Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1892, Part Two, Page 13, Image 13

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Pointed and Gossipy Talk * on the Pigbtsrs
and General Arctic Affairs ,
MrMltlf. ' . llx.e Hull Hrthnl-Thr Toot IUII
< mm I en WlirrlVliHpf rlnc" In
.Mnr > li and Slnlililr 1h Horn * ,
Corbclt tnty Unork out a good many men
In touch leu time thin It took him to put the
Iclbosn nn poor old John L but undeniable it
Ui that ho will never run up acslnst another
such a harmless and powerless pudding. All
too cuff that has bten published to the con
trary , John L , . Sullivan out un the sh&ODIcst
championship battle against Jaraos J. Cor-
belt In the annals ol the ring. lU wonder
ful etjclurnnco and the unmerciful pourdlng
that was required 10 lay him low , and the
fact that it was John U Sullivan who win
in the rlntr , alone made Coroott's victory
tolerable. As a pri/oH ht , It was a burlesque ,
* vo on Jim's tfart. Of course bi perform
ance was a revelation , and I wish to detract
nothing from bis credit In beating the one
roan who was foolishly considered by the
c ) > on.v world us invincible. Still nothing
Bon of an easy victory over Mitchell , Pete
Jackson or even tnn default champion , burly
Joe ( joddgrd , fill tatlsfy me that Corbett is
the pearlos com the rank and fllo In fancy
realms seem to think him. Mllcnell Is a at
opponent nd might beat him. Peter JacKiton
his equal If not his superior , ana Joe God-
dard , Uoti FiUilinmoiis and one or two more
who ralRDt be mentioned are fully qualified
to entertain him for an unlimited number of
Still this Is far from sufficient to cause
Coroett to surrender all his rights and
privileges ana jump Into the ring and meet
the man every advertising agent In the
country sees proper to issue a challenge for.
CorDctl Is entitled to a reasonable interval
in whtcn to enjoy his great renown , ba that
au months , a je'ur or a year and u half. Just
Hi ho decrees , be will bo endorsed by a fair-
minded public and be looked uoon as the
, champion of champions until ho doffs that
aonor in the rlnR. That his holiday will be
inoro abbreviated than the general
public Imagines there is but little
doubt In icy mlud. Join's thirst for
the real excitement of the twonty-roiir fool
rlnc Is too ravishlnp to be lone endured.
Mark my words , the date of bis next flstic
meat.lnp will bo authentically announced ere
the bluebirds begin to pine their vernal lays.
Dick Moore , than whom no other fighter
lands bettor among the Omaha fancy , is
being handled , or U handling himself , very
badlv. Ho Is now matched to fight Honrv
Halicr , the Michigan heavyweight , for an in-
l mttcsnt uurse , some where near Chicago
the 19th of this month. This indis
criminate match-makinc for meal tickets is
what is going to lay Dick on the shelf.
Since he made his 'disastrous debut here
with Tim Nil and at South Omaha , a
.rear DUO , bo has fought a dozen
Minis or mfo nnd hasn't realized as many
hundred dollars out of all of them. He has en
dured some terrible beating * , too. In this go-
as-you-pleaeo , ( Icht-ut-tho-drop-oMho-hat
career , nnd the only redeeming feature conI I
neoletl with it , if It is a redeeming feature ,
is that bo has won every time be bas put up
bis hands with the slnglu exception above
mentioned. TbU be lost from.over-conQdenco
and ItcU of .training. Since then he bas
been seen twice by the local patrons and in
both Instances ho gave away pounds and
pounds In weight and yet was an easy vic
tor. Ha punched out P. J , ( Jnffln , the Dig
printer , nt South Omaha In the most ap
proved style , and before the Omaha Athletic
club made a rconkey out of Jack Ryan's
lubberly brother. Since then he baa
wlilpoed llenrv Baker , Tim Sul
livan , Joe Tansey , Billy Ulbbs ,
Wiley Evans , Joe Growler and a job
lot of other fighters and still his name has
never yet been mentioned in connection
ydtb n match before any of
( be big , legitimate sporting clubs. That
'Moore is deserving of a better fate no ono
will gainsay. He Is a square , honest fighter
and possessed of much more real worth tnan
be is generally accredited with. The wise
course for Die It to pursue "would bo to aban
don thu barnstorming , back-alley knocuout
program , pet a competent manager , make a
match before one of the rcputaolo clubs for
a purse worthy the distinction , -win it and
take a promenade on Easy avenue.
The Itrpetuous and the Impatient who ap-
lirebeud a long monotonous wait before they
will ba granted an opportunity of seeing
Champion Jim Corbelt in&idotbo rones again
are reckoning , I believe , without their host.
Tbe most imminent danger is that if the
tumorous process through which the cham
pion's uranium has been going since that
eventful September night at New Orleans
'Continues much longer tbora will not bo a
club homo in the land large enough to ac-
commodata its abnormal proportions. Other
wise there are not log cbaint enough in the
Michigan and Wisconsin pineries to bold him
back many more moons. Ho wants to tight
a good deal worse than the public
wants to ceo him. Already ho is
chafing under his onerous theatrical engage-
tnenla , and fretting to show the world what
0 smip he will bavo In knocking out any
body ! Already he says ho will loroswear
bis ponderous dramatic obligations to ac
commodate Charlie Mitchell , and would
condescend , out of pure magnanimity , to
twitch off from his histrionic lay'long
enough to pound the llttlo remaining Ufa lu
tbo great John L , out of him , that Is , of
course. If the big fellow should deslro to
thus em ) bis weary pilgrimage through this
vale of tears. Of all olburt , , a second match
Trlth the Boston boy is the nno Jam would
prefer there is no doubt about that , lie
rrroguizes cleany the dimensions of the pie
that would again be bit. Hut as to Mitchell.
1 think there is a string attached to a good
deal of his bombast. Prejudiced as the
American people are against Windy Cbarile ,
there are none so bigoltod , who know r.nv-
thlng about tne game , but who will freely
acknowledge that be is u great nghter , and
that If they ever meet ho will give Jem a
fight uud not a walkover.
Not to be critical , but to a man up a tree it
looks as If the Coney Island Athletic club
has been guilty of a rare piece ol extrava
gance In engaging big Joe Goddard. the
quasi-champion , and Peter Quitter Maner
for n JT..VX ) tight the first weak in December ,
the lo er to receive 11,000. The loser's end
In about what the purse proper ou bt to be.
Goddard Is a big. burly ruffian , with no valid
claims on championship honor ? , nnd . .Manor
an undoubted dub , mio quitouforc a middle-
Vieight-n ten bis nose began to bleed. Tbo
less generously this stripn of bruisers is fos
tered thu better it will be for the game. The
Coney Island club , I believe , In bound to be
tbo club of the country , but it U establish
ing au inimical precedent when it banes up
such a preposterously large piece of money
for such mediocre men n tco countrv is
lull ot genuine talent catuble of a much bet-
l ter exhibition for oven a third of this pursa
Tti Coney lilnnd club Is ambitious
and wcatby nnd is showing a commendable
I enterprUu In Its determination to have the
best tbere Is going , but it Is making a false
start in engaging the oleaginous Parson
Davits and billy Madden tor pistol firer.
With rareful and discreet management , and
I k religious eschewing of tbo counterfeit , the
Ccuey Island people , can , when they get
peed and ready , civa a pucilUtlo carnival
tbai will lay over tb New Orleans Seotcin-
b r saturnalia like u White mountain calio
Jtj s over a dougnnut.
Johnny Murphy has left San Frunciico
k and Is In Xciv Yoric reaay and anxious to
I fight any of the top-notch Hula ones. While
1 tn Now Orleans Johnny aud I went down to
I the Academy of Musloouunlgbt to sie Bob
I ntzsloimons spar Johnny Cash , the obam-
I plon middleweight of the south. I was well
) I yald for the trouble , as 1 received a good Idea
' fr of the abilities of the recbeaded Australian.
'l Bo wonderful was his action , tlial since then
I it bas been a quandary la my mlud which
I fay to lean In case Bob uud Jem Hall ever
I come tocctber. I wu a muncb Hall man
I when lu attendance at the ulc fiasco In Mln-
I tieapoliK a year ago last summer , but here-
I after , until tholr differences are settled , I
I ball. b very charr of expressing any
I definite opinion. If Flu bad a grind organ
I ko couidu't get a better monkey than Johnny
I Cash , with all due oqlerence to my southern
I , Jrtendi.
I Jobuuy Van Heest , tbe St. Paul boy. ana
I Bollv builtb , both conquerors of Danny Daly ,
I bavo been signed by one of the 'Frlsro clubs
I tonpbt for a curse of fcj.000 on tbo evening
I ft Jc mbor 29. Van Heest aud Smith bare
also both fourht draws with Ocorga Sid-
dent , and their romlne butiUwlll be awill d
with unusual intcreit. Van ileost should
win , and with anything llkoatquaro show
oat them , b * surely will , Ha is 23 year * of
ago and on * of the most deceptive built llttlo
men In the butlneis. He stands five feat two
Inches in height , but on account of hit slab-
btncss hn would never be taicea for tnora
than fire. His record l first class , and ,
in case ho wins this fight , will surely have
serious designs on Champion Dlxon.
It U all rot to talk about Corbttt's baring
forfeited the championship to Joe Goddard ,
or Polo Jackson's Intention to mane him for
feit to him , either. Corbott is the champion
and will so remain until be drops the honor
to n better man In tbo ring , and not until
then , be that whenever It rrny There Is no
code governing this matter in this country ,
other than that established by good , hard
honest sensewhlch held good In John I/s
case for nearly a dozen years. It would be
the proper thing , however , for the Coney
Island , Olympic of New Orleans , tbo
National , Providence , California and other
me clubs to get their delegates together and
formulate a pandect on this bead , tt tangible
law , obllgltory and inviolable.
Hlllv Woods , ycleot "California , " bas re
turned from a profitable starring trip
through tbo Hills , and professes a deslro to
furnish an entertainment for the Omaha
Athletic club Billy savs , inasmuch as Jack
Davis expressed such ktixlety fora mill wltb
him when bo mistook him last summer for
tbo Denver Billy Woods , that ho will ac
commodate him any time for fc r a onabio
purse and will endeavor to treat him as well
at the Colorado man did out In 'Frisco.
V/oods. Hilly Lewis and Adam Sherroy are
about the only real ambitious pugs there are
in these part * just now.
Thov don't seem to be coming in carnages
exactly for JBCK Skelley. First Uixon cuts
him into ribbons down at Now Orleans , then
be takes a benefit at bis homo in Broonlvn
and loses MX , and Tuesday night , a week
ape , in Springfield , O , bo volunteered to
referee a little scrap at a benefit tendered
Pat Geragbty. The Springfield sports
didn't like Jack's imitation of Prof. Duffv.
so they made a toot ball of htm. When the
n lice succeeded in nulling him out ; they
* ay that even Billy Reynolds wouldn't have
recognized him.
SAOIXAW ( E. S. ) , Mich. , Nov. 2. Friend
Sandy : Well hero I am In SaginaTr with
Billy Lnvlguo , who runs the Turkisn hath
rooms ht-re , training for mv go wltb Collins
In Detroit on the evening of the 'J4th. I am
In the very flush of condition , and of course
expect to win. Can't vou come over ! Write
and tell me what the Omaha club Is doing. I
am always roidy to give them an engage
ment , for'thero Is no city I Hue bettor than
Omaha , notwithstanding my tough deal at
South Omaha. Regards to all the boys.
Your friend , TOM UVA.V.
ThoChoyinskl-CJodfrev affair before the
Coney Island club last Monday night turned
out about as I thoucbt it would. It was an
other case of old ago and stateness succumb
ing to youth , strength and energy , and but
atTords another admonition for back num
bers to keep out of it. Still there is plenty
of good fight in Godfrey yet , as be Is an ex
ception to the general rulo. At 4'- last Mon
day night he wasn't as old in wear and tear as
John L. was at 34 on the 7th of September
Omaha lovers of the manly art of self-de
fense will be afforded an opportunitv of seeing
some of the shining lights in this line this
winter. The Omaha Atnlotic club is making
arrangements for a serie * of exhtoltlons that
will give it high rank among the organiza
tions of this class. Negotiations for the in
itial performance are being made , a specific
announcement of which maybe expected
shortly after election.
It is a mistake about Jack Wllks , alias
Johnny Walker , being matched against
George Dawson. Thoie Frisco people are
nut as big jaya as they look , and Jack Wilks
couldn't cot bear mouoy out there for a fight
with any one. Dawson is matched with Doc
O'Connell of Boston , the roan whom Tommy
Hyan wanted the Omaha club to sign for a
fight with him. Dawson will win.
Frankle Mcllugh hit Pete Nolan with a
polter In a bar-room brawl down at Cincin
nati the other night and then went out
through the darkness at a ten seconds clip.
That is Just what Fraukie wants to do II he
evereots in the ring with George Dlxon. hit
him with a poker or a hammer , then eot up
on bis toe ; .
Danny Daly ha f returned to Hot Springs
from Salt Lake City whera he went to train
Jim Williams for bis coming battle with
Charlie Turner. Danny has an "openinu"
In slgnt and will remain at work at the
springs until ho regains bis old time self ,
when be will go to tbo coast.
What a mere bajalelle $10,000 is TO most
prize lighters , judging from tbo Indiscrimi
nate way-they all want to back themselves
on the sldo to this extent in every match
their names uro connected with.
Dinn.v Needbam is soreon the California
club for not giving him a second ch&noa to
tackle George Dawson. Instead of feeling
sore Danny should tender the clubmen a
vote of thanks.
A correspondent asks lor the correct pro
nunclation ot Cnoynski's name , and accordIng -
Ing to the 'Frisco papers it is pronounced as
if spelled Ivo-lus-kie , with the accent on tno
second syllable.
Charlie IComralck. who cano hero once , a
year or so ago , ostensibly to figbt Jimmy
Lindsav , IK said to be dying of consumption
at bis home in Minneapolis.
Itu.c Hull I'nr Next Miiiiuier.
Tom Mr\'ittie , who was askoclated with
Ralph Slout in tno management ot the
Omaha Western t,2aiuo base ball team dur
ing tlio past seison. has in process of incuba-
ballon n plan ivheraby lie hopes to furnish
tbo city witti tbe national spnrt next season.
MoViltlfc's locals to form a leatruo Including
Omaha , Kansas City , St. Joe , Dos Moines or
Sioux City , nt a moderate yet respectable
salary limit , for the purpose of playing on
Saturdays and Sundays only , so far as set
tling tbe chnuiplonsblp goes. Duriny tbe
week days the respective clues will DO left
to take care uf tbomselves , and tbev cau
either arrange games with tbe semi-proles-
blonal teams of tbeir own city or boo . en
gagements with tbo many clubs iu the
smaller cities tbrnusbout the tato. Tbe
plan is a practical oar , and in the event tbat
there It no chance for tbe came on u more
elaborate scale , would be a Rood Investment
for whoever goes liito it. Mr. McVlttio has
already opened up negotiations with
one or two of tun cities named and says tbat
tbpy will enter heartily into the scneme.
It is a well known fact , a fact demonstrated
by nix yean' expensive experience , tbat Sat
urdays and Sundays are tbo only days on
wtlcu base ball can bo made profitable in
any of tbo cities named , ultb tun possible ex
ception of Johnny Spo&kVlllc. Tbat tbe lat
ter it right in it with the best base ball
towns in the country Is not to bo contra
dicted , but as their prospects for Keitlnu into
tbo ijaino forborne time to coma on a larger
scale than tba ono suggested are attenuated
indeed it is more than probable tbat tbev
will eladly Join McVtttlo's Saturday and Sun-
dar league.
It is tae intention to draw up a regular
championship schedule , encage the best
platers to btbad for the money , and conduct
tne'affairs of ibo organization on a oa U ex
actly like tbat of tbe National league and
subject to all Its rules and regulations.
It is highly improbable tbat there
will bo more than one bip inague next sea.
son , and the work or securing players cupa-
bio of glvine tbo local patrons
of the sport an article of ball ap
proximating tlie best they have ever
seen will not be so difficult as would be
imagined. There will ba more idle ball
players In tbo year ISWthsn uraserer known
in tbe history of tbo Kami ) Such a league
us the one proposed would be plenty able to
pay living salaries and ui&nr an old star will
jump at tne cbancn to keep out of the brick c.
yard and rolling mill during tbe coming
summer months.
The I'oot Hall aentuu.
What has become of the Nebraska , IOWA
and Missouri foc.t . ball association I There
was such an organization formed last fall
and n schedule drawn up for a eerles of
championship games this tall , but as yet DO
announcement of tbo same has been made ,
and tbe foot ball season Is certainly fully on.
Throughout tbo east the various organ- !
tallont are moASuriug their strength day
after day. While It is certainly a great
game , U doesn't promise la become very
rampant outtldo tbe cdlegUto Institutions
throughout the countrr , but stems to bo
almost purely n colleps pa tlmo.
Wliliprrlncs of tli tVhrrl.
The Omaha tfboerclub will resume IU on-
jovable "smokers" and club socials this winter -
tor season.
Nebraska division , League of American
Wheelmen , bat now turnad the double cen
tury mark , having 201 members.
Tbo Omaha Wheel club to the number of a
doien pedaled down to Plaltsmoutb last Sun *
day and spent tbe day with the Patterson
Many of tbe cyclists are training at the
Young Men's ChrlUlan association gyin
these cool evenings , keeping In condition for
next seasot.'si riding.
William M. Barnum , president of the Tour
ists , who has been seriously ill for several
weeks , is slotvlv recovering. His club males
wish him bpoedy good health.
Kansas division , League of American
Wheelmen , has about forty league hotel ! ,
where the buugry and travclstalned cyclist
may lodge and sup nt league rates.
Some of tbo Council Bluffs Wheel club
boys and Tourist wheelmen of Omaha took
part In last Wcdnosdav evening's parade
over in tbo Bluffs. Their wheels were very
handsomelv decorated.
Billy Schnell has forsaken the pneumatic
ghost and nuw Rally disports upon a solid
tire spring wagon. The boys say bis trick
nnd fancy rldlti ? cantlvatcd the country folk
on last Sunday's club run.
Two hundred and twenty-fivo riders
started In the second annual century run of
the Boston Press Cvchnr club on the 31sl of
October , and IT" , finished. Among the latter
were a number of ladles. Tbo time con
sumed wat in the neighborhood of fifteen
Tbo regular business masting * of tbo
Toutist xvhcelmen and Omaha Wheel | club
occur this week , the former occurs Thursday
eyeulnir at No. 180 North J5th street , S
o'clock sharp , and the latter Tuesday even
Ineatlho club bouseS o'clock. Members
are requested to bo present.
Tno Young Men's Christian association
cycler * have closed their riding season.
Lieutenant Coe Is tbo proud winner of tbo
club modal , a very handsome one at that.
G. Weld and Captain Grant are tied for the
second prize. Lieutenant Coe attended everv
celled run during the season.
Captain Potter of the Tourists bas issued
the last run card of the season. Several
short and pleasant runs are to bo taken , tbo
last run bolnc called for November 30. The
olub prizes for attendance and mileage will be
awarded this month. Tbe season "ill proba
bly close with a banquet at tba Hotel Del-
Daxon's office stove now holds a warm ,
honored place in tno hearts of tbe local
cyclist : , each of whom vie with each other
in bringing in coal. Some of the tales
which are told around It of record-breaking ,
balrbrcaatb tinlsbes and novice r&ces fairly
make the steve blush a deep red , bjrnlng
Tbe Wheel this week publlihes a very in
teresting article to the lady cyclists concern
ing a Dostums to be worn while riding. MUs
Caroline Hoed Barns , who won tbo magnib-
cent prize offered for the best design for a
lady's cycling costume , very dearly explains
her manner of making the costume in the
The Tourist wheelmen to the nurabar of
twenty took their Sunday spin out to Irvington -
ton where they partook of a splendid dlnnar
which had been prepared lor them. The
Freemonl wheslmeu failed to out In an ap
pearance ana therefore the merry Tourists
were compelled to eat their dinner alono. A
good time was bail however.
Bob Gcrwic , well known to Omaha cycling
enthusiasts as one of Denver's fasteit men
and a professional , has been reinstated in
tbe amateur ranks and will be seen on tbe
path again next season as spotless white as
any of 'em. Bob always was an amateur at
heart and became inveieled into the profes
sional ranks in some manner hardly Known
to himself.
Tbe racing board , which mat in Chicago
recently , took up tbe matter of Johnson's
records made on the Independence kite and
tent them back for more authentic reports.
The board in passing on tbe one-mile record
found it to be not In conformity with the
rules , bis application not oeinir properly
made out. Ills records will be classed as
special records.
Now that the ridlnp season Is about at nn
eua the oyclista are casting about for some
way to store their wheels away so that the
dampness will not rust the. "bright nickel
work. A simple and easy way to Keep tbe
nickel and exposed bright parts from rusting
while the machine Is stored is to wipe the
machine perfectly dry with a rag or
piece of waite , then apply a good liberal
coating or vaseline and common whiting
u.ixea to the thickness of a thin paste. In
the spring , when me wheel is taken out for
use , tba paste can bo wiond off easily and
tbe nickel will be found to be as bright' if
Tbe old , old story , "bottomless roads , re
tarded traffic , broken down wagons , " will
soon be > rlncing from the Atlantic to the Pa
cific , from tbe gulf to thu Oanadus , as the
natural result of our excellent ( ! ) system of
repairing country roads. At intervals of a
month or so our farmer friends cather them
selves together for a general Jollification
meeting and to repair the country roadsthey
plow and harrow and drag and scrape in "a
businesslike but aimless sort ol way and
then go borne. Tbe rams ef autumn come ,
succeeded by the snow and ice of winter , tbe
lately repaired ( ? ) roads go through a period
of soak , freeze and thaw and when the sun
shine of April smiles upon tbo land tno
county road , the artery which connects tbo
farm with the townis a strip of boggy stick
iness. The nervous , energetic , cctivo bicy
clist bas punched at , hammered at and railed
at tbo old-fashioned way of repairing tbe
country roads till il seems at lust as if Datno
Fortune was about to listen to his appeal.
The country road in tbo future will reclve
more attention in some localities at least , yet
it will be many a year before tno averaco
American reid will conpare at , ail with the
smooth , ban ) and solid raids of England ,
France and Germany. Tbe League of Amer
ican Wheelmen with its thousands of mem
bers is working mightily for tbo Improve
ment of our tborouahfarus and in tbe end
will prove tbe lever that moved the stone.
In HIP I Ifld ami at tlio Trap.
Dr. Gluck Clark
and Hedlck spent a
couple of days in the Whiting marshes last
A magnificent five-prong buck was killed
in tbo sandblhs north of Kit ono day lust
week by u partv of Iowa buclers.
Colonel J. J. IJickey and party returned
from a very enjoyable duck shoot out in
western Dakota ono day last week.
Annie Oakley , the champion lady shot ,
wltb cither rifle or shot gun , of tbe world ,
will visit this cltr some time during the
month of December.
Tbe Hon. Bruno Tzschuck , Culonel Hnff-
meyerand George B. Tzsrhuck uo enjoying
a few days'outing among tbe redheads and
mallards at Haccooc lake , South Dakota.
\vlll Crary bas made several creditable
bigs of quail within easy ride of tbe city
during the pa t week. Will has got tbe
Winchester pumper down about aa fine as
tbe next one ,
Harry C. Palmer , the well known old
Cbicaso sporting authority , bas taken bold 1
of the business management of Shooting
and Fisbinc , a Boston journal devoted to
the lovers ol the forest and stream.
Fuller and J. A , Lsngdon , the rival
rlllemen , will settle the quemou of super
iority on tbe now sbootlne grounds across
too river next Sunday afternoon. The mated
is for f IUO a side , 50 shots to the man , 200-
yards off hand.
F. L. Campbell bas tbe sporting editor's
tbanics for a generous invitation to joiui him
and a party of other geiitlemen on a nunting
aud fishing trip in too region of Norfolk.
Mr. Campbell reports quail la abundance ,
and assures splendid bport with 1100 and
Tbe ( Jmahii Gun club's regular shooting
season ended wito the following averages
accredited to tbe members who snot la the
required number of club shoots : Frank
Parmelee. baU-10 ; Billy Brewtr , S3 ; H. B.
Kennedy , STJJ-IO : the three prlt s winners.
John J. Hardm. 81 3-10 ; Frauk Gogg , 60 ; W.
E. Nasoa , TV 0-10 ; George W. Loomis , 80 ;
W. H. a Huifnes , 75 : Goodley Bruc er , 77 ,
and Billy Townsehd , 73 1-VoT
J. A. U. Klllott and E. D. Fulford are to
snoot a series of nmtcncs for ths American
Field cup now beld by tno Kansas City man ,
--J--- " " '
- - -
and tbo championship of the world , one of
wulcb may come off In this city. Wnllehere
at the tournament a week ago Mr. Elliott
stated tbat If toe Oman * club desired one of
tbe shoots to take place in Omata be would
endeavor to so arrange U with Mr. Fulford.
It would surely bo a great treat for tha local
lover * of tbe trap.
Among tbe noted trap bouwbo were
here In Mt'odanoa t the Into tournament
weroi Charllo Budd , one of the crack * of
tbe world , ot Dei Montt \ t J. A It Elliott ,
the holder of the Anerlcan Field cup , ot
Kansas City : Ted Ackcrman , the old-timer ,
ofStanton ; Hilly D0uela , the goo < o Killer
of Clarki : J. E. Stonffer , ex-sccrotary of the
State Sportsmen's association , and J. H.
tUvmond of Grand Island ; E. D. ajJ H.
J , Trotter , the well known KlngMov. ! . ,
shots ; E. G. Abbott , It. E. Arfl , Franic
Brewer nnd Harvey Saul , a clever quartet
from Chirter Oak , la , : S. IVells and G. B.
Jjpel * ot Columbus , T. 1C. Hayton of Donvcr
and . Ur. Portorfleld and B. F. Fickle of Han-
dcraon , la.
Ted Aokorman of SUnton , thU state , gives
a trap shooting tournament November 14
and 15. Too proeratn consists of both targets
gets jI and llvo birds two day * , Mondayanil
Tuoaday. Ritrance fees ranging from tl to
( I. I ) , with fi2. oisn nrldee' . Stanton Is it peed
live town en the Fremont , Klkhorn & Mis
souri Valley railroad , as the purse raised by
Mr. Ackerman proves. She has several good
shots and all-round good fellows headed bf
ttU genial TcJ , and anv ono vlsttinc Stan-
ton's shoot will come away , It broke , feeling
tbat they have had a good tlino and been
treated batter than over before. Profes
sionals are handlcaoocd on most of the big
events and purses. Tod' * face has been seen
01nl sorrow to some and pleasure to many
nlst nil our big tournaments , and all tbo Doy's
should turn out and visit hi * tournament ,
especially ! when ho adds monev enough for
all to como away oven if they point their Run
rift J. D. and D. M. Chamberlain purchased
from George Bell of Canada the cocker
snaniel bitch. Cherry Ulpe In whelp to Fas
cination. Cherry Kipe is out of Budd hy
Bronte. She won first at Toronto , Kingston
and Omaha , tbe only times shown. Ono
moro win and she ' .rill bo a champion. Fas
cination Is IS months old and has beat alt tha
cracks ! on tbo bench this year. Tbo Cham
berlain boys aUo bought ot Georco Douglass
of , Woodland , Ont. , Omaha Black Duke , out
of Woodland Juae , by Champion Black
Duko. The puppy Is d months old and a
fine as can be obtained. , U'tth this tine sloctt
as a start wo will soon have In Omaha ai
good a kennel of spaniels as can be found in
tbo country and the owner * saoutd bo en
couraged In their efforts to bring tbe cocker
to ( the front in the west. Another year and
Omaha Black Duke will bo in tbe 'stud and
liH another month , with good luck , Cherry
Hipo will bo the mother ot a litter of puppies
that will bo a credit to any kennel in the
MUcelliuipoii * Local sports.
George H. Leslie has the sparling editor's
acknowledgments fora copy of the Montreal
Star containing a report of the big world's
championship lacrosse match between tbo
Montreal and Ottawa , Canada , teams.
The American Snorts Publishing company ,
of which my old friend James E. Sullivan Is
u prominent official , has I'nr. BEE'S thanks for
a pamphlet entitled "Tne Life aud Battles of
Jmes J. Corbott. " Tbe five half tone en
gravings of Jim Corbott , John L. Sullivan ,
Peter Jackson , Jake Kllraln nnd Joe
Cbovnsicl are very fine and very lifelike |
W. H. Copplo , the Bancroft sprinter ,
easily won tno hundred-yard spurt with
"Prct" Pulley of Sbenandoab. la. , at the
fair rounds Thursday afternoon. It was
purely a sprinters pcnlcand ! tbo talent were
dono'to a turn. Among tbe notable "feet
artists" on tbo grounds was court Thompson
of Dtnver ; Clem Cliff and Blllv HoughCres
cent , la. ; Jim Whltney. Salem ; J. O. and
W H. Copplo , Randolph and Bancroft ;
"Cash" Grim , Deadwood ; Heddy Ros ,
Charlie Nicholson and Leon Lozler , Council
Bluffs ; Frank Stowe. Missouri Valley ; Kid
Sullivan. North Platte ; G. A. and Cht.rlie
Pulley , W. C. Bishop. Omaha , and a score
more. The * profesh were all on Pulley ,
Copple's brother being Copplo's only backer.
Lou Hiobon. Dice Moore's ' old backer , will
go over to Chicago on the 19th to see Dick
in his battle with Henry Baker.
Ouentloni and Ansneri.
. OBASD ISLAND , Neb. , Nor. 3. To the Sport
ing Editor ot THE UEE : To decide u bet please
state In Sunday's DEE when a horse Is called a
jcurlinz ? Header.
Ans. Until ho is two years old.
OMAHA.Nov. - To the Sportln ; Editor ot
THE UEE : Will you pleasedrcide a bet In your
Sunday's BEE for aro.iderot yourpspor : If
three j parties lire plavlnz seven-up. A deals. II
buns ; A runs tba cards ; U not bulng satisfied
with the second trump offers to bunch tlio
cards ; C'objects. Have they u rlcht to bunch
Che cards without U's consent , or nave tboy a
rlbt u > niuno tholr trdmp without C's con
sent-M. M. .M.
Ans. No.
OMAHA. Nov. 4. To the Sportlns Klltor of
Tnr HCK : In a came of high five J nud T are
eacn t'J points. IB being game. T bids 7 and
buys , making lilcb , game and oppn-.lte fire.
J nmlic * low. gnnia and right fives lie wins ?
Ans.- How long , O , Lord , how long must
this continue ? J wins.
ItcsKix , Neb. , Nov. 2. To the Sportlns Ed
itor of 1 HE BEE : To settle H dispute ple.iso
answer the followiiiz : Is ihero a law u hereby
stake money can be thrown Into tno school
funds by MI outside party : If so. does tbe m-
former receive any portion of such money' '
Ans. AHJpolico court fines go into tne
school fund , but tbere is no law such as you
ask about ,
SII.VEK CRERK. Neb. . NOT. 3. To the Sport-
In ? r.dttorof THE BEE : A 1ms < o points , li lias
51. A imilces tbe trump and leads tbe nee ,
catches n five spot , and lo.ids the deuce , mak-
1ns 13 points : B saves iho Jack. Who wins the
game ? M. L Kossller.
.Ans. And hero it is once more. B wins
CHICAGO , Nov. a. To the Sporting Editor of
THE BKE : IMeusc statt ) In Sundny's sporting
columns whether Me Henry Johnson , tbe
"lllaek stnr. " formerly of your city , now of
Detroit , ever foujlit Ueorce Godfrey , who was
whipped by .loo I'tioynskl ut Conuv Island
last til-'lit. If so what waj the result , when
and tthtrv ) did the mill take placo'H. . M.
Ans. Yes. Ttey met In Boulder county ,
Illinois , in January lt > 83 , fora purse of fsM.
Tne "Black Star" was knocked out in the
fourth round , but the referee claimed that
the olow that did the business was foul , and
at once awarded the tight to Johnson. Tbo
parties hanging up the money , however , de
clared that the decision was"tha only foul
connected with the fightand tbev gave "Old
Chocolate" WWO of the purse.
Cliolrra ,
Vmm Hie DnilicvciUe. . triia'eom , H'ij 7i
"T. O. Burnett , the democratic candidate
for sheriff , xvas taken violently 111 at Clear-
broou. He bad all Ibo symptoms of Asiatic
cholera , and for an hour or two it was
feared bo would die. Tbev finally gave him
a dose of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and
Diarrhwa Hemedv , which rovired him until
a physician arrived. " That is precisely
what tbe manufacturers of tha ? medicine
recommend for cholera. Send tor a physi
cian , but give tnelr medicine until the physi
cian arrives. If cholera becomes provnlont
in this country next summer this -epura- -
tion will bo In great demand because it can
always bo depended upon. For sale by
It somewhat gives ttie lie to the sayine ,
"Death loves a sbintnc.rn.ark , " that Marshal
MacMabon IK H , Pope L&uho same ago and
Mr. Gladstone 64. , "
Erastus T. Beadle , wVo made a fortune by
the dime novels to which b.e gave bis name ,
has been nominated for congress in tbe Now
York Twenty-tirst district , ;
Most men whose nutne Is McLeod pronounce -
nounce it "Mac-cloud : " but the enorgetio
president of the KeadinB-road , according to
the Boston Advertiser , .prefers l'Mao-leea"
for biimolf. „ , _
Luther Weeks 1s deaj ftt Pittsburgh. N.
V. , at the age of 9.J. In14 , on horseback ,
be carried tbe news 'of the victorv at tbe
battle of Plaitsburgb to Bonmngton.Vt. , and
the neighboring towns. t > o
Among the porlentlotu events o * tbo lait
week it should be mentioned that James
\YagonselIors , a prominent scavenger and
well digger residing In Harrlsburg , Pa. , bas
come out for Cleveland. '
There , are three governors tbe chief
magistrates of Kentucky , Maryland and
Ithode Island wno bear the name of Brown.
Governor Toole of Montana is tbe only one of
forty-four woo has no staff.
Ex-Governor Merrlireatber of Kentucky ,
attained tbo nge of 93 last Sunday. Besides
serving the Blue Grass jtate as Us chief
magistrate , be was also United States sen
ator , nuooeedlntc Henry Clay la that office.
Aiabel Tbornburg of Muncle , Ind. , who
died recently within fifty dars of rounding
off tne century mark , left 111 great-grand
children and seventeen great-great-grand *
children. Ha had been a tobacco user since
early boyhood.
Be Butler Is old and growing physically
feeble , but that dooi not pravent him from
monooolulng the hunting iupply before a big
celebration. Whoever celebrates victory in
November will pay tribute to Butler , and
tbat aeems to be tha only part be 1s taking
in this campaign ,
Dr. Luther , a Berlin physician , descended
from Mirtln Luther , repreiented tbe Lutber
family itt ths cooiccrallon lemeoi In Wit-
tenberg Superintendent Martin Luther ot
tbo Philadelphia and Heading Coal and Iron
cotnpanv. br the wav , Mnklnslv resembles
tbe pictures of the leader ot tbo Reformation.
Marshal MaoMshnn , oz-prcsldent of
France , Is nov ? H years of age. Although
advised by hit physlcnns to spend the colder
months somewhere on the Mediterranean ,
and althodeh tt has been reported that be
had alrcadv gone to Mentone , he wa < still
lingering In bis chateau In Ibo Department
of the Loire only B few days aro.
Wayne MacVenRh's wit once found Its
match In the repartee of Archbishop Hyan of
Philadelphia when both were the guests of
President Koberts of tbo Pennsylvania rail
road , of which MacVeagh was tbo general
solicitor. While Mr. KoberM and the arch
bishop were earnestly conversing on some
tbcmo the lawyer teniarked that tbe prelate
was probably providing his host wltb n pass
over tbo celestial railroad to the rroat tvhlto
throne. "Sir,1' answered t ie churchman ,
"that would bo a creat misfortune to you. It
would forever separate the president" th
Pennsylvania from bis cennrul solicitor. '
HIP oulrkrtt AVny to Cure n I'olil.
Do you wish to know the quickest way to
cure a cold ! We will toll vou. To cure a
cold quickly It must bo treated before the
colil has become settled In the system. The
tint symptoms of a cold Is a dry , loud cougn
ana sneezing. The cough is soon followed
by watery expectoration and the stieeiing by
a profuse watery dltcoarga from the nose.
In severe cases there Is a thin white coating
on tbe tonguo. What to dot It is only nec
essary to take Chamberlain's Cough Itemed ?
in double doins everv hour. That will
greatly lessen tbe severity of the cold and in
rnanv casns will effectually counteract itand
cure what would have boon a severe cola
within ono or two days' time. Try It and be
convinced. i and 53 cent bottles for sale by
llrmklng It Ornlly.
Puck : "Is it nil rltfht , doctor ? "
"Splendid , Jumble ! Allow mo to con-
grauilato vou. ' '
"I * it a-n-boy ? "
"Tho picture of his pop. "
"Doctor , thin is the lumpiest moment
of my life. It's selfishness on my part ,
ttiouuh for Lou IMS yearned fop u
dsnifjhter so fondly. " '
"Jn that case , Jumble , she won't be
disappointed. "
"Didn't you sny it was a boy , doctor ? "
"The picture of his pen. ' '
"But Louise wanted a girl. "
"In thut case , Jumble , us I said be
fore , she won't bo disappointed , for
heaven has more than gratified her de
sire. ' '
"Do I understand vou doctor ? is it
twins ? "
"Vou said vou wanted a boy , did you
not ? "
"I did , doctor/ '
"Aud your wife wanted a girl ? "
"Yes , doctor. " '
"Well , then , my man , rest easily.
Heaven has answered the prayers of
both. "
"Then its twins. "
"But in favoring you , Jumble , heaven
has doublv favored your wife. "
"And it's twinb ? "
"No , Jumble , not exactly. You see"
"Great Caesar , doctor , you mystify
ine ! Relieve mo of this anxiety , for
pity's sake. ; What is U ? "
' TVN ' '
Ho Wat Kmbnrr eil.
"When I used to travel about the
country lecturing'said a retired tbtn-
perance talker to the Detroit Free
Press , "I carried with me as a frightful
example , a man with n brilliant red
nose , and during my remarks I would
call upon him for testimony. On ono
occasion we struck a small town in New
WcJiness ,
Catarrh or
_ _ _
Chronic ,
Nervous or
IP BO , CAtit , ON
. Searles & Searles
Consultation Free
Tor th Treatment of
Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases ,
TURE OF TiE RECTUM Fe-manently
Cured -without the use 01 teitife , lig iture or
QHTT ? I f "T'rTT'p'Guaranteed I'crmanont-
. .
o i Jvi J. v iv.u <
purcd. ,
| y remo\il com
plete , without ciit'.in : . camtlc or (11 utxtioti
CurobelTeeted at homo by patient without a
inorni'nt'x pain or annoyance Call on or ad-
wlth stamp fcr circulars , free book and
rece'pts. '
Dr. Searlcsfi Seinesns
Next to PostOffloa.
men ! , a > ual.1c lor Urstorlv initlnsu , flu , N
. , JVprroui 1'roitntoa ciu J br
-Iquur or loUicco , WiUelulnen. Muntil l otn-
luu. ioItneiiortUaUrlta.oiuiinjlni.inUr. ulisrr
OtH-oj.ileitn. I'reiiiture Oil Age , llarrdaeo. ixm
[ J'ower la either r , Impotencrl.jacorrnai od
nil Female \Veikneii ; > . Inrolunttrr Ixiiioi , Spar-
mntorrbdcmaid br orer-uxertlan of tu Drln
helf-abuiDOTaMndulKeaca. A monlti'i trjitmjat
11,6 tor mill. Weiuinnleeitc baiei to can
Kacborde foriiboioi. wltb ii will U wrltlia
iratTftnteilo refund If not oar ji Ou r ot luail
onlr t > r Ttaoodore. PV Liwli druiflit , oU azoau
outtataU corner ICtbana t'ara m its. Uiniat
We have purchased ,
at private sale for s ) ot cash from
Steinhart , Heide berg & , Co , ,
753-755 Broadway , New York ,
Who are goinc : out of business ,
their choice line of
Cassimere , all wool , diagonal fall di * L
overcoats , blue and black ,
Fine overcoats in meltons , kerseys ,
diagonals , cheviots ,
Elegant fall overcoats in all fabrics ,
including vicuna and homespuns , $10.00
All silk-lined homespun fall over
coats , also cheviots and vicunas , $13.50
Winter overcoats in chinchilla ,
beaver , kersey , meltonfur beaver ,
rough wool , montagnac , $10.00
Ulsters , in domestic and Irish freize ,
at the unprecedented price of $6.50
Scotch cheviot , chinchilla and beaver
ulsters O CTO now at $8.00
Fine fur beaver , Shetland and elegant
made ulsters at $9.00
These coals sell on sight , and we don't have
to tell you their value , for you will see the
bargain in them at first glance.
Columbia Clothing Co. ,
Corner 13th and Farnam.
Jersey , where we had an audience o'
about 100 people , I was making fine
headway ; with my lecture and at the
proper time I glanced o'er the crowd
and said : 'Will the gentleman witn
the red nose please rise to his foet'j
"Of course my man trot up , but before
ho could do so thirty-seven men had
risen slowly to their feet , and I don't
think I was ever more embarrassed in I
my life. "
eilinHilQ ! { , Cnronlc. Iterator Herjll-
UrjPlle ! . TliH HemnJj bii norer ben known to
fall. $1 per bor Ofor < 3 : aentbr mill. VVbyi tiller from
UJB | larrlble dtseaig wrmti H written uuaraat * ) It
DOilllTeljcl'en nltb li oozoi or refund tliemonor If
not carttd senJ stmp for fr e Snuiple. Uuarantea
linoil br Kolm tCo Drurcliti , hole AgenU.corier
lilt' and Uouclai iireeu uibn. . Neb.
I6th and Howard Streets , .
BOItooma for I'atlents , OMAHA ) NEB , ! }
Tor Hie treatment of
Chronic , Private l Nervous Diseases ,
Piles , Fistula , Fissure and Stric
ture of'thc Keclum permanent
ly cured without the use of Knife ,
Ligature or Caustic.
Enclose ie. In stump * arid our 107 vaxo HOOK
oil DISEASES und ym-Mlcin lllanks
will bo MAILED I'HUE.
inth and Howur-J ? ls. . Omaliu , KBU.
W. O. il AX WELL. M. ) . . I'rcs. > .tit. au nur.
Wollcome and have them exntnlnert bf our optician
free of cburgt * . nnd * U newmrtry , niifd with n pair of
Ktvthe best Jn the world. It rourtouot n < H d KHS |
we will tell you * > o nd H Irlse you whnt to do. UOI.U
I'Jatn. vniokp. blue or white glares , for protecting tlio
eye * . IromliOo n pair uji.
Meyer & iro. Go , ,
Jewelers and Opticians.
Fa run in nnd riftenn ill St rooti"
oo YOU m
For Elevators ,
Smoke Stack Guys ,
Elevators , Etc
Wastiburn & Moen's the Best ,
Jas- Merion & Son Go ,
1811 DcdgeStreet.
Afnrtnof ( Hi ucrte lu to n of Dunullil , Ulatne
Co .Neb Htunice ! on tbv Iilnninl und .Middle J.tiuu
riven one mile from Dunnlru station ouili'j u i
.M U It Fur price anil tcrnii npp y lu
S21.nkeMreet CJilcnzii III.
Teeth rilled With
J4 I * 111 "f till )
IjatoH Inven
tion !
AI'ULLMTUI TKKPH ox uuBunn rou
1'erfcct fllKuuraiitooJ Tcath oxtr.iotej In
tlio inurnlni ; Now ouos insert ail lu uvuntn/
of uiiie day.
r > t-b speelinein of Kamotumo llrmzo.
Bee ipoclincns of Kjexfulo Klastlc I'lati
All work warranted 114 ruprujenteU ,
OIHcc , Ihlr'J Kioar , I'.ixtQn Illoj c.
Top ) ) > liuu3 10S ) , MUha-i I Far-ia u S } | .
laUo Klevntor or Kfilrvtay from I5lU
by purchasing goods made at the following1 Nebraska Factories , If you can
not find what you want , communicate with the manufactures , as to what
dealers handle their goods.
> mpu ! ciiol