OMAHA HA1T.V fiKk : Sl'XHAVOVKMHKR ( } . Iftna-RIXTIMN PACJKS. THE OMAHA 13BE COUNCIL HLUFFS CM 1C Ei - XO. 12 PEAIU , STREET Cellvrrcatyitrlor to any pirtof IV city II. \ \ . Tlf/TON. MANAGER MOUIcc . Jfn } Editor . No S3 i .MK.VliO.Vi fV. . Plumbing Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co . The boys of the llleh school , numbering over thirty , hnvo organised it cadet corps nnd Imvo ordered military uniforms. Republican Marching club will moot at headquarters Monday ovenlnir nlO'lB to BO to Omnlm ami Join In tlio rally thoro. Or. \ . L. "T toy nor , captain. An Kastern Star social will bo entertained t the icsidoncoof Ir P. C. Clnrk on Hftn nvonuo , Wednesdax , November 0. All mem bers cotilluily Invited. Justice Hussy of Mnnnwa is giving offo-id- cr.s n chnnco to piny un to the limit. Ho lined txxo tlOOrflcli for llshln ? xvithnsolno nnd nnotlior fellow 1 100 for stcullfg n shot gun. gun.John John Fulfs , son of I'otor Fulfs. of Loxxls township , dlrd nt I o'clock Friday afternoon of mninrlnl fever , havlnu boon sick only nboutnxxeok. He was need 2'J JC IM. The funcrnl will tiiko place tannlny ut V ! o'clocit p. in services bolt.g hold lu the Lutheinti church In Loivls toxvnsh.p. An Inforinntlon xvns lllod with thi > cltv clerk yestaiday charging JnroU Gardner wltli larceny Irom a building. Gardner hits been employed fnr some tlmo n ist ns general over seer of tliu Hem s Pnik < ! un club houif , n'ur the river W. 1) ) . Niison. who Hied the In formation , claimed thnt ho stole ; jiJ ) pan cart ridges from the house , the val'io of which Is Jlxed at V.I. Thoto nro a good many Shepherds In the city , nil gcnlliMiicn of such quiet naluro mul even temper thnt they might put together nn.v starry night nnd ting pastoral hymns without s.inllrgo , l.iit there Is onn grntlc- mon whoso fiipnOs nio anxious to hnvo dis tinguished 1 1. in ) othen of the numerous fam ily. " 'hut Is W. M. Shop.ird , republican onn- dulnlo for locordcr. Mr Shonatd spells his name differently liom most iifolhcis , and thcio is consldcrnblo apprehension lest this contusion of orthograiihy lead to some mis chief on election d.iy. Mr. Shcpnrd has been u rosliient of this city for the twenty x < au Txvolvo VCIIIM of Unit tlmo ho was n commercial traveler for Stoxxnrt liios. For the past two vcar < ho has boon with tie ! Mutual Bcr.cllt l.lfu Insurance company nnd rented tlc li loom from Luu .t Shepherd , the Iho InsiinuiLU men. Duiing hU long rcsldonco huio lie lun established a reputa tion for intogilly that will thoroughly justify the big icimbllcan majority he Is sure to get. r of nil colors , best quality , only Cc n slcoln. Uoston store. SDIl Smifliti ) > rliir .IflMPlry. An innuendo ninounl of interest has been uuiikc'icil ainotifr nil classes of people by tlio extraordlniiry slaughter of the Mrs * . lUirhoi'ii atook of jcxxolry , Eilvorxxaro , xviituhfi , clocks , etc. Im mense i-ioxxiN are lieinj- ' attracted each tiflernooii and ox-cninj , ' , and the report thoj ciirrj out induces hunilrcds of others to'call. Ltiht night the loom was filled , and some of thp crcutc&t sac rifices that hnvo yet been made wcro forced by the bidders. One solid cold watch xxith a largo diamond in tlio c-ise , worth 41" > 0 , was Knocked down at $55 , nnd another natch that was inado to hell for $2,0 ( brought $ ( ! , " ) , xvhilo scores of i > 3o nnd $10 watches wont for from $10 to lo. Clocks wore sacrificed in the same ruth less manner , ami everything else in pro portion. Monday afternoon and evening eonio of the best goods in the block xxill bo put on bale and bold to the highest bidder. C'uticu-a soap at the Hoston Store for 14c oauh. * * J'JHAO.V.l.IHAtUt.irilS. . A. T. Fllcklnecr xx-ns in Page county yes- terdny on uiisino-ts. Hex' . II. U. n.uton loft yesterday for Kan- dolph. In. , where ho xvill preach today. Air. and Mrs.V. . 13. Chamberlain of Ohio rein tlio ily visiting their aon. Dr. M. II. CbamuerJaln. Bert Kvims and Oscar Kcollno returned frlilav nltrht from a thrco xveeks hunt in northern Nooraska. M'rs. P.irthcnla P. Ituo of Santa ttosa. Cal. , coinmlsslonor of the world's fair , is In the city , iho Kuest of Mrs. P. J. IJay. Miss Lora lllack has gene east for a six .weeks visit xxlth friends and iclatlvcs. She xvill stou at Dolaxvaro , CtflumDus and Clox-o- land , O , and at Oil Cltj , Pa , bolero re turnitiK- . A. U Hart , train agent of the Union P.i ciDc , after deposition a good lopublican vote , xvlH go to his old homo in Wisconsin for n tnreove < ks visit. Ho came to Council muffs onu year ngo , and tnlnnp such xvork ns lirst cnmo to b.iiul has giudually ellinbed into a icsponslblo position und has' now the conlldcncc and friendship of both suocilors and associates. If you don't want to buy hard coil you had better sou lilxby about those oil burners. They uro adapted for use In hot air furnaces , steam and hot water boilers , x\ilh no co'il or ashes to handle. The Hudiant novelty haso burners nro the host ho.itoi-b in the city. See them at Swaino's. Shnndon Hells toilet soap 15o n cake. Boston .Storo. _ Dill Not Miitcrl'ill/c. Judge C C. Cole of Ut-s Molnes , whoso couvcr.sion to the people's paity xvas an- tiounccil xxlih a loud trumpet some tlmo n o , was booked for the address of tlio season Friday nljjht at. Ilughos hall. A croxvd of about IHty ( .Mthorcii at the hnll to hoar him , but ho failed to show up. Tno local repro- Ecntatlvcs of iho party stntoil nfterxvards that ho had fulled to make n train at Doa Molnes , and so hud decided not to coma at all , Colonel Jussu Harper xvill address nicotines touiorroxv afternoon nnd nvcnin at ! : ; ! 0 anil Tillu o'clock at the Mnsonio toiTinlo. It xvill bo the closing mooting of the cam paign on the part of the pcoplo'a paityof Council Hluffs , and they xvill try to make it inter os tint- . Our HMO of Indies groy nnd ecru vests nnd jinnls nt fiOc ; beats the world ; uny el/o. ISObton .Store. Tciibhaios capital stock Citi/ensStato bank ( or bale. 10. II. Sheafo. Boston store closes every ox'otiing at 0 p. in. , tinless Mondays and Saturdays. Gentlemen , the finosuliiu oftnllgoodj In the oily , jttit ruuuivuJ. Uoltor , the tailor , 810 Urotuhvay. The gomiino Hurr O.ik etovos nro sold cnly by ( 'has. Sxv.itno , 7J17 Broadway. Call nnd sue Ihoin , VOIIHI ; Vuiiiluli. A bouso at 1017 Tenth avenue Is bolng car ried axvay piecemeal by ncroxxdof mlschlov- ou liova , and if the oxsner , xvhom no ono teems to Know , does not get n inovo on hun- telf In tbo near future ho xvill bopaylugtaxos on a pleco cf property that hasnoithera local bobliatlon nor u name. Tbo outbuilding have boon torn tloxx n , the screens jerkrd from tbo xx'lndows , and both the front uuu back doors have b"cu broken In. Dos Molnos uuutllo eon ] ) I ! unices for lOo. Bostoti Storo. Wo shoxv ovorythlng in undorxvoar for ladies , inlbbcs , ( jonts nnd children , in wool , cotton , etc. , cream , xvhilo nnd black. Boston Storo. l . Boo these oil heaters nt Sxvaino's , 737 Urondwiiy. _ Don't forgot thnt Swnlno bells the | Elraliurat gtovca. , olril ongtuoor , S23 Broadway NWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Big Damage Suit Growing Out of the ? Looting of W. Mi Jonos. HE HELD AN ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICY Proof n ! Doitli wn rnrwnrilctl to tin * ( 'ninpiiny DID Xlnni-y trim .Not I'orlli- IUhcr Inipiirtiuit l.ltl- ( ' ( ' . , lonm commenced n suit In the dls ti let court yesterday to recover f" > ,000 from the United States Mutual Henovolont asso ciation of Noxv York. The ca o has some In- toitat , from the fact thut tbo plaintiff Is a brother of U M. Jones , who met his death by shooting last spring on upper I ! roadway. The deceased had an accident policy for $ : > , tX)0 ) With Iho defendant company , but xvhcn It xvns presented for payment U XXMB refused , on the around that .loioi was responsible for hU own death The petition states that Jones xvas shot by John Wade , May ill , 1S'U , and that ho dlcJ Juno 5. Proofs of bis death xvero at on co forxvnrdod to the company niid blanks xxero sent back for furtber information. Although thu second batch of Information xx as sent to and rocolvcd b.x the company the policxxvas not paid , A "tilt xvat niso bstin ( yoHcrday by Prank Wick ngalnst the Chicago , llurllnpton it ( , muicy lie nllcues that ho lost three Irom Ins right bund xvliilo wonting lor llio company nt Crcslon on Noxomuer. ) , ISM ) . Huilomnnils n judgment of JIUUUU damage. UK I ml ures ol tlio XX IntriIn l.ucul The Tucbdax ufternoons of the Guild of St. Pauls iirom'so ' to bo un attractive feature In the social life of the coming xvlntcr. The Hist xas entertained last Tuesday by Mrs. Albcitson at her homo in the ( lien , assisted bv Mrs. Habcoek. Mis. Alferil and Miss H.ul- oilct. i'na morn industrious ladles xx ore oc cupied xxith fancy xx ork.xvhlle others sat xyllb lulu hands nnd cnvo tlicmsclvos up to perfect enjoyment , and all xxcro uuito oblivious to the pouring lain outside. Miss C.uln and Miss Gertrude Oleason , xvho uro alxxays kind in contilbullng to the success of cntPrtulnments , pmyca a beauti ful piano duet. Mi = s Ollu CooU gave txvo lli.c uumbciN , In which Mio displayed great skill , and hun in the afternoon Mrs. Cum- minus ( .harmed her friends by the recitation of Mrs. Kroxvnins's "Mother nnd Poet , " which she gax'e in a faultless manner. These xvho braved the disucrLcahlo xxeatbor xxero Mesdatncs Uabceck , William Troy nor , Uauinii , ICullne , Cumminir * . Moore , Cahoon , and the Misses UadollctHevnold"Honnblt , tileason , Oertiudo ( .ileason , Uavln , N. Iloxv- man , Coon , Doughty , Duijuottc , Kclll , Kchoentgen , Daxcnporiana Sackctt. XX' . < . ' , A. Kiitcrtiiliiniciit. The entertainment given by the Woman's Christian association ut iho Masomo tcmplo on I'Vidny and Sutindayyas very success ful , Meals xxero berved duiin ? the day and ovonintr and xxeio generously pattonl/cd by the friends of the uospitai. An entertalnv- incnt xvns given both evenings in xvhieh Lucia B. til iflln , the xvcll knoxvn elocution ist , took the principal part , nnd xvas assisted by local musical tuk-nt. Hanged all nrounil 1 the loom xxcio booths in xxhich handsome auiclcs for holiday tiso x\oro ditpla.xed to good advantage. About the ranter of the room xvas a small "den,1 in which dolls of all sires and colors , dressed in all the varieties of the beautiful i nnd the ridiculous xxero exposed for sale. Lingo numbers of people vislleu the ball mid helpcfi the Indies out by purchasing their xvarcs. The finances have "not boon straight ened up yet , sa that It is impossible to toll what xvas iho exact result of llio entertain ment. Jt is certain , hoxvox'or , that a hand- inine sum was roalii-ed. It xvill bo aovotod 1 to cariying on the xvoric of the hospital. Ollxctto I'nrty. Wednesday evening the OlivoUo circle gave 0110 ot their pleasant parlies nt Ihe Hoyal Arcanum parlors. It xxas well at- loiulec' and a line tlmo was had. IJoftosh- inenls xveie served by Iho Indies. The follow- in B xxore present : Misses Ma/io Pauck of Omaha , Sadie Mudge , Mno Scalcv , Belle Suyiier , Kxa Nason , Nottio Wolia , Alice Bonl'nm , Kdaa Snydcr , Clara Myers , Kthel Coltilousb , Nettle Keller , May Hayes , Mlnnio Ouron , Lena Fonda , Misses Davis , Fanny Bucroft , Lou Fiench , Van Urunt. Grond- xxcg , Shrpaid , Nolllo Armsirong , Djra An derson , Misses Anderson , Alillor , Kolb nnd Dobbins of Omaha , Mrs. Roller , Mrs. Kilpu Williams , Mrs. .Too Smith , Messrs . ] . P. Uhnstenson , Prod Dobbins , I'nrl ICenvon , O. .1. Martin , Orlnu Kirk , ( Jurt Stoddard , S. Barker , Baker , John Beno , T. J , Coyne , U. B Urnndull , ( J ! . Gould- ing , J. ( iroizcr , II. H. Harper. A. U. Keller , 10. S McCrary. O'Koaf , H. P. Koolnson , H. Warren , P. Weslovor , A. .1 Paul. U' . F. Mnr'iu ' , H. Bioxvn , .1. Glenn , J. Dohunv , Jr. , 11. Davis , Muller , McDermott , Briduham of Council liluin , Will Mick , II. KirbxL. . Kolb , ( . ; Klein. A. Kishci , G. Huston. C. Patrie , .1. Hnlliiiuy of Omaha , H. Wit brow ol Mlssouii Vullcy. Caps of till styles , raps of all prices , caps for bo.xs and girls. Boston Store. 1'iro ( trim In ly mul Ctii'iu * ot llmiliin Sirrct. Our lalo loss uv ( Ire xvns covered by I xvo policies , both in tlio COUNCIL IJUJI-T.S INSLTHAX.CH COMPANY. By" oVloc'k the next moniing aftoi- the Uro the Becrotiiry xvas on the nsh heap , pencil in hand , ready to figure the lodoxvn to bodrocif , xvhioh ho did , too , fiayiny that' it xvau hif , duly and no Hiiall pavt of bis business " So long as ho did not go boloxv bcdroclc wo had no loason lo complain , consequently the boltlcmcnl was not only prompt , but in every xvay salisfactoiy , so much to that In addition to $ ! ) , 'JOO.OO ( tovon poliolos ) enrrioil by this company before the llro wo noxv add to it $10,000.00. Being Intimately acquainted xvith the becrotaiy and directors xxo cannot bo persuaded that bettor indemnity can bo obtained than that olTored by our homo company , besides xvo believe in p.Uron- i/.lng worthy homo ontornrlsos , ovorv- Ihiii ) ; bolii ; , ' equal , and iinlcb-i xx'o do xve shall continue ) to be dependent on for eign capital nnd corporation ? , G. \Viinnuu : , J.\s. A. UKUKMJ. Wrapper bltitiKnts in all elyles , the gioat leadeiH nro ineditnn broxvn with dark broxvn border , medium groy xvith blno , medium groy xx-Jth pink , nnd a variety of othorw. The great orazo , the most eomforublo morning xvrnjipor over thought of , 7 < r > e and i > 1.00oicli.Vo : hnvo several nil mndo up. Cnll and see utvlos and take n pntlorn. Huston Storo. To HID \ nt rii ol (4111111 ( Tuxrniililp. llaxing nerved ono term as jiihtico of tlic pence , ns 1 boliovo. xxith reasonable Batibfiii'tioii , 1 respectfully boliclt your votes as nn Independent candidate for thnt ofhec. \ V.V. . CONI > . Ask to boo our gents' grey nt UOc , sold elsexvhero for r)0i ; . liodton 'Store , Kurup iilitH ol u DrnnliPM Solillrr. John Craxvford , a Tort Omaha soldier , raited a largo sized roxv at an cu.-ly tiouryos- tcrday raoraiut ; at tbo oomo of bis slstor , Mm , Dan McCiinnis , 1101 Seventh avenue. Ho has bcon'ln tbo habit of drifting to this sldo of the liver aoml-occu > lonall.v xvbcui fort lifo became burdeusomo and onoylnR ] a quiet little "tlmo" xvitb the bovs and calllus upon hi > sl&ter xvhilo cnjojlmr various stages of intoxication. Tuduy nlgbt about midnight ho called at the bouse and afior bo- inu' admitted pulled a bottle of laudanum out of tils packet and aslicd her to share it xxith him. Mrs , Midliinis did not huyo hoer suno hanUeilng after a bhunllnp off of her mortal cell as her brother bad , and been promptly refused to driuu , Crawford then said rio xvould kill her an ) xvay and xvas about to suit the action to tbo xvord xvnoa she darted past him through the door into the street In hi > r nlRht rlolhcn She ran to the house of a neighbor , with Craxvford nfler her. The nclgnbor ( OOK Mrs. McHinnls In , but refused to adnrlt Crawford. Soon after the patrol xvnpon xvas called and Craxvford taken to the city J'jll , xvborn ho cave the nnmo of John Smith and xvas booked xvith disturbing thu peaco. Gloves in Uld , gloves In xvool , gloves in caslunoro , gloves in leather , knit gloves , In fuel nil kinds of gloves nnd mlttona at our usual loxv prices. Uoston Store. _ Handsome noxv Ingrnin cnrpots ivrrlv- ing daily at the Council HltilTs Carpet company s. Prices of carpets nro going up dally , but the old prices xxlll remain in force this \voolc. press goods ; see our line ; get _ our prices.Vo shoxx- the nobbiest goods at a , big Having , being ash buyers anil cash sellers. Boston .Store. xviniti : \\oitsmr. . Some of the Snlijri'ls to llo PI VUMPI ! In tlio l.onil Cliii-rlirs. Pirst Presbx'tcrian , corner ofVllloxv nvcnuo nnd Seventh street Kex * . Stephen Phclps , pastor. Preaching by tbo pa tor at 10.33 n. m. and 7.M ) p. in. Sabbath school at 1m. . Young people's nicotine alt ! no p in. .Second Piosbytcrian church , Harmony and L"gan streets H. Alexander , pnstor. Preichlng at 10H0 : n. m. nnd 7HO : p. in. , bicrnmont of Iho Lord's supuor after Iho morning set vice , Sunday school at 1'J m , Christian I'nduavor at < ) : li ! l > . m. Bureau Bnptist church The pastor will preach it 10 ' ( t ) u. in No evening sorvlte. Sunday school at 11 ,15 a. in. Congiogationnl-No preachiutr. Sunday school nl 13 o'clock. Christian Endeavor at O.IIO p. m. Young Men's Chiisllnn AssoLlation Meeting ut I o'clock , led by Mr. i : M. _ Bunker. Tiinity Mothodi't Knlscopnl- Fourth strcot nnd Nintb nvcnuo. Pleaching by } llev. i Mr. Lorlni ; 1UIJ : ! n m. nnd 7 : ; > 0 p. in. Class meeting , ! l0. Sunday school It ! m. Kpxvoith lo.iguo , 0.45 p. m. Temple flautist Young Men's Chi'lstlan nssociallon ' looms , Merrlnm blocic. Preach ing services at 10.3(1 ( a in. and 7 , ) U p. m. , K A Hull , pastor. Mornlnc thotno , ' 'What Baptists of Cout ell Bluffs Noed. " Sunday schoo , 1'J m ' St. .lohn's nngllsli Lutheran -Services ou first lloor of Men lain block , -Us Main and SO' ( ' ' Pcail slrcuts , at II n. m. nud 70 : ! p. m. Hov CV. ! . Snyder , pastor , buuday school " at lM"i n m. First Banlist The uastor will speak of "William Caroy's l < 'altli. " In the ovenincho xvill Ucllxcr un cddrass to ynunc men , taking as the BUbJcct 'The Fieiy i"urnnco. " Fifth Avenue Mnundl-U Corner Eight eenth stivct nnd Fifth avenue. Preaching atlOOa : ! in. by the pastor , KoxC. . W. Broxxer. .lonnio Smith and Adelaide Shot- man , the tallroad evangelists , xvill hold hcr- xiccs ati : and 7iO ! p. m. Sunday school , 11 o'clock. Class meeting and Kp.vcrth league , G.'JOp. m. Broadxxay Methodist Episcopal Lhurch Preaching at 10iJ : ( a. m. nnd 7ao : I ) , m. by the pastor , Kox' . II. P. Dudley. Sunday school nt 1'J m. .luntor loagt o nt 4 p. m. I"- ] ) north loatrue , ( i.-lij p. m. Scats free and all xvill bo gladly xvelcomcil. Yarns of all Kinds , youhyrs , Si.\ony , Spanish , ( Jormun knitting , Angora xxool , ( torinanloxvn xvool , etc. Full line of black and colors at our usual loxv prices. Uoston Store. Coal and wood : befat aitl cheapest Missouri hard wood in the . , . . , . city ; prompt . . . . " . . . .1 i : - TI" \ * * " + .r t .i. delivery. If. A. Cox , No. 1 Main. Iiibtoad of bolting a hat on election xvager one of thosa bandhomo loxv-priccu xvino or brandy sets at Lund Bros. Ask to sco our gents , " grey underxvear at "oc , marked doxvn from liOc ; a hum mer. Hoston Storo. Mai i htgr f.lcciiscn. MarrlugJ licenses xvcre issued yciterday to the folloxxing parlies : Nauiu anil Itusldencc. Age. J Orra 1' . Mil s. Council HIiilTs L' " > I barab I ! Snnrt , ( . 'uiinollHlillTs'I IIIenryH dlilcon. descent IM.nyA Darlln ? , Council lllull- , C > i IJoliii S. I'lnqoollG. Counell HlufTs a3 "I I.evlna .1. Kollanil , Council lilnlTs. . . ' 'A I Henry Welsc. Oimh'i 3d 1 Ilurthi lllec.c , Um.ih i 1U ' I 1'otci Clirlslhnsun. Council Illiitls . . . . 21 1 Dor.i Voss , Counell Illutls . . . . l'J J Albeit Tlmin. I'ott Lxxattamlo county 21 I Hello lleodoft. I'ott xxxaltamlo uoiinty1 J \\ush niton I' . I.uxv s , I''.ittamlu Co. CI I Almlia Monroe. Council llluirs . . Ill I r.dxvln W. Punt , Omih.i : ,2 ( Mnry A. HOL.I.OC. Cuiinull Illiills 2i Coinfortors in all grade * , Comforters at75o , Sou , . | .00 , Sl.W , * 1.6I ) , W.OO to SI.7. ) ; uheapor than ono uan make Ihoin. I3obton Store. flo In and see the noxv h its anJ bonnets - nets at Miss Sin-ink's. 1 ! ) Mnin atroot. Writing1 tablotb 1 cent each. Boston Storo. Attention Itrpnlillr.ins. AH rontibllcans nud marcbinK clubs uro requested to be nt Headquarters , Sipp build ing1 , ut 0:43 : Monday ovenlns' , to go to Omaha. It is requested that nil uniforms and torchch be leturnrd to heaaqmrters for this x'isit. V. Ij. Tim NOH , 1'rebldent. II irrlson and Kohl , Clovcland and Stox-oiihoii Uiimii.iig'n caps for fle tit the Boston 8toro. Ijcaiilifiil nexv fancy elionille table covers , tlio latest noxv thing of tlio sea son , at the Council Ululls Carpet com pany's. _ Sco our line of xyritlng paper and tab- lota. llandbomo box of paper IL'je. Huston Store. It Can. Coi veil , BI.UIM , lu. , Nov 5. To tuo & ! itor of Tun Her. : Clan the electoral vote of Nebraska bo divided ) 1'leaso answer to de cide u bat , J. 't cakes of GJIIOUS ' bO'ip , an ologantlaiin- dry Honp , i.iiulo by Colgiito iV Co. , for 10c. lioston Stoi'o. The Boston Store eloos every evening - ing at (1 ( p. in. except .Mondays and Saturdays , _ UOpooplo In this oity ina gu stovoj IhoUaa Co. puts 'mil in at cost ri.OOC yai'd.s liglitchallio , the best thing out for romfortorH , lJc ! a yard. Boston Storo. . . _ 11 w m S. U I'roxvoll , xvatehmakor , 710 U'xvay. Davis fordrugs and paints. \ViiK it Tlilnirh * rinnplruey. Nnxx VOIIK , Nov. 5 The liiljin of Ccntia Olllco Detoctlvo John ,1. ( Jurnv by the crook i , James D. lilanchott , bids fair to rovoul sensation. Detectives rccoivea information ttm * . there was a conspiracy to assassinate Carey and that ulunchott and another mem ber of tbo gang were told oil to do It. Acting ou the information xrulch they re ceived detectives hut night ivont to"4 West Fortieth utrcot. to u Hut r/.id to bo occupied ' by a xvoinun named tC"/.vurd , xvblcb they > . broke Into. Ton profi/.jional tlilcvos xvure found tboreand placed under arrest , They ) uro said to utivo been toccorood in the plot to murder Carey. TliKlC'il Too Iniiiltcllljr , Six FIUNCIM'O , Cal. , Nov. 5. Herman Waldecl ; , a bookkeeper tor J. 1C o tin & Co. , tobacco merchants , skipped with at least (15,000 ol bU employers' money , accompanied byaxvoman , He xvas In ibo employ of the linn many years uud thoroughly trusted. Cruder No. uilmit. . S\N FIUNUSCO , Cal. , Nov. 5. rtio cruiser. No. U xvai successfully launched at iho Union Iron xxorlis this tnornlnt ; , and christened Olymplu. A largo guihorlug of people vvIt- Homed the ceremony , now RAT 'ARE REDUCED Emojth Schanu ofi AHnnonpoHa Brokers to Cnmo Railroads Tronblo. WORKED IN CONNECTION WITH CHICAGO One ol llio Intcrr Ung IVntiiro * of tlic 1'lnn U tlio Dntigvr it "Spotter" In cum In Attempting to i : - . It. Muu , Nov. -Special [ Telegram ' to Tim UKK , | Not a great x\bllo ago there xvns considerable gossip to the of- feet that the Chicago , St , Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha xvns cutting tlio rate through an employment agency , the subterfuge of ob taining xvork being used by rainy to aid tbom lu getting to Chicago at low than half tlio usual rate. The ether lines xvoio all stirred uputiddlio thrmits xvoro made unless iho piactico xvas stopped somotbinif would happen to the open rato. Tbo Omaha protested Its lunoccnso nnd gcod . fallh xvith perfect ulneorlty as xxas nflerxvord demonstrate. ! , nnil ttio ROJSID died nxvny. Noxv , hoxvovor , there is nexv danger ol a similar kind ihrcnicnlng ilia rates nnd the : oniploymont agency working on its own book , us It xx ore , is m u poMtlon lo snap its lingers nt ibo Western Passenger associa tion. The agency starlol in by entering Into a couttact xvith MoArtbur Bros , of Chicago tc furnUli labor. It then had printed an ironclad agioaiuont xvith that linn , to bo sinned bv the party supposed to bo in search of employment. lluxx II Is XVorlic.l. . The moJtis opiiMiuli of ihoxvholo matter Is something Ilk j tills : A man enters iho em- ployment agency in search of work or n low to Chicago ; it does not matter which , nlthouch ho Is treated as a person in pursuit ofnjoo. Ho Is told ibat ho xvill bo given n position xvith MrArthur Bros. In CInciiL'o If helllpav ( ( } lor his lickot. The Idea of this Is cMiIaincil to thu man. Matters Having been arranged , ho signs the Ironclad argroo- tuent. By it ho binds himself to go to ( hi- cage and work for that Ilrm , and also author- l/os McArtbur Bros , to take { . " > fiom his hrst xxoek's pay to cnmuloto the Ml r > 0 rate between hero nnd Chicago , The agreement slgnod , ho piys JO.jO , is given n ticket lo Chicago cage , and BOOS ou his xvay rejolcine. In nine cases out of tou ho novel-goes near McArtbur Bros. , but that is purt of Iho game , mid the beauty of it is that If an association spotter buys u ticket and becomes a xxltnejs in sub- scquant proceeding' , ho soon linds that tlio character oi tbo iigroomcnt he signed is such that ho can bo Jailed for fraud. TO KIJII ruiiiiiir : HATHS LT. Ctmlrimiit Mltlgclyol the \Vcstoin Assocln- tion on tlio Slliiiillon. Cntrioo , 111. , Nov. fi. Chairman Mldgely of the U'estorn Freight association basis- sued a ciroulur letter to mombets recommend ing the vtlUidrbxval of existing through rate arrangements xvith the G lit line . Ha suvs that dining the last txvo years earnest and repeated elTorts have beau nitdc to secure a confurciico botxxcon a duly nppointsd com- imttco of the western roaus and a like representation of the Nexv Orleans Traffic association for the purpose of ciuvassing rates xvhlch have from tiuio to titno been Issued from Gulf ports ou exports and domestic Irafllo xvhon destined . tined . to territory nortbcily and westerly from St. Louis. Tbeso efforts have not been successful and , on account of the altitude of tbo southern hues , Iho roads In * tbo Western Freight association have been authorized to join thnir eastern connections Uutho estab lishment of rates on Impoit tradic and of through rates from Norm Atlantic seaboard ports that huvo enabled the northerly rotilos lo comprtte , xvhilo nlioxving tbo roads xvest of the Mississippi river portions in excels of tbo divisions xvcst of St. Louis on curicnt thipmeiits via Nexv Orleans. This xvas done because there seemed to bo no other xvay to engender a desire on the part of the south ern lines for a confcronco looking to an ad justment of rates on a reasonable and re munerative basis. Domestic Sliliiiiirr.lii. In regard lo domostio shipments Mr. Midgoly dcscribos the silualio'ii as steadily groiving xvorso. On many articles the rates from Nexv Orleans to Sioux Fulls , b. D. , BIO scarcely hignorand In a foxv Instances nciu- allv les's tnan the tariff on iho sumo articles from Chicago to Sioux Falls , for eiamplp , the ralo on sugar i 'ID cents from Nexv Orleans and S7 cents fiom Chicago ; on ciocUory and carthonxvaro , ! ! 0 cents I'rom Noxv Orleans and 27 cents from Chicago ; on coffee , ! ! . " > cents from Noxv Orleans and U7 cents from Chicago ; on molasses , - > uont.s from Nexv Orleans mid ' . ' 7 cents from ( Jin- cno ; ; on rlco , 35 cents from Noxv Orleans and "i cenla lioir Chicaeo : on salt , 20 cents from Noxv Orleans and 15 cents from Chi cago. For j ears there has been exhibited a determination to maUo such rates fruin Nexv Orleans to Kansas ( 'ity ns the initial line thinks necessar.x to secure the business. Moxt Omali i I'lcnros. At least ono road carried the Kansas City rates to Omaha and Council Bluffs ; another extended thorn to Sioux City and Sioux Falls , nnd so they spread through loxvn anil the adjacent torritorx * . The noonlu of north ern loxvn are protesting vigorously against the incqiultty. Chairman Mldgely thinks Iho roads in the \ \ estern Frelfrht association should endeavor lo rellovo tbo situation by xvllbdraxvine their prorailng mrangoinonls xvilh tbo southern lines and exacting their foil local rates on shipments from llio Gulf ports desllned In their lerritorv. Ho therefore formally politic' , the members timt all tariffs fiom thoUulf ports on foreign anil domestic trtifllcs destined to iho loirl- lory xvcst anil i.orlhxvcst of St. Louis that have not boon duly approved pursuant to the lilies prescribed bv the Westcin Freight association are declared unauthorised and all such tarlffg should bo wiihdruxvn , iho cancollallou to bocomu uffccllvo December Ifi. Hxcnption is made of ruios on tin pluto , onrthotixvuro and salt to the Missuuii ilvor , since on Ihosn rales icducoa proporlloiu huvo been uuthoriiod via thu north Atlantic scunorts in compoiiiloti xvith the Noxv Orleans routes. In the meantime Cbairmau Mldgcly promiios to make unother cflort to arrange a confermico xvith tlio southern lines. In Vi'ry lluil Shiipc. SAXANSVII , ( ! . , JJov. .1. Kec3lor Potter of tlic Central ralroaa inudo bis report to the cour' today. It seems thut the earnings ' have boon steadily decreasing nnd expanses Increasing during llio past four or nvo years. The cxneudiiurcs for the next year nio csli- malod as twice as great as for these of ISsT , This practically moans n considerable dollcit , 'J'ho effect of tbBirvport is depressing Gen i- eral HuporlntonUeiiti SVadlolgb's report ia the condition of the system r.tiows It tn bo In bad shape and stutoi Hint lo put It in n good xvoruing order within tbo next foxv rears xvill require more Uian ? , "iOJOtXJlj for lopalrs nud Improvements In rolling stock. Iliiilncs Trmiliinn. ICxN A8 Cm , Mo. , Nov. 5 Tbo Continen. tal Trust compiny closed Us doors at noon today , making an a.sslgnmonltoO , S. Young , a laxvyor in the Now York Life building , for the benefit of its crodltors , The president of the hutliutlon is OV. . Toumlln. and the secretary C. C , Kdson , The capital stock Is stated to bo $100,000 , and It Old a general bunking business , The company has about ( iWWO ' on deposit , nnd it is prubablo that the usj'ots xvill fully cover all claims. Deputy SI * bxvorn In , NEXX YOUK , Nov. D. Twelve hundred deputy marshals huvo bean sxvorn in for duty at the polls next Tuosuay. AflortUe men xvoro sworn lu they xxoro &ssiguod to the Uhiombly ilhtricts xvhoro may will serve , und ihn xvarrants aud oltlcial Dodges xvero f urulsbeu tbom. Approri'il Iho Iiiilluu Allolinnnt. \VibiiiMJrov , I ) , C. , Nov. D , Tbo secre tary uf the interior lias approved iho allot ments of lands to ibo Indians ou iho Devil's Lake reservation In North Dakota to Iho number of SO' ) . Ily tue terras of tbo allot- mont all of the < o Indians nro declined to b clthcnft of the United States , entitled to Ibo rights and privilege ! of such citi/cns .trr.ttitx .ir AC/I in on tn i. Incrrnsn In tlm liislf1 Cltj'n I'opnl itlon in Att < . tcil br tlic UrcHIlilt Ion. The registration of voters In South Omaba Is rotnplotcd and shows a wonderful In- din crea o. The Increase ts almost phenotnciinl , and cvccoJs bv several hundred the piedlc- tlons ol nil ns to xvhat tbo llcuros xvoultl reach , The rcglstnttion shoxvs tint 2,0r > 7 qtinllllcd votori bavo placed their nninos | upon the rolls and xvill vote TuesdhV. Thotnixn Is not to bo found in South Omaha 2,000 x-otors resistor , and more nro plenty who ulacod the number nt not to exceed 'J.ltOO. Friday nnd Saturday l.HN voters roelstorod , 7Ji of tbom on the former day end 47(1 ( yesterday. The preceding thrco davs of registration 1,7 0 rcfilslcrod. 'l ho regis- trnllonts consldorcd very larg , and the fact Is borne out xvnon it Is rr-crlled thai nl Iho miinlcipnl election Inst April thoio xvero cast but a.'iifl votes , and nt that lima It xvas con sidered that the full vote of the city bud turned out. The registration of this var and the vote of last April by xvard * and dis tricts Is ns folloxvs : HuilxApili tcroil xnti- ' IMJ bu,1 1'lMl Wurl rirstillslrlcl Ml 4" ' ' fi-oiui districi : :4ii : ai'i ' Thlr.l dlstr.ot W L'10 Tot iIs | , un -os Seoonil.ird rirsldlslrU'l . ' 4.l ! III Sjcoml district ! I47 ' 'III Third district lu'i ,16 Tnt'ils ! M1 Tji : Third \Vnnl- riraldlsirl-l flSI Kf , Second dlslilet 2 , ( i ' . ' .T , Totals fill ) 4K.1 xxnrd Tola. s for city . ' , 'rT ' I'.VO An Incrcnsu tn the voting population n six months ol tilit voters Is a recoid xxhlch eclipses that of almost any cltv in the uni verse of near the sumo sl/o ns South Otmihn. The most peculiar part of it is thut II is almost next to l-nprmlblo to prognosticate , , upon Ihe rolillxo strength ot the political pirtios. With " -o many noxv xoters nnd no lost of parly strength In 1 1 cltv for Ihtoo or lour .xoars no coircct prophecy o ! Ibo piobaulo oiitcomocnn bo vuntutcd. The greatest Incrcisc In unv ouo xxaitl is in the First , xvheto theio is u gain of 'jr ? This xvard Is republican by u fair mnjorily , anil that party xvill also bo the gainer by me In croaso. In the Second ward there is a gain of 'JIS This xvaril is xcry evenly divided botxveon the republican unu democratic par ties , the latter havma a majoritv The Thlid xvard gains IfiS , nnu as this ward Is almost ovcrxxhclmlnglv democratic that party xxlll undoubtedly bo tbo gainer. There is a de crease of two votes in the Fourth xvard , which Is democratic by a small majority. The republicans xvill not bo the losers by the Increased population , as ibo growth In iho membership of ibo republican clubs proves , and the many nexv fncos soon at the meetings is also taken as n good criterion. Until ) Iliirncd. Mrs. .1. P. Webb , xvho losides xx'Tth her husband at Txvonty-fourth and ( ! streets , cumo near being a vicllm of iho deadly gas oline steve yoatorday afternoon. Sue xvas alone at the time and hnr presence of mind and prompt action saved her from n frightful death The bla/3 in the gasoline slovo shot into the air , enveloping Mrs. Webb's clothing , ns she \ as standing near the stovo. Tno ladv promptly xvrappeil herself in n blanket anil smothered the llames. She was budly burned about the face and arms befoia extinguish ing tbo 11 L U. Music I FrankJMoaco , a banker of Nclsou , is visit ing \V. fc > Uosccrany , deputy postmaster. A borso rmden by S. Volsllnped and foil .yesterday. Mr. Void's left xvnst xvus broken by the fall. Mr. and Mr . William Kilpatrlck of Otis , Colo. , are visiting Mr. and Mrs.V. . 1 { . Matchclt , Txvonty-fourtli ana N sticots. Michael Ilonrv. aged ! U years , died ut the Do Hoclc j'csterdHV mornlngr. The remains x\ero shipped to Vmter/vlllc , Wia. , lasteveu ing. ing.W. W. B. Berry returned from Chicago yestcr- dav. Ilo was accompanied by Mrs. Berry nnd daughter , xvho have been vUltlng in the cast for several months. The 1 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Join Gorman , Thirty-first and U strcols , died Tnursdoy nighl. The remains xxcro taken to Chicago last evening for interment. Mrs. O. Khler. living at Thirtieth a'nu U alroets , died Friday. Tbo funeral occurs Ibis afternoon nt2 [ o'clock from thu German Lutheran church to Laurel Hill cmnclory. Zacu Cuddington roturncd yesterday fio-n Central City , xvbcro ho atlonded a xvc'ddlng. xx'as not Mi. Cuddmgton's wed a Inu' , and hois noxv pronounced a ma'nmouinl forlorn -hope. All republicans in Iho city ate Invilcd to bo nt Txvcntv-fourth and N slreots Monday evening nt 7 o'clock and go in a body lo Omaha lo pirtlcipuo in iho grand rally. Torches xvill bo provided lor all xvbo deslio logo. The presidents of the different clubs hnvo issued orders for all members to icport ut the same time. Mrs. Bruno Strathmann died yesterday afternoon at 11 o'clock at tna homo ot her busbimd at Twentieth ana I sliccls , after nn Illness ot about one week. Mr. Slrulhmann and his xxifo have resided In noulh Oimih.i for a number of years. The deceased had every very laruo circle of acquaintances. The remains - mains xvill bo taken to Wisconsin this after noon for interment. Jt \ Noxv lldll.nrd tlld Trouliln Will Ilo Ainlc.ilily Adjnstrd. Nrxv Onwsiss , La , Noxr. -Tho labor unions uro xvcukomng already , nltliougti today at noon xvas llxed for the suspension of nil trade. Mayor Fit/patrick intoroslcu himself on bonalf of the laborers and asked the merchants If they xvotild receive noom- niunicaiioii from the laborers in xyrltinj ; . The merchants replied in the nfllrmatlvo and a communication was forxvnrded to thoarbitra- lion couimltleobhorlly bjfoionoon. A nu'iiber of oreain/allons hod already declared that they would not obey the mandate to strike. As most of the lines of business hiispind trade between noon and 1 o'clock It xvas Im possible to tell iho proportions of the stiiko till later. It Is believed noxvevor that the trouble xvill bo amicably arranged. Tno council is in session nnd has asked the Iiibo-ors anil merchants to send deputations to the council elnmbor to suto their griev ances. The police icscrvo Is on duty nnd luo miliiln can bo got together ou the shot test possible no'lco. ' so that If any trouble. urKcs it is believed theio xvill bo an ample force to pic&crva order , .S///J I' .1 HKI'UI.I'tli. Duliiriiilnoil I. Holt ol ii l.lnriiln lilrl lo C'niii- inll inlciiU1. LINCOI s , Neb , Nox5 - | Special Telegram to Tin : MBB.I Ilatlio.Maek , the lb-your-old daugater of Dora Fr.ulor , the koopsr of n i disreputable resort nt Sovcuih and L streets ' , mixdoa desperate effort to commit suicide this evening , She is an uncomnonly nliract 0il Ive member of the demi inondo and bus been desoondont of late , especially ilt within Ibo past foxv days , ThU evening aisliot xvas heard in her loom , and xvnon the oilier Inmates rushed In they found her xvith u tor- rlblo xvound In her loft breast , bbo bad shot horsoll xvltb suicidal intent , the hull I ontcrinir boloxv Ibo nipple. It has since boon dlscovored that she purchased the revolver xvith xvhidi btiadld ibo bbooiiug from a local I dealer tola morning , At present she Is still 1 olive and the physicians are unubio to cle- lornilno the extent of her injury. At No.v York Arrlvcd-Haucr , from Hamburg ; Hrilianlc , from Liverpool. At Loxxos , Del , Anlved Pennsylvania , from Antxverp. At KinsBle SiBhtod Norseman , fiom Bo ton for Llverpoc.1. At bt. Luciu Slehtcd , November 4 Straights of Gibraltar , from Itlo Janeiro for Noiv York. A . Havre- Arrived Ln Touraiuo , from Now Vork. At Lizard-Passed Ludgato Hill , frorti Nexv York for Loudoti. FACTS FOR EVERYBODY , The Old nnd Yotttiff Miy B'tul Every Line with Profit Tlioso who lm\o rend the ] irofo'lonnl articles of lrs. ) Copplnnd nnd Shepard wccit after \xuok nro a warn hoxv they have gratlunll.x educated Intelligent readers to nol only rorngnlro theiriiecu- liar ailments , but the dilToriMit phases of Mich ailments they htuo tati"ht Ihe jicoplo what they hnvo never understood before , thnt catirrh means something else besides n btoppotl up eimdUion of the nose and throat Thtil frontnl hendncho , noui'nlglacon- fusion of ideas , roaring lu ear" , ili/vl- ness , cti1 , nro duo to cat.irrh of I ho hcnd. That o o throat , cough , hoarseness or cntiro lo s of voice , bronchiK ! nsthmn , chronic pneumonia , etc , nro calarrhal conditions of these p.ii'ts. That tlysprpsln , iiidigcstlon. luir' ' burn , water brash , nausea , fetid breath , palpitation or fluttering of llio heart , shortness of breath , < ll//liicss or verti go , altornntn dlnrrhn'v anil 'ontipa- tlon , bloated up condition , pile * , olc . icsnlt from catarrh of iho otomin-h and boxvols. That diabetes , Hrlght's ilKen-e. rolen- tlon or incontinence , murky lluld , etc. , follow calnrih of the Kidney * and blad der. In fact , that catarrh nll'ects more or less all the mucus surfaces of Ihe entiio boJy , cntising nt times severe local iioiir.ilgjc or rbetimntic Cntnprh of the bladder end kidney ? is dnngorous nnd dis tressing. Trent nnd euro it now. LOCAL D3CTOKS FAILED. An Inxxu l.mlv riiiils ( ' ( iinplclo Itcllrl ttniii u Si-ilous l iliic'mul lilaihlt'r DKv.i-c. 'J'ho nsiof Mrs. Susan Shaioii , n f.irmer's xxif < > nud xxcll Knoun resident of Miiccilonin. Iowa , L'S miles from Conn- il 1 Hulls , is a nolablo'-o ' of hoxv atarrh allccts iho kidncjs and hhuliler : < | M Minnm i\ \X lu < i n inrnu'r' * willinnniil hlu-1 IniliM. I In a tor ) li.i'l ' "t'llf I linxi'lioi'ii iit11'.r llxp or'l\ jc'iri ln'l lik ninl liall ni II. H I.Hi' I ni : sn tiui Hint It i uinml 1 i oiiM uii lid l.iim'r I loulil uut work norvit up 1 hull n ratlin lull li nilj c of tl u bliulilrr mill klilui' s unit iiifi'ii il inure t'1:111 : 1 ill n tell I ilo tutvil nllh lioiiiu pi ! > > 1 ( . \ \ \ - nlui niiililiinlv puttli mi'up Inr n "linlt linn hut ni\ < ll i'iiso wns'tlll limit1. I Inul mi n In nn I Mil" PI fcAN Slllttl.V. . lit nlKlit ronlil iidt turn over I" ! ! Mi lic.i t thumped aim tumMiM ru nut torrIM } V > liiemli m nlniit. liuiilil nut slc-i-p nr re-I a. niflit 1 I u fiiinnxiry nui'i mul no uppollt" uciillu U nil tin. enllrel ) 1 li.x 1 a tt'ii'Inj ; un I lirltHtlon i > r tin * Mini iler \ > llh n const nil burning mul piln I col v > lun thut forulKlituon ttujs before cei'tUK Ir ) * . tnp'iuntl nn 1 bhepuril 1 NIIH conHiml to Hi } bed M > ( , I.M\ I * tliuiiplil lij in ) ni'lKliuurj lu 'icn fiitul one. fin > -isr loS'niTiov. ' M > wliolo oondltl , > ii IIIIH toe'i ) tluni'iM Itilnml leup cll mi 1 nil niv illca G l * comliiiunnin MO nan. .My lldnoxs nnil l > nildor.iro v.iunl . nnil I IIIH pnn.tUa'l > cure I. 'llio trivit'uc'iit nf llr . Cop > lninl iinilbliepiirl cmt'iltu KO ut onti > lotlios-nlul t , o whole illscT-c. liejul o in m > pruM'iii lii-nlth uinl ( Onifurt , unil am to lust f > In the r bo'Lill. ' Don't suffer from Dyspepsin. It can be cured. Gastric catarrh , the worst form , can always be cured. S5.00 A MONTH- Catarrh treatel at the unifo-m rate of $5.00 n month meilio.113S furnished lie > For nil other dlsea'-Oi the rates will be low und uniform. Patients at a dlstinca su-- ctbsluliy treated. Send for symptom blaiilc , HOOM3II ' , NiYOltK'i : I3lIl.HINi. OMAHA. NHIl \ \ . II. C'OL'I-HiAM ) . M D C. S. SlIIOI'AHD , M \ > Siiorliiltlr"Cnt.irrli. . \slliinii , llrenililtls .Nervmii OlHen.'is , Illnod Ili eieoi , Itliuillniltl in. t'liiivinup ilonnnd "II cliriiidt'atuctlons ul thu ' , Inn.1 * , Miiuniili , "kin. I.IUTII id Kl lneH Olllcii Hours -.iloll a in. -'to 'MI ill , T tub p in Hindu ) , 10 11. in. to I.'m. ru oitr.n i in : ro.vr I.M . ( 'oncliiHion or un Important Tilnl on nn Insiiranrn I'ollc ) nt I'ort Pom Donor , It. , Nov. 5. ( Special Tele gram to Tni : UBK.J For Ihu lirst lime in Iho history of the locul district couit u foieign insur.inco o npanv h is been uphold in Its n- fusal to , n a | ollcy. The jury in the ease of N line's against thu Dxxoiliiu' Iiinuraiiro con jiany of Hoiton toiiav returned a xordiot for Iho iiefendiinl 'Iho HUH xvas ono of four instituted lo locovi'r Ji.bOO on the plainttll'H hoii'o ; md contents , xxhlcti Ibo I'oiniHinics refused lo piy on uc- count of hUfcpieious circumstances The di > fcmlants tu cd their defence on the theory that Iho hnuso xvas over iiisuii-d In the Hist pluca nnd that much of the coiitoiils xvero secrelly lomoved before the llio , ivhicb , It xx-as alleged , xxas Inccnnlary. A strong chain ol circumstantial evidence xvas produced to bnclt up thlr ami HIM Jury cclded against Iho plnlntilT UV. . Names , thu plaintiff , ia a xvoll laoxvn nttornov. The cnbo created a sensation und xvus ivnli'hi'd by insurance agents all over tun xxcst xvith In tercst. \ \ Cuhl XVIml , It Ii I'riKilrtdilX'lli Illotx in \ \VjiRinsoros- I ) . U. , Nov. 5 - Porecast for Kundax ; Kor Nubruslta - Uenarnllv fair ; cold winds , becoming noithxxesi. For rsorlh Italn , folloxxcd by cooler weather : north xvinds. For Houin Daltota Uuln , folloxxcd bv cooler xvoathor ; north xvinds. For lowu blioxvi-rs ; Mightly xxnrmci KOUth xxlnds , Nil I'llllH , Illll l'lllll > Ot I'llll , Mrs. I'luinitoiid , In fjuoil } Iousckco | > IiiL' , rocnllH the Now Knt'liind apple jmrlii } , ' foslivulh 'llio npplo hues , x-.hon xvork XVIIB inixeil xvith fun ; xxlion the farinor's eon IMIDI ) to tlio viliiifrc xvith the bit ; xxiifuii mid tfnthoiod iii ( the xvill , boys nnd gM > > to go homo xvith him to the 'jipplo beo. ' I wee the bitf kltehon xvith itw xvhilo ncouroil floor , iiuiplo llron'jco ' Illlcd xxilh onu-Miii } . ' Ions , the xvhlto tuhlo froi htcd xvilh lui'RO ourthon piuin of apples and liilitcd with tallow uahdlca. 'J'ho air is ilMod witllTplVy odors and the ialk laui.rhturo ( the hey a and tfiilBab thoj liUBily pare , foio aim ( juarler Iho applcn I BUO the IOIIK Bupuur t-ihlo not out xvllh Ha homespun llnon cloth , the hluo dlahos , the tureen of baked bound amok- ing not from the b-iok oxen ; the puddlnj , ' , ll.inifed on oillior bide with iiles of mlneo , apiilo , oustard and ptimi ) Icin , brown broad , doughnuts , bread , plckleh and , ol Ouiimr , Somerville Jou.-nal : .ludgo nt admit , then , that your client did this In explicable murdor'r1 Counsel IIu killed the man , I udinit your honor ; but 1 claim thut the KJiUnt Sl'EOlAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS The xtant ndxertl < innnts In noxxsuiper ftro often Iho most part of Its contents. Thry o\pro < is needs , the dally \vlsho of the poonlo w < io xvnnt < oniethln and xtho nro xxilllni t i do loinothln ; , EMPLOYMENT. A COMI'iir.NT : Kirl xxaniod nt OIIOP ( , -5 \ \ \\lllownxenno MM J l.jmnn \ \ rAN1 KIJ-Acond clrl f , . hon-e- ' xvork. II. llarft ; , fiJO Uit \\rANTii-Oool : ulrl fur eoncr-n | I , KO. xxnrk , Rood xtaisos to coin UP ) out KIM s'l hlrd street. HOUSES ANU LANDS. " \IC\\Ui : groxvs lu rioiliTi nn.l Uillforti t V 'for silo or t ratio. Uiocnshlci'iK ' N < , , \ I o Ml I'AI'timber lands. In Mlnnosoii f i si'n ' In iiliiitltlt's | to Mill , j usy p ij n onis. JvonsmoliK MoholionX I'o. IJ AUM and - . i-lty lonii. M.IM < y o JL1 stock and criln llo-xl p t HP foi -xiul biMhuMs rontalM Mnnnv < o m oriocil lavuitori UoiiKeo X ! ' , i ? J > il'oirl .trcut , K\t'ilAMl--t'o ; ! ii ( | inul ( r * i i ' o i of I ind fur I'oiini'll llluir-1 - pr > | IITIJ w n iy -h ' for ( linorcneo. ilrucuslu < > l is , \ t lioKon 'o , li.M Urn itlxxay Ifl > K SAM : fhou-cst firm in I'ott ixx xttT" * IIIO I'll , 41 I ' . IX'HH , XXO I l.lfllu , ! 'Ill Un , iroxul I'll. . 0 ! uin aero 1,11 Mu > nfu. land fur s.ilo , \ , t , , , , i „ , < iri | Oinalia : t biniilii If i , UIM. . snon . ' .iri'i-nsli'u da. . ' i Ixxay. Fun rxi'iiMii : -4) I'll ips eoiintx , cu o. xtitii iiinioxoi.iunt" . for SlOi'k of city ROD Is inn ' ' ' " " 'In ' , ' m other nil 10 U M Shenfo. O\1.\S\ pnvinonls-.1-10 null , i sr , , \ s Is ! siroot. Ulucnsli.uldi , Nielm's . X 'I llroaihvtiy. .n To. , l/Oll VI , ! , Un smut piyiienn fro l J- garden Ian I nuir Coineli 111 un 1 rliuafc. llio.nlxr ly un I Main sircni' lH IT LAND , , P , , iuros for s ili > Insdloi "t limits ( .iriunsliluids MiMiulMi X I . ( II III < ulxr iy , l\r \\OODX U I liixosn m i > r III lllUHl 1 ' t fiirnm In Ronthu intern I n > v fjr si | < > ill nnd sco us vj M iln stroi t. HOItM'nn I biugx xx.inti'd for iiiiiinnroxiiit nrotiorty In nonhxxoil p uiof , ity lueun shields rMeholsonX Co. B'l Iliouluay I Olt lii\T : The follow ni dnelllncs. 1U roomilixu llni ; . Ml I'arl. ivo IJ i-roo'ii ilxxallhii ; . T'JI i ith l , # i\ k-t ODIII d\x oiling , ( I.M nd i\e , f' 7 IIMIIII ihxLilIiii ! ; . 01 MUli nxu.i' * , 'i-rooiii ' ilxxuli ii' . 1 Hi st inuVPII U' I ) , { , i-rnnni ihxellin - , IS ' . ' llio idvv ij , $ ' 1. 10-iooni dxxoilln. , .181 lU'nton ft. j.'l. s-room ihvoll ns , . Axenuo I , Jill itt d-inoni ilXTiillliiB. ll'l N l.itli st . $ li.fij li-looin d ollIng , h.'O Axeniii ) II , fix. 7-iooin ' rtxxi'lllii ) ; , ,11(1 ( l/Inc'oln mo , f h T , -room ilXYi-llliu , L' 0 II iitnony st , $1,1. 7-looni d\xi > llliu. It.ilililtt I'liic-o. J .1 0-roomdwrtllln- Curt Is ht. . { II 5-ronni UnoHIn5.M Mynslcrst Jtl Ti-room duolllii' ' . li'--t.inl .ue. . Si i 4-iooiu ilxveillii'4. MI Mynslei st , JI2.U C-room ilwollIne , ( ! iiiliiu > . .ixe , il ! C-rodiii tlHulllnir. lUii'Ilh axtJIJ. . n-rooin ihxollliii , Itahliitt I'l iru , fi2.o ) , i-rootn dxxullliu , Mornlnirsl Ic. $ l-'Wl 4-room dvMilIln , 4f. > I'uik mo , } HV ! ) riooiii tlxxe Iln2wli Axenuo A , f 0. 'i-rnuni iluclllnl.d Wjislnncton nxcta rroiin dwelling , Ml .S lilh at , flu 'i room ilolilni ; . .101 N 7t h st , $111 'i-rooiii iluellln. , 100. ' Avonno 1 HO. 4-ioom ( I'.xollln , in.'isti ! m , * u C-ioinii dxvoilln. , Mil 4lh t. $11. 4-iooni duolllnc. l > Vine si * 0. 4 room ( ixxulllii , flin N 7th. ill ) li-ioom duel I Inl. . > 7 I7lh nxo . fll. Ir iiioni ( Inollln-- : 4 Avciinu II , Jit ) n-roiini ilHulllns , IflS'i AXUIIIIO II , Jll. ri room ilxxoillnir. 111 I Itro.uhxMy , S 0. li-inoni dncllln . lli."J sih uv < \ , $1' ' . li-rooin ilwnllln. , 17n ) Axonno A , ? 10 .l-rooiii uxxellinsr , tirihiini nxo. nr , lliih$3.l 4-rooni house , iTiilNi tllh si ? ll ( .1-Kioni ilxxiMlliu , .1'iJi ' Axeiinn A $0 4-rooni dxxoliliu I Axcnnu U.t < . ri-rooin ilxxullliu , StfS Axc'iino II. ti 4-ioiim ilxNolllnK.OKI Axonnu I ts fl-roiini dxxn Inv. fllj AxunuoC. . ( i-room dwollln , ; , Jlstst : inc ! Axf line M , ) i ii-rocini dwellliu' 70h S Slidst.H fl-rnoiu ilwullliiA ,111' ' , Avuiuiu \ . fl 4-ioom ilxxell'n ? . Wo N. Isl st , , J7. 4-ioom dxxollln Gilo Isl = i . JdOJ , ii-roiini dxxelllnir , 'll,0 AxL'nuu A ? ) . .1-room ( I UD'I Ing , ' 'I'l IMIi axe , JL .l-iooin ( Iwelllni ; . US l Aveiinn A in r > -rooni dwi'lllni : , V.Ws Axonno I ) , tii " -l iiiiiii dxx'jllln ; , 14II Axi'iiun I ) . ' > . I-room ( nxcllinv.'I'1 Vxi'iiuu I ) . 'I. i.-iooni ilxxollnig , .M. " ) - fitli st. i"i 4 loom ilxxpllhiA fill Axu ( ' . } ' 100. 4 room dwulllni. , 141 Vint ) st. ftlbU. 1 loom dxvcllliiHI ! I'arK axo. . MJ.OJ U II. bhoife , rental a cnt. lltoadxxav unl Main atieet Jl Yell h ixo Tiyililu ; fur silu or Iriilu sos I IX II. Shu ifo. Itroilw.iy an I M nn strjot. A1IAIU3AIN , U-.icro frti.t mil canlon t 2' , mill's from postollli'e.S'j ' .icres"L | ] ' , i aero In -Uherrlts. . . ' > i upDlo tice < . 7j | Ilium trees iAelicrry lines , dxxi Iliu slabls.f utj. I'rleo 81,00) ) . N'o tr.ido I. IIhuifo tl 1 ACKK" , Insldo oily limits' xvill Mill In lotij MOUO n uro up to Milt Imjcr tiieensliiojils , ] NlLboNon ,1 Co , Cl ! lirmulXT.iy II YOU like liln I tip.itmiinl mil Imrjinnt in ' n'.il r titu i' ill on ( JiuunOiluIdH , N son X Co. . ( > illro \ id XT ix 1 M ACItl S of eli'iir land In oistiitn N J br.isUii top\eh.i'U ( > fm a SOD I losliloni'o In Council Illu IN Want lin isos and lots foi Nu- lu.isli.i 1 ind .lohnston .1 Van I' ittdi \V I. IIAVT a ( fiinl ten ml for a lUeor BIT ' ' room hniiso font or llvu lilo .s fron | iosl- olll > .o. ( irccuslilulds , .Mchol'.on X t > , Oil llrondxv iy , OOin acres D' cbuluo pun ) lull la f n s.ile , no u I'm vis. Miss IJisy lorms Iji- fiilruof | MM II. O llruilis , or A I' Kl'-o. U'3 4tlislrot _ _ ITT.iUI I V In jrooil Conaull Illulls pr I-JMnst tin holil nils utiiii dri'c'ii Nlcholhiin X O'u. " \ \ IIAVIIcinlotni'rs xvlm wint boilsos to IT rent llavu yon the ininses'CiieuiHlilolds , Meliolson .V C'o. _ _ HANl'll uf . ' , 1'J ' iero ( . nuir Olinv'ii i ) , Wvo. line linproviiinunts , s nnft st i > K to * with i un h ; lliMHt In tliosl ilo. Will Hxi-fitintu for Ciiunuil Illulls or Oni ih i nrupei ty ( lu'iin- icIUs , Nu lioUon A. 0 > , ( ill Uro tihxay r.\(3IIAVJR-IVJU ) htii'lc of ' muiehandlbo for low i or e i turn Nobi.iuki Ian I. ( ironnsliloli'N , Mi-hol nn x to , CJl II'nay. axi'nts for .idmlnlstr itor 7"MuTrNsnTiTTsr ; : MCIIDI ON A co" \Ja/nts for udmlnUtr < tor. h ivo for s.ilo oiio of the buiit0.lO-.iuiu Htou'L f HUH In osl- oinloxvn. , AlthTHACTH and loins Tarm mid nil/ ] piouerty bousht and bold. I'usoy ft 'riiomiis , OouiKMl IllulVti MISGELLAHEOUS. (1 Altll M'K loiiiivoil , i-iiY puiiK viult4 mul JfchliiinoysoluuMiil. _ lj.J ) lliir o. ( ity IIdig. ITIOU S\ld. Ihil.l tii-ls loxx-n I \ x11 i ( ( m - nn i.1 Nubrisldi , Inxoluos , tl , WJ ioi.UJ. U IL Hioafo _ _ W't'lTl' of rooms for rent , fiiriilsliuil fiiriiNhod , W I'm I , tx u. SlldW CAM.s-1 or'1 ' I'ho.iD , lliri'iii-fool uiisos , ulil , Iron htinils I'l.uik l.oxiiil , el .ir store , II I'oarl stiniit. KLMAIIM ; fnml y horsphaelon anil h r no s in oxehan/o for k'oo'i ru IUciiuu lot , I 5. llteolllu-o. ' DANCING SCHOOL. , _ _ rlori. olill > lruii I [ ) ' ill in. inln ts. 7.Hi | "i h'HiH ' H jncl ami fourth Mondiijs , 8 p in. Miiblo fiiriilslio I pir- tim mill cl'ihs ' AililnMt ut K A. I'.irloi1 ; . Connell Illnirs , or Hi- 1 1 st. . ( Jiunliii. W ' ; cimmliera. InalriioUr HAIR WORK : or all kinds promptly aim hatUfae Kirlly ilonn by ' Mrs , GILLETTE , 030 PERIN AVE- , COUNCIL BLUFFS wiih justifiable homlcido , and not a inur dor for which ho should ho made to suij for the full penalty uf the laxv. .Jiidf , ' " Kxiilaln , , C'ouiiHol Well , your honor , a xxlt noesos have faot forth here , my client f an editor , ir. a loading t-ditorlal , xvrit ten for his paper the day before the Mini WIIH klllpd , ho epoUo of the boothinf , ' o | foul of music on the Havago breast. I h man xvho miL'ht ho the plalntlir In th- ciibo if ho wore still nllvo. your honor bet it up "iivornyo boast , " and it * > o | poarcd in priak