Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1892, Image 1

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Kf *
Congressman Bryan Denounced by the Gem-
mcrcial Mon of Nelraska ,
Homo ItrasntM Why Ilit-y Arr Oppiispil to
tin * Drniocr.illi ! CiindhUUi-llo Has
Not'Irrntnil tlio rmH-rnlly Uljlit
llj- any .Means.
LiNTot.v , Neb , Nov. 7.-Specl | l Telo-
CramtoTui : Hut ] The following address
to Iho traveling mon of the First coagrss-
iloiial district was Issued this evening. It
bears tbo signatures of nearly 100 of the best
known commercial men of this city :
"As traveling men of Lincoln , wo want to
protest atialnst balng used by Mr. Hyran
nnd quoted by him as his backers in Ibis con
gressional lUht. Two years ago Mr Uryan
abused the kindness of a few of Iho boys
who were hint ] enough to support him by
publishing It ovorvwhero and having his
friends herald It from every street corner
that the traveling men ot Lincoln as a class
were bis Rupportors. Sincothonbo und his
friends have purslstontly crowded this Idea
bolero the public until many traveling mon ,
llko ourselves , have become disgusted with
what wo consider nn unwarranted and Impu
dent presumption on his part.
"Tbo traveling men of Lincoln as a class
were not for Mr. Uryan two years ao and
they nre not for him now. Some of them nro ,
nnd tboy have a right to bo , and it Is his
light and privilege to make such use of their
support as ho mav dc&iro. but ho has no richt
to make a constant parade of the Iravolliig
men of Lincoln .is being his supporters.
Judge fluid' * Irli-k.
"Judge Field Is popular among all travel
ing mon regardless of policy nnd is receiving
now vho onthiislasilc support of republicans
In our fraternity , and especially so for his
manly and dignified course In this
campaign in that ho hns never had
Iho gall to go whispering it around
into tbo oars of every ono thnt ho
carries the traveling man's vote In his vest
pocktit. Allen Field has been n Nobrasknn
slnco his boyhood , twenty-nine years , and
we ono nnd u'll nro proud of what ho Is and
what hohas achieved ns n citizen , as n public
ofllclal and as ono of the business pushers
and builder * of Lincoln. Manv a working
man of Lincoln has found employment
wnd good pnv in the business opera
tions ot Allen Field , but what
laboring man or Lincoln over saw a dollar
of Bryjn'.s monov or what citizen of Lincoln
or of Nebraska has over felt his city or his
state lonclltcd and its property enhanced in
value bv anything that Mr. Uryan has
ever said or done !
"Wo have no fault to llnd with Mr. Uryan
in his desperate effort to save his election al
tub lime so long in ho is fair in his methods ,
but when ho BOSS to the business men out
side of Lincoln and tells them that all the
traveling men nro for him , that the people of
Lincoln , as u city , have laid aside their busi
ness and nre devoting themselves entirely
tn "Pndlng him to congress , his j'all becomes
\Vn.y did Mr. Hryan , after having ono
nicotine at whih ho addressed the iravel-
ing men of Liucoln , cancel another of his
cntf.igemiMils und ndveitlao n second meel-
inc on the same date ihnt Mr : Field's only
traveling tnun's meeting had been adver
tised for Iho Lansing theater ! If the num
ber of traveling ; men In attendance upon
either of Mr. llrynn'.s mooting ; ! 1 * to bo
taken as a test of his strength among them ,
Mr. Fiord's majority will be overwhelming ,
us It should IKS from" business standpoint
co far as traveling men ns a class nro con
cerned. As n manor of fact every traveling
man represents directly or indirectly the
manufacturer , and we are only too willing lo
cast , our votes for Iho protocllon of the man-
tifacturor as well us ourselves , and for Mr.
Allen Field , who champions the protective
platform , rather than fora man with nono. "
Indications V ry Kiii-'iur.icliier lor lt ) Ke-
nKTiiiCK , Web. , Nov. 7. [ Tele
gram to Tun Dec , | The outlook for tomor
row's election in this countv and city is very
encouraging for the republican ticket. The
election of the entire ticket is enthusiasti
cally claimed tiy the republicans and Is
p\rtly conceded by the democrats , who are
equally certain that they will elect Marvin
nnd Kuthorford to the legislature and Dlbb
for county attorney. On the other hand the
independents nro equally cortaln'of Iho elec
tion of their candidate for county attorney ,
The fact that there nro two independent
candidates In the field for county attorney ,
Krotsln er and Wnsson , makes the attorney
question somiwhat complex. It.V Sabm ,
the republican candidate for
county attor
ney , is very popular In the county and city ,
and the most conservative concede his elec
tion by n small plurality. Tim county and
city will give a good round majority for the |
republican presidential uleetors and for
Crounso for governor and llaincr for con
gress. In brief , the outlook In Claire county
tonight is docldedly uncour.iging to the re
publicans , ( inga county is ull right for pro
tection In Nobrasun.
The II n ill rally of Iho republicans indigo
was a lilting ' 'nil to the enthusiasm that Iris
prevailed over slnoo the campaign began.
The torchlight procession comprised nearly
fiOQ mounted torcbbearers and -.lOU footmen.
Uniformed club * wore present from Fair
bury , Wymoro , Liberty , llluo Spring * , Odi-ll ,
Puwnco , Wilbur , Crate , Plckerell nnd De-
wltt , with the Flambeau club of Lincoln.
Throughout the procession were numerous
1 transptireiiciea bearing rouiblican epigrams ,
mid conspicuous among them banners' bnui
[ ing the words , "Stand Up for Nrtumska. "
I At tin ) conclusion of thu parade "tbo
I Paddock opera homo was crowded
L nearly to suffocation with u great
I throng to hoar thnspeeches by Judso M. 1) ) .
I Kooso aim lion. ( I. M. Linibcrison , W , S ,
| Summers ana other * . Considerable disao-
I polnlmciit WHS felt ever thu lalluro of Hon.
I Patrick Kgun to put in an appearance on
I account of dolajpd Irulu * . On the whole the :
I parade and meeting wore a big success and
hava wonderfully onthubed the republicans of
this section for the great imttlo of the ballots
I , tomorrow ,
I In NIIIICII County ,
IFfM.iiinox , Nob. , Nov. " , - [ Special Tele-
I RramtoTiu ; JUi.J : The largest rally and
L > torcbliijhl , procession
ever hold in Nance
I county took plnco hnre
ovonlns. The
I railway trains arriving this afternoon nnd
I evening were loaded with
enthusiustlo :
I voter * . Over IWO men were in the proccs-
I Blon carrying tnrchoi and
banners. Hon.
I Ui'orgo 1) ) . Moiblpjohn arrived
I morning nftor an absence
of woaiis
and received a continued ovation
the entire
I day , HospoKoto tbo people tonight nnd
I tomorroxv they will vote for him. A clnse
I estimate Into thU cvonini ; placet
I ' MinUlo-
John'b pluralltv in Nancocounty
at about 100 ,
I Urad I ) .
Slaughter la on the ground lioro
I and sayi the btato U safe fcr Crounso.
I roniiint' * Iti'
I FIICMOVT , Neb. . Nov. T..Spocial | to THE :
1 llEK.J-Tho total
registration for
the city
I election here tomorrow U l,3ilT. As usual ' ,
I it Is expected IniU tbo many who neglected
I to rogUter , will swear in their votci.
I lmt. ' | > eiulmils at Kviirnoy.
I KKAitvEV , Nob. , Jfov , r. [ Special UVlo-
I pram to TUB Huu. ] The great Independent
I. demonstration which has been BdvortUnd
I ( or three v om , took place today. The
parade consisted ot wagons , carryini ? lUs
voters , W. L. Oreen addtcsscd a crowd at
the rink this nftornoon with ono of his
characteristic speeches that occasionally
elicited npplftu&o from hli brolhor roformltls.
Dr. Kclptr Sprliicn a 1'alio nt tlio itc : cntli
. Hour on III * Uppmirnt.
Not ) . , Nov. 7. ISncclal Tele
gram to Tnr. Dec. ] Or. Ueorge F. Helper
of Pierce. Neb , U out with n circular ad
dressed to niitroad employes , to the effect
thatUeorgo O. Melulejohn voted nsalnst
house roll No. 15" In the legislature of l.SS ) .
lie quotes a portion of the record and gives
the vote as recorded , but leaves out a portion
of the < n tlon where It Is nmonded and Mr.
Meliilcjohn voted against the amendment ,
which was to refer the bill to the committee
of the whole. Tim was an act holding Mil-
roads responsible for any Injur
ies MisUlned by employes while
in performance of their duty , the nmci.d-
mcnt was to extend the bill to nil corpora
tions , manufacturer * , etc , Mr Moiklcjohn ,
well knowing that rofcrrlns the bill to tuo
committee of Iho whole meant Its dcfeaa *
this was the lint day of the session , voted
against that action. The record shows Mr.
Mollilejolm supporting the bill nil the way
through. .1 1) ) . iUrnes was at Lincoln in tno
Interest ol the railroads at the tlmo the bill
was before the legislature nnd tried to pre
vail on Mr. MolKloJobn to vote against the
bill but was unsuccessful.
ICelpor does not spring this document until
the last day In the evcnlntr In order that the
republicans might not have an opportunity
lo refute it , but fortunately they tumbled
onto it and have taken action to lot the
voters know the truth. Kolpor will tomor
row circulate these bills all along the lines of
Colorado's Votr.
ncxvnt , Colo. , Nov. . The political situ
ation in Colorado 13 n ninicult ono to figure
upon , because of tbo presence of six tickets
In the Held. Chairnm- . II. Cirifllth of the
republican state commtttco c.\prcssc3 the
opinion that llurrlson and the state and con
gressional tickets will b3 elected by 10.00J
plurality. This is stoutly contradicted by
Chairman McICinley of the ClovelnndUes ,
A'lio recently withdraw their electors and
adopted the p oplo's party head of the ticket.
Mr. jMcIClnle'y tliiiiMi that the Weaver elec
tors will have a plurality of Irom 8,000 to
Frank P. Arbucklo , who Is chairman of
the Weaver democrats nnd free comneo
democrats ( these two tickets leading alike ) ,
who fused with the people's party , thinks
that the entire ticket will bo victorious with
probably the exception ot the congressman
from the First district.
Chairman ( ' . li. Stone of the people's party
is conlldent of the election of Weaver
electors and Iho balance of his ticket in this
It is thought that the prohibitionists will
cut butn small tlcuro here this year , no
gains belli ; claimed by that party , nolttnz
in the pool rooms on the result in this state
is two to one In l&vor \Voavcr. .
, Vr Kcm.y. .
I\iiuviv , Neb. , Xov. 7. | Special Tele
gram to Tim Ilcis.J The parade under the
auspiciM of the Republican club was tbo
largest deinoustration over witnessed In
Koarnny. It conslstud of flambeaux , torches ,
- - - -
cowbell brigaclo , mounted torchboarurs und
nil of the bands in tbo city , oversixtv pieces ,
1,0'JO ' mon being in lino. A Iiirguople/atlon was
expcetod from Hastings , but it did not show
up. The Kearney opera IIOLIBO was packed
tosulTocation. Matt Daupherty of O'alalla
made a ringing patriotic address , lie made
un earnest appeal tu Jr'ahmen to stand by
the republican party. .Jaracs Whilchoad
made a short address , which mudo friends
for him , and plvos assurance of a biif vote
from Kearney tomorrow. Ho was followed
by J. ( ) . Tnte , wtio held the audience spell
bound by his sound argument.
Awi.ND , Neti. , Nov. 7. [ Special Telegram
to Tim Hii : : . | The indopennonts hold a rally
hero this overling at the opera house. They
had a well filled house , composed mo.s'.ly of
republicans and democrats and a few po m- i
lists. The llrst speaker was S. II. Soronbor-
ger , candidate iqr coui ty attorney. Ilo
made a regular democratic Epcech , tolling
about the good ndnilnlstriitlon of Governor
Uoyd. The next -weaker was Mr. Ich ,
candidatu for congress in the Fifth congres
sional district. Ilo spoke chiotly of the
wrongs of the down-troadon farmers. The
independents in this section nre all discouraged -
aged and many will vote the stramht repub
lican tlcxut. Kavernl bays b3n'an to yell for
Ilurrhnn und Crounst' , which made the inde
pendent' , very wrathy und they wore going
to whip tuain for it.
Lincoln's CIIKIIIK ItllllV.
Li.vioi.N , Nob. , Nov. 7. [ Spou'al Telegram
to Tin ; lice. | The most imposing political
demoi.Mratlon in Lincoln during the present
cunvjnich occurred here this evening In the
Interest of W. J. Uryan. The torchlight
parade WRS many blocks long and attracted
hundreds of witnesses who lined the streets.
There was thu usual ei.lhusiasm. Many of
Ihojcnding Indopandonls of Lincoln Ihrew
off ibolr prctcnuo of supporting Shamp and '
marched In the liryan column. The Hpcakiirs
at the mcotlng were Paul Vandorvoort , C.
D. Suradcr and Congroisinan Ir/an. )
Will , \simt tbo Iti'piililirans.
Hni > LI. ( I i ) , Nob. , Nov. 7. fSpaciu ! Tele
gram to TIIK Hti.l : At n mooting of tbo
Uailwuy Kmploycs club held In this city
tonlcht it was decided that the entire vole
and lutlucncc of Iho i-lub ho cast'for the re
publican ticket. President F. .1. Martin ud-
drcsaed Ihu incoiing nt length , oxplainlni ;
whv every moniDor should vole for Andrews
This action will make n iiroal differem-a In
pollilcs as far ai iho Flfih dlttrlct is con
cerned. j
.Mol IIIII'H l''lnil ; Appeal. I
Nrnr. = KCm , Neb. , Nov. 7.-'Special
Telegram to Tin : lien. ) J. Sterling Morton
closed iho caiiipaiGn for Iho democrats in this j1
city tonight. Ilo was nccorJsd an ovation.
Visiting domosrais were here fiom Syracuse
and the Syracuse bnnd led ino procession.
Tno street display wa creditable. Mr.
Morton made his usual free trauo speech
and talked to a largo crowd.
HuckliM and Wulfenbargor talked nt ihe
cuuvt lieu e tonight.
lit 'IVciiMlxol
Neb , , Nov. 7 [ Social | Tele
gram to TUB Hen. J The court room was ful
to overflowing tbls afternoon , the event
being nn address liy Ike Lansing of Lincoln ?
upon the Issues l of the campaign. His talk '
was devoted niojlly lo exposing the fallacies
of tin ) independent platform , though tbo
dotnocraiH wore given a severe scoring. The
force of his argument was nut Ion on iho in
audience and ita elToul will bo snotvn at tha
polls tomorrow.
rlrrriCoiinly Ili-puldtraim.
Pir.isi'i : , Nob. , Nov. -Spoelal [ Tolocraiu
to Tin ; llKr.i- The republicans of Pierce
county held their last rally this ovenlne.
They were addressed by C. J. ( Jrc'eno of St
Omaha , who dwelt on the tarfff. the cur-- Inca
ronoy , the McKlntny bill , oto. The meotltg ca
was largo and enthusiastic , the speech being st
ono of iho host of ihu campaign. Meikic- wl
John's name evoked applause whenever men is
tioned. CO
Tlllunloii utVnlion , (
Nob. , Nov. 7 I Special folojrnm tn
to Tins l EE.J-Jud o Thurstoa addressed
the opera house full of HIni
voters this afternoon la
In n scholarly speech , U was tno llnest , jj
political speech heard here this
year bv long \
odds , and that It was
lully appreciated
was lh
i.tlostcd " % by frequent and ihuudcrous asP tv
. tli
WKKI-ISU WATIIII , Neb. , Nov , 7 , ISpecial
Teletfi-ftm to Tim Her | -Tho republican { bv
rally advertised for ino
many peom
pie here , but Senator Manuerjon , on account u\
of Watson sickness , failed to appear , as did also J , ntU. w
, There was no speaking , pi
Political Frognostioaton Got Very Tar
Apart in the Northwest States.
Hen T. Cubic Sayn llliiuilt Ito ( ! o for Clo o-
lanii .Mr. Ciiinpbrtrs iNtlniittFs Show
u tlond .Miijiirity fur ll.irru
sun Oilier
CIIICHOO. 111. , Nov. 7. The close of the
campaign finds bdlh political parties confi
dent In Iho northwest. Tbo democrats for
iho mist mrt , feel nsiiiraj they will
elect their governor In this stive , and there
nre many who own expect thu electoral vote
of Illinois to bo cast for Cleveland. Tno ro-
nublicans laugh at thaso m-eionslons , nud
their Htato com iittto appears to bi quilo as
conlldentof republican victory all along thu
line In Illinois.
The democratic national campaign commit
tee , whose western headquarter- , have been
In charge of Congressman Hen T. Cable of
Illinois , sent out telegrams to nil local com
mittees in iho norihwest lodiy assuring
thorn lhat a careful poll loft no rood for
aoubt of Cleveland's success it ) Illinois nnd
\ \ leconsln and Dial all that remained was to
get out the full domocratlo vota tomorrow.
This committee has praclically managed the
entire democratic campaign in the doubtful
states of the northwest , and If ono or moro
of iheso status should go Democratic it would
bo justly regarded as n great victory for
Chairman Cable and his colleagues , who
have waged n contest without precedent In
the west , and have made this lUhl without
assistance from the national committee ut
Now Vork.
DPinoriMlIu Claims.
To the Associated press Chairman Cable , of
tno western branch of the national campaign
committee , this oveulng gave the following
statement of the committee's opinion of the
situation in Iho norihwest and tbo part
which the cornmlttec's work was playing In
the result :
"In Illinois the democratic organ'zatlon '
was never in bettor condition. There have
been sent from thcso headquarters , in nddi- _
lion lo moro iban : i,03JOOJ documents boar-
Ing on i the questions at issue in the campaign ,
0"Ct lOO.OuO personal letters to individual
democrats throughout the stale. These have
beer sent to those engaged in the active work
of the cumpaigu and also lo largo numbers ,
of business t and profcislonnl men , school
teacner.s and to Ibnso who have bo'n
Known is ardent democrats , but passed
the time of life when they can oe expected to
do uellvo work in a campaign. I'ho responses
have boon moro than encouraging. t-Voni all
pan of the state 1 hnvo received letters
showing ' that the democrats ai-o enthused
will the prosDeet. The polls sent lo this
ofllco show evidences of having b3cn prepared -
pared with more than tun ordinary care.
The speech delivered by Hon.Yayno Mac-
Vo.igh lust Saturday has bjon of vast ser
vice in bringing to our ticket tbo support of
n largo class of Independent thinkers who
nnvo been republicans , but have apieod with
the platform doolaratlons rather than with
the party action in congress. From a careful
oxiiminailon of tbo pjlls received from tha
mate I believe the two parties will conio to
Coo county very nearly oven , and iho ma
jority hero will bo over 10,000. which will
( jive ' the siato to Cleveland and Allijold by a
Handsome plurality.
I'roinUrs of llio chairmen.
"I have Just received a d'upit'en from Hon.
U. J. Campau , chairman of the Michigan
democratic itato committee , in which ho
say : 'The democracy of Mlohitrun extends
greetings. Wo will do our full duty. Uiprht
- fcctors-ut-larsc , a mijority of congressmen
and a democratic Injjisiaturo will be out-re
"Mr , Campau has boon conservative In his
staloments during the campaign and 1 bs-
liavo dnmocrals throughout the country can
rel' upon his predictions.
"In South Dakota , tbouch the democratic
doctors . remain on Iho ticitct , the stu'o com-
mittco bus urged all dumocrals lo nnllo nnd
support the SVenvor electors , und this has
boon done in a lain majority of cases. A
dispatch just receiv.-d from the chairman of
iho democratic state
committee gives mo
assurances that this stale I.s all right mui n
that porbnpj Weaver will bavo u small plu
T"ll lity.
"From Wisconsin Mr. Wall , chairman of
the .itato committee , telephones mo this
inornine that he has no reason to change the
c.'itlm.ilo lie made public last Saturday of
111,000 outside of Mliwuukeo. lie believer
thnt. his ostlmato has been most conserva
tively made and that the count will show
oven'n turner i-'ulii than has boon roporled.
He ' ! assures me that it Is nil over but the
"In Iowa our friends nave made a good
light and predict that thov will carry iho
state. I feel that the present republican nd-
mlision ! thai Iowa is fairly to bo counted ns
u doubtful slate Is as much of n victory us 1
cm claim for the mrty in Unit
stale , that has been go overwhelm
ingly republican. There is significance
in llio fact that Uin mojt conservative demo
crats In tbo stale hive assured mo personally
wilhlu the past low diys that thov hnvo
looked over Iho cround and feel confident
that the stale will bo domocraliu by u larger
majority thin has ever boon given to thu
nroteni governor. I bavo conlldonoo In tholr ol
judgment , but hnvo hoiltnted to accept their
estimates until of lulu as the returns from lili- .
nols have shown such evidences of an i > va- .
laucbo of voters to tbo dumocrauy , "
( runt Iriuhllnii4. ! .
To n representative of the Associated
press Hon. William 1C. Campbell , the Ill
inois , member of the national republican com-
milieu , said : "I believe Illinois will give a
itajortty for the Harrison elector , larger
than four years ago , nnd thai , despite the
hitter light waged against him , tlovernor
Fifer will bo triumphantly oleelod. Uesnrd-
ing Wisconsin , my latest Information is of
so assuring a character that I foci sanguine
of a majority fur Harrison , and the elec M
tion of. Spooner ns governor by a plurality of
several thousand. I do not regard Iowa an
anv more ' in doubt than Ohio or I'unnsvl- vc
vanla. I h'ayo little information oulsido of
newspaper reports regarding oilier wosicrn
and ' ! northwestern states , but know that Ul
members of the national committee feel
the situation has Wl
steadily Improved for a
fortnight past , and that republican leaders SII
uro sanguine of success anywharo , except on
Nevada. The I-V
loss of a portion of iho
elector of Minnesota is be
* possible , but by ro
menus probable. My advices led mo to oe.
lievo that lu Indiana , while ilia vote may bo
close , the chances are decidedly favorable to
Iho republicans. "
Ksrcpdliii ; ! ) ' J'riiuk and Cliiiurful.
On iho situation in Illinois ! the democratic
state ! central committee gives out the follow
ing : "Reports received at this oflleo Indi
cate a domocratlo victory In Illinois , boib
state ; and national.'o are confident wt >
will break even at the Conk couutv line , that
thut the two parties will como to Cook
county about equal. The best informed re
publicans , and democrats nliku concede that
roolc | county Is democratic. No ono places us
the domocratlo majoiliyat loss than 10,000 ,
while mnnv shrewd polltlclins place Cleve
land's plurality at 10.000 ami give Alteeld ,
for governor. . ' 0,000 , iiiturns from couiitrj
districts Indicate lurso democratic gains
Wo mar lese ono mombjr in congress , but
this will be offset by iho gain of
two member j-at-lnrgo. Our orgaaua.
tlon oulslda of COOK county permeates '
uvarv school district In ' .lie state
and Is represented by 14,000 , waruer * , while
the ! republican organisation Is represented
oulv about 'J.tUO workers , Heretofore
many democrats In yils sinto bavo stayed
away \ from the polls , thinking tnclr vote 50S
would do no good if cast. Ihis voar our poo-
pie are confident of victory , and a full demo-
cratlc i vote cad bo depended on. The In-
creased registration li ( Cook county would
reasonably warrant the conclusion reached
bv tboso who hAr'e expressed nn opinion
of the majority fcr the domocratlo ticket ot
Cook county. The * cfflclmil work of the
western branch , of llio national campaign
committee under Chairman Cflblo hns been
of Inestimable pdvantiro In thU stale , nnd
the party was never In better nhapo. "
Opiillilont ofsncccus.
The roptibtknn state central committee
pave out the , , following statement : "It is
Iho opinlonof Iho republican stnto commlltco
that Illinois will itlvo an Increased repub
lican majority , much , however , depending on
thn result In Cook countv. There is no
question whatever that the state outside
will give President Harrison a larger major
ity tbun four years ngo , nud Governor
Filer will 1)3 little , If anv , behind
the president. The German defection , about
which so much has bjon said , has
lu'cn grossly cxnggcratod , and lliero
or * larcn pnlns from contorvativo demo
cratic sources. Wo expect to elect thirteen
congressmen borond a doubt and nave great
IIODCS of dofoallng Fllhlan In tlio Sixteenth
ami Foromitn in iho ICichicoaih In addition.
In the Second , Fourth. Sixth , Twenty fourth ,
Thirty second and Forty-eighth senatorial
districts , which have bjeu claimed as doubt
ful bv democrats , there is uo question ot the
ulcit'on ' of the republican candidate ? , nnd
wo llrmly bollcvo that wo will elect Mr.
Hassctt In the Twenty-sixth , Mr. Fecke In
the Forty-socond and Mr. lioMoti in the
Forty-fourth. Tbero is llltlo doubt that wo
will have control In both branches of the
legislature. All senators elected at this
election will participate. In the election of a
United States senator four years honca. "
IN Nivoitit STATI ; .
Until of tlio Old I'nrtlcs I'rep.iroil tu .Make n
Iliird right.
Nu\v Yonif , Nov. 7. The weather prospects
poet : for tomorrow are not assuring , according
Ingt to iho iveathar bureau. A heavy storm
is now in protjrosa in the lake region And
ihlsovoningthoro Is threatened rain , probably
the advance guard of the same storm , The
duration of iho storm , It Is predicted , will be
about twenty-four hours and behind it is a
cold wave of considerable strength. The
local weather bureau said this morning that
the storm tomorrow would probably extend
from Virginia northward over iho mlddlo
Atlantic and Now England slates and that
boioro night a storm was probable. AU ever
the rest i of the oauntry it will ba cold und
clear according to the present indications.
Arrangements i have all baen completed for
the election i in this city tomorrow. There
will bo a largo force representing both par
ties . at the polls , and if uuaibors ot watchers
is ( auv | evidence of ntithanost voto. the ballot
will bo puro. On behalf of the federal au
thorities , a force of supervisors , each with a
United Status marshal's certificate , will
watch proceedings at _ the poll ! , iteep the
puat and watch out for niloeed proposed
John W. Jacobus , the United States
marshal of this district , has sworn In r > ,000 ot
thos deputies , who will sea thut a correct
vote is cast and counted. On the other Hand ,
Sheriff tiorman will put a lot of men at uvory
election district to watch tbo marshals , and
Ihu pollco bavo received their Instructions
to wileh : them all. It w tboroforo likely
that the presence of so much force will
deter cither partyfrom attempting frauds in
this city and there is no Ilkllbood now of any
violence. Superintendent Hyrnes says that
ho exuocts no trpublo tomorrow and that the
police force wiH.dojlts duty without fear or
favor. Hu suya that the doputv marshals
ara acting und.ov. United Slates laws nud
thuywill be aid.od. if necessary , In tha en
forcement of tn'om , but , be U sure that the
superior * of thomarihals will not allow any
of them to violate the low any moro than
they would allow anybody else to do It. If
the federal roprosenlalives break any law
lomorrow , Mr Uyrnos says that they will bo
as amendable to the law as anybody else.
It is the general opinion of the city oflicers
Hint the auto-election stnries of expected
trouble will not amount to much.
Extraordinary preparation tomorrow.'J
in the mailer of looking out for all nttomols
at fraudulent voting. There has been filed
with United Slates Marshal Jacobus about
1,000 warrants , sworn out against persons
who , are alleged to have rotrlslered illegally.
They will not bo served unless the persons
named therein attempt to vote tomorrow.
Information was received at the marshal's
ofllco that a body of 300 colonizers , whoso
destination was' Coney Island , had been
shipped from 1'ittsburc and other parts ot
Allegheny county. The marshal said that
ho was prepared to plvo them a warm rocop-
uoi . Mr. Jacobus has a private wire in his
odico nml is In touch , with all parts of his
dUtrict. < The marshal stated latu this niter-
noon that the limit of deputy marshals who
would uo duty ut tbo polls tomorrow had
bee placed at 7,000.
Chairman Huekatt , of the republican stale
committee , in an Interview with the Asso
ciated press reporter , denied ihnttho repub
lican state commtttco had .sent pastor ballots
to democrats huadcd by two democratic
electors and followed by tbo names of repub
lican electors , but said that was what the
democrils hail dono. He had in bis possession
sioi ono of these tickets that Iho domocrallc
committee nail mailed to rop-'blloans. It bad
two ( republican electors and thirty-four dem
ocratic electors on it , Hackutt said ho un
derstood Iho democrat ! had been sending
tboso uo-us , tickets throughout the state.
Itotli Siclr" llavu their I'liuiKcrs Mllto
Duyiir i DuliiniiH ol Clnvolund'ri MUTCIS.
New VUIIK , Nov. 7. Fifty thousand dollars
lars of democratic rnonoy was deposited al
the ilnffmnn house Wednesday night to bo
but on Cleveland' * oloution. About f 10,000
oil this was immediately covered.
. ( , ieorgo Whcoton , n , bookmaker , has been
Iho heaviest of the Harrison plungers. Ho *
has placed $ .VjdJU ! or thereabouts on Harri I-
s0' ' . Ho still bus $20,000 lo bet , nnd after
hema places this he will rest on his oars. Hook-
makers John and Jamo * Maboney have
placed n great deal Of money , Thny have
wau'cwd ihclr own money on Cleveland , not
withstanding the fact that they lost $ ' 37,000
on , thu election of 13J8. 10r
Michael F. Dwyer has boon another per-
sUtent plungtiroji tb Cleveland sldo. His
wugcr of f 20,000 to 913.000 that the democrats
will win In this 8thtb la thn largest inado.
Most < of Dityoi'g beta have boon placed this
way , ha not mrlag lo lav money on the gen
eral rusult , evldnritry bollovlns' to ba ia
very uncertain quantity.
ICx 1 Aldoniiin-\/sjton Storm has also made
some very bcaVy1 R ls on Cleveland , both
upon ) his election and the rusult in this stato.
Storm Intendlo Jwo $ J5,000 if liarrlsun
wins. ICdward ' ICoaruoy has a very largo
sum slaked' ou th , result just how much
only he lnm elf knovra. It Is probably nearer
150.000 than rialw < > ' ' '
, v'1'ho v' number of smaller
hols is legion.
Conlllrta Hourcd In
Ill IT.U.O , N. y. , Nov. 7. No specials have
been sworn in by the United .State * tuner-
visor ou election bond . the two originally (
apnlntcd for cuch District ono republican
and one democrat.
A largo number p ( epooial deputies have
been sworn In by the sheriff for election pur
poses. The democrat IB managers have Issued
orders to democratic boards of Inspectors ,
supervisors aod btlior election oftieers to In
sist upon Mr. Shcqhun's Interpretation of the
lavas dollned in hla posters. Tbo appoint
ment of those deputy HhonfTs h IOOKCU upon
another ovldonco that tbo democrats onn
tend to bavu the semblance to support their ;
Many nlaihoi scorn probable , especially In
the district iu tto lower portion of the city
where man/ complaints of illegal ronistra-
lion have boon made and where tnora have
been many arrosis , The ofilccra have been
Instructed to Bring up those cases.
Itnly *
UOMK , Nov. 7 , yesterday's election re
sulted in a complete vlctorv for "
the gov-
eminent. Itcturns from 487 districts out of *
show that the government members hove
boenjiloclud in a.VJ * nd opposition In 130 dis- [ P
[ COXTINUEU ox Tinui ) ' no * . o
How tbo Ccmpaigu Has Been Oonductetl
by Enob Party.
Itnpiibllciins llrllrtu Tlnit Tlir ) Arc nil tlic
Criot ol the Tldn and Thnt All
the Undnrriirrrnts Are
nllh Them.
Nr.w VOIIK , Xov. 7. [ Special ToloRratn to
Tun HBK.J "Jr drover Cleveland Is licked
ho ui'.l be awfully licked , " said Uourko
Coclmm lo a friend this afternoon.
The Tammany orator was evidently foolIng -
Ing the force of his talk at the Chicago cen
vonllon when ho lold Iho dumocrals of Iho
nation that Mr. Cleveland was popular every
day in the year except election day. Tomor
row's verdict ot tha polls is to show how far
right Shoohan.Crottor and the other members
of the Now Vorlf delegation were In Ihoir be
lief that Cleveland could cairv the stato.
It may bo said impartially that today they
hnvo shnwu fewer signs of confidence In
their own oampaicn boasts us distinguished
from tbcir prophecies nt the Chicago con
vention than at any time for the last ten
days. There nro evidences that the ground
is slipping from under them.
The republicans , on the other hand , ex-
proas the most absolute confidence. They
believe that they are on the crest of Iho
tide , nud that all the undercurrents nro
with thorn. They know lhat the democratic
hope of reducing Harrison's ' 80,000 majority
above , the Elurlem by 20.000 is the wildest
dream , and they feel pretty sure that they
have the democratic majority below the
Harlem dam-nod UP so that it can by no
posslolllty go beyond SU.OOO.
Ho\v IliirrNoit Is 1'Uvored.
Their conviction is that Harrison will win
IT about tne plurality ho hud four years ago
Some ot thorn think with itDiirko Cichnin
that ' if Urover Cleveland Is Hcnod it will DO
mi awful licking , and they sny it is possible Harmon 31,000. It should
be said i , however , that the mon In both par
ties who nrj lecocnizod for conservative
judgment stick lo the belief that the plural-
H.V either way will bo between 3,000 and 7,000.
There are moro of those mon tonight who
think that this plurality will bo in favor of
Harrison than there wai'o forty-clh'ht hours
a.o.The r ; democratic confidence of the week
was ; artificial , worked up to cover the disap-
pointmcnt over the failure In registration and
to fool f the countrv generally inlo the belief
that Now York was safe for Cleveland , but
the inevitable reaction from Ibu sluttlnc. bus
come , and the nervous uncertainty in the
democratic camp is much creator tha'n among
the republicans , though thu latter have tolr !
share of it.
A miscalculation ol a single vote In each of
the 5,000 election dUtricU of the stnlo would
upset the estimate of either party. So far
as a national committee can chauiro public
sentiment and Injure Us own cause Chair
man Hnrrity and hit associates seem lo have
the monopoly of blundering this yoar. Ths I has unmistakable evidence Ibat
putting Cleveland 0:1 : thu stump to whlno
about the use of money ot the tlmo it was
sendini ? the larco sunn into Connecticut ,
West Vtrglnla-nird-lttdliinu , ha' '
bis candluaoy ,
Auil icily ol tinOpposition. .
The audacious lylnp about floury C. Frlck
contributing to Ibo republican campaign fund
has only servea lo bring out bow recliloss
nro the appeals of the deinoetats to anarchy
nnd unrest. Whitney , Grace and other "plu
tocrats" who have collected the money for
their parly are naid to have opposed it , uut
after tbo election every ono of them will bo
disclaiming responsibility for it. It was na
unscrupulous as the Moroy Chinese law for
gery ot the democratic national committee in
IbSJ. If it had been successful Harrlty and
bis fellows would bo foi-givon by tholr party.
Uu it has bepn a fniluie. As a halt for the
laborer it looked templing , but when Ho'ne-
slcader O'Uonncll wrllo from jail denounc
iup tno trap it is plain that some one lus
People 1 who don't buliovein anarchy have
disapproved sut-h methods of Inlliiencinir
political .sentiment , while the people ivho
have it littlu more richt to speal : for the
{ laborer than u democrallu national cominit-
tcp , inado up of millionaires , are dcnouncini ;
Hjrrily , Dickinson , \Vhitnoyund the rest of
Early j in the cam pain the committee gave
Gr Mastor\Vorkman Powderly recognition
as an authorl/.ed spokesman of labor by cir-
culaling his utterances. They can't dis
credit their own witneiH , and they hnvo to In
keep silent wbon Powd'jrly rospjnds by do-
nouneinir the whole outfit. Some ttmci ago
tin grind master workman was advising the
knights of their duty to support ( Joncral
Weaver. Within a wi > ok it is said that be
ha issued a "red" circular , which means a
secret one , counseling them their para
mount duty is to dofuit Cleveland. That is
tu vote directly for Harrison ,
Features ol tliu Situation.
Possibly the general result won't bo
chinced , but thu incident Is worth noting
bicausn the plan lo intluence thu working
P'oplu of the country against thn republicans of
w is ono of tha Napoleonic strategics which
Chairman Harrlty and his millionaire asso
ciates hud reserved tor Ibo closing davs of
the campaign. It takes cither u fool or a
genius to cause a stampede toward
ttio end of a campaign , Hurch- It
nrd may have been the laticr. The
chairman of a national committee may boa
fool or a knave but iho mere fact in itself does
not inane certain lhat ho can c.iuso a stam
pede , Harrity's party frio-ids can give con
vincing testimony on this point. The only
Burchard the campaign bun produced has
been Wayne MatVench , and his friondj ull
believe he Is a genius. It Is ironer.illy under
stood that it was Chairman Harrity who nut
him up to ibo Cooper Union speech altackfng
Minister Kgau , and the returns nro not ull In
from the IrUh-Amtrlcnn dofci lion which
that speech caused in the democratic ranks.
Tbo republican committed , with Carter and
Clarkson at ino helm , has boon happily free
from mistakes of any sort. Il bus not ap
pealed to passion or prejudice , and has
sought lo have the issues clearly discussed.
It ought also lobe tuld that Tammany and
Sbcehnn's state committee. , which has run
the democratic campaign hero , and David
B. Hill himself have boon more decent than
the "bettor element" wblh has trained
with them for the election of Cleveland.
What blackguardism there has been In the
canvass hns como entirely from ihe mug
wumps , They have been ill-iempored and
malignant ,
IOUA IUiUIIIlU.\.tS SA.NC-.ri.Ni : .
'iuni > aliii Clcisnd at Orrnlon Amid 1'oiiHld-
llnttlni ; Mow tlio Situation l.ouln ,
la. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tul-igram
to Tin : liii.l The campaign closed hero to
day. Huts were freely made. James W ,
Uaploy bet fVW , oven , lint Cleveland would of
bo elected and K > 0 that Harrison would not
have u majority In Iowa. 11. S. ICinser bet
1100 with fcd Aldorsnn and other parties that
Cleveland would ba uloctod. Harnoy Fit/-
simmons ofTcrud f. " < OJ to tiOU : that Cleveland
would carrv Now Vork and later offered the N
same bet on Indiana , but found no inkers , ra1
Kcnubliraus urosangulno uut are not bailors. pa
CI.M.MS or iutioou.\T.s ; , j M
Tlirj llnpu lo Sci-iir South Diik'itii I'.U-r- 1'f
luri tor VVcuvrr.
YANMOV , S , 13. , Nov. 7 , [ Special Telegram - PC
gram to TUB Hns.jOtto Pcomlllcr , chair dawl
man of tbo South wl
Dakota democratic ) cen wlNi
tral ' committee , Is today claiming Koulh Da NiDi
kola's four electoral votoi for Weaver bv a
plurality of 0,7,10 _ votes. He made waccrs .
to thrl effect and seems entirely confident j I li
of ftucb a result , confirming iho report Uo ,
hns previously declined to express himself
upon , that the democratic voters were being
urged to vole for Weaver elector
I u * and
* -j t VIWl lUit UU\I not
for Cleveland In order to IBKO the state
from Harrison , whore It is sure to go.
IN WKtt Vlltr.INI \ ,
Itcpubllrnnit Confident Hint The } \ \ III Cnriy
tlm Sl.ili' .
CMUII.ESTOV , W. Va. , Nov. 7.1'lint West
Virginia is nn extremely doubtful slate Is
acknowledged bv the conservative clomcut
in all partial. Tnero are four tickets in the
Held , , viz. Kauublli-aiis democrats
, , prohlbl-
tlonUts and populllOK. Tlio lasl named Inisn
considerable fooihold in the state- , and would
have cast , U is thought. lO.O''OtoJii.iU. ' . ) votes ,
but within i the
past thrcnor four weeks ntini-
bcra hnvo d"serted Ihoir ranks and gone
buck to either ibo domocrallc or republican
parlies The prohibitionists will cut no llg-
lire of njiy Importance in the battlu tomor
row. The great tuttle will bo between the
democrats and republicans.
The republicans claim the state from the
electoral vote to constable '
by from -1,000 to
I-too. Tbo
demoi-nits nro cautious aim con
servative , and lha sUto executive committee -
tee , with headquarters in thli cltv , say thov
nro confident tbo stnlo will give its ulci'lorat
vote for ClQvoland nnd all iho state ofllocrsi.
nnd the legislature will bo domocratlo. The
mujoritv will probably DO 1,500 to ' , ' .OJO.
The rain today niut lonlght promises to
continiiB throughout tomorrow , and If it do-'s
it Is looked unon us a favorable omen for the
domocrats. Tomorrow's election will bo the
llrst held under tha Australian system , and
It Is not known what may come out of It ,
more than to make every voter vote his
ticket straight , as ho will ba afraid of mak
ing mistakes wbloh might cancel the whole
bullet If bo scratches it.
Ilcnv Mlsumrriiot < - Ulll Ilo Citnl.
ST. KOUI , Mo. , Nov. 7. Tbo political situ
ation in Missouri Is not much chanced , The
dcniocrats will carry nearly ovorylhlinj.
Chairman Ilolhwoll of tbo repuoilcan com
mittee said to an Associated prca.s reporter
tonight thnt he was averse to making miy
attempt to give figures , but said ho fell con-
lldent of the material roduclion of the usual
democratic pluralitlns en the stale ticket.
As to congressmen , ho conceded one district
the Tenth safe , nnd felt that four others ,
which ho declined to specify , were doubtful.
Chairman Salmon of the democratic execu
tive commllloa was serenely conildont , but
would give no figures either. Ho did say ,
however , that lie had nnt the slightest doubt
that Missouri would give ono of her old-timo
democratic majorities , also electing fourteen
democratic congressmen , with a fine chance
for the whole. " The people's and prohibition
tickets will scarcely affect the final result ,
and these voles bavo not been taken Into
account in considering the general situation.
Klllnl Ovtir rolltlr * .
Ind. , Nov. 7. The rapidly
growing number of political murders In In
diana was fuither auumonlcd last night at
Uasoyvillc , in Clay county , by thr killing of
Edward Kirkwood by Mlkollunlon. Hoth are
miners. They got inlo n quurrol ovr poll-
tics , the byslanduis took It up , and a general
street light ensued. Hiinlon grabbed a pop
liattlo and struck Kirkwood a crushing blow
oa the sldo of the it-sail , cuttins It in a tern-
bio manner , severing tbo jugular vein.
They Ki-gUtitr Iiiilii-i'ili's in .Vcu Vork.
Ni.w YOUR , Nov. 7. United Slates Com
missioner Shields loduy accepted bail for
! f teen additional paupers from Uindall'a
island who were arrnstcd for Illegal rogistra-
tlon. Many of these men were almost 1m-
bacllo. unable tn sin ; their own names nnd
net sufllclcntly intelligent to ralso their
'hands'for the purnastj-ormiiklup ; oath.
iir.ooKl.vx , N. y. , Nov. 7 The pollco nr-
rested seventeen persons for illegal registra
tion yesterday.
Wininniiiicer In < 'onllilriit. [
O. , Nov. " , . Poslm.islor Gen-
oral Wanainukcr passed through hero Ibis
morning on his way from Indiana lo Wash
ington. To iho A ociatcd press representa
tive he said the latest information from Indi
ana Indicated it would civo a largo majority
for Harrison. Naw Vorlt ho considered In
moro favorable condition than four years ngo
and believed It safe for Harrison. .
K < * piildi < : ill I'l'IcMiU
BO'-TOV , Mas ? . , Nov. 7. The imiepniidont
republican committee which met Saturday
endorsed IJussoll for governor and the re
publican presidential lickat.
ir/i.i7 ini.i. TIIK 11 in : ?
Dltlercnrn i > f O ( > luloii ItpturtMi D.iiiiuNntiiro
tind ( Icitoral < .reoli'y.
Cnic-Mio , 111. , Nov. 7. Vhc Indicaiions late
tonight nra that a light vote will bo polled In
many portions of the northwest because of
todav's storm. Dispatches from Kt. Cloud ,
Nortuflclil , Heawood Falls and other points
Minnesota report a heavy gale , attended by
snow and rapidly falling temperature. In
Wisconsin , northern Iowa and northern
Michigan similar conditions prevail.
Fird ! SlIOU Ol tllO * M1OI1 111 llltVll *
DLNI.AIIn. . , Nov. 7. [ SpecialTelegram to
Tun IJiii.j : A slight snowfall occurred hero
this moEiitnif. co-nmeiii-lnguboiiUi o'clock and
continuing at intervals unlit noon. It Is Iho
llrst of the season.
. . _ ,111 , Nov. 7. A heavy storm
has boon raging all day , but It is louring off
cold ! lonlghi.
JU'iii.lMiroN , la. , Nov. 7. The flrst snow
ttie season fell lodny and it Is croxvlng Ti
colder. Democrats think it will reduce the
repulilican volo.
WAUIOVlu. . . Nov. 7. A bli//ard lias
bjen raging Ihroughoiit northeastern Iowa
todav und tonight the .sioim is increasing.
will Jivcic very hard and much snow Is
ralluur. |
\Vlial < ! n-i < ly l I'mdirU.
Wsnivnr'v , D. C. Nov. -Forecast ' '
for Tuesday : '
Nebraska Fair ; warmer ; winds becoming
For Iowa l-'iilr ; warmer ; winds becom '
ing soulh.
For Mississippi , Alaoama nnd Uislern
Tuxas FairTue-uluy and Wednesday ; much
colder ; norih winds.
l-'or Arkansas Fair Tuesday nnd WoJnos-
day : wanner Wednesday ; west winds be
coming variable.
For Indiana Fair Tuesday and Wednes
day ; colder cast ; warmer by Wednoiduy
morning : west irales , dlminUbiiiir.
For Illinois Fair Tuesday and Wednes as
day warmer Wcdnoiday ; west gales dimin
ishing , I
For upper and lower Michigan Fair ;
clearini.- northwesterly galas.
For WUconsIn Fair Tuesday nnd Wed
nesday ; slightly wanner VNodnoiday morn-
Ine ; northwoiicrly gales. ho
For Tennessee und Kentucky -Fair Tues
day and Wednesday ; much colder ; north
westerly winds.
For Montane.--Fair ; slightly warmer ;
BO'itn ' wlnils ,
ForMisouri--Falr Tuesday amiodno9 -
day ; warmer Wednosflay morning , westerly
winds , becoming variable.
For Kansas and Colorado - Fulland
warmer ; sou tli winds.
For Minnesota and the "DaitntasFair , fol
lowed bv light showers in northern portions
South Dakota ; much wannor , winds be
coming south.
For Indian Toirltory and Oklahoma Fair *
temperature lower , winds becoming variable.
I.cicil iteciird.
Oreicvor mis Wi : Tiiiii Hum : . OMVIU ,
Nov. < 7 , Omaha record of tomrcrnturo and
rainfall compared with corresponding day of
past four years ! lu
IMJ. isui iv.a issi. ti
Maxliiiiini toniner.'iluro. : il = il ! = ; i ; ° ti °
Minimum | lumper time . 'JO3 ( ! = VO3 : i , °
Avur lire toinperatuio1s 'd3 LO3 : u °
1'roulpllatlou . T. .00 'Kj O'J a
.Statement i showing Iho nandliion of turn-
pcrature and prj ipltutlon at ( J.n iln for tin
day and slnco Marcu I , IVJ. , as comp-irjd '
wlib ibo gciioi-ul average ;
Normal temnuratnro , . . 13 *
Deficiency for the '
day l's
DeHfleii'-y ' Mneu Mnri-li 1 . . . . HA3 clo
.Normal prueliltat'on | ' 01 inches
Dnflolunuy for Hi' } duv Clinclies
Dullclcnuy niuOtt.Muroli I . J.10 luetiui
G. K. Liwros , Obsurver. ,
Canvass of'tbo State Shows the Republi
CMS in the Lend ,
Cioumn lln n Snln Mnrglner < ) Van
Wyeh nnd .Nearly tin , XVIudiStuto
Tlrliol Sure ol liU-clliin-foil-
nnd Ihc I.ft
' ' 'ho close of the campaign In
finds the republicans conildont of oloctlng
their entire state ticket , it nns been n cam
paign of education. As u reunt republican
Ism has gained ground .
const.intlv ana the.
only reason for doubt that the Harrison
electors ! will receive a plnnilltv of the vote
cast Is the cowardly action of the democrats
In deserting their national
ticket and throw-
Inp their I votes to Weaver. Tno campaign
opened dlscouraingly for republican * , li.
appeared as though tbo parly had dolcrl *
oratod. Hut ns the campaign progrosiod
discouragement gsyo place to bopn , nnd hopa
was succeeded br confluence. Now that tha
preliminary skirmishing is over and the bnt
tie of the ballots Is on in earnest , republi
cans nro solidly In tha forefront and putting-
forth ! every effort to secure victory.
The republicans h.ivo the best reasons in
the world ' for their coufldonco in ibo success
of their state ticket. They have flguroi
llgurcs that do not lie -to baci : them up.
These figures show th'U ' the republican can
didates on the state ticket , with possi
lily ono or two exceptions , will have a.
plurality of from 5,000 to 13,000. The
republicans are almoit absolutely certain to
elect two congressmen , wltn a fair chunco of
carrying the other four districts. The legis
lature will bo close , but again the chances
for controlling ( it are slightly in favor of tna
republicans. So much for a general state
ment ol the situation.
\Vluit i\ Shonri ,
Tin : Iiii : : has just linlshod its Until canvass
of iho siato and has carefully compiled tuo
llgurcs received from each of the uluoiy
counties. This canvass included the total
votoou posidont , povoi-iior , congressman ,
stnlo senators and ropt-jsontatlves. Tlm
result of the canvass shows Ibal tha
total veto of the ktato will
bo very close to UiXi.UlO , au increase of about
i'J.OOO ' ever a year nco nud n decienso ot
nearly 10,000ns compared with 1SHO. Two
years ago. owing to iho fervid campaign on
Iho prohlbllion question , every vote In tint
state was brought out , while mis year thero-
has been n luck of intercut in certain
( inarters which will result in a falling off In
Iho democratic and Independent vole. In
making compurisoiiR the vole of IsOJ 1ms
nccessnt ily beer. usud. Four voars ago tboro- no Independent party in Nebraska , Two-
years ago the party sprang up ann cast nearly
one-third ot the
vote of iho stale , making
the first real triangular political richt Ne
braska had over know n. Although Iho pop-
ullsls have lost , a good portion of theii- follow
Ing , the battle this vuar is ncain triangular
on Iho state ticket , but with the atmo-
oral in the rear. On the national
ticket , however , there are really
but two opposing forossHthe republicans
tuo-onc siao and tno inoeponacntrnmrtlijmtK-
era is on iho oilier. The Offorls inado by
Governor Boyd and Iho democratic sltuo ceu
tral committee lo have Iho democialic vet
tnrown , . lo the Weaver electors are well
Very Clone on I'rcNldent ,
Their efforts will prove only partially suc
cessful , but it Is evident that' enough Jlcmo-
cral will cast their voles for Weaver to
make the sialo considerably closer on presi
dent than on governor. Many democrats
will rofusu to vote on electors nt nil , others
will cast their balloU for thulr own party
nominees , while a largo number of Independents
cut who will vote for Ihoir stale lickot will
place tncir murks opposite the Harrison
electors. Of course all this , changing about
gren'ly complicated matters .and hai
made the labor of
securing a
reliable osllmuto u diftlculi task. There will
probably bo 4,000 less votes cast for presi
dent than fur governor , making the total
vote on the national ticket nbout ' " 01,000.
This will be divided about as follows : Har
rison. 84,000 ; Cleveland , : ilOOU ; Weaver , S-V
000 ; Hldwell , U.OOO. The margin for tuo republican -
publican electors is a narrow ojo , nnd every
vote limn bo polled to suvo the Btato fur
CrouinH-H Snio I'lurnllly.
The full voting strength of the state will
be polled on governor. The issues between
the republicans and pnpullsia have Deem to
sharply defined that the great struggle will
be between thcao two parties , leavlnr th6
democrats lo trail in the rear. Tin ; HiH'3 !
canvass shows that Lorenzo Crounse will
poll between S3.000 and 85,000 votes ,
while General Van vVjck's total will
bo between 70,001) ) ni.d 7fi,000. ; i.
Sterling Morton wilt roccivu betwocn 45,1)00 )
and 50,000 votes and C. K. liantlev , prohi
bition , aboutll.OOO. !
Two \oars ago Hiebards , the republican
candldalo for governor , received OS,87b {
lioyd , democrat , 7I'I1 ! und Powers , paoulist ,
) , 187. Thu change In iho relative strength
the parties this year Is easily accouulnii
for. Two years ago the prohibition question
placed lioyd in iho gubernuiot'lal chair , not
because ho xvas a democrat , but for the sim
ple reason that he
was an untl-prohlbillonlst ,
whllo Iho republican candldalo was "on the
fence" und refused
to declare tils position oa
the loading IBSUO of Iho campaign , Tli
question [ ! ' of prohibition , having uoun settled ,
plays no part In the campaign this
year , and with n popular and
Ihoiuughl.v upright republican candidate for
L'ovoruor in the Hold iho two old parties
will resumu prnponliinulcly iholr voting
strength pluvious to the struggle of 18VO.
Out of ihelr Ktrongth , howuvur , Is to bo
taken the populist voto. Two years ago the
larger portion of thu indcpundont strength
cii'tio from the republican paity ,
Cumlliliitrii U'lio Will l.cuil.
This year Ihe situation will bo partially re
versed. Tin : Hii'h : canvass shows that Van
Wvck will ruco'vo very nearly the same vote
polled by Powers , but Van Wyck'a
slrengih comes from ft different souroo tli mi
did that of tbo Urst populist cuburnatorltl
candldalo. Powers'
sirouglh lay almost en-
llroly IP the country districts and ho drew
little support from the cities. Vim Wyck
has lost strength In tbo country , but
has gained enough from tha
worklngmon of tlio cities to otTsot the foiling
away of the farmers , Whllo Powers only
polled l,17i : votes in Oaiahn and Douglas
county , Van Wvck will show a nironirth of
about 5,000 votes. Mortoq'a vote In this city
will show moro than a corresponding falling
Nearly all the other candidates on the state
licliets will run even with thu gubernatorial
nominees , bbrader and VYolbauh , for lieu
tenant governor , may run ahead of their
tickets , and It is probable that llackman.
democratic candidatu for Iruusurer , will load
Uckel by S.OOO to 0.000 volet , secured
from HcanJiuiivians of both the republican
and Independent parties ,
Hard I'lK'it ' on t-uncrmiincn.
In tbo congressional districts all the par
ties nave made vlporouacanvasses , Probably
the hardest Until over mauo by the democrats
this stnto has been waged In thu First dli-
let in favor of Uryan. Largo amounts of
monev have hron rushed into the district to
save the younK congressman from defeat for
tucond term. The commote canvass of the
district shows that a tola ) vole of UO.OOO will
cast. Of this , Hliamp , the Independent ,
will receive loss than r.OOJ , llrynu will poll
I'J.OOO , uud l iold will have nearly 111,000.
Neither sldo has n vole to spare.
In the .Second district the fight will be very
> o , with iho Indications slgntly lo favor of
David H Mercer , iho republican candidate.
Tun HKK'S canvass shows that Kev , Uobarl
vVliodior , thu Induuundunt nominee , will poll
3,000 to 3,700 , volet , leaving kDout 8 ,000 W Y