Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1892, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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    V (
: 13. iaj)2"8IXTKKN ) VAflTCS.
CtllTrrertly carrier to iiiy pirtof i'i. ell/
11. W. Tir.TON , MASAOEIt
nrm Office No 41
iriw.v. .
K Y. I'lumljlnptc.
Cour.rll UlulTs Lumber Co. .
The Ollvctto will clvo n club dance next
Wednesday evening.
The Order of the r.istern Stnr will plvo a
parly on December' ' . at Masonic temple.
An Itnpoitant ineuiltiR of tiie Unilga Llpnt
Guards v.lll bo lielu teniortow ovcnluK at the
A mnrrlnfjo license was Issued yesterday
to Fcrd Hvcrs mid MatildaVoilfull , both of
The youtiK republicans will moot Wotlnm-
day evo'ilnf.'for llio nurnoso of effecting n
permanent ort-aulzatioti.
Miss HIOWH will onlcrtnm n companv of
f alonds tomonow ovcnlni ; lit bor liomo on
Soutb Seventh street In honor of her cuost ,
Miss Cooper of IubuiUe. ) |
Masonic Regular meotlnc of Kxeelsior
Lodco No ' , ' . " > ' . Ancient , l-'rco and Accepted
Masons , Monday oveiilnp , November It.
Vlililntr brnthrcn cordl.illy Invited. IJy or
der ol the W .M ,
Mis. P. M. Caull. imlftcu by Mrs.
Myers mill Mis. lluslinutl , will nnlcrtnln n
imrish noclal of bt I'util'B churcli Tuesday
cvcninp , November 10 , at htr residence , 70. >
South .Sixth street.
At a inrottiiK of the "Hen llur" commltteo
ovcral ttnvs nye a number of tharaclor *
were sclec cd for the pioiltictlon. The cast
will comprise I.VJ persons , and the cntlro un-
tcrtaiiiincnt will bo civeu on n iiiaKHltlcnnt
A sudden move oil the p-u-t of the citv
marshal yrs'rrday resulted in the nrrest of
John lircnnun , C'lnils Thompson , 1'etcr Hansen -
sen , Henry .let-sen , W. .1 , U'hlto and M. L.
Marks for Miinm to put up their monthly
snlcoi Hues on time.
The democrats of Ncola held n rally last
evrnlnir. .1. .1. Slic.i of this city delivered
the principal address of the evening , and
fiinoiiK iho I'ouncll IllufTs democrats who at
tended wcro .lohn P. Oigan , .lobn T. Ua/.en
anil Lonlo.imnuohlcn. .
The Indies who itavo the ba nr for the
bcnclltoflho Woman's Christian associa
tion hospital huvo settled all their bills and
llnu that In ono day and a half they made
the neat llttlo sum of $2 05. > . Ihoy have
had the good fortune to ulun cntorUlnmouts
that draxv Rood imtronuKO.
The residents of the southern and western
part of the city are complaining of the cattle
belnir allowed to run at larso. biaco tbo
poundmustcr roslcned no ono bas been
found \vllliiif to take bis place , and the con-
cequcnco | j that things in that department
are runninc atlousc ends.
Mrs. .1. 13 ( .iradydledyouterday moriiliiKat
10 o'clock , of cancer , after an illness of ulne
months. Sbo was thirty two years of ace
und loaves a husband. The funeral will taicu
jlaco at 10 oYloolc tomorrow from the l.ito
residence41 } Ilcnton street. 'J ho lonmlns
will oo taken to Fulrviow cemetery for In
terment ,
A mau uilh an unpronounceable naino
called at the noliro headquarters yesterday
nnd reported that his hmno on Lonn s'rcet
was vlsltpit by nbtirclar Friday nl ht shortly
before mldulRht. IIo was prevented from
puttlnc a hole through the unwelcome visi
tor by bis wife , who Held him by the arm
until the fellow had gotten about seventy-
live feet away. Then ho shot a hole In the
empty air anil wont back to bed.
T. .1. Kv.uis , as receiver for tbo Union De
pot company , commenced action in the dis
trict court ycsterdnv to have luo judgment
set aside ihlch was rendered some tlmo npo
In favor ol V. J. Day for $ Jr , 00. The s > nla
which was to hove taken place tomorrow
was enjoined on the ground , as claimed by
Evntu , thatCJcorco V. Wrichtmul . II. M" .
PUSOJihe seciotary und president of the
depot companx. had colluded with traudu-
lent Intent to beat the company. A uonn of
tr > ,000 was Hied upon 'ho ' undorst.indlnp ; that
the judetnent Is to bo paid unless tbo Judg
ment ! s set aside.
Sam Monlsou , the blind ex-fireman who is
so tamillar a lUruro about the engine hoiiscs
and the city bulldiuc , had the Rood fortune a
day or two ace to lir.d a couple of old city
warrants which had beer paid him while ho
was in the llio department but which bud
never been cashed , owinc to an overslcht.
Oao was sinned bv W. U. Vaughn as mayor ,
end the other by .1. l < \ Ev.ins. The twu ,
with the interest that has been accruliiROver
since Iho date of their issue , amounted to '
V123.YJ. They vtera found by a fuend of
Morrison who was collie throush some of
hlo old papers. The cash was drawn from
the city treasury a-id will come very handy
to the old man who is now nlmast cntirelv
helpless on account of his r.llllction.
3iOl * IIOI144 \Vllllt ll.
If you luivo any dillietilty in finding
tenants lor your house allow us to put
our curd on It for ton dnya ; you will bo
pleased witii results.
Cnr.iNMiiiii ! : ) , NuiiohsoN' & Co.
Ilnmlsoiuo now ingrain cnvpots sirt'Iv-
nip daily al tlio C\iuiiL ll UlulTs Carpet
compaiiy . I'rU'OH of oarputs nro gmng
up iluily , but llio old prices will remain
in force tills week.
The A. IX T. Co. II.IH added two now
hacks to its lo.'co and will answer o.ills
nt all IIOIU-H , dtiy or ni ht. Toluphonc ,
170 ; onico , S Main btrcot.
Potuloos for sale in lota of from live
Inishulfl up.V. . S. lioruor , Uo Main
6 trout.
i'iitf > o.\.u. ii'iin.
Miss OsborROcamo homo to oiijoy the week
of opcia In Omaha.
Mrs. I' , M. Gault nna Mrs. Urcoks spent
the week In Chicago.
Mrs. T. n , Laooy of CUlcairo Is visiting
her son. Dr. T. It. Lacoy.
Mrs. Cicorpo l > . Itrown left Thursday for
California , where she will Hiiond tne winter
with frlonUs.
MUn Mauler of St. Louis was In the city
last week the " guest of Miss Nellie \VrlKlit ou
Sixth street.
'l'lju cngaRoinont of Mist Orandon nf Dan
ville , III. , to Mr. W. L , . I'lomlnir of this city
is announced.
Mrs. James Italrd is the cuost of her
brother , Mr. N , I * . Dodge , uinl will remain
until niter ThanicsgiyiDg ,
Mrs. T , S. Couch and daughter , Miss
Laura , of Milwaukee , Wis. , are In the city
tbo guests of Mrs. J , I ) . Atkins ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Myori have moved in
from tholr country residence and will occupy
the homo of MIM. llrown for the winter.
Mrs. 1' . O. DoVol returned yesterday from
Chicago. During moil of her visit tboro she
was in uulto ill houltb , but returns Improved ,
C , O , Kaunders loft last evening ftr Ma
nilla In rospoiiso to a tcloxnra announcing
that bis father and uiothor are very low with
typhoid fever ,
Mrs. Francis Murphy loft last ovonlnc for
Cleveland , O. , to attend tbo national conven
tion of tbo Women's Christian Temueranco
UP Ion , Sbo will rpturn after a week or tun
days ,
Horses find cnttlo wintered on Goorpo
P. Wright's farm , opposite vVubdbh
round house. For terms apply to James
Rnlph ut farm or F. ! . Wright , sixth
lloor Baldwin block ,
Day < fc Hess liavo 11 foroo of men work
ing on the roads through the Klein
tract , liny flvo or ten acres there while
it is clump.
Coal and wood ; best nnd cheapest
Missouri hard wood in the city ; prompt
delivery. II. A. Cox , No. 4 Main.
Ton shares capital stock Citizens Stuto
bank for sale. K II. Shoafo.
1 Don't forget that tiwaino sells the
Kliuhurat stoves.
S. 11 IVoffoll , wntuhmaker , 740 il'way.
Davis for drugs and paints.
Snpaiittimlonta1 Rcund Table of Soutb-
weptcrn Town in Session ,
Hnmn of tlio Snhlcrts IIMcuisnd In nil AM-
liiiuK'il .Aliiiinrr ut tin * rciinil ln } '
' r ilnii Itp ults to HP V.i *
pi'clcit front tliu
The second daj's session ol the superin
tendents' round table uf southwestern Iowa
was held yesterday , the meetings bslnp In
the assembly nnm of thu High school bullJ-
In ? . This room has just been handsomely
tmpcrcil ninl nilntcd , and waj used for the
first time. Thcro a much larger attend
ance than on the llru cvoiliuf : , nearly every
teacher from the public schools being pre
sent , and ( julto a numbar of tnoni tnliinff
part In the dUcimlons. Tno following tonlrs
wercdUcnssod' "Wnv Is (3ood Heading
Almost a hull Arli' ' "Haw Shall \Vo
Tench Hpollmpl" "Kocess or No
UecessC' "For What Purpose , If Any ,
Should Pupils be Detained After the
Close of School ! " ' Superintendents'
Vhits Tholr Character , Aims anil ObJ cts , "
"Tno Hlacltnoard its LTso nnd Abuse , "
"Are Schools Mccttnsr the Demands of the
Uuyr "What Shall IJotho Uciptromonts for
AdmUslon to Ilia School" . ! " "llow to Marie
Kccltatlon . CD to do .lustico to the 1'upll
nnd ( b ) to lt"ltevo the Teacher of Uniicccs-
fary Wont. "
The following teachers tools part In tbo
discussions : Superintendents Clrirlc of Corn-
intf , llf II of Dodford. P.Urlclt of Olunvvond ,
Cucvallcr of Kcd Oalc , Uarnerof llarlaii ,
S.\wyorof Council BluiK Pnncimils Hamil
ton of Mul vein , Kastman of Council HlutTs.
KliiK uf lla'nbuip , Profs. Hus-'hes ar.d
H.irllottoC Tabor colloiji' , Misses Kunolds ,
( Stllllnnd. Hidollot , Manniini and Suns ol
Con n til lilu its.
The last question on the list , that with ref-
once to tlio markliiK of pupils , occasioned the
most evening discus > > lon of the day. Prof.
A. It. U nrnerof tlarlan tooX the lloor in op-
pcsitlon to the inarKinB syatuin us .1 moans of
determining the standing of pupils , but tie
was in an ovonvbclminc minority. Among
these who spoke In favor of markine the
dally recitations \\LH-O Prols. Ptice , Eastman -
man und Sawyer and Miss naoormnas of
Council BlutTs , and Supjnntondonts Cheva
lier , ClMi-ic nnd Hell.
'I't.o election of ofllcer * resulted as follows :
President , I. T. Clailr sccrotarv , Miss Aus
tin of Atlantic ; executive rjommittco , Alessis.
Clsrlc of Cornlnp , Sampson of Atlantic , and
Chevalier of lied O ik. The next mcotliiK of
ttio round table will bo at Atlantic , at a llmo
to bo decided upon l > y the executive com
Itcropllon ut tlio Cr.uul.
I'ho recaption Kivon the visitors Friday
evening ut llio ( iiund hotel was a most en
joyable social event. The parlors of the
Hotel were crowded \\ith toachrrs , pupils of
the high school nnd ottiers interested In edu
cation. An attractive musical program was
presented , consisting of the fotlowinc :
Piano duct by Misses Maud ( 'avm nnd Gertie
Gleasoh , vocal solo by Miss Kittle Ogdi'ii ;
cornet duet bv Misses Julia Tullova ana Isn-
belle Piitteison ; violin solo bv Miss Claire
Chaiuberlm ; quartet bv Fred Empltlo , Harry
Cileason , liainev ( Irahl nnd Warrou Dally ;
vocal solo by ( Joorgo Uiiquette ; vocal solo
by Miss .lanlo Ualdwln.
M\\S PISOM TIN : iiitiis < ; i o s ui-
At tlio lln Loii Sluri' , Con loll HlildJ , lit.
"ili-iiu'li heavy dark faiiitiiiyd , 1'Jc ' a
Vnrdido jneqirirrt fanuios , 29c : i
Knulihh checked suitiiifj and Scoteh
plaids , all wool , 311(5 ( a yard.
Changeable irrideseent twills. 40
inches wide , a bargain atI3c a yard.
Ladies' cloth. Til inches wide , a full
line oT fall coloi > , 60c n yard.
Over 100 pieces of all-wool serge and
cashmere in exory inuipinnblo color ut
50c a yard.
i.Mi'oiiTiivooi : < noons.
The swell tliinc for tlie fall of 1802 is
shown by us. The new two-toned
umtclaEifeO in an endless variety of ex
quisite combination of colors.
Tliis fabric , althoutrh not new , is ono
of the popular weaves for this fall. A
full range of colors. I'ricu $1.03 a yard.
! * TOKM.SIIti.S. :
The most profitable matorinl for full
\\ear is shown in an endlcos assortment
of weave" . I'rices 7.C to $1.50 a
A beautiful cloth much the same as
serge with a more prominent cord and
muoh heavier--afull range of full colors.
1'rice i > l a yard.
An entirely now wo.ive , very heavy ,
beautiful linish , elegant shades , a very
desinililu fall nutorinl. Price $1.50 iv
\\ro show mi endless variety of figured
crepoiH in all the leading shades , a full
line in three qualities 1'rices , Too ,
vl.OOand $1,2,5 a varrt.
Our importation order of bilk is now
eoinploU ) with all tlio now weaves und
flimsy novelties of the loading makers of
I'u rope.
Changeable surahs and Too
and $1.00.
Colored china silks flOc. T.le and $1.00.
Fancy armuro silk flOc , OSc , $1.1 ! ) .
Kvor\ tiling in silks is to bo found at
our counter , including erepe do chinos ,
I'hmlinnes , faille sillcs , pomi do eoie , etc.
Sllk-iuiil-uool bengalincb in black and
colors , 'jl,2.5. '
Fothcringliam , Whltolaw & Co. ,
Council Hluirs.
N. H , Mail ordeiv promptly attended.
All ordoi'h whotlier per express or mail
sent free of charge.
Mi s K. J. Davis is closing out her
stock of notions at less than eo = t. fiOO
Main btreet , opposite Kiel's hotel.-
Wint : n N n Trial.
lr C. O. Hood , the plaintiff In the MO.OOO
amiRO suit that was triad la the district
court against the Northwestern railway
short llmo ago , tiled a motion for a now trial
yesterday. Houllcgoi thu the court erred
In allwhig a lot of cvldonco to bo Introduced
tending to throw discredit on his claims to
morality , Tnat part of the evidence relating
to bis arroit and trial on the charge of Im
morality , hU alleged fraudulent claim
against the Accident Insurance company ,
and charKO tint ho ombezilud iho funds of
the Modern Woodmen of America at Inde
pendence , ICan. , he claims Ima no right to bo
brought up. He n'.so ' c'alins ' that the at *
tornoys for the railway company madonome
severe charges nvalnst him In the bearing of
the Jury ihat had no foundation In fact , and
that these charges prejudiced him in the
minus of tuo Jurvuion.
UOpeople in tins city tiso gis stovoj
Iho Gas Co. puU 'eiu in at coat.
Sco those oil heaters at Svviilno's , 737
Broad wny.
Juilson , civil engineer , 23 Broadway
liiillrtmrntii Kctiiriipil ,
The grand Jury made Ita llnal report ye-
terday afternoon and was discharged , Klz
ludietmcuts wore returned. Two of tbo
parties are not yet under arrest , so that tnolr
nuines are not made public. Tboso who are
unuer urrcil , are too following : William
IKni/on , indicted for assault with intent to
commit murder. Ho shot at Olliccr Luuch ,
who was arresting tiltu 'on a chnrgo of
Tograucy. Joieph Murphv aud John Hen-
ncisy , burglary. Peter Egiu , attempt to
MjLJMHiifiiirfT , . . ,
* so * j .JJKhffiMftcf.-
commit burglnry. Ilo wns nhot n counlo of
weeks ago whllo trying to enter n house.
The grand Jury made Us usual report on
the condition of the Jnlls. According to It
the county Jail Is clean , but Improvement ! * In
sAwoniL'o nro recommended. The city Jail ,
which was condemned two inontbi ago , Is
found to uo In good condition for It * site.
Don't forgot to attend the third an
nual bull nna supper given by the It rand
hotel boll boys nt Masonic temple , Nov
ember 22.
A Into Involi'o of rhcncillo curtains
nnd Smyrna rugs allow prices. Council
UlulTs Carpet company.
Boston store closes every evening at 0
p. in. , unless Mondays aud Saturdays.
Cluirrji Aniionn
Trinity Motflodlst Episcopal rourih
street nnd Ninth evonuc. llcv. II. II. liar-
ton , pastor. Preaching , 10:110 : a ra.andT.IW )
p in. Class mootlnir , Oi.'ll ) a. tn. Sunday
school , 13 m. Kpworth I.oacnc , 0:45 : p. in.
l'pworth social , Monday ovenlne.
Tcmplo Hnntlst-Yoiing Men's Christian
a oclation roonn. Merriam block. 1. . . A.
Hall , pastor. Pleaching services , 10:110 : a.
in. Subject , ' - TheVord of God ; " 7'M : p. 1
m. subject , "Our Noting Men. " Sunday
school , IU m.
First Presbyterian Coiner \\lllowavn- -
nuo nnd Seventh stieet. Preaching bv the
pastor at lUi.'id a. m. and TU : : p. m. Sabbath
hchool at IS m. Young people's meeting at
UIO : ! p. in.
Hot-can Itaptlbt church Morning service
as usual. Sunday suhool at 11 :4j : a. tn. No
evening service.
Christian Masonlo temiile. Dr. II. H.
Carter nnstor. Sunday school 10 a. in.
Morning sermon 11 a tn by the pastor. No
evening service. Several candidates for
Immersion will bo ouptlsod nt the Central
church in Omaha.
Young Men's Christian Association Wcoli
of prayer of the Youuir Men's Christian
association , November Itl-lU. The lirst
nicotine of the uecti of prayer will be ad
dressed bv Uov. L. A. Hall this afternoon ut
I o clock al the looms. All men arc Invited
to attend.
Second Piosbytonan linrmony and Lotran
stiMnts , S. Ale.xander pastor. Kisidenco 701
List Uroadwny. Proudilug at 10:30 : a. m.
and 7:1)0 : ) n. m. .Sunday school nt IS in.
J nuns pjoplo'H mcotlni ; DI5 : p. in.
Uroadnny Methodist Eoisconal - PreachIng -
Ing by the puslor , Hov H. P Dudlov , at
10i3 : ; a. in. nnd : 'M p. in. The morning ser
mon will bo addressed to young men. Iho
evening subject. "How and What to Hear. "
Hull Avenue M-ihodlst Jiplscopal -
Corner KiRhtcc-nth street and Fiftn nvcnuc.
1 hero will bo an all day mostitiij conducted
by the two noted rillroad evangelists , be-
pinuliiK at ! ) a. m. Services ovorv oveninf ?
during' the week nt 7)0 : ) p in. C. W. Brewer ,
St. John's Knglish Lutheran Services on
flrst lloor ofMorrlnm blocV , ' 'OS Main and 'JU'.I
Poail strpotB , ut 11 n. in. and 7:30 : n. in. Hev.
It. W. Snydcr , pastor.
Congiecatlonal No preaching services.
Sunday school at IS o'clock.
A I'onlUli Itmtiiir Conl r.idll'KMl.
Some idle go-jsis ] ) started tlie story a
few days IIRO" that tlio Evans laundry
was about to bo moved to Omaha.
"I wish } ou would tell the world
through Tin : Hti : : , " siid Mr. S. K.
IJonry , ono of tlio largest stockholders
and general manager of the big plant ,
yesterday , "that the report is not only
without any sort of foundation but is
ridiculous. I ciuuo hero to mnko this
city my permanent home , and this busi-
HC33 hoio is my especial pride. Wo are
constantly niMking extensions and im-
provemoiits , and I am satisfied that
there is no other institution in
the city that luis brighter pios-
peets and greater assurances of n per
manent future. Wo have just added anew
now engine of Council UlutTs manufac
ture that [ ; ivcs us more power and saves
half the fuel , mid wo will increase the
plant by the addition of $5,000 worth of
new machinery as boon RS our order
can bo lilled. No , air , the Evans laun
dry is a permanent Council BlulTs lix-
ture. "
Tlio plant has been nearly dou
bled in extent and Capacity dur
ing tlio past year , and the
contemplated improvements will make
it one of the largest in the west. Mr.
IJonry has bought a handsome new
homo nnd is getting ready to enjoy all
there is in life.
Coolcuix CM n I ) Uoorciiiil/ud.
The members of tbo CooKing club gave
their tlrst tea on Thursday ovonlnc at tbo
homo of Miss Kockwcll , assisted by Miss
Heynolds. Some of the charter member *
have graduated with honors , while new
membeis have bean added , making the pres
ent list as follows : TheMisiosHockwell , Hey
nolds , Varnswortn. Jessie l 'arnisworth , Key.
hutDodge. . Babcock , Hrown. Moore , Kuth
und Martvn. Tlio quests wcroMies Cooporof
Diibunue , Messrs Pnsoy. Howtnan , Ho wan ,
Dawson , May no , Wright. Sbopird. Woodbury -
bury , Kvuns , Heiul nnd Puxton After an
elaborate menu tbu guebts onj iyed high live.
Prl/os wore won Bv ' Miss Huth nnd Mr.
Instead of betting a hat on election
wager ono of those handsome low-priced
wine or brandy sets al Lund Bros.
Gentlemen , llio finest line of mil goods
in tlio city , juat received. Uoiter , the
tailor , 810 Broadway.
Mternturc und Art.
An art , club and a lirowmng club have
boon organi/od rccontlv by some of the
young ladles of the city. Meetings of the
former are held ever/ ; Saturday morning nt
the residence of Miss Carrie Dodge on Third
btroet , and of the latter every Tuesday
afternoon at the saino place. Study Is car
ried on In these lines by the young ladles ,
and the meetings have so far uecn highly
enjovod. The Drowning club If. at present
btuctylng tbo history of 1-ev'Dt in connection
with iho norlcs of the great Knchsh poet.
Those composing the club : Mlssos
Dodgo. Auulo Hockwoll , l-'annlo Hnynolds ,
Marv ICey , Maun Smltb , May Davenport ,
N'ollio Suckeil and Nellie Wilzht ,
Buuutifnl new fancy chenille table
covers , the latest now tiling of the sea
son , at the Council HlulTft Carpet Co , 's ,
The genuine Burr Odk etovoi are sold
only by Chas. Swaino , 737 Broadway.
Cull und see thorn.
Monday afternoon at the residence of the
bride on Seventh avenue Mr. K. W. Dent
of Omaha and MUs Mary lieobo ol this citv
wore united In marriage , Hov. 10. II. Dub-
cock of St. Paul's KpUcopal churcli ofllclat-
Ing. Miss Aliro Dcebo , a cousin of the
bride , made a charming bridesmaid , and Mr ,
Paul Schneider acted as groomsman. The
bride was given away by ner father , upon
whose arm she nntered tin room where Iho
coromorv was performed. Immediately Rftor
Iho wedding Mr , und Mrs. Dent loft for a
short wedding trin to Chicago , whore they
will visit kilters of Mr. Dent , after which
they will return to Omaha , where thev will
he at homo to friends after December 1.
Tlio Radiant novelty base burners
are the host heaters in the city. See
them ut Swaino's.
Oliautiiiiiua Circle ,
The proeratn for the Chautauqun circle
Monday evening is as follows ; "Crucian
History , " W. A. ( ioehrlog ; "UnlteJ States
and Korelen Powers. " Mr. Patterson ;
"Medical Science , 'J Miss N. McCune ;
"CJtoeU Oracles , " Mr * . H. M. Wheeler.
All Chautauqua vliltors uro cordially
invited. Tbo meeting will begin at 7CO
o'clock sharp at the Young Mou'u CnrMIuu
association rooms.
The Ui'tiry ut Ituit.
WilillllHit ill I'm' .
Tbore is ono class that will not find the
automatic telephone switch a labjpBUVlni :
device. Thu retirement of the telephone girl
will lid rather hard on these psragrapnerti
who have thrived for so many years ou Iho
old reliable telephone girl Joke.
ullKl/l Ul 1 MIJ Jjuhv L Iv/tl
's ' Atlvlba to Tut Your Money
Int > , itinl Estate.
\\lno Homo Srr'A'i ) nnd Slmfi | InvoMor *
Are U'llrtly ( hut IMgrrly < !
. IH-iti.u : * or Tin : Hr.t : , }
I'onimjNTit Sntr.r.T , }
. . . . . .i l MI TON" , 1) . ( . ' . , Nov. 10 )
"fut your idle money into good real
estate1 Is Postmaster ( Jonoral
Wnnainakor said today while dlscu lng
llio outlook in view of the doinoei title
administration. Mr.Vaniimaier , who
is u jirimo business iiitin and who
tnneled over Indiana nnd sntno other
states and made ri'publli'.tti speeches
during the campaign , is ono of llioso
uho baliovo that capital will bo wtir.y
of numifucturing Interests till it is soon
what the democratic congress will do in
tlio way of now tariff , nnd that whore-
over and whenever money is withdrawn
from the common cli tnnols of triuln real
estate appreciates in value.
The same \iow is entertained by lion.
L. T. .Miehener of Indiana , who is n cor
poration lawyer hero and has much to
do with irmmiftii'ttiroix. "I believe Ihat
desirable real estate will now advance
in value and more rapidly than at the
withdrawal of capital from matnif ictnr-
ing. shipping nnd other business Inter
ests , ' ' Mid ! Mr. Michonor to Tin : lint ;
correspondent today. "Manufacturing
interests will bo at a standstill until tlio
now congress revises the tariff. That
will bo at least eighteen months from
this tune. The now congress will con
vene thirteen months bunco and it can
not act llnti'iy ' upon so vast a measure as
a titrill bill under live or six months
after it convenes. Men will be chary
about lending money on long time , and
for temporary or permanent investment
will prefer to put itinto good real est-ite.
The above , which appeared in Tin :
Uii : : , was the theme of discussion by ; i
little knot of citi/ens , who chanced lo
meet in the real estate olllco of Grcen-
bhiold'1 , Nicholson & Co. That is a sort
of natural center for real estate talk , as
well as Helton , und the above opinion of
noted mon concerning real estate pros
pects commundud attention.
" 'i'ut your idle money into good real
oslate , ' is pretty sound iidvieo'froni Mr.
WunamakiM1 , ' ' remarked Alderman
Mnync , who is one of the llrm. "Neither
myiolf or my purluo.s lay any elaim to
such smartness as Wanumnker's , but
.vo'vo been preaching this do.'trino for
some time , wiiliout any repaid to poli
cies It does seem'to me that it
is especially true right lieio in
Council Blulls , wliero property ib so low
und udv.inco is fo sure. It's simply
ridiculous to think of nice residence lots
selling at a few htindrcd dollars when
no bettor luts and no nearer to tlie cen
ter of Omaha nro sidling at ah niii'iy
thousand. Tho'efluuli/utiou is hound to
come , und these' who are sharp enough
to put their inonov in -present prices
are just as sure of winning as Cleveland
is to bo the next president. "
Ono of the bystanders remarked. "I
heard .ludson , iho engineer , say , right
after election , ihat lie considered every
acre of lund owned by him in Iowa us
worth. $3 nn aero more than it was be-
fee election. "
"Well , we'ro not talking politic * nowadays -
a-days , but it does not matter what it is ,
or how it if , so long n the f.iot remains
that the shrewdest business men and in
vestors are predicting u general increase
of activity in real oatute , and a groatad-
vance in prices. Council Bluffs gives
every promise of adding u local advance
und incroiiLU of activity to the general
otlect. Wanamakor und Michener are
pretty wise Di'ophotP , and whatever may
be tlio result elsewhere , I am certain
that Council HlnlTs is already feeling
tlie effect of increased activity in
estate. Wo uro daily having inquiries
from home-seekers fiom Omnha , v\To
cannot got hou cs cnougli to meet the
demand ! ; of those who want to rent ,
and wo nro being kept busy all around.
Wo paw the revival coming and wo
propurcd for it by gathering up
the largest list of real bargain
property which any real estate linn ever
hud in this city and wo are pulling our
customers onto nil 'the snap- . ' because
wo know Hiatus they make a nice turn ,
us they surely will , they vill want ,
another deal. Hut wliut satisfies us best
IH that the bulk of our businosb now is
not from more speculators but those who
want to own homes of their own , Wo
can f-tnrt a man with u nice lot , or a
houbo and lot , and li.x things
so that ho can swing it
with but little money. Such
deals combine nil the advantages of a
savings b.inlc with a. chance to profit
by speculation. A man pajB rent into
his own pocket nnd at the same time
gets the advantage of all the rise that
comes in value. Tlio increasing num
ber of these class of customers if what
really gives us more faith in our future
and the future of Council Hlnlls than all
tlio rosouto pictures of speculators or
prophotlo politician ? . You can sot it
down that faroonshields , Nicholson &
Co. uro in tlio real estate business big
and hero to stay. Our business Is dully
inero.'ibing and wn'vo not got fairly
started either. It's coining all rijht. "
DrhcrlptiTO .Sliutrli at Wlilie'ii
llltll < ltO.
Almost ovoryoat , Has tioird of the Indian
school at Carlisle , PJ. , but It would greatly
surprise the great mass of the inhabitants of
this country if Ihoy 'woro told that there Is
an Indian school In ihostuio of Iowa and the
/list / nuoftlou 'Would ha an explosive
"W'hcroj" Ueforo'that question Is answered ,
let us go back Inlo jblory.
It U a well known , facl that Quakers , or
members of tliu Society or l-'ncnds , uro
frlcnulv to evnry Iriliu or class of poDj.lo.
The action \Villi.ini I'onn nt 1'hilaaclpliia
Is Known to ovoryuhoolboy , and the organ-
Uation of this Injipi scliool in Iowa was also
brought nuout byltho religious /eal of n
Philadelphia Quaker. His name was Jostah
While. lie hud uecouio weatihy in farming
and real oitalo anil begun to CUM hbout him
for soniu way to fjipend bis wealth so that
posterity mU'lit ruaji tbu boncllts of U , Uo
dloa In ISIS and ills will Is a curious docu
ment. After proviillns pcuerously for his
famllv and Kindred and fur insillutlons ot
loarnlui ; in tno cfiiti hu proceeded to endow
a school or two school * "in tbo frco states of
tbu w o l. " Ono ot ibeso scaools was to bo
located In Induna and the other In Iowa.
The ono In Indiana was not a HUCCOSH and ilia
Drojeot wus abandoned for a tlmo until about
tan yenrs BKO II was revived its & foliool for
wtilto cblldreii , But it Is of Ibo Iowa ncbool
that mention will ba muUo ,
The will provided that J,4JO acres should
bo bought noarb.ilem , In , which lit a eenlor
( or CJuulcora , und that tJO.UOU should ho sut
astdu for iho purrhaso of ttio land and iho
equipment and endowment nt ibo bchool.
Six hundred and forty neres were to bo used
for thu service of ttio school pioper and b'JJ
acres were to uo loosed lor luobunuort of ibo
school. ThU Institution should bo ono for
white , colored or Indian , a lemarlcably
liberal provision for these slavery days.
Ttio cuucalton was to DO not so
much dlsciultnury as uplriluul , "inch uu edu
cation as Ccorgi ! ) Fox \\ould nave given his
children , if possible. " Trades should bo
tunirlil ) Ibo various rudimcnls of .1 prac
tical iu : alon , buitho chief aim wus u roll -
ll lous uuurutloti. Trustees were appointed
( or llio uudcr the coutrol of tha "ujeotint" '
or rontnrenro of the Iowa frlenil * . Accord-
IIIRI.V 1-tlO acres of land were iiauplit n
I.e county , low * , about twenty miles from
Iho MhM < lppl nnd ton miles oust of Siilom
and the school opened with n fniv pupil.nnd
stuint'o lo say they were mostly Indians and
are yet ,
After reading that remarkable will , < o full
of piety and lo\o for manlcino' . n straimer
was impelled to visit this strnniro
school of which ho had ncvor
honrd and see how thu ( Jiniker' * dronm had
como imp. Mo ullchtuil from the train 11
Ibo station , lloutrliton , and not n sljht ( met
his ore Thcro was not n house , nor n tree ,
scarcely , but lor mites stretched out tlio
preat lollhiR nralrio. After walking south
for n time ho ctnlcd a lonesome looKlnc two-
Morv fr.imo tiillrtlni ; standlnc in the center
of a great inclcspd Hold. There W.-H no
house near It and no < l ns of lu'o apparent.
Hut ttio vNltor Wdlltoii up to It and found n
imall school room in onn corner of the big
bulldlnt ; In which poilmps a do/an children ,
about three of whoniueiu whlto , weio it1-
cliliiK to n borod-lookint ; man who
called lihiibult the sdpcrlnto'idcnt and
teacher of "Whlte' Minual Lnhor
Institute.1 There Is no curriculum , no sn
tcm , lint simplv u district school plan. The
affair Is a fatluto < o far as reali/lnc the jjlon-
otii dream of ttio I ions White , and feollnps of
sadness oppress one in nuUnic thodlScoverv.
Tno hlitorv of iho school Is ehoclieroii. It
started off well , but thn war killed It almost
for ten \oars n&d after it bad In en sUrtod
up apaln It amounted to very little. It was
hinted that the whole affair was | oob-d out
to securosunport for the ( juiKcr cnliujo at
Salom. At any rate the school was closed
up for a year In ISs'J nnd the land was
ordered to d by the sheriff for payment of
delinquent taxes in ls > 7. The law of Iowa
provides that no laud shall bo taxed
which is used for educational pur
poses. Tiio Leo co" nty boaid of
supervisor * decided that thu land WHS not
inod for tlmt purpose anil so ordeied laves
levied lor that purpose and nflor a few yeats
ordered the salo. The boatil of trustee' , of
which .lohti Davis is presidentfought the case
on thu ground ll > nt the school was .in educa
tional Institution and was running as such.
School had boon niopenod In Issii after linV-
Inc been closed onlv n year. Tbo contest
was tlcrco and nfior injunctions nnd other
lopal processes hn.l been used u comptonnso
Win recently affected by which taxes on one-
half of the school land , JI'.M acres , would bo
assessed and nald. and the remainder , : IW
acres , would bo nliowod to oscano taxation.
Tuxes hud been regularly levied nnd pud on
Iho soj ucrcs used to suppait the school.
The provHon was made that the trustees
"uoom" the school , ind this they me now
cudeavoilng to do , but with llttlo success.
Thus in u western state a school exists
older by half than the state of Nebraska and
n thousand miles away from the tomb ol Its
founder who would bo side at heart it he
knew ho iv all his plans tmvo misciirrlen ,
how his piety and zeal have been turned Into
folly. _
Hint u II-H\O Toluxi.tpli Opi'r.itor SiMnl n
Miss Kansom was tiio telegraph opor-
atorand station ngent on u little road
called the Columbia r.nd Port Deposit
divisioi of llio Ponnsyhania line , snjs
the Washington Star. This road
hugged tlio banks of llio .Siisquolinn tin
river fiom end to end , and there wasn't
a spot on the entire division of forty
miles that it wasn't almost hiirc death to
leave the rails.
Wrecks occurred on tin average of
once a weelc and were always followed
by severe fatalities. The station she
was located at was near immense lime
stone Quarries wherein some half a hun
dred Italians were employed. About
100 feet above the station was a 100-foot
tre.stle spanning a bin ill stieam at ordi
nary times , but on the day in question
greatly swollen and very swift na it
emptied into the river nt that point.
A blast had just been IIred of unusual
force and an immense reck landed di
rectly on the trestle , tearing it apart in
the center , the swift water washing
away the debris and leaving n gap in
the rails of about twenty-live foot. The
river was very high at that point , nnd
tlio small boils that were handy could
not bo propo'lod atrninst tlio swifl cur-
iciit. The nearest bridge on the little
stream over which the trestle wan
stretched wrs some three miles distant.
Mibs Hansom saw tlu mischief done
by the roe' < and immediately rushed out
and told ttio superintendent of tlio Ital
ian gang to send a man or go himself
around the wreck and stop a train that
was duo from tlie north in about half an
hour. The superintendent was an Ital
ian , with a smattering of Knglish , an d
lie failed entirely to see the gravity of
tlie .situation.
The only wire that ran a'ong ' the ro id
had been stretched OM the t cjtlo for
ec'iiiomy's n.iKo and had been broken
with the t"c.sllo , so that no communica
tion witli the north could bo had. Miss
Hansom tried to tell Hie Italian the true
munition , hut he only smiled , and with
n shrug of his shoulders ana n grimace
walked back into the quarry and re-
burned his overseeing.
MissKanbom hofeitntod but a minute to
ask if any one in the crowd could swim ,
and , receiving a negative answer , de
cided , with the aid ot a plan < r , to try
crossing the river. The Italians in
their impotuoub way tried lo pors'iado
her not to attempt the s.vollen waters ,
but with the decision of a true heroine
who reali/.oil the danger the oncoming
train was in she cautiously pushed the
plunk into Iho water and with a quick
movement followed it.
The bravo gill had jntercd the water
some distance above the broken troMlo
in the hope of gaining the opposite
shore some distance before tint point
should bo reached , as to bo carried out
into tlio river meant almost certain
death. Tlio Italians encouraged her
with shouts of piMiso , but endeavor as
she would lo work her way out of the
current in midstream , but litllo head
way was made.
Down stream the bravo girl was car
ried with it bwiftnoss that told plainer
than words that her sliugglos wore
fruitless. As she ncarod the broken
trestle , Inch by inch she worked the
plank over toward the northern side ,
and as she was within a few foot of that
structure she abandoned the plunk and
struck out with ono forlorn hope of
reaching H unaided. Her foresight and
strength proved stanch jiualitications.
AH slio was being carried past the pro
jecting and splintered trestle Miss lUn-
bom gnvo ono lust long sweep of her
arms and was enabled to grasp a heavy
piece of timber.
Slowly and laboriously llio horolno
worlvcdhor way out of the water and up
through tlio trestle , as her stronglli
commenced to show signs of waning ,
and finally reached tlio top. Kor only
a few seconds did she hesitate lo gasp
for bronlh and regain strength when tlio
noiho of tlio incoming train could bo
hoard and a for seconds later dabbed
into view. The wild gesticulations of
the bravo girl caught thn attention of
tlio engineer almost instantly , the
brakes worn app'.lod ' and tiio train
brought to a standstill right on the
cu vo and in eight of the broken
Without uny quiver in her voice Miss
Haiibom told the engineer of the mUhap
in a mntlor-of-faet way , without any em
bellishment" , related her oxparioncs in
trying to prevent UM train from going
through the trestle into the river , The
do/.on or to passengers were dumbfound
ed by the girl's matter-of-fact bravery ,
nnd'crowded around her and almost
hugged her in imthusiusmtind thankful
ness.Did the girl make her mark in the
tolegrnnh profession ? Not much. Siio
married the engineer whoso llfo she
had saved.
Tha I.tut ( Iti k'lrl. '
Chiogo Tribune : "Is this Mine.
Pompom ? " broiithlessly inquired a man
who hud climbed bovoral Hi slits of
Worm Words fi m PntlonU
Who Hnvo Tested the Spcclnl
Methods of Dt'o. Copelnnd
nnd Shepnrd.
It would bo osisv to Illl a column every
week with statements from Weil known
mon and women all over the great west
who huvii found relief nnd euro nt the
bunds of lrs. Copeland and Shcp.trd ,
who arc , muphatU'.illy , tbo people's phy
sician' ) . Tholr lerms'aro low , their btni-
iieo < inrlhod-i fair and honorable , and
their results rcmarkab'y ' Mieoc" ful. A
few simple testimonies are hero ap
pended :
MRS u A \VI1N nlf ( < of nil Implement
ititilci l.l.KNUO U ) ttntr IICK "I ln\o I'crn
roiitii luMii'Mtti'il bv MIDI citartli trcidinpiil. M )
iti'iii'inl lii'.ittli l nintli | I"IT. ( | an I tliii-o l"itimi >
I oiil i < "n' l lit t fur tuir < iiini'tillroly ! i > m' nl < > n
c liuMMit f.'i'llnc '
Milvrv titriiiuli In ) ( IIJM
MU < ( . 1 , H'IIIN-OV. KKMIMIV. Mill , nn Irr
ilnloor , ) , ' , s isi > , niltct I wnnl I" till" ' nn
nlher inonlli * tuMlmi'iit. n * four itirillct H' hit * * '
hi'lit | * < l mi * a Ktvit ito il \ \ \ n tli nn N IMIIIM I
rinnu'k 1111,111 ilun t iinho hit * fi''li'i t tln'il n"
niiiiilp\l | HI l ii'in'i I ipcM iiHiU'r nil nu" I Iriin
Hii' n tt niiMlli lni > will < lo n < tinu'li cooil '
Mils i.Kiinit i IK , . MIVI : t vi. t'ttsr
\yis it > 4 ' l liuil iniicli ' .totiiiKli fttul ho'irl Iruti > ! n
n lli ! faint pt IN Hiul er'iiup * Mv tnni u'li win lit
.tohconil riamp twimr tlirouilnr-nl n Him1 I wn In
emit nsoin. linrk | iot o lil roinii ticfurc n )
< -j ( > i ninl I nn < ill > r > 'inil ni'ik I It lad mum d u
tor * , tnit DM Copt'lmiil nnd ip.irt m'foti '
oni' < wliiM-iiiiili , | | i nu1 'Ihoy I'lilliel )
ttU1 ninl r MIII so iMunkl id.1
That 13 Why Mr. Flaherty Gives
Testimony na to the Site
cess in His Case ol' Drs.
Copctnncl nt-.d Shepnrd.
" \ c * h . 1 know l > r" Ciipi'lMii 1 ninl sPiniii | | | , n d
I IIIIM'ircul n aon In Mo.s lln > ln\ ill it tniik l
liilhi'iu ' 'll > iipoiLi'i Mi Mli lini'l .1. rinlii'il ) .
n i Irtl , I'liipliijc , ! In'l llu In III li KII
stnit' Moiu * > ri'iilil n it Iniliii't DIM * kr hni'X
Ilin on nil lti > ni I nils lii tn'Tou1 I tn 'I tlu" < > | i \ * li hit
1 lui'l Itnil'inli M vi riil > * 'nr. \ \ \ HM * IT
MaiipiMl iipi-nllii'h so Unit I inil Id lni'.iti ! Iliiulik
nu inoiitli 'I uii in HIM ) lliniH i > mi tloiu
iifli'tu'r I li ul hli'i'lliiK rniin m > linn' iitnl iiuiiil
'I liU ntR 1 inn o nnult I ( ini'il not ilo lint il unrk
liinl lu'niliiL'liontnl * U hnn ol Pf stnniii li iilnio1 *
inntlniiHll ) . mill rouiil nut li'rp Itlnulnp IIIIH |
tllh'il ni > ri < * < uiiil 1 H oul ) pot iiiillLMlt'itl M ; i > t
nrru wenk anil wnt r >
M..I. riAlliitTV : , ltli
' ' 1 ut nlHa\ \\i\\klnu \ \ mill r.itln ; * ftinntltlt" | * or
ilt h'u tlnu muttci tluil liiin ? and ilropP'd flout nir
Itciid b uk Int' * 1113 tlirottt I WM IIPTIT nlih * to rltMir
It out cntlrU ) lii'c.iii-u 1 irou'il not iiH : ilr lliiu ipli
In the iiKirnliif 1 "oulil not up tired nn I IIOM" | >
head fooling lull mid mid lu'lifn Ifnrfulh
1 UUH dull , niUi'riib'u , n Ithont o lei r niMl despond
ent all tlu * time \vhen I netil to ) < i < 'npi' nnd
Milliard X1. I II.IM' * .ild. ni > nose i iiiiaplite'y
"topped , ninl tvhen lr hupmil uvmtilncd niu h"mill
it ua < < lilled nltti pol > ptis vritn UIH that \voiiId have
lo ho taken out M I pinp'iicil my-elf lo nndeiKO
whnl I piippoed noiild bo aer > palntnl experience
IninKlnu IIIIM Cnircunlilu wi' ni > illhap | > olnlinunt
umnnn p.MNoit in Miiititn uir.
01 OM'ii InninviMiU'iite. llr "hepnpt Tery iinlikly
mid verj tklllfu'ly ' ronimed tlu polpi fiom in >
noi.e , and alnioit Imtneillnti.'ly I liad IhoeHtlKfactlon
of hiuntlilnx tliioujli ttif iiOMtiils.imln 'Hit. ' ) alpo
IrentfJiny intnrilial Mo-llili ; ri3ulirly , and toda\
I mn tumid nnd well .My hu < ! and tliiont meden ,
m > fil lit mid lionrlni ; mu nplendld Inleep nell'niid
ferl freili ntnt lirli.Tlit at all tluie . Dot tor * ( opeland
nnd Micpmd dt'sorve nil the pruHe I ulvo theui
find more too. I aliall ri'coinniond them nt CMIIM
opportiinltj. "
C.itarrh tre.ite I at th-j unifo-in rate of
85.'JO a 111011111 11191110 ii9S ItinilHhfld i i'o.
For all other iliscasoi the rate's will lie low
ami uniform. P.umnts it a clistanu" m1-
ceb'fuliy treitoil. Send for blanlc.
AMii. . Mvouic : un :
uriL-niMj. OMAHA , NKIJ.
\ \ . 1 I. COPnUAND. M. 1) .
C. . -III.I'AUI ) , M. I ) .
sprilailli'k < 'atarii. ! AMlmm , lin ndiltls , .Nerm < <
dl'ia i * . Ill'iod hl < .eiku * , HI eunintlHin , t'jn > .uiip-
1 ion and nil ( lironle atlt i tlotiM ol tl.u 'I liroat , l.mik" .
stoni'itli , skin , l.Uer a ul Kl I in1) "
Olllie llniiiii Ut'illa in. , -'td.'ip m , ; losp hi
uiind j , 10 u. in lo I. in.
stairs and been admitted into a dark
ened parlor.
"It in , " replied tlie stalely persona1' ;
whom hc > had addressed.
' Tlio famous clairvoyant and forlti'io-
teller ? "
"Tlio .saino. "
"Don you road the mindV"
"With perfect ease. "
' 'Can you foretell ibe futureV" '
' Tbo future holds no mysteries 1'ial ' I
cannot unravel. "
"Can yon unfold the p.mtV"
"Tlio record of all ihintf.s piibt la to
me an open book. "
' 'Then,1'naitl the cnMur , fovorhhiy ,
tulxiiif , ' from bis poekot a hiindful of sj | .
vur , "I wish jou would tell mo what it
in ihat my wife wanted me lo brin
homo without fail this evening and
name your price. Money is no object ! '
'I no Kitmiielty 1'aliles.
"I never know , " s-iid fJovorno ! ' .lohn
YoutiR Hrown of Kentucky to adlobu.
Democrat reporter , "what Dud'ey ' War
ner meant when ho wrote about a ICun-
luckian 'fallinir out of his own cornliiilii' '
until I visited iho mounlaiim of my
native state luHtycnr. Al the timo'J
WIIH maUinu a political eanviihs of llm
oabtorn vtirt of Ifentuuky , and ono day
in the mountains I overboard a inoiiii-
lainoer svinp illii/.iiiK with a neighbor
Unit had lost it dear relative who eamo
to hid dea til by falling out of his own
coriillold. ThiH inteivbled mo , and I
visited Iho pot wlioro llilH hiipposud
miracle oooiirro'l. ' Tlio corn Hold WIIH
upon tlio brow of a clilV , and ibo furmer
had fallen -DO feat. In llioso miiuntains
there are do/.ons of such tilucos. " , ,
The novoriioi1 was nuked to relate '
another uxparionro. lie was biirrounded
ly his friends at the P.itmo.1 IIOIMO , and
.WIIH mode-ill v reticent , but tlio Kentiifk
Mins added llioir porniiabivo poweiH to
llialor the newApapor min , and iho ov-
ei nor said : "Weil , 1 Imrdty know wb.t
to tell \ou. ICuntucky Is u wonderful
slale. sir. Did you Know Ihoro was Ml-
vur there ? " Answered in the noxallvc , :
ho continued : "I mot an old Htato uena-
lor tit ( jriiyiion , Carter county , Til yeurB
of uo , sir , who cultivated tlio farm ho
on nearly half u century atjo. The
first furrow ho plowed ho nncnrlhod u
piece of solid silver us largo as ahoy
hey use in that country for "
logs , lie took the silver to f/jiiisvillc"
nnd a jowelu'1 made him one do/en teaspoons -
spoons , ono do/.en tablespoons , and then
accepted the \\ver oft ovrfr us ample .
payment for 1 > \ work. That WIIH forty-
HO von yours aj o , tvod the Bpoousaro us
good us now. Now , whore did that bll-
vor come fromV"
The value of the product of Iho toxll loin Uui-
trios for ibo entlro United Ktutesiti IbV ) HMI
f.jOO,0JJ.UJUi ( In IbUJ U wasnuarlyfOJOUOOOJ ,
In the forinur voar llio capital iiivustad wan
less ttiun flOO.iKIO.OW ; In the latter II ex--
ceodcd tTUU.OOJ.OUU. In IbSJ f.tyOJO.OO'J were
juld In wugos lo UU.1,039 liauUij In '
000,101) ) wcro paid
The w ml mlvnrll mnoiiH iiiUHMrniz ti " 3
np < piipr | arn often tlui tnn l IntrriMtliiT
putt of 11 ciinlonl- " .
ciinlonlThey o\irc | Iho nr niit
' the ilnllyT \ | ! IO < of tlio propln win )
and wlu are wllilu : to tin
\ > ANTiillH ' : > ( for crni'Mi
I'DUttll St , UllO.I UllJl'
\V \ ; )
city church Ail-
> > -
dro q I' I.I , Hot' . Comii'll It iiir <
I > rrclliit : wantPil.
I lunan . Aiilv | | to < i one aUtPtnti Mi' < i .ke H iti-
llroiinrnr. C outioll
tjHM anil tty ! loin * . Mo-icv toinu I on
.took nnd crihl. Itoil ( " .lite for > ili <
Dwi'llln j mil liiMlaus-i riintaU Motuw lu.inn t
for lee il ItnowU'r-t. I/OHKOU A. Towio , 'nl'nirl
] 7irSAlr.-CliiH'o t r.Tnn a a
* tnn'o,4tl . , \ o't ' loritud nn I liu
pnno.l 1'tl o tlJ.ui ai ro I. II luufe
ijvu : r\cii\Ntr \ nirM > " < nn s ' :7 "
- itrorl nnirliih IMMIIIO , ch'tr of
hr.iiiep , foi lioinu III Otii lint II iiiseoin I'mn
nr Koiinl/o I'lticu prrfi-ricil \\nl put m J',5) )
diflrrcnei' . ( Irpcpslilo < ) < . M ho snu A ( o
IfOll I Xl'IIAMlf :
41 aer.M in
t iiMintv. Coo , wllli mpiiM nimMiK for
sleek of ory eo.tU mil I'lutlmu or other
nuNe 1' II Slic.ifo.
ii'OU \I.IJ On si' I piy noun , fruit ninl
Harden Lull iinir Cointll Illiiin I ! U.
tlio if p. tires Iw iy u I ihilti n , '
\\r \ \\Otl.VC Inxoi.i nnof Hie Tlmm
' ' . tartiH in mn , tiwi > 4toiii Ion i fur - tlo.
Cull und 10 IH > ' " M ilu itnvt
JjIDI ! l.\l'IIAMi ! : -I ( , Kill 4-IDIMll lllMM'DIl S ?
stti M reel for land , llioi'iiih UiiK Mi'liul
I'll \ I'O.
, . , , . .
u .I.IIUM Hi II M lltllng *
in room duo n in , 1:11 : Par. , : uo Jl )
Srimm dnuilltiK. T.'l S > till vt , tu
( -mum tlwi'llinv , MM > nd avt' , tJi
T toiini dwi'llini ; . Ill MUh ivo.i 'i ,
'l-rooin ' ' dwell n , I'th ' st ,11111MMIH > | > } ' \
room ( Im'llin * , H ' . ' Ilio ' '
ill" a\ . ? . . ) .
10-tiioMi il \\oillii : . : uu llcninn st . * . ' ) ,
s-ioiitn iiwoiiiiia , : u. AMMIIIO i ; tiii r\
ii-iotini ihtiilllnir , tin > l ith ti , ? i i.fii
' h-ioniii duelling , K.'O A vctmit II. * | S
-mom d milling , ,110 Iin MII : H vo fill \ \
? -riiom < UY | | | II r , - ' 0 * moity > .
i-ioum ' ihruilliu. Hii > iltt I'l ' iei' . * j
I'-room dunlllti , 111 ( nt t < st , $ l >
fi-nioiii il well In. , . ' > 'l MMHturtt .111
fi-iouiii dwollln , 1 L' .ird UM > . f I'
< - -iooiiiil\Tilllns. ! M\nsti-r M . * ! ' . " > X
C-ronin ilirellltiK , < ii'iliiin h\o , ? ! . ' .
n-tiiitiii ihuiUliiu' . tiUdlUli me , 91. ' .
li-iuom ihiollltiB , Itthblit I'lxi-o. ? i'"i ) .
, -rooni ( luollln ; , Miirnlni.'slilp , 5I. > 0
1-rooin ' dwitlltr4f5 I'.irU , m < . JU'.U
'i-iiioin " dwiiillnr , Vi > II AVIMIIIO A , JiO.
"i-rnoiiMlwcllIni ; . 4)1 ) N Utli st , tlO
fi-rooni d\\oltliiK , illl N. Tth st , f 10.
4-room ( iHollhii : , II ' ' > Mh , ivu. tU
C-rnoiii dHnlllii'M'i4th ' ) st .511.
l-iunni ( hMillln . IH \ me si . fin.
4-room dwilllnn' . Mrt N. Till , ? ! ( >
li-ioiintdnullliiic. . .iT iTlh tiM' { II.
t-iixim ! dwi'llln'A HI 4 AVIMIIIU U. $10.
n-ronin ilirolllti' ' , l , " > . ' 5 A vuniiL1 II , ? U
r-riiin dnullltiL111. . ) HrOHilu.iv , tlO
fi-ronin d\\ellliiK. I'l-il ' itluivn. , * 1U
li-riMim dwelling , iTiU Avi'iiiin A.tlJ
. . -room dncllln ; . ( li ihiini uvtv. nr , llijli , J-1.
4-tooni " lionsc. IT.IIho Olh St. , MO.
> -ioom il\MillltU' . : i'2i ' A > tiniiu A , $ )
4-roiitu dttollln , ' . ' . ' "I A\IMIIIU
fi-ronm dwelling , .6Xi A\viiuo II , H
t-rootn ( Iwnllln ; , COIO AXUIIUO V , ti
( i-rooin ilwohln.-'let si and \vrniiu M , H
n-rooin dwelllnir. Ton S iird st. , $ <
Vioniii dnulllii , .M > \ runuo \ . H
4-iooin dwollln. , 213 N. 1st < t , S7
' l-iooin duollliu fill-n lit t. . itiM ,
. " -roinii d\\clllnir , .11 III A vrnnn A , fi
"i-rooui ilvvo lln1- . -I'l ' nth u vo. , ? l
r'-ioiiiii divulllnz. Vi'.H ' \ viMiuu I ) , t )
" -roinii dwjlllti . I41Jrnui ! I ) . Vi.
4-roiinniwi'lIliii : , ' , 'Jt I \\oiiuo I ) . $ l.
I'-room dwcillnir. ' . .i..l ' X lilli > t. J > .
4 linn.i . itwollliiir. HII Avu lI'll Oil.
l iroin dwelling' . ViU I'ur'n mo. JI'.OJ.
7-Kioiii d ri < illtiK , 7I4 Myntlorst. . t'\
li-rnoin ilwo Ilni. ! ' > - " Wash nion , ive , il-
i-rn 'hi dwelling , A ' ? lli iiv . . f.'H.
U II. Slio ifc , ruutil iijcnt. Hio.ulway : iud
Main "tri'ot.
) hive ; "iiythlii for silo or trailo sas
K. II. bhd ifs. llr.i i IwY ami M Un strnnt.
iTAK(5AIN. tl-aorn frti'titiil ' Kanlun tr.iot
'J'i tilling from nnslonii'o.'j'i ' uorcsi in Krnp
'i ULTU In hlueknurrlus , 2 , ' > l aunlo tices.
Ilium I rouD. ; t" ) I'horry trues1 , ( hMilliuf , st-ihlo ,
eli ; . 1'rlcud.OOI. No it. idii I' . II -Imifo.
( i'i A ( KKS upper Itroidwnv Solcndld picrnl
-'for plat' is. Clii'iiii for u nil , or ulltj
e\"li'tniii for Ituprovi" ! ri"lili'ticu niopniry III
( otiiiuil Illuirti. ( ircnnslih'lili. Nicholson A Co. <
I ft ) AOItl'.H of i-loiir Inntl In o islorn No-
-I hr.isKn to nxch uifc for a KOO 1 resilience lu
Counrll Illn Its Want ho isus iitrl lots for Nu-
hr.nslt.i l.ind .lolin-Hon . ' ; Van I'.itteti.
All.STUACTS and loins Kami nnd ulty
[ itonerty lioiiirltt and bold. Pitsey Jt
Tltoinns Council lljnlTs
FAK.M. Moiidiiinln. 1 i. , for snlo nu uity
Ii-ttin. .1. K. Klue , Council HlnllV. lu.
IW hits In Control ul ) .
: .0 lolh In Mnllcn's add.
T > lota In It ivllss & I'.ilu.ier-i' .
K loti In .M.iviui's Nt.
: aj lots in I'otliT fi Cobh's.
L'l lots In lli'ur'H sti1.
l"i lotH In Hror'siid '
- - . ' Intt In lll h'ti'id add.
IH intsiii llntrlinisiin'i add.
4 * > loin In 'I'nrlm'n add ,
I lints In liltl lln'Hadd.
I'.fl lots In Wrl/lil's ailil.
Hi lotIn I'li-rcn's a-ld.
Lots In nvuiy addltlun In the I'lty chcnp for
ensh. in on n lyini-nls. ( . ' .ill anil sru us .Nu
trouble to show ] irox | > tly ,
( iriicnsldrlds , Nlclio' nn X t o.
\\All.lj tr.uloKiiol < 'liy pruiiuily for work
' hnn-e * . .1. IL IMi'p. I'linin'it Illnir
(1 ( AllUAIJi : ronundil. COSSIID its. vaults anil
< cliliniioysu'o uiuil. jn.J > . Iliiriu , City Hide.
IjlOK K\li : II inluarj .stn-l.s In I own ninl
J1 Nobraika. Imulujs. f I.WJ tniUJj. I. . II.
' lirnfo _
' "
QlllV CAM.S-ror's iln . 'll. | tlllUM l.f
* Joiscs wjili Iron Htinil I'l.Ulli IIH III
i'l'nr uluic. II I'd ill Htioiit ,
] jM ItNIilir.l ) rue us tu lutiiut 111 I.Ion avj
' lino.
Ijldlt SA IH. clii'-\ | or In oxoli in u for Ian
A- ; in est ihllihud htisinus'i. Ail hi3H I' ( ) . |
io\liii' ' ) Connitll H.nlN. I i ,
\\7II.I. tradn the C , I ) SI lynu htalllonl
' "Ultiv I'liuhun , Jr. " for work lioi j Jf
It. Illci- , Council II nils ,
WANTKISliidcnH In lioouki'iip nx
ro isonahlu. Addri'sx in call on Mrs
Ion , Wl I'l u n UI In d Mm uo.
TV 1 | i irlori , ulilltlion 4 t
* ' -ll n. : iiiliKt ? , T : II p ' " hiul il'i hiuiiil anj
run nil ) Mend lys , U p. in , Musk fiirnlshud nirj
Llns und ululis A'lilrnsi ut U A P.iriori
L'ounull Illuir'i , or Pi'l I arnani nt. , Unialia ,
' ; . CliiinDcrs. Instruotoi
'i'lio KocUv Mountain synod of the
Lulliurun church closed , i auccesMfnl sus ion
lu I. ura m 10 , U'yo-i last wocl. Statistics i
Iho ohnriih sliowtliatll tins In the ( Iiillvi !
States 1.17,1 10 coinnnink'.ints. IUO'J ininibleru
urn l.l.'iU churuli buildings ,
Ttiuro is n denominational oJncritlonnl . .
itltiitlon In Now KiiKliiud wtiicli iuiinbor
unoiiK itu students a oimz mini lospoctlvolj
'nun Kioto , .lup.ut ; ThuHsulonliM , ( irooc
ind Icflaiid.
Uov. Mr. Arnoy , llio Motbodlsi inlnUtcri
Michigan who 'ii\n up picauhliiK u foi
noiutia UKO In order < n ( to on tliu turf , h
uft tlio turin older to t-o thu mlnuttj
iguiii. _
Kov. Dr. Morpan Dix h > w an Income fioj
1'rlnlly porlsli , Now Vent , ostlmiilod to l
Fullv ' us largo us that pjld to tlio prasidunt i
lio'Unlled Stntos.
Uov. K. Q. Wheeler , the " ( Jhoiol | Car
insBlonnrv , writes from Portland , Uro , lb |
.l.o lad of the money ncodud Inr iho uulldlf
> f a new chnpcl car for llio I'acifle ronil ]
coining In. The car H now under cunl
ind will bo ready lor dedication lu
lo Knrojip.
Tlio liydroatutin ollleeru ut New Oj
.eiitiB have culled attention to the puci
iar fact tlmt n iniihs of forest t1" " '
rose in bl in ( ; u lur o iHlii.d.anil 8iiiiiH | |
lo have drifted from HOIIIO portion
llie Ainoriuuii uonlincnt , hail hul
lighted SuptuiiibtT 121 Uetv/oen t ]
Lwuntielli und thirtie'.li niuriillans.
The ishuiU tr.ivelti about a inllo
mur in ti northotiBlorly direction.
jxpeeted tl.ut unlcHb the plot is hrolj
ip by u btonn it will drift to tlio rot
alten bv Bto.uiiblilpB , nnd will oveti
illy brim ; u ] ) on thu Kuioneuu