Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1892, Part Two, Page 16, Image 16

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' W
The People's Mammoth , Installment House [ Makes the Mightiest Move Ever Made on the
Commercial Chess Board Read the Rich Results.
the "Scoop *
"on the ground
open-eyed and gaping wonder contemplate the far-reaching results of this the greatest cut price Sale ever before inaugurated in Omaha. Sale begins promptly at 8 o'clock to-morrow mottling and continues until all tha
goods are sold.
1V1A1L *
Our mail-order business is reaching enormous proportions ; so
much so , that we have doubled our force in our mail order depart
ment. It seems the out-of-town people appreciate our prompt ser
'vice , our low prices , our easy terms , and in general our methods of
doing business. If you have not yet received our mammoth cata
logue , you should write for one at once. Write us for any informa
tion and yon will receive an answer by return mail. Below we
publish a few extracts from our catalogue ,
" 1J "I ? A 1 \ carefully our term' nml explicit
JVI-j/V directions on Inahlo of co\or.
SenclUs a Trial Order
? ' " ' " ° trouiiio toimr
'j. Koocln by nnll Von will I Hncl Send It Now-
nlwayn BOW ! to us when jou once haveUono I -
There l < not line llkp the fiic ent If you have
iiotthi-roaily ia hfcnrt on Mr t payment an4
imj the rt'M In r > lx or ulirht equal monthly pay
EXPLANATION , io ment * Itcironibor , you cnn onlor goods by
' mnll anil boas neil orvo < l us thouvh y u Uslt-
on our run ) pnyincnt plan , rend Jnlm frmlth's il onr MoriVo have but one prli o lorall and
Mury , prlntrii on another p.iKe. It la no Intri wo defy n > one ever to cltounliiMnncc whuro
cate arrnnifcinont You rontract and |
IKII a niniillurlprciittoiiivrlini liiM'ii charged more
each month rend imyonr payment. than it ( inlil by -toiiieis who UMtourMoro
No lenrtlint jourK'iods will not roach you In
Ilrnt elH i rendition. Wo ow our I mnltnro III
llurlapi , iind tuir miH'ltli Kxu'l.Mor. so
they iciHi you in perfect condition -lar better.
In Iiict. Hum unml * received by yoiirdealer , HS
well to Elvo > iur second cholcu. Wo never hl nru shipped by open IreiKht. Send to u for
substitute until \o have obtained your written uprdiilcHt.iloiiiie * . Semi to n forMimples of
carpet orlli'iireoverlntr * t-endto 111 tor photo-
ten porrnhhlon. If youaie llllnu tn allow us
to nubfllltuto for tiny article not Iri stock. C nip hi of other coeds If > o donat eu what
plviioet jou. Semi In ni lor plcc or wood
Idcaco ho : lniillirercnlptylcsol llnl-lii'S. Send to us
for ttmnples of uiihoNtury Koodn. Send tout
for nnythlnf ) ml mutt. Itenicmher thiit wu
- ' - curry ( werythum uatd In the hcimo. trom the
. ' < I We freluhtlOOmlles
17Tt.'l / | fp pny ;
J1 JtIM' . ' II 1 . uppt r northeast corner ol the attlo to ttio lonur
5011 will bn
Bouthiveit cimii-r of thccelhir.
sure thnt wn Kt'l tlio lowest rates obtahmblo WoiTNomrr * nurjlhlnir In the way of store
Never lot thu nniount of freight charito * rnro furiil hlnn , ortkc lurnlKhlims , ohiireh furnish.
you. llencmloi you onlv pny i\hat your Inns , loduu ninilnhliiKi , etc. . etc . etc. Don't dciilern would pay , and one clmlr Roee n send tn the smiill dealer * , llcmeniber "The
chunpl ) In proportion as n ilorn. PcoploV lells linn * coeds In eiirh of Its num
erous dcpnrtiucntK than Is sold In any store In
thu west \\hlch carries but one line ofKOOds.
Do not fear that
U o o d H will not
roach you In Rood lepalr Our KurnlturolK
( lowed up In llnrlnps anil ntutltMl with excel
sior II In polished and rubbed In our I'lnMi-
InK llepnrlinenl bnforo lea < Inir the ntore. iind
Invariably rea 'hea you In boiler nhapo thiin
poods bouutil of } oiir locnl dcalerH O VOM KNOW that many Moves are made
D of old M'rap Iron , niello I over BO thnt they
burn out and crack open belnre Ilielrnnt-
unil hnlf ll\cil ? Ourstovcs arc
niado of new select "plK" lion. Wo have the
' JurKcHl stove atok In the w , and icll more
ure net. 'Voil maybe coeds perhaps , from this department , than any
bo < t ail ruru that no dlKCount nr special regular ttovo establl linicnt In 1 ho west.
prices nlll bo mnilo. whatever the clrcuni-
Muncoii , nml wu thalluiio nnyonii to cltun
cncu wheio a mall order ciiptonier Is charted
more for an Mrtlelo than the ptiniL1 Is sold lor
to customers nholslt out ploro
TJTTI ) I A PC In MimllnK nn order
J J U I\Ju/V I O. ( .end e.ifh tor lliirlap'
( scoootlmiilo on Inshlo of co > or ) needetl to .
tiroperly piotect Koodt ; Wo clnirKD nothing KOl'MI'S" ! fairly earned Us repu-
for pachliiK teed < < and dellterlnu on board 1 tatlon of having the laiKCHt , ( holcest
earn 'I hi > only chnrce. Iv for thu barecost of and mo * ! coniplelu line ol caipelM In the en *
tuirlni" ued 'Iheio mny be reliitned express tlrowe t. In rich Roods wo are the Leader1 * ,
prepaid uinl cash will bo rvfiinilcd ibcu terms nnd In low and niedluni prhe I uoods there Is
hect on Insldo of cover. ) no Ktoik InChhauoor wutt ol New York ( so
drummers Miy ) that will compnro with ourn.
t-uml or tail fur our "OAIII'K'l 1'AI.K , " and
a\nll jourself of a liberal carpet education.
T1 A ! > 1 > Trrtl Itcmember It taken more Ill llfteon uilnuto * > ou will know moiu about
\.ij\ II IV 1 O. carpet Ilinn the e\.ict carpets than y o > i ha\e excr IcarnoU dmlnv your
riiliilo | nrlau4of a tloor Ilieadthi will ex II to.
ceed thu length of the room mote or lot * ae
col ill UK to the pnltcin Send Ihfoxait hl/o ol
> our foiiiii nnd Iho nuinhorof the caipot jou
dcnlie iind < will nieiiiuio Hame advlnliiK
you of the iixatt amount > on need IIHCC- | |
doni fl pattern will cut exactl ) rluht ; iMiially
yon have to bnv froinH to ' - > ard ninie than
the exact niuattuKiutMit of room , tie "Larpot
Talk" bluet * * W1III-B wo furnish tin-
riuliost rosldenci's In
our larjo cltli's an < l liaxit
I ? I CV H > ou wMi pond * on tlio lar usl nvsoitinont of
it\ < J- onr I'artlul raiment nrt f limit un > . In lihli nr.ule
IV1VI I YTQ I'lan , ailil Iho letils poods to bo foiiiul In thu on-
A 1 in l.l > I O. '
tor each iliillar'n tlroVusl. . u ulsli to it-It-
worth of cooiln foluctoit. this wo iluiluct If you orntu tlio fact that nnr
pay the who o amount liuliln of nlxt > ila > n , or ciont prldn Is In fin nlsliln.
If at any tlincjiiii wNh to antlcliati | > your pay low and iiiLulliiin jiileoil
mnntii , -oioitloiato | | rebate "III ho made
( . ooils. When HO unn | vo
bonil with your order the amount of tlr t pay '
ment or If you cK'Mro. Hint pa > monlimiy bo npoortniin u liotlpr t-'linlr
pout nhon the contractn aru lorHardeil for for f I than ho can cot iisl : :
jourtliiiiiituro Th onlj illlteronco U that or Watt for tlio iiinnoy. wo
Roortsnro not placeil In our ihlpplng ilopart- nro Imppy.
inont until roincllilni : iKpahl on thom
Ramplos of Carpols ,
Sammosof Dinner "ots ,
Hpeclal llaby ( 'iirlliiio I nliilosue
Hpeclal Btovu ( 'ataloKiie , IP YOU AUK a fatlior you
r > pcclul llliiKtraled tiitaioi.Mie ' will know , ur If you do
not you should lonrn Itn-
modmtaly , tliiit the prnal-
S003CGXD3GXSGOGO0QCXDGXSGXSCX9 cst ploiiHiiro you C'tiiKl ' o
( ATAIOCUE COUPON. your wlfo Is to niinro-'latc
fend for our Mammoth Portfolio , K8 Mi eet und luvlsli vouriilTi'utlon *
! | 3ilnlli. nhowliu bodtllillua 111 o.icti itup.irt- iilion her h.iby , nml Is thorn
J incut , itnythltiKii niDthnrdotPsnii
TWO CONDITIONS iiioroih > ntilcitiiilful
Unrrluuo ? Wo
1110 imonts
! l t , natuu " "mo ono who Is hulldlnx , has forlhoCoiitralCarrlnsoCo.
( builtor will bulhli tfnd cut out and nend n * of Uhlcncu. wlioaiot" llunv
J this coupon ( hunts un our Partial I'avment ( '
Jat rlu'jfs
' Plan an ) where this ulilo thu l'.ulilonmpli's ; ' llrowbtor ft
\ 100 'o. o ( .Nsw VorU uro to road
i Carpi ta kenli statu kind and price \Ve pa >
i miles fruit- : ) t"'cpt on iroodn niUurtlseJnl vohlulcs They mate the
) pedal prlcvn One. price to all. uost Kooda la the world.
$10.00 worth of goods $1.00 per weak or $4.00 per month.
$1V > . (10 ( worth of goods $1.60 per wcolr or fO.OO per month.
$50.00 worth of goodufci.OO per week or $8.00 per month.
$75.00 worth of goods 82,60 per WOOK or $10.00 per month.
$100.00 worth of goods 8X00 per week or $12 00 per month.
$ 00.00 worth of goods $5.00 per week or $20.00 per month.
Clmmber suits thut arc worth $15 wo
will bell , until nil uro sold , for $7.2U. !
Clminbor suits thnt uro wotth & 25 wo
slnill now fell for $11. ! 0.
Sldobcmrds , in nnttquo mid 10th cen
tury linish , that are worth $18.60 , wo
shall soil for $8.90.
StdeboiirJs , in antique , IGth century
and old KnglUli , that are worth SHO , wo
shnll sell for $14.60.
Sideboards , in antique onk finish , that
nro worth MS , wo shall sell for $10.60.
Kohl ing beds that aru worth $17.fiO wo
sluill now soil , until all ate sold , for the
insignificant sum of $7.20.
Upright folding beds that are worth
$2. ) wo will now soil for $112.40.
Cholloniers Unit are worth $15 wo
shall now soil for $7.-10.
( Jhofroiiiers that are worth $35 wo will
now soil forSlS.50.
Ladies' ( leaks that are worth $15 , $18 ,
$ L'2.r)0 at d $ ; > ) . will now bo sold for $7 ,
S7.60.810.oO and $14.
Book eases , in every finish , that are
worth $10 , S12..r)0 , $1- | and $18 , wo will
sell for $1.1)0 ) , $7.00. JS.50 and ? ! ) .CO.
Secretaries that are worth $25 , $30.
$37.50 , $13 and $50 , will bo sold for $12.50 , "
$15 , $19.50 , $ i4 ! and $27.50.
Keed reciters that are worth $5 , $7.50
and $8.50 ; take your choice for $3.i)0. )
Fancy pluah and tuposlry rockers ,
solid oak , upholstorad in French plush ,
any finish , that are worth $7 , wo will
now soil for $3.23
Largo arm parlor roelcors , upholstered
in the newest similes of silk plush or im
ported tapestry , that are worth $10.60 ,
will bo sold now , until all uro sold , for
$4.00. Guaranteed to bo cheap ut double
the price.
Plush parlor chairs , spring seat cush
ion , plush , that are worth $3 , now thov
will bo sold for 90c.
Children's rockers that are worth
$1.50 , $1.75 , $ a'25. $2.50 and $3.50 , will
now bo sold for OOc , 90c , $1.25 , $1.50 iind
Bible stands that are worth$
and $1.75 , your choice for 05c.
Music cabinets that are worth $7.50
will now bo sold for S.'i.50.
Bureaus that are worth $12 go now for
J0.50. Those that are worth $10 go now
for $9.50.
Wash stands that are worth $2.50 go
now for $1.25.
Wardrobes that are worth $15 , $18 ,
$22.50 and $23 , go now for 87.60 , $9.75 ,
S12.50 und $14.60.
Extension tables that are worth $0.50 ,
$8 50 , 410.00 and $15 , will now bo sold
for $3.60 , $4.7o , $5.36 and $7.40.
China clo'-ots that are worth $30 will
now bo sold for $14.50.
Bedateads ihnt are worth $3.50 will
now bo sold for $1.75.
Matti esses that are worth $3.50 will
now lo sold for $1.75.
Center tables that are worth $3.50 go
now for $1.73.
Library tables that arc worth $9.50
now sell for $ J.7. > .
Springs that are worth $3.50 now sell
for.l.o.- : {
Kitchen saft's that are worth $0.50
newell fo. $3.50.
Kitchen tables that are worth $2 now
suit for 90f.
Kitchen chairs Unit are worth OOc now
Bell for 2oc.
Children's folding beds that aio worth
$7.50 now sell for H25.
Medical ciibinets that arc worth $3.50
now soil for $1.75.
Hat racks that nro worth 25o now
are 5c.
Hall racks that are worth $15 now soil
for $7.60.
Easels thai are worUi $2 , $2.60,13 and
$3.50 , your choice for $1.50.
Brass parlor btandb that are worth $9
will now boll for $3.76.
Solid oak parlor rockers that are
worth $8 , now to be Fold for * 2.90.
onico desks that are worth $25 will
now bo sold for $12.50.
Gilt chairs that are worth $0.50 will
now bo sold for $3.26.
Gilt roukors thr.t are worth $10 will
now bo sold for $4.75.
Crockery , Etc.
Slop jar. " that nro worth $3 will now
bo sold for 1-1.40.
Toilet sets that are worth $1 will now
bo sold for $1.00.
Toilet cots with jnr < < that are wortli
$8.50 will now bo sold for $3.85.
Tea sots that are worth $7.50 will now
bo eold for $3.40.
Dinner pots Unit nro north $10.50 are
now $5.50.
Cuspidors that are woith 25o , 60e , 75c
and $1. are now lOe , 25c , 35c and 50o.
GlttbS sets that are worth $1.76 nro now
Tumblers that are worth 35o per sot
will now bo sold for lOo
Gobluts that uro woith COo per sot will
now bo sold for UOc.
Plates that are worth 50c per sot will
now ho sold for 21e.
Syrup cans that are wor th 35c will now
bo sold for Me.
Lampchimnoys thataro worth lOcwil
now bo sold for 4e each.
Lamp burners that are worth 20o will
now bo sold for 6c each.
Decorated plates that are woth $1 per
Bet will now bo sold for 60c.
Decorated cups and saucers that are
worth $1 per sot will now bo sold for 1 o
Stoves , Etc.
Cannon stoves thnt are worth $0.60
will now bo sold for $2.90.
Fancy nickoled soft coal heaters that
are worth $12.50 will now bo bold for
Fancy nickeled hard coal heaters that
are worth $32 will now bo sold for $17.50.
Laundry stoves that are worth $8.50
are now $4.
Gasoline stoves that are worth $8.50
are now $4.75.
Cook stoves that are worth $12.50 are
now $0.50.
Ranges that arc worth $37.50 are now
JKtaa oak heaters , same as regular
steve houses charge $15 , and that are
woith $12 50 , will now bo sold for $7.50.
Gasoline ovens that are worth $3.60
now to bo sold for $1.75.
Steve pipe that is worth 20c per joint
will now bo told for lOc per joint.
/Anc boards that are worth $1.60 will
now bo sold for 75c.
Coal hods that are worth COc are now
JOc ,
Elbows that nro worth 25c nro now 8c ,
Shovels that are worth 20c are nowSc.
Pokers that arc worth lOe nro now 4c.
Pipe collars that are worth lOc are
now 4c.
Lifters that nro worth lOc nro now 3c.
Parlor Furniture.
. , Parlor suits in plush or tnncstry , nn
tiquo onk or 10th century finish , highly
polished , suits that nro worth 8H7.5U ,
will now bo sold for $19.60.
Parlor suit * in silk plush any finish
thnt nro worth $00 will now bo sold for
Parlor suits , in Wilton rugs and imported
ported- tapestry , that are worth $100
will now bo sold for $55.
LSed lounges that are wortli 815 are
now $7.50.
Single lounges thut arc worth $9.50
are now $1.75.
Divans , in plush or tapestry , oak or
IClh century , thnt are wortli $15 are now
P.irlor chairs'that nro worth $5 are
now $2.75.
Leather rockers , finely upholstered ,
that nro worth $30 are now $10.50.
Largo plush easy chairs thnt are
worth $17.60 will now bo sold for 158.50.
Plu o rockers that are worth $15 are
now $8.50.
High art plush couches that nro worth
630 will now bo hold for $17.50.
Chc'nillo draped coin-lies thnt nro
worth $25 will now bo sold for $12.50.
I'lush onsy chnirs that me worth
$12.)0 nro now $ ( > 2a
Good heavy brown-mixcil blankets
that are wotlii $2.50 will now bo hold for
Grny-mi.xed blankets that are worth
83.60 will now bo sold for $1.75.
White blankets that are wortli $1.7 < 3
nro now 85c.
Comforts that nro worth $1.75 are now
Eiderdown comforts that are wortli
$10 are now $5.50.
Marseilles spreads that nro worth
$2.60 are no.v . $1.25. .
Pillows that nro worth $1.25 are now
Carpets and Draperies
Nice rugs that are worth $1.60 will
now bo Bold for 75c.
Good rugs that are worth $3 will now
bo sold for $1.60.
Ingrain cnrpots that are worth ! > 5o
will now bo sold for 17c.
Ingrain carpets that are wortli 50c
will now bo Bold for 28e.
Brussels carpets that nro worth 85o
will now ho told ( or lee ,
lirusbola carpels that are worth $1 will
now be hold for 60c.
Hall earpots Unit are worth 45u will
now bo feold for 20c.
Curtain poles. 60 onch.
Htig carpets that are worth 50o will
now bo sold for 2lc ,
Portieres that are worth $5. $7.60 and
19 60. nre now $2.75 , $1.20 und $5.2" ) .
Window ghuilca that nro worth $1 nro
now 30c.
Luco curtains that are worth $2.50-
W.fiO , $4.60 , $5 and $7.50 , arc now $1.10 ,
$1.90 , $2.60 , $2.75 and $3.75.
Linoleum that is worth $1 per yard
will now bo sold for 60c.
Ilomp carpets Hint uro worth 40c will
now bo soil ) for 17c.
December 31 , 1892 , in various sums , ranging
from $500 to $5-to some of our customers.
1O the customer who will ( jucws the
1 nearest number
$100 in Gold
3S G3 > eXXD2XiXD03003Xj > 2X3S i
the customer who will the next
guess noar-
catnnmbor . \i \
' One onT.tied-to . $50 in Gold iM
-f-V d Cu"tomeih who will fjucbu tlio no.\t nearest
UI1W number
Ten entitled will bo to to $25 each in Gold §
I G > 3 T.S3eS X3SGffiSQ OC GX3X5X3GX3C
: LX-X20
{ lip si the next notrestjl
Ten t11 entitled to $10 each in Gold
TT7""jVr [ Gucbs the nearest number of beans contained in
jn.\J W J.S VV J.J-N ( u iupgo , jiu- , now ( lihpluyed in our bliow window. (
J-'or eaeh and every live dollars' worth of goods nureluihod you are entitled to bno i
guess. On DccQinbur 'il , 18)2 ! ) , in the preienco of those holuliif ; tickets , the beans
will bo counted and the pri'/os awaidcd and Uibtri'iuted. '
All Iho dcpartincnts of the IVoplo's Maminoth In tullincnt , IIouso nro fully
Btoeked with everything for homo comfort and decoration.
Knsy weekly or inonthlx prvytiirnts with a gtiariinteo to the pniehaier , is the
bulwark of our i
We control the Peninsular Stoves nnd Ratios and sliow
100 different styles. WJien you buy a "Peninsular" stove of us
you get the best for what you would pay for the poorest else- ( cl
where. '
If the Goods are not
On a Bill of Ten Dollar Satisfactory and as
The Cheapest Furniture , Carpet and Stove House in America , ,
lar 3 $1.00 Cash Represented come
to us and we will
and 91.00 a 1310-1317 Karnam Street allow all reasonable
Week. , enable claims.