THE OMAHA DAJLLI BEE : \VEONS&DVY. NOVEMBER 16. 1S92. WENT CALMLY TO HIS DEATH Jfoala His Fate on 1 ow , Withont a Quiver. LA3T DAYS THE HAPPIEST QF HIS LIFE * i HHrll in Hln 1'rnerrillni * t Mm Halt I'l-lMin nnil thn Uoiljr' ' ! J'ur- ilrrnr Iiitrrrnil Onili-rtlm Vlnf tonfi In Quick Lime. i. a Nov. IB. Thomas Jfalll , all" ( ream , no murderer of Maltiun Clover and * ovornl JUKT unfortunnto alrl , p id Uio penalty if a.srimes nt 0 o'dook this mora. loir. 1. jt.v.tnstandlng orders UiatMiocxe- | i cr..a JH private repnssonta- ti.o jf 'bu Associated Press was ltd mUc'l Neil ! spent a resUess I nu-ht nud tais inornlnif paldllUlu heed to the I minlatral..n9 if the ohnolaln. dancman | Buling'jn entered the cell a few minutes bo- forfl J and with assistants fastened s loathur UK | ' ar-.inJ 'Ho condemned man's waist , blraps iron : tills sflcurslv pinioned tin arms a * juuuows ana \vmts. Neill submitted qatuti without altering .1 ward. The proeess.on to the gallows was then formed , mailed by Uio cttlcf warden , fol- lowca j.v ' ' 10 chaplain resiling the burial or.o. Noill oamo next , wtltt i varden on either stdu. flo waiued analv. though a donthlv pnllor overspread his fnca which , hanover , "showed nu other sisns at oinotion. Thu hnnuman brouirtit un the roar. Arrived ut 'ho inaffo.d. the wttito cap was pn led Jown over tii avea and Billlntrton guidrd him an 'tin trap Joor. uenukin n ums beam from which tan rona danslod. Thu hanimttu s issistant Uinn nlniunud Neill's leis and 'hu nnoio was idlusu-d around thu HOCK. Thu executioner stepped tjuclc , pressed a iBVor and NVill lull I'vu teet into a uiU Tticro vvero conuisivu iwilctut gs of tno musclus tor a fuw seconds and thun the body hunif motionless. Doatti was ovldonUy in- alanlanfoila nuil on.inlu'9. Naill > vu rcmarltabl'cnlm and srlf- DO M' * ed I'ist Orforo thn can was draxvn down hu tiianltnd thu nnson otllciiils for uielr liiimnuss. tlu oecrarii r > 'MJtncd to his fate. Ho toldUm , .drrsnenil tiint thn lojt two lays had been .10 airoest. perhuu * the happiest of Ills > lfc. tfu leclinud to tuttu stiraiuanU to su tain * nm m the Unul onlual. Blilinc- ton sars ac acted romaritaoiy coni and placed hlnrscif jn thu trap xvitaout direction. Thu bL.l' ' was irit down alter aanijini ; an hour jnd a cast of tbo head taken I1i5 uorouor's ury viewed the bony ind returnta n verdict in .iccorannce with the "act. " Pnn rcmnliin ro placeu m nrcfllu iv"U { uiuttliinc and bunod under thu flnunicvps i tnu prison corndor where hava been oi.ncil thu ruinamsof aloiijllnuofuotud ( criminals. HlBtiirr nf I" " CHini > . Amcr can rondi'rs mav , nerhapv bnvo for- gntion tao nnncinai incidents In the fresof romar .ab u oriines of which Thomas Noill is nccuioil. A resume of thu events thut led to his arrest ind trim on thu charso of wilful murder Is. 'henjforo , Rtvnn. On the r.iRht of A.nnl 11 , last.-two eirls named A.lcn Mursh and Emma hhnvell. aced , respi-ctjvoly , JI and lij vtmn. received a man In 'tu-ir npnrtments at 115 bu Hanford strott. Lainoeth. This man remained with tno ulrts until 2 o'cloclr ni'xt moraine. Shortly after hu ioft the house the two girls I worn found In acony on the door oy the ! landlady of 'ho nremlses. Mrs. Vot'tit. Tau Rirln bclonuod to inn unforiunatu class , and I an olJicer was nolilled and thny wore removed - | moved to St. TJjomus' hospital. Tna MarsQ I fftrl died on the way to thu hoipital anil the | Shrtvell ijirl died three hours after shu was I admitted. I It wab thought at flrst that tno cirls hud I burn Duisoneil oy canned saimon , of whirh I they had nar'aKun. but it was subseiiuoiittv I teamed ttiat they had oeen poisoned with I strycnnini' . On axairinlnfrtho rooms ort-u- I pied by lUo cirls n letter wai found , dated I April in. accepting nu Invitat'.or : to tuUn tea I with them next niuht. This letter was I aignod Georse Clifton , but it afterwards I transpired thut thu wnter was unown to f the sltia as Fred. No trace of thu author of [ the lottcr could bo found , ana for a umu the case was referred to ab the { .ainbeta mya . tery , " Whun the matter of the dnath of tho'wo Cirls came before tnu coronur Inr mvissuca- tlon that official receirod a lutter. which proved xo have been in thu nnndwniui ; of a i iromun named SatabaUniu whom Nuill wna at t onu Umu encaijed to murry. hi this lettur I thn wnter suul shu was m u position la < ivo \ valuable mfortnntion , whirh would show I that thu two 2iris had been poisoned by I jouns man nameil tlaroer. I rrlfil III * Hiiitil at Ittnrkmnll. I TQo Jotter was nlaced In tim hands of the I DolIcD , und from irquines that wcro lusti I tuted. they discovered that uhuui. thu sumo I Ume the coroner had received the letter. Dr. I Hnrpur of Bnmstanlo had also received a I letter , admitted to hava been sent bv Nuill I in whicn ho demanded the sum of S1..VW , ani I intlinatlni ; that , unlesn thu sum was paid the I -vvrltor would niva Information showing tba f tr. Harper's § on had poisoned thu iris. f YOUIIK Harner was at taat tiran a student .it tjt. Thomas' bospital nnd lodged m the snma [ house In Lambeth xvlth Mutll. On tbu cr.Dirn of attempted olac miul. preferred forrod acaliibt. him bv Dr. Hai per. Nelll was L arrebtcd. Cor. iucralilu intertnt wag loam [ tested in tbu case and it was increased when I a nowspnner nuhlisnoJ a story to tnu eiluc [ that a rirl named Matilda Clover had died m I Octoner , I1- " ! , under almost taesamucircum | tauces ns attended tbu deaths of thu Marsh I and btmvoll girls. It was sunuo&ud at ill I Umo uf thu Clover piri'i death that shu uui I cammitlL'd suicide. The bauy was exhumed [ and in analysis of the viscam rcvealud tnu } prcteiu-a of strvrtiuino. I Iho peculiar manner of thn cip-uh of tbcso [ thrre Kir'a ' called attention to thu fact , tha | another ctr ) . nnmud Elton Dcnworth , bin L died under saapicuiuB circumstances , uni [ further InvistlKaUon by the oollco rovenled I tbat Dr Hurper wan not the only person I Nuill had rieu to blackmail. It was iuarnoi I thut hu bad written letters to Dr. Uroadbeut I a well known Landnn practitioner , to Hon E W P , D. 'ainitb , son of thi < late Rt. Hon. W t H. Smith , and tn Cnuntuss Uussnll I who , duriuK tba ' .nal of ha r I null fnr a judicial separatlni > i from her husband. Earl Rustitll , in Decemtiur , 1K9I , bad recrivcil t letter , alleged ui ouvn been written by Xelll , nccilMiii ; thu eari of uavliiu noUonud thu Clovur sirl. Iu I thu letter to Dr. Bmadbunt the pnv&irinu vrai also accused of pouoniuif her. > vhilo iiii Smith , tu thu letter h received , wac accusud of ndminibterinu strychnine Ui tha Denwonh eirl. It itiouhl ba nnrnu In mind that at > hu H Umu thisju lettorA were sent no ouuaiispeutL-U thul eilhur the Clnrur or Denworth sirla bad bcDii pcisonoU , md that thU fact , and thu fact : I that an nuil uttcmntnl tn blui-kinail olhurs , wora an I v earned suuscquent to tbu arrest uf Noill for atlumoliui ; to blacKmail Dr. linrp r. H Illu L.llntiul Ant < * rrtlfnlH. 'Die Dollre. linforo this , liad awakened to thu fuut that Nuill w&s a mast important prisoner , and it ulosa invQsUL'Hiiou was mudu of bis pror llfu and autecudents. Tatty found Mint Xi'ill was an American , and ho apnears tn ave beau ut ono tlmo.-a studuut at tbu st Dioinaa hospital. Ho oilmu to Hnglnnd , n S plumber of la t ynar , and utumiurlv > ooK uiiartmunU In thu Laialiuili nalaca road , ivhich ha occupied from StiutcmlKr | . to January , ISUi Ho thun -wont awa- , intimating that hu was oinir back to Amenca. SuUsfqtitiitly hu re turned ft aud remained n Locdon at Ihu ume lodg * Intra until bis nrroit. When talten into custodw Xuill Uad on hia person a nutcbcrof pills and capsules and a quantity of. nus vomica. Ai thu preliminary biuiriQ in UIB Bniv street police court , a ( rirl , bcionciac to itiu sama "lass as thuia who bud beun poianntvi , uavn dumacinc evi > dnnra n to bu eivinu her some wnitu povv- iier in a cat ult % which hu aaui WAS for her complexion. This woraun , . I imtsa Hurvuv , was huspii-iout of Naill and bi > aUeijuti medi > oinu unit threw thu capiulua atrar weun bu did not toe hor. Hu thoucht stio bud taUon taein and that nlcin bu told au aiiiiuinuuca Uiat Lou hod died suddenly wbilu roiurninj ; to tier rcilucnun m a cub , eviduutir thinking * ua had Ulod in tbu oati iu which hu had placed Uf r when thu loft him. Kaill , tliouch ha was Uescnbed as au Ainuncau , which ik , in En Und , hkld ta Ua aynunymuusvuli u nauvn uf me Unitud Htatca , l * rea'.lv a I'auauian. Tnuro u a. Caledonian and American stou ta bu earner , wliich pluces him in an unuuviuuloUnht Uut of a II uertiua * ud parforraer of criminal op rat.ini 3n troman. In thn oonrto it his I Ilfflbehnd bran in 0(010 ( contnot with tu ' jt various clUes in the united ud t * und > . I lilt rmmnxl Pmotlcftt t i Dortor. to Canada Xeilt , oru no TTM known them. Dr. Thomas Cream , had an nnetivlB- Ma roDUtntlon. He stadled medlotno at M - OUl ooilosjo , Montranl. and wns graduated in lam Ho UHIK < jp practice at ICiusston. Ont , nnd bad been there only .1 ihort tlmo Defers he was * up cted of iltesal pmuttees. Tao body of a vaunt : woman was round in . \ shed bncK of NelllS office , and a post mortem ex- .inrtnnilon showed that < tto bad died from thu etfecta of : i oritninal cirarntion. Tnmicli the peonla worn mortally certain that Selll had performed the operation , there xvns not lnal avidonca enough to warrant his arroit. Public opinion , nawnvor , forced him ta Inava Kingston , and hu wont ta Hamilton , Ont. Hu was thofl" afterwards arrosU-d on a chunra of rfiilim ; a woman ay performing au abortion , but thu ohnrso could not be proved against him. Acaln hu uhanifeil bts ratidfnoe , this tima ( foins la Chicaco. This was about IS'i. Hu bad only oeea m Mint city a short ilmu when I ba uasurrosted on tha chnrzo of eausinit .1 woman t lent a bv malpractice. This an ins wns proved nuninst him and ho wus sen * tpnoetl 'o irapn. < onmont for life. Hu orvoa thirtnfan vaam uf this scntunca lud was men ralakt d on account of ill health. Meuntimu his father dtpn , leavluir htm $10.0(10. ( imt bu went to rCiiifluud soon after nis K len,94j K was < mtd 'bat while Nelll was in Ontario hu j will forct-il to marrv n am bu hod wraniod. i Ho vtaot 'ooscapo marnaio oy flicht. out relative ) * < jf itiu ifiri onucnt him , us ; as hu wut boarrtini ; a tram and Uu was inarcaod to thu altar at Uiu noiut of , i pistol. On October 1" Xeill wa brousht up for trial it ihu Old Knilov Justiuu HnwUlns ptmHlml. fhe attorney sanural , Sir Charles Web tpr. and Hon. Burnurd Coleridco and Mr. Mill appeared for thn treasury , and Mr. Gopstian and Mr. Waruur'xiii raprosuntcd Mr. Walton was solicitor for thu ac- CUSIHl. The oourt room was Crowded during thu Hvu days of the trial. Evidence was suo- mitteil nrovlutr all thu charses inadu against him. fho case airainst A'eill. thouch waoilv elrcunmanunl , was nerfecr. Tuudufeuiu aid not call u Ainulu witness , which , in a cani'al case , was regarded as pecullur. Nuill'v coun cil relied upon assailing tnu testimony of thu witnesses ior thu prosecution , who had sworn tn "teill's beinc thu man who had boon suen in tliu company of tnu murdered irls. claiming that it was a case of misuiKcu Identitv. Tlio ovidencn tout do wa thipoisoner , liowuver. wasox-or- wnilmmir and when ihu i'.a.o ; was jjivon to ttio .ury ttoy were out only Hvo minutes. MilltPiiuril til DiMtll. When ttiov aunouncsd their verdict of Ciiiiltv , " Justica Htiwitms at once sentenced tau prisoner to uuuth. tu passins sentunco bu suid "Tan jury , alter bavlni : listened with thu most patient attention to ttiu evi dence tliat has lieea olTercd m this raoit terribiu crime , and huviuir paid attention to thu isr t able and elotjueut sneecbps ad- dressmi lo ibem on your oebnlf. bavu felt it thi" tioinuiun dutv to flnd you gmltv ofvil - fu. murder a murder * o dinuonctl : n character , fraucht wita ro mucn cold-olooiled oneity. thut onu does burdlv trust one's self to di4crihu its dutail.i. 1 do not know wnat inducs'l vou to taho life. with so much torture to the poor creatures , who could not have attended you. 1 da not iinow what motives actuated you , but I do Itnnw tbat the cnmu is , to my mind , of unparalleled atrocity. For this crime , of which vou li'ivu been guilty , our laws iinow but oue nennity tbu pcnaltv of deith. That luntunce [ now onmouncc upon you accord ing to my duty. I would idd onu word that routioiild , dunntrthe short time of lifu " reinaining to you. romomoer that wht-n you descend the steps from where vou ara now standing , th'j world will be no mora for you seek vour pence with Almighty God. Pray Him to oardon you for your great sin. Ho alone can pardon. "The cnme. I hava said , can only bn expi ated bv vourdcatti. I proceed ta pass the sentence of tbe law. and thataontence ia that you be taken Irani Qoncu to the place from whunce van carai' , and thenca ta a lawful place of execution and thuro bo nanucS by your nerlc until van are dead , ami thut wnen ynn uro dead your bony will oe buried within tbu precincts of the pl&ca of execution. "May thu Lard havu mercy on your soul. ' ' added ho devoutly , and ibo chaniam anil others in thecotirt room exclaimed. "Amen. " r t'lll never faltered. He listened intently to what tbo judge said , but the solemnity of ibu occasion did not outwardly affect aim. Thu lailurs touched him on thu shoulder , ana bo quicUiy turned and wont away wita them below , from tbo pufuic irnza lomver. After Neill was sentenced , .in eilort was maun to save him. it being declamd that hu was inaaiiu. But tbu attemnt availed noth- Inc. Inc.Tho The jurors who convicted Xoill were cr eased for six years from further jury duty. No Bowery rhetoric can tell the merit of Hoou's barsapanllu as well as the cures accomplished bv this excellent inudlcme. ir Arnhltocfi Toruniii W tl'u Will Each day furnishes the couniy authorities wilh additional uvjuenca touching thu rascal ity of Sidney Smith , who i ? now confined in thu county jail. When Smith returned from his trip to Canada forgery was tbu only cnargo that was preferred against mm , aut now there are others , and if no escapes conviction on tnu informations already filed be will have to face lac onurt again ana answfr to a war rant which .vul charge him. wita having al- tocotluir too many wives. In slr.pnini : to Canada bu loft ono wife in this citj As soon as ho crossed the line hu rainornberno the injunction that it was not seed foi man to be alone and at once nra- ceedeu lo take another wife to his bobom. During tliii month of Juni * . under tnu namu of H. J. Thomas , in the uity of Toronto , bu led .1 Miss Pnuuix ta thu altar , : bera and yien promising hu would love , chun&u and protect her until death did mum part. Suojequent JiivcicuHnents bavu proven to this Cauudlan lady mat marnuga is a aumnl tailura aim shu nas ducided to prn > ocute Mr. Smith ta the full extent of the law. V I'otir Niiinu iflrm. When ou tind a four namu tirm you are pretty sure of an institution representing cotiiidorauiu msponsiliilli.y. Thu hrai of Hois , Hams , Qnm & MfLalnn 'ar Dawson , Uwirgia , Is not an exception. It i , in fact , ono of tbu most subsiautial business bouses in Turroll county. Thu following is an ex tract from a recent letter from 'hem. "Our customers say that Chamueriutn Medicine Cn. of DOS Molnes , Iowa , manufacture tnrea of tbu best medicines on ear'b. vsr. . Cham- oerlatn's colic , cholera and dlurruiua rem- udy , for bowel complaints ; Chainuermm's * cnugn remedr , for colds , croun anu whonn- ing cougn , and Chamberlain s pain o&tm for rneumutiMn. " i cent botttai of eacn of medicines for salu by "Ulil MiirtaiUj-'n" Hlv.kl. "What's your occupation' " as tied JudRO Boriia nf u milk and water biondo voun roan who stood befora bis honor au the cburea of vagrancy. toratiiiono ! , , " replied tbu pm- oner Then the judge miiuired what prsparattons be used ta romava tUa weathur stamb from tbo boadstones of thn dead , but tbo young man didn't Unoxv , Ho w.ii slvnn twenty dnys , vitli Jailor Qunnut and will assist in the daily cleaning of thu hours of tbu oouni.y jail with nothing out oruiu and water ta till the aching void in bis stomach. . , April 10 , 18'JI. Dr. J. B Moore , Dear Sir My wlfa has used auoutsix boliltis of your Tree of Life aud tnmka that aho hai receivou greater banunt from it than any medicine sne has aver uiUon. Yours truly , L. H. Dtri-Kis , ( Jea'l Agent and 1'reaa. Wust CalCio. | Sluuu recHu'iug the aoovo tusumocial , I am in receipt of a loiter and cnocu from ihellov. L. H. Lufttm of Talsdo , Iowa , April .ii to aund Ilov J. W. ICmiworth. Crestline. Kaa- aas. six noltles of Moore's Tree of LI ( P. For sale or Fell from u xtairulit. A workman engaged on a building 'an Dodge btrsut , aiiioiuing tbo American Na tional baalr. foil from a scaffold at j o'uloak yestcrdaxJftarnoon , but was uol sonuusty injured. Hu resumud wore after a short rait. An banast pill Is tnu aoolust wars of tna apstbecary. Do Witt's Lutlu Early IUsa euro couitlpaliou , tralouiUiu * aud iickhead- uuaa. WILLIAMmAR \ \ \ ARRESTED I Linooln Poiioe Meet vitfe an Offender jf fcnu 5teri'ety. HE WAS EASILY LOCATED AT YORK .Vftur Ec.iplni ; ti Lone Trnu In MIB Penlten- tlwrr r HHiiiilim A TOf iriiri Tmi nirl * tin til-wine * ' Tlili-C Neb. . Jfov. 18 , | Sfolal | to THM BBK.J WHIIatn Wl ogar is acaln behind the bnr at the citv Jail. It will bo romeoitreroJ that Willy oe- oapicd .1 considerable part of the pnbllc's attention last spring by his ascap adu In running away tvltto a man s wagon and bis two daughters , toeother with an- othur vouog ladr. Hu was caiiHiriHl near Crete and tried upon tba oharso ot enticing the jrirts into a Ufa of shnrae. His trial was had at tlio Mine , but no ouatied thu moro Moriom chiirgo and Ta rewarded bv having n full piiro piruire if himself und his-threo i proteges in 'ho leading orsnn of plnlc lltnra- tnoloft thn , t-ureof the countrr Bu t-no-- city but neglected to raturn watch helonirtnir to i Thomas M'-Nnmnra , wbicb ho had borrowed from toe Inltei'-t room. Detective Pound has IIPBII Ue-nmg .1 aood eys to the wind- > wnrJ for Wmucar and tao otnur dav ha was located at Yorlc. Us Is now awaiting trial on thu cniiiQ of larceny Frtiin UIB I'nllen Court. A rail road man civing his nnmo as John . f Moore * was sentenced to Ui cnunty jml for thirty davs 'ais morning for stealing au overcoat from i duminv in front of a local clothing store in thi > city. b. Araco. an Italian fniir vender was lined il ind costs for chasing a counlu of aoys down i dar alley with a revolver. Harrv Page , an old timer wa sent up for flftuen davs for constttulinnal drunkenness. Genrso Bradsbaw. thu vouug leltow .ir- rcstod for Mealing n watch train tau ren- denco of H. E. Howard , was this tnornlug JTi' ) and costs and sent to thu county jail in default of pavmunt. FranK Biidcnicf was lined II ana casts for his assault on A. .1. Tyler last Smurduv Hiucasu of John BurKoforassaulUng Dirk Wright nas conunuod until Decuinber 1.1 \Vantn . ttocelvcr VppiitntiMl. The ditHcultv betwe n Honrv Oliver and his oralhor-m-ia-.v. .f. F. Lansinir , who are thu joint owners ot the new Lansmu theater , will be settled ono way or the ether in tbo near future. Mr. Oliver nas Uled uolica u : diMnct court that hu rcill on next baturday apnlv for theanpomtmentnf . M. fthipman as receiver 01 ihu tanater. Ho arUrms that Lansing refuses the sum of Ji K ) for rcatals . I'weivoddunng thu month of santember and $500 from tan laroo ourco in October. Ho also aslcs for thu apiiamtinunt of trustees ta divide thu monthly proceeiit from thu rentals in order thut ho may rect > ivo his share , llfiril in Lliicnlu Court Itoniut. The distnct court hsis given J. H. McS.ur- try until next baturaay tn thmlc up aoma good and sufllcient reason why ue inould not be ordered to nav ilammauar bwisber yiufl. R. D. Muir Udav anolied for u tamporarv injunction rcstrainiuir Charles Lowith from iiitononng witn his onntrol of tnu block on the coraisr of fiftconi.ii and O streots. Muir purcaased tbu tuock last August , paying Lowitn JSTi.UOU for 'tiu uracertv. E. R. itandall and C. W Pearce worn today appointed appraburs in tnu condumna- tton proceedings against the Kendall & Smith dum In Lhu northeastern pan of thu city. It is believed tant the removal of this dam wilt in a larro measure prevent thu an nual spring tloods along thu Salt creet val- lev. lev.Tbu Tbu case of Fullington airainst ox-Chiof of Pohco Dinuos : -ocaver the valuu of gam bling tools dostrovocl after tha famous Ivy Leaf raid was today sut fur heanag ( or ac xt. Friday. Cii klp nt iliu State Hdii < > . The Nobrasna State Poultrv association wab incorporated by artiuius nlsd wita tbu secretary of state uiis aftoraoon. Thu CZKC of ttie Norfolk National bank against P. Sclnvenko & Co. was nlcd m tao sunreir.e court tins jfte-Tiaon. Louis Ehriick. wno was convicted of as sault on a 14-rear-oid inn m Seward county and sentenced 'n .Ivoyear ' imonsonmont in tno state penitentiary , aas app-altd ois oasn to the aunreme cnurt upon the irrounds that the conviction was not based upon sufficient evidence and mat thu lower court erred in manv of its rulmgs. Steward A. S. Campbell of the state in- lanu ato'liira at EaM'ngs was a caller at the tale bouau tnis morning. Editor M. A Bi-own of the Kcarnev Hub was a siato nousu ca.ler this afternoon. Pnvato Secrotarv Mornssuy wont to Omalia this afternoon. Secretary Dilworth of the State Board of Transportation went to Hastings this after noon to return tomorrow. 3uprmnn Court 1'rticcmllncs. The aupmmK rourt assembled again this morning pursuant * o its adjournment of hut rbursoay. Tao cato of Duggan acainst Hunsen wnn coutmuiHl. Tha follouing causts wcro anrut'd and submittad Entrle- oert agniusl Tiavdll. Parsons against Buc- cocit ; Bnllaru airamst Thumpson. Gun jercna nnd Ruouer Manufacturing com- lauy against Vulagu of Opallala. Tau court hen ndjourtiod until lotrorrow , when cases 'rom the Fouitoentn dtunct will ba called , comprising the counties of Gosper Futuas , ? rontier , Kcd Wil'ow. ' Haves. Hitchcock , and Uundr , will bu culled. Constipation cured by Da Witt's Earlv Risers. ON : * i'vicK KXCIIKMUX T < i tliu City nf IIIVIITII nint Upturn. For thu ineuuni ? of tiio Amoricnn Public Hunlth Aociiition and Intormt- tioiial Medicil ( JunirresH , to ba held in the City of Mexico November 29 to Da- uombui' i , Ihi ) , thu aunta Fi route will loll tickets at otiu lowest llrst-i'liias fnro [ or tlio round trip. ThiH ia an excullunt opportunity to visit Mexico , onu of the most delightful trips Unnu'tmiblu. at vry little A sptM-ial uarty will luavo Omivhii Saturday. N'uvomlrar 111. and join u p.ircv from Boston and other at Ivtn : i8 City. The faro for tna round trip from Omaha ib only * < U.1)0. ) For furthuf uifortnation and roserya tion of PuCmun acuominodatioiia oal ! on or address , E. L. P.U.M1 ! ! ! , SmUi : Fa Route , 1S10 Fanmtn St. . Omiha : , Nob. In Search Of Health ? Ton trill find ai EzceUtor Spnn ? ; , Mo , one of the nioft channin : ; , all-ycar-ronnj resort ItutcU lu Antnco , THE ELMS. Cipitltjan 3HMU ; eaUiuc munrpigsni. A perfect hotel and complete mm'a- nom. Saperb bathing estiullttarai with trained attendant * . Surrounding pic tun-wine , location htalltiy bolatol7 frra from Maluia. Tba famoiu umic wattrs frro to sncstt. All coftrgct modrraU ! . For illiutrattii pimpulvt and partiralira aU- UJTtj frrrlttur Spnngt Company , Excelsior Springs pkut. Missouri Ricliardsoa Drusj Co. , Agents , Oraalia , Xcb All disorder ? > f flic Tina : , mil Lnncs la Ajrer'a Cherry PectoraL It haa ao i'ia w i ouglwurc. Bronchitis "When I was i b < iy. I had i bronchial trouble of such a pprsiMont ami stub- bora chnrocter , timtf tlio duclor pro- nonnrwl it inrnrable with ordinary rpmpdles , but mtnh&entled me ta try Aycr's Cherry Pectoral , t did 10 , anil one bottle cnmi mp For thu last llftoen years , I liaya ns d this preparation with Utiod "ifect wlii'm-v r I tnhe i b d cold , mil T know ot numlx > rs of penplt * who kerp it in tlu > litiitm' all tlm time , not considprine it snfn tn be without it. ' J. C. WomlMti , P M. . Forest Uill.W Vo. "For mure Uinn twentr.flvo ras a iiiirerer from Itini ; trnublu. at- trndfd with conqhini ; so 'K-vi-ro ' at times .is to i-anso hi'tnorrhB n , tliu pnrosvsma { n'iii'iitlv | lastins three or four houn. I wan induced to try Arer's Cliprrv Pec. toral. ind aftpr tnkini ; four buttjps. was ihimmqhlvtired. . " -Frana Hotfinau. Clay t'eiitre , Kans. La Crippe "Last pm ; ; I wns taken down with la jr1ipf. | At tjtni'S I was completely pro < tmtl , and m ditfitiilt wnj my lin-atliini : that my breast st-eium ! as if conllnud in nn iron caic. t procured a bnttlu of AyorN Cliurrv Pectoral , and no sooner bad I bt > .iii tahiu it than relief follnwud. I could not beliuvo tbat tbi > uiTect would 1m * o rapid and the euro so coniplutn. ' W H. Williams , Cook Citv , S. Dais. AVER'S I'n n\rpd tiy Dr V C \ cr-S' " r.ovroll. Mam. HoiJ ly nl DruEcini * f'-tr $ ' * ix * oitiC5 , $5. Prompt to act , suretocure FOB FAT FOLKS. Dr. 3di = on'a FAMOUS PILLS AND EASTDSandOBE nTT FRUIT SALT reduce your wo cht w.thou' dieting" curaa She causes ot' 5besity , such as dyspecsio. rboum usin , nenrcuB- naaacatarrh.kidiioy trouble- ; keeps yau ho-ilthy , and baautld-'a tit" cora- plexisn. Cmr.uio BiiAiio nr THADE. I . - gain vrntu ynu TOay I huve lost 13 pounds , makingiximidfi Ui t In Iu weeUs br usltu * Doltli" . of Dr. Edison's Obesity I'llla and wwiriiii his Obmlty rfiid. Very truly yours. CHAHI.ES Q. Kisa. Prof. O , E. Cliicnge Cnlersity. . > vr tes to the Cbicncii Hi'rnltf. sept. IIbJJ : ' 'orpiilent mi-n shunld * nay idine attention to rcducui : their TrciutVlnin i man Is troubled with rtieuiuaiibiu. dyspunsia. uldnuy troulilo or in" rod-siiOi * the rtMliii-Ing of weight is lowi-r. iini'l tni-onoslty ( "IN tutvp cured thu iltseiso thai. c.iii d : nDp-sli v 1 lie pills - > ofUMi and tieatitlfy the xiv if tuu fui'u. I inn utlitiiirty too a nMi n point Cndor iiv , td\ico Mr Vrmiinr .KHI in EillMm Ubesltv Hand tnd . niirl % , t I' us urn ust JD pounds u 'i wi-ei.a i'i < et's iau'loun equally Ll ur ' 1 A. - ITT fJcvi'n JP ' utt r ( lamlln. wrltca to 'uu ' jrreii. . oauuLM iJi'ourtnicnt ii" tim No\r Y ii -uuil iv Wor'd riirc - % iir I IT Kliml > puuntlo. but iftur ubinc Dr Edison - pupu n il.i-iity Pills .ind ? alti I rodncfMt tu li ) jnuiutt mil uubily Ui'ei ) .it thin iJ < 'iint. 1.71. . rr now : r.ncli utliur corrB-iMiiuiunts of your Tiiiiiamo pnptrsvoro bcnclluoil ami trtihod to slvotliu Di. n trent- mont i tna ! . Dr. Edison a Obesity Fruit anil is the best nnil simplest remedy for refrulatmij- the action of the liver that has tifsn ilia- uoverud. Thu printed formula on thu laliol of thu FrmtSulls sliow.- their \ aluo to btilTarvrs Irom exceasivu fat or 'lush. Band monsuro at N"s. 1 , 2. : ; Pruo SioO to . ! ( ! ini'hos , and 10 cents < xtr.i for each additiunnl im-li. Pilla M.r 0 a botilu , or three IjottU"- for Ji.OO , enontrli for one treatment. Obesity Fruit Suit l.OU ner buttle. You can buy the Pills , Hands and salt direct from our ator , or by 111:11' ' or os- and j'oo < is forwar ded iu plain , sealed pncUatre. NOTICE. Dr. Edison's Electric Belts and Finder RSnirs are old nt our htores. Send for our speuuil Elootrie Belt Circu lar , ealed. Electric Quite il.OO and up. Inpoles 50 cents per ptilr. For Sale by Urutjrrists. Wbole = ale druiffriatsof Xo\v York < rity who carry our jjonds in atoclc : Charie- . Crittonton t Co. , Mcivjsson A ; Rohhinfa. \V. H. Sehiutfehn .t Co. And oilier leaning hotibon. L.ORING & CO. , Piopriotors and Gon'l Afjents , 42 F Woat ± Ind St. , New York City U ) F Hamilton Plne , Boston. Maaa. J4 P Eut WaahiutfLtiii .it. , Ciuc ci III. Cut thia out and ke p it. and Mind for our full ( oitfht column ) article on Ohi Uy. THE -LADIES' PERFECT" . " i HINGE. TJioOui 1'crfo" Vosinal nnn dtviuj / niijo iu tlia Ala * i y oruun ' * IMII i ajimnli * nti mlkintf tiiM ' 1 ' H'lllU IT ! and 4'iu ' 11 su iti o IM > U.ji'rrtuu lUMKKim or "WT U HHHIl HI'Ln \N i H tun 111 illicit allllU * Price S3.0O. Mail odtraM > ilciu < L TheAIoe&PejnoIdCo. ISth Street , NKXTTO rOaTOKKl OK. artxl at low NEBRASKA National Bank. IT , s. EEEoarroaY - - OMAHA , Surplus . J. . . O ctrsila5nirr or Ilnorr W ratsi , pr H. C. Cuitilnt. Tte omilclanu < t. ( UuuiM W V ilur , Juum. Colllm J..f. IL I'mnex. l. VA Hani , cublar. THE. IRON B.A.NK. DON'TMISS IT ! i" ion f jf j jnr PJ one * i anil Membranous Cronp n < * hh rhim > l if ymtr Inunrs. Th m 's i siiroow ifmMlcino ! T" PIIE- VKXT enntneldii nf thorn , ind them ' § lisa a iirrtirtne for The Cure of Them whi-n they barn not run m-yonrt inman rnnoh. \Vrtt to DH. C. SIGEl , In Crete , M , If In nwsl f my tr-ntn rnt , ind you will find thnth s trt-ntmi'ia ' > j-f < l on mnny y rs ox- perlmi'tit inn stuiltr tins -wfiirrtt 'urn i suc cess Wfji ell will nit iisnpMiint : | you YOUREYES ARE TROUBLING YOU ! W , I mi-in. ! ' ir ! TI T ] > unnn Tr r 'imsr . . ' < ' ' n iliu i W i i nir if "ir Kill' l 'ustpiiTV < . * - , \i : .i.AS - T W'll I'll M > in * ' I1 * lt t < * ' -iOI.I ) "I'lM ! \ In , ' ' , \ i * l * * U'M MJ > I'l * f'TUn MO > ki * mi * r irtiitc u. > vr * . i"ir * to < tlncthu Max Hey er& Bro. Go , Jewelers and Opticians , | | III I ' * U ' ' > * 1 Ton can reitnn * TOUT -welRht from ten to twcntyiiniiiiilNt nonth. at licimi.with- 3Ut suxrvln , at roifOiiable co > t by the aio ot II Dr. Clarke's Home Treatment , perfected in nuiny years pmrtlcp. csiucs no EkncMHorliijurr to 'lit- health , uhlghlf todorscd. Send for oroois and tuMlmonlals. DR. F. B. CLARKE , ' . O. Bratvcr inn. Chicatpi , HI , AGESTS WASTED. ririi r M triLi r 'fmin I / > KH.V. HEAL JHHI3T2TA3 GITS Tales from Town Topics , " Out DI c mn-r drcit. ill news and hook standi andrail'vayuna. . pnce SO cents , will b-"it nt E-'R E.E1 To all 'Tim tonil * l."i > Ji' nth > trial snb.vnptlun to L'OWX TtJPli" - . The largest , raciest , strongest , most raried and fate rtaintniveellyjoiiraal in the world. SLrtivn. Tnall Mil. , will < - nlsr UTill tte vnt-'ro .v Top'r nudTLf * ritu i T iw HIIMI s iitmi outu until iiinnun-1. 151. fo'Mnr < N - tf the mialtultlo 'lunnenr nuulnr init * C ill ami II munlli * 'if ttiu uri tii9t of farailr "clilua ipxitiar price SIJJ ) rc&r ttfT'jkc' > niriiM rttK MirrTiiNCKini1 _ remit TOWTf TOPICS. TlTVobtaad = t. NewTark. a. a & KID GLOVES A The above brands jf troxc" lor aalo by YhBBostonStore X. W Lor Hith and Dou-'Uia , Unlike tie Dutch Process fo Alkiilies OB Other Cliemictils am n ed in the preparation ot W. BAILEE Ss CO.'S SreaMastCocoa r/tir/t fa nbitnhttctij pim anil * Qhtblc * . unc * ttteatrenijtltut omamized ivnli Starrli. irmwrtxjt or _ aupir | , anil 13 iar morn cco- nrffll-ai. mittn j I'ta 'linn one cmt a cup. It dcllcjuns , imurtshii ! - , and Sold Ijf Crorers W. S & CO..DQchester ! , Hasa. Bogus White Lead and adulterated paints would have no sale did they not afford dealers a larger profit than Strictly Pure White Lead The man who best guards his own interests is never per suaded to buy paint that is said to be "just as good , " or "better , " than Strictly Pure White Lead. The following brands are standard , manufac tured by the "Old Dutch" process , and always strictly pure : "SOUTHERN" "RED SEAL" "COLLIER" Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. The National Lead Co. man ufacture a line of colors to color strictly pure White Lead any shade wanted. They are put up in small packages ; one pound being sufficient to tint twenty-five pounds of Lead. By using these colors and strictly pure White Lead you know that you have pure paint , which you can not know when buying "mixed ' or "prepared"paints far ilc by the best dealers in | aims. If you are going to paint , it will p&y you ta mend to us lor a book uomainme intoi-rnalioa that may aave you many a dollar it will only cost you a poatal card to do so. NATIONAL LEAD CO. , St. Louis Branch , Clark Aveaue and Tenth Street , St. Louis , Mo. Kinds of Suits Ten of ea .h kind and each kind different , are shown in oar largest show window tcday. Each of these suits bears a card which tells you in good plain figures , the price which is either six dollars and fifty cents or ten dollars and fifty cents. These suits were placed in the window to attract your attention to notify you. that today "The Nebraska" begins another of die great special s.iles which have made her famous throughout the west. Two stes ! of these suits those in the two front rows are marked The ones in the very front row are "beauts ' Thev're made ot good solid all wool cassimere in a handsome dark brown with just enough color in the broken plaid to make the pattern attractive. The lining is of double warp Italian. These suitt are in round corner sacks only. The ' 'square cut" sacks in the second row are mighty tony. They arc made of substantial fancy black cheviot in an invisible plaid. The coats are cut double-breasted with square corners and in the proper length for this season. The lining is of soft ser e and the price is six dollars and fifty ce-ts. ! The third and fourth rows are marked The third row are sacks round corner sacks and such sacks ! made o f elegant dark gray all wool cassimere lined right up to.the queen's taste with very fine Farmer satin , triple stitched finely tailored. The frocks in the back row are of thuc "never wear out" sort of goods- good old honesty cassi mere made up honestly every stitch such suits as fifteen dollars and sixteen dollars usually buys. Usually you get better goods than you expect at our specials it's s cTthis time. FUR OVERCOATS have never been sold by us. The urgent calls from our customers for them have prompted us to add a comp'ete ' assortment open today at such prices as only the Nebraska skives. Corner Douglas and 14tti Streets. PERMANENTLY CUBED or NO PAT WE REFER YOU TO 2,500 PATIENTS. FinsDnal Iicfrrcnff : Xat'l Bank of diiniaerco , fliaalii No DKTKNTN N from bu nu3aNo Oneratlon. fnvesMsntomir Mrthnil. Wrilton euiirrmUju tmihui- iuluiv i urti it > ! .nct.suf It ! I'Tt KRof I'tulim-xai. with out ib use uf Kiufu ' . r'liju. oo 11 alter of now ions FREE Tile 0. E. MILLER COMPANY , 307-308 H. Y. LIFE 3LDQ. , OMAHA , HEP. ' . . srnd 'or t .r * mar. Ask your shoe dealer for ttie New Jersey Rubber Shoe ROLLED Eliii ARGTIGS * EXCLUDERS , LUSBERHAX , ETC THE NEW JERSEY SPECIALTIES have no equal. Price lists and discounts sent to deaiers only. Big- stock on hand. ZACHARY T. LINDSEY , . , ISIet ) . "THE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and hpniuiu , purify thti blood , are pleasant to take , safe anu always effectual. A reliable iremedy for Biliousness. Blotches on the Face , Eright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation , Chronic Diarrhtca , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered Stomuch , Dizzii ess , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence , Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives , Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , LuhS of Appetite , ilental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash , Painful Digestion , P.m- pies. Rush of Blood to the Head , Sallow Cora- plesion , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin Diseases , Sour Stum- ach , Tired Feeling , Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Crash and every other symptom or dis- ease that results from impure blood or a failure m the proper performance of their functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. Pnce : One gross § 2 , sanplebottle 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid. Address THfl RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New Fork. Nerve ttiu wonder tftn miuranrrr la era All ncrraui < ii * aM . sum tu Wft&fc Mntiurr L > r > 'it ilimn f J"T nHJUUrai Wucetalnou.lnl "Aiuittuua. Nlrmtr K.uif tlrcsni in muerwiriauMm Ur OT BierUon , raattiful orra * . < ir nzcnuirr UMJ ut toUAoeci. 'Jpima ur ttlmoliLCU wUleo man It-jul 10 Inflrtcilr. Couiunjp- Utmoalii . &nur. lot upounT aifen t < ciirrflnrfftt IH CUU XI p rvjuic * &i' t tf miLit. Af < i Zi. VS'ltii rryf * > unlvrw i < ni < i < riun yuaranu * tvnirt r. QrmUr free. Addrw * AVnr Hr tl . . Clilcacu , " - For salu in Omaha by Sherman & ilcCannoll , 1515 Dod a struut