tir i * nr ttt.iit n . til \ fl1t.M > V DOMAIN OF THE SWELLS What Society Has Found to Interest it the Past Week , COMMISSIONER HARTMAN'S ' RECEPTION Sir * . .Imlcn IMiiMly UltJM nil Kliilmrnto Ken- liicton lor Her Daughter MM * Vntn * ' rrotty Adrrnooii Clint of Well KtiiMTM IVopto. I'll foUlvi tlos of the WCOK have been crowded Into tbo past two or thrco tints , the opening bavin ? been devoid of any lutorost whatever , The Ilartraiin rccoplion anil the Uundy konslnglon brouo the social Ice very ptoacutilly nnd wore nn carnc&t of what Is to conio when the contentions for the laver of Mrs. Vex 1'opiill nro over. Anil this recalls what N. P. Willis wrote during the mil day * of the campaign preceding General Tayior's election , although ivhat nppllcnllon the words may have upon tlio social patjo mav not ba clearly dlsccrnable. Mr. Willis said : "A fnturo president Is practically In ballot boxu ; ami that womb of authority Is now onlv 10 bo nwullod bv the Patorual ma jority \\lth the tumult over , I ho city re- turni to peace , Industry and prosperity. " At the tlartman rcrnptioti there were half n dozen candidates for political ofllcos proa- out nnd during tlio ina/cs of waltz ono of them was heard to sav to the lau'v with whom lie was dancing. "Now see that Mr. L. casts his vota for inc. " Tlio cloak rooms were chitnircd Into debating clubs for the nonce niid Politics ab'ovo stairs was qulto as proml- nonl as hoclcty below. Hut all this gnus to allow that times Imvo changed slnco Mr. Willis1 days anil the blending of political , literary nnd social elements has been made a fact , for politicians of nil shades of opinion Imvo had their Innings in the October maga zines and as the world grows olucr literature und society cease to be Injured by contact with politics. Society will prcet with ulensuro tbo an- nnuncciucnt that the Assembly is to bo re vived this winter , for wo have never had n moro successful organization for tbo uses In- tondcd than the Assembly proved. Tbo scheme of revival contemplates nromowhat broader Held than heretofore , It being the ucsiro of the promoters to Interest the army people In our fasblonablo llfo and bring tlio garrison in closer relation with tbo city. The following gentlemen , comprising tlio oxocu- t.vo committee , will bo nntivo In form- In the now Assembly from that which remains of the past u host of loiul memories : Gcnoinl .John H. IJrooko , Cap- lam K. II. Crowder , Lieutenant A. O. U. Ouav , L'cutenant ' Edward W. Wright. Mr. ' Ilon'rv W. Yatcs , Mr. 13. P. Peek , Mr. Thomas Orr , Dr. 13. W. Leo , Mr.V. . S. Pop- ploton , Mr. Warren M. Kogor.s , Mr. Charles L. Lionel , Mr. Clement Chase , Mr. Lutnor Drake , Mr. Frank Hamilton , Mr. George U. Voss. secretary ; Mr. Charles T. ICounlzo , treasurer. Th lliirtiniin Iti'cnptliin. While the social world lia been slow to throw off the lethargy of the summer davs nnd the nbscnco of big functions generally remarked , society was permitted to pot out Its best clothes Friday evening , the reception given by Mr. ana Mrs. Chris llartman at their magnificent homo at-Thirty-fourth and Kamam streets attracting tbo swells in largo numbers. Among the beautiful homes in Omaha the Iinrtman resloenco Is most admired - mired , having been built seemingly witn- a view to the giving of such liirgo affairs as that of Friday nicht. From the oulsido ono can hardly form a correct idea of the roomi ness within , big , wide apartments , with pretty alcoves making totp-a-totcs almost , Impossible to resist. The lirst floor is devoted - voted to the grand salon , a handsome npart- inontoxiUisitely | decorated In neutral colors , the library , u musto room off , dining room nnd breakfast room , all thuao hnvlug been sot apart for the uses of the reception. Below .stairs Is a Iliioly arranged billiard room. The second story contains the sleeping apartments , while in the third Is a ball room extending Urn \vholo length of tbo house and hero , after 10 o'clock , the cuosls , and particularly iho younger sot , were permitted to danco. The room was linolv decorated with llowers and nmllax , anil with myriad lights the scene \viis suniclcntly untieing to please the most dovoteil follower of Dame Fashion. That which Impressed Itself moro thun any ether one thing unon the minds ot the guests present was thu lloral docoratiou which was upon a wonderfully lavish scale. The draw ing room , the library , the ( lining room , the iiuiblo room , were ail a mass of color , chrys- mithomums In all their variegated beauty Dredomiimting and with a verity it might liuvo been called a "chrysanthemum recep tion. " In point of fact these harbingers of the gradual decay ot the year ran not and the rooms looked us If tbo.so llamos of color worn natiiru's own day fireworks. There were Jardlnlorcs Illlcd with mugnill- nout blossoms , mantels were banked with thorn , the bays were canopied with amllnx relieved with hundreds of those llowers which have become the fash ionable fad of iho season. There were portieres tieres of .sinllax , giving a pleasing rope ef fect , while the bnnu was curtained off from the auoslH by a wealth of stnlla * and yellow chrysanthemums aitisttcully arranged. Jlverywlicro oim turned the mikado's favor ite llower was noticeable , yellow , white , purple , brown , a veritabla chrysanthemum bhow. The punch bowl stood In tbo dining room and n host of pretty girls uddi-il their brightness and brilliancy to the nectar which they served. Refreshments were served In the billiard loom , the table itself , with its false top , being tiansformoi ! into an ornamented banquet board , with n lilgh pvnimid of fruits in the center , tlio edge being outlined with Minhix mid roses. l''ulry lamps were every where and I ho effect was surprlslnclv dimming. The caterer also added greatly to the plcasuro of the iuoaU by tendering prettily covered lap boards , which permitted iho serving of refreshment ) * in u much morn cnjovablo iimnnor than In usual with f'liictions of this Kind , Then , too , the arrangements vioro perfect ns to the loci'plion of ttio guests , the side ( inlranco being usud exclusively for car riages , setting down heads north and taking up heads south , Mr. und Mr. , Ilurtmnn , Miss Hartmun and her guest , Miss Welch ol St. 1'uul , re ceived in the nottli drawing room. Mr-i. ll.irtnian wure an exquisite costume of ombroidorcd moussolliny no soio. nut- liucO at tbo throat and blceves with color of u dcopcr shade. Miss llartman , who mndo her debut but a season ago , was radiant in n wnlio crystal bcngulhio trimmed with handsome luce , the whiteness being roncvod by an cnoimous bouijuot of red loses which stio curried. Miss Welcn , u very pittty and nttractlva girl , n fnlr fxpf.nent of HIP nnrlli land , were u sweet costume of del-Blue nilk , dccolloto und ontiaiiie , with lace trim in In- , and car ried a hugo bouquet of whlto curvsuntbc- IIIU HIS , Assisting throughout thf room In iho on- tertuininent of thu gnosts were Mrs. Ctmrlcs Squires Mrs. Henry KstnbrooU , Mis. McWhnrter , Mrs. Coryell. Mro. Dean and Mrs. Ho.-irs , while at the punch bowl were Mist Mamie Moore , Misb Johnson , Miss 1'ratt and Miss Powell of Ulcuwood , la , olu. Squlios were a rich costume of old plnURatin and black brocade , black thread lace , trimming , diamonds. Mrs. MuWrorter wore a handsoinu v/hlto kllk with iildoscont trimming , cntralne. Mrs. Cor.vell WHS t'ownud in blucu Mr . licorno Hoggs were a Heers gown which nltnioted grant attention , having a brocaded trout in green and tun with shot ffcct , the vest front having u jackct-ltko uffccl beliic lu gold not , lull rovers extend ing over tbo shoulders whtuli , with the very lull alcoves that la oil the rage thU season , completed a very tmudbomo picture. Mrs. ituyHyo of Fremont were one of the very handtomo gowns of the oveulntr , a rainbow creno , ( loslgned by Doucot of Paris , tnmmod in stiudoa of roses and green over orange ai.d whlto shot silk. Miss McCoruiiok wore a pralty yellow luillo trimmed in lace. MUs Allcu McCormick , a very interesting girl , were a pink mousaelllue duaoiuxvlth biocado effect lu yreeu , pink oncUcarlot , no , totfi > h > n ,16 St . M m * ftil < aojC" H , ' * H J i > ! 1 f" Inn ) nun' oo Never in the history of the furniture trade were prices as low as they arc today , Goods are made better and slyles ard hcmdsomer than ever before. We have just purchased a complete new stock and - in goods now coming- are being marked , according to our new policy , at the lowest possible percentage of profit. * 4 The large volume of business we have clone this fall has proven to us that the price is the leading sentiment of the time , and wo have adoptwl permanently the system of markiug everything at one-half our former margins , thus making the increased sales more than offset ; the decrease in profits. V 1 This statement means exactly what it says , and customers cannot possibly make a mistake in price in buying at * * cur store. . ; All goods marked in plain figures. Charles Shiverick & Co. , Furniture , Carpets , Draperies. 12A69' 1208 , 1210 Farnam St. 3 ; o j , 18W * * " o } ; o i ) v.i t. i > i loK oT i it oy . ' .r 1 ed " ii ci , , highly ornamented with green and leaflet libbuns. Mrs. Kstnbroolc were u now gQwn of black striped silK nnb old rose with green Drocanu , tlio waist round and umpire in style. Miss Ida Powell was daintily attired in a pretty nbado of gteon bcngaiino , triinn.cd with green and pearl pnssomciitorlo and em broidered cliifToi' . Mrs. Doan wore an exquisite eostumo of white mousscllino with lianclsonio laeo trim ming , the gown being mndo emplte in style and Just suited to Mrs. Dean's beauty. Miss Mainlo Moore graced a pretly yellow crepe wllh lovor.s Knots in the name btnulo olToctlvoly intorlanod Miss Nettle Johnson were a ciel-olue china silk , red roses. Miss Pratt , who Is soon to leave Omaha for hbr future residence In California , were u pretty combination of blue and black lace , which became her well. Mrs. Frame Hansom were ono of Iho hand somest costumes been at the reception , a peculiar : hade ot heliotrope silk trimmed with pjssoincntorlo in two tones , matching the gown. Miss Willis , a very pretty girl , were n dainty while surah with lemon colotod trim ming. Miss Mary Duryoa appeared in a llguroil silk with surah trimming. Miss Margaret Cook vim pretty In whlto silk and Valenciennes lace , Misb Maud Itcccu were n handsome white buruh wllh lure tiiinming. Among those mescnt , the hirsro number of strangers being particularly marked , were : Mr. and Mrs. Kny IS'yo of Frumont , Miss Shcrwin of Fremont , Miss Powell of Glen- wood. Ia. ; Mr. and Mrs. EstnbrooK , Air , und Mrs. Squires , Mr. nnd Mrs. George Suulrex , Major and Mia. Wheeler , Mr. and Mis. Dan Wheeler. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joslvn , Air. nnd Mrs. John P Williams , Miss Williams , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamgc. Mr. and Mrs. DietMr. . and Mrs. Swobp , Mr. and Mrs. Uilliam Coburn , MUs Coburn , Mr. nnd Mrs , H. P. Whltmore , Mr. und Mrs. Miner , Mr. nml Mrs. Hoggs , Mr. and Alri. Del Goodilrh , Mr. and Mrs. Dean. Mr. and Mr * . .Martin Cabu , Mr. and Mrs. Alberl Calm , Mr. and Mrs. MoilU Mover , Mr. ana Mrs. Dnvcnport , Mr. and Mrs. Woller , Mr. and Mn. Jesse Lowe , Captain m.d Mrs. Palmer , Mr , nnd Mr.s. O. C. Campbell , Mrs. and Mrs. Brad Slaughter , Dr. und Mrs. Charles Smith , Dr. and Mrs , Stone , Mr. and Mrs. Bnum , Miss Hnum , Air. and Alr.s , LockwooJ , Mr. and Mrs. John Brudv , Mr. and Mis. Wultellcld , Air. and Mrs. Cou , Miss Slaughter. Air. ami Airs. Geoigo Kelley , Air. und Airs. Charles Turner , Air. and Mrs. Churchill Parker , Colonel mid Mrs , S. S , Curtis. Colonel Chase , Miss Butterlloid , Aliss M. Biitterlleld , Air. W. IS. Bnbcock , General and Airs , llawlov and Miss Hawluy , Mr. and Mrs. Alex ander , Mr , und Airs , duorgo 1 Gilbert , Air. and Mr.s. Charles Ueuol , Air , and Mrs. KUdon , Hon. and MM. Georgu W. Llniugor. Mr. ami Airs. Hullur , AlUs Hatlor , Mrs. Barker , Aliss Knthoryn lluruor , Miss Margaret Moore , Aliss Nellie Moo it' , Allss Mainlo Aloori * , Mlvi Itecro , Alisa Willis , Miss Jnlmson , Allss Mary Dnrvca , Mr. Fosbenner , Mr. Uolh , Mr. Gould Diet/ , Mr , GeorgJ Miner. , Mr < , Iiiiml ) ' * I Mrs. K. S. Duiidv , in honor of her ( laugh ter. Mrs. Henry Newman ( neo Luna Dundy ) , of Dayonno Citv , IS , .1 , , t'nvo an elabornlo Kensington Thursday afternoon , which brought out the buut ti'onde ' In large num bers , qulto ir > 0 laclos buinc prosont. A markedly pleasant feature of the oicaslon wus it * gcnulnu In/ormality , everybody seemingly Knowing everybody else. While there were few ladloi utio brought their fancy work , the konslagtotis of those latter days bciog in name only , these who did not found a delightful program urrangnd for them , Mrs. Martin CJubu song ( jolUcbalk'ii ' Ob , Loving Heart , " Mrs. Kstatarook u lul laby by Pousi' , Mra. Will Wood and Mrs. Cudahy also adding tboir voices to the pious- urnblo function , Mrs. H. P , Whltmoro play lug mvorul plauo solcotlous by Cuopln and Uraudeia. Assisting Mr ? , Dnndy In tbo work of en tertaining were Miss Dundv. Mrs. Wheeler , MM. Chafe , MuaJesiiuMlllard , Miss Powel , MUn Sham , Miss Idt. Sharp. Mm. Kodlck , Mrs , KeimngtoQ , Mrs. lilmcr Frank and Miss 1 ' Frank , Mrs. Dundy were a pretty black strljiod auruh brocaded In lavender llowers. Mr * . Nowuiuu , upon wtioui the ties of mar- rlago sot most bonlgnlv , were a prottv npplo- green silk with an over dross of olack lace ornamented with Jot. Ono of the pretty matures was the table sot apart for the "silvered heads" among the guests , which was beautifully decorated with a bis ; bowl of chrysanthemums in the center. Around this post of honor were grouped n lot , of small tables , which were presided over jy those assisting the hostess. Among thojo present were : Mesdames Acliormai' . Uarker , Joseph Barker , Damn , lien net t , Uirkhnuser , Halter , Guanas Brown D. Hdiim , Catdwell , Victor Caldwell , Carl ner , Carter , Clarke , Coffman , Counor , Cou. tant , ( . 'udaliy , Uurtis , Cuahing , Douiso Doherty. Dralte , Dtibois , Colpel/.er , Kstul brook , ( Jaylord. ( Jreeno , llaller , Hancheit Hnnscom , Iloldroge , Irvine , Ijako' Lee , Viet , hohmer , McKennn , Mull ford , Orr , Olmstcad , Poxton. Park. or , Powell , Smith , Sharp , Summers Vaill , Windsor , Westphaling , Webster , Wood , U. Wood , Wheeler , Wliltmore , Uovd , Hradford , Meyer , 1'ritchott , Ilurt , Millard , Mlllard , Woodward , McCormick , llawlcy , Frank , Cornish , Lemon , Yost , Bnrkalow , Mine , liarkulow , Gltiuk. May , nard , Council. Orr , Kvuns , Moore , Wyman , Kimuall , H.irtlett , M ooro , Gilbert , Motcalf- J. .1. lirown , Woodman , Griflitb , McKoll , Miss Mclvell , Amos , Blorbower , Jones , Muir , C. Ilrown , Patric.t. rtwobe , S II. II. Uaik , St. Louis ; M'cCornilck , Miss Holler , Mr ? . Dundy , Jr. , Mib. Martin Calm , Miss liiittcrllcld. Miss Frank , M ra. Slaughter , Mrs. Hijuires , Mis. Sunnier , Mrs. Wessels. < nivn Tlinlr I'list I'lirly. ' ' 1 he Paladins" gave their llrst party nt ] Jattor on's now hall Thursday evening. It Is tbo intention of tins club to give a number of select parties during the winter season. The hall was beautifully decorated for the occaiiou , while in one corner a very tempt ing bowl of punch was served. The or chestra plavcd Hlxtcon nuinocrs during the evening und a very enjivablo limo was had by all. Thuso present , wore : Messrs , nnd Mcs- dumcs U. D. Konyon , C. 1C. lilac It , C. D. Ward , A. J. Movers , ,1. C. liodman , M , Julia Crissoj , Misses IneHaskoll , Dolllo Halley , liauman , G. ItaiiTian , A. Livosoy , Ivatio Preston , Luna Bulls , Ida Blor- worth , Blanche Van Court. Ada Yule , Glucomlni , C. Glacomlul , G. Chapman , V. Kvons , Bcsslo" Munn , M. Coon , Kiob , N. Hloh , ICenucdy , A. Doyco , Fitch , Fiillor , L Harding , Weaver , Spencer , Chicago , 111. , Mao Clark , Council DlnlTs , Lou Te.-rill , Mossrs. H. C. Miller , W. K. Paima- tor. 10 , L. Kern , M H. McCord. W. U' . FUlior , F. M. Heni'b , W. .1. Bradbury , M. A. Lawyer , L' , B. Pope , Charles Bass , Ward Burgess , T. N. Naudnlm , Jr. , C. 12. Muthow.s , A , K. Hijtiires. , l. H. Grahnin , A , G. Buch anan , .1. W. liasiing * , ( i. W. Hooblnr , A. S. Green , B P. Baxter , P. S Brownleo. H. B. Morse. P. B. Major. * . H. C. Picul ll. F , Bar rett , X. U. McMuhon , .1. S. Clark , A. K. Younger , ( J. A. Knouso , Harry Woodwaid. An Alcrnioiin Urccpllnn. In honor of Miss Spabrof YorK , Po. , an old school friend of Miss Bcssio Vntcs , the latter gave u lovely reception Thursday afternoon nt her beautiful homo HilUldo , Ill'JD Davenport , The housu was gorgeous in autumnal colors , the queen of the season's ( lowers , tlio chrysanthemum , having the post of honor in the hull , while la Franco roses and ferns made the bnmjuel table a dainty fosra. Mrs. Joseph Garnonu presided at tlio tea table handsomely costumed In heliotrope molro and white satin. The afiornoon was pleasantly delightful , because of Its Inform ality , all of the youni ; ladles present belug social lights. The gucsu wore : Miss ICountzo , Miss Jackson , Miss Anna Mllltird , Miss Carrie millard , Mia ) Brown , MUi Chandler , Miss Kmily Wakolev , Miss Doano , Mits Nash , MUs Hoisio Hall , Miss Margaret Williams , Miss Belle Dewo.r , MUs Mabel Bulcouibc. Mrs. Hull , MUs McKenna , MUs Sherwooo , Miss Yost. The dining room table was artUtlcally ar ranged with loses and ferns , four lamps at tbe coraori Khtt'lod by green shades alvlng a pretty effect to the room , which is one of the lianaaomcit In the west. Tlielr bruHnii , The Peerless clue began Us third season of dances under very pleasant circumstances Tuesday evening , notwithstanding that it "blow great guns" outside. Smco iho close of IBS' seatou'a sunoa of parties several new members have been added to the h . It Is the intention of the committee to r.ivo danc ing parties every fortnight throughout the winter. The following were present : Mossrs. Peterson , Phelps. Lucohosi , Westorilabl , Let-dor. Laloy , Ochlllree , Smith , Kirby , Yost. Johnson , ICnupp , Bartlett , Walker , Brinenbeckor , Stratmun , Thiolo , K. E. How- oil , ICcmper. ' Wooderd , McConneU , Stock- ham , Eponoter , Blackwoll , It. H. Darpor , Council Bluffs. Misses Kollop , Jones , Dohrcr , Chesbro , Tarpley , Cooper , i'armo- tor , Bcssto Hungate , Shields , Panel ; , Ueocher , Andrc.sen , Kimpp , Hedlleld , Leeder , Bridenbocker , Powers , Urgman , Bertha Hungato , Bell , Bowman , Smith , Hicholiou , Mudgc , Council Bluffs. A IMcuslllit Jtrreiitlnn. The homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. C. Browa- lec , 2101 Cass , was tbo scene of a very pleas ant reception last Thursday ovontug. The affair was civon in honor of Mr. A. Byron King and brldo. "Tho Brownleo House , " as It Is commonly known , Is sort of a cooperative tive boarding house nnd is tbo home of quite a number of popular young men and womon. Mr. King was ono of the leaders in this charminc circle and his friends were glad to do him honor nnd welcome him and his sweet bride to the city. While it was very in formal It was nor.o the less enjoyable. The gentlemen and ladies acting aa hosts nnd hostesses of the evening were Mr. nnd Mrs. E. C. Brownleo. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. King , Misses Snydcr , Toll ami Morroll. and Messrs. Mawhinney , Kcrrand Ferguson. Among the guests were Dr. and Mrs. Williamson , Messrs. and Mesdames J. F. Pollock. J. II. McCulloch. O. G. Wallace , J. L. McCaguo , Charles B. Brown , H. B , Wallace , Orvlllo Johnson , E , J. Gillis , W. A. Bowman , Thomas McCaguo. U' . II. Me- Cague , Mrs , McFarland , Misses Williamson , Bertha Williamson , McCulloch , Mnmu Mc Culloch , Balrd , Hello und Sara Flnlnr , Bon- ner , Walrod , MoAra , Scott , Lydln McCaguo , Squires , Staples , Grace and Sarah MuL'ar- land , Mossrs. J. D. X.ittlo , J. D. Brownloo , J. S. Brown , W. G. Uro , B. E. McCnguo , Hey Blair , Dr. Allan , Goorga Staples , Emmelt Hume , Shaw , Martin , Westorllolu , Balrd und Pinkerton. A Ul'li I'IVM I'arly. Wednesday evening Mr4 and Mri , H. E. Hoglo igavo u high IIvo party In honor of tlioir guest , Miss Eva Hoglo of Malone , N. Y , . at their beautiful hoiao on Twenty-sixth and A streets , South Omaha. The party was a very enjoyable affair. These present were : Mr. nnd Mrs. d. B.yatkins , Mr. and Mrs. GracaSttgo , Mattld WallworK of Chicago ; Minnlo Paddock , HVi' Hoglo of Malone , N. Y. ; Messrs. BorucVj Pearce , Hunt , Mills , Hustings , Sturrock , 'Brlghnm , Copelnnd , Forosythe und S. IOSolnveiuor of Omaha. linplldictn Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Howard XI. Smith , UM12 Davenport street , guvu a very iileasuut duulicato jy'Jikt party lu honor of ' Mrs. und Miss Mclfpjl' Cincinnati , their gucsUs. Eight games < were played , after which delicious refreshments were served. Thcio were roses and chrysanthemums to ornament tbo rooms , ! and altogether it wa > ODOof iho lliorougblyidellghlful card parties of the year , all There were present Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hoed , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker , Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Hlnirwali , Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wessolls , Mr. und tyrs. J. C. Cowln , Judge and Mrs. E. S , Dundy , Judge and Mm. Wukoley. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yost , Mr. and Mrs , C. 1C. Couianl. Mr , and Mrs. Thomas Kilpatrlck , Mr. und Mrs. William Hedlck. Mr. an'd Mrs. ( J. K. Priiohett , Mr. und Mrs. L M. Bonuott , Mr. and Mm. J. U. MoKoll. Mrs. Newman of Now York. Clmt ol Well Known IVoplr. Miss Delia Chandler has returned from Kenosba. Mrs. E. H , Dundy , Jr , returned Tuesday from an extended visit rust. Mrs. Dr. Leo has as horguost Mrs. Florence - once Viok of Seward , Nob. Major and Mrs , Brown and Miss Brown are at ttio Millard for the winter. Mrs. P. A. Whlllock and daughter left on Wednesday for the Paolliu coast. Mrs. Linlnger U to give a kenslugton next Friday afternoon in honor of her guest , Miss Ilullor. Mr. Herman Kountzo and Miss KounUo returned bomo from Now York last week. Mrs. T. G. Molvoll and Miss Maria Mc- Kell of Cincinnati are visiting Mrs. Howard B. Smith. Mivi. George N. Ilictss left Monday for Bloommpton , 111. , whore she will make a short visit. Airs. C. H. Brown , who has been visiting with friends in New York , returned homo on Wednesday. The ladles of the First Presbyterian church gave a lunch in the parlors ot the church Friday afternoon. Miss Mildred House has returned from Cnicago , where ano bus been visiting during thu past three weeks. Mrs. Lyman Uichardson suffered quite a snvoro accident , Ihis week from Iho lull of bomo plaslor at the Poxton hotel. M . Nathan Suolton of Annapolis , Md. , is nxpcctcd In Omuua next week to visit her faiher , Mr. Hobert Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Kitchen give a dancing reception Thursday , November 17 , ot tboir nonio on Thirty-second avenue. The mnrnago of Miss Esther D.ivenport and Mr. Ned Hartley Copelnnd will fake place Thursday , November 17 , at 0 o'clock. Major and Mrs. Worth entertained a iium- ocr ol Irionds nt dinner on Friday avunlng nt the cnrrison to me < ; t Colonel J. C. Bates. Mr. John and Mr. Kobort Patrick went east to attend tbe wedding of Mr. Arthur Smith , where Mr. John Patrick acted as host man. man.Miss Miss Efllo U. Mason of Onmha and Mr. Eugene Hcckman of Council Bluff * will bo married Thursday uvonliu' at Trinity cathe dral. dral.Tho The engagement is announced of E. L. Magnus , vice president of tbo Union Land and Improvement company , to Mlbs Anna C. Specht. Mrs. Samuel Burns loft for Chicago Sun day on n visit to her daughter , Mfd. Nellie Burns-Eastman. She will bo gone about two weeks. CanU are out for a rccnptlon for Mr. mm Mrs. ICdfcar s. Brudloy , for Thursday even ing. November 17 , on thu occasion or the 11 fth anniversary of llioir woddlnr , A box party , composodof Mrs , J. J. Brown. Miss Chandler , Miss Brown , Mr. Charles Koiinl/e , Mr. Caldwell Hamilton und Mr. Handull Brown , enjoyed Miss Julia Marlowo as Kosallnd. The nflicers nud ladies at the garrison bavo Usued Invitations for a dancing pirty next Thursday evening to incut Colonel J. C. Bates , thu new commandant at thu post , who U a bachelor. Mr , Guy C. Barton , who has been vnry ill at his roiidoncu for some weeks past , wus taken lust week to Clifton Springs in n special car. It Is hoped that the rest there will be beneficial to him. Bishop Worthmgton , Dr. Dolicrty , Dean and Mrs. Gardner , iion , nnd .Mrs. J , M. Woolwotth have returned ftoui Baltimore , Where they were in ul tendance upon the gen eral council of the Episcopal church , Mr. and Mrs , W , M. Rogers entertained a congenial lltilo party nt cards Friday oven- lug , The guests were Miss Deorlng , Mr , and Mrs. Hlngw.ilt , Mr , and Mrs , Bradford , Mr. und Mrs. Chase , Mr. und Mrs. Wheeler , Mr. and Mrs. itedick , Mr. and Mrs. Deuul. Mrs. Captain Bourke und her llttlo daughters left \Vcdnetday for San Antonio. They were accompanied by Mr , John Hor- bach an far as Kansas City , After about a mouth's stay In Sun Antonio they will go lo Fort Hlngeold , Captain DourUu's now post. Mrs. Frances Mumaugh will return from her extended trip to Washington , Balti more and New York ibis week and will re sume her classes ul her studio. While In Now York Mrs. Muinnugh wus permitted to look through several studios , Inspecting the work of the leading artists ot thu metropolis , She comes back greatly bouetltcu by her trip. trip.Mrs. Mrs. Annette C. Hlmobaugh of Omaha and Mr. Addlson L. Carter of Omaha nro to be married Monday evening at ) - ' Aldlne Bijuaro , Cnicago. The ceremony will bo per formed t > y Dr. Durycu ol Omaha. Until the completion of Mr. and MM. Carter's new hotiHQonThirty-sovonlh ami I toward streets , they will be ul bomo , after November 15 , at Tweuiy-tlflh uvonuo und Farnam street , this city. city.Tbo Tbo marrlaqo ot Mr , Arthur C , Smith uud Miss Harriet F. White- , daughter of Mr. and Airs. Joseph \Vlute \ of Boston , was solrmnl ed in Brookline , the lamily residence , U'od.ies- day ovcnini. , Dr. Duryea ofllciating. Mr John Patrick ol this city was best man on Ihis occasion Mr. nnd Mrs. SmiUi will make their homo in Omaha , taking the roil- deiico formerly owned bv Mr. Augustus Pratt on Park avenue , which Mr. Smith has purchased. They will bo at homo after Jan uary 1. The Metropolitan club have mndo a de parture which promises to bo a pleasant , j I Jcaturo of tbo winter seasonal this'po.pular club , setting asldo Wednesday ovuulncs for thu special entertainment of their lady friends. Last Wednesday evening they began the series with a High 11 vo party , which later developed iuto a dancing party. Mrs. Andrew Haas and Mr. J. i-obman won pruos lor their ecxollent card plavlii'- . Tbe.se evenings promise to bo n source of great pleasure to the ladies uud their gentle men friends. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kosonthal , from BoUI- moro , Md , and ihoir son Henry , who Is of Iho Peoples Installment house hero , will leave for Portland , Ore. , which they will make their future homo. Mr. nnd Mrs , Kosontunl have been visiting their daughter , Mrs. A. M.indcloorg , for the past week. Last Friday evening they were surprised by their many friends. During tbo evening the guests woio entertained with songs and band elections Irom tno phonograph , and the young folks with dancing and Ringing. Miss Ll//io M. Dilkos , a nlocc of Mr. Hlcliunl Wlldo onu of the well Known citi zens of Oinahn , was married on the SSth ultimo to Mr. Hurry W. Campbell , the pro prietor of nn oxto'nalvo Mvcry business lit Camdoii , N. J. Tlio affair was evidently qulto a society event , us the Caindi-n Daily Courier devotes nearly n column 10 n descrip tion of it. Tuoro was n very lurpo gal boring of relatives and friends , and over UMI hand some , costly and useful nrosents were re culvcd by the bride nnd groom , u largo ma jority of which consisted of flno silverware. Mrs. A. Whltmurah entertained thu East ern Star social at her pleasant homo , : ! 011 North Twenty-third street Thursday uvon ing. A song by Master Sayers was thor oughly enjoyed by nil. After light refresh moiits were served the guests departed for lliulr homos , These in attendance were : Mr. and Mrs , Buuorton , Air. and Mr * . Bav- u > r. Dr. Eleanor Dally , Dr. Marv blrong , Airs. Anderson , Alra. Strnwn , Mr * . Me- Eachron. Airs. Lane , Airs. Wilde , Aliases Anderson , Cody , Wlldo. Baxter , Pray. Me- Eachron , Toner , Airs. Savors , Messrs , VVcdo- inoyor , Davis , Alcl'oy , Botllo , Ed Davis , Muster Willie and Edith Carson miter- talned u number of other llltln fnnnus at the nuldcncoof their paronln , 4020 Krsitlno street last Saturday. The occasion being the sixth blrthdav of Master Willlo and the third birthday of Miss Edith. Games worn playr-d and refreshments served , There were pro-Kent , MuseKullle , Pearl and Dimple - plo Sterling , Miss AluucI Hull , KatlaGran- vlllo , Ethel Yotbiirgb , Jminnlu Drmmiur , Master Arthur Lnvidgo , Kodnov Durkec , Leo Graiivlllu , Hugh and lion Kidder , Claude and Clyde Carter , Herbert VosburKh , llalllo llearlil. Thu presents were both costly and ni''o. The house was nicely dec orated with HOWCM , Perfect action and perfect health losnlt from ttio meof DjWItt'.s Lltllo Early KU an , A perfect little pill. lib HI- UlA l'K.V/7 O.V * . A Now York inventor claims to have dls covered a procun for maulnc rubber resUt acids , A gun Ims boon Invented by a Frenchman which Jlres cartridges loaded by a compressed gas. Tim gun Is salu to bo noUelesn und lo emit no smoke. A Alcrldon , Conn , , cutlery factory hat ju l finished 4 wotidor/ul toy a perfect pocket kulfo with thirty blades , pinchers , shears , awls , etc. , weighing but ono-olghih of an ouuco. A Kussian has made u clock whose dial ro- somblus a human face , Tnu announcement of the hours Issue * through the month in ar- liculalo hpoecti. 'iliH sturllliib' effect U pro ducud by a phonograph , Ii has boon found by a French physician that tuo billons fever MJ cbaracterUtlu of ironical countries U duo to a special bac terium , which , though motionless itself , M accompanied by numberless moving spori'.s. A departure in Ibo way of diking a com pound punch nnd shears for iron has recoiltl. l bean made in a Delaware mill. The machine ! Is driven by electricity , and owing to Us I light weight can be moved to any desired po-1 sillon. A recent English Invention relates to the recovery , by n new process , of the grealor part of tin from tin scrap. The scrap U molted with pig iron In a furnace and the tin , thus voluli/cd so that it can bo recovered in ] n suitable condenser. A Welshman has devised a new process ofl giving a uniform coating to tin plates. In-J stead of employing rollers the platen are put ] in racks above the pot of coating maul , liif which they nro inserted and from which theyf are withdrawn at n uniform rate. A device lias Just been patented Intendodi to be used in .signaling along a length of lire ! hose. Wnes are curried in thu ho o nnd in-J sulatcd therefrom so that by making oaltoryl connections n llroman from ono end of a line j can sena signals to the ether without leaving his post. Experiments were recently made at Ton Ion. Franco , for illuminating tbu bottom of thi ! sea with electric lamps. The nppaintus employed was sunk in six fathoms nna It illuminated the bottom to a radius of 100 foot. It Is thought that iho lamp will bo of the greatest value for .surveying wiocks or for rcconnoltorinp for concealed lorpedoos. / ; j n / ; / ; / ; -IIIHKK , I'l-lvr Cnlltn- Kt , Xli l It I wnio Tli roe , Anil lud a nliiK blinll for an oni , And tiiislril iHurylliliig inv uiri-i conlil snot Then I shiinld invr , null laugh , and never /ear , If I ui'io riireo. U I wnro Tliioi1 , With In- . ! a nuiled-np lose loaf for a miiillh , And nil a imilliur's linn for eurlnliily : I should not caic If winds blow north or south , If 1 were Three. If I worn Tin 01 * , And nil my pout a"Knl fur worn u Idas , And hn uiolrslcd that ho loved but mo : I IlilnU I'd gli D him onu.wnun lie brought this , If I ueio ' 1'h roe. IMiiciitliiiiiil I'rugirhH AIIKIIII ; liiiliiinx , A wrilor iii iho Docunn Huilgot homo uinii iiit , ' oxfiiiiloa | of inaiip by Indian Htudontu in tlioir o.xiun- inntioii jiapurH , In an lilstoricul jmpor thu qiiOHtion wnatouxnliiln thohontonco , "Slio ( ( Juooti Mnry ) was not only his wlfo , liul hiH frlonil. " 'J'lio trariHlntdr inmlo tlio pahsniro to run , "SIiu WIM not only his wife , l > ut thu wife of all IIM frionilH , " AuotliuiHttniuiit him 'Ivoii nn oxpluiiiilioii o [ Snlio law which at once aeuounlH for the fact that nionarchy has conn ) to an end In ( ' 'ranco' llodu- lines Salic law as "a luw in I'Vanuo by which no man doscomluil from the fe male HOX was to yet tlio I''riicn crown. " ] Ono Htuitontnxplainml that "tho corpus act was a vury Important act naH ! > oil In I'l-S ' it ileeluroil that tlio bread and wino talcua at the Lord'u biiDpor if tin ; nml blood of HID body of Chrlot. " Anolhor who iinnt'- inciil tlio act of uniforinlty to bo a law Hiild Unit It meant "Omt all snldlurrf Hliould dro ri alllo. " A youthful apostle of celibacy yivoH llm followiiif. uxamplo of a logical conclu sion : "MarrJnjio is iv lottery InttorlcM ; are Illegal rf , ' ( ) , innrrliiL'o Is lllof/al.1 Tim following ia a dollnitlon j lvou of a sponging house : "In lOngland llioro urn ,1 many people who live by spomiiii on > J othnrti , BO there are houbus In which ,1 , bonifi who are to la/.y to worli depend onu' others. " Anolhor Htudonl defined "llunUoyibin" IIH follows : "Wlion print- Inif waa Introduced in Kn 'lnud by Cax- ton and Mr. Wimble , the llunleylt > in ] was introduced that ia u kind of a I machine for prlntlni , ' . " A yountr fc'onll man who wa uwkod lo write a no to on tlio Poor laws bays : "Tho Pour lawn In 1(101 ( were paused in Elizabeth t. reign , they were that all Urea in Kn lund vero to bo put out a K o'clock. i y thlhlaw , many were contented and liappj ' ) U , ' . cause llioir hoiibu-d were built of wood , j U you have piles DoWJlV * Wllch salvo will surely euro you. &