Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1892, Part One, Page 7, Image 7

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    rtATTV CITTvTPvAV XT/-VI ' I ? * r r rl > / . I ono.C.f
n !
Winifred Manatt Writes of a Wonderful
Picnic and What Was Done Thereat
'Troiii Ilin .Spriiihlrd llos I.lly nn l.lly ,
'Hint O'nrlucn tlio. Sen mill l.attch Their
1'rlile Uhfii tlm 1 , ItlitVino
l.Upo II recto. "
ir. C-ct.uicn , August ! S02. ICorI
responJonco of Tun lUu. When 1 last
\vroto It was from Snarta , among Iho slcrn
find hardy Uorian * . I'orhap * somotlmo I
will tell you of nur return Journey , throush
Epidnurus , Tlryns , Nauplla , ote. . for the
last Dart of that trip wai lar the brlehteiU
TlioiiK'li I was much taken with thu modern
Spnrtons , yet my tastes nromoro Athcnliu ,
so you mustn't Imagine mo as having tnrown
In my lot witn ttio descendants of Lycurgus.
At present wo ore sojourninp with ttic soft
and dreamy lotilans , which Is quito as It
should bo , for AiiRUst U thoitmo for lulenws
nud pootrv , fruifntid flowers.Vo Hod from
fovcr-httunlcd Athens In July , for durlnp
the three houmt summer motitln oven her
slunctie-t uilorer Is quite content to forego
n bight of the Acropolis , aim finds his soul
Bntlslied with the rich treasure s still waiting
to bo discovered among the islands.
A fulror tuaco of uxitu than this 1 doubt if
we could llnil nmoiiB "iho lilcs of ( .1 recce , "
nnd It la qjite as romantic as It hounds.
\Vo can echo with all our he-art the ( -real
pool when his says , "oternal bumiuor gilds
them yet , " anilvu nro quite sure lie could
not have sojourned long among them , else ho
would scarcely have limited lilsudmlration to
n few verses. Fortunately for us , tno Ath
enians have not yet discovered the beauties
of ttielr country , and \\c are not iroubled
wllh fusblonablo city folk. \\o had q'.tto
enough of that at PbuleroM , tbo fashionable
Athenian resort , Into which all Atbrns ctnp-
llns Itself at 5 o'clock , foraoainty sea dm and ,
chief of all , Ibo prouicundo to see nnd bo
scon , women clad In airy ball ( -owns ( of
in least they Ionic very much llito H ) nnd the
Ices and inoatcr stringing out the hours to 1 !
In tlm morning. Now this Is not our idea or
Kinnincr iccrontlon. I detest , the very word
"watering plf.ce. "
\Voarecompir8tlvely oy ourselves here ,
though tbeio u quilo u llttlo clrclu down
from Athens , drawn hither Irom our good
report of lust summer's sojourn , und occa
sionally some fellow countryman ssuks us
out , having been caught in Athens at Iho
wrong season. We take care that bu doesn't re
pent It and stays twlco us lonu as ha intended
to ; for resources for umusetnnnt nro
nbundauMiid bo ho aclasstcstuucnt or a mi'io
curious scelter after novelty ho Is charmed
und fascinated and leaves not without pangs
of regret ,
lly sl'zcati Wntprnnjt ,
There are l\\o ways ot reaching horo. Ono
Is by boat from Piriuus lo Svru , which they
BUV Is a lovely Journey. Syra Is the famous
Greek seaport , and from thcuro steamers
slurt for Egypt , Constantinople and all the
eastern ports. From Syra another lo
pucltct IUKOS you to Andros and cur lo
Jlstnng hamlet. Uut we came b.v train from
Athens lo Luurion , passing over boino of iho
loveliest parts of Attica. Laurion was
famous for its silver mines and Iho ancient
shafts may sttll bo seen. Themlsloclcs used
this treasure to nuild bis lleet against the
Persians , if you like you may take tbo ono
rickety vehicle of the town and urivo over to
Pt. Sunlum , wboro stand the rums of the
exquisite icmplo to Athonc , now only
a fuw broken columns , but of a
alnrillng whiteness , for it Is the only ono of
the Greek lomplcs which hn been loft un-
llngcd by sun or wind. And the view from
this fair bhrino of the wlso goddess Is sur
prisingly lovely , embracing on a clear day
many of the Oyclados. Tuis white templu
was a beacon to mariners , warning thorn of
. the dangots around the treacherous capo.
Luurion Itself Is a dirty town , nil coal soot ' ,
for thcro Is icorocoal tbui silver found there
At noon we boarded tbo jaunty llttlo
steamer bound for Syra , but which loft us
about 10 o'clock at night , In Hutu harbor.
It was n brcczv , delightfully Inspiriting day ,
and iho dancing waves and dcoi > blue
noavens put us all in prime spirits ; In fact.
before we'd made halt tbo voyage we'd for
gotten all our fever ( for most , of us had risen
from sickbeds to lake iho train ) , and our
anpcliles threatened lo bo more than mamma
had pronarnd for. Our llrst stopping place
was al Knrlslos , n historic iioi-t of ICubu-a ,
its quaint houses , crowned liy the pic
turesque rums of a grand old Venetian cas-
tlu , set up on a hill behind. It was an on-
chautliiK picture with the white sands of hori
long beach and tbo pretty boats and ori
entally-garbed fishermen for n foreground.
On iho highest peak ubnvo the town were
celebrated ihu nuptials ol and flora ,
according lo old laule , and it would , indeed ,
' bo a not unlikely spot lor thai great event
'Not u tone distimco off , on Ibis same island ,
is Erctriatho scene of Iho American school's
Into find , which croaled Mich a stir last
3'car. In truth ihis llrst of iho Cycludui
group seems very aitracllve.
A Modern Ark I.iuul.
At Gavnon , the llrst port of Andros , we
receive u strange end uoisv crowd of
fellow passengers. Strange lo say , some of
lliein hnvu decided objoclloiis lo joining us ,
und uro hauled up on deck by dinlof a half-
do/.en slrong mou'a united efforts. And lotto
contcnlodtwith drivlntr us off Iho deck to
lock ourselves wllh fear and trembling In
tbo tiny cabin , the > o troublesome voyagers ;
sol up such a squealing and moaning and
bloating ami bollowlni ; aud cackling as to
dilyo ono well nlgti mad.Vo wore In high
duiigoon they should lo'id up their so-
cullcil pnsscuccr boat with live stoclr , but
there was nothing to do but "grin und bear
U. " And us wo looked through tno wlndona
at the moving muss of wooiy backs and the
bulky form of a big ox , it was quito n study
In zoology.
Our llrst impressions of our summer homo
not , received till the
were next morning , as
It seemed ages uoforo our minus noiild bo
separated Irom Iho surging mass of animals ,
and wllh us irausforrcd Into iho rowboal
which milloJ us lo the shore. A motley
throng of natives , old and vouug ami of both
UOXOH , gave us a nolsv welcome and strained
their necUs to see the forlorn looking , weary :
travelers , for you must know ttmt thu steam
boat's arrival is tlio sensation of uiu week ,
and when thcro are strangers aboard , actu
ally these fabled Americans , oxcitunionl
reaction fever heat.
So much fcr our joumoy hltbnr. The
weeks have Mown ana wo nro surprised 1 to
count u moiiin or icoro sluco then. The days
go Ilka Iho wind wlt4 < tins care-free , happy
outdoor life , and wa aread Ibo time when we
must po back to iho artificial wear and car
of iho cliy that l , so wo say now , but : ter
all ono lines to return to civilization , books
nnd people when ttio nuiuuin winds begin teen
blow. At present wo nro mon.
arena of all wo survey , and the
Unmans would turn themselves wronif
ttldo out for us. U'o have , In short , taken
the wild peasants bv storm and quito varied
iho course of iholr unchanging , grinding ,
mlltwhccl sort of existence. Wo have
Doomed their town for tliem and awakened
la them n cotibdousneis of a great world be
yond , nn Ktdorado i-allod Amorlkei- . Thov
appreciate ouly too w.oll that wo'ro roUiuc In
millions and think they may haul In the
paper drachmas accordingly. Uut tholr
cheating amounts tu a penny or two , and U
they know how Illilo it inoint to us they
ueed not cross tliomselvei with guilty
eclcncrs und burn nn extra taper to the
Vloucd friiin u nilrjlilti ! Vllln.
I am writing tn our beautiful , broad ,
marble balcony which makes on laeul
uuinor study , being high ODCVO the
children's woilda round dozen of llttlo .
Ort-elis mid Aaicrienns ore chattering on the
porch below , cur budding v e term'r prattl
ing away lu tin ; language ol Pericles us
easily aud unconsioutly as in tbolr own \
tongue whllo the broad , sweeping view off
acrois thn gcun 1 $ only too tJUtractlng
and si-ts ono dreaming ovenutihw
the mornlnp. OU Pascidon
eocms to bo In n
tsnlrum today , fairly foaming nt the n.outh ,
for the whltecaps blind iiiy nml water ,
blottlug out the horizon line and making
distance trem unlimited. Our spacious
white tone villa btunds prouuly utoof ana
above tbo picturesque clustur of low adobe
cottages whk-U rUe In ( erracoi from the
prolty circular btty and \IM \ e a background
of blown and gray tiliUidr , tluv vlneyurds
hero and there stiowlct ; biou of
Opposite the humlot Is n queer shaped ponln-
ula , like some animal with & monstrous
he d nnd Blender neck.Vo cnm this
ssndv nenk to sue the dlvlno sunsets -
sots ! over fnrawAv Athens nnd Kiibuua. Just
between us and the hamlet n fair garden
forms n delicate barrier from tto madding
croivd < of gossiping ( Uhwivcs. Here the
great purnlu ilgs nro burning to bo picked ,
whllo the grapevines , bend ins under tholr
burden of luscious white nnd purple nnd
Pi' ' k bunches , twlno nnd Interlace them-
selvoi : mound the lemon nnd oranco trees.
Thrlr fruits uro now procn aud tiny , but the
tireeks value thorn inora so and gather them
to proicrvo for tholr fnvorlto nwcots. The
feathery ; olive , lu leaves a silver gray-tone ,
harmonizes well with the rich darit green nf
the Mately crpress. Their load of small
line Irult must amount , to millions on n treo.
riio frogrnnt pomcgrjtinto t)104 ems nro
I mlncled with the rlpp palo pink fruit , which
I having burst opou gives a ncop nt the pearly
seeds Inside , like a pretty maid's laughing
When wo first came Ilgs nnd grapei were
still unripe and mulberries with cream wcro
nil the race. The peasant * laughed us to
scorn. They crow wild ( the mulberries )
nnd the Urecks only value them for their
Julco , with which they concoct a liquor called
raku , which they serve in tiny glasses to
callers. U It fearfully stroug , ono spjonful
sunic'ng ' to upet un American. This was nil
very well , but wa wondered why wo couldn't
| hlro ( ) l n small boy for love or money to pick
them for us.Vo soon learned the mystery
pcared to our startled ovcs after having
climbed itio moui-A trees. Thov wcro dvcd a
gorgeous blood crimson from heaa to foot
nnu henceforth these were their mourn til-
borrv ) costume * , for it's ' a stain that can't
bu wipou out , nuu will nlways uo a reminder
of blissful times perched up In mourn tree * .
I 1'rojjrcntlut flri'i-Us.
i'ou raav wonder at , our palatial qtiartors ,
for such they arc , these bip , high-ccillngcd
rooms and great manorial halls , with mosaic
floors , tnai hnvo n brcczo throueh thorn oven
at the. . hottest time of day , cjmnarcd with
the mud floors nnd scanty Interiors or the
natives. Perhaps tnoro Is no such pnlaco
on any other island ; nt least , It Is extremely
uillk'ult to Una good accommodations in
tlio o out-ol-thu-way places , wlicro as yet
only an occasional nrouicologist omcs , seek
ing nftur adventuros.
Now the ( Jrceks nro ovary bli ns enter
prising as wo nro , unJ considering their
meager ndvantagus a hundredfold more so.
Our landlord is one of eight sons , a untivo
of Datti , nnd with lots of push , Tnlnlc von
ho stayed hero to vcectato after reaching
man's estate ) Not be. lie struck out for
Constantinople , thus evading the rompulsory
two years ot army life in his own country.
Having amassed what would bo to Batuan
minds un enormous tort no in the hotel busi
ness , hu shows his lovu for puns oy turninir
homeward and raising Ibis monument to
bis Industry , also laying out , a flno vegetable
ganlcu stocked with all good tilings , oven to
Indian corn. His "Hotel d' Anglotorro" Is
Known fiirnnd wide , aud bo tcl's ' storio ? by
the hour of distinguished travelers , scholars
nnd princes nnd millionaires , witlt their
yachts , who have put ui > with him.
Another brother was of studious nent , and
all the neighbors united in raising the sum
rcouircd to take him through the university
course at Athens , where bu did them crcat
credit , and Is now a prosperous , rustling
lawyer in thu city of Pericles. Ho also
comes home \ "ltb his lamily fur
his summer outing , and tbo rustics
look up to him as a son of gou , with his
Athenian tollot and his line , classical
Greek ; and then tboy speak with great
prldoof his brilliant stroke in capturing
with his clover wllos a high class Athenian
woman , much traveled , who brought him u
snug llttlo dot of a hundred thousand or so.
Oh ! thay'ro ctevor r.isuals. these modern
Giccks , und haven't lost n bit of the old
tricky spirit. The old man and bis food
wife nre Mill living and bak in the enjoy
ment of tholr children's good fortunes. Una
of thorn was tbo "little pig who stayed at
home. " He keeps the best shop in the vil
lage aud oven luiuorts fresh bread aud fruit
from Syr > . They can't pin the rising gener
ation duuu long here , and fishing aud tramp
ing out , the grapes at vintngo tinu become
monotonous after n while , so they spread
their wings ana hie thorn to Athens or Syra ,
which nro usually only stopping-stones for
England or Franco or America.
The TisliliiK Fleet.
But I didn't finish describing the picture
we have continually baloro us to delight our
eye ? . The Battt ( loot , three or four pretty
vari-colored ilshlng stnacks. Ho Idly at an i-
chor , und when a strong wind sweeps down
nsucht can bo moro graceful than their
swaying forms. Their bright colors , rod Irh
blue mill yellow , contrast charmingly with
the now prccnish-gray sea nnd the gloaming
whitewashed dwellings xvitn their red tiled
roofs , and the bronze-colored rocks that jut
out in dork irrectilar musses from the land.
A picturesque fisherman in scarlet , jacket
nnd great baggy trousers sconis to lit right
into our scene as ho throws out his
not for a haul. Some urchins re
just rounding the point in n liltlo Id
rowboat , with no doubt a. supply of tadpoles
for our dinner , for whales or o'von dolphins
nro scarce around here. Hut though the lisn
nro diminutive , if you take them by their little . -
tlo tails a la Groo ono makes a dainty mouth
ful. They dconi the bends u delicacy and , h's
all in the way vou look at It.
But , dear me , this llrst toUer will be nil n
preface. 1 simply started out to Introduce
to you our fair isle , expecting to plunge nt
once Into n tulo of ono ur another of our ate
lighlful excursions Uy boat or on foot eor
douKeybacU , for our adventures would fill
volumes. I must content myself this time ,
however , with giving you u little taste ot
\ \ hat picnicking among these isles Is , for wo
have made it a line art. U'o are In the habit
of taking a guest or two for variety Id
practice in Greek. In fact they have ly
begun to follow us unbidden , divert ) of the
small fry , and wo have been obliged to stop
ttiib imposition by getting off ns quietly as
possible , which Is prottv noisily at best , as
it Is no small trick to sot the nalvacado in
motion with all Its inK
, paraphernalia of bathing <
apparatus , parasols , lunch , maus , books ,
writing materials ( that are never used ) , etc. ,
Lust nlirht during this hullabaloo of prepa
ration Miltladcs , the demarches son , blip-
pened up bringing us a muskm lon as n sort >
ot excuse , for ho comes very often , consid
ering that there are girls in our family ,
something never allowed horo. Ho traces
his ancestors back to the Pelusglans , and
nays his grandpapa built that wall over ndat
Pnlii-opolis , where wo were tbo other day .
1 Ab It is U.OOJ old ' iy.vo
years or so , I don't believe
our sweilcst British cousins could boast
such a family . Ho Is
tree. a senior a is
year tit tbo Uuiverslty of Athens where Ms
pursuing the Uw course. Ho is very bn/lit /
ana entertaining ana good compan/ UjN !
Isolated spot ; bo-aiily lacks that broadness of
view which distinguishes our mtion , and wo
are fast improving him. Wo wore Od
the other day to bear his conclusion as the
result of careful
observation Into our wa-s-
It was that the women "rule the roost" 1,1 ,
America , going on to sav that he had uctuallv
soon the American missionary here carrvltiir
water from tbo spring for his wlfo Of oil Uff
uumanty proceedings ! Hut of this later.
OUT nn u I'rlncH nl
Donning our straw broadbrims , in which
our uavulier Informs us wo are "out of
sight , " with our baskets tuimoj under our
urms in true rustle fashion
, wo uro soon on
our way across tbo sands , fairly sliding nlonu
with our wooden Greek sandals , which
inlclit nlnion be like that famous winged pair
of Mercury's , so easy are thoy. You BOO wo
boilevo thoroughly In doing u the Uomansdo
when In Koine. The only jar to the bt rmonv
of the scone , vas thn sillily laced form of r ii
bandboxy Athenian oftlcer us ho strode uloni :
nhrnd 01 us , all booted and spurred and
clashing his sword with greal nirs. But wo
laughed slyly at him nnd thought ourselves ,
much moro chic to bo rigged out suitably for
the occasion ,
\Vc stopped'nt the halfw'ay
corner , or cna
of tbo long bjach , to rally our force * and ,
give time for those in th. rear to como on
and talked about tbo progress of mrcountrvl
women , how unbounded was their ambition ,
und I explained how impossible It was for a
girl to "L-ot on" In
America without a good >
education , how proud our men weru of
heir polished Intellectual wives and so on
Mlllludes tnlnlis this all on.ys
very liuo butsavs
forolyn wcrcon nro naturally superior , and
that fauoh u course wouldn't work with
Orook cirls. tils liltlo sister Aspasia a
biuart liltlo witcb. quick as chain liRhtninc i ,
is V or 10 years old. und Jier mother flunks ill
is time totauehcrout of school where iho i
has KOGO two vosrs , deemlujr it bleu tlma
bbo begun to embroider and cook , for she
must begin to fashion her wedding trousseau ,
that great event , her marriage , being the
ba-all apd1 end-all of her existence. Oh , the
pitv ot III For .he'd
got every Lit as much
good from a college course * as hpr potloa and
coddled brother. 1'res-nllv bt procession
moves on and around the cliffs , following the
fthoro to the second toncli , which Is a perfect
bnyou , and our choice picnic xpoU 1 shall
copy bora from m ; notes laican "on Iho
The batb tonight was ton dollcimu for
words , for Iho waters nro unrufllod nnd
serene , and so mildly tepid , Blustering
Dorcas , nuo Is venting his fury on the o
rocks out beyond , cannot touch us In this
lovciy liltlo rounded cove , and so wo may
blissfully lie and float nnd laugh nt the
hungry billows which nro so near nud yet so
fur. Domotcr , our youncoM hopeful , lakes
to the wnter 'o that I should judge her
ancestors to have been polvwogs Instead of
monltoys n la Darwin. Nuraocr Two fans
snroutod n pair of tins , otherwise gourds.
They nro our Intoit fnd lu this line , nnd
make bathing a dream. For Indolent
people who can't swim , nnd never will , they
nro Invaluable. Just put your trust in
koloklthln , ns tboy call them tioro , nad yo
shall never go to tbo bottom.
Iliuilliii ; In the "Tnitn. "
I nm perched up above In a llttlo gam ot a
cnvo nnd ncrim iho bay the setting sun bos
transformed our liltlo hamlet , shedding n
roseate light over the mountain behind It
ami making it appear n white gem set lu
gold. Awuy under ma the smaller fry nro
absorbed In mussel hunting , and happy the
inussclthHt sticks tight for they know well
thu art of slipping under tbo rnorcliojs knife.
Mlltlados is liuowlsa below , pretending to
llsh for crabs , but keeping up n steady strain
ot talk with Miss Artetnl ? , whom bo doesn't
dare approach , being in sulllclcnl nwo of the
terrible female authoress. Our conversation
usually lakes it deeply classical turn and
qnlto natural it seams here. He likes lo
probe mo and sound mo and tlmUl'm enough
for him until ho begins spouting Homer , but
even hero 1 aoi fast citching up. Ills pride
In airing his ancient Greek though Is pardon
able , for bo Knows all the old authors by
heart and can give you anything from Socra
tes to Pindar by the yard.
At the other end ol the beach they are
pulling in the , which supplies the llsh
lor iho whole village. It is the most Die-
turcsquo sieht imaginable and probably ha ?
not etmnged in the least from tbo mode of
llshlnp 2,000 years ago. A down or so ot the
brawny fishermen are pulling on tbo heavy
rope und ono sous the tubbing pieces of corlc
nwny out In tbo water showing bow
long they must work ; and ono
marvels at tholr patience , for it
Is something that can't bo hurried.
The mon ara moUly in island oosiumcmuny-
folded uluo hnnespun trousers gathered a' ,
the knee , bright scarlet jackets with loose
white sleeves , nud Greek caps , rod with
heavy blue tassels , Inllnitoly moro graceful
nnd JAUnty than Iho Turkish fez. Imagine
these colors contrasted with the deep blua of
the sea and iho sunset glow over the hills ,
nnd the rythmlcal uuitrd movements of the
lUhors , us they sway back toward the land ,
mm forward again , almost ns one boay.
tie gracolul is it that the MciMrn girls nt
EasierUdo , when they iloelt by hundreds
from Iho valleys round to the grout festival ,
dance the trata , which Is au exact imitation
of this majestic , slo.v and stately move
ment four steps forward and two back
( if I remember rightly ) and accompanied by
u wiord indescribable chntiling which accords
perfeclly with the step. Wo Americans can
hardly comprehend Iho patience that keep *
thorn pulling for sometimes two hours , tbo
coil of rope on the sands growing gradually
hlphor until lin ally the net appears in sight
and nil eyes nro lixed eagerly on the silvery
wiggling mass of llttlo prisoners , which all
told don't amount to more Ihan live or ten
ekes ( d"i pounds In nn oka ) . Sometimes
there are hone nt , alland when they ura very
lucky they catch twenty okei or moro.
risliini ; Not Flno in My l.udy't * Veil.
The not is n work of art in itself , made nf
Iho finest corded sill ; . I saw a brand now
ono that hud never bceu used at a village up
Iho mountain. Ttio meshes were line as the
now veils the ladies wear now and the color
iho natural gold of Iho silk. And , more , I
caw ttio cocoons aud all the various pro
cesses undergone in tbo making ,
mostly by hand of course here , for
each housa makes ils own silk. Of course
Ibo women clo all Ibis , so lhat tboy are really
at the bottom of the fishing , und earn their
dinner quito as much as their husbands. It
seemed quito shameful to Impractical mo
that Ibis golden not must bo blackened with
pilch oeforo ever it boj-m its work. It
would make a fairy hammock. Wo thoucht
silk rather oxtravagaut for such use , out
they deem it the only really strong and dur
able material.
There Is a cneorful DUZZ of tongues and
ralllo of ponnlcs as the head of hungry fam
ilies gatnor in a circle around Iho nut , and
no litllo "spoiling" about who shall bo lirst
served. The law requires on oven distribu
tion of tno spoils , and so they all turn home
ward satisfied with their pawtor plates full
One seldom sees any women here ns it U
thought unscomly of them to appear on the
sands. Tncir duty is to cook the llsh when
the men folks bring them homo. You may
on sure wo came in for our sbaro , tbe boys
purchasing them whllo wo woicbcd at a re-
speclablo distance. Tnon what larks in
gathering brush and sticks to malco n bed of
Coal on the sand and have our good slzod
ilshes come out a rich brown ! What an
edge it gave to the oppotltos already sufli-
cienlly whetted by tlu-\vnlkind | | balhj As wo
reclined on a broad , sloping rock iu true ,
Circe It symposium fashion , with perhaps
much the sumc Dili of faro as bud the un-
cient ? , wo til agreed that never had wo
relished the most lengthy labio d'hoto in
Athens with half Iho zest aud whole-soulod
enjoyment as this informal but truly classic
banquet on Ibo blue . 'K-jcan'.s
shores. The fish simply crumbled in
our lingers , so lender wcro Iboy
aud the black bread , with Its own line flavor ,
spread with snowy goat's milk cheese ( these
peasants don't know what butter is ) , the
tiny black olives , these rather light Greet :
viands helped out with our uuostanlial po
tate salad and hard boiled eggs , completed
and rounded out by figs , big , dewy , purnlo
ones , nud honey-sweet preserves for ted
dainty tastes , grapes nf all kinds , pears and
velvety poaches , mid Mlltlades' melon lo re
mind us of homo evorlhlng is excellent
and goes oil like hot cakes. Tno wonder is
wbero Is found the capacity for It all. Still
another curious fact U that the smaller tlio
youngster the moro he or uho can make away >
with. There uro toiists In ihe pure , swe'l
Andriati wine to Hollas ' fitT
, the world's loader :
und teacher in the olden t lines , and t"
America , holding the same ciivlablo position
of acknowledged superiority in our own
Tbo inner man thus bountifully appeased ,
thu crowning and finishing touch vo our
afternoon's enjoyment Is the dreamy rowing
homo across the bay In our roomy boat ' ,
guided by our Herculean boatman , und with
Selono to shod over us her soft llphinnd oratv
a long path of shimmering silver over iho
scarcely rippling waves , for Iho wind had
ceased. Our young American violinist ,
fondling her beloved fiddle wllh irlrllsh ,
grace , and ibe handsome Greek lluilst made
a crotty pair as they cat in the prow utid
Dlayetl charmingly together the Greek na
tional hymn , out own "America" aud many '
wicrdly passionate Greek folksongs , mostly .
eroliku , whllo ihoro was no want of voices
to mako.sweetest harmony.
The opposlto shore was reached all too
soon , for the sontiuicnta ] young people would
have lloaied thus wllh Idn
song and laucblcr in
definitely. But that nn
was deferred until an
other time , for tbo smaller members were nil
ready n ranped in soft slumber , und Hercules !
standing in the water , tos-ed us in lurn off (
onto the dry sand , oven 10 iho loll consul ,
like so many bablos. And thus happily ended
our picnic , which I doubt if Now'port or I
Saratoga coulu outrival iu unique variety
and noveltv , with all their facilities.
ircat Incri'iiiiB in Value of liiiprovuiuciiM
( HIT l.a t Veur.
Superlntondant Tilly of tbe city building
department feels mlber proud of tbo uulld-
uic record made during the month of Octobar ,
and In making Ins footings , ho rinds that
during that month ha '
issued I'M permits ,
aggregating $43S.Gt30. Durln ? iho corresponding
spending month of Ib'Jl the permits numbered
sevenU-four and aggregated $ UOOU5 , or
S.'SV'M less than during the nauia month of
this year.
Thu following pormlu were lisued by the
superintendent of buildings yesterday :
Tha Oinulia HruwliiR association , five-
story and basement brick and siono
brewery , Sherman avcnuu and Clark
stn > t ' XK )
John J. Umsshoir , one-siory frame cot-
t.iL-e.rorty-fonrtli und Jackson
streets 1,000
Goiir.'oA. Wilson , one-story frame cot-
tJire. UI'J ' North .Mnutuimth street . . . 1,000
VI. ' II llaker ' , ono-story frame ootluze ,
HM I'owlur atrium 1,003
William IliiU''luun. eau and onu-half
story frame d elllnlW. ; > NorthTwcn-
tlolh street , , . . 1,0X1
Three minor penults . . . , , . . I''i
Toul fiMi'Ji j
Omaha's Festival of Tuiio Has Bean Very
Well Proved For.
Word ? Irom the Well Known
Imprntsarlo Coniinon'ihn'ijtlio KittnrprUe
nml ( 'itriBriitiilfUlnc : MIIY Clnrj 'I'ro.
gram tor the ( I'fiHnlng M lit ,
Mr. Max Marotzek , nu improssarlo who has
played an Important part In the operatic
America , arrived In the city yostorLa
to coaduct the opera festival of this
iveek nnd is registered at the Mercer. Mr
Mnrotzok claims the honor of brlncing out
Adcllna Pattt when she was a child of 8
ears. Ho has guided the fortunes ot many
other famous singers In his time nnd fora
bird of n century was one of the loading
operatic managers of the world. Ho abinby
doncd that precarious calling some yorxrs
to found a school ot music in t\ow York
and now , ho explains , ho is making moro
han ho did from opera ivila many thousand
lollors lavesto.l. In discussing the coming
osttval Mr. Marotzek said :
" 1 can but bollovo that the people of
Omaha will got moro for tholr money than
they oxpoct. Wo have secured n company of
excellent artists aud are prepared tu give
productions of undoubted raarit from nn nr'v |
ilitlo standpoint. Wo were fortunate enough
to be able lo eucago principals and chorus
who had been singing In open nil summer ,
so that the Omiiho performances will bo
ncitboi experiments nor rehearsals ,
Thu monitors of our company sang
for three months In the Hcinrlcb Ononi
company , which pluvod nn all summer en-
gaco'monl in Philadelphia , nud it is worthy
noting that tlio.v gave excellent satisfaction
In lhat metropolitan city , a center of musical
binnu ol Ilio hold Tnlnnt.
"To show Iho quality of our soloists It is
nnly necessary to point to their work In the
nast. The tenor roles will bo Interpreted by
Mr. Payne Clarke , n tenor robuslo who was
a member of Carl Hosa's company in Lon
doPi . Ho Is very popular In New York una
Pi nnd was Iho original Turrido in
th American production of 'Cavallora
Uusllcaun , ' Itself un honor lo be coveted. Ho
is undoubtedly as good a tenor as any sing
ing in Ungllsn opcr * in America , and thnt
surely should satisfy Onmhn.
' .Mndame Sclma Kuert ICronold , a soprano
oi fine dramatic powers , will sing the roles
olt Lonoro In 'Trovutore' and Marguerite In
Faust. ' She created tbo part of iunluzza in
Ibo American production of Masoagnl's
successful opern , nnd she is a great favorite
luh Now York , whose musical nooplo certainly
have : a discriminating titste. Miss Tounant
Clnr.v of tin * city will make her debut ns
Lucia , ana that , I fool sure , will bo an event
oldi much interest to the citizens of this won
derful city. /
diM "Tho contralto roles , , will fall to Mrs.
Morse Lee , on artist wl\o won reputation
Inhi the National Opera company and ono who
has many friends in tbt ) most , critical centers
ol the oast. The basso will bo Sig
| ner Bologna , who has sunportod Paul
and Campnnlnl ano ) t , been a member
olIt many of the best opera companies , both in
Italy and this country. 'Tho ' baritone will bo
Itr . Corasto , n Russian' uVtist who was a
reigning ( favorite in St. Petersburg , and who
has also sun ? in ttio Italian Grand Opera
company. Mr. Joseph Witt , formerly with
tlsi Etnma.luch Opern conipany , will bo the
stauu manager. 1 bnvo no disposition to
ruaku : boastful promises' , Uut from these few
points it w ill bo seen turn , the company is
made un of artists of repute , singers who
have won their spurs ip circles where the
standards arc oxuctmp. ,
"Of course Omaha people uro too senslnlo
to ( expect a chorus of eighty or 101) persons
brotiBht from Now iYorn for aalufilo week.
but I can spy that the raj will bo a fair sized
chorus of good nud well trained voices. A
line sol of costumes was seourod in Now
York , and that fonture will not bo slightod.
Oprrns on tlio I'rogriim.
"The program ts to present 'Trovatoro' on
Monday" and Tuesday ovontugs , 'Faust'
Wednesday nnd Thursday and 'Lucia dl
Lammormoor' Friday. At iho Saturday mal-
Ineo It is proposed lo give an act from each
of Iho three operas. The work for Satur
day night has not been soleoted , taut it is
thought it would be well to wait till these
operas have been given nud then repeat that
one which has pleated the public tlio" best.
"I cannot refrain from complimenting tbo
encrcry and tbo courauo of Miss Clary in this
undertaking , and she most ujsurudly de
serves tbe hearty supoort ot tlio people of
Omaha. In en ; ing Ibis I nm not
actuated by selfish motives. My
tlmu is fully employed by my school in
New YorK and its branch at Now Haven.
1 bad no tiioucht of coming lo Omaha , but
Miss Clary would not luuo no lor an an
swer , an 1 receive merily onougu to reim
burse mo for tbe loss 1 sustain In leavinc my
work nt home. I linn that she has maJo her
arrangements like a veteran in iho business ,
and she has done n wonderful work In pro-
parine Iho way for Ibis festival. Many of
the great cities of tbo country contribute
tbousanas for sporting contests which bene
fit no one , and it is to the lasting credit of
Omaba that it has so gcnerouily supported
an enterprise which has a civilizing in-
llucncc. and which will greatly stimulate the
thousands in her own midst who arc pursu
ing a uoblo art. "
Kiicoiiracflmpnt from Mrn. T.utllii.Wlldc.
Airs. Frank Loslle has written Miss Clary I
the following very kind and complimentary ' I
letter undur date of Now York , .November 1
"I urn in rccsiptof your invltullou lo be
present al the opera festival to bo pivon in
Omaha during Ihls month , und greatly re
gret tb t my business ontfngomimU will pre
vent my being with you on this auspicious
"I am teartllv in sympathy with vour
great movement toestablMi loglltmalo o'penv
in Iho wcsl , lo make It popular and'to thus
cultivate tbe public taste.
"America has given to Ihe world some of ,
Us crealest singers , nnd It is lime that a
homo staeo should bu established for such In
the great west. Tbo fact lhal that eminent
maestro , Mnx Maretzok , Is tbt-orjanizsr and
director of your enterprise is a guaranty for
the uoillty of your artists , and no ono'moro
speedily recognizes , or more hlphly appre
ciates , a good thine when ho gets it'ihan iho
woslernor. and so I congratulate you in ad
vance on the success of vour iihdortnking. "
The sale of rnservod seats has been very
largo and Miss Ulury Uapw assured mat her
venture , in which she lius so assiduously in-
bored for the last five mtmths , will bo o'l-uo
ross financially , whllo 'sMb elnceroly trusis
that the patrons of the fbstlval will decide
the performances succesttfs from un artistic
slandpoint. d- -n
"U Tro Hjoro. "
Following Is iho pWgram for Monday
- " '
night :
Amorleu ( aiidlcnco pleatfaMaiidi.i Orchestra . .
remarks un tetialf of the city of
Omaha by Mayor lluinlfoj *
HeiidliiKof letters of ri.ur.ut from prominent
people . '
Manrlco . . . . . .Mr. I'nyiioClarko
Court ' ( II l.cini . . . . . .f , . . .M. I > . Coroato
I'ernanuo . . . . ' , . . . . Slgnnr
Itulz. . _ ? / / , . . .H.'iiur Modanosl
I. eononi . Mnie.jKqIJna Koert ICrnnulil
Uhli'f ' of ( lyptles. . . .i..yV.AIcxHiniur draus
A/ui'Uiia : r..Mine. MorrU I no
Itiuz 719V. Mrs. ( iiiUo
Opnr. % healns promptly ut 8IA :
called ' at 10:111. : C.irrlugi" * Jn wulllns foi rm on
hukuntecnth street , leave upon liunsu vast on
llurney to SIMeenlli
Monday ami Tnojdiiy. "Trovntoro.Vod -
nesUay aud Thursday , triu ) t " I'rlday und
baturday , "Lucia. "
In tlm Mnyor'it llnx.
Mayor Hernia who has invited tbo mayors
and editors of a number of Nebraska and
Iowa towns to occupy hU box us ut tbo
IheAter during Iho nock , has received re
plies from u number of tbo pariins invllod
und has made iho following assignments for
I ha week :
Movers W. D. Lawrence of JCouncil HlulTs
aud John Walters ol South Omaha will oc
cupy tbo mayor's box on Monday evening.
Mayors Henry D. Boyden of Grand Islaud
aud A. H. Weir of Lincoln will enjoy "Tro-
vatorc" from the same coign of van ape
Tuesday evening and listen to Ibu election
returns between the acts ,
Wcdnt-saay evening tbo tntyor and proil-
dent of the city council of Plattsmou'.h will
occupy the box.
Mayor Phillies ot Deatrlco will bo the
enen of Mayor Heinls Thursday nlpht , and
Mnyor Culp of West Point will enjoy the
snmo Drivllrgo Friday night.
M yor Bomls has been requested by the
management of the oporo to oatcrtain the
members of the press of iho state , nnd Invi
tations have been sent to the editors of the
lending dally tmpori In the stnto. The frn-
tornity and their ladle * will occupy n box In
the tipper tlor , wuero Prlvnto Secretary Mil-
Inr , nn old newspaper man , will do the hon
ors.Up lo last night loiters of acceptance had
been received from the editors of the Fre
mont Tribune , Lincoln News , Nebraska City
Press aud Grand Island Indapondcnt.
I'rnnk I.iiii < I'R Itrnrllt.
The testimonial benefit thnt has been ten
dered to the well known Hdor , Mr. Fnnk
Lane , promises to contain some features that
will bo moro Uian Intonating , from the fact
the they will bo perforrooa by some ot
Omaha's ' best known citizens. Mrs. J. 1.
Cook will sing some of her seloollons , nnd
Mlsi . Nellie Gant , from Indlannpolls , a sister
of Dr. Gnnt , will reclto some now nnd origi
"al mecos. Hans Albert , who Is recognized
by all musicians aud lovers of music as ono
of ihc greatest violin virtuosos ot the nlno-
lecntb century , will plav two of his choicest
goms. .lulcs Lumbnrd and Captain John
Klnzio will sing. Little llaby Florence will
make her lirst npponranco on any stage.
Uamacclottl will slug nnd reclto
nome Dutch selections. The great Symphony
llnnjo qunrtoL , which Is led by lhat nmsler
of tno banjo , Gooreo V. Gellont > "cit , will en
tertain. Ucvol Franco will sing his mar
velous bass solo * . Tbo K rout minstrel
llrst | ' part comprises singing by such
well known artists as William A.
Wallace , , W. O. Saunders , Tom Uldill-
sot , whllo the end mon will uo .Spud
Fa , Harry Burklcy , Gig Edwards nnd an
un ; and last but not least , Mr. Frank
Lane himself will appear In a monologue cn-
" '
tortalnmcnt entitlodi 1 "Idle Thouuhts of nti
Idle Fellow. " The entire performance i will
concludd with a Imrlcsijuo nn Alexander
Dumas' ma lerplceo , "Camllle , " wild Lane ns
Camilla , Farrlsb as Armand. Wnshburno ns
Prudence nnd Hurkloy as la Vurvlllo. In
addition lo tbls list of popular nrtlsls Mr.
David Barrio , the popular raconteur nnd
L'oncral favorite , has kindly volunteered bin
valuable services.
At the conclusion of iho entcrtafninant iho
entire uuilienco will bo pnotouraphod from
Ibo slago by Frank A. Kloohart.
l.t.US LUl > J.t JUS
Colonels xtrrntor mid tliiulilm I'miml Not
< illllty Of AHUIIIllt.
PiTTSiiuno Pa. Nov. .
, , 5. When court convened -
voned this morning the Jury in the lams
cnso came in and asked Icavu lo submit
In writing n question which they
did not wish lo nsk openly.
After reading it Judge Porter told the Jury
the subject of the irquiry was wholly imma
terial. Any other action between the
parties could not enter into tbo case. Tbe
judge continued us follows :
"As to ihn instructions given you to find
the defmiannlb not guilty in assault nnd bati
tory , 1 propose vou shall obey the court.
You' , of course , may ignore the Instructions.
You ura the Judges of fact and law ; not law
as you think it should be , but what
it Is , Wo have told you what
the supreme court of tbo United States says
the low Is. If any man on this Jury thinks i
ho knows moro than thn supreme court of the
United States of cour o ho will stick to his
owe opinion. It Is a shamo. howovor. that n
man with such profound knowledge should I .
waste his tirao in a jury box.1'
Tbo court tbon warned Iho Jury against '
Iho danger of Doing guided by fooling * of r
prejudice nnd tbo jury rallied , returning
shortly afterwards witb a verdict of not
Tbo trite saying , no one can toll what n
Jury will do , has been fully verified in this
case. Not a lawyer who heard tbe charge to
the jury believed they would tlnd any trouble
in arriving ut n speedy result. ICven the at
torneys for the prosecution , alter the uharso ,
had no hope of a conviction , and or.o of tnom
said that they would now have to dnpcnd on
tbo suit for damages for n vindication of
their client. This suit will bo brought , soon
In the United States courts lams , the prose
cuter , i a resident of West Virginia , jn tjal (
court suits for $10,000 damages will be
brought , and the caie will , no doubt , go to
the juprome court of tbo United States ,
Both believe the question should bo fullv
"iSltly" Edward * IH ilrml.
W. F. Edwards , a newspaper man well
known all over the west , died recently In
Los Angeles , Cal. "Billy" was ono of the
old timers in Omihn. Ho was n ' 'jour"
printer on tbo Oinalm Republican when St.
A. D. Balcombe manaeed ttio establishment t ,
over twenty years ago , and was one of the
"original Ihirloon" printers who started the
Omaha union , immediately after the printers
strike of 1574. Later ho became city editor
of Inn Hepuoilcan. There was scarcely irJ J
position , from tbo nrnss room to the editorial
desk , which Edwards was not competent to
fill. He was a genuine all-rounder. Ills :
deatn revives memories of early duys among
tbe old guard , of whom but fuw nro loft.
VI77LTU and the Clilcngd I'ollrr.
Detective Vizzera of the Metropolitan
police , says there Is un error In Ibo stale-
ment that the Chicago authorities denied
him assistance In his elTorts lo secure
Mousse , who robbed Lieutenant Manjuart.
On tbo contrary , Ibo detective says tbo
Chicago police force did all possible to assist I
him in securing his man aud getting tilm I
Miirrlniro I.irnucs.
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued by County Judge Ulleryesterday :
Nauiuund aOdross. Ago.
" I Siniiiol ,1. Chambers. Omaha 47
( Avlsl'ofct Oiiinhii : ; i'l i !
I Ulllliimloe < , Onulia ; i . '
I Lucy I'ui , Uiniiliu -M
.tny Man Tim Votn fur Wliinn Un I'li-nsus.
HIAWATHA , Kan. , Nov. 1. To ibe Kdltor
of Tin : fliu : : To docldo n bet plonso slnlo In
T/iEKrNOU Hni : If an elector on nny presl-
clentinl ticket bnobligcd lo vote for the c-andi-
date on tbo llckel on which ho is elected in
the electoral college , N. BAMsiirnv.
Doing ) of Actors ami 'Actresses on the
Other Side of the Pond ,
lrn\TlncCnril4 hi London SurrcMofi\iuor-
Icnn Antiirt nnil J-uicrr on thn llngtUli
Since radrrowfld U Aqiilu In
( liioil llrntMi ,
LONDON , Nov. ii--The collapse of Sic.
Lngo's opern season nt the now Olympla
ihealor has been received with general regret -
grot , as Sip. La ire deserved well ot Iho
people. j Ho it was who cut down the prices
of admission and made it possible to produce
operas adequately rendered nad staged at
moderate prices. In ailiiltlun to lowering
the prices of admission , Sig. Lai-o intro
i duced to London many Ural-class slncers , In
J cluding the Knvologlo sisters , and produced
' "Cavallorln Hustlcana" in Londou. After
doing all this his only rownrd tins been to
sno his singers tomutcd nwnv from him by
higher salaries , and his repertory Initialed
by his uoworftil rival , Sir Augustus Harris ,
mnnnpcr of the Covent Garden una other
theaters. Since the opening of the season
there baa bocn n bitter rivalry between Sig.
Lugo nnd Sir Augtistm Harris , which
resulted In neither bouse being filled regu
larly 1 ; , and neither giving quito n tlrst-class
performance. The Globe urgn ? thnt Kir
Augustus content himself with Ills un
doubted mononoly of the real opera seasons
and leave the supply ot the uhcapor autumn
season lo Sig , [ yiijo.
A Wrok ol Wajfiior.
Sir Augustus Harris presented Wiignor'a
"Tristan uud Isoldo" through thu week. The
work had bceu In rehearsal for some time , but
the company was rather a week oue , nnd the
opera failed to attract the crowded houses
thnt nro scon durlug the rocular season. The
only enicient parts were these of Disphnm ,
nn Amoricin singer who appeared ns Kur-
wonal , nnd Abratnoff , n Hussian woo sang ns
ICInc Markc. Both made decided successes ,
Bisphnm is improving on the rood iuipicsslon
ho formerly mndo hero.
The great theatricals at present are nt the
Prlnco ot Wales and the Court theaters. At
the former "In Town , " bv Adrian Koss and
Gcorgo Leader , with Arthur Huberts and
Miss Florence St. John , is doing a good busi
ness , while the Court theater Is doing equally
ns well with "Tbo Guardsman. " In f.iet
both houses nvo full every night , and the ad
vance booking of seats is largo.
' The Private Secrclarv" bin boon with
drawn from the siagu of the Comedy theater
to i make room for a revival ot Sidney
Grundy's I "Arabian Nighls. " Tno lallor will
soon i bo followed bv Broqktlcld's ' "Divorc-
1 ion i , " with the scene transferred to the
Savoy hotel In Londou. Mr. Charles Haw-
troy nnd MISS Louie Vcnno will have Iho
chief purls in this adaptation.
It is said tnnt in tbo course of Iho season
Mr. Tree Intends lo produce Ibaon's ' drama ,
"An Enemy of the People , " und will npooar
himself in the character of Dr. StocKinnn.
It is in this play , which has been translated
by Mr. Archer , that the famous dictum , sup
posed to represent Ibsen's own view of Isbon ,
is put into the mouth of Stockman , "The
strongest man on earth is ho who stands
most alone. "
IVInter Comic Opor.i.
Miss Marie Halton , nn American actress ,
who some litllo time ago nppenred nt iho
Lyric in Ibo lillo role of "La Clt-alo , " has ,
in conjunction with Mr. Harry Monkhouso ,
secured n year's lease , to begin in January
next , of tno Snnftesbury , with iho option of
renewing another two months. They will
produce a now comio opera by Mr. H. Ktnm
wilh muslo Oy Mr. Jnkobowsky. Under iho
psouaouym of "Mr. Emm" the name of the
author Is but thinly veiled. It Is Mr. Monk-
house hunsolf vtho furnishes the libretto of
thu work ! It was the Intention of Mr. Monk
house to play tbo chief part in this work , but
as ho is under engagement to Mr. Horace
Edmund it is not known whether ho can dose
so or not.
Mr. Lawrence Irvine , son of Mr. Henry
Irving , Is collaborating with Mr. Seymour
Hicks on a now drama for his father.
Mr. Clement Scotl , iho well known critic ,
will not commence bis lour until after the
production of "KiiiR Lear" by Mr. Henry
Irving at too Lyceum theater. The dale
llxed for the production is November 5.
Mr. Scott attended the first night of Noely's
piny proouced by Mr. Irving , and he does
not intend to miss thu coming opportunity of
n era in seeing the great actor In n new part.
Mr. Scott inlends to visit Jisypt , India ,
China , Japan and America. His tour will
occupy n.year ana ho intends to bo present
in Chicago during the Columbian exposition.
Ho will write loiters descriptive ot thu
places ho visits aud tbo Bit-ills ho sees , and
itis expected that hit descriptions of the
World's fair will pretty Hourly cover everything -
thing to be seen there.
Mr. Padoruwslii has recovered from his
recent attack of illness but bo is still too
weak to play in public. It is bellovud that
bo will give no more publlu performances
until ho goes to America.
A Snrrcsiiur tci Tpnnyson ,
The Society of Authors , founded bv Walter
liesant , has elected George Meredith preal-
dent to succeed thu late Lord Tennyson' .
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall's ploys are not prov
ing a success m Kagland. "Tbo Senator's
Wife" met with an indlfiorcnt reception.
Mrc. Kendall has seldom boon seen at less
ndvantuEO than In the play. Eth l Sharp , ex-scholar of the Hoyal
College of Music , who appeared ns pianist
at the Crystal palace S.iturduy fconcorts last
season , has left for Vienna , having received
a crant from the council of the collcgn to on-
ablobcrto visit Iho principal continental
cities In order to extend her uriUtlo oxporl-
UI1CC3 ,
The Alhenieum says : "Messrs. Longman
nro preparing a now cultlon of 'Sir Kdwin
Arnold's Light ot the World , ' which will bo
illuslrnled , through tbo kindness of the own
ers of the copyright , with reproductions of
comuof the most important works of Mr.
Holinuu Hunt. "
The Funniest and Best of All Musical Comedies ,
The Comedy that has iniulo all America laugh.
A. I > AUCH ; JN Kviiuv LINI .
The Greatest Company of Comedians In existence , beaded by the popular Irish Comedian
and America's "Lottie Gilson"
ICcprcbt'iitutlvu oubretto.
Matinee Wednesday. z- _ Saturday Matinee.
l-lectiim returns will bo mid from the stnjjc Tuesduy \cnlng I , Nov. 8.
VERY Sunday Nov.
NIBHT. , .
Mrlorloits A
Illustrated by
Hit .V Davis'
Superb l'uiiip.iur'
iif I'lnycrs ,
Iar-ratnn I
l.timln'i-nu'ii's ( JuarlcKo.
? * ] lITlio llrouMns of the t.o *
, . , . , Jal" !
STARTLING ' . . Wln-
' ' tur'
Tlio Ilnllwnr btrttlon.
Sunday Evening , November 6
T hut I'liuriiilns I'oiiictly.
This Evening ,
At 8 O'clock.
Usual Prices-
And Ills Cimipniiy of Hr.lllant Artists ,
C. .
, Soprtmo ,
MOKSE-LHK Contrnlto ,
Mr. ' '
W. D. CAROSTO. IJiritoiio , , ,
Mr. C. UOLOUNA , Basso ,
Mr. JOS. WILT , fiusso.
MAX .MAIIirrxriv , Musical Dhector.
MU. JDS WILT , Slaao Manager.
FRIDAY f f '
SATURDAY , | Llluul ,
I'rlcoof . Ticketnr . tlloorlj/ ) : balcony f I an t 7.VJ
Bi\U < T.v ft c. ( ietifrnl uilmlulou fl. acntn for slu K1 *
pcrlormjinroa mm on bale.
Better Than Baseball.
ANSON Say , Kelly , it's pottiiif- lee
cold to pluy ball , and I
toll you right now , this is my
l.-iht { , ' ,11110 this beaten , al-
thotifh I don't Uuow what I
Hliall do all this winter for
KELLY You don't ? Well , lotmof-lvo
you a ti | ) . As much as , I
enjoy plnyititf ball , I Imvo
found soinolhinK that suits
mo hotter. I fo to WON-
THLATICK , where I pet all
oxorcibo 1 want laiifiliinp tit
thu eotnediaim they introduce
to us every week. Take my
advice , old man , and hpund
twenty cents , { rot a reserved
Rent , and have u good time at
Cuinur 15th rit. and t'TipIlol Avunno , Uinaliu ,
Week Commencing Monday , November 7.
Continuous IVrformatico from I p.m. to II mn.
Tliofcunsatlon of thn t-oason-A Mon-
Mur Hill of ruiiMircs.
Such a Hliow has NKV-.u ItlCrOKII
Henley's Comedy Co.
In tlio llraiitlfnl I'onr-Act Mulo-
, thu
Noble Outcast
Hlauuratoly ( Wumoil , Hniurlily | Slaved ,
A Pecliluil efcs Whurt vtir I
Our Specialty Gralaxy.
iiiropn : ; iiiil Ainorlca Ilioiitlod In u Col-
luclloa of l < 'iin-l > rnitliii ! b'L-nsa-
tluuul tii'ijiiltles. | ) |
HccnnilVuck ( if thu C'oiul ruled
Violet Mascotte ,
Enrnpo'H ( iiontu&t HviiKtiitlnn Dancer , t
Holmes and Waldron ,
Hoflnud Mutilcal Artlsus.
"Bug oiT , "
Thu I'orfornilni ; and Wro&tllug Hoar/ /
I'licniniiuiiiil Jupaiicho IVinlllliilxt ,
M K M 1 ' 1 1 1 S STLJ U KNTS ,
AQuurtutloof fcwoot-VoIeuil Children of the
Bunny Hoiilh ,
Tlio Woiuluifui Ono-lA xioU Oyiniinst
uii'l HUutor ,
Hvcry Saturday Olnldruri locoUo udnilsslon
ana reserved f.iHlH forO.NKIIIAII" .
lAl.ii : ' MJUVKNIlt DAY.
Kvory I'rlUay ladlt-hiucoivoo btuutlfnl and
UbCflll KlUVCIllr ,
General Admission
Itescrred Seals
I bet ; to cull the utt'uiUou of the pub
lic to the auovo popular brand of tiuro
rye whloky and robpcctfully ask n com-
pnrleon with any oilier brand of pure
rye olforoj in thin nmrkot , It la far
superior to any otho' ' whisky und I
nuarantco its nbsoluto excellence in
iluvor r.i well IIB its purity nnditawholo-
eoino olivets. The puhlio la invited to
call and 'ry it
Ilonry 11 tiler , 010 U lOih St. , fntnlljr
wino and liquor houto , Ksmond hotvl