ssr jjt. i&n , _ , , , 2,000 people nt Montlccllo this nftornoon. among which was 11 Urge representation of democrat * . The attorney general's nddross w n strong ami complete showing of the achievements of the Harrison administration. MARSHALS AT Till' 1'OI.LS. pcmncrnllo Homrs In A' w Vork ( Jrcntly IMt Out nt tlio I'rosprrt. Nr.w YOIIK , No * . 4. Members of the democratic national committee fear trouble nt the polls if the United States marshals carry out the United States Inw this your as " thoy"bavo In the east , The national committee approves tbo notion of the stnto coinmlttco In advising the citizen * to arroit the marshals who attempt to enforce these parts of the federal statutes which conlllot with the state laxvs. It Is stated that Chairman Harrlly of the ilnmocratio national com- inlttco will Issue n manifesto on the subject. At tbo republican , national and state head quarters It was said today that the marshals would certainly go within tbo rails nt the polls and that no authority otiho state or city had any right to prevent them. Atdomo- cratlo headquarter * It was said Lieutenant Governor Sheehnn's Instructions would cer tainty bo carried out nnd the maHdals ar rested If they went within the r.ills. SnorllT Gorman has bosun swearing In special depu ties for service In case of emergency. Uliulriimti 1'nrlor > ot Worrying. Chairman Carter of Iho republican national commltteo was nsttud bis opinion of the situ ation as il stand" with regard to Chairman Bhoohan's Instructions to his local subord inates , concerning the relations of fedora ! nnd stnto olHceM nt the pjlls. Mr. Carter replied that ho bad nathlni ! to say , othnr tbnn that ho understood tlio controversy to bo between Mr. Shoohnn and the United States government , and ho npurehendoa ibo government was abundantly able totuke care of Itself und to perform Its obligations to the people in full , Charles W. Uaokctt , chairman of thostato oxccuttvo coinmlttco , said ! "It policemen attempt to Interofero with United States marshals , whoso duty Is clearly dollnnd , und nro to sec to the voting , there will bo trouble. " Tbo special deputies , who trill bu paid $3.50 n day , are composed principally of men who nro recommended by their respective ward associations. Edward Mitchell , attorney for the south ern district of Now York , has written a let- lor to the United Staloi marshal und Inspec tor of olcctions , anent Mr. Sbeelmn's in- Rtructlons. in which ho cites the law as con tained In the revised statutes , and continues : "Will you klnillv ' Instruct each suparvisor of election and d'eputv that whenever there is any conflict between the law of the United States und the law of the slate , the law of the United States is para mount. You will also please In form all such supervisors of elec tion nnd deputy marshals ibat the United States In'cnds to carry out tbo nrovtsions of section 2019 of the United States revised statutes , anu to see that ovorv supervisor of election and ovorv deputy marshal , if re- questou to support him by such supervisor of election , shall bo allowed to take any po sltton bobmd the guard rail ho sees tit on election day , nnd that any person interfering with him In any way while in the perform- mice of his duty behind the guard rail in any polling place on election day will at oncu bo arroJlod witnout process under section DS'Jt ! of the United States rovlsoa statutes. " Aliilntniiiln Chairman Carter and all tbo other mem bers of tbo republican national exeontiv'1 committed were at headquarters early this morning , and with their stalf of assistants nt once plunged Into work. They expressed determination to lot no lack of vigilance at tbo eleventh hour nlnco their prospects In Jeopardy. Necessarily the work in which they were engaged was one mainly of detail , but. Important detail. Tlio llcla on which the contest with the democratic forces is to Do made on Tuesday next Is a broad ono , nnd from all quarters of it reports wcro constantly arriving. To many of these reports , it was necessary to give reply instantly and decisively , as many lieutenants awaited tbo order of ibelr chiefs. Vlgllanco , tbu keenest , Is maintained , and will bo maintained until tbo campaign that is now nearintf its close by hourly steps has onded. Tbo work by the democratic national com mittee during tbo remaining three days of ( ho campaign will bo chiefly In the states of Connecticut , West Virginia , Indiana , Ala bama nnd Virginia. Instructions have been sent out from democratlohcadqnartera to the chairmen of the stnto committees in all these Hiaiofc warning them to bo ou tbo alert and not to relax , tbolr vigilance anywhere for a moment , until tbo votes arc counted nnxt Tuosaay nirbl The chairmen of tbo five mates are In dally , almost hourly , communi cation nub tho"natloml headquarters by telegraph. Hourly communication Is bad wltb the democratic leaders in Connecticut by long distaco telephone. Sentenced for Fnln KrgUtrnitoii. * Judge Martine devoted today to election nnd fnlso registration cases. Five men , who had been arrested by Chid Inspector Me- Laugblln. were stood before him at iho car of general sessions. Two of them were George C. Holland and William Green , col ored , from Hurley. In police court both plead not guilty. Holland thn said ho was n min ister and Green a porter and both declared tbolr arrest nn outrage. Hut Yesterday when State Detective Jackson presented himself before them they wilted , and said tliev wanted to chance their plea to guilty In order to ( join the mercy of tbo court. This nftornoon Judge , Martine sentenced Holland nnd Green to two years In the penitentiary. The Judge scored them , but declared the man who had Induced them to violate the law was more deserving of punishment. boH. The trial ot John Kearney nnil John H. Grlflln , the alleged nontenants of "Narty" und "Tbo" Allen In the business 01 * colonizc ing voters In ibo now Eighth assembly dls- tricts , was next called ' by Judge Ma'rtlno. Tbo man wcro shown to bavo bcon Itnplio catcd , Kearney admitting the cbargo. Grlflln was arraigned nt the bar for sen tence , and Judge Martine sentenced him into throe years uud ton months tmpilsonmcnt at bard labor in Sing Sing. Kearney- was re- manded for sentence until Monday , when rebo will probably bo discharged as n reward for testifying against Grlflln and Kearney. "The dwellers of Kendall's uland , " about forty in number f mlM , ornlloged fnlso registration , were admitted to ball In tbo sum of f 1,000 each. each.William William I'1. ' Drown was arraigned before Commissioner Shields today charged with colonizing voters at the bouse No. ! I5 ICast Twelfth street. He was admitted to bail. Want tlio Arrest Mailu lloloro I'.li'cUon , The committee of democratic lawyers Just appointed at n meeting of Tammany loaders lo look after the interests of democrats ar rested by federal ofllcers boforn nnd on elec tion day bus sent a communication to Supervisor Davenport. Tbo gist of tbo let ter Is In this " parngraoh : "As you can as well execute your warrants for illegal regis tration now ns on election day , wo bavo to request Uiutjou will forthwith Issue hint execute any warrants you may Intend to Issue for illuenl roststratlon in order that the elector. If entitled to his dlachurgc , shall receive tlio same In tmio to east his voto. " From Nuwburg , on the Hudson , comes in telligence that In tbo lflrt ward ot that citv eighteen paupers have boon registered. They are Inmates of iho nlmsihouse , which Is situated in lhat district. Application has been made to Judge Drown to havolbolr i mm os strlcUon from thu registry list. He 1ms ordared the names of all but four , who nro residents of the district , to uo taken off. 1'iirllior liulriictliiin. Charles M , Doi.nlson , supervisor of of elections of iho northern district of Now York , has issued llnnl Instructions to .supervisors of flection * appointed to servo at tbo coming election. Ho says Mr. Sbcuhan's pronunolameiito Is revolutionary , and that it teem * hardly possible that any sane person will attempt to follow Mr , Shcelmn'a direction , "but fearing such attempts may bo made , I again Instruct supervisors of elec tions tliut they are to , i'o inside the guard rat ) on election day and remain there before nnd behind the ballot boxes , at they may deeui best , until tbo voting Is done , the bat- lots counted , the returns made und the Hoard of Inspectors of Election udjourni. The supervisors uro to perform thu duties re quired ot there b/ law , 'to personally scru tinize ouch count nnd canvass each ballot In the election district or voting precinct.1 " IV111 Appoint riutlfl. | LITTLE UOCK , Ark. , Nov. 4. United States Marshal Spellman , for the eastern dUtrlct Of Arkansas , today iuued iustructiops to , rj,1 4"y dcputv marshnls. tlo IIM decided tonppolnt deputies throughout the district , and de clares that under Attorney General Miller'.s opinion their service need not bo conllned to cities 'containing ' . ' 0,000 Inhabitants , as is held b ? tbo democratic state committee. ltd ) HOT It A II , V. Third \Vnril Colorril Ilrpnblloiin Club Has n Denning 1 linn A roiuln ? rally \\ns held last evening nt the old Olympic theater under tbo auspices of the Colored Republican club ot tbo Third \vnrd , nnd there wn.s not only n largo attend ance , but un abundance of enthusiasm. It was not for the purpose of hearing long political speeches , but rather to give the voters of tnovnrd nu opportunity to sec and hlo up the various candidates on the party ticket , nnd from tbo reception accorded each nnd nil of them It was evident that their op- pearnnco ns well as what they bad to sny was eminently satlsfi'ctorv. Chairman Itubburd of | the ward club , pro- Hided , and assures the candidates that when the members of the club wcro for a nmn they wcro for htm , and that when they were against bun they woulu come pretty near dumping him , \V. N. Nason. who was on a sick bed In n Chicago hospital n wcolt ago nnd hardly able to booiit , wits pre-unt becanso of a promise made some lime ago to thnt effect , und spoke for a few minutes , T. 1C. Sudoorouph , president of the fourth Ward club , was given un opportunity to make u statement regarding the charges that bad been in ail o to the effect that hu had dls- eliminated against the colored club In the distribution of tlcKets for tbo rally lit Hoyd'.s theater Thursday evening. Ho said that ho bud given tuo chairman of the colored club siiuv-ltvo tickets , ns agairst thlrty-l'vo lor the Sixth Ward club , und said that the In dividual who charged that he had kept the tickets for Halo wan a contemptible liar. Five minute speeches were delivered by Hon. D. II. Mercer , Or. M. O. Hlckotts , U. A Goss. A. S. Uhurcnlll , Charles Stevens. Henry Llvosoy , T. U. Crane , P. O. Huwcs , A. U. Uhlte. bol Prince nnd J. L. Kalo.v. Mr. ICnloy took oouslon to nnswer the charge mndo bv the Worlu-IIcrald that ho wus a prohibitionist. Hu suld that when bo was in the legislature In 18s i , ho represented the counties of Webster and Franklin , nnd hu was national ! by both counties to work for nnd vote for the bill providing for the submission to thu people of lliu.question of prohibition. Ho was n representative of the pcotilo of thojo two conn lies and not of himself , and ho did not think that hu would have boon true to the trust icposud in him if be had not uctcd in accordance with the wishes of tbo people who elected him , nnd more especially n the stale convention bau committed the party to submission. Personally , ho was opposed to prohibition , ami on the1 lloor of thu house bu stated that while bo would support thu bill because his people wanted it , ho did not think that n prohibitory law was for the uost Interests of the state , and if it was submitted he would work und vote against tbo pnssigo of such a luw. Ho thought It very unfair for tbo World-Herald to say anything against him for supporting tho.sub- tnlsslon measure , when that paper was also supporting It nt tbo tlmo nnd wus urging the legislature to p.iss it. That paper bad also ctargcd that ho was unfriendly to the workIngman - Ingman oucauso ho had opposed TurKlo's bill , which provided that all convicts in the penitentiary should bo kept locked in iholrcolls during ttioir full terms of scntancu. Turkic bad urccd that convict labor was in juring tbo mechanics In the towns and cities of the state. At thnt time the speaker was n resident of tbo western part of tbo state , nnd when ho looliod ou on tbo broad acres bo felt tba there was room nnd work enough for every who wanted it , and that inasmuch ns 1 was : the report of the ponltc.itUry olllclnls ii all I the older states that It was iho lendonc ] of a large percentage of the convicts to DO come ! Insane under that plan because of thi want of anything to occupy their minds , he nnd been opposed to keeping them locked up In their cells. i.viuisr KALI.Y. Grciit CrnuiU ot 1'uuplo front the Sur. riiitiulliif ; Country I'rescnt. VAM.EY , Neb. , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEI : , ! The largest rully of this cam paign was held in the opera house this oven ing. Great crowds of people from the coun try nnd from uoljjhborinu towns swarmed to the meeting until the house was o vet ( low ing. A number of candidates in tbo parsons of Messrs. Isaao Noyes , C. O. Lobeck. A , Loukner and G. H. Williams were present and inada short speeches. But Mr. E. Uosowatorof TiinBEK was the speaker of the evening. Ho said : " 1 am surprised to como into your town nod lind such u commodious opera , house nnd think lhat U Is tilled with such an audience. We arc now on the eve tliof a combat wblih : will bo settled next , Tuesday. Yet the people are not concerned ns they should bo. Tuo present administra tion bus bcon a good one und aIt is Ibo general feeling that the rnmo should ou continued. Tbo republican party ba > carried this great imllon lo victory , yet U is constantly accused of robbing the people. Butthoaccusalions re never .substantiated. A uallon must id her Industries ns well ns her people , and Iho tariff Is that defender. The Omaha big fac tory , which employs 100 men , could not live but for the tan IT , ami so with nianv Ameri I- can manufactories. The Increase of Omaha's population is duo to her manufactories. The tarilY is a big fence around the United States which compels tbo people to palronuo Industries. " The speaker dwell at length on the free coinage of silver and public IInances and closed by showing up tbu records of Ibo in dependent I party in tbo last session of the legislature. 1 Ho said the independents deal : too much in futures. In closing hosmd : "Go lo Iho ballot box nnd vote your ; al convictions. Harrison has made n an president ] ; elect him again. Put men in oftco ! to represent your principles that have o character. " The nttontinn of the largo nudlonco was held nearly two hours. Dniiliip'H Diiiniicr.itli ! Itully. DU.NI.Ula. . , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to t aim HiK.-Hon. ] W. II. Ware of Council Bluffs ] snoko hero this oveiiliiy , discussing tbo ( political Issues fiom u democratic bland- point. Tliero was no demonstration , The attendance J was fair und Iho speech ordi nary. \FFA1RS \ AT SOUTH OMAHA lopubllcans Tura Out in Largo Niimbors nnd Enthusiastic Spirits * FACTS FOR THE GREAT THINKING PUBLIC uilgo Criimno Prraolifs tlio Dootrtnn of rriitcctloii unit I'nlrintUm t nn Ap- prrcbitivn AnUlpncn III * ltciiiiirk > i . l.nmlly < liiliitidt < il < The elojlnc rally of the campnlcn In Soutli Omaha was hold last evening. Republican enthusiasm was on tap In quantities un- incnsuicil nnd ns frco as tno air. The an nouncement that Judiro Crounso would bo present und deliver an address brought out n argo number of professors of othfir political faiths , who regard JudtjoCrounso as the best equipped and most trustworthy ot the candidates for governor , and will vole for ilin on Tuesday. Previous to the meeting at Blum's hull , Jolonul Lott's Uniformed Marching club inritdcd the streets lo Iho music of iho South Juialio band. The boys made i line appear- nnco nnd n largo crowd followed the pro cession to thu hall The ball was tilled to ovullowlug , u largo number of ladles botnc present. Cnrlrj- Talk * , U. C. Stanley was Introduced as chairman of thn mooting. Ho presented Will F. Gtirley , who delivered an address abounding with "sound republican doctrine. Ho re viewed the liUtory of tlio country from the time Ibo ropubllcar p-irty took tbo tolns of government ; until tno present. Hoicallcd attention'o the unpar.illek'd prosperity ottho country under thirty years of rule nr.d predicted tun' tno people were uu- prccintlve of the fuel nnd wore Inclined to Icavo well enough alone. He p.iul u high complluioiit to President Ilnrrlson and his ndinlnlstratlon and predicted his election. TUo montlon of President Harrison's name brought out onthuslusllc cheers , as did the sponsor's relcroiico to Judge Crounso , to whom ho paid n very nigh compliment. Mr. Ciurlo.y urged the republicans to not bo foriicllul of their duties on election day. and see lo it that the prosperity of tbo na tion is not hampered by the luccndnncy lo power of the democratic party. Judge Crounso was introduced by the chairman , nnd ho was enthusiastically cheered , the nppluuso and cheers lasting for several minute * . Judge Crounso's address was not -lengthy one , but was bristling with logic and argument and ho made many friends by his nusterly prcsontnlion of the issues now before the people. He said In part : Judge crotinsn's hpom'lt. "The democratic party , tor tbo flrst tlmo w'thln Its history , has pro-seined a fair Issue , although it lias skuluod In limes n\st nud Its position was all along undollna'blo on the tariff question , It * policy was nt all times anything thnt was In opposition to tbo prln- ciples of the republican pirtv. Now thov me for a tariff for revenue only. Wo all know what u tariff for revenue only Is. It. Kan assessment upon articles of import which we do not und cannot pioilurt sucn ns ten , colleo , sugar and other commodi ties. The doctrine of n tariff for revenue only is that the poor shall pay as much as the rich , the farmer as much ns u Gould or Vandorliilt , The doctrine of republicanism and protection is grander und broader than that. The republican party favors o tariff which will supt port the government , protect tlio American laborer , and foster'and build up tbo American manufactories. It is u grand privilege to bo a citizen of America and also iMcbrasUa. Her progress nnd march o f prosperity Is u source of great pride to each of us. This stale was born out of republican legislation which dedicated this territory to freedom , nnd has slnco then been carrying out toe grand principles of tbo republican party. Tbo farmer is tbo most Interested in the pruat policy of protection , as are incidentally Ibosc who depend upon him. Wo are all in I- terested In building up the grandest market of tbo world , and tbo policy-of the republican party is doing that. The democratic party favors buying where it can purchase the cheapest and selling where it can sncuro the highest prices. Tbo repub lican party has clearly proven by the cnrrylne out of its policle's that wo can sell more nt homo at boiler onccsthan elsewhere. Tbo protective policy of the republican parly and reciprocity have enabled us to introduce : our products Into other countries. The United States said to Germany , you raise the embargo upon American pork und wo will let your sugar come in free. It was done and ? . (0,000,000 ( worth of the produciof America's pai king bouso * went there last year. Similar trada rolalions were made with other coun tries and we are enjoying their benefits , un "The currency question is one of great im portance. I maintain that we must encour age and keep up the best system of currency. Wo want a currency that is uood bore and , abroad , good today nnd tomorroxv. These who bavo had 30r experience with wildcat cur rency appreciatu its character , ll is insuf ficient as a medium of exchange. It might pass current here but lito. would not elaoivhero. A national currency is the only sound ono. o.ii Judge Crounso then reviewed the history of Iho wildcat currency und spoke of the fight ho made in congress in 1ST ! ) to have 30a imtional currency with ibo credit of Iho gov ernment behind it established. Ho urged tbu people to "stand up for Nebraska" and elect the entire republli can ticket. Judire Crounso was followed by E. J. Cor nish , Hon. D. II. Mercer and Bugono Moore in short speeches. The meeting adjourned with tlireo cheers for iho republican ticket. Ignorance of the merits of DoWltt's ' Llttlo Early Risers Is n misfortune. The to little pllu regulate thn liver , cure headache , uvs- pcpsiu , bad breath , constipation and bilious- llourcl ot rulilli ; U'nrlcs. The Board of 1'ublio Works hold the regu lar wceklv session ycjtcrdiy afternoon and u f tor allowing James Stuvenson nn Ho of f.i.Ol ! ) , ordered tbo street sweeping to bo discontinued after November \ ! > . dlThe contract for grading Thlrtjvflfth ave nue , from Loavenworth street to Ibo south ct. difference per . , Royal Baking Powder , Strongest , Purest , Most Economical. Certain baking powder makers are publishing falsified -extracts from the Government reports , with pretended analyses and certificates , wherein an attempt is made to compare their baking powders with the "Royal , " or making bogus tests from house to house , their obvious purpose being to counteract the recent exposures of the inferiority of their own goods arising from their impurity , low strength , and lack of keeping qualities as shown by the Government chemists and others. As to whether any of these baking powders are equal lo the " " the official Royal , tests clearly determine mine- . When samples of various baking powders were purchased from the grocers , and analyzed by the United State's Government Chemists and the Chemists of State and City Boards of Health , the reports revealed the fact that the "Royal" contained from 28 per cent , to Co per cent , more leavening strengtli than any other cream of tartar baking pow der and also that it was more perfectly made , of purer ingredients , and altogether wholesome. As these powders are sold to consumers at the same price , by the use of the Royal Baking Powder there is an average saving of over one third , besides the advantage of assured purity and wholesomeness of food , and of bread , biscuit and cake made perfectly light , sweet , and pal- alable advantages not to be had in the use of the low grade , cheaply nude baking powders that contain lime , alum , and other impurities. Mf MM line of Kills Pl-itf , was awarded to Kat * & Ollnhan nl 10 010 cents per onblo yard. The rontract foe -cradinc Twenty-second Rtl t root , from NlcholnUto ClnrK , WAS awarded . to Lamnnnigh llrcfi j t 1 ! ) cents per yard. II. LnnpstntUor ims removed his ptoro to iho McCnguo bullilliHf , north- woat ( corner lotu nml Dodtfo streets. la the hands of rfdtbrs capable of bringing out Its morlls fully1 l Tno Colonel" would be nn Irresistibly funny plar. As presented by the company which ; uogan nn engagement at the Hoyd last fvcnng ; It Is moderately amusing. A husband , who has nn adventure with n pretty woman ho meets ut night on the streets tries to Ho out of the affair when the young woman calls nt ins home , nnd of course ho gets tanpcd In n web of falsehood. The woman pots mixed up with the man's niece. Just arrived from America , nnd a suspicious mother-in-law complicates mat ters by insisting on explanations nt the most Inopportune times. The old lady Is the wldo'w of n colonel nnd is Known in the fam ily by UiEt title , hence the name of the nlav. "I'ho Colonel" Is u comedy of the fnrcml typo , but with very few specialties , .Miitommits "I Ui-unn Simmers. At Liverpool Arrived Uossmoro , from Halt I more. At Kinsale PassedLancaster , from ios- ! ton. ton.At At Copenhagen Arrived TbliiRvalla , from Now York. At London Arrived .Michigan , from Now York. At Philadelphia Arrived Wosthall , fiom Antwerp. At Boston Arrived Roman , from Liver pool , At New York Arrived Africa , from Uromcrbavcn. lunu CiiHfl ( limn to llui .Inry. PlTTslifim , Pa. , Nov. 4. Final argu ments In the lams case wore heard this morning anil Judge Porter delivered bis charge to the jury. The charge was strongly favdrabb ) to the accused , the court holding that iho Jury fiould not Hint Colonels Imwklns and Stroalor guilty of assault If they acted under orders of n'sunorlor officer , nor under nnv rlrcumsinnces unless lams' punishment was inlllctcd unlawfully and maliciously , The "No. 0" Whoclor & Wilson makes a perfect stitch with nil kinds of thread on all classes of material. It is always reads * . Sold by Goo. W. Lancaster & Co. , 014 S. 10th street. Kinpcrnrn ul u I'linerul , STUTTOAIIT , Nov. I. Tbo funeral of tbo dowager queen of Wurtemburg , who died Octobar lit ) , occurred today. In the proces sion to the church Kmpoior Wtlllatn of Ger many walked bcsli'.o King William of Wur temburg. Frescoing and Interior docorittiiiK ; designs - signs und estimates furnished. Henry Loliiiuuin , 150S Doup-las street. Cnn't Stand Oomprlltloi ) . ST. Pr.TEr.snino , Nov. . I. During ibo east week eight firms , mostly In the grain trade . have failed. Another largo house , Undine the export of grain protltlois in Iho face of American competition'decided to abandon business. " -J 1MV.II. ' / ( fHI'IlIKS. Tbo First Ward Ifoi bllean and Flambeau clubs will moot ut tuol ball , Sixteonlh nnd Ulark Mrcela , ihn"uvoniiifj nt 7 o'clock , lo attend the rally in North Omaha. Fire on Iho root of'nUiliott in Ibo rear of a tin shop ut 412 South Tenth street called out the flro dooartmont' aft o'clock last night. A buciiot of water put out tbo blaze. Loss nothing butn Imlf do/en shln lei. Oeorgo Adpate , superintendent of Sooy- smilh & Co. , conlractors fnr the piers of the now East Oinana t/rlu'ge , has arrived In tbo city to take charguj of the work. The ma chinery and outfit loft Sioux Cltv Thursday morning and Is comlnjr down the river on oargos , and will pro'tiiibly UB hcroAVednes- day. „ n Mr. L. 11 , Jlamlcn , Of Angusl-i , Me. , says : "I do not remember when I began to take Hood's Sarsapaillla ; It was several jonrs : IK , nnd I ba\efound itilncs ino a great deal of good In my declining jcars. I am 91 Years 2 months nml 20 days old , and my health [ t per fectly good. J have no aches or pains about me. food's SarsapariBla regulates my boweU , stimulates my appetite , and hiIPX uio lo nlei'i > Mi-11. 1 doubt If : i iircnaratlon ever was made so well suited to the wants of old proplv. " L. II. HAMI.IW , Klin Street , Auguata , Me. , Sept. i.'Q , 1801. HOOD'S PILLS nro a mild , gentle , painless , lafe ami rOlclout cathartic. Ahvaji tellable. PKRM'A NKNT"SI D row A LK j IHSULU- TION. Ooiincll Cliainbor , Omnbi , Nob. , IS'/ ' / ? . llu It resolved hv ibo ilty council of the city nf Oniulia. the Mayor I'onuiirrin , ; : Thut iioriuanoiilsidnwalks tin cniistrni'tnd in tbu city nf Uiniihiias ilesUnutod hulotv , wltliln live days after tlio iiiihlloatlcin of this lusolu- tlon , or the pcrioniil survlco thoieof , as nbv ordlnanciiN antlinrl/od : ind required ; stu'li aldowalus to bo laid to Iho peniianiniKJr idu asostablUhod on the pivoil Hlicots siiccllloa herein , nnd lo bu cinstrncted of Momnrtl - liulal stone , brick or tllinir , according to npccl- lleatlonson ( lie In tbonnicoof tlio Hoard of I'ubllu Works , and under Its supervision , to- Ki'isl aldn of 'ltli Rtroot , lot 10 , block 7 , Konnt7u 1'laci'i 10 feet whle , neriniiiiuiit West sldo nf S9tb avenue , lots n , 7 nn'l 8 , block II. Iliiiiscoin I'l ice , 0 feet wide , perm i- " ' ' ' "Koulli''bld'o of Hickory street. loll , block 18 , llanscom I'luce , U fuut wide , poriiiiinont crude. i . Wust bldo of 3ml ! sj.riol. ( lots I lo 17 Inuln- slvc , block 7. llanscom rlaoe , 5 fcot wide , DOI- uni - . ICast stile of Il''nd stnitt , lots III to ( Inolu- slvo. liloukll , llanscom 1'lauc , 0 foot wide , per manent cradu. , , . West sldo of ICnd htrrht. lots I ton Inclusive. black' ' , l < iiullil I'liieo , 3 Je > n wide , permanent nKiiHtsldoof Kndsticot , lots" to J3 Inclusive , look ) , Knolld I'lauo , Sfout widu , pcrinunent hoiith sldoof LiMifSnwortli street , lotN 1 to 7 Inelnslvo. Ijlnelc l7iJlllllnis' hiibihv In West Omaha , 0 feetwldu , Dpruianunt nr.ulc. South slrti ) of I.uavortlrortli stn-ot , loti 1 to 7 Inclusive , uloek 4 TO blantoti's Biibdlv in WestOinahn , b feet \ilue , miriiianenl Kiado. iihi : : bldo of"Jtli slh < et. lots U to 1H Inuliislvo , block II. gubdlvof Jlji. HedieVs , 0 feet wide , permanent prado , J , . Anil , bolt fiirlborrasiilvpd : Tli at tbo Hoard of 1'ifbllc Works ho , anil Is hereby nulborl/od aiul directed to oanso .1 conv of this lOMilutlijnJV ) bo published In tbo onioinl pjpor of tlio clly for cine ueok. or bo served on lluioHiiur4-Hf-H.ini lots , and thut unless neh owners hliull wttlnn il vo clays after tbo iiuhtluat juijir norvlco ofsticbvopy construct said Hilewiills : UK liuroln reiinlreil , thut the Hoard of I'nlillo Wurkit OUIIKU the name to be done , the coit of coiijtructlni ; bald shloTralUs reijiectlvely to bo njsessud uKalnst thu roalOitate.ini or part u ( lot In front of mid ! abnttliiK such sldowalks. ia"ied Ostobor lltli. isth. 3Hli. Ifioa l > I' . DAVIS , { 'resident nt thoUltyOoiinoll , Attest ! JOHN OltOVKd , ( lily Ulurk , Approviids , OEO. 1' . I1E.SUS. Mayor , NOTICE TO COXSTK00T BIUnWALKa To tbo owners onbe lots , parts of loti and roiilosuitt ) described In tlio above rctolu- Vou und each of you nro hereby notified to construct permanent ilduwnlKn as recjulrca by u resolution of the city council and mayor of the city of Oiuuliu , of wlileli tlio above It a copy. I' . W. HIKKHAUSKU , Chairman Hoard of 1'ubilo Workc Omaba , Neo. . November 1st , lew , nld'e CONTINENTAL CLOTHI Great Special Sale of Bought at the great auction sale from the slock of Beirman , Heidelberg & Co. , New York , on sale Elegant light kerseys , v/ool lined , worth $18 , at this sale for twelve dollars. Handsome American. Mills ker seys in seal brown , a garment which retails regularly for $26 , at this sale for sixteen dollars. Drab imported kerseys , worth $1S , at this sale for ten dollars. Elegant tan kerseys , regular $22 goods , at this sale for fifteen del lars. i < Elegant blue Eleysian overcoats , worth$15 , at this sale for ten dollars. Handsome wool diagonal overcoats , in two shades , cheap at $12 , at this sale for eight dollars. Eleysian and Chinchilla overcoats , worth $12 , at this sale for six dollar Come Early SATURDAY TO THE Corner Don gins and. 15th Sts. TODAY - TWO TIMES. That Clinrinlni ; Comrdy , THE COLONEL Matinee This Afternoon nt 2OO : , I'rluoB-l'Irkt lloor , 73o ; balcony , Me , Evening Performance at 8. rusnnl nrlcp % , Nolo IletWL'o.i tlio ( Irst nnd st-cond acts Mr , William lii ) L-n . tbu "Tramp 1'oot , " will reclto "The 1'ir.t 1'lnnn In t'amji " l/loslii ; ; pcrformuncu of "Tbo Uulnnul ' aim- day nlnlit. _ _ _ Farnam Straat Theater I ' 10II | TONIOIIT. DORE DAVIDSON MISSRAAlli ! AUSTEN _ GUILTY WITHOUT CRIME , , / - , AdranaU/-j Saturday Matlneu Faniam Slroot TliealGr , I j Onu olia wtekfommenciiii.'riiin'luy ' iiiutlni'O Nor. G. I 1 lid lllic ramuily Kvent ' OUR IRISH VISITORS ( All J.tululllur ) Bum. J. llyan. IM\\O \ \ Hllion and u great c t Prottr Rlrli , Original Hn'clnHlci | , Sparkling Muilo. Klxcllan retlirui nllbaru.til | from Ilioitave Tm'j d r urouiuiiA'otouiiior etii. WONDERLAND ' ' AND IIIJOU rilEATKK All This Weak. How & Wall' * Comedy Company In THE LIGHTNING AGENT And a Orand Speolixlty Hill. Including vioLirr AI ASCO rru OKNKUAh AltJUSslON THE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO 10e is via the Chicago , .Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. x'SuxoiT ? Tn FCEDMJ RAPID ? i.VKB MOIXES Electric Li ht .I , Stun He i ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at/105 p. m. , ar riving at Chicago 319:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- i.r nain St. , Omaha. F. A NASH , Gen'l A cnt J fpOTIIK ( JUniITOUSOI'TIIB AMKIMOAN : -I. W t r Worl.K Company , a oorpuratlon of NcwJorsoy. Tint niidurriigncd was iippolnlud receiver of ( .alii coiporatlim liy the cimrt uf wliancary of Now Jursuy on .Inly Ju , IWJ. llyan onlcr of njld court , mndo al of Iliutliiiu of HIM tun Ice , yon are ioiiilrid | ! to jirotoyonriilti m and Muiniiiiils buftiro inn to my s .itlbfanlnn , within four inimthv Irum Iho duty hereof , or Du ovi'lndcil from thubuixill of such illvi iiniU a * mny lliuru-ifter Ho inidc > of ibupiouuuds rf tliuolloeH of said corpora * lion. Olnlin-t ihjiuld bo IliMiil/oil nnd ( .worn to. nnd may bu forwurdii'l by mull tn ( 'oillis a Jorbln , solloltoriof tlio receiver , - < J Wiialilnu- ton street , JurioOltr. . N. J. Tnoy will bo promptly .icknutvluil od K iiYDKICIIAl' . Uucelvor 211 \ \ ashliiKDii .Stroet. Jorsny Olty. N. J. ' ' sopioiubor I. , IB/J DEAF CURED , JIY KMJCTftlOCJ'Y. _ i-i'll'i | aicu'-Kl rcruu ' \te i > ifvn IM v Tl * . ' II , II. IU.IK3 , IOWA \'M.i.f. \ PAVING DON'DS. 'roolnnmtluti ' nnd notirouf Mulimii < lon In Din olpctiiM ntul Imnl voter * of tbn i-lty ot Oiunlia of thn quoiUon of l uln the ixmds of thr city of Omnhn In tbn 111111 of onn hundred Ihoimn I dollnM ( * l > 0l i ) to pay for tbo ron of - p-ivlnf , Mip vliuor . rimo- nit.unbliiK the Inter octlons of atrcon and spiicosoppiHlio nllnys In vnd rlty , ami tit pay tbn cost of unvlnit In front of ro il citito not iitlijr-cttn as oi iiiont of ' To thoflic-dors and iQgiil volon of the city of 1. lli'orio I1. HrmK mnyor of the illy of ) mnhi : , do NSIUI HiK mv pmcliim it on , and > V the authority vested In mo , s sncli m iyor 10 hereby Hive imhlln not co to tho. elector * mid li < 'al voters of tlutolu nf Om.ili i that a central plri'tlon will bo ho d m sildcllvoii ' l'uo diy. Iho cUlnh div i.f N'iMiihor. . HO. . for the | iurpo < o nr subinltliiiit l < .tld t < lo tori ma losii Utor < HIL ( | Uisl ( Ion ami proposition. ' " ' . "lowlne , lo-wli : > "li'ill bonds of tlir HIV of < > m vim In tlm sum " of ono liuiulrrd thousand dm ars < MU > MiXi ) "in ls in-d for tin' inn pm of o.iy < ti3 tin1 cint of i.'U .n/ . rap iv In it or tiru * tdutnir in ibo Inlrr- wtloiisol MlriH'ii niul SIMOOI opposite > liuys n n.ilileliv , or puliiir Hut coil ( if pivnilit runt of ronl o lat' n. > t subjppi to n sessinoiit 11 spool-it t-iM-s for pivinj purpose * , sild minis U ) run tint IMIHO limn tnoniy i.Ml years TIKI to hour Inli'roit pivib't s . . ' -annually t at-i rite not ( M-i'odlii ; llPIT font nor anj j until , nllli riiitpoiis ntl "pI'iMl. to In' I''tllctli l'nIIIK I ends ' 'anil nolto lie old for le than ] iar. tint | ir < H'oMl-ior winch shall I a used for no ] itlior purpose ilrin juv n the nut if pininu. irpavliu or mai'.itimii fins llu > Intersection * nf - < trools nnd < si | iocs nppusllu alloys In sslil , . lU.or In front of loal csinto net inbject till issi'HJtiiiMit ' ' of Npcolil taxi's fur n vlnu nnr-1 | Ui ( - , " I Tims-lid iim-st.oii uud pr.ipixlt on slmll boJ ' uhmlttril lo s ill ) 1'li'cioii oiiliro In tint nroiicr ] 'oini provldii'l by li\r : for olllc ul l < ai "ti , wltltl tlio winIs 'Yi's' " .NO" prliiii11 tliprpon All ! nf s'ltil hnlliits liivlnit nn K" matk follow ! liu tlu > word "Vrs" iliull b iMinnteil in finnrl of IsHUtm ; s ild buiul" , Slid tultif suld lialliils ] luivliitfiin X" m irk fnliiinlnit the word "No" i sliali bo count'il mul eonsltioreil is ami list. 1 the Issuing of sild ( minis. Thn potm shall bo iipoii Ibo ilsv of said otoo- tlon nt I'Ubt iVloiIn : thu m > rn na nnd slilll eonlliuiMiiiiou until six n'c'o u < nilio r\i < nln of the sunn nay i the lisp .1 \ ootnm places , us follows : HUMWAIII ) " ' S K ' c"rllor " iiM . ' ' " ' " ' 'nil Illsirlet-X - \V corner 8th and l woith < streets , .iril lllsirli't-N - I ! cornar Uih and 011' rU W stsrli1' ' I'lstrtol-S W corner 10th and Hiouory strot ! ) , l"'trlCt S > V corill'r uth " "ll Center ' "tb DIstrlotNVciiniurOtli nnd ILnioroft street Ilstrlot N K coruor KMh nnd Vlnlou SiCM : ( > WMlll. W conilr IU1 | nl" w cor"or I8tl > " " " w corner " ) l" "i(1 ( ' " corllot' 2ltl " "ll iitli ) ) . - : sldo of SnutliSttli struct. oupostto ronplutnn are. 7th Ilstrlct-S ) - K coiner Illlb and I'lorcu atri'ut Mtli Dlstrlct-S * i : corner 14th and \\llll.-im tb District M K curner Slxleontli ' and C'cn- i lutli listrlot-N ) W comer 3 Hi and Ooro is Ml lODlS. Iltb Distrldt-H H coinuruoth ami llanenirt J SttflltH. I t''tli DIslriot-N i : corner l.'itli and Vlntuuj J3lh PistrlrtSV ooinor llltu and Valioyl stieeta. 1 llth District N n corner L'Jth mil llonluvarill avunnc. TIIIIUI WAIID. 1st UMrlot-S W corner l tli and Chloanol streuls. J -'d District N W corner llth and U.ivouyortl stieets. I : id I trlot-South sl.lo . of Cnpltol nvomul nnar ( west ofl l.ltli siroot. i 4l\i \ Ilsirlnl-\\ost ) rtilu | of nth slreut , bu-l .rcon Mouirlns - and Doiluo stroota I fitli Illstrlct .N i : corner lutli and avenue nth DIstnet-N K corner Dth : iml llarnoyl atieei" . * "tli llatrlot-S H corner lltb and Mh District X K coiuor 15tb and .Tackbonl Ureois , f Dili District P K corner 10th and Howard j streets. r.inmi nui > . 1st Dlatrlul .V W corner I'tli nnd Uuvcnnori ' strools. Viiil District N W coiner L''nil and Davenport ; ird District NV corner ZMh and streuls. Jib Ulstrioi N E corner 17lh and Dedjo streets. Stn District N E corner I7th and llnrnuy i-.jcets. Olh Dlilrlct N W corner ' 'Oth and Dounlas htroets. 7lh ' DIstrlet-N W corner 5Glli strcot nnd fct. inry's : IMIIUO Mth ' Distrlel S W corner :0tb street anil EU Mary's itvciiuc 9lb Distilut Kast sldoofoiitli ! 1'ltli ' street , iiuiwucn llarnny street anil St. M iry's iMiiino. IDlli DM nut N W corner IStli and l.eivnn- wortli slroots. Illli ' District S W corner 17th street and Ht , M.iry's avonuc rii'Tli w\nu. 1st Dlslrlet Kjflt Kile of bliorinan iivenno ujipo ito M.indersiMi hireet. snil Dliiiiut-S I ! curnor Sh-rman iivcnuu ind Wlrt siiiot. : < rd D.str.el W uoruur Hb H-IIMH iivcnuu ind It IKO street. 4ili Dlsiruu N W cnrnur Sh < r 'tj ' .ircnnn , nil ( irneu hliunt. ; illi DlHtriut SV \ corner 17th and Uiarlui iitb District I'isl sldoof Sliortniiii avenue about III i feet north nf Nicholas streut. Till DlHtriut . > K coinitr lutli and I/.in I btrcots. Htli Dlstrljt N W i-oriior IClh und Hurt st roots , lltli Dlfltrn-l N 1C uoriior 13th nnd Has * strndls lOlb District KastHldo North 17th Htieot bu- twcen Oiilifoinlii nnil t'assMlriinlH Dili District-S I.1 corner Ibth mid O.iss streels KI\Tll w MID. 1st Dlslilul S Keiiincri'Jtn slrruinnd Ainoi ivenno ' 'nil Dlfitrli-t SV coiner udlb street nnd liriiud aviiiinii. ; ird District N i : corner 1'itli and drunt stll'l'IS. lih Dlbtrlet SV corner'Jlth and M undersoil | 1 Mb DIstrlol-HIU'oiiicrSllh nml Wlrt alrnots. dtli DUlrlui. H W euinur Inl and 1'arl'er ' llslrleiN ) \V corner i-'lth aid < 'nrby' htll'lllH htb District M I ! iMiriicr " 7tb nnd llnrdetUij Blronu. ' .Mb District N n c-oiner " 'ml nnd ( Jiai't i struitta. I ub Dlalrlul N IV corner ' . ' 3tli ami I'MiiKlin Mill Dlstrlel b W corner tMlli and Piuiililln < K'th IJJstrlot N W rorner U.'wl and Cliir-c 1 stieuts , BBVPNTII WAIII ) . 1st DUlrlut-H \ corner L'stli nnd Mason HtllidtS. _ . U'nd District N I' , corner .1111 ayeniio nnd | I'opiilflton nvoimu. . i Urd DHirlut-H W-corner Mill it rent uiulj Woolwortli aveiino. 4th Dlalrlol .N W corner . ' 'Ml strcot and ( | Arlior KMunt. Ml Dlntrlot boillli ttldu of Vlnton dlmotj n iiunr ( oust , ofj south : iic | .ueniie. nth DHtrlul S K ennicr Illth avonmi nndj roiiplulon liven no. 7in DUtrlcl-N W couior 'llth mil strculs. rioiiTii trAiui. 1st DUIrh't-Kimt Hliln ofCtli atront ncarl ( Miiith nf i Cliiulos htini't. ' ( ' 'n > l Dlslrlulcnt \ ldo of " .Id street near , : irl ii trlut .N W corner ! ! 0th nnd Nlcholai I 4lli Dlstrlol N 12 corner -"Jth and Oiitnln Htrtnu ! , ' filli Dlstrlel West sldo of North 2ith street ] neur ( niirlb of ) Cunilnn atriiot. bth Dlslilct S Kouriiarii.tliitiil llu. 7tli DUtrltt--3 W corner Dili and Oasil slruuts , NINTH WAI 11) . let Distrloi H W cornur U'd unit Sil initriot N W oornor lOlh and Ouinlnx.l 'id District N K cornur 40th and Piirnuiif | Ub Il'lstrlot North fclilo of Davunpirt itroot/1 nour ( wust of ) North 'I''d nvonuo. ' II nib dlstrlat S K ooruur Hint nvviiuu und'l . Utli J > lstrlct-H W uorimr tilth .ivouuu In witness whuroof 1 have fierounta tot mi'l Imii'l an unvor of old city of Oiiinlni , tlili J nnay iuaiou r6.y.1i IinMB , < Mnyor < y AttestJiilKOiovES. _ ( OHy t'lork. ' iiliki.'Uj WASHBURW $ Guilin , Mandoll.ii & Zilhert in loluiue and iU | lllr of tuuoie ( lie liKtr IN TUE uouui.Var. . rtntrU to wear la luy cllmalr. llfully lilu tr ifJ tourenlr cat * slOKuo wlili pgrlrilti of fainoul riltli will bo Mailed FRBBt LYON & HEALY , CHICAGO. \ \