ncllck. b. TO ) K3) ) ' y-l OWN HJU r-AIIMf IX NKHIIAS-K * . / aod Dakota \V > II ae ) chtiap , or I'xctibnffp f ' m < Ti Uanai" ' ID art u > J caHle. Aadr a > box ' Inuk'ti-t , .od > isU EXCltATTOE. /-TLKAltllMAllA ltK.\L' + /ltATE JXill MIHE. . alnatlvo. Slonry tOluna Dos all lima limam f X > ltKXriIASni f lt It'AllAIN8 IN IIUAI , r , call or writ * . Are * Jfnrtrc , l\n tilde I ! * y-ron I.XCHAN : K. 41 A IU ; . < . CI.KAU OK IN- JranMiintT. vr uillr ft > no t'mnha. ! < > m\\\ \ roni > Omaha. tortiani Tor eity property. W. ' . r ham , Mr. B BF Work 301-le y itit TIIATIK OK s-Altai noon iint-sn. f , ' ' -oom . full lot on rnr llrrt _ Military ar * . near mlll.'ti Mnwt W T. Gralitiftt , .McTjik-net > lr > rk i- , , sin * ' 111.1. IXiT < ' .V lIAMlLTt'.N srilKKT NKAII > ! < ( Ave . 10 ejciiarurt dt lie c tnJ lot W. ' Uraham ! u. 1 ( ! / - ni.TONT : < .l4TllSTIIllT.TO t.VCUANHK 'or Improtod tiropertv w.T ( > rabitm Svl IB /-XVANTKIi SALE J-TAIILT ; rJ.C H IX > T OH 'Jfnrm Jor lion e iM lot. 1lnu fi > tor rent. A oodldtlor tiorpc * and imccle ! . llutchltn'on & Ypad. iota Karnam ft MKj 15 ron < iAiii iNnK \ * w. A d. :13 So. I4th. Omaha. Neb MXI4 In' y-it : iiiAULi ; KAISM. IMPIH > VII : > . is MILKS /Jfrnin Counrtl Hint ! * , tor touJ dmalia < > r > oiith Omaha property.tiUM : addre * It .m , llee iWJ 17 * FOR 3 ALE-jKE A L KSTAET. , NKAIt.Ml ' 0lAI.K ! VKMY TT ! asy terms. Ueo. W. r. toates. IP1 raruatn t. llii > . AVO.NDALK t'Altlt. The latest hhd flatt nddltldn In Oraah& . Lot ; old Whtcb t'roro" Tlicr Ar Tinniccpft Uarpalu * In tut1 .MnrLct TJ | ( ipnuilful ndnitlnn l Inside ttip one mile circle. Cpo block lo car Htionna OXL.V S MINUTKs WALK TO Come ijvlrk. cet jirlcoa. tcrmi. etc. T the ra yet Itemaln Unsold. Trees ? ctut. Streetn nd U.t All OrnaeiJ. FIDELITY TItUST rPMI'A.NY , ITU2 Knrunm Street. MKU ATA UAKOAIN. ' - rU > IClS LOTS. MxISi f et ' each ; morn ( iilnlne If deMrivl. Ks t fruut ; : . \V.corner Kith und Arbor I'lneit loritlon In cltr ( orre 13 nrc. tlloci : from lltli 3t motor line. Charles Itanlcr. IOJI ? < > . Will st. ( iraaUa. M4I1 IJVUl PAUU ( JO01J KE IDENCE lTs IN I'OT- ler A ( ieorcn Co.'i Hdrtiilun r.n t Omnua. UJ3M to t 3.oi. ; 1 ll' ca ti. biluiiee motitalr. Lou tn Steele \Voort ' uclilltlua , on car line In llnfU'maha. rt.VJOJto Sl.auoi Uood re'ldeneelo. " In'-r' ivpjltlon. on mil' tary ro d. motor HDP. K'JiOJto (4'XJ.OI : terms easr. Aereproticrtr near mualia iid South unnha ultahlHfor csrdcalnj jmrpOfBi or MibiMrtdlnR Call for rfle" * . . IK'vlmble eoltnip la resiilnfe InralltT near ear llnp Taj'H ' to fJ.QO.H3 ; small cash i > ar- iient. balaDc.uidiilliiv. . Totter A Ueorcs C'oiuiianjr. JClh and I'urnam ? t . ' * KM n33 _ _ _ _ 210 A 'itK- . BEAUTIFUL VA1.LKY ANII Ere II bcncli InntJ la ea-tern Netimita. cenlly undulut tic. richest of t.oll Brie orclmrd. coi'd bnlldlncv livlncater. tbrpo and one hall tulp | from coed tnnrlrt : ci > J "uhool and euurrh CO B Bj" J'rlc yj.VO per ncr" . Laud In the- ' vicinity t > 'Mui ; for Mi Oi nnd f ) l.UJ jipr uere. Kara will readily rent lorlVW.Wppr year. ca u rent. , Addrew C. K. llarrl- son.i'li N. V. Lite. Oiimna. ' Mlirr IA1TS AT A > .UCAI.S. AilOtT - Works from m-itor Una . non. lioa--ia Co will sell le s.Vm II. N . lertnyer , llaeuier. Neb 7-4 IK ! ' FOIl SAI.K-AN C.niiANT Itl lDENrr IX > T lui-t thlh rldeof Ilanic-otn park. o.vereO vlth tine fhnde trees and fruit troft , : will tunke a lieau- Llful bonie. can qtioto for nexi tpu days nt fi'"iO. lieo N. Hick ? . 33.1 New York Htfe. ' " MSU1 18 A lHUiAlN-LAKiE-'OICSlU ( ( LOT WITH TWO Vcoti.ices. , cloic to nmtoritnd imrvd tri-ot , nt Ictlinn lotTulue. , ' "vi-j t Nlre sir-room iw > tt eo , fqll At/jiaved street nnd one block from mot or : aloco d four-roonn-ottac- . full lot. only utM : * li.o t o clear lots.Vliltrade nnd a ? ump Also liarclour fiiielirlct notifce , cen trally located well return and llcut encnmbrauee. to trade. Zlttle. Kroirn block. MIW R KsiTATB. calRA only. Mj ord Iscood. ' . O. Albrlcut. Ml-i o Near i'otk Uf FCKT ON HlltsTOL. STItlSKT TOlt SA1.-E cheaper excliance. for Improved | iroi > ertrW. . T O'raliam. McCiue blukc. 'JU1-16 FOIl SAIK , tl.EOANT NltW ANII MODKH.N tullt elcht-rooui cottace , near llanxruiu part ; nil rocdern eonrenlenceb ; splendid nMl utMirliood pleat-ant location , pnred streets , motor line , etc. : n fpli udld liartaln If tatcn at once. ( Jeo N. lllcts. N. Y. Life i.lili : . MUI : : 16 COl'TII OMAHA HKAL KETATE OWNKIIS TAKE O not Ice. The Catbollc Hall ur oclation wants to purchate u lot , well loea.ed wltU reference to busi ness center All owners of p'opcrt ) drhlrlnc to sell may i btnlt deM-rlptlou. price and terms to ir.NelC * Heal Kstaie aceucy , toutb umaba per Com on Grounds. M240 19 Iffttt S-ALB Oil EX < HANGK KOIt LANK OH 1 farm near line of r , r. A .M. V. 11. K. . 4SO acres rlear land tn Howard county. Neb. Address K 16 , Hee oflice. . . .lt',4 IS ? ' N AA'K . t,003. - Lot near llanseom parL. i ! 7iO. Lot near 1'Hrnam nnd Lowe are. . tl.BOO. Lot on I urn&m near Lone are . LviOO. Lot near Mr YnM-i' due residence , i,509. House and lot near park. K ! i'J. House and lot 37th and Marcr , M.OOO. House and lot. tU and ( irnnt. 12.21X1. Lot corner I'ark are aud llirkorjr , t5,0W. ! Ixit ! rontlnc east on the part , fl.UJ3. House and lot on tbe purL. fT.mrJ. C. 1' . Harrison. I'lJ ' N Y. Llfo. 3D3 16 EW , E-HOOU MOIIEIIN U3IJSK , GOOD LOCA- tlun. price 14.5'XI. liok'o IIM acres of rolorado land , only tl.noo. Several pieces of Nebratlca land , all clear : want land tn euMern Nebraska , Omiitia property , coed paper or ca u. Address at once , U J4 , caredmaba Hoe. sj.-ifc IpiOIt. ALE , CHOICK TKN-ACHE TUACT WITH krotll cottace. Just outride cltv limits : a bit bar- culn 11 bold within next teu dai Ueo. N Illckb. Y. I.He bide. Jiisci is UTANTKI ) . OMAHA HlK HKs XIOlNK.i LOTS. ' * Wanted , fartu for outti Omubu lota. Wanted , 1HU acres near Omaha Wanted. 61) ) acre * near Oraulia. Wanted. Om.ilia property for farm , Wauled , lo loan tUJ. 7 per o nt. Wanted. 10 borrow tl'.UJU si t | > er cent. Wautfd. bocie for clear luts Wanted I naiit fc.rSIOi Houclas Wnnicd. ! . ' . " > uouie for coed tenant. Wanted , More for t'uod firm C K. Hurrlbon. VIS N. Y. Llle. 3fJ 18 nKlli : la A IIAUOAIN.A MAC.MriCKNTrilONT acre , ou motor , near Lcbon ! an elecant situ for a liouif. at a price less than Is urked fur back acres one mlle further out. must be sold at onre C U Thompson. .VJ Kurbach bioct. llth and Dourlas 831 17 fPO CUNTHAUTUIIb AMJ BflLUKUS-- " ' BflLUKUS'AN ! l ofler for sale i Cue buslncst corner. 7f.rt7 feet , corner Vlnlon.Suth and rprlnc streets : this Is a splendid point < or brick block of stores and Hats , can quote for a few days ut JT-JJl &eo. N lllrkti , 5Uj New York Life bulldlnc. r MIHS-IO , HORSES W1NT2EED. fl OHSE5 WINTEItCUON U-Il TAHM. Urea . llti Park ave 7 WILL OAUB rult A MMlTttll NUMHEII OK - hordes ut $ i.W per head per ujputh. hori > eii tent for and returned without extra , charce. Addreaa M J Welch , urctua Net ) . , ,4'J 1)2 HoltsEs KK1 > AND t AHEII r Mt , f I MONTH UP. U U dans , p i > box IJti. uqih Omaha ' TC9 J S KEEPING Hllll ES A M'ltClAL'lY winter months ut rcusonaulratet at llally'a faim Ix-are word at i otton adlvery ctahla 1Mb and OHM or IMi North IHth or addrcn 1'rank Hally Houey 1'rent. Iowa , > I133 ru * NOVBLTY MAMUFApIUgERS. Ofll KI.ECTH 1'T.ATIMi'hl.ANT'"is ' THOlt onrtiyuqulppud topluto. ] > orifU and nun In all klnda of mt-tuU we are nlao well Died to do nil Uud of llrul maiiularturlnifMii , niewl Largs urdern ( .elicited , work puaianlrfd Al. write fur uatlmatet. Cuare Manufncturiria''o ' I.tneo'n. Nt'b , Mnkcra of "Noble" an j Uucoin keHlnz lu&ehluea. MU7 11)0 ) DRESSMAKING. 1'ASHIO.NABI.i ; UilllEb AruUC SOLICITED IN 1 fatulll ty day or week Inquire ir : < C'aplto am. 9SJ ! & I XPI-.ItlK.NCED DUEaSMAKKKVIS1IE3 I'M-wiocln famlllea. CutUos and atttntf. Uefcr- rnc a. Addre , P W7 Bee , II * " LOST , LO > T-IUTWKEX : IVTH AND HAHNEV AND Itell nero , cold locket and tbaln. In-art ahape. ItilllalaA. H. on back , out ; ruby , turtxjbiceiloniii CD late. Under | > lea e rvturo to tbo Crwbe and receive rtward. % si IT * LOST LAUVS COLD WATCH IIKTUHK TO 1618 Doufla. and reti-lve reward. MSU 1C HAIR DRE5SISQ. 1 WOl'LlI UK PLEASED TO HAVE M V OLD COS Itt'tuera at noli ba new call l Vn llrawn block > iu > May lin-Un , balrdr w > ln ( and mauirurt , rt-i-i'ntiy wlthscUaaell. u.iliucry , UVK W 333JOY ® Both the ineMipd and results \vlicn Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste , and nets pcnJly yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem efiectually , dispels cold ? , liend- nclies and fevers mid cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action nnd truly bpuefu-inl in its effects , prepared only from the mot healthy and agreeable substances , its intuiy excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. .Syrup of F'igs is for eale in 50c and SI bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not "accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. StK FlUKCISCO. CU LOUISVILLE. KY. KV \ YORK , fl.Y. "Improvement is the order of the age. " We e-t33 , in our most san cuine moments. t-uch an increase in sales as commenced on the first of Sep tember. The Smith Premier TypeWriter - Writer is having enormous tales which are wide and far reaching. These are the reports we uro receiving- from our many branch ofHces A TRIAL MEANS A SALE Send for a tloseriplivo catalog jo. THE SMiYH PREMIER TYPEWRITER SO. , I6091/ Fat Si. . , Omata , Xeb. E. H MAYHPW RRILWHYTIMBGHRD VllU'AOO BI7KUNI1TO.V Jt Omaha. I I > riiO lUn a ? l iln i Hi < .ij p ml & .JJ iv P.60 n mi 9.TJ 11.M p tipreii 4.23 p a p nil Iowa l/oril. . ] p m Iei > ve.j'UUULl.NUru | ! < & MO HlViiU ! Arrival umaae. . I Depot IQtU and Mason Stv | On-atta. . . IKinvcr VntloulB 4Uj p m 10. K. . a „ libodirnod Erjiress 4.03 p m 4.50 p in ifcnvar Crpress. . . . . . . n-J. ) mm 4. : p in Donrer Limited 'II ' Up m C < iO p m Hnsltncj Local . . . . . . . ' f.7 p m E.lj a ui.Lincoln | l.ocilKxceplson ( i . ! u.i : l.ravei ' K. ( J.ST J. It K. a. \-rive Omaha. I Oepot Uta anl U p5t o-giia. 1 > .ri'J a m . Kantas City ) > ay KipraHK { li'JU p .1 p m K. C. Nlk-ht Itrp via L' . I' . Tram ; C J am ji.15 pro . . . . . .M. Ixiulj lirnre ? . . . . ' , ' 10 am Coin ; CHICAGO 1L L * PACIKIC. Krtim Eatt. ITnlon lictrfit loth A Marcr sti. ' Eatt. a m Atlantic ttxpruii. i Kfi p m ttl ) p mi VeitlbuleEzpien. LID p m C.S5 p m' Nlctit Krpret ! . . . t.SJ a m Golnz'l CHICAGO. H. L A PACIFIC. N froa \Vtit. ' Union Depot iEth and Marcy 3U I Wei' l.-Jopm Denver LlmltoJ ( : u ti m b.SOani . .Kansas City ( Except " an day . ' 7.05 p m leaves I UNION PAC1K1C. I Arrival Omaha. IDnlon DepotlOtU itnd Marcy Bt , I Oamv 7/"i & ml Ueatrlce Ezpreti | fi.1'3 p m tiOum' ' Dinvir Ezpraif I 4.U3 p n tUprn ! Ov rlaadKly r. | 7.0J p m 4.1. p m Blnisp'cs 4 Slrm * i3 Kr ( r Sun. 12 3) p m ( .40 p tn . . ? . . . . Pacific Bzprwil. . . . . . . . 19 43 a m C.3J pjn . . . .Denver F t vivl . . . 4''I p m Leaves ICHICAUO. MIL. AtT. . PAUL'Arn.e ' Omanal 0 U. P. depot and Marsv gi I Om b 7.05 P u ] . . . TT. < ; ; hlcaeo Ic prir 'l".3 ' > a ra 11.m a in ' _ L. . . _ . . . lilckso Eipre . " ii.aj p m Leav a'f SIOL'A < 1TY A PAi Ir'ir. [ Arrives Omaha ! Depot. lOtb and Marcy sti I omihi 7.3U i. ml . Blouiitty Pansunirt" p ioj . st. Paul Eipren 1 1UU3 Leaves slol'Jt C1TV A Depot , l&th and WebuKr sli. C.UU p ml M I'aul . . n. \ M"U . , Arrival Dupot. ISth and Wctiiter Sti 9.00 a ro Kfc Sail Wyo Erp irit. Mon. ' 1.2J p iu i.UJ p nil . . . .Vurfolk ( Ux Sunday' ' . . . . lO.Ji a m B03 pin St. I'aul Ernraii . . ii5a m Lei vet jClliCAiio i NOKI'iivrtSTK UV / OmahaU. ! I * depot , luth and Marry Ma ! iKt. i' eazar. lt.y > p in 1040am . c'Dlca o Expreti . t.Oi p m ( .05 p in . Vratiuule Limited . V.'J v m 'la p m . Kai.flrn l-'lrwr . i p m t.40 p iuiKi. | &un l Chic Pan iBi Mjni- ! : . a. m XOKT1I W IM J'AitN i Arr.rai L nlon IHut | , i ounclltllu Hi. rl'ranifiir 11 JU ) u m' ' . . cblrajo Erpreti . I b 4J p m 4i5 I in ! . Vestibule Litolttid . i .CO a ra TJO t in . Eastern I'lyer _ _ MLouU Ctnon Bll . . llii p m Ix-nre. 7 U1U Aiu. li. 17 _ PACIr'lt ; . , Arr ri. Traa > f rl L'l.lon Depot.tXiuccll UluC' Tramfj- t.fiS p mt . . .Nlrhl Erprvtt . ' H.i'J a m ) O.W a uil . Atlantic ErproiL . I i.ii | > m 4.06 p m . Venlbula l.lmltnJ . I'J.M p m IxtbVM I 1C. C. , ST. JOIC _ C. K , Arrlv i Tia n tfvr i Union D poL Council liluga. [ Tranattr )0JU ) ( alu | . . . .IC uka c\ry lliy 10.14 p inKauaai | iitv N it lit I C.3J u m 10.15 pinl M. LouU Erpeai ! CJO am Ix-arei I rlOUX CITY i PACIflll [ Arrives Tianaferl tlalon Ilupot. ( Vjuncll Uluffi iTranafer 7. i a m-bl'-ui , City Accomniouailoii ic.uu p m t U p an . . . . . . .ftt. laul Kypnai. . . . . . . . . y.tlt m Iave iiilIUAGO"SiTir. > 4 WOI.N'JI Trauafer ) Union ilepot. Council Iliuff4 lo.ui uTi Chlcajro Ki'ireii T. . < "Lit p m 10 IS PIL Chluuco Eiproil . I f.JJ a m T.UJP m Mon Ixical . 110.40 a m Leavc-a j OMAHA * "oT fxIJla. Mrnve < OaiahatU. P. 'Jvpot. IQih cod Marcy Bta. | Om ha ini . l ouu ( anuoo Uali. Itii Ueavra I ( . , ; T. P. . it. & U. Arrlvei umabai IMipot. l h and Wfel'Her Sti I Oroab HU a m'.faicuz ' Cilf"Ac JmmjJatua i 'J.Ji p u Mi p m'cUauxUlty ' Kiprt i'Hi Aunl'y l ! 3 p m ( UJU p nil bl. I'kUl Ultima . . ( U. ia m p r.lUaocrofil'aioncer Br Sund r , S-ll m AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA How Smooth Swindlers Tispose of Worth less Land ? , ADDITIONS FAR FROM THE CITY LIMITS l.ot > ct Worth tuo Prlrr til Iranilerrlu ? 1 In in Sol l M I ancr l'rlcr A ! > lUninplei of 1'lirlr Modr ot Work. One of thocrealett swindle * of tbo ape is I tbu aupitiROf people into liutoliaslnp lots ia > three or four additions to tlie city , which | ootnpletuly worthless aud uol wortn I the cost of the transfer. There are live of tneso additions located about four miles southeast of South Omaha , anil uboul onouiilc north of llolirvuc. Tbe land platted is tbo old boil of the Missouri. Th.- soil is sand , and nearly one-half ot tbo time is under water. Tbcro is i. growth of busnes and underbrush ttial almost equals an African Junple. Thrso additions are kt.own as H. & M. pari , H. . .VM. . park addition , H. A : V. terrace , Woodluwn atid SunnytlJc. Ti o whole livn are H Mrindle aud lots In ibctn can bo bought irom tbo aqcnt nt from K > to f 10 each. Ollt'ii KspoM-tl In tlir l'rr . This swindle ha been exposed br the press tlmo alter time , atid yet the pulliblo re as numerous as ever. A stranccr arrlvca in the city a tow day ? uro " and nrrunpoa for a r Ble ol sooio of these "lots. He lecisicroi Bt l be Kef > d notpl as V. Brown of Cheyenne. Ho is thf possessor ot four of these luis aud anxious to pet rid of them. It costs ? 1 for R chance in the ruflle. nnd if you win you will It is \vonderful soap ihat takes hold quick and does no harm. No harm ! It leaves the skin soft like a baby's ; no alkali in it , nothing but soap. The harm is done by al- , kali. Still more harm is done by not washing. So , bad soap is better than none. What is bad soap ? Imper fectly made ; the fat and al kali not well balanced or not combined. What is good soap ? Pears' . All sorts of stores sell it , especially druggists ; all sorts of people use it. For Safe , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. , tj.4 ! Fariiuui Direct. Onntii Gloves when you are buyfnc ploves , for i driving or Etreet wear , remein- ' ber that Hutchlnson's ore the ] best for wear. The reputation bo I bns pained in the past 30 years for j making gloves Thai Never Rfp and that are stylish nndBcrvice- ] able. Is fcuch as is enjoyed by DO i otber rannnfarturer. Selected' ' Bkins only nre used. If yon -want ] to know more uliout gloves that ' are baudaomely made &i.d Fit Beautiful ] ] ? and your dealercannot supply you i tritb. II atcbinson's Gloves write to j him for bis Illustratedbnok nbout , Bloves. It will interest yon. Estab- < JOHN C. HUTCHir.'SON , - Johnttcmn , K. Y. DR. MILES' I IF TOU tf cos cf the followb ; NEW CURE II HEAUT SVMITuMS , roRTHt I * v * LOOK OUT I HEART. U a tafr and i clu- ble remedy fir Pal- Iiiuvcn of Heart , rait inbidt. Asth ma , Short Hicsth , FluttcntiE-Urtipsy. Oppression , wind in , ] rreg * u ar I'ulic. Ll.ok- mp Sensation IB Throat. Uneasy Sensation in Ch t , Smothering bpelli , Ureammg , Night. mare , &c Get Or. Miles' t > ook , 'New and itartliiiE 1 acti,1 FREE AT ALL DUUGGISTS DB. MILES HEDIOAI. CO.ElkhartInd. I' rsale by Kuhn & Ho Cor. . 15tli ana f > oulns SOTewS CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. If I r Srlicufk f treat Tiffnl and cure of ron H'tn t-rt' K'auctlnnu ' tj > w un l untnud dt > uM mi wliUt tin * [ * r vrjrfi ! ' llifju hurt" -rd u old Hk our randlhUif r , tui-aa * just witai u u , A SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION nud for all dl eat"a of tliu Lutiri No treatment In me world run olat * u mutiy iM-ruicoi-nt curet o' cuimuuiptuin toiti crt dtt * Or ix-h-ii > < > Ncthltiir ] U .Nature aeta au dlrecoy auJclTe 'tltely on thttuuv iiicmlirvnea nnJII-pn an4 > uci t y tm-twuei of tubercle * iMinirfalxiu intlatiimuli'iD. eod ) . MJU UI Dr. SchtincVs Pulmonic Syrup. When alia l e fallilt * comet t ihe rc rue N t u : til It Jftil" . ttndinlyalt rJ ithfui trial iU"iill uny one n-apond. It bat brou UIU uopeluat li > Illo and lu-alVh. It ba > luru 4 the d pair uf ten ! h uaiUd liomc-t Intojiiy in doinr It ii" II will oou'.lnfa totloltlbroucbi ut tbe urtllr. . oh'U * ' prcetlca Uiatl < bii fioiiituiitlon. ll'i-rnnl tomui-Ji ihn-uitii uiaile9frt < e to all kp"K'a.ntl. IT J H ht-ui'tc A. Mm , Phlladulphla , I'u "THE MORE YOU SAY THE LESS PEOPLE R . " ONE WORD WITH YOU SAPOLI bn the paatcanor of a niceo ot nrppcrty not worth luring the iaxp on. Tbu man llrown Is a TPFT omooth Ulkrr arid It tnl .reprc.pnUnp tvlicro tbe lot * sr _ loontcd and Utcdviue pronto into purrtiaJlnR ticket * . He tud'cs ' flrtt tbe charncVcr of tbn t > rrton and If ho considers him gulllbto wli ! lell ' almost any ator.r to ke ll M ticket. To bo represents the lou a * being on N street , to others on Twenty second street , and to roanv nj bring located near the B , Si M. tracks. Tbe lots arc located in 11. A M. park , and bo tnakoj thU point p rilcuinrljr clear , but inlsi.-ads tbo o to whom tie talks as lo thfl irue local I ou ot tbe addition. Mr. Brown is alio very careful us to who the person Is whom bo eeta to intirest. He works chiefly intone Ibo poorer poupip , and ntuoLp tbo young peep ! also nnd avoids n nia ti or woman of business Ideas , Helms Iniluced a larpo uumlicr of ioplo lo pur- fh& .o UCUPIS nnd If bis success cuMiuuei be wtl buvtverv probtably ridden himself of bis worthless prot > crty. He claims lo have paid * . > > for the four lots , but is bard pushed financially nnd is willing to make n crcat sacrifice Just nt present. I'JCMtflltrll H S lc. A Htr reporter wa standing near Brown nnd \ounc tnnn who ho was Irvine to In duce to purcna o n tirket In the ohlco of tuo Heed hotel. Tbo ncwspatirr uinn was In terested tn ibo scheme Mr. Urown ban for presenting lo feme pe on a flee piece of rmdpuco propertv.Vlicu Ihat ceutlcinau wn < heard lo av tbo lot * were In H & M. park , tbe repotler RticgeMcd ibat they nero worlhlovs. This Uroxvti dentoa , kayinp ifam lie paid f.VM lor tbetn. they were located on N street una were peed property. Ho grew verv nngrv at tbo repotlet's Inler- frreuce , and ignored tuo request to toll wbero Ins pror-orty Is located , atoultj maintaining that It was not foor tulles south of tnoi'ltv InloSurpy county. ' Tto real estate dealers o'l South Omaha say that the county clerk of Snrpy county \vllltiotrerora deeds of t hi * property , and consequently no tltlo can bo tc- curoa to tbe land. Hardly n week pa sesttistinouiry i¬ madurecardinc Ibis tiroperiv. Tho'o tnakitif ; the inqulrv nro generally innocent victims who bnvo ex- chanced pnod piot'ortv for lots In Ibo river auditions , or hold n 01 traces taken as recur- ity for a loan. Herduly a lady trotn Kear ney cnmo to look up brr propertv. Her hus band bad entered into u trade ulth a ccntlc- man mid und secured three of theno lot , each belnc valuoJ nt ( Mj. When tbo Udy as > rei'tRined where her property vas locuted Bho was verr much surprised ! und more so wten sbcn&cerlaiued Us valuo. Auutlier IU | - ol iho S\\linllrr. Another duce wa an accd lown centlo- mau , who had assisted In n financial way a supposed friend , and was Riven a tnortc r.e for fl.ii as tccunty. The mortrafre wa upon a. lot in B. A : M. terrace , i'ho olti Ren- tleamn tccurod u Ruide aud started out to look at tbe property. H0 lailod to locale it , nnd ( , aid at the time that to reach the place It would be necessary to KO in u boat. Ho oot'kelea bis experience und went back to Iowa , mm has net been heard from sinco. Tuese instances are but n few of tbo many bundled moro. Kach real cslnto dealer in tb city tia.3 ou file numerous loners und tole- prams of itquliy fn ru people who have been caucbt , and tbo city rhrk and treasurttr arc very often Lo.iered ny an inquirer after tb.s property. It would seem tbat people \voula soon profit by the experience ol others , and not bo forever easv prey for tbo smooth s-tvinaers ! ivbo are travdinc over the country realtzl'ic bauQMinely Irotn trades tnaflo anc loans secured upon IhU properly. \VIII liiirotf 1 > N I'liint. The South Omaha Heat , Light and Power ootapsny will Increase its capital stock ullbiu a few davs and Issue additional Block to the amount of fltJ.OOO. The present cap ital stock is SVJ.OOO and the udditionul Issue will be talieu by well known capitalists of Omaha. The company started a few years ntro with f 10,000 capital , which has b en increased from time to Umo as business bus demanded. The plant sow consists of tnroe larpe dyna mo * , two lane onelnes and tureo boilers. There are in use uoxi seventy-seven aud 1.70J incandescent lichtB in tbe city. Ths mauiu'ers Und that thu capacity of ibe plant is inadequate und % \nen the nexv istue of stock is disposed of improvements of an cx- tanaivo nature will bo made. It is expected that toe deal with the Omaha capitalists will bo closed very soon. Looking lor u liumixvuy U ifr. An old man named Parlidco from Platts- mouth was in the city yesterday looking for his wife , who is mucn younger in years. ParUJge is a ferryman at Plattsmoulh and is pretty well fixed , so far as thii world's poods co. Some time HBO bo mar ried a young pirl about 'JO year * old and Ireely showered his money upon ber. One day sba came to Omaca with ber husband's roll of money to mnke M.'inu purchases and forgot to return. She drilled to South Omaha and was lost sight of. Mr. Patridce wants h ir to return to his taroslao and no finds life a blank without her by DIM sido. He expresses thp preatest love lor bis way ward wife and hopes to discover her where abouts and inducei bor to return home. Selllni ; Mqunr Without a Lie-mini. John Swanson was arrested for selling liquor without a license , the complaint being tiled by Frank Dolczol. Stran- son runs a saloon on Tnentyfrib , street , south of K street , and is conduct ing the place upon u license Issued to one Dav , who was formerly located at Gi'rtuunia ball at Tweuty-fourih and J streets. The saloon was inovea without the permission of tbe council and tbo license was not transferred. Swauson will have his trial in Judge Fowler's court today. MHETIC lily 2solra. 1' . Ash of Louisville is visiting bis daugh ter , Mr _ . L. J. Ma-Held. William Stewart of Hasuncs was in tbo city yesterday ou business. Superintendent Butler of the Nebraska City siock yards , wus in the city yesterday. Tne Mumc Uity .luvcnilo baud will pivo its flrM betic-lit ball at Blum's hall Christmas bve. bve.Fred Fred Cocurcll baa returned frctu Kaiisai ( ity ana resumed work for the Union Stock Yards company. Sadie Hammond uas found In aivine room Moiiday ui bt andyesterday ; ufusrnoou Judpo Kowicr fined her ? ' . ' and co ts. inspector MaTUttld yesterdar issued ft per mit ID Lurry Noonan to erect u frame build- iig at Tbirty-ttnrd and Q streets tocoslf- . Tue infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Oeluuey dieu vesterday morning. Mrs * . Delauey is also very ill aud'in & critical con- onion. \Ynber Bmltti it , suspected of being tbo thief woo lee K tbe belU trom & car l > t > loug- inu to Ibo Metropolitan Strcot Hauway com pany , and is uuuer arrost. Democracy turned itself Joe e fast night , ana tor u li-v , ' minutes mudo liotua howl ut J'wputx-fourtn nnd N strolls , botcral hun dred then boarded the motor train una went tu Oraaba to ultotid the jollliicutioii. Tba cowooy urifKdo ot iho Union stock yards went ulong. baaidus many ot other political lailbs. IT Ih 'I 111 : Ili. T. Tliut K 11 li.v I III niniiiiieliil It. Cbatiiberlttin'B couch remedy gives tbe bett EBtisfactiO ! ) of uny c-ough medicine 1 handle , ana AS a teller luuds uil other preparations la his market. 1 reouuimajd ll boc-uso 1 ( u ho best tntfdicina I aver handled for cough * , lo.-dt uiiU croup. A.V. . UaldrlJpe , Millers- ville , JU. FOOTPADS AT WOKJI. Itou u \\i larfr or Turnty liollnrt Onn MIJJIK-t CllllSllt. Monday nlpbt John Mullen , wba lives at 1004 NorluTweotQrol str t , wa * stopped by two men and robbed of t'M In fa h. When he reported tbe mutter to the police Mullen care a good description ot tbe two men. Tuey tut ueur him in a cbpp bouse at supper time aud be suid luut' they wcra the uiou who robbed bun. Karly ytneraoy moinitijr tbe city sleuttu surtod on u btnl | for tbeio , For one ot tbe butpict * , Franu Hlmetiaupb , tbey aid uo * , have to fo fur. Uotective Vizard ducov * etud him kitting iu a front teat iu Ihe pollcu oourt room und started for ht § man. Four other aui cUra xvho were hanglni ; bbout the lail fulloxvod. and u provoked coarldera. . ble lauRbU'r ivheu the five armed men ur * loundtxi ihe slnglo tutpecl and took him below. Vour grocer k ept Cudaby'i H x Brand Fluid Bief , Jor be cau'l afford to keep first class susar and second uUi * food proaucu.