Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1892, Part One, Page 3, Image 3

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Politicil RalHts at KMTHSJ to End When
tbe Polls Opn ,
.11rmticr ot All the I'iirtlmV1II rnrnrtc
HID trrctH Mnmlay -nl"S-lo"r |
HIP I'orcp * Coinpsrr Nc-
l > ra k i I'nlltlfiil > > .
KnAnvcT. Nob.ov. . : , . -iSpcclnl Tele
gram to THE Ben. J-J % > enthusiastic repub
lican mcctim- was held at Darloy's hall this
evening In thn First ward. Norrls Brown
adiresseJ tbo mcpting and gave the Inde-
nenden's ' r.otno fooa for reflection.
A democratic rallv was held in the city
hall wl-h W. U. Oldham of this city and
Harry O Neill of Broken Bow as champions
oJ tbo caus \ swell crowd attended.
Monday promises to bo a day of political
carnival In the oily. 'Iho Independent will
begin a povv-po\v nt the rinu at 2 o'clock in
the afternoon. They will bold out. ns long as
possible \V. L. Urecno and Congressman
McKeiRban , with n numb-'r of smaller lights ,
will entertain the crowd.
The renjblicans have completed arrange
ments for a grand rally in tbo evening In the
opera nouse. K v. J. O. Tale , Joel Scoit ,
.lames Whitchoad tnd others will discus
the Issues. A train load of Hastings citizens
will bo hero , besides a snecln.1 train will
bring delegations from the towns along the
ICcarnoy .t Hlaclt Hills * road. Delosation *
nro nlso expected from Grand Island and
Loxlnglon. Two parades will tclto place on
tbo same streets In the evening , end Ibe
political stock of all parties will range above
CONCMJI > II : > is
I'rcinont tin- " " ill"I tin * Clnilni ; ul tliu
Itrpulillciu Ciniip'ilKii.
FiiBM'-vr , Nob. , Nov. . " > . ( Special Tele
gram to Tin : Ben.-Tha ' largest and tno < t
enthusiastic republican rally ever held in
Uodgo couuly was Ihe cioilnp ono of thi <
campaign held In this city thU evening
The strecl narado wa" linmenso so far as
enthusiasm und numbers were concerned ,
and conslited of the flambeau , bicycle ,
cavalrv nnd republican clubs of IJodgt
county with torches , romau candles am
banners. These were preceded by
the Fremont silver cornet band. Thej
inarched through tlio principal slrects to
Love's opera bouse , whicn was appropriate ! * ,
decorated with lla ? and Ihe "pictures o
Harrison und Held. It was crowded with nt
intelligent audience representing all polltlca
parlies. In lact standing room was at a
Hon. Oeorgo W. B. Dorsev presided
opened iho meelluc by a few vor.v anaroori
ale remarks. In which ho said Ibal If every
republican did his duty Harris n und Hour
olurarity in thin state would bo ir-.OJU. Ho
then Introduced Judeo Norrls who spoke for
about two hours. Hon. George D. Meikle-
jobn was Introduced and spokn for one hour.
In tno audience wcro many farmers
and independents who were favorably
impressed with the speaker's sound
republican doctrine nnd his gentlemanly
treatment ol these opposed to bis political
faith Tha people listened with great inter
est Much enthusiasm prevailed and the
speakers were repeatoJiy applauded.
On the banners \vere : "Stand Up for No-
brasKa. " "America is ( Jood Knouph for Us , "
"No Wild Cat B.mksA'atiled , " "Givo Us nn
Honest Dollar , " "Crounso for Governor , "
"Sprlck for the Senate , " "Calamity Howlers
Are Hunting Their Holes , " "Tho People's
Party is. Dooioed , " "Good Crops. Republican
Victbrv1 " "Crop Failure : , Calamity Vic
XU\V VOltK : iiUOCK\l'i DE-l'Klt VT1- : .
Ill-fir I.caileri Trjlne t i Incite ivil 1)1-
' pn < eil IVrion * li > I'uiploy Faroe.
Utvroi x , Neb. , .Nov. . " . I Special Telegram
to Tins BEE.J Chairman Cady of the repub
lican state central committee received the
follownmeloprara ! nt S o'clock this ovoniiijr ;
NEW YOIIK. Nov. . " : lion. A. I" . Ca'ly With
a ttul rupnblicun vote nil aloni' tlio line oa
Tuesday next you may be asuiPl of n more
pronounced republican victory than lias oc
curred Mnco the doldlnr statesiuuu. ( Jeneril :
Grunt , led tbo ticket In IsCS. Urivcn to des
peration by tilt * hupclosincvi of their cause ,
Ibe democratic I'oiiteuiint sovcrnor of this
Hate has issue 1 a prutliitnatlon iiic.t m orll
disposed persons to eruulor tnsurrofi onury
methods. Thu Inw ntildiii ? ueonlo of this
Btato will resent Mich an unpatriotic nppoal.
TIIOMA * II. C'.tiiTUii , Chairniun.
l/otis I" . MCCIIMAS . ocrctury.
llainlltiin Ci > iint.V Kill jr.
AintoJM , Neb. , Nov. 5. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE.J A largo and enthusiastic :
rally was held hero by the republicans of
Hamilton county today. Judge Lanslnc of
Lincoln and Captain J. il. Sleckel of Heb
ron addressed .v largo audieui-.o In the bra
bouso in Ibe nlternoon , anJ Ilan.W. S. Sura-
nets of Beatrice , J. A. Whitinora of Au
rora and lion. 1-1 J. Hainer nddressed ua
larger uucience this evening. Music was '
furnished by the Aurora band aud tbe Arlon
Glcoclub of Yoik.
The llambeau and torchllcht clubs gave a
Eploudld street display eliciting enthusiastic
The independents hold n rally nlso , nt
which Hon.V. . L Circen. Ucch. IJevrlcU nnd
Kdperton wcrn advertised to speak. Their
mooting was a Hat lailurc , however , and In
point of numbers nnd In enthusiasm could
not at all compare with Iho republican moet-
. ing.
l ) < > iiincrit : < t UViiIioiun ; : in Ciniilii ,
\Vi : t POINT , Neo. , Nov. 5.Spacial [ Tolo-
grain lo Tun BCD.J The democrats of Cum-
Ine counly held their first rally hero this
evening. They had borrowed for the occasion
sion Qlty torques from tbo republican club ,
ami these constituted Ibo entire number of"
torches Inbo parade. Tbero was un hpeulc-
ing and a hitch in the minagoment of the
parade seriously interfered with u * SUCCUHS.
Kvi'rythiug indicates n deemed wcakeuinc
of ino domocranc strengtn.
Uavliic , tbo independent speaker , spolio at
tbo court bouse Friday uvcning to a small
F. J SadlloK of Omaha spike upon tbo 30-
litical is uei in ibo Bohemian lauguago Fri
day evening. ,
V > ill llx in I.Ino.
Sr.WAim , Noo. , Nov. 5. [ Special to THE
Bui-J : Tbc republicans hud n splendid
meeting at Taniora li > si night , The Seward
Flambeau cnb ! and drum corps wont up
also a number of cituvns froai Soward. ,
The hnll was crowded , and many could not
cot In , The speakers were F. G. Slmtnom ,
Steve hancworthy. U. A. Uemis
Captain 1C. C. 1'aruinsnn , They ail mede
rxccillont speeches , mat of Coptali ) P
inson especially cTcatinc grou
Tbo republicans In thai part of the county
as well as clsowhoro , nro wide awauo , and
will clvo a good acTOunt of themselves . ou
In ( iiisn Uuuuljr.
DCATIIICC , Neb. , Nov. 5. | Soeclal Tple
grum to Tin : Br.n , | Tbo outlook for the
Oust ) rounty republican ticnot next Tuoda )
is very encouraging. The hoitsit campaign
ever { ought in ( ! jga county Is now drawing
to u clo = e , with ibo democrats and independ
ents nllled against the republicans. Tbo
republicans may losootio member of the lo ?
isluturo. but tbo remainder of tbe t cket ,
IrpisUUvo a d rounty. i as ur'ul. The
rounty will ( * tvo a big "insjorlty for Harrison .
and Crounse , and for Hulner , ropubllcap can
didate foi concrosi.
> rliujlrr Iti-puljlifau. ' l.u.t Hall- .
ScutVLtsit , Neb , Nov. 5.-.fSpccUl Telo-
pram to TIIK BEZ.Tbo | Bohjmisn repjbll-
cans of Schuyler and vicinity Ilitonsd to i an
earnest dlscuiklan of iho loading political
topics of Ibis ciinpiicn by Ceuek Duras to-
iilebt. Mauy Amorlciini were present. The
ofllcors of tbo republican club wore present .
and the Schuylor tiloa club assUtod In tba
klnglnr , bolug warmly applaudoJ. Mr.
| jurs held tbo mention of bis paople i for
nearly two hours. This is bcbuyler's last
rally , but by no nirans tbo least succaitful.
Ni'ir lUtikut Hrittrlro.
JliATKice , Neb. , Nor. 5. [ Special Teio *
gram to TUB BBS.I Beatrice Is to hove t
now ( < rlr U bank. The leading stockholders
' lot iho ont < * ri < ri o are Miio H Ver , W 1' I
Norcro , J K. Bjib _ O N Whetock and
uircne WheclocV The new concern ill
ccupy thf. quarter * shortly to be vacstoo
the Beatrice Natlonul bunk at the corner
I'lfth and Court streets. The llentr c *
S' tlori l will remove to Its now quarters nt
bo corner of Sixth and Court streets about
) ccmbr 10.
ro ri.uMSd > i I.KCII.
L'lly till en ( ' ! ( > ltryn' ( < Op-
nunrnt n ItniitlnItrcrplmn. .
CITT , Neb. . Nov. 5. ; bpclal
TeleKi-nm to Tun . .
Br.B.i-Iepubllcan ! en-
huslasm ran riot In this city tonight , iho
occasion being Ibo closing rally of
bn campaign. Messrs. Alien W. Field ,
John C. Watson nnd Will Gurloy
were ihe speanor . Nothing like tno
enthusiasm displayed tonight has before
been witnessed In this city. The speakers
were escorted to tbe court bouse bv the re
publican club , zouaves nnd n lonp procession
of citizens , headed by the band. At tbo
conrt bouso B. P. Kgan. tbo chairman , in
troduced John C. Watson as the first speaker.
Mr.Vntson root with an ovation , and made
a short aud tolling sneech. Ho wai followed
by Mr. Guriey. who discussed tbe tariff
and Mlver questions briclly and urged re
publicans to stand by the entire ticket.
Midge ' "icld was then Introduced and was
creeled wilh wild chcc-rv lasting several
moments. Mr. Field llrst called attention to
the pamphlet entitled , "Field , the Kncmy ol
the Working-non , ' with whlc'i ' this city has
> in llocrjctl todar. He said bo was willing
lo stand on his rfrord end only mentioned
tbn subject to suowthe conicmpHble methods
emploved bv tbe opposition. Ho gave tlio
Independents n livclv tojchlns up on the
preamble of their platform , which ho de
nounced as a libel on the people. Devoting
bis attenllon to Iho lariff , he showed how Ihe
prices of many articles have boon cheapened
bv " the Mclvintey bill.
"Talking of free lumber ho said there was
no tariff on logs , but as soon ns foreign labor
was put on these logs tariff was put on. It
is forelirn labor and not foreign goods that is
taxed. He said it was very appropriate that
Bryan should exhibit bis butcher knives In
Otoo county where ho was usloc them on bis
partv's candidiitn for governor. Free silver
was not a political issuobuta personal affair.
Brvnti was n free sllverlte for votes
only. This ho clearly proved bv Bryun's
silence on this in - -
question co-igri-ss aud oil
through his eastern spfcclios. Ho olro read
a letter from Hon. J. Sterling Morton de
nouncing free silver. Mr. Field closed with
an earnest appeal lo Ibo republicans lo stand
by the party wit ha solid front. All through his
remarks u'e wis : interrupted bv applause.
1 he meeting wus closed by Mr. Watson , who
paid a high trioule lo Mr. Field n'-d said ho
was Iho one man to beat Bryan. The tnoa-
inc closed with a rousing cheer for cacti can
Clo ffl tinCiimpiilgii ill Alma.
AI.MI. Neo. , Nov. 5. ; Spclal Telegram to
TUB Ben. | The Independents' last rally of
the campjign ivas held hero today. Mr. Ed-
gerton spoke to a fair sizoJ crowd. Not over
thirty Independents were present. There
were nboiit 'M3 ladies , tbo balance being re
publicans. Standing room was not scarce
br any mean * . Mr. Edgerton' * speech was
principally ou the silver question. Tbe re
publicans who are independents are going to
vote for Harrison and Held and will vote the
balance ot the indupon-ient licuet.
. \IIKMI ; ; IhiItulivmliiiK. .
Oni > , Nob. , Nov. 6. "Special to Tut : Bn.j
Hon. Cenek Uuras of Wilber addressed the
Bohemian residents of Ord on political ques
tions Thursday niyht , Tha entire Bohemian
population of tne city xvas present and ex-
nrcssod themselves as highly pleased with
his * neech. Ho goes from hero to Geranium
to address me Bohemian rcsid2ats there.
Tlin > 'cl-litior Unlil a Ciinrcntloii. Im : Can
not Scttlu H Sail .Matter.
Chicago Tribune : I hate people who
are not clean about their houses. ' ' said
the first woman.
"So do I , ' " said the second , taking a
cup of tea.
' 'Yes , " said the first woman. "I
called on Mrs. Flyaway the other day ,
just as she wasjsweeping the Jloor. She
rnndo u circle under the table nnd in the
middle of the room. "
"Sho never swept in the corner ? , eh'r" '
"She did noU Isn't il awful ? "
"It is awful , " said the second woman ,
"and 1 thank heaven that my house is
ns cleuu as a pin. ' '
"Let mo 1 ; 11 you what I saw Mrs.
Flyaway sweep in her .stove , " went on
the first woman.
"Just ns 1 called she was putting in
he stove thes-e things , gathered oil the
leer of cne loom : Three old spools , u
ot of fuz/ , some apple parings , some o'd
hairpins , n box of dirty candy , some
nails , a bird , eomo llos , some
canary bird seed , a cent , hair , six but
tons , matches , pins , needles , a lamp '
wick , coal dust , dirt , bits of rags , some
broom straws , three old letters , a piece :
of cabbage , n knife and fork , two lumps
of sugar , two old papers , a Key ring , isn
padlocl/ , and button hook. "
" ' '
"Mcrcv me !
"A pafr of garters , a lead pencil , two
photographs , a dozen tucks , three dead
epiders , a cockroach , some rice , samples
of cloth , picture books , a stove poker ,
dried ( lowers , n broken hobby horse , a :
rag , n rabbit , an old glove , und some
lace. "
" 1 ahva > s knew that she was a dirty
housewife ! Do you know what I will
do1" suggested the second wom\n : , with
rising emphnsi- .
"What will you do1
' 1 will never let my dear little Willie
plav there nny morel"
" And 1 will keen my darling Muudio
from her children."said the first woman
earnestly. You know \Villio and Maud
were playing in her pirlor todiy along
with her'snubnosed brats. Let'b cut her
at the social party next week , elf ? "
And ono careful , kindhearted , child-
loving houspwife will never know now
why tlio children of the neighbors do
not mnko her BO much work in the
Maybe it's just nsjvell.
MmiluiKt cut her.
St. Louis Republic : "Everything goes
by comparison out In Montana , " said ho
president of one of Si. L-mls' big er
mines , "Once a well known character
named Mnckay was asked by n lady
vleiting the west if the weather did no't
occasionally become intensely cold.
" 'Oh , yes , ' ho replied , 'it gets right
sharp hero soinolimes. '
" 'Well , ' persisted the lady , 'liow cold
does it golV
" 'That depends , ' ho nnswereJ , eva
sively. 'Now , today is wh'U wo miners ;
call a "iie-sliirl day. When the weather
gct-i colder It's w two-shirt day , and
when the blizzards come there are three-
eliirt days. '
"Tlio Indy was much mystified until 1 I
explained to her the habit of the miners
of putting on ono or two shirts above
another , according to the temperature. '
Oruvcjuril Kll'iurttc.
The origin of the custom of burying
pooplu with their heads to the west il
unknown. From nges back races in ill i
parts of th" } world have buried thclt ,
dead with their lieu-Jo to the wc t ; no
invariably , however , but with great
uniformity. I'robnbly the remote origin
lies in the belief of nn immortality nnd
n resurrection , typified by the return of
the gun ovcry morning. The dead ire :
buried so that when the time comes
they inuy ftico thn tun , which will wnko
thorn. The first p.istorof the church nt
Krttthfttnpton , N . Y. , it may ba remarked -
marked , directed thnt ho bo buried with
ills head to the east , so that ut the res
urrection ho mii'ht face his congregit-
tlon ; but so general is the custom of
burying with the head to the west tint
this dirontlon is noted as un instance of (
the mlnister'b eccentricity.
Nut III lluil llrallli.
Brw.ixuTOv , la. , Nov. 5. The -report that
Ex-overaor ( ! Gear , republican candidate of
the First Congressional district , 1 $ decor ;
ously ill ii uutrue. lie is la excelloat he-mb.
Wajne Scores OD of the Gmtost Bailies
of the Ottrmign.
liltrmtlni ; Coiijnrl ! nti Dr.iun to tlif
( Jlorj- > t tlui I'Hrljol t'rnlrrtluiT
llnir ihr Ilrinocr.iU Iliuxllril
UIP .MrKlnlPjItlll. .
tt't-rvn. Neo. . Nov. .V rSpeclai Ttlcgram
to Tin : BEE ; This has been republican diy
in Wayne. Hon. LorenzoUrounso addressed
nn audience of 2KK ) peoploatlheopsra house
this afternoon and evening ixnJ Many people
tvero unable to gain ndtr.lltanca. A
tore-blight provision wiih 40J men
and a ladies club in line was
participated In by cliib from U'aKofleld.
Carroll and Emerson that came In on special
train ; , the \Vayno club and band and dele
gation from the country. As the parade
and couiitsrmirchid throa , : * !
tbu streets cbenr after cheer ran ? out.
Never na there been ai much
cnttnulasm sho'vi.m northeastern Nebraska
before. Judge Crounso spoxe In u bapnv
strain from tbc beginning. paying a beauti
ful tribute to this croat cnmnionweul'b , Mat-
Inrtbat bo bad * traveled ail over the Mi.te ,
ano bmi tailed to llnd the calamity that ho ban
board so touch about from the party
of cyclones , chinch bugs , drunlbs. etc. The
speech was intertnincled hcreand th re with
German sentences which were translated
Into Kngli&h.
During the day the democrats had circu
lated a little dodger upon which was printed
u-ider the title of "The McKinlov Bill and
the Farmer1 the following : "Wheat sold In
\Vnyno a year ago for 72 cants. Wheat sells
in U'uvoo today fnrIs cents. "
The spoukcr referred to the circular ,
stating thai if there was a parson in the
Irmso who could prove to him that by re
pealing the McKinlcy bill the price of
wheat , would ralso to T * ! cents tn Aayno he
would vote the democratic ticKet.
Allot hrr Vloxr ol tlu 'Matter.
Mr. Crounso llici produced another cir
cular that had bjen issued later. which was
entitled , 'The McKlulet- Bill and ttv.
Farmer. i " U said that hoes sold in Wayne
n year ago for fit. 50 am' ' sell here now for
H. ' < 9 and tbo nuaience cheered. Thn spsnker
proceeded to show how in fact thnt the
price of porn had been Increased through the
reciprocity clause in theMcKinley bill. The
dodger further stated that potatoes sold for
201 cents a bushel In Wavne a year ago , but
now tell for Jt , and Judge Crounso said that
ani lunatic knows that it U the shortage in
the crop and not the McKmley bill that
makes the price , the same as the over-pro
duction ot wheat decreases the price. The
speaker was frequently applauded. At the
close the chairman requested all the
republicans to rise to their feet
and out ot the vast audience fullv three-
fourths sprang up , and then such rousing
cheers as were given have never be.-n heard
oefore in Wayno. A caretul noli of Wayne
county gives the republicans 171 rcpuoli'can
JNtiri.Nuixi.s I > IS.MTOINTI : .
Tlu-lr J.ut : Kally In Mlmlrn Wat H Di'lnlil
MIXIIHN , Neb. , Nov. S. [ Special Telepram
to THE Etc. I The
independents bad their
last prand rally here today. All through
the summer this day has been looked forward
to by the peoplu's party followers as the
time tbey would show the republicans what
a crowd was. The Workman has advertised
the day as independent cay since June 1.
The prand procsssion had by actual count
eipntv-seven voters in line and" there assem
bled in the opera house not more than 400 per
sons , of whom 20J were voters , beinc com
posed of men of all parties. I'aul Vander-
voort addressed the meetinc tellinc what b&
bad done for Weaver and FieU and civintr
what be termed the inside corruptlan of tbo
republican party. C. D. Shrader addressed
about 103 people who had remained through
Vandervoort's address. The meetiup wai a
decided failure in every particular and inde
pendents are sorely disappointed.
Tbo republican party made a splendid
campaign in this county nnd Kearney county
will giva the entire republican ticket a raa'-
jority next Tuesday.
\Vliilc tlir KepiilillcHiis Arc Knt lnlMiifttlc the
Iiiilfieiili-nti : > Arc l ) ) tr < iiinii ; < 'il.
YISKTOS , S. D. , Nov. 5. fSpecsal Tele
gram to TUB BEE.J The republican rally lem
this city last nlpht wa ? partlcioated in by
450 republicans , 3TO of whooi were voter.i.
The torchlight procession extended over
five blocks and Jour brass bands
niado music. The speeches made by
H. H. Keith of Sioux Vails and K. J. ( iam-
ble of Yankton were heara ly several hun
dred people and listened to with interest.
Yankton county will ; o repjbl.can.
Today tne fusioulsts have bad the floor.
They attempted a procession this forenoon
out there were only eighty-three voters in
line or 171 less than
wore In 2 similiar pro
cession two vears RCO. J. W. Harden rood
E. W. Fisli made addtesses at tne barbecue :
to a small oudlnnco. Tonicnt the rally closed
with a parade nnd danc ? . Jr toaay's demonstration -
stration was evidence of the strength of tbo
fusioaist party in this county the ronuDlican
ticket will be elected by f > 'J. ' ) majority ,
cpiililk'in ICiilly , ti ireston.
osXoo. . , Nov. 5. [ Special to Tne
DEE. ] Messrs. Vuil of Albion and Williams .
of St. EJwards addressed
a largo and en
thusiastic audience hero last night. There
was no torchlight procession , no sound of
brass bands or loud talking on the streets toad
drum up a crowd , no distribution of hand-
Dills or any special eiTon to secure a large
crowd , but there was a crowd , and
it was OQO of tbo most Intelligent
as well as enthusiastic
audiences that ever
assembled in the village of C'rcston to listen
to a discussion of political issues. The
sneakers were escorted from tno Clark
house by a large crowd of tto leading cm-
zens of Cresion and vicinity. SamjelJ.
Wheeler called tbo meeting to order and io-
troduced the .peakeri of the evening. They
described tbo pn sent political * tru > vle i in
the west and pave their audience their
opinions of the duty of every voier. They
analyred the paople's party platform and
compared the moral , political und materiel
ruin of that Instrument with the form of tUo
republican ? , wilh Us wholesome expressions
of tnanululness.
It \\n * St rlluc' > ( irratcftt ll.illj- .
Neb. , Nov. 5. - [ Special Tele-
cram to Tuc UEE.J The largest and most
enthusiastic republican meeting over held . in
Sterling occurred toniibt. Lieutenant
Governor Majors and John Hauck were tba
speakers. 1 bey were met ul tbe train by
Ibo S'crllns Hussar band followed by tbo
VOUIIL Ladies liepublican club and sixty old
soldiers and citizens. L'pon their arrival
they were escorted through tbo streets to tbe
hotel. In the evening a large torchlight
procession , beaJeJ by iho band , paraded ibo
streets and escorted thospcakers to tbe opera
bouso where 7UJ enthusiastic proplo were
entertained with solid truths. Everything
s all right In this county for tbo whole racial -
publican ticket ,
Al < ir M'lrj' Oilier.
GK&CI.EY CK.VTEII , Neb. , Nov. fi. [ Special
Telegram to THE BBF. . ] ( Jreeley Center bad
tne creates ! celebration of tbe year today
and tonUBt. Attorney General Hastings
ui&de a magnlQucut speech. He was fol
lowed by Hoa , James Wbltebeud , whoie
earnest manner and convincing logic won
nlm golden laurels sod rotes. Hoa. Matt
Dougncrty closed tbe '
cvoninp'i ineoiinK In a
brilliant appeal to bis fellow Irishmen. The
republicans will hear good reports from
Ores ley.
Lukt nf 1-aiK'u-ter'i Cam pa I en.
LINCOLN , NJV , 5. , Special Telegram to
THE BEE. ] The
republican campaign wai
practically doted as far as tbe city of Lin
coln Is coucetneJ tonlebt by a general dem
onstration ' of tbe Capital city republicans ,
'J he Harrison and Held club cave an excel l-
lent street display , while the Union Veteran
Hepublican club , Colors 1 republican club
I r.V I IbB * ev ral ward clMbs twrhc.oa'ed Af
ler tfco , parndo and the Ifrowarl-j Bobsnu'i s
1 hfiiii was fl.led with a Isrfcij nud'Cnce. ' Jesse
B Strode presided iirAA. L. Caldxvollof this
city was tbe principal ipe&iier.
Onpnf Sun rr.iiid c < i' < ItcMikinakcM llotilifil
nf n llHn.lirolnc Sum.
S\N Ftuxrs : ° < > . Cal. , Nov. ft. The fact
was disclosed today ttfttt Charles Kingsloy ,
the bookmaker , ua s robbed last night of tv.o
sucks containing jo..1X : ) In pold , Mivcr nnd
creenbaci1. ! Tbe sacks were abstracted by
sains unknown porsonjrora a safe In the
poolroom , where they , Had boon carelessly
placed. ' . , ,
I * rst race , three-quarters nf n inllo. for 5-
yea r oKi : I'rlnerfs I itrniniwon. . tiramloo
vet-olid. Chnnncr third Time : I MO.
J-eooml ruoo. onctn Io , for3-yt > ar-old : Wildwood -
wood won. r.s > eiitiza ; second , Santa l"o third.
Tlurd race , ono tulle .iml a sixteenth : \Vlld-
wooil won. L'jstro second , lllondlnu third.
Time ' : lil : 4.
1'onrlli i-Mi'n. one nnn onc-clchtli miles : Al-
iiumt won. Misty Morn second , xuitlaso third.
Time : Jt.VS'i
1'iflh rrtco. ono nd oiu-sl\tccntli i.ilic :
Ger.-iirtlne won. untlo Mills M-cund. Mrtto
third Time : I : ' " . * ; .
MMh race , flvo-uicbtlis ot n mile : filbson
won. Joe llarJIn second. Nipper third. Times
N.-.S . \ n.i. < 5 , Tenn. , Nov. V Today's raclntr
at West Side park was tbe seventh of tin full
ineeiinr. A largo nudloaco was on hand.
The weather was chilly , the finishes oa tha
second nnd fourtn races were verv close.
Every race was won by a favorite nnd most
of the place hone * , received substantial sup
port , so thai it was an uulucuy day for tbe
I'lrsl S.IOP. so'.lln ; . six half furlongs. sU
tiiriBrV. : . I. . Munson i-to . ' won. White
Nose 11 tn 1) ) scorn 1. Klldnro third. TlnuI : I : ! * * * .
' ci'oiid rtico.ellln . ono inllo. five ktartcrs :
Alplioa oiU to "l ivnii. Uolilslone (2 ( ton sec-
ond."t'llhuuiiTato : It th'lrJ. Tlinu : : ! * . . .
Third race , linnillcnp , live and one-half fiit-
lons1' . five starters : Mali ! Marian t" to 10i
AVOU. Vml.i K il lo n second , l.osrande i.'l to 1) )
llilrj. Tlinu : I:12U. :
" 'oiirth race , hnnulcnp. ono tnllo and n fnr-
IR , llvo stiiiturViillini 14 to.'n won. lion-
llvru second , Do.llu McL'ono (3 ( to I ) third.
me :
Tilth i..ce , fpl In : , five furloiiRS. five htart-
cts : yuL-cn Knld to ' won. Miss Perkins
i second. .Maud ( . * 0 to 1 > 111 rd. Time :
lHt : (
\Vfht Points' Atltli-tlr Club.
Wr.M POINT , Neb. . Nov. . * ) . | Special Tclc-
Rram lo THE 15rE. : " ! At , a moellii ! : held in
luls city recently n club was organized to bo
fenown as the West Point Athletic club. The
lollowing oOlceri were oluctod : Martin
Ken , president ; C ) . L. Noibure , vice presi
dent : A. H. Summers , secretary : Joe Tum-
mend , ircusurcr ; Julia ? Thole , manager ; 11.
U. Deinincer , corru.sooadinc : secretary OUo
Kerl , Al Marks , C. Ouvetl , F. B. Alderman.
William Clancy , directors. The club will
meet at ICrauso's ball.
I'lchter" * anil IIIIMI .
Nnw YOUK. Nov. . * ; . Judce Newton has
cabled to Hall at London that Fitzbimrcons
has apreod to flcht Hall at New Orleans for
S4'J.OOil. The Coney Island club bid up to
f-l"iOOJ. but Fi zsiinraons refused lo II eh t at
tbo island. Jud > : o Newton has asked Hal J |
what tern.s he will make to lifht Cnoynski
Kansas' < irrjt Klrhrr * .
KANSAS Cuv , Mo. . Nov. 5. Kansas State
university's foot ball team added another
came to their unbrokun list of victorits to
day by defeating tbe team of the State Uai-
versii'y of lowJ by a score of 20 to 4.
Oumlm t'usllisl Kutirlcoil Out.
Boi-C , Idaho. Nov. S. Jack Williams of
Oiaaha was knocked outi in four rounds by
Bud Apniing , formerly of Ssu Fr.iucisco.
The fight wa ; a furioas one.
. \rounil tliu - > ui r Itall ISouril.
Dunpan and Shrivcr. 'old western Icacue
players , have already attached their John
riandcocks to Chicago contracts for ISM.
Bill Schmier Kaso Hassaraaerof the old
Kansas' Citv Blues -has reached St. Louis
from Sacramento , perpodes upostolorum.
Milt West "old clear sijn"-is shakiiB :
up tbe ice , wblskr. vermouth and ra
for h's old prop-Motors , Billy Betts id
brother in their Columbus booze emporium.
EUle Eiteljors , oao of SUaauoc'sold dis-
ciblcs.lhrew a base ball at his home at Green-
cattle , Ind. , tbe other day 31S feet and n10
ino.&es , and yet nobody wants him next year.
Just think of the recaption that will be
tendered King Gaff and Jack MrQuaid in
Cleveland next year. In the world's series
they never garo' the 1'atesy Tebeaus a single ;
Sam Crane , who is an old ball player him
self , over his own sic-naturo asserts :
"Ball players are , as a ceueral thine , the
most unpraleful people on Ihe face of the
Harrv Staley was Boston's most successful
pitcher" against the Cleveland- , but as none
of Selee't , twiners lot a game to the Ohioans -
ans it is bard to see where Harry's bulzo
comes in.
Frank Sclee , it is reported , will organize ) a
professional foot bjll team. He will not have ,
to go outfcide of bis ball team for bicKinc
talent. Anyway , that i > wnat the Cleveland
playtTJ say.
' Cincinnati turned out acre people tuts ,
year than any city in tao leaeue , " claims
Ken Muiford. Just what she turr.ed thorn
out for , however , tbe sparkling Mr. Muiford >
neclects to stale.
Dan Sltnrns , cays ihe Buffalo Express ,
will winter iu that citv , as ho plavod the
I pool f rooms verv successfully during ihu past
I season. Wonder how often Uanny bought a
ticket on the Bisons.
Ad ( iurcbert , IMUsburg's rotund pitcher ,
passed throus-h Omaha last Tuesday , bound
Jor South Dakota for acracu attlio mallards.
Slesuid ho would b3 back iu I'ittsUurg
lime to vote for Harrison.
Tom McVittio , Handle's chief clerk , and .
Kalph Stout's richthand man last summer ,
\vill roako a strenuous effort to resuscitate
ball in Omaha next spring. His plan i is
outlined In another column.
One week from next Wednesday the Na-
fonal league will inset in annual session in
Chicago. Tcero nro good prospects c a
monkey and parrot time and Baltimore must
have nor best It-gal talent on hand.
Captain Charlie Comtsuoy , sn chirps Hen
Muiford In the Times-Star , tnlnits bo would
lilic to live in a email town like Clrclevillo ,
O. , after his ball days are over. Well ,
Comtny , when do you move , tbia fail yell
Just think of it , even 10d Maurcr wants to
bo a pitcher and lias offered to slcn with any
of tbo leapue teams , ll is not our Ed Muuier
of icitaurantic fame , however , but a " ifl.i-
Eound six-footer from the rural village i ot
laltic , O.
Tbo Washington magnates offered to biro
Uus Schraeiz , of this year's Columbus toatn ,
as manager for the Senators next season if
lie would cut bis whlsiisri off. And do you
think ( iasiie would dp ill Nol much , he
, i
"Monty" Ward l . * .n . Canada hunting bear ,
while tbu bulk uf tbe great army of base
ball players wbo rernpined true to tbo gaiuo
during ibo year Johnny all but destroyed I It ,
ere hunting lu-cent lodging houses and free >
lunch stands.
"Pie1 Ward , fofmerly with Milwaukee
and Minneapolis , but lately wilh Iho Balli-
rnores , was thrown out of a bugcy by a run
away horse the other1 day and they say there
Is a deat In tbo curoitone where his head
struck big enough to hide a cboit pro
tector in. .
Jimmy Cooney has Jtjfcn reserved , or preserved -
served , I don't knovvyhicb , bv the eastern
league , In the meantime , however , from
this on unlil tbe begin to croak ,
"Snapper" will Blather la.tior over the chins
of the customers In bs ) brotuei't barber shop
down in Brighton.
Manaeer Hjckonbertrer is tbe early worm
that catches tbo lingllih snarrow in the big
league. Ho has already announced that the
Pittsburgh will assemble at Hot Springs
March 1 and get tbclr first square meal for
1S93. In April he will lane tne Smoke
Italians on a lour of the southern league
Fredericks Clause- bus landed in Colum
bus , O. , for tba cold snap. He tells the i re
porters there ibut bo doesn't like Louisville
sod may re mam la Columbus and live off bis
back salary next scuoa , Freddy , inouch , Is
possibly talking through that derby be won
on Billy Myer ,
"Spud" Farrhb , base ball manager
pitcher and all round athlete , wbo was
advertised through the east on bis late trip
home us the best Known man In the world ,
has just received a big box of cbest-
nuti from Culpeppcr , Va. He will crack
tbe most of them this winter down before
Candle's radiator No , there are no tidings
of his toUslc ? spark juit joawhile. .
\ \ [ A IlCJIflER
Oraab.3 Repnblicin Clubs Planning for a
Gmt Dennnrtrat'on.
I'trrj.Ma re hi ni ; l rcn lt' > ll"ii ' Omaha
\tlll , loln Hie l.pti'cue l MnkhiB HIP
n ! 5Urcr Notc ol tlic
Dylnp Unit Ir.
The republican league clubs * the rofub-
llcat-s ot Omaha and the repablle.ins ot Ne-
br.uka will close thu state rampalpn with a
grand rally in this city tomsrrow night , and
If the plnns as now arr.uicoJ do not fail. It
Will : bo the cran-leal republican demonstration
ilor ever witnessed in tha state. Kor some
weeks ( the member * of the SUto iopubllcan
league ; have been working on the details , bu * .
not until last night wora they completed.
U. H. Uiolson , the vies president of iho
state league , has bscn untiring In hU efforts
to make i the final demonstration a suceosj ,
and at last ho Is ublo to announce that all of
tbo gaps have been closed , and that on Mon
day nliht iho idei llui this. Is u qulot and
uninteresting campilf a will hi dissipated.
He Is propired to assure lha trjblle that tbo
exhibition of loyal republicanism will over-
shaJow anythluc ; that the people of the west
have ever scon.
Tbc closlnp of the campaign will consist
of a i grand itroet parade , to ba followed by
a * rally at fixposltlon ball , which will bo ad-
drusscd by Judge Crounse , Hon. T. J.
Majors , D. H. Mercer , George H. Ha'lings ,
J. L. I WebJlcr , John M. Thurslon , Euguno
Moore and other prominent republican ,
speakers , in ton-mluute iposchc ! .
* , VIII llufo n ( iraml I'.ir.ulr.
Promptly at 7:33 : o'clock the parade will I
format Elchteenlh nnd Farnani streets , with
the lisbt and left of the column testing on
Douglas street on the north and on Harnoy
street oa the south , aU divisions nnd dubs
facias west. Snould the space be too lim
ited jho Intcrsectinz streets eabt of Eigh
teenth will bo occupied.
The line will form in the following order
artl will ba under command of B. H. Hobln-
son , with John M. Thunton , inembar of Ibo
executive cammittee nnd ex-president of the
National Ifjoubilcan league , I. W. Linslnc ,
president , and Urud D. Slaughter , secretary
of ibo Slate league , the mmb3rs ol tbo ex
ecutive committee , Major T. S. Clarksou ,
Frank O. Brown , Major I ) . H. Wboelcr ,
Colonel Frank E. Moores , A. S. Churchill ,
John Kisiuisy , Georzfl H. Hastings and J.
11. Southard as his aide * , and B. Hisby ,
Louis LiUlefleld , John Lewis , W. H. Butler
and J. B. 1'ipcr in canrqe of Ibe several dl-
visions :
rin r ul VISION.
K\ccnUvo OflL'ers of tbo KepuMlcan jU.ito
Members of the Co-.inty und City llopublican
Central Cotnni ttos.
Llnco n Flambeau Club.
Llir.'o'.n Cadet It .nJ.
I.I ri coi. ! M-rrhln ; Club.
HUir HuDubllciin'lub. ( .
State ribltlni * repubiic-tii ciubs.
SECOND m v isi JN.
Daibey's Coune I HliiTs Cornet Hand.
Council Ilinlfs March'uu Cmu.
Harrivou Advance Uu irJs.
Thuriton Drum Corp * .
W-inl 1'lamocati Cult ) .
Ninth Ward Unlforinud Man-liliu Club.
W-iInut UK ! lEopublUMii i lub.
West SiUo RBDUbili-un Club.
Klclilh Ward Hepublican Club.
rouimi DIVISION.
Sontli Otnili : i riumbenii Club.
Union raclfio Hoa liiuarior * llcpuollcan Club.
outh Oinahii MurchlnC.ub. .
niTil iiiriiiux.
Seventh Ward Hani.
leventhVar.l Itunubtican Club.
Kourtli Ward ICcpubllc HI Club.
Tlrst Warl Marclilnz Club.
Sct'ond Ward Kepuiiiioan Club.
All c.ty flubs not otln.-rni'-o designated.
West Omaha Drum Corps.
Mercer I'nltoiinvd Ou irds.
? lxtlj Wird : March In ; : Club.
i-ixth Ward Mojinted Cmb.
llurrl-un UuarJe , Mounted.
nnii all clubs from the country precincts uf
the county.
Details uf the 1'arailp.
All clubs not on Urns will take their posi
tions in the line at ILR rear of tbe column.
All colored republicans will fall in itud
march witn tne Harmon Guards , in thu second
end division.
Ills expected that thorn wilt bo not less
than 5,000 republicans in the line , and every
man will carrv a torch.
All railroads centering In Omuba have
made an open rate of oae fare fur toe round
trip from all points within 100 milo of the
city. Tickets will bo on sale tomorrow , and
will ba good on all trains unlil , uuu including
Tuesday , November > .
Tbe line of march will bo as follows : East
on the south side of Farnatufetree. to Tenth :
countermarch ou the north siue of Furnatn
street to Sixteenlh ; norlh on ihe east
side of Sixteenth to Cuming ; counter
march oa tbo west side of Sixteenth
to Douglas ; cast oa the south slue ihof
Douglas lo Tenlb , countermarch on the
north Bide of Douclas to Fifteenth ; norlh on
Fifteenth to Davenport ; east on Davenport
to Fourteenth ; south on Fourteenth toby
Dodco street , di-bauding under orders.
Hackels and Hainan candles will bo ex-
plodcd along tbo line of march and red IIr ;
will be burned nt all street interseciioss
over which tbc column pjsses.
A rousing mseting was held last niebt by
the republicans of ihe Sixlh ward nt
Twenty-sixth nnd I.ako
streets. Announce
ment wfti made of complete prenarations
fora general attenoanco of
all rcpyblicans
of the ward composing the "Mercer :
Guards. * ' to be accompanied bv a lane con-
tiucent of mounted men for the grand
parade next Mondaj night. This part of
the parai'o is nn already assured success.
Judge Berlia in a happy vt < iu referred to
each of the candidates in n poetical manner.
He then exploded tbe "wildcat money"
theory of democracy by ant iliustraiion .
closing wilh a practical view all loyal cltl-
rens should take of protection.
D. H. Mercer was greeted with cheers.
His speecn was devoted to the tariff nnd
"money1 that cun't ba bold over night for
fear of discount equaling us face value.
Hon. J. C. Wbarlon , after loucbin ? on the
money question proceeded to road t > inure
"keep it dark" letters which have been ro-
ccived by various cluzsns recently , also
some "personal" letter. * which have been
sent in by tbo domocr.Uic nominee for tbe
council , whoso political convictions have
wavered in this campaign to suit tbo uncer :
tain stand taken at different times by
bis supporiers. Mr. Wbarton opined that
no republican need ever desert his manhood
by voting lor candidates on a platform i of
antagonlttlc principles In tbo hope ot cam-
inc n doubtful victory. He raad between )
tbe lines of tbo councliuianlo letter enough
to convince tbo voters present , that to main
tain iho rapid growth and prostise the ward
now has , the citizens cannot do batter ion
cast their vote * for tne return of Ian
Specbt to tbo city council.
Altentlnii , Swoiln !
Every HwedUh voter in the city ought to
attend the bwedUb-Atnerlcaa Political
club's meeting Monday night over tbe
Boston store , Sixteenth and Douglas. Valu
able Instructions bow to vote according \ JIUto
our new rotins s > stem will be given and
ssmpta ballots distributed. Members as
well as others uro Invited to be present ,
KepulilliMN Clu IK , Attriillon.
The presidents of all league clubs are re
quested lo turn out every member and republican
publican In the grand rally Monday evening
and report to me tbe number of men. torches ,
name of band and full dsta by Monday
noon without fall. B. H. Il niov ,
Vice President State League.
1'allliie un In ItecUtratluii.
Yesterday tva the last day ot registration
for tbo o who expect to vote at the election
to bo neld Tuesday , and at 0 o'clock tbe last
naiao wa > placed upon tbo books , Uut r&r-
llnl ro'nrns were teportol t the headquar
ters of ttio eouitlv central comm.ttce , on v
four of tha luuo vturA * showlnc up wilh
oompii-to figures They were ns fol-
Isws : Second ward , 3jij | .i Io of 142
ns corap.nwl xrlih the reglstrMlon of
lost yesr : Third ward , l.CIM a loss of 08 ;
Fourth ward. 2.7.V2 n inln of 181 ; Ninth
warn , 1,471 * a loss of 3.Y
A report from half of the precinct * of the
SKtli ward lndle.\tp.1 thit ib jr-3 wcnild be n
heavy cam In that ward , and the committee
Isoftha opinion thai iho total registration
will thnt of IM'l.
The : Cigar Makers union of Omaha has
passed resolutions verv warmly endorsing. ! .
B. Schupp as a candidate for the state leels-
The Seventh ward republican * will meet at
1212 Purk avenue Monday evening * at
shurn : , to march In n body to position as-
signed them In the parade. All who bnvc
flag of convenient sirs should bring them.
All of the monntod men belonging lo the
republican clubs of the Fifth , Sixth aud
Elgbth wards are requested to meet nt the
corner of Twenty-fourth and I.iuo streets nt
rp.H m. Monday to Join la the gran jparade.
Hugh Stockman , tno iudopndr _ candi
date < for tlio council from tbe SU.n. ward ,
called nt Tun Bnu ofllco last aMfj Vt Cenv
the rumor lhat he hsd given ilp ibo fit-tit and
had withdrawn frotn the councijtnanlc raco.
He said that ho was In It with the lenders
and would stay until the sun went down
next Tuesday n'lght.
All mrmberi of the Fourth Ward Hcpub-
lien club are requested to meet at tbo club
rooms in Tun BEI : building at 7 : 'U o'rlocK
Monday evening. November ? , for tup uur-
pose of taking part in Iho grand rally in
uhieh all the republioin clubs ot this nnd
surrounding citlos will partlclpalo. Torches
willie \ provided at the club rooms for ovcry
man : In line. T. K. Sudborough , president.
It 1 is earnestly desired that ovcry member
of tbo Kiehth Ward lltpublican cluu ns-
scniblo J at the club headquarters , Schrocdcr's
hnll , Twcntv-fourth and Cumlng , at < " o'clock
toirorrow i Monday ) cvenlnc. In order that
the club may march in a body to the corner
of Eighteenth ! and Fnrnam to take the nlaco
assigned ll in ihe Until republican parade
and rnlly of Ihe catnpilen. Torches will be
provided for all. J.imci Allen , secrvtary. .
The Walnut Hill Ninth Ward Ui-imblic.-n
club will meet Mo-idav cvoniuc with the
Ninlh Ward Kcoublican club at iho lauor's
headquarters at 'I'wenty-nititn nnd Fnrnam
streets to lace part tn the rally. Torches
will b3 furnished nt the pl.n-o of rtnde/voti ,
and ovcry member of thu olub is urged to
turn out" and take p--rt In the rallv. ' 1 ho
Ninth ward renublic.i'is should ba well rep
resented in the monster r.oslng n-puhlicon
demonstration of the campaign. B. Higbr
Null's of n Trip Dim n the .Missouri In tin *
Ill the current i juo of llurporV
Mira-inc : ( , .lohn A. Wyoth present *
notes from the dinry of Xnthiiniul
Wyolli of liis moinoniblo voyajjo down
tlio Missouri in IMli :
August 7 : "Camped on Groy H ill
river. Here I found n piece of ubptu
five pounds of bituminous , which
burnea freely. Its fracture was too
perfect to have como far. " Aticiiit II :
"Saw four grizzlies. 12 : Arrived at
Iir ? ( , Horn river.-and wi-.nt out to got
bull-hides to mike : boat. "
This boat xvns eighteen feet Jonnnd
was made in this way : S'cndnr wil ow
] ) oles or branches wcro cut and the butt ! >
forced n short distance into the ground
in nil elliptical shape , corresponding to
the . rim of tjio boat. They were about
oae foot apart. The ends of onposite
poles wore now b nt towards each other
until the proper curve fo : * the bottom of
tin boat was secured , nnd then tied
together with leather thongs. Other
poles and bi-aurhe ? were interwoven in
an untoro-poitorior direction until a
strong wicker frame was completed. The
skin ? of three buffaloes woe -cwcd to
gether with the thongs , and thuso were
laid raw side out upon Iho frame , to
which they were securely stitched. A
slow ( not blazing ) fire was then started
underneath the shell , nnd in this way
the skins were dried nnd made lo con ?
tract tight upon the frame.
In this boat on August 15 , 1SIW. a ?
companied by Mi. Milton Sublette , two
Indian lads and two half-breeds , Mr.
Wycth undertook one of 'those perilous
voyage.1- occasionally recorded in the an
nals of frontier lifo. The starting point
was near the fatal ground where in 3S70
the gallant C'uster and his entire com
mand perished nt the hands of Sit
ting Bull and his merciless b.ive. .
and not very remote from the
place where this unprincipled 6'iv-
age met n bloody end , December * , ISS'O. |
A thrilling description of this voyage
is given by Mr. Irving in Bonncvjllo.
Down the liir ! Horn they floated into
the Yellowstone , and thence into the
Miss-ouri. and on to St. Louis , travers
ingVvoming. . Moutann , Dnicola , Iowa.
Nebrafilui. Kansas and Misouiy | thou
sands of miles of perilous winding , ar
rapids , burs , dritiuvood , tnags id
rocks , requiring as much vigilain'o
to keep their frail bark from being
sunk ns to keep out of rille or n
arrow shot of the cunning pav-
ages who prowled along the banks. :
With all their fs.e
precautions of crawling
into the willows and dratrging their
boat after them at break of day , and
traveling only at night to prevent their
being freun by the Indians , they wore
taken in by n largo band of Crows' . For >
tunately they met with this rni.-hap rso
near to Fort Cass. n trading post nl the
junction of the Uig Horn and Yellow
stone , that the Indians , fearing to Kill ,
only robbed them , and allowed them to
Un August 21 : "Pas-ed the mouth of
I'owJer river , and on the --lib. struck
the Missouri. Here tlio bull-boat IV.IB
nband-ined for u canoe , or n 'pirogns. ' "
September 3 they came in eight jf
twenty-one lodges of Indians. "
. 1 im-
nifdintcly hnd the boat nut into a
thicket nnd fort'Hod us well as I oouid.
As soon as it was dark wo proceeded for
ward , with a high wind and cloudy sky. ;
All went well unlil wo wore jut oppo
site the Ullage , viien wo unluckily wont
aground on ( v sand bar. Hero wo
worked hard ior some titno to get otr ,
and had thu Indians soon or heard UK tr.we
could have made little resistance : but
they di < l not , nnd after homo time wo
got olf. These were the Aricaros , und
would hnvo tcalpeu uj. "
With all these daiigors the trip was .
not witnout its fncintitions. On Septem
ber 1. after tipping the boat , getting
wet , and then going nnhoro to dry , they
"floated through the night eleven hours ,
a bmiuliful still night , the Btillne- in
terrupted only by the neighing of lie
elk , the low of the buffalo , the hooiing
of the large owl nnd the ocreofhinf. of
tlio small ones , nnd occasionally Iho
flushing of n beaver in the water , " hoa
picture of wildness and solitude now
only possible in retrospection.
September 0 , Ib33 : " .Seeing nn oils on
tlio sand , killed him. Veiy ncccpttiblo ,
us wo had had nothing to cat tlnco yes
terday noon ; saved his horns fur my
best 'friend , Mr. F. Tudor of Boston. "
Kith : "Kan on a Band bar nnd was un-
ublo to extricate the boat in the dark :
the mosquitoes nearly murdered UK ! '
Soutoinbor 21 : "Passed Council '
nnd on September 27 the voyagers
reached Fort Leiivunworlii , Kun. On
the -bill this long ana exciting boat
vornpo ended t Liberty , Mo , who.-o
Mr. Wyoth took a steamboat iur St
Louis and the oast.
Tun Hunt is again back upon bit native
heath In Ashland , Peun. , and will proba
remain tlicro for many long moons to coino
so far us bate Dall is concerned. Dawn In
Cincinnati tbny ay that Timothy mutt be-
corno an expert iu the use of a pair of "out-
siJtri. " before be can ever hope to breuk into
the National isut-uo ugaln , and that too , ju l
bccauso 1 im broke one of the director * Jaws
with his tnisli for calling him a highwayman
cne div.
nncivr inv i >
Eoanlor Paddock Oroatos Unbonndcil En
thusiasm Among Fairbnrj's Oitirens.
. MIIIIC of tlin KtrMlrnt rr.tturr nl I'rrnl-
ilrnt llwrrUoii Kiiiiiucrntril lltin-
ilrc' < i of ltriiilillr.iii | In l.lnr
rinal .Srriitu ol tlio | uii | lcn.
Neb. , Nov. , * . - - [ Sooclal Tele-
asqra to THE Unn.J-Thls has boon republican
cal , day In -
. . . l-Vlrbury. Senator PaJdock wai
billed to address iho meeting and the proplo
turned out in force to gicet him Kndlrotl
cime Ilrst.vlth netrly AM in line. The Kina -
a Clty Omnhn train brought a similar
crowd and ihe ulhur precincts through the
county filled the city ai It ha never been
filled bolero At 1 o'cloclt the divisions of
Iho procession formed on Ibo Mreets mlja-
cent to the public square and moved into
line , headed by tbo Kur'iury cornet ,
band . and drum corn ? , t'arrlagcs with
the .pjaKers and rcceinton eonnnittou came
next , followed by tbo Talrbury Uonubllcan
club , : tj strong , the prcoinct dulecatlon ,
l-nalcott's bind and cillr.ns in carriajcs.
Tbe wagons filled wilh workm inen wcro n >
conspicuous feature ot Iho parade.
Aflrr ' .ho paruile the meeting w.ts called to
order in Siocle's hall , which was lined to its
utmosi capacity. Colonel * . * . J. tiil ; < t pro-
sided. Tbo chairman Introduced Senator
Paddock , who was received with an ovation
xvhlch toslttled to tbo esteem In wh'cli lie Is
brld hero by bis old neighbors. Senator
PaddocK was suffering from ill health , so
much so lhal ho had had been compzllcd to
cancel n dale at Sullou and rest bcloro
speaking again.
( Jrctit I'ro'prrlty.
ilo comtnpncd nis speech by cillnp tbo
Generally ! prosperous condition ol iho state ,
blessed with nnundant crops , with i's financial
cia condiliun holler ihan over Upfore. avcvl-
dcnced : bv lower rates of interest and tno
demand abroad for its securities , and
bv the public as well as private
improvement * nov in prepress of con
struction. Heferrlng to ibo tuonetaty
question , ho urged thu itnx | > rlnnco of
a system ot currency unvarying in vaiuo ,
favoring < bimetallism and not a uebsseil
currcncv. Mr. Ilarnons administration
was . highly eulogized and conslduraole alien-
lion paid io Iho wcrK bv Ibe Aprioullural de-
partmcnt , which is inora directlv connec'cd
with tbo Interests of this section ol tba
country , nnd the spcalier cxplaincu fully and
satisfactorily how the worki more especially
In the stock Interests , had bsncliicd tha
The tariff , the spcauer said , had become a
question of free trade entirely on one side
and protection to home industries
on tbo other , and on that question , ns on all
others embodied in ibo Minneapolis platform ,
be stood ( irmly and unqualifiedly , a ho work
of iho Fifty-first congress was 'highly com-
nicndeJ. More had been done ov it for the
nenetll of ino people in al ! rcpcct ! > than In
any other session of lhat bodv Ho paid
an eloquent tribute to Judge I rouuse and
the olher candidates on the state ticket , ana
predicted their election by an old tune re-
nuullcan majority.
.Mr. Hniuer , caudidata for coacres ? . nnd
the tiominces for the legislative ticket were
earnestly commended to the Juvor.ioio con
sideration of the voters of the district. The
senator's speech wcs frequently inturrupted
with aupluuso ana at Its close ho was
warmly greeted by many new friends as
well as old ones.
The day concluded with a torchllghl pro
cession , which illumined Ibe streets for
two hours. The Kuirbury corr.ei and mili
tary hands and binds Iram Hebron , DjyUm
and Kadlcott filled ibo air wilh musia. Tbo
Beatrice Young Mou's club hr' J a prominent
place in the lino.
lloir l.oc-nn .McIIoj-imliU ( Ivrrcli'irffl III *
St : t , ' fur Mllciif. :
Cuv CCVTCII , Nob. , Nov. S. [ Special to
Tun BEE.J Logan JicKeynolds of Clay
county , people's ccndiaatc for state auditor ,
Is writing letters to bis former consllluoncy
denying that ho charged the state four lirnci
as much money as be paid oat for railroad
faro to anJ from Ibo legislature two vears
ago. His ticket from Kalrlicld to Lincoln
cost him nro , which double would b *
J5.40. He charged iho state f24 milo-
ngc fees and tbe voucher signed bj *
him for thit amount Is now in
ihe audilor's oQIco at Lincoln He voted
for ibc appropriation of this amount to him
self , which was no more lhan others did ,
but there is no room for him to boast of his
honesty In the refusal of a piss and tbe pur
chase of a ticket , so lout ; as" the fart remain *
ot record ibut bo cbatgoJ the state four
times as much money as he paid out for the
It i p. McHciynolds u a fair i-x unplo of the
many weak , hair-broiticd men who huvo
rushed into tbo people's movom 'ut , aspiring
to positions of nsMionibiiity. . wuhout eny of
the stcrllnp characteristics that tnaKo thorn
in any sense representatives of thoii * class.
I i.iiT MotTH , Neb. , Nov. 5. [ SpecialTele-
cram to TUB Br.B.J Hon. T. M. Mirquotta
addressed a magnitlesnt an iionc3 at tha
court bouso In this city this evening. Ho
vas mot at tbo train by a rjuoptijn commlt-
lee of fifty old citizens who cam ) hero in tbo
territorial days and a warm welcome was
given tbo eloquent barrister. Judgn Chap-
man introduced the speaHer , who began by
saying that he was ono of Iho ttirto men who
met in a private bouso in the then village of
Omaha und created the lirtl organization uf
the republican parly In .Nebraska.
1)urine bis speech ho made some tolling
points against iho insincerity of the tiorno-
crals and independents and was listened to
with marked pleasure and interest. Al
though Congressman Bryan addressed a
meeting In Kocmvooil hall the crowds IbiU
went to tbe court house overt ixad its capac
ity and narabers bad lo go away disap
pointed. Another pet-u iar feature in com
paring tbo two meatinirs WAS ihe fact of the
crowd being hold by Hon. T. M. M irquotta
from opaniiiz to close wbiloan auJioico at
Iho iiryan mrotm ibinued out p > rceptibljr
ccfore be tinlsho : ! sneakint ; . 7'bu chausro of
sentiment bore i remurknblo and every day
incmiseK the prospect of ropubllcjin victor/
In this locality.
llu-lr rinul It.tlly.
Pi-iTTe , Nuh. , Nov. fl. [ Special
Telegram to Tim BurTin ] cnthusiasue
republican * bold n final rally tonight , Tbo
streets wore thronged with people to witnoas
Iho grand psrado and tbe op > ra house tilled
to ibo rafters. ( J. M. Lnmbertson made n
craii' } and convincing republican speech.
Tbo party is feeling morn confident and en
thusiastic aav bv dav and \vill ll ht the bit-
Uo to a tinisb. Calamity howlers are hiding
in dark corners in Lincoln county ,
CloM'il Mild H ( irriil IluinoiKtrutlon.
K/.KUOHN , Neb. , Nov. 6. ( Spsclal Telo-
cram to Tin : BEI-.J Two brsss bands , a
mirtial band and -M republicans up
the campaign in this vicinity tonisrht in a
prand torchlight procession and pyrotechnic
display. Tbo meolm ; was addressed bv
Cornish , Hicitetts and Alstedt of
Omaha and Noyesol Waterloo. Mr Alitcdt's
address whs In tbe Qorman lantrfage. Tbo
moating was a trrund tucccss.
e OniuurrHl DiNC
Neb. . NJV. 5 ISpcUol Telo-
grain to Tin : BEE. | Tbe democratic demon
stration in this city tonight , was noticeably
deficient in enthusiasm. Hon. T. J Maho-
nuy and Ucnorat Vitquain addre sod a small
audicnro in tbo Auditorium. The parade
and meeting was a uiicouragtni ; failure ( or
the democrats. Tno meeting aud piradoliaii
been extensively advertised as iho lust grand
fall } * of tbo democracy of Gage county. "
lriilei nilKiil > l.oiluic Intrreit.
Siwiiu : . Nob. , Nov. i. ( Spjclal to TUB
BRK.J Judge Stark of Aurora dollvcred a
spiecb ul the caurl bouse last nlcbt to a very
small audlenco. Tbe indapandaats seem 13
have ion all Interest In their maotlugs , ana
do not turn out to bear their speaker * .