Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1892, Page 11, Image 11

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JDi rector of the Mint .Oelr'.cb Makes His
Annual Report.
Vlin I American Mlnr * lime Hem llolnc
fur tlin runt Year C'olnagp ( if Until and
Mirer Hilling 1'rlre of llio
\Vhlt * MrtRl.
BX , D. C. , Net. 2. K. O. Oel-
frlch , director of tbo mint , has submitted to
the secretary of the treasury a report on the
Operations of the mints and assay ofllcos of
the United States ( or the ilscal rear ended
ItinoSO , lS'.y. The raluo ot the cold doDOS-
L \ ttcd nt tbo mints and as ay olNcos during tbo
] year was ta > ,47GCi7D. Of the original deposIts -
\ < Its , t3lWI,040 were the product of our own
mines , $24.'JCsr > , : M2 foreign gold and bullion ,
f555 , ' < )73 ) light weight domestic gold coin and
* 3,3Cfi.G04 old mineral.
The deposit * and purchase * ot silver aggro-
Rated 71.4Wb05 ) standard ounces , of the coin
ing value of fWW2U50.
' Of Uo silver received 00.100,000 standard
\1 \ ouncoj , of the coining value ot $73,401,072
Xvore tbe product of domestic mines and re-
I fin erics ; 2,11S,07S standard ounces of tbo
( colulnc value of (2,464,072 , were foreign sll-
, 'yer bullion ana coin ; ri,5WIy07 standard
Ounces of the coinage value of f6,50i',274 ,
Yrcro current domestic coins for recoinago ;
1.931 standard ounces ot the coinage value
of 12,230 tr.iclo dollars rncltea ; and fi38'yo
standard ounces of the coinage value of
(140,411 old plato Jowolty , etc.
Tbo coinage of the mluU during thn last
fiscal year aggregated 113,550,124 pieces ,
valued as follows : Gold , ? 35.VJiJ.S97 ; silver
Hollars. ? S,3M07 ; subsidiary silver , tG.CSt-
612 ; minor coins , f l..W.llO ; total , $51,7W,2y3.
1'rolltn Irani Sitter.
Tbo prolH from silver dollars coined dur
ing the fiscal year from bullion purchased
. under the act of July 14 , IKK ) , was tf 0,4S7.
true not prollt on the coinugu of silver during
fourteen years , Including the balance In the
coloaco mints on July 1 , 1S7S , has aggregated
In addition to the coinage , gold bars wera
manufactured , of the value of * 2C.125,552 ;
Silver bars of the value of $7,130,270 a total
of W3,2wS. 2.
The totul amount of silver purchased dur
ing the year nepregatod 5 ,355,755 fine
ounce ? , costing K > 1 , 100,003 , at nn averaco
( test of Ul cents per fine ounce. Slnco July
1 , 1SU2 , the nvorago price has boon JJ.724.
By the rccoinnco of uncurrent coins in the
treasury , principally halt dollur.i , Into new
quarter dollars and ditnee , for which there Is
nn urccnt demand , the treasury has boon re
lieved of a latgo unavailable ussot , ana the
ernull chaafoof the country Increased to a
corrosDOtmlug extent.
Tbo total exports of gold from the United
States during the fiscal year show n not loss
, .
The exports of silver show a not loss of
Tbo net profits or earnings of the mints
over expenditures Is ? 793,7M.
Toe mines ot the United States produced
during the calendar year 1S91 , 1,001,549 line
ounces of pold of a commercial value of 933-
. 175,000 and n coining value of 53. 170,000 , ana
' ' 63,330,000 flno ounces of silver of a com
mercial value of $57,030,030 ana a colnin ;
v value of $75,110,505.
Coinage of the World.
The coinage of gold ana silver In the vari
ous countries of the world during the calcn-
'dar vcar 1S91. so far as reports have been
? received. HgereKato : Gold , JII9,1S3,735 ; sil-
{ ver. J135.00S.142.
t Tbe stock of gold and silver in tbo.United
estates on November 1. IS'.U , based upon of-
{ tidal tabulations brought forward from year
tto year was anprnximately : Gold , $050,041-
p,6G3 ; silver , $537,014,051 , a total of $1,243.-
11(050.814. (
c The amount of money in acttiAl circulation
t ( outside of the treasury vaults ) , Including
.paper and metallic , was { 1,000,139,735 , or
-f24.U4 per cupita.
' 1'no value of the gold bars furnished for
V industrial uses during tbo last calendar year
huws an Increase of H2.039.053 , and of sil
ver an increase of $ OUOti5S. If there has
been no fulling oft in the amount of coin
melted annually for use in repairs and
I Jewelry the total value of tbo precious meluls
1 used in the industrial arts and manufactures
I In tbo United States during the last year
( vfai approximated : Gold , $10,700,000 ; sil-
V ver , ti.O.TO,000 ! ; a totni of fJU.SW.OoO. of which
5 $10ti'.i7i7l ( > gold ana * 7,2S'JorJsllver consisted
' Of noiv bullion.
i American Clinlrrn.
' From ths Daily llercillc , H'/ialrorn / , ll'iuh ,
"T. O. Burnett , tbo democratic 'candidate
J for sheriff , was taken violently til at Clonr-
} lirooK. Ho had all the symptoms of Asiatic
r % cholera , and for an hour or two it was
' feared ho would die. Tboy finally gave him
; a dose of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and
Dlarrbuoa Hemedv , which revived him until
, * pnysfcian arrived. " That Is precisely
f what the manufacturers of that medicine
recommend for cholera. Send for a physi
cian , but civo tnolr medicine until the physi
cian arrives. If cholera becomes prevalent
In this country next summer this prepara
tion will be In great demand because It can
Always bo depended upon. For sale by
/.v jtVKxixa i
ttiOllCiivrrod I > piin-nr | lit
.Set Al > liiz li ) ' l.lclni'il .Mutch.
Pjin.AHELi'Mi.4 , Pa. , Nov. 2. William Mil-
Jor , Albert ICrumbach and Warren Hill , ull I
younir men , started from the eastern shore :
Ut Point Drcczo last evening in a row beatLe
Lo cros the river. When about 150 foot
Vrom lliosboroone ottliumen licbtcd bis Dip
nd caicle sly tossed the blaring match Into
the water. On the surface of the water toU
that point there always floats a quantity of
ell from the oil works. The match foil Into
the water , t ho oil caught tire und soon tbo
koat was ablaze. 10m
Tbo young men \vero forced to abandon
their craft and plunge Into tbo burning fluid
around thum. They tried to swim asboro.
Hill sank beneath tbo olazing surface and
wus so n no inoro. His two companions , by
( repealed d I vlcir , succeeded lu roacblug the
shore , but both ram wcro horribly burned
kbouttho sbouldora , bead , face and arm 3dg
Their condition is critical.
Tbo tire spread down tbe river , and tbo
wrecking steamer Maryland caught lire and
' was damaged to tbo'oxlent of f 15,000 ,
'i Biroami of water from several engines and
tugs dually put tbe burning oil out.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syruo for chll-
teething , rests the child and cotuforts
the mother ; vJc ! a bottle.
J'HIH > 11 > KXT //.IWK/.SO.V'A T7f.l.V/i % .
Iln Kx | > r rf IIU ( intlrliilnos * for
Ihy in HiIIIirlliin. .
is. I ) . C. , Nov. 2. The president -
dent today requoited the publication of tbo
following :
Expressions of sympathy with me and our
family lu our great horrow , from individuals ,
from kocietlos , from church conventions ,
from public mootinc , from political :
clubs nud commilleoj of all par *
ties , und indcca from all our people ,
tiavo been so tender and so ( ull of iu&r > ecl :
and lore lor Mrs. Harrison , that I reluctantly
abandon the purpove of niukini ; a personal
acknowledgment of each Wo lire grateful
for this cup of good will and for your praver *
ful Intercession * . Mar Uod plvo to each of
you In every trial that eraca and utrengtb
trhlch you have asked for us.
UtNJilJIS HlltltlSUX.
> Plies of pooulo have PIIC. % out UoWitt's
Witch Hazel lalvo will cura them.
ilne III KnclHUilS IIji | > ertrndoul ,
Nov. 2. Tbe suit for damages
3or lanilei broucht by Mrj. Leader , wlfo of
Lteutcuaot Leader ot too Drltish army ,
AKamst Mr * . Kmytbe , wilt ) of Major Ueneral
Gibbons Suiytho , was beiruti yesterday. Mrs.
L ) Ix > ader l a duugbtor of Colonel Ttiorapiou ,
> late of tbo Indian army. Mrs. Smytho ;
/cnorgcd Mr * . Loader with stealing a brooch
her iu the full of lt > Ul.
An honest pill Is the uoblest wort of the1
apothecary. Do Witt's Little Karlv Ulsors
euro couiUpalion , biliousness and sick head
List of Nominees of the Various Political
Parties in Nebraska.
Candidates for Coiifrrr * * .
Ilitrltt. Dcmncratlt' /nd | > : ndoif.
Mm. . . . Allen W. Held. William J. Bryan. Jerome Sharap. IL W Maiirell.
N-cond. . Itarld II. Mercer. Oeonte W. t > oaoe. llobort U Wheeler. 11. W. lilcbnrdioa.
Thlnl. . . O orc It. Melklejohn. George F. Helper. William A. Poynter. r. I' . Wltton.
Kdurth . } . . J. llalticr. Victor Vlfqunlo. XVUIUm H. IK-ch. J. lKlltlcwcll. .
nnii. . . . W. K. Andrews. Fusion wltn Inds. W. A. McKelRhan. O. C. llDbbell ,
Sllth. . . James XVbltelicftd. A. K Gstowood. U. M. Kern. O. II. Ueebe.
Candidate * for tlio
nitnit. /.VimMfccin. IKmixrattc *
l.rlllrharrisnn and Pawnee--A. U. ScolU I'uilon with Independents. John Cornell , Vcrdon.
Falls City.
I. Nrmaba find Johnon--K. It. llubbird. No nomination. 3 , 13. Harris Talmace.
3 Otoe J. It. Damme. TnlmnRe , John MftlteOr..S'cbrai > kii City. T. B. 5teTen < onXebra ka City.
I. Ciiii * Orlando TcITt. Arora. K. ixvhiie. _ Piaiuiiioaih. w. 11. HIM. south iicna
i. SaumlcriianilSarpy W. II. 1'lcklnjon , lien V. imltK. William -sunders. AMilnnJ.
C DoiiFlas-Charleii 11. Llaik , Omaha. .Max Meyer , Omnlia. Jame < ( i. Ilurr. Omaha.
C. O. IjCbeck. omrlia \V. N. Bat-cock. Umaha. ! * . I . ItrntiMon. So. Omaha ,
Isaac Noyce. XX'ntrrloo .lame * C. Iln-nnan. Oniah * . ( I. XV. Klne. Valley.
7 Cumin ? and Hurl Fremont Krcrctl , Ferdinand Koch. West Point. John F.melr , XVlsncr.
t Dlxuti. Dakota , Knox.Certar.TIiiirstoD - Fred J.Fox. Nlobrnra. T. II.Gr ve , I'ender.
II. r. .McDonald , render.
9 Antelope. Boone and I'rteley Cliarles M. II. Hoffman N'cnin * S. I'ncknooJ. Crelgtilon ,
Illley. Altlon. irove.
10 Washington ' nJ Unditc Henry Sprlck. Julin luomi | en. Krvmonl. . A.J. HarllnK , Wcliiter.
11 XVnyne. Mnol > nn nnit IMcrcc-Hr. J. M. K. J. Hale. Battle Creek. Jolin HeerenVarno. .
Alden , Pleri" .
llt.liittoind * c.iirm NUMs oj.eii. talsh. J me II. North. I'rol Jpwrll. I'latto Center ,
13 llull.iiartlulil. Wheeler-J. M. Hunter , John M.Slennrt , J. I * . Mullen , Enimelt.
Mlnroln ,
U Brown , Key * 1'nha , C'hetry , Fherldan. No nomination. H. ; , Stewart , Crawford.
Ia e . Hnr lluttc and ! louxV - W
Wood. ItnshTlllc.
IS Cu-ler , VallcT. loup and lllalne-M. I * No Domination. V.'lllliini firnr , Onl.
Frlef , Arcndla.
In Buffalo nnd Sherman Joseph It. Scott , I'arld Inman , Kenrncr. ( ieorge N. ; mhli. Kearney.
1.01111 Cllr.
17 Hall anil Hiiward-G. U. Caldwell , 1'a lun trlth Independents. T. -VcCarthy , St. 1'anl.
Grand Island.
IE > Polk. Aterrlck and Nance-C. K. Brady. HornarJ Callacher , I'nlmcr. J. N. Campbell , Kullurton.
13 Butler and Scw rd--Gco. . 1-owlpy , W.-E. Hltclilf Orion. George . Fuller. Seward.
50 Lancaster II. K. Moore. Lincoln. XV. 1' . Kelsh , I. N. Ix > onanl. Lincoln.
U. W. Kffitlrston. Bennett J. C. Cronker. Lincoln. .1. r. McSerny.
21 ( iascAlexander Grata in. lleatrirc K. .M. liarnn. llarnoiton. H. II. Craig. Ueatrlre.
It Saline J. II. l'o.c | , Friend. tVm. llubarek. Wllbir. John M.OIIbrrt , friend.
2J JclTcr on nnd Tbarcr- . M. Correll , I. Clark. Ulller. lr. JelTrl . cteeleClty.
\orknnd Klllmore J. I * . Miller.Vork Jolin T ) . l itKon. ( Jcncra. J. I ) . T. Small. York.
: i Clayandllanilltcin-ii. W.Cbrl. tr , ICdiar Knilunnllh Independent ) . U L. Johnion. Inland.
it ! Nne ell . XVi-lifli-ranrt Kranklln W. II. No nomination. William Dr-'nit , superior.
Aiihtln. Frnnklln.
' 2 * Ailnm > 1 pupold Halm. Ilaktlnifi. W. B. tchnvcr. Junlata. W. A. June * , llailliifs.
. * S Krarnejr. I'liclp" and llarlan No nomi Jnmei 1. Khea , Iloldreire. W. K. Date , Atlanta.
9 r'urniK. Hed Willow. IHu-licock. Dnrdr. No nomination. Ixwj | w. Vounji.
< ; < i l > er. Kruntlpr. riiare and Ilajes
John I" . Cntumlll. Oratlno.
30 Inw5un. ) l.lnetiln. Kettli. IVrkln . ClipNo nomlnat'on. J. U. Darner.
LOKAII Henry t. Itayner ,
Sldnc ) .
Dl'trlct. l > f > iiit-fatif.
1 lllchardsonKrnejt \Venier. Arnco. t'u-lon vtttli Independent * . Jute * m1tli.
William M. I'attcrfon. HnnilKildt , Henry ( ierde . Barada.
John SI. Hrockman. Huraboldt. lroy Judit. Vcrrton.
5 I'awuec C. A. Scliapln ! . Pawape City. IV. . Leonanl. I'annce Cll.r , Cauuln : Jennings.
\V. M. ( Ilttord. llnrchard. T. II. C'amili'hncl , l nl toti.
3 Nctnaha Church Ilowp. Howp , No noiulnntltm- . I ) . J. Jciin | < on. Howe.
,1.11. Pohlmmi. Johnson. - Arlington XX'utklns , lilcn Hock.
4 Johnson Jncoh ! s. Dow , Tecuniseh Harvey T. W nt. Kl TM P. IncorfOlI.Tecnnifcb.
1 Nemnlin anU Johnson Thuotlorv nilth. No nomination. C. XX' . XX'UllPimCuok. .
C Oloe A. Walt. Syracuse. John Sinclair , John Sclmanv
K. \Vllliuin. . HoiiBl.iv Ccorne W. l/f Idlnli. plin Palton , Nebraska City.
7 Cns8--John A. Davles , I'l.itlsuioutli. ( ico. llarjhman. Avocn. . VT. Pattonon. Kaeic.
A. f. Cooley. Knile. Joseph Mullen. Klmwood. llev. N. M. Allen. Union
B Cns % anil Otoe-Juhn C. Wntson. No James H. Htone , Nehairka. llarmer , Avoea ,
brutka City.
! ? nrpy Clarence Key * . Sprlnsflctd , John Cha e. Papllllon. K U Hlleman , Cretna.
10 Doiiclas A.'U hutton. o'.uliOmnlia , lieorse W. Aine . Jr. . Omaha , tllax 1tobbln . Omaha.
A. Lucknvr. Umnha. J.J. PolntH. Omahn , 0. J. Broderlck. Omaha
C. A Con. Omaha. Clinrles Wlthnull. Omaha. J.V KIncald. Omaha ,
\V. N. Nnson , Umaha. Henry M. ilorrow , Omaha , J. B. < 'hupp , Omaha.
T. I ) . Crane. Oiuulin. W. S. Fclker. Omnha. Phillip McGoveru. Omnha ,
J. II. Iteevet * . Omahu , John Nonlwall. Omahn. Clia .irurtl * . South Omatia.
.M. U. ItlckettK. Omahi. E. J.freykorn , Omaha. Joh > pi Ander > on. So. Omaha.
diaries sti-venn. Omaha. W. \\ltlen.0maha. . XV. .M. Clark. Valley ,
J. II. Kynur. Oranha. O. J. Plckard , Omnha. 11. Anderson. Union.
11 Wnshlnclon-W. I ) . Huller. lllalr. Han I iuip , Bennlnirtoii. Geo. XX" . Nen , Blair.
12 Hurt tico. T KI-J-ILT , Oakland. Fusion wliolnai-penitents. < > co. XX' . Mlnler. Oakland.
15 Hurt anil Waihlngtuii K. F. si-son , Marlon Plunmier. Crnlg. Geo. A. Cranncll.
II Dodco-lJ. K. Kllnsbell. Hooper. N P. Nelson , Hooper Jnmt-s Hnrvle. UldKeley.
* \V M. Klledee , Dodirc. John Korroll. North Bend. John Faccrbnrtz , Fremont.
! . > Cuinlng HennutllJoldjniHli. Went Point. Felix ( ilvenVo t Point Henry W. 1-anse. XX"l ner.
1C Cumlnn. Dakota nnd Thurnton IL F. It. P. McUulrf , Winner. E. G. Kellner , Pender
Kloke. West Point.
IT Wnynonnd Slanton T.S. Gosj , Wayne. J. G. llathe on , Pllcer. C. IL Harris. Slanton.
IS Dlxon-K. K. Kllln. Allen. II. J. Brown XX' . J. XVhlte.
19 CiiJar and Pierre David F. Curllss , Hnn- Arnold Klckhoff , Alcn. XX' . U. Itowell.
20 Knox-Cucjter Nurton. MorrllUllle. 7. ( ! . Shorman. J. G. Km jo. CrclKhton.
21 Antelope VT. II. lloltucj , Ni'llsh. Ben Cnldvr , Clearwater. it. U. Suler. Nellcb.
2 ; lloone J. U Brewer. Albion. P. H. Matthewfi. Albion. XV.A.McCutchcon. tt.Edwards.
rj Madison K. 11. U Wlllln , Battle Creek. C. A. Llnkbart J. H. Jackson , Battle Creek.
2 1'latle H.T. bpoerry. Columbut P. 11. Bender. Humphrey. XVni. fchelp. Platte Center
2i Platteand Nance I. Mbhcrnsen. Ilobcrt Price. I'latto Center XX' . J Irwln. XX'oodtllle.
y- Coital John I'ruken. i-'cliuyler. John Van Houoen. ohuyler. FrnncU Dunn. KoKcr > .
77 tfaiuidcrs L. W. ( JllcbristVnhoo. . John WintiT. Wnh'Hi. J. N. liattin. Colon
Frank Kubek. Praeue. Peter Timlin. Mead. P. K. OI.-on. Mulnio.
23 Hutler U.1I.s nr > ! ennt. ( inrrlson. Chas. I ) . Ca-per. Darld City. It. C. Carpenter , Hellwood.
tieo. H. Colton , David city. M. A. llnnhvk , Nlmberi : . W. 11 Taylor , llralnard.
29 Seward 1J. J. Brown , i-eward. Mmon Jolm on. MIKord. James Ifeynold . Mllford.
It. C Ilhea , Jlllfortt. Herman IMera , < < nard. lhos. Pennlnuton. Tamora.
50 I.anc tcr It. II. Oakley. Lincoln. J K. n. Miller , Lincoln. A. Peterson. Darey.
Joseph Hums , Lincoln , K. U Nhcel. It. T. Chambers , Bennett.
A. J. Cornljlj. Lincoln , J. ft' , fenovden. X S. Grlrtln. Lincoln.
B , It. t-penrcr. Klrth. Ieo. K. Uenscn. Mart 11. Howe. Lincoln ,
J. C. F. Mc'I\c 9on , Kmerald. D. XV. HulT. John Neddlns.
31 Saline William Knup.VeMern. . I C. KMier. Tobias. J. C. Jenslk. XVIIber.
Jno. K. Vandtiyn. Wllber. Frank J.Jellnek. XVIIber. James -icltli. Friend.
W nse-E. B. Illmlj. Odell. ricoruu P. Marvin. Beatrice. Kdward Arnold. Odell.
P. II. Jumt-9 , Cotlland. < i. XV. Jackson. Plckrell. Jacob L'pllnf er. Uorlland.
H. J. Merrlck , Adams. G. B. CoHnian. Adamn. XX' . E. Irwln. llorkford.
XI Caee and > allnc John A. Wardlaw , Fusion with Independents. Jacub > . Itutheriord.
. " . ( JetJernon O. J. Carpenter , Fnlrbury. XV. O. ilanibi'l. Falrbury. A. T. Boseley. Tower.
M Thajer K. M. Jenkln" , Alexandria. H. H. Jobnsun , Hnbbell , Wm. Penrl. Carleton.
uti Thayer ' and Jefferson lvo. C u s , No uomlnetloii. T. J. Faith. Chester.
37 Flllmore K. I * Martin , Fairmont. No nomination ! ) . Itlcknnl Dobson. Grafton.
J. Jen en , Geneva. A. D. SteTens. gtranp.
,13. York Cburles Keckley , York. C. L.Mels ner , XV. li. Kasliuun. Yotk.
Nathan Johnson. York. Daniel Graret. Arborvllle. John J. 1'rlce , Waco.
39. Polk C. O. Norton , Atromtbure. Fusion nltblndeiKndcntB. Geurpc llorst , Ofcoola.
to. Merrlck N. D. Keyc. Central City. 1 ! . C. Fisher. Central City. XV. K. Horter. Clarks.
( I. Hamilton J. A. WLIlmore. Aurora. A. 1 * Kennedy. Fro1 Newberry , Aurora.
John B. Cain , Aurora. F. M. Anderson. J. T. X'oorhees , Hampton.
42 Clay-John . Palmer , Falrdcld. Fusion with Independents. S. M. Elder. Clay Center ,
J.Turner. Hairard. B. McVay. Sutton.
43 Nuckolln W.T lleynolds , Prayrna. Samne ! XX'caver , Oak. li. A. Felton , Anus.
41 Websler John II. McCollum. No nomination. Austin Itlley. Blue Hill.
45 Adams Petcr ( irttllth , Homeland. II. B _ . Wnl i"l.t. HHSllnns. S. M. Davis , Keneaw.
4 > ) Wubster and Adams William Ilrown , Vv. U. Hail. F. A. Harmon. Pauline.
I * Unll XV. U. Harrison. ' Grand Island. Fusion with Independents. J. L. Johnson. Grand Island.
Marcus IL Abbott. XX'ood Hirer. H. f-ebloifeldl. ( Irand Island.
4S ' llowurd Chetter ' Chlnn , Coteslleld. Frank lams , St. Paul. Charles Gramuier. M. Paul.
4'J Uarneld. XX'heeler , Orceley , Lonp anfi Judcu N. H. Parks. P. H. Barry , Ureeley Center ,
Blalno J. A. Itronnell. Burwell.
M Holt XX' . K. hlfele. Chambers. Ivl Van Valkenbcrp. Inman. H. It. Henry , Mlneota.
A. J. Clark , Inman. s. J Dond.'liri-en X'nlley. G. K. Smith.
M Drown and Hock- Charles lloblnson , J. A. like. Newport. 11. Ford , Alutworth.
MMralt * .
M Cherry and Keya Paha I ) . M. Stunrt , No nomination. J. II. Farnsworth , Sprlngvlew.
U bliorlUan. Dawes , Box Unite and Sioux No nomination. J. I > . XX'oods.
1 * A. Brower. < lihdron.
U Lincoln. Cliejciinr. Keith nnd Perkins No nomination. G. C. LlnKenfi-ltcr , Collou.
XVIIIIam It. Akers , Gurlni ; .
Ki Valley Byron II. Jolinsun. North Loup. XV. P. KTurlnElmm.NorthLotlp , Henry C. Ithodcs , Mnmlcrson.
K Custer nnil IX > KBIIM K. Ynndcuburi : , .No nomination j. C. XX' . llccl. Broken Bow.
&arii'nt " , XV. P. HlBfc'lnn , XX'escott.
. .
C. I" XVoodruH. Cnlln ay.
A7 Phcrman llev , A Woody , X'erduretto , No nomination. Albert Dlckenson , LltcbHeld ,
to BuHnloJohn XYlliou. Keainoy , J XV XX'ylle , Miller. John btebblns , Mielton ,
Chan. Miner , Itavenna. XX'in. S < > Ur. Odessa. A. J. Scott , Kearney.
10 DuiM.on-i. H. Ulaknlee , Rddyvllle II. . '
A. 'lurlon. J. O. Lynch , Ix'Jlnpt'in.
CU Kearney ChrlJ. Weber. Lowell. John Etielmuller , Mlnden. Kil ICrlck. ; Jllndeu.
01 Frnnklln John Sunborn. franklin. I'nslon with independents. James Dluiiclck.
GS llnrlan .1 A. Piper. Alraa. No nomination. S. Fulton. Alma.
a Phelps-C J. .Masuuion. U Geo. rUlnftt. Iloldrecc. 1 * . Soderuian. Hertrnnd.
C.l Furna ' E. Montgomery , . prloe Green. Johu XX * . Kcllev. John MGV-MIS , Edison.
HraXX'illuw-K.31. XVO4 1 . Daubury. E. U. llallew. Mi-Cook. J. MicrlJan.
ixi Frontier and ( Josper IAM. No nomination. Ford.
C7 Hitchcock. Dundy , Hayes nnd Chase Fusion with Independents I * G. Hncsles. IllaiTHtha
M. J. Abbott , Hayes Cvnter.
CtTinuii Hunk ItoliIxT I'ouiul Dead. htrlke .Settled lir Arl < ltration.
NKW VOHK , Nox' . 2. Krnest Voss , xvho NEXV OnLBAXs , Lu. , Noxii. . Tbo strike
stele 2UOO,01X ) marks from n saving bauli at of draymen , warehousemen and other
Verdcn , Germany , lu 155 , xvas recently laborers has been declared oil and
fauna dead In his room nt Uobolcun. tbo strikers returned to xrork this
Voss xvas a director of tbo bank which he mornini. . Tbo arbitration committee ,
roobdd. His theft xvrocKod it. Instead of representing the merchants aud traders
imprisoning Voss , bo was ajjuueod intano council , reached an agreement at to
aud cnuiiniltod to an Insuns asylum. Ho \vauo3 and bouH at ! ! o'clock this morulnp ,
escaped Iroui the uayluin and disappeared , and tbo strike was declared off. Tbe only
Voss xvas employed as editor of a New York unsettled question u tbe employment of non
German paper. union men , and this the committee U to
settle within forty-olght hours.
You dcu'tvant a torpid hvorj you don't , Ignorance of tbo merits of DeWitt's LllUo
xvunt a bad L-omploxIou ; you dua't xx'ant a Eurly UUers Is a misfortune. These ilttlo
baa breath ; you don't xx'unt a neadacnn. pills regulate thn liver , cure headache , dys
Then use UaUlu's Llulo Karly Hlsers , too pepsia , bjd breath , constipation aud bilious-
( utnoui llttlt ) pills. I
Situated in the immediate section of country that produces a grade
of tobacco , that in texture , flavor and quality is not grown elsewhere
in the world , and being in position to command the choice of all offerings -
ings upon thij market , we spare no pains nor expense to give the trada
When in want of the best ; ask for
iul ! Durbarp.
Sold everywhere. None genuine without the
Trade Mark of the Bull on each package.
CURUAI4 , N , C.
Arguments that speak louder than words , are
prices Prices to talk must be loud voiced
How is $3.75
For a loud talker for a sfood wide wale
cassimere overcoat
Or would you rather have a heavy long
ulster for $5
Or a still better one for $7
And for $8
Ah , that's the stuff
For $8 we have the finest Jight beaver
overcoat you ever laid eyes on got blue
black brown ones , too Wide wale Box
$8 that's our leader ,
You prefer a storm ulster we have them
all prices all fabrics
These are our arguments
Columbia Clothing Co. ,
- !
i l
Cor. 13th and Farnam
Successors tp.-M. Hellman & Co.
Cure ? all disorders of ( ho Stomach , Liver , Itoirels , KiJenr * , llbtldsr , Nerrous
Diseases , Lo s or AppntHe. lirndnrhc. Consllpatbn , ( 'ostirene , Iti'Jigesti in , 1111-
ousims , 1'exer , Tiles , Etc. , nnd reiilcw the system lc liabla to contract disoiss.
IIADWAY'S are cure for this co np'.alnt They tone up the latorna' ' secretion1) to
healtnv action , restore trenjth to the stomach , unil eiriblu it to perform Its functions.
Price 2ic a tiox. Sold tiy nil druggists , or mailed by It AD WAY & OO. , Warren Street
Now Vork. on receipt of price.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tht eminent ptclaliit In ntrront. chronic , prirate. blooJ. tkto and unnarr dlieatei. A renlar ana
ezlitered cradaate In modelne. at diplomat and cenlQcate * > how. Is lull treating with tbe rrratest lucceu
aturb. ip rm Uirrboei. loit manbooil. umlnal weakness , ntsht lo ei , Impoxener. irpbllli. stricture , son-
rrtiu a. claet. Tarlcocele.ctc io mercury ufced. Nevr trontinunt forlon of rluil power. ParUe * unable to
Tlslt mt may be treated at borne by correspondence. Medicine or Instruments sent by mall or express securely -
curoly packed , no mark ! to Indicate contents or tender. Ono personal Interview preferred. Consultation
troo. Correspondence strictj ) prl'ate. Hoot IM/tMrte * of Ut * > Mat Ire * . Offlo * houn 9 a , au to 9 p. m.
Bondart UJiv. lim , Suud tlamptor renU.
Many a life has been lost
because of the taste of cod-
liver oil.
If Scott's Emulsion did
nothing more than take that
taste away , it would save the
lives of some at least of those
that put off too long the
means of recovery.
It does more. It is half-
digested already. It slips
through the stomach as if by
stealth. It goes to make
strength when cod-liver oil
would be a burden.
- < r
SCOTT & COWHK , Chemists , t3 South 5lh Avcnut ,
New Vork. ' %
Your druggist Veep * Scoft's Erautuonof cod-lirrr
ell all dru uu everywhere < ! & , | i *
' ' M
To ull owners of Ints or Darts of lots on Houc-
laaktrceU frtiin SKJ | | HI root to the west line
of HOIKS & lllir ! > ei-ouil nililltioni
You : iri hereby notllied thnt the unaor-
slirnixl , tlm-o ( lUliiterostn freeholders of tliu
city of ( Jiimhi. tiure beuii dulv appointed by
lliu mavor , wtlli the approval of tliu cltcoun
cil of saitl city , to US CM the Untnacu to the
owner * respectively of the property ntTcntp < !
by thochiingoof pradoof Dociclus sirt-et. do-
cmroU nece-sary by ordlnancu No. Is' , puled
Aiicuot td , 1SD. , approved Aiizust 24tb , l9i
Vou nro further notlUed that havlut no-
ceptod SHJ ! Appointment and duly iiuallncd
as reiinlrod by law. ivo will on the fourth ( Itln
day ot November , l i at the hour of IU o'clock
In the inornlnz. HI the ulllco of Cliarlcs I * . Ilen-
amln. r-OuDortjro ttreet , irlthln the corporate
limits of said clt v. meet for the purpo e of
con lderlnz and ruaKlne asiotiiunut of dainaze
to the owners respectively of laid property
directed br said KraJlue. taking Into conslu-
erntlou special benefits. If nny.
Vou are notified to bo pretont at the tlmu
nnd place aforesaid and niato any objection
to or statements concernlnc said assessment
of damages as you may consider proper.
, , Committee of Appraiser * .
Omaha , NeU , October ZUt , J83i O'Sd jot.
'otic ' , couupttion , ijttili.ualj \
w * ib , aejhdfcLbe. bMLrtliurn , IOM or
* pt * tin. mruul d rn < iuii , i itiul i
. AVvHtlaa , LlirplM , sallow r At > lcs-4
f. , . lan. aJe tr iUaraMruultuigtrout
lapon Uoolcr a riljur * by tit Mtiucli. ll er or to
toMtwy to perform tatlr | in > tr f uncUoas. 1 'trawl
.TrtTa ( OOTr 4Uf&r arvbe&CBtAcihTtA > tnirnn aru.r *
\Ve will tend you the marrrluus
Frrucli 1'reraratlon CALTHOS
fre. . and a Ircut liuartutee that
f AI/J'HUS will It * lor - JOUP
3Irultli , NlreiiKlli aud Vigor.
t 'ie Hand far tf latticed.
Address VON MOHL CO. .
Me ioirritu lr u , U l ull , OUo.
Council Chamber , Omaha , Nob. , 15xX
lie It resolvixl bv the city council of the city
of Omiilia. the Mayor concurring :
That permaneiitiilduwalks be constructed In
tliQclty of ttmiihans deiUnateJ below , within
five days after the publication of thin resolu
tion , or the personal burrlro thereof. u bv
ordinance Is authorized nnd required ; such
BlaowulKs to bo laid to the pormuuent cridu
aacstnblUhed on the paved streets spcclfloa
herein , und to bo constructed of stone , arti I-
ficial stone , brick or tllinsr. according to speci I- II
fications on file In thuolllcaof tliu Hoard Ilf
I'ubllc Works , and under Its supervision , to-
Wit !
Knst sldo of Slth street , lot 10 , block T ,
Kountze 1'lnce , 10 feet wide , permanent
West sldo of ' "Jtli avanue. lots 0 , 7an1 S.
bloclc II. Haiiscoin I'lace. 0 feet wldo. perma
nent Krade.
Soiitli side of Hickory street , lot I. block IB.
Uanscom I'lace , G feet wide , permanent
West sldo of 3.'nd street. InH 1 to I. Inclu
sive , hlock 7. llunt > corii 1'luce. Z feet wide , per
manent vrado. rl
Ka t side of 33rid street. Iol < ! 3to2l Inclu l-
sive * block C. llunscoiu 1'iacc , 5 feet wide , por-
munent crude.
\Vesl slilo of 'r.'nd street , lo's I tor Inoliulve.
blac-U - . Euclid 1'lace. ! feet wldo , permanent
Kabt sldo of UJnd street. lots T to 13 Inclusive ,
block I , Kuoitd I'lace. Sfeet wide , nermaneiu
soutli side of I.eavenwortli street. Int-s 1 to
T Incluslvo. blook 17. Hilling. ' sitbdiv In Weit
Omaha. G feet wide , permanent srade.
rontli siiio of l.ttivontrurlu street , lotn 1 to
7 Inclusive , Dlock 17. fctintou'o subdlv In
West Omaha. C feet wide , permanent trade.
i : st blilnof i'Jtli street , lots 0 to Irt Inclusive ,
blocks , suodlvof J , 1 , Hedic.'s , 6 lect wide ,
pcrmaiiful irradu.
And , bo It farther resolved :
That the Ilourd of 1'ubllo Works be , and Is
hereby authorised and directed to CHUSU a
cony of this resolution to bo published In the
ofllcial paper of the city for ono week , or bo
served on the owners of said lota , and tout
unless such owner * shall within live days
after the publication or service of such uopy
construct said sidewalks as nerelu required ,
that tbo Hoard of 1'ubllo Works causa the
same to be done , the co-t of constructing said
sidewalks teipoctlvely to bo assessed niialnit
the real estate , lot or part of lot In trout of
and abutting sucb sidewalks.
Passed October lllli. ISth. iith. liii
President of theUltyOouuoll ,
Atteiti JOHN OltOVES.
CltvOlcrlc ,
ApproTed : OEO. P. IKM ! IS ,
Mayor ,
To the owners of tbo lots , pa-ti of. lots and
real estaUi described lu the aboro resolu
tion 11to
Vou and each of you are hereby notified to
construct permanent sidewalks as reyulrea tea
u resolution of the city council and mayor a
the city of Omaha , of wulch the above U a
copy. I' . W. UIKKIlAfSKU ,
Chairman Hoard of Pubilo Work * .
Omaha , Neu. . November 1st , Wl , nldTt
nml notice Ui tlie OIOCIOM nnd IcealntoM o
Ihoclly of Omnhnofan annual city election
of toe city of Oinntin. to bo held on Tnosdny ,
IhflMhda.r of November. ISR , for the pur-
poiaof electing ono councilman from raoh
To tlio electors nnd legal raters of tlio cltr of
Omi\ha !
I , Oporto t' . llcmK mayor of tlio city of
OniMha. < ln IMUO tin * , tny proclamation , and
bjr the authority Tinted In mo n such mayor
do hereby clvo public notion lo the elector *
nnd legal refer * of the city ot Oman * thnt nn
annual city election of the city of Omaha ,
wilt ho held In said city on Tuesday , thoolelitli
liny of November , ixii tor the ptirpcsoof clect-
Inc ono from oaoh ward.
ThppoIN shall b < > oneti on thotlay of vild
election nt eight o'clock In the morulnz and
shall contlniio open until six o'clock in the
evening o ! the SHIIIO day. nt the respective
voting place * following , to-xrlt :
riiisr wAitn I
t-S K corner 7th and Maroj
-l1J'Atrl9l'-K ! ' W
_ . ' corner Sth an
wthtreu )
corner , „ . . ,
1'lorco street.
Sth District .North side of ! 'aclflo street bs-
i ween Rth
and Tth streets.
Cth District-East sMo
of Cth street
nlth ofl Pacific street.
7ih I ) strict 5 E corner of t'ark Wild nvvntio
nl William ittrcot.
4tVOtl sth Dlstrlot-S XV eornor 10th nnd Hickory
Wli District-Si > V corner Cth and Center
street *
luth ntftrlet NV corner Pth and Ufiticroft
itruet.v nth DUwlO-N K corner 131 h nnd Vlntoit
1st DUtrlet NV corner llth nnd Jonc *
( trouts.
District N W corner nth and t'aclflo
; ird Distrlut S W corner ISth nnd I.tiaven-
worth strnol-s.
4tb District SV corner 20th and l.caven-
iTurlh streets.
sth District S E corner 23d and I.onvou-
worth streets.
uth District-Kilt sldo of South 20lb troot ,
opposite Poppleton are.
7th District S K corner J6th nnd Plorco
treet .
Mh DIstrlct-S i : corner Uth and Wllllatu
street * .
Oth District N E corner Sixteenth and Center -
tor atroots.
loth District N W corner l.'lli and Dorcas
llth DUtrlet S K corner20th snd llancroft
st rents.
I''th District N E corner 15th and Vlnton
13th District S W corner 13th nnd Valley
-I .
- roots.
llth District NEcorner20th itid llouluvnrd
ivenuu ,
Ul District SV corner 1-Ui and Chicago
-d District X W corner llth and Duron port
M District South sldo of Capitol avcnuo
i.-ir ( west of i 1 1 h street.
4th District XX'est sldo of 12th street , be
tween Douelas : ind Dodce streets.
Oth District .S K corner luth and Capitol
Oth District N E corner Uth nnd llarnoy
"lh District S E corner llth nnd Duu-las
sth Dlstrlot N E corner I3th and Jackson
Jth Dlstrlot S E coruor 13th and Howard
1st District N W corner Ktli and Davenport
it red Is.
' 'nd DUtrlet N W corner 2nd and Davenport
Jrd District NV corner 25th und DodRC
> t runts.
4th District N E corner 17th and
> truots.
Stn Dlstrlot N E corner ITtli aud llnrney
i tree Is.
Uth District N W corner 20th and Douglas
Tth District NV corner SCth strcot and St.
.aryN nvonue.
Sth District \Vcornur20th street and St.
'lary's ' avenue.
'Jth Dlstrlot East side of fouth 19th street ,
utwcen Harney strcot and St. Mary'samnuo.
ICth District N XV cornnr ISth nnd Ivexven-
vorth streets.
llth DHtrlct-SW corner 17th utrcot and St
Mnry's avenuo.
1st District East slJeof Sherman avenue
opposite Manderson street.
I'nrJ District B C corner Sherman avenue
ind Wlrt strcot.
: ird District S W corner Shnrman avenue
ind Lane struct.
4th DUtrlet N W corner Sherman avenue
.nd Grace street.
5th District S W corner 17th and Cbnrloi
Oth District East sldoof Shzrmnn avcnuo
itioiu 'Di foot north of Nicholas street.
7th District d E corner ICth and Izard
Sth District X Wcornor ICth nnd Hurt
Uth District N E cornet 15th nnd Cass
10th District East side Xorth 17th street bo-
woon California nnrt strcpls.
llth District S E corner Ibth rnd Cass
1st District S E corner'.Mth strcot nnd Ames
i venue.
2nn DIstrlct-S AV corner iiCth strcot und
irand HVUIIUO.
lird District N E coruor 45th and Grant
Kb District S W corner''lib and Manderson
51 h DUtrlet SE corner 2lt li nnd Wlrt streets.
6th DUtrlct S W corner ard and 1'arKor
itreeu ,
7th DHtrict N W corner 24th aid Corby
bth District N E corner 27th and Burdette
ath District N E coruor 22ud and Grant
struts is.
luib District N W corner 23th nnd Krnnklln
llth District S W corner 24lh and Franklin
ISth District S W corner 2Jnd nnO Clart
Jst District S W corner 2sth and Mason
\trcL-t < i.
2nd DUtrlet N f. corner 29th avenue and
I'opulotim Hveiiue.
: < rd District S XV corner ' "Jth street nnd
V.'oolworth avcnuo.
4lh District N W corner COth street and
\rbor streot.
.Mh District ? oulli nlilo of Vlnton street
near ( east of ) south : cd uvonne.
6lh DlstrlcV-S E corner : wth avenue and
I'upplcton nxunuo.
Tin DUtrlet NV coruor "Hh and Francis
1st Dlstrlot East sldo ofCth street near
isouth ofi Clnirles street.
2nd District Wo-.t side of 2:5d : Blroct uoar
( south of ) Puul street.
3rd District N W corner fdtli and Nicholas
Uli District N E corner 29th and Cumins
Sth District West side of North 2.1th street
near ( north oO C'umliiK stroot.
fith District S KcorporS.'d and Hurt stroots.
7th District SV corner Wlh und Casi
NINTH VVAlll ) .
1st District S W corner X'd and Cumins
' streets , "
"d District N W .corner 40th and Oumlng
ad District S K corner 10th nnd Farnau :
4lh District North side of Davenport street
near ( u t of ) North led nvunuo.
Sth district S E corner 31st nvenuo and
Dodce elrciit.
Uth District S W corner 29th avenue anil
iHcktiin treet ,
In witness whereof I 1'pvq ' liorniinlo sot my
band us mavor of ( .aid city of Omaha , : hia
17th day of October , I vJi
OF.O. I' . HHMIS. Mayor.
Attest : Joli.vGiiovKs. Olty ( Jiork. ol ! d'lt
To tliu owner * of nil lots or parts of lots front
ing on Ducjtur struel from iTJth to Uut
slroot :
Vou are hereby notlliod tint the under-
slencd. threodlslnteri'sted freeholder , of the
City of Omahu , btvg : been duly appointed by
lliu mayor , with thuupnrovulof tliu city coun
cil of Mid oily , to nbse > s the damizo to the.
owners respectively of the property affectoj
uy cradln ; : of Dccatur from Will to 31st
streets , declared neocssary by ordlniiiico
pati-ea October 7 , IbX' , upprovod October
10.Vou ara further notlllod , that liavlnz ae
copti'il suld nuiHiliitniunt. und duly iiualllled
UH required by U\r. we will , ou tlio 'Jth day of
NovuniUor. A. D. ! S3i at the liourof Uo'clouk
In the aflnrnoon , nt tno oflleu of ( ioorzo J.
I'mil , 10)5 riirnum street , wltulii thu corporate
limits of inld city , meat for the purpose leo
couklderlnK ana m-ikln ; the lusciguiunt of
U am use to tbo owners respectively of said
property affected by suld Krndlnit. tiklni ; into
conclderatlon special benefit * . If any.
Vou are notified to bo present nt the DO
aud plice aforesaid , aud make uny n *
lo or statements concerning said usseastnout
ot danajps as you may consider proper.
J. 1' . FLACK.
Omaha , Dot. U , 1K > 2.
11 v
J-JJ-U.p ) e KLECTltO-MCIl-
.iLTUltJUVA.VU I'llilTI f'
II , II. IIL.IHS . , IOWA l'ALtS. IntTA.
Proclntnatlon ann nollcoof ihml lon lo the
electors nnd lfl M voters of tlio cit r of
Omaha of the question of lonlnn bonds of
tbo city of Omahn In thn amount ot ono hun-
dre < l tboutnnd dollars iflOXOX ) ) to pay for the
construction nnd maintenance of sewers In
the city of Omnhn.
To the electors and local voters of the city of
Omaha !
I. ( Jeoreo P Itoml * . mnror ot the cllr ot
Omnha , do Ustto this , my proclamation , and
by the Htithorily vo teJ in mo i such mnyor.
dohuroby clvn public lint Ice t ) the cleetor *
nnd lainl voters of the elty of Onialn. tnat n
crneral Bloctloii will Uo held In .tld elty on
Tuesday thp lirlitlnlny of November , 1S.C , for
he iittrpmo of submitting lo nld elootors and
pf\ \ voters the ntiostlon nnn propj ltlon fol-
owlnc. to-wit :
" .whnll bonds of the city of Omnlin in the
sum ot onn Ir.iinlrod thoiianil dollars
IITO-WXM bo Ns-iu-d for the ctmMrnetion nnil
innlntciinnee of sewer * , lo run not tuoru than
twenty , to dr.iw interest not to ct-
eecd livelier rent per nmium. with Interest
ro Don minsNod theri'lo , nud not to l > o sold
for les tliQii par , tlio nroccoiU from llio * > ale
thereof to bo oxpendiil for tlio coii trncilon
nnd niiilntciinneo of o ci- < In the city nt
Omahn , nnd the prticcCiN thetcnf not lu be dl-
\erton from thn cibjr 'ts t lie-win pC"IIItMl , ' '
Ttipaii < iine | < tlnn und iirupiKit'cii shall be
submitted lo stld nle.'tor ent ro In the proptr
! form provldp.l bv Inw fur olllelnl Imllols with
th. wordx "Vl > . "Mi , " printed tliert'Oti All
of , said bailotht : \ Inc an "X" inNrH fullon in
the word VKS" shnll boeounted In lor of
Isfiilnz ntd bouils siud all uf inld luiluit'
havlnj ; nil " .X" mark follunln : the word
"NO" - < linll ho voutiti'tl mill considotetl nt
nculu't the UviliU of said b iitdv
Th < ; polM'hnll I'oopciion tile liny ot sahl
election nt i-lehl o'cKu-k In the morning anil
sliHll continue npen until six o'clock lit the
evunlnsof the inmo day nt tinru'pectlvo
\olln ? places , as follows :
iln > r w A 11 o
t ii UlslrlotS B corner 7th and Mnng
ind Dlstrlol-N corner Sth and I.eavcn
forth itrt'Cts.
gtJfJ : Dlstrlct-N K corner 12th and Jones
" . 4J' " 's\rIct ' \ I'lorcu , S itret't. K cofncr 13th aid Orst nllsy
5th District- North side of PaclOo street In-
twi-cn 6th
nnd 7th struets.
l'UUf'ir.101 ' ' , ; K'lst "lljo ° r 6tl' * lroemcar
) street.
i'ltili1trlol ? B K tuwiorof Park WHd nveinio
anrt Wlllliim
sth District -H W corner 10th aud Hickory
Uth DIstrlct-S > V corner Cth nud Center
street *
luth Dlstrlct-N W eornor Uth nnd llnncroft
ttreots ,
llth Dlstrlct-N B corner 13th and Vlnton
srco.M ) WAIUI.
1st Dlstrlot NV corner llth nnd Jones
-'nd Dlstrlct-N W '
corner lath and I'aclGo
Jru DUtrlet S W corner Ifllh nud I.ea ci > -
worth streots.
4tb Distrlet-S W t-urnor 2)th ) nnd I iavoa-
worlh streets.
5th D.ktrlet S K corner 2Jd and Leaven-
worth streets.
oth Dlstr.ct-Bisl ' sldo of South 23th street ,
oppcisuo 1'oppleton are.
7th DIstrlct-S B corner 10th and Plorco
street * .
Mh DIstrlct-S E corner 14th and William
struct *
t'tli Dlstrlct-N E corner Sl.tteonth and Cen
ter 8 tree 13.
Mth DKtrlet-N W comer IHh. nnd Dorcas
llth Dlstrict-S P. corner ttHh it.d Haucroft
12th Dlstrict-iV E corner 13th und Vlnton
t roots.
13lh Distrlnt-S W corner mn nnd Valley
llth District-NT ! corner 2Jth ind Houlovard
Til I IIIVAttlt. \ .
1st D.strlct-S W corner l-'th nnd Chicago
2d District N Wooruer tlth and Davenport
M District-South sldo of Capitol nvciiuo
near ( west oft liiih Mreot.
4tb District West side of 12th street , be
tween DuiiKlas ami Dodue streets.
ftth District N K corner lutn and Capitol
uth District N K corner Uth and Harnoy
7th uistrlct-S E corner llth and Doujlas
rth District N E corner 13th and Jaoksou
Uth District S E corner 10th and Howard
t reels-
1st District N W corner 17th and DavonpoM
2nd District N W corner 2ind aud Davenport
ard District N W corner 25th and Dudgu
ii reels.
4th District N E corner 17th aud Dodge
5tn Dlstrlot N E oornor I7th nnd Harnoy
Gth District N W corner 20th aud Douglas
7tu ' District N W corner 2Cth street and SI.
ilury's nvenuo.
Sth ' District S W corner 2tfth street and St.
Mary's nvenuu.
Dili Distrlut E.-istsliloof Foiith 1'Jth street ,
.otweeti Harney street HIK ! St. Mary'savoutia.
luth Dislrcl N W-iornur lath nnd Loivon-
worth streets.
llth ' District S W corner 17th street aud Su
Urv's avcnuo.
1st District Easi si loot Sherman avcnuo
> pposte ! Manclersun street.
- ml District S K corner Sherman avenue
and Wlrt struct.
Jrd S W corner SliHrman avenue
ind L.IKU stieoU
4ib Distrlut N W eorneV Shorraan avenue
.ind Grace street.
.Uh District S W corner 17th and Cbarlca
Cth District East side of Sherman avcnuo
ihout.'ll ) feet north of Nicholus street.
7th District H E corner IGlh and Izard
Sth District N W corner 16th and liurl
'Jth District N E corner 15th and 'Cais
10th District Hast sldo North 17th street between -
tween California and Cuss htrtels.
llth Dlotrlct a E corner 16th and Oasi
1st District S E comer 24th street and Amoi
2nU District S W corner CCth street and
( irand avunuo.
; < rd District N E corner 45th and Grant
lib District S W corner 21th and Manderson
. th District SE comer 21th and Wlrt itrreU.
Gtn District ii W corner ) rd and ParKer
tro ts.
"th District NV corner 21th aad Corby
Mh Dlstrlct-N K corner 27th and Uurdetto
street * .
Uth District N E corner -'nd and Grant
1 ah District N W corner 2Sth and 1'rnnkIIn
street * .
llth District S W corner 24th and Franklin
K'th District S W corner nd and Claru
stroetH ,
1st Distrlut S W corner 2dlb and Maaon
it reels.
2nd District N I. corner -Jth avenue and
Populbton nvenuo.
: < rd DIs'.rlut 9 W corner 29th street aud
Wool worth avenue.
4th District N W corner Mth street and
Arbor street.
5th District South sldo of Vlnton street
near ( cast of ) south : l nvonun.
Cth District S E corner CSOth avenue and
Poppleton uvonuc.
7tn District N W corner 3t > i nnd Francla
EinilTlI WAI1U
1st District Hust Hiilu of 2Cth street near
.south uf i Chant" street.
2nd District West bide it 23 < 1 street near
'south ' ot ) Puul struct.
arJ Dutrlcl N W unrnor 20th uud Nlcholux
4th Dlstrlot N E corner 29th and Ouininz
5th District West sldo ot North 23th street
near ( iiurth of ) Cumliu street.
Ctb District S E eori'er-'d ' und Hurt streets.
7th Dlstrict-S W corner vOth and Caai
ItlNTII WAnll.
1st District S W corner tfd and Cumlnz
streets ,
2d DUtrlet N W corner 40th and Oiimlnj
M Distrlct- E corner 4iith und Farnum
4th District North silo of Davenpgrt ctreet
near ( west of ) North 31 avonuo.
6th district S K rorucr 31st avenue and
Dud 10 street.
Cth DUtrlet S W coruor 29th attnue UD'J
Jnrksontrfnt. .
In wltnos * H hereof 1 Invo hereunto set my
hand as mayor of said city of Omaha this
> tJiKMIgMayor
( <
Attest : JOHN GIIOVUS. City Clerk.
National Bank.
Capital $103,031
Surplus $03CDD
GrHeeri and Dlrectori llenrr W. Vato . proildeai
tt. C. CuiblDi. floe proilJeai. ( X A. Muurl c. W V
Mor.o.JoUo * . Colllui J. X. IL Patrick. VA
Ueed. tulitcr ,