Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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1 1 rtrce ! y rsrrirr tnnr pvt of Ui tflty
' ' ' nftonicft.
. "
1)11 IlifM-
, Nirllt rxlltor
t cir'P I li-fK Lumber Co-
UPV S A 'ftnOer ' ha& .old hi * residence
tt J.I 1 t vMb avenue and has tnovud to _ 01
Hast I > r .adttav . in order u > be near the S v
oc J I'resbj'er an church , of wbicb be is tbe
I M Trcvr.or. crand repeat of tbe Hornl
Aruuutn fur tot state of low * . s > cnt out
thur ers u > ihree now councils which have
J-sl bi-ei ) ' rrat"d at Mnouotcln , Dubuqne
nt J C e > ar HIJ.AOS
J rank i o nor. the Ner > ) a innn who was
incd fc i ire . ' . t.ce hammer tome lime ao
on tLcchurrr of coamiliutii : aaultery with
Mr * Im.lunes ulso of that place , bonnd
i > er tbe pr od Jury und placed under f S-.JO
Marriace . "prisr * were issued to the follow-
irtr pari''s te .i * rdav .latncs Oooduin ano
Miiv I ur'"r oi Omaha , Charles 'l arvef elI
I * juawaKatni'1 rojnty , and Atny Hutohoroff
cif a iiotn oonpies were inarrlPd by
,1E' < tr Hotrtncr.
HfT ar tnoennc of t } M DoJtre catnn ,
> o Ju i sntis ol Veterans , toalcht at 7 . : u
JX\CTV member ts requested to be
a bu inesi ol importunes doinand *
nttettion Ut order of H J
Tutb r Mattery , a reformed Catholic
pries' , d" ivcrod tu addru-s last cveninc to
mon or.y . ou the subject of the Catholic
ii'itlor Mrs Siaiury enteratucditi ! audi
ence ol ladies Qurinc the ullcruoon Lar e
nuJiercr" were nrosent on both occasions.
Tbo lVinctitUoid child of T. M Martlton.
\ ; ho I ves. ut T . . ' Aveuue A , ci"t witn n sevtro
uccldCDt last i \ UILR. It full from u chair to
the floor rcccivinc utfrnulecut on the head.
It was unorKca almost , sausele s and will not
bo CD tire.v oji of daugor lor several days ut
The l ounril niuK ! Hoirlac association
nil , cHin partv nt H * > yal Arcanum hall on
the Wcduesaav cveniucr bsfors Thanls-
rlvititr I he jcces'i ' ot the partie ? that this
orpanizainn bus civen in the past inolcatcs
that It \ \ < be rino of ths events of the social
Ovide A ipn has ucceoded in cpttine the
returns fiom the township election tu all tno
ts , pxeptinr the second ol tno
frecjc Tifth uud Sixth lla rlaim that ho
has a tnnjontv jjf H. > in all the precincts ,
from which be has received returns , and that
the ot"er precincts will increase his inujor-
Jtv \ \er s name wns tcratcbea. it is said ,
more then nn > other republican candidate on
the republics ' ticket , so that tin Uaitn is
looKoit upon by the other candidates as an ir.-
aication that the whole republican ticket
was elected.
Mrs Clara VVtiittol was arrostnd yes
terday aid brought before .lustico ilammer
on the charrc of joundinp up her sister ,
Mrs .Tot.i son Both families wcro in
coL-rt , tocetbor with ull the ncighborf , und
the scene in the court room was an animated
one. The liDbiiliiics. uere renewed us FOOD
us the two cotnSatuuts "Ot their eve ou one
ntiother Mrs .Toha Buru , u neighbor , who
ivas more or less mixed ut > in the fracas ,
pounced unnn a iLilJ-eyod ticvrspaper man
v.ho was tjuictlv talunc in the fun , and
clcuchinp her list , remarked qjite nudiblv.
"If you say anvthiM ; about mo in the paper
] II Dltick boib of vour 03 PS for vou " Jus
tice Hummer Cnally put an end to the fun bv
plr.ntlng himself hot ween the irate fetnalos
and ordering theni to leave hl office. They
left btiluuibooi baud this alternooa at U
when be case \viil bs tried.
Constipa'ion cured by Do Witt's Earlv
luiil.rts nt Hi n ISniton vtnro.
rc fully prepat-cd for this cold
map find n.ivo tirovidcd for tbo com
forts iitlfl-nnnt- the pooplf , and before
ltiffii { , ' nnytblug in this line visit tbo
] > u- > ton Store.
\Ve quote you n few prices to ffive .vou
FOino ideu of vbnt we are doing in tbib
line All bluDkcU bougbt from manu
facturers direft.
10 4 grey b'anl.els ' To ; 10- extra xveijrht
Jl 2o and &l."ji ) ; 10-4 extra jrood value
& 1 r , < ) ana SZOtU 1M : ill wool blant.ets.
line j-urc , $400. $4.iI3 uud Vi 00 ; 11-4
extra flno wool blankets , large frtze ,
etrict j all wool , J.j.00. 5-5.70 and $0 CKI.
Potatoes for eale in lots of from five
buslic s un. \V. S. Ilouier , ij Main
Boston stor < > closes every evening at 0
p. in. , uuU'Ss Monanys and Saturdays.
M-i trfsiry ISo Kftaineil.
A tnePtinc of the board of cirrclors of the
You tip Men s rnnuian association was held
Tbar ! > aay e oiinc. Bi- unanimous consent
J I Koto wno lias filled tbo ottlce of general
iocrctari so occptably for tbo past year ,
was re-cniracod for auotLcryoar. Arrange
ments wcie inajo 10 start clashes in pym-
nasiuti ) work for business men and j ounc
jncn Noxembcr 21. It was alsodocidtd to
ucpolnt u criniuittee for tbe purpose of rais
ing tT'O oiu aetit urocr vthk-u tbo ussscialion
has OCPD laboring for so Ion ? .
Next week will bo observed by tbeuisocia-
UOT as n week of pra > ( ! r for younp mon.
Meotlncs will bo nelcl every eveninc , except
ing TbursUav , in the roicis for men
On Tbursdny evoDiiiR therd will be a union
service in ttio 1'roibytenun church , with an
oduroks. bv Ksv. Stopuen Pbojps , and a
conJial invitation will t > e extended to both
Indus aud gentlemen to bo present.
Plies of people have nues , out UaWitt's
Wltuu lla/l ; salvo will euro them.
Handsome new ingrain carpets arriv
ing-dm j ul tha Council ISIutli Carpet
rumpurix is 1'rices of carpats are jroinsr
up dully but tbo old priues uill remain
in force this vooli.
Tbo A H T. Uo. has added two now
li ic-Us to its lo-cu and will answer calls
nt all liour . diiy or ni 'bt. . Telephone
179 ; oIUcc , S Main blreot.
The Ridiant novelty bass burners
nro the boat heato.-s in tha city. Saa
thorn at Swaiue's.
JuJson , civil onjrinoa" , 323 Br-cudway
Ite Ki-turniHl to > rir ViirU
An ofllccr from HDcbeater , N. i * , arrived
in ibe city yesterday and idontiiioi .1. Craiv-
ford , who is in tbe caantv Jill , at 030 of tne
t-uveu mon who sawjJ their way out of tbe
K jcbester J ill OP tbs ulshtof September
Crawford bad been Jailed in the tlrU piuci
icr lireakluc into a church and ttculiiie a lo
of plate. On conviction he wns &eui to tu <
reform school , bat us soon uw t was ro
leaked be icpaatod the ofJente and wti
bvxaltlnr trial on tbe uffenco when hi
routnved to ekcapp. He IB no v uuder in
dicltnonl for jatlbrnukius and will ba tanei
back to New York todur. A reward of f.V
bad been oSerod for bis csptura aud n cbucl
Tor toe nmcunt was ctvea vostrrday ti
Onicer Wyatt snd Deputy Marsbul Toivlcr
who madt ) ttie trrctL.
Uyou have piiet DsWti1Vitnh Here
lalve will tvreiy cure you.
Coal nnd wo' > d ; best aad ohenpos
Missouri hard wood In the city ; promo
delivery. II .V Cox. No. 4 .Main.
Gentlemen , tbo finest jlna of ull sroodi
Jn the city , jus-t rojeivod. Uelter. ths
tailor , S10 Btoadwaj.
The penuino Burr Oak ttaves are sole
tn'yby Chas. Swaiua , 7S7 Broad wuv ,
Call and see them ,
I0ti30 ! > le In this city usa ii stove :
1 he G.IS Oa puts 'em in at oust.
Boo those oil heutori at SwuineX 73
DemosraU Htre A1rew3j Berlin tbe
SortnUe f r Oiias.
A pirnit for thp I'o'HIon and lliflr I'nlU
\ip3lnlini'iit | Kemitmlcd n >
lar 1) < ti-HI Tour < > l the Mo > t
1'roiiilin Ht . \ | ilrant .
l > er siBit last \Vedno dar tnortilni ? at 1
o'cloci : the dcaocr.iis of Council Bluffs bare
b"tu bosliy enraced la tryinc to ns ie the
* nccescr to Post master I. M Trey nor. This ;
ofilce , with its salary of f.'i.ODO a year , and
tbe prestlcc 11 plve tbe holder , u one very
much soucLt after by the tolitlcians , and
there is likely to ba some rrciat vme-pullibc :
bstxveen now und next fail , wben Trcynor's
tfrffl expires So far lour applicants hare
been hoarfl ft am , vtitb a prospscl of others
turbine op from time to time. Kx-Cobsre&s-
man Tbomat Ltawman is ilioucht by inanv to
have tbe insidn track , from tbe fact tbut
be hold tbe position under Cierelnod's
first uamtnislratun. Judge ! K r. Mttiw ,
boivcver , is mentiobod ftcqucntly from bis
bavin p made the rare for cohere v ion al bob nr ,
bbd bis friends claim tb'it be should be favored
xvnh the appointment in compansation for
bis defeat S. B Wadsnorth , rhalrman ot
tbo cnuniy centtal commiUec , unil Ira F.
llct dnrk * . w-oio term of ofliee as county
auditor einires with tbe jcur. are also
understood to bo candidates tor tbe place
Ail four of thes9 centlomea have upen protn-
inoat in local politic * , arid when liffbtninc
finally strikes the vitim is nnt apt to bi tar
awav fioin one or tb ; other of Ibem.
We often hear people say tbere is onlv one
peed cnucb modicioo und that is Dr Bull's
Coujh brrup , the Boocltic for cold.
Hosiery nt the Boston Store. No mat
ter what kind of bowery you want ; you
arc sure to find it at our counter. This
1ms lontr been nn uckDow lodged fact
amo ip the jioop'.e of Counjil Bluffs und
surrojndintr country.Vo endetnor to
make tbU denarttnont eornnU-te In pery
respect and think now with our fall line
of onys smd royul stainless hosiery , it is
01 e of ibe flneU lines and bastassort od
btok in western Iowa.
\Vo have just rtc-eived seventeen cases
of fall hosiery which wo have 'put on
s > iile. and invite your inspection.
Pull Mzod uool hose in ribbed and
plain at 10c and UOca pair. As usual
wo have made reat etlorts to ? 3t the
best vilue po = sloli3 for 25o. % Ve think
we havesucpfpded aud are prepared to
show three different makes , ribbed ,
plain and ribbed top.
Other bargains in wool hoe at 'Uc
and life a pair.
Iinnoiied cashmoreboro in bath Goi-
ma i and English makes : we chow in
both blades and colors at 45c , 50e , Obc
TJC and 95ca puir.
A full asr-ortment of Uepc'il in ladie ,
misses' and children's- , prices ranging
from SOP to 50c a ptiir.
R , W. AT Co. , Bo-ton > to-c.
Council Blulls , la.
I.d. tim Tour Inilhin.
.Tohn Oien is the nume of an Indian now
in tbo city jail ube has quite a ttory to tell.
He was a inembT of Buffalo Bill's comoauy ,
and has been sll over the world. While In
Chicago he bad the misfortune to ia.ll in
with a man \\bo gave biui d b'c ; drink ot fire
water , wbicb left him ia a rather misty con
dition mentally. Wbon bo came to himself
be found that he was in Council Bluffs
minus an over-oat and all but r cents of
SIM iv til cb be baa when he started out. Ue
is unable to work on account of an injury bo
received some tune ago by bovine a boi o
full ou him and brenK his shoulder So be
spends all day in jail , wbilo his fello > v-pns-
oueis co out anil cultivate tbe paved & runts
Yesterday when tbe prisoners were brcujbt
baelt to tbe jail for clinn r Lo lav 13 bis
berth with his blanket tut-ked snur'y ' about
his ears , while tbo llro in tbe stove had pone
out. The man xvho aiscoverod tbe outness
ot tbo fire woke bim up end ascoa tim why
he did not put on more coal H ben the fire pot
low. He waned up louc cnoucb to mutter.
Me no put on coal ; stjuaw pot coal , " nnd
resumes bis dream.
An honest pill is tue noblest neil ; of tbe
hpotbecary. Uett ill's Little Earl } Risers
cure constipation , Ulioususas and sickheud-
Beautiful nen fancy chenille table
cover ? , the latest ue thit-p of the season -
s-on , at the Council Blut's Carpet Co.'s.
Instead of bettiut' a hat on election
wnjrer one of those handsome low-priced
wine or brandy 3ets at Lund Bros.
Lost Wednesdny , pair of jlasseb with
side braces. Return Bee ollice.
ilentk * Itound Tablr.
The round table of tbe superintendents ol
public schools of fcoulbwcslorn Iowa , com i-
menced their semi-annual SOSMOU last even ,
inp nt tbo superior cuurt room. A rood ,
sized uudlecps was present , composed
larireiy of tbe teuchers in tbo city schools ,
together wllb otbers who were interested u
educational matters. \ \ . liell of Bedford
presided , ui.d Miss Amelia Bender o ;
tbis city acted us becrotarr. A
lively little till was Ibe first tbinc on thi o
procram , btt\oen Superintendent Sawyer o
Council Bluffs and some of tbu o'.bn
members of the association , ou the quesnut
ol whether the secretary at tbe last mej ia f
had wntten up tbe ra.nute * of tbo meeting
in ace rdunce T > . h the fact * ir wb fa * pr 1
ci'bcc.\id ; .r t rs f r hat tbrv miphl b ve
b"tn J'icT Sawyer coctcbdet that the
minute * wrre t ot correct t > ut he was ot i j
Humoured and tbry were a otvcd to remain I
* they were Tbetubjfct'Jbe Valun of |
School KihlMtA , " nai ttifermkily dlscutMrd
al some It-npth.
Alter tbe ditcni-tion tbe tneotiec d-
Jourtted to tbe fmrlors ef the Or and hoi el ,
ubere a reception was pivcu in bvnor of tbe
visitors A tflea < t tit social rventar tras
stbU tbe procram belsp varied
by areens oJ musical el ctttms i r
some of tbe pupils of tbe Ulch
school. Se siotsvill be held at
vo'cldrV ibi * moniinp and 1 . 'Kt tbis after
noon st Ue Mich f cbool buiidioc , and all
wbo are Interested in educational affairs are
iovitid 10 be present.
Atnotic those wbo are pre ebt from n dis
tance are tbe followibpV. : . Hell of Borl-
ford. W. T. Chevalier of lied O K. J. P.
I'lfcrl : of ( " .ortiinp , .1 C. Klnp of Hambtirp.
O. It Patrick ol ( ileiiwojd , J. L Lslrd ot
Htnerson. L IL lUmiltob cl Tabor a.d :
1'nbcipal Coudit of Hed Oak
C&tarrb tb tbe bead is a PObstllutlonal
diionsp , and requires a cob Ututionai remedy
like HODO'K Saisapariila , to rffret & cjie.
Get vour ( leveianfl celebration burn * ;
Bt .1. D. CroiU eH's.Ill Broadway. Jap
InnVe'-tis at cost. Mail orders promptly
Q led.
Ten shares capital stoolt Citizens Rtnto
banK for sale. II H. Shcafe.
Mr folliincil l
A nutnbi'r of stories are afloat which co to
show that the new AubtrilUn ballot tysietn
is bet so fully ubderstooa as it mipbt be
Gt-orpe VV. Cjlllson , a well known politician
of Harlan. is the hero , or rather the viclitn ,
of one of the latest Hs spat a Urcc sbaro
ol his lime for several rt-ivs before election
in circulating : around araons Ibe democratic
voters of his beipabsrbond instructicp them
bo'v to Vnte. "Don't do anv scratcbinr ;
vote tbefctraipht democratic ticket and you
won't have any trouble , " was tbe burden of
bis ndvicc.
On tbe day after election be cams arrows
one oi tbe mcb xvbo bad beloLped to bis class
in politic * . "Well , .lobn , hoxv did you vote ! "
\\-ut his question. John was n foreirner aud
did not understand tbe l uclisb laupuape
very well , b'ut be reollod , " 1 voted just as
vou told me : never put a mar , ; on the ticket ;
voted straight democratic ticici "
" \Vbai" ' sl.neked Cullison , "you out a
cross iu tbe circle , didn't yu , you blanked
fool ; "
No , Mr. Cullison. was tbo reply , "the
lasltblnt ; jou told me Monday uiihl was nol
to { .cratt h , but to vole tbe straight demo
cratic ticket , nnd ' . did it. "
At-d new Cullison is tryms lo Ppure out
how much bis labors increased tbe demo
cratic minority iu Sbeloy coautv.
Look to ytur interest. Von can buv "Sal
vation Oil , the preai paia-tuie. for > cts.
Don't forget that s j.ina sells the
j Elmhursl stoves.
S. B Prowoll , watchmalter , 743B"way.
Davh fordi-u s and paints.
fount j 1'rlhoiij-ri. Get < .oo < l Mint * '
Israel Trank , one of tbe city ruea iaspec
lors. says that Iberc is nolbinp in llial story
tbat Shenfl Bennett feeds the prisoners in
tbe'foutitv jail on stale meat. He savs ttiut
he inspects nil of ibe meat uud that it is
fresh and of a peed quality. Ho has made an
affidavit to this o"ecl aud bus uivcn il lo tbo
Caturrli. No Loral. But Con F lllvfin
Dr. Die Lewis , tne eminent Boston pbvsi-
cian , in a tnaparlno article says"A : radical
error underlies nearlv nil medical treatment
of cntnrrb. Jl is not a disease of the man s
nose ; U is a disease of tbe , showiup
itself in tbo nose a local eih'biUm ol a con
stitutional trouble' ' i'berelorr , be arputk ,
the use of snufi and otber local application ts
\\ronp , and ivbilo they seem lo pive lem-
porary relief , thev really ao mors barm than
pood. Other leading authorities apree mth
I Dr Lewis Benca , ibe onlv nroner methoa
I of euro for catarrii is by tuKinp a cousin u
( lional retccay like Hood's SarsaDanlla.
I wbicb. roschmp every part of the bodv
I tbrougn tbe blood , does eliminate all impuri
ties and miikes the vcbole man hesilbier. ll
removes tbe cause ol ihelrouble and restores
tbe diseased membrane to proper condition.
That this is the practical result is proven by
thousands of people who bnve been curea of
catarrh by tnkiuir Hood s SarsapEr.lla.
Tb hhenff is reported in possession of
Miller & ( janderson'i planninp mill.
Tbe South Omaha Ice companv are nub-
llsbinc amended Lrticles of incorporalion
which increase tbe capital stock lo KiU.OtiO.
The increase in tbe capital vras rendered s
necessity by tbe prow tb of ihu business.
Mrs. AVjnslow's sootbini : syrup for chil
dren teethinc relieves tbe child trom pain ,
'Jo cents a bottle.
It'll Item n u. C < llai MH.T.
Frank Sbprman , a printer employed ot
Tnn BEE. was seriously injured by fallinf
down an open cellar way n the roar o ! tbe
Globs Loan and Trust sompany. He xa <
taccn to hit. bctne at b05 North Tnent tit
ttreet in the patrol wagon.
Lonl Coloridtre writes : "Send me fiftee :
dozn Cook's Hxlra Dry Imperial wine. J
tried it while Lere and find It superior. "
PromMuscatirie la. , come ? r.a appeal K
tbe police of Omaha to arrest and hold Mrs
Helene FYankeiireitcr aad Mr. John Diere
wacbtcr , not because ibey are fco named bu
bocausa they are unlawfully Jiving tosco
t You dcu'l want a torpid liver ; voa con'
r want n bad complexion . voj djp't wanl i
bad breath , you doa'l wan' a beadacnn
I 'Jbt-n use Dert ill's Little Early KI&CM , tbi
j funou : ItiUe piUs.
Royal Baking Powder
, Has no Equal.
The United States Official Report
Ol the Government Baking Tov.-dcr tests recently made , under
authority of Congress , by the Department of Agriculture ,
Washington , D. C , furnishes the highest authoritative information
mation as to which powder is the best The Official Report
shows the ROYAL superior to all
others in leavening power ; a cream
of tartar powder of highest quality.
The Canadian Tests : " \
"The strength of the Royal is shown to
be 23 per cent , greater than any other.
I "As a result of my investigations I find
the Royal Baking Powder far superior to the
others. It is pure , contains none but whole
some ingredients , and is of greatest strength.
" F. X. VALADE ,
. " Public Analyst , Ontario , "
' 'Dominion of Canada. "
a Lwg Etrapple. Ike Mei Are Ooa- \
pelk toGiriitUp
Aftrr ln Trrh of HTrltrniMit till- City
scttlr t > ( i n in tt 'Vnniial UttHtlltlnu
( nirrnnr I'ltitrr tictrrnilimtllui
Hrlnc * .Mioat tinllcvalt. .
Ont.tAN , La. ICov. 11. TLo crsit
lutwr strike wbicb comtnsocad ib this city
October 23 ennefl tbii moraine at 2 o'clock
in tbe defeat of tbs umalirami'.sd council
Of strikers and unionism. At a coufer-
cbce \\ccnUie comtnlttMS reprasentlbc th *
union * and tbe merchants , toretber witu
Governor To&tcr. &b csroctnebt wai slrhcd
tbat tbe striken bo taken bicl : , in so far a
it did hot conflict wilt contracts ulieady
maaoabQ that tbclr wages atid uours of labor
be urtitrati-d.
Tbo iiolnt ob wbicb tbe strike hibced a
tbe recocnitio.i of tbe utiious. lo this tbo
union : , were sigbnlly defeatoJ. as tbe ncroe-
tnebt slinfRy provides tbat tbe tiiDr-
chants , sbuil not unjustly disrnmmatB
ccainE.1 utiiou men io h.nuc unri allows tbe
merckabts to deal directly with ibe taen , in-
Mend of tbroucb the unions as was actnaudcd.
'Jbes-trect can bapan ruutiinc SBaln ut 0
o'cloc-U tnis roornlntr aud ( ill bufcincs. * will b ?
fully lesumed toaar.
oigcs-tioa repaired bv Beocbam's
"Yoa Yotison" is Mvlcd a one-mnn plar.
but It is only to as Is "Hip Van Winkle '
and "Fritz " Tbe piece is principally notu-
tiio In tbeoriclnal cburacter part ot "Yon
Yonson , " tbe Svvedlsb immicrant. Tbe
bwudo depicted by GUI leero is , a bic
boartod and imtiiy honest , humorous fciloxv ,
speakintr thei iaiom and preservinc tbe
stolid , p > ileciiuur style of tbe typical
Scandinavian , without revoltinc traits of
cbaractcr. But tbe ploy is tmre than vrbat
appears In this unique pan. It affords scops
for tbe abilities of u stronc company of
actors nnd nctresses. 'Jomorrow eveuinc
"i'ou Yonson" opens , a three nicbts engage
ment at'b tb ater nad tbe sUe of mats
for tbe three niphts will open at' ' o'clock
The immense popularity of a number
of tbe musical hits of the day may bo
attributed to Mr Ous Williams , the clever
German c'ialect comedian , who appears at
the Tarnam street ttiea'er. commencing
Sundav muuneo and for foui inputs in hi :
new icu cal eccentricity , "April l-'ooi. '
There is a certain charm and expression In
Mr. Williams' rendition ol a sons , peculiarly
his own The words of a son ? are not al
that's in it. U is after the compose ! &Ld
musician have finished their wont tbut the
real labor beptnt. Take for instance the
tone , "Just a LitUe Stmstipe. " The foeiinp
with which he mvesls that sor.r. and thi
manner in whicn he renders it bnugs ou
every eympattiv hnmanitv is beir to. Hi
siups it into one K heart. As u pLroditt bi
stands pre-eminent , atd us an evidence o
this assertion , every prominent farcie :
sins his patodies. .Mr. Williams is s > uid ti
have a ho t ot new And calcln soncs in
"April Fool. "
1 lit I " ' < ( r Austin i : sl iu.
'U B Austin , "npineer ct the city hu :
has tenderjd his resignation to Supenn
tendeul Mvhieson , to tune effect D cembe
1 It bus been acerpied.
FREE "For the Laaies. "
"Delicious Desserts"
COOK BOOK Mailed Piee.
Send name Bud address to
* . ffri-nt inii-iitKiii IIMS Ix-fii inndp b.i I > r.
Tut That riuliirtil chi-mist has
iniKl } uud i l > < rl < c t Ij liirml - s. "
OlliK. M & . 11 I'.uU J'lace. > . V.
HIl r C WEST < NCUVi AND BB 1N | T i ir
rululu bfuaiicat . * > .rrom 1' jLiaun c uvsJ itr
lqu'i or IUD.U j KVuKeTu ue slaul ' i > ejrjj.
hlun.o labkiuf bU9 Jrjtu cau nn .MD < i i ir tciss-r
tlf'tty daata. I' 'djj4l 1-3 vj.1 Are Ilanj * i j ,
i lower ID eltajr * * c loip * Lpnc Luautvti adj an |
u' ' I'emaiu ' tVeiia-'l.- ± turu QQI ir/ lji > ji sji
ciaturriieic&j t o OID i. L ji tiir/raii
cll ttbuitjovur ttiljlfouQ A niJUtiJ trituja. .
II. dSor ij t > r mill \Vecuifdaij9 T t.jj itj jri
Knell orda lor t > j ita < vruQ ( > rL 1 f.jil wriit.3)
runrftiitielo re'und If nutojnl lyair ntsa IssasS
cinlj bj TUBoaore r l * n drujtut 1,0,3 azsau
fto itiea t cornur lOljaDd 1 uruatu Bit utu bft
rrc-i.tb J'ri.ikr | .ti IL CALTHOS
rrtf. bud Irch. cuarnulH tu&i
' \L'III will Itrtlorr mur
Uraltli , MrrntrUi uuu Vtpor.
Addrefti VON MOHL CO. .
To J A Ilcotcllu Mil.c A oturn ( itLhr ne
Loi'ljiiu , M i v frtu5prcn ) u \ I' rtiii io-
lihcrsini I'lur.i Tord. Ci 11. l.i.-wortli , Jonu
Molir ( ijurze II T/npuuck :
You are b > .rfbr "boUSed that tlio utnlt-j-
hln.nd. tliroo di > lutoru l U frecholder-a I Hio
cltj of 'Jiaulix n iv tiuwu Uulv appititul i > r
tbe inuyor. nllli tim ttppruvul of t tie city ormn
cii of khid city. Wnrisi js tbt daluast ! to the n iweiliely of llie pioi iTty dec urei
I > 1 urJlii.itict * nicci > ii y Id bu uiiiiroiii mtvJ foi
tbe ubcof hald c ly. fortlic [ IUIJIOSL oT optn-
ju. mid uUfiidiu : Jl.tli ktrvel froiu V-iuou
Miwt lukiiiilli city limits
Voj ure ( urtliui n-n fafd ULM inr ni-
ctjitcJ c id upiiumiiiieiii und du y cji.a iliej b.
leguiidd b.i law wr < nil1 , ou 1b Jltl ddj of
Noif uUtr. A ll ivii. a\ HIP uour of lUo'c.d . K
lu tue forenoon ut. lic ollice uf 'J II M" ' ul-
loch room t-ll \ V "Life Ilu Uin ; . ihlu HIP
corjmr.itu lltulit , of salfl cliy , nioet f jr tlis pur-
jioke of cuii idern ; aud imtkinz the inM-bt ,
inf nl of di i nuu to t lie ownerk fsjectHrly. of
mid jiruperty. lif rraiou of tin-b mkmi nnJ uu lli-rejf. ViLiuL- into coneiilrij-
tfou kjxn lal titinelitk. Jf ttjy.
lliiiruptrt | > liekiunu ; to 3-uu prupn > Eid to
i > e uppro jrluted us utori-k tld uu i uhu-h hak
bt'ou clefluiiicl uecehvury by the oouocil by
ord nauce , to iippriprUt- ilii u e of the
cliy. tUtis ntuito in Siirt i-lty of otiiali.i ID
tin ; county of liulai > . udkt.iU of XcbratUa
Ikdckoriliud ut fo lout. tulf
. M fet-t of H GJ f uet of lot ij. s r lcotr *
Wt' l il > tett of lots 10 and 11. Mottor s f iV.1
< Ulon of lot < \ H Kortrt. ' plat of C' ati jiua
n t Mi f r-tt of ( . i b lol I. 1 1 .01 20.
W l : Oil f et-i of lot I5OJU H.I Nu J
MiuMi ? fbtt of ) f < ? t of lot 111. O-il. II 1
No. 2.
Witt ir. fret of lots L. 7. ( Mottor fc fcuboflui
4a r. Ko erk' pUt of Olviibou.a.
North -Oi futt of * t tt of Jot 40 , s I. Ito -
< jrs' put OLaboiua
W Lkt ui f titJt kJti lot 4 uf tax lot SJ.
Vou are not I Und to Uure eiit Mt tin- Hint
taut uiij plui-u uforekuld. and i rails j iiy dt > -
3 ct tout to or kutt nmUDonueroinj. mU pro-
ju tJ ion. or uk i < > uicot of
uek. bt you uii > IHJIH.I iur pronrr.
T I . Me l'l/K'H ,
JullNT r ACK ,
Oct. SCtl iBJi
We Sympathize
with those Who bet \vroncy on
the last election.
We Congratulate
those who were the luckv ones
and were fortunate enough to
mners or Losers ,
\Ye will inaugurate a
Dress Picnic Sale
for your benefit for
2 clays only , this *
Fridayaud _ Saturday.
Derby Hats
95 Cents , worth $2.00
Wilson Bros' teck scarfs and
four-in-hands ,
ISc EiaGli.
Goods valued all the way up from 50c to $1.00
and our Over-coat Special and Suit Sale will
still continue for these two days.
I 8
Corner 13th and Farnam.
F irst c'ass ' m every reps i Pi _ n i | , etteijtio'i geT to ti ansie i.
agents. work aud satisfac ion guai-autea-i. 83 = . let jns to out. of lowi
6. PAMLE M. D :
. . , . ,
TL Corf Ssffiarilan. SO Tean * Eij'critntt. ' 1
WOM.KN. ntoritiEioK or THIS ,
axnr or M
/treat the following Dittasts :
CatLrrb of the Head Tbrout , end
cc&3of the Eyettid Lur Httaod Apojiiexi lleurt
iRhtuse , Liver OomtilU it LldueyCompliant ,
Nervous Debility , Mental Depres
sion , Loss of Menhood , Seminal
Weakness , Wtooto Bnt'bt t lu-ease ft Vitua'
liuce KlieuiDiitiEia 1'tre.lyBis. White Swelling ,
BcrofUia Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors
and Fistula In ano removed without
the knife or drawing a drop of
blood. Womrn with her delicate orjri.nB re-
utoied to health Urojxy cured wuiiout tjj jtng
Special Attention given to private
and Venereal Diseases of all kinds.
SSOtosSOOrrtfej' fa any Venereal Dis
ease 1 cannot cure without mercury.
TBI * Worms removed In t W' or three iiourt , or 113
jiay. 11 raoThuUfc ur Tiles cured
Will rave life anS hundreds of dollan. by calling
ca or usltie
The only Physician who can t H uliat alll
a jKTmti irithout akUiui ; a quotlon.
Allcnrret-inudeucestrlrUi Ronfidentul Ubdle'B '
sent \ < ) expreiis. Addim ba leturt to
G , W , Paogle , MD ,
833 *
Bpoadvvay ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
UY 1 1 1 C TU1C II y
' ur ILJJ jii iu
'KViN fUA > | L
H U l. , 1 J AU > .
tJann1i'r5 Attorney * utiu *
ft JdUUJUb
tCe lu the Hate and
Judi-nl courts U'jo'ns J and i Miuurl
Ueuro b.oci : , COUIILU lliuflk. li.
Ouiiilia aoj
or ALL-
IUL mUhliuil ur * ur ; iuil irt-at it
' i-ed * furjmuttni h nrj u 11 m ti 11 tn j B r ni
( cituci'tiiifrint. In ttif Wft t
Writ * fur rtu'utur * nn < uI * rniuu * uiid bra"truv "
< ( labfueL , * ir * Hurt * * > i * , > ' . [ .ue , . i-j-n r * t-in-
< t-r. ckLirrb. tir-i.i" ui.i inbaitttl t-Lecrj < * it } .
U' ' > Hlfi. e.Hlllt tl1Ut > litHdlrT. tjt1 Ki. hSlIJ unl
i 1 md an lull MI-'M ai V , MTMI <
DisE/tScs / OF mm s.mmxz
\ \ 'tnfn KUKtt * \ IIHI' lutvly ucl'lel u J > n < j.3 do
purtiuciit for WMH U djriru ( "nianBii nt , trittl/
JT MUf OniUuhublu .Mo.ll. 1 iii-.i mm UJA-UJ. u
AII ! IUic 1 DIM * * r wnroy'if jlly treatol. c > * pliUUl9
New UuAiurutire Treaty cut Jur L IM < tr V/T / U <
I'uWKH. rers'int-tiua'ile t < i visit ui miy b' * tr34e1
ut b'l'iie or winvhiioiileute All ( iuruninr.luiU. Ti
i * MI ild fcnl i iu Mt ) lioin- litri uprit tiuat iij mill or
trprf * , MM'urwi ) jm < * ui , no inttrki tc UtJlout en
iiijtxor Ht-nJer line jiertt'iKl inicrri'jr jirelerral
* niluicl t'Oii > .u i u < * or hand tiN or ) u'3our cm3. mi
vi will ntJiJ ii ) plum u riitir | < * ar
-jjiliilH , UltJjl mi J V u qu i
unlj iiiunuluuturjr in ttie eii jf
. I'l'MAM'ttTUU < Kx UL2r
UU" HATJtUlis AM < ill.LTs
Omaha Medicil and Sargital InsllluU
Oth acd Broadway , Council
Ten mlntuo rule Irrni contfr of O.nihl Jl
HiJUmiul irutt clej nuuj'jt'ir liaj.
To l ho owuerk rif ull lots part * of lots uii'J leal
inlaid ; iUiu4 , 1 it u > ireet. from Grand uie-
ii Uf to 1 owler uvttiiuo.
i on Lit : berft > > nullUud ttiat Ibe ini'lcr-
MCIHI l. tbreedikinteientd frttlj. . ! clcr > . of ttie
i ly ot Omaliu. b ive tioen du T M > D il'iU'd lij
tbu inuyor. wttti ibe npproral of tbu city
fciuiicll of -lid city tu uKkes > tbv duinu/u to
tlix o nnr itiiHLtlvflv of tbc prouuity
uflt-ctcd b } < 1riii'ju : of rradti of If'tb ' Urcet from
( i ind uirtiuu t'j liiMltr uirniic duciurud
iiwo kiiry i y ordiuunie No HIT. p its-fl Ui-to'/er
iMb IB I ; , uiipidtoJ Oi-tuUd 27. U. irJ
You re fiirttier not Uf 1 tbat. havlu ; accept -
copt 0 ( > u > I uppuluttueut. und du'y ' ijuullHtvl
u > riHiu.rnd by I..M. wt- Kill ou tlib JVrd day
< f Nuv - in' rr \ ll J- < Uut the b iui of it
o < u n iu tbu foitinooii lit tbe oltlco nl
Juiiu 1 J'lUCi. . iJI rhiuubut uf ( 'oiijniur < 'e.
v > tti u tbe corporate liultk of k-ud city , meet
for tiie | niri'i.o | at uoiihldnriag and iiiukln :
tbe &s ti ! iiieot of damare to iheowaw * re-
I.IIC'tu f > y of fculd proii'ily | , uflwiiwl Iiy < ild
fbuniu of ft.tflu. tuU.n ; mlo eouitldtratlou
kpurlul Ueuuliti if auj
Vuu ure nutliiod tolie pro Hint at the tlinn
uud jiittPO uforttk ld. dtiU tuuue any objration *
tool ktit 'iiieulk couiieruinj ild us.utimtitit
of dam& C > ak yuu wiy owoklum uruper
JOHN r TLAt'K Cbulrui a.
I'Afl. .
UuuUa , Not i , It'Ji
T ie
nfirpir *
V rt of n ( xtnM nt * . Bf | Oic urgent
ut or > if thin ? imd who ure willlnj to do
TANTniI'o > lt on bv .
wtfiit lpnocrn ber t xl refer *
W X. Itco oRlpo
\ \ * ANTTit-0'rl ' f or
' 1'onrth t
Oltfur : crov in i oHiln nnTl .v .
fur sale or trade. Nlv"i.un |
/ linvtMiinber lnnd < in
V In , jii itillties to k i.u I * v li.iyn.rittn.
Itft'pnsiiii- . Mclicilsun A i
"IT AHM nn1 city loitiM' > m r loin 1 < n
Jstorl ; nnd criln Ilpl tmu'tc for nils.
nwpllln * ri 1 tmsiBes * M-ntn'i ' Munrv loauaj
fet IOP tl investor * . Ixnicco \ fowle , J.-U'tarl
ITttHlE ? v.M1AXOK-ripm q.iHuer-sui otiTI
J- Und ti i "ii > utiel , ltlnlT < pr.iii | > rli w tuy
r > ih for u Terrnca tireens'upljs ' N i lu t * a
Olt s < \ LK fhoipcst farm In I'ottTRatti-
t tCo. . . 413 tiBres , .l lor tttWI an I in-
eyed 'rl c IIJ an ai-re i : II hpfe
In M'HI > land for np ! ; tiptucc-n loutic t
lllunt. nnd Oinalm : .1 birnln If ti.len xonn
< 'rcrnsli tIs , Mchnlsun \ fo , i
OK r.Xl'HANUU--4) ) nrro. in I'hlll'ps
cmibtt , too. with linimivFinrnts , for
'torli of dry cooJn anJ rlotliltis or utUt-r
t-r r. U licife.
ON TV puvnii'iits "i-rti'inihnuMTii. . Vitith
1st street. 'OrtiBiuli i < lds , Mriuilsun X UJM
C''l Uroadwuy
Oit - M.I3 On siaa 1 piy : nrnti rruit nnl
rurdi-n litn 1 reir Council llliiff * C II.
Hroadwny .in lAluIn straet
l Iil IT KAMI. ' > ucri-s for sale :
1 Mints urceuihli-ids MobuNnn A. Co li.'l
llr UK ! r. _
V\7 A. \ \ DOI ) \ ( . ' i liavo so no of tbo flnoU
' farms lu unnlbwi'sierii lnwa for hUlc.
fall and si-o us ffij .Main ktru
HOII > U nnl buccy wtintotl fat unltnuroiod
limbrrtjIn uortliwo t pirtofclty
hbli'lds. Nicholson .V Oi > , C.'l Ilroiilxvuv
FCU ! ItKNT-Thf fullott ns d eillne
Ilr Hiiiidue Hue. 1:11 : I'ati , ave. , f IJ.
5-ronni dwollliiK 7J4ci ( th , ! .
K-rtKiiu dnclliti ? . ICItH'uil avo. . * . ' .
' -riKini dnt'lllnc , Ol'ifith ' a < e.i. >
H-tooiu dwell n % 1 tli st niiii A venae 1) . K } ,
7-r < ioni dwi'lhn - . li.i Itro-td w uy. SJ."i.
10-looti dwoIlliiL' . . .Si llrtilori st . t.1 1
f-MKiui owu'l n : . tl2 ! A\cniu < u. ! IO ( ! " > .
C-ixum dwdlllni : . 110 N l.itb st , } | Ui5
C-itom 0 well Inc. Ktl Atfiiin- . Jls
-txioui dwtillliii : , .ill Liticm'ii ' ava. HG.C1
7-rooni dweilliu. LMI llHiinony st. H.\
T-ioom ( tutollti : Ilnt > iiltt IM-iep. f 15.
G-roomJ well inc. 411 I in llssu. fl.'i
fi-rootu dwelling , : . ! Myti'tcrst-
li-roniii ( Iwelllti ; , lies aril inf. . } 1 '
4-iooin Uvu'lline. "iil MvnsttT st. , f 12.31
C-it > om ilwtjllins. druhuir , hte . til.
C-romn d i-'iltic. ' l' > Wi 'itli ' nvu. . U2.
C-rootn duulllric. lliitililtt I'lacc. f iS.'O.
T-KUIIII awelllne. % l urn I ncs Id o , 51"TiO
< -ridin clwclllns 4l'iuk ! inc.tljr > i
Vroom dUKllln' . LVi \\otiucA , JiO
fi-tocitu Owelllnc. 4U4 N Gib fct . JIU.
fi-radtn J p'llns. ' 101 N Ttb st.lti
4-runni a'.vcilln : 14 i"i Mb me . (11
C-rtio'ii d eillii . ; iui4tii u. Sin.
4-rooiii dvscllln : . Its Vme si , fiu.
4-roui.i . anrlilns. Mfi > Ttb. ! IO
( i-rcuiu dwellio : . IVT ITlb nvu . til
l rooni dniMlliu. 1,1 4 Avenue I ! . ! ' 0
( I-IOOMI dwt-llin : , iSSTi Avt-nue 11 , tl )
' rotui ) dweilmc. 14IJ llKiudwuy , j.a
( r-ronin dwi-llins. in."i Mb n e. . tl i
li-rnt > iu dwolllnj. Ittii'enue ' A , 110
nmrii a wellinr. Orah-nn au1. . nr.Uijh. 93 ,
4-rotmi hnusp. 170 i o III h st. . JIU
. " -nioiii dwelling. .Hl'i < \ M-riur A. SI
4-rdt.m dwcliln ; . 22 ' 1 Avenue U.i <
fi-rociiii rlwellnisr. iiTJi Avftuie I ! li
4-rnruii d I'll inc. " 0.0 Ai i ii uc C. li
d rn mi dwfl.lnc , 2's.t kt unfl A vinuo M ti
. " -nuiiii duellluz. : > | Att > nue V. 4 <
-nio'ii dwuil'tic. MIJ N. 1st sv , 67 , i
4-iOdiu dnelhui Kit fit 1st M.CKdK ) :
. ' 1-1 until dMellliir , . .UKv ) > n.uti V ? j.
.Vrocitn awe Dim. I'l'i 1Mb ave. . J5
* -toi > iu dwBlllnc. l".il \ enuc 1) , tl
I'-rooiu dwslliuj. 14.1.1 A\i > nuH 1) ) . < 5
4-rooin an rlliusli AM-nut I ) . J4 ,
ii-rooiii dwclllnc , I'Sjh - Cth st. i"i
4 rodin dwclllnc. " > il AviC. . ! Una.
4 morn dwclllnc. IMI I'urk avn. JI2.1
7-rocirn dwelllnc , T14 TiHn tt'i bt tJ.'v.
fi-rridm dwp line , ( \Vifb'nUU Hve U2.
7-wni dwelllnc , : . - . ' 7lh avn .ti's.
T. U beife. rental ascnt. llroadwny and
Main ' treet.
| 1 YOU have i-jythlci fsr sale nr trade sse
j. n. II. Shaifo. Urn i J war an 1 Mun strent.
AHAKGMN. 1acre ' ftu t an'J cardcu tract
2'i inllubfroui iioiUiflift' . ' . ' > UITUS in cr.upeu.
'i iK'rtIn bla Utit'iriur , . ' .mplo trues. 73
lilum troffc Sichtriv trees , < lwt > llns htable ,
ftI'nccHUOJ .No tratle F. 11beife. .
yj ACKT > . inside city limits' will hell in lots
'cme n ere tin to sjlt buyer Greeusblcldk.
Nubolson & Uo. , It'l llmadway.
rl'Ycil' likoliincl trcntiiient unU luiriu'ns ' lu
real elute c-ill on ( .luun lilaldi , Nirhol-
son & Co. , tttiro \ id w iv
1 fie ACHE ? of clear Uud In cislorn Nt-
J liruslui toe\rliHnce fui n cof > I tovliliMipu In
liuiiK-ll ItlutTsunt hnjsjj mri lots lol > e-
lirui-Ka lunU JohniUm \ Vim I'.itten.
VM HA\T K co ul ten mi furi ( i\eor six
' ' room Iniiso foui OT live hlorUs fron. post-
itliie c.iueaililoldi , rsicholhon i'a. . Kil
ir ) nd w , iy.
yl 11 V In rood i oiin-li Itlullpionpil.v. .
- > Mut-t bt * .sold thib uot-iv. Gri'C'ii ti'olcls ,
ir liciiMin i. Co.
VM IIAVT rustfi'ner-wbo wiul liousos to
it icut llmei'ou the bouses1
1J ANl ll of 2inD iijro < uc ir OUov n n Wrj ,
Iltnie IniprureriiBUK. s itn" * t > 3 i c IBS wttu
t.iuli ( itii-st In the staulll ovehance for
( i ui r 1 II utls or Dniah i nrj)9rty ( .uon-
uni ids. Nicholson & 0 i , Oil ilro id w ly
T uj : r\i.'JIANi.n-t'i,0 > hto.-U of t-ouoroT
I rnerchKiiUlu fin low .1 or L'Uiluru Nebnihka
liitiJ. Uiceu-hlelds , Nicluil on i. ( o Gil
I ! ' uy. iisiutsfor adiuinistr.itnr
/'iKnr. % > iiirLiMMIDI ON co. .
V-'ainib foi 'idiulnlittr it > r. line for
one of the bust GU- aft o sto.'l. f alUis lu wtisl-
t rn Iowa
AU-TKAI'TS nnd loans Turin nnJ cltr
pioperly bousrlil uml luld. 1'usey AC
ThoniuOounuil Hlulls
j"\AlM. \ ! nnui Vonduiiiln. la. , for hair ou
-1 tt > im& .1. tl Illee. Council Hlull * . lu
I1-I > trade co ] city prjperlv for work
horses. .1. ] L Klrc. CouiK'il IIUHM
iAKIIAdEroinored , < * < > si > ; innlb. rmluauJ
Iclitinrie > hol ( ! tnud. FI I ) . HnrwH. Coy flldg.
llurdw Hu"uK in
1 Nebritkku. luxolees. tl , WJ to t'X ' li. IL
Hieafu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
QHOW CL iul'sile cheni ) t lu-fo I'-foot
Ocnses , ullh lion btincU. 1'r.uiL Luilu's
rlsuj btore , 11 I'eail stiout
KIi roe nc to tent ut 114 ( lcn n i > -
Fu ) : AI < K. rhcap , or In oxi-biince for lund ,
HII uttitillshtiil hiikinfib. AdJre > 1 * U.
box W'J Council ll.ulTH. In.
\\7ILL. tntdo the C. H JKyno rtaltlon ,
ii "Olar I'ui'Unn Jr"for uorK lior * 0. J.
H Hi.-e , Council II uU. !
IO.-T-A elicit jilii lt ! > oiial kettiuf. J or
-/reward return to itee otliee.
\rONUAYsln H. A [ ) -irorv children. 4 p
i'Lia. . tidu ts. : 'Jp in ri.jji is fcjajnd aud
fuurlh Mondays , b Ji. m. Mu lt fiirnUhed pir-
tle und clubs Addresn ut 1L A. I' rjori.
Council lllutT * . or 10M ruruiui H. . Ooiuha W
ln > lructor
To ull ownris of letter ( .urtiof Inu on
fctrcdt. frjin 'bill urorl to2ilti utuuue.
Vou are liereb } ' u iiitioj thut tlie uudrr-
U.'utid thiee JUlulsreste ] f f'li . uer ot the
tit ) of uiiiiitia hnve h nti du y uuiiointcd by
the ninyor H th the ot Uin c ty cvuu-
eil of balU city to u .e > t. th < dum.ieif the
owneik r iib'-llrei | } uf tlib nrop , My ulTc-tod
hv thtehuiicu of I'r.ifU uf MJII Iry Mrcct , o > -
< lured iiooofcuirv lij orJinnn N j JHH p b eil
, lu y , . Ih'JJ. ' i.iiprjvuJ .1 il ) n. In.U
} ou are ( urlher nut d < ! thai Inun1 ? uo.
ct-jitfd h ld nimiufi , < . | it uti1 duly ijuulltled ui
required iiy law. e will ou tb Kli. Uuy of No-
% eiut > ( ir Iti" ' . Ht the huur f 1'O'c'o k n the
i > ornlnt at the oil ) of Ciiarltn I * Il njainlu ,
l" > d Uodce htrt-ut. wllliin the rorji.itaUi limits
cfkald city , meet for the tiurn | > t > e of cuubider-
IIILHiiJ lnuUlnr ukie umi-nt of ( liunufee to Uio
uvuierk retpeut vuly of kuiJ pruut-rly Hfltx-tcd
Iiy mid fittcluic tu > lu. 'ul'j uoritlderatioa
bpaclal beuetlu. if nuy 1 uu ure heretjy notl-
tioa tu t > e pre eiit ut the limn nnd plice ufore-
tul'J und mal.e any objection lo or blult menu
ooucetiilnc i > ald KH et > uietitof d < niu.pei &k/ou
nity coiuldt r iiruuer.
JOHN } ' i LACK *
. NeU. Nor. 1 , lc i