THE OMAHA DALLY BEE : THURSDAY , NOVKMUKR 3 , 1802-TWELVE PAOKS. BOSTON STORE MILLINERS A. Phenomenal ale of Millinjiy Thurau'aj , Friday and Saturday , AND GREAT CROCKERY AND GLASS SALE flit OrcHt Spcclnl Millinery Snln lny/i to Dmpfmn of a Omit Nr\r York llniikrupt .Mllllnory Muck Hoitf-lit itt Unit 1'rlcc. OK Sl'RE TO GO DOWNSTAIRM FOR CROCKERY AND VI' FOR MIL LINERY. The tnillincry'snlo will provo n bo- nnn/a to the Indies of Onmha who will bo delighted with the Huts , bonnet * , ribbon- ) , ostrich fenth- ots , fancy feathers , child's and misses' lints , tourist caps , etc. , nil nt Imlf price. Our cash hns nought those tiling at n grout bankrupt bnlo ia Now York tit HALF PRICE. And our kind patrons bhall hnvo them HALF PRICE. During this sitlo wo offer Clio blnck ostrich tips nt 25c. $1.00 black oslfk-h tips nt 60c. $1.50 blnck ostnoh tips nt 76o. $2.00 hint-Is ostrich tips nt 81.00. $1.50 black ostrich plumes at 76c. $2.00 black ostrich plumes nt $1.00. 88.00 blnt'U ualrloh plumes nt $1.60. 8o.K ( ) hi nek ostrich plumes at $2,50. SMt- wings in all colors nt Sc. SOo fnuey feathers at 2"c. . 81.00 fnncv fanlhursnt 50c. 82.(10 ( fancy feathers nt $1.00. COc louiiBt capa nt 20e. 7fle Tain O'Sliantcrs nt 40c. COc sailor huts , in gray nnd brown , nt C5c. $1.00 velvet Kitilore , In nil colors at GOc. $1.25 beaver bailers , light shades , nt 75e. $2.00 trimmed Bailers nt $1.00. 82.M trimmed hats nt Ooc. 8a.)0 ( ) toques in velvet nt $1.50. 88.50 lints nnd bonnets nt $1.75. $ 1.60 hats in velvet and fell nt $2.25. $5.00 bats in velvet and felt nt $2.75. $8.00 velvet and fnlt nt $8.60. $12.00 hut patterns nt $5.00. Now roincmbor that the choicest nnd most du&lrnblo of tlieno nrticles will jjo first and with a rush , and it will bo prudent for you to come and select while cvoiythinp Is froth and our beau tiful line completes. \Vo feel confident that you will bo especially delighted with our line ronlly B.\iiulsito displny of white hats , pink , light gro ; ii. nile jrrcen , cream or ecru opera hats , every ono of them n pom nnd on Thursday , Friday and Saturday they will bo bold nt greatly reduced prices. CHEAT BARGAINS IN OUR CKOCJKKUY DEPARTMENT IN OUH BASEMENT FOR THE RE MAINDER OF THE WEEK. In ordur to mnkeroom for our iiolldny goods wo will place on snlo nil our odds nud ends in crockery , lamps , glassware nnd cutlery. Hero you will find tronuino bargains. A complete lamp for 15c , worth 80c. A decorated h > mp for 8oc , worth $1.50. A very handsome decorated lamp nt Ooc , former price 82.I/O. / A line bunging lamp for $1.95 , worth $3.00. A prism hanging lump for $3.7oworth $0.00. An English porcelain dinner sot , nny decoration , for $7.75 , regular price $12.00. An olcfrnnt English dinner sot , 112 pieces , for $9.00 , worth $10.00. Hnntlsotno decorated chamber sots , 12 pieces , for $1.25 , sold for $0.75. A fine ht'.nd decorntcd chumbcrsot for $0.50 , regular price $10.00. Wohnvo 1,000 odd decorated plates which wo will close out from f > c to lOc each. Odd cups from lo to 5a each. Tumblers , lie each. Goblets , 'ic nnd upwards. Glass sots 30c , worth 60a Ghes ( berry sots 2oc nnd 30c a Bet. Odd knives 5c , lOc , 15c each. During tills sale wo oiler nil our tin- vrnro nt prices never ofl'cred in this city bofo.o. BOSTON STORE , N. W. cor. lOtli and Douglns. The ladies of the First Presbyterian ' cliuil-h will serve a hot lunch'in the church parlors , Friday , November } , from 11:80 : to 2 o'clock. "All tlioir frionJs nro cordially Invited to attend. Lunch , 60 conts. _ 1MKK KXCUUS1OX To tlio City of Moilco anil noturn. For the meeting of the American Public Health Absoulation and Intorna- tlonal Medical Congress , to bo hold in the City of Mexico November 29 to De cember 2 , 1892 , the Santa Fo route will eoll tickets nt ono lowest first-class faro for the round trip. This is an excellent opportunity to visit Mexico , ono of the most delightful trips imaginable , at very little cost. A special party will leave Omaha Saturday , November 19 , nnd join n largo party from Boston and ether eastern cities at Kansas City. The faro for the round trip from Omaha if , only $01.00. For further information and roaorva tlon of Pullman accommodations call on or address , li L. PALMKII Passenger Agent Santa Fo Route , 1310 Farnnm St. , Omaha , Nob. Real estate. Bargains only. My word is good. W. G. Albright. 621-2-3 N. Y. Ufo bldg. Cnmn Near < ; ro slni ; Otur. Mr. John Wlllliims of Omaha approached the bounds ot Ufo Tuesday eight by turning on the Ras at the signal service ofllco without attaching a lighted -natch to tha Until. Ho visited his frlond Mr. Btrobook , tbo ntclit observer , and being sleepy no wont "into a back room to rest a while. Ho stretched himself across u tnblo m the middle of the room upon which tboro is a drop light. In adjusting bis frame to the ihapo ot the table ho evidently turned on tbo gns but dldinot notice It , Had It not teen for tbo fuel that Mr , Strobock had oo- cablon to go Into that room a half hour later Mr. Williams weald , ia all probability , nbvor have known iho exact manner la whluh be terminated his earthly career. When Mr. Slrobock found him ho was un conscious from tbo effects of the gas , but odor na hnur of vigorous treatment ho was resuscitated. Tbo standard euro for cold and cough , Dr , Bull's couch syrup , should bo kept by every mother who loves her darlings. til 6339 I Mri Un iril 3. The enormous quantity of goods sold by us during the past t\vo month * , has convinced t us of the "wonderful power of price' " We have therefore decided to sell all our goods hereafter at one half our former margins , expecting the increase in sales will more than offset the decrease in profits. We arc daily receiving a complete new stock and all new goods placed on our floors will be marked at the lowest possible percentage of profit. This policy of selling everything at a small profit with price as the leading feature , and maintaining a good quality of goods , will make our store more than ever boforc the most pro fitable place to buy furniture. All goods marked in plain figures. Charles Shiverick & Co. , Furniture , Carpets , Draperies. 1.206 , I20S , 1210 Farnam St. ' 0 JOU 'I I ) 'II ail si NOTICE From tlio ' ' . I'cople'ri Clothing HOURO. In appreciation of the heavy patron- ncro bestowed on us last week wo have decided to continue our MANUFACTURERS' SALE until Saturday night. Wo have added a few lucky purchases bought for spot CASH , so if you nro open for first class clothing nt hard-pun prices , como now. Wo can sell the balance of this stock cheap nnd still not lose anything. A few prices that will make our com petitors have the headache. Black sateen shirts , 19c. $2.00 pants , 75e. Strong suits , $1.85. $1.50 fur hats , 75c. Heavy overcoats , $1.75. Gray underwear , 19c. 35c 'neckties , lOc. Chinchilla overcoats , $2.75. 60c suspenders lOc. Red flannel ( undershirts only ) 17c. 20ceocks5c. Durable busirlcss suits , $4.75. $2.25 shoes $1.15. Fur-trimmed overcoats , $ & 00. 75c wool ovorshlrtB , 25c. Fine blnck worsted suits , $8.50. 35c boys' pants lUc. Bettor grades in proportion. Price list of fur overcoats ; Goatskins from $0,00 upwards. Dogskins from $11.60 upwards. Wombats from $10.00 upwards. Wolfskins from $20.00 upwards. Wildcats from $22.00 upwards. Coonslcins from $25.00 up wards. Hair souls from $28.00 upwards. You will note our stock of fur coats is the most complete in the city aad our prices lower than the lowest. PEOPLE'S CLOTHING HOUSE , 1803 DougluB street. Not Inturoitud In Dewey. OMAIU , Nov. 'J. To the Editor of THE BKC : In your Issue of the 81st ult. tbe fol lowing Item appeared : The prnbuto court pnsgod upon the 'Frank 8. Dewey ostiit'o tills morning and allowed the mother nt the ilecctisoil tbo mini of $000 , it be- IIIK a portion of the J'.OOO life polluy which the deceased carried In llio 1'ythliih l.lfo associa tion. Tlio Imliineu of llio money will remain lu court until the juuuocun ascertain wnetber the father la dead or alive. In the llrst place the Pythian Life associa tion never hud such n parson insured upon Its books as Frank S. Dowoy. In the second place If ho bad bean thus assured his policy would not have been pala unless ho was proven to bo dead. Evidently you have bcou misinformed as to the name of tbo association , 1'lcaio publish this that proper correction mav bo made. W. F. BKCHTBI , . President Omaha ( formerly Pythian ) Lifo Association , NOMKDO , Iowa , April 10 , 18'Jl. Dr , J , n , Moore , Dear Sir ; My wifa has used about six bottles of your Tree of Life and thinks that aha bus received greater benont from It than any modlclno sue has ever taken. Yours truly , L. H. BUI-KIN. Gun'l Agent and Treas. Weil College. Since receiving the abnro testimonial , I am In receipt of a letter and checH from the Hov. L. H. LufUIn of Toledo , Iowa , April 25 , to send Hov. J.V , Konwortb. Crestline , Kan sas , six bottles of Moore's Tree of Life. For sale by diucgUts. PRICE'S Baking Powder The only Pure Crcum of Tartar Powtlcr. No Ammonia ; No Alum , iu Millious of Homes 40 Years the Standard. ' BOSTON STORE WRECK SALE Causes the Greatest Excitement Ever Creat ed by a Dry Goods Sale. BARGAINS ARE SOMETHING WONDERFUL Goods nre nil Sound nnil Perfect Only In Sumo IiiHtitncoa Being Trlllo holluil mid Musaetl Sule Now In Full lllast , The wrock-ed kid gloves selling at 2oc and 50c a pair are drawing crowds as wo never drew before. The men's all wool underwear ut 50c 8 surprising everybody. Such wore never sold before less than $1.75. Men's extra heavy canton flannel drawers , 35c. 1 solid case of men's" heavy gray un derwear , 35c. A big lot of boys' fnnpy flnnnol waists , 25c , wortli 76c. Extra heavy boys' wool flannel shirt waists , 35c. Two cases of men's extra heavy wool ovorshirts , goods generally sold for $1.CO , now 60c. This is un extraordi nary good bargain. All the finest grades of bleached mus- ins , only slightly soiled in the wreck , go nt Go n yard. All the lining cambrics , dark nnd light calicos , fine silcsias , porcalinos from the wreck , go nt 2Jc yard. All the finest dross ginghams nnd out ing flannels , moleskin skirtings , from the wreck , go at 7 c n. yard. " An immense lot of "very fine grade scarlet and white flannels go at lOo and 25o yard , wortli up to 50c. 8 cases white nnd gray full 10-J bed blankets go nt Goc. 1 case of extra heavy gray wool bed blankets and extra largo German pink blankets nt $1.89. An immense lot of the finest grade white lamb's wool , Michigan silver gray lleeco wool und nil wool scarlet blankets go at $2.41) ) a pair. 10 bales of the very finest grade im ported satcon comforts , look just the snmo as silkfilled with the tlnoat downy cotton , only very slightly imperfect , at $1.98 , worth $3.50. 1 case fine white domot flannels , only slightly soiled on the edge , no yard. 2 cases blenched und unblouohod cot ton crash , ! ! je yard. In the wreck waennimmonBO quantity of high grndo chenille portieres. They nro sound and perfect Not a blotnish on thorn. Thoywero pnckod in water-tight cases und go today at $4.08 and $0.85 n pair , worth from $10.00 to $25.00. BOSTON STORE , N.V. . corner 10th and Douglas. Frescoing and Interior decorating ; de signs nnd estimates furnished. Ilonry Lohmaun , 1508 Douglas street. Ilroko the Record * The largest business ever done by the Omaha postoHIce In B single month wai done In October. The stamp tales amounted to the envelops sales to 10,811.05 , making a total of 120,038.01. Tbo largest month' * sale prior to this was done last April and amounted to 120,011.00. For the month of October a year ago tba business amounted to fJ4U45.SU , an increase of almost $2,000. For bronchial , asthmatic and pulmonary complaints , "Urown's Bronchial Troches'1 have remarkably curative properties. Sold only la bozos , Cluililui ; Sulo. . Eiaydon Bros , clothing department. Wo carry tlio largest stock of men's , hoys' and children's clothing in Omaha. Clothing stores knocked out by our low prices. 1,000 ulster overcoats , men's size , $8.00 , worth 85.00. 300 line wool ulsters , So.00worth $8.50. Good chinchilla overcoats , $3.00. Imported kersey overcoats , worth $12.00 , for $7.50. Boys' long pants suis , $3.00. Children's capo overcoats , $1.25 up. Knee suits , 1.2o. $1.50. Fine wool suits , $2.00 , worth $3.50. 1,000 dozen knee pants , all wool , 50e , worth $1.25. Jersey suits , $1.50 , worth $3.rjO. Thursday will bo a big day in our clothing department. 1IAYDEN BROS. A Week lor iComnnlstN. First Baptist church , W. K Rollings , D.D. , pastor. Kov. Justin D. Fulton , D.I ) . , will speak as follows at 7:30 : p.m. Tuesday Can wo hope for the conver sion of tlio Romans ? Wednesday High nnd low mass n de ception and u sin. Thursday Purgatory , the master piece of presumption. Friday God's word against Romnn- ism. Sunday , A. M. The right impulse. Sunday , 3 P. M. , Exposition Hall Shall the northwest bo Romanized , Sunday Evening The conquering Savior Itooin lorn "Thoro Is ono thing I want you to look out for , " said a prominent citizen as lie roclo homo on the Sherman uvonuo car. "This ration in hero betwoou Douglas , und Izara streets und extending from the burnt district in a west and northwest direc tion almost to Twentieth street Is coing to undergo a great transformation within the next few years. It ought to bo reclaimed and it will bo. At present there arc blocks In that oart of town that bring In scarcely onouah to pay tbo taxes , although they ara right in the bonrl of the cltv. 'I ho owners are not inclined to build peed residences on this property be cause it will bo uoodcd in the near future for business purposes 'and ' ' they simply lot the old shanties thatnvo'ro built years ago stand tbero and collect tbo trilling routs that they will hring. But look out for a change. When the now ara once strikes that district It will bring about a woudorful change. You will see /great many line business blocks put un ijierq within tbo next flvo years. Tno Improvement favor will run llko a pralrlo lire when It onoo gets a start. " Tlio OulckqitVay to Cure n Gold. Do you wish to know tbo quickest way to cure a cold ? Wo will tell you. To euro a cold it .must be treated before tbo oold has hecomoioUIed in tbe system. The first symptoms , of I a. cold Is a dry , loud oougti ana sneezing. ITha cough is soon followed by watery expectoration an'd tbe sneezing by a profuse watorjjdischargo from tbo nose. In severe casoi tbero U a tbln wblto coating on tbo tonguo. Wbai to do1 It Is only nec essary to take Ubamborlaln's Cough HcmeJy m double closes ovocy hour. That will greatly lessen tbo severity of tbo oold and in many casrs will qtTeotually counteract It , and cure what would have been a tovoro cola within ono or two days' time. Try It and bo convinced , 25 and 50 cent bottles tor sale Dy druggists. _ The Turk I'unUi. Comptroller Olsen says that the Park com mission has misrepresented the fact regard ing tbe amount of funds on hand. At tbe last meeting be says that tbo members said that there was only the sum ol IIU.OOO avail able , while the ofllolal iUtemont snowed that at that time there was the sum of { 18,742.33 which oould ba used for Improving tbo parks. _ Perfect action and perfect health result from tnouseof DoWttt'a Little Early His en. A perfect little pill. Hope Spring ; eternal in the Human breast ; ROT- While there is life there Is hope. But The Suffering victims of Korvoui , Chronic and Sexual Diseases are often forced to ulvo way to Hopeless Despair , after trying lor years to obtain from a multitude of doctors thu Help They profess to bo able to render them , nnd For Which many of them exact the most un reasonable lees. Thousinds oi persons , who Have sudored lor yaars from e Various for mi and decrees of these obstl- nato maladies , have coma to U3 in n an almost Helpless Condition , and by our ability , skill and ex- perlenco have been sposdlly , aomnlotely and permanently cure ! of Syphilis , Gonor- rhuia , Qloet , Spermatorrnuja. Somlnal Weakness , the Ellecta of Early Vice or the Excesses of maturer years , ol Strlcture.Hy- drooele. Varicocele , Piles , and a myriad of Imtlar ill s and alllictlons. Send 4 cents for a copy of our 120 page illustra.eil qoolr. Consiiltlon free. Cull upon , or address with stamp , Drs. Betts & Betts 119 So. i4th Street , OMAHA. NED. NOTICE TO SKLECT MATERIAL FOR PAVING. To tbe ownpra of lots and land fronting upon struct Improvement district No. 4M , compris ing the alloy between uut und Wnd avunues from Kurniim street to Dod o street. In ttie city ot Omaha , and subject to assob&mcnt for tlio imvlup or renavlns of the sumo. Vou are hereby notllled In purauanro of ordinance No. 33. ] 1. passed and approved Ooto | ber 27th. IKK. to belect und dotormliiu upon th kind ot material to ho used lu navlnz Haul Im provement district on or before November nth , 1HW , or the city council will determine Hald material. Dated ut Omaha , Neb. , this 3rd day of No- Timber , im p. w. | imKHAU8Eh. Obalrman lioardot i'uhlloVorln u'J-1-5 AMUHELMENTS. SEW THEATRE. NIGl-lTQ Friday. November 4. SATt'IlDAYMATINED , That Cliaiinlni ; Comi'dy , "THE COLONEL. " A Scroiim of Morrlinmt. Ilrlllhint DlaloRuo. Uloun Comedy. Humorous Situations. A Mcliopolltan Coinpuiiy Iluiulcd lly fapliine Florence Shepherd ( Daughter of the Late W. J. Florence ) -AM > - OSOA.R lSISSON. : . l > 0l Farnam Str33t Thsater I TOMOIIT. DORK DAVIDSON AND MISb RAAIIE AUSTEN GUILTY WITHOUT CRIME. A diumutU.'tllmi of M. 12. llraUdou'n AirilOICA l-'LOVU. " Saturday Matinee. WONDERLAND AND HI.IOU rilRATKH All This \\Volc. How & Wall's Comi'dy Company In THE LIGHTNING AGENT And a Grand Specialty Dili , Including \l rOTTU World's Kioatost T \ A l i\l/VOLUl \ 1 1'HoriiuntliiodRiiu'r OSINKUAL ADMISSION O ( ] > r ( ) t\J\ * MOUNT VERNON PURE VIRGINIA RYE I bog to cull the intention of the pub lic to the nbovo populnr brniid of pure rye whisky nnd rc.spoctfully ask a coin- p'nrleoii will ) , nny olhor brnnd of pure rye offered in this intirkot. It ia fur superior to nny ether whisky nnti I guarantee its nbgoluto oxcollcnco in lluvor us well us its purity nndits wholo- EOino olloots. The public ia invited to cull nnd * .ry it. Henry Tliller , 01(1 ( N. 10th St. , family wino nnd liquor houao. Esmond hotel block. _ _ _ OKO1NANCH NO. ! ! ! 117. An nrillminvo ordering tlio InnirorliiK "f I'rsk- Ino street fioin il h biri'iit to SMHttoor. . In Htreotlinpiovomiwtillblrlct Mi. JK. ' , suld lin- iirovlnz to consist of imvltu wllh vltrl led brick , nnil ( Jlruetlns : tlio bonid of public woiKs to tiilio the nuocssury stops to causu mifli work to bo dono. , . . WhiTuas , llio mayor and city council ! of tlin city of Onicih.i hiivii orcliiri-d tin ) liiipNivliiK of l.rslclno stiret trom L'Uli fctn-et loiHIi street , In Btruot Inilirovoiiiont dlitrlet ISo. 48' ' . by imvliiB llio same , nnd nllowud thirty days totliupriiiiuityuwnurii In whleh lo cleslKiiutu and dotoimlnu Hit inntorlul denlrcd to bu used for sueh pnvln , nnd , , , WhoruuH , thohald thirty days Imvooxnlroa and the pronurty ovaiurs ownlnc the majority of the front-ago In Mild linnrovuiiiantillbtrlet have not petitioned for the i > uvlng of bald fctrcnt Insulil ( lUtrlft. and Wliorous , the nmyor nnil city coiino .lofsald city do liornly duturmlnu upon Iliu maturlul us bpocllloil us tlio maturlul to ho used for mieh piivlii' . tlior.iforo. , , lie It ordulneil by the city council of the city of Omaha ; . . . . Keetlon I. Thnt that part of Lrsklne street flom'Jnlibtroot to 'JSth strrot , In street im- provimicnt ilUtrlet No. 4' ! . ' . lo and tlio same la horuhy urdurcd Improved , said Improvement toconsUof pavniK rt'lth vitilllcil brick , llvu yours' Kiiarantcu , ucuirdlnK to the Bpoollloa- lions on llio in tbu clllcn of llio board of miijllo toctionS. That the hoiird of pnhllo works U hereby orderud to outiko tuld work tuba dona nnd to outer Into oontraut for thu HUIIIO wltli tlio lowukt rcsponslhlu hl.ldor niiiler the spool- flcatlons on llio In the ottlcu. of said bo-ird. Hectlon a. That , tula ordinance take olTeot and be In force from niid after Its paks- . city Clerk. I' . HAVJH. President Oily Uonncll , Approvd October * &Jgft „ , . „ , „ , Mayor , Clrado niirK.i & \l KID GLOVES Theabovo brands of glo\o3 lor sale by ] TheBostonStore N. W. Cor. ICth 1 1 d Ucuglns , INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM I6tli and Howard Streets , CO Itnoinn for rulionts. OMAHA ) NEB , For the treatment of Chronic , Privale i Nervous Diseases , MAI-K AND Kf'MAUS. IMIfiS , Fisdilu , Fissure and SCrle- turooI'Mio Kuctiini prriimiimit- ly cured without the use of Knife , Wgatuie or Caustic. , Enclose In Ntninpn nrid nnr 107 pngn HOOK un DISIAHI.S mill ( Jiu-hl Inn llliinkK. will ho JIAIIID : ntnij. JNTiilN.\TINAI : , NAMTAHII.M , inth nnil Howard Sts. , Ornnlm , Ki'li W , 0. ilAXUT.I.I. . M , I ) , , 1'ri'S , lion Uli pinr. . Il RW ( BA1LEY. Teeth rilled Wltb tint l'iln liy thu latest Invoii- tlont 1EETH iXTUAOTii : > WITHOUT I'AM Odj DANQKIt [ Ai'UMsr.Toif TKnm ON rtuuucit i'o J M5.00. I'erfoctlltKuarantoeil. Tenth extracted In. the tiiariilni : . Now onou Inserted In evu liu | Heii specimens of Itainovuble Ilrlnsj * . BeosDOOliiiona of iqiixlUlo Klnnllo I'UU All work wurruntod in ruiriiseiited. | Olllcu , 'I bird flour , I'axton Illoat. 'JVIcphoilu lsr ( ) , , llilhiiiil i'afl'in ( B til 'iuVo Ulovator or Htolrway from WU I Btieet iutranot.