Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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rdlverpo : bv carrier to any part of th ? cltr
tlus'nP" * Office No43
Mjtht Kdltor NoKJ
.VIA OK .lir.VTIO.V.
K V. Plumbing Co.
I'ouncll lilufls Lumber Co. .
John ana Thomas Maloney have purchased
Ihn Pacillu house cigar store ,
A irmrrlapo lieonso was issued yesterday
odui Olson and LQIIU Anderson.
The ladles of the Urlty guild will servo
UlnniT und supper in tbo Klsuman building
next Tuesday.
Tbo ladles of the Hathnny church will con-
tlnuo toscrvo dinner today to the public nt
fi'JI Hroadwny. _ _ *
Colonel D. H Daisys barn on Second
nvonuo was entered by tblovos Tuesday
night , nnd a sot of barings was stol cu. The
door hnu been loft unlocked.
Clarence Madison , who Is charged with
Ilia theft of a out of human from .1. F.
Kvans , wa released on bail vcstorday and
his trial set for Saturday morning ,
Itegnlar conclave of I vanhoo co mmamlerv ,
No. IT , Knights Templar. thU ( Thursday )
evening. All visiting Sir ICnlL'h to cordially
welcome. Per order of the eminent com
Mrs. Wnilo Cary , assisted by Mrs. 1C. . ) .
llnbcouir , will entomiln the Paroihlnl Aid
hodi'ly of St. Paul's church this afternoon
from 2 o'clock until f > , at her home , tU3
Avenue F ,
Hut liltlo business xvas transacted in thn
district court ycslerJay excepting the ntak-
Ing of assignments. It is not likely that unv
very Important cases will bo tried until after
election , so says JurAgo Smith.
Tlio doll's fair will open this evening at
the Milsoiuo temple uiulur thnniHplces of
Iho Woman's Clirlstlan association. All
sorts of fancy articles tor holiday use will
boon sale , nnd the proceeds of the enter-
lidniiK'iit , which will last three days , will go
to maintaining tin ; hospital.
I'lrn llrii'iil\r.iy uinl Ci > riior nl llcnliin
Our Into lobB ov llro w ; > s covoroil lv
two policies , both in tlio COUNCIL
15y 7 o'clock the next iiiorniii } * after
the lire the seurnlary wns on tliu asli
lienp , pencil in liand , ready to Iliruro the
lof.s ( loxvn to bedrock , which ho did , too ,
Hiiylng t hat' it was his duty and no
Miiall part of his business * ' So lonp as
he did not go below bedrock we had no
loason to complain , cotibccninntly the
Koitleinent was not only prompt , but in
ovorv way satisfactory , o inucli so that
In addition to $9. 00.00 ( seven policies )
carried by this company before the lire
wo now add to it $11),000.(10. ) (
IJciiig intimately acquainted with the
secretary nnd directors wo cannot bo
persuaded that hotter indemnity can he
obtained than that.olTered by our homo
company , boides wo believe in patron
izing worthy homo enterprises , every
thing being equal , and unless wo do wo
shall continue to bo dopundonl on for
eign capital and corporations. I
( t. H. WHKKi.KU ,
J.\s. A. llDitr.t.u.
Boston Sloro for hosiorv.
If you don't wriiil to buy hard coal you
had "bettor HCO Hixby about these oil
burnors. They tire adapted for use in
hot air furnaces , steam and hot v/ator
boilers , with no coal or ashes to handle.
Boston Store for collars and cutTd.
rj'.itbuy.ti. r ttt.i < ; ii.n-nt > .
Miss L.rdla Foster of Mason City Is visit
ing Miss Ida Dempster.
Miss Audio Sherman is homo from n visit
with frlonds in Illinois.
Mrs A. W.
Aslnvllh has returned from a
vlst | In lionvorand other western citlci.
C. Altmannspereer , one of the prominent
merchants of MIndou , was In the city yes > ter-
Mrs. Franns Murphy Is in the city visit
ing frlond < . Stio loft her husband In Chicago
and will rejoin him In about a week. She is
stopping ut the Urund hotel.
C. C. Linilor , ehiof train dispatcher for
the Hock Island , has been transferred from
this city to DCS Monies , the vacancy lining
Wiled by the appointment of M. II. Cronin ,
who has been his llrst assistant.
Nmv mat'.infjH , just received. Smyrna
rugs from "fie up. Oi ! cloths in pat
terns , and linoleums , now line ; also
window shades , 2oc up. Council IJlnlis
Ciirpot C'o. _
Lund LJros. li.ivo nscoivcd some elegant
new cut and crystal gl'iss goods * and have
no fancy prices.
Boston Store for blankets.
PiHtor.U HIM- .
I To nil inonibnrs of the Protestant Kplscopnl
church , resident in Council Bluffs : At every
general convention the commiUco on the stntu
of ttio church request N the house of bishops to
set forth : "A pastoral letter to the mem
bers of the church. And It Is hereoy imulo
the duty of every cirrff.vman having it pas
toral charge , when any such letter ls pub
lished , to read the said pastoral letter to his
conKrugatlou on some occasion of publla
worship. "
The oftlclal copy of the above IH Just at
hand. As u Is addressed to the tnomluirs of
Uio church I Uoslro tonftnrd you opportunity
for liraring the sumo by announcing that I
hhall comply with the auovo direction on
Sunday next ut the 11 o'clock service.
The session of the council of IMI' * uas ono
of the best , happiest and most ncgrc.s.sivo in '
the recent history of our church. The words
ot the bishops Illlod
nro iire-ernlnenily for
the times. Every ono belonging to' the
rhurch should have n-snect enough for our
reveronu fathom iu ( ! od to welcome their
pastoral uilurunco.
St. Paul's will afford you a hospitable >
lilnca for your worship. K. J. HAIK oci ; ,
_ licutor.
Uoslon Store for cloaltB.
Coal and wood : best and cheapest
Missouri hard wood in the city ; prompt
delivery. H. A. Cox , Xo1 Main.
The Uoslon Store closes every overl
ing at ( I p. in. excopl Mondays and
Saturdays , _
IJoston Store for holiday goods ,
" thti ll.illntx.
'I'lio newly printed Australian ballots have
arrived at the olllca ol County Auditor
lli'HUrlckB , wnn is now busy ( Jolcij. them up
Into packages containing the icuulred nun.-
ber for oacli voting proclnol la the county.
ICnch lownshln ba 1UJ ballots for ouch llfty
or fraction lueroof In Uio lotil vote at the
last ulcction , uril that inulics a total lor the
county , which polls u vote ol auout 10,000 ,
of 54.XKI ! ( oallots. Ucsluea iheso onicial Iml-
Iot3 UU.OU3 Hamplus were iits > o printed for dls-
trlbullon nruvious to thu election. Tomor
row Mr Hcndrlrkt. expcctbto coiiniionco the
\vorli of dUtrlUutliik ; the pucUugoa to the
juilRoi of the various prcclnols , anJ this Job
will taito not loss tlion thrco oaya , Next
Monday afternoon thu ballots to bo used in
Kuno tuwnMilp will Uu ready for aUlribu-
tion to | ho ] uducs at tlio onico ot the county
uuultor ,
Fines * , cliamhvr seta in the city ill
Lund Uroi1.
Boston Store for fancy nrticlm.
I..0oop1o | In this cuy mo x\t stoves
'JhoGus Co. puts 'uin in ut coat.
Don't forgot that bivaine sells the
Klmliurst stoves.
Jioaton Store fortollot arllulot.
! aU paiati.
Burglars Surprised in an Attempt to Rob a
U. J. IlutclilnionWaitei Ainmuultlon on due
uf the Ml.lnlclil I'roMrlurliu llttil
Almost Mucuruilcil In tailoring
111 * hlfcplng Apartment * ,
The .Modern Order ot United Burglars
hold anotbcroricatnpmont Tuesday night on
High street and narrowly escaped losing ono
of their running dclnjalos. D. J. liutchln-
son wasawnxcnod oy a dim , religious light
shining In at bis bedroom window on the
second lloor of bis house at 1UUJ High street.
After ho had Deuonw wldu enough awake to
wonder what had happened no looked up niid
saw the head nnd shoulders of an unknown
man slicking In at the window. Onu hand
was seen holding u match nbuvc Iho head
nnd a pur of oycs wora gazing about tbo
room , looking for n.intalouns with money
In tbuh1 pocket ; . .St. . llutchinson Ion
his pro j un co of mind and asKed the
stranger what ho wanted. There was no
response , but the window wont down with a
bang and thu burglar turned several somer
saults whllu falling from tbo top
of the Ilftcon-foot ladder to the ground. Mr.
llutchinson then grabbed his revolver and
sent two or three sluts alter the fugitive ,
\\bohad Kotttbuil sixty feet away Irom the
bouso and coulu bo soon running a ) last as
lie conlu under the glare of thii electric light.
Ono of tlio shots evidently madu an Impres
sion , houover , for ho thro'w up his hand ana
un investigation in the morning showiul that
ho had decreased the length of his foutstcpi
f nun seven feut to lour at that point.
Tbo same man. with u companion , nad
tried to cniurV. . II. 'J'Lonms' house , who
lives next iloor to tltlU'hinsun , a short time
bcluro , but Mr. Thoin.H was awakened and
was waiting at the window armed with a re-
volvr-r when they uvulcntlv gave it up ns a
bad job and loft for bis neighbor's house ,
Thomas watched the whole proccodmz from
his wmilnw. but did not cot rid of his load of
lead iinlll l'iu fellow luul gotten safely out of
Toitcni.n.iiTAND rnMTifs.
Cupulillcaiii Hold tlio Ciiuul ( Musing Itally
The 11 rat and last big r.dly of the urn sent
presidential campaign took place lust evening -
ing under tno auspices of the republicans of
Council UluiTs. It 13 reported thin ether
rallies have boon held in this city during the
past few weeks , but last evening's demon
stration had I ho entire responsibility of sus
taining the reputation of Council liluffs for
getting up rousing things in the unv of Jubilations , and It tilled the bill to
the salislactlon of every one.
The rally opened with n torchlluht pro
cession in thu evening , Tlio throntcning
\\eiHlHT luui reduced the spirits of there-
publicans to n vurv low slate during the
nltcniDOn , but urepirations for a big ttmo
wcro in.iUc nolwtthstandinir the bad outlook ,
uiui iluilitpf tbo ovcniiu It was fullv demon-
htr.uyd that it , takes something inoro than
bad weather to dampen republican at dor. A
pnrauo was formed Unit contained fully
thrci ) times as many as the democratic
parade of last Thursday evening. It was
headed by the'U Army Urum
corns. Then cami ) a delegation of
Lotus nnd Iveg Crook totvnshio men
n nil inaidoiih on horseback , all of them
dressed in the national colors. Those , wllli
the Ilardm township nnd tno other delegation
tion- , from the country numbered nbouU'lUU.
Another interesting leaturo of the punuio
was about IUO tallway employes , with a big
boauhght drawn by her os ui thn head of the
lino. Omaha sent tl-o cnliro Fifth Wiml
Flambeau club In full uniform , and the
Colored Ucnublican club nnd South Omaha
was represented by the Young Men's Re
publican club , also in full uniform. Dalbny's
band , Voight's band anu the drum corps
lurnished the excellent music. Council
Bluffd furnished about 1.0LIU men , to say
nothing of fully 5UH boys who carried the
torches civon them at the democratic rally
last Thursday.
The parade wus somewhat slow in starting
on account of the failure of tlio Omaha con
tingent to oa on hand at the time agreed
upon. They full Into line after the pnrado
had start'd , however , and wont to imiUq.up
0110 of the 11 nest processions over witnessed
In Council Dlulls. The line of march covered
Main street ana U road way , commencing ut
llaylips park and ending at the Masonic
tcmnlo , uftnr marcniug to South First street
and back. All along ilia line of march
thu business houses wore decorated nnd 1
Uluminatcd'brillianilv , and American Hugs
wtr.i draped everywhere in the reddest ,
whitest and bluest profusion. Thousands of
tin horns looted tno li'illrlujdh chorus , and ]
the rud lights , IComtin candles and other lire-
works innuu the nicht resemble an adjourned
session of tbo Fourth of July. Hroadway
was packed nil along the line with inter
ested spectators , and the number of ontbiHi-
astlo republicans who howled was almost
equalled by tbo number ol disgusted dumo-
cruts who groaned.
After the parade an nmlionco thai Illlod
the room to its utmost capacity assembled at
the Masonic temple and listened to an ad
dress by Senator Hagor , republican cnmll-
date for member of con gross * from the Ninth '
district. Mr. Uagor hold the uudionco for
about an hour , and not once in all that time
did the interest Hag , U'hdo ho unnouncud
that ha did not nroposo to abtiso any man for
til ) views ho did not throw the same mnntlo
of uhailty uvor the democratic viowa thorn-
solves , but attacked thim at every weak
point. Ho called attention to the fact that Itn Itu
democrat iu congress had spout $1,200,000. Oil' ) in
running thu government ufu-r being clouted
largely on the slreiiKth of their "billion dollar I-
lar congress" howl , and to the slg'iillcant
silence that tlio last two partv platforms had
maintained on the hubject. Ho attacked the
plauk of the democratic platform which de
clares In favor of state banks that have never
Issued a dollar that din not deteriorate srn
value at lonst'J nor cent , and said ho had
nuvur heard n dcmocratlo orator that did not
npolouUo for tbo pros'-nco of tbo plank tn
tro platform. If , indeed , ho sata anything
about it , 'I'lla tariff question also received it
generous SIIIUM of attention , The wholn
speech was highly interesting , delivered as
It was In the speaker's ' crisp , cnorirotiohtvlo.
The rallv maden lining climax to the cam-
p.lL'n which co-lies to an end next Tuesday.
On all sides were heard cxpreMslons of y.P
proval of thn way thu details wire managed ,
and ll Is to bo crcntlv doubled if there has
uvor boon a rally In Council Bluffs that was
nioru successful in uvcrv rospcct.
Hosto-i Store for dross goods.
S inla Clans will nnlto his IIrat up-
poaranco this yetvr in Council Blntr * at
Mnsonie temple , Friday and Saturday.
Ho Hiiro to sou ! IB | load of dolls.
Cientlomon. the linestiino of tall goods
in thu oily , jiial ruet'ivoJ. Uoltor , the
tailor , 310 Hroadway.
The Hudlant novelty huso humors
are the bint boitui-s in Iho city. Sou
them at Sw.iino's.
Boston store closes every evening ; at ,0
p. in , unions Mondays and Saturdays.
Hoston Stoie for kid gloves.
Sorry IIo roiuiil II ,
Sam Walker , who lives near the North ,
western round houbo , found a check cr -
dav afternoon ou the street u an ied
moment , nut if ho hud to do It over again he
would eo around u block to get out of Its way.
Tbu check was maao payable to L. O. lieory
and bora the Mgnutura of U. 1lOyer. . It be
longed to K. MrCundlUh , who has been !
stooping at tbo I'aclt'c bouse Tor the past day
or two , but dropped out of its owner's
pocket.Valkorumlufrtenu nnueil Frank
Juckson at once proceeded to lind
outhat they could do with It.
The ) took It to Ofllcer & I'UJay'a
Qanic and Jaokson usUod to buvo It cashed ,
but ho would not slga thu naiuo ot the payuo
and ho lull , At lust tbo pair brought up at
a saloon near tuo corner of Broadway and
llr.vant street , and after bowling up u few
liuios they pruuUJ ) thu chock la pjymeut I
The bartender refused to tnko It , nnd It was
not long before tbn two men wandered into
* policeman's arms. They were put behind
the bars and a course of uttering forged In
struments was plncod against their names.
In .self-dofonso thcv stated that they had
tried to find an owner for the check for
sovcrnl hours before presenting it for pay
ment ,
Supper by the \V. C. A. Indies In Ma
sonic temple fiom 5 until 8 Friday nnd
-Boston Store for neckwear.
The genuine Burr CUk stoves nro sold
cnly by Chas. Swaino , 737 Broadwny.
Call and BOO thoin.
Morn l.lL'ht.
See these oil hotxtors at Swalno's , 737
Boston Store for coats.
S. B. Pr.nvoll , watchmaker , 740 Broad-
Jttdson , civil oiiKtnoor , 0-3 Brovdway
Boston Store for blaiikotg.
truiiK o/-.i / - y.u.iiouri1 in.
lionu MIIIIX City , In , Man Lost Ills
Siotx CITV , In. , Nov. 2. [ Special Telo-
grutn to'Cni : HKK.J Rose Hrooks is In Jail
hero for hlehway robbery. She caught Gil
bert Do Young passing an alloy , pulled him
into It , pinned him against a building nnd
rllloo his pockets , gotllnR SIS. IIo tried to
bold her. when she knnciicd him down and
escaped. Shu lost her hat In the scuflla and
It gave the clew that led to bur arrest.
limn City XVi'ilnnr ; Iti'lli.
IOWA CITV , l.i. , Nov. U. [ Special Tele
gram to THIS Uin. : I The leading social
event of the season was the marriage this
evening of Klizabath Aihmcad Schaeffer ,
daughter of President Charles A. Schnoflcr
of the State university , to Mr. Thomas
.lames Duncan Fuller of Washington , U. C.
The ceremony at Trinity church was wit-
nusscd by a 'largo number of distinguished
people from this and other cities and tbo re
ception ihat followed at the bride' ? homo
was an elognnt ulTnir , the presents being
numerous ; and expensive.
Woimiii'K lloiiul ol Homo Missions.
CIIK liM'ins , .Midi. , Nov. " . The Na
tional Methodist Episcopal Woman's Hoard
of Homo Missions , which has been iu session
for some days pail , todav oleutJd MM. John
IJnvia president , and a nutnbor vice presi
The action of the Mothodlst general con
ference , hold in Ornalw Miy last , was en
dorsed , and it was resolved not to accept any
further help , either directly or Indirectly ,
from the government.
biofx CITT. la. , Nov. 2. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hnc.J Burglars oiUorcd Low
Lanworthy's bouso in Covlrstoti , across the
river from this city , whllo the occupants
were gone , and stole n bed , bureau , washstand -
stand , throe stoves , a sofa , four upholstered
chair.s and ? -00 worth of bed clothing , cari
ng them away by team.
Ai'UHiMl lor 1'iee Trjulr.
At tbo regular mooting of the Llvo Issue
club nt the Llnlnecr art irallory last nlcht J.
P. Kohlor discussed "Free Trade , Pure nna
Simnlo. " Ho tool : the ground that free
trade was the only system for any country
and brought the iiiual arguments in support
of his theory. Eich nation should raise
the product * that It was boil adapted
for and leave other notions to
mnnuf.icturo articles that they could
produce cheaper. This tno "speaker
maintained would nvtko each nation prosper
ous. I'bo tarill on tin amouuted lo ever
$15,090,1100 per annum. The people could af
ford 10 buy their tin at European pncss and
hoop the : ! 0OJO men employed in iho tin In
dustry in this country in idleness by paying
thorn iho samo- amount that they paid for
tariff. It was the saruu in the case of iron.
The railroads could affoid to pav tbo wages
of evurv uian now employed la the iron mills
of the Untied States if the tariff were re
moved and still their expenses would be nc
U illwuy KmpliMus 31 rot.
The Omaha Hallway Employes' club held
an executive session last evening , nt which
there was a very representative attendance
some yco all roads In the city being roprc-
sontcd. A report ot the executive commit-
tco of tba club was proientoa , giving tbo re-
null of Its interviewing of candidates for
legislative ofllcos in Douglas county. The
report indicated tbut whllo there wcro i di-
vidual preferences , there were no candidates
upon either thu democratic or republican
tickets who were not in harmony with the
Interests ol HIP employes grncrally.
Find action of the club ou the manor of a
constitutional amendment governing the sc-
lection of iho board ol transportafoa by di-
rcct vote of the insoplo , was deferred until
next meeting. It is understood that Iho
members of tut club will bo advised by the
committee as 10 their preference for legisla
tive candidates before election uay comes.
.Sugar IVorurn , on u Strlltp.
Niw Oiti.RANa , La. , Nov. 3. On Ootohor
! tl , the Sugar Workers Protective union ,
American Federation of Labor , adopted
what they called ' 'Our ' wage tariff , " Increas-
Ing tno pay of the general foreman In every
department S cents per hour ; all classified
laborers to receive'-Ti cents per hour ; all general -
oral laboiors , " 0 cents ; Sunday work50 cents
additional ; they also ocinand an extra man
at all granularlcs ; a half hour lunch with
payment for same , or otio hour without pav :
none but union men to ba employed , said
men to bo allowed to purchase their refresh
ments whin-over thuy ohooso. The ubcvo de
mands having been refused by the Ameri
can sugar rellnory oiliclau thn laborers
struck worn at 5 o'clock this afternoon.
HiViin Once lEfcsnpctnlili ! .
ST. Lor IP , Mo. , Nov. ' . ' . Gustavo IJaylies ,
alias 1C , 10. Uoie , alias Uoorgo II. Ddly ,
formerly u prosperous incr > 'bant of Colum-
has , O , wus arrested Ibis evening on charges
of forgery nnd attempted fraud , preferred by
A. P. Whitly , secretary of tno Southwest
ern Supply company. From his own
lip : it was learned that ho was wanted
In Columbus , Pllisburif , Cincinnati , Now
York , Washington , Charleston , S. C. , Chat
tanooga , Ten p. , and New Orleans on similar
charges. His forgeries consisted of the issu
ance of chockb payable to himself with the
forged signature of the Southwestern Sup
ply company attached. Formerly , in Colum
bus. O. , ho was a member of tlio music linn
of HnylUs &Co. , but ruined himself aad
firm by following wlno and women ,
Kuv , llrhiTi inn's Condition.
Nuw VOIIK , Nov. ! --Hov. . Hebcr Newton ,
rector of All Soul * IConcopal church , ono of
he woalluioat and most influential in the
city , has formally notlllod iho vestry of bis
parish and congregation that his condition
is such that ho will not ba able to rcsuniu '
nctivo work for at least a year. It bus been
said that iho worry und raontal unrest caused
Dr. Newton by tno clmn-'cs of heresy , which
are still in tbo hands of the commission ap
pointed by Illshop Potter , have boon largely
conducive to uis ptosont condition.
r < iru l I'lrt.M .iilll
Pa. , Nov. 2. A spoolal from
UrcoustmrCi i'a.t says ; ToQlch''s reports
from thu forest 11 res sweeping the mountains '
show that the Debt ralr.b of the past twenty-
four hours have not opnratod to chncu them.
Thirty thousand acrei of valuanlo timber
have been nlreaay destroied. There Is u
prosp.-ct that the iiKKrepate losses will foot
up moru than ) U.OOO in the uoighborhood I of
NVaterford ulouo.
llilklncilH Truublpn ,
Liscouv , 111. , Nov. 2. Pegram & Bro. ,
dealers in praiu , agriculiunil Implements
and wheel goods , with branches at Lawn-
aalo , Broudwell , Durtonview ana Lakeforu ,
bare full id for $ I5'JOJO. ' A bill ol sale ru.of
tbo untlra persouul proparty bai boon filed I la
favor of th'o eon of tho'scntor partner.
Seuurail 11
ST. LOUIB , Mo. , Nov. 2. Iii toe United circuit court today Judgu b. Hayes
rendered a decision iu iho cute of Iho
EncrnvInfT eornpnnv nttnln t Carl SehrAub-
Mndtor , ] f , for ItunnpJJa oil n tiatont tor
nmnufnottirlnK chalk enprnvlnp plates. Tno
decision etves n judgment In the complaln-
ant't irfortl,3 l JiaT.-i
Tr tlinoiiy ( llvoti ItrfnV 'tlio Court In tbo
IIIIIK Cino.Yc ii riliy.
PITTJIII no , Po. , Nci\V2. | Nothlnc of lin-
portnnca developed In the lams case up to
. adjournment for lunch'.1' '
Sorpoant Ludwlg br" Company I , Tenth
regiment , Raid he wn $ 'pYescnt when lams
was dlscipllncJ , Ho''w5S ' oiltod what part
he took In the dlsclplfnlhlH Attornov Wat
son warned him not tiJ'pordmit ' himself.
Judpo Porter ruled hliatlf ho obeyed orders
from Ids superior oflluer , In bis clTorts to
maintain discipline ho.\vn $ , nil rich t. When
troopi nro called out' td quiet riots they are
In tihtntoui" war , nnd tho'ordors of tbo super
ior ofllccH must bo obcvod , If nocessnry to
quell n mutiny ho could kill n man In tbo act
of commuting mutiny.
Captain 11. C. Cuthbert win the next wit-
ties ? . Ho saw lams tied by tbo thutnua , tbo
balls of lams' feet were on the ground nnd
Ids heel ? not more thrui an Inch from tbo
\\itnos9Kiivolamsnehew of tobacco
while iho latter was lunRlni : . Surgeon NciT
said ho received orders to sod tint lums 10-
coivod no permanent injury nnd lold IUIIIH If
ho siiffereil ho would bocut down , lams said
if ihey exMiiicd him to retract they would
cut him down dead
Ur. Ullii'n created some excitement by
statliiK that when lams was cut uown bo
told the prosecutor to felsn sickness so that
tbo reeimont would have the impression that
ho had boon severely punished.
n.tifnit's . .
riili | u i\pcrlenr cit Tlimo 1111 Itonnl
While In u Trrrllln v iitc.
Cnir ( io , III. , Nov. 2. The submarine uoat
of Prol. CieorRo C. linker arrived In this city
today from Detroit , and is now anchored In
tbo outer harbor. The vessel , which was
towed from Detroit bv a tu ? , passed through
the heavy gnlo of Friday r.ight wboti tbo C.
\V. Gl'uior ' Is supposed to have foundered.
The boat weathered the storm by being low
ered about ton fcot below Iho surface and
was raised once every two hours to enable
these on board to uot : i supuly of fresh air.
bho was llvo dot a overdue nnd 1'raf. Halter ,
who was awaiting bar arrival In this city
was nearly frantic with anxiety lest she bad
gene to the bottom.
Thu boat which was bailt In Detroit nnd
originally inlcnued for torpedo service Is
forty foot long , nlno feet wide and fourteen
deoo and will stand a water pressure of feO
lc 100 foot under the surface. Her displace
ment Is sovcnty-flvo tons and the motlvo
power Is electricity. She will remain hero
during the winter.
Wet kins for Smut > Opening.
CIIICAOO , 111. , Nov. 2. It has leaked out
today that Uio local directory of the World's
fair is vigorously pushing for the opening of
the fair on Sunday. The advisory commit
ted at the head of the movement is said to
Incluuo Hov. Robert Collier of Now Vork ,
Ulshop Spauldlng of Peoria , 111. , President ,
( Jompers of Iho American Labor Federation ,
Uov. J. Minot Savage of Boston , Uov. W.
11. Thomas , Postmaster James A. Stewart ,
und Mayor \Vashburne , the last three of
Chicago. The intention Is to sccnro u repeal
from congress of the Sunday closing act.
. \liiy \ sncur K.iuli : Otlicr.
For tlio informnt'lon of tbo Judges and
clerks of election the Information is given
out with authority , that when thov are in
ducted Into olllco next Tuoiday morning it
will not bo necessary fof1thom to hu it up a
notary public or ether oftleor to administer
the oath of oflieo. It has boon dccidod by the
city attorney that ono of the judecs can ad
minister tbo oath to ho other Judges und the
clurks , and that ihon one of the ofllcials so
sworn may administer the oith to the Judge
who previously a were the others.
Will 1'lj-lit Stinilny Oponlni ; .
YANKTOX. S. D. , ' No ? . 2. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BCL-.J The South Dakota ,
Christian Endeavor unior. in its recent con
venton in this city -passed resolutions con-
demmng the efforts being mndo to bring about
the oponine of the World's fair on Sundays
and plcuccd Its Inlluenue to discouragn any
oxhihit ordibplay of the worlt of the Young
Pcoulo's Society of Christian Endeavor at
the World's fair If the fair isopaned on Sun-
A l.lslit on Tlmt "I'lot. "
KAXSIS CITV , Mo. , Nov. 2. Tbo Journal's ,
Harncr , ICan. , special says : lu a room at a
hotel here , occupied recently by Mr. and
Airs. Jerry Simpson , n letter was found ad
dressed to Mr. Simpson as fallow * :
"Wolnivo not been able to arraiiKO tnat
muULT jet hut oxiicut to soon. SuiVRr.u"
U will no recalled that "Swivell" was ono
of tbo names connected with the alleged plot
to assassinate .lurry Simpson.
Cnr4p < l hy n Cart ITHS Operator.
UOCK , Ark. , Nov. S. Two freight
trains collided early this morning near the
( Jabln Crcult station of the Little Uoc-k &
Fort Smith Engineer Hugh .lonos and
Fireman William Dnrby were lulled. The
pcciQont was caused by tbo carelessness of
tbo telegraph ouurator at Caoin U eeK.
lliimrtl tu Drutli.
I3iu7.ii. , Ind. , Nov. a. Mrs. Sarah Shepard ,
101 years of azo , and the oldest woman In
Indiana , was burned to death yesterday.
She was mono at tliolimoand U Is not known
bow the ucddont bapuenod. It Is supposed
that a spark from a plpo sot lira to her
TACOMV , Wnsh , , Nov. 2.--Thirty Chinese
passciiRors of the North Paclllo steamship
Xainbo/.lc were refused passports today at
Port Town jona , because th'ir certillcates
aid not have photographs attacluidaa the law
requires. Tnoy were bound lor Portland ,
1'ujtponcil thn Dlincp ,
The Cathulle Mutual Bonelii nssoclntlnn
dancing party which was to bo bold at Now
Metropolitan nail. Twenty-third nnd TIarnoy ,
tomorrow evening has been postpjncd to
Tuesday , November 15.
It Has Come
To This
That cver.yisuccessiul , meritor
ious article'has its imitation. : .
This is a 'grave injustice , for
j the genuine 'pure article will
j often be judged by the imita-
! tion. Noprearations ] ? require
, for their1 manufacture more
care anu still , more costly
and puj-er"ljnaterials. than
' In this instance cheap mater-
I I ials mean ' 'inferior flavors.
Dr. Price's .Delicious Flavor
ing Extracts' have won their
way to public confidence by
the pure and costly materials
used , the new processes em
ployed for extracting from
the fruits their natural flavor
ing principles. In using Dr.
Price's Orange , Lemon ,
Vanilla or other flavors the
housewife will never fail to
obtain the grateful flavor
I am n Trav'llng man J I'll tell you of my plan.
In spite of all temptation
I pursue my old vocation.
I'm still a Trnv'llng man I A jolly I-alrbank maul
For he himself has said" il.
Ami it's greatly to his credit ,
Thai he Is a Trav'Hng man I That he Is a Pnit ImnJf m , j
Sold by Traveling men anJ Grocers Everywhere. M.IIV f'.Jurul only
N. K. FAIRBANK & CO. , Chicago , III.
The autumn i the time to paint , and ono oo'it briphtoi's and pivsopves houses
and buildings and adds much to the value nnd hoauty of your property.
WoiiSil You Like to Buy Pan
\Vo want to soil you punf and ovorythincr if-od in paiiitintr at wliolosalo aiul
less. Tlio 1'st hoi lot ! oil you houplilyou | i 'obaldy p lid "Hia c illon fix- it.Vo will
soil you ono gallon or 1011,0110 tjalloiH of unv briinds atUK - . \ < iw wu have cauirlit
your attention , rend the rest of ( his and compare tlu-- straight casli ] ! 'iivs.
St. Louis load , 7c per Ib. Hcsri-y Hro . , hard oil , " > sil can ,
Oinalia load , OJi' Ib.
81.11(1 ( per jral.
.loplin load. ( Ho per Ib.
Cheap lojul 5u per Ib. I Sorry Mros , hard oil. 1 cni , S1.7" >
Linseed oil , boiled.lo ! ) ) ) or jjtl. Other hard oils , from $1.00 lo $ ! . " >
Ltnsocil oi1. t.-uv , Kic per ijul. per rfiil.
Pa in l oil , To ) Miticrnl piiuU. dry , from Ije lo lc. !
prii-e , He jior j > al les ? . Minoi-U paint- , ground in oil , to to ( ie
Wo puarantco to boas frond as any mixed paint. Wo will sell you at $1.1 !
per pillion , lias never boon sold for less lining ) , jtl nor gallon.
As good a paint as other tloalors soil you for $ l.i)0. Wo will sell you at SI. 0 (
Our Barn and Roof Paint
Wo will soil you at "of per gallon.
On nil ether goods our prices nro equally low.
1 and 3 , 4th St. MasonicTemple.
First class in every ruspect Prompt nttontion given to tfan i
work and satisfnc ion guni-antead. Bsst tct-ms to ou' . of town
. tf.'PANKL
The Good SniBaritan. 20 Years' experience.
f treat the follov.'ing Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head , Throat , end Lungs ; DIl.
cascBof tbo Eye and Kar.Fltaaad A | > oplexyllcuit
Pl8cu < ic , l.iver Cuiniilalnt. l.lilncy Complulnt ,
Nervous Doblllty , Montnl Depres
sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
Weakness , Ulabctes. Bright' " Dl > cnse , et Vitus'
Sftnco ; Hbeuinatlsm. Taralyels , White SwellbiB ,
Scrofnin , Fuvcr Sores , Cancora , Tumors
end Fistula In ono removed without
the knlfo or drawlnc a drop of
blood. Woman with her ilelicnto orpi'.ns re
stored to health. Dropsy cured without tapping.
Special Attention given to private
and Venereal Diseases of all kinds.
85O to SKOO forfeit for any Venereal Dis
ease I cannot euro without mercury.
Tape Worms removed tn twn or three hours , or uo
juy. IKiaorrholds or 1'llen cured.
Will eave life and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or using
The only Pliyilciun who can toll what nllc
u ] iur im without asking n iiio llon.
All correspondence strictly confidential. Medloln'
eont by express. Addict * ah lettcra to
G , W , Pangle ,
SB8 Broadway ,
C ou neil Bluffs , Iowa
ORDINANOK N'O. .1321) ) ,
An ordlnani'o locating cortnln additional
wiilur liv Ir.ints In the t'lty of ( Jnialia.
IIo It ordained by the city ouunoll of the city
bccfon l. That Iho City Wutor Works
Coniiiny | ho and iho nnimt U horuby ordoruJ
to nbicu additional water hydrants In the city
of Oniiihii. an follows :
One on ( Jrani street 40) ) feet east of 4n 1 si reel
Suction 'J. Tnat thn nrdin.incu bh ill taUa
etTiiut and bo In force from and at lor In |
"I'assed Oelobcr 16th , 163J.
( J
n. r. DA vis.
I'ntaldunl Ulty Council ,
Approved October "ith , l-.ti. '
UKO. I1. lir.MI.- .
Iruitmi'iitiii rvery furin nl ill < enu rnijlr-
lii.'iiieiUciuiiri'iiriSk'iil trcii-ncrit ,
fin P.IIIOIIU. lioar.l un I niion HTIJJ. lltn
I'UIUUll.lllOlU III till ) RU ,
Wrllii rori'liruliiM 4111 ih'lcinnlilo nml tir.i-oi inn
ce , dull feet , ivirv.ilnrui nr ; ini3 | , pllm , tumor * ;
IT , nit mil , linmfiiiH , Inliil.m.m , uluclrk'llr ,
l , upllujny. klUnujr , , uo , uar. H < in mil
liniMlainlull Hiir irnl DII
Wnnii'ii I SIKH. tVdlmTiilatfly uiMulii lylnMn .Iu
il fi-f woniun liming i-ii-iiliioiuuiit , elrluU/
iir.vtito. Onl ) llelliililo Inn. Into miil.u .1 /
' All llloinl Di'i'ii'j'H iiro ( " ( fiilly iroitn I. riililtltli
I'ulMinnri'iiiiivi'il fi'iiii th'i
HyitHin withiiul
Nun Iti'itur.ilivu Tiuiliuont fur \iti \ uf VII'XI ,
rowilll. l'iiriii > ii uii.ilila In vii > lt us nmy ho Irc.Uul
at IMIIIIU by fiirui-inunili'iico. All ( oiniiiimloilliMi
cunllilotiUnl. Mil llcliioxirlnitrii iiunti unt li mill or
i'iiri' | , bociirnliiuckut , no IIVIMI i In.llcilu vni-
ivniFiir ecu lur. Onu IHT.IIIII.TI liiisrvlaw in-ulurrul.
( nllnn : ! t'diiHii.l tit nr huiiil litstoiy of > our Hit
wo will sin I in plum urippur , Miir
BOOK TO MEN ' "KK ri > 0" ' ' ' " " ' " s" °
ouun iu HIC.IV , . .
| , ,
t. or xiT oM ) 3iui
Iinpiiiciicy.rxi'liilh ' , Clui-t un I Varluunlu , wlt'i'iuai
i tliiiillit.
i llruiviippll"iir < * i for Di'Tnrmltlei mil Truiioi
| ( inly miiiutt.u lor > ill lliu vrc' lof
nUlXlHMITY. AI'l'l.l.lNCKi
UK , ' IIATTIvltlKH AM ) IIDl.Tj.
Oinalia Medical and Inslltnte
01h nnd Broadway , Onmcll Dluifj.
'l' n inlnliioi rl'Io ' fr.rn rnnlor of O a ih i o i O.u \ < \ \
on i Luunll il i u in ulucirlo uiulur lluj ,
Altor"eys utlnw. I'rac-
HUD i , , tIB | hluto „ , cid , , ,
feder il rouru lEooms 'I. 4 and a Shii'n'urt
llunro block , Cunnull lllull'H. lit.
OHDINANCK NO. ! ii : 8.
An nrdlnunco louatlng cm tain ndilltlonal
wntttr hydrants in tlui ulty uf Oimih.i.
IIo It ordiiliidd by tnu city council of tlio city
uf Omaha :
.Stct on J. 1 but the O.ty Water Us
t'oinpany bu anil thuhiimi ) IN liorouy ed
to piaUH additional water bydr.uils In iliucliy
of ( Jinahu , u * fnliowu :
Onu at thix.-orncrof'jtb and Vlnton htisuts ,
Tlircoon lloiiluvnrd avonnn , HiU foot apart
finni llancrufl blicot to thu aclioul huiinn ut
t-eutlon ' . ' . Th it this ordinance Nball take
olTuut and bu In foruu from and uf tor lu pans
1'iuseil October'.i ; .
K. I' . DAVIS.
1'nn.ldcni Oily Uouncil ,
AuprovoO October ail b. 1VJ1. .
I' . IllIMIS ,
BANUAlS T o lot * In wcTfTtsirt oMMtyT
Mint bo sold ntonco. U J. llutchlnsou ft
Co. , 017 llroiidvnjr. .
lann. nap tmnrlna. In city Ihnl
I ) . J. llntchlnsuti A Co. . 017 llroudnajr ,
\v . tr.nlo house nnd lot for stock , U. J.
llutchinson Xi'a , GI7
\\ri' HAVr. purclnscr for fnrm of 3W or BID
It nore . nlthln'.M mllus of Omaha : inuit bo
Rood In lid : don't cnre for Iniimivoinonts : will
my nil cash. 1) ) . J. llutehlnsou X Co. , 017
f\UANOI3 erov. < s In K < orlili and Oillfornla
v/for saluor tr.nlo. tiroonshlolds , NlchoUoa
< . Co.
CIICAP timber lands In Minnesota for
In qn uitltlos tn suit. Kasv p.iynietus.
: Ur > 'nsnu'lds. MrhoKm.V fiv
IJ AHM Tlnd city loins. Montn1 lonneil on
J-1 stock anil cr.iln , Itoal rstto fur salo.
lluolllii ( nnd buslnn < s runtals. Moncv lo.ino.l
for locjl Investor * . UniKeu X Tow le , M 1'e.irl
11OI < ! i\UIIANtlK :
- - Kind for < iiiini'll llmtTs prupnrty ; will par
fish fur illlh'U'Uco. lirociislui'Iils , Nii'liolsoit
A. i'o. , IKI ! Hit , uluny.
" "
V S Mil : rlion-osl fnrm In 1'iitttw.itti-
inui'o.lll u ' , wo'l ' looalcd nnJ liu *
l. Prl 'o JUaii aoriv li II hiufo.
iiAi'UK' ' land for saU-j b l ocn t'oilncll
IllnlVx and Omaha : n li.iii.Mlii If taken teen ,
l roonshjo il . Xloliolson A Co .J J I'ro ' id way.
rolif l.Xl'llAMlK-Nl notiM m I'TillTllis
- count \ , Cole , with liniiiovuiiiiMils , for
io.-k . of dry cooils mid cloihlng or oilier
iilna H II. Sht'iifo.
ON i\sV : iiiiviuiMitsn > oiiiboust onoiith
lit - < irtM'l Uicon hfulds , Mi'holson iV Co. .
C.'l llro.idw.iy.
_ _ _
ij'Ott SMK Unsmtit P'ly.nrnts. fruit and
garden Ian I noir Coiincll lllulTi 1 ! . 11.
bhuafo. llrovlw y an I .Main stroot.
1/MU'l I' l.ANI ) , ! l't ' no res fnrtalpi Insldueltv
llinitM. llteenihlulds , NIoluilMin .V I'u . il.'l
llr iinhMiy , _
\\r A. \\HlV \ | ( M. liiivosonoor HIP llnuit
if'iinis In eo itlnMiHiorn low.i for sale ,
( ' .ill and sro us vji M.iln sltvot.
HOIt > r nn 1 Iniecv w intel fur iiiiliiinrovod
nroocriy In iiouhwii Miiimf I'lty IJreon-
snii'lds , Nicholson\ . (771 ( llioulwnv
ITilMi ItnST The follow iig
- 111 loiilHihvo I III'KM I'ill'k il\e. , TIJ.
t-iooin duoillng. 7M So. I Ih si , f U
S-i-ooin dwi'llinv. 11.11 Slid 11 vo. . . ' 1.
T-room d no ) I Ing , til lOth av , $ . ' " ' .
ti-iiiiini dwi'll ii- , 1 ith st. ami Avenue 0. JJ1.
7-tooin ihM'lhn ' , IS.'J Ilroiih > y. t. . " > .
It'-rooin ihveillii' ' , : ; llenlon st . f.M.
S-rooin ilwullini ; , Jlli Avoniiu ( I. $111 H'v
li-iooin ilwdlllnir. 11(1 ( N. I.ith t-l. . * l ' .liTi
( i-iooin duulilng , N.M A \ ciine II , $ IS
i-iitom diMMIIng , , IID Lincoln live. . $ t.ti" ( ! > .
r-rouin iluelllo. . ' U lluniioiiv st. . $ l.\
7-iooin dwoiiliu. llnliMIlt PI ici > . $ i.\
ri-rodindnnllliiir. 411 Cm I Is si. , if 15.
5-rmlln ducllliii , , "i.M Mynstursl , , 111.
, 'i-rooin dttolllnu , l.i' uvc. , f | i.
{ -loom duelling. . " > ' . ' ! .M.vnstur.hl. . $ ! 2.nx
C-rooin dwollliiE , ( irabuin live. , tl' ' .
C-iootn iluolllnu' . I.MUUllh nvo , , H' ' .
fi-room dwelling. Itiihhltt I'luce , Ji'.53.
7-room duelling. MornliiL-ilile , JliW ) .
4-iooin dwelllni ; , 4lo I'.uk live. . JI2.M ) .
5-ioom ihve'lln/ ' Ii Avenno A , $ ! 0 ,
rroom ( Iwclllir- t d Wushlnetoo live , . 310.
fi-ioom dwelling. 4l ; ) N. lith ! . , tlO.
r > room iluiilllni"I N. Tth > t. . $11) .
'i-room ( luiillliii : . HU. Axmnin K. $10.
4-rooni dnolllne. HO Mb avo. tia.
il-iootn dnullluir. : iO\4th . . , fin.
4-room dwelling. Us Vine st. , tlO.
4-rooni duelling. .Mfi N. Till , till ,
( i-rooin dullliiK. . " : > T I'lli n\o. , $10.
li-rooiii duollinJ , ill I Avennu II. 10.
li-loom ihvuillni ; , 1S2S AMMIIIO 11,110.
.Viooni il\uillini : , I4ii ; llio.iilvvay , $10.
fi-room dHelllir ; . I'l.ll Mb live. , fl'J. '
li-rooio dwelllni : , ITiin Avenno A , $10.
fi-rooin ( luelllni : , ( ii ilium vc , . uf , High , $ J ,
4-room house. I7itl-i ! Mli su. fin.
fi-room ihtclllni ; , IHSI A\ ( < IIIII > A. $ ' ) .
4-rooni ilnulilnv. 'l Avenno I ) . ? * .
A-ronni duolllnir. 2iSJ ( Avenno II , ? i
4-iooin ilttellni ) . ' . I'OIO Avenue. C. K
fi-iouin dwc linir. UI2 A voiuiu < ' . J1 * .
( i-rooni dwnliiiu.'JIst si. uiu'.Avi line M , H
fl-room divulllin ; , TOii S. 'J.lrd st. . $ S.
.1-Kioin duelling , llJir , A voiinu A , fS.
4-room ( hvolllnir , "fiTi N. 1st st. , $7.
4-ioom dui'llliu ( ill r-n. IM st. . J7.'i ) .
'i-ioom ilnolllni. , : iilll | Avennu A , $ j.
( i-rooin ( Itto lliiK. Sl'J ' I5lh live. . JO.
il-ioom d\Tclllo ( ; , HL".i Avenue A. M.
S-rooni dwelling. ilHH Avenue 1) , M.
J-room du'jlllir.IIOJ Avenno 1) ) . M.
I-rooin duelling , --'I' ' ) A veiiuo D. $4.
: ; -room duellini : , S3.1) ) S filh si , . * " > .
4 loom duelling , 811 Ave U. SI.'IOO.
4 room dwelling 141 Vinn si , $1110 ,
4 room dueliliiK , " ( U I'arlc avo. , JI'J.OO.
ILShonTo , rental agunl. Hroadway and
lain Mrcct. '
11'VOU havu nnytliln { for Rilii or tr.ido sa
I'X II. Slioifo. Hro id\vuy and Main streot.
A HAItOAlN. 11-ncru fruit and Kiinlon tnieb
t\-'t ' miles from ' '
- nostolllco.'J'i notes in grapes ,
i aero In bliiukhorrlus. . 'il iiunlo troiji * . 73
ilnin trees. : L'I cherry trees , dwiilllncr , stable ,
to. I'rleoHOOJ. No trudu K. II. Shoafo.
11 ACItrATnsidiTciTv limits : will Hull In lots
ono iieio no to Mint buyer , Grconshlolds.
Nicholson & Uo. , till Hroadwny.
JP YOU likn kind ticatinent null biir-'alns In
rnal estutu u'lll on tiiucnshlulda , Nlehol-
DII .t Co. , OJI Uio idwa v.
] ( 'il ) ACKI S of uluar Innd In oititinn .Ne-
hrasKa toexehanso for a pie 1 rnsldeneo Iu
. 'oinicll Illntrs. Want hiinsus mid lots for No-
irasUa Innd. .lohiiHton .1 Van I'utlun.
\\7r. I1AVK ii uood teirmt for a five or six
T room lioiisn four or llvn lilouUH from post-
illlco. ( ireunshlulds , Mcholsou & Uo. . OU
lioaihv .y. .
{ (01 ( aores o' vhniei ) pine lands for sale.
511011 I'lirvls , Mis- . , llisy terms In-
pilroof Mrs. 11. U llruuki , or A. T. Itleo , r.'ti
Hi " .licet.
JiQUITVIn POO.I ( ; ouiiL'il IllilIN prnporly.
l .Mnst Im sold tills \vunlc. ( JrcumblelUn ,
Nicholson Ac Uo.
WE IIA Vi ; eiistonicr.s who want honsos tn
tent. Iliivo yon the houses ? Urccnshleldx ,
Mcholson tUo.
1 ANC'll of 3,0X ) acros. no'ir CliovonnaVvo. .
lillno Improvoiiuinls , Homu stook K US tvltli
'iini'h ' ; fineht In thustatu. U'lll ovc.hiin e for
ouncil Illnfls or Otnuhii nropflrly , ( ireon-
hlelilH , .Nk-liolson .t U , ) . . Oil Hroadway.
fjlOU iXIIANTOR-ViOJl ) ) HlooU of uonoral
Jinuri'handlsu for low i or outturn Nebraska
and , GrcimslilnUH Nluliiil'on Ac Co. , 0.11
I'wuy , uKcnli for adinlnUtrutor.
) . . NICHOLSON & UO. .
. for iiilmlnlslr itor. huvo for Halo
inn of the best OJU-auru Htojlc farms In wust-
rn lown.
driiKhtorofcr sulo. flxluiex Included
. will Imolco nboiu M.IKiU ; louiloil In. nee
DWH town of ' .fi'J'l iiopiilatloiii ilolni ; line biinl
less. II. J , llntelilnson X Uo. . < II7 Hroadway.
( < A KHAiii ; removed , cosspooU , vaults an 1
'flilmimyHulotnod. Ii , I ) . HnrKu. Ulty Illdg.
jlOlt S \ Ij ; Ilirdwur ' Nlooks Iu Iowa an 1
> 'Nubraskii , Involojs , tluUJ to I2OJA Ii IL
'I'l'lv of rooms for runl , furnUliud or un-
fiirnlHhiid , IMI 1'iii'Kiivu.
WONDAVSIn It , A. nirlur-i , ubllilron , I | i
in. , aduits , 7 ; II p in SujlaU Hjonnil aril
fnniili .Moinliiyh. U p. MI. Muslu fnrnlslioil nur-
tli'i nnd clnIn Address ut K. A , I'.irlors ,
c'linnitll ' Iliuirx , or ID-M I'-ti'iium St. . Oinulni. W
. ' . I'liiiiniiiiis. Insiriiolnr
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