Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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    ym , r t - * v * r
R nuHBATl'lt \ ,
PUUM8tIii : ) I.Vl.llV MOHNINC ;
| ) llr Bco ( without "tinilftr Ono < f J
I'tllriniK-aiKlnr t ' * * 10 ' m
* U Month * . . I" "
'Ihrw Monili
tonnnjr tltr. imo -ifar JJ ; ; { ;
l-Mtirdiir I'co One tear J
- ! i . no Vciir . ' w
rnmiiiIIP KO running.
hoiilli Omnliii , tnrni-r .N IMII ) a.lli Slrccli.
< onntll Hliiflo. 111'i > * rl Hlrci't.
CMrvBOllBiCP. Jll ? riiAml.iTiif rnmmcros.
Miw "I oik. lionnn M , 14 nml li. Trllnins llulldlns
Muhlnclon : tiKoiiitccntli stri'i-t.
All tommiinlenlloti * rplallnil t" row *
edllnrlKlninllcr nhntilrt lip mlilieiisd In Ihe
ilorltl r
/MI uuinipf f IctlPM nint romltlnnoP' dlionlrt IIP
dilrrxinl lot Inllco I'ltlitlnlilniM'omi.iinr.Oninlin.
lirittln.clitrkr nml iionlnnifu onti-M lo bo nimlo
/nlilplo II piinliT of tlio coiniiiinr
8WOItN'sT\'IKMi.Nr : or tlltCl'I.ATION.
t-Utoof Ncl > r fkn. I
Clporirn II 'l innk ] , ocrclnrj-of TMK nt.r. I'lih
tlnlilniteompiin-r il i- nilimhlnwinr Hint mo
rctiifilrlrriilntliitiorTlli lAlillrn for tlio week
pndlnit Hovrtiilicr 12. fai ? . piii'plln Ilio cMrn. 3
o'clock citltloii. nm ni fullot" :
Kiiiiil r.Kn > f.nilcrll * * >
Tiimiliir. JVnri'tnlwr 8 . - ' " "
Wpilnrnl f. .Nnri-nilipr'J 1' i.
'Ihlitnlnj. > ini.iilii | > r ID W.s' ; ' '
Krlrtnr. Ni'VPiulior II * } } ! &
- ) , Nuvi'iiibcr \ i.i.'B'O .
(1K ( ( . II. IV.M'llWh.
Fworn lo hpfornnin nml mibuprllit * I In inr pros
rurcllila Kill ilnyiif Nnn-iuhcr. I8X' .
li < ciil | N I' . 1-K1I. . Nntiry I'ubllP
( jlirtiliilliin for Octnlirr , 81,131
LnT's talk about snmothing else.
Wu HiiAM. have Tlinuksgiving day ,
11 tlio uamc.
Wur.r. , they lUdn't not Ohio , Wyo
ming and California away front us after
i : will bo n great doiil of build
ing upon the rueontly improved streets
next yoar.
. .
KANSAS bout Nebraska at foot ball
Saturday. Tlio grout Kansas foot is
sure to win.
! H dead in Kansas , about
the only good result to Hint ulnto in tbo
recent election.
A NUMHKiiof intinufiictiirii'g concerns
are soaking lo establish themselves isn
Omaha. P.ivo tbo way for thorn.
down tlio imck" is n disease
seriously alTocting thousands of post-
mnstors in this country just now.
ALTHOUGH ha not recovered
ftotn her alliance jug of two years ago ,
Nobrnska is now as sober ns a judgo.
Now I.KT the democrats "rip up and
exterminate" protection according to
Ulgli Priest Wattorson. Will Ihoy do
it ? thing iscortain. The next logis-
Inturo will not fritter away moro than
thirty days over trumped-up election
THE sympathy of Omaha is extended
to the city of Now York , whoso base
ball clnb is struggling with a deficit of
812,2o0.83. Wo have all been thoro.
liKlin isn't muoh c.uiso for onthusi-
over the election in Omaha. The
republicans are bltto over the national
result nnd the other follows are blue
ever the stale and county result.
IT is not a roseate prospect that Editor
itor Modill gives in a rucont interview
published olsowhcrc. Ho thinks the !
laboringman will bo first to suiter from '
the offout of democratic rtiio.
LICT us have moro lamps in North
Oinahn. There are many streets there
which uro dense in their darkness , nnd
as the gasoline la a nuisance and a fail
ure gns lamps should bo provided 11ut
on co.
"How to Rniso Taxes" Is the subject !
of a paner to bo road before the Live
Issue club. Lot every assessor hear It
The average property owner is inter
ested in iho proposition how to lower
Tun fight over the pobtofilcos has begun -
gun all ever thi ) country and it promises '
to be moro bitter thnn ever beforo. The
democratic appetite for wpoils was only
whetted , not sated , by itn four years m-
IluuvAiti ) Kii-UNd lias bcconma Now
ICiiglnnd issue. Ilo has settled down in
Vermont , and Iho people in Now Kng-
land uro debating the
question whether
to Ignore him 01 * pitch him into the
OOVKIINOU ltlTH8iM : , of Mansaclnisotts
Is tv pretty good rtinnor to como under
the wire when Cleveland lost the stnto
by n greater minority than ho did four
yourn ngo. Wonder If Russell la a demo
crat , nnyhow ,
IT is pleasant to note that the build
ing permits dally Issued are etoadily
growing in number and amount ilyof
inonoy involved. They have aggre
gated ninny thousands of dollars during
the past month.
THE death of Dr. A. Hooves Jackson
ot Cluuago on Saturday removed from
life a very ahlo physician and n . lof
great originality ntul humor. Uo was
immortalized by Mark Twain in "Inno
cents Abroad" as "My Friend , the Doe-
tor , " who made the guides frnntlo ooby
his resolute composure and resistance
to their forced enthusiasm.
TT IB conceded that the democrats will ,
linvo n working majority in the United
Stntoa Biumto after March 4 noxt. Thua
for the first tlmo slnco the earlier half
61 Bnclmnan'B ndminlHtratlon the demo-
orals will control both the legislative
nnd executive branches ot tliu govern
ment when they Htnp into power next
March. It was twenty-four yours after
r lluchuimn unlit a democratic president
WIIH soatoil.und it has uoou thirty-four '
yonrs since the domocraoyhnd full power
in the government. Thus they will huvo
the entire responsibility of ndmlnlstor-
Ing thoiilTulrs of the nation , and they
will bo held ton rigid accountability for
their conduct.
j\ott ii > , i in < N/'o/s- / ; .
After the "Intllo "
of ttvj Iwliol- *
comes Iho ntniir lo for the spoils , nml
ovor.twhcro Iho ilutniorntiu plncon
lnuitcr.s ivro hccomliiff nulhi' , U i uni
to say that the number of
tlicju it tnuny limes ( 'rontor thnn tin
numljorof p'.ncoMvhlch ' Mi * , i Im olatnl I
will have to lie low. TIiy litcr.illy
swarm in every stale su-ilnnt p.itrlnl-t
who arc ( u'oiriied to show an tinhli'in-
Ishoit roi'onl of loyalty to llindi'tnoeratlc
party , and each of whom demon-
Htrntc , in his own way. lie did n llltlo
more thnn "any of his riv.tls for prefer
ment lo Mjctiro tlomoc'alic stn-cojs.
This arin.N , nnxioiM to PI-VO tin' connlry
in oflli'inl poiltlons nt yooil i-ompons-i-
lion , will ho very active dnriiif , ' Hie
next tin oi- month * in propiu-injjto move
upon U'liibln loii when tli-j now proi < i
dent Is hcntL'il with ontllu1) ? pclilioiHantl
a forinttJali'o nri-ny of "inlUicnce ' ' 'I'lm
tJtsU thnt Mr. Clove ) ind has bofnro lilm
in dividint , ' the Hiiil | la not ono to bo
onvicil , hut lie has hnd an oxporlont'o of
this liind nnd Iho ono to coniu miivprovti
to he II M of a hiirJslilii tlrin tlm
OIHIlo should at leas' ' , ho able ton void
the imiiodtions that w-ro p-ai'iccd !
upon him in the PU Iy purl of his llt't
I'urhiip-i tlio tno it tlisasjivpali'.o pii't t ,
of Mr. ( 'lovclnnd'd lal l { uill bo in dcclil-
injr tlie i-inllii'H botwusu tluno who
seek toconti'iil p.itionago llie would-be
bo s 3' ' . 'l'ho e are in every * luu % , but
nro i poi'lnlly niitnomiis In tlttwo ftntci
which are or Invo hcon republican , 'i'be
between Ihi-s class of pitriots
for hiiiirainai.'y in Illinois. VVIsoonMn and
Ncbraslta. for o\-unplo , jiromiso-j to hn
lively , and U will liurdly
be passible lor Mr. Cleveland t > cheese
belwccu Ilium without cuu iiio , a grout
deal of dissatisfaction. Indeed it i.s in-
ovit'ililo that * of demoerutic
politiciuiH , b'gatid little , who uro look
ing forward In oht'liniug ash-no of the
spoils- , will bo disappointed , b.itii for the
reason lhat thnro uro not olllccs enough
by many ihousancU to uo around , and
because the now administration not
tllllllllll Ll III IUII is IIIIL
lo MUO | s ( ) jrenci'.il n sweep lib
most dumoci-iili cxcct. [ I'ndottbtodly n
great in my republican olliciula who
have bo'vi I'.iithful in the discharge of
their duttoii and ngntntt whom there is
nohurgo of "pernicious notvlly"iii !
pulilics , will bo allowed lo lill out tlunr
term- , und tlio number of .juch is large.
Mr. C'loveland must do this in order to
be consistent \vilh his civil service re
form professions , and us il has boon Iho
boubl of his n.irty that ho oteellcd all
oilier president * ! iu Una line of reform
no jttsl or reasonable complaint can bo
made if he shown himvlf still devoted
to it.
UupublliMtis will rcg.u-d tlio htrugglo
for tbo spoils with comnlii'-oncy. The
people have decreed that Iho demo >
cratic p'irty shall administer the gov-
eminent for four yoaw , and no ropub-
Hcan will 'complain if that party acts
promptly on its well known maxim , "to
the victors bulong tlio spjil- , ' ' und takca
ovoryjhing in sight. Itopubliotiii-i
want no flivision of responsibility.
nrntiixti n * THI ; j\.irr.
Within Iho next t'nrco months six
new vessels will be added to the navy ,
representing nearly as many different
types of wni-ihiiis of
modern construc
tion , and all line specimens of naval
architecture and fighting machine ? .
Tlio commissioning of tlioso ves = ela
will bo the l.irgost addition to the navv
in ono year ainco the close of the war.
When iho ves ijlu now ordered to r.Do
built are completed , the worl : of creat
ing tin American navy will very likely
como to tin end. Tlio prcsjut demo
cratic housa of representatives mani i
fested u st 'ong hostility to spending
money for the construction of naval
vessels nud for suoh
, legislation as was
adopted tlio credit is duo to the bonato
and to u few democrats
from tluj HO'I-
board Ht'itos , who appreciate the nccos-
sity of having an adequate inivitl force
for defense. It is not probable that the
next congress , being wholly under
domocralic control , will vote much , if
anything , for moro naval vessels. It is
true that Cleveland , wnon president ,
allowed Homo interest in the question of
5rbuildlnir up Iho navy , und Mr. Whitney
ospociully , IIH socrolary of the navy ,
was hciirtily friendly to tlio policy y.of
having a strong naval establishment.
JOHut Hiiico that tlmo this arm of the
public horvico has bcon greatly dc-
voloped , and it Is moro than likely that
the democratic congress and oxocutlvo
mwill coiicludo lhat our naval force will
bo largo enough as provided for to moot
miy demand which may reason ibly bo
regarded no possible. One of the most
commendable purls of Iho record of Iho
present administration is the hislory boot
what has baen accomplished under It
In the cotislruclion of a navy.
. \xiors ru IIKUIX run . .n.tor. .
Tlio anxiety of Iho democraU lo begin -
gin the nll'ick on the
turilT , which they
llnd authority for in the result of the
lute election , is shown in the suggestion
of an extra ricnsiou of congress immedi
ately after the inauguration of Mr.
Cleveland. Some democratic organs i of
inlluciu'D urge this , on Iho ground thai
the sooner tlio work of tarllT reform is
entered upon Iho heller , and Unit iho
people ought not lo bo
compelled to on-
duio Iho uxlstluj. ' ItirilT llfteon or eigh
teen mouths longer. It Is declared thai
If Iho pi-osont law Is tlio outrage upon
the people Iho dcinotraU : have
alllrmcd , it is the dutv of Iho pirty lo
lose no tlmo In repealing itnndbiibUl-
luting a tarilT uoiisistont with democratic
unu tfin os.
A Washington dibputch reports lhat
ox-Secrctiirv Whitney , who was the
chief of the Cleveland
campaign , ftivora
inaugurating iho measures which the
dumocrnUo victory ia assumed to have
domaiidcd promptly. Doubtless this
view will llnd uccoptunco with Springer
nnd other northern democrats of free
trade tendencies , while thn democratic
roprcfoutulivos from thu south may bo
safely counted upon to approve it with
unanimity. A very strong pressure
will thu * bo brought upon Mr. Clovo-
huul to call the next congress together
In advance of the regular limp of mootIng -
Ing , audit is by no moans imnrohablo
that he will yield to It , If indeed ho is
not hlmsolf in favor of tuoli a coin-so.
No democratic loader htta mud moro ihan
Mr. Cleveland o * bald It with greater
GUiphu&U , iu con Iciuuutlou ot lUo prcs-
; out ( ti'lIT law and Us nllognd nlni80 , and
' lt\ would seem Unit ho cnnnot consist-
I ' ' onlh rrfuao to withhold from thopfoplo
- [ n da.v longer than necessary tlio relief
| i wliii-li lie and his , party have Insisted
f I they oiiirht to have. IJollovlng ihnt
; I llu tarllT is a fraud and a robbary , nn Ilia
iloinocr.ittu ) ) lntform dpcltircs , Mr.
Cleveland will perhaps feel botinii to remove -
move It us soon as possible , und If so ho
j inuv bo expected to acccdo to a doinnud
of Ills party for nn oxlra session of con
Hut whether ibis bo done or Iho work
uf tarilT revision bo put olT to tlio regu
lar session of the next comrross , of ono
thing the country may bo assured. Tlio
method of revising the tut iff by plcco-
meat will be abandoned und a complete
s-jlofnow schedules will ha adopted.
There will bo a removal ot existing
duties on many itw m itorinls and a ro-
ducllon of duties upon manufactured
goods into which those r.xw materials
onlcr. it is to bj exoeclcd that the
lowering of dutlos will go much farther
thnn Iu Iho Mills bill mid if the policy
is consislonl uilh the platform utterance-
thnre will bt > very lltllo protection in
the domoi-ralic l.irllT. Mr. Clovolnnd
has said lhat the purpose of Iho doinoc-
rary Is not dostructlvi1 , lhat the party
docs not intend lo breakdown American
industries or injure Amoi-lcan labor.
Hilt it remains to bo soon whether ho
cm control Iho novvorful oloninnt of the
party which bus shown lllllo concern
for the industries or the labor of this
Till ! week's linvo lon ilicnod into
iiioiith ? since the city hall elevator
qusilion bcjfiu to tiuitiitu tlio cotin-
cil , but tliu nrritatloti IIMB thus far
produced no iictiml n > uH .
llsmis ] | says that the elevators are defec
tive and unsafe , and th-tt this Is tbo
reason why tliu public library has not
been moved into the now building , but
tlio subject i still in committee and is
not llUuly to bo disposed , of very f-oon.
Tlicolosatorcompiiiu demands payment
for tlio work , chi'ininj * that it is all
, and tbero appcnri lo bo an excel
lent prospect of initiation. Why not
linvo the elevators unsightly sis they
are , put Into pro nor condition for safety
siiul elTeeliveuush and lot the responsibil
ity for tbib work LocUled aftsrwurdsV
If iliero must be a law suit over tbo
nuttier lot it ei'ine. lutt lot tlio people
have tlio u.-e of the city hull.
aclvic"8 btato that Ilio domo-
„ „ „ „ „ „ „
victory is a POIK-CO of general
encouragement to Uiomunufucltiring in-
du-'triea of FCiiglund. A few representa
tive Irudosmon inloruowod are not quite
oiilimistic us to what inny bo done with
the tarill , but for Iho most part they uro
hopeful of recovering the American
market. U appears thnt the Welsh tin
manufacturer ; * are especially so , a num-
bet * of Ihem whoso works have been shut
down . having given notice of a resump
tion * of operations. They are undoubl-
edly waiTtintod in this ? , for t'no demo
crats will wipe out the duty on tin
plates though in uoiug this they at the
same time wipe out the hcoro or moro
plants started in this country for manu
facturing tin pinto.
IT its been
reported at intervals for
nearly a year that Senator Sherman
contemplated rebi-jniiiE1 his seat in Iho
United States senate. Suuh a state
ment teronlly obtained currency and oa
Washington dUputch that the
says at "
tention ot Mr. .
.Sherman hnvinfr been !
called to it ho disposed of it by
that there \vab no ftuMmtinl ! ; founda
tion for the story. It is possible that :
hud the late olcelioii re-'tiHcd dilToroiuly
Seimtor Sheruian iniyht have retired ,
but there tire vor\ cogent reasons , m
a iKirty point of view , why ho Id
now remain in the somite. There will
bo work for him to do Micro which no
nmn who misrht Biiccood him is so com
petent to perform.
Tin : less the Vakr
Fen-lory has to sny
about its miserable work in tbo I'larlc- '
Bon matter , the better. Two weeks
nfler the reported drowning that paper
collected a sti'lii''of , street rumors that
had been current for diur * and with fake
variations , pnbllshcH them. The next
day it was forced to publish a wholesale
lotraetiou unit an nbjeot apology to
Cltirkson'.s friends Xow , to cap the
clltnnx , that paper in its Sunday issno
roll-nets il retraction and shame- , its
readers with boasts of KB ontorpnso nnd
icliability. WHB there o\or n. more Ha- I
evhibilion of unalloyed tfiill !
Tin ; M'lireity of paving brick has do-
Inyod the work on some of the streets loot
this city Unit uro being paved with this
material. Has it been fully demon
strated thnt there IK no clay obtainable
in the vicinity of Onriha Unit is suitable
for imlng brick ?
SiN'\Tit Ai.l.lSON and tbo ether dele
gates from the United Stales lo the international
ternational monetary conference have
nailed for Brussels. 'Iho men ronro-
thia country are men of I'Oho
cliarnctor und ability.
A 1'icilU AH 'Koniiil.
I'llll'llfll'llll h'riU'i :
It was a campaign of thouRht. of doilbor-
nto nption , of re-pciablliiy , of Intolllgoncc (
nnd ilisntty , nnd It coiifar < honor upon
American ciluonship.
< ii > oil Itlildaiiiip ,
rinliiilcti'hl i Itutnil ,
The death of thu dnko of Marliioroiifh
ends the career of u man who .seomod to
huva had combined In his naiuro the
polished villainy ot the urlstocratio rnuo and
iho low brutality of the London coaler -
moiifior. The pcoruce of IIuKlnud has had
many serious blots upon It ; but certainly
uonebluclcir than this spendthrift blackleg
ana debauchee.
I'rr.lduiii IliirrUnii ,
Among : tbo various cxpiesiious ot J-PJOIO-
lug wbluti como from democratic sources wo
nro clad to notice tbat
very few will bear a
conmrurtlon personal in Mr Harrison ,
For Ilia dofoutoit ouniildaio personally the
public lias auil tliu democracy uhould o
notlil'jR but frloiidl.v uords , U'lioro arc , of
coursi1 , differences of opinion an to ttio wis
dom ot some uf his adraitilstratlvo nets. Hut
tbu Integrity of thu man. Ids sincerity , the
simplicity with whlcli lie lived , his dignified
conduct a Ibo cbiuf roprcaoutullve , nnd the way in wtilcu ho lius met u sere bu-
roavomunt , culltlo him to sympathy , credit
and roapect. Nor can any democrat deny
iho utility ami lliougbt.'ul conservatism of
bU lionorablo career as in-eslUout. llouorkod
to iho 1)031 ) ends as bo saw ibcin In tbo lights
which were voucnsatod blui , No niun canto
do mure.
The public owes him the tbafiks duo to a
consclor.tlous and faithful servant.
Ho Has Declared Ills Intontio.i of llotir-
in-j to Privnto Life ,
'rrUmn Stiitc-nnMiM 1 lull IloVoulil Itr-
OniiffliNtulitlncil liy lhrt IM-
ili'lirn ol Itittmntn I'rlpnili
dii .Vii'il'i mill ( lusili" .
\V 3iiis-oTov Buiiiui' or TUB HRE ,
WHIIINUTOV , 1U. . , Nov. Jl. !
Senator .lolin Sherman's denial publlsticd
tills morning that lie intomloJ retiring to
private llfo croatcil profound stirpilse ntnonR
n few of his Intimnto Ulilo friends In tilts
city. Tno atinnuncomoril miulc In tlicso di ° -
patches on Saturday morning that Senator
blicrimin had stated his Intonllon of rosiKO-
Ing from the senate and Unvoting himself to
the preparation of a hook upon the late war ,
anil tlmt ho tmd contemplated retirement to
private life , even before lilt ru ulcctiou last
winter , was tnailo upon the authority of
tbrou of the ti est ronuiiiblo and
\voll known Ohio republicans In this
city , federal odlcinls who word very million-
tlal In hrltiRlnc nfout Senator Sherman's re-
cli'iillon n year ago , and who Imvu boon con
spicuous conlldcntlul friends of the senator
fcr many ycat-4. It U tholr belief thnt Sonu-
tor.Sliermnn's denial mint have been by him
Intcnitcil inoio to cover the annouucomcnt
that ho would recommend Secretary Poster
ns his successor thnn that of his contem
plated roslcnullcm as sutintor , forthoauthor-
Itles of your corrosjiondont. who only conceal
cealthtilr identity on account of their rela
tion to the sonutor , roafllrm most positively
that the senator stutcit to llirm before uiul
utter his ro-olcctloii , anil tcccntly , that ho
would this winter roilro to nrivnto life.
Ttio senator , under the clrcnmstancps , 1)
ainburrnsscu anil thought Dosslbly ha mav
no tolled m his desires uy the Htatcinont
tli n ho Intended to recommend Secretary
Tester ns bin successor , nnd it 13 slated that
ho very much regrets that part of tlm an
nouncement , as it la n presumption to some
uxlcni that ho assumes to control the action
of the Ohio IbKUlntmc. Tlmt Senator Sher
man ha ? made the statement in private con
versation that ho intended soon to retho to
private llfo there cannot bo thn least doubt.
Tlioso ViK-iiurli'i lo l ! i rillcil ,
Now tlmt tha election is over the proildoiit
will give SOIUH nttontlon to the vacancies
ttntt c lst m tha various departments.
AUIOIIR tbcso n that of cmmntssiotior ot the
uuncrnl ] laiut onice , which Mr. Carter re-
binned to accent Itiu chiiirmanshlp ot the re
publican national committee. Since Mr.
Carter has boon uwny from ttioofllco the post
has boon acceptably Illled bv tUo assistant
commissioner , Mr. \ \ illiiim M. Stone , who is
anme ex-governor of the state of Iowa , nnd a
man who stands hlwli among the rank anil
tilt of his puny in Hint atato. Il Is said that
some ' pressure has been brought lo bear upon
the president to appoint Mr. Stone to the
place no has been tilling for the few roinutu-
Ing months of his lulimnistrntion , although
it is also said that perhaps Mr. Carter may
bo nskcd to return to his old post.
A\IIH Not C'lliHnil l > y the Turin * ,
Today's Washington Post says , in ' mak
ing of the manner In which the tariff law
blood the test in the northwest : 'Tho tanft
\vi5 not the causti bl the upheaval. If it
was a repudiation of > the republican party's
attitude on the tnrifTJMinncsotn , Iowa , South
Dakota and Nebraska would not havn go-no
for Harrison. Thbso particular stales were
the hotbeds of free trade 'sentiment ' and agi
tation. Even the leading republican papers
of Minnesota were avowed free traao oha.-
UrmocrnU Itxitllro * Tlieir Itp | iiiii
DcmocMtic conprossmon have just
to realize thai unon them unit their party
rests u great commercial rcsnonsibllity. The
regular moss ilispatcliesifrom inauufacturiui ;
nnd coiumcrcidl centers during the past
forty-eight hours have brought \VasUinir- -
ton the iinnouuceiucnts of orders for goods
that have been countermanded and of fac
tories tnat will soon bo shutdown in antici
pation of legislation DV the now congress.
which will bo injurious t'o certain interests.
Uomoerats roaluo that whatever depression
In trade occurs can DO charged up only to
them nnd to the four of aavorso legislation.
Kor lhat reason all piomlncnl domo2rats are
hasteninR to bo iutorvioiroil for the uur-
pose of assuriiiR the country that , in
spite of their platform and their campaign
statements , no radical changes are contem
plated by thorn , either in ttiu tariff or in
financial uftair-s , or in the present system of
bnnUinR , So impressed uro the democrats
with the necessity of quieting the fears of
business mon all over the country that it has
been proposed by Mr. Outhwalto of Ohio
and other leading democrats toorcani/oa
committee , which fchnll be composed of the
most prominent member * of the present
house nnd senate , who will servo In the
l-'Ifty-tlilrd conereia lor the purpose of out
lining lo the public at , the earliest possible
date what will be the essential toaturos of
the democratic pjrty's tariff and financial
policies in the next congress. They rcultzo
that the importer and dealers in domestic ;
goods ivill u < ) slow to Kivo orders until
tho.v know what changes will bo made in iho
oxistiiiK tariff duties , and that capltullHts
will bo unwilling to invest their money in
the bnlldiiiLrof nov/ factories or the improve
ment of fxistlim Oiics until ihovuroinlormod
whether iho now uinlT will cnnblo thorn to
live and compute with foreigners. 11 is tic-
Moved that the proposed Joint committee of
lorirescrlatlvo democrats can canvass their
p'irty m concicss and Uiolr muiiURUis throiigh-
6u ( . the country and got tuo views of I'rosi-
denl olccl Cleveland and pronmlKatc an outline -
line of Iheir fnturo policy bi-foro the time
for placing orders for spring goods. Many
of the party leaner * nro also urging I'resl-
d''nt-ulcct Clovelaiid to embrace the oppor
tunity which will be furnished him by the
tariff reform club dlnoor next wculc , to an
nounce In his address what will ho his policy
nnd his intention ) ) when ho and his pany as
sume tlio on tire control of the covorumont.
This speech will bo his first public utterance
MIICO tliu olectlou , and if Hiifllciontly explicit :
may gorvo In a lurso measure to dinpol the
proioiit ( ears , and business Interests may d Ill-
rlvo consolation and hope from the prevail-
iiiST sontlmnnt lioro In wall Informed circles ,
both dumocrntloand republican , thnt nothing
rudlcaliv destruetivo will ha done by hess
Fifty-third cotiKWSH. The great eagerness
of loading domocr.vtio lo Uialora to inspire
pubtlo conlldenco should bo sufllclont assur
ance to qulot till grave apprehensions in com
raerclul circles. I
Aiiollicr DiMlh lit tlm Wlilti * Iliuui- .
Another fatality in tno many connected
with ( 'resident Hitrrlnon's four .vniiri at the
white house was uddod to the list morn
ing bv the death of Ouptaln Dnismore , chief
doorUeopor at the 'executive ' mansion. This
miilcos the fourteen)1 ! ) deatti connected with
tuo whlto house sincii Mr. Ilirnsoii entcrea
It. The executive 'stMT of ttm house has been
reduced almost one-half by death , la the
list are a cabinet officer and .sovorul memucrs
of the cabinet family , Mrs , Ilarrisun , Mrs.
Ilalford , Mr. 1'rudeilj' the toll-graph opcratar ) ,
ami his daughter , ntrustcd employee brought
by Mr , Harrison fromIndianupolis , two serv
ants , and , lastly , the chief doorkeeper , Cop
tula Ulnsmoro. It is u record of death un
precedented in vho history of iidministra-
tlniiK . t
\Vc turn 'IVnsloiiH.
The fnllowlnsr vfc torn ponsloiu granted
are raportod by Tin : URU and lOxamluor
Bureuiiof Claims :
Nebraska : Original Fuyelto K. Dush ,
I'olcr Oeinoss. Addlilonal William Trlvei-
piece , Ullllnm K. Halt , lucreaae David II
ICasiwood. Original wiJoivn , etc , Helen idB. "
H.trlow. Original Ansel Lawrcnco , Luim
M. Scolhorii , John Thompson. Alptious nsA.
Kicker , Uarlus Stripe. Adilltlonal Sauiucl
l'\iriuliar , John I1. JCintou , Joseph it. Kldd ,
Silas Hell. OrtxInM widows , oto. Madclino
UrunU , John If. > Vbltonaclc ( father ) .
Iowa : Original Charlns J amb , William
It. 1 McCroillas , James M. I'nelps , MontilJion
Sini'ti , KJwln M. Strreter , Addllionul- I
Edward L > . Uallou. Incruiso .lamoi W.
Clover , Milton Thompson , Itcnson Sturr.
OriKlnal widows , etc. Josoptiinn Webber ,
Hiiza H. Ady fmother. ) Original W. l\
La neuum , N , Wilson , Hunry Kirch :
man. Additional C.eorso Wolf , Iar-
kin W. Harlnw , Andrew J , Muson ,
\Vllllaui \ H. lirown , Levvls hove , Kli si' .
Jlfckmau , Jesse liomui. Hoary Al. Mcl'ar
land , Charles Hort , William A. Klllotl. In- IJ.shorn , ChoMrr N Kfcil ,
llcurv Mlnncios , William Poly. Orlulnnlj
widows , ( itc , Itnnm ( liuitit , Mlonifi Onii-n- (
waro.AnnluM Huton , I'lUaliMh Mi-Hrlilc ,
Inmes Ocoruo ( father ) , MiMiiantha K. I.ln-
vlllc. Mury tUno.v , mlmirs o ( Joseph Unrton ,
Mnrtbn Mnris.
t'lilorniloi OrlitlnnlIllchnrd M. Gii hard.
William I' . Cor , Iiano S. D.wn , Joacpti K.
Hinted. C'hmloiV IJ Kocl-or ,
North liiota ) : Adilltloiuil- Leonard Doln-
nnlcr , Mntll.\v It. U'hlUKcr , Kilcnr.I. Hen-
drlck .
South llaltoti : Orlslnnl Mnrlln Ttinmn-
son. OrlRlnnl widows -Carolina
- A. Cole ,
Mary A. To | > lifY. Adillti nml Ttiomaj M.
.Montana : Orlptnnl-.tolin U. Nchon.
rtyomlnfi : Additional - Lifayotto .
A ' woddlni ; of eoncrnl Interest In nrmv
" '
nrclos will bo Uio mnrlago of Miss Harriet
Mnslny Jowott , daughter of Colonel llnr.ioo
U. S. A. , to Peter Murray
of the Thlru infuiitrv , whleh will bo
splemnizod on November 111 nt St .lohn's
church , N ownMtown , N. V. After thoccro-
inony the couple will go direct to t-'ort KnellIng -
Ing , Minn , where the groom is st iilomui.
r. s. n.
\nii'ro '
'rullitni ; .
; ! | | , < Jmirii tl.
Thoio outsldo who Iniaclne that the re
publican musses mo cast down do not under
stand them. Two yonis hence , when thov
tire ( lunrrcling about a few oOlcos and the
country has bcvotno rather weary of them ,
the *
out innnnKcrs will llnd thorepublican
army prepared to assail them.
NHinixl.i ItriliM'iurd ,
A'tnbitini I'lnnrtr.
Tithe Pioneer tnlios occasion to congratulnto
tliopooplo of ICnox county for redeeming
the too | j enmity to the lepubllcan p.irtx , when ,
, they had good
reason to/eel as ihoy
voted on the local ticket. Hut the principles
of the party wore endorsed by the excellent ,
vote ' given tha national ticket , and a good
man's recoul in behalf ot iho peouloof No-
was suitnlned when Judge CrouiibO
was given Hit plurality is this countv.
Judge Crounso surprlsul Iho people In his
hold Imnrtllnp of General Vau Wvck and
ftom his first speech to the last in the Joint „
debate his utterances were relloetoil uoon by
the people In n ncuslhle ueclsion. In follow
ing up his election Judco Crounso
will n- >
chief exccutlvoof this stale perform his du
lies in such a manner as lo furihor surprise
the people , Ilo will not advertise coming
events , hut ho will just naturally uo lo work
and do thiims , as far ns his jurisdiction lies
nnd is tmvo the public biisin > , s , for which 1m
personally responsible , carried on in a bus-
sliiess-llko , economic and lawful manner or
know tno riMson why. Ho Is no nlarmist ,
but ho moans to have all the branches of
Btalo govermno'it earned on creditable to
him. In short , Crounso will permit no scan
dals , but hundlo the reins of stnto govern
ment as ho did Vim Wyck plniulv. honestly
and fourlcsslj.
lldltiir .Insi-pli > li-illll IMsonsui the Mluii-
IIIHI Mini Miu rut IUT.
Josonh Mcdill , editor of tbo Cnlc.ujo Tri
bune , leaves soon for the Pacillccoast , where
ho will pass the winter. He Is not at all despondent -
spondent about the republican dnfcat , but
qulto content to let the opposing party
what It can uo to bring about u bolter slate
of affairs in American politics. V.'Uun asked
what , was iho fuliiro of iho republican party
he answered :
"That does not concern mo nor the public
very much. The
iiuesiion which
now concerns -
corns us nil isWhat : is the future of the
democratic parly ? ' The republicans can do
nothing. The democrats huvo cotilrol of
thivo great branches of fho government and
at last can tnniEQ good the piomlses which
they have made to the people for so long ,
that the
tunff should bo removed and the
poor man saved from the robber monopol
ists. "
Mr. Modill attributes Tuesday's defeat to
the ignorance and dissatisfaction of the
masses of the working people , who believed
all the democratic speakers told thorn in re
gard to the McKiuley bill. Tnoy were led
to think that the bill protected wealthy
manufacturers nod gave the poor man noth
Mr. Mcdill looks vary darkly upon the
condition of the laboring classes diirimr the
coming winter. Ilo thinks tno merchants ,
fearing a financial crisis , will begin cutting
down expenses by disoharping ovorv man
they can got uloiic without. Then , as each
man is thrown out of
employment , ho will
stop buying goods nnd thus his poverty wilt
react iinou the merchant and through him on
: ho manufacturer. The
manufacturer , In his
Lurn , will curtail his expenses by reducing
ais force of mon , and thus hundreds of others
will bo thrown out of employ
men t. Ho
thinks ibo poor uinu will bo Iho first lo fuel [
the offecls of tbo change in government. On
Ibis .subject ho .says :
"Tho prospect is not a bright one. and ,
although it will take some time for tuo now
machinery to bo set In motion , there will bo
an almost Immediate taste of hard times be
fore the winter is fairiv upon us. Lot nio
explain why. The democrats , according to
tholr policy , nro Inclined toward a loiv tmiff
nud a iHrgor free list. This muans the coun
try will be flooded with imported goods for
which wo will have to pay. Certainly wo
cnnnot , in return , send any more foods out
of the country. The other 'nations are usine
IK much of our stuff as they want. Verv
well. What is the result ? The balance of
Irado bolii ? disturbed , and moro gcods com
ing In than wo pay for In goods going out ,
wo must , send them the balance in hurt
money. Finally , all our hard money is gone ,
unu wo send ihom our notes. Finally they ,
too , are gone , our credit is gone , uml the
countiy Is in financial distress.
'You sen tills is a bad outlook , but I have
pulsed tnrough just such u petlod botorc.
At thallium wo had just opened up o'T great
gold and silver mines , and wbilo we were
bonding money out ol the country at a rapid
rate , wo hud some source * to hoop us goini ; .
Now what will bo the most natural result m
the world when the tariff is cut down us low
as the democrats promise It shall boi These
great mniiufucimers flcura closely to com
pete with each other , nnd becoming ulnrmed
nt the great Influx of foreign goods , will
make u lower scnlo of wngos for tholr em
ployes. Tliu employes will not stand It and
iho employers cannot n flora to glvo in. Tha
employe will say : 'You'll not turn n wheel
uuill you give my old scale of wages ; ' mid
all over the country there will bo labor
troubles , uynamito mid bloodshed. Kouiom-
Dor th&t many of llm laboring classes in
America nro half boclallstio in llmlr views ,
nnd in the near future I sco rlotx , Htrlkcs
cud all the ovll.s that follow In the train of
an oppressed \voruingcliiss at war with their
employers. "
When asked what nttitudo ho thought the
republicans would take , ho answered that
they would probably stand quietly by nnd
watch tbe workings of tlm nuw power. Thnt
was what the Tribune would do ,
/ . ' iriIM * < i ,
Wiifililir.Mnn Stui ! 1'iiclo .lurry It'isk ' In ovl-
dontly nn niluilrcr of lu.illsin. flu luii | > ni-i'ii
roil : biinw ut of iit-ujilo wlm uure
Hjiuuo.l iindur.
Nuw Vnrk.Tiiiiimtl "Tliul's "
: sliilT. siilil Hm
biilhal\ ) Ilio votui woiu r.uniiifd In nil ut
\ lallor to Iliulioi SlioiMruvlliilirn ) "Ilo-
nulilluiin MmvuSi Hunts Duiiiiiurillu Sliavu
IU Uonls. " Wlint deus this iiiuiin , IIILI lior ?
II fiicns nio 'ho niiiuli
toiiiiur now wo iniiM ulmrKo in. evil ,1 pilco fur
thu ovtra labor ,
( Jlitcncn Nnuu Uncord : The I'lilluo Mnuii-
ti.ilo Why do yi'ii think tlil tiuill was
Now Vork Huraldi IliifUston It must bo n
turrlblii thing for a man to wni.mi In MH cof-
n and dlsciiM'i that hu liu been burled
i'iie O. I don'l Know. A man who liis ;
boon In u hull liuiliduom uniililn'i mind II.
Oliluneo Inter-Ocenni 1'nthor What- would
you ailvlso mu to do with mv .on : Ills pio-
iioiiiiclaU'jnl * iMirfBctly turrllilo ? Touohun -
Jut bun nuosltloii us brakumunou a rullroud
at uni'o.
HrooUyii Knu'o ' : "Mary .lane , ynuy yon
had nn eoniOJiiv In the Itltchun liifci nlirlil , I
would huvu fcuiirn " "Oh , ninni' ' "I meini.
Jam Kill D I hoard n Ulsa thoro. " "Btiro , It wan
onlv IhobobJ. muni "
I'lilludelphlii l.ulKeri A nnigazliii ! nrllele
calU atluntlon lo lliuKtiiniK f-onao of proprloly
which doss possess. Isilouxn'timinlfoii It , but
every ono of Ilium has his own puiitu.
lluriihamton Loader ; \\hen \ the barhur U
uljuiit lliruii.'li with his cuitonii'r It IH proper
that the inattur of purlins bhonld como up >
Colors of tbo Ihlnbow Rtfhctoil by tlio
Tonrmaliiio ,
IIMlnry ol it Inro ! , lnnut < r-llo
I HPI | , ol u lmt ( | iniioird | , Tliclr .Mnu
Icil I'lHTFM-'Ilin \\.mlilliftiiii
AliiM-nm Collection.
w \MIIMITOV , II C. , Nov. 11.-fCorro-
.pontloiieoof riiBUui-.Onownriiisuiniiici'a ]
Uuy enrly in iho eighteenth century , some
uliliarca were lit iilnv In a court ynnl of
AiiMtcrdnin. Their plnvthliiR-t were cnt-
toruii nrouiul ihom on the hot payoinont , nud
IIMIOIII ; these were some lonr , crccn cryslnM
litoupht [ liy the Outfh '
jn ; iinvientors from ( . 'oy
on. SnUilenly
worn nttiMutotl by u
mysterious ' power developed by the stours ,
whleh would attract nud rouol , with conild-
er.Uilo force , straw * , asiica or ntiythliiK of
Ugh * . wciRtit. The paronla of the uhlldroii
wore brouphi to sco this strnnRO slsht , nnd
these sUinly Outch I iplnndurs were sorely
! > orplejtcd at Ihn nlmott innRlonl power of
the sioncs. Thov cnlled them "nsohun-
trcoltou , " inoanliiK "a h-dr.iwcrs , " on no-
count i of Uiolr nullity to attract mhos , hut
nttu u scienUlle test Imd been nnpllud to
thei they were jirnnounccd to bo wtiiil wo
now Know us tonrinnllno.
from this tnno on , ihoy were oaitcily
soiiRht for by Iho philosopher and ,
ns they bconmo fnshiomihlo for Jewelry , by
the rop. Onnof Honnrth's pictures pnlntcd
ut this
tltiio , ruprosonis a gnv youta itrrosied
while nb.sorbiid with the Rlorlos of the tour-
iiinlino , when hold up to the rays of the sun ,
The Tom nuillnr ,
Which ovoa to the pruscnt day la little
HiHHvii uxcot ) to the tnlnunilOKNt and tlio
nrmulurc , is rciidorcd porhans tlio most in
teresting of nil Rams , on nccountof.lts oentity ,
diversity of color , nnd tnarvolotu nliysicil
coinposltloi , .
A Fiench jeweler , Uarhot , In spenlcinR of
the lutiimallnooll , says ' 'Hint it scorns ns
If natiiia hud wished to prove to mini that
she could iniitato to 11 dugrco almost pin-feet ,
even ttmt which she lins crontud tlio most
porfoct. " And us far as color is coiu'crnuil
she liab cerlntnlv suceoodcd admirably. The
touriimUno crystal contiiuis almost nil the
colors lo bo found In llm ether ROUH Iho
blue of Iho sapphire , the ctcou of the ouior-
nld , ttio yellow of the topaz , Iho blaclt of tno
cnrbonnao and tho.v mo so hlto rubles that
His oxircmely. ihfllcult to toll tlioso two
apart. It ts tUouplit , by Ilainlm ntul others
thnt the inniiiillcont ruby In the crown of
tue J inpross Auuc iviuiuruna
may , purhaps ,
bo , u tourmaline. It cjmo from 1'ukiti ,
nnd this is not fur from the tourmn-
line ptoduciii regions. And of the sasio
iiiaterinl may bu tlio immunso rubv which is
the pendant to tlio Jade neeUlnco of the Chinese -
nose otnporor , which nlso camu from tlio
vicinity of Pekin.
The tourmaline , lllio most poms , ! formed
of a coinbmntion of alumina wild siIIon.Vo
find tbts mlnural In the teeth of the rhiiiou-
cios and extinct nnimali in the "MauvaUo
Terros" of Nouraslia , in tlio shells of many
infusoria , wo dnulc It In the waters of our
springs , icsphc U in the lloatintr dust of the
nlr , and it is silcntlv and inyatorloiisly de
posited every day in vegetable llfo. Tuls
satno eloincnt which is found in the tourm.i-
line and ether perns K'VCI ' Kloss 10 the bam
boo nnd sircn 'lh to the slitlk of wheat.
Although the touriniilino hat > hardly o\-
Isled under ihnt imnio for a century , " nnds
tboro is no distinct allusion made to it , it
must liavo been Unoivn to the nncieuU.
This gum must have biion iitboroil with the
boauliful sky-blue beryl which wns con
sidered so ptvclous at Homo , and li.u-o bon
nmoni ; the varieties of preciou slonos
brought from Ceylon nnd Indln , when the
victory ot Pompoy ever Mithndatos made
It n own tlio benutlos of oriental go I.B. Hut
at this lima it was confused with oilier
stonos. Thooplirnstus , a ( iroolc nbilosoohcr.
muntions u stone found on the Ulnnd nof
Cypress whicn wns of unusual ap-
ncuranco , bcmi , ' cinerjld preen nt ono
end and jasnur red nt the ottor. It
is an csiuhliahcu fact Hint this
nrraiiKcnicat of color is found in no ether
gem than the tourmnlino ; sappliira crystals
nro sometimes rod nnd blue nt tlio e.xtrdiii-
lues , or yellow and blue , but crystal nof
nuv stone Imvinfr rod nnd green is unlcnoivn ;
this , then , Is tuo earliest actual record of
the tourmnlino.
Three eonturios later Pliny apealis
of n yellow anu violet stono. After
this , for n IOIIR lime , no oihor mention of it
was made until in the seventeenth coiitury
IJra/il sent to tbu lluropoan market among
her ox porn , IOIIK prisms of dark RR-CU ttone ,
which wcio incorrectly tortned finull
emoralils , by n writer of that period.
Whurn I'fiiinil.
The principal localities whare the tour-
nialiuo n found are Hioeria , Hm/il , Ceylon ,
nud in several parts of tlio United States ,
but 09 | > eclully ia the state of Maine.
In Siberia they uro found having two per
fectly formed crystals , ono Inside of Iho oinor
ana each of u distinct color. Avu , that " orm
luioivu find of rubier , " flondi out occa
sionally bountiful Hp"ciiieii.s ! af thU i > om , but
the llurmoso Rovonimcnt , to which it lio-
lonps , allows no otto ndmlltanca lo ttio mines ,
so tliHt ovorythln ? rclnllnp to them is
shrouded iu mystery. When ibo British
ombasny , under Colonel Symms. visited tlio
liunnosu emperor in UiCi this IIIOKII ! pru- I 1 I
sont.iil linn , nmonf , ' otborgifls , a ma niflcoiit i
sticcliiieii of tourmaline. TliN spLcluieii hu&
boon valued M CIOO , nud u now In iho llrlt
lih tniMotitii ,
Thnniost romarknblo locality for
tour in a
Imo '
in the t'uttr-d Htnioi In nonr Iho town of
I arts Mo. , on ono of the * nml | spur * ol
< limo n pxlcmlon i > lcvaHon cMiod Hlrcnk-
bend inonutnlu. This nipped suur I * only a
few rod * In extent
, and allboiiKli It appear *
Utterly vnluolcsi to Iho rn iml observer , it
iioverthoioss contains ana of the most ro
mnrttablo deposit ! of minerals knonn , In
thu area of thirty feolsquaro , r.oarlv forty
varieties of minerals iinvn
boon found
, soir *
of thoni of unmt hcnuty ntul rarity.
As twilight wns Just bn iuin ? "on tlio hit
dny ol Autuimi , Is'-'i ) , two students , who hail
lioou sonrchlnir for minerals nu tlio mountain
during the day , wcio returning- tlio vllhiKu
of 1'arK As they descended tlio western
sldo ot the mnmitnln a vivlii nleain of isieeii
Hushed from Iho upturned loots of
a tree ,
- ono of thn student * uolnp to thn Rpot , found
n pieo of transparent pi-ran crystal Ivlac
11)1011 ) the onith mill cliiiu'in ; , ' to the roots ot
the tree. HO o.igarly clutched the com and
ho nnd Ms companion sonrehcd the
MU round-
- IIIR toil tor other specimens , but tlm faultily
inrrciwluir twllltsht caused thorn to clvo uji
the soiin-h until the next day. Hnwovor
diirim ; the tilifht n mow storm oamo up , unit
covered the crotliid to siioli an oxtonl ihnt f
thin \\ITO cotupdlled to wait until thu next
> onr
- . \ 1,111 Plll'kliui * .
As soon n tlio winter -mows hail molteil
away mnielriitly they rottirucd to iho snot '
and were surprised to llnd many crystals i
nnd f Minion ts of crystals Ivltiu exposed to
the of thn sun. On that dny the stu
dents fouml thlily or more cr.\Mnls of pront .
lrnn < .paronct. On rohiriilii boiiiu they RO-
li-ctcd a few of the Hiimllor stonnn unit enclosed - \
closed thorn m i letter to I'rof. Sllliinuii nnd \ ;
rc-questcd liim to describe them. Ho told tlio
students thnt the urysUls were tourmnllno.
Thov thereupon solocli'd the llnosi nnd pur
est of the specimens and nddietBcd them to
the protossox- return for his ulnd-
ness. This PIICKUKII was lulriistoj ( o
Oovernor Lincoln tor snfc Krenlii ) ; . Ho
was thoii a inumbor of COIIKIVS& ami nbout
to stiirt \\ashiiiRtou. . At tins tltr.a trav
ollncvns u very nerlous umiort.iKIni ; , iimt
liec.mso of tlioconoltion of th-i ro.uis it wns
uocossnrv that part of it at least Hhould bo
made on borscbicU. I'lio Kovernor Ktartod
out safely wl'h tliu precious pui-linKO , but
last It before lonchltiK Now Haven , nnd no
iraro of it has ever bjen fouml. Thus was
this almost liiiiltluas tronsilic liollso discov
crod. Ono at ttio.sludcnts , Hanilln , has writ
ten a very interesting ilosctipiloii of It , from
which Iho nbovo is talien.
Kor many years oxen vat ions have been
iniuio from tilts mountain and iniinx beautiful
spoclinuns , not only of toiiiiimlmo but also
of othnr precious stones , huvo been found.
CrvsUls of tourmnlino also manifest a
Dositivo and nCKativu clcotrlcltv nnd some
cuiious phenomena uro exhibited bv this
mineral , \\hich scums to have almost ttmgicn !
powers 'J'lio ho.u iciuiirod to exhibit this
power U from 100 ° to Ol ) ° rnhicnholt ' 1 ho
slilo which Is positive may bo made npqntlvo
by hcatliifj atiueonlliiRu aln , and vice versn ,
bo the kino of olei'tiicity dollied can bo
obtained. I'hlb cuilcnis ospormiuni will tiu
fouml in tlm Philosophical Transactions of
Pranklin'3 Letters and in PHoatlov's works.
Some retain their electricity fora loup tlmo ,
while othois lese it almost immediately. In
this stall ) the tourmnlino exhibits n line dis
play ot colors , nllhouf'h the catuo ot this is
not known.
This dichrolsm is the same as was dU
covered by iho ancient frlnss hlowors , ospe
clullv these of the third and fourth canturlcs ,
nnd tboro still remain boelniunn | ) of tholr
skill. 'I'lio two cups sent by Iliulrmu to his
brother-in-law , Servlus. are very curious ,
havinc a brlciit irrcen color uhcn
suon by relloctcd light and a uilir
rod when light is tran.simttcd tbroiiRli
thorn. The nnciont plnss rolki in the
collection of iho Uaron Uothsclilld is of tins
Kind. It , tins a ruby color by trnnsuiiuoJ
liRht and palo Breen by rellictcd.
The tourmaline is cut upon a lo.idon or
/Ink wheel with emery and polished with
trlr/oli. HEHAIII AiNS\MiirnSiKioiin.
A DHIiiiKtilHliiMl Al rival.
NEW Yom ; , Nov. li. ; Amonpr the passengers
gors on the Kroiich line steamer La Bour-
KOKHO , wliich arrived hero today , wns Paul
Philip Potcaux , Egyptian minister of fliu
Sum Walter l-'mi In I'unlfr llliiilf.
Wall , nlfo. iis fifty yo us .IKO sunco yuu mid
mo M ullrd. .
Ait * HO liov cliiin the hllU ei lircltu olhur aidii *
hy side. i * .
IIo\v HO lii'v jiriiHiiornl , han't ' no , ulfu ? : ia
how ell oil xvo ho
Wen MO \\i\f \ spllciMl o ownoil DUO cow , an"
now , Koih , wo own throe.
I on'oil live linndicd on this fium , live hiin-
died dollars thoii ,
Hut I hov piosporod beyond Iho K'on'l run ,
of men.
A Kindly I'nivlilanca linshapid tinroiijh -
i-ounoof ovi-iils 'J
An' now I owu foui twenty-live an' llnrly-
suvuu odd coins ,
Twas only fifty years IIRO you only hnd on
To aitsr.ivnlojoiir boauly and Itii'ionsn jour * ,
loveliness- .
Now you've i-'ot , two'.priimpllnil'i dros uan lV ,
u most IruniundoiiH hoiiiuil. or
With u inoiist'imi horllciiU'rnl fair a-Hour-
Ishsin' upon It
Three chairs wii7 In our slltlii' room but fifty
yUllM IkEO. t ,
Hut wo liuy pro-iporoil wondeif'ly , iin now
thorn's flvo. yon linoiv
We've gained n lamp. imddln' dish , an oxliu
yiikoi'r steers.
Aciln'otone an1 u dlnulo carl , an' all in flftv
II'H all trim wa't our paiiot mild. Ilio worl1
miiviH fast ted iy. ,
An' with an'ilul ' > . eluotrlo willHODS splniiln'
It In1 * ! Koesaul'iinln'on Ils wny until IH woiU
Is iloin1 , . ,
Hut thorofhfnwnplimiirs. my dear \vlfe. who y
hiin | ) tvvo iiavu spun.
& CO.
. Muuiifiicliiror-i nnd Hot liters
of Uloihliix Inllio U'orlU ,
Fully appreciate this time of ycir , hut no more so
than the common , or
dinary cifixen , for this
is I he time of year he
comes out in a brand
nc\\r \ \ suit , and if it's
male in the h iff host
slyTcToIthearfaliriTiTTib wel anl if it wears well
and costs something like sixty dollars he's Rlatl it didn't
cost any more ; but when he meets his friend with a new
one that fts as well , looks as well , ani is as well , anl
cost half as much as his then that mikes him tired
$11 , $ L5 , $20 , $25. like that tint's the way we sell them.
We make all the suits we sell and we know they arc
just as good as any on earth or London , /
? iS-l".ui " , ' , . ! " " " ' | S.IV.Co [ . Ijllii llonslas Sis