Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1892, Page 11, Image 11

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    r-rTT f\T.r t IT rt t \ - I t. T7. CT iniV Xi"iVi7\rDC't > I 1 nTTl * C f VTT
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Sketch of tkt EsajariaMj Ofc r f dw
Pnwtws Hit
llctraitr Cnrv-rr of tftf JfMHarla Hrr
l-i riy lJl > < iaa
a an Man.
la a rco < i > t iae ot th S w York S a
t&e life aad
1 a ite Mas. BtaTatefey. t&
fazx _ i3 * * vicr of tlw axrfa"a caaoi at
oar Tb writw br&Mfs to tlw
3j enthasuwmaf * a ad u--r , tf
. - > wer. and prw-ea to BNMT rater-
coaeeraiae the earser of a
e WOCMB of whom
2 ill but a vs < iie
H-'eaa ' PMroraa
TV- _ _ * - J ids * , * * wa * b jra uader ta
pc * e ' tc. hoJy Cnr in the fA nUy o <
t _ 3A-J1" . aesce aded on one side frroa
t _ ' TIJJSwadr : Count Bottos * in.
w. . j. . . > Hjfcn. a V > bis name
bwi .si u it bird -Hired kid lif from a
wMy a.1. . en who had coaus iao Ms
teit to ai i-der hi-s.
1 Pony alm.
"Hard r aareiretttastan eeor roch n
Mmc BiAvatMcy's career was prosnic.
fehe r-brwe o be bora iaJa this life at
- n law. Russia , in the year 1311.
cen i-otScd and de-otatioa were every -
trhere frim the T > lag-ue of chclem. The
ch. a WTS so deiicai that the Luaily de
cided uoon immediaM baptism nnd r
tie rites of the Greek Catholic church.
This was n liself not common , but the
ceremony was underlie lack that ever
waasr th Helena more remarkable aad
star'i ajr stj-J. At this ceremony ail th
re ait'verf .ire present and # taad faoidisjr
L ied i-aadles. As one % as ab-ent a. oil1 , aunt of the infant Helena ,
was raatJe praxv fo" the absentee , and
a caadle U e the rest Tired out
by tbe effort , this yocn - prosy sank
dcwn to the floor unnoticed , by the
others , and , justas the sponsors
were renouncia ; : the evil one on the
babe 9 beb&lf , by three Uiacs soiittn-r on
the 2cor. the sitting- witness with her
candle accidentally set aru To the robes
of the offciating- priest , aad instantly
there was a small ccafla < rration. in
wnich. many of those pre-ent were ser-
icuh.y burned. Thus amid the = * x unre
of death 13 the load waj Mine. BlavaSoky
ushered late our world , and in the
flarcea baptised by the priests of a
chjr * h whoM ! fallacious dogrcaa she did
rau "h J her bfe to erpot .
A Local Terror.
"As a child she was th vender of the
ne-giiborhood aad tae terror of the suno-
ler serf * Ru-m teems with super-
Et.tic'Cs and oiaens , aad as Eelena was
born on the seventh month and between
the 30th and flat day , she wns suppo-ed
by theaarseu aad servant * to have
powers and virtues poises-ted tsy no one
e se. And these suppo--e < i pow
ers maJe her the cyao = u-e of
all in her early youth. She
was ai.owed liberties civea none
others , ocd as soon as > she couid under
stand she was jnvea by her nurses the
cb ef part in. a raystic Rusian cere
mony Dcrfornied about thu house and
grounds on tne 30th of Jmy with the
object of propitiating- house demon.
Tbe education she jot waa fmsmentary ,
and m itself wns * o inade
quate as to be one more cause aracns-
many for the belief of her friecda ia
later life tnat she waa endowed with ab-
urnnal psychic powers or ei e ia verity
assisted by those unseen beinirs who sh
ante ted -were her helpers aad who
were in en livingon tbe earth , but
pcssetsel of developed senses that
laughed at time and space. In ; nrlhood
she waa bound by no restraint of conven
tionally , but rode any Cossack horse in
a man's" saddle , and later on = pent a.
wnh her father with his rein-
ment In the fieid , where.with her sister.
file became the ptt of the rotdiers. r..a. .
1S-R. when 14 , her father took her to
London ana Pans , where some progres-
irars TioJe in invis c , and before lals she
returned boiae.
"Her raa-riagrein 154a to General Nlce-
pbere BliiTatslry , the governor of Eri-
van in the Cnticasus , guve ber the name
of Bmvatsky. borne Uii her duath. Thi =
, like all other events in her
life , w s full o pyrotPuhjucs. Her
abrupt style hnri ied her female friends to
pay that she could not make the oid Bln-
vatsky nuirry her , and out of re
bravado ahe'declared she eould , d ,
sure esough. he did propose and a
accented. Then tbe awful fact obtruded
itself on Helena's mind that this could
cot In Rus-sui oa ucdoae. They
were married , but the alTair as
by Miae. BlaTatsiry'a
a condlesUck orer hi *
hoed and precipitate y leaving- the
housni , never Ml see fcisi ng in. After
her determination wan evtdeot , her
father assu-ted her in a Ufa of travel
which b < > ; ran from that date , and not
unUl ] S5 dui she return to Russia.
Meanivhiie her stops l * d ber lo jVmTica
in KS51 , to ConHdo. la y < tw Orltsuns , to
Mexico , otf la Isdta , and b u.-k aguln IB
IhU to lh United stateIfeen her
relauvet io t Night of her ooee more
uatil ! . - > . wbun bar e > wia < r back as
IxJiB othar events ia Ji r history. It as
i. wintry mirht , and a wedding : party
vas oo at tha home in Russia. Guests
bud arriveil. and suddenly , interruptta , ;
the raeai , tba bail raag- Violently , ana
thc-e. uoaaaoumssd , waa Sljnu. lila-
valmy at th door
O4inuatratin7 IJ r I'uwen
' Froa itua potat thu ttunU v and aaay
frvends taattfy. both by letter and oy
arUcieii m Uie'Elebua.a well-known jour -
nai in Ru"sia , and in other on purs , a ,
eocscuit aeries of narvels , wholly unex-
pla naixcoa tuu theory of jujr lerjwrod
coast.iaUy occurriag- . They w r > ) of
such a 4--aur icter that buadrutLj of
JnenJb from jr at d stances wore con-
itanliv Tta < U8 < r tha b > Mtic ta sea the
wonderful Mme. BU > vatsi > v. llany trerti
incrtxiulous , many baiieved 1 1 was magic
and oUxtrs started civar < res ol fraud.
The sapor UUofl * Geortei o d MiBre -
Unn aabitity name ia erairds nad talked
incessantly niter eaiiiaeher a magician.
They casui ta tbe
see marvel others re-
DOI ted , la see her aituag- quietly react-
In wai < tAJMtta aa-l chstra moved th a-
selved and low raps m e-ery direvlioe
lo reply Ui qaeaUoad.
te uawd to was one
lor ter brother , who doubted
bur powers. A .small eiiess LaWe
stood on tte floor. Vry light a child
could lift it aad a suua break it. Out )
aaktfd if Mme. BlaTaUky could faatan it
by will to tae floor she then said to
ezaaima H aad & r tausd it lee e. <
After aed beiaf * ome duuince off
she aaid , "Try acsuB. * * Ther then ,
fouoU that to povr r of theirs couid stir
it , and her brother suppOBtat ; from hia '
great strength that thte " * tnck" could
easily be exposed , embraced the little
tabla and * hook and pult a u * iihout j
effect , except to niali it jrroan and
creakSo with wail aad fara.turt *
rappiatr.objects mov o < r , mea eji about
dlitint - S !
happeoiag-8 arriving by aenal ,
porf , the irhola forauy &nd neighbor- I
! hrwd w r in & o-niiatint state - tT't. . *
Mne. SlstrirtBtev ud hee
tai wa * a perM wbca sh T
I laarafag failjr M aadarstaad and control
DtaU SB * realty beria the WOT * that
aad her aaare wwil known ia * "
Adte aad Aittti 1 < "i. " made nev
iatfcaeymof tame who di4 > fc8 nil re-
terBMr * . bat frst ana f laMap far th M
woo say bar works ae tMacfited th-aa.
Pnor ta 15J3 $ be waa agaai laTesti-
iae the claims of spiritualism ia this
country , aad wrote boraa then aaaiyla-
1M it. aeiHariac t Je te aaai * VBa *
tbe eaad w ra herd from , mad
* on taeotfcer
a er U . .
CBf troiae on bore. hich , if
to sroaa ; ia our prefect at reiy
cJr riliaatioo , wtrotd briac afeiwt
disaster , amrrt y nod physically.
Thea ia 17 % in X w York , sh-
th Tb o OT hirml i-wteir , maed by Csl-
onel H. S. OlcoU and otbers. Aeclarusr
objects t NJ U > aaakioL' of a nucleus
for a natversiu brota < * rte < > d. tb - study
of aacfcnt and oth < sr reliaions and - < * -
the iav .Hrati < m of tfc
iMid rscoadite laws
mac and nature.
aubiisaed , Miae. Blaratiky loforra d
hr friends that she mast 2x > tu India
aatltort ther- tins same movement of
the Tb o owhicid society. So ia EVstwm-
ber of that year stos aad Co.ooel Olcott
two atom went ut to ladia. stoa-
nt London foe a white Arrinac
in Bodbfty. tlnsy fono < t iree or foer
Hindoos to meet 1 Bern who hAd heard
from afar of tbe matter. A place was
hird ia the anure pvt of th tows ,
and soon to and L olxwei CHcott sJarted
the Theot-ophlst , a miiirawLae that be
came nt once we 1 Known there ana was
widely boujrht in the w st.
There in Sorab y and laier in Adyar.
Madras. Miae Bavntc4cy trorked day
after day in al rtsaponi , ediua ? ber
magazine aad larryiAg1 oa aa. immense
correspondence with pee rie ia every
part of the world interested ia theose-
pby. and oi = o daily di putia ; asd di-
cussinjr with learned Hindoos wto con
stantly called.
A Tlrele IVoriser.
In 1555 MJSC. Blaratsky returned
la England and there -tarted another
theosophicai ma izuie called Laciler
aad imiaediateiytarred no the move
ment in Europe. Dav and mrh
in New York und India , = be wrote
aad apoke. lace aoatly correspondinsr
with people evirywnere , editinjr
Ljjifer and making more boois for her
beloved oc-ety and never pos = es ed of
neans neve"retting -
, neve-- from the world
at Iare anything- sire abu = e whoily
unaeoerved. The ' Key to Theosonhy"
wa.written in London and also "The
Secret Doctrine , " " which is the : rrea.t
text book for Thtotophiits. The
Voice of the Silence" ib written there.
too , aad la meant fo devotional Theoso-
Writing , writmc. writintr ,
fr-jca morn toll aizht was her Lite bare.
Yet. althou'rh scaadaliied and ab = ed
here as everywhere , she made many
leveled friends , for there never was
anything halfwav in ber history. Thot-e
met her or heard of her were
always either stanca friends or enter
"In he dyiajr moment sh.a showed
that her life had been spent for an. idea.
with fud eonsCKHisneis teat m the eyes
of the world itvras U opjaa , but ia her
own necessary for the race. She im
plored her friends not to aLow her then
ending incarnation to become a fail-cre
by the failcra of the .movement started
acd earned on with so much of suaerinsr
Sue never in all ner life mode itiocey or
asked for it. Venal writers and spiteful
men and women have said she -trove to
jjet money from so-failed dupes , but all
her intimate friends knew that over and
over again she has refo-ted money ; that
always" she has had mends wao would
2ive her jll tney had if she would take
11 , but she never took any nor a = ked
it. On the other hand , her philosophy
and her hi h ideais have caused others
to trv to help all those ia need. Im
pelled , by such incentive , one rich Theo-
sopfaist yive her i j , < KKtofounda ) work
ing < rirl'a club at Bow , in London , aad
one day , after Mrs. De = aat had made !
tJie arranireaiects for the hou e aad the :
rest , Mme Blavat = ky. althcu h sic < aso ;
old , went down there herse.f and opened
the clab in tne name of the society.
The aim and object of her life wera Vo
< = trike oS the shackles fer ed by p-iest-
craft for the mind of m-in. She wished
all men to knovr that they are God in
fact , and that as men tney must bear
the burden of their ovs-a sins , for no one
el can do it. Hencehe
? -he brought for-
wuru to the west the old eastern iioc-
triaes of kurma
and reincarnation.
Under the first , the law of justice , she
said each must aartver for himself , and
under the second moka answer on tha
earth where all his acts ware done. She
al-o desired that science should be
brought back to the
true around wfaare
life and intelligence are admitted to bead
w.thjn and actia on aad throu n every
atotn of TJie uairerae. Hence her object
was to make religion scieatiac and
science relijnous o that tbe dograatiaia. -
of each raijht disappear.1
Dr J. B. Moore Oe r Sir : Have beea
vrocalcd witn catarra m my head and face
Icr tfcree y - 3 at ttajos A M unable to near
o-d a uansuiat nsgizz in my oari aaa for
two trs . almost deaf
T ITI.S Hare tried sev
eral ! wvcaUed remedies and beea treated JVbv
rairnlar phr naas and noted spai-iolists , oat
laiiea to ir t any relief. I tnea aae boula of
> Jeer 's Tree ut Life
Catarrh Cura. It cava ,
innne-ijtala raiief aatl etfectnd a peraaient
care , i hearaJy rsnoamencl it to ail s er-
ers of Uils dtseitsa and will choerinllr ; erva
anyfurtheiriatannauoa oa oeinz adiir
at mjr aotae , No. ± iS S jreunej av L , Barliag-
oa , la. Far sola uy ail drj
E. L. Eca ,
t or sale by ad
Xo stroajer evidence of the safety of
elertrie lis-niing' Inataiiation can be af
forded than the fact that a great many
factories are now lighted by
U A y 1L\J\1 \ \ W ETC , ETC.
Oxyi-en'Book" ' free. Call ar - nta
Specific Oxygen Co. ,
Block , Omaha , Nob.
\Qimm \ UKE
I n , n IT
.k-n 'wiiin' irs " r" y B ,
at Of muse * nte fnifxnj \ ? 1 x > u _ !
I u t * ti anp < da JIT arwi-
rr iwl lo be a as contl. rf a
-w'v me
cnrosur rdgred K mutA anSermg
"My W trt
C t ty jliutt V TBI 'mi f
a miuMit " - ' i > < imfltr-
Ttro '
Thra no
"Junt Gv \ Da-ton. Ohio *
I &WUT SnOCmC COAttaaeu O * .
* - .
ie CCTH-T IJ T nf % -oa tn
nnr. thenct m rtli ine riirr to
. oo UHS cea-er
Mreet te Me piece at
at tlw 3ater eetiQa at TenBh
ioa Ja
ter line of Teuttt jtrrrt to ct-ntw < f
Hr > rt. iheiirr o- i o vnt r Lin
U et toeeaier Xf rn
center lice of s r ih iir t la Banter
r < . uiior w < - t on cenMr lia *
of J aevsMi atret w of
p u e u s
raelns it the n'er * tiua : of Thir
teenth * ad JncWua trett § . ttienca MHJth tic
UH > ceautr liae of Thci wrnm srt-rret to ceater
at rfittrua ] wrtNjt. thence east an tne " at r it f
< * t Simeon 4ireet tn eoaVer of Teatii sti f * .
Umtsee aorth oa tae cecter iloeof Teath Mreet
u > eentrrof JitekMm street , Uim ffi' on tae
eater > Ine uf JTO.HJO virt-et to tae pi ace ot
Commeorin ; at tfee iai r ctioa of Thlr-
rtal r ll .e of TnirteaaUi "traet to UK etater
at WiUlaa tirct * . ea t n IBB center K e r
r ft to evnte" of EJerem * ! suret.
UM CCBMT line at Eleresdi street u
-etrt > ? r of Mason strepu m > > ii uu center ! > 9f
MOMXI 5U-W.I ia ptace ot btisn n ; .
Fl FTHIM5 rillCT.
Comtnenciai : at the in ! rs ctjcra of Elerentii
sail Hisou streets.Kiusji on tbe center line of
t e enUi street to cwit r of fierce ireet.e t
on Ui center L.aa of Pierce sUTrrt So center df
; IT * street , north on tne center line of sixili
street M c ni r of 51 --oa strrct. * e t < MI t e
center Lne of ilnsoa street tu plate of t > e.a-
sirra Ms-raid
r at Uie lnt rsocuoa of 5
I Mason streets , sutith oo center liae af
-txth str-et to center of Pierce sirei t. ast on
'ha center lice of lHrce street " center at
Foartta srrset. < mutti oa Uie cenitr liae at
lourth trett to eeater of Hickory treec. east
on tile center Ino of HJC ory street to the
river , aurtii on the nv r to center of
HaAon sr et eTtendefJ. we t on tie cent r
1 ae of aanon stn-eu extemied , to center of
lith street. Uie n'ace of bur
snvE.rn ntsiuicr.
< omssene-as at the iniervction of Ele'
and Metre. Mjuth on toe center line of
inui to i enter af \ \ il' m. ta. t au Uie center
line \\ilj.auita center of Teeth , south oa
tbe center Iioc uf Teeth ta center af Hickory
ftr-eu eaj-t on tie cent r Une of Hickory
sti et to center of roartfi street , sartb on tbe
renter line at Focrts street tn center of
Pitree.vest oa the cenwr iiiie af Fierce street
to me piaca af bes :
CamaieacSnc at the inser ection of Thlr-
t Hnti umi 74iuaro streets. Kiutn on tne cen
ter i tie uf TmtBni i to the center llrof
Dorx-oa svrwuu eiist an tie center ine of Dor-
cos street to tbe center of Tenth street , nortn
on ttie center iiae of Tenth ta center of H il-
ioaa street , west OQ tiie center une of tt
10 centet of Thirteentlitrest. . tie place of be-
tomraencins at tlie lnl rsertlon of Tenth
and Hickory streets , tieaceoutljon tbe ceu-
i riiaeof lentn to center af I > aread street.
east on ue cent r me of Dorcan street to Tae
Missouri river aorta on the rirer to center af
Hjckary street , west on the center Una of
Hickory street to tin- place of be i
Comoienclaz at she Intersect- of Tenth
and Dorcas streets , south on the center line of
Tea.-n street to citv limits , eist on city limits
a tne MiaMjarl nrer. north on Uie rirer to
r of Dortsui street , vest on the center line
uf Ltorcasstreet to place of Oe
s at the intersection of Thir
teenth aaU Dorcaa streets.Krath on the ceaur
une of Thirteenth to center of tprin : stj et.
thence east on the center of = nrinz street to
ola count } ' raaa. tbrnca onth to cit' limits.
taence cast to cen wr of Tenth street , north ou
tne center Une of Tenth to the center of Dor
cas street , irest on the center lin of Dorcas
> tre t ta t2u place ot beirinninz.
riH < = T nisnucr.
OimniencJns nt the intersection of Thlr-
teeath .md JacL-oa strefb. tcence vest on
ae cenier .ne of Jacitsou stxeei. to center 01
nrt ent.a street. Lbence outn on the canter
Sne of Fifteenth street ta center nf Leaven-
xorth street , tifnce east on toe c-eater Jne of
Ls.veaTrorUi street to the center of Thir
teenth street , tiience norui on the c&uter llae
3f Thirteenth street to place of t emnm- .
Comra-ncinc at tbe intersection of _
tecntii and Leavenwortb streets , tuenc-e west
jii tne ct-DWr Uaa of Leavenworth street to
enter of = istt-nth street , thence south on : ;
taa center l n" of slsteentn street to center of
JTasoa street , theaee west on the center line
of Mason strtet to center of Eicnteenth street ,
tiience toutii < jn the center Une of Elral entii
tr < jt to center of Pierce street thence east
on tfte center iine of Pierce street to center Etrt
fa.rteenth street , theuce aartii on tiie center
' .ne of Th.rteectti .treet to the ylassa cf be-
- - - > C'STBICS.
C ninjendn ; at the taterieeiion af Sixteenth
: d Lear nTurth sj-reet-s. uiunce west on Uia
intr Unu of LeaTenworth street ta center of
.Nineteenth street , thence -oath on thr cent ? r
.ne af rsm-u-rnth
street to center of Mason
> treet. Uience east on the center line of Mason
street to center of ? utrenth street , thence
ourtii on tbe center .me of slsteeath atieet to
the uf becinn.u
Coosieocinz at the inKrstfcUon of 17 < n-
Irenth and l earenvorth sLrwtx thence west
on toe center line of Learen-srarth "trv-t ta
eunwr of T ni j rooncl street , thence bouth
un me center line Jlta
nt Twentjr-econH itrect tan
--enier of P nroe s4j > eet.tiiacc ast on the ren
ter Jne of PJerte street io center of E'zhtsenta
strt * tt. 'oaaea aorth oa the center 1 ne of
srft to the center of Mason
.ireel , Uieacu n e.t an Ui enterline of Uasoa
< > trtMt to tCo oent r of .Moeu < uutti tr ut ,
u.tmce curtu oa uge ceawr linu of Mneteeata
* treet tn the place i
; at the inMtr eftutn of Tventy-
w aad Lttavenvorth stre ti > . thence vrett
Ui-ociiUir Uue of L. ut ti onh street ta
tO ceaier of Twenty- fourth tr t. thence
on the cfnttir tine of "Tapotj-fou ta
iiirr of Wotuwonn .n-oaue. ute
mat on the center J.oe
af Vioolvorth arena 8
to ct)0tr of T entye ma street. Iheacc
aurta on Uin center jin ut T nd
street tu thu plaoe of beginning.
nusr > wt on of slxtecnih
an4 Pi rre atrcuLs. Ui tnce .t on t a renur
lice of P1ero Ktrf t ta centrr of Twenty : -
imd street , theme ouUi on lit ) center I me of
Tw aly-MKn > ua street to the "enter nf Canter
kuvet , tneni-tt a kt an tae ptiit < er line uf l > no.r
treet ta Uta teawr af > e enln-ctu Hrcft ,
thence mirth un tea center ace ofo tnlmrnui
atrrrt u > Lhe renter of H IUHOI treeu tbenoe
cn l n the oeaur lne of ttrt-ctto
recwr uf sutt-t-tith street , thence north un
the eenLer line ufslxteenta trtet u thepiuc
of DejUnum ; .
Commeneln : at the interioct- of Four-
tenta nod fittroe -
HJ-eets. thence r an tne
cenutr of f-er-e
- ( tract ui ceater of stz-
teenih * truft. tbeeve k uUi un UIH center
Una >
of siJV : Btti ktreec to ennteruf fUbai street ,
Uteare emst oa center line of W Ilium urett et.ia
LLe c-nieruf Fuuru-enUi
- street , then rUi
en Una euni T , < ne jf
z at tbe inUJirctJun af Tkir-
tler e ftruou , Uienuc wt on the
eeauir U n of leree street to ecnter of 1-cuir-
iocnUs > tr tt. tli uoe MMlfa un tto ernur aae
jf rourvwtinLU ureev to ecuter at iiw ary
kuwet. tieuor ec.i UH center 'mo at liiekury
itrret Vu < enter of TJru ctJu treei. UitTica
uirtti ou Uie een utr live of Ti.rtcucui Btreet
U ten dace of
Cotunenda : at UM utter Bctrfui of Four-
on the eoater Use of W 10. 111 MTert tu ( water
of revrmtettaUi fcttvet. Uiuace outk oa the
erritiT Iteo t M ulrent ivrewt ta Ute center
T UartBji tre t. Uutse- east oa tbe mater
Aoeaf ilarOta tuvtt ta Uie
stmteraf T ) j--
UMGUU itumcf narlh aa iLu eenUir lias i ut
Thirfocoti su M. te ue center of Hicvorr
ureet. ihenee not ea Uietvnter iae of 111 * ; -
* ry trwt l enter f Fourteenth
UitmcenorUion UierenUTHne f uth
ih B n
; at Uie talarwctAm of a reo
teaeUi * M * CenU > r kinmttt. thean e t o lav
mlHf i-jia of Ocnuar u > eeiaAraf ZueutT-fint
uri > [ . tu tue ktiMith o tie - nu-r
tee of
T tntj-Sr t w-tu.t umautat Huf ha w-iti e
east Ji. tua "tier . tuibf ilariJia Ut enter ef
i wevuetn srrec * thea =
scota ai i-i
- c ti * r
Livir-f Tw TCSie tJStreet to center of Cute 04-
Wenes eil i Jia ranter _ ae jf . ii a u
kawraf sxifiuiUtccUi ttrtuK , uienc * aurUi oa
, . , „ if it r line of S r at eiith street ta ta
piace of tM-cUJninc.
Bf VLt Til VIZ ! UICZ.
Coflaflse CTWz at ive iafarwcttoo a. - * . -
teracti wt Cajteitar svrr-t . tfrunra irest a
utrewt tanc * nor * oa thJ
Martaa Hard. ts we oa tap cear Ua
r Hxrtha street ha taawiter of Tatv4r3t
a t * ermtfr lia at
Vfreefter ot leader
. Uirtxt ! oa tte * wnwr Ilao of Oa-
Wr street to t < ra t r of Twggty cc'oad
1 ae of Worn wot-h av nee vxteaeerf. tece
wtMtr tin "wntrr of f - irv-f n * trt > t.
thenwe * oatJi oa ta o atMr Uara wt 7"--a y-
foartfe iret to tae eenwer of Va OB street.
Wwiwe easa on tfcv CB t * IJB * of Tiatoa itreet
V attKi < tret to * a e a
i > er of 4er4 mUi ttr er Ihrncf n ni > m tke
r n H > iia of N ae fgaUiftreet W tbe lace f
t the inmr --ti'-m af Tkir-
Oti str tA/Uwtjrir T-t OB Uie
live < it Martha Bmcierar 5 t vabrontk
ti eC Wwnre MMIUI mi dsWmatipr Une of s r-
e traUi vt "enter nf C > nt < * Uar. tjienee - t
oa UM > c n * r uf 'i.lmr ta cesmr of
souti t-n UiTiei 1 ne af
if M < Hnx * tr-ec
oa the rent * * n # fpr nc tre * ei-
rioter of - > TTT-nniy rwnt. ta ire
norUi ID rennr line of 5j r n T-t.
went to < reatr 1 n of"Th rweatfc , taeaics
north to the ixace of be nnlas.
Commenetei ; at tfee SatiTM cUoB of old eo n-
ty rood a nt SBT-IBC ireefc theacs e t n
Jn of pnn to atcr of E f hteeath.
Kbfncp outh on center tuie of XlciHeroth to
city tenure ootaeast and eitad 4
e st alooi siuu pty iliiit < - U center of o d
eonnty roaJl. ttemire aorth on thr center 1 ne
of eld oouaty roatl te UM otace of b ; inBinz.
c T the lot T eU < wi of Elcht-
aad = prlnc Mitflta. thi-ne w t oo the
center ! < < of ? f nnr to renter of Nue nUi
street. iee north on the center lue of
> ! iK > mh to emt rnf V.aioe sireet. thence
ooaUn--it and ire-t tuoa the c t r ! : ne of
V In ton to renter of Tw aty-fonrth street.
the ce santJi on * e o-flt-r ilae of Twentr-
fcvrth Mr-et to ity iioiltA.tneoce nlonr south
rnr lltaiti tocntrr of FJirJifce-Bta street.
nnrta cm tbe center 1 ne of
ilrset to the aloce of be innin ; .
Commencing at th la.ssoiirl river at the
fvnterof l street. UH-UCC vvt to center of
Tairteimfce street , theaf e south oa the center
line of Thirteenth street to eeater of iNiven-
port itrs t. theoce east on the eenfr Una of
Uaveaport i < > u > t * Hi > Mmri rl er. thence north
to the place of bfjt nn.aj
Oommencinr at the tot * ect1on of Thir-
tetjnth and Cns streets , thence re t on ttte
center .ine of Cess street to center of Fif
teenth street , thence tout. ] on tha center
line ot F'fteenth street ta center of Capitol
nvenue. thence east oc ecsur ine of l apital
avenae to eeuteruf Thirteenth street , tbence
north oa the center line of Thirteenth street
Coramenclnz at the ! atcr ecUon of Thl--
; enth street and Capitol aTenae
thencewest on the center line of
Cas.toi avenue to center af Fifteenth
treet. thence south on the center line of
Fifteenth street to c tit < ; r * of Hamey treut.
thence east on center line "f Homey street to
center of Twlfth tT et. thence north on the
center .ine of Twelfth street to center of Far-
nam street , thence we t on the center line of
Faraara street to center of Th.rteenth street.
thence on the < -entr Use of Thirteenth street
to placa of berizmroz.
ro nra
Commencln : at the Intersertion of EleT-esti
and Uavenpnrt stret- . tiiencewest on the
center Use uf Da-renport strtet t - > center of
Th < rtfenti street , thence > outh on the ennter
line of Thirteenth streei to center of Do-ailas
street , thence east on the ( renter line of Dous-
las treet to center pf E.eeith street , tnence
north on tbe center une of Eleventh street to
the place of oe = l3nin = .
Commencing at a point en the Missouri
rr r at Davenport strwt. Uiencu west on the
center Ine of Da-renijort street to the center
of ! e v nth ti et. tbence scmth on the center
line of Eleventh trt-et to the center of Dodse
street , then'-t east on the center .me of Dod a
street to the Missouri rir r. tience north on
tha rl-rer to tie piace of l > ecna.n ! ; .
Coinsienclns at a po.ot on the Missouri rirer
at the center of Dodce streeuthence on center
Une of Doure strt ta center of lenthetreet.
thence outn on tie center Lne of Tenth street
so tne center of Faraain street , thence ejjst on
the eener Ine cf Ftmam street to center of
> Snth strt-r. thence outh on center line of
street to center of Jak-on str-es.
thence cast on the cent ? " line cf Jackson
-treet to the Mis oun rlrer tiience aorta on
the ever to tbe a lace of tvclnn a ;
sirrcmr DLsraicr.
Comtucnclnz Jt tha intersection ot Dodja
and Tentn streets , thence we.ton the center
line of Dode street to cecnr * ne of iLevenUi
street , thence south oa. he center line cf
Eleventh street to cent-r of Dou : as stress.
thf nee west on tiit canter line of Douzias
street to center of Tairieenth street thencs
south an the center .ntjjjC fh rteenth street
to cent r of Faraam street , thence east on the
renter liao cf F raaai..treet . ta center of
Twelfth street ; thence south on the center
line of Twelfth street to center of Eiarney
street , thence east on center line of iiamey
street to eentr of Teaia street , north on
center Lna of Tenth street to ; lacu cf oeia-
Commencing at the Intersection of Twelfth
aafl ttarney strjets. thence n st on the centr
Une of E-aney street to i-entr of Fifteenth ,
tnence smith on the centrr Une of Fifteenth
street to center of Jackbon street , thence < * ast
on tha eenur unf of Jaclcson street to CLCIer
of Thirteenth street , thence north on the c-eo-
ter i'ne of Thirteenth street to center of Bow-
rd street , thence east on the center une of
Howard street to center ot Twelfth street ,
thenre north on thaenfcer aa of Twelfth
btreet to place of oey
inz at the Intersection af Snth ;
and Forann : Btreets. thr
thence west on the center
line of Farnam street to center of Tenth
street , tbence south on the center line of
Tenth street to center of Ilarney street.
thence we t on the center line of Tlarney
street to center of Tweiftii street , thence wJutn
on the center 'Ine of Twelfth street to center
of Howard trt , tbence west on tne center
line of howard str-et to center of Thirteenth
street tnence- oath on the center line of Thir
teenth street to center of Jackson uvex.
thence east on the center line ol JacUson
trect to center ot JTmth street , thence nortn
an the center Une af Mntn street to plaoe ot
Bocinnin ; at the intersection of Fifteenth
and Chicago streets , thence soatn on center
l ne ot Fifteenth Btreet to center of
Capital arenue. thence vest on center iinn of
Capitol a-renue to center line af \ meteentn
moft. thence north itnrt
to center of Dureopart
street , thence east to center line of Eich-
ktreet. ujtmco north To the omter hof
street , thence east ta the center of
Fifteenth street Uia piace of aeinnm ; .
-Jn ? at tbe lotersetiioa of Ohlcaro
and . ? ateenth str&eta. Utence outh on the
center 1 nd of entfe frtrwit to the center
of Davenoori street. Jietice w H on Uia * n-
u-i line of Daveaoort tr et u > center of inae-
teenth street , tbenoti sou 141 on the center 'of
> isetetinth streut to center of CapiUM avenue ,
thence ire > t on the cooler l.n uf Capitol
avenae to the center of Twentieth
theuca jortti an thu center of 1 wanUeta
ctroet to tn -
ot-nwr of Davenport ktreet
theuoe wektua tha center Ima of Davenport
str Btu the center of Jitt.
Twesty-fuurth >
thence suathon the cenmr unait T otr-
fourni street ta tne rputer af Capita , a ran trj .
Uieneu wast on the canter , ine of < npitut ave
nue ta thti centar of Tscenty-kixtn
aorta on the center line of Tventv-
uzth itioet tdUm center at Bnrwnpurt street.
Un-ncM west un theeefltcr line ttf bavenport
street ta tUo cento r of Twenty . > = -ntn are *
DUB , tbeno north oo center line af Tweaty *
serenui arnue ta ocoter of CiiUiuro street ,
tfcence aiut on center line jf Ciiiajfu to center
Unu of E-ratetncti si rue t ta pliura of bezm-
nln ; .
Btrlcnins at the laterMret-ao of TwiutieUi
aad Uarvupon stre u. tiuuiee ouUi oa the
center line af Tweabetfc
ktrret tj Wie renter
of Dod.e stTbet. thtuica a j oa center tat
DOJRB street to the center of Tw uiy-fourUi
street , tnance xxilb OB Ui oeuur.iae lot
Twentyfoarth street te the ,
< st r ef Faraxtu
street. Uieni-a > e t uc the eeoutr line of For-
BBm tn > ettc ejuerof
thence nbrthoo center . ne of fia
avenue ta neuter of l > < m = ii troet. tu oee
wciKja eester Use A Doujiasi tr t to ctmur
of fw ntT-eiuttt ktr et. tlutoee B jrUi oa fas
ter Uae of Twenty-eirntli street taeenuiraf
DoJe street. ta jcr eatt un eeauir ne ut
bc < da street u "ecur of T ejitytTtDt j
v aue.ttuiar aorui en eenur liaeaf T eBly-
sevocih arnoat Ut ovait-rvt Uav DO rt street.
t&ruce en > t ua ee i r ue of Daren .K-rt
ttietit to eeater ot Ti titr-v.n * strcex.
tfeenee koutn ou i cater uf T cutyxth street
tu ecater of cjutarkntie. . UieiMHt aet KB
center liae ef uaoitui urtuut , to eenuir of
1 weeiy-fourUi .Lr rt , Uieoov aortii as eot r
luu. of Tweaty-tourin itrrf . .Uui r of Bsir-
eaaortUumre east joe usr Itae of I * T a-
port street to aester of T' Bti ui btreet
ut tb laterxwUen of
su-eot .i u t jMtat avtcuc. tueaeo
moeesU-ruf iOfujoou. ssciwt to tfie i ciiuir of
p nj < itwtei. thttuc * iei sa utoter 4ae ( J
iM uis stuefct to ou-uier ! X in U ut straec
Lueneo su Ui ua leater " .flu uf at *
. .
r n af tp.u i arena * ui eemer i
of * if teenU ktrtct to te UI
nrrn OUTS ; TL
af Cf-
I mtfe and Tonc a * < * . ta ar senth on
| enter of Flftri-oUi trt tn varr lla * of
o r * srr t. tr-n * we t an crater Ito * af
. Ho . r4 street to r aer < it ? vwit e h i-tceet
! l street o crater of H n > y w-et. tfteaea W HH
on reater iia of Haravy trt M * en * ref
, Mneayxith Mm * tarn aorth oa erator ot
i ; NHte j * * * * * * ! swefl to ewwr < rf tHnrcttLf sr * .
I taeaea * toao > n er iaa at I m ; ia * t it
tttmiff of Flftr-ewtt ftmt to > 4 ee of be-
ns at Ike lawrvcUosi of Xltteteenth
Un renter .u e of C l i'Ugiint ' > vlrtraC so e s t-r
of Pna < B "rert. Uipnrt w * tm etmter
f Finmn street ta e t r ot Twwfoo.rt *
pe * , tfceE- * Berth on - ! 1 mo ? T
tonrth Mreet -eat-rjf Dmlgg M n
ime ot Dnace street tin oenbe-r
weafin * p * t. tlwmc * north am ewitxrr
Unnf tw < mt > H * trDo ci ter of Ctoitnl
av fii > . ttowcre % pt oa f trr ima of ( apltot
areniic to eeater of Mnet- * street ta ptaoa
of be Ut9ia .
at Doaij.s
street * ad twemv-flfui avwoue. tbeace s Ui
oil timber line < f Twoalr-flftk * vena tn reo-
if F rn T' tr rt. taeace weft on the
* er iinr of f"rn -n rxrevt toea er i f Tweniy-
stxta street. th ece o th MI eenker .me - f
Tweatr Mxth street to center of Haraey
"tr'-ei , taea e east onenter of tfaroe r stet
tbe c a r line of rxraaty-afth arcaoe tn
r-nter of St. Mary s aeaTMs. taeoce east < m
cenwr Itae of ? t. Marr nrenae M center of
street. Mrcne H > aUi on ceater
llseof Twenty-fifUi trttoew > -r of
tkece we oo ue . r lioe of
tr et to f TW
reatar > > HT-
etchtl street tnre sort * on eel < " - Iae of
Twenty - ichOi tr * t tn reoter lUe of Farnam
* * rteu t ea-e ej l on cent r . .n * ot
street to eeai r nf T otr-etckldi
Ui nce aorta onenoer ae t f T * alvl.hh
( treet to caotcr it IViazioa street , tsetx-e M t
on centerjlne of IViujjas tr t to cenir of
Tweaty-2ft.h aTennc. tbe p ace of bee nnla ;
Bfelantrtz t uie .nW-M-ctic'a of Twentieth
and Uarney streets. tu oc i cutn oa renter of l orntietn Mr-et to center f Leuvea-
urtli street , tht-ncc wevt on renter lia * of
Learns wortli str-et to center of Twentv-Bft *
dtreet. theace north o ce * er 'ae jf Twenty-
iifth street Ui center uft Mary s arenje.
Vhenoe we t on center lli > e of : t. Mary s .ive-
Jg to ceit ref 1 w nfy-Bft , arenae. thence
nertaoo eenS r une if 1 w < * aty-afUi avenue to
rentier of Haraeytreet , rl nretst * a center
lloeof UjmeT tr-et tocenterof IwenMeth
ie lnt r er Uon of 5
aad Uamey streets , thence MUtii on center
line of e-reateenth street to center of st.
M&rv's ivenue. Uivnee west oa th" center /Ine
of st. Mary's avenue to center of Twentieth
stmt ; tBenra no-th on d-nl-er lisa of
Tw ntieth street to center uf iiamey street.
thenc wr t > n ceni/er U ie of H iraey street tn
center of Twentyiith trr t.then < w north on
ci-nterHcre of Twenty-sUth reet to center of
Farnam street. Uie new east on center line of
Faraam street ta center of Nineteenth street.
thence south on center line of
scr-et to c nt r of rtarney "itrcet. thence ea t
on center , n of Harney street , to center of
seventeenth slrrl , the place af beginning.
„ it the intersection ef Sliteenti
.ana Jack > > on street * , thence south as center
Une of riiKfentii street tiu Uio center it ,
enwonh street. Utence west on cenrlia of
Learenworth street to cestsrof Twentieth
street , tjience aortti on centar IIB" of Twenti
eth street to center of st. Miry it avenue ,
tiience east on the renter use of st Mary's
arenue to center of Ejshteeeth street , theoce
sonto on center 1 ne af Eishteenta street to
center of Jao.son mettiience * % st on cen -
ter line of Jackson street to center of :13-
leenih street , the p
at the intersection of Fifteenth
and Howard 'treats , thence south on the cen
ter line of Fifteenth > trwt to the center o :
Leavenworth ttntet. thencs west -HI the center
line of Leaven worth street to tne renter of
SnieenUi strrvt. tbence aorui on the center
line of sliteenUi street to the cenu-r of Jack
son street , taencc wsr on tae center Una of
Jackson street to the center of Eirtit ; ? enth
street , tbence north on the center l ae of
Elznu-enth etreetto the center of st. Mary's
arenue. tueocr enet oc the center line of st.
Ms.rv'8 arenae and Howard trset to tne cen
ter of Flfleanth street tie place of Oesinalas-
Coamencinc at the northeast cornar of th
c-ty liaJts. theace west on tae city limits to
1 weatieth street , thence ouLh ou the center
Lne of Twentieth street to the center of Ea-
tuet street , tnence eat on Emsiet street to
eastern bounUarr of the city , thence nonh on
lie eastern boun Jarv to the pmc-o of be n-
srcoc < T > ntsTRicx.
Commencing at the iateri rtlon of Twentl-
eta and Emmet htreeu. ttaenca eaat on the
cecter line of Esmet street to tae eastern
notindary of the city tiience south to thu
eastern Boundary of the city to a point in
1-ne with Ohio street , theace west on the
center line of Ohio street to Twentieth str-at.
taence north on tiie center laa of Twentieth
street to tee piace af t > eiantn5.
Commencin ; at the intarsection of Twenti
eth and Unto 'treats toence easton tha ceutur
line ai Uh > street ta the eastern bound jj-v of
the city thenctt south on tae ea3 < rn bounda
ry of tee e ty to a point .3 iiae BurJette
street , thence we&t on tie center line of Bur-
dette street to Twentieth street , thence north
on the center i ce ct Twentieth street to the
ComaienrSa ; at tne intersection af Twenti
eth und Burdette * treet . thence east on the
center of Baniette atrwt and the l ce run-
njn ; east from Bnraettu street u > thu citv
limits on the east , tnence south on the eastern
boundary of the eity uiuis * to n point in C.itrlt street , taeace we't on th eenter
line of Cmrk strr t to tae center of .ne-
teenth street , thance north on the center of
2t.neteenth strbet ta the north line of E. V
Multa s M.GC ! tion.thence west on the north .iae
of Vniith s addiuoa to tie center of
scrset. thence north on the center
of Twentieth street ta the pLa-e st [
Commencin ? at the intersection of ?
teentn nad Clark streets , tfieuo * east on the
center line of Claru street to the eastern
boundary of the city thence south oo the
eastern boundary of me city to a point In line
with Paul > creet. thence west an tne ilne
runaln ; .nto i'-iai street to tne lotersocuon ieh
uia Pam streets , and tn nc north
the center tUie nf kuieteeath street ta
the place
Ccsiaenciss at tie lateriepticn of Nine
teenth * nd faui stTettd. la-nee rant on tha
center Lne of Pun ) m-ei and a Has "on tinned
tram I'aiii street w tau eikuira boundnry of
the city , thunce aath oc tbe "n.tern bound
ary ot the eity to a point 'n ' line ttn Nicholas
street , thence irest an the center use of Nictio-
treet to tne intr crijo ot Maatruuth
and Mcboi < ia stre tii tnenee uorUi on tee cen
ter llua of r.n t enth srn > < ta tha place of
at the int ' eot''n of J > 1ne-
t * * nth und Nicnol&a
& strirato. thence east on
the center me of > t-iKnus street to U east
ern boandorv of the eity tneneu fcoutii on the
ea&tem boundary line af tun city u > a potnt in
line with cud ru street , theace w < t > t on the
center i n < i of cute B : tr t to the
Lhnnce wiuuioa Uia center .iaaof > event enta
street ta tbe latwr uctiun of sttvanteento ana
Hurt ITIMV tii-nuo w * t on Uie < icn rina of
Hurt street to uiec-nt ref N-netecni.n tre < H.
nod uiaooe ocrui jn Uio onolr .ma of > in -
Uenth trtt to ine piacn uf I
Commenda : at tha rnteritjcuon of N'lne-
feanta Had 11 ort strvut , thence a ist oa .lif
center lina of Hurt streal u. IMS eeater line of
seventeenth > trseU turn aorth on the cen
ter Uat > afevetiteenui xtreet b < uio center
l.ueof Oitn ir ktraet.
tiienre a t an ;
street < uid an a east cnntiaaixl tr in Cuui-
mgstrtret U. tae "aatara bea Ml ry at tisr c nIV
littKU. tbenou sooth oa the eiLSiora l > o iilary
line of the citv ta a point m tine WIHI
Burt iiretjt , wittuce et ou iae oentrr une uf
Burt tre t tu th eenuir uf fixteeadti ireot.
taanoR ouui n Uia eeater Uo of H.Ui
strertw lott eater of VVot.l r strtntC. OL
west UA Uie CBiittr iaa of A ot < ( r ira i OLU
tha center f N n t tmth streat. uiouce aurUi
on taa canter jf N.nuUjaaUi street Ui lot
piuce of H nnin ? .
Comaiancia : at tee lat r > uLUoa of sixteenth
and Burt strtcUi. t enc u. t OB UJB ami Mr
ilne of Burt orreet nad oa a lice cast ova-
UB4i Ml frtmi Bart > uet Ui the iotru bjutMl-
aryafUiKCity ttiutij-e ssutn oo t ej..u-ro
txAjuaary of vteaiy ui a palct in lla wiui
tee eeater of Cut * street. Ui * w - too beef
era tor af CUM lUrees. ta tfle inwrkaeUoa of
FSTUmath idd Cj b treata , Uianoe aorta oa
t&e ceator of t lVrstb kU t to Uiti
e ater of Mttb t r street. taeaon
* t ea the ceousr ef tt atr str et
Ui thu eeater uf : 'xi aaUi street.
taeaoB aorth oa u > aecUr of uxmiitn strvet
to Vhe 9i& : uf brgMinlas.
tha lat e UO < i of st n
aaJ Want-ter UUL , limoce east iaon
tae eeator iati of A eteMr BUOW' u tb enter
uf Ifteeata rlrett. vuea s MiiU de t w ceutar
of FUtveuUi m t 10 tfca e iUir afca SD
treat. TSMHMIS sl > a Uw < Mt t r i-ne > > f Chi-
e& = iront Ut t&e < tBt r uf : e ute < alth
Wr et aad theocn aorta oa taw saater thaf
, ta tfco .f tt s
at ttie laumeeuoc < f Nioe-
UMMtH aad W i Ktr wreew. U ace eiiit on ilia
muLur IWHI ttl W * ktr tr ei Ut tiu ccater of
Miviintaoata MrtH. uioauit MMith oa
U ol w
aest ea thvetmter
vireet to Ute coater ot
-iMtaue narta JB ti * > enir of h
ttentu ktroet to Ui * tti ea i f .
Sef B2. a ; it ! i ceaur cf T * ni aj itruel
aonk elty limit * , tboexre Tr't on aarUi
* ee eeater of rarwr < iMwt
< me < xnD ta ta eeflter of
Syragag ttrwK , ta n e eM tto nnaw.r of
( Tw-nt1 tk ytffft. tfcuaga aarth yl ee of
Bwcimfctc at tfee v > ar of T&trtr-tfetM
I nVrrtM etwiijm la * UM aorta ei v llatlU.
. ta save r-t to t * W-H * 1tv Itaftw lanaon
. natfe to MM mtfr of Pratt verse * aateaaX.
tamwe wwt M a < * a o ? of Ti rty-MT fe Hr-tl ,
Uieaee aorth 10 tare seaaer of 3fw ea wnt.
thaar eMt to taa rrawr ox Tairtr-t rd
street , tavaee M ta * place of DvrWwIw : .
Bndaalac it law latrneetiaa if Ttolrty-
ita aa4 Pratt anea * * . tumcw * eco VM
oeaaorof Practnn * t ( ni'w waatenr ' tn ,
ta me ooUi ta V * raw -rtrwru taaaoa M oa
taa oeater .inr nf MAJTIW
of TMrty ii trmt. - aorut M fcae
Bminnlac at ta * Beater of 5ar-\c aa4
Tw n 4et * j et . tbiroCT ! eM W the Ofuwr
Of Tairtv-ttxtk itreet. tkoaea soata ta ttoe
t c nter af TbinNnh svr rt. UHHMM mtm * ka
trte cea r of Rrxtol street. Urrnra m * * * ta ta
ooatw of Twoar-ftm-t * ire t. th-m-i ? aortti
to ti e c slr af timWMSt tt et , tM > aee eiit to
th center of T * < mUt sure * . tene aor *
M ta ptaie at lx > ; anlnf.
B.tcinniei M the atenectioa of T 8r > trti
aad Em H-t Mrretiv tire wet tn tb o alr
ot Tw ntr .fourth troet. tamoe sMtk to te
seatier of Bristol street. Uw-tco W M. to tsw
ceater of TairtieM tr tta ac * waca
of Bon er vra nveaae t ar > trn h >
th omaerof Thirt'iita -u"et-t. Maoee souta
to ta * ennwr cf Ixx-u-t atroet i * a 3r4.
thence etst to taa eatr of Tw a i * street.
ta ace Dorii to va mitc > of h c aaia ; .
aVriaolai at the iat
; rs ction of Thirty-flrit
and ! Locust r ets ac& > n < hd. thwioe 't to
UH c atrrof Thirty x UuMreai. taence ooatft
IK va- renter at - ? a clreefe Uieece east to
tin ; -nn : - nf TU.ny-8r t Hrsot. ta nr aorth
e cenrar of B. mdi. tmH. tlmara eo t to
t1i eeuwr uf TB.rueta street. a ar * aorUi to
the ceater of La e street. ta tcKe t ta t *
eent ref Tdlrtr- t street , tftaaee aorUi to
toe piace ot
B ; innin : at tha iawrsocuoa cif Locust * !
T ntrth KnreM. thentn ; wiMt ui the caet r
uf Thtrtv-fir t street. UHrana > aUi to tliw cen
ter of Luxe * u-pet. theare east la Me renter
of Twentieth street ; Mtvace aorta hi tae place
of oecinn nz.
D riaginz st tae UitJ-rsecdoo of Tw aty-
flfui iad Like-street . Usenet ) vest to Uia cen
ter of thirtieth street , tbeuco south to tha
center of Blonoo tre c. thence ea t M tbe
eeaterof T-vcHtr-SfUi street , thoace aorta ta
the center of La < . trec . Uie Tiara of aecis-
a 9 ; .
SCtTH DI9T3ICT. ai the center of Twentieth aail
Lake street * , tiienca west to tlie < iat r at
Txrentv-nfth ttret-t. rhoce south to tlie cen
ter . of Blond-j tju toenoe east ta the center
JJ Twenty-fourth street tie-ice azti ta the
if Grace street , thence east to th ccu-
trofneieen'h > inet. tiieone north to tfc
aorth ! line jf E. T Sm th s idditiixi. thence
nast to the center of Twentieth street , thence
aurta ta tae ol
Serlnain ? at the IntersectSon f Bltmdo anJ
Twentvlithstreet. . ,
* thence w , t ta tae cen.J
ter of Th.rtv-arst strict. tn sc outi to the
uenier oftsward tn.t. . thpwe at t the
.euter i > f Tw str- Situ street , tfasnca north w
ttie cent r of Biondo streeu the piae of b < -
_ rinnin- _
. . _ ai tha intersccuon of Tweaty-
thlrd and Grace str eii. tuen > : e nest ta the
enter af Tweaty-fjurtii street thtmea north
ui tae center of Biondo streut. ttie ace etto
the center of Twenty-.vtH strU thence
s-Hith to the center af trairara street , thence
to the cariier f Tueatv-Milrd treet.
taence north to the oiace af
Becinninc at ic intellection of Nineteenth
ir > d race streets thence west to Uie center
of Twenty-third streei. then ce south to center
of s < " < aril streeu tbenc" east to Twenty-first
street , thence suutn u > centerof Chines street
thenca east to cenKr of Vnete nth str-et ,
thence aorth to place of ue-rinnias.
5EVE > TH WA11D.
rnwr nwrmcr.
Commencing at tae intersection of Par *
avenae aad Leaven worth street , thence south
to the center of Ptsiae street , thence east to
the center of Twenv-foi.rth street , thence
aortll to the center of Lenveuworth tr > etand
tlien west to the eeater of P-iric avenue , tbo
piace of Ue iDninc.
Commencincst the laters-ctjonof I'arlt ave-
nua and Paciac street , thence -outh to the
center nf Woolwortlj j enae. thence east to
the center of Twenty urtn street , thence
north u > the center of Pci2e st-set. thence
nt-st to the center of Park arenas , the place
at te-irlaaiaz.
TUTHD Dfrnicz.
Comaenemr at tatMnterM.-ct.on of Part av-
enua and Vfbol worth arenue. thenc * ; south to
Ed Creichwm irenae. lfa nee to th - cen
ter of Twenty-fourth street. th < ? ce rorth to
the < hmterof Woolworth avenue , aad thence
vest to tee center of Park atenue.
Commencing a t the latenttioa of Th.rtr-
secund and Ed ( "raiziiton aven-ie. thence south
toC the center of Out street , theace east to Uie
Uaioc Paciac raiirotiu tracks , thence oonii on
( ilea PicISc raUro d tracirs ta the center cf
Ed Crsizhton av nus. Uience w t to the en-
t r of Thirty eeoaiS street , the pi ceor eiin-
Commencins r the lcterwct < on of Twenty-
foarth street tnd Ed Oreluiiton aT nae.tlieace
'e tto thu Cn.on i'nclic rai.raail tracks.
thence MHith on the I uiuci Pocifle raa road
tracus to ton ctmLt-r of t/ak , tr--et.Iheac ueeT
ta i Be cunter of rtiirty second avenue theace
aortii an Thirty-tx > M avenue ui ihu center
uf 'A richt strwtit , thence west to tbe cttnt-er af
Ration venae tbence soutn u > aity
taeactt east on ciiy Itwiu to the tenter of
Twenty-fourth sfeet , tlienf north to Beat
ceo ter of Ed Crel stoa aveaje , thu pijtee of
srsrn DtsTiucr.
Oonimencin ? at tfle Intersection of Thirty-
iixth mail Lea.renworih btreeis. thence noufi
uj the center uf Center. Uieoce obt Ui Uie cen
ter of i"-ri avenue , tuence north to tn eeater
of Leaven wurth street , theoue west ti the ?
eeater of Thirty-sixth , the Dtace ot beginning
Commencing nt tae lottrveution of ThirtT-
and Leavenworth stroetn. Uience south
to tiie center of center ulreet. tiienco east to
cneceni ref Tweair-s.ini.ii areuue , coutii tate
taeoen < r of Ed t"re.-buia avenue , uest to center of Th.ityrond
- < -rond ar aue. t aacv
-oath to tha eenter uf U'rzht stre-t. tflenee
< rtr > , t to tiie ( WHitxjr of Haiiou avenae. iteuco
iiutti to the city iloiil . Ui 3 e west oo the
> cuth citv liailts to irest , tv tiwitt se
to Uie c atr uf .
Uience ust to the cesr of Thirty-sixth
street , to the V aea of tw
Commencia ; at the mtcr eeiloo of Tbirti ui
indewnrd iitreeu. tlieuoe a * l u > the center
r Tawur-afUi < treet , Uienee socUi to Uw
scoter uf Indian * " ij * . iaene w * rt txi tnt
Mr of Tweail < - nii suiexc Uieaec uorui
10 Hirni.ton tr * i , tnanre we t lo the cent * '
of Tairuetn street , thence norih u > ta pi cw
fe innins.
at Uie cterseetion ot Tairtv-
and reward ; suvm * .
* at r of T nry-w < ea > < l atrvet. ibunro ti
the center of Cuouo. otreeu thtmoa w st tiUI
neater of Tutenty-tourui slriwt , Utaacr
oortn to tae center at InC' xii avtaee. Ui r
w kt ta Hut ci-utcr af Tw-mtv-fifUi Mxuai
lienro north U the piiunf se-inuaii.
TH1UP 2 > lkV4liCT.
oommase nz at Uia .ni : r * - tioji of Tuaty
saoanJ < i d ? warl j et < v u > esc ast to UM-
-eiiu-r of Tw .nt/-nrvt itmtJl. tbaaati MMUI JHt. .
uie oooierif l"B ri > - tr t. ! h ao > > aaktM tiw
eater of 'Siat-urwnm uruvt. U * un lUMita u
MM Butter uf Cuw > a street. UIIMIM omttx
tiM-iwottr of Twruty-t coaa ktr t. UMMit
uorta ta Uie Blare of Oo'BBins.
RJCHTH UtT81f-r.
U > a > m Be a ; at taa uiUfrseruon of IklrUecJ
aad H iui.U > n M aett. th ao aasl u > Ui
raater of Tw ary aacii Krgnt. Uieuoe souui
to tfc oeuLer of T ty-4 > > Bta ar i
uioBt-u MniUi no tAcooater uf i aiiforatu XABUV.
LKIHICMC iut ui the oeatw of T cru
to MM < wit r f
uel. Utcnc * west to I uu au'Wr f TfcirtieUi
street. VE coe aortk tu tae place of twrUin : i.
rtrru Mksnicx.
Ousaaaoaola ; atlfea . > r. ctM < n of T nty-
Mvoath av ooa ad laj. oa avea
aa > tu > Uia oaatar of I voaty-lonrch street.
Uienoe Mtata ta > taw eai r tf Cuaiiss dreoc
laeaoe w ki sa taa aacter of Tw atT-e aUi
aveaua. theaoa aorui u Uut aict > of i f
_ ; at tii taUHsrfwiion of . kr-
Miveath avenue ted aaiiaf kti eU ifcc-aoa
nkt u > UIB oonturuf .N.B UHiat * r"Tt. irimrit
MMKJB Ml U10 diA(4if wf sft'atlfctiar feWVMl. I J J IT
wett to tae eaatar of TnoBli-foaftfc ssrtmt.
Uianc MMtlji to t ae * a4 ruf c * i foi-atu tn m ,
Uut si > t to U > otMiUir of TeUf- aiai
av au . UIBQOO aorta la SM ; ln of
C < < nsnBCta ; at Uia tntfrattan uf HO cstf
< : altf mta ( tmote. uiaacu a rf ta tfcu s4 ref
luieaty-tourlh 4j-tct. uea aurub w Wm
ctuiUirof Kaiitter Mrwt. UiaBM ) e kt to tfc
Mraac. tbenoa tout * u >
af Ohkja. taoaoa wi > u ui ta
* eater f Tw .y-H * ttntti. Uirnnt
l tti * Bioce of SetluaJcj.
rotnui n .n ; U t-m Jtetsecuaa if Th rtleUi J
rseti. ' "teii a wett tat-
ufTbn - tr a frarc tnaasa aorta to
Maroo tr-ct. taeaen w t to tb
at lre t. ttreaen m tti to tan
< rM r reet eiienJed. taenca
ea t ta > tae nmtw of Thlrtleah < tre t theoc-a
aortk to MM yiaee of e raiatae.
t Win ta f > ne tloQ of Mara *
r.otaaat vtrvett. ta < H ei w at tx ta -
liaaias. tkf et > -
oatliVa Tim reafter ( M i- -r
tftowr * oaat M la a er of P as at
nort * r ttnp nf > at t > tg aa.n ;
THtno ptfrrnicr
at the inre-w t.kin . 'f xa.3
" P ' l tr e . Mtmee rv + t lo the cv
liraniv UMm owtiioajtir ilmlM t We TO-
t-T i e > f L4Mi -
vtrveu then ea t tJ
u - < -nt ir of P
< m atreet. tbeace aorta ta
tlw ft * * at bectnalac.
rocartt Dvrrmrz.
O raaa e ciag at ta iaagr ecPOB nt Th rt tn
a * * aot r twee * * . Mt-noe w * * v t4ie tswr
llai of Pie.i t MreeV
' titoae * TOafi ui t in
vp .t tnaapw e t ta t
- ev atji aeo ie th j <
o Ireatar Hue of < hirr. . < tns i
W H to Un > e at r lia f Th j-t
ta nc aorth to ta piaee of jesaf. .
rtrm I T JCT
Ooai i es to t tke 'auptwctlnn ' TwentT-
< at aad Dwic * strr * * * . t'teare M-et.t t.
c > n-r Ma af P !
% nT Mrevt
fieo e su i t
taeent r f H
H-HoM rJ Mreeu fiea w iNt
tn tax * oroter of Tw atvr&ui strset. ta = as
Borlii tu tira p4re nf oozinamc
at kn lairserUo-i < rf Twentr-
elrtt * I > SK ! aalf-Howarti utreebs. tnenoo
to tae eeater of f einaat stn-et. iheaoe onti
to ta tiT ref Le < iv Hwortliirevt , then
c Ui ce ti r f Tw ntvtiata itrec *
teae aortft to UM 3ln of aasinna :
Ht IH'rtet s S eora r 'th nod Mar r
strrft * .
IJHtrlev K TV corner th and Lenre-
D * u-ut X E corauHth and Jon t
street * .
4th ni j ct-5 S eoraer URa aad Ir t a-ey
& ( ii t t trurt > arOt * M of Tacl c street fca.
tneaa Ota nod Ttai streeta.
* . t-BU * Mo of a a street ne-.r
kauih cf P > eic < tr et. -
? ta O * T\ei \ E ctiraerof
Pjrt TV J av n .9
SUi Drsut W eoraer Win aad H o..ry
9t * W lrict 5 n ooraer nfa and Center
htth Watriet X W e ra r Ui ind Banrrofn
nvb Dtetrtet N E eoraer I3ti a = d \ .
1st Dt-iTtet S W
eoraer llta aad Jones
streets District S "CV corner 13th nod PariSo
Sra IHstj-let = W corner ISth and LeaTen-
worti street !
th District S W ooraer ath aad Leave-a-
worth streets.
5th D-iwrlet 5 E comer nd and Leaven
wortb streets.
it * Dtt rrxt-Eiyt We of South Sth stre.t ,
ODPO5 1 Poopleton UT .
7th DtstrjJtr-s E comer Wth and P'.eno
filh District 5 E eoraer Ilin and WU am
.J nth Dwrriet X E coraer sixteenth aad Cen
" re i4L
Dtstrict N .V corner Sth aail Ocr-u
1 Kii Ujrfrlet 5 E corner 28th ma Bancroft
stre , to.
1KA lAtr-ct .V K corner 15th aad V.ntan.
streets Distrirt-2 W eoraer I3ti aad To. ey
IKh District N Eeoraerathiad Boa.evarJ
1st D' trictW
corner Kth an 1 Ch
M I trict N W corner Uth jnd Da vendors
street * .
3d Ui trtct Smith side of Cap'to , ave-aiw
near i ! r t vfl 13th strset.
4ti > District West Me of
Kth street , ie-
I.werai Douglas
oed Dod e streets
3lh Dt irict S E cornar Ivth aad Capital
avenue IMstr'et N E corner 9th and Haraey
Till Uisii-ict 5 E corner llth aad
; th DiKtrJct S E corner I3th nad Jacltaon
street * .
911 Dtstrjct 5 E corner Mth mil Howard
street .
1st Mstnet S W earner I7Ui and Davenanrt
Ind District S W corner 2ind and Davcnpcrt
3rd l lst rict f TV corntsr ! ! T th ami Dod n
4ti Uistnct > E corner 17th and Dod.-a
Sta WstrJct-X E csorner Hth and Earner
6th iHstrlct N VT corner 23ta anil Dour aa
7ti Olstrict X W corner ttth street and u
Ssry i avenue.
flth ' Diitnct s W corner 23th street and. SL.
Hory' i ui enne
Sth Ihstroct East slfl of ootll 13th erect.
Harney street and st. .
Katnct > \ \ corner Islh aad Le vea
worth treet
llth D strict = TV curser 17lh straet and sit.
51ry jrensa.
1st District -East alleof sberaiaa arenaa
oppota llAmlorsjn street.
= u4 Disu-jot s E ooroer Sherman avensia
aad > < irt street.
3rd Uistrict 5 W soraer Shruj-a.a aveaje
itb IMstrict N HV comer sherman sven.
atl Orace stroet.
atli District = VV norner ITth and < iu.riei
tIMstjict Ea t side of sberman avenue
> : feet norlii of > xtiu4a > street.
Tlh D-strtct a E eorarr Ifltli and Izar4
street * .
Mh District N "W corner Iflth aad Bart
th DtetnctN E corasr 15th and Cass
th Diatnct East side North 17th straet be-
tveea California asd Cass bUrru
Uih District a E corner lata and C-ii
1st District s E oorntir IWa .treat ana Ames
2nd L strict s W corner Cfith street and
ur&nd avenue
3rd District S E cornar 45nh aad Graat
th Btstrict 5 W corner llth ftsd Msafierscn
&IS I > t.-ie 5E
t earner iMJi and Wlrt .lr : 'i
&i UiMrict a W ooraer 3rd aad Parser
7th District N W curser : { lh aid
Ha WMrlct N E ooraer 2TOi aad B Jr3"ia
inh biMrict N E ooraer iZrwi an1 Oront
1. th District Jf W oonwr * au4 Frjaa
tntetv. .
lllJi Ducrict = V earner IJlii an J loa - a
t * .
ttibtri tW eorsttr Sail anfl
1st District s W coraer 2 ui and
: o4 trti tftet y E eera r 29th aveaua
rt Owtrlct 5 W oocaur ylub afreet ani
W < xM urUi nT-eaue.
h BiatrietV euraer S Ui street anil
Vrbor str t.
itii District -oulfl kld of Viatoa > treet
near least of * aouUi Ud a * n .
6th Dimriet - E earner avth avenue and
tn t > istriet Ji W corner tJlb aad Traue.j
street * .
l > t DibtHat Ea c sida of ritii street near
south of Ca r = fctrwu.
ia i Difctrict IV M. tM ot SW Un-tt oe r
I * re t.
V ! arner 3 tJi a d AicbuLu
4La Wirt t N" E coraar imt aad < JJL.D ;
Stfc DUtrttt W * t M of S'ortalXb tet
a ar aorH of ) Co i / ttrosr
4Ui W crte * a C atm-nr jast = il Rjrt sirwti.
Itti Butnet o eomer Jalii aad IA
Dtatrict s W ooraer Jtd aau C i
3d Crtrtet N W
trc l .
llMtriit S E oaraar iHh awl Faraaxa
. W * r rt Xortb l iof Oo.nmiO'trtstrettt
na ri < * of .Vwrtai J94 aracuui
ita ilxnnot E "
5 earner - * - -
AtaMMnev b W ouratir U av uus aaJ
Jetfftw * 4
nrs or
IVenUesdUy. Oeiaoer M * .
Ta r 4al , Uetotter a I
Fnauy. Ao * n > B r i. Itttt.
GatMtec F. Bruti.
Mayor or lava CUf enures.
AttasU JOBS Gaovrs.
Cier. af tha City af Omafca
TSte wtim urea fbrtkana. Ta c r u > 6 A-itior.
e . wwjp > r u met t j > am ouuuaad Akars
I PB&li t UlalB b > ' f g. * Ifcll & &MkJHm B JJ Vtf "
t rt. I r JC B > tBELBV ,