THE OMAHA' ' DAILY BEE. TWHNTY-SECONI ) YEAH. OMAHA. WEDNESDAY MORNING , NOVKMBEK 10 , 1802. NUMBER HO. REORGANIZING THE SENATE How the Tccoining Demoorata Will Prob ably Apportion the Committees. SENATOR MORGAN TO SUCCEED SHERMAN < iilor Mriulipr Will < ict I tin Rii -liillnn Cli Urimnslilp H\- \ rl'ft Spn.ilnrs I'rinlilpil r r Ulmt Inilliiini ( ii'M-Minn ! Appolnl * IKI'lmllliiim , I ) . C. , Nov. 15. [ Special to Jim. I In the reorganisation of the Kcnnteimmcalately after the Ith uf March next , thcro can bo but llttlo dsuot as to who will bo the premier of tnnt body. Senator Sherman , who now practically controls the foreign policy , so far as llio sonata ls con cerned , will bo succeeded by Senator .lohn T. Morgan , of Selma , Ala. Although Sena tor Morgan has never occupied any diplo matic position hu bus made the foreign re lations ot the country his especial .stud ) ' , nnd It Is conceded that ho is in this respect tha best equipped democrat in the Donate. Thi best evidence ol his ability llos In the fact that Pruildent Hum- son soloi'teil Mr. Morgan to bo ono of the liorlncr sea Arbiters , The now chairman of the foreign relations committee wns a "rebel brigadier" In the literal sense of the word , having Joined the confederate army ns a private und loft It as a brigadier general ; but In allot his speeches Mr. Morgan has nlways shown that ho can rlso nbovo party nnd sectionalism , so that Senator Sherman \\lll Imvo us his successor In the chairman- chlpof that committee ns able a man ns it is possible f rth-jtloinocratto party to furuish. C'o * l < iMl lor Approprlutloin. Unfortuimioly this cannot DO said of the great camuiitlco on approbriatlons. That chairmanship will go by right of succession to Soiinlor Francis Marion Cockrell ofVnr - rcnsbunr , Mo. Scnalor CockreP Is a well informed man and able debater , but ho has the aamo narrowness of conception on na tional mattois , counted with the same liber ality for homo appropriations , tuat Imvo dis tinguished Chairman Holman of the house committee on appropriations. Senator Gor man oC Maryland in the democrat on tbo coiniullleo and has nlways lo 1 Iho minor ity on appropriation debutes , but Senators Cockrell and Call oulrank him on Iho com inlltco , nutl ho cannot therefore succeed Mr Allison In tno chairmanship , unless both of tnosc gentlemen yield lo him. which is hardly lo lie oxpeelcd. It is Iho general be lief that Mr , fiortnnn will modciuly resume his old chairmanship of Iho committee on printing , and will hereafter divldo h s time between editing Iho Congressional Dlroclory nnd chopping off republican heads in tno government printing ofllce. If tin accepts this chairmanship the first head to fall under his keen guiMolino will bo that ofV. . H. Michael , the present editor of the Directory , who , as commander of the local post of the League of Union Veterans , issued n general order Just before the recent election in which tie called upon all members or the order to support President Harrison , and di rected attoulioii to Mr. Cleveland's pension record. Itncn Tin' the Finance Committee. There will bo a dlgnltlod scramble bolwecn Senators Voorheoa of Indiana mm Carlisle of KonliicKy lor the chairmanship ol" the finance committee , which In Iho sonalo lakes churco of all revenue bills. Tbo difference between the two gentlemen is that Scnalor Voorhoos knows praciically nothing about the tariff , but stands nt the head of the com mitted , whllo Mr. Carlisle knows all about the democratic side of tlio tariff , but stands nt the foot of thu democratic side ot tlio committee. It can bo said of Senator Voor- nre.s , however , thai ho has made a lifo study of the cuiTiinoy question , having been the Ural [ imminent man In ihoest to advocate , u nnlf century n'go , an unlimited Issue of proenbicks and free coinage of silver. It inny bo that Mr. Yoorhoos will be given a chance to cxpialn his record upon greenback , silver and ether currency before iho chair man of llnnnco is selected. Senator Voorhcos' colleague. Senator Duvia Turplo , Is slated by popular opinion for Iho chairmanship of the pensions com mittee , of which ha is nt present the ranlclng democrat. Senator CJcort'O ( .Jraham Vo t of Kansas City , Mo. , will probably no chairman ot the committee on nublic buildings und grounds , now piosulcd over by Millionaire 1eland Stanford of Calllornin. Senator Calvin S. Hrico or Lima , O , may outrun Senator Alfred H. Colqulll of At- liuitii , Ga , und become chr.irmnn of the com- liulteo on postnfllccs and past roads. Sena tor .lames L. Pugh of Kufula. Ala , , will un doubtedly succeed the venerable Air. Hoar us chairman of Mio Judiciary and Senator Hansom of North Carolina will bo chairman of the committee OQ commerce , which In the semite nisumos the duties or the river and harbor comnMtoo In Iho houso. 'J'lio chiiirmnnslilps of thu various select committees which ire now hold by demo crats will bo handed over to thu republican senators. Somn Cooil Tilings In Stoie , There are four rich plums which the dom- ocrntlcseim ors must dispose of in caucus : the socr.itnryf.hlp of Iho senate , now held by | lionurul Anson (1 , MeCoolt of Now oik , Wllh a salary of $5,000 per annum ; Iho sor- goancy-al-arius , now . occupied by .Fudgn I , 1C. Valentino or Nebraska , which also pa\s (5,000 n year * chief clerk , now occupied by Charles IV. Johnson of Minnesota , which carries n salary of $ . ' ,500 a year , nnd iho " liostmnstcrshlp , paving f l.uoo , now hold by Slanlcy Plummcrof lllinoK Thcio Is no uoubt that Charles H , Hoadc of Maine , tlio present assistant sorireii'it-at- in ins , wilt bo routined ut ins proJecoibor , Jamoi Christy , a sou'.horn damoeratni re- Inlned by Iho republican r.onato until bis death. Ills net expected timt there will ho n clean sweep of all iho republican employes of thusonnlo. Them have boon for year * nuiuorous domooraiH on iho senate rolls , and il In expected thut tliu Incoming democratic sonnluvllLbiiov iho same courioty to iho Republican colleagues that win eMended lo 'tneni when they uere iho minority. < iriiN : MAIL siiuvii'i : , IVIuit It C'MtK ' tliu < iotrriiuitiit unit 1U rnliirn Onlliuik , WASiir.orox , 1) . C , , Nov. 15. In the forecast ' - cast that hus haon mauo relative to the policy of the Fifty-third congress the , necessity lias been pointed out of making some reduc tion in lha expenditures , In order to avoid i neil Uclleit. In Uils relation , it nas been stated that the policy of subsidizing mall steamship lines would present , the opportunity for n * dcniocrntlo congress to tuo the pruning ) knife , mid It has U'-on averred that it was llliolv the appropriations for the sorvicu would ba refused. Thorj U no service , seer lur us It Is e tab. | hed , being per formed tinilpr canlructs with Iho guy. eriimcnt. Uhore uiu now In operation live- sub ldi/tfd mail HMO * plying between ports in tnli country and ports In South America. The llrst of next month service will bo begun on two additional Huns , Of ihuso tuieo have contracts for IIvo years orvli'o aim two for ton years. Ncxt.Maicn another contract will go Into oiTust , nnd so , altogether , thvro will bo at thu closeol the present administration eight lines carrying the malls to foreign ports. Contracts have already boon entered into lor throe moro lines , nuil two of these are , porhupj , holey most important of all the contracts , u they provide lor Iho carrying of the malls from N'uw York to AnUveip and Liverpool. ThU lorvlcv , liouever , according to the con- iraom , will not begin until JB'JO. ' Ap- pionrlulloim Imvo already been madn for Iho cokt of iPrvlco on eight ol these liner , which amount for ono year to nearly ? lKu ( > 00) . It U estimated tbut the cost of the nit. Ultlouul icrvico already ooutractod for will amount.s to about $1,500,000 yearly. While 'ho 1'ostoftlco doiiartmunt will DO dopenaent on concioss for tno money nltb whlrh to pay amount to become duo each year on theto contracts , the contracts arc novcrlhclcss legal ilootimcnts and thu Rovornmontls bound by them. It U stated that If congress should refuse to appropriate the money the steam ship companies have Wai rccourne to the court ot claims to comnel a faithful perform ance of all tlio obllcnlions assumed by the government under the contract. 01 Alt \NTI\i ; IlKdt'l.ATIUNS .Modlllriitloin to lli < M.idc In Ilin I'rpnunt I'cvllry ol the ( lotrriitilont. WASIIIMHOV , I ) . C , , .MOV. 15 A circular Is being prepared at the Treasury dep.irt- incnt making nn Important chance In the present immigration policy. It ls , In effect , Ihut the president's order of September 1 , imposing o twenty days quarantine on 1m migrants , is horeaflor to bo applied only to steerage nasiongcrs. Heretofore all Immi grants not bookoil and assembled at the port of dcpartute prior to September I were do- b.irrad from landing , regardless of whether they cimo In the cabin or stecrago , The ohango Is made In recognition at thn fact that tha only danger nt present from cholera Is from pontons and baguaco not transit. It m assumed that the federal nnd local quaruutlnu be continued , and thut the twenty nays uunrantlno will ba unnoted only In cases where the vessel and passen gers nro not in n perfect sanitary condition. CAN'T AI'I'IOAI , AX.MO It I : . District ol Columbia Crlinlimls I.tno One ofThi'lr I.nit KcimirnM. WASIIINOTOV , I ) . C. , Nov. 15. The United States supreme court has taken nw.iv ono of tlio last resources of convicts In thn District of Columbia , namely , nn appeal to It. These appeals are taken , as n rule , chiefly lo delay proceedings. Chief Jusltco Fuller rendered Ihe decision in the ca e of William I ) . Cross , convicted of murder nnd Hontenccu to bo hanged. Ho applied to the court In general term of Ihe District for a writ of habeas corpus , and when it was denied took the further upueal , which has been decided. The United States stipiomo court hold that under the statutes ir had no jurisdiction over criminal appeals from tbo local court. The decision will have nn Important bearing on tbo case of Howard Schneider , convicted of the murder of hU wife and sentenced to bo hungul uftora long trial , which excited moro inlerost In tins city than any court proceedings since the Guiloau rase. 1:1:1 : : , roit MVV : > " -i- i.i-iu Serrntnry Tmry Tnllc * wllh .Mr. I'rlckon tlio Snlifpct. WA-'IISTTOV , D. C , , Nov. 15.H. . C. i' rick , chairman of tha Caracglo Steel company , was nl the Navy department today , by np- polntrront , to discuss with Secretary Tracy the mailer of stool deliveries for naval con- slruclioa. Mucli [ f not all tne delay in Iho completion of the now naval vessels has been caused by the fact that steal of a peculiar qunlily has not been delivered in sufile-lent quuntlly to keep pace wllh the construction. The secretary feels Ihnttho difficulty lies in nn insufficient plant for Iho production ot steel and is directing his altonlion lo that suited. Today Mr. Frick told him that his company intended to meet the rcquitc'.ncnts of iho department , and that it had arranged to purchase , and erect a largo quantity of now machinery and lo open other mills. Wtiinvi.iov , D. C. , Nov. 15. Oonoral W. S. Kosccrans , resistor of the tioasury. has been 111 nt bis residence here for several wc ks , nnd it reported lhat the chances are against iccovery. His dnughlors have been summoned to his bedside. Roth of them reached , town today. Cicnoral Uosocrnns v. us llrt taken down wllh a sov.oro cold , but since then oilier and moro nlarmlng svmplons have appeared and there is now a lurout of paralysis. The fact that ho is neatly 70 years old increases ttio dan ger. Appntnttill MliilHt * rn. \V IMIINI.IOND. . C. , Nov. 15.-Tho presi dent has appointed \Villium Pollerof Penn sylvania minister to Italy and D. P. Thomp son of Oregon minister to Turkey. Mcotlngq iinil .MoMiiiicntH of Viirlous Nil- tliiii.ll roiiipiiiin > s. Ni.YnitK , Nov. 15. The directors of the National Linseed Oil company will tomorrow appoint a commlltoo wllh full power lo no- goliulo with the National Lead company for an amalgamation of interests. The Nallonal Wall Pupilcompiny sleek- holders aio lo meet on December 7 for Ihe consideration of increasing the capital stock from SH.Oul'.OOO ' to $ .lt,0K,000 ) ( ) and also n proposed - posed amendment to the company's charter to provide for the issue nf ucboutun ; block lo Iho total extent of000,000. . Koprosentttllvcs of llio Hoston Typo FouwUry company nnd Iho Now York Typo irust , al a muoilni ; held at the Nuw Yoric Indemnity company btiildlntt today , reached an agreement whereby both Inlerosls are lo ba cnnbolldated , A meeting of the Seloss Iron company has j boon called for I-H'cc-mbor 10 , ut Hlrmlngham , I Ala. , lo consider whether the present out- I Rtaiiiiln coii'olldutcd Income bonds shall tJO funded ; to dolcrmlno llio manner and terms onhlcb the same shiill bo donp ; to uuthor i/o the issue of negotiable bonds not cxccud- Ing 5-J,000,000 for thin purpose and consider whether the company shall issue the $ .100 , 000 stock hoioiofcre orduied to bo cancelled. dale cjmpnii } nnd itio llrm or 1) ) . li , , v H. n. Kniulit notlllPd their omployos today of an Incruuso in wages , to go into ofteet December 5. The amount of the proposed incroasi ) oils not given nut , ThU action will bo do.iblluss followed by other cotton manufacturers In Iho slate , inof LOULI.I. , Mas . , Nov. 15 At a mooting of thouKeiits of tuo Lowell cotton mills today It was decided to gran an Increase , nut to exceed 7 per cent , In the wages of tbo opera tives. ' 1 his U to take effect , December , iniicd lu Ciipltuliziitloii. „ . , Mass , Nov. 15. The Ooneral , Ktectue company will Issue a circular offerIng - Ing common shareholders iho right to sub- scribe for fo,000,000 additional convertible i 5 per cent bonds ut par , making the total Issue $10,000,000. Thcio U J-U,007MO common stock , nnd thn allnlmont will be In the ratio of one In live , The outstanding bonds sold lint week ut 1.01 and are now 1 O.1 , so that > not inucti value atlauhes lo Ihn right. It is nnnoinicrd that Iho proceeds aru required for v\orklnu capital. \Vnnl to Coiiihlne. I'ITTMH iiit , Pa , Nov. 15. A meeting of reprci-eiiIntUC- the 1'llUburg , Howard , Stundant and liutlcr plate glass companies was Hold here tills afternoon for the uurpoio of outlining pluis for thn fonmulon of UOU trust or comolnatlon. The negotlatious liuvo not boon couiplctod. Ai'Cldrr.Ully Mutt ami Ivlllml. Oui.iM > , Neb , Nov. 15. ( Special to TUB DIIVill : ] Croda , about 10 years of age , was accidentally shot hero. He and n companion panion , Uoono Humbert , had been out hunt- In p , and on returning went Into the cellar to Humbert's butctior shop. On their rn from the cellar Crofls w.isstanding with iho inutile of hU gun under hU arm resting , in Dulling down Iho trap door lo iho cellar Iho dcorstrucK iho trigger of CroYis' nn , caus ing It to discharge , tearltiK away Hush ; arlcr- 103 aad boi.e. The wound was of suca a natuio that recovery was unnosslble , although - though thu bent of medical assistance alas soon at hind. After lingering for * U hours hudiud. WANT IT MADE DEMOCRATIC Serious Diffaranco ? Likely to Arise in tbo Farmers Alliance RAPIDLY DRIFTING TOWARD POLITICS Dpinntiils ol mi AUlnnm Drlcgntr Se lon olllin Slxtrciitli ( iiinornl Asit'Oibly ot the KnlcblB of I.lilx.rVltll tliu U'ugo Kurnors , , Tenn. , Nov. 15. The National Farmers Alliance mid Industrial Union met In annual convention In this city todav. In the absence of Governor Huchamn , who was sirk , Colonel Uobort , linth , superintendent oi Iho Commercial asso ciation , delivered the welcoming ad dress , which wns supplemented by an ndilress oy Hon. A. L. Mini , state prosld'jnt of the alliance in Tennesico , Delegate Doan of New York responded , und there tiogan to nppiar the first , symptom ? ot partisan di vision which is conceded to exist In Iho rniiKs. Mr. Dean said : "Tho iilllinco is lion partisan in character , but us full of poll- tics ns an egg Is full of meat. "The lex non scripta of tbo nlllanco pro hibits member. ! from seeking oltlcml prefer ment , but it is claimed tlmt this law is being vtolalcu and that a lively contest Is In pro gress between the friends nt tha present. It- cutnbent , Mr Loucks of North Dakota , nnd those of Mr. C.V. . Macuno ot Wachlncton , U. C. , editor of the Economist. The former Is being pushed forward by the tnird party clement"the latter by the democrats. " Delecato Beck of Alabama , uno is a leadIng - Ing light In the organl/allon , said : "This organization should ba a democratic organi sation if anything. To bo pluln , It ou ht to str.y out ot politics. That was the original Idea. But they wont , and since they will dubblo m politics I sa > give them n democratic llavor. That is my idea. Wo want Macuno for president , lie U p. democrat. Tuo piesont Incumbent , Loucks , Is u good man , but 1 do not thinu wo want him. On the other hind , lion. John H. MoUowcll of Tennessee is doing all ho can to secure the election of Uoui'ks nnd thus throw the organization Into the populist party. " The outcome of the struggle Is looked for ward to with interest. J'rpslilciit I.nicks' Njii'crh. At tonight's session President , Loucks delivered llio annual address , lie cnlogbcd the late President Polu , commented on tno crisis through which the had passed and said the trouble in the Industrial situa tion was not because of produc tion of wealth , but because of its un just distribution through special privileges conferred on the Industries and private cor porations. To remedy that condition re quired a change of laws , ivnich chances hud uccn formulated In their demands , and to that extent thpv had become a political or ganization and their minds wtro trainee to look for relief through political action at the Inllot box , itttner than Ihrough com mercial co-operation , as had been at tempted before. Continuing the address says : When wo uccumo fully convinced that relief must come through political action to repeal the special privileges con ferred on favored classes , \ > o woto con fronted with two enemies the one. thos < J who were to bo deprived of special priv ilege. " , and who , controlling unlimited wealth , through which they con trolled the industries of tbo na tion , the press burl the political machinery of Loth political parties , are loth to lose tuoir so-called vested rights. Thny rc'-orted to abuse , ridicule and miaronrosen- tation to destroy organized labor bv wielding a tremendous power. On the ether hand many Joined our ranks from selHsh motives , hoping to use the political upheaval to their own personal advantage , The enemy from within will prove moro dangerous than those from without. Some were scared off by the former ; many were sido-tracued by the latter in their ef forts to use the organizatiou for their own personal political advantage , or prositulo It to the politico1 parties with wnlcti they woio aftlliatcd. Those have urovcd our worst enemies. It is for tunate that thcro has boon nri early opportunity tor testing1 our ilovotlon to ' piiuclplu. Honor to those- who have stood 1 Iho lest and remained faithful. If any have proven unfaithful they wo no longer worthy or confidence unit should bo lomoved from our counsel. The result in the end will bo beneficial to the order and the ciuso. " The coiicludlni ; ' , ' , OJO words of President Louck's speech wciu directed nuainst the po litical methods of the south. To southern peopletils words were very offensive. LOOKS 11ADTOK Tin ; Mi\ : . I'lrsnnt Cumin Inn of tliu ( ircat Mill < o in tlio C'ariiPirli ) Mill * . PniMifiKi , Pa. , Nov. 15. It has now boon lib diivn since the sympathetic strike Inaug. uraied by members of tbo Amalgamated as sociation at Lawicncovilio and lionver Falls Carnoglo mills began. Today the Carnegie Stcelo company , Ilmilod , slurtcu Iho last of Its works , the Heaver Falls plant , claiming Its Lawrcnccvillo niul Homestead workers consider the strike over. It Is not denied thai the company has unqualifiedly thu bettor of it , although at an enormous cost. Theio nro numbers of men in Lawiencevillo and Homestead who aru disheartened nnd nt the same tuna Ihoio are aa many moro who are yet uelcrtnlncii to Il'jht it out and who will light for months if tliov can bo supported. It Is the question IIIf llnanco u'liirh is at present the most serious problem with which the men have to deal I , und it was this that led to tha nine hours conference yesterday ot the ndvlsoiy com ) mittee und ttio heads of llio Luwreiieevllln and Heaver Falls lodges wllti Iho ollleors ' or Iho Amalgamated society. That the conference was not entirely satisfactory was learned from sevoial mem i- bers of ihn commllleo ii toJuy , The con i- ference was not for Iho purpose of calling off thcjtrlke ; there was no discussion of that ITt t they say , for mailers have gone lee far. Tlio problem was to rnlso money to prolonc the tifc'ht , in Iho hone ihnt something may turn up favorably In the end , for loday , wllh iho ; dlfllculllcs adjusted , many strlKer.s would not bo taken back , their posliious being lllled. h'd A member of the advisory committee said lodav Iticro was no use of holaluu' nut false delusions , but the situation must bo con- fionlcd as It Is , "Tbcro nio about 1,000 ) ' in Homestead . ' )0n iiL'rnms and 'WO cacn In l.awrcncuvlllo and Heaver Falls on iho relief roll , " ho said. "Of thojo ono- half , or SOU , have families , nnd the Amulpamaicd association contracts to pay them SIS ; the others got 5 a week muklnsa total of $10,400 u week , It is u severe drain on an organization composed ol only about 2-J.OOO monitors. Tbo outside llnanilal aid , while generously laivo to a do- JT.JO at llrst , has folion oft until it Is Imrd.y u factor and the qunitlou of finance Is indeed strlous , " A.I present thcro are between 2,500 nnd n.UUi ) men worulng at Homestead , of which : tnoetrlko-i say only llfty-nlno uro old cm ployes. About 1,000 mon are working in the t > vo plants at Lawroncevllo. | Dearer Falls was thrown open yesterday , andso farthlrl/ men hnvo reported , Another strike by the association , \Vhlch u still on , U Iho Klha Iron works , where npoiit : inU men are out. Tbo plant Qa > been almost roQIied. KNKilir01' IAllOlt. I'lnt D.ij'aVork of In Slxu-i-ntli Annual Akdumbly. OT. Louis Mo. , Nov. 15. At noon General .Muster Workman Powderly called tbo ilX' locnth general assembly of tno Knights of Labor to order. The consideration of the report of tbo ccmtnlltoo on credentials occu pied the llr t session und other routine busl- nos * will take additional tlmo bntoro inter- cstliiK mailers of the auombiy will bore reached , . At Iho afternoon session comtn tices were appointed on disUlbullon , appeals and criev- nuccs , stnto of the pnlor , co-operntion nnd secret work.i Lcttcraoficongratulation were read from Hugcno V. Dabs , Into secretory of the-tralnmeOH brotherhood. The follo\vln lottor'f rom MUs Franco * Wllldid waa nlso rc.idi I\AN.STOX. : Ill .Nov. i | , Iioi.-To the Knights of l.itjor Gflnerotts llrotlicri Von and vonr great loader li ivo iu\viys : in.iiil- rested the nt most cod III tow jrd the white rilihonirs.ini \ respect DID si i.e. and bend .vim fniillnltv > 'tbtln ! ? by onii nf our ( IN- llmculslieil Ikiulers , > Ir . 1\ II. InzilN , na- tlomil supetQUomlent or the Wnninn's I hrls- tlan Tenipjraireo union. Trhoso homo Is In S-U I.onls , niultlui will suuiik in you Inoiirboh.Vf. Mrs Jtunlls will n k von for ti to st ind liy tlio irroat cnnso of coiiiil PMV for woint'ii who dooiiniil nbrc < wllh men , ( or the ballot for Hoinen , total abstinence In Iho Individual , nnd the suppression or tilsotry , also r < ii the I'niidny ' closlni ; of the World's fnlr. that the norkliiitiniin may not dpsuoll hltnso > f nf hl one day uf freedom nnd Individuality and homo life. Wo hope that you h.ivo given no uncertain kountl as to the Iniportanco of the reform clununith of this country uniting In u political iiuvuimmt tlmt shall i > \ ill vhe in in , cnfi.uiehho the woiniin. pmlcct the homo and re-leoni the stulu , Wo mo ultli you In nil your works ind ways , wo hellmo your faces , lllio ours , nri ] set to- until tno helter future , th il you nni Chris tian * ii'id pitrlots and that notlilm ; better could happen to thu nut'on ' than that you slioniil conib into power. Wi IIIMIU vou to snnd fratcrml delegates to tin ) world's Women's Cur Ti > niti > r- iinco union conx eiillon nt the U 01 Id's fair In lime , and the Nutlonal Woiiien's I'hrlstlin Ti'iiiperanco Union convention , nlsu ut thu World's fair No vein bur 0. The romaiiulor of the afternoon was spent In talking over minor matteis , and an ad journment was taken until It ) u. m. During the aftrraoon n circular was freely dlstribucd bv M. J , llishon. stnto sccrotarv for Massnohuspttd , letting forth that nearly all obJectlonsHo hud lights upon the order originate in Hoston ; fuilhermore , tbut , that city has never beou honored by Ibo holding of a session of the order there , nnd urging upon the convention to select Hoston as the pluco of mooltnc next year. In un Interview tonisht , General Mastnr U'orkmin I'owdaiIv ; was asked to what ex tent the Homostoiid troubles would llgtirn in thu proceodinca of the convention. "Why should they ligu'io at alU" ho queried m robly. "That is not oiir light , nnd I see no loabon why wo should consider It ut nil. " Tills was nil thatcouldbo extracted from him regarding cither Homestead affairs or the business of the convention , AI'riJAlTlNU I'OK I tMS. Assistance Askcil Tor tlio l.ocltcd Out 'Men nt llonu-sti-ail. Nuw YOHK. Nov. 15. Tno officers or the American Federation or Labor , the Amalgamated ' mated Associatlon'of Iron nnd Steel Workers of America and the advisory board of Homestead locked oijt men , tonight Issued an addicss to tho\Amorican public which sots forth tbo situation at Homestead , Pa. . from tno strlKcr * ' standpoint. The I'mitcrtons are called a "band of or ganized pirates , " tne Carnepio company and "its tyrant Frick."mro charged wltb. fresh outrages upon the rights of citizenship and freedom : sycophantip judges lending them selves to complete the work of nn atrocious corporation bv securlnpf the arrest of men by wholesale and of charging them with every conceivable ciltne , conspiracy , murder and treason being ninoae ino number. The law has been distorted , } twisted nnd miscon strued for the purpose of reaching the men because they Uuicd'ciofcml themselves. The address contains the following appeal : "It has been dpelded'by the roprasentatlves of the men , the pflictals of the Amalgamated Association of Iroafand Stool Workers of America and tb < J executive council of the American FcderaUOif/of L'ibor to dcjlgnntn Tuesday , Drfeciribar )13. ) IbW , as Homestead day. and wo call'uoan the wage workers , as well as llbortylovlnR'cltlzons ofour colintry , to make n cpiJtrbutton ] of a portion o ! their onrnings'on that day to aM our struggling brothers of Homestead In tholr present ron- tcstto defend themselves before the courts. " SALVATION AlfUV CO.V < itti-H. llnllliigton ISnnth Milking I' loin for Ills lilt ; ( intlKU'ios : . NBW YOIIK , Nov. 15. Commander Balling- ton Booth , of the Salvation Army , nnd his staff ol ollleors In tnls city are making ar- r.ingemonts for a continental co'igrcss of delegates from nil the Salvation Armv posts througnout the country The congress will I assemble Monday in Carccgic Music hall and II I will last tlirco days. As the Army has posls In 1,100 citlos nnd towiu in the Unllcd Stales and CanuilJ. the congress will be ono of the lorpost the Salvation Armv has ever held in this city. On Monday , November and Tuesday , November 2.2 , tnero will bo two torct.llght paradeSjOf tbo delepa'es throiiRh thn citv before the fhccfings in tha Music hall. On Wednesday , November 2.1 , a con secration convention will bo held in Associa tion hall , Twent5'-third street and Fifth uvcnuo. The celotration will b : a noonday parade through Broadway. C'oim'iitlon of Aifi'lciiltimil < 'olli'c' ' . NfcW OIUBAVI , 'Faa. . Nov. 15. The sixth annual convention of Iho Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experi ment Stulions was begun today in Tulane hail. t The association was organized a IK years ugo In the Department ot Agriculture at Washington on npall bv Commissioner Nor man .1. Coiumari. The object ot Ibo associ I- ation is lo consider and dhcnss all questions pertaining to the progress and successful nd- ministration of agricultural colleges and sta tions. ' ( Joncral William Leroy TJrown , president i , called the meeting to order. Addresses of welcome were made by ( Jnvoinor Foster ot Louisiana nnd Mayor Fitzoilriclc ot this citv Addresses were " nlso mnilo by Colonel 1 William PrcSton"1 Johnston , president of ) Tulane unlvqislty. President Alhorlon ot Iho Pflunsylvania slr.lo college replied lo Iho addressee ot wol otrte. The convention will bo in session until Thursday evening- Noiipiirilh.iii U. C. T. I ) , CI.HVII.\VI : > , O. , Nov. 15. - The convention < of iho nonparll'saii ' Women's (5hrl3ilan Tom- pcranco 'union wa& formally opened tdls evening in Iho 'ouni ? Moo's Clinslian as sociation building Ivlth an address of ucl- cDiuo by Kov. 'C , .S. Haios , roetor ot St. Paul's church , ' ni.ii J > lrs Mary K. Ingersoll. Mis. Mary .1.Alitrteh , of lows , responded for ' the convention. 'I'nis was followed by the annual address of Mrs. Alien ,1 , Phlnnoy , president of tbo association mid an address by Mrs Annie Wlttonmver , the llrst presi sI dent of Iho original Women's Christian Temperance uulom I The attendance uf dele gates and visitors li'cood , I or till ) Ai\4itnmuiit | | ot \i ( illlcll , MBMi'iiiH , Tdmi. , Nov. 15. The convention for the advancement of women met this inoriilug in tlin LTnltoil States cgurt room. This altornooh'd and tonight's meetings of the convention \\-oie largely attended pud eovcral papers rcailjwcra well received , To morrow evening < \-omiin suffrage will bo discussed DJ' four pVomlncut members , each taking llftccn mlnlijes. Ion. Mr.Mniis , Tissitu , ' 8ov. 15. The Hofonn Prass association > tn'ot thU morning at 10iO ; : , lormally organlz ifand adjourned until 7:110. : An interesting mc i'.lne was held this even ing and the ftuurqof ttio Reform Press was tha subject of several ' spirited speeches. - - ecial Nnw Yomr , Noy. 1,5. , A dcmocratlo paper says it is permitted to announce iiuthoritti- lively that It la tha Intention of President Cleveland not to call an extraordinary lts sloii of concresj after bU Inauguranon ssn Murch ) neM. Jtls further announced that In the bstlihatlon at prr.scnt of Mr , Cleveland and hU clQiot friends an extraordinary session would turn out to bo n profitless pro- ceodlui ; . ills Jricndd bay that Mr , Cleve land must have ttrno all'cr bl& inauguration to look over the Around , There U n natural obj rton * ts the ro-asscmuhng of congiess Immealatcly alter the iQauyuratlon on tbo ground tnnt It would huvo morn or less of an unsettling intlueaco ou the business of the country. j TI/A itnntM'MiTii > IM i isporiir * 10 PROSECUTE 1)E ) LESSEPb Pnnnn Caial Promoter } Must Answer to the French Oriurinnl Courts. MILLIONS OF FRANCS HAVE DISAPPEARED liniiinnsn Sunn oC.Monry I'spil to ncclrn" UlllrlulA niul " .loiirn ilms" Contrac tor * 'Mil-it Mnlcu n Miowlni ; of MtMlliK rniids Alxo. ( ropjrlglilcil l ° 9Jbr JMHCI Cordon ll.Minelt 1 PAIUS , Nov. 15 [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tliu Ilau.lTho council of min isters has uccldcd , under the responsibility of the minister of Justice , M. Ulcard , lo pro ceed against the Panama company. M. do Lus.iops , the throe administrators and alt the contractors are lo bo made parlies to the m-oocedings. A ministerial crisis is Imminent , and a great scandal will doubtless bo the outcome of this. The ministry was dlvld.'d upon Iho question. There were frequent and violent debates , the itorniy scenes being caused by M. Hlcard , M. Viotlo , minister of public works , and M. Hourgeois , minister of tmollc Instruction , who strongly urged the prosecu tions. The others were opposed lo lhat course for political reasons. On Satin day the scene was so violent between M. Hourn gcoUandM. Uouvier , mini ; tor ol llnance , tnat President Carnet was obliged to intorfore. On Monday the Chamoer passed the resolu tion making nil citizens , even Iho great dig nitaries of the Legion of Honor , liable lo nrrcst for cause. This was an indication that Count do Losseps xvns to be prosecuted , for ho wears Iho c-und cross of Iho national ordor. In splto of that , however , Iho min istry did not care to pro ° s the trials , because a number ol the deputies and politicians are compromised. They preferred lo get away. Ordered Din Prosecution , At the council held this inornlup , M. Carnet - not presiding , M. Ulcard , minister of justice , said : "iVs Iho chlof Justice of France , I order the prosecution of the administrators ot the Panama canal , " His colleagues could not bellovo tholr ears. It was true , however , and they were obliged to bond. Before anything can bo done the deputies Dollove that the ministry will fall. It may fall tomorrow , porhap" , upon the press bul , for not having taken ttio responsl- bility for that measure. H Is impossible to foretell the consequences. As 1 Imvo said , a great number of politi cians are actually compromised , not directly by having taken part In the Panama scheme , but in having accepted "commissions" un der forms moro or less disguised. The names are known , and the whole world will coon flee a lot of dirty linen washed. AVImt It ISrlii s About. The questions are : Is it necessary ! No. Is it raoraU Yes. Is It material ! No. For now nil hopes of reconstructing the Panama company as a Fronoh affair Is lost. In fact , it Is not politic , and uo 0110 will regret Its disappearance. Tbo deputies , senators ind journalists impllcitod are knonn , but wo hart dubbed l M. do Lcsseps "The great Frenchman " lt lt Is \ hard lo see a man SI years old placed nl tbo bar as a criminal. It will bo a terrible blow lor the gioat French industry , nnd many names will corao forth sullcd , and it will result In much injury to our piosligo In the world. This affair has engendered n fooling of un easiness ( throughout the republic. Franco must suffer for it. What wo want is mon in command whosu honesty ib beyond ijuestion. If uo are deceived public opinion will change rapidly. Wo have nn example in recent history , nnd since the unhappy days of the reign of lioulangism the world has not such an agitation. Ti enioniloiis .Sums Tlio figures which serve as a basis for the prosecution show that out of J.1100,000,000 francs only 171,030,000 francs were used properly. Tbo remainder dlsnppaaieil among newspapers , whicn received SUIOJ,000 francs , and politicians , who receivedb,000JOJ ( ftunes. The contractors nro to bo prosecuted ns nc- compllces. for they expended on the work only 7,000,000 francs out of 20.000,000 francs for ono account , nnd for another 0,000,000 francs nut of H,000,030 Ir.incs received. In all the burly-burly the news has created It Is imnassiblo to distinguish between the true and the false rumors , but the preceding llgures uro correct. JAujrus Si. Cunc. Mii/ryKK : MAV .vi'AV. Ci-riimii Authorities U'lll Kiitnrt.ilii Him Milt AualOKt Iti'Ctor Alllniinll. ( Copyrltflitoil 18 ; ' , ' liy IIIIUIH ( ior.lon llumiott 1 lJr.iil.isNov. . 15. [ Now York Herald ' Cable Special to Tin : Uir. . | As. 1 intimated ycslerday , Iho eovernment having failed to intimidate Mr. Mcluer , has adopted tlio policy of conciliating. In fact , the slon aroused In the piess and the indisciecl utterances of Count von ICimlortoriwncher will probably have thn effect Unit horoafior foreign correspondents will notbn h.irrassod , In the future Hurllu will be made pleasuntor for them. Many of the papers hero make tno false statements characteristic of certain organs of the ( Jorman press and saythut tne Herald st'ilod Ibat Iho correspondent bad been ex pelled instead of lhat ho had been threat- oiod with expulsion. As comment to all this I may add that before throalcnini ; the Her ald correspondent wllh oxpulolon the ( ! rT - mun foreign ofllco lu I vainly endeavored to mollify Iho Herald by milder methods. lloctor Ahlwardt , it ulll bo remembered , a little while before made nllncks of an ami- somlilc nature ngulnst the firm of La wo ll.t Co , for supplying dofecllvo ( 'uns for use In the army. The charges made In Hector Ahl- wnrdt'ti ' pamphlet were not confirmed , the il0' suit being Iho institution of piocccdlngs ngulnat the author , I2vory attempt had been made to keep the Incident bearer , but I am glad to ba in a position to t'ivo the Herald exclusively Iho contents of the document which lias been drawn out by the public prosecutor. llorrUrescher. The document consists of "GO folios , containing el i ; lily ac cusations for libel with claims for dam ages. Following nro plaintiffs : The Min istry of State , headed by Count von Cuprivi ; the MinUtry of \ \ nr , headed by Central Ka tier born ; FOVCII commaniiing ollleors , In- eluding colonels , whoso names Hector Ahl wardt hui given in his speeches at Dresden and olscv/hero / , sthtini ; that the guns belong- in g to their regiments burst aud wounded several mon , and finally llerr Isidore Looiva of the firm of Ludwl , Loowo & Co. , who supplied thu ( 'UDS , The accusation recites that lioctor Abl wardt proved nothing nnd tharwitnosses before fore the court of Inquiry were corrupted. The charge hdMa them as { ( lerjurors who liavo already broil punished at Incendiaries and thieves and so form , a fact which renders them untruituorlhy. Hector Ablwardl U cited under Iho proles- libeller net. The nccimtlnn Isdrnnnupln most crushing terms. It Is nntlcipited that Hector Ahlwardt will rc- cslvo the maximum penalty , namely , two years' imprisonment. The trinl will bo of a sensational character. In tlio Shun l.lnr , ffooyrUlilo , ! HU by Jaiut ilarain Itit.i mi I P nis. Nov. 15. ( Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun UBK.J-.laded Paris Inns m search of exeitemont are offered u ghasily spjcliiclo In the waxwork show ou the boulevard , which thrills them with nn uxquislto stnsatlon of Angot Chlt- fontor , who discovered the remains ot n woman cut un Into n do/on or more pieces in u uick.ico on Iho grounds of the Uuo Hot erie , has boon engaged by tha management of thu shou lo relate- viva voce the circumstances under which ho mndo his ghastly discovery. A wax copy of himself Is standing alongside , loaiing In tortor-ttrickcu horror over the bundle from which the twelve hunp , bloody fragments nt the body. HoroAngnt relates , seated In a chair near by , his sensa tions when ho opened Iho pack igo. Uo also exhibits his def , which is nn tnlelllffcnt mil- , thut llrst scented the remains of the niurdcrod woman. He nlso oihlblts hU wife and son , although their prcsonco is not necessary , save to incroiso ttio Mronyih nnd horror of Iho situation. Angot winds un Iho exhibition by pissing around his hat It Is , on the whole , almost ns amusing a show as It is ghastly , and It Is dni.Ung bettor than nny ai Italic success on Iho Paris stage. righting In Sniit'icrii Hi-urll , ISJi 117 .IHMIJI Cordon 11'iinolt 1 VAI.I'MUISO , Chill , Nov. 15. [ Hy Movlcan Cnblo to Now York Herald Special to Tin : Ur.K. 1 Viclorlo Montolrohas boon appointed , minister of iho inlerior by President Pelxoto of Urn/11. News comes of furihor fighting In Kio Grand do Sul. The federal forces attacked Villa Hosnrlo , near San ( iabrlol yesterday , killing n mini- oer of republicans nnd taking others prisoner. The ropubllcins repulsed the fed eral foices nt Dom Pedrlto. Ulvorn Chlci , has been occupied by the federalists. A number of republican chiefs arohldlngalorg tbo frontier. Thcro is much auger against the Uruguayan authorities for allowing Iho federals to orgnuuo their forces on I'rtl- ctiavan teriiloiy. The Herald correspondent at Huonos Ayres telegraphs that 12.00J Manntlchcr nlloj have , just been received there. Conoral Uoca , It is. said , intends to pay a visit to Chill. A so- cret meeting of radicals will bo held lomor- row. It Is said that the object of the lomor'l Inir Is lo dovis.0 plans lo overturn Pietrns" Bovernment. AfUirVoiki ol Art , tPrt H1tiy Jinm < i Jnlo i Ho run 1 Nov. 15. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tin : BEI : . " | 1'ho Constol- latlosi , now hero for the purpose of taking on board and conveying to tfT6 United Stales the works of art sent by American artisls for Iho Chicago oxposlliou , will nlso take the works of art loaned by tbo Italian museum. She will probably remain here until Novcmber25. All on board nro well. Mr. Palmer ot Now York la assisting Cap tain Goouricb on board the Constellation. co vi. i > .vo r t > / i .v ; > An louu Man I.O.IWH : < , Idilly to lliing MlMIHClt. D\VINI'OKT , fa. , Nov. 15. jSpscnU Tclo- gram to TUB RIB.J : Ferdinand StoocKon hanged himself tero this morning , after showing his f imlly the rope and declaims his purpose. Ho came homo drumc and cra/od , tram u political rally. IIo hid in ido the effort fort lopeoledly buforo. Hu was ! > ' > years of airo , and woll-lo-do. Thu Dentil Uoll. O > ci OM. Neb. . Nov. 15 ( Special to Tin : Hir : i-Oliver P. Mickey , father of Hon. .1. H. , A P. and Basil Mlckjy , who , with his wlfo , were hew to spend the winter with his children , died vnrv suddenly hiinday after noon. Mr. Mickey cnmo lo the dinner table and complained of not feolini. very well. He commenced to cat his dinner , was talcen worse , carried to Iho lotingo and died in about two hours of paralysis or HID brain. Mr. Mickov lacked .1 month ol being 70 years old. The lomains nero tiHon to Newport. Ju. , for intermunt yoitorday morning. NrYOUK , Nov. 15.--.Mr. .lohn llooy , lor rrnnv years picslduiiL of the Adams Kxpress compiny nnd founder of Hollywood at Long Brunch , who has been Ivii.g 111 ut DelmonI co's for several \\eeks , died nt 10 o'clock last night. LONDON' , Nov 15.Tho Standards Paris correspondent reports the death _ of Count Ducros , councilor of state lindi/r the < mi- plro , at Culm. PAIIIS , Nov. 15. The death of the French General Plorw Louts Cha.'lci Achillo D'Failly Is announced. I hit I'iri ! Ki'i'oril , Cm Neb Nov. , , , n--fSpocIal Telegram to Tin ; HUB I What might h ivo proved u disastrous conflagration was averted this morning by prompt action by the lire department. A ton trillion tank of gasoline exploded in the ofilco of Iho Ulou courly alliance nnd inslanlly tlio building , wtuch la n two-story fraino , was n sheet of llamcs. .1. Heed , ono of the proprietors , with an infant was within n few foot of the tunic when Iho exnloslou occuircd , but miracu lously ojcaped Injury. Ttio Ilimos were speedily extinguished. The lo to Ihu building and slock Is iiuoul fl.OJO ; no Insur- ancoon thu build hit' , slock fullv covered. JliiowNWooi ) , Tex , Nov. 15I'no tiiill , Colorado > S : Sanla Fo frolght depot at this point burned this morning wuh a litrgo quantity of freight. Loss , s-.Ti.OJO. A/'It li O/.1 Al ihuma's lo-lslatnro Is In session ut M.iiu- gomory. Albert Keiinoy l.lllcdVIIII nn .Irirrlrs at r.\s'orC'riiui ' | | , .Mo. Until men h.ul liet n \Yllllain liiirnott , ciiloiej. who attwi'ptod to ns'fliilt n hlto clii : was t.iKen from thu j-ill nt ( Aforil , N C. by u mob und h uu Delegates to the Interstate rn id fonzicss arc , in ivlnjc at Moiniilils Tonn , The dulo iales lull I f i uniiiiloiii p u t ? of thy union , Otto hanniilut hia lioen muidou'd by IM Wllhiin at rinndie.iu , S. I ) . The ninr.lfi was i-olil-bloodi'J and wi > co'iimltted ' ' 01 lobbury. Thn tihil or I'l i ill. ( iiiivln , the yonn , ' no\vs- p < per iitlNt who 11 short tlini ) IIKO Killed Ills wlfu al PiUiUirI'u , has coinineii''cd at Dial euy. euy.Tho The lolnmbliin colohratlon axoautlvn com- inlttceof .Nuw Voric has ri'ci'hed Iho ropnrt IIof HID iinilllln.cummlttoo. . U ahowe'l a Uellclt of i.'S.Jd. Hilly Davis , n no TO omploypd In a saloon at Momuhlb , Ton n. , was dnnuied In Ihreo Inehen of uiitur. Un as InttxIcnU'd and fell Intj a bhallon biyuu , Colonel Jaek C'hlnn , 11 " ( 'II Unown race horse stutter , was shot and piobubly fatally uonndcd nt the race trauk at l'ast ) t-t. I.ouls by \ a policeman ulu > att niited | to airosflilin. The suit of .Mrs Cornelia llrUlol iiunliiht the cat am of Dr. K. I' . Turk and wlfu or Inillunnp- olH , Ind. , for iU.OVU wtinus due her as a hur- viini , h.m been compromised by tiu ) payment orilO.UO ) . forces In Dalioniuy. Milt soon make nn utt'iuk upon Abomuy , the country' eapllal cllji and poilco eamu In contuol nt Itoino durliu n par. ido and a Miarp conflict ciiBiioJ In which nuiny hnads > veio biokcn Services In memory of Thuodnrn Chi d , thn mi'u/lnii : wrtor. uhodlcd fro n typnold fmur November- Ju fa , I'vrila , have btun held ul Ihe AiiicTlcuii ehiiieh In I'M If. I'lliico l-'iulb ( if llilluiibiirg , cominunilor In the Ki'u'lish navy , has beiu : appolntel navul aihUor to thn Inspector uenuru ) of foil win KM. The 1101 , wliidi Is u sinuouro , will add 1,150 yearly to hli Income. CONGRESS OF SOCIALISTS Europe's Eomocrary Gather nt tbo.Gerraon Ofipitil. FIRST DAY'S WORK OF THE ASSEMBLAGE Spcrcln > niul llruirlN | of More Tlmn Ordl nnty Interot Uioutli nml I'rimprrlly of tlio OnUr-siiliJi.i'M in llo l > l - cimoil Hi I III' Nov. 15 The soclallil coupes * resumed its suasion in Concornli hall today , llorr Singer , tlio now president of llio party , msito a speech In tiio COUMO or which ho re ferred to the rnpln progress of the party , concluding his speech by culling for throe chors for International socialism , which were given. llorr Fischer , thy secretary , In his report stated that the work ilono since the last meeting hail onhugoj the notlvo propaganda of the party. Herr Fischer's report covorort the entire History of the organization. The withdrawal of the so-called "Indoponclonts" from the innln uody of the party , although severely criticised as dislnvitl , wa brlolly dismissed Cle 11 satisfactory rlddaneo rather ttmn n M- grotablo circumstance. The report deal with the ntlitudo of the soclat-domocratlo party toward the Judl.ial oath , and U stilled It WHS the party's duty to uphold Its rights in splto of bench and bar , and to tlocllno to recognlro the religious validity of tlio outh. After \ speaking sliorily on the subject of this year's festival , the report proceeded to speak of the relations existing between Gorman , Austrian nnd Fronrh social democrats. The pros en co of iv French roprosentitllvo at Halle , it said , nnd Unit or llerr Ltobknooht at Mirolltcs ; proved Ihu solidity of the International ' ternational bond. "I'lio Uhau'vinists on bnih sides may bo eager for war , but tlio working classes , the pioneers of trim culture ana civilisation , Join hantU across the frontier in tholr united opposition to th only enemy thov ncKiiowledire , " ItutUllllOH III till ! OtlllT. The revenue at tlo disposal of the party from October 1 , l.syi , to Scplomber30. 180 , ' , amounlcu to Uils)5 ; ( ) marks. Thuro wns h balance on hand of about 7,5'JU marks. 'I'he party posresses altogether seventy organs In the press , of which twenty-two nro political dailies. The subsidies granted to Homo of those torni , howovcr , n conaldur- nolo Item In the expenditure , amounting U ) nearly ( iii.OuU nmriix. 'J'lio central organ , the ' Vorwarts , Is hold up as it bright example of political , combined with financial , success , For the year from October 1 , 1501 , to September ! IJ , 1VJJ , tlio Vorwnrts can show a balance In its favor of H''U ' marks , aiul a circulation of about JI7.0JO. Tho-book trade ( or tlio dessominution of party liters- lure is also stated to bo growing apace. Thu report clo ca with u grim and SIIKRCS- tlvo list , of the Judicial sentences passed during the last twelve months upon"mem - bora I of the uartv. The terms or Imnrliou- incnt i enumerated amount to moru than 117" vcars nnd thu lines to u total of 20,500 murk * . Last 1 year these totals were clzlity-nino years and lBliiU ! murks respectively , "Those penalties' , " It was contended , "Imvo helped the uuuso rather than other wise , UK t'loy hnva inada It plain that social- domocnits are not treated on the snine" foot . lug as.other oiti/ons. .Howcvci-tbo coilumy bo , the movement will not dovluto n halt' * ureadlh from thu path which load ? to its ilp- polul-jd tfonl , anil when ono falls another will tdko his place nnd fill up the solid ranks of the army of labor. The leaders of the parlv have already ted their enthusiastic and b''lf-sacriiicing followers to victory and they will do eo nirain and again In the future until the last and final goal is reucl.od. " ( ironing nllh Tlnii' . This Is probably tnu most pregnant , pas sage in the report. H U a confession nnd sanction or the fullli xvblch lives In the iociul democracy of Cortnany , and which renders it n force to bo rccKoned with today and still moro in tlio future. Among the motion ! ) to bo diseased is ono compelling the leaders who bit HI the Im- peilal diet to resign their scats every two yonrs In older to ( ret tbo opinion of their con stituents. llerr Hobol In the management of the Vorwarts was compelled to defend himself from llio charge "f paying excessive salnrlos to thu editors of itidpipor. IIo doelnred that in emplovos of the socialist party the editors , had the same richt as ether workers to obtain the best possible conditions of llv- intf. intf.Kvclusivo of members of the Holchstni ; and the sovorniiif.'body the conarcss Is nt- tandod by ! ! delegates , several of wnotn nro women. The UUL'ussiotis are conductad In strict accordance with the ml03 of parlin- mentnrv proceduic , and iidnnrablo dlscipllno is mainlalnnu. An amlionrL of 1,000 parson ) littcned to the sneakers today with tlio closest attention. Notice v\as Riven this avoninc of a motion to rescind tlio ro < olullon itdopted ny the socialist co iKress of 1S91 , oxi'luding independent soclallbts from the annum meet- ii'KS. ' .N < ; \V.\I.M. I'loiHll I'lillllcs NIIIV . ' Attr.ieilnc 'Mili'li Alti'iillo i. I'AIUS. Nov. Ifi. The position of the minis try was tno all-absorbini : topic In the lobbies of tbo Chamber of Djputk'H thin avonlng. The lobbies were thronged with anlnratod groups disenssint , ' the ouleomo of tomorrow's duuato on the bill Ivliif ; the government power to suppress violent anarchistic MOWS- papers. That tlio dubato will be acrimonious Is evident from me l.inguaao used by tbo ( ovcrnmunl'b opponents tonight. Tbo [ 'OVenimoni'.H ' decision to proioento the directors of the 1'utum.i Canal cotupany dis posed for the moment of the whole Panama canal question , nnd it Is not thought thai the debate set for Thursday-If it occurs nt oil - will a tract the position of ttio nnblnot. Tlio opposition Is conllnlnK its onm-Rlos to the ilubato set for tomorrow , it IH boilavod tliat the tuliiistrv will refuse to dlssuss the I'aniimu cunul ( juonloii at all , now that the tnattur H belnu do ill with Judiciously. Many donutles , however , nro opposcu to the prosecution of the director * , and will Ilkclv h'lok an opportunity In tomorrow's debate to nttnuk tlio covurnmont on tlnit subjeot. 'J'lio nninos of the 1'aiiMiu canai directors who nio to In ) proji'ctiteii huvo not yet boon announced nfilcliillv. It Is reported tonl'ht ( , however , that Count Uoi esseps , M Clmrlei Uuivossops , M. l'"ontiiiios , M. Cotou nnd M. Fifel are numbered amoni ; the ilofcnduntH , utid that they urn elinrt'od with breach of trust and mnlvcrslon of funds , The counsel for the prosecution claim to have found in the provisions of tbn contracts and o\cou- tion of the wonts bullloiont omlonco to-jup- nort the chnixos iiKalnut the defendants. U Id oxpcctnd that the cMso will ho tried uy the ( Irst chamber of the court of appeals at tuo bsginnlng of December. i'liini I'rthiiii to i.'uiiiinll. I'AIIIH , Nov. -Loubot , the socialist , who was liberated after bervlng ono year of a six year * sentence for rlotlnu at Fotirmloj , has boon elected u councilor at Uoubal , lieatlnir the consorv > itlvo candidate by u votoof 2'JJS tol.TO'J , Trli-illo llijrn IIUVlli ) . niiiLi.v : , Nov. JG Joioph Sura , who wa charged with iittcnibtlnt : to burn his wlfo to death in order thu' . ho ml ; ht marry her * younger histi-r. was lonnd puilty today and tcutencod to llfloon juari penal uoivitudo. tlnr hpliiillcii on Short Tlinr. LoM > o.V | Nov. 15. Tbo Uochdala mill owners have decided to put tholr employe * un bhorl time. The decision affects 1'J.V ) , ( 00 fiplndloi , 'tho ' upmnorj doularo this will not nffect the prolom-'ut'ou ' of the itrlk * .