4 TT 1 IT XT rri X ? SOLD OBSCENE LITERATURE Eurlingtor. OtHra'als Amst a Vendor of Lewd 'Books. IT PROVED TO BE A LITTLE NEWSBOY Umlip rotworthy TliouKlit n Jil Sentcnco Siilllclpnt Uiiilur the Circumstances In- ili-liriulentu Show n Disposition lu Kinnornta Cnmltclntc Slminp. LIMOIV , Neb. , Nov -iSpeclM to TUB Her ' Issndor Kussek is tbo name of a young man arraigned before Judge Fot- woithy this forenonn on tbo charge of sellIng - Ing and circulating pernicious nnd obscene literature. Hussok Is u train boy on the Burlington road , running between Kansas Cltv nud Columbus , boveral weeks ago tbo B , .C M authorities wsi-o npptUcd of the fact ihnt their trams were being Hooded with utiMUorv literature and mctnrcs , nnd tboy nt once took stops to put n stop to It. A de tective was employed and that ofllelal dls- cov red that Hussok was the guilty party. Wlion arrested ho proclaimed Ills Inno cence , but Detective 1'iiinco discovered n largo nunntlty of the lewd books nnd nlc- tm-es in nls possession. Ho then owned up to tbo charge. When arraigned this fore noon ho entered a nloa of guilty. He made n. Ktntoment tn the effect that ho aid not Know that no was violating the law In selling the boom nnd made a tearful nppoal to the judeo for llhcrty Owing to the rotith of tbo pris onor.Iudgo Foxwoithy declined to bind blm over to the distric court , but sentenced him to nlncU diys In Jnll. r.vmii-riitlni ; .Mr. slinm | > Tbo Indepentlent central committee for the l-'iMt conarosulonal district held a meeting In ibis pity last night for the purnoso of In- vcstlg HIng the chartres that had been made against .loromo Shatnp , thn independent can- Uldato for congress. The charges were , sub- Htutitlallv. thnt Shntnu hnd npcepto'l money mid railroad tickets from the republican can ilulnte , nnd that ho hud li e < t money to bribe republican ndltOH. The investigation lasted until''o'clock this morning , nnd the result Is embraced In the following circular issued this afternoon ! " \Ve \ , the commltteo lu the nhniges made . gainst Hon. ilciomcSlinnip , find that the siild Shatnp received a lOOU-mlle tloKct of Dnrnhani and Fields nnd advising him not to use it , ns political capital would bo made of It , returned said ticket nnd afterwards paid f .Ti for It. bald Shamn met Mr. Peter son If. Plattsmouth. Mr. Peterson making thu statement to Mr. Shtunp that there wns some disaffection In the west side of Caas county , nt Alvo and Klmwood , and that tbo papor'ut Klmwood was opposed to him ; asd lie asked Mr Shamphat the cause was that the editor was opposed to him. Sbamp's nnswer vus that ho know no other reason thnti when last \Vabasb Shnuip was labor- It.g under n , srvero rold and suppo < iOd the editor wns under the influence of liquor , might Imvo treated him coldlv , nnd Shamp stated that this wns the only reason ho itnoiv ot that ho should bo ngalnst him. After going to the donot , ahamp , thinking tbe rvinurk beinc indiscreet , sent for Potor- aon. nnd requested that ho not publish thnt nnrt of the statement that might relloot Iho odl'or Klmwood I'otorson sn at ana re fused , stating that ho was a uoor man und Mint ho was conneotod with the Plattsmouth Herald ana that no wished to get alter the editor at Klmwood and that the report was worth 5 to him. Shamp linid him the amount , stating that he would ru'.hor give him &i than to Injure anv man. and paid It for that purpose ana no other , and that was nil tbe statement made to blm. And tbo committee further finds that the secretary , Duncan Youtjg , believing that the reports stated In the papers and on the streets were working against the political interests of the independent party and especially Hon. Jerome. Snamp , was justified in calling the oimniupo together for action. Ann further than this wo tlnd no charges against Hon. Jjrotno Shamp. D. N. Jonssox. "Chairman. "DfVC N Ydl'MI , "Secretary. "H F. AI.I.E.V. "S. O.IOVKK , "H. I "J. A. MUKK. " TUmrttln thn Court Kooiut. C W. Varnoy & Co. this morning applied for und received nn Injunction restraining Sheriff MrUlay from levying on property belonging to thorn in satisfaction nf a Judg ment obtained In the county court oy ono llonry Ueutlng. The petition charged that Homing secured the Judgment by fraud. The city of Lincoln was today sued for tbo mini of Jll.UtV ) by tbo Ciavner fire Alarm company There is no dispute over the claim , but the city council noclocted to In clude tbe payment in tbo annual levy and the matter win taken Into court as the quick est way to bring ubout a settlement. The 'celebrated Dlnneen damage ease was brought to nn end this morning , when the Jury came Into court and stnte.l that It bad been unable to agree upon n verdict. C. K. Mngoun was ttiday awarded tno sum of tKK ) for his argument on behalf of the county before tbe supreme court on tha cnso bruiig'tit to test the legality ot Sunany ball playing. .ludgo Long today sent the 13-year-old daughter of Guorge llnlllngor to tbo reform school nt ( ioneva. Her father complained mat she was inclined to bo bad and that bo had lost all control over her actions The owners and lessees of the M street bull park nro not satlsllod with Iho uwnrd of the liock Ill-Hid commissioners of fci.HO fern n corner of thu park and buvo annealed to thci district court. Lincoln In llilof. A Lincoln o nicer started for Springfield , Nob. , todny for the purpose of bringing to tills city a crook named H. C. Brown wbo was arrostua ut that nlnco yestnrday. Brown U wanted hero for ntcalln ? u bicycle from i Phil Kaslordny last Sopreraber. Hon. T M. .Marquettu of tnts city will nd- dress n lurau gathering of republicans dnt Bohaiinn'x hall tomorrow evening. The HOCK Island is now dullvnrlnr freight from its Kast Lincoln line. Tbo now depot U up to tbe tou of the first story. Tbe Harrison nnd Hold FUmboau club left for Urecnwood this afternoon to partici pate In 11 ropuolicnu rally at that place. 1-Vnd Slensll , the man wbo undertook ton toul Tanner Mc.Mnnlman'a > mule last Sun day , was this nltornoon bound over to nho district court , tn the sum of f.00. ! ite went to Jail to await for trial. ntO Tno tire ilonartiiidtil was called to t Oi O troct ufu : : tills artornoon by u slight blaze in tbo drvlug room of Wbttn Hill's ' steam 'iiundry. ' Tno ll.imcs were extinguished bo- foioa great amount of dumugo bad been Jono. llnllroail to Viinkton to lln Complelril \Vlttiin a I'liw .Uoiitln. Noiu'oiK , Neb. , Nov 3. [ Special Tolo Krnm to Tut : Beu.JTbo Yunkton & NorfolK - folK railroad U row nn assured fant. Hon. H. K. Owciu of the 11 rm of Owens Bros , contractori of Slantou , bas Just returned from Va'iUton where bo has closed n con tract with Mr. Plerco , the builder of the road , for grading tlvo miles ut Piercu. Ho uUo bus the refusal of the balance of bo contract bntweon 1'larcu and Norfolu , n dls- tanco ot lltteen miles. Tbo grading Is Isto bo completed In forty days nnd tegular tralni. running batwoon Yunkton aud Nor folk by January 1 , IS'JI , or the $125,000 rIP liouds will bo forfeited , Owens Bros , > roan securing all the men and teams tboy can IIml and personally guarantee the payment ! for all work none. They have u national reputation us contractor * and tholr resources urn sufilcient to crado iho entire road , Norfolk people nro very much elated. Itoliliml in Cov I net oil. DiK > m Cur , Nob. , Nov. 3. | Sp ciaJ Tcleeram to TIIK Ilur-J Jim Cooper and I a Covlngton woman giving the name of Jennie Dee were today arrested ou a Int nworii out by W. M. Adanu , a farm er , charging them with relieving him cf a watch nud chain In a Covlok'too basuio at curly hour thl morning. Too case was c A I | UM | | tinned unlit the 7lh Intl. aid In default of K > 00 bond * the nccmoJ were uiusod In Jail. NOT llurllitKlnn .tnil I.IUIinrnVnrkinuii llnrc n Itoir it Unrnln , LISCOI.N , N'eb. , Nov. : -fSpaclMTelor.im i to Tun HRB.I 'I ho tntors ction of Eleventh and X street * In this city was the scene of a lively altercation today UiU oamo near do- voloolnp Into A ftrit-olitsi row. The liurllngton rallri 'l ' croiset at that nnd thn Blkhorn has boon layIng - Ing a track nn X utrool from Klovonth street woU. It > v.u the Intention of the KlKhorn people to cross the Burling * ton track , but while thev wore preparing to do so the latter company sontsavoral locomo lives and n can IT ot men to the disputed crossing. Severn ! personal encounters took place oetwccii tbo nvn ! workmen. The UlkPI horn finally abandoned tbe attempt to cross the Burllneton tracks , ana the court will , probtbly bo oailoJ upon to settle the alQleri uulty. ' Illllllt I'dMlllt. BVUTI.EV. Neb , Nov. .1. "Special to TIIK Bni- ; Some small bjvs , whllo looking through 'an unused building on Tuesday , found two dies for counterfeiting .silver dol- lats and one dlo for counterfeiting t > gold They also found nbuut tblrtj couu- torfelt coins and a piece of n Mirer castor that was stoicu from the Jeweler norc about I wo y oar i ago. ( ( ton I M \ eir : . Afiiunv , Nob. , N'OT. 3. [ Spocml to Tnu Ben. j In tno case of the state ofnlnit Clinrlos I' . Johnson , which has oucuoied tbo nttontlon of the district court Mneo the 24th dav of October , the Jurv fojnd thn dcfnndant gulltv of mausmughtpr. arid the prisoner was this morn I MI ? sentenced to rtvo "years in the penitentiary at hard M'nr. ' i.Mna\.isr. r.xiii-i-ltiii < nlH ut HID X.itlomit I nu Miteli U' itixoTON , D. C. , Nov. : i. After a dry spell of many weem Uasblngton caught a light rain last right as tbo result of n series of explosions which tbo exports of the Agri cultural department , have been causing across the river , lilt the cost of tha experi ments nus been too jrcat In tbo sacrifice of nerves nnd comfort to make the plan entirely ponular with Washington people. They stood the noise vorv well as long as It was confined to the day time , but their patlenco was exhausted after midnight last night , and continuing until morning tbera wcro fearful explosions that shook pveiy house In tbo city ana brought nianv people out of bed. This morning there was a general expres sion of Indignation nt the disturbances , nnd yielding to the generally expressed senti ment thu mnjor gcnur.ti commanding the army this morning promptly ordered the Ag- -leultur.il department ovparts to vnoato the Fort Meyer reservation , o ( hero will now bn no further attempts at ratnniulditg on the military reservation in and uiound Washing ton. Ono nrrr.y ofllcor who observed tbo experi ments assorts Hint tbo tlrst two shocks hrouuht on sunnrt shiiwrrs which .settled into \ n steady rnlti , but this was suddenly stopped by the last two oploions. . So ho Is puzzlud to decide whether or not tlio aerial bombard ment is n success. v.t// ; IIUOJIKI > . tringent Arllun nt tlio I'ariilt.v that HIM CitiKPd Co'MtrrimtliMi. Hu-r.y , Conn , Nov.Uoltn : ! ICappa Kpillou and Psi I'pMlon , the two loading Junior societies ut Yale , are ou the verco of a crisis wnlch tnroatons to either abolish thorn altogether or to change entirely their sphere In tbo college world. Last May a candidate for election was killed wnilo beinor initiated nnd at that time the Vulo faculty deliberated for a long time as to th - advisability of removing the societies from the college world , Htid wore only deterred bv a , prompt icsotTTtlon of both Doilies to confine the Initiation hereafter to simply signing the constitution of the soclotv. This full , however - over , Delta Kappa Epsllou relapsed into its former evil habits nnd took a candidate around tbo streets blindfolded. Tlio affair camn to the oars of the faculty iind now there are tbiee alternatives presumed to tbo soci ety : to Rive up their organl/alloa and to become - como simoly an open social body , to glvo up their charter entirely , or to submit con stantly to tbo faculty's surveillance. The cbftnces are that the students will pot wait for the fncully to pun sentence in the mat ter but will tender a proposition to them at once. Whatever the result of the disturbp j unco the Junior societies at Yule are thougnt to bo doomed. TO nr.fiit IT tin. I'ute or Mr * . Mnry slicplniril , Imll.ina'a Old est U'OIIIHII. Ina. , Nov. II. Mrs. Sarah Sbep- bard , who liven a few mile * soutb of this city , met with a horrlnla death yesterday af r- ternoon. She was 101 years old ana lived 15 tbo custom of the boys to leave the old lady at tbo house alone during the any while they worked on the farm. Yesterday evening > they wore attracted to the bouse by the old lady's screams. They found her Ivlng on tbo tloor in a nude condition , her clothing having burned from her body. She died In igm few hours. She wus unconscious when found , but it Is thought her clothing Ignited from n pipe , us she Bad her Pipe in her hand whop found. Airs Shophard was tbo oldest woman In the stale tind was enjoying good health when the accident occurred. ' i\ run uuix.s. Sonrch ICcii'.iU i ; Mrncu of Death by tlio Mllvruukpu I ire. MILWAUKEE , Wis. , Nov. ; ) . On a report By some ono that they had sccu a man burn to doatb in J. 13. Kissinger's atom during the tire Friday night a search \viva instituted , wnich resulted yesterday m uncovering a number of bones. They were removed to tbo morgue , but the coroner Is In doubt whether they are those ) of a buaan bolntr or of some anluml. The relief fund for tbo tire sufferers bas reached f I''O.OOO. The distri bution ? thus far bavu been about 110,000. > Barracks for tbo hundred ! ) of victims of the tire , wbo are now only temporarily provided for , are to bo built in the Lake Shore park. MM. Wlnslow's Soothing Syruo for chil dren teething , rests the child and comforts the mother ; " 5o a bottlu Movmiicntii ul ocean Memuen. At LUard : Passed California , from New At Swlnoaitind. Arrived tiothlo , from New York. At Hotlerdom : Arrived , November I ocheidam , from Baltimore , At Liverpool : Arrived , November ! i Anirlomao , from Boston , At Antwerp : Arrived Sorento , from Baltimore. At Klnsaloi Passed Minnesota , from Phlladeluhla. At Brow Head : Passed -Kossmori ) , from Baltimore. At Baltimore : Arrived Patapsco , frnm Hotlurdam. At Philadelphia : Arrived British Queen , from London. At Km t nut ; Sigh tod-Germanic , from Now York. At Now York : Arrived Nordland , from Antwerp ; Spree , from Hremeii. Perfect action and parted health result from the Hie of DjWitt's Llttlo Early Uls ors. A perfect little pill. Itnfiisnl to lletiirn to IIU 1'nrenU. LONDON , Nov. II. The Ulobo today pub- lisbes detaiU from private source contlrtn- tugihestorytold by the Bombay Gazette In to- gard to the adventures of Joseph Hoffman , the boy pUnlsu The ( ilobj says that a lady , well known ID Bombay society beard ot young Hoffman's arrival in tbe city and tooic him to her home , where ho Is now. ho ( jloboadds that Hoffman refuses to return i to bis parents because be it averse to renewing \ bis tnuilcal tudlct. Hit behavior Is such as to load to tbe belief that bli mma has been affected by overwork , A neglected cold often terminates In con umptlon. Taka Dr. Bull'i cough syrup i In time ana forestall thu dreadful dlseuo. HAVE IEFTTIIE RESERVATION Pins Ridge Agancy Sioux Purchasing Sup plies at Ohadron. REFUSE TO TRADE AT THE AGENCY , . Several t.nrifn limiiU pi'inlltic Tlirlr lo rrepljr Wlmt th Mo y Is llellnroil to Signify til hnr blgns of lllsruntenl. SIOL'X CUT , la. , Nov. 3 FSpecIal Tele gram to Tun BEE.Several ] large band * of Pine Hidgo a < ency Sioux , who were recently paid money for cattle turned over to tbo gov ernment for rations , have left tbo roiorva- tlons and are now camped near Cbadron and liny | Sprlnsi , Neb. , wheie they nro buying largs j quantities of supplies Irorn tbo railroad stores. They refused to trade nt the agency. Tills movD on tholr part is considered a slgu of discontent by those at the agency and an Indication that tbo reports of A probable out break wore not without foundation. \v v OM i MI A M i : M r i r.s. llursuthl < > r Moore anil IIU I'rlcmU Wipe Out n llaml of rnrsiilniOlllccm. . Cisrntt i , Wyo. , Nov. y. [ Special Tolcgram toCa TUP. BEE. I Reports Imvo Just reached Caspar of .1 light batwaon otllcers and sup posed horse thluves neat the bead of Prior vhmi , in the extreme northern part of Fre mont county , thU state. It l ! > reported here that Fremont county oflli'ars were after a man named Moore , who a short time ago shot a constable IP cold blood In the streets Of Lander. Moore linow of their approaching and laid for them , and as they approached shot down three of the approacning pariy. J'ho oftlcors were led by n man Known as Slick , but whoso real name Is Nurd. Slick is nn old- time Nebraska man and shot n man a few years ago on the SIdnoj' bridge , and , sup posing his victim to bo dead , approached him , when the man Jumped on Slick's horse and stabbed him with a knife and loft Slick forilo.nl. HIlcK afterwards was picked up ( ind recovnred. Moore and his friends killed Slick and two dunutles nud left tbom where they lay. Some reports say that Sheriff Slough of i-Ye- mont county was In the light and was wounded , but escaped and is now on his way to Lander. .inssouiti VAI.I.IVS : KAI.I.V. louu Iti-piililicans Turn Out In I'orce to Orppt fiiator HiiRor. Missorni VII.LEV , la. , Nov. : i.--Speclal | Telegram , to Tun BEE. ] Tonight this city witnessed the finest parade aud political demonstration In Its history. Delegations from all surrounding towns , Including Coun cil Bluffs , Blair , Woodbine , Logan and Dun- Ittii. were bore In force. Over U.OOO were in tbe parade. The business bouses und prin cipal residences ware tinoly illuminated. Senator linger , republican nominee for con gress , delivered a m.isterlv address in tbo opera house , which could not contain half Iho crowd. An overflow mooting was hold at Kreder's nail , which .r. B. Saunders of Council Bluffs addressed. Fully 5,000 visitors were in the cit.v. I UM .Miner Killed. BOOSK , Io. , Nov. ! ) . [ Special Telegram to TUB BBC. ] John Sellers , employed in Bir mingham & IwMtlng's coal mines , wus in stantly killoJ Into \C3lerduy by a stone fallIng - Ing In tbo roof of the mlno where he was worklnp. His head was crushed to a Jolly. He leaves a wife and uino children in desti tute circumstances. To Close I cm a lalooni. DIVBNPOUT , la. , Niv. 3. J. A. Harvey , prosldont of the Iowa State Temperance al liance , today began suit tor injunctions againKt twelve snloonkoopers of Scott coun'.y , outside tlio city limits. Tluty Ilopril to Uo Cureil l > y a Mlr.trle. DuncQi'p , Ja. , Nov. 3. A car load of crlp- pies left hero yesterday for Canton , Minn. , to bo cured by the vision of the Virgin and children In the church window tbero. YOHK , Nov. 3.The commission ap pointed moro than twnlvo months ago bv Ulihop Potter to invostlgato charges of heresy against Uov. Dr. Uobor Newton , rector of tbo Episcopal church of All Souls at Sixty-sixth street and Madison avonuo. bm reported the charges as "not orovea. " The commission has decided that "tho catholicity of tbo Episcopal church was broad nnd largo enough to allow u man to preach according to his moods. Tno utterances of Dr. Newton must oe ascribed to his mood , and , wo trust tnat he , upon consideration , "ill see his way clear to levoking the utter ances in question. " This verdict , which was ? igned by all the commission , was handed to Bishop Potter two weeks ago , and Is only Jusr now made public. Mcthmllst KplscopiiN in Session. Pun.vDKi.i'iiiA , Pa. . Nov. 'J. The first dav's session of tbo general committee of church oxtotibion of the Methodist Episcopal church convened bore tnls afternoon , JJIshon foss prosIdUg. The comraittoa consists of the bishop , a from jfn doicgatn ouch general con- fercnoo district and fourteen members from the board of church oxlonilon , Tbo conven tion will contluuo until Saturday. The sec retary's report shows that the gross rccnipts during the year ended October ill were $319- l .ISO. Churches were aided to tbo number of OOJ. OUTPUT. Minneapolis .Mill * Do Anot'ier II Iff Weeks \Vork-Tlie Ktpiiri Trnilv. MIVXKAI-OI.IS , Minu , , Nov. 3. The North western Miller says ; The mills again slightly improved ou their output last week , IB 'J-'O.OJri barrels. This Is ouco more the id largest run on record. In the preceding week the output wa 2'i4,403 barrels. For the cor responding time In 1S91 It was L'OS.'A'iO oarrels. After this week a shortage of water power u liable to bring about a cur tailment of manufacture. The close ref navigation , which is looked for very soon , with tbo attendant blghor fralgnt rates , will also have a restraining Inllueucu on beef operation of tbo mills. By Hbadlag prices bea llttlo more the millers have , In a majority of cases , been able to loll their output for ofa week nack. The Increase lu volume of sales has been conOnod to tbo domestic trade , foreigners still being chary , and buying only when prices are mada to suit thorn. The heavy advance of G > f cents per 100 pounds m ocean freight rates is agulnst the export business , Direct exports latt week were vcrv large , aggregating W.S'A'i barrels , against S9.7.V ) barrels the preceding week , 11' * Ureiit Celi'imilliiii. N , S. C. , Nov. a. Forty thou sand people witnessed the great oomburd- incut ot Fort Sullivan tonight. Taken ail J together , U was the most elaborate nnd suc cessful pyrotechnic display ever seen south of Now York. The weather could not have noen ttner and no affair was ever conducted under more favorable circumstances , .Tbo bombardment wus the great feature of the gala week and was witnessed Dy thousands of people. by Diphtheria. PIIII.AUEU-IIU , Pa . Nov. 3. From Janu ary 1 to October 31 tbero hive been in bit city 3.MJ5 cases of diphluoftu. Of these l.OVij were fatal. Tho. ravages of the disease continue to increase , twenty-six ca es being reported today and us many yesterday. rnluii' Aijiiruui Aildltlnn. Ai-iiJtsr , N. Y. , Nov. a A certlflcate of the Incroaie of tbo capital stock of the West- rn Union Telegraph from ' company foO.'JOO- 000 to 1100,000.000 hss been Hied In the office of the socrotixry of aUton Tao tux wns lir,3. > 0 I'ho c rtlHcate tUtci that "tbo amount ot rapltnlot s.sldVorrrntlon uctunlly paid in Is tlOO.UUO.OUO nnd.thM the whole mounts nf the debts .ind Uaollitlcs ot said corporation Is $ ir > 125 ,5r tf " ' /M l' .SK.I.M I.V KKH . llnvlng I'nrril Driith In the riillnilplpliln'a .Mngniltir HP 14 I'rliiuuttil. * Nr.w YOHK , Nov. 3H. . A. lillcis , gun- n r's mate on board the United States cruiser Philadelphia , bas1 been discharged from that vessel and from tbo navy U order that ho may accept an appointment as acting gunner In the navy. Kllora Is the seaman who remained at his post In tbo magazine and put out tbo tire caused by a number of slow burning powder grains , which were blown through the screens imd down Into tbo passage by a pre mature dlschargo on dccK. The accident oocurro.1 during the sham at tack on Fort McHonry , near Ball ( more , on tbo 17th of last September. Mr. Kllers was at once recommended to the Navy depart ment for advancement by bis commanding ofllccr. and nftor a full examination of tbo facts that recommendation has been carried Into effect. Section 1407 of tbo revised statutes of the United Stc.tcs reads : "Seamen distin guishing themselves In battle , or by extra ordinary heroism In the linn or their profes sion , may bo promoted lo forward warrant ofllcers , upon the recommendation of tbulr commanding o 111 cor , approved by the Ihig ofllccr nnd secretary of the navy ; and upon such recommendation tnoy shall receive n gratuity of $100 anil n medal of honor , to bo prepared under the direction of tbo Navy department. " Tbo recommendation for appointment as n warrant olllcor Is n rare ono , it generally ap pearing that the man to bo rewarded lacks the education or other qualities necessary in so Important a position. ICilers Is nn American , born In Nownrk , > < . J. , nnd Is only 21 yoara of i\pe. Uo entered - torod tbo navy as an upprculice wtinn only II years old , and his conduct and intelli gence hava gained him a high place In tlio esteem of his ofllcers over since. Whenever possible ho has been given responsible doty , nnd there Is no doubt that nl the end of tbo shortest probation required by law be will successfully pass his examination and re ceive bis regular appointment as gunner. riio appointment as gunner carries with It a italary of ? l-DO at sea mid b'.HX ) on shore duty , with n regular increase every throe years up to twelve yonrs from date of ap- polntmunt , when tbo salary Is $1M)0 ) at sun and $1,000 on shore duty. The appointment is for life or good behavior. In addition tbo shore duty details of gunners frequently re- qulro their presence nt their posts at all times , thus necessitating the erection of government quarters for their use , u con venience | thiu Is rarely obtained by other young ofllcors. CAUGHT A DEFAULTER. .Indurson 1) . IliirrlHon Ai-ii'stuil at Iliilutli anil U 111 Cunin lluuk. After a long cbaso Chief Detcctivo Ilazo finally succeeded yesterday In catching Jefferson D. Harrison , the defaulting treas urer of tbo Fatrbanks-Morso - company , in Oulutb , Minn. Harrison loft hero suddenly snmo months ago and after his departure an examination of his books was made , which disclosed a shortage. This fact sui-prlsed the scale company puople , as HnrrUoii had been In their employ for over twelve years. The accounts were gone over again uy on export but the llgures would not Ho and Harrison was put down as an embezzler and defaulter. This arouse 'llio"curiosity of the company's officials and tbo books In the St. Louis oQico , where Harrison bad formerly been cashier before baing' sent to Omaha , wcro examined and a shortage was found there. As far as can bo ascertained Harri son made way with about SI-,000 of the com pany's raonoy. " Harrison bad been cana some time before iho Fairbanks company .ofllmals repented the matter to tbo police , consequently the wortc of tracing him was hard. At ono time Haze bad him located at Lincoln , but before action Was taken by his former employers he snipped out. About afx''weeks ago the Omaha detectives got track 'of ' tbo defaulter and again bo h'ot avvav. < Photographs uud descriptions were sent all over the country and yesterday tbo chief of police received u message from Duluth saying that the man wanted hero had been arrested on suspicion and asking for Instruc tions. Orders to bold were nt once sent and requisition papers amineed for. Chief Haze loaves today for Duluth to bring back the prisoner. . ' itKS ri * < i KA / / / / ; / r. Smallest Itiillro.nl Syntnm in tlio World to He Displayed. CHICAGO. 111. . Nov. 3 , Chief Smith of the department of transportation exhibits , DOS ar ranged for an exhibitor the smallest aud most unique railroad system In tbo xvorld. This system Is tbo property of Daniel Coxe , iho young son of E. B. Coxo of Reading , Pa. It is perfect In its equipment ana will bo exhi ited at the fair just a * It is now in actual operation on the farm of tbo father of its young owner. Master Coxo will bo in charge of the exbioit while it Is here. The guaire of the track for this wonderful system is nine Inches. There are two loco motives , modern and complete in every do- tall. Each engine draws a tram of II vo cars , and each car is built to carry two pas sengers. The locomotives and curs are equipped with air brakes. A rate of speed often miles per hour can bo attained , and tbo train can be stopped In less distance than its own length. Tbo cara and tbo loco motives are built on the scale of one-sixth the full size. Space lor the- exhibit will bo provided In tbo transportation annex. TDD toy , if It may bo so called , cost com plot' ) about ooo ; Cruelly Ilu/ril. - ' , O. , Nov. ! ) . A cang of masked students \Yalonburg college per petrated a brutal outrage last evening upon n student , W. C. Pngsloy of South Charles ton. He was thrown under a hydrant and hold for live nunutos until thoroughly soaked. The gang then tied nlra fiat to & rail , and , beating him In tbe face enroute , dragged him to a creek and , after shaving part of bis bead , threw blm , still helplessly tied to the rail , Into tbe water , wbere his cries finally brought holD. The faculty will Investigate. Klllfil by MHlir.Ktlc | ! < ! . CINCINNATI , O. , Nov. U. A mojt shocking case of uialpractlco was brought to the cor oner's attention today in the case of a llttlo hunchback girl wbo died last nleut. A man named Gustavo Honor , wbo does not.pre tend to be a physician , but who claim's to cure certain diseases , Was called to trea her for dropsical consumption. Ho stoatnei bnr legs ever a tub of boiling water until she was literally scalded lo Ueath. She lingered In great torture a few irotrrs after the hot bath. , . . . llurmul to Umjtli jt | a Jail. SONOMA , Ual , , Nov. , , iljj-Tno olty jai burned early tnls merion ? Two tramps arrested for drunkonn'estwore burned tc death. Tholr names aru-Hinknown , On was un Englishman , ngetla ! | < , and tbe othe an Irishman , aged JllXt U , is supposed th prisoners - > ot Ure to thojajl tborasclves. It XVIII lie Fair uixl lightly Warmer Tudiylii U'Aiiii.viiTON. I ) . ( J. , Nov. ! ! . Forecast for Frldar ; For Nebra U and Iowa- Fair ; illgbtly warmer ; w 4t winds. I.nrul Jleiionl , Orriceor TUB WeiTiiuti BUIIE v , OM.VUA , Nov. 3. Omaha record of temperature and rainfall compared with correipouuag day of pas t four years : . , . I81C. 1601 1S1H US ) . Maximum tomperattire. . w3 63 = ' M * is3 Minimum temper itnro : n = ai = > 3:1 : = 3. = AvoruBO ' tumpurature . 4S = > 4U = : = 4JS 1'roolullatlon . oo .00 T T Statement showing the condition of tem perature and precipitation at Oiniba for the day and since March 1 , IS'JJ , as oompired with tbo general average : Normal . tuniuerature . . . . . 4 , ' . = .xco 4 forthu ouy = . . . a DofluleiK-y since March I . , . leu3 Normal preelblutlou . . . . . . .01 Inchei ijp oncy for tb-j day . ut Indie , lieUvlency btnce March t . . . . . . . . 2.UJ | nube O. K. Li roN' , Observer , a Continental Clothing H ouse. Immense Auction Purchase $ Wait lor them. 2500 Fine Overcoats ami Ulsters , bought at auction from the stock of the well known firm of Bicrman , Hcidclburg & Co. New York , Wiirbe placed on. sale Saturday morning. Bierman , Heidelberg & Co. , arc manufacturers of only fine goods , and every garment placed on sale will -7 be guaranteed first class. , Continental Clothing House. o i/ BISMARCK GIVES HIS VIEWS He Expresses Hiinsalf on the New Germany Army Bill. HE THINKS THERE IS NO DANGER OF WAR Kmpcror tVilUum' * Army Mrung KnuiiBli as It U to Uelcnil tlio Country rial" Wurd4 from tlio < > 1 Man on tliu btiuject. LEIPSIC , Nov. 3. Dr. Blum has recently bad a long interview witb Prlnco Bismarck at Varsoln , nn account of which was published in the Naohrichton of tbls city. Prince Bismarck spoke at length on the now military bill and ( Jermany's relations with Trance and Kussla. He denied that ho had planned to attack Franco In 1877 , con tending that , on tbo contrary , he persuaded Emperor William to forbid tbe general staff , especially Count von Moltke , to inter fere with foreign powers. Ho dissented en tirely from the purport of the military bill. Ho said thnt bo thought tbo German array was qulto strong enough to face oven a war on two fronts. Ho believes that neither France nor UubSia desires -var , and that no war Is llkoly to Droak out for at loust a few years to come. "Moreover,1' said thoprlnco , "vljtory will rest with that power which wins tbo llrst few battles , and those battles will be fought , not with millions of men , but witb a few hundred thousand. ' "Tbo main thing , " no said , "Is that thov be well lod. Tbo now military bill has the greatest defects in its inadequate provision for commissioned and noncommissioned of- Hears. " Ho contended that tbo provision to main tain the third year ot service solely for men who have Incurred penalties would destroy all respect for the third year plan. Ho quoted Emperor Wllllaui J. , Count von Alollko and General von Keen as against the two years system. With regard to Uussla , Prlnco Bismarck said that only newspapers , Poles and Jews deslrod war between tl.o Russians and tbo Germans. MAUB A iioitnniM ? niscovimv. llhaitly 1'iiiil In thu Home of a I'oluli Smuggler. ST. lJKTBii nirno , Nov. ! ) . While tbo police were sonrcbliifr the bouse of n suspnctod smuggler In tbo district of TouJUlcy , Poland , they discovered the decomposed remains of nineteen pirsonn , men , women and children. It is not known whether these persons were murdered or 'whether tha cellar In which tbev were found has been used as a lecrot burial . placo. _ _ Will .Not Altunil tin lt.UMiint. | LOSPO.N , Nov. U. Thj refusal of loading ministers to attend the Inaugural banquet of Lord Mayor Knill is Interpreted as an indi cation ot a new attack on the corporation of tun city of London , which , it Is believed , will bo superseded In lulrninistrutlvo func tions bv tbo London county council , Mr. Gladstone bas written a letter to Mr. Knlll , announcing bU Inability to attend tbe coming banquet and exprcMlng bis regrota. Hit decision not to attend the banquet u duo , bo says , to thu explicit advice of bis physi cians. Concluding , Mr , ( Jladstona lavs : "I must congratulate you upon the spirit and success which you sustained In tbe discus sion preceding election , tht ) principle of roll- Klous freedom , " Oaiuan HlKiii * Vary .Unc'li SUAKIM , Nov. 3 , Ounaa Dlcnu , wbo has been reported dead dozens of limes , bos re appeared In the Soudan with a number of his follower * , ho has occupied Slnkat and lias resided close to ibis place. An outpost ilfty miloi from SuaUlm ban been evacuated , Itrfiueil Uii | mul Biii'sSKiNov. ) . 8. The constitutional ra vision coca mill co of too Chamber of Uapu- tlos baa , oy a vote ot 13 to 4 , adopted a clause granting the franchise to household er , Tbo commllteo yesterday rejected a proposal to grant universal suffrage. Cuuuila inlocteil Cuttle. LONDON , Nov. 3. Mr. Herbert Gardner president of thu Board ol Agriculture , U uoi sattslled with tbu reports ot veterinary ur- geoni of tbo board that the disease that bat appeared among cattle Undo4 from is undoubtedly plcuro-pncumonla. He Is inclined to wail nud asciii-tninwhelhuriiir.ro caseb develop before ordering thu slaughter or all Canadian cattle at tbo ports at which they are lauded , Progress ol thn Mxi-rlpr Pimn. QiEtiFf , Nnv. 3. Tuo Marclor trial has been closed , all but too verdict. Klaboralo arguments on both aides took up the time of tbo court today. Counsel for the defense held that his client .should be released with out the case going to too Jury. . .Iticlireur - tel ' 5uld that ihouch ho could give his djeis- on now , he thought it moro prudent , on ac count of tlio importance of the case , to con sult authorities , uud tie would theretoo ro orvo bis decision until tomorrow morning. J'lio court then adjourned. Aiiitr.illitn Iliinl ; \ \ ii'ukiirK Sentenced. S ns'KY , Nov. u. Francis Abigail , director , nud Manager MacNumani. of tbo Australian Banking company , charged witb issuing 'also balance sheets for tbo purpose of do- fraudlng shareholders , have been found gulltv. Abigail has' been sentenced to live ind MacNauiara seven years penal .servitude. Both have been nromlnent in public life for a number of. years. ItonilylHiii in ilcrlln. BEW.I.V , Nov. I ! . The annual inspection ot nrrav reserves held yestordav und today was marked by a number of dlsotderly street scones , which were fomented by socialists as part of tbo demonstration against the mili tary bill. The recruits were frequently os- hortcd to hold fast to the rod Hag. Nothing serious Is expected to result train the domon- trutlon. I'nlini ! tlio llodlPi. i > rso\ttii Inlanti. SHIXKV , N. S.V. . , Nov. : i. A great seusa- tlon bus been caused by the discovery of n baby farm at Macdonald , a town south of this cltv. Tbe bodies of seven in f tints Imvo already boon unearthed in tbe back garden of n bouse occupied by a family named Maldn. Tbo principal members of tbe family have been arrested. Ciiiif liHlml n Trcnty with .Morocco. PAWS , IMOV. . It Is officially announced that count d' Aublgny , P'ronch ambassador to Morocco has concluded a commercial treat/ with tbo gulluu which makes largo reductions In tno tariffs on French Imports , also In tbo export duties lovlod ou various products of Morocco. Itreiinl ot tlm l'l iiie , Hutu PEHTII , Nov. 'I. Fifteen cases of cholera and seven deaths wore reported Iu this city today. AMSTKIIIMM , Nov. 3 , - Nine now cases of cholera and four deaths have been reported lu all Holland in tbe last twenty-four hours , XVnmitii .VHInnrii in llngliinil. LONIIO ; > , Nov , ! ! . At tbo coming session of parliament Viscount Wlliner ( liberal union ist ) will Introduce In tbo Homo of Commons a woman's ' suffrage olll. It is expected that the bill will receive 150 votes from conserva tive and liberal members. Itoiioiinreil Alli'Kldiicu to I'riinne , WAaiusoro.v , O , C. , Nov. ! l. This morn Ing Kt. Rev , Placeudos Cbupollo. bishop of New Mexico , appeared before Juitlco Cox , with Kov. Father J , A. Walter uf St. Pat rick's church as bis witness , for naturaliza tion. By taking the necessary oath ho be came a citizen by swearing allegiance to the constitution and renouncing allegiance to the republic- Franco. Unfaithful OltlcUU. III. , Nov , 3. Evidences of seem- luf Irregularities of the urovsost sort wore unearthed today In tbo city water ofllco , It said tbe city has been swindled out of thousands t of dollars. The alleged culprits ' nro i ' Cbiof Clerk F. A Urouoski. x Asse'lVo" ' : IlroU-nski I un inm Lei liner ntul Assessor 1C. F. Uw\cr. iiml Uivyor were this afternoon icmovud from olllco by the mnvor , pendiiiff an luvuitlgntlon. ' * Clilcl.fli llncx , Ahioiil. i'ooplo iu tno neighborhood of Druid III. I roiiipliiin of chielion tuiovos. Mr. , H K. Itosnri ofMiiM AHUM nvoDuo say.\ she lost sovi-rnl on. ' nitrht dunng ttio week , nnd others report similar depredations. Wliilu no shotgun ulub ha- , boon formed out. there. ills hinted thnt somu of those niyhl prowlers may walk into Kingdom come if they nro nut- mighty careful where they put their feet. . % ti. ituaii ! / / ; . . B. L. Kerr of Crnig is at the Delloite. .1. If. Davis nf Gibbon is at tbe Pax ton. A. W. Shaw of Lincoln is at the Arcade. N. W.VcIls of Schuvlor U nt tno .Mil lard. lard.H. H. A , , - ( oof Clmdron is registered at the Paxton. T. AI. ( JiirlU ot Lincoln is u guest nt thu Arcade. A. K. Tliackor of Fort Niobrarn is at the Mercer. F. A. Drotert of West Point is nt tbo An-ndc. W. II. ' Harrington of O'Neill is n guest at tlio Paxton. W. S. McLean of Tekamnh Isn guest a tbo Del lone. H. A. Hunter of Western is rogitturcd at the Dcllono. H. A , "Mentor of North Platte Is nt ilia Brunswick. W. l | . Ildwards of Chicago is n pueH at the Murray. B. N. Cowdory of Lincok wns at tno Mil- laid yesterday. Carl Morton of Nebraska City was at thu Paxton yesterday. F. H , Chapman nf Hasting : wns at the Arcauo yesterday. George B. St-ott of Valparaiso is regis tered ut the Arcade. Mr. nnd Airs. A. K. Wells of Oakland nr guests at tbo Millard. Xr. mid Mrs. W. P Noble of Salt Lake City nro guests at the Mercer. Mr. and Mrs. L. j" . Swift of Chicago are among tbo guests at tbe Paxton. Mr. und Mrs. S. C. WlUon of Lincoln nr among tbo gtiest at the .Millard , Mr , and Mrs. ,1. c. Merrill of Siitton wcro aniont ; the arrival * nt tbo Murruv yester day. Captain U' C. Hohrio , wlfo unn baby ol Lincoln left over tno Hock Island , yosiaiduy morning for Muscatiue , lu. , Chicago anil Milwaukee. John Peter * , collector of Intern il revriuii lull Wednesday for Columbus , Genoa and Al- tiion and uill return no moro until after. election , nn bo wilt tarry nt hli home at Al bion to cast his ballot. Colonel Sheridan has gone to Washington , D , C , , ou private business connected with the ojtato of the lute General Pnll Snorldju Colonel Sheridan Is ono of the executors of the estate. During bis absence Captnlo Charles A. Warden will act as assUinnt ad jutant general. Kugono Moore of Norfolk , nominee on tha republican ticket for mate auditor , came la yesterday on bis tlnal roundup and It stopping at the Millard , Ho sajs that nil fences are In perfect condition , and be li thoroughly certain of the election of tbu entire - tire republican ulatu ticket , regardless ol whether election dav brings rain or blne. Ciiu AGO , III , , Nov. II. [ Kpeclal Telegram to TUB BKK.J The following Neorj&kaui registered hero todny : John Fitzgerald , David Fit/voruld , Lincoln ; Lcnviit Burn > bam , l d MuCorinlck , Donald Hubnston , Omaha ; Sum HunaHer , Beatrice. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE