Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1892, Part One, Page 2, Image 2

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    senators on thosaroodato nro : D l -
Florida , Indiana , Maryland , Missis-
Missouri , Now Jor oy , Tennessee , Vlr
IndVostVirulnla. .
Js , upon tbo rsiult of tbo coming oloo-
Jvilso aeoonds Ibo political personnel o.
ItventT-sIx senators lo bo olectoJ lo their
Ii al the some llmo the noxv president Is
l urAted , sixteen of them being elected
\ccood republican senators nnd ten bnmg
) d to Miecaod democratic : senators. In
states of Kansas , South Dakota
South Carolina the legislatures
i nnxt Tuesday will nlso each
, n senator to succeed the ono
Jio term will oxnlrn March 4 , ISO.I the
ling senators in Kansas nnd South DAB -
B being republicans and in South Carolina
flmliln Itmults In tlt Centennial .State
Kiiroiirnglni ; tt > llopulillciiin.
JBXVEH , Colo. , Nov. fi. All issues In Colo-
lo nro subordinated to the silver question ,
liety-flvo par cent of the domocralio party
( this stnto has endorsed the tlckol headed
I Iho Weaver doctor * . Tno fraction of tha
[ imooratlc parly that placed Clovolnnd oloo-
| ors nnd a state ticket In thu Held has with-
llrawn IU candidates for elcoiors so that
faro are practically but two tickois In Iho
| ild republican nnd populist. The work
the campaign on the part of the roptlbjl-
Ins has been to show to the people that
Iroildcnt Harrison U n better frlond
the proposition to fully ro-
lonollzo silver lhan Is any other
presidential caididalc : , nnd that ho has
liven assurances lhal ho will sign a free
folnngo bill , If passed by contjroj.s , The
liopullsls claim Unit thu only hope for silver
Is for the people of tlio silver ituto ? to vote
lor General Weaver , because his platform Is
llncquivocnt on this question , nnd lhal If
f.hcse states carry their electoral votes for
fU'eavertbo whllo molnl will command fair
fircntmont at Iho bandu of Iho next ndrnluls-
lirallou. The republican candidates for con-
Igrcss nro E. D. Coo in Iho First district ,
land Ii. II. Kduy in the second ; op -
I posed to Ibein nro Lafo Pence , pin
ftho Firsl , nnd J. C. Hell in tbo Second.
1 both democrats. The election ot Holi
jln the Second district Is practlcallv
conceded by all parties , and th" friends of
bolh Coo nnd Pence nro conliclonl of suc
cess m this , Iho Flrsl district. The element
of uncertainty U tbo result In this county ,
which contains almost ono-lhlrd of the
voters of the stato. The populists claim
Pence will doubtless como to this county
with U.600 majority , but the republicans
claim nil tbo wny from U.OOO to 4,000 here.
The ropublicnn candidate for governor Is
J. C. Helm , thi- populist camlldnin D. H.
Walto. For this ofllco J. H. Mnupln is the
Cleveland democratic candidate. Ho will
probably not receive moro than aGOO votns In
Ibo state , leaving the contest between Helm
and Wnlto.
The Weaver narlv claims the stnlo by from
,10,000 , lo 15,000. The republicans , on the
, other hand , .say they will BUVO thu stale to
Harrison , but rofmo to give nnv llgure.s.
Should Weaver carry Iho slnlo by AS much
as 10,000 the entire populist state ti'ckul will ,
no doubt , go through with him. Summar
ized , it can bo said thnt from conservative
estimates there is no doubt that Weaver will
Acarrj' Colorado , n democratic concrossmnn
" ' will ' bo elected in the Second district , with
, 'th'o chances favoring Pence , democrat , in Iho
First. Uoddnrri , democrat , will bo elected
jpdtto ot the supreme court over Allen , re
publican ; J. C. Helm will bo chosen gov
ernor , und the fate of the remainder of Iho
republican stale ticket , will depend on the
size of the majority for the Weaver electors.
In the states of Wyoming , Montana , Idaho
and Nevada similar complications exist.
Weaver will curry Nevada , nnd the olher
stales onmcd are also claimed for him.
Jlepubllcmi and Demount lo Claims Con-
cornliiK Sun Y < irk.
Nnw Yor.K , Nov. 5. The national cam
paign committees bavn practtrnllv concluded
( heir work , and many of those engaged bora
have trono homo to voto.
Unltod St'ates Commtssionor Duel was
busy this morning swearing In federal depu
ties to serve at the election iu this city. It
is estimated Chat fully 1.40J will bo sworn In
by this evening.
United States Marshal Jacobus says ho
.docs . uot know hosv many men bo will have ,
but that there will bo at loasl ono for each
precinct , of which there are 1,135 , besides
seine lo look after men illegally registered.
The now deputies are government employes ,
und presumably all republicans. Jacobus
says they will be nrmod In order to bo able
to enforce their authority.
It is rumored that tbo federal grand jury
ts considering John I. Davenport's charges
, and is about to act in the cases against the
. city offlcors said to bo accused of aboiling
false registration and colonization.
, ' As to tbo result In this stuto and city the
democrats say that HarrUon cannot come
down to the city line from the state with
moro than d.OOO majority ; that Cleveland's
majority in the city cannot bo loss than
(10,000 ( , leaving the republicans n majority of
only fi.OOO to bo overcome by the votes of
ICtngs , Queens und Kich'nond ' counties ,
' which liicludo Brooklvn und other Island
towns about tno bay. Tbo general estimate
of the city vote , bowovur , gives Cleveland
70,000 majority.
Tbo republican state committee claim that
Harrison will come down to Uio city with
1K,000 ) plurality. Four years ngo ItMIB
85,000. They claim tnero will bo n falling ot !
of from 15,000 toUO.OOO In the democratic vote
of this city this year compared with four
years ngo. bo they claim the state for Harri
son , and are linn in the faith tbat as goes
Now York RO goes the union.
riiinllnt ( 'liilmx n
GIIKK.NVII.I.I : , Mich. , Nov. 5. On. the eve
of election Ur. K. A. Nlcholr. chairman of
tbo people's party stale central commlttoo ,
bosissuoJ an nudross to the monioer * of iho
party in this utato , characterizing tbo pres '
ent politloiil contest as the moat Important
slnco tbo war. In It ho say * the people's
party Ii well organized In every county In
the state , with but few exceptions , and ho Is
confident tbat If the people vole us thulr
conscience dictates Michigan will roll uu ilrn
surprisingly largo vale fur tills grca
rofoiin movement. If our friends can
persuade 11 VQ tlomocrats und live ronubli-
uuns at r-ach polling prucinct to vote our
ticket , It will not relatively nffoct the olil
parties and It will add " 0,000 to our columns.
This will ensure , by uu even tielmlni : ma
jority , the election of Judge Ntm'lon , nltor-
noy general ; CJunorul Suhnefter , candlduio
for comnnsstonorof stuto land olllcu ; Ferris ,
Ynple , KIchardKou , congressional caiirtltliite. >
und a Urgu hiilancu of power In too legula-
lu round glvu u.s at least thruo electoral votes
for Weaver. This , without doubt , will oe ac
complished , but wo should inuko the election
co uniDbatlo ibat each and all doctors should
feel the obligations they hnvo assumed.
( Sicrclitry Sliourln'ii
INDIANAPOLIS , hid. , Nov. fi. Simon P.
Sheerln , secretary nf the domooratio na
tional committee , loft for Now York today ,
but has discharged tbo errand that brought
him west. Mr. bbocrln said that ho had
paired with n rupublicau nt bis bouio In
Lognnsport nnri would be In Now Yonc until
nftor the election. In answer lo n question
as to his opinion of the outlook Mr. Sheerm
said I " 11 is my candid opinion
tuftl tbo democrats will carry both
Novv Yortt ami Indiana mid elect
Cleveland. Of course I am butter
acquainted with the situation In thli , my
owu atalp , than In New York , out I huva
contldencu in what our leaders tbnro say ,
nuti they buvo no doubt of n sweeping vic
tory , In Indiana I have received -personal
reports from leaders inovery part of the
into and all agree tbat the party is united ,
aggressive ) and confident as it baa uover '
been before. I RO east with perfect assur
ance that the Mtnatlon tbcro Is all that wo
could doslro nd thnt tlcneral Harrison's
auto will give its electoral vole to his dis-
tinguubed competitor. "
I'roiu Mtllu Itliudy.
PIIOVIDE.NCK , H. I. , Nov. fi. H cannot bo
stated with any degree of certainty which
way Ubodo Island will RO next Tuesday ,
Harrison carried tbo state iu 18SS. but there
bas been , it la believed , a cbanga in the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pft. , Nov. 5. There will
bo flro pt > of proaldontlal electors voted for
L"ytxt Tuctday in Pennsylvania , nominated
oratlo , prohibition ,
people's anil socialist-labor parties. Penn
sylvnnla xvill Also elect a judge ot the supreme
premo court , two rongronnien-st-lnrRO nnd n
congressman from ouch of the twcnly-oleht
districts of the state. In audition n full
house of representatives of SOI members ,
nnd state senator * from the old numbered
senatorial districts , will bo chotcn , The
candidates on the stitto ticket nro us fol
lows : Judge of the supreme court republi
can , John Ucano. HollidnysburRb ; ,
Christopher Keldrlck , Franklin ; prohibition ,
Amhcral Orcgir , PhlladolphiM ; people's
party , H. n. McCombs , Newcastle ; socialist
labor. N. N. Christ. Plttsbunr. Congress-
tnp.n.nt-larRO republican , William Lilly ,
Maucn Chunk ; democrat , Alex McDowell ,
Sharon ; democrat , C , A , Allen , lOi'lt ; ilcmn-
crat , Tbotins Merrill , Heading ; prohibition ,
Simon H. Cha o , Kaslon ; prohibition. James
T. McCronry , Plttsbur ; people's party , S ,
P. Chase , Hrooitflcld ; people's party , O. W.
Dnwson , Hnuvor ; soclalUt-lnoor , J. M.
Damns , Philadelphia ; socialist-labor ,
Thomas GrunUy. Pittsbui-R.
Tha paoplo of I'ennsylvaula will ou Tues
day bn given their first chnaco of testing the
so-called Australian system.
C'lTtnlii of Suruni Doniu-
rrnllitutiil 1'opulUt Utiiltni ,
A , Knn. , Nov. fi. Kansas enjoys the
distinction this year , for the first tlmo In Its
history , of baing a doubtful stats , at , le.isl
so far as the national , eonenmlomi ! and lo/-
Ulutlvocnntostsaro concaruod. Of course ,
the republicans do uot admit this , hut their
extraordinary activity In the campaign and
their ivticonci concerning the true condition
ofnffalrs give ovidonuo of tholr norvoui up-
Fusion of the democrats and people's
partv has brought about this douutful condi
tion In Kansas.
Four year * ago Kansas gave HarrUon n
majority of 8,1,000 votes. Three years ago
tbo farmers nlllanco movement sivopt over
tbo state nnd gathered forua until the elec
tion of 1S9 > ) , whoa the party elected live out
of seven congressmen , throa subordinate
state olllciaU nnd n big majority of the lo.'is-
laturo , which unseated Senator Inu'alis and
scaled Souutor Poffor. The alilnnco Marty
slnco then has bsoi : merged into the people's
party , anil with it the democrats have joined
forces In the endeavor to overcome republi
canism. Tno fusion of tno twopirtioi has
boon complete , excepting in Iwo congres
sional districts and upon state Issues. A
faction of the democracy styling themselves
"stalwarts" bolted Iho fusion slalo tleltet ,
casting their lot wllh iho republicans , claimIng -
Ing that continuance of republican ruin was
protcrable to what tboy styled calamity
Thu rusull ot this fusion , If the democrats
nnd liopullsls nllko provo loyal to It , ought to
result In tbo election of Weaver electors , nil
tbo fusion candidates for congress nnd a leg
islature favorable to the election of n popu
list or democrat to succeed Senator Perkins ,
whoso term expires nt the coming session of
thu legislature. The bolt of thu state ticket
by the " -ilalw.irl" domocr.Us will probably
defeat the fusion state tlcKot.
HupublliMiiH Cnrlnln < il SIICOPSU.
NoUvtlhstundlng Iho strong combination
against them , ino republicans claim lo
have no fear of Iho defeat of Iho Harrison
( . lectori ) . They say that many republicans
who joined the alliance parly will relurn lo
their llrst love when n national contest is at
stake , nnu the fusion democrats will not
provo loyal to tbo terms of fusion , which
they nay , gives Uiain nothing for their sup
port excepting the privilege of surrendering
to the populists.
The tight for congresamon-al-largo has been
a very spirited ono. Ex-Governor George T.
Anthony , n union veteran , is the republican
candidate nnd W. A. Harris , an ox-con-
lederuto soldier , is the populist candidate.
The greatest difllculty wilh whtqh Mr.
Anthony has had to contend , has been
enemies in his own party , chief among them
bnlng IX U. Anthony , his cousin , nud editor
or Iho Leavotuvorth Times. The fusiotmls
claim Harris' election Dy n bic majority ,
while thu republicans maUo no claims.
The candidates in the other congressional
distncls are : In Iho First , Case Broderlck ,
republican , presenl incumbent , and Fred J.
Close , fusion populist.
Second district. E. II. Funslon , repub
lican , present incumbent , and H. L. Moore ,
Third dislrlct , Governor L , . U. Humphrey ,
republican , nnd T. J. Hudson , fusion-popu
Fourth district , Charles Curtis , republican ,
und E. V.Vbnrton , fusion-populist.
Fifth district , J. II. Burton , republican ,
Sydney D. Coolt , democrat , and John Davis ,
ponullst , present Incumbent.
Sixth district , H. L. Pouaan , republican ;
D. A. Fieeniau , democrat , nnd William
Baker , populist , present incumbent.
Seventh district , Chaster l. Long , repub
lican , and .lorry Simpson , fusion-populist ,
present incumbent.
The fusionists predict success for all their
candidates , und the peonlo's party claim Iho
election of populists in Hit ) two districts
where the democrats declined to fuso. The
republicans claim the certain election of llvo
of their candidates , the Iwo of whli-h Iboy
nro in doubt being in the Third nnd Fourth
districts. Tnoso districts are in the hot bud
of the alliance stranglh. and iho republicans
liavo big odds to light against. .Terry Simp
son , say tbo rcpubl'cnns , will be snowed
under by nn old-time republican majority in
tbo Seventh dislrict , while Ibo fusionists
claim thai ho will lit ) ro-oloetcd by un Increased
The cnnteU for the governorship has boon
nearly lost sight of In the excitement ever
the national issues. The candidates for
Kovernor _ nru A. _ W. Smith , republican , and
Loronzo I ) . Lowelllng , fusioii-ponulist. Tbo
fusionists , on account of the stalwarts bolt ,
make no real claims as to governor , whllo
the republicans nro equally rotlount. The
chances hcom tn ravor Iho election of the
republican candidate.
As to Ilia Icvhlaluro , the democrats and
people's partv Irivo fined in 10U out of liM
logi.slativo districts and in thirty-four of the
torty senatorial districts , They claim .1 big
majority hi both branches of the loglslnturu
anil their chums luivo not been denied by !
tha rcpubllunim. If the fuslonlsts should
carry tbo legislature tnore will bo
two senatorial candidate. ! to oppose
the ro-o'.i'cilon ' of Senator Perkins. Jerry
Simpson bus bocn luyinir rones for thn pUce
nil through thu campaign. JudgoJobn Mar .
tin , n popular dumocrat of Topuka , tblr.ks ; .rio
would hnvo : > chauce , nnd is undorstoad to
lo uoruing for the honor.
IN .iiASuiiisirTs. } : ;
IlomurriilH ConruilH thu llli'Utiiin of llarrl.
ton iirrlor ; lull Clulm tliu < jovt > rinir.
HOSTOV , Ma's. , Nov. 5. Massachusetts will
on Tuesday ohooso prjsldontial electors , 111a
governor and other stale olllcers , an oxecu-
llvo council of eight mouibors , thirteen members : -
bors of congress nnd a legislature. There
are four state tickets in thu Held republican ,
democratic , prohibition nnd people's party.
The people's party is not expected to ma
nny material break in tnu rands of the thrco
regular partial In this slalo. The vole of iho
People's pnrty candidates will not bo col
lected by tha Now York Associated Press.
The result on the presidential tleltet IS.Is
not considered doubtful , Tbe republicans
claim the choice of Harrison electors oy
about ' 'O.OOO votes. They think Ihu local
vote will reach : ti5,000 against UI4.44S In 1SSS
nnd oxpcul Harrison's election by " 00,000 of
iho total , to IT.'i.OOO for Cleveland uud the
balance prohibition and people's parly , They
claim the election of their candidate for
governor bv " a plurality considerably lets
than at tbo" last election. They usserl thnt
their canvass of tha aute warrants all that
they claim. Tbo domocratlo manager * , on
the other hand , conccdo tbat tbo choice of
tbo Harriion electors is probable.- , but there
Is , tboy think , a possibility of democratic
victory ,
Jlxiii'rl tn Hlnrt ltll rll.
Iu vlow ot the uncertain nttltuilo of n largo
proportion of oluotoral vote the result oil tbo
prusldoniial ticket may bo n surprise. They
oxpoot tbo election of Uovornor Kusscll for
a third term , nuii wbilo they do not claim
the election of un v of tha other candidates on
the state ticket tboy hope their candidate for
lieutenant governor will pull through with
tha head of tbo ticket.
Tbo prohtbitlouUts do not expect moro
ttinn ! i per ceul of tbo voto.
Since tbo election In 1SW the congressional
districts of tbe tuU buvo boon rearranged
by a republican legislature. Tbero nru tbir-
tcou dlstr'cts ' iu place of twelve , Tbo ro
publlcaui claim tb r i * no doublet tboir
success In seven of the thirteen districts.
The domocratn cncc > < do only nix districts.
For Ibo llrst lirao In n proildonttal election
vote * will bo crtst this year under the Alia-
trnlisn system.
Governor Hussoll's cimpalRnlni ; tours are
unusually suocossful. A republican mali
nger , close to Iho sUto committed , nns snUl
that Harrison will havoln lead Clovolnnd IS-
000 vntos to elect Hallr. It U dlfHcult to nnd a
democrat lo bc-liovo It potslblo for Hallo to
ilofeut Uusspll ; tt Is equally dlfllcull to Und
n republican outsldo of the party headquar
ters who is perfectly confldont. that ho will
do so.
I'rnm Cnri'fcll l' > tlni\tr : ,
A caroitil examination ot the condition In
the thirteen districts , with Inquiries , from
careful observations of both p.mios , leads to
the conclusion thattbocongiosslonai nlcctloii
Is more nearly in nccord with the democrat's
cstlnmlo. The eilltor of ono of Iho most
promlnont republican papers ot the Third
district considers thnt dlslrlot doubtful nlso ,
although tbo democrats mnko no claims hero
Following nrj the state tickets i State ofll-
ccrs , ropubllcilti For governor , Wllllnut
Hhilo , Springlloldllcutcnnnlgovernorloitor ;
Wolcott of Boston. Democratic For eov-
eninr , William K. Kusscll , Cambridge ; lieu
tenant governor , Jumoi B. Carroll. Spring-
Hold. Prohibitionists For govopnor , Wol-
colt Hamilton. Amhurst ; llouicnnnt govcr-
Lor , Kdwurd Kendall , Camtirldcf. Pooolo's
party For governor , Henry Winuof , Wnl-
den ; lluutonnut governor , W , J , Shields ,
.M\V voitic
V. lint tlio Stiitn Is Ktportt'il to li > III tlio
Cumin ; iiiM : < tIon.
Nn\v YOHK , No\f. 5. Besides the proslden-
llal electors and members of Congress , n cnlof
judge ot Iho court of nppauls and members
of the state nssombly , are lo bo oleetod In
Ibis stnto. Now York's nroout damnation
In congress ia composed of tweulv-
three democrats nnd eleven republi
cans. In tbo Twelfth district where
Hourko Cochran hns been nominated
by Tnmmany domocrnls , iho county
democrats hnvo named Arthur Dennis , anil
In the Fourteenth , where Colonel John 1C.
Fellows is the Tammany nominee , the
county democrats are running Francis llunt.
They nro th'j only districts In which Tnm
many nominees hnvo domocralic opposition.
The prohlbltlonlsls have candidates in nil
the . city districts , tbo soslnlisl-labor
party , hns candidates In nil excort the Sev
enth , nnd lha people's party has candidates
iu all except tbo Seventh and Ninth.
There will bo no oontosl for chief justice ,
because Judge Charles Andrews , tbo nomi
nee of the republicans , has boon ( indorsed
by the domocrnts.
Next to the eli.'ctlon for presldontnl elec
tors , mterosl centers in Iho coulest for iho
nssombly , because the now members will ,
with tlm senators cloctad last yoar. elect n
United Slalc-s senator to succeed Senator
Hisciick. 'Iho sennlo slnnds seventeen dcin-
ocrnts , fourteen republicans mm ono hide-
pondcnt republican. Tno ussoinuly Is com
posed of 1'JS members.
At the last session there was n rcanpor-
tlouinunl of the districts , some counties
losing and others ginning members , The
last assembly stoou : Democrats , sixty-seven :
republicans , sixty-one.
In Now York county the county democrats
made nominations independent uf Tammany
in most/ nil the assembly districts , but all
hnvo boon withdrawn except In ton , in
several of tbo other districts they
have endorsed Iho T.imninny nominations.
In thrco districts the republican und tbo
county democracy have combined ou Ihe
candidates. The republicans nave regular
nominees In all other districts. The prohi
bitionists hnvo candidates in all Iho dis-
tri-'ts and the socialist-labor and people's
parlies in nearly nil , The organization
known ns the Now York cloroocrnoy hat can
didates in iho two districts and has endorsed
Iho county democratic candidate in one.
In the Wyoming county district the demo
crats have endorsed tbo nominee of tbo farm
ers alliance. In Now York city Tammany ,
the county democracy , the republicans , Iho
prohibitionists , the socialist-labor party und
tno people's parly nominated county and
judiciary oftlcors , but the county democratic
ticket was withdrawn because It wns
fcarod tbat the running ol It might
injure tbo national ticket. The
heads of the tickets are : Tammany :
Mayor , Thomas F. Gilroy ; republican ,
mayor. Ed ward Einstein ; prohibition , mayor.
Joseph A. Bocnrdus ; socialist-labor , mayor ,
Alexander Jones ; people's nnd labor , mayor ,
Harry A. Hicks. Judge Giogericb , on whom
the domocrnts and republicans hava united
for judge of thn court of common pleas in
the city Is n clotnocvat , while Judge C.
Wlncon , whom they have united on also for
city judco , is a republican. Members of Iho
board of nldcrmou are lo bo elected nlso.
In Kings county ( thoc'.ty of Brooklyn ) and
other counties Ihroughout the stain , various
county officers are to bo elected. Amend
ments to tbe constitution of the state are to
bo voted on. The moil impornnt : provides
thnt disputed elections nro 10 bo decided by
the legislature in such manner as tbo legisla
ture may prescribe ) .
The returns nre to bo compared with the
vote for president in IbSS. Acoordlnc to tbo
ofllcial lo'gislativo nrinual Harrison's total
vote In Iho state was 0.7JtiS. : : and Cleveland's ,
( W. > . ! ) lij , leaving Harrison a plurality of
Ir. tbo stale outsldo of Now York and
Urooltlyn ure ! JJ2J ! oloollon districts. Now
York lias 1,123 and Brooklyn ( WS , making a
total of 5,000.
I'OIITI.VI , P | ( j 111' ,
HorentTroiiblm ivlth tlm Suttlor.i mill lliu
Cuttloinoti an liiiporlaut Furltir.
LAKAMIR , Wyo , , Nov. 5. The projont
political campaign m Wyomluir has been ono
of the most , singular over bold in Ibo state.
While Ihero was n grcnt dual of enthusiasm
two years ago ut , the llrst stale oloctlon , t
there hns boon n doiporato oarneiluoss In Iho
present l campaign. This year there hnvo
been fewer lorcbligut procosMoin , but
greater personal wet It. The Invasion of iho
state last April by an tinned force under
the direction and participated in by the
cutllomcn bus boon an importune Isstio tu
thocaiupaii'ii. ' The democrats have obarged )
Iho 'republican iiilmlnistratlou wilh con-
nivnnci ! ill the invasion , und , although ilu
republicans bavo claimed thnt It was not luu
political issui , they bnvo boon forced to moot
it to a certain extent. Tbo democrats ra
conducted au ucgrcsslvc campaign , id
by the people's party , with whom n coalition
wns formed by iho Democrats supporting
Ibo Weaver electors and Ibo populists
throwing iboir strength to the domocrntlo
state ticket , Republicans claim they will
carrv thu slaio tor Harrison uy u majorlly of
from 1,000 to 1,500 , and claim Iholr slate
ticket will bo olooioci by n majority of
trom TOO to 1,000. Kopubllcans uaso their
hopes of n good majority largolv on the Mor
mon vote In Ulntuh county. The. domocruts
nlso claim iho stuto ou Iho irround Ibul the
northern und control counties where , they
are Interested in the invasion question , will
go almost solidly domocratlo Instead of IIIV
ing a large republican majority as heretofore.
They also expect to carry Uintuh county o.J.V
tiOO majority , the same Ibo ruuubllcaus rene
arguing ou , The democrats expect to comn
from the north to the Platte river with iu
least iiOO majority , They claim tboy will
hold tno republicans oven in this end of hoBO
stutu and win by bOO majority.
It is quito evident there is u great obnngo
In the political opinions of thu people of the
stato. The puoplo's party U growing as hen
result of the silver question. Tuo stnto live
yeurs ago gavu n ropubliuan majority of
1,500. Nonpbrtlsans are of Ibo opinion Ibat
too contest will bo very close. The arid land
bill of Senator Warren of this state has boon
the principal issue between democrats and
republicans. This bill nITccts nil the states
of tbo arid region and contemplates tbo cos
slon of tbo land to tbo several states by ISbo
gnncrnl fiovcrnnient , with tbo condition tbat
tbo states reclaim them.
N , M. , Nor. 5. The cam
palgu In this territory has pr&otlcally od
und tbo voter * having made Ui their ds
ns to bow they will cast their ballots nex
Tuesday a forecast of the result may bo
safely made , which Is ns follows : In Now
Moxlco we elect a delegate to congress , u
legislature and county ofllcors for ouch cuunty
every two years , Tbo legislature will stand
House , fourteen democrats and ten ropub
llcans ; senate , seven republicans and live
Sjioculutlou In Muur , ler ny.
TitENTOS , N. J. , Nov. B. New Jersey wil '
vote for president , governor , eight congress
men , senators and sixty assemblymen. HIIn
r .1 Hrlk ' !
13S3 Clavolnnd "carried ihn stale by 7,140
phirnllty. In IHVJ Abbott for governor beat
Orubb by H.lS.'i.wiifJillty. The republican *
hnvo made a vigcU'Qus campaign , nnd there
is much speclllalfou'monp the lendorj on
both sides ns to whit effect this will have on
next Tuesday. ' " IJ
It Is conceded [ t.vipoth parties thnt the coal
combine matter will hnvo less effect on tno
presidential tlukobtbnn on the irovornor.shlp
nnd loslnlntlvc canirmlqn. For this reason It
Is thought from the | most careful estimates
thnt can bo mndo trial Clovolnnd will carry
the state by from S.XWO to 0,000 , plurality.
The Indlc.itlonVHro thui tbo democrats
w 111 elect four contrYossmon nnd iho repub
licans three. Thtf democrats will ulcct four
stnto senators niiQ'lho republicans four. Tbo
composition of ih < 5 assembly will bo : Uomo-
crals , ihlrly-four ; republicans , iwenty-slx ,
! MnJor Wurnor'fi Clmiicm
Tor tlia ( lovcrnor-
fililp ( irmvlng llrlRliti't- .
ST. Louis , Mo. , Nov. 5. Missouri will elect
n full sol ut stnlc oRlctirs this your. In nddi-
lion to full state and presidential tickets , nil
four parties vote for ono railroad commis
sioner , throe supreme court judges , ono
Judge for the St. Louis nnd one for the Kan-
sns City court of appeals. Tha people's
party campaign Iu this fttato hns not , boon n
vigorous one , nud xvhlla its vote Is
oxpsctcd to be larger than herolofore ,
its effect on Iho general result 1) not thought
liKely to bo material , though It Is conceded
that tbo democrats will sutler more there-
from It than republicans. The problul
tlonlsls are not strong in Missouri , nnd uro
nol InUeii into account by any of iho other
parties. The campaign for congressmen has
bocn warm , nnd lias bocn fought , almost en
tirely on the tnrifT issues , The recent redls-
trictlng of thu state gavu , it is supnoscd ,
fourteen ol the llftcon congressmen tu Iho
domocrr.ts , the only ex 'Option being the
Tenth , which lus1,030 rdptiblican majority.
There Is some doubt in conservative minds
as to iho Ninth district , whore u hoi , conlllol
between Clurlc nnd Norton , republicans , com
pelled a second convention in whioh Claru
won. Thn bilturnoi" Ihoroby engendered Is
said to have injured Clarlc to Iho bonollt of
his opponent. In the remaining dlstncl
claims nnd counter claims nro made , but iho
oslnnatcs , iti-blased ns possible , gtvo Ibe
nemocrals the pi-eforoncc. The chairmen of
tbo two stuto committees vlow the cnmn.iign
from thsir owu stumlpoinls and have Ibis to
suy :
Clmirmnn nothwcll. rcmtblicnn stntu
committee : "Tbo campaign In Missouri has
boon ncllvo on both sides nnd the republican
party has evidently recovered from the dls-
nslcri ot lis'J ' , ) . Thu indications now point to
n reduction i of the democratic plurality for
electors mid stale candidates , with a fnlr
prospect of the oloiitinu of Warner , repub
lican , ns governor. Ono republican is sure
of olecllon to congress , whllo four districts
nro In doubt. "
> lojor Snlmon , chairman of the democratic
campalcn committee , did not care lo give
nny ! Heuros , but assorted that tbo domocrnts
\vl \
would nil bo successfully elected by tilural- *
Uos largur Ihan iboau ot 1SSS , nnd lhat Iho
domocrnls would elect fourteen of Iho llfteen
congressmen and probably the whole llfteen.
ami DiMiuicrutrt Itutli KiiiiKUlno
ol'SlllTO 8.
NAS-IVII.I.I ; , Tonn. , Nov. . " . The campaign
iu Tennossco is y'lu unlly closed. The na-
tionnl cnmpaigi lias been much mixed up
with Iho slalo campaign , Ihcru beine four
electoral nnd stale , liekols. Tbo candidates
for governor nro l gter Touruny , domocrut ;
Ucorgo W. Wlti5.ed } , ropublicnn ; John P.
Buchanan , indoponclotit nnd ponullsf
Odwnrd 1. Earl , prohibitionist ,
rtio Drohibitlonistolo ' will reach but
,003 or (5,000 , nnd plays no part in
ho c.'limaios of any-ol' Iho managers in the
Iher parlies. Eslimalos of Tuosday's ro-
ult by Iho vnrioiis "stato committee's hero
how some variation ; " Tbo state democratic
ixceutivo commlltoc'hns bad four polls made
if the state , the la T"just completed , shows
Irnosi identical rc.iults. Xho last poll
ndlcatos n plurality of from.-10,000 lo
0,000 for iho domocratlo. e'lcclors , a plurnlily
3f 40,000 for Tournov , . domocrallo c.iailiduto
or governor , ovcrn\V'iustcd \ , republican , nnd
i majority oircr tbo ] opposition. The com-
nllleo nlso tiguros on a inrzo majority of
lemocrats in both branches of Ihogeneral
assembly. Thu total yolo Is expected „ to np.
M'oxtmato 03,000. Every concrussman , ox-
opt in Iho First nnd Sacond districts , is cou-
idered safe by tbo domocratlo couimiltoo.
At the ropublicnn hoidqunrtors Chairman
3uler .said that with a fnlr count Winsted
vould be olcctod. Ho expected lo elect republican -
publican congressmen in the thrco districts
ind Hi co Pierce , populist , would be elected
n tbo Ninth. Thu legislature was uncor-
nln , but the republicans would gain in both
bouses and ho vvns disposed lo bolluvo Iho
democrnls would not control it. Closer osil-
mntcs bo declined to give.
The populist headquarters looked for 250-
flO votes ubout equally divided between
Tourney Buchannn and Wmstcd , with
chances favornolo to Buchanan. For presl-
dent.'Clovclnnd would have 108,000 , Ham-
son 9J.OOO nnd Weaver 52DIM. , Kcnublicaii
cor.grossmon would bo chosen in Uio First ,
Second nnd Third districts nud populists in
bo Ninth nud Tonlji with eood chances in
ho Fo'jrtn. Fiflh nnd Seventh. Thu popu-
ista would have a mnjorilv in Iho lower house
of Iho legislature , nnd populists and republi
cans together a innjority in the senate.
A I \ MADIA'S VOTi ; .
Ai ytliliiK ti ) Itiwt Cliivoliind Si'rniH to Un
tin ) .Si-tltlinuiit TJioru.
Ala. . Nov. 5 Tlio political
situation In Alabama Is very complex. The
stale has been tbo very bacabono of the alli
ance , but it bns worked within tbo demo-
oratio parly linos. Last August , however ,
: he allinnco brolto nway from its old n fill in-
lions und embarked on nn Independent
course under the nnmo of the JefTursonlan
domocrntlo pnrty. This pnrtv has now
allied Itself with the ropublicnn imrly in the
state , wllh no avowed object/ except lo defeat
Cleveland. Undoubtedly iho
Ill-fooling en-
pondered in tbo last stale election has had
much to do with the present occasion. Thu
combination tleltet U known us the popullto
llckol. No labor or liquor questions
enter Into the unmnnign ; the slulo
olllcors have already been eleclei ) nnd
1'uosdny's election will bo strietly conlluod
to tlm choice of presidential electors nud
representative. * In congrtss. The points of
nterost lo bo closed nro lo Iho extent of tbo
the dissatisfaction iu the 6omocrntlu parly ,
caused by the attitude of Iho nUlnnca Not
withstanding Hie fusion , Iho republicans
still have a small tlckol of presidential
electors and congressional candidates nnd
iho prohibition parly , ntihough cutting llttlo
or no tlguro In inu canvass , hns also mndu
n few nomliiations.
IMIlH.YSin'Jll.K ! ' < ! I.vniATION.
iMilli-atlons Tlint tllri Vntu In linrik Will iln
ruor Tlniii UMIIIII.
Ja. , rtbV. fi. [ Special Tulo-
gram lo TUB HeivJ-vJl'ho lolal registration
of Davenport. concluijjd ) tonight , U 0,001 , an
incroaiu of 1,600 ever Duo year ngo and 1'JOO
over four years ago ,
Nnw Ojii.nvst ) , iJa' ' Nov. 5 Tno Time-
Uouiocrat's Snn Aiuoi lo , Tex. , special says :
Captain John T. BanrKo of the Third UnlloO
Stnles cavalry , In command at Fort King-
gold , on ihu inwsr IMo liraudo border , has
arrived hero to atttffd 'the irlal of iho Uarza
rovolullonlsts hojfiri ? the federal court ,
which will open Moijdav. Captain Houruu
stales tbat many oftuy ! Cjar/s revolutlonliis ,
who have not .votbcou , , captured oy tbo fed
eral authoritieshave brV-anlzoa Uiomselvcs Into -
to bands nfbrl andsand nro committing maey
depredations upon Iho peoplu In Iho unpro
tected sections of the border. Ho Bta'.c.-i ont
it is very urgent tnnl the Texas frontier nto
better protootod by United Stales soldlors.
Miintiiim Kuiuililiuilii ,
Mont. , Nov , ! > . Conservative
estimates glyo Montana to Harrison by voa
email majority. The republicans will elect
ngovorunr. Tbo bulbnco of tbo state ticket
ii divided bolwoon tha republicans , demo
crat ! uud populists , The legislature is closo.
The sonata will prpbably bo republican ,
while the popullsia may hold the balance of
power In the house ,
la Vlrglnm ,
HIUIIUOND , V . , Nov , 6. The democrats ,
third parly and prohlbliionlils all hava
presidential ticket * in the Hold in Virginia.
No state ticket U to b elected.
Oppojiug Forcjs iu New York Reatlv for
th& Election Conflict ,
Talk of llefyhiK HIP United Slnloi Antlinrl.
tics Is D.vlni ; ( tut ClnvMaiid'A < lr at
I'nr.tilD u r.illnrr Thr Itppitli-
llc.ins Are Very CniilliliMit.
Nr.w VOIIK , Nov. o. [ Special Telegram to
Tiir. HEII.J Now York , like tbo rest of the
country , closed tno onmpalgn tonight ,
with the fouling thnt Tuesday's ver
dict Is nl ready nmdo up. There is
still n possibility ot trouble , nud the pro.-
poctlvo ) collision batwoon federal nnd locali
ties ? Is dwelt on. The United Slates marshal
lodny nearly complcled Iho swearing
In of iho domity marshals and
supervisors who uro to do duly
election day. Governor Flowers bombnsllo
proclamation hns only caused n snillo. The
Tummany sheriff did not swear In today the
1,000 deputy sheriffs thnt ho had provided ,
Instead ho conlon'.od himself wllh show
ing Ibo tmdco ) ho nun ordered.
It was said tonight that the republicans
had fnirly succeeded In ibopurposo to which
they nddroiaod themselves months ngo ot
preventing the casting of n largo
frauuuluui voto. Tlio Tammany count
Is another matter to bo consid
ered. ' T.ininiany bus mndo preparations
to bail Its siupacts us fait us nrra.stod so
their votes iiuy not bo lost , .oven though
their dnpos afterwards go to prison.
It is announced thui representatives
of Fitch's
congressional coinmltlc--1 ,
which Is appDlnlod to inaKo polil-
Ical cnpitnl , will sit Tuesday to
near complaint ngalnst Davenport. Noth
ing could please iho chief suparvlsor bailer .
Ho will bo glnd of tlu chance lo RIVO soma
object , lessons in the necessity of federal ot-
ilccrs lo soctiro honest elections.
Tummnn.v's < lUiin .
Though the Tummany sachems made n
good deal of nn outcry , Ihoy Inink thnt tboy
will bo able to utilise some of Ihoir "nrti-
llcinl" strength , as they pleasantly call thu
Ilonters , nnd inoy rolv on tholr majority ot
election Inspcclors , which they hnvo iu each
polling place , lo do iho roit. This U Ihu ox-
j.lanatlon of their apparent confidence ,
which would puzzle nn outsider who had not
scon similar displays just preceding election.
Whllo Tummany und Its machine naturally
1111 most of Iho spnco in Iho cily in Iho clos
. ing days of Iho campaign , Ihov gel nn exu-
goiMled imporlnnco. There is anolhcr factor
which has to bo taken Into nccount. This Is
the business element. Much hns been
hcnrd of this democratic business clement ,
nnd the parndo it hold today had
boon _ widely ttdvurtlsed us one of iho Inlng.s
which wns lo show how slrong Cleveland
wns in this clly. There were lo bo10,000 ,
even 50,000 , solid business mun in line , but
there wore nol 'JO.OOO men in lino. Four
years aeo the democratic parade was much
larger. If this means anything it means
thut there is something the matter with Mr.
Cleveland's business men's support in Now
York city.
Krpuiillranx Sunrnim-Iy Cniillilont.
The republicans have had no parade this
yoar. The ono they had plauncd was given
up because ot the president's nllliction. So
there ia no Hold for comparison. The repub
licans clone. d their campaign In tbo city
tonight by ri great nicotine at Cooper Unior.
which was addressed by ISx-Spenltcr Iteiul
nnd other lending men. Ss tnr ns tbo
indications from this and other meetings can
bo judged the republicans nro moro nggres-
sivo und moro numerous than thov wore four
years ngo. There sooma to bo enough to just
ify the message sent by one of the local loaders
to lloss Crokor toniuht , that If Tammany
did not look out the majority Mr. Cleveland
had In I8S8 would get away from him. As to
Iho Htuto outside Iho city iho republicans uro
absolutely cotiiidtmt that the majority for
Harrison will bo greater than that given him
four years ago.
Souili Carolina DtMii
Cniiti.KsToN' , S. C. , Nov. 5. It is ns cer
tain as anything can be Iu politics in South
Cnrollnn that the olcclor.U vole will bo cast
for Cleveland and Stevenson. There Is no
reason to douut the loyalty of both fac
tions of tbo democratic- party to
the national standard " bcnrcrj.
There is little room to doubt
thnt n solid democratic ; delegation will bo
sent to congress , that Is to suy , in cacli of
Ibo districts of the state candidates will bo
selected under Ibo numo of iho democrats ,
although In live of the r.evon districts these
candidates worn nominated ny the nlllanco.
The republican party has nominated can
didates In each congressional districl. The
third party bus nominated no can
didates for conpross. The ontlro
stale ticket , the electoral nnd llvo
of the democratic candiduio.s for congress
nro farmers ulllanco men. At the primary
election when these candidates were nomi
nated n vote was taken 01 : the prohibition
question and this Issue will probably bo nn
Important question at the next session ot Iho
Divlilud III Texui ,
GAi.vesTo.v , Tex. , Nov. fi. Tonight virtu
ally . closes the most exciting campaign ever
known in this state. Georco Clark loads
QUO wing of the democratic ] party and
is endorsed also by Ibo ropublicnn party
for governor. This faction's platform
Is directly In harmony with tbo na
tional democratic platform. .1. S. Hogg ,
now governor , lends thu other wlnu of iho
democratic ) pnrty upon : i platform containing
free silver , stnto ban Us und incoma tax
plants. Nil rent , HID populist nominee lor
governor , is running upon the regular partv
principles. Of the 40J.OOO votes
in this sinlo 100,00 nro ronub-
llcnns. Of Iho . ' 100,000 Iho question
Is how many will Nuuonl gotj Ho claims
1)0,000. ) If bn pots liO.OJO Clark probubly will
bo oleetod , as no lias 75,000 republlcan'votos
to start with , and Is sure to gut nearly ns
many democratic vote- ) , leaving tlio re
mainder of the democratic vole lo HoL'tr.
llofu'x men claim the election sure , Bolting
is at lltful odds , nllghtiy in Hogg's favor.
The presidential election Is all ono wny.
IJmv Olilo U'JIl do ,
CINCINNATI , O. , Nov. ! > . Besides tbo presi
dential elector's thora are to bo chosen by Iho
valors of Ohio u secretary of state , two
judges of thu bupromo court , n clerk
of the sunremo court , twenty-one
members of congress and county olllcers.
The populists nnd prohibition tickais uro
not oxpuetcd to show much ndvanco upon
last years vote. The hopelessness of elect-
ing liny member of congress and the ahsonco
of u vote for.-i legislature glvos no special In-
ducomott for u larco vote from either of
these parlies. While tin ) loading democrats
ihave at times claimed Ohio for Cleveland ,
there is no settled foelinu- that thorn will DO
nny change in Ohio. Tbo republicans claim
the election ol sixteen out of tbo U\only-one
Cullturulii Kur Kiipiilillrun.
SAN Fiuxn.sco , Gal. , Nov. 5. The politi
cal campaign in California has boon devoid of
the usual excitement nnd there has been very
little campaigning In tbo popular sense.
All four of the national parties
have nomlna Ucl presidential , con
gresslonal and IceUlatlvo tickets , The totnl
registration is ii'M,000 for the state , indi
cating that the popular vote will bo fully
50,000 In excess of tbat of four years ago
The members of the republican state cen
tral committee are conflduntly claiming
iho stale on iho popular vote for president.
Tbev aUo say that the republicans will elect
a majority ot thu tnoinbors of iho stale legis
U'U ' oii4ln All Itltlll.
MADISON' , Wls , , Nov. 5.-Tbostule of Wis-
cousin 1 * watched with more than usual In
terest uud will be , as tbo electoral vote of
the state is confidently cluluied br both
parties. The chief question this year
is , now that tbo Bennett parochial
school law Is no lor.gor an issue ,
whether tbe Lutbersu valor * can ba bulJ
by the rtcraocrntlo party. Holh pi rtios olnlm
Iho Lutheran voto. Thn republicans MB.VO
iouglil to remova any seruploi yet enter
lulnca by tbo Clemnn huihorsus
by nomlnullng Hon. John O. Koch ,
n , Gcrmnn Lutheran , for lieuten
ant governor. Mr. ICoch has mndo nu
aggressive campaign nnd hns constituted
ono ol the principal elements of strength In
the ropublicnn party this Should
ihu legislature bo republican , Sonntor
Spooner will probably bo ro-olnctod
to the scnnto of the United Stntos.
n | which event Koch would bo governor.
Tbit Is iho Koeb's
wny friends are talking ,
ind the republicans thlnit ho will gel n
urge vote In consequence. The contest bo-
Lween Peck nn.l
Spoonor for the governorship -
ship has bcou a mint spirited one.
Under the now appointment Wisconsin Is
mtillcd to ton coiTgrdssmcn. Tbo repub-
ICAIIS claim eight of thtse , anil give iho
domocrnts two.
.MtllllKHMM roiilrM.
f..AX < ixo , Mich. , Nov. f > . The supreme
court of the United Stntcs having sustainedor
the validity ot the Minor MdlstnotSt
c Inw , iho state of Michigan , for the
II llmo since Iho wnr will cast n per
tlon ol Its electoral vote for the demotin
cnitlo oaiidlduta for the presidency. The
stnto Is entitled to fourteen electors. Kach
party feels conlidont of llvo electoral votes to
vinrl on. wllh n llglulng chance In iho Third ,
Fifth , Sixth nnd Klghlh congroslonnl dls-
iricls. A strange fusion movement , prevails
throughout the slnlo nnd no man can predict
with conlldouco the rosull In llioio fourdU-
' While the democrats will corulnlv divide
the olcoiornl vote of the stnto.thi ) Indications
onUK the state I li-kot sooni lo bo favorable to
UK republicans. A complete state ticket Is
to bo cbotnii wllh John Klch , ropubltcnn
cnmlldnto for governor , und Allen Moss ,
democratic candidate.
i Outlook ,
P'pnn.\\i > , Ore. , Nov. . " . Oregon will vote
OH Tiiosdnv for president nnd vice president
only. The principal Issue Is the tariff and
up to a few days aim nouo of ' .ho
parties in the Held had piit forth spoclnl
efforts , Thu attempted fusion of Iho demo
crats with the people's party hns caused tbo
topublii'ans to c.xortlhomsulvos to bring out
n lull voto. TUG republicans claim they will
liavo a plurality of at least 10,000 iu the ) state ,
tind that they will oloc-t all four electors.
The democrats do not expect to carry iho
slate , butsav they nro certain toelocl Plnrco ,
Iho populist olootor. The peonlo's party
vote , ll is uclloved , will reach lf > ,000 In ih'o
late. .
Over ! ! 00 women nro now studying nt the
Hnrvard annex , ucd the freshman class ot
thirty members is iho largest In Iho history
of Ihu annex.
The attendance Ibis ycur l the University !
of Virginia It c-onsidorubly in ndvnnco of |
what It wns last yoar. The Incienso is
chicllyin the ncadmuii- and l.uv departments.
Iho medical und onglneeriug nboul holding
llicir own.
Among iho slu-limts of Iowa State univer
sity is Mrs. Stuns iSvans , the wife of n
lawyer nnd the mother of live children.
Uotli Harvard nnd Yale Unvo adopted the |
American laucungu nnd dropped the Liitln I
in printing tholr now triennial c.unlnguos. I
An uddltion of historical
momor.ibilla nn-
dors iho now Yale catalogue much more in-
leresting and valuable.
Tlio enrollment of htudonU nt the I.olaml
Stanford unlvoisily Is alre.idy list , against a
total of Ji.V.i for lastycnr. Many students
como from Canada , Japan and oven Moxico.
It Is iliiirb honor which hns bson conferred
upon lluuort A. Newton , professor of inatlie-
muilos at Yule thai of oloctlon lo IhoHoyal
Philosophical society of London.
Bryn Mawr collcgo has a larger number of
sluuents than over before. Two hundred
Htudonts have rogistered. lifly-livo in tbu
freshman class nnd lifluon grudualostudents ,
ncluatng thrco CJlrton stucionls ,
I'ollucal sentiment at Harvard hns been
nscertninod by n careful canvass , which
shows 1.1U votes for Harrison and Sit fo
Cleveland. Figures nro sometimes juggled
with , out ihosu speak plainly , and tell tun
whole aiory on iboir fnco. They confirm
President Eliot's recent statement 'that the
republicans nro iu u largo majority iu tno
Mr.Vinileld Hlako , who bus been heard
in sovernl of our churches , having .1 baritonu
voice of moro than usual culture , tins llnally
decided lo locale in Omahn und will devoid
bis lima to teaching music. Mr. lilnku has
had u wonderfully vnncu experience , having
sung in niinsircl quartet ns ivcll ns In era
torio. He was u pupil of thq Into William
Paoltor of lloston. Mr. Ulalto romcs from
Denver , xvhero ho hold a choir position with
Trinity Methodist church. His letters of
recommendation from Djan Hart , Dr. Me-
Intyro and other well Icnown Denver pcunlo
toalify lo A'r. lilnk 's ability. For Ihn pios-
cr.t ho Is located ut Nineteenth und Cnpilol
\VilI i\luinsl : Ills Surplus.
Dave AV'ilson , nn iown farmer , carne into
town yesterday nftunioon lo buy a corn
shcllcr , but ho fell by the way ° ldci nnd
blowcd In his casli nmong the ivonii'n In
the "burnt district. " Last night bo was ar-
re.sted und had chnrues enough piled up
ngninst him to nso up all the money ho
Intended to pnv for n corn machine.
The arresting olllcor Imd him booked for
bolng nn Inmate , for disturbing the peace ,
currying concealed weapons nnd for threat
ening to bbool. Tbo minimum llno.svili font
up to & ! 0 , nndVilnon'.s ready monov , about
$14 , will hardly foot the bill. So ho will
hnvo lots of experience und little money
when ho gets homo. '
. ' *
Next Friday'ovenlng , November II , the
Yountc Men's Institute will offer tlictr reg
ular entertainment at St. Plilloinonn's hull.
Members nnd their friends are ronll&lly in
vited to attend , A good time Is guaranteed.
rohtOllll'll SlIVIHK' * Ilillll > 4.
Ono person out of ovor.y seven in the
ITnitcd ICin > ; din In n dujHMitor in tlio'
ImnlfH , wliioli luivo
Hourly . 'WO,000H)0 ( ) ( lojioslta. To
this business clioro is u homli
BtalT of not fur from llK ! ( ) poi > oiiH\it \ tlio
London Ponlolllco biuil ; , of which every
nionoy order poslofllco in ( ircul liritniii
und Irnlnnd Is a briuiuh. livery
nmdo in any ono of the jio.slolllco is
warilocl lo iho I oiulun
Tlio local pofittiuifatur Kiinply talius ihu
oiifili and Koncls tt nji to Lonilon , niornly
onloriiif , ' U on lilb acoiinlK ! ! ainl on tin ; al
doposltor's booU. Tlio London ollico
kooj)9 an account n nlnsl everyone of
tlio 10,000 branch olllco/j. / Ifow yrcal is
tlio labor entailed will bn roili/cd ; wlion
it la Hlutod llnil in ono day IH many as
7liHSl ! doponllH liavo buun mndo ; Unit
liiHt your ! ) ! ) " , OI)0 ) uc'conntH wci'O oponud
and 701,01X1 closod. It is oHliniiitoil that
In the twority-llvo yuarn tlm [ ) ostollleo
bank sysuiiii liati ) K < C I In
lion fraudx and imu'cuiMcius liavo
amounted to only about 11 i.cnt for ovorv
AriililiinViodiiin. .
Tlio tonytio of ton ctilij ol ) the lioad ,
If your friend Id made ot lionoy do not ) (
out him up utono nioal. (
When your HOII'S boiifdU yrown it Is
time for you to alinvo your chin.
There ia no warmth In borrowed nii-
The mother of a mitrdc od maiifilooiis , ton
but the laothor of u mi.idurur
nwalco. '
Washington Membsrs ofi,0 , TartInoliuotl
to Endoraj the Niw Vapor.
At n Mpptlnu ( if Tlioir A nrli i1mi
Uiinrliiilo Thnt Tliny Mn l llnvitil
I'Vdcrnl I'litriiiiiiRK llcloro 1'iililni ; J
Siirli u Strp ,
filfl FoitiiTiiNTit : Srni-.Rr ,
\V\Minxtirov , D. C , Nov fil
| A strong effort to cstuohth a r.oinocil
organ has been mndo hero recontlv
Star Is Iho only evening pnuer m Wnshfl
ton and ll u noupnrllsan wllh , porlmpj
slight republican loaning. At u inectliiv
tin Jnckson Democratic ussocliitlon
night a mntion lo endorse iho new p
created n lively dUcusslon. There was si
opposition ihnl the motion was withdraij
The backers of the newspaper i\ro wi
see whether they will hnvo a dnmocraUoj
, ministration , lo bnrk them. \ \ hen they l\ \
the no ws noxl Tuesday th"ir t'ourngo
probably l ' potnr out , '
' ' 'ho following western pensions grnnl
nnHi reported by Tin : BKU mnl Kxamll
Hurenu of Claims :
Iown I : Original - linudt Oisnn. . Gcol
White , Sllns Streoier , Loreu F. \ ernoce |
John ( \ IJoed , Wesley L A : ) < , jroiso'i
Sheltnn , Kiliv.ird C. Mulnlx 'Viliiam
( inrrett. Addltininil llorai-o H Notiri
Jostjpu Freasi > , John Foemv. t imrliu
Crawford , Kd ar K. Ituoll , Ui ilmu llov
minors of McArllinr Sulk's , l-icro.isj
Albert Cave. KoUsim und increase
ward Foisemlon. Original widows , el'L
Mnrunrot A. tllckok , M.uil.ln ( .ildwl
Susannah Miller , Amanda A I oiip , Snf
K. Vnndvke , Mary W'liUors , C hnrioltr ]
Parker ( moiher ) , Martha ( Jorstich ,
ll. Hays , Uosottn Fry.
Soulh D.iltoln : Original Pater Smj
WililamS. Wyman.
M IsrclIunrniH.
Leave of absence for ono month , to t
effect iiuon thu expiration of the leave
aojotico on account of sh'ltncm grunted I
Is granted Captain lOugonc L. Swift as-
ant surccon. The nccoptanco of thn real )
lion ol Second Lieutenant U'irt. linhln
Fourth artillery , bus been revokcul by
Senator ! Quay has gene lo Beaver , Pn
vote. Ilo s.ilci before going ovrvtn
possible had hcoii done nnd ilia' Predict
Ilarrlson wontil be re-elected
Henj imin Uurfce , clerk of the dnanco ci
mlttec , who has been i raveling with Sena
Aldrich , toturneit to Waslilogton todiiy ,
SUVH that Now Yon ; will go ropublicnn
loss Tammany should steal it , and he is " re !
of . Harrison's election.
On Uio nDDilcatlon of Hnhriam W.
, wards for entry In the MeCook district ofj
land ' originally entered by William II/Tnv-
lorand , ' afterwards by Knwin ICivnp , t/iotll'ln
lo which Is In dispute , the secretary j of thu
interior . todav nlllrmod the cloclsloiif of the )
land olllco rejjcllng iho -
nppilc-ulon/ liu-
xvnrds. /
| John II. Hydn of the census olllcn'wont if
Omaha tonight nccomp.inied by Mrs , Hyit\ )
U'oollliirii nl tl'.n U'ni/ld.
Alpha camp No. 1 , Woodmen/of the World ]
broke the record nt Ihe regular meollni
Thursday evening in the mauler of tbo initial
lion of now members. iho first ol
tbo fraternal organizations to establish It/ /
liendiiuaiturs west ot Uln Misis ! > ippi , nn |
Iho work of Iho
order in the pis :
few incmtlis shows Hint tlie people of th |
city oellcvo In pntronizing ho'.no inatitutlonl
In oilier than mminfncturlng lines. At thj
mcotina Thursday itU'tit lifly-t\\6 mombcrf
toolt the obligation of tlm ardor , bri ; ; inir . . .
totnl menibcrdhlp of tbo canp very close icl
the 500 marit. Among tlui moitiber.i of tin
niinin Initiated \vcre Prof. A. S. Koo.l
\V. F. ijcnhart , T. Difiln , I'Vnnk Tlmmuton |
nnd , i. J. Cole , who c'onstituto thu
W. W. " quartet. Alter the service of Initial
lion the qiiartol rcnderucl n numbuf ot
pleasing vocal selections. Addrosscn wora ]
iiiadu by J. C. Hoot , founder of the order , !
Wilt L. Schism , G. W. Hill ami others. !
Committees wcio appointed to nrnuiL'o fo > |
HII ciiUirtalnuinnt which will bu ( riven Tuesday - ,
day ovi'iilnp , Novonibor : J , lo colehrato
nlliiinmonl of 500 members of thu oamp ,
banner manufactured by an Omiilin linn wili
bo iiroscnlocl lo tbu ciimp hy iho snvoroigil
llo'4 Sllipjllllg lo ( Illlilllll.
Mr. S. II. Hardti ; , ihu tonlor member of
Ilia linn of llnrdia , Campbell .V C o. , ' "as in
the clly yeslerdny with n largo alilpniont ot |
iattlc. This linn owns n vui'v extensive i
tie range near Uinuliam , Wyo. Heretofore
they have al A'jys shipped their c'nttlo lo C'hi-
ca'-o but. concluded
, ihuy to try the SontliJ
Oiu.iha nmrket , uud yi-.ter ! l.iy made thulr
Ili-si slilpinont.
, i-.uc
A. T. Crollln of llolden is a' the Avcndo.
II. C. Knssoll o' bchuylorii nt iho Arcadn
I'.ihvin WilkiiM of Chicago isit : tlio I'axton. ;
U. Li. Owens of Lincoln is at tin Mlllard. i
W. C. Klco of St. Louis i-i at the Murray. '
if. M. Culdwcll of Iveurnoy Is ut tliu Mcr-J
W. A. Ciilmoro of liroliun How is at tha
K. W. Oliver ot Kearney Is a guest at thoj
L. .1. Kedwoou of llualrico is .1 guest al Ibo ]
I ) . C. Adams nf Chicago Is a guesl at thol
It. I'1. Kniso of Chicago h a giifU nt thaj
l'A. . Hey of lira tut Miami i at lho |
A. K. ( Joudy of Lincoln > vis : a' iv I )
J . O. Pnltorion of Cluungo is rt-g - . ro J at ]
the Arcade.
II. H. Wallace of Toicamab i n t'uubt utj
Iho Dollimu.
.1. A . Clark \Viitorloo , In. . Is ugistdredj
Ihu Mcict-r.
Miss Flora AdieuIs at homo after a do- '
llghlful visit ol llvo months nt Su.iUu.
Mr. and MM. F. M. Unril of Muralm I-
Iown , la. , are amunu luu guests nt lee Mur
ray ,
Mrs. K , H. White , of 1SI5 Corby Htreet. I
departed vi ! lurday for an rxlondivl visit j
fvith friends In Tori'.i Haulo. Ind
Henry KoMintliiil leave ? tud.iy for Port-
laud. Oro. , where ho gout to Hike the posi
tion of booulfoopur in liii bruihor > furniiuruj
Mr. and Mrs. K. It'Jioiithnl of 'Ultimora |
stnrt today for for Portland to vifll their
sons , nftor s'i'jiidiiig i nn past ton days
visiting ihclr dunxli'er ' , MM Abe Muudlu-
liKi u"d SUHH , H , and M. Uo' > cntiiiii ,
Niw : Y < HII , Nov. -Spcc-ial | Toiegram loj
Tliu Uiil-Oinaha : : : W. II. It'Jiu
Plu/.a. llusliiiKS Nob. : .1. X. I'lurli ,
mun.due i'.o , III. . Nov. ft.
to'i'iiK | | KK. | Nebraska arrivals \VeIiIni-
Ur. Joioph T. Duryea ni.d wifu , Ne
braska. Lcluuil Henry ( JHHuii , Oinihi.J ; ;
Victoria Scipio Ktinin , Nubr.init.i I.rand ]
I'aiiltic J ( . M. White , llt'
Higliust of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.