THE OMAITA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. NOVEMBER H 1892. SPECIAL NOTICES. \ KMKNTrt FOH TIIKSK COLUMNS nlll be. taken iintll 17 TOp ni for ( tie ctonlnu nnd until 8 .Hp m for the morning or Sunday edl- NcJadTprtlf > PTint taken for ICM than 2. ' cont6 for tltp flrt Insertion . . . . All nlverll-pmenl * , In the * ! " column * Ih renln ft word for tin llrot Insertion and I font a word for M-h nti pnncnt Insertion or II VJ per line per inonlli Tcrnntft'h Inalrnncc Initial * . nanrM , nrmlnil * eli rnMi cojinl t n woril All d er llMiicnt > niii l rnn rnn entlTply Advertiser- , liy nnncMInK n niitnlwrril check an Imvo Ilin ltllrr aililri' " 1iltiin numliprcil leltir In pirn of I nt III r An ner in nrtdre * cd will ho delivered on tin- piigntatloii ot tlio chock. SITUATIONS-WANTED. _ 7L " " " "A" vv AN i in : rosn ION iiv I.AIIV TRNOO .ArMi'ier. Mill work for uronll wnijc * . Addren I'M ll , , , . l " _ _ ! _ _ "A WAN-THI * A I'OSniON HA VOI'M. MAN /Vwlio iin * liail five jpam oxpi rlenep In the uhlp- Jilnn room nnil ircnernl lorp lie * ! of illy reier mm * , MldnUO HPII ' " " " IIV t.Ml8TKMKJ Addrc * . * . It 1(1 ( IU c ail ) IV T VVAMKI' . MTI AfToV AS HOTKIUi'.l'ni ( : Jor Keneral ollli n clerk Iiv ( .miir . man who lini Imd ii\oriil > enra uxperlcnee A . * II IWi JiOllKl MrOOt Mj.T II VVA.VIKI ) . A HITI'ATIOV AH ( OOK fs bonrdlnif homo or lie | ilt l IIT n flnBln man of long ouporlunri- can Kl\o llrt pln ti rofnrontoi , rlty or country. Addro < H 15. Ho" . vln ij' WANTED MAI.B HELP. 1 > tOMI'ATKNTSTKNOOKAI'IIKHS ANDIVI'K .l > nrlli > r iipcrnlnin who nri , out of employment niln lpil | tn call nnd ri-ul'tpr Ihrlr nnnipi and qimlltlcnlKiii" nlth our employment department \ Viimikii mi tharno to e.lllie-r emplnynr or em tilojcd Drop In nnd wo u * WP take pteanro In Ooltiu'nll ni'ian for tlio worlhr Kii'iinunplior nnd lyprnrlllil 'Ihe "nilth I'rpnilci lype-wrltor to liVr'M I firnnni- Oninhfi , Neb SI. fT vv AVI r IN AS oi u liiiinnntionl WycnM of nite Hunt ritforrmei rp- qiilroil One who understand- ; nniiriiiby | anil ttt > avrltl'igirpfirr | < M Aildre I' II ) lit _ M 15 AIIKM" (11 ( M 1I HM < 1 MhSIHCIl > TIIIS ( ) J l > < tt ( rtlmn no'dtn nnd thronil. IHn woolcnn , itlovcii unilirpllnn < 'nii ' yd I"1' 1' Trt Uc by nmll \ \ ftii ) HIT A lo , I'rovlilonco , II ' . . - „ . . . , TV UAN'lin THIS NAMTS AM ) ADIIKKsSI S J'of pni-riit tlo HIPII ami woinin open fur pprtnn nont neil > Wo ulvo PTI'I | MI territory \\u HiinrnnlrpKiiuil wiirki TM ? W n wofk \ \ o liirnl li ciniin , fnrnltiiri' ilt'llvur ) tinm mill tmnMiappr nd TprllnlHK llnr nrtldn In a iiiniiupiilt It will anva Sipnrccnt nl Ilinionl Mlli > nr isvnryliiHU I nil pur tlonlnr hy mall Mthniiraplif , paniplilitn. ilc. free IIIKIII tiulpt n f p" t K' ' Aililn-s Co .M Oliver Klri-it. llo-toii MII di B-SALAUV OH COMMIfHION lOAIII'MS'IO Imnrile HIP I'nle-nt I lifinlinl Ink I i islni ; IVncIl 'flip niiint ii'i'lul nnd nortl Invenllon of llio nit lr.r e lnlt iliimiuiibly In twiintpoml * Worke Ilkii o ) to . v ) per cent profit AvcnlH nuiklim wpek VVnnlno nunt n Kencriil nunnt to Inko _ . tif i , rrllorr nnd appoint null iKniitn A rnro diHiuc lo iiinkuiiiont' } wrllo ( or ti run mid sain pin of eninluK Mimioo I'rmur MfK lo X 0 , La 'rn iVV i > * * ' I > VVVVrKO. li.M'KUIHM h.1) I'A'IKNI ItKilll1 I men to hnnilln I'nlpnl Klortrli ) loot VVnrmpr , VV i : Ulnier , pdontie' , lln tliiK * . Nil' " > - ' ) TO ( SOW I-I A I'VI KIM. HOIIT. 1 'nmn who Ihornnclil ) nnilpri.iindii | i iilllnc nnd rnrlni : A limn Mhiil- well li i nniini'inh il cnn hn\o H uteiidy Joli nt itood pu > I ru.l I ) I hurl111 i Doilk'i'.Omalia l I' * "n-1 rnoL i KH ° si vv AW AV i nevi t Hit A O J'und Mlmaukco. hlrlkii on MI7I U * iji-WAN-ILI ) . MI'S IO 'IAKI1 OUDI'UI IOH .liclKiirn froiinlnilprs $ OW In ll J W per innntli nnlle pen o Addre- < with ulninp Iliown Ilios ACe Co , IT Dunrliorn stre-ot , tliliucii. III M131 II * Ij-WANin A Tnisr ci.A'-s IOVCHMAS Dllrnt ( ln. i wniic to n u'OiMt limn no ollli r need applr. ( eo A Jonlyii , 111 "o IJtlinlieit MJi t l'i ' 'JAKI.C AHI. or oi- IJ WAS'rri ) . A nov 10 - I'dcn fid pe-r month Mnto nmAililrixn U l'i , llee MA * , M W \NTKII-A I HIST CI.X'-S IM.N1MAKHH N ( Helm , llroken How Neb M Ss.117 * 11 WAN fill A MAN VVI11I l'i Ml 'I O IN I HO -I'dm u n lid ir iirlli ID iiinoni ! nii-ri liantn nnd xliililo Jnon In Oninlin .ind pverv city nnd lo n In Nelrnkii und mirronndlnui'tntK , inn" S-7 per iln ) pells on Ixht Nu loniiii'tlllon Addrcni wllli nlamp , American .MftCo , < < < Unco at , I'lillndulphln I'll MJIU IV 1WANiui ) . nusr CI.A .S i5M'iiiiKvni ; ) I 'iihop nnl ( ininn HOBlnn falore , Oinalin Ul li 1miii M.AVKR\vT\Nrui ) os SANI'IAHIIJM J'bnllillnK , tornur Ilth nnil M strict * Ilmoln \ViiKi-B t > per dnj M''U IV 1 > MVANTI l . A OOOI ) 111 rilll'LMAN ' 111 AT J'ltniUTflniMH hH tini.ii | ( ni Steaily work for Lood man. II. ( .lllii-t ) , fU IlioadHiiy , Cniinell Uliills " IT oscri i on ! on i IVK t.ooi ) > Batoioofen ! II lirnhlon I'onndl IHiillH v must h e good c-ook and laiinihe-o Mrs I M nrniun .M7 , . ' /I WVN'IKD ( illtl , toil CiNhttAI. HOUsK- work In fnmlly of tno AliiMt know how to < ook ( H-rinnn or Kuhemlan prnfirrulMII pa ) good wagon Appl ) nt < JJ * o 24th im imp M' ) / 1 W V'wOrk k- family MiA II .l iiilth | , ' 1117 Bpjiueeriit . ( nit. roiiKNHHAi.i : nousn- Work Applv to MM II I lliiRlieh IJIJ N Ji th utri-ct JIISu ! ' , \ - UAN rT. n oiiti. i OH OLMII\I , iiofsi. work , imi'l umlomtand naltliiK on t ible , best nuci Apply In'l Hour HiOl Howard t MIO'l II * C WAN'IIP 1\VO \ AI'I'IIKMIUIC lilltl.x .MHS Jiott < lri > kiiiiiiic-r , lit llruwn blink sum * /1--I.I All V.NVI.r.l ) I'hllVlANKM , I'LIIAt-AN' ! ' > - iirolltiihlo imployiiMMit for liullcs AildnsK wlili Multiped cii\oUip .Mr Nottlu Ilnrrlton ' . ' ( ' < li | rr Hin-et w in hinucl ro , tnl J1JI5 | 'i * /I WN I I'D A VI nAIr.F\ ) . VVOM.VN IOH i htonl\ pi in one uho pponk-i t.erniun or Fit-lull J'l'J ' I itrnnin .V.M , /i \V\MI I ) \ TllOUOI'UlllA "luVin.llVvi V i inik if I lauuilri'FS n lit ic i > ceond Klrl N kept 1UI1M , Jlh ) me M2l'i l'i C-WA.YIHI ) M HSKlillll. AJ'IIX. NOHI1I . ! ! , il ulriet M.S1 li * 1'OK BENT-HOUSr.S. 1 i .v nr iHAiii.i : IIOM K OK a HUOMS , I'Uit J'nlslieil or niifnrnlfihpil Parties going to Call fornla Appl ) on priiuUeii , lll..Si nth lunth street 4S7 \ " IOU HI'M' KOOM tori ui ; : ov MOIOH "lllic Apil | > H ( ornci th and I ) mglaa iloititi.Nf MM : HOOM HOI si ; . Monnn.v 'i iin\eiilinii o.'iilt I itku M lliijnlio ( , ' Deed win Hi I ihl t-arnam UM D RHOJM (011'Abl * .III MA--N ( ( I HOOM , inm miidern , JIM \ Mitbon Apply , JV ) Mniciu. . _ _ _ _ itti nMJUWIII HLN1' HM.IIOMICTN III NIiiC ) : from IIIIK ti > May 1 fur Hl Nine ICIOUIH , hnth nnd w i , : fiirmuet hot und inldwiiior , first ila-m burp , Miiitli friinli blue kit ; on motor line , Ue t of m liihluirh , nh icl IH lit vet plain luken inro of , heui e nomln il rent unit need ol lefereuiis M A IplonCo l'i e building. Ml. ; II n 10 HOOM HIllcTrTioVl.M1H MIIDKHN In I piineiiientx mi juh ( si nvn Leiicnnorth ju | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n ioil III Nl lIlfnsKI IV M.I. PAIlio1 illy 'I lie d Daxlseompiiii ) I1U5 I .irnnin > i t\ ion uijvr. luitooM . . . . . . I ' Heed A Kulby , Homil nl IVnilu . i\ ion UIM' : . m.Biii.Mii.i : uuoou iioiiin , I 'iiinilcrn llnprovonHMilH ni-Uhhiirhuo I Iho ho l III l'iilti-ri > nn ( . ' llatiuo Mm k .MUi .1) ) II-IIOOSI HOUdr' , HliAbO.VAllLi ; TI . I iltl DolL'e TIM77J \ \ CHLAI' IIIUTHK WIMI'.II , .1 IIOOM TLATH. 4 'IB"i : , ; Scirllr.'lat lri-ot. cll > wntcr , IJ I ! 1 Hiill j.'OI-iiuili ntli truet inSSi n is 1 VI'll VIH , DVVKLI.lSfix , IOIT\IIIC < ' Iff Al.l J 'cniU of elljr Kllkinny .V e'o , Coiiltnvnlul hlk 01 T ) Hoi-M' OK II IIOOMS. ALL .MOOIIHV t'ON- J.'Tpnli'nri'ii plea > sn nnlly lopnted nnar Inmlnp-ii pen li-r , | | ) 13M ihleiuo U , or Ihklnner. . lilll Knnmin .Mill 1A i.vm.i" i.isr OK t'Hoicit nouiiK I'Uliren. tl t etc llonteii from fil per uiontli mid up , ( aurkoj. I'uul , HUi I ariuuu MtM.MV | \-M'.vvT HOOM ron-AUis : , uvm. nor AND ' J fiulil nuier.nllinodcrn Inii'ruvuiiiciitj Deilrvlila loeitllon for hiKlneai nie-ll lu liounllfnl rilunfonl I Ircln , CoiiM-nh-iit to Omaha nnd cioiilh Onmliiv. Apnljre , Kluutur , room I , New lork Llfu hulld in.Fr | \-IU IIOOM IIOU8K AMI IIAHN SDH Fr X'rt. Kniinlio I'laco. | 3i , J J. l.b | oiiMIJ lit Nn llunnl tmnU < 771 , DK.MIlAlll.i : hl\-ItOOM ) . , . . , < . lurnlilmil - - eomplvlo for the wlnli-ri uo thlldriMi , , 5il N , lll ) U MUHXI 10 rL-rOlflliis'r , H.AT 7-UOOM , HANlTi : , AND ,1 * 11 gtlier ! 0nvi'nlu > ee > . In kood eoudlllou. tJO. lIMf nt tint K , Uii > oiiili > lruet. or. , to Illng Ji.ll Mm. . , llarki-r blink , I uruntii mul IStli iloorko vTlouni-r. us D ( . -ItOOJI HOI HU Ull II ALL MOI1KIIN co.N , iKf * , will rent forJS pur cvnluit tu t-uod tenant K \\llllutu4 , | l .Nut bank lildtr M131 IS TyA.V KI.KCtANP IU IIOOM J/bloekifrom tourl lioinu benullfnlly , . . , . , exl and pnlntcil luruuLlioui ilnru Uit oevnpled , uni , bitli , wntor cloie-l. bnru tor li lior c . rip M r I an and 'I ruit couiimnr M3 | | Hi * 1) - - . 8TKAM HliVllCI ) MODKIIN H.A18 Kllke-niicjf , room I , tontlnvnlal block l-HM IIK.ST , A MCB 0 HOOM t'orTACK , TITV /mtrr. plul ncnljr imperoil , lUN37tli t noai \v , letu it MCI IIUUMH. CKNTHA1LV LOtATKU , 'furiiUlinl lur llfbt bou > kti plac. huculru FOB RENT-HOUSES. rv-VOH HK.VT. VOIIH IIOOMS AND UATH TO A i/ira ll fnmllr. Inqnlro t J5M VVcbMcr Hi HiIM IM tl4 DOH HKNT , A HOOD VIVB HOOM HOUSK , city , cistern nrt well water , 7UI9 Lh rle ti. In qnlrn iil7SM VVelntcr t. IJ7 H * n-rOHHKNT. NO ! I1 t'AIMTOti AVKNUC. U room * , modern The O r llatls to , IW4 rarnamit 191 D-A NlTw HUICK IIOUSK MSB HOOM" , Hr lcla mnf > dPrn Improfcments I'arkavtnun , failne llanscom park J M ltlclintil HM < n I2d street , MS7I 19' COILS iJot Dndito nnd l.lh and lth and ( npltol nvenuo Lie ten room * , eich Nenr now poMomce. Mlo See II II Clark & Co M2.M li D-IrOUHKNT HAHirntANI'i : . COMMTlDIOtlH Iflrooin homuln hoirt of elly All innvonl emeu. Harn If desired lx > w rent. Inquire at room SOU , N T llfoliiilldlliK M.K9 II * n -T ( ANT ] | 8 l7ooM llOUSI.8 NKAH 1IIOII Ave .M213 JO * D ONK SKVI'.S ANtl > VK IIIOOM H.ATCU7 N Wth strcpt ; all modern convenlinces MIT ! 1' . FOU KENT-FUllNIaHKD ROOMS. iK it.Nisiinn ANI > UNKiniNitni'i ) HTHAM I Jliested rooms near llluh school , at 2414 llavon port st llofcronco runulred Mrs M K ItutleiUa I-H , _ E MI KI.V HJItMSHhl ) lltUN I ItnoM. a | Itol avc _ _ _ uoinis wnii oir\\TiTfor i HOAHI > nos ouitlnR VKI I 'i * " ROOMS AND HOARD. . .TiTtsisiTi : ! ) uooMs rntsr I Plnsi board at The Dolati , VUJ and 211 N IMh lil _ -ltOOM AVI' IIOUIII IV I'ltlYATKMII.V ! J lor ttvo ( .entlemen with rft'ereneos nt ? " per eik inch ; ull modern convenlom js 513 N . d t M1UJ I ? MCPM rUllMOHI.DI KONTUOUMIMP11 * llrM elim tnble board If ilo lred , nil modern con vcnkncui , limit ri'a unable ) > I3 N .ilth nt MUSIS' I , ' IttiOM AMI llOAltll FOU ! UTN Till.MUN. If : > U per Kuuk , good tablu. J1S No I''th i-treet f Son II IIOOMS W1I11 110 Mill , H-'J CHI- cauo stripl MJ'il lu * " IIIlMlNHIII'li ItliATFtl room * with board for few gentlemen 'Iprms nioilernto Itefcrcncescxijnngeil llnrney l.i FI.It1 ( H HM-illKI ) I'AUI.OIt AI.MJ JL front rooms nlth llrit clapboard Nonn tint tlrslclnii need apply l.Ui ( nllti rnhi at MS > I ! ' t MM : in 'iin : I.AHOHVI AMI msr 11 u nlrlMd room * In thn city also HUP other room with llrsl clars accommodations of a private turn- 11 } 'i.D N S-d l FOIl RCNT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. "i 4 IIOOMMOIiritN ( llx VrhVINCI * 'IO 'f imllyIUiiHit children , 1M hiirii.nn Iminlro ill I'nxton block 7Uri p-'l 11 HIT. LOOMS FnltHOI srKUKI'ISd. I Ult ' 'nlhlii il or niifnrnl-hid inodurn convpnUnci s , htenm liLnt lilt .Mcholu Mr'el .Mill ! . ' > BOAllDI O. niOlt HI SI TWO \ UtY IH-SIUAllIiF ll'lt- nhlud or nnrurnMii'il noiith anil pavt llr-U floor rooim al 'llio 1 ren r. ' 11 ( ( No. J\th * < t. MSI , 111" FOlt KENT-3IOBBS * UP OFFICES _ MII : 4 sititnun K in IIl'i 1. UH , I arnam st I ho luillillii has a llrupronf ce UK nl liucni ( nl conipltlo Mtuamhoatlng ll\lure . null-run ill UK'lluori , Mil. L'tc Apply nl tliu olllce r i in , it. „ * H4 FOR REI.T-rilSCELIiANEOUS. i -KOI NVS'HAU. ( oi.n MI IUOI-OI.IIAN ) MY fur limUii lind 1 ourtei nth street1" t an ho n nil d for billt puitli'f HOCI | th" * etu. I or dates n'l | | ) iti ) New \oirk Uloliiilldlng M7dj * 1 1 Oil Itl.M A llltANII MW MirYHUOV ' holul , In lest location , with all niodurn Improve menu In t-onth Om ilia Nub Address John C llaninril llr.'iiNenorkl.lfw.Omalin M'N , u , ItEiNTAt , AQKNOIES. L I'liif-ov-A : n.ititinKAiiNCr HKN Lai maru triii of Minthduttiha ' 1 hey lui\e stores ho i SIM , o flit ( * ind rooui4 for rent 3-7 N 14 STORAGE. M-vroUAOK IHKA1' , UI.hVN , Wl.l.l.s lltl 1-nrniim slrect. 4'Jt MbIIlt\lK YOI It lUtliCY OH CAIllllAr.l uirefull ) looked aftir. < It in.dr > , airy roon ISth nnd Harm1 } lirnminonil Cnrrlnuu Co IIO II1I WANTED -TO BUY. N WANT I'D ' 10 Ill'soMK R I'hll CK Ilrst mortunuei. Heed ,1 Eelb ) 311 Hoard'Iraik N.WA.V1KII , Hll ) llllrill SI.lllllt I'U'I'Y. Address , utntlug prlie It 2 lire 147 AT-WAVII5I ) ' 10 111 Y. - ' SI'-LONI ) HAND Olt -I. ' new high grade Rifct ) ldoilei I'neumattc tlrui In good condition . \ddrcss 1 * O box 2M , \iilcntliie.Nel. . MLU IS "VfWAN r IT * ) 10IOOACHEri OKI.DIOH CASH i- * for one customei wllh'i 0 mllen of the ell ) , also for another customer Minll ir farm within 100 mills of tliu < IU \\iuit them lit once A K Hlle ) . Hoiiin4l7 lleobiilldliu MJi7U TV'WANTK1) - \ \ \ CAMlor MCAIl ' . ' > 1 IIi -i- ' and < aldnell oi vlilnll ) want to oxclinnue for It a1 out a ! . ' ( M ) eiiulty In nUe rnttiiko on Welreter street A K. Hllc ) 117 Dee building M M , 14 * \r-I.OOD HFCOM ) HAM ) .M'HIM. WA.OS ( 1 for one. horne Ad Ire'-H U 17 line MJjl II * TVT IIHAVV Ill'f K 11OAHI ) . MIM' UK IN I.OOD Liionillllon SpenetrOtl JIU S H th nt III 1. FOU SALEFTJKN1TURE. . 0-1 OH S\I.K AT A \III1.\IN. . 01 I'll K OH hink furniture nliio irooil bnrclir nnd tire proof nufc Inijiilre' VmerUan smlnii bank ' . ' > i , O ToTT SAI.K CHIIAI' COOI ) 1IAHD < OVL stiiM.arlntul ( , A U. .liiilllh | , otliee Omnlm I'.levalorco Mllj I' . * o -ion BALI : , HII.I.IAHII AND 1001. 'IAHM : . I as new , ut li."J ho I7lh street M17j IS * OK'H SAI.K ; n/UMruitis CHKAI'ilia I'npltol nvp SI.18 lj * OIlHNUl'Hi : CAUI'in5' KlC.Oh . ' NKUL\ Inrnlsh d rooms for sulu chonp r II ( nine , Morn * Drv ( toods Lo M.'KI II * 0 1-1 UI.M1 I'HK 01 SICVI'N ItOOM SIIIAM lu'ileil , ' lint , nil looms renlid I lat I' fill 'until Ilth Mil l .M. 'hi l'i tOR SALK HORSES , WAGONS , FTC. J > -i on SAI.I : , A hirDOLI.AH -IOP for , itiO II r Cole , Conllmulnlblork p-.v NO i i.ooi ) iiiiivi.Mi IIOHM ; PHALIO.S 1 nnil hnrnc-K for i-ulv or "III e-xiniiiun for Omaha n nl i ulitte. Immlio \\lllluMiOiiitliinun , lltliM t.rixtr -M.'AI II I > I OH hALl , Al1 Mil II u N pTHTK , IlOltsi : I hiirnosaud ipiliii. HULIIII In llrsl ilnsi eondl lion , null il le forurocer ) Muttbu eoldnt once * AildriiM , lt. % llio \j.t ; | j. Jj'OK&AJlE--MrgOl.LLA.HKOUS. ; ! Q-i OH f\u"rii ! 1 : A f > . A Jj7u11 is n i 'o vv i7i i aiitoiiiiiUoi-nulne ! nlno ono I. horaj power up rluht on.lnii , hotli In moil mpilr Iniinlni of Tom ner I'rlntlnuC'ii UUT llo\Tiril lreot , Oiimlin , Neli MI4J Q-I'lH. I'l ' I'I'iKS , U.HMI .K , UAUKiil ; Ill.f.CIC _ _ _ _ _ JjJ N J Q KM ! ) HH SKIIFH I'TjI' s'-iHiMIIS OLD well hrinl. nnil inarkid lilt ) Iliirkerblk l.'v , Q1'IA.M > M > USAI.K , NKVV. HALh I'ltll'K KOH ( anil UOul apllol atnniif M.'SI HI * 011 lit MALI1 : , A I'KM. hUMH IIAHI ! IIIJUSKH Imnt ( oul iiloru No JO , apply nl ICJii 1 oenat B | U A IIOMK IOH LADIKd 1)1 ) HI.Nl ! CONKINL' uaut.lablesadopted i'-M Cuuiln.ctreet Omaha. MJIO.N.'I * CLAIRVOYANTS. C-M1W. NANNIH v'vVATtUK'v , ClwCllUOi ANT , k'roll i li t. htt > lne l i niealum , llfth year nt 1U N li th S-MIIS 1)11 ) .M I.IUiKAVK l'IIOl'IIETIC > S. DKAII irnnrti < lalr\oynnt and llfo ruade-r ; lulln ) iinr llio from CTiiitlo to k-rnro. ran bo ponvullod on ull nttulrnof llfoi has tun ( vloUiatid rKyptlmi plulo lu iinlic thu i-C'i'iiiaird mid imi'i-nmrrliit'o .wllhoiiH HHI lot i < louioiMiti. lomaiill mid bo con TliKcil udiir remurkiiLhi puncri otllru nnd roil 1 ilcuoo ill f lltllBt hour * Va m. to U n. m , Mrht llfi-i'linrl nnd pnolii of > oiir fnliiro wlloorhui hand ont lhroui.h mull foi f5 W , i-linrt ulono f.'O L ) All lotlimconlnlnliif ; I ppulii lu lampi prninptl } anpwen-d TUT U. * MAS3AOE , MATHS' ETC. p MASAii K 'i UIA : ni KN r , lir.Kcf iio i i Hifu J mal Imthi nt-alp nnd Imlr troMiucnt lunnlourn and ehtropodlit. ir ! < reist.Slli'if H 14thYltuhell lilk _ . _ MJS rn 11 A D A MI : niiirn , iiii CACITOL AVKNUPJ tllouui J , ; ld Hour M.usno , uleoliol , inlphur mid ii-n l > atli > HU Ib4 ' | -M5.IK. LA HUB > IA ! < SAUB , 416 HOU1 H IVfll ' rit'ilft'l0ta''t | ! < M13I13 * m-MSII' . hl'OVVK. MAHNK1IU H1SALICH. SO. ' . iDouiilm block Jliun Mono will liavroniale at her purlori only , a .full Hup of her toilet anklet winch nrt > inectlnc with tucli iienurn 'ator , MKJ ( | | ART AND LAMOUAOB. Vr < ! v iiKI.LKNiiiecK , nANJO TKAt iiEfi oor lilli ana U ru jy. llaraiy tiri > t MONBY TO LOAN-HEAIj EBTATE * i cltyprnperty.M 093 and upward * 8 to 7 per pont. N'odelayi.VV. tarnam Smith \ Co ISth and Harney MJ7 W-U V IIAIUtlSOXlIJ N. \ \\r-t I'KIl OKNT MOVBV NKT TO nollKOVV- cmonOmihaclty prnpjrly No cttra churuos of any kind Why p y IMnn rues' Monpy u rhuip , ou can eel full benefit of loir rotoo from ( llolio , o n ami rnut Co . Kith and liodKO. MM _ \ \ r-MnuTiT\Hn LOANS t.iiss THAN 7 1'hit CT l Incliiillnx nil rliarxot W llnlnpy , Onnliii Nat hanh lildit Ml NYI ANUS YKAU LOANS ON t ITV ANI ) FVHM mortuncos llccd .V Julby , 311 Hoard of Trndo MB ir-MONKV TO LOAN AT I.CiVVT.SI HA'I K3 The O V iml * t'o IVJ'i I'arnani street Mil AV r-UI3A1i H \TKIi ) \ \ 4 hrOM'KU CKNT iKinddltloiiAl ctiirttf % for com til "I on or nit or \V It Melklc. Urst NiHunit Itnnk hUU Ml } V- _ CFATIIAl.I/UX .H , ' 1II US I'CO , llli : III.IH1 Mi V\r-rm\i' : Me.viv : HUM u vv i' . COATK : > IOH Karnim Ml V 1'IIIV VliiVIOSIH HI' AN'I)3 M llll'IIAO ' tonn * luir rnts * Alex Moore Hue tildi 'OS \\r-OM\IIA MAVISI.S IIAVK MAKL.S LOANS ' on real r'Utinl Ion oil market rales Ixunj mido In sunll or large muni tor short or lonz time No eommlntlnn Is pharged nnd the loins are not lold In the fii't but einalwiysbn funnd at tliu bank on the corner of nth nnd IMiulrvi slrpats \r-Mo\rv TO IOVN ON IMIMIOVKII cirv l properly , low rule A f Fro t , DoiiKlnshlk fill ) T i.\nr.n LOANS MMII : ON OMAHA , i.iv coin. Council lllulfs hiislnci * properlr. I ! per cent. Also small loini Uoorgu I Paul , IbJ'i l-nrnnm MVC NI5 * \\T ASIIIOS\ I OAS'ANIITItltSVfO 1H V V T Life , lenjsnt low ratji foro'i ' ila saeirlty o-i Nobraika or low i f irnn or Omalii city property. r-i.ovvi T HAHi : " i IDHI.IIV Tiiisr IOM pnny Itui l-atnnni etreet M U5 ' r-A K HiLr.v in nun IU-ILUIMJ M57H 17 * MONEY LO I.OAN CHATTELS. X - DOUV VVAM' MOVKV " "Till : I IDI1I.ITV UMN OfAHAVrnE CO , ItOOM 1 VV1IHNKLI. ULOUK. i i OI'lll IMh 1IAUNKV ST. Wl ! MAKi : I.OA.V-t OV FIJIINnUllK , < AituiAiirs , WAiinnoiNr iiKCriii'i'dou i'iii- : fcONAI , I'HOl'I.Hl V OKAN\ KIND HMSVII.I MIJP.TYOUU APP110\AI. \ouciin pa ) the money hick at any time and In nny amount yon wish and thut reduce thnpint of curj Ing Hie loan In proporllon to amount > ou pay IK OU ewe n baluneii on jour fiirnlturii or other por-oiml propirt ) of any kind wowlllpii > It olTfor von and carry IIas loin a * ) on desire OUCV.N ll'VVh MlUll MONhY IN'ONI" HOt'U iitoM tin' * iIMK ui .MAKI : APPIit\IION. No puhlUltyor limuvnl of proper ! } so that you get the use of both money and property. x- > OOU NKliDMOSKYi 1III2 OMAHA MOHlOAfJK LOAN CO. will lend you any sum * hlch you wish , sninll or large , at the lowest po 'lblo rates In the ( | tili keit poxilhle time and for any length of tlnio to null ) on Yon can pay It hack In such Installments as yon wMi. when you uIsh Mid only pay for It as long as keep It Von can burrow on lOlNiniOI.I ) nillMl'UUK AND IMANOS , 11OH-.I s. WAI.O.NS AND ( AHHIAOLd , WAIII'IUU BK HKIKII'IS OK 1'I.H-ON'AI. IMIOI'KIU'Y Oh ANY MM ) ON Till ! IIAOU ASK toil IT without publicity or rcnuxal of property llcmcmber that > ouan paj any part of the loan at any time and that every dollar paid lessens the coat ( if carrying the loan Ileforo lorreiwlug elsewhere call and see us nnd you will II ml It grently to jour mUantage OMAll V MOltlA.i : J.IM.N LO , Hooin II , Crelghton hlocU , 111 South ISthstnet , next to portolDce TtIK JI.DISSl , LAUllKil' ANII ONl.1N ( OHI'O KAl'KI ) 1XJAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. aic X MONU\-WI ( U. 'V ' DAIS CHBAIHAVKS and easy payuentn on furniture , pianos , lire stock , etc . nlthoul dula ) or publicity , cash on hand Dull ( , n en , room b , llarkcr block Ti \--WII.LLOAN MONKY ON' ANY KIND Of 8K /Vmirlty : trlitl > coalhlentlal A K llarrh , room 1 , Continental block SU X -Pill ICIi MID , 51 DOUtil.AS II , \ UOIXiL' 51.1 X --MONTY LOANED C1IICAI' ATOUHOWN time Nebraska 1,0 < n Co , 1110 Douglas st 517 X -MONHY TO DAN ON HMtNlTUHK. I'lANOS , horseR wagons and collateral security. Husl conlldcntlal trod lorry , room 43J HIIIULC blk WJ ' -CHA'l 1'hl. LOANS , .1 N. Y. I.ll 3 MOItltlS 451 Nl BUSINESS CHANCES. Y lint's VLK. HW SlfAHUS ( fit ) ) KAtntTT ) ! tliiipipltilntnckof the I Irtt Natlonil hank o Arnpnhoe .NobrnDkn nt 811 par cent ot Hi par aln o Addri ss l'urr > I. Hole eashler , this Hank ot Arnp i IOP. Arapnhoe , Neb Mil. ) V CVSH ion MruciiANoisr , fvw 'io .1 cinlck' Vnn 1'atten lluitnusi LvehniiKC , 'IFU Hoard of Irnilo ills. ll 11 * Y-iou MALK. nwmuiiK oF A iTi-rl.l ; : room -ti-iun lientel IIOIIKQ ( ontnilly located now fullof roomers So I lei itlon foi a Hrnl clas smiill hotel ifond opporlnnlty for a lady o llniilnil e ipltal , not mncli hard "cirk re-iiulrod , ran HUH for KcllliiK , owner must limvn tliu city < nil nt J H I'arrottu , room ti Doiiclns blk Mill H- Y- IIII.I. A1IS1 It\CI'HOOK * * ONH si.Tt > OK title abstractH of Hall Cn , N ( h , for sale or nv eh inge lor luipio etl clear rcilly orclean Mock of menhaudltfo Hcst opening In the stale /or per mam nt plying biinlnis 'loo much other bind ness iin ban 1 to glvr them proper attention. Ad dreis Wlllliun 1 rank onnur , t.rand Igland , Neb Jill 13 - ( ) ( MALE , 11A1CKHY. HKhl'AUUA.NT AND eonfeellonery. doing good buslmis Inveatl gale , good reason for selling , address H II , Hee .iUI 15 * Y AliMNilO.N ( HOPRL I.KASK I-oil SAI.K , eash ortlino. . ! monllm' liuslne.iafl , ( ) , If 1 can not toll want a hotel ilerk nt nnej , will kUolnll i hargo ot hotel , must fnrnl-ih good reterencii ; nil ilrcaiJ O Illesslnk ' , , harness denier , Arlington Neb JU3 lb * VVA.M II ! ) . AN 1MKHYIKWnil I'AHM - 1M ho has mone > y to ln\ eat In sheep , * .ddri'SH It II , llee il.i 15 * FOll EXCHANQE Z Kill K\'HAN.r ( , ( iOOl ) IMI'ltOVKIl NK hriisku tarms for any .ood real or chattel property l'o tollliubox I , ( hadro i N b JUi nil * Z480 jU'HKS Or CI.FAH I.\ND IN ONH OK tliu In at winter xhint districts In Kunms to ot diangefor ID or .Macro traet no ir Oniahit city limits UIH pay e ish dllleroneu If prnperty U gouil Address , tilriiu price nnd locallnn , O'.il lieu otllce-s .M.lli / I-OH lAI'llANlil- HUM ) HOIISCS KOH /-/Kont'ial murcliandlm ) Hex ( i clliirwill ! Neb 71. IT * T/ FOUHAUOIlK.\riI : AIIOIM' tSUJUOIt fJt i.UUO worth of dry goiidi clothing boois shues anil grourlea. well seleeted and clean htotk now running sales nvirlU'i \\lllnamegood prlcu for all cash or take good Improvi d fnim lands In Ncbmiikaiirgood renliloncj projierty well loeatod inOumha to value of J51XXI or K'tjn , halauiernshor good notes Wrllo Lock llox HI for partlonlaTs , Omaha , Nebraska y-ci.iiAN srociw OIM.KNKIUI.M DVH , WILL Jtakuri-al usmto A mono ) llox'-J5l runkfurt Ind 111 IS / I UAVi ; AliDOl ) TAIIM11IIC11 I WILL K\ /Jrh.iiike foi a stock of general men hiindliu 1 or particular * addro > 4 r ( i Curyoll .NvIUh Neb r/ \ 0\\N IOU KAIIMS IN NhllllAhlCA KANSAS 'Jand Dakola Will sell cheiip or eiihangu fur mcrehamllte , hurivs andcallle Adtro box 7 ' 'l. > l I rauktoit , lud iiNl Z-ILI.AIIU.MAJIA lli\I. : I'hl Al I. toll IHSK , iietuul vnluullon Monuytolimn llux ls , oiualm MJ lUIIUUNS IN IlKAL > , call or write , AIux Mooio , live bideI'.G I'.G Z.IHAVRNOIlMANANiiTltomNI.MAI.LIO.SS foroiehaiikui prko for thotwo tiUJI , nnnt land or towu property Hliolc ) , &hvnitndonh , In 151 II * rhOU i\CHA.Ndl ! . 40 ACIU.S. CI.KAU OP IN /Jcuiiiliruiuu , tire mil on Irtim Omnhn , two mlli-j from H Oiimha. toiutlmnuo fur elty proi erUV ' 'l.lirahara , McCuirnv block IJ1 In V IOH 1UADK OH SALi : , I.OOD HOUSi : . G /Jroom * . full lot ein ( r llnoou Military mo ut'iir Hamilton utruct , W. ' 1 . Uruhtiiu , -Mel'u.-uu block 10 /-TO tr.Kr O.N .N.JIIH KUIKKT.'IO iiAci f-Jtor liupriirud pro pe-rty \ \ T ( irnh.uii zui 10 r/ HILL ixyr ON H A Mii.i tfn iirnv N i : A ,11 SJLowu Are. , to cxchanyo forhouioand lotV T.Uruhaui' vt ) . Ill rVA.NI III ) , tiALIi nTAHI.r , II,1-.AII nil oil AJfarm for lioiina uud lot. Hotutt lor rt'ut , A iioeid lul for liortei and tni lcn Wiad , ICii t-trimuiH ' / i nit i \ c'liANin : . luAtit'cs > HLK ruo\i /Jcountj iunt. tiprlniiUt'lit So rd t n IMIII i on diit-IIIuu houMiund HI it-unt lct all lu ld prnp vrtyifnriu it nlcu and lurid , ft ) mrri tiruko. for Koud Inildn prtiprrly lu Omaha , Counrll llliin or Mom City Allele r. Addi < U a Jonei rhur ; m u , U. tUli * SAL.E-REAI. ESTATE. AVONDAI.K 1'AtlK. US. The Intost and flno-t aoJJltlon In Omnlis. ! S : Lotfi : -oi * " : Already , Which l'roTpah < > y Ar3 llnrpnlrn In the Market Thin licantlfiil aildltlon l ln < lde the on * mlle circle Onplilock Incur line and ' . O.Nl'A S Ml Nth K3 WALK -IO : 1UNI.SIS > S fKSTIJII Come quick , cot prlcci , Icrmn , etc . ' " : Only ii i. ii unt . : of the CO yet : Itcmaln Unnold * . * i -I reei Set Out "Irci-ln and l.oH All Oradpd llDKI.m TllllSr COMPANY , Kirl l-ariiim Street MO.U MKIIMIS-t V IlKHin. 'I II II t.KAIMSIl ItKAIi lailrrii of South Omnhic only el l.lst your property with llu-tii . ' " Ml T" \ nuui viN. 71' loiUiTTors r. ) iio fpet papli , moro adj ilnlnelf diMlrcl rn t Ironti ! H W corner lUtli onil Arhor l'lui"t loiMlim In illy forri' < l In ten Illock from Illh St motor line tlmrlpi llnnlpy I0.'l"o 10th "t , omilit MJII K Koiivr/r in.Ai'i : . ONN HIIOOM MODKUV IKIIIIP fl.VU ( jiJJciih whitvlllbo thn llr t lu kniHT tlih l < Jnit a J.MIJJ lnrf ! > ln I .1 Oil. soil noleiiuont Koiintzo I'luCLroom IJ7 I' Nat bink IMU SAM- : noon UK > IIIKMM : uin iv I ter A ( iporpi ( o ' < iililltlon l.n-t Omaha K15IHJIW I I''rnnli ' bilnnco mnntlil ) I.oti In < trlo U'cioil * ndilltUin , nil or line In I u-t IMiiiln. $ ; > liutlto SIVUKII doiid rcnlileui o Ion In U-i y < nudltlon on mill tary rind , mtitor line. I3 OU to JIWOJ , tcrmii en y Aim pniporty near dmnhii and outh Oniiliti Miltntito for unnlenliu pnrpoaci nr Kiilnlh lillni ; tail forprlcei lp lrnblo potlnzc' In anod re lil3nce loctillty neartrllnoJ7UJiRli ) ) SJ.WJ ( IJ , small cish par nient. I'll UH-3 nionthl ) . Potter & ( icoruu Comiiany loth and Turnum ( ' IJ 910 A um it ! .AiTriKUii VAU.KV ANH si cosn bench land In pattern NobranVa cuntly nndulat Inir , richest of neil tine orchard Kiiud hullilliiKi HMnit water , th roe ind nno half nilit-i from uood iuarltl , Kood school and ihnrc'i CIIMO I'j I'rlie Jtouilpprncri' Land In tlu vlclnltj nclllnc for JttOilniidfnOJper acre Farm will roadlly rent fordtXIUOpei > i'nr , mill lent Addre.39 Q 1. llarrl- on , SUN V Life. Omaha MdT7 M AN1AltM - * OH SAIjK M5KVIIPAl' . t'asj tLMius Oco W I * lonlei , If I carnain t K I.O1S AT A ' lCAIN , AIIOIU' J - blocks from motor line .IL'MVIII. Douclui Co , will sell less Wm U N oormuyur , llecmcr. Neb Tot li" ) _ _ " _ l Oll SA1.K , ONM'"unTvT 01 IlKA'l 11 A MODIIL I f < room cottnco and lot. we't part of illy luur motor Onl > i , per cent InterOHt on deferred pay incutelahans , loom 111 , Karbich block , tpl H'di M"MU AU.UU.AINiAUi'i ( ( IHN ic u i . .orirn 'i\\ ( i oittiik'tf' motor and parid tliiet , at less than lot value Mio.slv ruiiin rcitlncc , full lot pnvod Ktreot and ono block fro m motor , alno Kood four room ( ottaKO. full lol , cnlj rll.'rO. nlso two t Unr lotallltritdo and insiinic Al-xi liavo fciur ; ine hrltk IKIII-ICH pen trallr locitcd , well r'nlcil nnd light uncumbr nice , to trade /Ittlu llrunti block MUM 1 ) U A 1 1 F8 I'A'l II. IV. IV.Mj Mj word Is coed \ \ tJ AllirlKht , . 521-S J Now * ork I Ifo ! ! Z1 Bl'HMIAM I'l.ACK ACIlHf 'IMlOI'KKTV ' IS TI1K cheapest on the maikol toda ) Jnt > l thlnkof It , prlcpB from K/JU to Ji0 per hi rp. ono third to one lourthdotTii balance In one. tne , three and four yearn nt7 per itnt Interest. Will tflvo died nnil ab ptract. llio motor Is now , runnlni ; to Uiirnham I'laco It will ha\opated rtind ulthln u year from thoclt ) . Has an fsWJ Kehool hou e. postotllcu and other liunlncHi within ihrio blotkn of It 1-orfnr thor partldilarn mil on J. A. Io\nren. DOS llroivu bloek cor inth ail 1 loiilni ) | , fcOhi agent U. . ' 17 81 nitr : ON iiitibioi , biui.Ki' ion SAI.IJ tlieiporp\tlmnito for lmiiro\ed propertr W 1 ( jrnham McCm.uo Woke sol 10 Ijjl 000 IIUYsiri ; { ACIthl INANTKJAH'KCOL'NI V ip Nebrn ki : ll\nn > lle Jroni Railroad Htatlon , 1W Dcros mlthnteil A. K Hllcr , (17 Hl D l/nlldlnn M ? ' - ! COL' ' ! H OMAHA HKAI , I 1'iiotlre 'llio Cathollo Hall inaOllntlun wauti to pnrcliain H lot. wull loea.ed wlth.referi nto to buti neas center All owners of n operl ) dislrlnc to sell may ttnbmlt denprlptlou , prlco and termi to O.Sells lleut Khtuto agency , toutli Omaha per Com onUroundn M.'lo H I7HW "AljB Oil K\ClIANtlK i'OU IAM ) OU L1 farm near line of r.r AM.ll It. 433 acres elcar land la Howard count ) . Neb Address It 15 , lleo olllco j.J,4 ( 11' 1 011 HAI.H A VMUY DKSIIIAllIii : 1,01'KOIl ShC- end clnsa hotel , large boarding home wnro- hounooriiiiinll mnnnfactnrliiL' purpoms : cHiitrnlly located aid at half value : will build and leawo for long term If preferred look Into thli at oiue Mco house and lot fronting Military lime ] Clifton Hill , only JI.'ilK ) e ) terms Hounes on cimy pny nienls from J-3J up. will tnke rli-ar lots In pnrt pa\ment t holce acre properlj at half \alue. t ( i \ \ nllare "i : Drown blk , lUli and Douxltts ll'i ' 1. M HS I. II SN01).llAb DHUSlMAMNf , I'All lorn nt.UlS Darunporl JU7J II * Ij-A"- HldNAHLi ! ! : HOIIKS , VVOHK SOI.IC11 1,1) IN fnm Hies bi day or nook Inciiilro nil ( jiplto ave ! J 15 * I M'KUIRNC HI ) DUH dSl VIJlTil WlSIIKS * iv lncln famlltii Culling and IlltInK llefi r encea Address , 1'07 lleo 117 \VAN'l III ) , KVIUY ! LADYTOKNOW-lHATSHh " ' can learn ll\o profosalimi free at 714 North 24th , ollth Omaha \\oteichyoiihowtociit tar mentslollt without tr > lng on , With or without scan s. si'umleps garment- * Madam Abcrl ) reprc uentlng Pruiussoi Dolimorton , Purls , 1'iauio llepresuulatlr s wanted Mi 14 * HOKSE8 WINTEBED. II 0IISKS WINTKHI5I ) ON OUH KAHM. hriJIllN llros , IJlbPirkavo < 07 N.M T WILL I'Alli : 1011 A LIMITIJI ) NlIVlUUil : Ol' J horseu nt if I J per head per raonth , horfius H nt for und returned without oxtrn charge Addrens M .1 VVeleh , l.reliu Ne-b " 7IU IU rroiisiw FBI ) AND CAIIKD i on. M MONTH LI * . II duns , r o box Ut > , omh Oiirnhn 7h9 ) 1 JVwiiitcr munlhn nl reiiKonnLlo rules nt Hnllr farm Lenvo uordnt ' ellen s liver } Htabl. * nth nnd CIIKH or IVJI North 1'Jtli , or inlilii 1 rank Hall ) Honey ( 'net , lonn All , .l .XI' NOVELTY MANUKACTUflEKS. Ol H KLl'CI'll l I'LA'UMi I'LANT IS THOU ouvlii ) eiiilpped | Hi plule , polish imd hit If In nl ! klniUof nuitiilH uitnrn nUo neil llxnd to do nil klniU of lluht nnnnfaclurlni ; In 11,1 tal LarKe orileiH Hollilted work u'nataiitcod Al. wrlto for eatlnialm I huso .VlaniifaUnrlnK to .Lliuoln Nib Maken of "Noblo" nnd "Lincoln 'tiunlnK mui lilnea MU7 DIJ DANCINQ SOHOOL Mil ANDMUJ MOUANDS DANC1NO SCHOOL , niJCapltal avo.nowopcn Chllilreu Tiieslty , 4 Pip m ; satnnlii ) , 111 n m an I s W p m t ndulti 1 iienhi ) and I rhlay 8 p \rJ-inililloi 1'hnrsiljsi pm I'rhatu lossoiu dally Pupils c in Jiiln any tlnu MtiKiiiind now lUnutii tauuhlU'l ' ho ( nrllii , H ir rarddiivoto Weutrorth , Mairltiiii and ColuinbHii i.anclers Itosldiineo. SiUtl IMtju St. MJJ ) Sli HAIR DRESSING , 1VOin.DHK Pl.KASl'.DTOJjAVi : MOLD COS loimrs nn well as new nll'iit ! ai Hrownbloik Miss May Kutekln , lmlnliv > unk' | nnd inunldire , recently nltli Bchailull , mllllirliry , etc Jl n ; > FOUND. ? UUNII. A JAL'KISr , ON idl'll HI' CALL ATSMo . 1 rauklln t * < ' \ \ > j U' H iL THE SHOHTEST. LINK TO ( MIC AGO is via the Chicag , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. P-vfeg-'a lllectric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at-,05 p. in. , ar riving at Chicago 319:30 : a , m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. | F , A. NASII , Gen'l Agent. tsJusf as deed i he Grocer said , Proffering orfotber brand. "SANTA CLAUS SOAP is What we wanr. haveijouamj oow or ? Imrjd We'll cerfairjlij hake iooUer , we use none but the best , Alid all shrewd dealers keep it , are you behind the rest ? fflj TYPEWRITERS For Sale , Rent o/1 / Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. . IJftl I'lrirun Mn-ou Omnlii 1)11 KCWBir NKUVrf ANI > mont a stiocllla for HyjtorU OltilnJii Uti , N inlkla heaunoiiii rmrroiai 1'roiir.itun ctusil Dr Iqnor or to Li ice i , Wii jtulnon. Montil Djurji. ilon &oftni)3softUallritn cmilniInniity , uiliory decay.diilth , I'ruaiitilro Old AIIO , llirrjnoli. ; , on f Power In ollhcrnor , Impotency , l.oucjrrhoaatii all Female Woiknen-j Inrolimt.irr l-oiui , Spjr iuutorrlioacimj.1 u/ ever otertlon of tjiurili bolf abmoover Indulgenca. \ raunt l'i trjUun ; IIti fori by \\oifn\nnto3iUUJt3i looiri Knch nntoturt. ujt5i with 11 will sill wrlttn Kuaranteeto rofuiiJIf notcuril Uuirintos Isujl only by Theodore V- Lewis drnxglit , solo a outboaiit corner Ititliand Kiirnaiu act , Omiih "Improvement is the order of the age. " Wo novooxpOQlod , in oar moat sin crulne moments , such nn increase in sales if commenced on the first of Sop- tombor. The Smith Premier TypeWriter - Writer is having ouotmous sales which .110 wide stud far roaohiii . These arc the reports wo tu-o rocolving nomour many branch olTlcos A1IALMIMSASALG Send for n , .descriptive catalogue THE SMITH P8EM1EU TYPE-WRITER CO. , 1609 FainamSl. , Omati , M. E II. MAYITHW Mniincor. RHILWHYTIMEOHRD 1 eaves CHICAGO Arrtr j Omaha leiot | | Qt i 1 1 U ii iiHi O u 111 p ID H U ) a m IDm li.Ii m 11 Mp m . Chicago Kxpron 4 'i p m C 60 p m Chicago t Inwi Local in ! ) ii m I1ILMII.IM.JON A MO HlVr.Il I Arrival Oniaiift | j ) < " | int 10th an I Mason Ms I Otnali i ItTii a m Denver VeitIO lie Uxprof ? ijj p m 10 li a m . . . . . . . .Duadwood Kxpruss . , . I Oi p m 4 10 p m .Donrar Kxproji . . . D b a m 4 W p m Denver Limited II ( Op m t.Up : ) m Hasting ! Local ( i 7p m f 15 a in .Lincoln LocallKxcoptSun ) II IJ a m I cavoi I K i' . s r J t o. i VrrUu Omahii. Depot'i ail M * , , Sti ! ' .5'J a ml . . Kansas City l.r t2xprass . . . I ill i ] IK ) p n t < 45p in K C. Night ICxp via U I * . Trim | fill am UI5 linil St. Louis I'xpnm. . . . . .1 ! i 40 am Oolnc I CIHCAdO It , I .V PAtlflc. I From Kait I Union Depot IQtli A Marcr Sti I KaiL IOU ) a in Atlantic Kxpresi I 820 p m 4 4U p m VcitUmloKxpiosi 1.10 p m mm MgbtKlprem i S V ) a ill lioltvj I OIHC.AOO II 1,4 I'AI IH ' Ironi Went I Union Depot luth and Marcy Stj West. 1 JUpnil Denver Lliullo . . . _ 8 50jm.iKnn ii' Cltv ( B xco tSunil _ Jf ) . Leaves 1 LT.MON l-ACH-MC. | Arnvdi Omaha. | Union UopotlOth nnd Mnrer Bin I Onuhl 7.Vi a m . . . .Ileatrlco Kcpreas I ! 10 p m il D a m Danrur K II.OJJ. . 4 Oj p m S li p m . . . . . . . , . . . 7 tJ p m 4 lj p in llunSy ft Vitrnnb.Kxax ( Sun ] 12 3J p ra e.Wj ) ra . .Y , . . .I'nclllo Kmrnn 10 40 m B.JO p m , . . Denver I ait Mall . * Leaves CHIOAC.O , MPALil TTril | o Omaha 0 U P. depot and Mitrar M I Qmah % 70. ) p ChTcagoTtiprins Pi n m HSO-x m ( hlcngo Kxprois | 5 5Q p m ' Leaves | Arrivu Omaha Depot. lOlh ani Harry tilt J _ Oimln n ml . . bloui City I'aaioiunr . . . IK' ' t ) + * i ( , & > p nil . . . .ht , I'flul . I ID 00 i in leaves I MHIUX t II'V .V I'Al.'iniJ. Omalml Depot. ISth nnl Welnt ir stt OJW p nil. . . .St , I " Leavoi I K. K. A MO V A 1,1.1CV. ( Arrival Omulial Depot , 15th in I VVolnterSti lomaht H OJ a m . . . littiidwoo 1 Kzproni . . . . fi 4) p in DUO a m Kx. SatlVVyo Krp ( Kx. Slon ) 6.2 J II lu O.JO p in . . . .Noifolk ( Kr Sunday ) . . . 10 . ' ) i m (1 ( 03 p in . . . St. 1'inl KinMo 'J tJ \ m LonvuB UIIICAliO i NOItl i : WKSI KltN I Arrival JininhaJH I'.jhjpot lUjli anil Mnrcy St > I Oimlii LOIJId lArrlrei Union liapot ( xiuncll Ilium | Imnirr u ml Ht 1/ouli Ctnoo ijull. . . . IRIa p m l-carei l HIliAUO. 11. L i I'ACIFIU.rnj | Tranif r Union liepot.t ouncll Ululf * Trnnifor CU p m Nlithl Kiproii 83U a m IDZUain Atlaotlo tCipnxi , , , . . 5i5 p ra 466 p ni Vmtltiula Limited . . . . UM o m lf vo 1C IX , ST. JOIS A U. It. I ArrUei fr n ter Union DM pot. Council Illu iti I Imnifar 10 UO a m , , .Kania < City ljy K pron I i li p ni 10 15 p m , , KaniaiCllT N'lehl lixprou , MJ K in tit. Loull Kipaiii , I U.'j um U avui " 1 ; 10UXC'irr A I'ACII III " | ArirlrB Tranifurl Union Depot. Council l Ifraniter 7 II u iu.til'ux | t Hy Accoiuinouatlou J10 UJ p m t-M p ml bui'tul Krpf n , I J U wave l -ave * lUHIUAUO , UUIti.M .M gUIWl.jAmrii 'Iraniferl Unlonjiepol , Counell illuifi | Irnif i II ) Uj n m tlilcazo Klpr 7l .TT..f fttO p in 10 li p m Chicago Krprou , . , . . . . I a m 7Jijp ra Croiton Ixicil . . . . , . . .IIUlDa in Lear , OMAHA A ar. MJUIS Arrlra * OmahallT. I' depot. IQtli and Alaror 8t . NEW ISLANDS IN THE PACIFIC. Hrnuirl..ilill > CluuiKi'4 In thn I.n > ol tlin Limit mill \Vnlri. Ono niplit In MIIJ , 1810 , C'ltptain DePoser Po\sor ! , nn Ainork'.vn , of llio Hlii | ) Ho- boccuIIM hi'titUlinir ulonp ; bi'foro n stiff 1 > i uo/.o , tiOO iiillos north ot Pljlnon H aturtlliif' cry fioin tie ! tlccU suiuinoiiotl him from his cabin. Ho h nl not iv ; ; niv huh * when Iio houitl tlmt crj , hut no.vt innrnitiff Ills foicloclf was poifoclly white , nnd until nRoMlvorutl hii it laiininotl it conspicuous incmonto nl thut night. It was ns tlurk us pitch anil tfiiti- itifr in torionts when the inun forwuril crvllod out a "liffht uheait " That lijjht , which Bavnrros linil Kinilletl , ai\oil the ship , fop she liitl boon howling along towiml cot'tiin dcstruclioii unon nn un known island. Itviis a nljjht of tori'i- bio auxioty , fop in spitoof all the siiloi'9 couhl do it Doomed , for houis , as though their ship would ho driven to duatrtio- tion upon the land. Tlio preceding night , \\hilo the Ilo- boccu was iindor all sul , the iiolinsnian suddenly s'ia low. white , s.inily liench . . , . . a only a cable's length * nhond. Tui ning falinrnlv on tlio slat-board tacK ho just denied tlic Itintl. C.iptuln Do Poy-Uor had discovered n now- group in the Pncillo , the Ullico untl Do Poster islands , nnd tlio exciting incident * of those two nights decided him thoioaftor to Iio by every night after dark until daylight. Iuni ; < ! r < iii4 Intiinilii , Sallo"s toll us that many a lost ship in the Pacilic has doubtless driven in the darkness upon some little tin- Kiuinn island , meeting the fit to thut Do 1'oy.slor narrowly cs- cnucd. Many nn atoll can scarcely bo ilistinguibhod oven by daj light a'fovv mile3 away because its highest laud rises only thirty or forty foot above sea level. Humberts of ships pass by the Limghlnn gioup , east of Now Guinea , but fovy white men have ever seen those low-lying iblands. The boat authotities on Australasian geography say that without any doubt thoio aio imiiiy little isl nils fic.tttoied ever the Pacific Unit have never yet been noon by white s.iiloi b ; und wo know this is ? so , booiuso every now nnd then a now speck in the ocean is brought to light. Not only little rooks , but ifll.mds of considerable impoitanco are Uiscovciud. The great expanse stretching between Celebes tiud Timor on the , \oat und Now Guinea on the east is still imperfectly known. Now islands , like that which the sto liner Samarang discovered in 18S8 southwest of Toniinbor. Ptill give /est to ttavol in tlmt region. The tame inny 1)0 said of the Bismaick itichipel- ago mil tlio.tbt of Now Guinea , vvhoio a while ago Oaitam Allison , in the steamer Pel Lung , discoveiod the now island now known us Allison island , n well wooded and feitilo bit of land rib- ing ISO feutnbovo the soa. II. H. Uotn- illy , elesciibmg his cruiHos in tlio west ern 1'uoillc , bays that manv of the loofs ' anil islands oust of Now Guinea mo not nun Iced on an.chut . t , and the position t of many others IH ineoriectly laid down , j The fact that man , ) islands par- I tii'idarly in the vvustom Pacific , appear on the charts moio oi loss I out of position shows that there is still much vvorL for explorers in this part of the world , and it is remarkable that oxploicrs are now studying for the first time islands vvhoio existence has long bcon known. The Unco larger Islands of thp f.oiiNimlo and D'Uutro- CHbleiiuv gioups of the southeast coast of Now Guinea , populoub and interesting in all thoii- aspects , woio Ilrst described by liiiall II. Thompson in Ibfa ! ) They hud never boon visltnd bofoio nnd nbid- luloly nothing was known about them. Mont iiit In Hi' Illsrinrioil , It is likely that not a few nowi&laiila will yet bo found in the bioud almost untrodden oxptniM'S vvhoio as jet no sign of land impc-ait * on the maps. Now and then tinders light upon tome island not marUcil on the chat ts > . Thoj guard their soeiol well , for it is nut to their in- to altri.ct rival tiadurs lo thu jiolua they inonopoli/c by announc ing to the world tlio dis- eovoriofl they nmko. Not long ago a trader wli6 liail done n good business on the Woodlurk islands gave the ohm Is ho had niirJo to the uiplain of the Gerinau iiiun-of.wni. J plororn woio beginning to navel around among his islands , ami ho could no longer hope to keep his knowledge to hiniHolf ; BO no niado a contribution to geography. A Scotchman named Donald Dow VVIIH found in 1880 , uy an exploring party , liung alone among the nativoa on the island .loriua .Mm la. Ho is Bald to have bceiii the only while man who , up to that time , had lived among the savages of the Uiamaick archipelago , and ho WHS not at all plonked lobou Iho intruding white man. He was collect ing heeho tie inor and in duo time a ship wiiH to come to carry oil his cargo. It in not known that any while man ever landed upon the islands of this gioat archipelago before 187,5. when the Ohal- lungorexpedition was thoio , Dow said that if ho was not klllr-d and if the cap tain of the Dancing Wave lemomborud to pick him up the fish ho had galliot cu would make him a rich man for life. UMi'.ny of these islands /all Into thu category of these mentioned by Wilfred Povvoll , who snout some years along the coast of New ( itiinea , and who sa\u thuruaro hundicdx , if not thousand's , of Iblaiu's In the Pacillc that have never -boon seen by whlto men uivo in the distance tanco , und many , ho thinks , Imvo novoi been boon at all. The fact is that Oconnlcu is fco Imiuciibo that no atlas or ordinal y wall inup can bu Hindu of it o.\- coit | on u \ cry smull mile , Wo see ucoroH of gioups , with the islantlH apparently huddled tngulhur , giving the imnrosbion that largo pai U of thu Paultii ) uiu ciowdt'd with verdant bits of land ; butjt U u fact that ships often sail through thcho ( 'ioups without sighting land at all. felt iu not improbable that suiloia todaj are llinp the llvoa of Robinson Crnsoo on little Island spoc'ia ' hero ami there. Such castaway , an tllor named Jorgon- sou , was found In 18S8 , living without human conipanioiiRhip on Midway Island In that vast oxp.iuso northwest of Hone lulu known ns Anfon archi ] > c1ago , not ono of whoso little Islands is known to bo inhabited. Alumlonod hy his slilp wrecked comrade- * , who took refuge on another island , he had lived In solitude for about a jour , faring poorly upon sod- birds and lish. Hesidos islands that Imvo existed for nirc" ] before mariners have peon thorn are othrrs tlu own up In a few hours or iinjs from the bottom of the sou by yol- can it * oinntions Natlx-cs uf Now Hrltnln nnil the Tonga grout ) have wltnossetl this iemari\nblo | ) hcnomonon with in thn past few years. One ) morning in lS7Sthoavvo-8trlckoiniatl\oi along the shore of Ulancho bay , Now Britain , aw in the bay an ifdnnd' which v/as not there llio night before. It wua about UOO foot long nnd oUO feet wide , and the still say that It was pushed up fiom the bottom of the HOII , though it is evident til it it was formed by the enormous volumes of mud und debris * that nr-ro shot high into the air from oiators that had onoaud lu the sea. lloor. It was at this time that the re markable spectacle was witnessed ot n great bay full of violently boiling water ; and for some tlnio the neighborhood Was rendered uuiiihabltablo by rca-ou of Iho immouvo j qiianlltlos of llsh that were killed In the superheated waters. Womiy expect fiom time to tlnio to hear of thu blith of now islunds along the vaiious HIICM of volcanic action through Iho Pacillc , The sime forces Unit roaicd Iceland above the bop , within iiiocent geological age , by moans of matter biotight from llio bowels ot the earth aio plill in operation , and the two most conspicuous examples of these gigantic con. vulsions of nntuio that luivo lecontly occuirod are found , ono in our Aleutian chain and ttio other in Iho middle of the Pacillc in the Tonga gioup. \ olrinliriiriiinliiii.H. . Old Hogaslov is.'i volcano the Russians wrote about over a hundred j'oars ago. Kor forty jcars it appar ently had bocn uKtinut until ita inturnal ( i'-os bin si forth again in 18W ! , and ft inn now craters opening in the sea lloor a now mountain was throw n up from the son. Now Bogaslov was Ilrst soon iu lbSl ! and an isthmus connected it with Old Uog- aslov. This islhmiH and the rock in its center , called Sail lock have now Mink out of sight and vessels p ms between the now and old mount tins Lust summer clouds of steam and vapor vvoie fctill escaping from numeious lissiiros that e\toiid almost to the hvso of Isow Hoo- aslov. This gteat mass of volcanic matter issued fiom a submnrine vole in iu vent , llio debris tilling up mound the cr.itor until it leached the pea level , forming Iho foundation for Iho mountain it toared above the water. Now Hogas lov lias the illstlnctiou of being the last addition to our domain. Nobody saw llio birth of New Hogas- lov ; but a little party thai left ono of the Tonga islands in October 1SS ) , on the hchoonor Htndlly , witnessed the appall ing spectacle of the making of a now island at a distance of forty miles from the ncaicst land. 1'lllMHI Islllllll. Tlio next day the volcanic forces vvoro niiosconl nud the Stndlly approached icar enough to SPO a long iiniiovv island tbout forty fuel hign. A few days later the eruptive energy was resumed , vvitli groiitcr violence jlmn ever , and when t linallv censed. Falcon islandas it was mined , was thioo miles long , a mile wide and lot ) feet high al the highest ) oint It is ever n baio , brown heap ) f ashes , around vvliloh big waves hi oak , swooping up the Bleep shot on n sheets of foam. M'Uiy a L'acllio island , the result of volcanic iction , vas just such an ash heap when irst it pLoruil above the son. A little soil has accuminulalcd in spots on Fal con island ami a few cocoanut trees and olunts are dragging out n hickly exist ence. At piesont the waves art ) carv ing the island rapidly awiiv , . Hut oven if it should dioippoar onlirply Ihcio is little doiilil that hero is to bo nn iblaml liU'od for the abode of man. Mr. Lister savb the islands noaiost to it justify the inleionco that , the volcanic lobi is of Falcon will give a i osting place Lo a Host of marine1 animals nnd plants ; banks of iiolaglc shells will accumulalo in Hhcltoicd place- , ; coral loofs will giow and reach the Hiirface ; sand banks will bu fnrmod to which tlio seeds of shore loving plants will bo drifted by the waves , and anotliur verdant island will bu added to Iho summer suns. I Iin IJiilcl 'St Uii ) to d'uro u Culil. Do jou wish to Icnovv the quickest way to cm D a coUlVo ) will toll voii. To euro n cold rjuiL-klv It must bo iroalnil before the colil bus becutuu soiiloit in tlio syi > ioin. The ttrsl symptoms of a cold Is a dry , louil coucli UIIQ snec7lij. ( Tlin cuugb Is soon followed by vvntory oxpoctoriilion anil tlio snowing by a profuse vvntory eliscmirKO from llio nnso. la Hovore casus tlie-ro Is a thin wliito coatlnc on Vtio tongue ) . \Vhnt to do1 It Is only nee- ossnr.v to taku ( Jhamborlniii's ' OouKh liumuilv iu iJoublo ( loin * OVITV hniii- . That will IOSKOII thu snvotllv of the colil nnd In niunv casnii will olToulmtlly cnuntoiact itniut cure wlml would have bnun a eovcro cold within ouo or two days' linio. Try it unil bo oonviiu'cil. y > nnil r > I cent Uoltlcn for sulo Dy elrut'Rists. < 'oni'i.iiii > n Alii n't I'linnt siory. St , I.ouib Globo-Domocrat : "Thoro nto itiite | a number of cili/eiis lioio from Iho sfiiith , bill J am the only piominont man I have boon fiom our bcction1 said Congressman .lohn Allen of Mlbslssippi. "You romemluir the reply of a man who , w hen asked who woi o prohont at a certain meeting , 'myself nnd noveral other jiiominunl persons'was what ho aid. 1 am , na you hoc , sulluring from ti prainod lon' 1 got it rtinnhiu' so harder or congrobs in my disttlot. Uonlly , thlb campaign of education on the tarilT is not altogolhoi encouraging. The other day I tried to show one of inv colored constituents thu error nf Iho republican policy of pi election. Ho works for about $3 a mouth , " 'Hiiam.'slid I , 'what did you pay for that knife vou'vo got in your hand ? ' " 'Ji'lfty cents , ' Iio Bald. " 'Well , don't \on know , ' I said , 'that if it wasn't for i he tariff you could Imvo got il for " " > ciinlsV " 'Il'iu , * wild ho , 'what do 1 euro for u quarter1 Constitution curoJ by Do Wltt'n Uarly HUurn. A I'muniM Iinlic , One of thoattraetloiH at an Intliutdu ! exhibition recuntly hold in Mot/ was th'i ) ( liaise in which Napoleon traveled ftp/it / Purls to Moscow in ISIli , Jl was bo- q turn t Imd to It.iron do IhinolHtclii , who Hold it to a man in Mot/ , upon tlio consideration that it should novnr bo considered as an article of cominf rco. The purchasorin , fact , bound himself iu writing to destroy the vehicle If he should not wish to pre serve it. It attracted great attoi'tlon at Mot/ and its ow norioculvod BOVoral very advantageous olTors fiom , Dcr.iono who wished to poasusd it , Ono of these ho was on tlio point of accepting when the heirs tif Ilaion Hunolutoln interfered und insMcd that the contraut must bo lived up to , I'hoownor vvna HO angered ; it luring this chance to male a nice Hum of mono ) that ho thioatunod to fulfill thu conlract nut by probnrving the hls lorio olciihO , but by olioppin U ; woud ,