THH OMAITA DAILY 1VRE : SUNDAY. NOVEMKHR f . ISna-STXTREN" PAGES. Q ir 10on on tnu tnli rj P NEBRASlii MANUFACTURING Taotorios Tbat Are Seeking for Location ? in Larger Cities. MIGHT BE EASILY BROUGHT TO OMAHA Ncnl of Seine United KHorl I.ooldnB Intrnrd tlin I.oc.ttlon of Kastorn Maiitifncturlni ; I'lants In Oinnliw ( Irncrat I'nctory New * . Almost every Jay word Is received that this or that mnnufncluriiiK o tnbllsuroont Is seokltsR a now location. Tbeso factories are for the most part old Institution * that nro located In name stuto a litllo cast of No- urnskn. Tney now find themselves nxod In some-.small town whicn has ceased to urov , xvhllo the coolers of distribution bavo moved nwny from thorn. A factory tliat Is located ut u largo business uonlor nlwavs has n cer tain prostfeo oesiaes ether business advan tages that are not possessed by the mnnufuc- turor of the small town. A ( zroat many of these small town factorlci hnvo built up n good business , but owing to the tllsntlvan- ta cs surioundlnR thoin there Is room for vcrv llttio fui.uro growth. Manufac turers rcallzo this and many of tnom nro looking for an opportunity to locate at n more favorable point. A very serious obstacle Is encountered In the removal of such factories. In the majority of ttiu small towns there is no opportunity Tor tbo snlo of the uropcrty owned by the manufacturers , and If they niovo they are forced to sncrlllce their bin'.dlnpa ana land , In fact about everything that they cannot take with them. Thcro nro n good many such plants In near by states HUe Iowa that conlu be relocated most miy llmo it the own ers could sco some wuy of maxlni ; up tbo loss Incurred by the abandonment of tbolr l > ropoily. A prominent local manufacturer comment Inp on this subject remarked that if tbnro vns sotno organized plan to assist in the re moval of such factorial Omaha cou'd ' cusllv Bocureiv number of very valuable Industries that would add several thousand tothoclty's population. Tlio speaker expressed himself ns opposed to tbo bonus system as a peneral tiling but that ulroumstnncos altered cases. "When a well established factory umployini : n laruo force of men can no moved bv simply iniil.-lng up to the manufacturer the cost of such a removal , it becomes a question worth considering. I bollove , " continued the nni.ikcr , "that If tuo Board of Trade wou Id put Ithclf in shape to lake hold of such mat ters nn unmuiiHo amount of good could bo accomplished for the city. I would not bo in Javor of dome anything to bolster up wind-broken concerns , hut lot all efforts bo con lined to those factories that would hoof undoubted value , to thocitv. Other cities In the west are doing something in this line and Omaha ought to keep up with the procession. I bavo In mind now a factory In Iowa that has made a great suc cess of its business but the growth of other cities west of it has left it sidetracked In a small town and U Is onlv a question of time when it will bo movcJ. bt .loo Is now ilgur- jnp with the managers for its removal to that oily. This factory employs lifty men and I know of another manufacturer that employs over 100 men wlin has told mo that lie would gladly move to Omaha if it was not for the loss tliat bo would Incur from the noaudoninenl of the buildings at present oc cupied by him. I would like to ROD some- tblue done In Omaha toward looking after such opportunities.1 I'uctory Fnots. W. O. Taylor , manager of Bradstroot's , says that if tbero Is one thing that Oniulm needs moro than another It Is a largo and commodious exposition building centrally located. Iho Morse-Coo Shoo have - company ar ranged that only Nobrasku material bo used In their new factory building , which Is now well under wav. The Htato institutions nro largo consumers of different lines of manufactured goods. iTho manager * of some of these institutions who nave hud their attention called to the subject hnvo commenced the practice of men tioning Nebraska made coeds In calling for bids lor supplies. Dr. Gillosnlo of the Ne braska Institute for the deaf "and dumb is one of the latest to declare himself in favor of tryiug'to build up tbe manufacturing re sources or the atuio by patronizing those factories already in existence , ana hereafter dealer * will bo aslcod to supply Nebraska goods for the asj lum. ,1. Bcckmnn , the cigar manufacturer , has omplcs of the tobacco raised in ' .his stale. The tobacco is onlv one year old and hence hardly cured , but Mr. Ueckman says that U is good stock. In bis ouinlon it has been demonstrated that good tobacco can bo raised in tlil& state. Tuo tobacco raised so far will jimlto a good Illlur and binder for cigars , but with a llttio moro euro and experience tbero > s no reason why wrappers conlu not bo pro duced. Tno Robinson & Stokes company nro pre paring to etilurfio their plant by the addition of a holler nouso. Tboy will at the same tlmo put in another boiler , thus adding very materially to their steam power. Tboy nro now employ ing a third moropcoplo than , they wore a year ago. ' .L'he Omaha box factory will soon have in A cow r..Vhorsopowor boiler to take tbo place of the Mxtv-horsu power that they havn been usiiif. This is ono of the factories that has doubled Its capacity In less than a year. U. R Xovons of the firm of ICat/-Nnvons company has applltid for a patent on an auto matic button boring machine. The manner of boring the holes In pearl buttons In vogue nt I lie present time is n very slow and labori ous method. The button Is held Inn clamp and tbo drill pushed against it. Tlion the clamp Is turned n quarter of the wav around und another hole drilled. A good deal of time is consumed In llxlni : the button iu place as wol ! ns In Iho operation of bonne1 , besides , it requires a skilled workman to do the wane. I ho machine devised by Mr. Novcus can bu operated by a boy or clrl ns \voll as by u .skilled button maker Hrlelly described , the mncuiuo consists of four drills arranged on u bugmct.t of a circle und perpendicular to a disc or solid Iron wheel. On this diso theru are n series of clamp * made for holding the buttons In place. As the disc rrvoivns tuoso clamps open automatically on tbo flido nearest the opotator , allowing the removal of the lln- Utiod button and the substitution of u blank. As the disc revolves around carrying tbo buttons under the drills It rises sultluiuntly to 1 bring them in contact with the drills. Tnui I four litiles nro bored nt the simo : tlmo In us mnnv illfTv'rciit buttotie.Vhltu tlio mncbino i has not been put to a practical toMinyetin I a factory It has been tried on blanks obtained [ from tbn Oinahu Button factory , and has | given every evidence that It would do lu I worlt In n niou Kntlsfuulory manner. It is I Bvlduni that a inaoblno of this kind would bo I of great Importance In otitton ninnufacuir- I Ing , as It would onitblc onu girl to do as much I ns four or mora skilled wontnion. I The Ouiutm Mlllhii. company Is disjilaying I a bnmplo of Nebraska winter wheat from I Heuvcr Classing that \velubs sixty-two I pounJs to thu measured buhfl. I { Secretary Holmes of OKI Mnntifacturors I assouiatlon \ compiling u lint of the emI - I iiloycs In fuctorirs for the purpose of send- I ing out Informntinn as to what goods tire I made In the slulo , und as to tliu udvuntage to I bo derived from the purchase of such eoods I In pii feienco to those of eastern nianufuo- I ture. I Tim now five-story brick building at the I foot uf CrufUBtroet , which Is to uo occupied as cortln f.ii'tory , is practicalv ! completed I uml iTiulv for thu macnliiei-v. I Thu < ieduoy I'icUlo romoany has Just re- Rcelvid two caski of olive's from .Savillo. J | Spain. Kaeli cask contaiQ ! > tvcn barrels of olives and tncv uro so laixo that oao of i mi iuulc : : < n gcoJ a ray lojo Tnls f.ictorv is unable at the prchcnt thuo to otitnin u sufll. ciont bupplv of rauilllux rr und Miiull onlni's from local farmcri rnd cuid-neri to keep up with the demand urd M lorcoit tu Jmport u ci'i-nt dcm frrro Amstcnium. Holland. .Nt'Urn Ui farmers b.iver.otyut learned tbo udvantaw of r-Uing plt-klu : I crop * mid u IH not ltvays an oa r IIIUIUT lo ' got even fiicumucro oiouch to'xuiiulv the denianil Nebruski ) groivn plrklrs > > r ? fully I an gpna as ttic ltiiK | > rtod and co-nnund as I much monpjr nt thQ factory , bu the farmers I are Mow to lalcti up Iho c ltivuiiott of nuw I crops. I lollcrt ) ninnufacturnK | mrtbcd-i nrn rj H | > - I Idly bringing Jntnusunul in thu m t bus I Deep roverdcd us wanto inuterlul. Fariuera I tiuve a ) j'regarded the oiutunl plant u a most nestiferooft weed , and take crest csro In eradicating It from their land. Stilt the InVi wood flourishes In the wheat fields of tno Viw U A Chicago flrra U buying the seeds of the different kinds of woods that are cleaned out of the wheat nt the olovator.s. bomo kinds that are snltiblo for the purpose nro M ut up In packages for bird seed , The mustard c d In separated and much of It finds lu way back to Omaha nrnt u ground up and transformed Into the various preparation ! ) of French and German mustard. Billow & Doup biwo put In n mattress making machlno that Is quite a novelty in Us way. The tick is pulled over nn Iron frame whllo n plunger packs In Iho excelsior or ether material used in filling mattresses. It Is claimed that there U not only n saving In tlmo but that tbo worlt Is done better than it can bo done by hnnd. Printers snv that Iho change In the express buMnoss Will take nwuy from Omahn the Wolls-r rgo supply store , which will mean the loss of about $ lr > 00 per month to the local printing establishments. The manager of the Omaha Upholstering company remarxs that there has been n great chnngo In the feeling of rotnll dealers toward the Nebraska manufacturers since the homo pnlronaco movement was Inaugur ated. Dealers who could never bo Induced to give even n trial order to bomo manu facturers now change over of their own accord , bcllavlng that it is to their Interest tu aid In the development of homo industries. NOUKUO , Iowa , April 10 , IS'Jl. Dr .t. II. Moore , DonrHlr : My wlfo has used aoout six bottles of your Tree of Llfo and thinks that she bas received greater benefit from It than any rocdlclno Rho bus overtaken. Yours truly , L. H. BffkiN' . Gon'l Agent and Treas. West Colteeo. Slnco receiving the above testimonial , I nm In receipt of a letter and checK from the Kev. L. H. Lufltln of Tpiedo , Iowa , April 2.1. to send llov. .1. W. IConworth , Orestlloo , Kan sas , six bottles of Moore's Tree of Life. For solo by druegists. > Mculrrn Woodmen. Thn Importance of the head camp meeting , Modern Woodmen of America , which con venes in this city on November in , does not seem to bo fully appreciated ny tbo public. Tina body mcots in biennial session for the purpose of electing bead ofllcers and legis lating for the order. The last head camp mooting of the order was hold In Spring- Held , III. , In 1SUO , at which time the mem bership was but ) - 000 , whllo the business affairs wcro in a most wretched state , the treasury being several hundred dollars in dent. An entire now set of onicors was elected at this meeting and some salutary lorflslntlon enacted. Slnco that tlmo Iho irrowih and prosperity of.tho fraternity have been simply marvelous. From r.i.OOu In 1SUO the membership has In two years Increased to 72,000 , n net gain of 30OOU , and instead of being bankrupt the treasurer now has n cash bnlauco on band of about JIOO.OOO. Trio Omaha camp have made extensive ar rangements for entprt < ilr.liiK the delegates , so that their business hero will bo notun- mixed with pleasure. Tuoiday evening a public ; reception will oo held nt Imposition hall , where .speeches of welcome to the dele gates will bo made by prominent state and municipal otllclu's ' , and every one will have an oyportunlty of becoming acquainted with the bead ofllccrs and the objects of the order. Thursday evening at the same place ao oyster supper and ball will bo glvun for the momurrs nnd their ladies onlv. ICvery- thlng will be frut > , but no gentleman will bo admitted who does not give tno password ut tbo door , and ladles to gain admission must Uo accompanied by centlcracn having the password. Royal Neighbors will , of course , be admitted on identifying themselves in the regulation manner. Wednesday evening the Uoyal Neighbors of America will exem plify their tloor walk before tno head otllcers and delegates ut the lml ! of Omaha camp In the Continental block. A special Woodman train will bo r'ln froi.i Poorla , 111. , wbllo excursion ratts will pre vail on all roads leadlnc to this city , und it Is oxppctcd mat thousands of wood chop pers from all over the northwest will Imbibe inspiration and good cheer around Omaha's live camp llros during the head mcotincr. Turouch the efforts of Deputies Thornton and Newton u ne.v camp was instituted at Tbii ty-socond and Ames avenue , October 2U , and last Thursday isieht a number of the neighbors from camp 120 wont out to assist In oxo'tipllfylng the work. The now camp starts out with a charter list of about thirty and the most ( tattering prospects ot .success. Two of the mon killed by tbo fJalton gang at CofToyvillc , Kan. , wcro Modern. Woodmen. Omaha camp No. 120 still keens up her well known rapid gait. Six candidates wore adopted last week , and it has run from that number to fifteen overv week for the past two or three months. The camp now num- bori IiaO neighbors in good standing , making it tno second largest in the entire Jurisdic tion. tion.Tho The following Is a correct roster of head ofllcers : Hond consul , William A. Northcott Urconvlllc. III. ; head advisor , H. C. Hedges , Lansing , Mich. ; head clerk , C. W. Hawes , Fulton , 111. ; head banker , U. C..Ink , Grand Island , Nob. ; head physician , Frank Swal low , Vulloy Fulls , Kan. ; head escort , W. H. Dawsoti , Slav ton , Minn. ; brad watchman , LI. H. Huaso , lOlgln. III. : head sentry , L. 1C. Meutch , Carey , III. ICojal Arcanum. Tbo series of monthly entertainments inaugurated - augurated by Union Pacific council 10'1'J ' promise to bo very enjoyable throuebout tbo winter , tbo intention of tno entertainment committee borne to vary tbo form of enter tainment , giving card parties , muslcalcs and dancing p&rtics. The order Is on the boom and there are bright prooiUos for largely in creased momborshln during the winter. Plonoor council still pojs along , the mem bers willing only to piy their monthly as sessments and quarterly duos. And speaking of tlm somewhat lack of In terest that prevails in Pionuer the following from Fraternal News is pertinent : If you have received all Did degrees of the lodge , and uro now entitled to all bandits , of course tboro is nn need of iurthor attend ance ut the meetings of the order as far as your own intercuts am concerned. Besides Uius dodging responsibilities nnd labor , It will give iho o who do go a chunce to shoulder the whole busmais and tlioy will probably appreciate the nrivlleao. U will bo imouuh for vou to attend tno session when thcro is to be u banquet or ether outcrtuin- ment. If vou do go nod have forgotten the past- word , ask some brother to whUpcrit in your ear. If he does it will fiuvo yo t the trouble of working in the ledge lo 11 nil out , and If lie dee ? not u will bcugood tcstof the brother' * fidelity to his vows It is the O. K. thing to arrive lato. Yon gel moro attention in this way , particularly if you enter tha roam when somu ono U lull ing und'wcai u ( : oed pair uf . 'J'hla will servo to divert the urolncri from toy close and failuulni ; ntteutiou 10 Utisui--bj and glvo tbbtn a short rmt. If ynu nro a member of Ibodopreo toiiu do not arrive too rnrly on tbo see-no , but tbo latnr tbo bolter. Paliencti is 11 heavenly vlr- tup , but it crows h.v exercise , nnd you con fern n fuvoron your comrade * by giving ihein tha opportunity for developing thai be.iiitiful I rait which is HO devoutly lo bo wMhed. You also help to Ir-ngllien Ihu session and give thti orcliustra a chance to play. ' Once liibluo tuo ussumhiv 'you are not ex pected lo uavnnv attention lo business mut ters. If you talk aloud wnilo tho't-ocrotiiry U roadinir , tboie nrj.ind you will no' , bj cai- barraabed' bv ntivthing thai ho mlcht say. The preriiding ofllo-jr will like It , too , bb- n.iiiio u give * Him a ctranoii to usc-hls cuvnl. Audwhuthlhi ) IHO of having r.nicer * if bomo of ibrin eaimnt oxphln the whole mat- cr over iiiMln wuuu you lind : i vote U to ba alien ) When tbn drsivc * n-e | belnu i-o.ifcrreil it ii u rood idea to bo rrltlcal. Always laugh ut miy in U'.nli i of tUojo uho nro lining thu wont. A Iltllo 'whuloiauio rmburrasitncnt will Inko down the prid * of then3 men. it will uhocmpUasi/ai.0 tbosn prj cntyour-auuotlor I ki.owlcdiid mid auiliiltM , ov < : i lutter than | you uouM do it bv tucUlIni ; thai part of thu i work yourself If ynur ciiOilntmiion Is loud cnnuub to rciu-h tUo i > .ir > uf Uic ojiidntato bo will ihlnk vou are lau-'bltii : nt Ins cxpctiso , nml you tbu. prciluro u drublo ofrct. \ \ licit iH eus ltiir unv question Uctot'j tbo j lolira nlvvuvn rjinotuhur thai , althouuli tlier.i ro nri-oa-.untv HVO sides , u IK only ynur iidJ ' ibiit can iios-ltly bi nclil. To 'rohkoour h 11101-4 tiuUcrs'iiml this ( la not beillute to I Hint ul tha ] > ur'nnnl motives of yoaroppo- ' i cut K. Ii 111 MIIO-TJ bear ol nny Important icoisuro ulucri nny coini baforoilio muotliii U' ui-il nut In an unixpcctvU aiipanratiro ut tlio it Isalwavs bent 10 speak of uu it > u iravd > ards , " Hratbuily love a'.wnyi engendered m thli way , not to t > t > cuk of It * being n conclusive argument against the sldo tnoy may veto on , It you live tip to nil this you will miccced in keeping yourself In prominence both in too lodeo Hnd out , nnd wo bnvo no doubt you will be appreciated nt your true vnluo by every other member of the frfttornlty . Vor- bum at unpioatl. Scottuh Mr. IlobcrlC. Jordan , il33 , grand nlmonor of the southern Jurisdiction , returned last Saturday from Washington , uhcro ho re pro. Rented NebrasKn in the biennial session ot the supreme council of grand Inspectors general - oral of the thirty-third degree. The meeting wns particularly harmonious , the fouling being that nothing should bo done toward changing the present constitution ns to llfo tenure ot oftlco until the centennial celebra tion of the order In Charleston , in 1P01. Thcro was n disposition shown to grant all concessions possible lo subordinate bodies end tno dues wore considerably reduced from the present basis. It wus unanimously de cided to hold tbo next nicotine of tbo council In 1MU at St. Louis. The olllclal report of tbo council , It Is thought , will bo ready for distribution within sixty days , when the fratcrs may sea what their representatives did for them In n legislative way. 111. John J. ( Jormun , ! 13 = , sovereign grand nomtnnndor ot the United States Jurisdiction , in his address before the meeting ot Inspectors general said among other things that tiiora wore IS ? bodies subordinate to the supreme council distributed over fourteen states , anil that the following il'Ms were elected sovereign grand Inspectors general (33 ( = ) in XoUraskn during tbo year past : Samuel II. Mercer , Adolph Mayor , Henrv Atwood Haskcll. William 1 , . Allison , Wondall P. Coc. Samuel U. Chapman , Elluu Wlllard Pionoy , AIolvillo Itocvus llopowoll. HiiTTlIk The Omaha lodge of Ulks. now that It hos .secured n Dvo years lease on the now rooms in the Postal iolegnfph company's budding , lsC looking forward to thulr occupancy with considerable ( Interest , The Klks tiavo had ni uphill tlmo of it for several years , but t seem to bnvo weathered the storm , and placid waters nro brloro them. The lodge expected ! to get Into tbolr new quarters by N 15 , but from prosout uppcnranccs it December I. > before the rooms nro ready for occupancy. .Myrtle iirK- | ) < . Nebraska ledge No. 1 , Knights of Pythias. bus been having good attendancennd plenty of rank work for some tlmo past. Last Wcdnosdny evening there was work In the second rank aud tbo members feel u pardon able pride over the .successful manner in which thu work was done. Visiting mem bers will always bo welcomed nnv Wednes day evening at their hall in the Pnstou block. _ A. ( > U.V. . Omaha ledge No. IS hold its usiral mootIng - Ing last Thursday evening. After the workIng - Ing hour an interesting program of singing and speccbmaklni : was carried out , Tbo at tendance is increasing , and quito n number of new members have lately been added to this lodgo. Vlsiliug brothers nro welcome. T.ILIC or rut : ruuxissmtts. Detroit Frco Press : In u class of small children the teacher dusiirod , by illustrv fitiou , 10 obtain the word favorite. She said , after several fruitless attempts : "Well , children , if there was someone you loved moro than anybody else In the world , and xvishoJ always to keep hot- with you , what would vou s ly she was , what name would you give horV" A small boy held up his hand , anil when told to answer responded promptly : "My mother ! " Harper's Voutiff 1'eoplo : "I wonder what the bees talk about ? " said Alice. "They don't talk ; they buz/ , " said Wtillio. 'Then what Uo they buzz about ? " ashed Alieo. "About all the time , " chuckled Wai- , lie. * V * , Dealer Say , sonny , toll your father that I have a now patent Inwn-.sprinkler I want him to see. The force of the wat if turns a wheel , and the sprinkler travels all over the lawn. Sonny Uin that's good 'noujjli so far as it goes ; but will it push a Itnvn- mower in front of it ? - Mamma Why. Ellio , what makes you look PO serious ? Kllio Will , f'vo boon thinking1 that when I bofjin to ImvoKentlciuan-callers , little brother will bo just old enough to bo an awful nuisance. * * Teacher ( who hits been explaining the word epidemic ) Now , who can give mo tlio name of an epidemic hero in America. Itsinombor it is somcihlng that sprendb Tommy ( wildly waving bib hand ) 1 know ; Iva strawberry juin. * * Mamma I am perfectly discouraged , Tomtnic. I don't believe you will over amount to anything , you are BO indolent. Tom mi o Well , I gnesa the teacher don't think so , 'causa she said that I made moro trouble than any boy in school. * "Johnny , do you go to school ? " "Yes , sir. " "I suppo-so you adnairo your toucher. " "Vos. sir. " "Why ? " "Cos she kin lick mo with ono hand. " # * 4f Xelghboi and so you have a little baby at your house ? Is it a boy or n girl ? Litllo Bo Mnmma thinks it's a boy , but 1 gue-is it'll turn out a girl. It's al ways crying 'bout nothing. * Johnny Mamma , can t you toll mo a nisw fairy btory ? Mrs. liraggs 1" don't know any , Johnny. Maybu your father will tell mo some when he co'mes in to night. * Siriggd IIow much elder is yotit blstur than you JolinnvV Johnny I ilunnu. Maud use tn b(3 21 years and thun t > ho wits -0 and now ulio alii t only 18. The biggest electric light works in tlio world IMS been wuccessfully tust.-d on the fair grounds at Chicago. It is a ( iurman ilnvico for throwing tlio light through a big glass collector , nnd the power of the electric ray may bo soon for sixty miles. Ono of the most inter esting features of the fair will bo the new application : ) of electricity , which promise to oven the experts. BOYS AND Vttitr IS jnn attf * BBCYCLE TREE ! ! You ni-i d nut pay ono rout.VottiIl n-jid Jtto youJ'ItKH. Jivci y blcyclo wiirninlud. und t-nuul to 1liii--o Mild n n yw hero ut Any tu-r or ( rlrl under IS yi-nra of aeo , Uo uania a Ilr.l-clius Mc-ilo ( .111 net uno ( ice.Vu nlll itlvo any Uiy or i--ltl a tl. cyi-lo on very caiy c-oiultttoiis. Wheels mo 26 lnchp > , with creKVit U.-oi rlnis vnd molded ruUlnir lln-j.Biid run oil liar. eteol cone , niljustablo to Inclioi ili-lni liable cranks ; tlinir.'i franio Uncl/ oiiiu.olcd. wltli nlc-k. fl triromli ss. lnch luarlilno la euppllett , , . . I WYXi r _ * u i. arrti-ller. Wolimo till IT Uiyt' irlefrro cut 111IM mlr.nut auil tend Ii. ui liMlay " A. ( ' ftC vS gV Mlnnt-npol , Mlnu M 'ititn Omaha \\w. \ \ Skin blemiihes , like foul teeth , arc''the mDre offensive because they are mostly voluntary. The pores are closed. Otic cannot open them in a minute ; he may in a month. Try plenty of soap , give it plenty of time , and often ; excess of good soap will do no harm. Use Pears' no alkali in it ; nothing but soap. All sorts of stores sell it , especially druggists ; all sorts of' people are using it Is next to Godliness. How to Cure Freckles IN 3 DAYS. MME. M. YALE'S Lfl PREGKLM WILL DO IT. Slncu HIP Elnnlniinf Hie world prolljr fium tmva been "Iiolloil wllli freckles ami the mml licnntlful complexions hltlilen uiiby thu uun Ulitly bluml-Iiei. LA FRECKLA lithe only curi- over known.Ois.ovorol by MMK M. VAI.I ; , tinwort 1-IniiH'l llcuutr a nil Completion . pjclall't. Mini ) Vnln hat tcpulud cnt nnl he.uli ot Kuroi. | ' , ladle * nf III" Wiillu | ) ou-o.nn i I'leecleb. rules or till ! w irlil. Write li , rlii connil"iiu > She can iimito vou beautiful. Shiiv-ip m iko yea 'iun ? iik'Hln. Turn urily Imlr 10 color Nixlyc- u-isl-nutlilir ' li-it mo Heine. . 9)11. ) u in duvrluii rour linot.mi out Tiiuriiinkoa clu t , cure you of miy ikln lieinl ) li. -en I torhcr f.iinoiis lluiiuty llnok. It will Ixi nmlliil Jim In-e All of'Mine , vule'i rLMii > li i "III bo nhlpiivl you Irnni ( liil-nco , nr you cim eot tticm from your imiuil t. lie will net them for > on GiiloourilruiilHt nn .Monitav'im 1 set n bottln nt liKrockln. . take It liniue and niip'y Itncrnrllni lit illroi-tliiiituii .Monitay.'fiit'srtay nml WeiliioHliiy , mid nn Miniliiy you will n-t liaraM Ireoklo. Yimr com plexion will DC ni purU-ct as vhtyi n Mule buby. Tills is nbaoltuoly true. I'rlco $1.C Mine , M , Yale's Temple of Beaut/ / , I-iGShicSI. , 1' . S.-Si-iul for M M U. Chicago , 111 MailDepl.52 Hook r'leu. DON'T STOUT You Sec Your Stout Friends Growing Thinner Eiury Day. They Are Uslnsj Jr. ) IWisiin's Ohesily 1'ills anil lliiiil-i. : NO DIETING , NO PURGING. It linn been obunJnlUlr iiruro.l tint Hie tup of hli non-olectrln band . or llU ol > e lty iilll * . or hotli for which tlieiik-i-nti ortlilscoimlry nr 'tliu we'll.known liui of lrlni ! A. Co. . 42 K Went ! tnil Struji. Now York City. H tlio line mife nml i-tTactUo war of ro iliiclnzcorpiili-ney ThoOboilljr 1'llUnru mudolroiu Ihivratera of Iliu ( jerniaa Imperial | irliiK , Ruvurn- inent Unnerslilp. TliobumH or pill'uro ucod s pamtoly. aiidinalion rapid ami hitillhr euro. Or. If mini lowlkur. tliar lili-peucli other In ncilon nm : ubtnla bjttor rciulu Cured His Rheumatism and Obesity. AtrniTottirM , MOTKI. Clilcnvo. Aprils } . IS'J } . Oi-nllL'mpn I'le.i e send one : H-liic'i olioilly ImilJ loAlrs.V It. Cnrrull. 'lit Cliumiiiit .Slro-t. I'hlla d lphla. C. O D. l.lku jrour oh > lljr linnil niul pill' > er ) imicli Tliujr have reilunnl my wulKlit ultllileen poiinitHln tlin last llvo wc'tin Tlie u-juiitrilll9 | imvo driven n-.riiv nil rhuumatli' troiihln. WILLIAM II. DllLXEL. DR. EDISON'S OBESITY FRlIT SALT A FRUIT LAi&ATlVE. rnnlnlninll IUt v.iluitilB 8 iliiio Conilll'io in of IIII'K KUTIT Ii enarretcoaL Uilui tirtidl uu.l plej nl llko ci < lt ' . , . . KKMIKDS YOU Ob1 I.IAMI'AGNK. . AilelUlitlul milittltuto forSiiit * . I.umunaila , lloul UcL-rorniiir oilier luimner berpruj. AND flULl'd YOU TO ( ill i\V TFIIX. Dr KrtUoa'B KnillSult l t'j' ) , liuit und Jlnjpldit riini-ilr for rjtulnlliu flu nrvUVi of tli5 lUcr Hut limjrut l'cn liUuurcroI It li Viiry valualilo nfmr any cxcin In oitltu nr ilrlnkln ; ' In wjni wjtthur olt iel > n Iiinil ki > a < un IIIHVU nloruhlv , lio-iltjf con JUI j.i In UJ tumuior lUUIIllK I'uicn ONT : DIHJAII i Eit -S'JU ) IIV AM. \Vlntluialail unzUUof New Vorklily nlio imr oiirvnoili In tuc < . < baric * N Urlltcnton Co. , Mi'Kcsson , ' ; | ( i > lhlns. W U. Sjhloirulln .V Co , an J other loi'lini ' houiu > - NOT1CE. Dr. Kllsnn'aK uotrlo Hells nnd I'liuor U'ms lire no ( I . .i imr utoroii sonUor upojlal Klec- Ir.c lloliiix-ii-r | : | scaled. .LORING & CO. , If Wc = , t li-'aa SL , Now Yorlt Pity. 10 [ f Ilumilton I'hco , lin ton. Muss. 341'KistViuhl ujrton St , , } , Mo o III. i I'rnrlnmntlnn Aiio notice tn tlm olociuri nnil losnl votoM o Ilioelty oC Oninlinof nu nnnunl city flection of thfl oily of Hiunli.v to bo liold on Tno ili r. tlmStn dny of Novoinbor. ISW , for Iho pur- | iiHi > of clPCtlnR OPO couhcltman from each nnril. To tlio electors nnd lognl rotom of tlio oltyof 1 , Oeor'iu I' . lloinK ninyor ot llio city of Oinnlii , ilo Is4iio this , my proclamation , nnil by tlio niitlmrlty vu toil In mo ns such mnyor do liorcby ulvc iinulle nollco lo Hie elector * nnil loinl voters of tliu city of Onmhn thnt nn nnniiul olty olecllon of tlm city of Unintin , wilt boliolil ln ulilcitr on TtioJny. tliorlttlith dny ot Nrtvi'inbcr , ISHi. tortliapuruaooof oloct- Inir ono councllm in from onoli wnnl. , , , Tlio poll * Mtnll I ) ODOII on tliortny of snlil election at olglit o'clock 'n , llio mornlns nml slmll continue open until six o'clock In tlin evening o ! tliu knino dny , nl tlio rcspuctlro TotliiSJliccj : following , to-wlt : filial WAIID S E cotnor 7th Kml ami HUtrlct-N W corner 8th nnd Loaven- worm 1Sth nnd Jonoj Hllo-v 1 > aclflo street b ° - of flt 'nrk ' Wild avenue w'striot-rAV corner 10th and lllokory Hth Dldtrlct-S V corner Cth ami Center SI it * B t M I'liltlot N W corner Olh anil llnncroft ' PU1/M / * N K corner lMl Iiml Vlnton 4th and Jones -N W corner 13th nnd I'.ielQo S \V corner 18th niul loavei- h aud liOtven- -'ith Dlstrlot-S K eornur JJd nnd I.oaven- worlh streeli. iilh nislrlet-Eist sldo of South 2Jth street , < itjislio | 1'opploton IITH. ith DistrictS B corner Jfllh nnil 1'lorco Hh i trlot-8 n corner Uth and William Uth District N E corner SUtccutli nnd Center - ter streets. Mth Ulslrlot-N W corner Jth nnd Oorcai jlreolo. lllh Dlstrlut- E cornerSOth and Ilancroft I''lh DIstrlot-N n corner 13th nnd Vlutou strools. Kith Dlstrlc-t-3 W corner 13th and Valley ittoets. Ulh District N E corner 20th And Ijouluvard TIIIIIll WAIin. Int DistrictSV corner 12th iin'l Ohlcaco strcou. 2d District NV corner Hth nnd Dnvouport 3d District-South sldo of Capitol nvonuo iMirvvest ( of ) nth street. 4lh District Wusl sldo of 12th street , bo- tiveon Do nidus and DodKc streets. Oth DIsirlct-N K corner lulh and Capitol ivonuo. streets. Oth DIstriot-N i : corner Oth nnd Hartley 7th Dlstrlct-S E corner llth and Doulas nrocts. Blh Dlstrlot N E corner 13lh and .lackaon tircotn. Uth DUlrlot S K corner 10th aud Howard streets. rOUIlTII WAI1I ) . 1st Dlstrlot NV corner 17th and Davenport streets. 2nd District NV corner 2Jnd aud Davenport ureoU. Jrd DIatrlct-N W cornnr Sath and Dodso slioets. Ith DIslrlct-N E corner l"tli and Dodge drools. Sin DIstrlot-N E corner 17lh nnd llarney itreols. tith DIsirici N W corner 20th and Douglas -.tiuoUs. 7th ' Dlstrlct-N W corner ! 6th street and Si. ilary's avenue 8th District \Veornor2Uth trool and Su .Mary's avenuo. uth Dlstrlot-Etibt sldo of S-'outh IDtli street , lOlween llarney hi reel and St. M , ry's avenuo. 1C tli District N W corner 13th and Le.iVBn- Aorlh streets. llth District S W corner 17th street nnd St. Mary s iivenuo. FIFTH WAIID. Isl District East sldo of Sherman avenue opposite Mandorson nlrooU I'ml Dlsirlot S K corner Sherman uvenuo jiul Wlrt street. : ird District S W corner Shiiruian avenue ind ly.-uio street. 4th District N W corner Sherman avenue i nil Ciracu strcnu uth District a W corner 17th and Charles : ironl < Oth District East sldo of Sherman nvonuo ibontnu foot north of Nicholas stroel. 7th DIsirici S E corner 18th and Izard ilrools. Slii Dlsirlot N W corner lOlh and Uurt l reels. Ulh District N E corner I5th and Casa ttrcots. Illtli District Kasl sldo North I7lh street be tween California and Uass stroots. lllh DIsirici S C corner 18th tnd Cass streets. SIXTH WAIU ) . Isl District S E corner 24th street and Amoi .ivenuo. 2nd District 3 W corner" CGlh alroot and lirand avonuu. Urd District N E corner 4Dlh and Grant stroels. 4th Dlslrlet S W corner 21th and Manderson streets. Qtli Dlslrlet SEeorner2llb nnd Wlrt Hreots. fllti Dislrlci S W corner ICJrd mid 1'Arkor .troois. 7th District N W corner 24lh n-id Corby strculH. Hth Dislrlci N E corner 27th nnd Hurdetlo streets. Uth Dlslrlet N E corner 2nd ! nnd Grant Ureots. Ijth Dlslrlet N W corner 23lh and rranlclln . lllh District S W corner 24th and PianUIn itreola. I''th District S W corner -'nd aud ClarU SEVENTH WAIU ) . 1st DUtrlot S W corner " 3th and Mason itrcets. 2nd District N E. corner 2Uth nvonuo and Popnloton UVPIIUO. : ird Dlstrlol 9 W cornur 20th street and Woolworth avonue. 4th DUlrlct N W corner 29th street and Arbor it root. Mh District South sldo of Vlnton street ( east of' ' south 'I'M nvonuo. Clh DUtrlut S E corner : t'Jth avenue and 1 1'opplolon avoniin. 7in Dlslrlet N W corner : .Uh nnd Francis streets. r.inimiVAHD. . 1st Dlstrli-t East slrto of 2Cth street near ( south of i Charles street. 2ml District Wo-.t Hide of 2M slroet nour ( sou III ot ) I'aul street. : irJ District N W corner 20th and Nicholas . 4lh District N E corner 29lh and Cuniinsc utreols. flth District West sldo of North 2.1th street n ar ( norlh of ) I'nmln : slrpot. ( ith District S i ; corrur-'il and Hurt streets. 7th Distrlct-ri W corner 2Uth nnil Cus-i streets. KI.STIl WAHII. 1st Dutrlot S W corner Itlti nnd Oumlu rttrcets. 2d Dlsirlot N W corner 40th and Cumin X ; true Is. 'M District N E corner 40lh and l-'arnam slreow. 4lh District North hlrto o { Davenport street lunrlwesl nfl North il'd ntonuo. Sth district M E corner Ulst nvcnuo and Dortao street. tub Dislrlci 9 W corner 20th avenue und i u-ksnii litroct. In wltnoi ? wlioreof I hava hcroiinlo sol my Jmnd ns nuivor of s-ud 0ty | Of Umnlin , thu ITllidiij'of Uutobor. inUJ. , , , , , . . , ( ! iu. : I' . IIEMIS , Mayor Altoii : JOHN OIIOVKS. City Clorlt. DOCTOHi : In the I rout men lot n 1 forms of PRIVATE DISEASES. nun nu U'uM.noss ant Dhordi'rnt T\/T IJ * NT " " " ' ' "not cour.iKC. ambition. 1V1 UL LN amivliility , I. shloon years of the moil renuir..jlilo biiccesi in ulsuaie * . which l > tuovui by thu universal leslluiony of tnou- MiJswho litvo : lioon cnroJ. WritB forolrou- lari uml < ] ui > uion Hit. lltli unit rarii4in alt.i UUI4IU , .Netl , SKWEtl 11ONDS. | Proclamation nun notlrcof MitinilMloii to thn rloclors nnd locnl voters nf tlio city of Umnhkitt the iiieMlnn | of I'sulnc bonds of the city of Omaha In Ihnamniintot ono him- drod thnimaml dollnrs ( IIOXOJO ) to par for thn construction nnd malnlonfttico of sewers in the oily of Omaha. To the electors nnd lozal rotor * of the city ot Umnhal I. ( looriso P. Ilomls , mayor of HIP city of Ontnhn , do l sue this , my proclnmntlon , nnd by the niilborlty veiled in mo ns such mayor , dolitiroby Klvo public notion ID tha electors nnd lojal voters of the city of Omahn , that a cenural election will bo lielil In ld city on Tuesday the elzlith dny of Nuvninbcr , I "US , for the purpose nf subiulltlne to said electors nml legal voters the question nnd proposition fol lowing , to-wll ! "Shall bonds of the city of Omaha in the mini of ono htindrnl thousand dollars ( f IOO.POO ) bo Issued for tbo comlruolton nnd mnlntenanco of sewer * , to run not moro than twenty COTyo.trs , lo draw inlorost not lo ex ceed llvo per cent per annum , with Intorcut coiiuons nnnoxcd thcrelo. ami not to Ira sold for less par , Iho proceeds from the sale thereof to bo otpcndod for llin construction und niMlnlennnco of unors In the city of UniBliii , nnd the proceeds thereof not to bo dl ' MTloil frinii tbo nbji'cts ihcruln spoclllod. " i Tlio said qiiCKllon nnd pruposlllon slmll bp snbinlttod tosilit ploptiir M\tlfoln the rjr p r ! form provldoil bv " law for olllulnl ImllotH , with nurds "YKS. " "NO. " printed thon'on All of said bnllnls Imvlnic nn "X" ninrk following the word "ViS" : hnll biicotinlcd In fnvor of Issuing said limuls , nnd all ut suld tinl'ols ' hnvlnc nn "X" mark followlnz the word "NO" slmll ho i-ountnd ml i-oti'ldcrod n't nunlnst tlio IssuliU of said binds , . Th polls slmll bo open on the dny of said i election lit elcht o'clock In thu morning nnd \ I Mhiillrontlntio npcn until six o'eloek In the j ovcnliiBitf the siunn day nt the rospcctlvo voting places , as follows- I Ills I WAIID corner 7th > ' corner 3th ni : corner 12th : S E corner 13th south i of I'lurco , sireot. Rtli - P.ielflostrool ho- twyun 6th nnd 7th slroets. . . . " " " 7th"1" and \Vllll.ini streot. " corner 10th . , ) ' ' " S > V ' L'or"er cth nui1 Center t-NW corner atli nnd Uancroft nth District N E corner I3ih nnd Vliilon SECOND WAHI1. cor"or "tn ttn < l 13th corner Isth uml T-avo"- ! cor"or 2Hh auA ( itli ll.strlut S E corner 23d and I.oaven- worth sirools. Ulh DNtrlot-Kist slda of South 2Jlh street , ' ouposllo 1'opploton are , ilh Dislrlci S K corner 10th nnd Plorco slreols suloUISlrllt ! 9 E cor"or 1Uh nnd William llth DIslrlct-N E corner Sixteenth and Center - tor atroots I'Hh ' Dlslrlet NV corner 2Jth and Dorcas slreols. lllh Dlstrlct-S E corner20th and Ilancroft st rents. I'JUi DIstrlot-N E corner 13th and VInlon 13th Dlslrlet 3V corner 13th nnd Vnlloy lltli District N E corner 20tb .ind Uouluvard avenue. , TIIIHI ) WAIII > . 1st DiMlrlct-3 W corner 12th nnd Ohlc.ico streets. 2d DNlrlcl N W corner llth nnd Davenport : id District .South sldo of Capitol avnnuo ( west of ) Mill slrool. 4lh District West side of 12th street , be tween Doiulus nnd DoiUoslreots. itb District N E corner lutli and Capitol ivonuo. Dili District N E corner Oth uud llarnoj slreols. 7lh Dlstrlct-S K corner llth and Dousjlas sti-oots. Bth District N E corner 13th anil Jackson uth Dlstrlot S E corner 10th and Howard streets. FOL'IITII WAIID. District N W corner 17th amTbavonport Is. 2nd Dislrlci N W cornur SUnd aud Davenport slrools. : ird DIstrlct-N W corner S5th und Dodco streets. 4th I'Mstrict-N E corner 17th and Dodge slreols. * 5th District N E corner 17th and llarney strcots. ( Jth DUlrlct N W corner 20th and Douglas . tlrools. 7lh ' Dlslrlet N W corner 26th slroot and St. ilnry's : i\enuo. blh ' Di4trclSVcornor20th ! street and St. Mary's avenuo. Oth District Bust sldo of fouth 19th slroot , 'iciween ' llarnoy street and St. Mary's avenue inih District \V-ornor : lith nnd Lunvon- -.vortliHtreots. Illh ' District S W corner 17th street nnd St. Mjry's avenue , WAIID. 1st DUlrlet East slleof Sherman avenue opposite Manderson blroot. 2iid Dlatrluc S 1C corner Shorinan avenue .ind Wlrt snoot. ; ird DNlnut SV corner Shiirman uvenuo ami LIIICP hlroeU Jth Dlsirlot N W corner Sherman avenue ind Grace streol. jlh Dislrlci aV corner 17th and Charles ilroels lith District East sldo of Shorinan avenue ahouiili : feet north of Nicholas street. 7lh District S E corner loih nnd Izard streets. Kth Dlstrhl N W corner 18th nnd Hurt streets. Oth District N E corner 15th and Casj streets. 10th Dlstrlot East sldo North 17th street be. tween California and Cam streets. llth District ri E corner IStli aud Oasa streets. SIXTH WAIIU. 1st Dlslrlet S i ; corner 2Hh street and Amos 'ivonuo. 2nd Dlktrlct S W corner SOth street and urand avonuo. ; ird District N E corner 45th and Grant slreets. 4lh Dlstriot SV corner 21th and Mandorson streuts. Mh District HE corner 2th ( nnd Wlrt Jlreol.s. fltli DUlrlct aV corner KJrd and I'arKer ilreom. 7ih Dlslrlet N W corner 2llh nad Corby itrenlH sth DIslrlct-N E corner 2th nnd Uurdclto si reels. uth District N E corner 2.'nd nnd Grant ilioels. 1 Hi District N W corner 2dth and Krunklln itreots. llth Dlstrlct-S W corner 21th and 1'raulilln str.'iils. I''tli DUlrlot-S W corner 2Jnd and ClarU illOCU , SEVUNTII WAIUJ. 1st Dlilriut-a W eornor Saili and Mason slroels. 2ml DIstrlct-N h corner 20th nvonuo and I'opiiloton avenue. Urd Dlstrlul-S VV corner 20th slrpot nnd \\nolworlli \ avonuo. nli Dmtrlcl N W corner COlti slroot nnd Arbor hliont. Alb HUlrlct Soiilh side of Vlnton alruot ( east of i south : r.'d iivennc. ( itb DIlrlot-S i : corner : wth nvonuo anil I'opuloion avenue. 7in Ulstrlcl N W corner 34lh nnd r'nuicU strooU. KinilTII WAIU ) . 1st Dlsl riot Enal hldo uf 2Glh at met near 'KOiith oflL'hiirlns stioet. 2n I Dhlrlct West nlilc of 2nd street near ( suulh ot ) I'aul Nlreeu : ir < l DISH let N W corner 20th and Nicholas strolls. 4ih District N E corner 20th nnd Cumins Hlrcnls , ftth Dislrlci West sldo of North 2.1th street near inortli of ) ( 'ninlir. strfut , ( lib Dlsirlot S Kcorror..M nml Hurt st roots. ith Diatrlcl S W corner VOth and Uasi itreols , tflNTII WAIU ) . Isl Dlslrlet i ) W corner X'd unil Cumliij 2d DUtrlot NV corner 40th nnd Cumin ; ? street * . , " . | District N E corniir 10th aud I'arnain slrrols. 4lli Dlsirlot North blun of Davenport itreet nour iweit of ) North XM avennu. 'itli district S K corner ill si nvcnuo ami Ulh DUlrli-l S W curiior Will avvuuo ur . " ' ( von oirni't. Inwltne-'s ulioreot 1 liarn lioronnto bi-t niV band ns mayor ol bald ally ( if Omalm tliH 17lb day uf October. JW- . , , , , , , , . ( .io. : I1. HEMIri , Jluyor. AttOal ! JOHN fi'lOVKS. City Ulctlw cilWlt-il " " Artistic CHICAGO ENGRAVING at Low Prices. Stock and Design The Latest and Best. Send ut 81."O and we'll tend > ou juu cnjravcfl caids from a new ci > pl > cr J'Ulc. Send us UO cts. and yourire.cnt | plila ( to b held and registered ) aud we'll tend you ice for- We pay express cliarges. METOALP 3TA-MONBRY OOMPA.'rTSr , ( Ijito O iLt > ' < IJl-i nry Co. ) Ij6 Wabash Avc. , Chicago. PAVING HONDS. -'l\inatlon ( nnd notieoof aithniisildn tn Hit ph-ctors km ) lojul viitxri of the city o Umalm of the tiuostloti of. i ulnR tha bonds of inn city of Omaha In the tuni ( it ono htliulrrd lliousiml ilollarn ( tlAOJII to pay for ihornst uf pn\lnir. ropnvlnitnr IIIRP nnumlr.lnu the InlorseJtlous of Atrocls nnd sp.icostipposltn nlloyn In said city , nnd to liny HIP cost of imvlnsln front of roil ostnto not subject to nSM'.iimenl of si'ecliil taxes for pnvliiR purliosos. To thn electors nnd local voter.of the city of Oniulm : I , tlmirzo I1. HoinU. ninyor of Iho city ul Onmlin , do Issue this , tny prx-clainttlon , and t > y the. nutlintltr Misled In mo us "nch ninyor do liprnby uivo publln not ei > to tlio olretori niul loenl volors of the city nt Oninh-i tlmtn ccnaral vloctloii will bo hold In UI oily on Tumdny , the elchlh day ot Ninrmbor , 1 0 ! , tor the puriKisoof HiilimltlliiR tn said olooton nnd leitnl voters the question nnd proposltliui , followlni ; , to-wlt : "Slmll bonds of the ollv of Omaha. In the sum of nun hundred thousand dollnrs ( ( IOOXMi ( ho losttrd for the purpose of Having thn cost 01 navlna. rppivlne or nmrndainlriiK the Inter * f > oellotis of ulrrnl.s nnd on iee iipposlto Alloys | lu saUlelly , or li.ivlnc thn oust of pavlnx In front . of real eMali.not subject to iixsnsimotit of special taxes fur utvinc purlinsas. nild lionds j ( , in run not more than twenty C-MI yunrs and to hour lnlere t pnvahlo pcml-nnnunlly aint a r.itp not I'M'ccdlnt llvi per cent per an- nniii , with cuulxtns attsi'hud. to lin enlloil "I'livlns iHinil . ' nnd not to l > o Mild fur lots than par , the nrocecds nt winch shall I o used for nu other purpose th.Mi p-xyliiR tluteost of navln ? . ri'imvliiK or luiicHiiamlilnK the liitorsi-cllntis uf streets nnd p ci-s oiiposlla alleys In slid elty , or In front of rual estate not siilijoct to av omeiil of npecii\l tines for n ivlnc | iur i > o esV Tln > sild iiiestlon | nnd prnpotlt on nhnll ho Hiilitnlttfd lo sild electors entile In the unilirt form provided hv ln for olllclal linliots , with tnn\Mit\ls 'Yo " .So" prlnte < therron. All of said bnllolH havlni ; nn \ " mark follow- In lh wuril " \ os" .shall bo remitted In f ivor of Issuing sild bonds , i\nd nil nf said ballon hnvlni ! nn - \ " mark followlni ; tno vronl "X " shall ito counted nnd eonslil rcd ns UlO ISmilllROf hlllll bond * . Tin1 polls shall bo upen tlu' day of snld oloc- lion nl oUbt o'clock lu tbo morning uml shall contlnuo open until .six o'clock In tbo evening of ihn s.-iino itay nt the resp ctlvo volinn places ' , ns follows : MUST WAIIB 1st Dlslrlol-S E corner "th and Mnroj streets 2nd DIstrlot-N W corner 8th nnd I.OAVOII- worth streets. . nrd Disirlol-N E cornar lith nnd Joiioi stieols. 4lh Dlslrlol-S E corner 13th aid llrst alloy south of I'lorco street. fith District North sldu of I'aolUo street be- tMoon fllh nnd ? ili.street * . Oth Dlslrlol-Eaal stUla of flth street near ( south of ) I'nclllp street. 7l.lll.M rlot : ' K uoriiorof 1'ark WHd nveiiu * nml William slroot. blh Dislrlci S W corner 10th and Hickory nth DlBtrlet-S tV corner Clh and Ccntoi streets. 10th District N W corner Otb nnd Bancroft streets lllh DIslrict-N E corner 13th and Vlnton streets. SKCONIl WAItlt. } . * ' DIstrlot-N W corner 14th and Jonoi and DIslrlct-N W corner 13th nnU Paclflo : ird Dlstrlct-S W corner ISIh nnd t.fltnen- worth stroots. 4th Dislrlct-S corner 3)tli ) and j.oivon- \\orlliHtrnuts. ftth Dislrlci S E corner 23d and Loavon- worlli . iith platnct-Eist sldo of South 20th street , ODIK'sllo ropiilvlon are. 7ih DUtrlot b E corner Kith und I'lorco strools. Mb Dlstrict-S E corner lllh and William slroels. llth District N E corner Sixteenth and Center - tor streets. Mil District N W corner 2'lh and Dorcas strools. Illh District S E coruur SOth and Hnncroft strents. ' 12Hi DUtrlot N E corner llth and Vlnton , streets. llilh DIstrlr-l-H W corner ] 3lh nnil Valley slreols. lllh District N E corner 20th .mil Hoiiluvard avonue. TIIIHI ) WAItll. IHI Ilslrlcl-S ! W corner 12th and Chicago sticels. 2d District N W corner llth and Davenport slrcots. 3d District-South slilo of Capitol avenue near i ( nest of ) l.llli slreol. 4ih DIsirici West sldo of 12th street , be tween Douglas and DoilKo streets. fith DNtrlct N i ; corner lutli and Capitol nvuinie Oth District N E corner Oth nml Harnoy btrects. 7lh District S E corner lltli and Douglas nth District N E corner 13lh and .Tacloon streets. Uth District S E corner 10th and Howard stroets. rOUIITII WAItll. Isl District N W corner 17th and Davonuort stroots. 2nd Dlstriot N W corner 2.'mt and Davenport slrools. : trd District N W corner Kith und Doilgo streets. . 4lh Dlslrlet N E corner 17lh and DodKO strools. Slh DIstrlot-N E corner 17th and Harnoy Bticets. Bth DUlrlot-N W corner SOth and Douglas fill COlS. 7th ' Dlstrlot N W corner 2Cth atreot and St. Mary's nvonue. blh ' District rf W cornor20th slrool nnd St. Mary's avenuo. ( Ith Dislilot E.isl sldo of South lilth street , between llarney M I reel and StMary's avomio. 10th District N W corner ISIh und Loavuu- worth slreols. ' lllh Dlsirlol S W corner 17th slroot and St. .Mury s nvonuo , KIITH WAIU ) . Isl District-East si lo of bhonniin arciitia opposite Mandorson bireou ' 'nil District S E corner Shorinan avenue nnd Wirt slroot. ard Dislrlci S W corner SliHrniau nvcnuo nnd IjiiuoMlrocl. 4tb Dlsirlol NV corner Sherman avcnuo nnd Oraco slreol. Alb Dlstrlot S W corner 17th and Chnrloj strootH. Gth District Easl Kliloof Shormnn nvcnuo ahout.'llJ feel north of Nicholas slrool. 7Hi Dlsirlol ri E corner 10th and Irurd streets. hih Dlslrlet N W corner IGlh nnd llurt hlreets. ' Dili DIsirici N E corner 15th aud Cnsi Hlroots. lUib District Kast side North 17th Htreot between - tweon California and C.iss street * . lllh DistrictE corner IStli aud Oats sticels BI.XTII WAItll. 1st District S E corner 24tn street nnd Ainci uvonuH. 2nd District S W corner Cfllb alrcot nud ( iriind avonuo. Ilrd District N E corner 45th und Grant streets. 4lh District 5 W corner'Jllh and Maudcrsoii streols. 6th District HE corner 2llh and Wlrt streets. Clh DUlrlct S W corner sard nnd I'arKur si reels. 7ih District N W corner 21th md Corby streets Hh District N E corner .Till and Iliirdctto Hi reels. Uth DUtrlot N E corner , ' . ' 'ml und Grant htlCdlS. liiib DUtrlct N W corner Siltli nnd I'nuiMIn stieuts. lllh DUlrlct-H W corner ' 'Itli und I'lunldln btrcel.s. I''tb Dlslrlol-S W corner S.'ml und ClarU slioels , fiKVKNril WAIU ) . Iht Ilslrlct-ij W corner 2lh nnd Mason streets. 4 2nd DIstrlct-N h corner 2Hh ! nvonuo nnd roiiiiloton avenue. Hr < l DIsul i-S W corner 20th street nnd Wool worth avonuo. 4lh Dislrlci % W corner 2Uth street nnd Arbor stinil. fith District South sldo of Vlnton street Hour ( east of ) south : r.M m onu < * . Dili Dlsirlot S E corner 'Wlh avenue and I'oletuii | ) | ) avenue. 7ln DUirlcl-N W corner 31 th and I'runcla atrcets. iiIIITII WAIU ) . Isl Dlstrlot East Nliln of 2Uth strrol near ( noutli of i Chnrlii' slieet. 2ml Dlslrlet West side of "id gtroot noai ( south -it ) I'aul htrnot. : irt Disirlct N W i-ornur 20th nnd Nicholas Mrouls. 4lh District N E corner 2Uth and Ciuulnx strenls. Alh DislrlciVit sldo of North S-Mb street near ( north of ) Otimlnx btrool. Gib District S E corner'-'d nnd Hurl Htreots. Uh Dislrlci h W corner ; ' 0lti and Unsa slruots. NINTH "AllI ) . IHI District H W coruor ' ! ' ) nnd Ciuulna ' slrdctH. 2d DU'.riot N W corner ICilli und Coming streets , l l District N E cornur 40th nnd I'urnam Etri'otx. > 4th DUlrlct-Norll. sliloof . . . no4i-wu > lof ) North Jiil avonuu. Ath dlmrlci E corner UUl nvonuo ami Doili'oslrrol , tilli District S W corner 20th uvuuuo und i ' ifMin utr1'1 ! . In witness , uhoioof I bavp liorannlo ( Cl my ban'l ' nn nrivnr of t\\\i \ \ elty of Omahu , thin Altosl : JOHN Oiiuvi : < . Illy Clorl. . ulUd''lt PSYCHOMETRY DR. EMMA HAZEN , Tlio riii-nuiiu'iial I'lijrilcliin 1'iuHicr ami .Mil'ior- cm. n'll tl'.icli pifeiiouictr- ! " | ' "r lcalilliil ) otln-r t lu titiHijIii llieiu to UlatfnuiU < lluii es nuil vivo tlm turaiHBUk-out wltUuii tuikliiz < juiMtiun I'nuiOiir wiini n lock ul Imlr wlili II vt mil lurv llili dcniun- li-il ' 1 III. III.'AI.TII ( I I I'll l ; , lib N ITth tt. Dr , JUH.s HIll.LUV , 1'riui