Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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nil ? n r ATT A mir.v ni3ifc ! m\rrAY. ) XOVHMHKR 7.
Gypsy World on Who's Moving Cityward
for tbo Win her ,
Tinker 7oltn X'olcts tlm SiMlllinonM of ll
Jtuco-Stfnl ( > A Iv.dior Dl III'8jl"y
from Nonmil tn
LONDON' , Get. 'JI. iCoirospondonco of
' THE Ilcr.j Tonio there Is no ono thine more
i picturesquely suggestive of the djlnjr your
. than the ncuirylng toxxnrd xvmter quarters
' In any land by Innumerable binds ot Dllgrlm-
UiK folK , my tawny friends , the gypsies.
With vouroxvn Coney's ojos .xou may see
the farthest southern ( lights ol song birds
which have deserted jour lowering skies for
lands of endless tummcr balm nnd feel Its
i ccrtbln picinnnitlon of frozen duvs to come :
orcontompinte the mvrlnds ol broxvn leaves
\vhlppcd nlotifi the xvnvs nnd fences by
ndvnnco picket lines ot xvmter's resistless
hosts , nnd poisess nil the tender , mournful
musings of Iho changeful niituinn time.
Hut this battening of n whole people ftom
out the slimmer heart of the cotintrjslilo ;
tht iclurtnnt , dtivcn , hnrrlt'd human seal-
icrmg from hcilgosldo home Dcncntn the sun
nnd suns to Iho inlsurnblo maUeshllts ot
, city housing hn in it fnr morn linpiosslvo
rovclnlloti of win er's coining tbnn all Iho
nutumti flights of bltds nnu xvlnd-xxhlpplug
beatings of bnro branches nnd botlragglea
broxvn Icnx-cs
"llus gits old , do-i'nt lius '
This from I'm leer X.elio tbo other morning ,
| where I bad icmnlncd ovei night xvlth n
l pypsy ctti.ivun btsulo n dreary tioxvn on iho
old Ktngo joiid to Hitli. H.-irehendcd nnd
1 bnrofootcd ho hnd rlnmberod outsloo of his
tiny toaoiidu habifitioti lo "loolt o'er the
dny. " I count scohim tlirouch the fnnxav
tent mrmib. looiing nnxlously for omens in
thu still half diiiiconoil skv. the ciHu xxliul
tossing his pinv lei Its und Happing liu nn-
buttoned cornetM of ills xxooleu shirtfront
ncross bis sh.iL'uv lueibt. Ilu looked ngnln
nnd ngaln nt llio s.Uv , nnd over to Nioiffron -
tlntcd cast , 'ilinnlth both hands deep in
bis Irousem pockets , ho gave bis eli body u
I eortof shuddering tub and txxlst , and vouch-
taloii dr Jcelcdly :
"Hus gits old , doa'nt husl"
Cp j MMitliniMil.
"Hoxx's t'nt/"lto'i ! nnsxxorcd merrily
enoucb , dclci mined to provoke n conlin-
, nation of his strain of gypsv philoso
phy if possible. "Ciypslns never get old. And
f besides , .xou'io too bravo and old a rascal ,
I JSolte , lo'xxhliuncr about getting on in jcar-ia
little. "
"HI tells \e , bus nil gets old" ' 'Ihis vehe
mently , "III never quits the country "tliout
, inlndln' mo o' hit. Hits like moulun ( dj ing ) ,
f leastwise fur me to jaxv vieo the droai ( to
, leave the toad ) . Can's nsturdle ( the town's
, o prison ) ! "
flcio WHS a genuine exhibition of gypsy
ficntlnicnt.eke plumped himself down
j ' alongside the snioldciing campfire , with Ins 1
clboxv * upon his Itnecs and his Hue old bead
} In his hands nnd apparently gave xvnv to the
tnou gloomy reflections. Catching n gvpsv
off his guaul Is not a common thing and I
felt Jllfo pi odd Ing hlrnu lllllo.
"Turn Ciorpio ( non-gjpsj ) then , /Cflte ; cn-
* Joy ovcijdny of Itfo with a bapnv permanent
homo over your noadgo to c hutch lilo : a
white man ; nnd finally get to heaven xxhcro
t lioio xvon't bo any touch cvn\v winters. "
lie looked nt mo llrst In blank amazement
A line scorn came Into his sivaitnx faca.
Then in n tone nf mingled repioof , disbelief
and utmost pathetic longing , ho said xvlth
ridiculous solemnity : "Aye , n' HIM turn
Gorglo , nor even kalr rtijjh ( toxvn or false
Rypsj'.tho most lontcmptlblo of ull beings in
Iho estimation of loud gypsies ) fur a' that
rondo sure ! "
Ah , bonrbt Zd.e ! end who xxould not ?
Hero xxcio perhaps txvo score vans , tuthall
their ramsharitlo belongings , their ponies ,
nssos nr.d dogs , tlirir croclterj'.cocoanuts ana
oilcloths , their suoxxois , pegs , rush baskets
dtled lloxxcis nnd leaves , unit their fnr moio
odd nnd Interesting owners , borne of the
\vandeiciH had como fiom nsfarroith ns
Bcnuly In .Scotland , fiom n\xar up in classic
Wordsxxorth land by tbo ( juiot Ung-
JUh lakes , irom off souih\\-ost
by the shore nooks of Somer
set nnu Ucvonshlie , ai.u oven Irom St. Ivcs
nnd Peiizanco in L'ornxvall , but moat , ftom
dlciccrliii' und dukltciing in tbo midland nnd
western counties' fuirs.
A Cjiny rump.
As If by soniQ secret undorMnndlnp they
bad drifted together for u bit of roadside re
union at thoodg-'ot those xvlndsxx opt moors ,
where few of iho ronsiabulnrv como -with
their romoihulcss snimnons of "Move OBou
Bypsyilogsl" HctuinliiR lo iho gicat citv
Irom n countiy trami ) h : llutkln lminshlro ,
by rteht of iniikntid station as tioigio
( gypsj's friend ) , I hnd becomt1 ono of them
In the little lolstcring Lcforo their llnnl
abandonment ot the soaion'h xvnndoi mt's by
blossoming lane nnd road.
Cnmp xvas to bo biokcu this very mniniug.
The dnik places of London uouhl cloao upon
Ibo tnxxin ciuxx' , bcultered In lllllc groups
end fninlllcs , by nighl. U was ubsolulclv
ccrlaln that they xxould uovcr nil
meet again , even though separate fimillcs
or bands should ngalu knoxv the
boundlrhs joy of the spilngtlmo outgoing.
And there is a laivo nnd nmplo liunmn re
gnrd , ono for nnothir , In this community of
roadside Intciost und compinionshlp xvhicli
woof ths "civlii/ed" thought and nays can
never know.
MlnUcr X.olto x' as not nlono In his mourn
ful rosrct. The camp xvns nfo xvitu it , Just
ns the landscape , sky und air xvcrn Instinct
with the tender suniiess of tbo dj ing j car. It
ocmod to mo , nor xvns it all ol scorning ,
that the Ilres Uiomsolvcs binned \xilhlcss
irackle mid Hume , liven the sl/zllng \ > ols
banging from the grimy kottlcstlclis boiled
and blubboicil In miner henrthsldo tones ,
Over In Iho blunted copses of the moor thn
tethered donkeys Mood meekly silent , with
boxvcd heads , or nibbled nt Iho fi'jity giuss
i if In serious rumination. As the moinlng
edvnnccd gondxvlvcs jut by the tent mouths ,
or In the oiicu vnn doors , In sober discussion
With their husbands or busied themselves
xvlth the morning meal less i > pry nnd ihlppor
than Is the gjpsy xxoman's xvnj- . Youths
bringing wntor from iho siionm.or rciurnlng
to camp xxllh fodder for the nniimils ami
dead moor brushwood for the llros , did their
work gloomily and with none of their summertime
mer-time xvhoop und bulico ,
I ItolllOtlllll CltITIll ll.
Here and thcro xvoro groups of the elder
ftxpsy men , seated on tovcracd buckets , vnn-
thills , or loaning their bnclo against van-
Wheels , sinolli > c their pipes xvlth longstrong ,
Introspecllvo nulTs , nnd sajlng little , while
that little xvus muasured and reflective. led
Old puitcifd and pothered
querulously , unstcndlorin touo.moio restless
In inovcinoiit , nnd full of that iiotulant re-
Eentmant to change , KO iruonnd lutliuuo eo. u
icr.l upon the ovcnipo fucultlcs of old ago.
O.vpsy lassies , ex or domura In the
presence of potent act or fact
to their elders , but miracles of xvlnsnma
physical ai.d hcartfrcu abandonment In '
joyous hours , looked txvice their ago In tuelr ,
long gcu us and faces. And oven iho
cypsy dogs , thoco lure , bod-vlsoged voice- :
ICES cheats , v , hnso priitonncs of sodden og -
tiorance outg.xpsy the tlxost liomanv ihera-
eclvcp , sat ranged ut dofcioutial dlslunccs
from the camplhc * , the embodiment of
aresiv dotofulness.
What xxus truoof this camp xvai rquallv
true of hundreds inoio In Kuglnud null .
tbousands In our own country. From the
first of October to tbe laet of Novorobur this
concerted movement of gypsies from their
wandering mcnipen or life to the great
cities , nnd xvltn ux , to the cities or houthctu
talot , It ooiibtnntly going on. Same bcijln
lo fly from cxlrcmo norlhorn locuhtioi Illln
jnnntli orlicr. Others xvalt xvlth a docgpa
tori ol lormrltv until fairly driven from tun
counlry ( alien by howling Dw'Lomborstorms.
llarn In JltiKland them uro Imnortuni
( f/frtjr foinrnunitlci In Liverpool , nirm-
In/hirn , Maocnt lcr mid othur provincial
vincial ( Itipn lo xvhicli ttin roxlng
handi roftccnlrato for xvlnlor quar-
ten. und rivoit Itio trnullur tiiaiiufacturmp
towni ( > t ( ho i tirllioni KnplUb and southern
fJcotfuh utilrca IIHVO tbelr regular gypsy
quarter * ,
Murk * nt < lri | r r.xiiliitlon.
flui all of Ititto iDKotbcr will not equal the
notnt > # r < I" " > / jmitfinpiit more than 100,000 ,
taut trtof/ * out of Loudou lu the prlngtlme
ami returns to the iircnt motronolls for the
winter months Their rcmoto summer
migrations , considering the difference. In
condition In favor of Amotlean gypsies , nro
qnito ns extraordinary ns xvlth our own.
While 1 Imvo often kiioxxn the American
upsy bnnd of llmo or four fnrullios to travel
In sumptuous \xanons from central Ohio lo
eastern Mntno , nnd return the same season ,
It Is trnlvns Interesting to meet , ns I hnvo
mot , London gypsies , xvho travel with lum
bering vnns or donkeys nnd cnrls , in the
most rcmoto mining vlllnsos of Coin-
wall , nmoiiK thu "dalesmen" In Iho hi Is
cf Cumtieilund , nrr.onc the n.oornnd vil
lages of Yorkshne , on the rccdv shores ot
the Noifolk "Broads , " nlong Iho banks of
Iho I'll ! ami Tyiio. on the southern slonos of
the Cheviot hills , beside the loehs of iho far
Hebrides , or nested ngninst some old cluuhoti
in the mls'y eorn s of the Scottish High
land' .
The evolution of the cypsy , or more tiro-
perly tno rise of ihogypsy , Is.thouirh sloxxcr.
ns certain hnro ns It hns ueou In our country.
\Vlthus heMs hnvo gained or nro securing Ill-
lie properties. 'I hose lurRcly consislof furm ,
country tavcrn-stnnds , toll gate nrlvlloecs ,
tracts of xxo'jiltonJ of xxhlch they are very
fold , livery nnd sales stables In tno smal cr
toxxns nml vllUgcu. nnd , not infrcquoiitlx- ,
cxtonslx-u toxvu proportlcs , partlctilnrlv Inrgo
snlos stables In oui'oixn tnnlropolilnu cilic .
Allxvhouront nil interested In American
gipsies , xyhntoxermav be the hasty judg
ment from the npprniaiii'J of occasional
dustv loaJsltlo binds , should knoix , once tor
nil , tiint ns a tltist , or race , they hnvo become -
como rlc'i ' uud pioipjrous , an 1 It mmt bo
botno In mln I tl.ut no huiiiuii beings so xvoll
knoxv how to hiduall olTenslve sctnolaneo of
xx call h
.Not All Viicaliiinilt.
Iii npltnllar degree the last quarter of a
century has wrought a wonderful clntigo lor
Ihu bolterlth a majority of nil London and
I'.ngtlsli gypslc ? xx'tio luiva bjon oortcu * . to
icmuln In their own land. While In Lnglniid
In Itn'iT , I had muuns of knov/ltig ftom per-
sonul obu'ivatioi that almost nnlvoisnl
suunloriinit xxrotoliedneisxyctochiracteilstlc
of I'liclisli nnd particularly of London gyn
slej No ono can make of n irypnnnythlng
hutn gxjisv , but n eenoration of change hero
hns otTottrd n moro mnrliud ndv.ineiiinont In n
i dcgrd prosperity with this than xvlth nny
other lowlv class. It has not vei/cd him
bodily und In n moment , or ncar , 01 inn
dendo , put line clothing upon him and made
tlio p > p x n line linn of affairs ; but
r-oniBl'lilng us xx lib the destitute Ital-
ians who Imvo landed upon our shot PS
who xvu ditc.-tlv llnd as Imwkors , willing
I ihorors lestnurunt lcoter , uoxxsboys , uoot
blacks contiolleis of letail nnd xxholesalo
Iruit and nut tiades and o.i the nigh road to
prostiei Ity , beciinso thox ore ciuick xvltted
and xxilliiig lo labor -the Cnpllsh gvpsv haj
found , uloiig xx Itli old makeshifts for liveli
hood , many uoxv though rude occupations
and means of getting on in the world , all
after his mxn mind nnd heart.
To ono nut acquainted xxllh tlio linbits nml
wnvs of those intetostiuiT folk itio old false
notion still exists that thcv must ono unil all
bo thicvmc x-asnoonus Ilo\v eUo can they
exist ! Is nsHod by thosrj xvilllm : to ccltovo
that a raRUleUo:1 or u KtBslan .low with n
puck on his biclc cnn lioircl llttlo oarnltiHS
until ho becomes nllluent. Should jou folloxv
ono of these xyandenns futnilles or bands
Ironi London in surliiRtlnio into every I2n-
pllsh , Welsh or Scottish village to xvhicli Us
way is made , and back nguln to Its winter
h.iunt in London , 1 doubt If jou could ills-
coxcr mi net of n single member savoring
inoro of dishonesty than fortune telling or
cunning hoit > o j3C ayliir ) at fuirs.
< _ h inn toilitlci nl ii ( ! jny | Car.n.m.
The ( "ixMleaun ut its outset mar comprise
one or inoio vans. Tnoio are , briefly de-
BCtiboil , tiny UOiises upon wheels. They uio
drawn by donkeys , or often by broken down
city tiam hor'cs , xvhieli the gypsies get in
London for a EOIII- , and which with care aio
finally transformed into excellent cattle
Poltoxxins these miy bo thtoo or four , or n
hnlf dozen , llttlo donltuy carts , after the
fash-on ot the costenuori-'ors' city carts ,
i'hoso xxill hold iho real losources of the
band. An examination or the latter would
reveal almost enough material in quantity ,
tcrtmiily enough in variety , to stock n little
counti > stoio.
This stock in trade has not been Kicked up
atrantlo-n. In the London \Vhitechapel dis
trict tlisro are creat storehouses of "travcl-
ors' goods. " Their owners , who I llnd in
clude \\calthv crimes , could not continue in
business witliout the gypsies' trade. The
goods handled nro somewhat similar
lo our American "bargain counter"
odds and rmls , especially In tin-
uare mid metal ? oods , hardware , crockery ,
cheap oilcloths 'and household nlcltnneUs ,
with the coarsest of beads unit gilded Jew-
city. It would bj a revelation to ordinary
knelish tradesmen to ioali/0 the euoimoiw
quantities of stull nnnunth disposed ot in
tins minner thioiifchout l ngland , Scotlana
and \Valo , and the integrity ot these gypsy
\\ai.dcrcn where tliey ask mid receive
ciodlt for their supplies , us they often do.
Smaller "travelers' poods" store s mny oo
found near tl.o Hull King in Birmingham ,
xvhi-ro taitB may bo lelilled in the la/y
jourtioj-'tijis ' ; but small shipments from
time lo time are forwatdeii by mil from
I liAX-o fi lends In the fruit and nut trade
in tbo Ururv lane quaitor of London 0I I
who hnvo supplied gypsies in ull parts of the
piovmccs for the lust twenty years. Half
of this trade is done on credit , and Iho fiult-
orers all inform mo tliuy hnio never lost a
pnnnv : it the hands of their thousands ot
gxmy Mil-ill customers. All llu-so coeds ,
fiuits nnd nuts aio hawked in the llttlo vil
laces and sold nt fairs and on market days.
Indeed the English country fuir of today
would lese a.l its p'eturcsquoncbs ' nnd most
of its attractions ( cr younger people woio
the potty gxpsy booths and g\ pay showmen
\\ithdiawn ,
"TrnxollMs : Men limit , " by'r J.oaxe ,
About the mliidlo of the century , when the
HiltUh rural police net , which xvns directed ( I
against pynslesmid \\andoring Mir of the
road , cntno in foice , wo llnd Harrow intnent- t
Ing tt nt the "gypsy had nou-hoio to lay bis
bend " The oppressive me.isuro undoubtedly
sent Anioiicn 50,000 ICmilish cypsios xvlthln
a polled of ten years. Indeed tl almost ex
tirpated gxpb\dom in ( Irent lirilaln. Hut
the coining gypsv saw a way to mend his
fortunes. Ilo teen out n license to become isn
traveling merchant. "Two and sKpouco"
gives him this light for tlic pailoil of ono
jenr. Ilo could still lemain gypsy in every
particular. Insensibly and bv degrees ho
nclually uocnmu the fellow wliojo vocation
ho originally assumed in order to merely
Theiogrnnunllv followed n system among
the ixnmlerers of piovldlng "gypsy ( 'round"
on which to camp in saffity Irom the raids nf
the mounted constnbularv. Gypsies hero
nnd there , who had uota footing and could
DO tiustod , bought or leased bits of waste
land , unused lanes , Idle tracts nt tbo out
skirts nf cities m.d towns , or camping rights
In icorny old stable yards. These uro in turn
sublet to in living pilgrims at from one still
ing down to a ponnv a day. And tlius , with
London gypsies whoso haunts nnd ways In
about London Itself I shall describe in my
next ono can travel from Land's Unrt lon
John OUirnat'h house , or London to Obnn ,
ii'in i etui n , and never upon the road bv day ,
or undeincath iho tent or the vnn-ioof and
the stars at night , bo outside the comforting '
protection \\atchful DrlUsh law
Knu vu L. WAKBM vs.
Ignorance of the works of DoWltt's Llttlo
r.arly Ulsaivi Is n misfortune. Thoio llttlo
pilu logulato tun liver , uiro headache , dvs-
pepsin , bud btoMu , conblipation and bilious-
, ,03 , , .
Kr. IIiilinrH1 Allerllionijlil ,
A fuw yours ago a IJostoa physician
oiicoiintoicd a rouianuo in his own fam
ily whli'h o.xi'Itod his ainusoincnt , says
the Muhofiuny Troo. An a > ; cd rolntivo ,
a uoiimn of SS , marrloil a man a fuw
.yours Inn1 junior. It wns a love mutch.
Dr. ( \ found much food for rullcotlon ll.ill
the romunco. Some time afterwards lie
mot Dr. HolmoH , and in cnurso of
a rliut , us they wallcoa down
Hcacou fatrcot , ho rulatod the Incident
to the autocrat of the breakfast tublo. I
It uimibod "nim imniensoly. Ilo T' I
chuckled over it in various tones of
volco until ho. reached his own door.
Ho hade Dr. 0. uoudnight , and started
no tlio BtoDd. Suddenly lie turned back
nnd called , "Oh , i > v tlio xvay doctor , ono
momont. " Dr. O. turned back and
Holme's eaino down t ho b tops a ain , "I
have boon iulonsoly interested in timt
little tnlo. " ho said slonly , "Of course ,
at tlioir age , they did'n't liuvo any
children ; but , toll mo , did they hnvo
any gruiulchildronV"
_ ,
If you have plloi lo\VUt' § Witoa Ilaso
i Ive will tureiy euro joa.
Sacrificed to Politioi Was Ltrgoly the Tnto
of the Market Yostorclay.
It Itrriulroil Only n IV xv Hours for tlm M ir-
hot In Tilled on n Decliledly
I Inner Tonn Stucln
nud llouils.
CutCAno , 111 , Nov l Picrlflcoil to politics
was lar.'oly the fate of tha markets today.
Notwlthstimdln : tlio dullii-'S' . howexer. the
gcncril tone w isononf itrcniili. Oompared
xx i h list nlilit whoit this ovnnlns Is ' o
hlshor. corn . ' 1'so. nits Uc. Die In tbo
price of prox Islons continued.
Trido In xxhoat si irl-'d In n rather limit-it-
Inewjv With oxsierc iblcs und assurances
Hint crowliu wheat lu tlm dry aio is In the
soiithnost h id boon grimily bcnclltol by the
reconl rains , the llrsl Impiilsn was to 'Oil tbo
niarlxCl oil lint w lien It was considered that the
day's i t'culptsuro nearly in rar < loss than
iMiIni itcil , that the dcllxorlcs al primary
points for tlioxook nurt ) uxulii sin til as coin-
paiud with the previous weeks nnd thai Iho
\uorls from boln coi ls wor.tlll gnncrous.
( ir.l.K'i.niHl tin Inxhoit nnd Hour , against
3,1" ) ' , ljO ) liu for the corresponding last
> u ir , the m irlcet tool < on a decidedly ( Inner
tone The Indications are fin nil Increase of
" ,5)0 ) , WO nu In tbe xislblc. and Uratlsttcot'a re-
purls , . tboivallablc supply In this country and
( 'iiiiiiiln , ut sT U"i.jui ) liu tlio Invest on record
und Jl.OUO.oru bii. more than n x car ago und
nu uly 4J.UJ 1.030 liu iiiiuo th in two years nso.
In xlow of Hits unorinciiis stock tlio friends
of uhu it xxi'ro not ilUtiO" ! ) 1 to bo aifKroxsi\o
und honi'o ti.nlo was HOW and the jnln In
m Ires not Import-in ! Thuiont cnntliiniMl
lliuldiuloii ] In Dcc'cinbor wlmit which \uis
IILorilly loplai'i'd by purcluscs of Max' . Tbo
m.-irUot opoiii'il i'.iy and prices di'Cilnod from
'nC to'ic ' tiipn boriiini'stroiuur nndulxaiu'cd
trotii 'HIto ' Ue. rule I iii.ot | mid the closing
was sti'iitly xxlilnn 'it1 of ibe ton for the day
Coin \XIIH iiili | < t. but llrnii loc il iceolpts weio
only . 'luirs xxhuro .r > l J.ITH hud bi'en P\-
poctiMl , lint ll'oi'ic ir cold uu itliur w is looKuil
J upon | MS : i f i\oi ib i < In llcullon foran Incicuse
i" uiilx its und foi a llmo thurc was in u i y
I fct.'liiiL' lint the
biivlns soon Inoirasedi und
{ ) ,
tlio olTeiln s boln lltiilted , tlu-ro w-\s un lin-
pKHuininl I'liiutuallons eaMTril only from
' i1 lee i inco.
i ) its w is ( Inner on tbo s null IOMI recol pis
only it'lc ' ir-t whcro I'U ' xvoio oxpuclodand
In symp ithy with the bettor lone In coin.
Ho , , ' piolucls uero llnniT. inulnly on the
lighter rceolpts of lie sth in cKpeotcd. It xx as
IIM > ullcccd that nrolucts wt > io too low to
slum uny prollt In inanuf icturu fiom present
prints of live ni itnals
Coinuired llh iesterd IT'S closlnz prices.
.Tuiumry uoik is nc liUher. .taniiarv 1 ird 7V0
bUMut. but fet Xoxombcr th it arllclo Is 2 > , a
hlcliiir. .l.uniary libs Improxcd lOe
Then' wus .1 bolter demand for vessel room ,
but nsents hid few bo.its lo.idy to lo-xil.
U itos xveio hlithur uf.JAcfoi who it and -'iC
for corn lo llnllnlo.
I'stim-ited ruiulnts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
lllHuaia ; corn , "j ? curs ; oals , 170 curs ; boss ,
l..nto bond.
Thu loading futures rnu.'ol ns follows :
C'ibh tiuotallons were as follo.xb :
1'i.ot u t'sniillv utcoiishlur.i'jlo eonccsslon.
\\IIE\T No. Vsnrln , : , TU c ; No. U sprliiK , 58
c : No 2 red , 7i'4e.
Cons No " . Wau ; No .T 40c ;
U\TS ND 2 , liOUci Ao. - nbltc , 3lc ; No y
Kx K No. " , SJe.
HAIII.LXNo. . _ ' , C.110lcj No H , f. o b , C82 >
C" > 3 : No. 4 , f , o. b , Illte-IDe.
I'r.tfKtii No 1,41.10.
TIMOTIIV M-KII I'rlnie. JI.R ® l.8" > .
I'OUK Mess. ) ior bbl. . SU.QW- ' ! lard , per
101 Ibs . $ ' .s7'sHO l-'j ! short ilhs , sides ( loose ) .
rnO : dry K illed Hlioiildeis ( bo\o'l ) , $ r.'la )
T.'J'i ; shoi t eleai sides ( lio\od ) . $ T , ! ) > S3 LO.
\\illbKY Uibtlllcis' linlshed tooJs , pei gal. ,
StiOAii'5 Standard "A , "
Thu following \xero the receipts and ship
ments today :
AllTRl l s Mill'MI.S IS
Hour , tibia 10000 . ' .sooo
XXhcnt , bu 211.000 H'1,000
Corn , , bu. . , aruojo JbUOOO
Oils , Lu. . . . 275 0 K ) ItSOOJ
Itjre bu. IISOO ) KMK )
I'nrle ) . bu HIUOJ 41 ( KYI
On the Produce oichatiKO to lay the tumor
mnrkpt was steady : ere imery , " 06b'it > dulrv \ ,
laiJlc. i : ? , llrui ; strictly frusli.'lii'J.'c. .
NHIVoire Xliirkdts.
Nr.xx VOIIK. Nox- . " > -rr.ouie Ileeolpts. 4l.fi7l
pk si OYiioils , ill.ldj bills und 1.US7 snukxi
murkoi dull und cisy ; " bli's. , low
extias. J.'uoft. . ' " ) : xxlniur wheal , low snides ,
fMUg..T.'i , f.ilr to Ciiney. W.7V I7 > : .Mlnnesol-i.
' - ' " > !" > SI 13 ; patents , 81 L'J3
t'oitN AlKAr. Sloiuly und ( inlet.
WIIK XT Hcolpts , .ijV-'jJ Dn. : exports , S'l1- !
: m hu ; siles , , r > l.00 ) bu. of futures nnd
4I.OOJ bu. of Kj.iit , Spot in irkct dull but
steady ; No 2 led. 71'i7J'iiU ' In store nnd
nlovalti ! 'I'ltfiTrio ulloit : 7fi's7ii'je ' f. n b :
No .1 rod , oc ; ungraded ted , U7ti70u , No. 1
northern , sl'4c ; No - northern , 7i'4c. ; ltlons ) )
declined eaily Vii gti on oihlcr cubles nud
inodoratu foruUu selling , udx.ineed i/iS' i : nn
eoxerlugs nnd elosed ste idy ( it 'nftve deellnc.
No ii ted , December. TVafat'i e , clodlmr ut
7'i cj .luniiiri1. 77\17 * c , elnslnz ul 7"nae :
reliiu iry. 1 t571)'Bc. ) tlos'iu nl ? ic : Jluy.
Sic. elusliu nl * > J'iii' .
Uxi : Dull , sto idytostern , r.9H03o.
IHui.i-.x- ( Juloti Lsterii , " " " "
\Ui.T Dull ; xxustein. 7ilfi c ; Can-
ad -"iGife i ( , elty made. I'linuda , il.UPiM.u' )
t'oiiN Ilotolptu , ! ! > .TOl bu ; o\purlc , C,7'l !
bu ; s lies , "sl.uUJ bu. of fiiluies , HJ.OJJ bu. of
hpot. bunts I'iMlor. dull ; No ! ! , 4'i'iolii ' ' olevulor.
fiU'te ' alloit ; ungraded inlxen I'HjU.VJe ' ; ojillous
XVLIO moduritoly nellxo nnd 'att'iu Inunr
ouonliu xveulv \ xithhout nnd dLellnlng'A
'nC. ' loaalcil > 4C und closed stonily ; Dt-conibcr ,
. ' ) U'sO'ie ' ) , cliMlnt ; nt SO'dCi M iy , 51 vlll id
- , ns.nio bu , ; exports , file bu i
s ICH. ! I'lO.OOO bu of futures , ai.uOO bn of hpot.
riputH dull , steady ; opiums stu uly , ijiilnt ; lu- )
eemhoi , J0'o ; Muy. .I'l ' c : No. y spot white.
miMHl xvustnin , SWiffo ; uhlto xvust-
em , . .I'KiiltkNo. ' ; . ! i Chli * IKOUVU : ) ,
HAV Momly ; slupplnC.'io ; Rood lo choice ,
7.Vic8'iu : Pucllle const "iClS'ic.
Hoi'f. ( Jnlot , iiT-yi sttito , common to choice ,
HCli-.o ; Paelllo coist. Ibia.'le.
Sun \n-llutt. dull bin sto uly ; fu'r loflnlim.
ii'ae ; i-uiitrlfnitals. 'M tnst , li e ; rulltidl quiet
und o'isy ' ; olT A. I S-lt > > Iil\c : mold A , "
r > .l Iliu , siunduid A , 4 l-iniite ; eonfcctloiiurs A ,
4 l-niftl'iio : out louf. 55-li/ft'i'te ' ; ermhod , .IS-IU
< 3-l'i tiottdeiod , 1 l-Mi'ta ; kiunilluled , 4 1-iUffi
6' e : cubes. l e.
\.oi AMM'S 1'oruUn nominal ; Noxv Orleans ,
( jnlut but steady ; open uuttlc , Ko d , U" c ;
now. pee „
HICK 1'ulr dem ind mil sto-idy ; domestic
fnli tooxtru , lit-i'if , Jnimn , 4i < j@V >
ntios 1'uncy fresh Him ; wostuin pilmo , 2i
< tt.5c. Itecelpls , , l.'t ) ! pUss.
Illiirs Qiitot. stonily ; xvut silled Now Or-
loaus sulucled. 4'i lo ii ) Itis , . 'n'-7i' Tvn
I'OIIK riilrUumniiil , llrnii old moss , t2 ! SWi
Jl'i ) : now mo * * . VI U'VIil.l.'i' ' ! u\tru prime , t : i"\
( iill.T.'i Out inouts llriui plukled Unities , 1 ®
I'o ' ; ploUled slioiildcri. bu ; pluUcil hims , I ®
He ; nilild ea. ijnlut. r-lioi t clour , Wr > ' , l.ur.l
hlihur ; uoslorn KIO.IIII elosetl nt J'-Mii ; salus ,
I.40J tltiees ut $ J , ltini ; option sacs , l.oiu
tierces. Noxunibur , IKU-WiOffl , eloslug JlO'i hid ;
Dcceiiibui , irH.'X uloslni ; .1) ) bid ; Itellncil ,
btiou. : ; continent.9 00 ; South American } ll.P.
IIUITHII ijuleti fnuoy , Moudy ; xxoslurn
dali v , llti.'cxuitiirn ' : eroaiiiery. 2oa.'i o ; x\tbt-
cm factotv. UWtt 7'ni ' JJIslii SO'iawo. ' .
< K Modciatodemand , llrm ; jurtsMins ,
Pin IIID.S I'ulr demand ; American , 0 ®
Coi-i-Eii-Quloli lake , ill ovail.75.
I.BAii-lluil : douiuatlo ,
TIN btcmlyt htralJhts.
Oiniilm 1 1 III. ' > t und lalliiH ,
HlliKS No I LTiioii , Il'io ; No I cieon salted ,
Oi'40 ; No. 'irci'ii Hiilicd. . ' o lo .liia' c ; Ni
I creou s illo-l , 2Mo4J Ihs , 4 > < ' < No J 1:1 ecu
bulled. 21 lo 4i ltniUo : ; No. 1 vo-il oilf , h to II
HH.IIO ; No , 2 veul cnlf. 6 to KI His , 40 ; No I
dry Hint , Cu toTu ; Vo . U dry flint. 4u to flu ; Vii.
I drv s'lltdd. 5o tot.o Purl cured hldoi u"-
half conl ntir pound losn lliun fully euro I.
1'ri.Tb Urocn silled , o.ifh 25
Tula ! l. u < - ul CITIES ,
_ ' DlbTfilCTb. WATER
Uorrnpondcncti ollcltcd.
103-109 Dearborn Street. CHICAGO.
IS Wall Street , NEW YORK.
7O State 9t. , BOSTON.
creon in ted lfon > lluits 'short ' x oolnJ rnrly
* Kinsi , i ) leh , 1 > nticl dry Miciirllmss ishnrt
wnninil pnriv skltm. No I , I'.vli , f'itlfc. ( liy
MiOnrlltm ( Mu < rt.4aiilpil ' nnrlv nklm * . No. " ,
< --u-b , f'C ! KntKus nml Nohraskn
butcher wool iiuJK 1'or ' in , nclunl xvehdit , U
® tl'io ' ; drv Hint ICiiiiMis inicl N'ubrnskn intir-
ruin wool pr-lt * , per Ib , nelu il welalil.Si nol ;
dry flint I'olor.t Jo.bnti'tu-i wool iioli , per Ib. ,
tictuilToUht , JujJU'ie ! dry Hint 'olnndo
tnnrriln noel pells tier Hi. nctu-il
Ffflluci dry Hirers nnd hncit * , ueltial xvcUhU
T1) ! . ' . llavo fe-tciit on , us It Is useless to
puy ) frolffht on tliMn ,' AM > ( inrA r Tillow , No. 1. : iJ4Hi
tallott. No . ' . : KLV0. re'i o , wlilto A. II' PI
pro iso , whlto II. .lUt's irruisc , xolloxy , .lo ;
urpise , dnrk , 9 > ict old biillor. SftS'So ; boos-
xvnpt line , luB..V ; roit h t illou , I'lli.'c.
> -l,1l.Illlls MlllllC-M.
PT ( .orii. Mo , NOXf > . ri.oou Dull nnd
11112)1 ) inned
\\nrAT-Cash sloady nt GV c ; options
oucui-d "seolT. then
nilrnticcil nnd closed 'j5l
'lenlxixn vostorduy ; le eiiiler ) , U7'c : M iy ,
7x' , 75'ie. '
xvhoit and dnlshcd
over veslerdny : e ish wcul oh ' , v , eloilnt ; tit
NCI Novomboi. I'l'iej ' ' Doeomber , JSici jcur ,
nrVcYMnv , ii' < iiiii'c.
OATS-I'mnor ; cusli. Wc : Mjy , Ill'ifflllc.
ItXK-MlMllv ut 4s-@IS > lO.
lUltl.KX Npsulos _ .
HiiAN-lllKlicrul r > © Vjeonst Irnclt.
HAX Dull und unchanged j prairie , $70046
O.ooi llmolliy , irli.uuar.'oo.
I.KXII Sto.uly ut JJ. 70(31.7.1 ( ; spelter firmer nt
} l . ' 0.1 2\
I'l.xxsi mi rirm utl.0 < < .
IliiTrr.n llotteri cru imerr , SOQ'JDc ; onlry ,
MK\t.-Kasy atl.s3.
\ \ nisuxte id xat
I'onk I'nmor. liibblnu , Mi'l ; lard nninln-
nllv hUh" ! . US lifts ifl : dr } s ill meals bettor :
louse shoulder * , J..n ) : lonjs und ribs. } T7'i !
shorts fsui ; strips , Jl.'ii ; boxed lots , r > c moie ;
bacon steuly picyioils quot itions.
ItH'l II'T < I'loiit. ,1OJO bills : ixhoit , VJ.OOO
hu ; corn , i hn : oils , ll.OOJbn ; rye , 11 , HOD
bu. : him4XO Obii
.SHU-MI ST < I'lntir , " , OD bbls : xxho-it.
bu : corn , 'JiOJOlm ; oat , IG.ODJ bu. ; rye , S,0)3
bu ; b it ley , none.
Kims is Cit.x
lvNS\i'ny. Mo , Nox. .1 WIIKAT Quiet ;
No. 2 hard , filuHi'l-'Ve ' ; No 2 led. Od c.
( Jens rnehntiicil ; No. . ' iiilsod , "
No 2 white. .i@kSi ; > .
iJ TsI'lim ; No 2 niKoil. SfiiJ2Cie ! ; No. 2
white , i'SU. Do.
ItXh bluidv ; Nn 2. Hie
in\-l.rn : Meudv. H7r
Ilius bleudy ; ni i'c.
II xx troiis ami unchanged : timothy ,
$7.'ifKs ( S ) .
IliiTiKit Quloti croimory , UlQS'lcj ' dairy ,
I.ids ( Aetlvo ; prime , COo.
KM mi-is Wheat , I.M.UJJ bu. , corn , I.COO
bu ; oils , uiiiio.
SIIIIMI.SHlieat , 71,030 bu. ; corn , 4,000
bu. ! o its , none
Oinalii rroilueii
O \XIB-1'rnlrlo elilcUons are eonilii : In frenlv
nml diieUs nro coii.mciR-ln toirrlxu ( jtinll
uin scarce. The cooler wo ither h-is Improxed
llio u mm siliiullon I'ralrlo ehlel > eiiH , f. . '
4 Si ; Ktoiibo , fl ( I : illull. | tl.7.'i ; snipe , $1 Oi ) ;
J ick siiine , fl ' . ' ( TitlAj ; plover , $ l.0i ; Kolden
p'oxoi. fl - " > ( . ! .M. o iiixas-buek diioUs , i 7.110 ( .
t-.OO : redhead duoks , flV ) ; m-illard ducks.
Jl.f > 1 ; blue ttliiR lull. } 4.Ti : eieon win ? teal ,
* l/iO ; miNpil iluek-i. fl li : lack r ibblls , $1 00 ®
4 _ ' : > ; sm ill rabbits , tl 2Va I. fi' ; minlrroK f ! . ! > 0 ;
aiitelopo suddlos , H5H.r.c ; dour s idctles ITiBslfi ;
utilulopocii i cusses.ijiVide : deoruarcasscs ,
iu ; Iho plitcoiiH , Jl.'JMAI f > 9.
I Common. l.'liMIe : fair to good , II ®
lOe : olmlco dairy. INJ,3io.
POUI.IIIX. Clik-kens , 7c ; BCPSO nnd ducks ,
Se : tnrkevs Hie.
Kens Tim week chnoil with a firmer feeling
In the mm Hot. Hrlctlv fresb slock hold ul
'JJc. und somu dealers \suro t.ilMng about hold-
InS for. Me. _ _ _
Oil .tlurki-t.
Nnxy VoitK. Noy. r , . I'KTiior.PBxi Qnlot ,
stu uly : eindu In bbN . ? "i. > J : crtulo In Dink ,
t.'S'i ; lodned N'oxx York , f > < Phlladullihlu \ ,
f.s.Philiuielnhl , : i bulk. M..T. .
Corros SELuOlr. yului. Hun ; crude , -7' e ;
jollox ; ilc.
TAMOXX Strous , actho ; city ii03 pkgs ) .
4"4c bid.
Itosis Hull and steady : strained , common
toirotnl. eL'-T'iaLaO1. ' .
Tuut-EMisK Moidy ;
Now \orlc Dry < i < iiiM .H u kct.
NKXV VoitK. Noy fi. 1 ho dry L'oods miirUct
\xas- relatively lnlcl | In vlo v of the hulf holi
day and election e\olteuicnt. The cotton
Koods murket ( .oittluued to clxo ovldoneo of
uioxxltiR siren'th , ttldo sheollnzs p ullelpal-
lu In llio uOvtuvo 1'ilnted fabrics x\eru In
Kood reiiuest tliouh netual Iransnellons ucro
unlcfly in wldo novelties for sin hie. I'rluts
xvero btrong lu tone und gcruially higher
prices uru looked for.
Oinuliit I'rult MiirU-rt.
Oiurrs Now Vorl : Concoids , 2SS'Wc per
I0-lb. basket ; I ITRO loU , " ( iJJ.'Ve.
( 'AMI OIIMA ( jllAI'R I'OI CriltC. $1.501.75.
I'U.UOIINH I'KAIt $ J.-.UJ.7. ) IICI bo * .
Ai'i'i.KS-\ , * J.OOaa.7. > ; Now Vorlc , H.OO
QUINCFS I'er bov '
, il.'i.
UA > AS1'er bunt h , S3 OJSJViO.
Collco .Xlariiut.
Nmx YOIIK , Noxn. . Options , opened steady
uuehangcd lo U points up ; closed felcady , . * >
down I lo fi up ; saios. H.OJO b i s , Ineliidliiz :
Duceii.bcr. Jl i.l)0IJ ) 10 : .luiiil-irv , $14 < ) J ; March ,
H4.1M/1147U / ; Muy. JIIWAI440 ; Soplembor ,
$ H.n-iBHM ) Spot. Klo dullund baicly
No 7. { 1000S10 I. " , .
l .Minuet.
Nr.w OIIIJALa. . . Noy. ! > Slo idy : mlfl-
dlln. , 7 IMlic ; low middling , 7."i-10 : 1:001 ! oini-
uury , OIl-lGe ; net receipt1 * , 1,151 b lies : experts -
ports totJroai Hrllaln. liV.'IO'Traiieo. ; 7,7fi6 ;
to _ Iho _ continent , M.W. bileen ! . ; _ ,
8.071 ; sites , 4,700 ; btoek , 17--78 ( b lies.
Llvcrpixil Miirh-Kls.
Nov. 5 Win.vr Holders offer
Con.v Kasy ; wcstorn , 4s I1 id per centnl.
I'OIIK 1'rluie mess uestein , line , T'sOdner
I.xun-l'rl'iie ncstorn , 5ls per ct. .
C.tltlu tlnse tbo Wnck Ste.idy unil I'll in
llo H . \Lll\e nml I ii ni.
OMUM , Nov. fl liocolols foi Iho past xieok
hhott a coiibldoi ihlo de-rensu ooliii ) ired tt lib
tno xieck lirtsx loiis , biilii xory s itlsfaelory In
crease comp nod xvith the eorrospondliiK week
last yeai. 1'hu rutoril Is as foi oxis :
Cuttle. llos . Sheep
Itccelplspist . 1'MOJ J.S7i fi/nil
HeLohitspiuxloiisiwcck . ' . . ' .li.l .11.111 filf , ' )
r-airu neok last jeur. . . . , " ) 20,717 Ull
The cattle inaikol Iho past wcok lias been
piolt ) much of n repetition of iho xxcuk pro-
x hina. e\toit | as to thu half fat und reun na-
llxo u.illlo. Kveiythlir. elsi ) IMS held up
fall Iy ttcll ; In fuel the supiilif initnro cat
tle , both iiatixcs'anil iniuoii , hasbioneon-
bldorably lu u\cess of the domind. The under
1-1 ides have ahoxxii Ilillo nolunoilhy elinneo ,
but pi lees h ix'o not uenkcno.l materially ,
\shlln ttllh Ihu hulf f it htceu thuru has been
udiopof fully i'5' .
Cow stull his ( loxolopurt a cofid ; doil of
stioiuth. Thu proporllon of detoiit cow *
murktturl bus been no EIII ill Hint buyois hiixu
been compelled to ndx-iuno prices nnynlicro
from lieto .f > c. anil Ibis adx-aiieo liasuoi been
conllued to any n irtlcnlui i-'i i le.s. thu oinncis
.showliu iiiut-n , If not more , impioyoiuont
tlmii llio boiler stock.
In feeders tlio trade bus no' , been oxerly
nut he , und whliu prices hux n held up all r hl
nu good to elioU-o smooth lleshy steois , on the
eoinnion llht and Ihln ktuir there lius been a
drop of from Ide to IV. und Ihu jmda uio ut
mnu'nt full of this clnss of Htnek ,
The leuolpts of outtlo woio fair for iho last
duy of iho week nearly double.list .Saliirduy'H
run , nllhoiuh Uiu weul.'t , receipts' uio iiboul
IIOJO lighter thnn Ihoso ol tbu previous noulc.
There not much eh nun to llio murkuU
( Jood to clmli o hiH'f steer * were a x ciy searco
urtlelo The domniid for tliosn xrus good
und pi lees irore ( | ii tuhly slion .
'tbo sumo ] i\/s / | trnu of xxeslorus.
On HID iiio'dlilin unities of cnttlo
ib it had only hcpn uartly fed trade wiih dull
and prleoi rulelntnxuifully u ( iiiurter lower
tb in lust xvcoU. Common rasserb lo only
fulr tornfod e Hie sold ull Ihu xvny fiom ino
lo $1 Oi , common lo xoiy MKK ! ueslcrnsul
from Ji.OJ lot .S , " > .r It XMIS : iol a purtlenliirly
uotUo mmket littibout ) oxuryilniis chtingid
hands boforu thClose.
1 hu eotttiadowAs iiellxo nnd pi Ices rultd
slroiuur ull nrounfl , un.l tao s imu was true uf
l elievcd me of n severe Ulooi ! trouble.
It lias also caused my hair-to groxv out
again , as it had been falling out by tlm
jiandful. After trying many physicians
in vain , I am so happy to find a cure in |
S.ij. S. O. H. , Galvcston , Tex.
ff * fIDPJC rfyforclncnntpennaofdla-
JJj V/-'l\ ' . - ' -'i.a6oanil the jiolbonaawill.
OS J3r "It la entirely xcKctablo and harmless.
u"T * Treatlso on Illixid and Sl.ln mailed f reo.
V > & \urr far ) emu Co. , Atlanta , Ua.
nlPAMS TACULf-S .xk-ulnlu
tbo i.i itiiuh , llvfruuu bout la. purl'7
ry tlm liluml , nru Midi aud ( ll tLal i J
7 / wvyi. . ' JilieUdimdliliicknimuJorbllluu
ZfOf J&bnihK , iiUKUlwlluu. ) | | la. fotl U
S \ fffSv/f/\\\ \ \ ITI alii , lu uiiai litluui ll.ui 11 , fen ( f t
\&t < 2\-lr i'l'l Ulv , 11 ' "l"l ' ! > I ri'bluu , i lufLl ' a
MfftS' ( UKotloii pluipk-n , willuw limn lex ,1
o Impure lilood.or a fuluru liy Uiu Houim ) i , Un r ur lu 5 I
tiwlluci lo p rfurm It.clr iroiM r IunclloiiA. 11 rM > ur w
i 2 l-ilr l v mail , 1 ( rrnM.IJi wunjTr 1 P 2
itll'ANH fllKMfCAl.lX.lJtiiruci.'fcl cwyorl. J
I biv .sin num. o\cn ami Mips
prices rat1 sod from tl HlotJ. M 'Ihoioxxns n
coed lone to tlm mir , < el for ve il cnlxc * .
nml It xvns pretty umifMin stuff th it h id
toollHi tiniler IIOJ , They fold up to ? M/0
inn eoniiiioii Inr o emirs xvi-nl ns lo T us 51. ( > J
In t thn stipfUcr ii n I fccdur line there was not
much now to note lluunlur dealers repot I nil
n luodcrulo Iniulry und not n xory ictlxo
inoyniiient , nlthotuli prices In tlio main \veio
sulistnnllully nni'lumpi-d
III 1 ) H-The lliietu.illoiis In hog values hnxe
open Iho mosl vloltint of ntiv x\eel < in thn p nt
six mouths , bill xx hllo oirly In the wiiek the
feoilnx wis do it-Nil , toward llio olmu llio
feoiliU \vr.sdrclilcilly lliii.ur. uud ihoxeok
cloH-s with pilteslthln so of Inst ucok's
close \\lth ibo o put. I it ? of the rcutilur
ivlntrr piieklne BOISOII lliero wns uppurenl y
II L'oneurled uettuii on Iho p irl of ptolior * to
( It-press prkos I'ho suno conditions
thwiirtpil tlinlrpurpixes MO fur th's your prevented -
vented the nct'OiniilHimiiiit of llielr tlotlKu
nca nst no. DID goo I sli'np n4 und fresh i
dem mil und the xory tmwor ito receipts
The flush u-eulpts were not us hoixyus on
Insl S iluid iy und the look nimlher
np\xurl ' lilru under iho liillneln-o of upon I
locnl , stieeulillxo mil shipiiliu dem mil
I'rlees ru u I n liUSe hlishcr Him on I'rldiiv
the ' ' hull , of Iho fulr to ijood hojsof nil
, xv . o ; ih ; Is sollliu ut M.lS lo $ . ' with
soineoflhe bt-st blither
V xvplelit nnd heixy
loads | solllni : ul Si.1. " , nnd4 \ iiul n fe\x
xery common lie hi mixed oudsuslowu t" > 't' ' >
und5.f.4 ' 11 ictlxo throughout , und
thn pens note oo ; iied In coed so ison the liulK
M'llhiKnt fiom $ > ,1.1 to * X 11. UK dust ut from
J'i'lilof\ liid iy , nnd ul from $ > U in * \ > 0
Sill'up There were no fresh reeolptbof heep
nud noililn ; here to inal.o u nnirkei , I'liu du-
inanil ' U Booil and the miuet iiiol-ibly | llrm
I'ult lo peed tnl'xes , } r > fljt4" ' ; f ill to coed
xvesleiiis l.l.J'njl Vij eoniiiioii und stook sheen ,
peed to choke 40 to Uj-lb lambs.
Itcrplpts und lNni | ltioii ol stock.
onielal racolpm mil dlsimltlo'i of sti' ' us
shown by tlio bon'tsof lli Union StooU VnrU
compniiy ' foi tint txxontfu u lioun onilliu ui
& o'clock p in. , Niixum'icr ' i l" < Ji
lu ( Ill-is
( M n r j iT7iIs ! j sin n lu Hisits , \ MI <
I'urs '
.ll M
111 rosiiiiiv ,
Cliliu ii l.lxu stiu'U Xliiikct.
Ill , Nov. fi IStieci il Toh'sriiu to
' '
'I'm. Ill i : 1 riieio xuis u lU'lit ( li m mil for
cailio ul fioin } l w to f I 7'i foi n ithiM. $ i 1,0 to
SI..1) ) for westerns , and Jl.l'i ami Jlli for
ToMins The rtveliits ejiislsteil In iibont
eiiuul pirls of iiatlxo und latuen. ami lliete
were buyer : , for -nix thliu hud any merit
nt Ml , und ul aiuudv ntlcos
The ho ? murUet wus hlahcr nculii
lod-iv. It udvnneed from rie to luc , or to
from J" > .1) to f > . ( U for common to iirlmo he ixy
nnd to from $ " > 2J to ? > 7) foi IlKhtMl4lits. .
The supply fell u lorn ; way short of meclliu
thoilumunU. llio hulU of Ihu stull in out
of s-ilesmen's hands before. 'I o'clock biles
xxoro ruixiiteil ull Iho wuv from SJ..M lo M 7i
for pics and culls lo JV70 foi fancy lUht ; in J
} "i 8J for Iho heat ho ixy.
The demniid fur sheep xvas fair and the - 000
he-id on s lo were taUeii ut fn I pilees Thu
r.iiik-o of quill itlons wus from Jl.'ii lo $ J.1) ! ) for
culls und fiom J12" > to JTifiJ for poor to extra
Sides of luinbi uern on a b isis of fto u $173 to
Itccetiits Uattlc. 4,000 ; ho's , U.CO ) ; sheep ,
'Thu Kvenliu.loiirn il reports-
HATri.K Receipts. 4 MO ; shipments ,
IS'0 ' head : mat-Nut dull hut , wcaV hesi u i-
tlxes " KWDs'iU ) : others 8iM3)0 ! ) ; L'u\aii .
S"i8llW | : xxcsloriis , S2Wiil ( JOj cow , JI.2J ® >
lions Hocolpts. O.OOD hold ; shipment' ! ,
fi.'iOO bead ; 3c liUher ; ton h nml i
coininon. K\l01i'J.'i ; packers und mixed.
S-i MII.'I Ml ; prime heavy und butchers' woUhts.
Ji ikV&i.7r ) : ll.'lit. f. 1.12-iffl.
Suci IItecolnts. . i.uw he-id ; slilptnnnts.
C'U head : nrirl.el lox\ur ; natlxes , Kt > J@l 'i- > ;
westerns. { lOJWMO ; fed Texans , } JUJil..i'i ( '
lambs fcisottl .1) .
St. l.iiill- , l.l\u Nlork M irKct.
ST Louis Mo. Nov. f > . UAiii.E Hecclpts.
1,400 ; shipments. .1.100 : maiUet sto.idy .it
jo-.terdiy's decline ; fair to tool n.itlxo
steer > . W U3&4.4 > : < holoe. il WSfil.fcO ; TOX.I- . and
Iiiil'iin ' bloors. iJ'J
lions Receipts , Sr > Uslilinu ; > nts ( ,000 ; mnr-
ket stronspr ; heavy , t.)3Jii" > GJ ; Djokln/ ,
ii ; iiirht.IJQT.O. : .
Kcoelpts , .1/0 ; shipments. ODO. mai-
llrm ; fair to good muttons , W.OOV/.I DO.
offer tbo ono
that's in nd o by
the piopiklors of
Dr. Sngo's C'n-
Intih Itoinody.
UniiRunl , but
in rule in good
faith. It's n 10-
xymd of S OO for
nn inctiiablo case
of C'ntniih. If
jou liaxo ono , the
nionoj'8 for jou. But you can't know
whether you have ono , till jou'xo tiled Dr.
S.iso'Ileiucdy. . What's incinalilo liy nuy
oilier 1HO.U1S , jiclds to tlul. liy its mild ,
boolliiiig , ileansinj ; nud lieabiiK niojicitk" ) , it
cuix-s Iho xx'orat cases , no mutter of bow long
standing. Thnt'o tlio icason the money tnn
bo oil'iMtil. Theio's n iisk nbont it , to bo
snro. lint it's MI i-inall that the jiroptietors i
uro xxillin , ; to tnKo it.
Tlio symptoms of cntniih mo. headache ,
olistriictiou of nebo , ilmharKi's falling Into
throat , M > niotlinos piofuso , xxntt-rj" , nml nciid ,
ntolheis , thick , tcnncioim , mneinis , puiuleiit ,
bloody , iiutiid nnd offcusivo ; ( > iosx\oukiuiej-
ins "i tlio c'lib , deafness ; ofToiisixo Inoutli ;
smell nml tnsto impaiicd , nnd Koucial debil
ity. Only n Icxv bymptoms jireseiit nt oiico.
nit r c\vusT3 Miitvi : AND niiAi.vTa s
incut u eiio.ll3 lor llj-i.-i | Dljilruii , tin , NJI
ralulii , lit'iiauclitNirvuiH 1'roiir.iloa otusdl tif
lijiuir or lubiuj i .V/.i ui'iilnmi , Xluutil Ijirj. ;
clnii toftiiosjof t'mlriln ' 01 ulu ( In u i IT , mlsirr
( letnr.iloitti , I'ra uitura Ull Ao , ll.irr nan , . ' .on
1 I'onurln el'tur IIIT , I npotanol.sjoarrlui un I
nil KcuiulaVoi'.tn .
< iu. luroluntirr I-OUDI , Sij'
mntorrlieac * HJ | uovo. . " tiin-iUn u , liin.sili
tclf iibmooyor hilulun A iiuiti'j Irjituii'
ll.o for f Jl > r mill , XVuu nrntojslt lotJi t ) a in
1 nch onlu fern a > fi > wliii li will BJI ! wrltui
luarantceta raCunJIf natauril UuiruiMa luau
only by 'IlicadurB , r. l.ani ) driul < c ,
ioullioa t torujr lilt inua Kiriaiustj.
Union Stock Yards Company
Ilest entile hoz itii'l bhouii m irknl In the went
Tin : MAOIUS. : :
HlHIWrlto tD thU h-jii3 lor ior-
l/UI'lroot | MirlcjS Beporc
Wood Brothers ,
tenth Oimilia Telephone II i7. - Chle-iso
JOHN I ) . DADISMAN. I . , , . .
XVAl.l'J'IH i : . XVOUI ) f ana. i
Mnikot roporls by mull mi4 wlro chourfully
fnrnUhed upon apidlo illon
Campbell Commission Co.
Clilcaii ) , KastSt. I.onls , Ix'ansnsf'lty , to itli
umalu , hlouUitv. . I'oil Worlll
A. D. Boyer & Company ,
ff and ' > } i\uh.inia II illdln ! , Si ( it'i O u in u
Corro'i'onilcncu ollelt'3j anl uriniptly nui urJl
lul iittonlluutuorilorJ for toct r ifulor
Uitalillilicd , IbSJ luooriiurau ) , HJ )
Laplul fullI'.il 1 , f.'J.'JJJ '
\V i ggoner Birney Company
\Vrltuur wlro un fcir prompt unJ riilUblJ uiirxn
Perry Brothers & Company ,
l.lxo blox L'ommission.
Uoom M l.xolriiiKO HiiildliuHaulh Omuha.
Toluiilionu l7ilT
Von uru hereby notified that the banks of
oirth now oxUtliuon Mil ) lot * I. . It und II of
hu DO.uillol uddulonmi J lots 18 nnd di.Kuyu'x
bubdnlH on of lul U Oapltul uddlilon. In tbu
oily of Umnh i luxo been dcclured by ordln-
uiiin No JH.1 , lo bo u nulHiiice , iiil
Vuu uru hurouy dlrjcted tonbuto said ilId
gtincu by Kiaiiln , ; ilouu the from part of H ild
sub lotMI us to pri'xenl thu w.ihtliu' , fulling
or wublitiu of oarih thurufrom upun the ndju-
cent bldoixulk within thirty days from the |
irors1 My
Omolia Tcnl-Awnlng
Tennlv nwmnjt fupin
IIOIISK tOVCH * llil .ritor , if nil kl'
lilt llil ( ! imiineM Mo vm I
FnniamM lurtntnlojiio .ill" ) , lullt
BcinisOnaiiaBaT Co" ! " 11,0,1)3X01 ) ,
Importer * sml mf M , tl > ir lllprrv. , ] , ) , > n m mtlil
nek * , but
npi , twin ? | iixymoiits UlS IJtti '
, II ' ) llownrl sir.--i ,
, , u j. " ' J"0' " " miinnil DiiiiKlm lre-'K.
< | | | uior , lmnt
Mondall Jonci & \ Annr , Hii1-Sowol
XKO iti II Minn Uiiiitmr inf ,
* nn 1 r ililn-r
" uno l
"li "i '
'iiiimiv , II u
in I liU
III ) . Iliruejr lro . . . llnrne ;
Ilihu , n i' | irn. fur < i-
i iiplo'i lire ul I by ox-
COAL , COK13 , | COKNIt'H.
OiiialiaCd.Coko.lJiiio . . Co Ihifo ( kiij ) ' WoAi
llrr l nml oft oit
tor. IClh ana .
UlcoH , iiitlnllinLylUlil till
1110 III.1 , . t
( { V GOODS.
M. K. Smilhi ( lo , WljiiliM M
fur- Dri (7na l < Co Ncitlnn'
( \irnDr P'nts fiirnlglilni
; unali
llthiui I llo\ranl st < I or lltii anil ) | irnc )
Omaha C'ialjlrinj ) ' : Ca Bccbo
| , i llnn.u }
, , u- ( !
XX'liolotila only I
GIOJB ac'.T i D rj : , , iu'
D. 31. Sl like , Drucc & Co
'll-O'i ' lonos * tro3t , lOt'i in I II \ riitf ail
Oiu-ilii OmaUu
27th tiny Oelobor , Is" ! . ' , orsald nntsincnxxill be
ub iled by the city -nithorllles nml tlioox- I
peii o thereof lev md us u sticcl.U 11nintnst
In1 property no uhlch sihl mils.nice csis. .
tDated Ihls.lrd day of Noxuuhtr. | s'l.
I' XV. lillHt II U'
Clrilrmaii llo-ud of I'liblle Works.
Council Chimbcr , Oman i , N'eb , | S'i\
liu It tcsolvud by the city uuniell of llu- city
of Oinulia , thu Mayot eonuiiu In.- :
Th it perm inctilslduwulUs ho conslriicted In
Ihoclly of Oniuli i.-is ilosUu itol Dehiw. v. Itlilu
llxodiiys after the public illon of lhl resolu
tion , 01 Iho pcrionul survleo ihuruof , as In
ordlnUIL-O Is uiilhoil/cd und u-iiulred ; such
! > luowalus to be lild lo the poi muiumi KI ido
UH est ibllsbcd on the pi\cd stvets spccllin I
liuteln , mid lo hu eoistrneted of stone , aill-
llelal stone , hrlek or lllnur. necoidln to speel-
llcullnn * on ( lie In thuollleuof thu lio.nil of
1'iibllc WOIKS , und under Its aiiiioi \ Ision , to-
ivll :
i'.nst aldo of Still stiont , lot P. block 7 ,
Koiint/u I'lauc , 10 foot HlUf
\Vest fildu of 2'Hb lucnile. lols r. I ,
block II. llttiiscom I'l cc. ( > feet wide , point i-
Ninth shlo of Hickory struct , lot I. block It.
nnsL'om I'l ' K.Cl l > feet u.dc , | > criii.inunt
\\ust sldo of a.'utl bt-cot. lots 1 to U Ini-lii-
she , block 7. llan&co-n Place. 5 fcot xxlde. uei-
iii-inont ciado
K ibt sldo of i. 'ml street , lots K ! toM Inuln-
slxc. blo.-k ( I. Iliinsc'Diii Piauo , 5 fuul xxlde , per-
ni.iiieni crudo.
Wi'slhliluof r.'ii'l ftrcot ID'S ' 1 ted luclii-lio.
block : ! , Kiie'ld ' Place , .1 feel xvlde , punimnent-
ri : i si side of , lnd ! lreot. lots 7 to 1 ? Inuliislxr ,
lo 1 ; I , 1. ulid P luce , o foot ii Idc , norm incut
Ki ulo
fontli Mdoof I.t ! ixonworlh sln.c | . lots l to
71mnslxo. . block 17 llillhu. ' siibdu In West
Unrihn. fi fcol x' Ido , porni inoiit undo
t-oiilh shio of li ixumsiiiMi stiont , lots 1 to
7 ineliistxo. ulook 17. Mntilon's snlill\ : in
West Oin ili'i. ! foot w Ido. 1101 in inciil Ki.idc.
iist : shlo of " 'lib st root lots 'I ' to IS Inoliisli p ,
block. ) , biibdiv of .1. I. Hcdict'd. b fuut Hide ,
pennant-tit inilr.
And , bo it f Hither i os ilyod :
That thuIlo ml uf Public Works boind Is
hereby iiilhorl/od and directed to utusu , i
eoiiv of this itsolutlon lo bo published In thu
olllc il pipi-i of the illy foi nnu ttook , in hu
fli'Mulon tlicounuri of s ml lots , und th it
nnloss suoh ouners hh ill within USD d-iys
iifti r the iiub'lf ' t on or bin \ ILO of such copy
riinslrtict s ild sdiualus us uoiolii leqnli IM | .
that the Ito ud of Public \\nrlvs c.niso thu
sumo lo be done. Ihu co l of cunstnitln said
hldonnlks le'lioctlvolv to ho ussossiid in.-.ilnot
the ro il estate , lot orpirt of lot In fionlof
und i nbiittlns sncli sldou.ilKs
Passed Ojtoliur llth , ISlh 'JHIi l-jl. ' .
Picsldcnt o'f tiio ( Jlly c'liuno I.
Attest : JOHN ( fUOVI > ,
City Cleik
Approved : OHO. I1
To the owners of Iho lots- , parts of lots and
teal est ito dosetlbed In Ihu ahuio n hou- |
Vou und eai-h of you urn heiehv notllleil to
const rue t iieriiiiinniitalilinMilksnH reiiilrnl | by
u reaolulhmof the illy eoniiell und muyor uf
the city of ( Jiunlii , of nhleh ilm nbnyu Is u
copy. I' . \ \ IIIKKIIAl r-iic. :
( 'hall m in Ito ird of I'nbllo Wet UH
Oinahii , Nol ) , Novumhor Ibl. IS/J nlil7l
Tol' . Morson. J Wood .Smith. II.W.MeCiiio and
heirs al latt of Autlilstus Kuiinl/u. ( lix-r nil I ,
I' Kimnl/u ( his. wlfu ) . Iluiiiiiu
Kounl/u , Lutlusr K'uiiiit/n. Uhnrles II
Konnl/ii. Mullldu Oiirdlnur , Adallnu Hu ! h
( J enienilnu llrown. uiut N. lloyur und
Alary Uor.iOllxur.
Von aru hereby uotlllod tliut thn undor-
ftlifned. thrt'o dishUuroiliid fii'nlioldiirs of tin )
oily of Umah'i. ImvH been duly nppo ulud by
Iho m.ivor , with Iho upiiioval of thu ully
council uf sild city , lo assunstho lUmiL-ii Id
Ihu nxxnois iL'siiuetlxoly ( if iho uiopurtv
( li.ul.urd liy oiilln.uico neeess ny lo bo iiiuiro-
priiltdfor llio use of h.ilil city , for Iho pur
pose of opFiiliu and i xleudliu' Illli blrrnt ,
fiom Ilioullnv neil norlh of Niehiil in slioi-l.
iioith to tliuhonlli line nf I'addool. I'lu n. uud
fJiim thoboulh Ilnuof I'addoi-k I'lueo mirth ID
Ohio striol. und opnnim ! an I extondliu tliiilt
Btrcut , In Liinnliun-im's uddlilon frcm Its
present woitcrn tnrinlmis 1141 to Ittlistrncl.
sooMunded ns slitun bj plat Issued to in.
fiom tno olllco ( if tin ) eltj uiulnoiir.
toil nro iiotillud , Hint huxliu iiccoptnd
said iipp-ilniinont. und duly ( ) ii illlloil ni iu-
( iiiliud liy luxv. wo will , on llio ailhdriy of
Ttoruinbur. A l ' - ' . ' . /it / tint hour of 10
o'olook lu thu foiuniion , nltho olll'-o of hhrlvur
\ U'Donohoo. 1101 I'arnim striiul , within Ihu
corporatullmlt' ' . if H ild city , niiiiil for Iliu pnr-
] io-.o of t'onililuiliij and luikliu Ihu assess
ment of duiniiKu to Hie owners lespuinlxuiy
of bald pronei Iy by re laon of Mich laliliu and
uimroprlullnn thereof.
The propurl V bolon.'liiK to yon. nronnsu I lo
bo npproprlulod ua tiforosild , uud wlileli has
been ( leolured necessary by HIM louiipll , bv
nidlnaiifo to .ipproprlutu to thu usu of Ihu elty
bollix bllunlcd In * lid ullyof Oujulin , In Inn
county of Duurlas and nt ito of Nubraska , Is
ileserllied us fiiliow i low It :
1'ioperly In iiuinu of 1' luirson
Thi-Dist ID'S ' fuut of hub lilt 12 of lliou.isl
tfUfcotof tiii lot Hln Iho NU'iOf thohl.'i ' of
oo 10 , T 15 , 11 I Hi
Property In the n.uminf J.ood biultli
"A ( .irliiofliinOWifoetwIduriiiiiiliuiioiili nnd
south through wnli lots .liind oof lux lit II. tlio
oiMlliiouf M Hlrlp buln ? 11.HI fent wont of
thu line bolwuun tax loU I and II lu boellon I > ,
' '
' oiiwrl ihu naiuoof AiiKHSlin KonnUo
and II. W. MtOiuro. . , , , ,
The follow I UK parcel or tractof liiiiil ; Ilo-
liinliu : utthuboiitlittosl cornurof lofJObloi-u
5 Piiddock I'lnioi thuneo south to Iho north
line uf Oluric btruot , produced from Oiiiinlns-
IHIIU'N nddltlon ; limited oust about lift feet
iiton.Iho norlb line of utild Clark slieiit to
the west line of Cuiuilnith.iin ' iiddllloiii
UIUIK u south uloiiK thu wu t line of Uiiiinlnir-
liam'a uddlilon M fuut lu tbo soulll Hut ) of
llcrlor & Wilhclni ) Co & 1,1111.
Comer lOlh ntrl Jnckson
street ! ,
II 'I ' IKuu'ln oirnct
W.I. I , . GlbbonS Co. , ,
Hnt rnp9 fttrftw
kl vi' mittens
nml llnrnor
flias. IL Leo.
lltudwood luuilior wool 'ltuiortel ' | Vmerlnn Port *
CAriK-tnuii i ptr iust I Inn 11'-in MII xnitniikjt
Ctliaml " 0 > 'f | " ' , hvilri iluc'tiou unl
lougU , < Jiilui-T trillion 11 }
1'iifk & llcrbzrL
\Vli i
iIWM ( 'jrinmst. inllllniT ) n.itiiiii ) M
otilor pro iiit |
.M U outli tit l 't
PA PHI t. | otL- ,
. ,
C.irpcntcr . Paper Co. | Slnnlml , , Oil Co. "
( nrry n full itock of
lirluttiii ; wrapping nu I lt"llii"il mil Mnrli-itlu (
wrltliu pipL-r , ciij in i oiti nxlt'rfi-uin eta
I er etc I
" "
& Silica I. la\ ) \ ill Cole
Mfr of1C , t s \ \ hdlonlo oKtc
ithlrln nut ! ovornll , etc. ii U n * 11- lO
1.11 ISbouth llt'l < L
llranch & Ci
Wliilncy & Co.
Ittittor , nml S'roiliici' fnilti of nil
eKi ( poultry
. ) Uiontli l.itlnl. klruls Ofit'M ' <
Jas A. Chrlti'c ' Cj.
Huttcr. olioiii oi
puiillr ) nuil uim )
JliMllltll Utlllt
OniilinSlo\cllcpaipW'ks \ '
hti\o rnpnlri nml wi\lor
iittneltmoiit fur nuy
kliul of iloni nruto
l.'OT lluuzl is
Jl.A.Iisbro\v&Co.l ) \
Mnuufnctnrori of s
il o o r i. b 11 u ila HUM
mouldliiKB tlrnnch ( if I
Hue Utli nnd Uiiril t > '
Cl ir ! > strc-ot. thcnco west alon s ild south Una
nf Clark strret to i i olnt Ini line p ir illul to
thu oust lluo of t is lots s. mid ii. in I s Mil line feet west , of lot fi , bio -U .lili , cllyt
ihencn south ulon b ilil IIID to Iho north l.nn
of tux lot S : ilionco west (1-1 ( feut to the xeit. .
Hue of Illh Mrrot : Ihi'in-o north minillol tOi
the o ist lluo of tux lot 8 nnd'I ' to llin south !
lini ) of ' Clark stieot , pindiiLed from i uiiiiliis-
IIHIII'S uildlt on : thcnuo ini iiorlli i".turlv dlI I
icillon to iho north linn of UnrK stiecl pro-1
diiucd ; thcni-i ! north to tlm south lluo of I'ud-i
doiMv 1'laoo ! thoiicc uastbj fcot to IIIIILU nt bo-1
tllllllllK. f
Von : ire notlfiud to bo piosunt al the llmol
und pl.u-o aforos ild , und in ilto uiij objection * 1
lo 01 bt-itcinniits conuoinln ; sihl propoaodl
upproprlallon or nssossiiiunt of d'lin i 'eb usJ
jou may consider pronnr.
pronnr.VM t ! MlUIVnit.
.iniiN r riA < i\
.1011.N U ItOlllllN' .
Couiinltlco of Appialsnra
O.nah i , OotoborVJ , ihJi nldJJt
Council OlmmbeOmah l. Neb. 1602
llu llresoixud liy lliui'itv conn'II of Iho city
of Omuha , thu iiutjoi umi-uii Inc :
That woollun sdouils : hu constructed lu
the. city of Om ill i us di'sUn-ito I below , with
in llxu ( I iysufior thu public of this icso-
liitlou , or the person 11 m-rx it-o theieof. us bv
in iliiaiieo Is aulhiiri/od nnd loqiiumlsneli
Hlduw ilks to be lulil lo iho piesuiit. K'r.ule on
I ho snorts spui'lllud hciehi , nud 'o bu eon- \
Mulcted of plno ill.nil , of such width nnd ]
th'ckiiosi ' und hu laid upon Imsts of Biioh )
dimensions und In such inumicr us Is pro-j
scribed hy the Ions on Illn lu I hoi
ollleoof the hoaid of publlu woi Un and under !
itssiipiiM Ision. toult : I
' -onih slilu of Hickory stit'ol , xv fi inoroorl
lu M lol 1 bock 1 ! ) II .insulin 1'lute , picsent ]
gr doll feet wldo
iMiilh sldo of Meliol is stud1 lot' , ' hlouk IS
\\iilnilt Illli. prnsunl t i Ir d feet wi'lu ' '
l.nst side of 17th slieut lol II bl.K kit ) Will-
inii Hill , in.-sent ulu , D fuel whin
Hast Hl < nf I7IH 4liiil. lots I J-t I Illook 3
Wu'iuil ' Hill. DM sent _ ! tile < i feel wile
bomb sldo of l.iikuslieel. lots lu-ll r , ' block
10 Clifton Hill , pmseiit n'iade , d feel wide.
r-oulli side of I , iko slieet. .ots I totmii-lil-
shu b oek 11 Ullfton Illli , present grille , d feet
roiith sldo ot l.nko street , lots 7 to II Inelii-
she block M Clifton Hill , picsenl kl ide , 0 feet
wide ,
li shlo of lilomln Htieel.lols 'I-1 block 3
I'urkei's add. | ) iesuiit m idc ( ifedxxule
Win ) Midi ) of 'l > lh stiitnt lots I-J Hoi-let
1'n i KIM'S mid , pri'-.oul Kl ide. Ii feI wide
South side ofM IMMI sln-nl , loll I-.1 block II
Koiinlo , V Itiilli's udd , urusunt crade , o feou
' oiilh Hide of Jlasou f.lteol. Iol4 1-3 blouk U
ICoiiiil/i ! .1 Uutli'i udil , piusuiil tft.uli- l < fuul |
\\vit \ shlo of 1'hh ' hi i oiil , lots 11hliH'k li
k'onnl/u \ . liulh'i udil , pri4unl ( jiaduij fuul
I usl sldo of Mtli sireet , lots ' -6 block
iinnt/uA. Kulli'i add. uriiaunl I'tade , I foot !
nidi. 0
Lust H'IIO of 11th slrooi. lots 2.-n.l block 131
k'oiint/u & liutli s add , piesnnt tiale , I fcutf
Niirth hldn of 1'leieo stieut , lot 2J blouk la
Ixonnt/oA. Kuth'K add , piusenl Krido t foct
smith sldo of I'lcu-o stient , lots I 1 Mock 17
Koinil/uA. Iluth'H add , pie--nnl tJi/ulc / , 0 fee
\\eslH ilu of lUthstieet loll I. 4 f < . f 12.1.1 ,
Hi , 17. JO , 21 , lilook 17 Ivoiiii'/u ' A. Until s udd ,
presimiKrndo , ( i feet Ido
! So th hide of l.lm blieet. lotH R ! ) li'ix k 3
Oknhoma Pill It , prUM'ill made. I , feut wldo '
Notlh sldoof I 1m sliciil. Iut7 iiln'U I O < a-1
bom i 1'ailt. prufli'iil 1,1 de , d fi ot xvi le
North hliin of l h iiloshtrcel , lul i- ( > w ' , ! ) ,
blook&hliin' 'idl.iHtubllshuUiud ( ( ( nfluli u.
Knst.s do of .mth Hlinul. hit l-'JI hlouk . ' Illll-
sldn No. 2 , iHttihlUieil irrndo , I ! feul wide
And ho Itfiirlliei roIvod
That llio liourd of public norUs bo nn I bore-
by Ib unlliorl/ed nn I dlroelud lo u.uimi a cop
oflhU nisoluton to hu iinbllslioj In tliuoMl
ehil iiinoi of thu eilv for ono weel. 01 h
t-urxud on thu ownerHOf N ild lots nml mile *
Minh owners shall wllhln Iho diiyti uflui th
piihllealion orheryhuof sneh i opy coastlia
mid Hidmvulks ns huiulii ic'iimicd , thill In
lie ird of imblluoil.s eunsu thn lob
donu , ihoeoslof coiibliuel UK Mild Hlduwnlk
imiio-llvnly lo lie ussessail u-'iiliisl II u roi
CHI.-itD. lol or purl of lol In fiontuf und nbut
l'a , ud Oct. Mb uml 211 li.
Citv Council
Attesl !
Approved ; Cit ! : ) I' . linMih.
* " 111V r <
To Iho ortuors of llio loU , pnrU of lulu und I
ruil oil ilu dcsciluud In Ihu iibotu resolu
Von und o-ioh of you nio liuruby nntllled t
construct noodun nldow ilkn ns ruiilitol | by
iiisiiiiillon of thu ulty iciiuell und niiyoroi ' . T
tl'ii city of OKI ih i , of xvhicli the uboxo H i
L''yi ' ' i
P.V. . lilUICIIAI'alJU , '
Clmlrinan lluarl of I'ubl.o Works. !
Oninlin , Neb , Nuvembur 1st. IS'J. ' ' . nlilit ;
f-o I'cd pronos lib will bo luculved by the un ' I
ilerulKiied iinlll I'.ll o'o'oi k p. m . Novuinuw
1Mb. If'J. ' . for the C'li.utrncllou of f ll
brldijia uorosa thu suwer dln.-li In
Dm ihu , at lj-tll ( nuil .tlMthtiuulH , ul r > i : . . . . .
nud .list sliouts , ut Amea nximiio und -il' '
hlrt'otH , nt I'orl nnd J7iu hlioutu , un i ut ( jraii1
uxuiiuo nnd UTth HtrmiU , In tlio city of Omnha
uuiordiiiH lo pliius mi 1 Hpecllle ilhins un liiu
thuolllcuof Ih'j llounl of I'uhllu WOIHS I-u (
uropoiul to bu Hindu on printed biunkx fii
tilsliud by Iho bo ird , and to tin iiccomii mil
by n certllk-d uliuvk In Iho 011111 of > IU ) . l
ahlulothu city o. ( Jmuh.i us unoxidunco
KlTnu board reserve" ) llio rliilit to reject ni
I' , W. ItluKHAl ,
Chulrmnn of the lloaid of I'ublln Works
Oiuabu , November Jrtl , bJ- "