Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1892, Part Two, Page 12, Image 12

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    . . .2wwv 4i _ . .jTS
nAir.v T > Ania
Brilliant Reception at the Garrison for
the Hew Commandant , Colonel Bates.
Ilmidioine lUnnltiBton OlTen bjr Mrs. I.ln-
Incrr for nil Ioxv * irl Other fronts
Wilch Are of Knpi-clnl Inter
est to the Sunlli.
From n society standpoint the opera has
been the only light In the darkness during
the past week , unless we except the brill
iant reception nt the gnrnson nnd Airs.
LlnltiKor's konslnRton. The oporn gave n
ralton d'otro to these xvho nro In tha swim
nnd an opportunity for the donning of noxv
gowns nnd sxvnllow-tnlls. Of course the
musically inclined did not expect much
from this "llrst" attempt nt local
opera nnd they got it , but society men and
women sccmnd plfased , and no doubt
were , for it is "any port in n storm'
with those xvho folloxv Aladamo Grundy nnd
"assiduously xvait upon hor. " Yet one must
confess that Iho oporn house looked brilliant
on tbo opening night of Iho opera , xvhon
txvcnty-thrco people iravo " 11 Travatoro , "
bill there xvi-ro qulto as mnny stars
In tbo front of the liouso ns
bo hi nil the footlights , for , ns n society paper
says , "everybody xvas there , " and this must
fcc'lnkcn xvllh literal exactness. Hoxvovor ,
If thn performances xvero not glittering sac-
cessci tbov shoxvo'l to the artists xvho xxcro
Interpreting the rharactors in the metrical
lomuncfs that Oinnha could boast of as
fashionable audiences as Nexv York -and for
this , if for rottnngolse , nur lips should shout
forth praises and hositnnas for iho season of
opera xvhlch xvas tn gix-e us a "local stage , "
xxhatovcr that ma ) mean.
* * *
Soclotv has roill > had a surprise this
xxcoh , tliough iiom ) the loss pleasant , It is a
surprise , the onga-'onuMil of Miss .MarxPop -
Plnlon , the youngi'st daughter of Hon. A. J.
Popnleton and Air. W. L. Learned , of iho
law linn of lu-iinody & Learned , and
ono of Iho brlghl men nt the
Omnhn bar. Air * . Popploton could not have
planned n morn charming function than the
"announcement ten" xvhlch shu gave Friday
afternoon to a fexv ot her old-time friends ,
Incidentally announcing Iho cngagpnicnt ,
which , of fonrso , xvns n pleasing announce
ment. The guests present xxero thu
lenders of the social life of Omaha
and It xvas eminently proper
that the engagement , should first bo
publicly intdo thiough Iho channels chosen ,
for those presi-nt xvcro : Airs. J. J. Brown.
Mrs. E. Wakelov. Mrs. G. W. Doauo , Airs.
Hamilton. Airs. Ouininc. Airs. Yates. Airs.
J. N. H. Palrlck. Airs. Charloi Alandcrhon ,
Mtno. Peck , Airs. Joseph Banter. Airs. H. H.
Clarkson , Mrs. Frank Allltspaagb , Mine.
Poxvell and Airs. George Luke. Speculation
will noxv ho nfo ns lo xvuon this marriage
Is to take plucc , hut It is thought the lima ot
probalion un Air. I.carned's purt xxltl not be
long , for bo Is eminently xvorlhv to lend so
beautiful und cultured a xvoman as Aliss
Alary Popploton to the nltar.
K X-
' \ oguo Is the tltlo of a Noxv York noxvsoa-
per which will be nn enterprise ol anew
character. This society weekly shoot is to
bo wrltlon bv the smart set for iho smart
sot. The llrst number of Vogue xvill diizzlo
the public on December 17. Tbo artistic
features xvlll bo of great merit. Air. Harry
AlcVlcknr Is in charge of the art depart
ment of this paper , and Air. Arthur B.
Turnuro xvlll bo thu publisher. Air. Turnuro
U wall qualified for ibis poilllon. lie Is u
cousin of Air. Lawrence Turnuro , who Is
vorv rich , aud lives at 417 Fifth avenue.
Some of tbo most noted French artists will
share tbo xvorlt of Illustrating xvltn Air.
MoVIokar. The list of stocuholders Includes
loaders In Ibo sxvlm at Paris , London , Noxv
YorK , Washington , Ballinioro , Philadelphia ,
lioston and Chicago. Among tbo list of
stockholders are the names of Mr. Cornelius
Vundorbilt , Airs. Burltc-Uocho , Air. John
I'nrsons , Airs. Gcor o B. Do Forest , Airs.
Arthur AI. Dodge. Aliss Furnlss , Airs , lion-
aids of London , und so on.
At thn reception to I'olonol Bates Thurs
day ovcmiiL' , by the ladies and ofllccrs ot the
Second , slalioiied ut Foil Oni ilia , the civil
ians rumarKod hoxv much Colonel Bales re
sembled Captain Hav , of Arctic , fumo. Ha
has the snmo angular body , iho same griz/.lod
appearance ns Ills inferior ofllcer and iho
.samo strong face. He looks thu soldier to
perfection , and xvhilo ho acknoxv-
k'dges tn llfty and over , he is
n universal favorite in thu circle * ol tbo fair
hex xvho presumably love brass buttons xvlth
delightful forvor. Colonel Bates Is a bache
lor and xvhiluho has never loxvcrcd his colors
lo n fair enemy It is lo bo hoped thai ho will
not bo permllltd to retreat , from his present
command under n , Hag of truce , but bo
brought lo terms by a bombardment from u
pair of black eyes.
Interesting tn Omiilm IVoplo.
Tbo marriage of Miss Alary Boll , eldest
daughter of Air. nnd Mrs. James Bell , deceased -
ceased , of Glendale , O. , n suburb of Cincin
nati , and Mr. Robert Palmer Hargltt Is said
to have been upon n scale of magnificence
koldom equalled. Miss Boll , xvho is heiress
lo a fortune in her own riuht , has been for
years iho belle ot Iho social circles in xvhlch
she moved and in xvhlch she xvas pro-enii-
noully tno leader. She Is a sister of Miss
JOIlen Boll , xvho visited the family
of Air. Samuel Burns this fall and xvho on this
occasion xvus the muld of honor , Miss Miio
Hums being oneot , togelhor
wllh Atlss Ulla Gravrson , Aliss Addle
Fri'iicli. Aliss Edith French , Miss Emma
McCnnu and Aliss Jcanuetlu Hnrultt of
Hamilton , ulster of thu groom. Thu Cincin
nati Commuivinl-Ga/.uiln In xvritintr of tha
wedding said : "Tho P ru shy tort nn church
\vus bUf.erbly decorated xvilh laurel , Iho dark ,
glossy green of iho follajro making a rich sui
ting for snowy goxvns and great bouquets of
American Bn.uilv rosci carried by the bridnl
party. Crent fe.stooi.s uraped the church ,
the chnnccl xvus bunked xvllh xvavlng
| ialma aud hung xvilh fuslrons of Ivy ,
nnd the organ xvus nlmoit concealed
in foliago. The brldu chnsu to make It a rod
wedding , and at the house overythlng
glowed xvith tills bright colormaklug n beau
tifully effective bccno under the brilliant
"Tbo beautiful Boll mansion xvas olabor-
* ntuly decorated xvlth palms and ferns. Man
tels xvrro banked , and then xvoil laden xvllh
red roses and red clirysnnlhcmums. In the
rear of Ibo slulrxvuy ihu Hinoxlm : room xvns
bidden from sight in a thicket of ferns , and
hero there xvas a full orchestra of musicians.
T ± > o brldo and groom received In the largo
draxviug room to Iho right , In n bower of
grei'ii xvlth red roses hero und there.
"Tl)0 ) bridnl table was superbly uud strik
ingly decorated In red roses , rod candles nnd
Hhadus , and the xvholo room glowed xvlth Ihu
bamo color , Tno largo illiiiiiirrooin xvas tem
porarily extended upon Iho portico , inclosed
In a weather proof casing , and buro an ulo-
ganl bullet supper xvns t > crvi > d , the great
number of puojls nt the house minting small
tables an Impossibility. At each plate nt tbo
nrldo's table hiit a small cake , aud the llud-
ingot tbo rubv ring , thu slxnonco und the
tlilinbli ) caused much inr rrltnnnt.
"Tbo maids' favors xvoro beautiful gold
spoons xvlth oimmded bowls , For Ibo men
there xvere handsomely engraved silver maicb
boxes. The hour * > et far ihu ceremony xvas 7
o'clock , and long before Unit tlmo every avenue i-
nuo leudlLg to Iho chuich xvas filled xvilh
cqulpnges ludcn with guests. W. W. ICoti-
null presided at tlie oriran and rendered iho
Lohengrin "Wedding March" una "Call AIo [
Thlno Own" xvllh uroairflfei't , The six maids
n troop ot very pi city i-lrls each xvoro
cfTfOiivi ) and bountiful goxvns of xxblto
brocaded silk , long trains , bcmi decolotto
boillro und immense full slcovi-s , mailing u
very plcturcuquo cited. Each girl curried
an Imiiienso cluster of American Beauty
1'0-es. Tim maid of honor , a charming unit
pretty girl , xvoro u superu picture
goxvn of golden yolloxv sitln. entralne ,
_ } hi < bodice dccolloto , xvllh large
puffed sleovos. half covering the pretty
arms. Miss Bell i.s yet a .school cirl , and
leaven toiiav to complete hur education
ut Miss Peebles' . Noxv York. The bride
was attended to Iho altar by her brother ,
Mr. Juiuus Bell , xvno LMVU her in marriage.
Her wedding gown was of creamy xvhlto
crepe , Its ciinkly surface broken by the
sheen of broud satin utrlpec , The skirt xvas
plain uud trailed far behluu her , and tbo cor-
cage , seail-decolleito unu trlmmua xvilh ira
deep fall of Venetian point , sboxved tbo per
fect iiecu. The sleeves xvoro lanro puffs.
Bbu wore no veil , and In her fair hair-there
glittered u diamond stir. Pearl plus and rea
curious diamond brooch gleamed on thelnces
of the bodice , nnd bor bouquet was of llllos
ot the ralley and ferns. "
Mr , IiliunRnr'K Kcnsmoton.
Ooo of the beautiful homos In Omaha Is
that of Air. Gcorfto W. Llnlngcr. It Is
crowded xvlth rare brlc-a-brac , statuary and
pictures ; rich rugs and line frescos. It
noorts little In the xvay of floral decoration to
bring out Its manifold boautlos and that Is
possibly the reason xvhy Airs. Llnlngor at
her lovely Kensington on Friday confined
herself to chrysanthemums and palms. Yet
these were in noundnnco ana the corners ,
the nlcovcs and the art gallery were croxvdcd
xvith iho "queens of autumn. " Lately the
parlors of this hospitable homo have boon
newly decorated , noxv carpets put down and
the bays nnd lira-place InUld with hard
woods , making them handsomer than over , n
typical dxvolling place for the well to do
business man xvhoso mind Is not on stocks
mid bonds htu on that wnlch elevates and
educates , art and her votaries.
Thn kcnslnglon xvas given In honor of Aliss
Huller of Durnnt , In. , n sister ol Air. Frank
Hailer , nnd It brought out during the hours
of the konslngton , 2 lo 0 , all the fnshlonn-
bios In tlio cliv xvith many visiting friends.
Airs , Llnlngcr received , assisted by Aliss Hol
ler nnd Mrs. I''ran it Hailor. Airs. Llnlngor
xvorc n pretty black silk and heliotrope ; Aliss
Hailer , who is qulto a pretty girl , xvoro n
gown ot dark bltip cloth trimmed xvlth navy
bltio velvet nnd xvhlto lace ; Airs. Hailer ap-
Itonrcd In a pretty black and red combination
costume. Assisting the hostess throughout
the rooms xvcro Airs. Cntlln , Airs , Alctcnlf ,
Airs , Joseph llurker , Aliss Bnrkor. Aliss Os-
borne , the Misses Haxvioy , Aliss Chainburs.
Cards \ < Tro played during the afternoon
nud there win a short musical procram by
Aliss Wairiiur , u very culllvalcd plaiilste ,
whose Introduction it to an Omaha uudl-
encu. Airs. .Martin Cahn nt thu request of
the hostess sang the song xvhlch introduced
her to ihosu xvho sinu have become her
frlondM , "Going to Market , " a song which
shu sang ns u bride , noxv repeated after
years nnd maternity have added to the rich
ness of hur voice. Mrs. Moollor also gave n
number of contralto selections , xvhlch xvero
unlhu.sinstlc < illy received. Refreshments
xx-crc snrx cd at tl.o sitiull tables and quite liU
ladies xvcro present during Iho afturnoon ,
niiKMie xvliom xvero : Alo-.damoi C. H. Gard
ner , AloUormlck , Broxvuloo. J. U. Btooko ,
Haxvlcy , W. II. Hancliutt. Poatlie ,
Poxvell , .1. J. Broxvn , C H Uroxvn , Webster ,
Paxton , Colpet or , DuBois , Martin Cahn ,
Albert Cahn , Kd. PUCK. AlattPatrick , Kitch
en. Burdotlo , Ciimlng. Council , Mine. Alno-
ull , MH. .1. J. Al-jnull , Airs. Hot/oll of Avo-
ca , In. , Airs. Dohcrtv , Airs. Windsor. Airs ,
l.'orntsh , Aliis Yongc , Aliss Curtis , Aliss
Sharp , Aliss Ida Sharp , Aliss Drake , Aliss
Orctitt , Aliss AlcGaskoll of Salt Lake , Aliss
Doollttlo of Isaw York , Alias Jacksoii of
Ithaca. And for the .young people there xvas
n pQuiiut hunt , the prize bolng won by Aliss
Drake , who xvas vurv happy xvbon she se
cured n pretty hasko' . of nuts. In all the es
sentials it win a charming konslnglon , ono
of the plc.iiantost events of a ratbor pack-
xvanl season.
Itrlllliint ICrni'ptlo I ut thu Cnrrlson.
One of the most successful and brilliant
entertainments over given at Fort Omaha
xvns the reception tendered Colonel Bates by
thu onlcers ; .nU Indies of the Second Infan
try on Thursday evening. The appearance
of the post hop room xvus both n surprise
and revelation , so completely xvas it trans
formed Into a bower ol brainy by the aid of
military decorations , palms , lloxvors and rich
The guests xvero received by Mrs. Pnrko ,
Airs. Worth and Mrs. Wright und the non-
oren guest of the evening. Colonel Bates.
Airs. Parko xvoro a costume of oluo creno
trimmed xvith point lace , diamonds.
Airs. Worth looked vtry handsome In a
coxvn ot blue faille trimmed xvith gold em
Mrs. Wright xvas attired in whlto satin ,
most becoming to her dark ; beauty.
Aliss Kmliy Wakeloy was charming in
pink crepe.
Miss Daisy Doano never looked prettier ,
attired in n goxvu of pale blue silk.
Miss Alny Duudy xvoro a very bandsomo
costume of striped lilac satin.
Airs. Loxvls Koed xvoro nn imported oxvn
of pink satin.
Alias Nclsle Hughns appeared to great ad
vantage In a gown ot blue crepe made with
charming simplicity.
Airs. Hactio xvoro a very striking xvatteau
costume of brocaded satin.
Aliss AlcICcnna xvus robed iu lilac silk
trimmed xvith chrysanthemums.
Airs. Webster was attired In pink cropii
entralne , garniture of rosoj.
Aliss Ll/.zio Waring , xvhiie lace ,
Airs. Captain Larson xvus becomingly attired -
tired In liunUsomo black satin trimmed 'xvith
Airs. Dr. Spenser xvoro n very pretty
though somoxvhat somber goxvn in honor of
a deceased relative , of black not with Jot
Among these present xvoro Colonel nnd
Airs. Parko , Alajor mid Airs. Worth , Dr. nnd
Airs. Spencer , Mrs. Sheridan , Mrs. Ayres ,
Judge and Airs. Dundy , Air. and Airs. '
Hroaiuh , Air. and Airs. Wallace , Aliss Wal
lace , Judge and Airs. Wakeloy , Dr. und Airs.
Durycii , Air. and Airs. T. Al. Orr , Air. and
Airs. Hiall , Captain and Airs. Waring. Col
onel Hughus , Captain Croxvdur , Aliss Gert
rude Chambers , Lieutenant and Mrs. Van
How , Lieutenant and Airs. Abercromblo ,
Cnplalu and Airs. Sarson , Airs. Porter , Miss
Curtis , Air and Airs. S. S. Curtis , AI ! & Ala-
del linclie , Aliss Garncnu , Aliss Duxvey , Miss
Balcombo , Alessrs. Wilson , Berlin , Saunderc ,
Hamilton. Koctor , Hudlck , Bnidridge , Clifford
Smith , Doano , Garncau , Gulou , O Lo-
max , Lieutenants , Prince , Poxvell , Book-
miller , Wilson , limes , Colonel Clinso.
Aliss li.'ttarliold ' , Mr. ana Airs. Brad
Slaughter , Air. und Airs , Frank
Fit/.patncK , All. and Mis. Dm Wheeler ,
Air. and Airs. Wbltmoiu , Aliss Broxvn , Aliss
AlcCielland , Airs. Dr. Uroxvn. AlUs Koece ,
Aliss AlcCiure of Sioux City , Miss Slaughter ,
Air. ICountzu , Air % nt > , Mr. Cilllord Smith ,
Alls. Tuttle of Koiinoyi Air. Vos * .
Tlimr .Monthly Social.
The Ladles auxiliary of St. John's Eplsco.
pul church , Txvoniy-sutb and Franklin
etrcots , hold tholr regular monthly social at
tbo residence of Air , George J. Stonoy , 1004
North Thirty-tourth street on Thursday
evening. A very line program ofrcritiillons ,
songs , etc. , xvas given , In which Air. George
L. Hurst , Air. J. Shepherd , Aliss Joxvoll
Leader nnd Misb Clara Shepherd xvcro pur-
Hcipiinls , thu Dxcrcitus. bolng highly cnjoynd
by mo company ,
These present xvero : Hov. Paul Matthews.
Air. und Airs. Uussell E. McICelvoy. Mr. and
Airs. Frank B. Thomas , Air. and Airs. E. P.
Caldxvell , Air. anil Airs. Harry Qulne , Air.
mid Al s. E. Nelson , Air. and Airs. George L. , Air. und Mrs. J. Shepherd , Airs. S. E.
Hanson , Airs. \ \ . H. Latoy , Alr . O. Evans ,
Alussrs. Nathan Stevens , Frank Forbes , H. 1C.
Blake , A. S.ovons , C. L. Hopper ,
F. K. Koso , J. J. HuJllold , Henry
Broxvn , Walter Austin , Frank Kiloy ,
H. O. Alunson , Bert Slovens , W.
Hobcrls , W. Talbot , C. W. Hogora , Henry A.
Stonoy-G. F. Stonoy , T. D. Stonoy und J. Al. >
Stoiu'X1. Alissos AlliinioLoesoh , Alary Alycrs ,
Ida E , Blackmoro , Joxvoll Loader. Lois
Alorroll , L. Hadlluld , E. Touziilm , Esther
Arthur , Al. Wilton , Clara Shepherd , lo
Arthur , L. Eitolle , Louise bVovonH , CO
Shepherd , Fannie Dobcrty , Julia Hoburts ,
Al. S. Nelson , Blanche Doherty , J. Al , Hod- .
dor , Alabel Latoy , Loiu Kbony. Nelllo Tal-
hot , Esther lloblnson , Sara Arthur.
Mr. and Airs. Al Powell , 2020 South
Eleventh street , entertained u few of their
friends Friday evening In honor of Airs ,
Lena Wugnor of Chicago nt high Uvo. After
cards cainn a delightful luncheon , und then
dancing lilted out thu lialanco of the evening.
The ladles' llrst prize xvas xvon by Airs. Dave
Parkhurat , the boohy by Airs. William
Parker. The gentlemen's ilrst xvas xvon by {
Air. Freu Nltsche , the second by Mr. W.
B. Clieulc. V.s.
Among these present xvoro : Air. nnd Airs.
Colonel A. L. Lou , Air , und Airs , W. B. I
Check , Air. nnd Airs. James G , Martin , Air.
and Alri. L. T. Martin , Mr , nnd Airs.
William Parker. Air. and Airs. Sol
Hopper. Air. and Airs , T , P. Alahonoy , Air.
und Airs. Elinor Duvis. Air. nnu Airs. A. Ir.T. ,
Slilxvell , Mr * . Dave Purkhurst , Airs. Lena
Wanner of Chicago , Airs. Uogori of Broken
Boxy , Nob. , Alms Lilllo Nllscbe. Aliss Allio
Poxvers , Aliss Purkhunt , Aliss Poxvoil , Air.
Fred N'ltseho. William Anderson , Fred
Jouoi , George licxvcll.
HrrUmuii und Jluvuu.
A very pretty xveddlnic took place on
Thur duy evening , November 10 , at Trii Hy
CRthedral , the contracting parties being Air.
Euifcno D. Heckman and Miss Eflle Ir.U. .
Alasou , Dean Gardner offlclatlue. Quite : a
number of friouds bud rolatlres of thu do
nnd eroom xverc present , nmong whom vroro
Airs. Alexander ot Freeport , 111. , mother of
the groom , and Mrs. Mason , mother of tha
bride , and Aliss Ida Mason , sister of the
bride , who acted as brldosma'dhllo Mr.
W. P. Uogcrs was host man. Aliss
Dosslo Klmblo was maid ot honor and
carried the cushion upon which rested the
xvcddlc ? rlnir. The bndo wa very prettily
costumed In xvhlto silk crepe trimmed with
lace , silver pimp nnd ribbons. Tbo brides
maid , Miss Idn Mason , xvoro a dnlnty goxvn
of plain nnd ( lowered white silk ontrnlno.
The nmld of honor were n pink silk , walking
length. Mrs. Alexander xvoro a costume ot
black velvet nnd lace. Airs. Alason xvas cos
tumed In dove silk xvltn Ince.
An enjoyable farewell party xvus glvou tn
honor of Miss Punrl Skoon , xvho Is about to
leave Wnlntit Hill for another part of the
city , nt the residence of Hav. J. Shields , the
pastor of the Walnut Hill Christian church.
The evening was very onjoynbly
passed with games and other
amusements such ns young people
only can devise. Later In the evening re
freshments xvero served by Airs. Shields , us-
blsted by Mrs , Bailor. The cowpany xvoro
received by Aliss Bailer , xvho wns attired In
a liecomlnt ; goxvn of black , xvhllo Aliss Skoon ,
In xvhoso honor iho party xvns given , xvoro n
Oollcatu couumo of xvhllo xvlth tr.iln.
These present were Allsses Pearl Skcon ,
Llda Bailer , May Shumacber , Jcssio
Hounds nnd Airs. Shields nnd Airs. Bailor.
Tlio young gentlemen present xvoio Hero
Picknrd. Harry Warwick , Frank Shumachor ,
George Andiews. Thomas Bailer nnd Rev.
_ _ _
A I'rctiy liHiichiiiin ,
Airs. Nelson Dennis gave a luncheon last
Wednesday at her homo on south Tonlb
street , in honor of Airs. Hardenburg , xvoo Is
soon to leave her many friends In Omaha und
make the World's fair city her homo.
The homo was prettily decorated
xvlth lloxvors nnd potted plants ,
pink and green predominating. The
hours were pleasantly spent in
playing high live. Covers xvoro laid for
twelve on small tables throughout the par
rtiost * present xvcro Alvs. Hardenburg ,
Mrs. ICauiinann , Airs. Johnson , Airs. Alorso ,
Alts. Butler , Airs. Lewis. Airs. Llovu , Aliss
Tina Kniifm inn , Aliss Carrie Butler , Allsi
Hortonso Smllb , Altsscs Ella and Alary Ale-
( iooiliiiiin und ( iriiiinu-l.
The residence of AIM. U. A. Evans ,
124 Clinton strcot , Brooklyn , N. Y. , xvas iho
scene of n pretty wedding on Wednesday
evening , Nox-ombsr'.i , xvhon her sister , Aliss
Clnrn Al. Grinimel of Brooklyn , N. Y. . xvas
married to Air. Ocnr P. Goodman of this
city by Hov. T. T. Everett , D.D. The par
lors xvoro very prettily decorated xvith
palms nnd chrysanthemums. The bridal
party catered iho rooms nt .1 o'clock
to the strains of the bridal chorus
from "Lohongron , " played by Air.
Charles B. Potlor. The groom , altondod by
his host man , Air. H. A. livans , entered llrst ,
folloxved by the nelco of the brldo , Lillian E.
Mclslahn. as maid of honor. Then came the
brldo leaning upon the arm of her brother.
Air. C. A. Grimmel of Brooklyn. The bride
xvoro n costume of xvhlto silk trimmed xvith
laro and carried the usual bouquet of bridnl
rosos. The mnid of honor xvas nttlrcd In
pale pink cronon and carried n largo bunch
of ohrysanlhomutns.
The newly made couple received the con
gratulations of tholr many fronds aud then
adjourned to the dining rooms , whorn they
partook of refroshinonts served by Brook
lyn's caterer , Alex ICvIe. At 8 o'clock the
bride nnd groom took ihoir departure for an
extended tour through tbo south , arriving ; In
ibis city noout December 1 , xvbero they will
receive their mauy friends at 1605 South
Tenth street.
riiiyml at Cnrdg.
A little impromptu game of high five was
enjoved at tha pretty homo of Mr. nnd Airs.
Charles A. Dean on Saturday evening last ,
there being four tables. Those occupying
plncps xvero Air. nud Airs. Ilurtmnn , Miss
Welch of St. Paul , guest , of Aliss tlartman ;
Aliss Poxvell of Glonxvoo-j , la. , also
truest of Aliss Harttnnn ; Air. nnd Airs. W.
II. Williann , Aliss Alda Mills , Air. Itathlmn ,
Mr. Mullen , Miss Louise Johnson ,
Lul Johnson und Air Fosbonner. The affair
xvns plunnoa for Air. Walter Scolt of DBS
Aloines. guest of Air. nnd Airs. Dean. Beau
tiful prizes xvoro awarded , the winners boinc
Aliss Poxvoll , a beautiful Dresden plaque ,
nnd Air. Lai Johnson , euchre dock case of
Uussla leather , oruamentod with oxydlred
lleur do 11s. Dainty refreshments were
served and the jolly party did not separate
until the small hours.
Olelinitml Her IllrtInliiy.
To cotninemorato her eighteenth birthday ,
the friends nnd relatives of Aliss Katlo Clark
iravo her a surprise party at her residence ,
1IIIO North Twentieth stroot. The tlmo
xvas pleasantly xvhiled nxx'oy in playing
progressive high five , Aliss Gertrude Thorn
ton carrying oft the honors. Shortly before
inldnlcht the guests sat down to an elccrant
repast , nt the conclusion of which the party
broke up. Among these present xvoro :
Alisses Anna Thornton , Gertrude Thornton ,
Ada Gllmore , Anna Shields , Hannah Trost-
ler , Grace t'elton , Agglo Scott. Belle Scott ,
Alary Scott , Hattie Berlin , Minnie Berlin ,
Alaun Aspinxvnll , Alosdames Frleso , Scott ,
Clark and Alessrs. Gus A. Sinlkon , Loulo
TliL-olicko , Earl Croxvdor , Dee Newman ,
Harry Yost , Isadoro Trostlor , Richard
Trostlor. Charlie Asplnxvall , Louto Landdor-
gran , Allnhnal Dee , Buchar Betty , William
Coates , George Fcloso nnd William ClarK.
On Tuesday Aliss Lou Johnson gives a card
party In honor of Miss Welch of St. Paul , Ute
to ( ! .
Air. nnd Mrs , Seavoy entertain at cards
Wednesday ovonlnir.
On Tnursdav Air. and Airs. Jnmcs ICltchon
will open tholr beautiful now homo by a
dancing reception , which of course tvill be
the distinctive nvor.t of the xveek. On the
same evening Air. Locke Richardson will
road the "Aldrry Wives of Windsor , " at the
Linlngnr gallery by request of mnny of our
loading people. Aud to add to the list of
star attractions the Apollo club will give its
llrst concert of the season at Bovd's. '
( 'ulfbrntoil Tholr Annivoraarli's.
Thursday evening Air , nnd Airs. N. P.
Philips nnd Dr. nnd Airs. C.H.Paul cele
brated their txventy-eigblh nnd twenty-second
anniversaries at the residence of Dr. C. H.
Paul , 202'3 Burl street. High five xvas tbo
feature of tbo evening , Air. Ola Larson
and Airs. H. E.Allen carrying off the honors.
Those present xveru Mr. nnd Airs. A.
Traynor , J. A Hungato , O. Larson , C. W.
Lvoti , T. N. Naudal.i. sr. , H. E. Alien , Miss
Alary AlcC'.clland , Aliss Bertha Hungato ,
Air. P. D. Borebford , Air. Clarence Horton ,
Air. T. N. Nnudnln , t. . Air. C. C. Phelps nnd
oud Victor H. Paul.
riition Illll .Social Clnl. .
The mnmbjtM of the club xvoro entertained
by Aloisrs. Smart nud AlacLean , at the
house of Air , nnd Airs. Scrlmgoour Wodnas.
day evening , Cards xvoro the mam feature
of tbo evening , the prizes being xvon by
AlUs Lavldgo nnd Air. George Lavldgo.
After refreshments were soivart the
bers xvoro entertained xvith a musical pro
gram , Aliss Yule gave a fexv selections on
the plnno , and Alias Cornish favored the
company with singing.
There xvoro present Misses Card , Abe
Gnrd , Pantor. L-ivldgo. Durttco , Beomor ,
Yule , Cornish , Wise , Alessrs , Johnston ,
Wise. AlacLean. Pautor. Hull , C. Lavlage ;
G. Lavidge , Smart nnd HotcbkUs.
A Mag I'urly.
In honor of Dr. Bradbury's birthday , Drs.
Grunt and Bradbury entertained n number
nf their gentlemen friends Wednesday at
Twentieth and Farnatn , Tbnro were pro-
seni : Alussrs ' , Aluthows , Buchannnn , Green ,
ICrwln , 'Younger , Brisson , Sxvltzor , Pope ,
Beach , Knouse , Alcyurs , Plcxvell , Woodward ,
Cone , Palmaticr , Bodemau , Clark ana tbo
Mandoline club ,
Orgui , Itfrltul.
The organ recital by Mr. Thomas J. ICollr
Monpay evening , November 21 , at tbo First
Methodist Episcopal church , assisted br
( tome of tbo leading musicians of tbo city ,
Mr . Martin Calm , soprano ; Miss Carrie
Maud Pen nock , soprano ; Air , Luclen D.
Copeland , baritone : Air. J. U. Butler , piano ,
aim Mr , Bun Duller , orgaulst , promltos to
Infants' ' Long Cloaks , Infants' ' Short Cloaks ,
New lot of Ladies'34 inch black Cheviot Jackets , withfull fur collar and facing , regular
value $1O. -
Our price this -week .
wil1 sel1 blue and black Jackets , 36 inches long , made of the finest
quality of chevron cloth , half box style , pearl buttons and half lined ; the
regular price of this garment is $1S.
See our line of plaited back Jackets in tan , brown ,
( Plf ) ( PHO ( RVJO onrl
blue and black , with half belt , also with the new /KV | | m// m//1 rtflM ifn MM
French belt , special values at . YiCI' ' 4 > & VjJAU UUU Up
Ladies looking for something new should see our new mantles , 45 to SO inches long.
These are the very latest. Call and see them.
Gjt y Misses' Jackets in pretty mixed brown Scotch tweed , all wool , made in the very new-
J5 f est style , regular price $1O.
Ladies' ulsters , in mixed goods , also in tans and blues , with military capes , hoods
and plaited backs , are growing more popular as the season advances. Our 19
low prices sell them. See our line at $19 , regular price
bo qulto an event In musical circles. Mr.
Kelly Is an organist of considerable ability
and gives promise of becoming ono of tbo
eminent players of the country , with study.
Tha program , which Is attached , shows to
advantage and is an earnest of a very de
lightful evening musically.
Ovoit tire Son Ira nildd. ' Uosslul
Serenade lonson
, iilo Mrs. .Martin Calm
Solectlon ' . . . . . . . .Tour do Mondu
Mlepro Molto I'rotn iho Concerto In t )
Minor Mendelssohn
.Mr. J. E. llntler and organ.
b nigVlniN Choru , f Tannlmusor W , nor
Arrancrd by Oliircnco Eddy.
I'Aitr n.
Overture Holioinhui ( ili'l Halfo
Cantllono Nuptlalu Dnliols
Solo Israfol Oliver King
Mr. Miclcn II. Cnpolnnd.
Porenata Mosklowglil
lnterme//o I'rom Cuvallorin IdistliMiin
Miss Carrie Maude I'cnnook.
( Violin obllsrato , Mr. Hurt. Duller , with
piano and organ acroinplainont.
Coronation March Moyorbeor
The Apollo Club Cnnoert.
The Apollo club has planned three con
certs for this season , and the first of them
will bo given at the Boyd thonter next
Thursday evening. The first part will consist -
sist of "Tho Crusaders , " a fine work by
( ! alo. The soprano will bo token oy Aliss
Uorthn Uayloss , an Omaha favonto who has
had the advantage of Instruction from aule
teachers In the east since her former appearance -
anco here , and there will bo great interest
in her singing. The toner will bo Air.
Charles A. Kuorr , whose excellence is so
well known hero that it ncods no vouchlnir.
The second half of the proirram will nave
part songs by the club ns its principal
feature , and there will also bo solos by Aliss
Huvliss , Mr. Knorr nnd Air , Hurt Huller ,
The Apollo club Is not n money making or-
ganlznlion. I Us members are engaged in the
patriotic labor of training singers in the best
class of music and of presenting the llnost
harmonics of the masters to the public. It
is thus performing a service which other
wise would bo neglected , and is an active
fqrco in stiinulailng and shaping iho culture
of Omaha in ono of the dlvlnnst of arts. The
members give their tlmo and money freely to
this work without recompense , and while it
is trua that they reap much benelH them
selves , It Is also trua that tne city ewes them
a debt of gratitude and should give- them a
hearty support.
Olnrd Hie
Mr. T. 1C. Sud borough , who was ono of
Air. Dave Alorcer's most enthusiastic sup
porters In the recent congressional fight ,
honored that gontiomnn by a supper last
evening nt his homo , WO South Twenty-sixth
avenue. In addition to the geutlomnn who
won so signal a victory In tbo battle of thu
ballots on Tuesday worn his other republican
friends , H. II. Hoblson , chairman of the
congressional committee ; A. S. Churchill. T.
D , Crane , roprosentatU'o.pjont ; J. L. ICaloy ,
the now county attorney ; U. C. Akin , one of
the successful candidates for the school
boarJ , and Alderman " \ \ , F. Hochol.
The following mend..Will toll the story of
what H good tlmo was tiud after the "wal
nuts nnd the wine : "
Oye-itcrs uiolatf Shell.
> * I celery.
Uulllon In Cups.
10 1 French Uolli.
Oysters Senllopoa. . ) Hatitorna.
Quail on Tonst , . „ .
with ASnlo Jolly. Clare * .
Saratoga Chips and 'Asrtiruiruj. '
v UilMtorHtilud.
Ice Cream , f/nkor /
UufoNplr ,
Turiilny Clijb flrganltoil ,
The Tuesday EvempVi ard club xvas or
ganized last Tuesday evening at 1(524 ( North
Txvcuty-second street , the residence of the
Alissos Glacomlul , xvlth tbo following mem
bers : Alissos Haskell , Bnuman , G. Buumun ,
Boyco , Klcn , N. Hlch , IClnsler , Glacotnlul ,
C , Glacomml , Alossrs. ICnouse , Palmatier ,
Groou. Boss , Alyers , Woodxvard , Bradbury ,
Pope , Allllor.
Whrre W * Are At.
Mrs. Ellis Blorboxver xvent to Chicago Alon
day ,
Mr. Chris Butler returned from bis tour
of the llockles last week.
Air. and Mrs. Harry A , Lee of Beatrice
woio in the city this week ,
Mrs. A. U. Wymnn has gene to Washing
ton , called there br the illness of a sister ,
Mrs. Frank Mlllspaugh u visiting her
mother , Mrs. Robert Clarkson , for a wojk or I
ten days.
Mr. L. Tobias and daucbtor of Noxv York
are here nn a visit to Airs. AI. Levy at her
residence , 201)7 ) Dodge street.
Lloutonunt nnd Airs. Guv Hoxvard and
Miss Woolxvorth xvoro oxpeoiod to nrrivo In
Noxv York yesterday.
Mrs. O. Al. Carter has returned from
North Plattc , xvhero she visited her daugh
ter , Mrs. Nexvt Barkalow.
Air. and Airs. William Wyman arrived
homo yesterday and until tholr house Is com
pleted xvill remain ut the Paxton.
Airs. AI. T. Irwm of Chicago Is visiting liar
niece , Airs. A. Lewis , at the Alndlson. Airs.
Loivis is nn aunt of President Harrison.
Aliss Alollio Alumnugh nf Chicago is in the
city visiiing her brother , Air. W. P. Mu-
maugh , 1117 South Thirty-second street.
Air. and Airs. Nathan Shelton of Annap
olis , Aid. , nrrivoa in Omaha balurdnv morn
ing and nro the guests of Hon. nnd Airs. W.
J. Council ,
The program of the Catholic Alutunl Bono-
lit association parly for next Tuesday evening
nt Nexv Metropolitan ball xvill commence
at S.'IO prompt.
The Alissos Hornberger have just returned
from a visit to Dunlap , la. , whore they were
the guests of tbo family of Mr. and Airs. J.
B. Patterson.
At the xveddlng of Aliss Yost and Air.
Offut , xvhlch takes place December 22 , Aliss
Clara Broxvn , Alhs Besslo Yntos nnd Aliss
Suerxx'ood xvlll be bridesmaids , Aliss Nash
tbo maid of honor.
Mr. Thomas L. Belden , who xvas chief
clerk at the Hotel Orleans , Spirit Lake , last
summer , has taken n similar position xvlth
tbo Park hotel at Hot Springs , ArK.
General Brooke , accompanied by Captain
Ayers , Lieutenant Quay , Mr. Al Patrick , Air.
John Collins nnd Air , John Patrick , lott
Wednesday for n hunt in the Big Horn
mountains , north Wyoming.
AlUs Hornberger xvlll soon leave for Cin
cinnati , O. , xvbcro she xvill attend the xved-
diue of her cousin , Aliss Marie Louise
Koohlor. to Air. Chester Hbid Miller , xvhlch
occurs Thanksgiving at high noon.
.Miss Edith Klmball of Denver Is the guest
this xvintcr of bor undo und aunt , Mr. und
Airs. T. L. Klmball , nnd xvill spend hur tlmo
In musical studies xvith bor cousin , Aliss
ICiinball , under her aunt , Aliss Honors ,
Air. and Airs. A. C. Poxvoll entertained
BOmo of their friends at the residence , 19J2
Locust street , Wednesday evening. Pro
gressive high llvo xvns tbo diversion xvltb
conversation and refreshments as tbo sup
plementary feast.
Airs. James Boxvlo gatro a delightful party
Tbursdav evening In honor of Aliss Alablo
Boobo and Aliss Hancocit. Alias Hcobo is
from Brooklyn , N. Y.nnd spending tbo xvln-
tor xvith Airs , Captain Hevnolds of Florence.
MUs Hancock from College Springs , Iu. , is
vlsltlup Alias Boxvio at Ib'J'i Ohio street.
At tha annual business matting of the
"Creche , " the folloxvlnir Indies were aloot'-d
fortxvu yours on the board of directors ;
Airs. Thomas L. Kimball , Airs , Adolpb
Meyer , Airs. A , D. Alorso , Airs. Thomas
Kllpatnck. Airs. Bon Barrows , Airs , F. W ,
Wesscls , Airs. P. O. Hnivos , Airs. James
AlcKonua , Airs. A. Walker , AIM. G. AI.
A vorv ' quiet ceremony at the residence of
Mrs. H.'D. Smith , Aldino square , Chicago ,
on Alonday evening , November 7 , at Op. in. ,
united in marriage Mra. Annette C. Iloim-
baugh und Air. Addison L. Carter , both of
Omaha , Dr. Duryea otllciatlng. Air. and
Mrs. carter xvill be at homo after November
20 al250'J Farnam utroot.
The ladles , of the Trinity Cathedral Parish
Aid society xvlll hold a bazar on the 7ih and
8th of December in Iho Katngo block. A
great many beautiful articles suitable far
Christmas' presents xvlll bo for sale , A novel
feature xvlll be the 60-oont table , xvboro 100
articles for that small sum will ba on sale.
Lunch xvill bo served each day frem 12 to 2.
Wednesday evening a very quiet xveddlng
took place at tne residence of Air. John A.
Wakoilold , the contracting parlies bolng
MUs May Perry of St. Joseph , AIo. , nnd Air.
Charles W. Branch of Lincoln. Nob. Tno
brldo Is a cousin of Mrs. Wakotleld , and ,
having visited hero several times has a largo
circle of acquaintances xvbo xvlll be pleased
to bear of hur happiness ,
The lady managers of the World's Fair
headquarters have recently received n line
piece of xvood carving from Aln , Anna Field
Cameron ot Omaha. It Is a large oak panel
Intended for tbo interior decorations of the
woman's building at Jackson park. In the
center of l-.e design Is the state "inblom , nnd
this Is surrounded by a pattern of acorns and
palms. Tbo word "Nebraska" it carved
just boloxv the American ouglo and ut tbo
ba&o of tbo panel , the natno ot the designer.
Mrs. William Wallace entertained iu a
oUurming and Inform * manner Wednesday
afternoon > in honor of Airs. McIColl and AlUs
, AIoKell. ' Cards wore the chief amusement
of the afUjrnoon. Those present were : Airs.
Henry Yates , Mrs. I'ritchott , Mrs. Howard
Smith , Mrs. Coutant , Mrs. Patrick , Airs
Joseph Barker , Air * . Yost , Airs. Lev ! Carter
Airs. Gallagher , Airs. AlcCornick , Airs. AIc-
Guskell , Airs. C. F. Alundurson. Airs. L. ivl.
Bennett , Airs. WossoU , Airs. W. L. Curti" ,
Airs. James McIColl.
Alayor Hemls entertained the following
mayors and their wives during the oporn
season : A. H. Wi-ir and wife ol Lincoln and
Henry D. Hoyden of Grand Island on Tues
day cvenlnc ; ' - ' . AI. Butler , nmvor of Piatls-
anouth , and AI. B. Alurphv , president of the
Plattsmoulh city council , on WuJuosdnv ; O.
II. Phillips and wifooC Dual rice and Divid
Shupbach and wife of Columbus on Thurs
day. Tbo following , newspaper ini'n wore
nlsn his guests : E. A. Brown and wife , Nn-
brasUa City Press , Wednesday ; Uo s L.
Hammond "nnd wife , Fremont Tribune , Fri
day ; Fred Huddu and wife , Grand Inland
Independent , andV. . N. Ituseo and wife ,
Isorfolk News , Saturday.
Constipation cured by Do Witt's Early
A KV <
A. ( I. U.Y. .
Five assessments for 189'J Is iho record of
tbo Ancient Order or United Workmen In tbo
grand jurisdiction of Nebraska. This rccora
Is unprecedented In the annals of bonollclary
assoclailons throughout the world. The
growth of the order has Dceu correspond
ingly .marvelous. Nebraska Workmen at
tribute It all to three important ( actors :
First , the untiring energy of Grand Alastor
Tatc and his associates In the grand lodgu
.Second , the material admitted to its mom-
Third , the glorious climate of Nobrasicn.
The olghl lodges of thu Omanas nro all In
n probpcrous condition , ino growth of each is
healthy nnd the records excellent.
On Alonday evening North Omaha lodge ,
No. Ifi ! ) , vt ill celebrate the third anniversary
of its existence in its commodious rooms hi
Goodrich hall , with nn elaborate program ,
wnlch will bo free to { numbers' families and
invited guests. No. l.'i'J now numbers IT ) ' , !
members , in which are represented forly-
sovoii of Iho iraJes , professions nnd occupa
tions. The Dagroo of Honor lodge , in con
nection with No. 150 , will bo instituted on
November 2s with < K ) charter members.
Brother O. H. Ballou delivered nn Inter-
osllng address on "Home Induslrles" before
lodge No. 18 Thursday evening.
Efforts to oriranliQ a Degree of Honor lodge
among the members and their families are
proving quilo uiccossful.
Union Pacillo lodge No. 17 hold a highly
successful meeting Friday night In tbuir
room , Continental building , for ino purpose
of organising a Degree of Honor lodge ,
which object was attained with iho most Mat
tering results , the list showing blxty
names as charter members. The moot
ing was called to order by Alastor
Workman AlcAlullon , mm uftsr wel
coming all present and thitr.king Iho mem
bers of Upchurob lodge No. 2 of South
Omaha for tbfllr help and attendance , tlio
first part of the entertainment provided for
by the committee was plvon by Air. \ \ illlum
Wolff and daughter , who played Alondols-
sohn's "Midsummer Night's Dream , " u
a pluno duet , and wore followed by
a little girl who gave a very
pleasing recitation of "Airs. AlcCarthy's
Party , " which was excellently jjlvon. Fol
lowing this came Brother Butler , grand lec
turer of the Dsgroo of Honor , who ut length
sot forth the advantages and benefits of tbo
organization and urged tnoso present to nejn
and organise the lodge as the banner ledge
of thu stntu , ana In less than thirty minutes
sixty names wore enrolled and moro to co'iio.
The Omaha quarteltn then delighted tboie
present with some of tbelr choice songa und
bad to respond to several recalls.
Brother AlcLuhertv then gave two of his
recitations to tbo uollglit und amusement of
the audience , In closing the mooting the
committee was continued to muko arrange
ments for procuring a hall and notify signers
of place of mooting nnd mane all necessary
arrangements for the organization of the
lodge. ,
Union 1'aelflo lodge No. 17 , together with
othur lodges and those of North Omaha ,
gave a surnrlso visit to No. US last Tbursdav ,
which was' enjoyed by all , and most so by US.
All present had a good time , and no doubt
these timely , fraternal visits and Mctunircs
of views , as to the "good of the order , " will
result favorably to all who lake part ,
Order or the Kuttern Hlur.
A most delightful social wai given Thurs
day evening , November 10 , at too
of Mrs. Huth Hogers , Thlrty-sovonth and
Ames avenue , by the ladles of Vesta chap
ter , Order of the Eastern Star , ind nn ele
gant lunch wus served by Air * . Rogers.
Those present were Airs. Davis , Airs.
Straxvn. Airs. Snyors. Air * . HoOorts , Airs.
JulTrios , Airs. Anderson , Airs. Whitmarsb ,
Alishus Wilde , Anderson , Cora und Kdith
S.I.VITS , Blum , JolTrlcs , Atessrs. Davis ,
Savor , Hnllignn. O'Brien , Newton , Unit-
marsh nnd Jeffries.
Nohliis of tlio MyHtlrSlirlne.
Tha institution of the Nija temple at Daad-
wood n fortnight ago Is still Iho talk among
the nobles who had the pleasure of attending -
ing the initiatory services. In many respects
It was thn most .successful Installation over
performed by the ancient and Arabic order ,
Iho parade of the shrlnors and tbo novltatos
being one of the distinctive foatuios
nf the visit. The costumes and robns worn
bv tbo visiting shriners nnd Ihoolllcor.sof lha
new temple were reminiscent of thuPharaohs
of old , nnd Deadwood wont wild over tha
visit of tha Orientalists. The banquet was a
feature of the occasion , too , nnd was served
in the council chamber of the city hall , nnd
the members of Tangier shone In tbo role of
orators i nnd after dinner talkers.
Tnngior temple was represented bv
C. K. Dayton , C. II . Pickonn , W. A. Page ,
\V. D. Alathows. L. Al. Anderson , Henry
Gibbons , J. L. Paul , A. O. ritum. W. H. AIo-
Cann , J. II. KOVCP " , Gustavo Andersen , L. B.
Shepherd , C. S" Potter , 1 1. A. Knstman , B.
D. Smith , H K. French , H. J. Allen , Charles
ICIoroan. Sosostrls toniplu of Lincoln had
present I. P. Holknao , D O. Kngllsh , II. H.
Palmer , C. A. Arnshergor , I1' . .1. SwltL \ O.
Hurst. C. C. lllltcnhousc. AI. II. Garten , F.
AI. Glenn , F. Al. Kills , . ! . H. Alnurlllus , S.
W. Harris. W. AI. Cllne. II. W. Hvnrott , S.
W. Wiulsworth , A. Al. Wright , J , W. Tami
moll , S. It. Dolbv , James Tyler , B. H.
Hogole , A. K. Kommrd , W , C. Davis , 10. O.
Webster , O. P. Dlnges , F. J , Blokor , C. L.
IClco. _
KnlglilN ol I'ytliliiH.
Mars ledge No. I'M , Kulijlits of Pythias ,
hold tholr regular mauling nt tholr hall ,
Thirtieth nonr Brown slrcot , Wednesday
evening , with Chancellor Commander Glad-
nlsoh presiding. There was a largo attend
ance of members present and the utmost
good fellowship prevailed. Tlio first ranit
was conferred on Air. Albert N. Whlstlnr
and Archie Duoberr.v. ' 1 ho second rank will
no conferred on tbaso iwo candidates on
next Wednesday evening. Alars ledge Is
progressing finely with its work of P.vthlan-
lain. An Invitation Is oordlally extended to
members of thu order to attend at Die meet
ings of Alars lodgo.
Knyiil NolglilHtr * r America ,
The head udlccrs and a tonm of iho Hoval
Neighbors nl Amonca will on Wednesday
evening glvo the boniitlftl Moor wor'f ' of our
order U ) all head ofllcors , dolOKiitos and their
wives nt head camp mooting free of charge
for the purpose of showing thorn the xvorlt ,
nnd thus try to onllst them to help woodcraft
nnd its nolilo work.
Tlio ( Jiilolii'nt Wny to Cnrn n C'nlil ,
Do you wish to know the quickest way to
cum n cold ) Wo will toll you. To euro a
cold qulcklv It must ba treated before the
cold has become nettled In the nykloin. The
llrst symptoms of n cold Is a dry , loud cou n
unQ snoczltitr. The oou h Is noon followed
by watery expectoration and tbo sneezing by
n profuse \vatory disonargo from the nose.
In severe cases thi-ro Is a thin whllo coating
on the toaguo. What to del It Is only nec
essary to lake Cbambarlaln's Cough Kumodr
m douhlo doMn every hour. That will
grcatlv lesson the sevorltv of thu cold und in
manv'cisns will effectually counteract It , nnd
cure what would have boon a Eavuro cold
within ono or two days' tlmo. Try it and bo
convinced ; 25 and 50 cant bottles lor nalo by
Air. rolllu * ' ( Iroiinil Hog Uiu ,
Air. G. Collins of Twenty-fifth nnd Cumlnir
street was arrested November 1 for main
taining a uulsanco nnd lined $ " > and costs ,
Ho gave notice of appeal and was given tlmo
In which to tile a bond. Falling to do so ho
was rearrested yesterday and In formed
by the jndgo that patience had ceased to bo
a virtue and that ho co-jld not Jnavu the
room until the money was paid. Then Air.
Colllos rose up on hli hind foot and an
nounced that ho was willing to go to Jail and
stay there until a very warm locality froze
over , If tbnt was tbo talr and square justice
of tills land of liberty. He bad no money to
make sewer connections and If that was tbo
law It xvas a ground bog case bo would ba
compelled to go to jail ,
The Judge Intimated that the mayor mlaht
romlt the line ( aud Mr , Collins woul torlb U ,