Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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    vi „ . *
Politics Has Not Interfered to n Qroit
Extent with the Oountiy's ' Bitsinsss ,
With the Political Uncertainly Hummed
lliiftlncM rromlM-1 to Ilo Ilottrr Tlmn
liver Itcforo Clcnritij ; Homo
Ht.itcmonU-Iti U'nll Street.
NBW YOIIK , Nov. I.-K. O. Una & Co.'s
weekly review of tratlo says : Even In Iho
last week before n presidential election Vm l-
ness hiw continued very uctivo ; ItiuncJ the
volume Is for borond any precedent for n
similar period. The coming election bus
plainly diminished business In two ways :
multitudes Imvo been diverted from trade to
political activity and many moro liavo
cnoscn to postpone transactions until the
political uncertainty tins been tomovod , The
fact that , even under such circumstances ,
trade lias been of enormous volume shows
bow powerful Is Iho Impetus toward activity
nnd expansion. The people are clearly buy
ing rnoro Roods tliim ever before , nnd In
tomu branches manufacturers are ro.illzlUR
harp advance Iti prices. Money li closer nt
BOtno western points , but tiowhoro U strin
gency scon and tburo Is no apprehension as
to tbo immediate futuro.
Wheat toueno.l the lowest point ever
known tn thu market , " ! ! ) < cents , rocolpts at
western points being still enormous through
tlila week , averaging n llttlo Icsi than 1,500 ,
000 btishoU dully. Cxnorts have much In
creased nnd n recovery In prleo to 74' cents
has rosullcd , but tbe decline for the wcolc Is
itlll 1J { cents. Corn has fallen a cent with
moderate movement , but oats uro a cent
UlKlior. Siilos of cotton have amounted to
ir.oro tbnn a million bains and the nrieo bus
advanced an eighth for opnn account , which
nppoars to iiiclic.itn n proator decrnaio in the
yield , nnd the receipts uro ap.itn compara
tively small. ColTeu Is three-eighths ot u
cent lower and hogs nKo , wbllo lard I * ono-
fourth of n cant stronger tnd ull \ \ cents
higher. Speculation Is not very nullva , ex
cept in cotton.
licpiirlfi Irnin llinlnrm Crnlrri.
Pltlsbtirtf notes activity in iron , especially
In finished productsmid n fair trade In class.
At Cincinnati business somewhat exceeds
last yeai's , in groceries'0 to ! 50 par cent.
At Cleveland business Is good , exceeding
last yoai'a. especially In rolled Iron.
At Detroit tnvlo H larger than a year ago
and manufactures are very active.
At IndlanapolU business is nctivo , cspo-
clnlly In fouuuorlos , tnachinory and saw miui-
Trade atClncaRo has beonsntlsfactorv. An
osDoclul Inrrciito Is noticed in real estate
transactions. Uecelnts of corn have been
don bio last year's , ivhllo hides show again
of TO per cent for the wool : , butter fill , barley -
loy1'J ' nnd dressed beef 20 per cent , whiln In
J'ie , oat" , slicop and hoi-i a decreas-o of n
third appears : in bra 50 per cent , and in
wool 75 per cent. Two clothliiR fnilutes are
duo to overtraXlinp , and money is In strong
demand nt li per cent , little roturniui ; from
west centers.
At Milwaukee manv of the larcest houses
were burned out , nut notio nppoar to bo
crlnplcd so far nml collec-tions are still fair.
At SI. J'nul busiiic'ss is active , though col
lections mo retarded bv cbod woatlter for
plowing , aud at Minnoapnlis lumber Is strong
nnd wheat movlnp moro freely.
Km ill'l't Trndu ( inuil.
At Omaha and Denver trade is very pood.
At Kansas L'ity business is larco'ln vol
ume , with liberal recoints of live stock and
better prieo * .
At St. Louis , thouRh the we.uher checks
the trade in woolens and clothiup , groceries ,
boots and shoes and dry uoods generally are
etronc and grain receipts hoiivy.
Al f oulsvillo businosu is u "full average ,
nnd nt M(3iniihisbiisliieb _ is Improved , thouzh
without increased volumo.
At Now Orleans labor troubles retard
trade but cotton is higher and active and receipts -
coipts of sugar liberal with good dcm.ind.
The iron buslress improves everywhere ,
nnd unsold stocks are fast disappearing.
Western competition depresses plates , but
for tbo industry as a whole , the tone Um
distinctly , Imptovod.
The demand for woolen goods is active for
the season , coHo.j goods nro lirmor and in
some lines higher in nrico. Boot nnd shoo
factories nro surnrisinglv busy for the
season , shipments during the week ex
ceeding list year's. Indeed , nothing seems
to foreshadow money difllculty , and with
colder neither and political uncertainty re-
inoyed a great business U anticipated.
The business tailuros occurring tnrouph-
out the country during the past seven duvs
number XU3 , as compared with IbT Ian wook.
nousi : ST.YTIMINTS. :
llrportn nf the Hunk * liiitlicr > l and Tiilm-
' liltuil hy ISrudstirut'ri.
NiYOIIK : , Nov. 4.Tho following tnblo
I compiled by Ilradstrcot's glvos the clearinghouse -
\ house returns for the wrolt ended November
11 , 1SIU , and the pornontages of Increase
or decrease as compared wltb tbo corresponding
spending week last year :
I.I sTitir.v roil \VIIK. : : .
Trading Kcitrlclnl by tlio Uncertainties of
tlio Coming iicrtliin. :
NF.W YOIIK , Nov. 4. Hrnilstrcot's Weekly
Wall Street Kovlow : SpJculatlon scorns tone
no waiting for political to sub
side. The nppronchint , ' prosldcntlal election
has not only absorbed the attention of the
street , but for the moment roilucoi partici
pation to the lowest ebb , reducing Iho move
ment of prices to the narrowest limits
nnd depriving the conditions nctuiilly
exhibited of any spjelal slciilllcance.
The trading for the week has been
In fact , strictly confined ton small body of
professional operators , who have found In
tlio luck of assistance , either from the out
side public or fotolgn Interests , little cncoiir-
UKnment for their endeavors to mnlntaiu n
scmblnnco of activity. . So far n thn nnrkol
has exhibited any tendencies Iho most no
ticeable of them originated in n disposition
to redtico ho'dlngs ' nnuto put small lines of
shorts oa Iho theory that tbo dullness
which scorned inevitable until after election
would result In a BllRhtiv lower range
of prices. These manifestations occupied
the mat-lint until Thursday , when covering
of the aforesaid short snlo * , Induced bv the
failure of the IJank of Knglnnd to nuvnnco
Its discount r.Uo , resulted In recoveries uu-
ntlendotl. however , by any real activity. It
was noticeable that manipulation of the In
dustrial shares suspended the Interest bov
ine them In charcp , evidently lindlng It tin-
piolHabtu waste of commissions to keen
them In motion. This , of course , deprived
the market of consldmnblo Interest , ana the
domonstrjtloua which occurred In n few
specialties have not been of eufllctout im
portance cither to Influence Iho general list
or to afford any such ludicntlon of Its ultl-
ina'.o tendencies.
Amnrlr ill Clinlvr.i.
KXIIM tlif Dtnlj Itevttlle , MVitt'eoin , H'lisFi
"T. ( ' Huructt , tlio democratic candld.ito
for shcrilT , was taken violently ill nt Cluar-
brooic. Ho had nil Iho symptoms of Asiatic
cholera , nnd for an hour or two it was
feared bo would dio. They flnallv gave him
a dose of Chamberlain's Uolic , Cholera and
Dlarrhn-a Hemedv , which rovlved him until
n physician arrived. " That Is precisely
what llio mnnufiicturors of that medicine
recommend for cholera. Sund for n physi
cian , but clvo their medicine until the physi
cian atrives. If cholera becomes ptovnlent
in this country next summer this pfeparn-
tion wnl bo in great dcmind because It can
always bo depended upon. For sale by
$100.00 reward will bo given by the
Omaha Bricklayers union for the recov
ery of tlio body of John Scow , who was
drowned in Missouri river near Oiilhoun
on the evening of Out. 22. W. Houghton -
ton , Pros. ; Uco. ( Jlnrko , Sec.
IJrail Ilnyilons * I'l'lrcs I'or nturilay.
Country butter at lee , 17c , lo ! ) und 21c
per pniiml.
Creamery , 2.'tc , 2oe and " 7c.
Thib butter ia nlw lys fresh ns it is
shipped us every duy.
Our price' * are away down on choose.
Swiss cheese , l"jc and
L'.riclv I'lioeso , lie , 1I5.J and loc.
Vounff Amoric.i full crosiin , lOc.
Wisconsin full cream , lOc.
New York full cream. 12ic and I4c.
Upckford imie cream cheese , lOc.
Limburjjor cheese , 112jo and loc.
Hab cujjt clieeso , lOo par pticka < ; o.
Noufohiilcl choose , imported , "jc per
American club house clioese , put up
in trlas j'irs only fijc.
Kinest Hiliim cheese only $1.25 , others
charge $1.50.
\Vu have the celebrated brand of An-
eclrson's mince moat , also the Dough
erty brtiml of Now Englsuid mince meat ,
! ! packages for li5c , otliers bell 2 for 25c.
Rotnombor when you want solid meat
Ikiltimoro oysters "come hero and got a
quart for 2)C.
Capo Cod cranberries , 7jc ] ) or quart.
Michigan celory. 15 for Klc.
Promoters of homo industry.
A \Vpiik tor itiiui inlstft.
FirstB\ptibtchurch : , W. I' . Rollingy ,
) . ! ) . , p.istor. IJov. .lustin D. Fulton ,
) . ! ) . , will hpouk lib follows at 7:30 : p.m.
Tuesday O.m wo hope for tlio conver
sion of the 1 tomans ?
Wednesday lli h and low mass a de
ception and n fain.
Thursday Purgatory , the master-
iei'o of presumption.
I-Yhliiy God' ? word ngninst Roman-
"f-iundny , A. M. The right impulse.
Sunday , ! i 1J. M. , Exposition Hull
Shall the northwoft be Uomuni/.ud.
Sunday Evening The conquering
Koal estate.
Bargains only.
Mv word is good.
\V. U. Albright
621-2-3 N. Y. Life bid ? ,
Ulotlllllg S.lIf.
S-iturday la anotlior big day in our
clothing department.
No such prices will ho had in nnv of
the clothing stores as wo quote on first
class clotliing.
Men's luuvy ulsters , S3 00.
Men's heavy ulsters , $5,00.
Men's Icerdboy ross coats $7.00 , worth
K.xti-a heavy imported kerseys $10.50.
Mon'h suits from 2.0'J no.
Hoys' long pant suit * , $2.50 up.
Knee sultH , $1.00 up.
C'lpo overcoats. $ \ . - > un. "
'WO ] ilr mon'H $1.00 pan'ta for $2.50.
Hoys' jersey sultdl.oO , worts $3.50.
Prices guranteed for Salurdny.
ONI : i-A
Tn the City > if .Mexico inul Itctnrn.
I'or the mooting of the American
Public Health Association nnd Interna
tional Medical ( Jonirrcss , to bo hold in
the City of Mexico November 20 to De
cember 2 , 181)2 ) , tlio S mtiv Fo route will
soil tickets at ono lowest llrst-nluas furo
for the round trip.
This is an excellent opportunity to
visit Mexico , one of tlio mobt delightful
trips imaginable , at vnry little cost.
A special party will leave Omaha
Saturday , November 10 , and join u largo
party from Hoaton nnd other eastern
eitica at Kansia City.
Tlio faro for the round trip from
Omaha Is only $01.00 ,
For further information and reserva
tion of Pullman accommodations call
on or address , li L. PAUMKU ,
Passenger Agent Santa Fo Route , 1310
Furnam St. , Omaha , Nob.
. .
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40.Years tlie Standard *
A Thrilling Book , To Any
Reader Of This Paper ,
Tolls All About the Indians.
tntc t I'nullrntlnn In If * Inp | ,
" Lift ) mill Srnip' Ainonir Ilia Klrknpna
IntllniM" Contains Xrurly T lluiKlrril
I'IIRCH Sent 1'rce tn K
In oiilcr tn mnl o the public fnmlllnr with
the hnhtto , tuunucM , cmtomi ami history n (
0110 ( it tlio oiliest ti1io4 ! of American In.
( linns extant we have published nt gtriit ox.
] icn p n laijjo edition of a work entitled
"Mfoaud ccnoi Vmouxttio KlcUapoo In.
dlans. " All their ] iccullailtle , tradition- ) ,
hnliltx , tn furl , their whole life and cit tomi
fin-told In n nmiinor which will Interest tha
lender nml hold attention tn the Qtul. TliU
book al o explain : our couneetlnn with the
tilliu , how It mini ! nliout nml wlnit IMS fowl )
from It. The book , lin\Vf\ei , li In no cii-o
n tncio niUoitMtiK pninplct ; but one well
u oi th nilolliir If It wo it > published to bo "did.
We shall tint publish another edition fnrinih.
He < llitilliutlon ( mill nftur thu inc-ont one U
cxlmu ted , ihu book will t'lthor bo nut of
pi tut 01 olil by the book dunlins tit the prlco
limned nliovo , or 11101 c.
Whllo thlf cilltlon Intti we will -send n copy
ftt to till who iiliplv uucloilng tluco 2 cent
Mumps tn pny coil of no ln i ) .
If JIHIviint it , suml now uiul sn\o illsan.
\Vvwlll uuainntcc to lilt nil irqucsts re-
eni\cd within thu next two week following
the nppiMiimioo of thin iul\eitlscmcnt , but
tuny not he ublij tn ilo so Inter. It Is for > our
Interest thetefoio to suml nt onct. Address
mu.v.v : imiiii.ow ,
Oil Grand . \ \ IIIIKN < nv UIIMMI , Colin.
eternal in the lm.nan breat ;
While there t-slifo there is ho.ic. But
Snu"erlii3 vlctiTii of i4o.-"oii , Chronic and iise.is33 arj ofcj.i lorool to
v/ay to
o peless
Despnir , alter tr/lnit lor years to obtain from
a multitude ot d. > ctoro the
They profess to be able ta rentier them , anrt
Which many of them exact the most un
reasonable fees. Thousands of parsons who
liavosu-lerycl loryejrs , from
Various fo-mi and ilo roas of these obsti
nate in U.idio.3 , have com i to us in. a an
Condition , and by our atjility , skill and ex-
perlcnco have been sjojjily , completely
and permit.sntly euro 1 ol Syphilis. Gono-
rhuii , Qlo t , Spormitorr iuja. Seminal
WoaUnosa , the Elf-'Cts of Earl/ Vice or the
Excesses of mat.irar yoirs , of Stncture.Hy-
drootflu. Varicjcelo , Pilss , and a miriad of
inlKir 111 > and afllictlons.
Send < 1 cents for a copy of our 120 page
lllir3traed qool : .
Ccnsnltio j free. Call upon , or addruss
with stamp ,
Drs. Betts & Betts
119 So. 1 4th Street ,
Wcukness ,
Calarrh or
I Mcumitssn ,
Chronic ,
Nervous or
DlSC15i !
Dr. Searles & Seafles
Consultation Free
I'or thijTroatnioiit of
Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases ,
MAI.K AND miAu : .
Cured without the use ot Itulfe , UE ituro or
STfO I r"TrTTT70imrllnt001' ' I'crin uncut-
i ivlv > x u iviwjy omti , removal coin-
plotc. without cutting , rau.ulo or clllntiitlon
CiirL'-t t'irrcteil ut homo hy patient wltlioui n
nioiiiuiit'n p.iln or aimoyiiiiuc Call on or ad-
( Ires with st.iini ) fcr olrculurs. free liool < uiul
Mr 119 South 13th Btrcot ,
Noittn t'ostonica.
We will nend you the marrelnui
French t'roptrulion CALTHOO
flr. . mil a legal guirauter Ilitl
( . M.'IIIUS will nrttitro jour
airaltli , MtreiiBlh aud TlKor.
t'te ilaml fay i/iatu/ed.
AddreiaVON MOHUCO. .
Teotli rillod With ;
o.l * > 1'iln hy tlia
LitoU Invoii-
ux'fiT.u-Tnn WITHOUT PAII ou
W5.00 ,
Perfect fit gunranteo I. TJcith extracted In
tlio moral ni : . Nuvv oiioj luajrloJ In evontiij
° "
) : ! of Ho'iioviiblo Hrlrtsp.
BeonpoclinuiHof I'lexiljlo lilustlu I'luto
All work wurr.tntod a * ruproientod.
Ulllcc , llurJ Kiojr , 1'axton lllux.
TuIcUuo | : 10i > . lOt'unt Far.u " Si.
TuVe r.Iovator or Stairway ( ro u lljtU
Uttee tcntrauco.
You nro horollji noltflod that tlio following
ilpicrlbed premlnx , to. wilt
1 iou city
no xiin 4 109
: u MW : c36 of n no f
3.\ixMl ! 7 100
, 100
7 none
I4.nxit2 : fi no
I4PM.I1 1 in " 'i
8 114
1 1:0 :
i..r.xwj 3n no
is ox n I7J
VO.'i.x w ! iof 0 1IH
r.nx 7
is ox 8
ISOx 8a 2.VI
18.0X 4 2.a
20 n\ 7
8 2CO
I'iOx 0
IS.Ox 10
12.IX ( S 11 ft U
lO.Cx n ! i of ai
POx.'Of 0
subinor o
o 0
IROx 8
IS. Ox 8g
ISOx il
IS. Ox 13
10.0X A strip of ground tn front of
4 15 Credit I'oncicr i
do 3 2J
2fl.0x do 4 22
IS.Ux 4t > 22a
IS.OX 0 no
7 noi7 :
8 37
13.0X A strip of land In front of
' " as Credit Konolcr
SO.Ox do "I as
Uii.Ox do
4\0x do 4 us
ii.o\iio ! 4J 3 Druid Ulll
IflOx 1 2 Dupont 1'lacv
10.0X 1ii 2
I'l.Ox ' ii
10 Ux 4
10.0-c 4r.
10.0X r.n 2
10 0x51 10 4
190x51 tit i
1SO\50 10 4
ir.ux 7
' ' 1(1 ( 7
s'tlio'x 1H 7
L'O.Ox 10 7
2 .Ox 4 7B 7a
n.oxis 10 a
llanscom Place
II OxM f C4 lllllsldo No. U
U \ 0
1'i.Oxl.V ) 7
' . 'I. \0 0 Hitchcock's 1st ndd
s.n\no ; ! 10 llltolioo-'IvS Utiuia
ifids.v ) II
' 13
li'.OsM in
Ilousnls it rtobbln'9
sub of lot 11 , Hutf
Ictl's add.
Houials , t Ptobbln'q
sub nf tot 15 D.irt-
12 lott's add.
BJJ or M A. Koiintzu's add.
8 Kountzp's.ld add ,
Kountz & K th's
IR.Ox B add.
3 ha Vctta Place
laOxli.'l 4 4
r.0\SJ.5 Mcser.-i I.owo's sub.
I5.0x 3 II. Done 'ati's sub.
15 Ux 4
15.0 x C
n \ H
IS.x 8
10.C.X i 1 M.IVIIO Place.
6 2. Marsh's add.
r >
Mor = o & Bruuer's
McCandllsh ulace.
10 McCor.i icU'B udd.
Murray's ndJ to
1 Ok.ilioniii.
Varlc plsco
11II I'oppletou Park
10 11
11 11
12 1'opplcton Park
. Iri
lllOx'il IS
1 1 OxM 11
12.U\II (
12.0x50 1
100 < 123 3
1I.UX.I )
20 13
15 0x20 13M
17.5x123 10 M
1O.U\I23 !
17.1\50 11 ; a
1 1.OxM 4 19
4n 4r > la
. n is
] ( ltix5J 7 18w
7u 7B w
u 10
10 Ox.YI 19 10
UOxs'O ft 7 J I HodlcU'i sub
4 7
lO.lix s 23 ft 7H 8B
JOOx n'JO ft H B
10.0V 1 0
10 Ox 21 0p '
UOx 1 Keeu'uDth add
0.0 v 1U 3n
ll.Ox U 3u
aox 4 u
O.OX 4o 4n IIu
UOX o u
( I.UX 7 : i
O.OX 7u : i
OOx u u
OOY 10 ; i
UOx ji
U.Ox "
11 Ox > 0 2ft
OOx 17 ft
OOX . a
0.0 X JO aS
OOx I ?
O.OX 1
O.Ox a
OOx W 2j
S Ox BlO of nl Wet H 27 J I Itodluk'i add
115x50 13 Bunny Sldo
15.0.\iW W Strickland' * sub
ll.Ox1 ! ) 7 O block U bhlmi'i
18.0)I.0 ( f ' 2ud adl _
Bbrhor I'loco
12.0X B
1.-.OX &
a Tbornlon I'Uco
13 3
44 i
17.5x23 w23 ft lt 4t Walnut Ulll
2l.5 m I t
8 4
19 1
n.Oxw it <
I4IU.V ) 8 10
150OI 0 10 . .
l.VOiM 10 10 "
0.5X.M H U
n..ox.M ii 10 ! !
fli.ox-o is 11
M.HXV ) Id 10
looxinwxiof in" 13
140x51 0 17 -
12.Ox.Vl 7 17
in.oxne-Tiof : US ii
ll.rxl 0 11 17
it ° ox5o } n u ; :
I'illx.M ) U 17
1.10x41040 Until 15 11 -
i.wxwi if 17
lo.nx n 0:16 : ft of It is 21
lltAx.V ) 1ft "I . .
ir.tlxM 17 2.1
14 OxM IS 21
105xV ) 10 ' . ' 3 "
an\vi 10 21
II.'iix.Vl 17 f * "
° * '
I o8 H 81
iVnx 1 M Wllcox's Snd adil
10.0x M sub I tax It 10 see -JI-lj-IJ
lSiJlhiixll10Maai.5.U ? : ; |
1) Ox 17.1 J
UOX471 tax USIsaoR-IVtl
OOxl 0 tux Itlllsetfll-n-in
10 0x137 tax It III see Ul-11-11
U'lxiuo tax ltil : see ltl-i : > . | .l
Have been declared bv onltnanco No. 3JU to
You uio linrpby directed In nhnto sa'd tniin-
niipr bv oloplni ! Ill" lott liornln drscrllmil
xvlthln thirty days of llieilalu ot this nnttco ,
or sild nuisances xvlllr b'tnl hy thoc ty
niitlinrltlcp and tlm oxons ) ( > thproof lovUnI . s
a oiH'Cliil tax atfttlust the prouertv on which
BIIII ) nuisance * i'\Kt
Dated this Jd dmof Sincnibrr. ISIJ.
I'V 'lllKlvllAr.-l-'Il.
Chalrmin "f tlm Ho.itd of I'ubl.cVnrls of the
PHv nf Oinnh'i. n 4 5 7 B 0
I'rocliiiuut on
And nottco tn the o'octors mi 1 legal \nlerso
the city of Onnhu of an iiunii il city idei-tloK
of tlio oily of Om lm , to bo hiild on Tuesday ,
tlio din iliiy of Novnmhi'r. IS'U ' , for thn pur-
posnof otuetliiR oi > u uoiini'lliii in from each
To the o'cotors aud lojnt voters of the clly of
I , ( ieorio P. Ilpinl4 , ninyor of the city of
Oniiihu , ilo Isiiiu Hi , my proclmnailon , nil I
by the authority rustud 11 mo as such ninyor
do hereby ittve public notk-o to the clvctou
and jc al voters of thee ty of Unmlri that an
nnniial cUy olcclion of tlio city of Omaha ,
will bo hold Insildc'ty on TucsJuy , thoolchtli
dity of Novuuiber , IWJ , tor the purnosuuf olcct-
Inir ono couiiullm in from u.ich w.ird.
The polls shall b open on Iho day of suld
( Mectloi at eight o\liiol > 'u ' the iiioiii'nif and
bhall eonilniie open until slo'clock in ihu
ovonlni ; of thosiino d iv , at the icsiioctlvo
xotln.5 pluuus followliij , ' , toIts
Ullal WAIII )
' Kt DlstrloL S lj eoniur Till i * - - . -
stroctj. ,
corner Sthi
2Ul nni1 Jim03
Mtl " " * a"V -
of J > aom ° atroct 1)3- )
Mroits. IIStrlCl 3 > V oorncr cth ' " 1 Center
N Wc0r"0r9" ' "ml II" ' ' ' "
' "JJ K coraer I3th nn < 1 Vlnton
4K.DM ) WtllD.
! " N W cornur 1Jth ni111'ones
W ° ° r"0r Utl1 and l'-iM °
C0r"0r 1Plh nml ' " ' ! nf : > -
CUrnop 8H" nml
i.lh . DUtr.ot-Kjst sldo of South 20th street ,
inaoslto I'opiiluion UTO.
i cor"cr JClh nni1 1'loico
bth tIstrlct-S C corner Uth and \Villl-im
street i.
tnr N E L'or"cr SKte > - > nl and Ccn-
' ' N W cor"or IHl ! a"d "ureas
lltli IJslrlut-S : n corner 2Jth sml llancroft
st rents.
N E eornL r 15th luul Vlnton
Utli llstriPt-S W corner l.lth nnd Valley"
d t root 8.
11th District N E corner 20th and llouiuvnrd
1st Dlstrlct-S W eouieiJSth and Ohlc.ieo
ai Wstrlct-N W corner llih nnd Duvunuort
'Id Distrlot-Sotith sldo of Cupltol nveiuiD
IIH ir In cstoO IJth street.
Jtli District West llo ( of | 2th street , be-
iwecn Diiuelasiinil DiiiUo streets
5tli District N i : coiner lutli nnd Caiiltol
iith District N 13 corner Oth anil Ilarnoy
7th Distrlot-9 K corner lltli and Doiulas
hth District N E corner 13th unU Jaekson
lltli Dlstriet-S E corner 13th ami Howard
i t reels.
1st District N W corner ITtli and Davcnuort
-'nil DIstrlct-N W U.'nd
corner mid Iacnpurt
Jnl District N W corner 23th and Uodzu
4lli District N K corner 17th and Iodjs
Slli District N E corner 17th nnd Ilarnoy
Olh Dlstrlct-N W corner 201 li and Douglas
7th District NV corner SCth atreot and St.
ilary's itvonua
8th Dutrlut SV corner 20th treot and St.
.Mary's itvonuo.
Olh Distilut East side of t-onth 10th street ,
hoiweun llarney street HIH ! St. .Mary's. i\nnuc.
10th Dlatriet N W corner lath and Loncu-
WDtth strouls.
tltli District S W corner 17th street and St.
Mary's arouue.
1st District East slJoof bherinau avenue
nplioslto Mnndersuti slrout.
' 'nil Dlslrlot S E coinur Sherman avenue
and Wlrt blreot.
llrd Dlili lot SV corner Shorinau uvcnne
mil Laico stieot.
4th District N W corner Sherman nvenuo
mil Lira co street.
5th Dlstrlet-S W corner 17th and Charles
fit ICOtS.
litli District , Eist sldo of Sherman avonno
: i ! > oiiitl : ) ( uot north ot Nicholas stront.
7lh UiHtrlut a U corinir Kith und I/urd
ath District N W corner 16th and Hurt
9th DUtnct N E coiner IStli and Oass
st routs.
10th Dlatriet Knstsldo North 17th sticotho-
twuon Ualifoinla and ( jM > n streets.
lltli Dislrlet S E corner Jatli end O.isa
1st District S E corner 24tn streol and Ainot
Slid District a W comer ICth stimt and
Uraiul iivoniiu.
.Ird District N E coiner 15th and Orant
4th District S W corner -Mtli and ManUcrson
Olh District SE corner 21th and Wlrt Jtrrots.
Oil ) District a W corner JJid und l'arlur :
strcota. *
7th llstrlet-N W oornor 2Uh iud Coihy
8th District N E corner 27lh and Ilurdctto
uth District N U corner ' . ' 'iiJ nud
luih J)1strIct \Vcorner Sdth and I'raiilllii
lllh UUtrlot 3 W corner 21th and I'rankllu
st rcotfl *
12th District SV corner Snd and ClurK
sl-euts ,
) jt lUtrlut-9 W cornur 'JSth and Mason
iind District N E , corner 20th uvenuo and
I'opuluton uvuiiiio.
: ird District 3 W corner 29th atri'ot and
Wr.olworth avenue
4th Dlitrlot M W corner JOlh sticotiiiul
Arbor troot.
5th UUtrlot South sldo of Vlnton street
near ( dint of ) south U.M aroniiu.
Gth UUtrlot S K corner Wth avenue and
I'linnluton avunuo.
7tn lUtrlot-N \ corner 31th and Irancls
EinilTII WAIII ) .
1st Dietrlnt Kant atdo of 2Cth itrcot near
( kouth of ) Cliurli's ( truut.
2nd District West nidi ; ot 23d street near
( south ot ) 1'aul strret. , ,
3rd lliktrlot N W corner 20th and Nlcholai
8 ° '
4t b u'lstrlct N E corner 29th aud Cumins
6th DUtrlot Woitsidoof North 23tli Btrtet
near ( north of ) C'uinliiKRtrcot.
fith District H K corrorWd and Hurt streets.
7th UUtrlot SY \ corner * 0lh and Unas
lit District H W corner 3d and Cumins
* °
2d Ulstrlot N W corner 10th and Chiming
Htrcct * f
3a District N 1- corner 40th and r'arniuul
" I
"uiiUUtrlot-Nortb slao of Davenport it reel
no rwuitofNorllia.'d ( ) inonuo.
5th dlitrlct S K corner aut avenue and
"Stf uViufo-B W corner 29th arcuus and
Juckton utruut ,
In xHuoJJ thereof I iiuio hcreuuto iitwy
onto the fact that the shoo department of
the Nebraska Clothing Company sells moro
shoes for men and boys than half a dozen
regular shoo stores do ? Do you know the
reasons for it ? They're simple enough , We
sell a class of shoes that are made of good ,
solid , substantial stock. They are made for
us direct , in first class factories.Every detail
is perf6ct the sewing the lasting the fin
ishing. We sell shoes that wear wear well.
We sell shoes that look well when we sell
them , and keep on looking well for months.
We either sell better shoes for the same
money or the same shoes for less mon y
" " "
than anybody cfseTcloes ,
To the fact that anybody can cjaim to sell
as good shoes lor the" money as we do
] jii jJ2 .a n d doing are t w o d i ffc rent a ffa i rs.
With every shoe wo sell goes this guaran
tee. If you buy shoes of us and they don't
wear as they should - if the "stitches rip the
stock prove defective the hanger pulls out
you may return them to us and you'll
either ' get your money back , or new shoes
$1.25 Is tli2 pries of oui worklnoman'9 slos. It is ninde of
fjocxl stoc'.c--hns solid lonthor insole nntl countcrs--conios
in nil sizes , shapes and widths.
$2.50 Buysnt the NobrnsKn n shoo tliat shoo man sell for Tout *
. '
dollars. It's n genuine full stock American calf shoe ;
made \vlth the { jenume Goodyear \vclt procDS ; comes in.
nil styles--slinpes--sizos--m Ince
congress or ; como1 ? In
London--Pnrls--French--Glob3--Puritan nnd Philndol-
plva too.
$2.75 Buys of us n cjrk SDO ! s'loo that's n corker. It's the shoo
for wet wenthar1 ; imido of solid Am ricnn or kangaroo
calf with a pieoD of genuine cork 3-8 or an inch thick
nnd bound with cnlf , placed next to the Insole from bnll to
to2 , preventing dampness or water co rUng nxt the foot
--made with the genuine welt process. A four dollar
slice in shoe stores.
$3.90 A shoe for drjs3--for style for comfort--ror wenrmndo ;
or the very fhjie t of fine American calf ; made vvTth the
genuine Goo"lycnT''welt : process ( ottcn sold Tor hand
sewed-- ) any SIZD width--shnpe--style--toe or last
n shoe thn' we guarantee to beat nnv five dollar shoo on
" " " " "
the market.
Have The Nebraska Spacial.
You The great three dollar hnl for n dollar fifty.
Seen Made of fine IVU1 far stocX , vvltli pure silk band nnd bind.
It ? mg--fnncy sntm lining leatherette swent bancl m flvo
correct and popular shapes in nil sizes. '
Innil asin.ivor of said clly of Omaha , Mils
J7thdayoOctohor. Ih'JJ. ' . . , . . , . ,
( ! EO. C. HI.MIS Mayor.
Attest : JOHN UKOVKS , City t'iorit. ol'Jd.'lt '
TioOn'y IVrfc t Vail nl nn
Heiiul - > rliiL u In
Hie UnrKI.
M the only s > rln ni tfr lnnt -
oit b > uliirli Ttulnal tujyt IhMii
can Upa tin iiKlorc'il \ > tlh it liMk
lull .nut i > liliiu : Ilii-cliilhlii/ li
( ult.ttfn. . ; ilui ii- * ) nl \fMol ,
anil \ tan aNo ho u u 1 tot
rectal Injections or IrrU.itioii.
SDIT Itrillir.U lit I. II AND
Price S3. OO.
Mallunlcrs sollcitinl
'llic Aloe & 1'ciifohl Co. ,
IBth Street ,
i-iiufiillly ineiitircd ut low
National Bank.
Capital $10 J,03)
Surplus * . . . $ ( i
Officers nntlOlrectori llonrr IV" . VntBi protl'lant
It. lCiislilnj. . vlroiinjilileni , i' . < . XI i irlcj > V V
Morn * . John 4 , Collliu J. N. U. I'-Urlm , 1,0 Til A
ItccU. ciulilor.
Unlike ie Oiitch Process
No Alkalies
Other Cliemicals
arc used in ilin
prcpurulloH of
igkfast Cocoa ,
which is absolutely yttre
and soluble *
It lift * more than three tiwei the itrength
of Cocoa inixeil with Starch Arrowroot
or Sugar , nml la fur moro ,
costing less than one cent a < ; . It
IB delicious , nourishing , a'Ji ! LASII.T
Sold by Crooora everywhere.
W. Baker & Co , , Dorchester , Mass ,
To all on nors of lots or parts of lots on Shu luy
street , from "Hill struct to'Jlh moiiuo.
You uru htrohv nolilloU Ihiit the iiiidor-
klJiicd thlcBilliliitsroiiluJ frnulmldupt of I hi )
city of Uiiuiliti Inivubcoii duly aniialiituil hy
ilia tniiyor wllh the of the city coun
cil of ilil city to nBtii.h llio duuirisonf thu
owiiorsrespu'Stlvuly of the prpijorty uiroficil
by thuchuiiKoof uruiloof Hnlrloy slreot. du-
idareil nceossarv liyonlmiiiico Nil Jl'JI ' , J ) Mud
July SO. IbU. . apuravod J uly W. I8W
Vou am furlhur notlHuil t hut li'ivlnit uo-
copu-il said appoliitinoiit ami duly nuuwlodui
iciiiilrod hy iVw. wo will on Ihu Uth diiy of No-
vuinhor. 1HJ. ' . Htthohoiirof IJ o'clock In tlio
inoriiliiz ut thu ollico of t'liiirlo 1' . llaiijnmlii ,
Ift'ODoileiiHiruot wllhlii thu corporalo IlinlU
of s.ild city , meet for thu uuri" " " of ton ldor-
lux and inaUna ii iumniuiilof ( lamngi ) to Un ;
owners re | Mctlvoly of > ul < l properly iirrei-tul
liy talil ir.iUii : . t.ikliv Into coiuldiTiUlim
bpcelal honullts. If nnv. Vou uru hereby notl-
UciJ to bu prrscnt l the tlmo mid ploco niutn-
aulJ mid make any objection to or blntrnioiiU
coiiceriiln- said un c 8niontof Uaiuaxu * an you
. ,
( njN
JOHN I" , rf < A'K.
foiiuultteoof Apprnlseri.
Omaha , NuU , Nor. 1 , U9J. ! J Ot
In the iicaliiiuntor u I forms of
una all WuiKnosi and 1) Border of
1\/fT\r with lo > snf coiiniRc , unibltlon ,
IVlIjvlN nml * llillly r.lsliteou years of
Ihu most ruinarkHhlu hucu Ht In
o tro Uinont ( if tli H ulitKSof ( ilsomcn. whioU
lirni'o'i hy the unu'cmil tuptlinony of then *
u Is who have liuon uuruil. Wrltn for olrou *
is uiiil ( j uostlon list , llta Hint li'.iriiAiu
N. , < llll 111 II , .Nl'l >
I6th and Howard Streets ,
CO Itoomsfor rntlonU. OMAHA ) NtB |
I'o'r the treatment of
Chronic , Private 1 Nervous Diseases ,
MAM : AND ri.MAii ; : .
LMIos , Fistula , FJ.sstiru nnd Strlc-
turooi'tlie Koctiiiu penimiusiil-
Jy ( Mirud xvitliotit Hie use of Knife ,
J.ifjnttirc or Caustic.
Hiiflosf 4t" In fil.'iinps nnd our 107 | iKn HOOK
on IH.SKAHl.b anil giirstlon Illunlcv
xviu i < o .MAIJII : ) rui.i : .
IGlh and HoMiird His , Oiimlui , Ix'eh
W. 0 UAXWKI.uM D . I'ri'H Vrnllci ILK pip.r.
: EiasticStoi'dnjj ,
I K g ! Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batter/93 ,
WutertJ Uh i ,
Syrfngoi ,
Medical Suppf/st ,
114S. 15111 St. ,
Kcsl to Post office.
l.apuro ViIOiI' "i } ' < i
t < llac tupfiioiui Ittflf urcwrj
ifliftu tooTi eitlo f * fl > * iionta j/I * * MMw1 -
luulimml. l > rtnpl'T iMlQgrvM.HI ople.l f ,
X itll'Aira L'llEMfCAL (5o..io7proo ( kr.K n T 'ufcl
f 3 - < ' " * * n