Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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TH R fM A 11 V h A II. V R I'1 R : MftDAY. . NTO V R MIIR I ? If 1 AM.
I pnvrrrc ly MtrlT to any p.\rt of th. ' cttr
. .
| ( ! llti Editor
Mllllt Mli.MIU.V ,
M Y. I litinblnR Co.
i 'our rll 1'lufTs ' Lumber Co. .
O. A. Atkins has Just finished outline In n
quurter liorsc power electric minor in the
Kvorctt block.
The Idea of having a fruit exhibit tlih win
ter 1ms been abandoned on account of the
failure of thu fruit crop.
Pick U'ofostor , n Jail hirrt of mnny years
Mnmluitr. wns nrrcttuilpstcrdiiy morning nt
o'clock for disturbing the ponce.
J. II. Went cor , .1. M. O'irslcr ' nnd B M.
Uunlicr liavu been ulioieu elders of , the First
I'resbyttTian clinrcli for u term ol ttiroo
years ,
The Hoards of County Supervisors nnd
Toxvnshlp ' 1 rustce * will meet. ni ttiu court
noiiiu InJuv and catisMsi the election rulurns
us required by law.
The Indies of the ConzrosaMo.'al church
hnvo nrrnn ed for u novel cntoitutnincni In
the form of nallhoiiollo sociul tit thu resi
lience of Mrs. .1. ( ' . Illxby ,
'I ho ( hlcagn Tribune of yostnrJiiy mi-
tinntiKPs llio death of Joseph Steilienson ) nl
Willow Springs near L'liicano , nt ( ho ace of
hi. Amour thOL'hildron IsJoiouh I ! . , living
In Council Illuffi.
'J'ho presbytery of the Council UlnlT dis
trict will hold u'meollni ; luinoiroxv ovciilu ?
t the Klrst Prcsbyiorian churcb. A pruvcr
HWVIUO xvlll open thu session , iiftor u-bich
thcro will ho u public buslntm in on tin ? .
.1. U Ilickman , Frank LowK Tom Colll-
pin and . ( nines I < iixv. oti , four hack drivers ,
wore arrested shortly uftor inldnlifnt sutur-
d.iy nli'iit for holding n joint deli.itu Unit
\voko up all tl.o residents of North Main
The lliirh school foot lull eleven won > to
Onmlm Hnturduy HIM ) had n nmtjh uurno
with the High school olavcn of that place.
The Illuflltes were otilwcluhcil Dy nn aver-
neo of 1A" > to l.MI pounds , and oulplarod by a
score lliRl nobody stayed 10 determine.
Tlio Infant child of Mr. and MM. Peter
licck xvns sovoivly scalded about the body
yoitcrdny by the upsetting of n eolToo pot
contnlnlni ! somj boiling liot coffc--1. Tno in
juries arc very painful , out are not thought
to Do danurroiH.
Two small bn.vs wont nloun Hrondxvay last
f.vcnlnn lanping on the windows of the
houses that stood on the street. As fast ns
they would raise anv of the inmates tnuy
would run down su-oot , but on their way
tlioy ran into Ofllcor Kemp , who arrested
thorn and put them In Jull over night.
A crusade has been comuionceu uirainsttho
High school builniiiK on the hill hv some of
tno | ) roirtiioiil citizens. A certillcuto has
been icctircd , bearing tbosiginituroi of sev
eral phy.siciuns , statine that they llnd In
their practice r. I most daily the ovll efTects o <
the punlls from III to 'JO rears of aeo bcinp
compelled to climb the hill.
The republicans of I'ottuxvattamio county
claim the ; Tlppccanoo banner which was to
ne mven to tliu county showing the Inraost
republican gnlns In the stnto. A letter \vt\s
sent to the headquarters of the Utu Tinpe-
canoe cluii nt lus ) Moines ycstordav failltn *
uttonlion to the republican majorities here ,
mid the banner is expected to > bo loriuconilni ;
in : > r.horl turn ) .
D'J'ho county clorii has comnlctcd his annual
report to the State Jionrd of Health. H is
mostly a matter of form , for the physicians
systematically forgot Jo obey the law in ru-
Ciird to rcporiint ; births and doalhi , anil the
report Is consequently very Incomplete. The
11 euros it Hives , however , are as follows :
Number of deaths I ; still births. r \ births ,
: ! 5S ; maniacs , T2I.
i uoti TIIIi : > ii-is : CDIIDS DIMS : -
M the lliMlini More , ( 'ouiK'll ItlillV * , In.
Hd-inch heavy darlv HiiitiiifjB , llu ! u
ynrd ,
Ynnl wiUo jacqunnl fanctoK' ! a
i chocked suiting and Scotch
p'alilH , all wool , S.o ! a yard.
Changeable irridct-cont txvills. 40
inches wide , a Ixirguin atlee n yard.
Ladies' cloth , fil inches wide , a full
line of fall colors' , OOc a yard.
Over 100 pieces of all-xvool serge and
cnslmicru in every inr.iuinaWo color at
60e. a yard.
The sxvoli thine for the fall of 1602 is
Known by ns. The noxv txvo-toned
inatola-B" in nn endless variety of ex
quisite combination of colors.
This fabric , although not noxv. in ono
of the popular xvoavos for this fall. A
full range of colors , i'rico Sl.OOn yard.
The most profitable material for fall
wear is wboxvn in an assortment
of weaves. I'ricea f'Oin 7no $ . ( )
A br > nutiful cloth mucli the same as
Horgo with a moro prominent cord and
much heavier a full range of fall colors.
Price Jl n yard.
si ori'ii citiviOTs.
An entirely now weave , very heavy ,
beautiful llninli. elegant shinies , a , very
ilesiiablp fall material. I'rico $1.00 a
ya d.
Wo show an endless variety of figured
crepons in all tlio leading shucks , a full
line in three qualities. 1'rices , Toe ,
sM.OUand * 1.1WH yard.
Our imiiortntion order of billc Is noxv
complete xvith all the ncxv xveavos nnd
fancy novoltieh of the loadinir tnalcors of
rimngenblo surahs and tairot'is Tfle
und $1.00.
Colorcil ohlna Bilks Mc. ) 7oo nnd $1,00 ,
Kiincy nrmuro Hlllc OOc , ! ( Sc , 41.11 > .
Everything in hillis is to he found at
our counter , including crupc do chinos ,
rhndames , faille siil\- < , pcnu do sole , etc ,
Silli-and-xvool bengalincs in black and
colors , "J1.25. "
Fothoi'lngliiun , Whllelaxv fc Co. ,
Council HlulVH.
K. It. .Mailorders promptly attended.
All ordei'M whether per express or mall
tent free of clmrtro.
MUs Uhl of Cleveland is In the city the '
pucsi of Mr , H. \ \ * . Hart.
Mrs. J , T. Anderson tmi returned from a
ton wcukx' visit with frluuds in Chlcauo.
Miss Cluru lOviins nnd Miss l.ou 1'orier-
Held hnvo returned homo from Jiicusnovtllc ,
111. The * school which they were attending
was closed on account uf an epidemic of ty-
; > hou ! fovor.
H. ( J. 1 . Obllncer and d.uiehter , Mrs
McKuno , loft lost ovenlne for mvton , O. , to
vikil iiilailvvs. Incliicntally they will look
aflnralarso Ipgacy thot has been loft Mr.
Oblm er by thu iieath of u brotbrr.
Miss Hello Urahau ol Newcastle , Pa. , was
lu the city last week for a visit wltti her
brothers. Dr. M. H , aud S. H. Snydor. Shu
wns on her way homo from the Womon'i
Christian Temperance union national con
vontlou at Denver.
Hick imailuchoi '
hcccham's pills will re
Don't forget to attend the third an
nual ball and supper given by the ( Jriini
hotel boll boys ut Masonic temple , Nov.
einbur t'i
The Radiant novelty base burners
are the boat heaters lu the city. Sau
thorn ut Swalno'd.
Gouuitio Hound O. lc , Itadiunt Horn
I' . I1 , Stewart btoves and ranges , sold
exclusively by Cole .t Cole , -11 Muiu.
n for drugs und paint * .
\M1TS l'l\mt P/1I1\T/'II 111 tll Pl
How Joliu W. Paul UM Hustled His Rail-
road Along Lively ,
C'onnrctliiin .Mndn ulth tli" llurlliiRton ,
Ninlln\ trrn nnd Itock Islniiil Siiiuixy
In l.iiyl'itf ' Trnrk Along
People who luvo looked askance nl John
\ \ . Paul's M'homes for building up the
northxxestcrn pan of the city by making It a
mtinufiictnritiK district need only take u trip
there today and look over the ground to bo
convinced thut KomothliiK has already
dropped , xvitn n proipcct of a cooddcnl moro
to follow , l-'or three months Mr. Paul , ren-
the Union Land nnd Improvement
cuiiiiMiiy , xvrostled with thu member * of the
city council In order to got nn ordinance
passed itranting him the right of WAV for a
railroad track in the western part of the
city , to connect xvith the ruitxvuys nntf.rlni ;
HID eity. The ordinance xvas tlnnlly passed
o * . tbo''lth of l.ut Snptoinhor , approved nnd
accepted n foxv days litter , and now three
miles of track are In position.
All the wet K however , has lucn dona so
quietly thiit mil very fcxv knoxv wlut xvixs
coliiiroii. Sixty-two carloa.ii of steel mils
sxvltche-i , bolts nnd ties have bean
„ : . into the city und u iracic has been
laid ull nlonif the levee from thn Northxvoit-
ern trni'ka on the cast to the river on the , u ilislanco of about Uxo miles. All the
men nnd teams tlint could ut * iotlun ; were put
at work , and If more could huvobmn secured
the xvorK xvould have none on even moro r.ip-
d'y limn it bus. Saturday night thu tna-
trml win nppiirently all used up and the
ion xvent tiotno not knowing vvhnt tnoy
voulo do on Monday.Vhen tnoy quit work
I ley x\vro oiilofii to be on hand at T o'clock
"unitiiy men nip.
xVtien they caino 'buy found ton moro car-
oads Mad come in from toino unknown
minor and thev were ordered to commence
ivIriR tnrjk on ICiirliteeiilh s'reut. All duy
nng I'loy lu > pt at It , nnd last oven'iij xvnen
hey stopueil the trnck xvns doxvn along iho
nllrpleiiirth of North Klqlitconih street Irom
Vveiiuo M to Hioadwuy , n distance of over a
ille. The work of baliustlni ; and surfacing
vlll ha coinuicnced this morning , and the
nick xvlll ue ru.idv for use.
Tno iviuon for iloine the work on Sunday
vas In order to prevent Interference of rival
oinp.inles. It seems that some compile- ;
Ions hiive arisen batween the Union Lind
nil Improvement ccmpany nnd thu Inter-
tutu Kalhvnv company , which hai a right
if way for n : trcel rsllxvuy In the xvcstorn
mrt of this city , nnd Mr. Paul tin ; ) an idea
hut the ] iiicr. iaiu puouio Intended to get in
bend of him so ni to bo ublo to comnel him
o conio to lheir terms In thu mutter of
rosslng * . Mr. I'.uil noxv has the inside
rack , however , und all delay from that
ourco is noxv out of the question.
The Union Lund nnd Improvement com-
inny noxv hus connections xvith the North-
veslern , Uock Ishind ami Burlincton rnads
nd cminecilons xvllh other roads xvill be
nndo as rapidly as tbo owners of property
on th of HroiuUvnv can ho broueht to terms. estate ir. the northwosiorn part of the
atv has been a substantial rise in Hie past
exv weeks un arcuunt of the work that has
jccn done in this direction. A suspicion
linrnll mle it iiii pan out ns xvas intended
ins proventud n 'ioini ' , but xvitb ttiroo milo.s
it track Already luid there seems to bo no
'nnsonahlu ' oliniico for doubt , thut the.schume
vlll bo lushed to completion. H < > a\ \ estate
lorth of Hrna.lxvay ns fur as thu levee can
horeforo coutulenl.v ito expected to go on
teadily incrensini : In value from noxv on.
I'fio siiL'eess of the project is earnestly de-
irnd by nil the buMness men of Council
Jnnorancc of the mcrirsof noU'ltt's Littio
Carly Huor. ) is n misfortune. Tliujo llttio
ill ! * regulate thn liver , cure headache , uvspep
m , bait brcatn , cniisuoaiion and billousuoss.
A into invoice of cl.eneillo curtains
.Smyrna rugs nl low privies. Council
Huffs Carpel company. _
Boston store ( slosos every evening- ( i
) . in. , unless Mondays and Saturdays.
Instead of betting a hat on election
vagor one of those handsome low-priced
vine or brandy rfots at Lund K.'os.
The A. 1) ) . T. Co. has added two now
lacks to its force and will answur e.ills
it all hours , uay or night. Telephone ,
179 ; ollico , S Main street.
MI-.S ! ' . .1. Davis is elowing out "Her
wloek of notions at ksthan cod. "AU )
Main Mrcut , opposite Kiel's hotel.
1'Opooplo In this city IHO gi3 stovoj
, , , . Co. puts 'cm in at oust.
See those oil heaters nt Sxvninc's , 7U7
"Mon * Iliiitsi'S \Vantcit.
If you have any dillieulty in linding
tenants tor ycur bouse allow us to put
our cvrd : on it for ton days ; you will bo
pleased wilh results.
1'iiiU-d linn Om > .
i'oterson , who patroM the lower
Main street beat , had an interesting time
u'itli a man whom he had placed , under ar
rest. The fellow had been pointed out to
him hy a small boy , who said ho and a com
panion had been InsuUlng ladies on llio
street. Peterson went after him and placed
' .hem bath under arrest. Ho walltoa wllh
them to a neighboring box and sent in a call
for Iho patrol wauon. While lie wns waning
for the wapon one of thn men elevated a
lnrto bony Hit several feet In the air nnd lot
It fall on the olllcor'n cheek , while the other
Improved the opportunity of eett'mr PS fur
on his way to C'roscent ' City as poslbU > .
Thu ono who did the hitting stayed and wus
tnkon to the pollco station , where ho intro
duced himself as William Scott. Peterson
had to visit a surcron and hnvn a couple of
stitches taken In Ins check bcforo ho could
resume work.
Never defer a vital matter. A couuh
shouldn't bo nuglcoteii when Dr. Hull's
Cough Syrup will cure It at once.
Jiulioii , civil engiiioor , SU8 Broadxvay
I'otatous for t-alo in lots of from live
busholH up , " \V. S. llomoi' , 'Jo Main
Day iS : Hess hnvo a force of men work
ing on ttie roads through the Klein
tract , liny live or ton anrus there while
it IH !
S. U i'roivoll , xvntohmalvor , 710 H'xvay.
Oontlomon , the finest line of tall gooilj
in the city , jiiat rocuivoJ. Uolter , the
tailor , ! ! 10 liroadxvay ,
The genuine Murr O.ik stoves are sold
only by Chas. Swaino , 737 [ ) roulwtiy. :
Call and see them.
Coal and wood ; best and cheapest
Missouri hard wood in the city ; prompt
delivery. If. A. Cox. No. 4 Main.
Ten shares capital stock Citizens State
bsnk fur sale. 10. 11. Hheafe.
Don't forget that iSwiino sells the
Klmluirst stoves.
"Tho Stowaxvay" Is a p'.uy possessed of
sterling and lusting qualities , ar.a bas
about it tUut i > omettiui ; that the public
want , and tberopeaicd seusous of llaauclal
success of "Tho Stowaway. " have amply
Uamoiibtratod that Its exploiters were wl&e
lu their telcctlou of their dramatic material.
The bloxrnwiu" comes to tho" IJoyd on
Fri'.l ly , Sn'urdoy and Sunday next.
The demand for scat * for Frank Lane's
boncllt li ni U'nlnc onormoiM proportions
tions , nml Mr. f/ino Is fiisurod of nn mor
mons hoino uliondy , The rchonrsaM liavo
icon progressing smoothly , und Kioto who
nil to IK ) present \Vcducidt ; > tiltfht next
at the new Hoyd will rosrot It all their lives.
Whitcomb Kiler , The llooslor
'oot , " who will have n warm welcoaio from
1.1Cl many Ouinna friemlj nt Youne Men's
'hrisilnti assochtiou hnll on S < tiurdnv even-
iitr , November 111 , Ilnds his way to Ihe heart of
| uninnlty j and writes lite rvthtn of nature
vlth n pbxver peculiarly- own. As n reader
of his own poems , bo is inimitable. 1 ho sale
OfWl reserved seat' , nl 7.1 routs nnd Jl o.ieb ,
vlll commence at Chase & Kdd.x's on Thun-
dn morning.
Perfect nourishment tor Invalids is fur-
ilshed bv Cudiihy' * Hex Urahd Fluid Ucif ,
ho cuiidcnsrd liquid essence of loan bout ,
A KEALHjiR01N13.
Imva | : riv Trli'gmpli Opor.itiir Siv : < * il n
Miss Hansom was the telegraph oror-
itorand station agent on u little ro.ul
.illed ihu Columbia and Port Deposit
livisioi of the Pennsylvania line , says
Iho Washington Star. This road
tugged the banks of the Sds < iuulianna
Ivor fioiu end to end , and there xvnsu't
i spot on the entire division of forty
miles that it xvitsn't almost sure death to
ave tlio rails.
Wrecks occurred on nn nvorago of
mee a xveelc and xvoie alxvajs followed
iy scvoro fat.ilitlcs. Tl'.e 'stilton : she
wilh located at xvas near itnmnn.-u limc-
tone quarries wherein homo half u hun
dred Italians wore employed. About
100 feet above the station xvas a 100-foot
trestle spanning a sm ill stream at ordi
nary times , but on tlio day In question
'roailyiwoUen and vei-y sxvift ns it
emptied into the river nt that point.
A blast had just been llred of mui-mal
force and nn immense rock landed di
rectly on the t"OHlle , tearing It apart in
the center , the swift water washing
axvav the debris and leaving a gap in
the rails of about twenty-live feet. The
Ivor vms very high ill that paint , and
the sma'I boats that ware handy could
not be propo'led niraiimt the sxvift , cur
rent. The nearest bridge on" the llttio
s'.renm over which the ticstln wns
stretched ws some three ini'i" ' ? distant.
Misi Itanuorn SAW tlu mischief done
by the roi : ' < ami immediately ninhed out
and told the superintendent of tlio Ital
ian gang to send a man or go himself
around the wreck and stop n train that
was duo from the north in about halt R-I
ho'.ii' . The
buperiutondont xvas an Ital
ian , with tt smattering of Kiiglish , and
bo failed entirely to fioa the gravity of
the situation.
The only wire that ran along the road
had been stretched on the trestle force
co nomy's bake and had been broken
xvith the trestle , so that no communica
tion xvith the north could be had. Mb.s
tried to tell the Italian the true
situation , but bo only smiled , and xvith
a shrug of bin shoulders anu n grimnce
wulUcii b.iek into the quarry and re
sumed hih overseeing ,
'Miss Hansom hesitated but a minute to
nsk if any ono in the cro'wd could sxvim ,
and , receiving n negative ansxvor. de-
eided , xvith the aid ot a plank , to try
eros-siug the river. The Italians in
their impetuous way tried to persuade
her not to attempt the swollen waters ,
but with the decision of a true heroine
who rcalixod the ( langor the oncoming
train xvas in bhe cautiously pushed the
plank into the water and wllh a quick
movement followed it.
The bravo gill had entered the water
some distance above the broken trestle
T in the hope of gaining tlie opposite
shore some distance before that point
should . be reached , ns to bo carried out
into . the river meant almost certain
death. ' The Italians encouraged her
with hliouts of praise , but endeavor as
bho would to work her way out of the
current in midstream , but 'little head
way was made.
Doxvn stream the bravo girl was car
ried xvith a swiftness that told plainer
than words that her struggles xvoro
fruitless. At ! sbo noarcil the broken
trestle , inch by inch fehc worked the
plank over toward the northern hidn ,
and in she xvas within : i foxv feet of that
structure she abandoned tlie plank and
struck out xvith ono forlorn hope of
reaching U unaided. Her foresight , ami
strength proved blanch .nuaiilications.
As she was being carried past the pro
jecting und splintered trestle Miss Kan-
t-om gave one laht long sxvuep of her ,
arms and xvas enabled to grnap a heavy
piece of timber.
Slowly and laboriously the neroine
worked her way out of the water and up
through the troatle. ns her strength
commonci.'d to shoxv signs of waning ,
and finally reached tlio top. For only
a few seconds did she hesitate to giihp
for breath and regain strength when the
noise of the incoming train could ho
hoard and a for seconds later dashed
i.'ito view. The wild gesticulations of
the bravo girl caught thn attoatioii of
the engineer almo-t instantly , the
brakes were applied and the train
brought to a HtaniKtill right on the
cu vo and in bight of the broken
Without any ffiiivo. ' in her voice Miss
Itansom told the enginee:1 : of llio mishap
in a matte -of-fact way , xvltnotit nnyem-
hcllishmeiit4 , ro'.atod ' tier experience in
t"ving to prevent HID train from going
through the trestle into the river. Tlie
do/en or to pasHJiigers worn dumbfound
ed by the girl's matter-of-fact bravery ,
and crowded around her and alinoVt
hugged her in enthusiasm and thankful
ness.Did the girl make her mark in the
telegraph profession ? Xot mil.ill. She
married the engineer whoso lifo she
had saved.
/ .j/.vi' . o .v
Plaster of pads tuul cork compose a now
Massachusetts' oonl and shoo production is
worth tlOO.OOO.OUO a year.
The woru "pit ; " ns applied to iron Is a
mere nluy on the xvord "soxv.Vhoii iron
la incited It runs olT Into a cham.o ! oilleJ a
"so-.v.'t The Uteral
branches of which re
callt-a the "pigs. " Hero the Iron cools id
& called "plif Iron. "
According to Mulhall , the Kngllsn Rtntisti-
clan , the loading mauufuctunui ; nations IIof
the world produced In ISsSS a total of f. J.aiO. .
UJO.OUU. Of HiH : amount Austria produced
f'J5UO.OJ ! ! ! ( < ) ; Uussla , flSlfi.OOO,000 ; France.
fi.'U'S.OOO.OOO ; ( iermuny , f',01f > , 1)00,000 ) ; ( Jruol
llritnln , fUOO.OOU.ODU , and the United Suites ! ,
* 7,2lfiOOO.lXX > . The United States is now
permanently ahi'ud of all other nations in
Mrs. VUnslow' * Hoothlnc Syrup for chil
dren teethluu softens ttiu gums auu ulluvs
nil pain , 'J. ' ) cent ) n bottle.
\ jrr
A Rosil Agotit Who5 ctuml)3l ) : to an b-
lloir n S\vpcl-V < ilrcil'VeVMitil Srlintitmn'itin
\\rntlccl nnd Scnitrlipil nnd I'lllril
uniuilonr : iliplnra.viiiiiii'i
\rllli 1'ondrr.
Up n long hill Iho horses wore slowly
toiling , says thu Xovv York tlerald.
"Speaking of road ngonts , " said the old
stage driver , "I've had tny fair sheer of
holdup 1l 1 * and don't luu.kor arlcr any
moro. l How inatiyV Wall , I could'nt jtst
give ' yo thy exact liggcrs , but ten
'And wore you over wounded in any
of the holdups1" ; I a kod.
"Three dilTeront nines , sir Some
f i'His ' used to purtond to believe that
drivers atrl road agents stood in to
pother and whacked up , out they war
idiots fur ttUkin' sleh bosh. _ Tiio best
proof of the fact that. It wasn't so lay in
tholdllin'of three different drivers on
this very line Inside of six months.
Durln' that same lime wo got away
with two robbers. People who ar'
whacktn' up , as they call It. don't slam-
bang bullet ? and buckshot into each
other at clus range , do theyV
"Well , hardly ; You've had women
aboanUivlien you've been stopped , I pro-
"Sartin. and then that- was fun. I
was laugli'ii'to ' myself only yesterday
about the case wo us-od to call 'The Old
Maid's Roundup. ' It was a durned
funny tiling. I'll p'int out the , place ,
u dox.en miles ahead , as we cum
to it , I had three men and a woman as
passengers , and all were Inside. I
hadn't seen the woman , und eouldn 't ' toll
what she looked like , but it turned out
that she was a Hinglo critter , about -10
years old. She had red hair and n sharp
ncse and she could talk a wheel olT a
eoaeh in live minutes. Mcbbo she'd bin
disappointed in love a * they rail it. I've
heard that that sort o' turns n woman's
foelin's inlo pepper and vinegar. She
got. into a fuss with the men about their
smokiif almost as e-oon as wo started ,
und every few minutes 1 hoard her
pipin' away ar.d niakin' a kielc' about
Eomelhin' or other. It jest made mo fat
to know she wasn't harnessed up to me.
" \Ve'd jest climbed.tho hill nnd it wns
: o'clock in llio afternoon when tbo rob
ber they used to call'Harry Blossom'
steps out from behind n rock and levels
his gun on a line wilh tny faeo. I stops
right then and tliar , Jlarry nods to monet
not to make a fool of myself while he
was busy and htcps nlong to the door and
orders the passengers to git down and
view the scenery. Ilu was a gentleman ,
Harry was , and mightygallanttoladies.
The old maid had traveled cnulT to
know what a holdup Was , and at Just she
rofucGil to git down. She sot right thar
on the back seat and wollopod that chat )
with her tongue till ho didi.'t know
whether lie wasafoot or on hossback.
.luiniiny ! but you orlcr hov heard her
call him villain , rascal , wroteh , skunk ,
coward , Injun and , a hundred other
names ! i was eonsurn.ed over the rob
bery , of course , but I" had to laugh 01-
bust. " ' ;
"And she wouUn't 'get down ? " T
' 'Sho did after a bit. lie wasn't goin'
to rob her , fur ho wasn't that Kind of a
greusor , but he liggered that the men
had paused her their wallets , as was
' often the case. The three fellers was
like lambs , but I didn't blanio 'em any.
A man who plnys fool when thar's a
shotgun and a road agent lookin' him
novelgits any sympathy. She finally
got down , and I eouid see she was oinn'
over with madness. Hurry got 'em in n
row and xvivh calhn' fur "their wealth
when the old maid yelled out like a eat
pinched in a door and grabbed him. llo
had a pistol in his hand at tlio time , but
she didn't seem to keor. She got him
atoimd the waist and tripped him up ,
and it xvns all done so quick nobody
could get the hang of it. She xvas jest
fightin' mad and xvnntcd to beratch and
pull ha'r. but when ho went doxvn xve all
saw the chance and lit on to him. He
llred twice , but didn't hurt anybody ,
and by that time wo had hirnsafe. lie's
over in the penitentiary ylt , nnd it's all
j i oxviu' to thatold muid.
j j A ToxiiriLASHING. : .
"II was funny. Wo loaded him in
side , bound fmnd and foot , and she
tongue-walloped him fur thirteen long
miles. Harry was a lull one , but lie
arlorwarilh told mo ho'd.rather j'ot live
years ox Ira than to hov bin obliged to
hear her go on. She had a bible with
tier and she put in the last two miles
readin' chapter of it to him !
"Tho rexv.ird-i offered on him piled
uj ) about Sl,0 ; > 0 , and she got the money
nnd WOO on top of it as a present from
the company. Lands ! but didn't Harry
foci broke up and and ashamcdl llu'd
stood on" the sheriff half a times ,
ar.d to bo captur'd by a woman and an
old maul at that jest broke If sspoorits
down till ho xvas as humble as a. rabbit.
Tin : 1'i.rcKY SCHOOI.MA'AM.
" .fost about a year nrter Harry Mlos-
HOIII'H i-aptiir , " continued the driver , as
1 asked him for further incidents , "I
xvent out of Austin with only one pas
senger nnd she was a 8choolma'nm. She
was a teacher ovur in Kurekaand wasn't
over twenty years old. I kin remember
that she was short aud small and had
black eyes. Thar' xvann't much money
passin' between thu txvo towns and that
line had never been interfered \vith.
"Hoxvsojvor. tliar * la allus a fust time
nnd It cum to me abut ( ) 11 vo niiloa out of
Eureka. 'J'ho liosi-us war" joggin' along
as contcntcit as 3011 > please , and I was
holdin' the tines and Uilnkin' of the gal
I've been harnessed'to since , when I gits
n sudden lift. A' ' miss xvho didn't
know beans about' ' 'tho ' bi/.ness had
taken it Into his' ' " tuhUllo to turn
road agent , and this wus his fust holdup.
Instead of htnppin' out like a gentleman
. nd givin' me a , cjihnc-e to hold up in
decent fashion , ho luitb a bullet into this
right shoulder afor.e ho shows hbBclf ,
and then begins to Vvhoop and dance up
aii'l doxvn the roiuh-j id'ho liosses WHS fur
runnin' axvay , butl T llnally got 'em
pulled down and waited fur iho duriled
idiot to cum up. Ho'xvas xvhilo about
the gills and a gp.uu 'doal more skoert
than I xvas till I toIU him i had only ono
p'lbsongnt * and that a gal. Then ho
begins to brace up and let on he's n tor-
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
" . . . _ . ,
- - - - rn -rt.-1 - -
ior from wny hack. No ro pcotnb1o
rnbbor would hov thought of pl'indorin'
n \vomiin , but thutuuss was low doxvn and
probably hard up. llo walked up totlm
door , rx trim in each hni'.d , and ordered
her to stop do xvn. * '
ixot'ii : ) TO .vri'Kxn TO.
"And you couldn't interfere' ' " 1
"I wasn't heeled with a Miooter , tuul
bain' ns ho had put a ball Into mo and 1
warthleodln like n stuck pig , and hovitf
trnhblo with tbo bosses 1 didn't xvant
any more bi/nu s on hnm * jest Ihon. I
knowGil 1 ; ho'd skoor tlio jal half to doalh
anil wouldn't # it over $5 in
caMi , but 1 rotildn't help It. Ho hail Ills
hanil on the door to open it whnn she
llred a pistol in his face. She had one
it i turned out , find ? ho had the pluck to
pull ' the trlpgor , but it war a irroat stir
prlso to me when I hoard the report and
the yell which follnred. The bullet hit
the fuller in the Mdo of Iho nose , about
half 1 ; way up , and thu pistol was hold PO
t'lua that his eyes wns bloxved full of
powder. 1 Ho dropped the ( Jim and
stajjgorcd bade xvith his hands to his
yt y face , and that llttio al loaned out of
yI the winder and says to mo as sweet as
pin I :
' "llrlvcr , xvill you have the kindness
to drive our1'
"I had ihat very Idndncs * , you hot
yer life , fur 1 rttdn't knoxv boxv b.ul the
fiillar xvns hurt and I didn't xvnnt any
moro of his lead. I run the lioes into
Ktirckn and the jnl hopped outer the
coach and kissed licr mother IIH cliippor
as yon plonso. 1 reckoned to llnd her
all upset xvith hyMorlcs , hul she xvabii't
that sort. She styj : to mo. says she :
" 'Driver , 1 peees you and the shot-ill
kin gobhln tnat chap if you'll hurry
bade , fur t know tlio poxvder blinded
him. '
NOT lltnr.T ItlUHT.
"Six of ns drove back thai1 in tlic
coach. The follor's two ( juns was lyiu'
in the road xvhar' ho dronped 'em and
xvo found him in the brush a foxv rotis
otT. lie wasn't built fur no road niiont.
llo xvas wliimperin lilco a boy , and as
soon ns ho heard us ho began hoggin'
that xvn wouldn't hurt him. He's in
state prison , too , and I KIW him only a
week ago. llo didn't qulto lo < o his
sight , but ho oun't only just toll the dif-
fe''cnco hotxvooii a Icing and n jack in
broad daylight. "
"And xvhat became of the giriy
"The gniy Oh , sbo got mairiod
in about a year , of course , -lest wont
and threw herself away on a feller as
didn't knoxv plums. I was never moro
disappointed in my life than I was when
t heard of it. Why , if I'll seen liim
among a drove of jack rabbits I wouldn't
have wasted lead on him ! "
"Hunchman.xvas lioV"
"Uanohman ! Durn it , no ! Ho wns
xvhat they calls an editor , and the gal's
mother like to hov cried herself to death
ever il ! "
A Marine Monster.
A curious marine monster , known ns
"Iho angler , " xvas harpooned a few days
ago olT tiio Hnttory in Xuxv York harbor
by I'url Hanson , a deck hand on the
United .States revenue cutter , Wash ing-
ton. At first it was thought to be the
ocean will o"-tho xvKp , the boa serpent ,
but the marine nharpa recognized tlio
creature today as an " .mgler , ' a. libh
iiidijrenons to English waters.
Hanson xvas sitting on the port rail of
You Cannot Cote
to Carlsbad but you can have ( . '
brought to you. I'rocuro a bottle of
genuine imported Carlsbad SprudolSa ) t
and dissolve IL teaspoonful of it in a
tumblerful of water. It Is the best nat
ural aporient and alterative ext'int.
Nothing is "just as good" xvhon you can
get the genuine imported article.
the cutter yesterday afternoon when IIP
jaw n largo brown body under the surface
of thowatorln the slip.i few yards rixv.w. .
Hosci/.nd n , boathook and struck tiio
cro.ittife , killing it , and drnc-god it
nsboro , to the boxvildorment of the cut-
tor's croxx * . A mete repulsive looking
fish could scarcely bo imaglnod. It xvus
about four feet long , three feet xvido nnd
with n mouth of enormous J-i/.c. Its
xvoight was about forty pounds.
Some one versed In Itah lore snid that
tlie lish xvas of Iho nnglor family and is
sometimes termed n Halting frog , which
i rarely seen on thee coasts , but Is
plentiful in the waters of Hngland and
Ireland. The creature was viewed by
hundreds of people nt , the ti ry nnd
this afternoon it w.ia removed to Knltou
market. In shape the lish is like n
turnip nnd its head is at the heavy cnO.
Vrsk Scloo has sold outtih ole clou' j-hop
at Mclrose , Mus * . , nnd xvlll devote the
xvintpr to the 13oton moguls--loubylnif a It
Pretty boxes and odors
are used to sell such
soaps as no one would
touch if he saw them un
disguised. Beware of a
soap that depends on
something outside of it.
Pears' , the finest soap
in the world is scented or
not , as you wish ; and the
money is in the merchan
dise , not in the box.
Ali sorts of stores sell
it , especially druggists ;
all sorts of people arc
using it.
Improved Safety Elavahrs ,
Cor. Ql'iStro.H ami IHhAvu. . Ooinifll ItlnlT
Tbo autumn is the time to paint , and ours coat brightens and preserves houses
and buildings and adds much to the value anl bnuty of your property.
Would Yoii Like to Buy Paint at Wholes
We want to sell you paints and overylhintr used in painting at wholesales and
less. The h'st boiled oil yon bought you probably paid "Do a gallon foiit. . We xvill
sell you one gallon or 100,000 gallons of any brands atlc. ! ) . Now xve have caught
your attention , road the rest of this anil compare these straight casli pricja.
St. Louis lead , 7c per Ib. Kerry IJro * . , hard oil , o gul can ,
Omaha lead , 0c per Ib. $1.00 per gal.
.loplin lead , ( Ue Ib.
Cheap lead flc per per Ib. - iiorry Bros. , hard oil. 1 can. rl.7" )
Linseed oil , boiled , 4o ! ) per gal. Other hard oils , from $1.00 to . , | .fi < )
Linseed oi1. inwllic per g.U. l > or gal.
Paint oil. IMe per gal. Mineral paints , dry , from lie to "c ,
Barrel price , -e per gal. lesa. Mineral paints , ground in oil , -Ic toOc.
Wo guarantee to boas good as any mixed paint. We xvill sell jou ut'M.S
per ga'lon. ' ilaa never been sold for less Umn$1.50 per gallon.
As good n paint ns other dealers sell you for Sl.oO. We xvlil boll you at $1.00
Our Barn and Roof Paint
Wo xvlll soil you at 7"c per gallon.
On all ether goods onr prices nro cqnallv loxx- .
1 and 3 , 4th St. MasonicTemple.
Moro aolil than all others combined. Do not bo deceived by imitators orj.
those claiming to have almost as good n machine. Uuy only the SANDWICH
CORN SHELLER anil ho protected by direct guarantee from reliable manufac
turers. You can alxvaytt depend upon our repairs being Itont in stock by all local
dealers. Apply for our u 'dncy. Send for catalogue ? and priuas. SANDWIOII
NUPAOTURING OO. , Council Ululls , Toxva
If you ronsunVr-
Ins \vomnn , with
to help you Dr.
riorro's Fnvorlto
IVlTlTlptlOII , U
will dd It wlicro
others fnll , For
till the dlvnsos jxvuliar to the sox ilrHRRlnn-
down pnlns , ilteplnociwnts , nnd other XVPHK
IIPSM-S , it's n jHifitirr ivmr < ly. It means n
now life , nnd n longer inn' , for nvory dolli-ntu
omtn. ! liu'vrry ni'.o fi-r which Hi itvom-
nii-nded. It gives sntlsfni'tion. It's
letd to iiD so , or the money Is rpfunditl.
It linprnvro illKt-stion , InvlcorntM tlio
system , eurlclios Iho liloo < l , ilifpi'H nchis nml
jvilns , prinlnoos rcfreshinj ? sli-ei ) , < lis ] > ols mol-
inn-holy nnd nervousncs. ) . nnd builds up lioth
llcsh nnd strength. It is a logttlmnto mnf-
iVinc not n K'vcragiv Contains no aleoho.1
t" Inrlirl.ito ; no syrup or sugar to wmr or
ferment in the stomach Mini mnw illstixw.
Afl jiccn/iiic / in its nmrvelou' ! , nmtnltal lv-
j-ults us In Us rompositlon. Thnv/oiv , ilon't
ln < put elf with some xxoithloM compound
oa.-ily , hut ilMionestly , rceominendM to Nt
" iust. ns good. "
\Vj\NTKIl-lllrl for Kt'iu-ral iionsiiworl- , lot
' I onrth st. UooilMIJCS. .
\ VAXTiiOrjjan'.st : ) ' . fori-liy cluin-h. Ad-
dtp's ( ' III , Hoc , Comii'll ItlulTs.
nt' 11 linit wantml , tine
Haji' . Apply in lii-ornu Musclicnilorf , Itrl
llroiilway , i on neil Blair * .
11 > AKM nnd city IOMIIS. Munuy Inane I 011
Jtoel < nnd eriiln. Itoil cstiito for gala
Dwi'llln i aii'l husliiuss nintiils. Mnnov lu.ino I
fur lee il luvoslor < - l.ongot ) , t Tinvlo.'J ; I'o.ul
" -troct.
"ircm SM.K-L'hoieost f.irin In
-I in ( i Co. . 4111 ii r < Ji , xro.l Ini'ituJ ant liu-
provo.l. 1'rli'o JlJ .in , u-ro. Mil ShmfOi
KXCIIAXtli-A ; nlc't' hoino on A Tin
Ktroot ni'iir lich iivonup , tli'ur nf cnciini-
braiu'e , for homo In Oinahii. Iliiiisonin I'iuv ;
or luiunt/u I'.ueu pri'fi'tivil. Will put In S.VU
illllrrotici ! . lirocnshlo il' . .Xloholson A IV.
TfoK TXl7ff.irNtil'-7j" : : m I'lillt'in
JcountX' . t-'o'o. . xvith Improvement * , for
slock of dry coo is and clothing or other
mdso. ! ' „ II. Sho.ifo.
"Ij'Olt PAI.l" On sis.-i I payments , fruit mil
JKuril ( Mi lun I noir Council lllnT ( < li II ,
Hlioafe. ItrovIXT ly ui 1 Xlaln , troot.
\\r A7\v \ 6 olir&"oaTrivo ) "
' farnii In ioi..hxvostorn low.i
Call aiKl see IH Ml .M.iln trooU
"I/Olt KXCIIAXtiK ( iood 4-ronin liiinsp on S.
- 18th sircut for liuul. lircunshlelds , MchOl-
scn & C'o.
i ; > 01t ItK.XT-Tlio follow.UK ilHu'.ll
J10 room dxxo UIIL' . till Park avo. . Jl ) .
S-rooui UXToMliiK. T''J So. l.lh St. , JTi
. ' loom ilwellinir , tiJUSnil uve. , ? Ji.
7-rooin dxvollins , Gllirilli nvu. , ? ' . " > .
li-riuini dwell n. % 1 th hi. iitni Avonno I ) , JA
7-rooin dwullln , is. , ' llro ulwav. J- " > .
lU-room dwellnr. : . HS1 HIMIIOII t. T''h
i-rnnni dwell.ns. 3fJ Avenno ( i. ? ! 0.1\
i-iooiii ; dwollliiv , IM N. l.'ilh sln.ii. )
ii-ii > oiii dHoliliiK , h-H Avonno II , Jl * .
i-ioninilwollliiK , , ! ! , ) I.lneoln .ivix. $ lfi.iy
7-rooiu dxvollln"- lliiriiiiiny > , t. . $ l.\
7-tooni dXTiiilliij. llaliijllt I'l IL-I > . t J.
li-rninn dwitHlni. . 411 Curtis si. . $11.
Ti-rocnn ilwelllnj , r > .M Mynslorsi. . fll.
fl-ioom rtwollhr. , ! " ! . ' < i.rd uvi . , Jl' ' .
4-iooin dxvi'llliiK. .Til MynttiT St. , fl'J.'lX
C-rodin dwelling , ( iruliiuit nvo . . ? ! ' . ' .
C-iooni duplliiiL' . 1 iUi ; Hi avu. . iU .
ll-rootn dwcllliij : , llalililu I'l-iep. Ji'J.3) .
'i-rooin ( iwuillirMoriilntrsldc. . ir. . . " > l ) .
4-rooni dxxulllii'4iS I'nili uvc. . Jl'i.1) ) .
u-iniiiu dno.lln ' . "il li Ax-onnt ! A , fin.
"i-room dwolllnK. 4) | N. lltli at. . J10.
"i-room ihvollliik" , Kit X. 7ih st . 5o. :
4-roi > in cl .VL'lllin ; . ll ' . " > hlli aviv. il ) .
ll-roiiin dwcllliu' . WiUli nt. . 11.1.
4-roonidxrolllni : . llh Vine si.-510.
4-room dwelling , Mii X. 7th. til ) .
U-rooin ( Iwiillliii ; . CjT 17th avo. . $1) ) .
0-rooni dwelllu.IUJ Avcnno H. $13.
( i-ruoin dwelling , Aveiiuu It , Ml.
.Vrooin dwnlllnir , 14l't ItrDaUxvuy' , } IOi
li-iouin dxvollluK. 1IU1I hth nvu. , ft : ) .
li-rooin dwolllnz , I" . J Avenno A , { Ifl.
5-roiini cxrclilnu' , Clriiliain . . '
uvu. nr' , Huh , ! i
4-rootn honso. 170' ! t o. iltli St. . { 10.
"i-rooni dxx-ollln ? , MSi A vciino A. M.
4-roo n dutililiiit.'I Avenno I ) . ? ' .
n-ronm dwollhiL' , Sfi'JS A vciuto II. fi.
< -rooin duiilllnx. CfllO Avoniiu C ) , li
( i-nioni dVTollln ; , L'lttst. and AVI into M , 'H
fi-room ( tnullliu' . 70i ( H S.lrd st. $ < .
S-nioin duelling , 'III' ' . Avunno A. 81
4-room il wclllni. . ! K > X , tht St. , i .
4-ioorn dwullln. Ml So. 1st ) ! . . fil.O ) ,
. "i-ionni ilxvellliiL' , 'H'M ' A vuiino A. 1) .
"i-ronm ilxvulllmr13 15th uvo. , } V
. * < -roiiin dwclllnir , VMi Avonnu I ) , ! t.
" -room dw'lllM.r , 140J Avcnnu 1) ) . M.
4-rooni ilxrvllluir , 'JVI9 A vuiuio I ) , } l.
: : -rooin duvllliiI. . " . ! S. nth si. , ii ,
4 loom dwelling. Sll Ave O. iillii ) .
t loom ilxvullliiv , " 0:11'nrU : nve. . J1-.1X
7-room ilwiilliiiR , JU MviiiturRt. , fi" .
( i-rnoin ilwe'llnir. Oil Wax ! ] Inton nve. , tli
T-ro'Mn ilucllln ; . f > ' " 7lh nvu. . KH.
M II.Hhuafe , runtul a ent. lirouihvny ami
Main Miect.
II VOU hnvnMiytlilir ? for silo or trade sa
K. II , Slnfo. llrniilxray anil Mun slront.
AHAItliAIX. P-aero frn't nnd garden tiact
Jci nillo1" from nostolllL'O.'Jii aerus msrnppi.
't acre In hla-'Unurrlus. M > iiuplo tree' * . M
plmn irons. ilSrhi'rrv trees , dwuillnz , stnlilc ,
ete. I'ricoHOOI. Xo trade. ! ' . II. ? lioafo.
" Ai'UK" * Itiij-iil
G"i upper way Sulondlil plecn
for | > liU'ni. : Cliiniii for e ish , or will
o.\i'liiiiK ! < > fnr iniiiroved lo ldunco property In
Ciiunuil ItlulTs. IJrcniislilu'.ds. Xlcho'son A. t'c
100 ACIIKS of eluiir Innd In o'lstorn Xu-
-I hrasKa to oxulmnzo for : i KOU 1 rostdenc'i ! In
Coiini'll lll'HI-i. ' Want hn.isustii'l lots lor Xu-
bra-ilci lin'l. : .lolinston k Van I'attun.
A IISTIIACTS and Farm nml eltv
piopcrty IjoiiL'hl and sold , I'nsciy , t
Thomas , ( 'ouncil IHulI's.
100 luts In Central sub.
Win's ' In Miilli'ii'H mid.
: i" > lolsln ll.iylls .t I'nliiior-t' ,
SU loin in Mnynu's 1st.
: ; oiotH .n I'ottrr . Uohh'H.
'Jl Inls In ( leer's suli
l.'i lots In Ili'pr'sitdd.
- ' . ' lotK In llluh'aml add.
JK ! otsln llnU'lilnsiui's add.
! . " > lots In Tnrliw'N mid ,
mots In Hldillr'H add.
I'JOIotsIn Wrl'-ht's nnd.
1C lots In I'lorciiX ' add ,
l.nls In nvury uildlllon to the city ohoaji for
c'nsli. or on unynuuils. Cull and MO Hi. No
Irouulu to show nroperly ,
( iri't'nsliUilds. Nlclm'fion \ ; Co.
< AllliAUI < roinuvnd. i'ii > , | iool . v.iuln nnd
'c'liliiiiiiiysolii.iiiuil. M IL lliirKo. City Illdg.
J j SAI/K ll rdw ! i'J HtozU-i In Iowa
NohrasUa , Invnlues , 1 1 , WJ to Ji'.OJJ. Ull.
f-'licafo , _ _ _
_ _ _ _
rooms to rontut 111 ( Hun avn-
-I. lino.
HAM' , cheap , or In uxvliniuu for hurl ,
nn est ihllshud hnsinoss. Addruis I' . U.
box Iki'J Connuil IIiilV-i , la.
WANTKU Studunts in booUbcopluit. Unit's
riiiisonalilo. Adilross nri'ull on Mrs. Dil
lon , 5.V ) rmnklln avenno.
l.rOUSlCri and catllb wlnKir d on O'eoruu I' .
J iVrlglit'H firm , opnuslti * Wuhash round
house. Tor Uirms imply to , litnu > i Ualnh ab
fin m or I' . \Vrlght. . hlxtu Hour llaldwlii filouk.
MONDAYS In U. A. piriori. olilldrun , i | i
m. ; u lints , 7 : li [ i. m. Hiulati H uind an I
fourth Monday'J | i. m , Muilo ( iiniUlici.l tur
tles und I'lnlH Address ut It. A. I'.triom ,
( ( Hindi Illilirii. or Hi'I rarnam HI , . Uniuhu. W
K , ClmmherK , Instructor.
All kln'lsnf Dynmx an I Oloanlni dona In ttn
] ' . hc tfctyloof the urU I'aduil unl nlilnu' |
ulirU' ! , muilo to ) O'k ni L'ooil u nqw
Work promptly donu nml ilollvurul lu All
purls of thu country. Ben- ! for orlco IUL
C. A. MAOIIAN. - - I'llOl'KlKTOIt
UUrouJwiy , . >