Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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OloTolnnd Will Make Phijrt Woik of the
BopublicaiB Holding Office.
Jinny n Jluu IsVnlttnK for Inn 1'alrd
Jloniciit Tbnt Urines I1U S.llnrjr' * llc-
fi ( lomlp Aliimt tbu Tclo-
U'nipli Itiniin.
WASIIIXOTOX , I ) . ( ! . , Kov. 1.1. | Spoclnl to
TUB Hien.l-IUH the Impression In Washing
ton that the now domocratlo administration
will go nt the oftlco-holders with a line-
toothed comb. Mr. Cleveland was made
president In IfcS I by too support of mutf
mmps. Ho > rot It Into hts hond that ,
although ho himself was n spoilsman , the
country was in favor of reform. Ha not
only stood by the loiter of Iho civil servioo
law , but ho greatly expanded the spirit of it
at the loiter part of hts torm.
Men who imvu talktd to President-elect
Cleveland durum the pist few days say
that ho will rocoql.l/o the "hustlers" In the
distribution of patvounpo ; that ho believes
his election was duo to the oruanizcd efforts
of Tammany , In which conclusion ho is un
doubtedly right. His not Improbable that
President Harrison , before ho lonvos the
wulto house , wllloxtund iho civil service
law over the govern maul printing ofllco and
the bureau of ciipraviiit , ' and printbiK1'ho
oxtcnslon o tlio civil service law Is probably
the only inotbod oy which the poor olllce-
holder can bo protected In bis pasltlon. Hut
the civil service law protects only these
who draw salaries of noni 1900 to * lfauO a
year. These below nnd above thoio il uros
are to bo llr.itl Iticontinontly out of tlioir
DJocoii nr. quickly 113 possible.
Jn view of this iincliucrful oullooK cold
shivers arc ctiashiR up and do\\n the spinal
columns of republican rlllco-holdersln Wash
ington and throughout tbo country. UurltiK
tbo past two years tbu appointment clerks in
the clRht uxceiltlvf ) departments have had
llttlo to do. Nearly all of too onli-ci wore oc-
cuplod , and IH roslRiiution * and deaths In
oftlclal llfo nro very Infrequent there was
very Illtlo opportunity for bookiccoDini ; In
tno unices of thu appointment clerks. These
men anllctpato a great rush aftur the
4th of March. Sonio of them oxpcct to no
before tbo tusb begins. The Incoming party
always liltcn to liavo men of Its own nolillcal
coniDlexion in the appointment divisions of
the various cxccutivo departments. So con
fident uro the umnloyos of the departments
that there is to bo a general onslaught , upon
thoirnrmy ) hnt some of tbo higher oflluers
under the civil service law rofusu lii h pro
motions to till vacancies , as a promotion
would mnko thorn liaulo to an early
decapitation , for Instance , a half dozen
chiefs of division could net instead of $ . ! , UX ( >
nyear from f lfjlU ) to f.'i.UOII iinnnal s.ilarv If
they would accept vacancies , already oxistuic
as assistants to Iho cabinet olllccrt. As
chiefs of divisions thcso men liopo to escape
iho axmcn of tbo now administration fora
time , nnd they refuse an increase of balarv
and political UHliiicllon for a nurlod of three
or four month" . These ranuini ; Immcdiatoly
minor Iho chiefs of uivislons mid vvlio arc ,
therefore protected by the o'vll ' service law
ubsolutolv rcfubu any promulionw hatovor.
Tliaf Ti > lpKrnpl > Ollb'i1.
The tclCRiapb olllco tit the white bouso
is a little narrow room in Iho northeast
corner ot building on the second lloor.
Its chief occupant Is Mr. Montgomery , ono
of thooxocutivu ctorKs , who came dim the
wblto bouso as the operator of the gov
ernment wlro und who has remained and
broadened his sphere of usefulness Binoo
until ho Is ono oC iho most responsible of iho
employes in tiis president's oflice. His du
ties during the year are to receive any tolo-
erams addressed to tlio president und to send
any messages that may bo Died by any ono
connected with tbn cxcculwo oslaliltsbmcut ,
lo conduct in part tbo correspondency of the
oxecntlvo oflli'os and to keen the president's
sorapbooks the last by no means tbo lonst
of tils tastra. 1'ho tc'legrapli room at the
white house WOK Queued at iho beginning of
tbo Hayes administration. lioforo thai limo
the president's ' telOKfams bad been delivered
at the white bouso by messenger. Since the
special wire was run into the ' .vbito house
from the oflleo of the Western Union com
pany hero tno president has been able to
make direct connection with any lolecraph
point wheu nn emergency required him to
consult with any ot the chief executives of
the stales or to lake personal action In some
L-rcat omorj-ecoy like the Jolinstown I'ood. '
And Ihe wtillo house wire has been used to
aond to iho country any nicco of news con-
cornbiK tbo president which was of ureal
inuinont. If the president wants to talk to
tbe pcoplo of the United States ,
he can put himself in communication
with nil of the tokxTapli odlcos
In the country In a very foxv minutes and In
loss than a quarter of au hour a iness.itro
from him cmild bo posted on iivcrv bulletin
board in every railroad and telegraph olllco
in the United States.
I iclnl In tin KiiirrKfiu-y.
The llrat urcot cinerRcnov In which the
white bouso telcKr.iph Him was brought into
use was iho ureat railway s.trk ! of IS7T.
President Hayes was constantly In communi
cation with all parts of Iho country during
t ho urea t strike. When President'Garliold
was shot Ihe while house wlro carried bulle
tins right from tbo sick room to tbo pooulo
of the count n' . President Clovola d used
tbo wire freely at the time of Mr. Arthur's
dualh and also at tlio limn of Iho death of
General Grunt to maka arrangements for
HbowiiiK proper respect , to their memory.
At the time of tbo Johnston Hood I'rpsi'lont
Harrison was in tbo telegraph room
at the \\hlto hoiHo iilfbt and Ray
taltinu htops to relieve the sufferers
so far us the cxccutivo could lake action.
Morn locently when Mrs. Harrison lay living
at the white house tbo telegraph instrutront
WBH used in carry bulletins of her condition
to tbo anxious country. At every election
for many yuurs Iho wbito bouso wlro has
boon used to iccelvo the election u < Uirnn al
though Iho president has not always boon
horc to mad tuoiu. Six years iigoMr. Cleveland -
land went to HulTalo to cast his voto. Tivo
years ago President Harrison was in Indian
apolis whoii the roturiih were received. Hut
dm-liiK.i pnuiaenlial olcctlon thu nresldont
Is always ut the wbltft hou o wbon the re
turns are received.
Transmitting Clrrlioii ItctnriiB.
i'rcsidcnt Hayes hoard the news ot Oar-
Hold's eleellon over the wliito house wlro.
President Arthur rccoivcil the return * from
the election of IbSi at the wliUo bousu.
Arthur's heart was not la the llsht. Ho had
boon urlovously disappointed in his failure
to obtain a ronominntion , and It was not to
bo expected that ho would ulvo that notlvo
intention to Iho result of the election that be
would have'contributed If the lickot had
bcou Arthur unU Logan. Ho was too good a
republican , though , not lo bo Interested in
the success of bin party , mm ho gatborud a
Illtlo group of fi-louds about him on election
night und road the bulletins wild Interest
until ajato hour. Ho was in the telegraph
room during tuo early evening , but ho tired
of this after n time and wont down to the
smoking room on thu Urst floor , whcro iho
iiiturns were brought to him by n messenger.
This smoking room was reollv the end of iho
broad hall Jnto which iho oDlclal reception
rooms open. President Arthur bad bad iho
spacn r.oar iho entrance to the conservatory
screened off and furnished with tables anil
lounging chairs. Hero ho sat until
lonir lifter midnight rending iho bul
letins. Four years later Preslaent
C'lovrlatui read iho bulletins In
his privaw'onicu ivurouirJo.1 by members of
hit c { > blueVHud n few friends Mr. Whit-
noy. was thir4 , > , ni 'l the attorney , Mr.
( , iarland , who has fallen into n stale of
political Ucs'ynUulOBinrd Iho Clovolaud ad-
iihtitValipn | ( wont out of unices Mrs. Dick-
ICsou. MrVhllncvond Mrs. Lainout were
with Mrs.Cleveland , and iboy remained with
liar Until midnight , It was after a o'clock
Whaii the president ordered tbo telegraph
wlro cloicd , dismissed his friends end went
to bed. Ho had knowu iluco ID o'UocK that
Notv Ycrk had gui.n u atnst him and that
'jbd flectionvus last. Half an hour before
( .ron'r l.'loveland laid bU bend on his trou
bled pillow fa the Mhlln houtto , Jlou > iuiii
lluiriiou lisd rotlrod for the night in bl
modn-ii homo lu Indlauapjlls , Ho had no
crucial wlni lo orlng him the uaiv . All of
tbo bulletins were , tout to hU
lie se by luotscogor and ho wns pretty well
li.furiLt'ii uy private diiDalohos of the way
t il it ; * were P IRK At ' 1 o'clocic la the mom
KlijahV. . Ilnlford , who wn * then tlio
, , 'inu odltorof Ibo Indiinapolls Journal.
rnllod up tbo president's house by teloph ono
Ho had DJOII nil throutjh the return * and ho
wanted to loll Uonoral Harrison thnt In their
Judgment ho orns elected nnd that the
Journal would nnnouncn his olocllon In the
morninc. Mr. MuICoo , Ocnornl Harrison's
son-in-law , mmvcroil the 'phono. .Mr. llnl
ford oxnectcd to find Oonornl Harrison wult-
Inp for hilotip\v . vVcll M ho Unow him bo
bud nn Ide.i H nt thlt oecuilon would oxulto
him n llttlo nird tnnko him wnkcful.
"Is the cennral thr-rot" bo ntkcd.
"No , bo's been In bed nnd nsioop for ( vn
hour"snid Mr. AlcKoo elieorfnlly. And it
is vor" Ilkclv Unit Mr. Ilnlford , bolntr limited
in his"cbolco of exclamation * , remarked lethe
the tolophonn receiver moiliutlvoly : "Well ,
I'll bo hiinceili1'
U'lint the Cotnplntril Cnnvmi of tint County
r.liTllon Itiunnm Nlnt" .
of Dotiglni county was completed yesterday
with the exception of the Sixth prcciuut of
the Fourth u-arJ.ln watch the juilces had no-
cldontally sent their tally shoot to the Board
of Hduc.ulon , nnd Socrotnr.v C'otioyor re
fused to dollrur It to Iho county tlcrk. In
cluding the vote cast In the mlsMngpreclnot
as shown bv the uoll book , the vote of tlio
county is us follows :
llurrlton. rep . IO.TIKI i
f'lvvoiHii I , item . " *
Won ur. bill . , ? *
llKlM I'll , WO . ' - "
Iitiruiii'O C"r. > inmo. rup . lli/JII
.1. Stdillir-- Merion , ( loin . : " -
c II. Van \Vyc-k. Iml . < -
U. i : . llontloy , pro . "ml
ui.i'rr.KANT novniiNoit.
Tlinnini J. Mnjors. ron . lO.l.'lj
Hinuiol N. Wiiibich. limn . ' ( ' 1"1
Ch.irlus I ) . Slirili ( > r. Ind.p . : i.'M ;
.luincs Stpiin. . pro . ' "I
lolni ( ' - . Alton , inn . 1U..M7
Prank M. Unnv.ddt . MM ! !
.lames M. r.aslurllnir , lull . -.7S >
IlocHtrmn , ] > in . 3" > l
MoOro. ron . lO.Mli
I' . V. O'Jiiillviui , iliini . 7.S01
l.iU.-lo MrU'Jvoolils Inil . -"I
.1. t' . Tliom < t. pro . " 01
Joni'ph y. Mil toy. rep I ) , lit
Andrew , don lUs'i
Jacob V. Wolfe. Ind U..VH
.Icrry Dons inv. nro 2sfl
Ooorsro II. Hastings , rup II.Oil
Miitthow Ocilir. . do'ii ' K44 >
Vlr.-IIO Slrlclctor , 1ml II.HI8
.Maitln I. Itrowor , pie " " '
A. U. llunipliroy. ron UKit
Jacob WiissliH , di'tn IMIlt
Ineoli M. liiinnt'lt. Ind L'.m.'i
Unulus II Smith , pie lii :
si'i'niivrp.NtiCNT OK I'inii.ii : I.VSTUUUTIII.V.
A. 1C , (101111 v. rep ln.TM
.1. A. llornborzor. deni H.n"1' '
lliiriiion II. Illatt , Ind ' . ' . ' ! ) ' >
itellotl. HlKolitw. pru IM
David II. Mcroor , roi | ! ' .tci" >
Hoorso . Dicint ! , doin NMU
liobort li. Wiicoier. Ind 3.1 Vt
U.V. . Itii'liur IMIII , pro SS.1
f O. I.OI1KI K. IIUI' fl.lit'i
\V. N. ltAiicM" ( < . nun ii,4 i."i
( JllAIII.Ks II. I'l.AIIKi : , UKP K.tlVi
IHIIIIC Noyes. rup C.74II
MnSioyir. . ilem h'4IO
.IntnoiC. llieiiiifiii , ilum b.HVI
S. I ) . HyiuMirnon , 1ml : i-J'l ! '
JiiniR4.l. llnrr. Ind " , W
( leorfiu N. ICIiiA Ind 2 , > Qi
.lolm Dale , pro 4I7 !
Anlboiity .lolin-on , pro ill' !
li 11. llrnlriin. pro : itG
THOMAS I ) . C'IMNK , IIBP. lo.nflt
W. N. NASIIN. IIKI > . u.T.'il
( -'IIAIII.KS II.Vl rllNKI.U IJKM 11,1)11
M. O. HlCHkTTuii ; - ! > . : t > l
I'HAIII.ES A. ( fOflfl. HEP. | 1.3S"i
fioiini ! : : \ \ . AMIIS. HKM u.141
J. II. IVV.VKII , ur.i' . lU'ti
AW1L"-T l.orKNKll , HI'.P ' .1,011
liuniy 11. Morrow , ( loin .4' > . >
.Tiilin .NonUviill , ( lonP. 8.'i7
\V. S. Koluor. dniii : . - . ' . 8.'J.-i4
.lohn ,1. I'oints. iiisin h.'IU
C'lnirlcs . ittovenp , rep 8vo. >
O. J. 1'lcknrd , dun K.1M
! ' . .1. HcyKor.i , ( loin 7.7.'i7
,1.11 lit'CM' . rep 7.7.Vi
U' . S WiltPii. IIMII 7,4L".I
loseub Andcisun , Ind : i.8l.i
\V. It. Giiinblo. Ind. rep ll.llll
llsins L. Aiiilnison , Ind 11.140
Wlllliini rinrU , Ind 3.GH
htophcii.l' IlioJorlak , bid i'.rtfl
fli'irlosCnitls , Iml ' . ' . .V.'Ci
I'hlllp Mcliiivnrn. Iml -.4U
.liimo-i W. ICInUcud , Ind : . ' . . , ! l !
sllus lolllns. ! lud ' . ' . .ll.'l
.luliii It tieliiiiip. bid -.04) )
V. 1) , WINou. | irn . " > l'i
Tliomni Krlelison , pro 4T >
J. K. Ill ) In , uiij . * 417
( .porji ) M. Hti-iKoll , pro. . . 4'JI
A M. ( lll-on. ) pie lilM
.lohn I ) , ll.u ry. | IHI : i7il
li Shorwoo II7J
( jor > rv ATIOIINUV ,
.TACOII I * . KAI.I.V. nw ii/UJ
W , S. r haoniaiior. ( torn s.701
( ii-orpo A. M IBIICV. Ind ijl : !
.1 .1V. . KdiidchiiAli. mo an
'I IIOIMI.S 1''I'lilt i' . dnin i,7.s.
Thom'iH C. .lolfrlL1 * , bid , M
Jnbn Ijiiwieni'e , pro O.'i
( j. \VlM.I\M < . It'll' ! > 3G
Wlllliini Olir.Mi'nl. di'iu f,31
Kll.Iolin-.on , bid | ' , M )
.1 , 1C , Vnnilorcooi , pro 2S
< ' . O. StiiiiU-y. rup 1.151
J. W. I'AlillOfK. HKM l.lliri
Wtlllnin l.Muyoi > . Ind : wi
1'V. . Orantliain. pin - \
( ' . u. STANLKV. iihp J/JIK
. .1.V. . I'.uldouic , dum (
\Vllllaiu T. Muyu'-.s , Ind l
Constitutional iiniundment rolatlnx to ux-
ccnllvoullli'ur * !
Ves . 10,7.- .
No . 1.7a , " >
Constitutional iiniondiuuiu rotating to por-
iiiaiHiciL RL'liool fund :
Vrs . ll.II
No . 1,404
Tim Dfiilli Hull.
Ni'.w YOHK , No" , ID. Kx-ludRO D. W.
Cooiuy of Dulniqu ? , la. , died of paralysis
this inorninK at tlio homo of liU son-in-law ,
J. S. Douglus , ail SVoit , Kud avenue , tin
Judifu L'oolov was n well known banker ,
lawyer ami capitalist. Ho was a nrumlnont
uicmborof the bar of Iowa , and for several
years previous to his death ho practiced law
lit Washington , U , C. Ho was for twenty
years president of tbe First National bank
of lJulnique , la. , and for some time past was
pti'sidciU of the Iowa State Hunkers' asso
ciation. Ho was at ono tlmo n mombijr of
iho Iowa Ronalo , nnd WHS coiiiinidiioiiof of
Indian affairs under I'rosldcnl Lincoln and
of tbo republic. ! ! ! national comtmttuo in ISI'u
Ho mrtUo many Kifts to churches an coll"Kos ,
cblef 01" thcso to Methodism in lowu. Tlio
Uodv will bo t.lkun to Uuhuquo for burial.
SVAfKhniiA ! > . , Nov. lit. Captain H
hue Knos died hero today , aped fib .venire ,
Ho was prominent In the national cuard and
ilovotcd his attention to educational matters ,
He served as postmaster for ttlphtccn VOHM ,
uud for O\K\\I \ \ \ year was u member of the mi
tlouul icptibllcan commltteo. For years he
has lieon rocojjnizod Hi ono ot tbo leading
politicians In Wixconsln.
WAHIIIVIIOS , I ) . C , , Nov. 1 ! ) . uD
S. Ulnsmoro , chief usher at the \\hlto
dlod hero today aftcrou lilnois of severa
Clibiiiiuen c'rn iii ( , " tlin Illo ( inindn.
Nr.w OIII.IUNS , ha. , Nov. 1U. Tno Tim
Democrat's San Antonio special says : 111 1
claimed by the federal authorities along tli
Hio ( jrando bordvr that largo numbers o 1
Chlncmon are crosslii ) ; the rlvor from MOXICI 0
to the United Htntos each week , ami thut
Mexican oftlclals are unuhlo to prevent this i ,
owing to u lack of river guards , A. grout
many of thi'sa Otiliiomon uro brouitii ; from
the City of .Mexico and Hio southern slates
of tlio republic by persons who umko a busl-
nu.s of smuffplin tboni across the river ut '
to much | > or head.
. MiUfm.-uU ol Occiio Mfiinifi' * .
At Liverpool Arrlvod Uoiloulan and
Kaniasi , from Iloston.
At Havre Arrived UaUujcOKuo , from
Now Vorir. -
At I'hiladeipnU Arrived Montana , Irom
Attuo Delaware brcaUwatcrI'msoJ In
IiuUaiin , from LtvcrpooL
At Now York ArrivedUourzoKno ,
from Havre ; Ultv of L'dasier , from Liver
pool ; C'lillbui , from Uio do Janorlo.
Many Deoih of Violence Which
the Day.
AM-lnl Scnnn ill n Wdtilbie Cell-brut Inn In
( Ililo Killed for Hit'
urn rnllouoiimii Criirlty d
nl u Tramp.
Ci.evnt.t.N'ii , O. , Nov. in.--A liorrlblo mur
der wns committed at the residence of Mrs.
Mary Murphy , 113 Swiss street , tbU nf tor-
noon white n wedding celebration wns In
procross. 1' . Murphy cut the throat of
his brother , William ,1. Murphy , from oar to
oar with a ra/.or. Mrs. Murphy's daughter
Annlo was married yesterday lo John J.
Ivmvlth nnd a rocopilon was pi von at her
mother'a house this nttarnoou. A large
number of piiosts were in nitcndanco.
I * . V. Murphv Is u Jrunlrnrd nnd of a surly
disposition. Ho locKed himself In bis room ,
refusing to rninglo with the guests.Vlion
supper was rchdtV. . J. Murphy wont to
Frank's I room nnd naked him to join iho
other * . Frank ro fused 10 open Iho door nnd
William cllmood through the window , \vlmt
p.isscd between the brother. ) Is not known ,
In a few minutes Frank cnmo out of tlio
room with bis hands und clothing covered
with blood nnd laid n bloody rc/.or on the
tablo. ' Ho wont directly acrois the street to
the Swiss police stnlion mid pave himself no.
Upm Investigation it was found that Wil
liam was dead , his hcaJ having bocu uoiu-ly
severer ! from the body with the razor.
Prank Bald bo killed bis brottior in solf-
doftmso. Tlio murdered man was u freight
con-motor on the IViko Shore road. Itu lived
at Kollincwnnd , near this city , and had u
wife and two oblldron.
TOOK iii > > OXV.N : .
I'rnluilck M < I'ligcr < il ° Ill iinl ( ( < n I'luinil
Demi in u > c\v Vorl < llntrl.
Nnw YOIIK , Nov ! ! . A man who is sup
posed to ba Frederick M. Ungor of 101
Grand avenue , Milwaukee , Wis. , was found
dead in tied Saturday afternoon in bis room
in the Hroadwav Central hotol. Ha had
ovldonlly committed suicide bv shoaling
hlniscll with a rovoUer that was found bo-
sldo him. From Iho condition of tbo bodv
It is supposed no shot himself about 1 or J
o'clock Saturday morning. Tbo man WHS
about ITi years olu , ana well dro.ssod. do
registered at the hotel , where ho had
stopped nn a previous visit to Iho oily , us
Frederick M. Linger , but aid not give his
residence. Ho was last seen on Friday
night alive , when ho appeared to bo in the
best of spirits. Up to Saturday afternoon
bo had not vet loft hl.s room nnd repealed
calls uroucht no answer. Then the door was
forced In nnd ho was found dead in bed ,
dressed only In his underclothing. There
mis no ! otter or papers found that would in
dicate why be committed suicide. There no money or Jewelry found in his clolb-
inif or In the room. Jn u pocket was nn en
velope addressed to Frederick M. Ungcr ,
11)1 ) Grand nvcnuo , Milwaukee , Wis.
There was also found a llfo Insur-
nnco policy in the same naino for
fl.0'10 bv a Wisconsin company and a
document showing thut ho xvas a member of
n Masonic lodge of Milwaukee. While ho
was at the houl Im manner was quiet anu
bis babiti regular.
Tno police were not notified , anil until to
day nouodv but too hotel people , the coroner
and undertaker unciv anything about the
Killed for l.iivtt.
CIMCAOO , 111. , Nov. lil. Charles Ryan of
Sycamorb , 111. , shot and fatally wounded
Frank Whlllakor and Susto Hess and then
put n bullet through bis own brain. Killing
himself inslantlv. The tragedy occurred in
tbo homo of tbe Hess woman at an early
hour this morning. Kynn bad become infatuated -
fatuated with Ibo woman nnd for some time
bad been trying to Induce her to leave
Wblttakor and go with him , but this she rc-
fusoa to do. At 1 o'clocic this morning bo
visited the homo and renewed his attempt to
mduco tbo woman to leave Wnittakor. Ho
lalkfd with her for over two hours , and all
ho got was an orJer to leave the promises.
Ho was about to go wbon the door opened
and Whltlakor with several companions
came in. As soon as his rival stopusd Into
the room Kyan drew a revolver and fired at
Snslo Hess , the ball going clear through bar
body. As she fell to the lloor ha turned his
weapon against Whittalter nnd shot him
through tbo lungs. He then walked into nn
adjoining room und locking the door behind
him , shot * himself through the bead. The
woman and Whitluker were taken to Ibo
hospital , wboro It was said that neither had
a prospect of recovery. Hvan was ISO j cars
ot age and only mot tbo Hess woman I wo
weeks ago.
A cabman Informed tbo police tlmt Uvan'.s
real name was Charles Lyons and tnat His
parents were well-to-dopooplc and that Kyan
was an assumed numo.
Tramp * ( , ' : itiifrii | Town.
II\ZI.ETON , Pa. , Nov. lil. Nightly dupro-
daiions which have bocn committed In this
neighborhood for some time past uro nttn-
bulcu to a gang of tramps who have been
gradually assembling in this neighborhood.
Last night n concerted raid was made by tbo
visitors and tboy look iho town by storm.
Six houses were entered simultaneously. In
some cases revolvers were used lo intimidate
tbo occupants. In a short time the village
was aroused. The robbers , however , were
well armed and cosily kent the crowd ut Day.
Tboy succeodnd in raachiiig the mountains
and oscapoJ. An armed passe was formed
and Is now In pursuit.
Mint for u Cun nf ISrtM.
CHICAGO , III. , Nov. Ill- Steven FriU sent
his boy for a can of beer tonight , and wbon
the young man failed to return at once , went
after him. Ho found him struggling with
two men who were trying to capture tlio
boor. Fritz Intorfuicd and one of the mou
shot him through iho bro.isr , Inlllcling a
wound which proved fatal In uu hour.
' Klllnl l y , \ s
MOUNT SrKiu.isn , ICv. , Nov. IM. Albert
Darnos of liowon , Powell couulv , was assas
sinated by unknown parties on tno road be-
twncn Uowon nnd Ibis uitv Into Saturday
night. Uarnoj was a popular mun and no
reason can bo given for the tragedy.
Kur lift I or IlimiU ,
Hovrox , M.W. , Nov. li ) . Colonel V. A.
POPO tins issued iho following petition :
ltipnisiWTA'rivns : : , is riiMiiiivis : :
\Vo , the ulll/ens of llio I'nilud ' States , boroliy
most luspuetfnllv polltlon lliat tburo ! >
( Diiinlo'l \Viifliliuiini. . In thu DUtrlet of
L'oliiiiililn , a Ilimd ibip.irtniuniliullir lo Hie
A rluultnril duparlinuut , for Uio purpixo of
jilotiln Unowlndjo In tlio url of c'uiislrintliii : ;
and inaliililnliii ; ro.ulN and wo iislc tlmt In
biieh dupartmoni provlslun iJiunailu fortoauli-
liisstii they m.iy bui-omo Hldllod
lo'id i'iilmor-i. In onuiio IIDII wllli
Ibis lload disp.irtiimnt uoro'jiion ' tnoiu
hu ( ' tabllsbud : i puimaiiunl n\lillillUiii at
wlilub shall bu ! > li < in Huutloiii of roads Illus
trating varloui methods of uonstruotliiK nnd
iitso Mm bunt road iiiitcrluln : and machinery.
\Vu fiiiilmr putlilon tliitt'oniL".i ! ( .ippronrlato
funds Hiitlk'iunt to eruct a building at the
World's Columbian oxpoiltlo'i for the purposu
uf a coiiipruliuiislvu exhibit.
Copies of tills circular will ue sent to con-
crassand distributed Uirougliout the country ,
.My > t noii ly Iliuapiii-aruil ,
MiNN'isAroLiii , Minn , , Nov. 1 ! ! . Thomas
Oliver , n showman , well known throughout
the northwest , came to tue city last T1103day
und was lust seen that night lalldnir to an
unlcnown person. Ho had been In receipt of
threatening ( otters from a parson whoiignod
his name Kennedy , Oliver had considerable
money in iho bank and no bad huults so far
as known , 'Iho auihorllics have boon unnblo
to find any clew lo his whereabouts.
Miec'liuu'n Ulioico.
DUPPAI.O , N. Y. , Nov. W. In reply to a
question regarding the United States sen-
uiorsbin , Lieutenant CJovoroor Sheehan
slated to an Associalcd press roporlor that
lOuwur.l Murphy , jr. , was tiU cholca and ho
xvouid slick lo him to the last.
llndli-t nf I'lrpiucii Itrcuvarud.
nuooKi.v.v , N. V. , Nov. lit. Tbo bodies of
Wuylaad A. Hstoi aud John K Spuldlnir ,
Iho two firemen wffo wcro thrown Into a I
burning mnis of , lute nmt sisal nt the HarI I
beck stores flro irtterday nftornoon , were
recovered today , sore-rat onglno * nnd n flro
boat have been playing upon the smoulder
Ing ruins all day. - -
< ; /H.M. i , v AN / < .YII / n t nt.
Their Shipment WiYhlrac" vln llntnliuri ;
UniiM.v , Nov. iat Tiio sondine of ( .lor-
mnny'i exhibits to lift World's Inlr by xvny
of Hamburg Is hnvo caused no llttlo
uneasiness among some persons nt Chicago.
It U feared , lettorsTrccelved hero say , Ihat In
this . manner cholera "germs may roach , the
( Jnrdon Cltv , In VloU ot tlio gravity of the
Muosilon tbo Associated press correspondent
Inquired the extent to which these fears
Aero jtmlllcd.
Pi Ivy Councillor Werinuth , Imporlal Oer-
man commisstouor to iho World's fair , snld
lli.Mit was trnoinat moil of tlio Gorman ox-
hlbits xvorosent by way of Hamburg. HJ
said that It win tbo moat direct nnd convcn
lent way nnd that thcro was no
Prof. Koch said"U Is out of the
question that goods or merchandise passing
ttirougb Hamburg should carry cnolorn
gertni. It has never bocn Known that new
goods carried such irorms. CholeM may bo
spread by human beings or by the soiled
clothing or linen of cholera patlont.-t , but never
bv goods packed In wooden eases , br'ck ' or
stoiic. Wo knew these Incts before , and
the Hamburg epidemic has simply conllimed
our opinion thut onlv by contact with In
fected persons or Iholr clo'thlng could cholera
bo snreail. If ChiCJito will take Iho proper
steps to hoop the nsoplo from Infected dls-
trli-ts away from tbo fair aho need four tie
Invasion of thai dlso.iso through tbo German
exhibits which wcro carried through 11 urn-
buri { . "
Mr. Johnson , the United States consul nt
Hamlurg , said that not u single package
-.vat allowed lo loava Hamburg for America
without thorough disinfection.
ANMOl'S TO Mil ? , V llfl.l. I'KIIIT.
Tlio > noflii nf I'ortugul Will At It-nil Ono
/\ri-iii'M'd : fur HIT lli'iH'lll.
LOMIOV , Nov. U ! . The Tims- * ' Madrid
corrosDotulonl describes the Columbus fete
la Ihat city in connection with the Columbus
exposition which was formally opened on
Friday , Ho says : ' ! vonluro to liopo that
this is the last ono of these wearisome fetus.
The whole ihlnj ? would not have been
loloratod In anv practical country.
The Madrid Uallv News savs : Tlioquoon
of Pot-tuna ! Is anxious to sco u bull fight
while visitiL-rf tlm Spanish court , and bus
promised to attend one csocctally arranged
lor VYodnosdo } , urraycd in tbo Spanlsb'nn-
lional costumi' . The dtiKo of Veracua has
promised to provide for Iho occasion eight
bulls of his famous Andalusinn brand. Queen
IJogpnt Chrhtin.1 will ulso bo present nt. the
bull lighl. This is the first time she has at
tended such an entertainment.since Iho death
of Her husuand.
ritli\Cll AM > .MOUOCCO.
Treaty > fgntl itinns Nut Making Slneli
LOSIIOV , Nov. III. ThoTimcs1 correspond
ent nl Fe.z , the cnltal ( of Morocco , says of
tu > ; French mission lo the Moorish sultan :
Some of Iho Frondb proposals are mooting
with opposition. Permission lias bean granted
for tbo constructibil of water woikt , for
sanilary improvcmelils and Iho build
ing of good roncls In Tangier.
No commercial treaty ) with Franco hns boon
concluded : but iho sultan will permit , dur
ing his plsasuro , Ino qxporlallon of bark for
tunning purposes qud cork , nnd slightly ru-
duce the duties o < i corlain French imports.
Franco agrees to abolish her ports service
throughout Morocco 'hs soon as orpani/cd.
The stillau llnally tefused lo permit the
building of a railway or tUo establishment of
an oil refinery. , f J
tr Annrt > lil tii.
.iN' , Nov. 1UPCnoof * ) tha speakers at
Iho meeting of Ihc'aijarchislsyoslerday , pro
posed that lljo proletariat honor tbo memory
of the Chicago anarchists , who were iinngcd
for/ , their part in the Hay mat-Hot riot , by
preparing for u general attack unon t.ho
bpurgeoise. Aiiolhor speaker ( ic-clarod Ihal
anarchists could reaoli their goal only by
way of the scaffold. I-Jo Urood its propaga
tion oy violcnro , for violence would be more
potent than iui > thing elso.
Chulor.i Cliilms Atom \ lutlms.
LONPOV , Nov. lil. The Standard's correspondent
pendent Btaios that fresh CMOS of cholera
are reported from Kstaples , Cotirtovillo ,
Calais , Avion and elsewhere lu the north of
Franco. The ISuda Pcstb corrcsponrinnt of
Iho same paper reports thai the disease is
spreading in WCIKTII anil southern Hungary.
Tiventv-soven died on Friday at Aradaoso
uiul thirty more on Saturday. There are sev
eral new cases in Holland. Many 1'iitaliiies
have occurred there.
Collision on HIP Itnnlii' : .
VIEJJNI , Nov. HI.-Tho I1 much atoaraor
Taurus , while coasting the Danube today ,
ran into two lighters , sinking ono and knock
ing a hole in the other. It was reported that
several ot the crow of Iho sunltcn lighter
lost their lives.
.MiuiN'rcu' .Ni-lll Liming Ills N'orvo.
LONDON , Nov. 13. The Morning says thai
Noill , the murdcror , sloops badly and Is af
fected with nervous spells. Since ho bus
learned that bis sentence will bo curried out
be hns become a complclio wroclc.
Hiiiy'x Illcclliin.
UOMU , Nov. ly. The supplementary elec
tions for members nf tbo Italian parliament
wcro helit-tflday. The returns so far received
show that thirty-eight ministerialists and
only ono opposition have bocn elected.
lii-vislnii nl tlin is. i iniian Ti'nuty.
LOVIION , Nov. l.'i. Tno Standard's Herlin
corro'ipondcol wrlics that ho hears that a
sorlos ot private confiironcos Is under wnv ,
having lor tht'lr purpOiO u revision of Iho
Sumoan treaty ,
Cnttcin .A
FVI.I. UIVKI : , Mass. , Nov. lit. The outloolc
for the manufacturers of cotton goods , since
h2 Increase of T per cent In ivagca wns made
u few days ago , U not good , prices having
gone up about 'JJ , per cent. Tlio
owner of a largo machine shop In this
city hns said to it piomincnt newspiinei1
man that bo will not build a largo
addition to bis plant , wbiuli three weeks ago
ho propmod to build. The products of .sev
eral nulls are well sold to January and some
of Ibcin have fully sold their products until
April at ! IH4 rents , 'Sa'pio mills have cotton
enough to last iii'ro 'August. ' Moil of iho
mills are buvlng ' ' ( rtton lo bo used from
April onward and' their outlook with the
present wages U not { bright.
Vostordriy altornoftii Ooteotivo Hozo
pumped Haley , LundeJ ) nnd Hammond , who
were arrested on Friday with stolen prov |
orty in their poibci .iou. The interview ro
suited In a raid upon , ) ) "fonco" near the cor
ner of Tbtrtociih..aiid Pierce , whcro an
armful of Jowolr.v , ( jmory and other stolou
property was dUcoyiirod and conllscaled.
Hurglars visited r < fl& buslnoss ( Htabllsli-
mont of Somer llr'i ) ut ICIuUleontti and
Charles , Saturday liilght nnd carried away
with them a good stot-lc of cigars , clgaroitor
nnd about $ l. ! > " in iVU } , .
The chief of nolleji will hold iho nanua
sale of ronlisKiilod fliw jinrocovorod property
ut the station on DecVinuer 15.
ilnitticu Iu in ii r.
\V\8iiiNoinv , I ) . ONov. . 13. Mr. Jusllo
Lumaroflho United Stales supreme couri
nas not boon foelmg very well the last tw
or three days anil vesterday ho iulTored a
slight atlacK of nausea In tbo court room
and had to return to his residence. Ho soon
rccovtirt'd. however , and tonight ho expects
to bo at Ills bench tofoorrow us usual.
Kulin & llurrli tlltiiatl.
Late Saturday ulgbt HC ! . Dun & Co.'s
mercanlllo agency reported the failure of
Kohn fi Harris , wholesale clothinif and
gents' furnishing goods. Tbo secured
creditors now jq. posiesiloa by vlrtuo of
chattel mortgages wo the First National
bank and Jacob Ifoun ,
NVcnt Under tlio Trailer.
Frank Hayes ana William Mason are tbo
two name * ascribed to a ruau wti ? VIM sort-
ously Injured nt Sixteenth nnd Jones streets
nilo'clock last evening. Ho mauo nn at
tempt to board n passing motor car when his
fool slipped and one lug was run over by the
trailer. Hnth bones ot tbo loll anhlo were
broken nnd the victim wilt probably remain
for some time nt St. Joseph's uosniUl. wbero
bo was taken bv ' the patrol wngon. His homo
is nt 430 North 'Hlovonth t ot.
John .McKny Delict Ilia .Missouri , nnd
I'robnlily l.nsi-s 111 * l.lfc.
John McKay , who llvos at Seventh nnd
Marcy streets , Is supposed lobe drowned ,
nnd bis body whirling down the tltlo of the
murky Missouri touarrt iho MUslssiupl.
Shortly after , 'J o'clock yesterday morning
George Powell came to John Swnnson , the
night watchman of ' .ho Bradford Lumber
company , and Frank Dombsoy , nlgtit
walohman of the Cndv ft Grnv Lumber
companv , nnd announced that there wns n
man ih iho rcaldenco ot Mrs. ( . 'lovolnnd ,
at tbo foot of Hurney sticot , who
shotild bo put out , Tbo special
olllcers accompanied Powell to tbo pluco du-
algnalod anil Ihoro found McKay on a bed
In the front room sound usieet ) nnd np-
pnroiitly drunk. With some illlllculiy bo
was iirotiiuil and porsuiuled by a view of the
Iwo olllcial slars lo start for homo. Ho badge
go o hardly half n blocic when bo turned nnd
llrcd three shots from n revolver nttho
olllocr.s and turned mul ran Into the rlvor ,
striking boldly out for the middle of Ibo
slroam. The two watchmen ran along iho
bank , calling to him lo coma in to shore nnd
promUIng him anything If ho would only
save his llfo.
Near the.tones Blreet dump the awinunor
came In toward the sboro und stood up lo
parley wlih his puriuors.
The ofllrors promised him Ihat ho would
nol bo arresled If ho would-como nshoro nnd
again urged him to sivo his life aud como
out of the water.
"Not much , " shouted McKay , "I'll take
another swim , " and again ho struck out tor
the current.
It was darlc nnd the olllcois could not say ,
but thlnlt that about Iho tlmu when tno
swimmer reached the -swift water ho bgan
lo shout for help. Tliov followed the voice
down as far us the Union P.iclfio bridge
whcro ho Is supposed lo have sunk , for no
other bound was hoard.
The police were summoned nnd Captain
Mostyn learned that McKay was employed
as a laborer by thu linruur Asphalt companv
and that bo bad a son with the nprapplng
crow northeast of Uio city Ho had boon
having his washing done bv Mrs. Cleveland
and tbls was the third vhll bo hail paid to
the bouso within tuo past week and each
time ho had boon I'lloxicatod.
A switching gang at work on tbo tracks
Just above the bridge hoard the m.iu's cries
and saw bis noad us the steam \\nirled him
nhout. They stopped tbo train and made nn
attempt to launch u boat chained to n post on
the sboro near by , but failed.
A man named Carroll win discovered who
had roomed with McKay at llansen'a
boarding house , bevouth and Murcy. Ho
claimed thnt MclCav was n hard man , or , at
least , ciuimcd to be ono. On several occa
sions , bosnyi , McKay had told him of lurid
experiences ho had had with wronged hits-
bands and ininudent policemen , \\henlio
loft , tlio room Friday night lie had put n re
volver in bis pocket , saving that ho would
not bo seen again until Sunday.
Tlio conclusion of the pnllco Is that the
mnn had ii hnru character and orolerred
Inking Ills chance * with the river loan ar
rest and Its consequences.
/ : > / . . .
"Aplll Foul. "
Mr. Gas Williams has sprung a now ono
on the unsuspecting public. Ho calls his
late.-tt play a "melo-farco , " bumt's only ono
of tboso farce-variety concoctions which some
"profesolonnl" gentlemen having a go-as-
you plcaso acquaintance with the English
language try to put into tbo mislll masquerade -
ado costume of "farco-comcdy. " Mr. Wil
liams has some excuse for his use of the
term "melo , " because I hero is considerable
singing in bis performance , but to the aver
age man too term is an affectation which
carries no ospocml slgniflcunco However ,
Mr. Williams will bo pardoned this nmiatile
weakness as Icng as lie kcops his company
up to its present standard.
"April Fool1' Is one of the host farces
which has oeon seen nt the Farnnin Street
theater , whcro it began nn engagement yes-
tordav to laushing auuiencos. Mr. Williams
bus sworn off on the idiotic drivel which
passes lor dialect comedy , and the rocceco
nlllra ot the burlesque German has been lost
in the capacious past. He cloosr.'t , depend on
stubbing bis too or shouting "zwcl lager" to
amuse bis audience , and ho dresses in rea
sonably good taslo. Indeed. Ibero Is Uttloloft
of the rogulallon German character beyond
a slight accent. Mr. Williams' nullities find
oxinossion chiefly hi comic songs , in ono ol
which ho doe ? some very effective pinto-
mi mo , mid ho vorv sensibly has surrounded
himself with a company ol rtevor people
whose specialties nro bright , novel and en
tertaining nnd are pln.ved with spirit. "
Charles J. Hess nnd Miss Mabel Ponton
present burlesques on "Anthony and Cleo
patra" find / Virginias , " which nro very
amusing travcslios of not only HIP heroics of
these plays but of the tragic methods of ac
tors who essay thoin. Frank Glrard ns a
circus cannon ball lesser , Lnw .inckson as a
mamma's ooy. Miss Fmiton as a tbeosonli-
Ical school girl and Mi&s Gcrtrudo Reynolds
us the circus rider am.1 dancer all do excel
lent worK and uontribiie ftpeeiallios which
nro linlshod und not as extravagantly over
drawn as most of their kind.
"Von Viiiisini , "
II Is probably iruo Ihat "Von Vonson" Is
not a great play , measured by ohakespcrean
standards. The satno thing might bo said
with equal irulb of uio dramas used by Sol
Stnllh Uussoll and of "Tho Old Homestoiid , "
bul the pcoplo , thu common people whom
Lincoln thought the .salt of tbo earth , don't
mind the astute critics who assnro them of
Hint fact. All these plays have the touch of
nature which makes the whole world kin ,
and tbov haven heart interest Unit is not
to bo ostlumlcd wllh a loot rule or n quart
Mr. Gus Heogfl has discovered a gold mine
in "Yon Vonson. " a-id Omuhans are for u
second time helping him to work It. with
mutual satisfaction. Mr. Hcogn's .Swedish
role is not it burloique , nut n character studv
thai is n credit to liU art and an honor to tlio
Scandinavian vacu. Tlio play is strong in
coined v without descending to buffoonery , Is
sniccd with n mclodramalio srono , tolls a
Utopia but Interesting siory will ! touches of
patnos for contrast and breathes olovutlng
sentiment * . U is n pure and wliolof-omo
drann that reaches hearts and stirs Ihe
noblest sympathies. It is handsomely staged
nnd the star Inn n reasonably good support
ing company. It received a most entliusi-
nsllo reception ut Ibo Hovel lait evening ,
inntiuiti.i : im.iru or A inn :
III * Ctiitliine Siiliimtnil ivllli Oil liy n
Trump and I united.
Pa. , Nov. 1I. ! John Logijcu , u
11-yonr-old boy , died nt bis mother's homo
in Uio Fiflh ward lonigbt from bums Ihat
covered htm from lo foot ,
Tula evening ut (1 ( o'clock n trainu sought
shelter In nn ohl shed , whloh a party of boys
used as u play house. The tramp wns
drunk , and nmuscd hlmsolf by singing
ribald song * . The boys trlou tu make him
Icavo the place , but ho rofuioa to do BO.
Young Leggett wont to tbo place In u docent -
cent way to oxpoitulale with the foliar/ for
"Jumping tno boys' claim. " Ho hart
klcdlod a Uro in on old stovoln llioshonly ,
"nnd among Ibo "iruck" In iho piuco was u
bucket parllv lillod with crude petroloum.
The Leggett boy was standing close to tbo
open lire , when the tramp deliberately
seized the bucket ol oil and dashed it over
the Hey in such a wav that what did not
blriiio him wont in the tiro.
Of course the ilatncs followed tbo oil , leapIng -
Ing from the Uro into tbo. litlio fallow's aiu-
raloa clothing , and In a breath bo was nbn/o |
from crown to too. Tbo lad screamed for
help , and n railroad employe passing the
place rustled to bis roller. In nplto ot Iho
gallant fight lo save him , the clothing was
burned oil thu boy before the llro win smoth
ered. Delirious nnd raving wildly wiih pain ,
the llttlo chop was carried to his mother and
died a few hours lutor.
Tno iratup was caught near Ibo rounrtbouso
of tbo Pittsburgh , Itochostcr & iluffulp rail-
way , nnd n crowd of angiy men was hurry
ing preparations to lynch him when oftlcers
arrived and a struggle bein for the posses
sion of the prisoner , Theoftlcer * would have
lost their man had not some of thu citizens
joined thorn , nod luduced the
lynohors to listen to reason. Finally the con-
orv llvo < | ircvallcil , nnd the terror-stricken
wretch wns surrendered to the aiilliorltlnA.
rtio vagrant nppcurs to bo ono nf iho lough *
csl of his Ulna nnd clnlnn lo hall from Al
bany , N. Y.
runiitiMA : .MCI. if. Hirnn ,
IllfC-tlniM In tin. Unit.- I Millie Itiulii .slight
Hflrrt on tlm Alnrni't < .
Lnsnnv , > fov , lit. Discount wni very easy
dti-ing iho past week owing to the abundant
supplies ami foreign campetUlon. At the
satiio tlmo tbo low rates at which tro.iiury
bills were nlloilod added lo iho weakness
nnd caused n decline lo ' . " 4 points for thrco
months nnd 1 ' 4 for short , The rates , how
ever , nro not 'moly to fall mticii lower , ns
nnv great docllnn would revive coatluen'nl
Inquiry. Austria is only waiting for a cheap
market to in cream her stoolt of gold while
tnerc . nro In circulation rumors Hi it Hmsn
Is about to withdraw iJ.OOO.OOO in gold from
Bnglnml ,
On the Stock exchange business was fairly
acttvo , uoailngs being ohlelly for Investment.
Hrillsh and Indian funds showed n slight Im
provement , Foreign government securities
for Uio most part , bad u oottor tono. Stmn-
l u bonds advanced 1 point. South Ameri
cans were well fivorod , Uriiguiunns being
ospeeiallv strong and mlvancing P. . Argon-
lines and Uranilims nilvnncod 1 ' . ( Milliaim
were deproisoo owing to ihovnr mmori ,
ana dropped 1'j. imtnftorwards tocovorcd ' . , ' .
In lunglUh railway sca.rltlo * btmlno s wns
roslrlcted. Houtlioastcrns cloioi 1 point
lower on the reported refusal to consider the
proposed amalgamation with the Chatham &
Dealing. * In American railway securities
Koiovory cautious until nftor ciocliou day.
1 rlroA , however , were well nmlnlnino.l.
U hen the result of Iho election bcoamo
Itiiown prices receded , there being n general
fooling that however benoilcuil Iho roginio
may provo. it must produce u disturbance nnd
uncertainty Inimical to the interest ol Dull
ness. A more conlidont tone supervened on
brlday , nnd prices showed an all round re
covery. but nn unsettled fooling was again
dominant on Saturdnv and caused nppreei-
nblo relapsoa , tiioiiRh most stocks uoro lell
ivlth light improvement on tbo weot. : The
week's variations iiicludn tbo following ! In-
cro.isJi-IJenver .t K'lo Crnniln prelcrrod , l
percent ; Ohio \ Mississippi ordinarv. Nor ,
lolk , t U'ostorn proforri-d , Loulsvlllo \ . Nash-
vlllound Detivor tVc Uio ( < rando coiriinon , Jf
Dor cent cich : Central IV.clllc thiuos , Nnrtli-
orn Pacilic prelerrcil aud Wabash preferred ,
H ptr cent oach.
A prominent icnMire daring tiio week was
Ihe exlonsivo buying of Oanudlan securities
on Iho assumption that iho olrction of Mr.
Cleveland would load to a modulation of the
MclCinlov law. Cir.ind Trunk ilrst and second
end preferred , closed yesterday H' " 4 pr
cent. Urand Trunk third yuuriintcod stock
I ' 4 percent higher.
i'horo was titi nctlvo Inquiry for Argentine
railways , resulting in a riso'of ii points in
Hucnos Avers and Southern and Hosario. 'J'ho
market mine , and ospociullv for South Afri
can mines , showed a nso of from ' 4 to ' , per
Itoporis of belter busiuosi and the prob-
ublllty of a S p. r cent dividend cauioil an ad-
vonco in all Hhliiii biewcrv shares of 'J
points. "
_ _
On dm licrllii Hour-- ! .
iSi'iiux , Nov. I ! ! . Thoiunrot unfavorable
movements of golil.has greatly subaidud and
no expected advance ot money has boon no
ticed. On the contrary thu money rates re
lapsed during Iho week and showed a len-
ilency to n further relapse. Consequently
stoclts were much firmer , linparial and lor-
olgn loans generally were stronger , nii'l ' coal
und Iron shares continued to advance. .Span
ish bonds closed yestorunv li ( loints higher ;
roubles closed li.'i higher on Iho sironglh or a
report thnt the Russian linnnco minister iu-
tr/ids to visit Paris on a nnancial mission.
The nnul quotaltons incliulc : Prussian ,
lOii.OO ; Austrian credit. 1(1) ( ) ! . ! IJ ; Ojutsoho
bank , Kil ; liochumcr , l-'i ; Harpor.on , ! ! :
private discount , 2' ' . ; abort exchange on
London , UO.tVi1 , ' , ; long exchangu on Linidon ,
On Hi. . I'l. mi , Iml Itdiirsi * .
FOKr , Nov. IJ. ! Prices on thobouno
continued firm during the week past , uud
there was a general advance in internntioni.I
slocks. Salurdav'.s closing quotations include -
cludo Hungarian gold rentes , l > .Yi > ) ; Aus-
tria.1 credit , : . ' 00. Private discount , , .
On the PirN llonrsc.
Puns , Nov. 111. The dynamite outrngo of
Tuesday last had no effect upon prices
on the bourse. Most internaiional funds
improved slighllv. At tln > clo e yo-t-
lerdav Spanish bonds were 1 per com higher
and iiio Tlnlos 7'j Irancs bignor.
I' * I' It ! KIK.ll'lfi.
J. C. Clclnud of Fremont is at tbo Ai'cado.
M , E. Fuller of Schuylor is at the 1'oxton.
J. L. Baiter of West Point Is at tbo Mur
H. M. Sinclair of Ke.irnoy is ut the P.IJI-
O. K. TofTt or Greenwood Is nt the Mil-
C. S. nroccli of Holdrogo is n guest nt tlio
J.V. . Duwcoso of Lmcoln is a guest at Iho
K. M. OooJfollovv of Norfolk is at the
\V. B. Peebles of Ponder is a truo-jf at'thn
Andy Kerr of Hcatrii'o was at tbo Morcar
A. K. Hickloy of Hushvilio ! > rogibtored ut
the Arcaae.
1C. K. Wilkins of Kearney is ut the
1C U. Calkins of ICoarnoy spout Sunday nt
the Paxuin.
II. L. ICerrof Craig was a Sunday guest nt
the Arr.iriu.
Ii. I1. . O'Neill of Ilrokon Row is roglstored
at tbo Pn\ton.
S. C. Snyilom of Beatrice W.H at the Dol-
lone yosterdav.
\V. IJ. Davis of Nebraska City U a guo-u
ai the Hruiuwlck.
L M. Humphrey of P.twtws Ulty is rogi--
tered at the Mercer.
Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Toiler of Denver arc
among the guests at the . \lilhird.
Charles Crete , night cleri ; at the Mercer ,
loavni today on a short vacation , which Im
will spend at Hoatneo.
lillli'il liju rrciiMil urn I'AplollciM.
Pour C'oi.MNn , Cole , , Nov. Jl. ! ( Scorpo
( Jnll nnd L'iwreiRO MaUor were Insuiilly
killed last night by the pramaturo explosion
ol n blast In tbo-iU ) foot tunnel of Ibu Urcc-
lov mine.
Klllril llllll.cll ,
\ Visiirnu : , Pa. , Nov. 1:1 : William Will
iams , a Sugarlown fnrinor , but * l,0)0 ( ) , and of
course lost it. As ho bud no' Iho money lo
ZTrti , dimlo U * . Jordan
Of inn Tii'inont St lioitimz * In very poor
htalth , fiotii bail Hrcnl.illon of Iho blood ,
h.-n Ing null of hli > < | tn tliu bend , iiiinib | H.01s ,
nnd ihllH , : uul UKphyalclan said the M'lm
i'riihiunt buritlng alftnorher Imdy A 'ol-
llslonvilli : idinhV rnnncT broiiRht on neural
gia of thu liver , riming great auiri'iliif. Him
could not lake tha iloi-tor's modlclne , so ( oolc
Hood's SarsapariHa
niidJoon fully lecovoied and now tnji ; ppr-
feel hualtb. film K.IJ f kin ronM pralto llixnl'1
Harsajiarllla all day nnd tlicn not ay i.-noiir.h.
HOOD'S PlLLO ' < > I' ' " " ! nia < lo , ami are I'T-
feel lu rumMkltluii , inc orllou tail npucitatice.
pay it , It preyed upon his mind until ho shot
himself , His family found him lying In hi *
room with H bullet hole In'bis head ,
Dionnril Inn .Mill Tumi.
WFimCm. Mo. , Nov. 111. Whilcnttoinpt
IIIB to cross tbo mill pond nt IlongtoitK mills ,
tnreomllos Irom hero , In u sniff. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Dallas were drowned by the skiff over
turning ,
V , M. I , Mi-plliiK.
All mom ban of thn Young Men' Insliluto
nro requested to attend a rpeelnl Important
meeting Monday evening nt S o'clock sharp.
ilisortk'rs of tlio Throat ami
is Ayor's Cliorry Pcclornl.
It liiis no c < ) tiil ; as a coitgli-ciirc.
"When I \\as a boy , 1 hail n bronchial
trouble of stieh n persistent nnd stub
born character , tlmt Iho doctor pro-
noiinred It incurnhluitli urdhiiuy
rcinedn's , but leeommendcd me to try
AJIT'S t'lierrj I'ecloral. I did .10 , mul
one bottle cured me. for Iho lust llflccii
year.-i , 1 have used this picpiinitlou with
goodelTect whenuver 1 taken kill onlil ,
nnd 1 Know of iiumbei.s of people who
keep it III the house all thn tlmo , not
roinidcriiig it safe to be u Ilium ! it "
J. U. Wood sun , 1' . M. , Finest Hlll.W Va.
"For more Iliini twentj-lho years , fins
\\ns n sulTcrer from lung tumble , at-
tendril with coughing MI .HI \ ere nt times
ns to cause liemorrlmge , the paroxysms
fieiitcnth ) lasting tlnee or four hours ,
1 IIH induced to try Ayer's I'heirj 1'ec-
loral , and lifter taKing four boltlet , WIIH
thuiouglily I'liri'd. " Finn ? Huffman ,
Cla.x Conlre ,
La Cnppe
"Last .sprinx I XMH taken down wllh
l.i grippe. Al tiineH I wns completely
priHtiatcd , nnd so dlllieitlt wn.s my
IneathiiiR that my Inenst heemed as If
roiilliieit in an lion rnge. I procured a
botllo nf Ayet'-i Clieu.x 1'eeloral , mul I begun taking it Hum
U'lief followed. I eoiild not beliuvotlmt
thn ciTeet would lie MII inpid nnd the
euro M > complete.V. . II.
Cook City , S. Dak.
I'M piii-d by Dr.J < \ A\crS.C'o. , t.oucll , Mns * .
Solilbyall UriiRulKiM | ' | < $ I , i-lt hollies , Ji
Weakness ,
Catarrh or
Kliciinutisr , ]
Chronic ,
Nervous or
S' '
Consultation Free
For t hr Treat incut oC
Chronic , Private anil Nervous Diseases ,
.MALI : ANI > rrcsiAi.K.
P.LJ3-5 , tISTUIA , Ji'ISSI'RK tVrm.inuntlv
Curoil wit.i "it the iuot Ic.kifo , liitnro or
All uriUdii'9 of u jirhato or dolleiilo
nninro. of ( "itliiu1 ii'\ pusilivc'ly t'lirod.
Dr. SearlcsiS Seines , " * " $ $ „
NoxMo I'oltOIUcu.
For Suffering Women.
Ntfivona I'nwlra'
\diin licaJ.ulic ,
flirt , lite.
Aftorfniir juiirn
treatment liy tint
licet itortorii I'l
IIiu Innd , but without any nlU-f , linvn iieoil 30111
Mi'rvirn for ono wwk mid IIIIVB not hud ijn utlaclc
Miirv. llniuiC JtiuiTM , lliinlhvlllo.J'a iour or-
. I..M.TAYIHII , Kollv.O. Trial Imttl" f r.lriia'lst ( ( >
.1.OR. . MILES MlJDTfAt. ( Co , Klkr.url , , Tilt'
I'nrHalo by Iv'iilin " . l > o ( .nr l"ilh an I IIOII | H ]
Auoir an ! cntnnloM iia it. t
Bupnoillorloi. Ouinijiit la lUnuui , nil )
onrtl'lll ) ; a 1'iiiHlvii Care tar liiU'rnil. Inlornil'
bllnilnrUlooliiuHsini iMronin. llooj.ilur ilurjll '
turrl'llui. 1'ilt ICjiiijIjr li u iimror liHM known tn
l li. lurlui | n fur j , jnlUf mill W/ir / inli > rfrii ]
tlilntorrlblii illium wiu i u vrrl'C > a umriitJi It
iionitiriiril i'i wii'Hidiiiiior r.ifunl ihumnnjr f \
iiotciir. iHJnl uliiii i furfrJJ Hniniiin. diur.uitu
l uoillirKuliii A 'o Dril/KHH. Hulu / - '
lill. mill IMiiirm ire n ii-j.'n Vnij
Tbrea Tin > 93 ,
Sttn ( fay , No
OMAHA'- OM.V Itlli I AVdltlTE.
Victorious Always.
lllusli.i ud by OUS UKKUK , und I. HI
Hi\is't-'i ' orbcoiiuiuny nf | iluvv''i . bidlndi
ihu far-iiiiiiiid liiiiiibuniii'n'x ( juiuiottu ,
srcii hTAitTMMJ KUINIUV : : -
J'ln > lllD.'iMngof the I.D4 Jinn'
The l.niiilicr ( lamp In Wliilnr
Thu lloal K'iil , iy ctallon'
Halo opens S.itiinlny nt imul | ii-ccn |
4 HIOHTS. ' C'oiiiiiiniH 111 , Hu nl MI
MATIfftt. f NOV. KJMl.
Q U R W 1 ! - - > Lx I A. M S
And IIU.Murry C'oinpiiny In
Aiiiistoil hr KnsH nri'l i'KMUN. Ainmi'in
'IrnvuM ) ' Artl > l . J IIIUK ! " vnrlt I Imiir lonif
All tnULul. . .
Over the Hills lo the Poor House a .i .
Alhatnbra Vaudeville Co.