Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Congregations Seeking Now Locations Tar
from the Noisy Business Streets.
, *
rir t lUptMtft l.onklnz for n llnllilliiK Site
\Vlint the Young MPII tire Ditlne Work
of A opinlcil Cli.iritH'S I'ow
nnil I'nlplt Ooislp.
The church pcoplo of Omaha are taking to
tbo hlls.t
Not that they are being driven by persecu
tion to seek shelter mitl saloty or thnt tbo
ICinjrot Darkness U gaining the upper hand
In the strugL'lo for supremacy but In looking
about for sites for now cnurch odllicos the
leading members prefer to select hlch
ground. Thcio are a great many advantages
to bo Kftir.oil from a location ou n sightly hill
or at lean high crouud. Tlio air Is purer ,
tbo drainage bolter and the view Is alrruys
moro satisfactory than tbat which cnn bo
obtained from the low ands.
In nilJition to all these considerations the
fact that property In the business heart of
Omaha btis beuomo very valuable and can
readily bo converted Into cash has Induced
u number ol congregation ! * to sell lots d\vu
town nnd move out upon the bills wiicre lots
nro more desirable for church purposts but
not so expensive as these In the lower part , of
thocltv. The First Methodist congregation
followed tills plan three yours npo , the First
Ilamlst people nro contemplating n similar
move and tbo Central United Presbyterian
congregation baa now under course of con
struction n very hamtiomo building at the
corner of Dongo and Twenty-fourth htrooti
which will bo ready far dedication some time
next May.
This congregation used to own the little
church Hint stood on tlio block where the
new po'itofllco l being built and tbo
property was ( .old to the government
over two years ago. A lot 00x115 was
purchased ut Dodge and Twenty-fourth , ono
of tbo most doilrablo locations in tbo city ,
nnd the basement of tbo now building is
already in. The building will bo n stone
structure of the ivormnn ( Jothic style of
architecture , IHJIIIB low and neat in appear
ance , with a no.ivy siiunro tower rising from
the corner through the base of which theio
will bo a double cntrnnco , ono door opening
from the south off Dodge street and thn
other opening from the east off Twenty-
fourth street. The tower Is to bo tjulto
broad nud heavy for tha height , giving the
edifice a restful ami substautlal appearance.
Tbo top of the splro will reach n height of
nlnotv feet. The church will cost some
thing like 10.000.
Tlio main part of the building will furnish
Billings for 700 pcoplo and by throwing the
Btnnller rooms into the auditorium , which
can bo easily tlono when desired , Iho house
will scat over 1,000 penple.
The conRr L'ntion of the Central United
Prcsbytcriim cnurch of Omaha was orpan-
izod in l ST with thirty-six members. A
fo\v months after the church was organised
llov. John Williamson became the pastor and
ho has remained with the church over since.
Ho has succeeded In building up u .strong
nnd thorouchly united congregation num.
boring nt piesont uearb * " 00 peoplo. Tlio
church is In easy circumstances , financially
Fpoaklup , and the future looks very promis
AIIKIMK tliu Vininj ; .lien.
Mr. Frank W. Ob r , secretary of the
Young Men'sChrUllan association , returned
last week from the Missouri state convention
at Kansas City. Ho reports a very profit
able convention.
The Nebraska state convention of the
Young .Men's Christian association will beheld
held this year at Hastings , beginning
Wednesday , November 10. The Omaha
nssoclatlon will send n strong delegation.
Mr. W. U. Alexander , of this city , has boon
nsked to respond to tbo address of welcome.
Mr. John H .Molt , college secretary for tlio
United States , will bo present , and Air. 13. H.
Messor ot CtilMgo ana other prominent
workers will attend.
The Outing club will co down to Bellevue
next Tuesday night on the train atut tramp
U bide.
There ; will bo special services on Friday
evening huretiltor for the bom-lit of these
who wish to malic preparation for the Mills
meetings. IsU
All who are interested in lacroaso will
ineotoii Saturday ovenlnps ut It o'cloolc at
the fair grounds or on Wednesday evenings
alfi ut iho tennis grounds.
Mr.V. . Swain
will address the young men
at the -I o'clock
service next Sunday after
noon. Tbo new Voting Men's Christian as
sociation orchestra will bo on hand hereafter
at the Sunday afternoon meetings to lead
the music. The orchestra Is l < : d by idr.
John I3rown.
Secretary Ober's blbln class will basin n
now Kcrics oi lessons on the llfo of St. Paul
next bunany morning. Tbo class moots tiiat
9:1. : > In the morning.
Thcro will bo no meeting of the Cur
rent Topic club this evening on uccouut
of the Interest in election that wiH probably '
absoru the attention of nearly nil the men iii
town , but on the succeeding Monday night
thcro will bu u red-hot topic uu for discus
The gymnasium classes are growing right
along. The policemen's class Is becoming
interesting and is gaining in numbers.
Next Saturday afternoon the Juniors will
hnvo a hair and hounds race.
ClirNtlaiiH nt Uiirlc.
Thcro will bo nu interesting convention in
Boston next week. It will bo calloil the |
"World's Convention of Christians at Work > , "
nnd It will bo hold In Tromont Temple
November 10 to 111 Inclusive. It In convened
under the International Christian Workers
association but the delegates
will not bo con
fined to the members of this organisation.
All evangelical Christian
people who aio en
gaged In augrosslva Christian work will uubo
permitted to sit us delegates in thu couvcu-
The principal topics to bo discussed will bo
Iho various plans of mrgtesslvo work by
which certain classes not reached bv the
usual moans are brought within the range )0f )
Christian influences and reformed. The del
egates uill , to n largo extent , bu mndo up i of
ministers , cnnngdUu , city missionaries
and philanthropists wtio nro engaged in the
work of reclaiming nnd reforming iho vicious
and neglected classei. A program covering
many puusra of practical CuiUtianlty is
being prepared. An Invitation has been'ex
tended lo till ovangnlical Christians Inter- .
sited In this class of work
to be present nnd
participate In tbo proceedings ,
Itcduccd rallroau rates ami hotel
Jatlous hnvo bcvn secured for all dologatcs
* > the convention. Full
patttcuUrs imiy bo
.1' . obtained by addressing the ocroinry , Kov. :
Julin C. Collins , Now Haven , Conn.
HCV. Charles \V. Suviugo of Omaha will
attend and deliver an addroin ou the plans
bo has followed In his wurk In this city.
Tlm YOIIIIK .Mim' liiilltntr.
The VOUIIB Men's
of Omaha , con-
vonlently located In rooms over 110 and onm
South Fourteenth street , U growing In num
bers and Influence. The institute was organ
ized about one year ago with loss than 100
charter members and ttio membership roll
DOW shows over a. " > 0 name * ,
The rooms have coon supplied with
n com
S plete gymnasium apparatus , u pool tabio ) ama
library of several
hundroa vol 11111113 ,
B piano , dressing
rooms for those
who tcko exorcise In the
sium and many other conveniences , Mr. maV. .
A. McUliinli is president of tbu institute.
Tlio membership includes man ) of the in on
prominent bud Influential Cnlboliu gentle -
men of Omaha. It is Intended to benefit
JTOUPK men Intellectually , phrtlcally and
morally , coven the same fluid among
Catholic JOUIIE men as thu Young Men's
Cbriitlaii uisociallou occupies ainotii. I'rotos-
tint young moii.
r tbrr Carroll Is the spiritual director. Ho
conduct * religious scrvlcea at tbo rooms
every Tiicidny evening.
The Kymuaillo clan meets on Monday and
Tue ducveniucs of ouch wooic , thu oral
lait nicoli on Wednesday evening of each
vreck aid on vach alti'rnato Friday night thu
Bitcolttiou hold * a tocluble at .Si. I'hilo-
incus bull , corner of Nluth and Howard
street * .
/tiii'iHK tliu thurltr U'lirhcri.
Tbt "lion Hur" entertainment for tbe ben *
flt f tb * AitocUled CUantiui fund U com
Ins on In good shape. Last Wednesday af
ternoon the committee of arrangements rr.ot
nt the Young Men' * Christian association
building ncd appointed lubcommlttcos.
I'rof. .1. A. Oilltsplc , MM. Adolpti Meyer ,
Mrs. W. J. Urostch , Mrs. A. 1' . HopKlns ,
Mr. nnil Mrs. ThomasKilpotrlcK , Miss Kdith
Morton and MM. J. J , Monoll wrro ap
pointed to Colect the principal characters.
Miss Clara Sclilcssltigcr and Ml > s Cooley
will select tbo "black birds" nnd "mrter-
files , " thlrtv-four In number. The "statu
ary" will bo selected by Mrs. D. H. Wheeler.
Miss Hamilton , Miss Truland , Miss Powell ,
Miss Clara HulilcssinpcrnndMus McCticano
were appointed to select "
twenty-five "priest
esses. " I'rof. Lewis nnd Miss Schlcsslnger
will llnd the ten "Arab maids'1 or brunettes ,
and Uvontv-four "naiads , " The Roman
p u ( mis , eighteen In number , will be chosen
by Prof. Ulllesplo. There will be ISO people
In this grand and clamant production.
livarythlng connected with the entertain
ment will \ > 3 elaborate and artistic. Tno
scenery alone cost f',000 nud ttio costume *
U'lio Clark & Cox comnanv , which Is
to glvo the pleco. travels in a special car. All
the characters In the gorgeous pantomime
will bo selected in Omabn nnd a number of
verv uromltient citizens have offered ID as-
in making the nntcrta'.timcntn ' brilliant
success The association hopes to mrllzo a
substantial bunctlt from the thrco perform
ances , which will o cur on November ' 'I ' , 2.3
and -M.
The membership list Is still crowing. The
following names wcru added during the
weoit :
J. M. CornWi , U. U. Huthbun , K * > L.
Kmerr , MM. Milton Uojcrs. Mrs. J. C.
Sslmou , MM. S. S. Caldwell , .1. D. ICuony ,
Hov. A. J. TurUlo , Mrs. H. .1. Peufold , C. A.
Urlmtnol , M. M , Swain. II. P. Lewis , Platt
computiv , Louis 1C. Whotllnp , .1. L. Me-
Casue. A. U , Uufrono , Mrs. Martin Wilbur ,
O. I ) . Hoissonbuttol.
Secretary Clark found employment for n
number of people during tbo week. Four
women who had boon abandoned by their
husbands were coinpellod to appeal to the
secretary for assistance. Several cases of
distress were reported und roliovod. Several
person * appealed to the secrotarv during the
week who , upon Invostication , were found to
bo wholly unworthy of assistance. One of
them was u woman who related n very
plausible story , and asked for 03 cents
which , iho claimed , was the exact amount
she must obtain. He favo her n c.ird and
sent her to the Associated Cbaritio.4 ,
wbcro Information was soon obtained
that she had bion drunk a few
davs before and was utterly unworthy of
I'nlplt unit l'ii\v.
The congregation of the Flr.t Presbyterian
church is still patiently loolclug for a pastor.
Kov. Or. Greene will continue lo ( ill the pulpit -
pit until Iho congregation finds a man to 1111
the place permanently.
The Htuiscom Park Methodist cor.proga-
tion worshipped for the last time in the old
churnh yesterday. 'I ho services at Unit
nhurch partook of the nature of a house-
cnolioj ; . Appropriate exercUos of a reminis
cent character were the order of the day.
The basement 01 the now church Is ready
for occupancy and the conerogatlon will
worship in it" until the superstructure is
Kov. Charles W. .SaviURC has decided to
purchase a wueon for street uso. Ho will
cillita uospul xvnKon. It will bo used to
convey people to nnd from the church who
nro not in iho habit of attending.
Ttio congregation of the People's church will
also use the waROii in holding street mcot-
ing * . Last Sundav the experiment of going
into the bottoms after a load of poor pcoplo
was tried and these who were out with the
wagon found that a great many people would
gladly po to chuich if they dia not have to
walk. The wagon will uo used chiolly for
tlio purpose ot conveying people from the
negloct''d districts to und from church. Mr.
Savidsro lias not tnouo.v enough raised at
present to pay for the wacon and he invites
nil who may feel inclined lo assist him in
this work to send any sum that they may feel
disposed to givo.
The people of our city residing In anc
nrounu Uritrgs Place will be glad to loan ,
that they arc soon to bo supplied with church
services and Sunday school privileges , which
they have been longing for for some time.
At a recent meotlne of the Par ! : Place Con
gregational church , they decided to secure
winter ouarters by renting the residence at
401 , " ) Dodge , using the lower story for church ,
services and the upper story for pistor's
residence. Tney contemplate- during
thu winter to make tlio necessary arrange
ments for a permanent homo In
the shape of n new church building next
season , it being too late now to accomplish
that. The lirst services will bu held on
Sundav , November 'JO , consisting of sermon
murnini. and ovcnine , and Sunday school at
noon. The congregation take with thorn
their pastor and twenty-five hard working
members nnd their church furniture , and
will bo well equipped for service. The
doiusons of that portion of our city should
welcome this invasion of their territory ,
nnd rally around tha friends of Congrega
tionalism in thus filling "a loag felt want"
in their midst.
C.itarrh in the head Is a constitutional dis
ease anil requires a constitutional remedy
Hue Hood's Sai-daparilla to effect a euro.
Some Viitiialili ! Ol'o llnls to Uo Developed
In thu Nrnr I'ntiiro.
GfS'\t ov , Colo. , Nov. 0. An unusual
amount of interest has been created in west
ern Colorado duriiifr the past two months over
the mining outlook in thin vicinity. Many
new ulst'ovorloH have been made , which TOny
ot such a diameter In richness that many
prospectors ana speculators hnvo coma in
trom olhar ramps. Tbo output is greater
than over and hero as well as In tbo PiliUn :
district shipments will bo continued all win-
ter. At ihu latter inou
camp the outlook Is evou
better than here.
The Jim liluino has Just uncovered on the
second contract an immense body of ore
which runs lorty-sovcn ounces in silver and
r > U per cent in lead. The Cleopatra and Lit
tle Tycoon have bodies of ore , which promise
with further development , worth hudrod of
dollars. Thu Hindoo , in the same locality , Is
maoing extensive acvulopmunts and huvo
thousands of tons In sight , which U valued
at $110 per ton , while some ore from this
property runs up to over $1,003 per ton.
These mines are mostly owned by parties
from HallUx , N. ti. , und Hoiton , who have l
the greatest faith In their future , ja.April1,1831 ,
Dr. .T. H. Moore Dear Sir : Have been
troubled with catarrh In my head and Uco
for three yiMrs-at tlmoj
MIS unable to boar
had a constant ringing in my O.UM and for
two years wts almost deaf
, Have tried sov-
oral so-cal' ' ° J remedies and been treated ovbv
regular physicians and noted specialists , but
failed to gut any relief. I tried ono bottle of
Moot-it's Tree of Llfo Catarrh
Cure. It gave
Immediate relief mid eflectml a permanent
euro. 1 heartily recommnnd It to lilt suffer
ersof thUiliso.isu und will cheerfully glvo
any further information o-i being addressed
at my homo , No. SJ3 Sweeney ava. , Hurllng-
on , lu. Foi sale by all druszUts.
Hosnoctfulllv ,
ForsnJo by all drustgUts.
Muy laiiino folton.
CIIMKCX , Ark. , ov. 0. A steady rain has
Deon failing in this section for twelve hours ,
accompanied l > y a cold wind. ( Jreat uamatri
will result to the cotton In
the Holds
, as It
will rot lu the boll ,
Western Union election returns will
bo shown from the 15th at. window of
II. Langhtadter's cigar store , the
McCnguo building , N. E. cor. 16th nnd
Story of Hattie Mack's Dotarminod Effort
to Ocramit n'oide. '
Und Hrcomrt Tired of n Ufo of Slmmc Son-
ntor Illggliin of ttcjt Lincoln Su -
inlm serious Injur.c * 111 n ,
LINCOLN' , Nob. , Nov. O.-fSocolal to Tin :
. ] Hnttlo Mack , the girl who sdot her-
self nt n dlsroputablo house of which her
mother Is the proprietress , Is very low this
afternoon with the chances much BRamst her
recovery. Fuller particulars of tbo rajh net
are obtainable today. It scorns tnat yester
day the girl wont UD town and , after visiting
several places , stopped into o local hardware
store anil purchased a small American bull
dog revolver. She had tno olorlt load the
.vcapon. . After she returned homo she np-
> eared as lively as usual anil her mother
lolicod nothingstrange ! in her conduct. After
tome little tlmo.sho went to her room and n
Tow moments latur the shot was fired. The
ijullet entered her breast about an Inch below -
low the left ulppla nnd narrowly missed the
apex of the heart. The physicians tuat vvoro
summoned were unablu to locate the bnllot
and they uvo of the opinion that , It Is lodged
near the point of the suouldor blade. She
was perfectly conscious nnd told , her mother
that she shot for ths hoart. She refused to
o any reason for her dcslro to end her life ,
but expressed tno hope that the wounct
would prove fatal.
The Injured Rlrl is IS years old. Her story
Is the old , old ono , and differs not from the
story of hundreds of others. She was pure
for n tlmo in splto of the surroundings ot her
homo but the seducer ouno and a llfo of
sbamo was the result. It is billoved that
she became despondent over nor situation.
She has been receiving latter * recently from
the man who caused her downfall and she
has always expressed sorrow at. their pe
li.tiroil . | In u Uimnirny.
Ex-St.uo Senator lllgglns of West Lincoln
met with a severe accident last evening
while driving u spirited hoisn. Hd was on
, his way from the city to his homo when the
horse ran uwuy. Mr. Higglns who is nullo
an old man , was thrown violently to Iho
cround , striking on his beau and shoulders.
Ho was picked up In an unconscious condi
tion and carried into a drug store nnd n phy
sician > font for. His injuries weru not as
serious as nt first , supposed nnd bo will ex
perience nothing wowe from his shaking up
ban confinement in his room for several
Lincoln In Urlof.
The r glstration books closed last night ,
and the man whu failed to see that his name
was written tnoro will have to sivear his
vote In if ho voles Tuesday. The total regis
tration for the city of Lincoln Is 0,810.
The Stale university foot ball loam will
play the State University of Kansas In this
city next Saturday afternoon. The Kansas
team Is'lookcil upon as the strongest in the
Interstate leaguo.
Jumps Mulono of this city Is the custodiau
of a wad of greenbacks and silver certificates
nud national bank notes amounting to an
oven f.5.000 , whicn ho is authorized to bet on
the success of Lorenzo Crounso uoxi Tues
Atiinrlrnii Clmlor.i.
From tlicllailj Hereille , U'/mtcim , IPiis/i /
"T. O. Burnett , tbo democratic candidate
for sheriff , was taken violently lit at Clear-
brnoK. Ho hod all Iho symptoms of Asiatic
cbolora , nnd for an hour or two it was
feared ho would die. Tboy finally gave him
n dose of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Uiurrhiua Itemedv , whicn revived him until
a physician arrived. " That is precisely
what tlio manufacturers of that mediciuo
recommend for cholera. Ssntl for u physi
cian , but eivo their medicine until the physi
cian arrives. If cholera becomes prevalent
in this country next summer this prepara
tion will bo in great demand because it can
always bo depended upon. For sale by
Southwestern Drouth Broken.
El , PASO , Tox. , Nov. 0. Tno drouth In
western Texas , New Mexico. Arizona and
northern Mexico has ueen bronon , rain fall-
' ng almost steadily for the past twenty-four
hours. It has como too late to bo of benolit
to prass unless a warm spell follows , as the
jrass has nlrcadv cured and water will rot
t. H has served another atr
purpose , however ,
n filling nil the water holes. In Now Mexico
stoclt has been and is being shipped and
driven into Utah and Nevada in great num
bers. Thol oss has been great from the
want of rain.
Perfect action and perfect health result
from the use of DJWitt's Llttlo
fiirly His !
irs. A perfect llttlo pill.
To tlio City of Mmlci ) tuid Itrtiirn.
For tlio mooting of the American
Public Health Association nnd Intornn-
tionnl Medical Uonjrress , to bo hold nin
Iho City of Moxiio : Xovombor 29 to December -
comber 2 , 1892 , the Stitita Fo rotito will
eoll tickets at ono lowest
lirst-c.luas furo
for the round trip.
This is tin excellent
opportunity to
visit Mexico , ono of tha most doliphtftil
trips imaginable , nt very little cost.
A spet'hil iiiirly will leave Omaha
Saturday , Novomhorli ) , and join a lnrjo
pivrty from Hoston and other cn teri
citica ut Kansas City.
The faro for the round trip from
Omaha is only $01.00.
For further' information
anil reserva ,
tion of Pullnr.m accommodations call
on or address ' , R L. IJAIMIII : ,
i'asr.unger'Ak'cnt Simla Fo Route , 1'ilO
Farniim St , , Oin-ihit , Nob.
AnolIUT Itrrnril l.oivnrcd.
On Oclohor 11 , 1S)2. ! ) the Kfnpiro State
express of the Now York Central loft
Syraciiso fiH minutes Into anil mndo the
run from Syraciiso to nulTulo at the rate
of 5i ! ) iniloH an liotii-for the entire distance -
tance , 148 miles. This included a stop
of tv.'o minutes
at Rochester , and the
train was obliged to slow down as it
passed through moro than u do/en
towns. When it is understood that this
was the regular train , consisting of four
heavily loaded cars , it will ho appreci
ated as a grout achievement , oven in
tills wonderful ago of fiiht time , In the
discussion of current events tlio remark
is frequently heard on either bide of the
Atlantic that the Now York Central has
surpassed ovary oilier transportation
line in the world during the past live
yours in the equipment and speed of its
tr.iins. It now stands ut the head , and
is justly termed "America's Greatest
Railroad. "
Real estate.
Burpulns only.
My word is pood.
W. G. AlhriL'ht
621-2-3 N. Y. Llfo hid ? .
Frescoing nnd interior decorating ; de
signs and estimates furnished. Henry
Lehmann , 15U8 Doutrliis street.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum ,
Used iii Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard *
. , .
W - Mwv
1 il.V Kf C rrrilojT | < in slio T Iturlf In T.nck
l.tistro Kj-oi limit Trcinbllntr llHinli
SlnnjVlio nro < Olil Incnr ? nrp Vlnoronn
nml llcnllliy Jfonv Such n Coiiillllini .Muy
bo itiroinpn4 : 0iliir All.
How j many clilprlr won m ! women wo ? co who
Inlnlf liow they i ' "Knlna Mown tlio lull. " Tlio
remWIni ; linnd , IhciDiiccrtaln etop. the Inck or
t > rlKlitMo lUlioero. llie mnkoi fcnturo , nil I
illcntutlmtllivj < notat hlxh tldo * tlmt tbo itrrniilli
nn.lvllnl rorccs nramot mint lliojr onoo were , tiil
In fnct , Hint tliojnrnKnlnit down tlio lilll. TIM' , u (
tourx1 , l to bo pippcJcil , for when one readies Inter
jrcnr : . physical trouble * nro snro lo ooino , but Inw
mnny elderly people wo PO nro lionlllir , niut com-
imrntltpljr TlKnnuK. Tlipy nl < vny < nccni rhoettul ,
tirlulit.roiitcntoil. j j Why lioulJ not nil bo equally
fortunate ? It ci > rtnlnly ( i no lb c. llrery clilorly
ninn nnil woman nnpilii to ucntlj n M t nil urv. n I
IhowliliPiircilito tnko omo IIHTJ tliniilnnt locu-
larlr. Kvery doctor In tlio Iniul ndmll < thli. an I IK
ciinnnnn > on < iiui t tie uianircul to nil. It slinnld
not lie iim1er lood , however , tli.ilnny or.ilnnry nllin-
ttlant would bo rccomiiicndcid. It mini bo lonu'thlni ;
pure , liowcrful , liPnltli-KlvltiK nnd Mronuth Inipnrl-
Uu . Snnli R illmiilnnt can bo rnnnlonly In DulTy's
Pi ! to .Matt Wlu < ! iey. It Is the nniy rupdlclnil : nlil < -
kry In the nmrkol. Its wonderful popularity Is duo
entirely lulls ponernnd nh it U 1m i nfrnmpllshrd.
Any elderly innn or wnniiin throiDtli llsnso may ci'r-
nlnly | > resarTi < tlio henltli , nnd nmy rcntoniibly o
peel to prolong the lire. lj not bo Induced , how
ever , to try nny Inforlor nrtloli or nny which thu
clriiccl'tnr Kroicr mny eet ! to | int In Its plnco
There Is notlliii ; which mn ni'complMi Ihuinio
WcJincss ,
J Catarrh or
4s . Hliemnalssn ,
g : Chronic ,
Nervous or
0,531551 ,
Consultation Free
I'or the Treatment of
Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases ,
iK RECTUM Pw-tna'nently
Cured without the use ot Ituifo , ligature or
' I r"TrTFT 'Guara"tocd Ponnancnt-
S'lTO <
livtv/J. . , .
/ , , ,
curL(1 ( > , , m0val eoni-
jilotc. without ciittmi ; . oan > ilo or ( II at itlon
OnreiolTcetcd at homo by i > .itli > nt without a
inoiiionl's pain or niinoytinci' . ( ' .ill ou or ad
dress with stamp for circular * , free book and
Dr. Scariest Seiner,11 !
NoJtttn Post Onion.
for Fanners , Miners end Mechanics ,
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watei
If Dr Schcnck's treatment and euro of conniimp-
tlun weroiionii'lliliigiiunr an 1 iiiitrlucl , pi-oplo inUht
iluiititiUiil nlint lull prnrcil U uir IhruiKliK rcconl us
old njouruTHiiilliilliois , liiu.un Jusl nluil Ills ,
nnil Tor nil < ll < r.iii or tlm Iiiiu' . No ( roitnicnt
In thn wnrUI cn'i ' iiliiciiai nianr pcriiKin'Til ' cim-i or
roimiiiiiiilluii to lucre.lit at lr.ilniK'5 ) : Niithlns ;
in .NUlluil"IH ! su directly an IcIUicllvcly on thu Inni :
iiiiiiiihrines anil ll-sn ! * , anil * t iul < k y rlHpnsf" * nitnl
Int'iToION ' , c Muemlon , Iniliriiniiitlon , cold * , coughs
anil all ilio suu.lii ut cjiiduinptluu 114
Dr. Schanck's Pu/momc Syrup
tWIion nil ] If a fullD IK i > nmr ! < to tlm roi uo. Not until
Inlii.iinil cinlynllcr ( lUtlifnl trlnl nlmuM any nun
li'si ( nil. U Im * liniiulr lliu llDpclins lu Illu un < l
hriillli. It linilurnu I the iliujmir o ( ten thniiann 1
tiniioH Into Joy It l ilolnu RIKIIV. U will coiitlni'ii
oiloIt iliri > iuliniitt'iiii * H. lir. SuliMi't'x priK'tlca
iMilliocia i'omi'iiJtMi : | i. ll/nrmtl i-tmi t i'i illimilM
nllulfrni M u'l ' iippllcum. lr J. II hclionuka.t
on , I'tillndolplilii.l'it
II , Herldochtor ,
frtuvens' Point ,
\Vls. , euffercil for
V5 ! yrnrs of Ncr-
vous J'roBlrnllon ,
linora tlniti i
caatfll. I'lijelcl.
ana availed noth '
ing , one bottle 'of
brought hi in rent , ilu p anil in ado him f e | Ilka anew
now man. Dr. Julian 0. Underwood , Sleniplds ,
Term. , eufftfied from periodical iivnous attack * ,
hut foiiiid effect B t r usinu one ; hoi Ho ut 10. iiottlo anil elegant hook FHti ; at ilrugylsle.
DR. IiIILE3 MED 10 AL Co. , Elkliart , Ind. !
Kulm & Co Cor. , ' i i '
Trusses ,
Crufcfiss ,
Bat ten's > ,
Syringes ,
IMS. 15th St. ,
Next lo Post office.
Proatntnntlon IIIKI nnticc ( if snbniliMon to tlio
olcctori nti.l lo nl volor < of tlio city ot
Onmlia of tlio niioMlon of iMiitn ; ! tlm
biinils of the city nf Uniiilin In tliu sum of
ono hundred llioiuiml ilnilnr < til > 0iuo ) to
pay for the ro of | iivlns. tcpivltiKor time-
niliiinln ! the
Intors-octlons of Rtri'Oli mill
Rtticoi : iiipulln | ( alloys In said oily , nnil to
jiay tlio ciwt of Uiivlntf In front or rtyil rstrxto
nispsiinont of special l.ivci
ortinvnRiuriia | < c < < .
lo Onrihiii the olootoM utul lojal votoM of the city of
I. ( loorsto P. llcmU , nijxyor of Ilia city of
Oni'ilKi. tin Usito tillmy ! prod tint it on , ami
liy tha authority vi-siod in mu in sueli nnyor
tlo lipreby civo iiulillo not co to thu oiuctors
nnil loenl voters of thoulty of Omtih i Hint a
ccncritl election will Ijo holil In qtlil oltv on
Tiio for ( lny , the clKhlli liny of Novcinbor. IM ) . ' ,
tlio iniriio'CDf siibinltllns
to mill doctor' *
nnd IcBulolirs the ijucUlon nnd proposition
followlnc , lo-\vlt :
"Slnill Iioiul4 of tlic rltv of Onialiu In tiin
* > nnt of ono hiindie'l ' tliousand dollnrs ( Jloo.OWi
bo Issued for tin1 puipoMMif ti.iylni thn ou tof
uavinc. rop.ivhu or tiiundiinizitu : : tln % Inter-
si-i'l Ions oi iroi-ts unit niuoni opposltu tliovs
Insii'di'lty. or pivliift tlio oou of p iMni In
front of rcjil . '
oM.'itc nit snliji-oi to nssossinont
or siiPt'liil t.i.ios for DIVIIU puriinse * . slid
IIOIIIH to run not morn tli. in twenty C.M ) yi-m
anrt to lionr Inlorosi pnvablu soinl-unniiiilly
nt u r.Uo not I'M-oodlii'j ilvn -
pi-r eont | ior tin-
tiiiin. with riiniioiM uUn'hoil , to lie cillinl
"l'aInn liotnlK."iind nottii lioMilii for It-ii linn
) iur , the | irocu d < < of whim shall to nsml for no
other pnrpoo tliau p iyiiK ! the cost of PIMIW.
ri'iHivlin ; or ninundnin 7-liiK the Inli-rsoi'tlotn
of strc-ois nnd Rptrc mipuslto alloys In sill
city , or In front of cstnto not "tibjupt to
n ; sp | of spoclil tii\i" for pisltu pnr-
Thosald question anil prnposll on sliall be
siibinltU'il lo s ilil oleetori i > ntlro In tlio prowr
form piovldoiiliv liiw foi oiliciul tun OK with
IhowoiJMos" " .So" prlntiIliercon. . All
of ald InilliiH linvliiK nn " \ " inarlt follow-
liu the word " > us" shall bo counted In f ivor
oflsmiliu said botiiK nnd nil of snld liallnU
liavlnu nnX" in irK rolloivlnc tliu word "No"
shall bo countL-d nnd eonsldoietl us nualnst
thn hsnln or snld bonds.
Tlio polls sh.ill ' bo upon tbo iliiy of Raid eli'O-
tlon atuUlit o'olocl ; In the niornlni : and slinll
contlnlioouun until six o'clock In the cvunlni ;
or the siniii nay m the rc p ctl\o vutniK
places' , as foil ins :
t-'ur"or "tl > " ' ! Mnruy
? ' , ! ? N W ' 8th Bd , , 1,0.1 von.
n cornar lith IXI"1 Joncs
tha , , ! flrst alloy
° f 6th
alrt'OLS bth Dlstriot-S , W corner 10th and Illokory
stre't' ! ' ! "StrICl S > V corilcr cth 11(1 Center
IjjtUniiitrlot-N W corner Oth nnd Hancroft
Hit nth CClHt District X i : corner lath and Vlnton
N U > corilur Ith ! nni1
st roots" ' " rllt : N W eor"or Iilh ; a"a
S W cor"r 2)th ) ! " " 1
5lh l.strlci-S i : '
WOltll StICOlS. corner L'Jd and I.cuvon-
tith Dlstnct-nist sldo of South 20 th struot ,
uposlio " roppk'ton uvo.
"th nlstrlct S li corner 10th and J'lorco
S E corller 1UI' am ! William
utli District N E
corner Bl\tconth
and Center -
tor Htri'ois.
1'ith District N W corner 2'th and Dorcas
Mill DJbtrlet-S E corner 2Jlh and Ilaiicioft
" 'N' tl < ) r"or 111' u"a Vlntou
13th DIstrlr-t-S W corner Kith and Valley
llth Dlstilct N KcornorU'Jth mil Houlovard
Tiiini ) WARD.
Nt I )
strlct-S W
corner 13th and ClilC'igo
M District N W comer Uth and D.ivenport
3d DStrlct-Fotitli slilo of Capitol avenue
nuar ( uestofl tilth .slreot.
4tli District Weal side of 12th slreot bo-
' , -
. .
.vcen Donitla.s and Do.lso streets.
iith DKirict N K corner luili and Capllol
litli Dlslrlot N E corner Olh and Hjrnoy
7th District 3 E corner Utli and Dou/las
Mil District N E eornor 13th and Jackson
Uth Dlbtrlot 3 E corner 10th and Howard
U reels.
r.iuimi UTAH i ) .
1st District NV corner ITtli and Daronnorc
Slid Dislrlct NV corner 2Jnd and D.xvcnport
3nl District N Vf corner CJth and Doilso
stiuuts. "
Jib DIstrlct-N E corner 17th anil Dod
si roots.
Mil DJbtrlot N n corner ITtli and llarncy
fith District N W corner 20th and Douglas
- 7th ' District N W corner Mth street and St.
.Mnrv's a\unue.
Htb ' Distiic't riV corner SOth street and St.
Mary's uvoiino.
9th Dislilcl Kastsldoof Fouth lUth street ,
between ll-irney slreot anil "t. .M.iry'saviinno.
Uih District N Wcoruor
ISth and Lo iven-
worlh stieeN.
Utli District S W corner I7lb hlreet and SU
Miiry s avenue ,
1st District Kast si
loot Sliorman nvenuo Mandorboii slruut. 0o
Jnil Dlslrlot 9 K corner Kliurmaii avenue
and Wlrt siieut.
; ird District SV corner Slinriaan avenue
.mil IJ.LKU street. 0o
4th District N W corner Slwtian avenue
nnd ( Jraeustrcnt.
Sib Dlutricl b W corner 17th and Cliarl03 )
Cth District Hast
sldo of slionnan avenue
about 'III feet mirth ot Nicholas bircot.
Till District a U cornnr 10th and Izard
8tli DUtrlut N W corner UHli and Hurt
strceis ,
Jlli District N E corner 1Mb and O.isa
lOtli District Kastsldo Xnrtli ITtli street be
tween Ualifnrnla and ( Jass blrcelH.
llth District-H E coiner ISth anil Oass
1st District S E corner i'Jlh street anil Ames
Sim District S W corner 20th street and
lirand iivcnnn.
3rd District N E corner 43lh and Grant
4th District S W corner -'lib and Manilcrson
fllh District FH corner "lib nnd Wlrt streets.
Otli District S W cornur Unl and I'.irliur '
' 71)1 ) lilslriot N W corner V'Uh ' a'ld Cuiby
feth District > H coiner 27lh and Ilunletto
Uth District N E corner "Jnd anil Grant
1 > lh District N W corner 'JStli and KrunUlln
lllh District H W corner L'ltb and I'liuiklln
ISth District S W corner ' . ' 'nil anO C'larlc
strcots ,
1st District 9 W corner SSili and Mason
2nd Dislrlct N Iv eornor ' "Oth avenno and
Poimlnton avenue.
; trd Dlsirloi H W corner i'Ulh Btreot and
Woolwortli avonuo.
Jth District N W corner -OtH street and
Arbor Btit-ot.
Klh Dislrlct Soulli Dido of Vlnton street
no/ir ( east of ) eolith ! IM avennu.
Uth District S E corner JUth avenue and
rnpnleton avenuo.
Tin District NV \ eornor 3llh and I'rancla
stm > U.
KimiTH WAitn ,
1st District East aulo of L'Clh atrcct near
( couth ofiC'hurUis utiuut.
Viid DUIrlct Wo.t bide af ' . ' 3d street near
( snuth ot ) I'aul street.
3rJ District NV corner 20tli and Muliolas
* Ifh Ulstrlct N E corner 20th and Cumins
filh District West slilo of North 23th street
near ( north of ) Cumins struct.
Cth District ti E eorpor-'d and Hurt strcots ,
1th District H W corner ' .Oth nnd Oasj
lit nistrlot-a corner Wd and Ouralnu-
8t *
8tdllstrict N W corner 40th and Oumliig
" '
'aSYiHtrlot N E corner 40th and I'urtiam
St4lCh u'lstrlct North sldo of Davenuort treet
iionr twest of ) North Mil avenua
6th district a E coruor UUt avamio and
r > °
0lh | I)8Utirlctt-S W corner 89th avcuuo unu
Jackson htruut.
In witness whereof I liavo lirrounto cct my
IniiiU nt mnvor otb'ild cl'y of Uinaha , thl >
ITthiloy uf Ootobor. .
iHOij ,
' uj.jjj jiavor.
Attest : Jens aiiovEs/cl'ty oiuik ! uiyuilt
tiinl or America. In thu llluck lllllt , 3.WJ Ivct
nbovo tliu ica A crlup , lir.icln ntuiotpliurv
J.ovi'lr Kenury. ' [ bate warm muillcliul nutem
liarerureJ Iliomanli or palliiil ) > , Klnoit pliiniu ;
bath In tlia II K ThnKtun * , Uullt uf i > luk > anJ
tone , atvornodatut JiJ people , itrlclly tint cls j
open Uro placoi , tool lieat , elrctrlu lUlits , rlchlr
/urunhtM , line wl lu ror inJatH. table a perlalty
Mar uulumni , inlldwlutvrt Hcducod ratcj btliu
week or month. ThrouyU tralm from Chlcnjo
O. b. MAUDKN , ' ! ' ! > Ktuiu , llgt Bjirluji , Dukot * .
onto the fact thnt the shoe department of
the Nebraska Clothing Company sells more
shoes for men and boys than half a dozen
regular shoe stores do ? Do you know the
reasons for it ? They're simple enough , We
sell a class of shoes that are made of good ,
solid , substantial stock. They are made for
us direct , in first class factories.Every detail
is perfect the sowing the lasting the fin
ishing. We sell shoes that wear wear well.
We sell shoes that look well when we sell
them , and keep on looking well for months.
We either sell better shoes for the sa m o
money or the sa m o shoes for less money'
" " " "
than anybody else does ,
To the fact that anybody can _ claim _ to sell
as good shoes lor the money as we doTe
laiming and doing are twodiffercnt affairs.
With every shoe we sell goes this guaran
tee. If you buy shoes of us and they don't
wear as they should if theTtitches rip the
stock prove defective the hanger pulls out
you may return them to us and you'll
either get your money back , or new shoes
free. " " ' " " "
$1.25 Is the prlca ' of out' worklngman's shoa It is mndc of
good stoc't--has solid leather Insole nnd counters comes
in oil sizes , shapes nnd widths.
( Dp . Kfl Buys at the Nebraska n shoa thnt shoe mon sell for four
\\Jfj.U\J . '
dollars. .
Il'-3 n genuine fall stock American calf shoo ;
made with the
genuine Goodyaur welt
nil process ; comes in
styles--slinpes--si O3--in congress or Ince ; comes In
- - - - nnd Philadel-
plnn toe.
$275. Buys of us a cork sole shoe that's a corker. It's the shoo
for wet weather ; muda of solid American or kangaroo
calf with n piece of genuine cork 0-8 of tin inch thick
nncl bound with en If , placed next to the insole from ball to
tos , preventing dampness or water coming ne > xt the foot
--mode svith the genuine welt process. A four dollar
shoe in shoo stores.
S3 " QO s'loe ' r ° ' ' divss--for stylo--ror com''ort--roi ' > woarmado ;
i of the very finest of fine American calf ; made with tlio
genuine GoocTyenr welt process ( often sold for hand
sewed--in ) size
any -
- -
- - or last--
n shoe that we guarantee to beat any five dollar shoo oil
" " " " "
the market.
Have The Nebraska Special.
You The great three dollar hnl fora dollar fifty.
Seen Made ol flue full fur stock , with pure silk bnrid and bind *
It ? ing--fancy satin
lining leatherette sweat band--m flvo
correct and popular Chapes in all sizes.
Ask your slios dc.i'ei * f > r the
equal. Price lists and d scoun s sent to dealers cn'y. Big stoclfi
on hand.
OlTlflllLl ,
To Bring Home a Bottle of
It is an indispensable household liquor , recom
mended by physicians as strictly pure , rich and
wholesome. He can got it at any high-class
diinking place or drug store.
I-'inaofial llcferciice : Nat'l lhok of Comrncrtc , Omaha. ]
y < i Pjn'KNTloN from Ijiminoas. No Opucittlon
JiMt'SlUuiu our MotliDil , Wrlttun Kiiaraiitto lu nbioi
luliily Cnrn nil kliiiltuf Kll'TUKiif : Ijuili th\csulihl
c/i.l ilio ii u o ( KiiKu orvyrlniiu , nn matter of lion lon
" ' " " "
"hix A.M I N ATI ON Fl IK K.
J--OIMI for Ciruulnr. N V. l.lfe lllda , OMAHANI , j
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
< T1 ; mlnenl ID > ( l llt ! In n ! TOUI. ClllO If , pMVIIO I | OO1. tklO Dd UnillUT dl. - - . - irU r n
* uur A r ! hV t in iiii'lclBe. -Jlpluina. . nn < l curiinrtc' .bow. u nu tieatlon wltU ; tli
afirrii iDlrm urrlioc * .lo [ ni nliooT , inln l vr aiuu i. ni > hi loiiei.lin . . \ . . . .
iV/liJii > III H * iv * > viii tM'v > * vv''u'r
" * Sl.el T rlci.cle.ctr No nuriurr ut I. Nuir treilin.nt fqrlonof Tllnlpoiter. farilai unabUi
! | ieir"itel i huiuJi Ii7 oorriiiunl | ni ! : " . Xle.H ln or IniiruaunU lout br mall or IJIIKII _
curuljrp cli J , no mark * lo InUlcalB coiileuU - oiiu ycraooal loUirrlo > f prtftircl. Con > uluU J
[ reo. Corr pond nc trlctl prl'niu. IMuk v ( UU )
juodan W t. m.1011 to. HeuJ tUmp lor lcjH <