TIIK OMAHA DAILY IJKE : WK/3NKSDAY / , NOVKMKER n 3 - H ? to THE OMAHA B WE CCltNCIL DLUFFS. f.lil - NO. 12l KAULHTUBBT r rarrlur IT nnr part of th ? city II. \ \ . T1LTON. - MANAOIin. l-w t llllS IIPSS OfflCC . ? " 'o < ' Kdltor f. V. Plmi.blnp t o. i 'ft t rll Rluff * Lumber no. . Hrgiilnr mooting of Kncampmoti. fto. s , Union Vctrrmi Kcclon. lbl isvoalnc at KnlKlitsof I'Mbins hall. Uuslnes'i of 1m- portanco. Mr .loun Flapoollonnd MM lAvlna Kol- linn ) , loth of thli cltv , wcro married hitur- tlnv ut thn tcotrtciicoof Mr. Cleorfjo I ooton AVnuo A , Kev. 11. O. Ulco of1lclnMn . Thodaloof the JJislern Star loc-lablo to be held nt the rotldcuco of Dr. F. u Uarlt , Ululi street , has been changed from \\ednea- dny to ThuMoay , November 10. All mem ber * corJinllv Invited. lidrularmcutlnir of Hltiffs Cilv council , o 7 , .lurlor Order L'nltoil Amrilciin M'- chntntWrdni'idav ivcnlnc. Uu.-lness tif Irnportntico to bo trati'm'tcd , All member * are icqucstPd to ni-present. Thn Temple HnptlM eliurch hid n successs" fill incclitit : lust SunOitv. An effort to pro vide funds for ruvr.uiiK on Iho church worlc Hlirine tno uotnlct , ' vcnr resulted in the rals- Intr of f | ,2M bv bubtrrlnllon. Miss .lennlc Smith nnd Miss Adelaide Shcrinun , the rnllrond ovantrolisls , rum- iticnccd n ° erif"t of inpoilnts nt the Fifth nvu.iuo Methodist churon last avontnir. MoctttiKu will bo held ovury night , and all nro Invited to niicml. Wrapper lil.inkoU in nil Btylos , the proiit InitiluiH nro inodltiin brown with tlni'lt h"own border , inodliim uroy with blue , inciliiini jjruy with piult , nnd n. viirlcly of others. The great ernxu , the most conifoit-iblu mornip wnppor ever thought of , T.K ; and * l.0eti'h.Vo ( ! : hnvu fcvural uil inarto up. ( 'all n.iu'1co s > tylos nnd tnlcu u ptittuin. fJostoti Store. The Itmlinnt niivolty bnsa burnora nro the bst ( ! heiituy in the city. Sou Tlio Itoston Store ulosoi every even ing nt 0 p. in. except Mondays nnd Saturdays. _ Il.irrlson and Hold , Clovchmd .ir.d Slevonsoii uninpniiju caps for So tvt the Boston Store. Coal nnd wood ; best and cheapest Missouri linril wood in thu city ; prompt delivery. IJ. A. Cox , No. 4 Mnin. Sco our line of writing1 paper and tab lets. Handsome box of paper IL'jc. Uoston Storo. T o Tiros. The fire department was called out yester day Hiorninp about ( S o'clocU from an nlarm from SoutU Main street , uoar Ninth avoniio , A bulI'lliiK owned bv H. I , . Tinslov nnd oc- ciipled by William Whlto as a nuloon had caught lire in SOTO uniinown miiincr , but the prompt action of the department ox- tlnculshcd It before much ilamiiRO WBS done. Another alarm wa * sent in ut 5 p. m. It was caused ny the burning of n haystack in the ronr of 10.0 Seventh avenue. Some Lhildrcn had bern nlaylne with fire there nnd had set the stack on lire. There were several tons of hay , and it was all damaged co as to bo worth uractlcally nothing for feeding purposes. Drcsu Roods ; BCO our line ; cot our prices.Vo nhow the nobbiest goods ; it n bijj stivinjf , beliifr cash btii'ors andj cash Boilers. Boston Storo. The A. IX T. Co. has nddod two now hacks to its foreo and will nnswor calls nl nil hours , day or nl ht. Telephone , " 179 ; olllco" , 8 Main street. Ask to sec our gents grey undcrvvear nt Hoc , marked down from 3ic ) ; n hum mer. Uoslon Store. Caps of nil btyle , caps of all prices , cans for boyb atid girls. Uoslon Store. DCS Moinot caslilo so.i ) ) 3 o tikes for lOe. Boston Store. Fire flroailway anil Unr.ior of Kuntiin Streot. Our late loss Dy fire was covered by two policies , both in the COUNCIL BLUFFS INSUHANCB COMPANY. By 7 o'clock tlio next morninj ; after the fire the secretary was on the iihh heap , pencil in hand , ro.idy to lliru.ro the loss down to bedrock , which ho did , too , eaylnjj that' it was his duty and no email part of his business" So lonr.as / . lie did not go below bedrock wo had no icason to complain , consc < | in > ntly tlui settlement not only prouit ] ) , but in cvorv way fiatisfactory , so muuli so that In addition to $0,200.00 ( . .ovon policies ) carried bv this company Iwforo the fire wo now add to it ilfl.OOO.OO. Doing iiitinmtely acquainted with the Eccrota'ry and directors wo cannot ho persuaded Hint better indemnity can bo obtained than that olTored by our homo company , besides wo believe in p.itron- i/.ing worthy homo entorurises , ovory- thliiKboiiiff equal , and unless v-o do we Bhall continuo to bo dependent on for eign capital and corporations. O. H. WiiKiU.r.u , JAH. A. lliiitixu. of all kinds , zouhyrs , Saxony , Spanish , liornuui knitting , Angora wool , Ooriuiintown wool , etc. Full line of black and colors at our usual low prices. Boston Storo. Ilirinui from n William ( Jronov egv ts rlJlni ; In hU car- riaRO In the western pirt : of tbo city yester day afternoon wlirn llu alarm of lire wui rung. The chon.lcal online nppoareit EOOII utter and n collision tooK plucc , ono of tha wbcoU of the ciirrlrgo bjniK' broKou off nnd Mr , ( Jronewci ; boinir ttiro.vn to tha f round , He wn * picked un t ot vary niucli tno uorso for his exuorieiiLT , cxcopum : to the fxtrnt of n fo\v bruises , The carriage wus badly It U ( inn K I'ml. The Burllorn stock of jewelry , elooks , wntuhod , sllvorwnro and holiday goods is going fust , colng nt auction 'and at prices that the puonlo tliumpelvcH jilaoo ! upon Iho artieles. Thsladlos especially loali/o that it is u splendid opportunity ' to get tholr Uhristinim piwcnls' clicaiily , nnd they are t'tkin ? advantage of it. Kach afternoon and ovonlng Is devoted to the auction salci * , but customers ro wultcd upon when the sale is ot running. Comforters in all grades. Coin fur tors nt 7f > o , 85o , 81.00 , $ ! . ' . . SJ.fil ) , JU.OO to i $ .75 ; cheaper than ono can make thorn. Boston Store. Beautiful now f.inoy ehonillo table cnvors , the latest noiv thing of the son- son , at the Council Blulls Carpet torn- pnny's. _ Genuine Round O.ik , Uadiiuit Homo P. I1. Stewart btovos and ranges , sold exclusively by Cole & Cole , 41 Main. Our line of ladles grey and ecru vests nnd pants nt GOc ; beats thu world ; tiny flzc. Boston Store. Instead of bottiny n hat on election wnjrer one of those hundbomo low-priced wine or brandy uts ut Lund Bros. _ Boston Btoro cloaoa every ovonlng ; at ,0 p. ui. , unless Moudays uud Suturduyi. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS I First Appcuraiics of the Kangaroo M'a'kcs a Dcii1ed Hit. ALL GOOD ClflZENS LIKE THE SYSTEM VnlrMlnrn Out llnrly nml O. t Tlirlr Hal- lota Ijulclily ijinot iitutuii : | In tli Clty Ulrit the Count % luw So I n r. The Australian ballot system playoa to Its first Council limits audience yesterday and scored n hit. The gcntiotnoti who liavo rnanapoJ elec tions , bought , votes anil made themselves gen erally duaerocah'.o ' wuro out of a job and wandered disconsolately up nnd down the .streets trjtng to llnd out what had happened , wiitlo the follows who hnvo bcon In the hnbit of scllinc their votes spent tbolr tltno trying to figure out whether tno.v would vvorkot wear nigged trousors'thls winter. Tbo Innovation was a i\clc'cmc ono to too candidate ; , who found It unnecessary to buy up friends and supporters at * ; or n drlnU of whisky a head. But there was no ono who enjoyed thu cbungo better than tbo voters , who found themselves ntili' , lor thn first tl-no In their lives , to vote as tbov saw lit without h iving to answer to ward-worker , or any ono else. The voting went on raphlly from the time Iho polls : wdro opened In the morning. livery ono aeomott to have n curiosity to see how the tiuiv fcchoine would operate and thu concl teiticnco | was that by noon fully half ttui number of voters thnt hud roalstered had put In their ballots , and by 2 o'clock in tha ultornoon In homo of thu wards iho voting was .ilincnt through. Ono thing in cimiiucllon with tbo election thill ( MU&CII coisiderublo udvunn coinlnent wns the laxity with which thatscction of the luw was nnfoicad iirohiM'liig ' outsiders from congrucatlnp wKUn 10U feet frum the poil- Inc phicos. Thociowds ivcro not liinro nor Ulsoiderly , nor was the tuual amount ot Hoiitcrlne done undertnonoses of tne j'i.'c ? , and yet they causal Just confusion enough to tniiku I'ooplo wonder whett cr or nat the spe cial policoincn were trying to enrii their sul- nncs. Jl" . " o'clocl : In the nflornoon the number of votes polled umountei ! to a llulo over n.100 , and the voting was goinioi : tucmly In n wav that IncliC'itrd that nil the I.1UO voles would lo in bo.'oro the pDlls closc.l. Wbcn iliu noils opened in the morning an nouncements were made a * to the litre of UcuplUR the polls open , and in nocouhtnco xvith tbojo nnnoiincutnenls the ? were not closed In some of the words until 7 o'clock , r.ml In two Instance ; not until S. U was consequently late when the counting was * commenced , nnd the mr.o of sending in the complete returns will bo correspondingly Colnycd. I.it : < _ l The counting of votes is proceeding very slowly nnd but few satisfactory returns will he in bcforo this moraine. I.i .splto of the fact that the vote was inmost full In every urocinct , the results show Unit consider ably less limn the full vote was conntoi ' ) , because n numhor of tickets hnd to bu thrown out In every ward on ac count of u foiluro to mark them up accord ing to law. The First precinct of thu First ward , upon too heads of the tlciccts beluc counted , showed Iho rosultob fol'ows ' : Cleveland - land , 101 : Harrison , 1S.V Weaver , 1'J ; Hld- well. ! ! . The Second product of the First ward was ns follows : Cleveland , 11)1 ) ; Hur- i-Uon. 1SI ; U'caver , 'M ; Ulilwell. II. The First precinct of the second ward flowed a mnjorlty of IS for Harrison. In the Third iho republicans were also ahead by 09. In the Second prjciurt of the Fifth ward Cleveland received 115 votes to Harri son's 1MO. Kane outside went republican as usual , by u vote of 10 to 0 democratic aud 3 neople' j ; < party. A count of the straight tickets In the First precinct of the Fourth ward gave Harrison thu lend , the vote being Harrison ISO , Cleveland - land 7-1. In tno Second product , of the Fourth 1 niul the Second of the Third the vote wns very evenly divided so far as tbo straight tickets "woro concerned , Harrison leadiiiK 1 by : \ very alight mnjorlty. At 11 o'clock the cciiural impression was , even among the democrats , that Couucll BluiTs would go republican bv a full- major ity.An An estimate received by Ira F. Hondncks , democrat , and lead at liio Grand ( lotol at 11 o'clock , was to the effect that the city , without counting the Second precinct of the Second nod Sixth wards , would bo republi can by a majority of 155. The carelul mother always kcer * Salvation Oil handy , for cuts and bruises. Tl-o 1 tulles of the First Baptist church will pivo .in oyster supper at the church Thursday evening , November 10. After the supper nn excellent literary und musical program will bo rendered. Tickets for the supper uud entertain- inonl , 2ou. _ If you don't wiuit to buy hard coal you had" bettor see liixby about these oil burners. They nro adapted for use in hot nir furnaces , steam ; uiel hot v/titor boilers , with no eoil ; or ashes to handle. Wo show every thing in itnilurivoir : for Indies , inibsos , Rents and children , in wool , cotton , etc. , croain , white and black. Bohtoti Storo. Cicnllcmon , the finest line of fall poods in the city , jtiat ruceivoJ. Keller , the tailor , BIO 1 { roadway. IVlll iloTiiltuil to .Now Vnrk. A telegram was received yesterday from the sheriff at Hochester , N. Y. , nt policj headquarters , stating that ho would bo hero as soon as thu train could bring him to take In custody James Crawford , who was ar rested hero day before ynstcrduy on A charge of vagrancy , but was afterwards found to oo wanted at Uoehester for breaking jail , and hud drifted all the way to Council bluffs on his way west , Crawford und n companion , who cave his numn as F , Smith , were first spotted by Ortlcer Wyntt and Deputy Mar shall Fowler on H roadway , on account of their auspicious actions. The ollkrrs followed tlio two men , taking a I South Main street car. The two suspects at lust got off tbo car and started to run off throushtho Burlington yurus , with the nlllcers after them nt full tilt. They were captured before they hud cone very fur , and since thelrltnprlsonmont Craw ford has admitted everything. Smith is also thought to bo wanted somowhera but just where u not vet ascertained , There it a reward on Crawford's sculp , und It will bo divided between the two ofilcers. 1'crfoct notion and perfect tmlth ratul from the ueof Ij\Vltt'3 Llttlo iiirly His ers. A perfect litllo pill. Ilandsomo now Ingram earpots arriv ing daily at the Council IJUilTd Carpal company'H. 1'rlcos of cnrpots are fjolnj , ' up dally , but the old priced will romuln in forcj this wool > . Gloves in kid , gloves In wool , glovas in unnhincro , ( 'lovoa in lunthor , knit gloves , in fuel nil Ulnda of gloves and mittens at our usual low prices. Boston ' Stoi'o. _ Ten shares capital stock Citizens State bank for ealo. K. II. Sheafe. Writing tablets 1 cent enoh. Boston Storo. _ _ _ S. II Provroll , watchmaker , 710 U1 way. Nut ( ) "ltf ! > lilot. A telephone moiaago was sent to the CO headquarteri yesterday noon saying at there was trouble browlnp in the no northwestern pan of tbo city , aud n that officers bo sent thoio to pro vent it. Deputy Marshal Fowler and Oftlcor Wyatt . uusworod tbo sunitnons , aud fauna that there wa ono traubio between the teatn ter who were hauling stone for the government work on the leveu and a force of men who were luylux Iraclc for the DOW railroad there. The of the disturbance was that Iho tcauuters claimed that the railway etuployos hail oburuttcil the roitd. Attor mnKinff nn Invrstltntlon the onicort c.ima to the con clusion that the matter did not come under their jurisdiction , nntl that no Interference was ncccisary 01 their part. No nrrosts wcro r.iado. _ .Mnerlc.tti Clintorn , tltc ti\l-i \ llntille , HVntco.n , llaj ? "T. f ! . Iturnctt , too domocratlo candidate for : sheriff , was tnkon vlnlontlv ill nt Clo.\r- br.-oi : . Ho hid nil Iho .symptoms of Asiatic cholera , mid for an hour or two it was fo.irod ho would die. They flnallv cave him ndoso of Ch.imbTlftln's Colic. Cholera mid Di . Homedv , which rovlvad him until n unvsiclati arrived. " That is precisely what ilia ninnufacturorj of that medicine vecoinmend for ehnloM. Bind for n physi cian , but clvo tholr niedlcino until the ptiy.sl- din nrrlvos If cholera becomes prevalent In this country next summer this n'oparn- tlon will bo In rent dcmind becnuso It can always bo depended upon. For snlo by druggists. _ Tlio genuine Hurr O.ik stoves nro sold c nly by Ch.is. Sw.tlno , 737 Uroudwuy. Call and see thutn. jnU3 so.ip , an elegant laun dry soap , t.itido hy Colg.ito & Co. , for Kc. ) Hostou Store. Don't forget that S.v.iino sells the Klinhurst atovca. Shnnilon Hells toilet sonp lee a cako. Hoslon Store. Judson , civil onirmoor , , ! 23 Q.-oidway Drutli ill .Mils Clrliinil , A telopriim was received in the city yes- terdny nntioiiiu'ln the death of Binlly , tbo rltlcst ilaugnter of Her. T. II. Clcland , for- marly pastor of the First i'rcsbvterian church here. The deceased wns nt Cincin nati when the end camp. The i cumins will bu ' taken to S.rlnillcld : , Mo. , for interment. NOMRIIO , Iowa , April 10 , IS'.ll. ' Dr. .f. II. MoorDaar Sir : My wlfo has used aooulslx bottles of your Tree of Life and : thinks that she h.u received greater benefit from it than any meillclno slio 1ms ever ' taltun. Yours truly , L II , IHmv. ( icn'l Agent nnd Traas. U'ost Coleco. | Since receiving the above testimonial , I am in receipt of u letter and cheek from thcUav. L H. Ltiflilnof Toledo , Iowa , April , ' . " ) . to send Hov. J.V. . Ken worth , Crestline , Kan- sno. six bottles of .Moore's Tree of Life. Forsulo by Ask to see our gents * gi'oy nt I'Uc , sold clsuwhuro for oJu. Hoaton Store. KOpoople in this city mo < * u stovoJ the Gas Co. pills 'em iii at cast. Xo.hyr | of nil colors host quality , only ooaakoin. lioston Storo. After n Si > pnrntliin. U. Shunafelt has filed a petition m the district court asklnir for H divorce from her husband , ICawin A. Sbanafclt , on tno ground of cruel and Inhuman treatment. She alleges that sun was compelled to leave him uiuo months ago. Ignorance of the merits of Do Witt's Little Early lliser * Is a misfortune. Thoio little pllu regulate thn liver , euro headache , dvs- pcpsin , bad breath , constipation and bilious- BOSS. 5,000 yards lightchullic , the best thing out for comforters , L'c a , yard. Boston Store. _ See those oil healers at S\vaino's , 737 Broadway. Cuticura soap at the Boston Store for Mo each. _ Davij for drugs and paints. n.ti.r Ki.P V'Klr , I'l'iinsylviuihl nnd Cornell i ; . rli Cnitnt : i Virctiry. NEW Yous , Nov. S. Vale did up the Now t'ork Atbletlo foot ball club today by a score ofIS to 0. I'liii.Anri.pnn , Pa. , Nov. S. The LohiRb university foot ball teim was defeated hero this afternoon br the University of Pennsyl vania by the scons of 40 to 0. ITIUCA , N. Y. , Nov. S. In a jiamo of foot ball this afternoon Cornell defeated the Uni versity of Michigan by a score of 41 to 0. Vulo foot , llulllst Hurt. New luvcx , Conn. , Nov. S. C.eorgo F. Sanford , thu big left guard ot the Yale uni versity foot ball eleven , broke one of tno nones of hU ankle during practice. Ho will bo unable to plav any more this year. M. M. Heard , a sophomore , is likely to bo chosen to fill the vacant placo. Ilpitli from llyilropliolila. CuiCAfio , III , Nov. S. Hydrophobia , with Its acoilzstiK accompaniments , caused the death of Henry Schreider , nn employe of the city .sower department , this morning and his 10 year-old daughter is supnnied to bo in similar danger. Hoth tvo o bitten October ; ) by their pat bulldog. Ap'.irlio War In AH/niKi. Los ANOCI.CS Unl. , Nov. 8 Major Mc- Grceor , in command at Fort Howie , Ariz. , telegraphs Llcutenint iJcau that , ho bad a skirmish with Kid's band of Apaches Sun- dav. Ho captured their hones but had to fortify himself. IMnforcoaicnU have been forwarded. Struck hy tliu Flyer. , Nob. , Nov. 8. ISpsclal to THE Jlui : . ] Tlio cnbtbound Hock Inland llyor struck a team bnlotiRinc to John Brown nt a k * ne'ir town today. Mrs. Hrovvu and another lady were norl- oualy injured and the horses wcro killed , Him Dimnfj \ it Train. CASUOIIAIIIE , N. Y. , Nov. S. A train west-bound on the West Shore rallrcud struck four men today nnd killed two of them instantly. The others will die. It is Maid that thu men wcro under tuo influence of liquor. Stii u Itiibliery , SPIUXCISCO , C'al. , Nov. 8.-Tha stairo between hero and Ferra City was held up last nik'ht by maskcJ blKhwaymon , who so- cut oJ the opress box. It U not Known bow much the box contulued. Columbus would have reached America 00 days Hoonor bad his sailor-s been stroucth- onod with Cuuady's Hex Uraua Kxtrart 01 Ilcof. NATURALFRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla Of perfect purity Lemon Of great strength- Orange Economy In their use. Roso.etc. Flavor as delicately and deliclously as the fresh frtit ! > CURB aal Comoleti Treat mat. cOQilitla ; ol Bappoittoruu. Olatinsnt la Ojtptulai , alia la Uat ndl'lll. ; a I'uiltira Cur * fjr KitenuL lntara\l bllDdarUI 1lultaila ( . OUruala. Iteoeator Her < ( ll- Urreilai. Tal ltd mil b > aej t bieo kaawa W UlLlt pjr buz. U for Ji ; nal t > 7 mall. War luffor ttata tlilttorrltilu dliaiii olija a wrlttii ajriati ) ti poiltlvelrKlraanltail Djvai or rufmU itiamuajrlf notcaroi oal § rai ? fur fri baiapla. Uu4r Dl > UStt at > rKulia JtCo. . Dniiilim bolaAyeaU.oaratr UU' naa Uouiui tuoiU. Ui = v > * . .Sol ) . I'or over two years my little girl's life wns made miserable by iic.isc of Catarrh. The J ( lischarce from tne nose was large , constant ana very offensive. Her eyes became inflamed , thd lids swollen ami very painful. After trying various reme dies , I gave licrgriR353j | The first bot- tie seemed toSsSSaSSaggravate the disease , but the symptoms soon abated , and in a short time shewas cured. Drt. L. 1) ) . RITCIICV , Machey , Ind. Our book on Illood and Pkln W'eftsps mailed Xrec. awiiTSi-ECino Co. , Atlanta , da. TII3 LiJilll Cattle are rcare 1 on their fertile gra/ing fields in Uruguay , solely to provide 'prime ' beef for making the 'world-famed ' , Liebig COMPANY'S ! Extract of Bsef , Comuclcnt clipn > lst < t stiDL'rv Iso every dc- tall , from the eire ; of the unttl > > iuiil tlirouili tliu nroccssus of inaniifiu'tiirn lni'rutiuluiu ciMiilltiP44 : prov.ills to the ' [ nttliuof tlio cotiiplutuu cMrict. Tl.ls priMorvo-i tlio VfM.lTi' . Fi.tvoit ( tnil I'tfll- irvnf tliKfniiiniisprn liu-t. nlilclii \ tie iluv. us irhun lint put up hy tlio un ( nlicinlst. .Instils von t.lo'iU. i Incomparably tha Best 1 I'or Itnpr.ivi'd uu 1 KI'CIIIDIHIU Con'cnry. Tor Delicious , Uufrusliluj lluof Toa. CAN BE CURED. KIr Sclicnck's treatment ami pure of roniump- lion were wmcthln-j now * n 1 imtrlil , people nilaht ilutiblii > ut nlmt Imi provdil ll eir tliroiuli a rec JUl s ulilniuin KiMitcltiUheri , nlusin Juairliut II l , A SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION Sclitnck's P u n ct.c : When iillelsc fnl'ilt co iito tlio ros-'ue. Not until It Inlin. imil only altur fnlctiCul trinl s'louUI nny o'i rcspoiul. u ) iit : IjrmiL'li. tliu hupi'lvsi ti llfu a 1 hi'Hltli. It banturncil the ilt'umir of ten. tlioii'in I liompi Into Injr. Ill ilnlnMt no < r. It nlll cuntlneu todo It tlirunuhouulu ! H- ; * . llr. > rh'n't'i priictli-o trt'Htl < uimcou4iiinptlon , lUerauJ "tonm-li illn"thi tniillc 1 free to nil applicants. Dr. J. II. St'liun Jdu A. Son , I'lillaJolplilii , I'a. ' , - If vou hive Cli'anl'ncss ' I'recUcs l.s n"Xt your faun Is to IJlrty. How to Cure Freckles IN 3 DAYS. MME. M. YALE'S LK PREGKLH WILL DO IT. Slnpo the li'Klnnlnitnftlio world pretty fuccn Imve Ijccn i | ilitil with frwckli > nlul tlio mn t lic > uiitirul coinpiuzlon ! ! tnJtluu iipb ; those un t htly blunil * > lie5. LA FRECKLA llliconlr rurrt over known. Dl covorol by MM13 .M. YA1.I. , the worl t'fiuneil lleuuty unil liiitipuxlon ! MH'l'ist. ! ! .Mnio. VHO ! liu troHtoa crown Ml htMiln nt l.urop * . lailttMof thVhltu Hou e. nn i tlit'iHoh * ritu > ! i ot iliu \ > iriij. \\rllo hir la ( ontliU'iii'0. hhn can nmlo ) ou liuaulKul. She can mnicii > nu } oun ? HKidn. Turn may linir to II * * natural rolur. Noilyu iicil nutlilnu but inullclno. hucm develop your bust , till nut yoiir'unko I ohfit , rurn ) on of ii'iy nkln blcml' > li. --eiJ ; for In r fninoin lli'uutr llooU. It Hill bu niuliol 5011 fr.'u. All of v.me. \ ale's rL < iiii > tllt > s nlll Ixi hhlppul > , il from < lilc.ii/n , or > < > u fan net llieiu troni yuiir ilmnfl't. llu mil cut them lor 5 onCe Co In yoiirilnuxl't on MOM lay an 1 not n bittln ol lit rn > ( klH , tabo It Inline iuiil npi | y II neeor lln z lo illri' < 'llinn on .Monday , TiK' ilny HUH iVi'ilnc'ilny , itn 1 on him'lay yon will not linnm trrcitlo. Vimrroiii- iilniloii will IIUHI porieet as when H Illtlo buby. 'IhU Isnbsoluicly true. I'rlcc { l.t J. Mme , M , Yale's Temple of Beauty , 11C Stale SI. , Chicago , III. Maillrpt.52 ) Improved Safety Elsvahrs , KIMBALL BROS. Cor. it 'i Street und llfh Aro. , Oouncll Illuff To nil ownur.i of InUflr parts of lots on Shirley ( treat , frum ' . ' 8th street to2Jth uvuiina. Von uru liereliy nolille : ! thut the under- Uiifd three dUlnterosted fruuhohlurs of the idly of Uinahti hnvo been duly uuiiulntcd > 10y thu mayor with the approval ot thu city coun cil of sukl city to iimuss the duimiKtiut iiin owners respectively of the uroperty nllected hy the ohiiiuu of Kradu of Bnlrluy Htrrut , ( In- ulared neuvsiury by ordmiinro No UIBI , jj scd July 20 , isu. . npprovoil July-JS , lbl)2. ) sdo ouaro further notified thut havlirj no- copied said appointment und duly qualified oui reiiulrod liy luw. uo will on the llthday of uio veinher. ISir. . at the hour of in o'clock In the inornliri at the olllco of Ulmrlct 1' . llsiijuniln , l.'JO Dodeu btreet , within Iho corporate limits otmild city , meet for the purpose of consider ing and muliliu ahaomiiont of UamaKu to the owners rcspuotlvely ot xaltl property wlfocted by ald zrailliiu' . taldu ? Into coimlclcr.Ulon special henuUts , If any. Vou are hereby noti fied to he prcaent at the time and pUca afore- salJ uud muko any objection to or statements concerning said Uksosstuontof duinaKcs asyou may conilder proper. OIIAltf.ES I . BENJAMIN , JAMES riTOOKDAU : . JOHN K. FLACK. / , . . . . . t-'ommltteeof Approlfcors. Omaha , eb. , Nov. I , U81 > ; 'dut We have purchased at private sale for spot cash from Steinhart , Heidelberg & , Co , 753-755 Broadway , New York , Who are going out of business , their choice line of FULL Cassim rc , all wool , diagonal a ( f C 7 overcoats , blue and black , D. I Fine overcoats in meltons , kerseys , diagonals , cheviots , $8.00 Elegant fall overcoats in all fabrics , including vicuna and homespuns , $10.00 All silk-lined homespun fall over coats , also cheviots and vicunas , $13.50 Winter overcoats in chinchilla , beaver , kersey , meltonfur beaver , rough wool , montagnac , $10.00 Ulsters , in domestic and Irish frcizc , at the unprecedented price of .50 Scotch cheviot , chinchilla and beaver $8.00 ulsters O oo now at . Fine fur beaver , Shetland and elegant $9.00 made ulsters at . These coats sell on sight , and we don't have to tell you their value , for you will see the bargain in them at first glance. Corner 13th and Farnam. The autumn is .tho lime to paint , and one coat brightens and preserves houses and buildings and adds much to the value aiul beauty of your properly. Would You Like to Oof Paint at Wholesale Wo want to sell you paints and everything used in painting at wholesale ami loss. The Irst boiled oil you bought you probably paid 70is a gallon foi- it.Vo will sell you 0110 gallon or 100,000 gallons of any brands at 49c. Now wo have cuught your attention , read the rest o ! this and compare tlioso straight easli prices. St. Louis lead , "e per Ib. Harry Bros. , hard oil , 0 gal can , Omaha lead , O'ic ' per Ib. $1.00 per gal. Joplin Cheap lead lead , fie 00 per par Ib. Ib. I Sorry Uros. , hard oil. 1 g.il. can , SI. To Ljnsocd oil , boiled , 40c per gal. Other hard oils , f.'om SI.OJ to $1..VJ Linseed oi1. inw10e per gul. per gal. Paint oil , H jo nor gal. Mineral paints , dry , from Ijc to ! ! c. Barrel price , -a per gal. less. Mineral paints , ground in oil , -Jc to Oc. Wo guarantee to he ns fjond as any inixt'd puinl. Wo will sell you at per gallon. Hits never bocn soltffar less thunil.50 per gallon. As good a paint ns other dorilors sell you for $1.50. Wo will soil you at $1.00 or gallon. Our Barn and Roof Paint Wo will soil you at "oc per gallon. LOWEST PRIOES ON ALL K1N9S OF 8LASS. On nil other goods our prices are equally low. COMB AND SEE US AND BRING THS CASH. C.B , PAINT , OIL AND GLASS CO , 1 and 3 , 4th St. MasonicTemple. TUT ? CELEBRATED CT4T7T T EP 1 rLESHNDW1CH OJtlDLLDlV Moro sold than all others combined. Do not bo deceived by Imitators or b.v those claiming to hnvo uluiost as gond u machine. Huy only the SANDWICH CORN SHELLBB and ho protected by iltrout guarantee from reliable manufac turers. Vou cun always depend upon our r opal re being l < m > t in stock hy all loual dealers. Apply for our agency. Send for catalogue ? and prices. SANDWICH NUFAOTU RING C C. , Council Ulu ITs , Iowa , NOrLUOJES COUNCIL BLUFFS The \T nl tx lverll nmonl * uiinffirlnjt In a nnwipipcr Are often thu most Interonlnj part of in contents Tlit-y o\priM the urgent nrciln. the dully nliliin of the ponpla nho niit o'netliliu nnJ nho nro wllllni to do iomothln . KMPLOYMUNT. H r.\NTKI > A Rood tlrl for sonnrnl liouie- work. It. IUit , OvO K.nt I'lcreo stroot. lr forcen < r.tMio\i < i work ; irooil WHROI to coinnetont ulrl. 121 I hltd iivi'iiuo \\rANTit : > A icol Blrl for cunnrsl homo- * \ror . Mr . J , S. Urotzor , MJ K.tst 1'lorc * * trcol. 1IOUSK8 AND LANDS. O i\XOr. : crov. > Iii K.orhli nnd OUIfornU for t.iiMor tr.ido. ISrouinhlo'dj. Nicholson _ HiIMtniher : I.MiiU In MlniuHiitn for silo In qii intltlrs to Milt I'tiiv Jivytnrntv .Nicholson , V t\i . , und cltr loins. Monuy loino.1 on * stock mill Kr.iln. Ko.il i-st tto for sain , Ihuillln.-ui.l luislncss rcntu's. ' Money loana 1 for loi-il Investor * . Longed .V , To A IP , ill I'o irl Mrert. iron K > UIIANOK-Ctp'ir quarter-section of J1 1 mil In iionnoil lllulli pronortyi will triy I'Hsli fur ( , . Toreni'o. UreenslnoliK Nloholson \ I'Q. Oil lli.i.ulw.iY. " " | { HAIjIC Ohoiccst firm ' L"O ( In I'lUtiwnitx- in r Co. , 11,1 lu-ros , wo I In ? itoil an I Im * provol. I'rlio JlJun ai-ro r. II 10 ACI RS Inii'l for snles brtwocn C'onncll Illuiri and Omaha ; u b.iririiln Ir taken soon , liroriHhlu iN , Nlcliolson , V l"o , ' . ' ! llrouhvay. iriK 4iorpH ' n I'lillilpi - unt v. Cole , with ImnroraniiMiti , for io-k of dry uonls und clotlilnx or other jiulse I' II. Shuiifo. ON iSV i : piivmnnts 5-room hou'C on youth i t sir"ot. Uroouhu'd ! ! , .Nlc jlson , t Co. , fi''l ' Itro.ulwiiy. HAi.n-Onsmiil payment * , fruit nnl Rani en Ian I notr Council lllulTj U. 11. Hiuifi : > , llroidwiy ant tl.ilu slreot. 1/WUT lA.\Ii'J : ' acres foTsuiorintlilu city 1 hints. Urueuslilulds , Nicholson A. Co. , U.'l Itr i ulw.iy , _ _ \V A.VOO1) fi. O. ) . have in no of the flnon ' ' farms In Honlhwo3tern Imv.i for sale. Cull and 9co us i-J M.iln street. HOlt-i : an 1 btizny wantuil for nnlmufovctl prouvrty In norlliuoit p > nof irlty Ureon- NleholbOiuV Co. G.'l llniuluay. Iti.NT-Tho : rollowiim dwolllnijs : 10 roomchMi Una. iil : Park live. . JU. ( -ruoiii il nolllnK. " - ' * So. lilh st. to. f-ioom dwolline , n.'J''nd ive. , til. ? -rooin ilwollln ? , OI'MHIi ' avo3 , 0-rooin dwell n , ' , loth st. iimi Avenue D. 129. " room dwullln1"'S " * Uro uUvuy. li'i. 10-roomiiwollliiz. ! ! 3i Hellion si. . 12) ) . 8-rooin ilwolliiis. Illi Avciiuo 15 , } I0.1\ 0-ioom ( IwiillliiK , 111) N. Kith St. , { IH.05 t"-ioiin dnolllnK. B-0 Avcnilu II , ilS. 1-ioom ( Iwollliii110 Mncoln : ivo. . JBOV ! T-room dwollln : . ! 2 0 li.mmmy st. US. T-IOOIII ilwolllui ; , Hutinllt I'l-iro , lia. G-raoin dwelling. 411 Curl's ' st. . f IV 'i-roiim ( Iwolllnz , .V2.I Alynsterst . HI. S-iootn ( iwolllu : , I 2i : ird MVO. . SI' . 4-iooin ( Iwolllni ! . fu'l Mynxtrr st. . JI2.51 r-rooin ( hTolllnk' , Oriilnitu uvo . jr. ' . C-room duollln ? . UUlllth live. . Jl'J. C-rnom il\\olllnx. llahhltt I'l UM > , ifi'.S ) . 7-room ( hvullliu , Morinnvslilc , fl'.V ) , 4-rootn dwollln1. , 4W 1'nrlc uvu . JI 'iJ. S-rooni dwoilln. , Vilti Avoniio A , t.O. A-room dnvllln ? . Washington uvi * . , tlQi n-room ( iNM'llliiK , 404 N. Cth si. . 710. fi-room ilwolllui ; . .i01 N. 7th st. . tin. .Vroom dwiilllni : , HW.1 Avcnuo K. $19. 4-nioii : ( l-\ullln2. Hi.'iMli tivo. fU C-room ( hMillln. . 5U > Uh nt. . fl'i. ' 4-room dwulllnc. IIS Vine si. . ilO. 4-room UwolllnR. 511 ! N. 7th , } IO. C-room dwelling , i'bT l"lh ava. JH. r > -rnom d ( ! lllna , III'4 Avi'iiuo 11 , JIO , Ci-roo n lUMilllii1- > .V > AM'IIIIC II , 110. . ' ' -room ( Uvolllnf , 1411 rini.uhv.iy , $ ia ( i-ioom ilwcllliiR. llljystliuvo. , ? ! > . li-room dwollliu , I'lK ) Avi'iino A , $11. fi-room inrollln ? , Urtliuin nve. . nr , Hljh , W , 4-room house , I7HI So Oth st.$11) ) . fi-room dwolllns , 'H2I AVIMIIIO A. 9. 4-room dwollln ! : , 22'l Avoiuie U. $ < . fi-tooin drti'llhr , ' , ai'S Avcnuo II. H 4-room duolllut ; , 1010 Avt'nno C , JS , fi-room ihvulllnz. 012 A venue C. J- * . ( i-room dwelling , 2li > lst. and A vrnuo M , JJ. ri-ioom dwollln ; , 7011 S. 2.11.1 st. , } 3. fi-room duelling , line Avunito A. ii 4-room ilwolllii ) : , Ira N. 1st st , . jr. 4-tcom dwcllln. f,41 so 1st < t. . ? ii.O ) , 'j-nimn ( luollliiT , 'll')0 ) Avoniio A , H fi-rouiu ( IHO lln ; : . 219 I all uvo. . ? , ! . H-ioom iiwcllliiK , H-J Avcnuo A. $ \ . ' ' loom dwelling , V.Ks Avoniio I ) , fi. " -roiini ( Iwjllln - , UU Avenue 1 > . i-r > . 4-room Uuollln'j. 2' ! ' ) Avi'iiuo U. JL : : -ioom ilnellliiK , - , ' ! . ' ! ) ri. Uth st , . t > . 4 room dwolllnir , fill A\e O. J ana. 4 room dwolllnv , 141 VinosL , ! J 09. 4 mom dwellltiB , S03 I'ark avi ? . . $12.00. II II. Hho'ifc. rental ijunt. ; Hroadway anrt Main o trout. 11 YtHJ luivo nnythln ? for s-vla or tr.ido ss E. II. Slid .fo. Urea l\v iy auJ M uu strnnl. A II AIU3 A IN. ll-aero frn t and enrdon tract 2'i miles from unstofllro. " 4 acres Ingr-ipos , ! l aero In hlu"kuorrlos. ' - ' . " ) ) : ipplo trues. 75 plum troos. .Hi oherry trei'-i. dwollln , stuuli , ct" . 1'rlcoKOO ) . No tra.lu. K. II. blio-ifo. Ol ACIli : . Insldo olty limits : will Hull In lota -Jonn 'Cio up to H'llt buyer , Qreonsliloldi , Nluho'Mon A. Co. , C21 llrumlwny. Jr VUI' like kind tri"itmi'nt and barln5 In rn.il r"t itii oill on droonsliluhU , Nlehol- boii & Co. . fi.'i Uro idw.iy. ino ACItr.H of el ar land In oisleru No- J hriisUu tuuKclinnuu for a BOO I resilience In Counoll Illuir-i. Want ho H-'i und lots for No- hraskn I'liul. Johnston & Van I'attpn , \WKII.\Vn.igoodluniiit for a flvoor six ' i room liouso four or Hvu bloaUs from post- oil I , r. lircunshlelds , Mcliolson & Uo. , 031 llrondw iy. Gri ( ) ueros of choice plnn lands for sale , tnoir I'urvlg , Miss. H.isy lnrms , In- ( in rc'of Mrs. II. O. Ilroolci , or A. T. Uluo , I''J 4th Mrcct. "IT'tJUITYIn ' peed Council llluffH proporty. l- Must bu sold tills wci'U. UreciHhlolds , Mi'luilson , V CD. \\7KIIAVUcnstoiiinr.swlio wint : houses to > > rent , lluvnyou the homoa ? Uroonslilelds , Mcliolhon iVUo. RANCH of 3.0K ) uero4 , na ir Oliovoniiu , Wvo. line hnprnvnniiints , sinnstioU KOUS wltli r inclij llni'st In the stale. Will o\cliun'o for Council ll.nlTs or Oiniili i uroperty , Ureua * shields , Nifholson k OD. , UU Uro uhv.iy , 17\0lt \ K.\lIIAXR-f.VOia ( stojlc of Kunor-tl J muioliandlsi ) for low i or oasturu NnhrufllcH Inn , I , ( irennililiil'lH ' , Nieliol on A : Co , ftll ll'w.vy. aitunlH for udmlnhlrutor. FTJl KBNSl'lTKUA .NT(3 1 1 OISON & CO. , ' vTa vuls for a'lmlnNtr ' tor. hivu for anla nun nf the bout llWuru slo.'lc f inns In noit- ern lown , IISTItACTS and loins rurin nnd oltr Ji-inoprrty houvht and sold. I'usey h TlioiuuH , Council IllulTit. MISCELLANEOUS. GAKUAfilO rumovoij , rnsspools , vaults nnd _ cliliniHiynolo mud. 1C. I' ' , lliir.io. ( Illy Hide. J TIC IK SA ! , ! ; llirdw.ir ; i Htiuks In lovtu unl ( 1 Nolir.isku , Involoos , tl.JUJ toilJ.OJJ. Kit Hioufo , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ QI10W OAHKS-Kor sili : > clump , thrc" ii-foo Or. hcs , with Iron stiiiiU. Kr.ink Levin' , u I'oarl Htront , " ' "Ifl'KNIrilinU rooms to runtut 111 Olon nvo- -1 lino. "ifWJHSAI.B.Thear , orTn OM for " Intirl , " Jnn i' t ihllshiid lniMiii'ii. Addrasi 1' , O , box i/iJ Con nol I II ulf-i , l.u DANCING SCHOOL. ONuVHIn It. A pirlori. chililrW , 4 p m.i ii'linti. Ti ii p m SiuliilH Hjoimil nnJ fourth Jlonduys , 0 p , m. .Music furnUhud pur- ties und elulii Adr."i3 | at , II. A , I'.iriom , CniiMoll lllulfH. or IbM Kurnaiu at. . Uiuulia.V ; . Cliainlipri. lintriictur COUNCIL BLOFPJ SK UDY3 VORU All kin Unf Dyeuiijnn I Cloanln : done In tin I.host ttyloof tliu art. I'adoJ mil tt-ilne.l ahrlcs nni'.lo to lo.ik . a * food an now work promptly .done anil ilellrorol In all jiuitsur iliu country , iienj for urlco list. C. A. MAUIIAN , - I'HOl'UIIH'O ! ! . Ulroadw ay , Near Xorttnrritjra