6 THE OMA1TA DAILY BF.fi1 MONDAY HI. 1ST2 GRAND ARMY DEPARTMENT Address of the Union Vetornn Leogin of Iow.i to Their Comrades. FACTS FOR SOLDIERS TO CONSIDER htlirlncricil | | for Mijoroin VorJ < Aculint Tire'r.npiiiliii of I.ojiiHy Itrcollcrtloiu of n Soldlrr \ \ Im Ullno cil llio Iliiinbardineiit of Suinlor. The Iowa division of the Union Votornn League of America Iris issued it circular to members of the order glvlnq convincing rctaons why they should wotk and vote for nonjamln Hnrrlbon. Uxtrncts fiom the addresses of General Daniel 11 Sickles , the one- lecrgcd hero of Gettysburg , nto given , in ono ot which ho nld : "I do- not feel lilto RuppnrtHir nny man who his trcalod the old soldiers the way Mr. Cleveland 1m trolled thorn. Uy his Instills ho sent General McClcllnn with n briMun hoar1 to the gr.ivo. t fool as the old soldier docs. I toll jou , sir. the old soldier will not vote for Cleveland. Ho c.innotcrtny Now York' . " These are Bupplcmciitod with oxtraota from fcouthoin newspapers denouncing union Eoldlors and calling pensioners "bog- ' " ' ' " . " gars1 "looloirt' and "pillagers. The circular quotes President Har rison'- , splendid tribute 10 llioctcuins in his let tor of acroptunco , and con cludes IIB follows : "J'vcry member ot llio Union Veteran League of Iowa feels the necessity of urging cverv comrade of tl o gi'3'it army who fought to si\o the union lo do hl'j dulv this fail as ho did it In ISiil-O" ) , by voting for tint pa'lint ' soldier and Gtatosimin , lionjimln llnrrNon. "Let others carp. If tliuy wish , about oxponsho pension IcgMaHon ; we , Iho BoldiotP , not only believe , but know whatever Ibis great government may give the Rurvlvorsof llio war will bo but a pinall recompense for Iho noble Borvlcolhoicndored Ihoir country , llio sufferings they endured , and llio multi tude of perils they oncounlcicd. " 1'von soldier who wore the blno and did his ikity permitted these who stayed nl homo to reap the rich harvest of wealth or lo finish Ihoir cducilhn and prepare Ihomsolves for llio struirglo of life : and therefore ho lias Iho right lo fcol that hib country should at least bo just to him , not by way of chatity but justice , and this can onlybodoneby fair pension laws , favored by President Harrison and opposed bj Giovor Cleveland and his rebel supporters " s i\v Tort Suintrr lliinib irdcd. Charles P. Daloy , sergeant United Slates army , roth o I , wtitcs lo Iho Washington Star llio following inter esting account of what ho saw of the bombardment of Fort Sumtor : When South Carolina had sounded the tocsin of secession I was in Boston , and although a moro boy Ias brimful of fight. 1 wanted logo outright awiy and do up the whole of South Carolina in less than no limo. I started for tlio recruiting ollico right away , carrying with mo \\ritton permit from a bogus guaidinn. I was enlisted at once and packet ! off to Governor's Island. N. Y. , in company with nine or ton other ro- crulls. The steamship Star of the West was getting ready to tnlco out loinforco- monts to Major Anderson at Foil Smn- tor , ho having evacuated Port Moultric for the bolter security of his garrison nt Sumtor. Anderson requested General Scott and llio ro st of the nuthoriticsnt Washington to send him reinforcements , as ho was menaced on every side ; but to all his pleadings ho got a deaf car until secession had flopped in and Inkon root in Foi t Moultrio. It was not until then thai Scolt ordered out the Star of the West with a few men , not ono of whom they ever landed , for the robs fired a KUII or two from the vicinity efFort Fort Moultrio at the ship ; the captain got knock-kneed through fear , put 'ils ship about and loturncd to Now York The Uullic win got in readiness imtno- ditilely , and about pix months' provi sions put on board , and a bittalion of about 117o mon , picked or selected from about COO recruits then on Governor's Island. Fiist Iho old soldiers who hnU Eoen service before were chosen , and next ihft mosl expert of the young ro- crulla , ot which I had the honor to bo a fair specimen , being nn export wills the imibkot. Wo got on board about thirty email boats , with mnlllcd oars , so wo could btoal into Iho garrison at Sumtor. Wo had our oarsmen and markbtnon all selected before wo left Now Yoik. Hut whllo these preparations wcro going on Bomo traitors in our vicinity gave the whole thing away by telegraph to Charleston , so when wo got there every thing was in icadinosstogivous a warm rceontion should we attempt to land at Sumtcr. livoty sailboat in Charleston was brought into commission and armed with brass howitzers. Wo could BOO thorn running hick and forth bo- twcon our ship and the foi t. Wo were mot at Uhai loston bar by Ihroo men-of- war , vi/ . , Ibo Pawnee , the cutter liar- riot I.ano and another whoso name I c in- not now remember. Wo got there junt in time to wilnoss Iho bombardinunl. Wo gel to the bar about midnight , The BCII wns awful rouirh just Ihon or wo should have attempted to land by our small boats. As It was , wo lowered two , but ouch was swamped as soon as It touched Iho breakois , eo wo had to give up the idea of running In just thon. At about 1:15 : a. m. the first gun was fired from Moultrio. The shot fell short about twenty-live or thirty yards from Sumtor. and immediately after nil llio butteries around opened llro simultane ously. Tholr firing was wild at Ural , but after a while they got the range pretty accurately , BO Unit I could count as many as twenty bholls in quick suc cession but sling uloao , right ever Sum- tor. This was continued for neatly two lioui'f , and wo begun to think that. Anderson and his mon hod loft the foi t sometime during the night and that tlio iobol wore filing at nn empty fort , as wo saw no ehot llrod from it during all this time of notirly two hours' bombardment. At nbout 0 a.m. , us I was straining my eyes to see what tlio matter wns with tlio'lit tle garrison , I saw the old stars and stripes hoisted or run up , and a few minutes after wo saw a smoke niul a Hash from Uro guns in quick succession. then iinolhornml another , atintorvalsof about two minutes , all from the lower tier of guns. The fourth or llfth shot dismounted one of the Fort Moultrio guns Wo could see a gro t deal of con fusion among the robs. It must have been a solid bhot , as it did not oxplodo. A little while titter some woodwork in Sumlcr caught fire and made a big bluzo , and shortly nfior the upper or tou of the llflgblatf was bhot down , car rying the flag with it. It was soon hoisted again. The firing from Sum- tor became slower and flower , until 1 there was an interval of about ( Ifloon minutes between thoU , which led us 1t imagine that there weren't enough loft : to tmn two Runs , find the llttlo pirrlson must no nearly wipe it out Aflor n \vlillo wo snw n Rinull boat Rkhntnln ? ncroji front Port Moultrio , nml in It nenrotl Sumtor n whlto llup wns rnlsoil on It. The firing consult uiul wo nondutlott AntloMon hud Riirrontlorctl , but wo were mUtiikon for the lout went kick und firing wii3 rosiunod. H wns not until some time nftor that nnothor bo it crossed nnd Atulor-01 sttrrondorod condltlonnlly. Ilo and Ills cominnnd woio brouuht to ourihlp by n llttlo steamer cnllotl tlio Isnbollo. 'Thoy brought nil tholr small nrms , ammunition and stiull military stores They didn't have o\on u hiird- tnclc to subsist on when tliuy cimo to our Bhlj ) . They wo-o as hungry as wolvoi. C'anlnln Clicslor , now of the Third nt'tlllory , wns a sorgonnt at Iho lima. 1 hnlpad him up the gnnuwny. The liltio stc.imcr th it broujjlit t icm nlongsltlo was so low that they Imil to do climbing to trut nbonrd of our ship. I will Hlalo a llttlo incident Hint occurred which cnmo very near sending ono rob to his kingdom como. When the last of Anderson's men c.uno aboard llio Mars and stilpas. which were llo illng al the foremast of thn llttlo steamer. was grossly insulted bv an ugly-looking clodhopper - hopper who whipped out his jackkuifo , gave ono rip lo tlio haly.tt d and brought down the old ling splashing in the Hue. I iiiisod my musket ( which was loaded ) to my shoulder , but juit as I w is draw ing 'a Mire slant on that hayseed rob an olllcor who was alanllng behind mo ciMspi'd the musket from me. 1 told the oilh'fir it was n shame to see the old Hair insiiltol in tint manner. Whllo the bombudmont was going on tlio gun- b ) ats bla/od away at tbo sand ballcrlos along the shore on Sullivan's ishi'id and sileni'cd some of the guns there. When Major Andei'ion and bis command caiuo on ho i nt a salute was fired by the LMIII- boits and wo sl.irtod for Now York wilh thai Iilllo garrleon of saventy-lwo men , i-ari" , ing with us alsopirt of the Sumlpr ll.igalitl with Iho .post Hag nailed to tl.Vhon wo got hi front of the baltcrv at New Yoric there was Croat e.seilcment. The people on Iho bitlury could bo counted by thousands. The i'iowd w.is so denbjly paeko 1 there and so oscltod that Major Anderson could not land thut'o thon. How ho landed l after I do not know , us wo. the roiiiforeomunt , , woio landed ut Fort Wood , L.cdloe s Island , where now sttindi Iho bt'itu of Llborty , and in u daor two after seine of us were tr.ins- foi'icd to Kurt Hamilton , where wo wore assigned to the Third United States In- f.mtry. i\ Not llilo Ncbrisk l ITnlon. The cnmpllro at John J. Ilalloran's farm rosideiiL'o last Thursday night was ono of the greatest successes in u soeml \\ajo\crlicldin Holt county , says the O'Neill L'Yonlior. It was a neighbor hood reunion of the veterans of the war and their friends , and was most liberally attended , there bolnjj at Icist 100 paoplo Mr. and Mrs. Ilalloran nnd their daughters Mary and Delia , assisted by some of their neighbor * , had made ample preparations for the entertain ment of their guests , and they acquitted themselves so creditably that the affair will long bo remembered by every man , woman and child present as ono of the pliMSiml alTnirs of life. Theio was plenty lo cut and drink for all comers , and no bishfulness was felt in taking "rig-lit hold. " A largo pavilion had boon orectodon Ihooal side of Iho house and hero the supper was served and the bpoaklntr took place. A nice little program had boon prepared nnd was carried out cred itably. Colonel A. L Towlo noting as chief fugleman. Key. DoL'unnler invoked divine blessing in a very becoming manner. W I ) . Mathowj , in baliilf of Mr. Ilalloran , welcomed the people to Ibo festivities , and turned o\or the house and farm lo Ihoir use. Colonel Towlo in his usual happy manner responded , and when ho had finished all wcro good nalutcd. Colonel Strong ot Omaha , command or of Ilalloran's roglracnt , was present by special Invitation , and being called on made some remarks lo Iho boys which were apparently applicable. The colonel said it was his muidcn speech , but ho talked like a votoian. His references lo John Kent , Jim Wlulchoad , Pat Gaha- g in and Jack Ilalloran , his boys who were present , wcro of intoicst to all. .Tohnnj Kent was a drummer boy , son of a widow , vho entered at 12 ioar'b of ago. He was at 11 years of ago mustered out on account of illness , a skele ton weighing only sixty-fix o pounds , and bent homo to his mother to die. Hut ho didn't die , and came up f torn Omaha with the colonel to see his old friends and comrades , Jack and Pat and Jim , nnd was over six foot high and weighed 00 pounds. Of Jim Whltohcnd Iho colonel said no btavor man over Oiouldoro ' a musket , and as an illustra tion told this : Upon ono occasion it was nercss.iry to have fifteen men for work thai meant almost certain death it was ninety-nine chances in 100 and volun- l"oi"j woio called for. Tlio flrnt man lo slop oul of llio ranks was Whiloiicad. Colonel Strong and Jack Ilnloran anil Pat Gabagan were the bravest of biavo Irish boys , exemplary soldiers and ho was mighty glad to see thorn once moro. .lames Whitoiioad followed with a few remarks to his commander's that were very applicable. Ho admitted tbo bravery ot the old soldiers as referred to by the other speakers , but was of the opinion lh.il Iho boys of today if callo.1 on would prove as bravo as did the boys of ' (11. Spoakinc for the Rons of Veteran Chnrllo Towlo covered himself with glory nnd secured many compliments. Doe MathowH also mndo brief remarks on this subject. Prof. 1J. W. Hunt wns then called to the front The speaker Bald ho foil ralhor out of place before buoh a gather ing , as ho was ucithor a veteran nor iho son of a veteran. Hut the professor i equal lo nny occasion , and ho explained - plained how hl& father , from disiblllty was unable lo do duty , but aided in mis- ing a company , und that lie as a kid hiu carried grub to the darkies m iho hay loft in the barn while they were on thoii way north. The OKorcisos were Interspersed will , vocal and inslrumonlal music. The song , "Wo Have Drunk from Iho Suno Canleon. " was oxceplioimlly line am well tendered , Voluntary remarks by comrades wcro called for and Flommlng , Skollon.Gaha pan , Slnltjry , Kent , Gould , Waller Pond and olhors responded , and for i llmo it boomed llko an old-fiuhlonet Methodist experience meeting. G ilia gan tier-la * ed lhat Colonel Slrongsavei his llfo. They were in Libby prlsoi. togolhor. Pat w n conllnod in n room ever where the colonel was confined. Pal was oul of tobacco and money , and alllrms ho was dying for some of the former article. Uy moans of a note and a string ho acquainted his colonel with his condition , who responded by ulvinir Pat all the money he bed. Many anecdotes wore told of more or loss Interest. The affair did not como to a windup until near midnight , when the good nights and goodbyes woio stud , all ex pressing themselves a having had a splendid time. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Wheat RilHos at Lnt A ftr ) Touching the Lowest Feint. HEAVY EXPORTS WARNED THE SHORTS Them Win t : < pnriil Drcnnliorliont , \Vhlcli Win lleriTlly by Armour anil OtUrn Stock * mill llomH. Cotc oo. Til. . Oct. SO. Whoit rillloil nt last today , utter ImvlnR touched the lo oit po nt rencliod In ( hoyoar * . lloavy oxnorti ni'tlns i\s A warning slennl to shorts produced thonp- wnnl ch insc. On tlio limit utcnlc tlio prleo cnt 'to ' uii lor toT.'o a bmlicl for Dccotnbrr dolhury , n drop of ls o In nn hour. Conii | roil with yostordnv's closlns lUurci who it tonlelii sliowi from Uc to to enln , wlillo corn Is off from ' , < - to Ha I'rovlslo.ii gonorntly o\lillilt asubitnntl.il nilvnnco , pirtloiil'irly Ootobcr rllii \Vlioitforitliiiosooincd utterly domoril- l/cd. ciblo ? wora Ronorillv lower , the receipts wcro hoi\y uvorrwliurj.in I Im iton wuro tlls- coiu iced itnd Bonoril llipild itlon w is the rule. Nuiiioroiisstop-lo s order ) boa uno o - urillvo mil country sallln ? orduMoro nuiiinrous. Thuro wasmpocl.il woiil.nt'is In llocombor nlieiil , which w is sold heavily by Armour , ComisL'lmnn X Diy , 1'lwnrls and Olliln. I'liidrldRosold Muy vnoioualy , and thocronil w-is nnor-illy on the soiling sldu. Diirlnj ; tlio first hour thu market mudo llio lowest record of the crop , but on tliobrc.iK llio dumnml be- uan to lniprn\n. and l.o an , Italley. .Mllmlno- Itodiiiuii and olhoroio llboril lm\ois mid llio early short sollura bozun to taUo baclv what they h id sold. About the stftno time too. the news bos in to t iKo o > ! a tnoro omoiir ijhu iispu.'t Now Yo.-U rcportu 1 th it 011.03) bu , had been t il.cn J there for oiport ; Ml.QJOof IC-iti .iH who it Wns s lid to IIHSO bL-Bii .olil ut Kalis is Oity foi a\- port , by llio war of Xuiv ( trio nn .mil I.VIO.O 0 Im more wassild to bo under conti rot , und would ' co out as 4ion ( as tlio Insnaollon could busucuiod I Ili.iiUtroct UMH | repotti'il tin ) c\- Dorts from tlio coistsfor tlio woolc ut 4TOS.OO ) tin. iiealnst tluTOTOJ bu. for llio \\uok proslous. All thU soon ch inied ihosonllmcnt. Theio w is i douldcd ral v and llio market ho'd iiillu | sto idy at Ibo iiilx.inuc , thoiiKli It " is " "I'l ' thn liuslnoss ut Kansas Oil v was old builnosTho estimate on the vlslblu suinilv IIIUIOIIMO for Monday was reduced to about ' - . ' , " > 0idO ) bu The opoinn ; -s from ' ' ! lo ' o lower thin yoslerday's closing , ruled woilc and prltos further Uu- ( . llncil "acorso. followed by an idvnncuof tor M.iy mid l'8o for Do umbolluetu itod some , and eloilni ; was from 'ao to ' 10 from tlio IonTlio Tlio corn mirl > ot started out for a smash In prices this moinln- . The hcaxy movement , the urUlit und cooler w anther , llio uiuleUy eoiidltlon of wlioal. the llrst hour ooiitilliutod to the weiKiiest. The i-ecohon uiul ahlpora | ) ami tilings cniierally prot-ooded lo dump corn In llio pit The sellliiB w.is loU by I'atton , llutlott-fr./ler hiul Andrews of 110 clliino. The break was stopped by tlmelv buj In t bv a finv parties. Not only w is the duclluo ehi'iiKud. but Chimplln. lloyiicn > V Co for Cndahv anil Wrisht. coiitlnuoil buylns until the mirltotTIS riisliod up to the best llzuros of thu day At llio opeultu lnltl.il nudes were at fio'n 'ao to ' c decline and on s ilea so'd oft 'no and ro.voted utf'ilii O.ns followed corn closely all day. There wjs moder.ilo sol IIIK on the-.jtt spots and buyliu on llio I ite ulv.inoe , 'llio Lull clliiim In provisions nsnln took ho d of ti.o nmrl-ct after letting It i'15 forsovoral days inu thorp- sultwasadeo do I upturn In uilec- . all -irontut. The ad\anca In .l.inuaiy pirk onthoeiuly Iraillne w.is noirlva- ) , ird w is Did up To foi sovemhor and . ) inn uy. Ulb- > . .ulmeed iLss than lie for .1 inn uy , hut Ihe fancy ( leillu O-iolidr i bs was nnlvcd with con- slduniblo force. After mtJday nl' ' I'lstwas noi'CLteditid the whole holy of tridors massed .1 round a few pirtlosvilio were Irvine to effect trades In tlb'j for the imvith I'lmllv soinooiio I ought VOjO ) at $11.13 This lucre i cd the Interest and thccloao was atll'.T ) . i jump of 7io from l-ist nl 'it ' Shippers wore mi ihlo to force a reduction fioin thu previous ralo of 'J'.o foi wheat mid -o for corn to ItulTalo. Kstlmatou receipts of IIOKS for no\t weel , . I'lli.uOU lic.'i'l. Itocolpts for correspond In ; week liistyoai.aj-ii ! hcid 'Ino leading futures rJiisen as follows1 AHTICI rs oi'i < . Win AT No . ' Octouer. . . . 70V I loco in bo r . 70 ? i. Mny 78 77'J COHN o i October. . . , Dccombor. . 40' ' i Slay 404 OATS No 2 hoTcraber . December. . . M y ilPSS TOIIK November . II ! H ) vj Jnminry . . . U 23 13 U7'-s ' ( zg LAUD November 7671. , 70 r 81 Jaimnry. . . . 47W Snoiir lUns- Octobcr 00 I 75 Jaminry. . . . i B ) I 771 0 isb iuotiiilotis ) were us follow : , : I'l.ouu Dull and uiulnn.'cd. \V UKTNo. . 'J Kprln. . tUc ) ! No. : ) spriiij , 53 © 0'i'ic : No Jrml. d'l'iC ' ( . 'OILS .No. S. 4J'C ! No , ' \ HT'Jc. ' OATS No. - ' . iOo : No. 'J nhlto , f. o. b , SHlfl.nc : No It white. Jl(3 ( : ) . > 1jc. U K-No ' . ' . IS'i- ' . lUiii.ci No a , We ; N'o a , f. o b , 4108c ; No 4 , f. o b . I' i.\xfcBii-o ! i..nu. TiMOTiivSici ) I'r me , 4I.K5. 1'niiK Mess , poi bbl. . ill S7iI2.0l ; lard , jior 10ilbs.850 ! short libs , sides ( loose ) , T.slRi II 7J : dry s iltod shouiaers ( b.isoil ) . 57.4'iQ 7.1l ! short clear si Ics ( lHi\ed ) . 8.t "as.11. WIIISKV Disllllcis' Ilulshed Koods , par g il , , SI. 11 Unohanzod : cut loif. cd , .Vjo : stundaid "A , " r > ' 0c. ami shipments today wuro as fol lows : j , > ( lee SV ) OJJ li.OJO JfcOW I8\OC. MJOW Sllllil. SSIWJ 70W I4io.ii tit eOn On the 1'roduco o\eh in.'e to lav llio bnitor marliPt was firm ; cm iniery , UlS.'fto : dalrv , ISQ Sic. Kgijs , steady. Slrloll > fresli. twa.'lc. hi. ! < enl < .11 irlceix , ST. Louis , Jlo . Oct. l"-I ) i.ouu-Dull mil unh uiKcd. WIIKAP Doolinrd ' 8o onrly , limn nilvinroil I'aQl'ie. l/iter It dionpod a aln. but close I " ,0 above yosturJiiy. U.ih'i ' tlosoil a sh ulo oil atUI'afi * 'ic ; Noxombor , O'i'n as.l.oi ; Decom- bei , dfU" : May , 7 c. I'oiiN Unsli mid Oolober closed lower , at , ' 17'iC. ' Options eld-sod ' 5u on , but icovcrod ) an ' r < uwur : oifeiuJ at , ' > ; c. V ijulct ; sample lots of Minnesota at ItllAN Dull utMU'iia east li.iok. II * t I'lioliaiue.l ; pialr.e , uO9.00 : tim othy. jO.WrtclllU I , -tl.7U3J71i spoltoniuletatil.13. I iA\tin D Lower in Si 07. Hi'TiEli I iichangcd ; eioameiy , 23S3oo ( itiliv. 15 © 'If. rods-lJncliHiised at I OOII.N MBAI. Unchiiised \SlllNKV-Qulut ill , * ! . Ill IIAOOIMJ UnulKiiip'ol at * 1 7.171,1 S ) . COTTON Tius t'lithan odiitfl 1' . I'linvisiONs Pull and ritheroisy. but tint ( uiolablv chanuoj ; only a Himill job truilo done. I'ork , jobljln. . flibO l < md , Wsostnai Drvsalt muiitH. loososh'inldors. * J.7l ! loius nml rlbi. JMO : ehorl , $4.10 ; strips , } i. ii."J llosod lots l,1o more llacon , bhoulduis , JT.'iJi t . ' i. .Su-MrPiirod hums , i. . . . KKCUI'IM I'lour. fo 10 bbis.t whoit. in,033 : bu , ; corn. III.001 Im t oils , su.OJJbu.j rye , 10,000 bo.t Inn loy , | l.o > ohii , biiii'Mi.NT * 1'ioiir , 6.003 bbis.t wlmt. 2S.OOO buI torn , : ! 7ouo bu , ; o u > , L'I.OJJ bti.i lye , li.OJ ) bu ; b.irluy , HOMO. Noir Vouc At irluitn. New VOIIK , Oct. iN.-rr.oiw-UocolpU. 37.027 pkjjs ; uxuortH , il.'il bUls ; inurUcidull und \\unK ; hiilus , tuill ijb's. COIIN MIAI : , Stuady lint dull ; yellow wost- urn. t LOJ&i 110 , VViiKAT-ltocolptB. 01,01) ) bu , : exports , 101- oa ? bu ; biloa , .f Uo.O > 0 On of futures. .Spots dull but nominally Htuidy : No - red. ? 3ti ( "l 'u In btoro und clo\.ilnj d7l nllout ; 7I'4'U.7 > 1 > " f. o , bt No J i cd , o7)iu ) : No. 1 uortliern , fi.il'ilS io ; No. - iiortborn,7l'tc. ' Optloui were falrlv acllvo , oxultoj uiul rather Irronl irs DUJIIDI ! nuux mi I doullni'd 'iWSo wllli tlu nel undruil- lzlirrr ; iidMiiiood i3 on foruUn bnyliu nnd short covering ; ro ictod i u und ulosu 1 bloady und unclmiiisud front yusturJay ; No . ToUl l utu o ( CITIES , COUNTIES. SCHOOL J DISTRICTS. WATER COMPANIES , bT.R.n.COMPANIEB.tlc. Corn iiioiiitriifo tollcltcd. N.W.HARRIS &GOMPAHYBanlers ( , 163-163 Dearborn Slront , CHICAGO. 10 Wall Streat , NEW YORK. JO BtOtoSt. , BOUTON. TTA rod N'ovpinliDr , "ITvCTic. closlns nt T.Pcj May , 837-tr.ftS-JlVinp CiiisliU litlJ'jr- II ttti.MQuictj. . . ivpsteni , ( U'il7.ic ! N'o. ? , To- I Oil t ( > , 9"rO. , | , IU l.cvMu.T-Qulpt ! western , 7j l 0cl Can- ndi. S. < ar > oi citv nuiilp. Cm-idn , $1 ( uni.tVi. Oinv Itci-oliiK.oiXT.iOl but o\porl . IPJ.'iOl bu ! sites. If'.tPOi ' 1) i , of fniurcs , 4'i.OOibu. of spot. Spots llrnr"'tlnd ' niilnl ! No. S. 4IIV" In nlevHlor ; 4'i'iipViB nlloit. Options woio I ( | iilet , a Ivancod Y n-tv nf6' ( o wllli the west j mid with wheat , li'Hbio.l . Utft'ncon roallliu. I oloslns wcikut 'td divlltio in vc nihnnco ; I Di-'Tinbcr. rn 'iJ-KUi' ' . Ploslm ; ni.Mpi.liiiiinrv , 4U1itt O'ip. closlnuutfl cj May , AIQMV. ulnv Inir iit.\l' ' d. OMs-ltecolpts. ' IVl.noi bu. ; exports , Ktt tm. ; s.iles , lOl.OjO bu.'lif futures , rtiwio bu spot , Spots dull iin.l o'slur : options dull und weaker ! Dei'diiihcr.Jiil ® rfl c , closlm at .iri'ics Mav. : nri > ic , tlosini : u : ti'4o : snot No : i . IJ'iQ-'C. ' c ! spot Na .1 whlto. : LVt < ; No. ; . : il'SiA ( 'll'ic : No ' - ' \\hltp. 'Jic ; tnUci ! western , : ilfl > lie ; whlto wistern.I7ai c ; stale wlilti.ITWISc ; No 8 Ohlcuo. Ill'ic. llAi 1'lrm unit fair domnnd ; shipping , 0)3 7n' : Kood to choice , -SlMo. . lloiu ( jnlct tint Mr > adv ; stnto. common to choice. IsaMci I'acinc const , ISQ'.Mc Suixit Dull ; raw , oislcr ; fair rcllplnc , 2 H.i3ia | ( ; contrlfnzals , IX ! test , : i7-lrBl'ic ( ; rc- llncd In falrdcm < nd and sle idy ; elf A , 4 5-Hlil 4 ll-lfic ; mold A , fiQl 1-lBc ; standard A. 4 tl-IH ttk1 ; cut loif. 5 MUftVte : crushed. 5 n- ® fi'ic ' ; powdered , 4 Kl-lfi 'c ; Rrniiulati d. 4 -ltii6 ! . ' 'no : cubes , 4 13-lyii.i ( > , c ; confectioners' A. 4 Il-I0il4' e > iOt.ssts Now Ortnans. dull lint staidj ; common to f.inoy , O'.Ulio. KICK Ai'tho und flrmi domcsilc , fill to c\lra. 4'i ' ( < * 1c ; .Inn nt. AlUViijp Onus Quiet , uncliniiisuli western primp , 2Jjt . ' : c IliDKs-r.nrly active , firm : wet .altcil. Now Orleans oicclcd , 41 to ( ! ) Ib * . fi(3.\'i ( Tcsixs sokcloil. A ) toll ) Ibs , . " > d.7o. Wool. Qillot , llrm , ilomcsllo llecco , U1j1c ; pulled , .fKiM.'o. TOXIIS , I'oni ; Qiiluliind weak : plcUloil bplllos ,1' 0 ! plckli-dslioiildurs , ifti'ic ' ; plcklod linns. In'ii lie ; mldd e > , dull , sliou elc ir Novomberf . . * > i ; Inril , nuli't but llrnicr ; western steimlo od ut f'l 00 ; October. JlOl bid ; Novutnlior 8 Si bid ; Decemboi. $7.Vi hid ; Imtuaiv. $7.8. hid. liUTri.u-yulot. llrmi'iwoslern d ilry. 11O 2.'c ; wosli'rn ciOTtui'iy , ilfl'io ; western fao- tnrv ll'itllf'ic : iUln : Ml/t'J'l'ie. CiitE b .Modoratodemaiiil , limit inrt skims , .7c. I'm Tnov-Stondy , fair demand ; American , OoiM'Elt Quiet , cisv ; lalto. Jll.filTill..l. J.inQtilet ; domcsilc , * IS na I lV ) TIN Stoatlv ; atraUhts , * .M UTtW w ) . Illilos nml I'clls. Follow mi nro the prices paid hr Omilii dealers for hides and pelts quoted Mihleot to chtiimo without notko : No ll'icon hides. > l ! No t Jioon s iltod hlilus. 41JI'jc : No 2 dri'oii mlted hides .IfilV. No I siocn silteJ hides , 21 to w .1)3. n&i'jc ' ; : AO j sioen sauo I hi Ics , ' - ' ' > to4nlbs.IS4o ; No 1 veil calf , h lo II1 Ibs , ! ii& DC : N'o. 2 veal i ilf. S to II lln. .1 io. No 1 d.ry Hint hides. 7iNo ; 8 drv II nl hh No. 1 ury siitod hl.to * . fittle ; ourod hides ' o per ib , IOM tliiin fully cured , blici-ii pells ( li CPU silled , o tcli. I1u7tflj.lt cieou stilled slioiirllius ( short woo'ed u irly skins ) , each , I'/iJilc , dry she iillius ( short vvonlcd u irly skins ) , .No. 1 , each. iVIilOc ; di v "lit ; irliugs short \\ooli-d e.irly Hklnsi , No. 2. o ich. r > o : dry Mint Ivans is and Nebi isk i botcher\\ool polls , per Ib. . actual wul.dit. I0ffll4"c : divlllnt K'an- sisiind Nuhr.isKiAliiri.iln wool units , our 11) . . rioln it nrMRlit , SSl'Jo ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pells per Ib . nctinl welnht , 10 ® IJ'iu ' : dry Hint Colorado Murr ilu wool polls , per Ib , : iclnalvu Rht. Nt&lDc : iliy lloouos und bucks , ncliitil ulsrlit.a'jL' ' . UTAI' feet cut oil , us It Is useless lo p iv f rolslit on them. K.insns City AInikets. ICA.NSU CITV. MoOct. 20ViiRr Active. In irooil duniiind und b Ichor ; No. 2 hard , Jl1i > C'J c : No 2 rod , ( VVi'&i'Hi COIIN Very dull ; No 2 niKoJ , a4i5l4'ic ; No 2 whlto. .IfiltKi'ir. Or < Wo ilc ; Nt. 2 mixed. 2M&31ic ; No. 2 white , 27a27'4i' . ' ll\r btondy : No 2 , ! ® < ie. Tf.tbED le idv .it 'iW-'e. llin. % bieailv : saeUcd , .WfsiTe. IHv Stroiix. iiut-liaiuodj timothy , JT.'iOU S.'iO ; prilrlp. 0'i > . Ili'TTF.it ritc.uly ; cro iniory , VISHSIo ; dairy , Dins' bto.ulr : ffcsh cnndlcl. IS'Sc. ' lEf.Ol.llTlie it , UJ.uuj bu ; coin , 1.1,000 hli. ; o its , 4.00J Int. i SIIIPVII NTShuit , r > DOD : bu. ; corn. 10.000 bu. ; o'lts. 4OUObn. Olll.ill i I'lodncc .llurlcpt. G VMK I'ralrle chlo.lvcin .iro coiiilns In f rooly nnd ducks iirocoiiiinoncliij tu .irrlvo Qiufl .irusuitio. The eio or weithor has liiipto\L-u thoK.iiiiusltiiiitig1'ralrjo ) oliluken * . $100 ® 42.1 ; proiisu , Jl tl ) . quail. fJOJ ; snlpo. SI.OJ ; juok snipe , $121tol > J ; p'over. ' $ I.H ( ; coldtn plover.l.'Ji'8l."iii ; cinv.is-bijk ducks , IIoo ® in.m ; loJhc.id dnxjks , $1.11 ; mail ird ducks , MY ) : blue w In r tout , t'.il ' ; grium wine teil. * l .V ) ; inl\uddnclvsl..l ) : jaet rabbits , 1101 ® 42"i ; small ribb t- , , ? l 2 > 4JI. ' > 0 : sciulrrols. JI/iO ; iintolopo s iJdlos , UI5 ; drer h ulillts. HIOe ; unteloun c ire is-ios "liilOu'i door carcasses , 13 © Hi * : ll\o nlxi'oris i.2.12il.10. ! KtlOs IS'S ® He. IiuiTEit Low glades , 14SICe : gooJ dairy , IS I'oULTiiv Chlcltons , Tc ; cceso and ducks. 6c. Oil .Mnrknt. NEW YOIIK , Oct. 29. rr.Titor. usi Quiet and Rto'idy ; crndo In bills. I'.irUori. $1.11 ; I'.irl.orsln bullc. ! . ' 81 ; rullncd Now York. $100 ; 1'hll idolpliln and I ! immure. il'H ; IMill.i- drlphla and liiltitnoro In bullc. $ , I.41Q > .150 COTTON &n-iir. li Inn und unltt ; erule , 27'M ' ; yellow. < ) © , ! 'H' . TAI.I ow tjnlet , and Hlrons : city (13.00 ( tor KOSIN hull but firm ; strained , common to Bond. iMDSl.i4. ( : Tuill'UMiNB Quirt nut firm ; U'lftWuC ' , I.lvori | > it M irifets. Livriiroou Oct. 20 WHEAT Dull ; holders oiler ficoly ; No 1 C illfornl i. tis II i(3fis ( lOd nor ci'nt.il : rod western sprln ; , ts 11 jd&Gs 2d ; No red winter , Ss < )4a.1s ) HJil , COIIN IJiilel ; donnnd fallen off ; lulled wostorn. 4sri'sd ' per contal. \cos-l.on und short c'cir. M His , Ha. l.Alio 1'rline wpsluin , 4Ss per ewt. Om ib i rime Mukot. Oii\i'E3 Now Vorlc concorlj , 293)Jo per 10-11) luskiu. < J\i.iKHNiAj 1x1-1:3 I'orcr.ito ; $113 mus cats ; $1.71 To'c ys. U u.it OII.VIA I'n . .it'Jl " > 0 per Inx. Ai'1't.bS Woatern , JlTiftlOJ ; No.v Yotk , JIO ) © 4 5) ) . QUINCES Per box , SI.7Y&3 00. Collou .MurUot. NEW VOIIK , Oct. 23. Options opened barely sto idy and uncli itvjcd to 1) ) points lower , eloacd stu tdy at from .1 to 1.1 points doiui. tRtc27.UOO bijji. lucludliii : October. $ | lhU : N'ovombor , Jllli ) ; Docomhui. H.1.2 ( TCI1.1 ! ; Jiuiu- ary. if I 'ID IfII in ; Miucli. ? I4 UJfoi.1 51 j Jlny if4 ! 70I4 81 ; optombor , 4 ( jjffill 70 ; bpot Ulo dull and uasy ; No 7 , tlli.'O. MVi : hTOCIC .MAIIICIITS. Vciy I'uor.il > lo ConillllnnsVlilrli Siirrouiii 1 1 ii 'I i iilti ut rrcsonl. OMAHA , Oct. 20. The weekcloso- , with a lluht run of iiitllo und liboial rceulptsof ho 1. , In fact the supply of o utlo was the llehto t of thu week wlnlo Hi J run of ho s was the he iv- lost. The folloiviiu Iliiiros will give u fi.ir Idea of how louolpts mo running ! Caltlo. Hess Phpop. Itocolpts IhUwcok . ' . . ' , -'H mill 5.100 Itocolpis last week . IISUIO IH , ( .11 1(7- ( ! f-airo week last year . . . 17,711 81,71)1 ) (1.47(1 ( ( INtlmiuln ; ; Monday's rocoljits ul.1010 caltlo , 2,00 } hos and 1'JOJ sheep iho record U as f al- tuttlc. Hnjs Sheep Itocolpts for October. . . 1C , ill 111,10 HUIO Kocolpts forfccptomber. 77,77 J Kl.llll 20211 Uccelpts for Oj ISIl . . . 7S.I..O 07,7JS 2VJI1 Koculptspist 10 monlhs nw.0.0 J , HK.OJ IM.001 bimo 10moiUlHluirt.yoai.ll.irH.r.'l > ) ! ! IIIR. ) Incroasoovor last you. II7.HJ lbl.103 7,2jO Thoputtlo mnrliouhasbcendecidoilly ncttvo and hoalthv nil vvfuk. \\hllo rocolpu for llio wnnkhavo hhownJiTi Incro iso over llio pru- ccdliu week of ilaai 1 v H.003 liouii , none of iho lee il houses Imvu. , boon able lo secure ai many bcof cuitlo nt lliev could have conven iently used , In A'Vjiii-'iiuorico of ihls catllo have sold al bolter prices all week. The ad vance has been fully 2lu on bolh bcof sicors and biitchcrV stq.'tr ami this advance has not IILOII , aslsaencinlly lliu ensc , conllnod lo thu best „ ) ados. All Krados , both steers ami cows , huvo sh.uod In tht > j'onoru | Improvement and the marltot lu'i neon In a very biitisfaotory condition all week. , NothhiR now hisJbvolopcd In the stookor and feeder lino. IlllslmuHli is bcon lively and all di-siribloolTerjLis have mot wllli u toidv b ilo at peed strong Pikes. liven tlm H.-ht. thin block oaltlo and yoarllna hive moved moro fit-oly , ullhou h ut the uumo low , mcai prloos ' - , With the lUhlrst o ittlo rccolnls of tlio week Mid UKOOU demand from local packers , tlio "That Man la Wlso Who D 3es Bv- cryth'ng In Its Proper T.rao. " Whoa you are autrrrln from constl p.ition , aide headaclio , dyspepsia , or any Btoiiinchlo or liver troubles , you will do wbo by using the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt which la inipotlcU from CnrlwDiul. It Is Nuturo's own loniotly. Ho sure lo buy llio ( , 'onulno iirticlo. which must have llio Bltfimluro of " 11 biior it Mondolson Co , Solo Ajioiil9 , Now York , " on every bottlo. i orirudlr. lo .Uni ) for ptnlculirl uilltutalU < ted "IMIrf Tor I.udk , "UI tnr lirr.'lL'ru Hull I < > HOU T'.iluiuiilcli > li blohc.vrr Lbtmlcol Cu.alndl.uu H u rC. QUA bx til L * * l Uf MUU , JL'bUa < A.r i'J * market wni active iinlstronKorfrom tlio Mnrt nnd It did not t tko theme iRcrolTerluKsof coed Ipof ) i"itt o vorv lou j t ) chaiio Imids. ov rr U huiii'liosof cornfod unttlc , nelphtug tin * wnrlsof 1.410lb , inlil nt Jim nnd tMO nnd fnlr toifooJ itriss nnd piutly fitted stems sold at from $ M1 totl'Jv In thu weslcins f nr touootl stock old nl from $ I'll to HO. Ku-ri- thinjdcslritilitsold , the inttkot linlni ; mlo nun Die feeling strong throughout. 'I ho forty odd lo ids of eous nnd inlvp.il sto"k i'li tisrd hinds briskly nl prlios strouc to a dlinn lik'liir than 1'rldnv. evttetno .i cs ot poor lo Very rood COM s uiul holfers lions nt from fl'ilto J..M. w.tli the bin bulk of Hip fair ( ( i ROD I sliilT at from Jl T.I to SV..V Hut s. oven uiul stuns Hpnt fti'o v at RiMieratly Mroiuer prlctH fiom ( I 01 to i..no. Voul catvoson \ steady nt from ( J uo In II m. xvltli Inr o stnir unit \iarllu s ritlier slow nl from Jl fti tofi''l. The feeder tr.idu w is only modoritcly lirlsK. but prices wcro wull iniliitalned on till sulfiblo onrrlns I hem was the usual dull ness In the oir unties and prices woio corrc- spondlnclv low , linns Values bavoltiictti.Med within ncom- P'lratlvulv narrow range , but with lar nly In I'tcaie I luoi-pts the tndu r itlioi uo ikoni'd tow ml thn c ( HO of the weak , and nttnr ad- Miuclnt lOc to llo about Wudncsil iv UiecloM ) Is nt jiilcpH not n cro it deal difTcrpnt from the clo o ot last weak , Asldo from an In- ciuncQ of oxor Rui ) In ii'eelpts coinn ired with list vvei'k nnd lUlitl compirol with thu lust Week of Oito or list veir. conditions h ivo shonu llttli'or no chiumc Puckers anil shippers continue free bnvers. und llm fresh moaldem mil holdsoiitnall and \vlll ntob ibly tiupiove rlRlilalonu no < v. l.ibei il supplies und lonoroislern mnrkots Ba\o us a dull liadu nllh dn llnlni ; prices from start to finish On the early market ulthttood compotlon Irudu had somn Illo lo It and prices ruled about a nickel lower than 1 rldnj As receipts Incioiised mil ailv IPS fro'n Chlc.izn hcc'imu nioiu buirtshand 'is shlpnlni ; nnd fiosh meat lni > eis , lia\lus Illlcd their urgent oidcrs , dropped out , the market uo.iUcnod and elojcd fully toe IOIMT than 1'ild.iy nnd In some cases mori' Common llKht'ind mlxiil toehol u bntchci and liea\ loi'lssold at from $ .1 l > lo1' < * > but thebillkof the fitlrtonood ho s sold 5 to 103 lo ct than 1 rldny on tin avoriijc. 01 at from } i40toi * > ' > > n alnst,1.1l toU > 1 1'ildny and Jl U to M 41 1 ist "uturday. ' iirKi1 Itccclpts hi\o been vcrv niodor.ite and intliei unevenly dstilbnted Ibioiuhout tin , \vcok. hut the market In jjencr il Ins been very liiailenii itu y supplied and pt Iocs h ivo ruled i.ither Him , Tim olTorln.'s led iv were ( ln.-lilMllv inlvetl nnd all eommoii. 1'ielty ( - oed spring I imhs brought Jl'-'i and fair owes flU and $100. yomnory Indlf- ferentislerns old not find a pnr- eli iser. Duslnb'o muttons mo In KOO I dumaiid nnd qiiut ilily strou. . 1'alr to wood iritivi's. J.150-1.4 1) ; till to coed nosti'ins H.J1 fiil.'l ; common and slooU sheep , i-JIV 1.21 , good to choke 40 to uj-lb l-imbs Jl ( JLSil 75. oI I'ricrs lor llofr * . tlio cNtiomo rin o of iirlcespild foi full lo ids of he.ivy. Ihht mid mlNoltiOKs and tlicr injio at which the bulk or Ilia bo s sold on llio d i > s Indlc iled : October , 1SU llcnv ) l.lKlit Ml\nl Hulk. . . ' > - I iinilnt iinrtny i -imtiij ! 1 ncfi . " > i IV. i .O1. , 'J i'i . "i M .1 I.C(1 20 > 10 ( . ' 1071 u 'i IV'S 2 1 IVi i .II > MCI' ) ' . ' 1 'Ou.'i 40t , 'i 11 il 21 i VO i i 'i i 5 iU . - 10(1,1 fUl i 'jo ( < & .j r > . ' > t'l .a , 'jx .u 8U. ! > ' "I (1 4V 1 . .Jf'5 ' &J.1 | JOu'i , | J i .11 il U. Mllliln\ similar ! Miuil.i ) i bin tiny lu 5 l.Vt5 JU 1 SUft > .11 1 M 1 'i 1 15 ii i iO 11 . 1 20l' ) W 1 ' . ' 1)0)3 ) ) Xi 5 JVil . " ) .1 Jj1 .il 12 6 041 45 5 VUO.1 11fi , i'a'i .li | JViS kl II. 'i OWV IU. .1 SOftl 17 .1 . " > 1 .ID u ' 'ofl > > U 14 5 IS il V)1 'iai ) J IWlS 11)11 2la5 ) ( Ki 15n 5 "i il 40 5 21Hfi .li.S Kt' , .1011 51 ll .M n ; Slimlnv Siiiitlny simrtiij I Mindly 17. . 'i Bill 41' ' 1 .IKo 4 it .Vtl 40 A II il 40 IS. .1 30ft 1 M .1 . ' ) ul VI H il < 1 M 1 10 ad 17 19A 'i 41) K.I U ) ' , 40C'1 11 ' 1 40ii > ( ill 1 lOu't A.1 A ) . I lUfif , Ml 1 40l 5 Bill 10(1.5 fvi 1 40 li 5J 212i u I511 SI1 1 . VS 5) .1 I0 ( 1 10 o 40uo ' ' 0 2i ft 40 1 > r > > l 1 111 47,1 , 411(1.1 4'i ri 10 il 41 21 siiiiilnx ! biimlny I 'iiiniliv uniln > 24 ' ) . .V.I 47 "i . .111 47 A linl 10 1 lOftl 41 ! 5 j 4 xi(5 IT I 5 401 HI t Ij'i'Ji VI ' , I'tiS ! 0 VI. . .1 40 > 'i K1 5 IVt5 M I lift t .Vi 1 filial ro 14 iai do 1 4Ut.j .11 | t 41 5 50 o 4 > ( ( & 5 i 'i 41011 ( .1 401 5) > IVi-i ! > ! \ : > 'iial M 5 1'Jiii II - - - J.,35 405 | 40al I > 0 Knnin : City I.tvoslock 1l.irl.ct. KANSAS OITV. .Mo. Oct. 2) rAiri.K Io- ! cclpls. : , ( ' ' : shiomonn. .1.70 ; m irl.ct latlvo. lOc higher for good blocrs and cow-- , other stock ste.iuy ; dressed bcof and slilpplu stetis , $ , L7."iiil 01 ; cows und belfcis ? l 40di'0 ' ; stockcrs nnd fco.ltrs Jl iiOQ-l 11 ; To\as aiiu Indiansteois.strong SI.7V I 10. llooItecolpts. . 71.000 ; shipments. 5.1 0jren - cial m n < ot w is.lo Invvci , olosliu Ie lontr ; extreino iunn'e , $ .110311) ) ; bulk , } 12iS1 I . hill ui1 lleteipts. i > OJ : shipments , 41)0 ) : the mar ct was milot mid steady ; millions i J UJ < S73 ; lambs , jlSifiiVi II. You don't want n , torpid Hvor ; you don't want n bad complexion ; vou don't v.'aut a bad breath ; you don't wan1 n ncndacho. Ihen USD DaUltt's Liltlo Early Klsei ? , the famous little pills. Both the method and results v.'licn . Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste , and acts gently yet promptly on thcKidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt m its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepaicdonly from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its manyexcellentqualitiescommend it to all and have made it the most popultir remedy known. Svrup of Figs is for bale in i5n hottlcs by all leading drugging. Any reliable druggiht who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. , BAN FBAHOISOO , OAL. IOTIISVILLK.KV. NEW YORK. 7 * . # OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. Ilest mllle ho mid snoop m irl < ot In the west COMMISSION HOU8B3. CEO. BUH.'fE & FRAZIE1 ( JCMC C'OMMISilO.V , Tim UADIU : : ) . 1IAIIA Writ to thlshTiu _ fJ.1 cor- ' 'Irtot MarlcaC Wood Brothers , routh OmahT Toiophono Mil , Chlcaso JOHN I ) IIAIIISUVN I , , . . . - WAI.I'Ull W. WOUI ) fSloiiazo-i JInrkot roporK by mall nn.1 wlro cheerfully furnlthod upon tippllc itlon. - TWIS- Campbell Commission Co. Chicago , r.istSU Louis , KinivsOlty : , So ilh Umalia , bluuUllv. . I'ort , Worth. A. D. Boycr & Company , Miniul .V ) KYO'IIII/O ' llilMdlu.Ho it'i O u til u Cotreiiioiulaiico uUcllJi mil promptly ; um jrl tnLl | lullBiitlonloorJuri loritonuri V ld , 18SL - InoorporntJJ , tiJJ Luiiltal fullr paU , 13JWJ Waggoner BirneCo npiny Wrllo or wlro u for prompt aa4 rolla1) ! * uurS Perry Brothers 6i Company , Live btoj. < UommibSiou. Itoom bl l.ich uijjo lliillcilnbautU Omaha. Tulvpbuuu 17J7. OMAHA AWNINGS ANO ciif-Ai , ( lollilmf ( vUn'ojuo , III ! | tin ; , | nm > - < , , ( , , sYj I nuiKtro't , | ritrintnliuii ) ul > s. iit-i UAGS&TWINIK BelsOiMBajCT M , 0 , Daifll , Importer * nmt mfr . llo ir lllctclc silvl nn inonl'i'f Ul S f.t1) DOOi'S AND SHOliS. Mores-Coo Slioj C mpiii/ / , lit ) lln < rirl < ) | r > i > l. llcliVr rnrnc-r llth an I I hi umlrvi ! ' mlms uriMil. whl h li v'er/MiiMb o" " - - - - - - wltlitiirr Ipinltii Jin u Aw i , Hiil-s voi CKJ ( jittrisu ? ; ? , ,7Iii'f'j,5vi ' ? ; , , % % " " ' U1J IUM" n y : iir 1,1 " CLOTHINO. Blolcky&Co'isi ' . nitloin furM In. ( , l\o us u trill * > nmplu | i-o ml I lii ot- | u < " < . IHIIInrno- COAL , COKK , | COUNIUI3. OinaliaCoil.Cflkc.LimeCo . Ihjh Drain Wor\3 \ Ilrnlnmt oftpoit. r fr Knl iiiil pil iron cor. ICtti aait tri'cti , im'tnllo 1110 llli Doil.-o st DtU' GOO11.S. 31. li Smiih i Co , Kiljiidicil'oci \ ! IrrKoail ) , notloni fur- Dry ( lii ) M Cootloin , nMilii' , ' ciiil Coniar ' ( Konts rnrn'ilrt ! { u 10 li lltli nn 1 lloivint its for lltli an I llirau ) ! NOTICr OF A3SiSSMCXTOr : DAM AGKS FOR OlIANGi : OF IS1JADK. To the o nera of all lots , p irts of lots and real cst ito nhnu SHIi ttieot. fiom 1'opploton avonuc to lllcKoiy stu-ot Vou mo horobv notlllcd th it the tiniler- slunoil , tlirco disinterested freoholdcrs of iho city of Omaha , h i\o boon duly r.puolntcd by Iho mayor , \\lth the .ippiovil of the cliy I'ouncll ot s ild ully. loissues llio ilanmco to the oiMinr- , ro-i'cti\clv | of the pionerly ilfoi'trd \ > \ cluin o of Kr.ido nt .nld Mtcpt. dn- oliirod nocosiry nvoiilinnnco > o l'f ' > . p isbed October II. 1 > ' > , nppro\oil Oi-toboi lIMU Vou are fnrlhor not i llo I tli.il. hiving nc- coptod sild nppoliitment , nnd duly iju ilIHed us reiiuln.d by lni\ . \\o "Ill on llm .Ird day of November A. 1) 1PJ , ' , at llio hoot of J o'clock In the .ifU'inoon .it thu ollico of bhrlvoi .1 O'Donohoe , 14JI I'.irn.im stiout. \i ilhln the roi per ito limits of s ild city , meet for the pnrpoio of considering ami milking llio nbsGiMuont of damnuo lo thooiMicis ro- bio2ll\oly | of slid proiierly , nlTootcd bv silil di.uuo of trride. tikln ; Into coiiBldci itlon s ] eol.il boncllls , If any. Vou nro notlllod to bo projpnt at the time and place aforos ild. nnd m iKo nny objections toorstatemonts convcrinu ; s ild . usjmmit of d.HIKINGS as you m iv consider nioiinr W. t ! MIIMVCU. Or.OIl.i ! : J. I'AI'U JOHN r. PI.AI-K Commltti.0 of Appraisers Omnha , Octolcr 0. .Mi OL'Idllt I NOTICE OF ASSUSS.MI rOF UAM AG13S FOR GRADING. Tolho ottneis of all lots uaitsof lots mil roil cst ito ulotitr Hamilton btreot from 4"ith strcot to cst city limits. Von are hereby notllloil tint Iho under sisnotl. tlrocdlbintcruslod fruuholdeis of th city of Omahn. liatobeon duly nppolnlo bylliomijoi , with the .ippioval of the lit council of silil oltv. to asses } the d im.un t Iho owners respectively of the propctly af /OL'lcd by Kr idln of said slieot. ducluiud noj- essiry bv oruln nice number : U1. ' , Hissed Oo- lobur 18th , ivii apuro\od Oetoboi i Ith , IS' . ' . Vou are further notified that hi\Iii4 ic- ccpled said < > pi)0liitmont , nnd duly iii | illlhiJ lib icqulred by law. wo nil ) , on the Iru dnyof > o\ombcr , A D. IS'J..at ' the hour of I ) 10 o'clock In the forenoon , at the ollico ot Mirlvor \ - O'Donohoo. MO I I'm n im street , nlthln tncior- DOI ito limits of sihl city , meet foi the pnr- pose of considering nnd m ikhu the nsics - mcnt of daina o in tlnj OVMIOIS icipoctl\oly of s ilil piopurty ullecto I hy s ild Ki.idhu , taking Into consideration special bunullts. If any Von aru notified to bo present at thn time and place aforesaid an I mike inv ohjoclloi.-t to or st { turnouts cniuurnln.ild ii'-suismont of dumugcs : is\oil niiiv iimsliler proper. W ti ' -IllilVlllt. Comiiittcflof Apjirilsers. Omahn , Neb , Ocl votli. IbJi O.'IdlOt To the owneis of ill lots or pills of lots on At burst i cot from IPth to I Ith nil cot- , Vou are hoioby nolillcil Unit the undiir- l no I. Ihroo dislnlToslod freeholders of the cliy of Oni.ili i. HUM ) bucn duly .ippnlnlcd by the m 15or. with the appioval of lliu city council of sild city , to : tH3 3i Iho ilam i u to Ibo onnors rcspocthely of the piopei ty uf- focloil bv ridln Atbor fiom IJth to lltli htrooli , doohuo i neucisaty by oidln im o HID. ] i isM'd Oclobor lltli IbJJ , approved Oo ober Vou"nio fuithor notified III it hnliuac- copied H ild iippiilnttnont , ind d ily ijn i lllod its iconliod by law. no will , on tFiciuh diy of .N'o\ombor. A. I ) Ib ) . ' , nt tlui hour of two o'olo I. In th afternoon , ul the olll-o of Gi-oiRo I. I'ml. l 'i I'aru nn htnu't.iihlnthii coruornto limit of H ild oily , mi ct for llm pur- po u of tonsldoiliu and iii utln tlu < assess ment of d iniii o to lliu OH mirs io-i"i | tUoly of Riilil propoity , alluclod bysald ( iiudliu. lul.- tf Intoconsldor illoii spu till liinollts If any. Vou are notllled to bo present at the time and p ai-o aforos i.d und make any ohjoctlons toor hl.itomonls concein nzriild an > .unsment of duiiiucea as j oil iiMy/onslilor proper. ' ' ' ' ' \v'i. Mii'tivmt' , iAMi. > - > rocKDAi < r. Omaha , OctoliorSl. lt > J. . OJ'Mtlilt To all owners of lolsor parts of lols on Milrlcy hi reel from Jslh vliuut totfilli IIKIIIIU Vou 1110 heioby notllleil Hint lliu iimlor- HUned llireo dlsliitoro tid frouhohior * of llio city ot Omaha lituo been duly ipDolnlo 1 by tlio may or ullh lliu appro Mil or iho ell y count - t ) | of had city to assess the iluin.iKit of tlio owners ro > pucll\iivof | tin ) tuoperly allocled by tlinchan oof .tr.iilo of Mililey slreot do- ei.irud nncosaary bv oidln imo .No ,11'Jl , | iu > SL'il July 'M , 18i. ' , npprn ud July is. Irii.1 Vou are fuithsr notlllcd llmt haxlii ; ; 110- cuptod sull app ilntmont anil dulyiiiialidod ib iriiulri'd hy law wo will on thu.ld IIHV of .No- luinbor. IS I' , al the hourof 10 o clock In llio mornliuatthoollhoof UbailosI' . IliiiiJiini n , II fi DodRo street ultlun tlio toiporito llmlm of mid eliy , mout for iho piupo onf conslilor- Ine and m ikln-r uiisosiiiioiit of dam ISO to the OWIIIIM tcspeotluilv of H ild pn/periy niruetod bv b ild KI idln/ . taking Into LOiislii-nitloii ( .nodal bi ncllln. If an } ' > on am hereby notl llod to bo present al tno tlm and pi u o afore- h ild mid m iKo atiV oiijoutlmi lo 01 sliiliimonts coiiiurnlnit sulil insussinonlof il.tin.iBOiiin you may consider proper . j ( > , , , -j , , AMj. , j \\ii-rinn : IV'IIAI.I : , JOHN r. n-Ariv. Commttlee of Appraiser' . Omaha , Nol ) . . Oot.1st. . IbJ. . _ OJ.'ilin Toallownuraof lots 01 DitlHof lols on Doiu- Inastioct. fiomith blnol to the wust line of lIo/KxA. Hill's second addition : Vou aio hereby notified tb it Iho unuor- vlunud , Ihroo dmlntoicsto frocliotdors of tlio city of Omali'i. liivo been dulv appoliiKitl hy thu uiavor. with the uppnivalof the oily coun cil of s ml ully. to isiim the d nil IL-Q to the oHimib respootliuly of tba propurty nlU'dicd by Ihochiuin'oof erado of Doiitfliu hiruot. do- cliuul niicon > ury by oroliiancu .No M. p mod Auj-'Uhtiid , Itj' . iipprovuil Aiumt Hh. laU1 lu am furlliur noillltd llul h ivln iio- cenlud "ill appolntmuiit und duly qimilllpil UH roiiiilrod by law. wo will on thu fouilh ill ) ; ) ( Ui-of .Voiembci l i. ' . at tlio lioiii of liio'o ock lii lliu mornlii. . at Iho olllwjof fhuilfi * I' , lion- lamlii. 1 iiodKOvroet ) | , within thucorporala limlu of bald cllv , mcot for lliu muiioio uf cou.ldcr us mill nmklui : .issii.Bmiml of dam i.-o to tlio OWIIOM ri-i-pocllicly of said properly nirisilod byMiildridln. . ' . t ik.uj Into conilif- cr.itlon upoilal bunellts. If IIMV. Vou nro notlllod to bo urusent 41 lliu time mid nliiuaforo < iild and ma'.o any objocllon to or BtalPiuunl' concornlntf Hild asiuiti uf duiaugo , as y r Ki.Ai'if. rommittco of Apprulscrs OiouUa , NtU , October UUt , ISO.'d Ut HAHDWAUK. Itcclcr A Williclmj Co Lim. Corner loth nml Jackson Drnli-rs In liiMwirv in l niPrtmilrM loiiM. 14JI LUMUH't. OIK 11 Leo. Jo'n ' \ tlnrilnooil lumbar wrinl Iniliorlot linlctini n lloorlii i'tli ami ant LtQUOUS. M1LUNP.UV * iie'i ' & Herbert I. \Vhnl it ll | nr . „ Imi'nrlor * an I lotili'M of 1001 I'jrn im st mllllnorr nolliin M ll or lor * prompt sus iz niitli nt'i , | . TAIMJIt. dupcntcr Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. i fall ilock of lirlnllnit rriiiln | | < mil llptlmM am ) lu'irlcitlni 3r , c\rl ni oils nvlu itrouj eta. OVKIIAMA.HTO. | OYSmtS King & Siaeil. D.uiil Cole U'j , Mfrsnf K % S' tinnu Milrt * nml uvpri ll , etc. < t-li > ry II M nth < treol iill H south lltli nt teloplioni" "II 1'UODUCH COMMISSION llrancli & Cj Whitney & Co. I'roitiipn friilti ) f ill Mutter , cijiji nml poultry JUi ontli lltlit. UllilS OJ3UTI Jas A. Cluk& Cx IlllltPr 0'l3H3 il { ( pmiliry an I fn\t JITsomii IJtint 3TO\ri : HIll'AIHS. OmalinSlovc ItcniirW'd ' and witnr att irlimctiH for any Kliiil or love iniilo I.'JT llotulis SASH TO\R. M.A.Dis'jrow&Co II. Hardy & Co. Manuficturor * of ii li njf . I'OR | | nl li tl in dooM bllnit * nn I fiincy KUOI | < lioujc fn mimMIng' llninchof lll-lllllK KdOill , Cllll tlco Mill mill Iznri ] sti tlii'ii urirrlnspn 1II11 nriiain St WOODEN SIDEWALK KESOLU TIOX. CONSTRUCTION. rounell Cb vmbor , Om ilmo' > . ISn llo It u-solvod bv the city council of the city i of llm.iliu. the iniynr eoni'in t\ng. \ Tlmt woolen atiluvv ilks bo i-niisuucloil i In the city of Oman i as doslisnalid below ' within n\o d-iys after the pul ( le it on of this ' rosoiutliin. or tlio iiersonal service thereof , is by ordlnnnio Is uullinrlrcd and icnulred ; such sldow.ilks to bo l ilil to tbo present nr ido nn thestreuls specified heieln. nnd to be con-J strncte < l of pine plank'of such width mull thickness and bo iuld upon InNU of such dl-l mcnsums .ind In anch m innoi us is pie cilhudl bv Hie spec-mentions on Illo In the ollleu of tliol lloinl of I'nblfu Works and undei llssiiper-l vision , to-wit : 1 Kaslsldoof richtli stieel. lot 12 , Il.ukcr'sl allotment , present irado. 4 feet wide. I Kistsldoof lilennooil uM'nuo. lot 'l.nid | n , | blouk II , Ilcmls 1'uik , present Riado.ii feutl wl.le. r.nstslde o ( ( lleunooil.ivaiiuo.ini I'l block 10,1 llpinls I' irk. iirosent uridi' . 0 feet wide. I North sldo of N'Khoins truut , lot ftj to .VI In-l elusive sub division , blockA , Hosoivolr A.I present irridei ( feel Hide f K istblilo of Ulcnw oil avenue , from north-i WPSloinor lot 10. block II. Hemis lirl > , Ic luttrsei tlonof C7lcnwool IIMMIIIO with l.linoli Itoulexard. present/iuln G feet i\lilc. Wrsthldnof rwentflfthslioi't , lols 1,21 'I. block .S Patrick's adillllon present fjr.ide , U ] foot w Idc. I KISI side of Trtonty-nfth street , lotfl. block' I. . I'arker's ailil , piescnn.r idc , 0 feet wide fsoith Hldo of C-'ilon strict , lot ' 'l > to .1 ! lu- cluslvo , blouU 4. blierm in Avcnilo I'.ulc , lein- poi nry Kr ido , 4 feet iv .ilo And bo It fin ther icsolvcd : Tint tlio llniril of I'ubllc Works bo and' ' herein' Is author /cd and directed coivof ( ths resolution to bu published In thn ] olhcltil piperof Iho city for one week , or hoi scrveilou thoownorsof saldlotslind iin'ossl suchoiMiers Miall within live days after thol publlcitlon or service of such copy const rnctl 4ald slaewalks .is herein rctiulicd , til it thai lloanl of I'ulilh ) Works cause the sime lo bol done , the cost of conslrnctliiRs ild sidewalks I luspcotlvoly to bo .issesieil aijiiiiiHt tbo reull estate , lot or Dirt of lot lu front of an I tibut- | Unir anuli Ahliiwallis. l'a sed October 4th and October II , ISO. . Attest : .1OII.N GUOVI'.a. city Uierk. i : I' DAVIS. 1'resklent Ully Ooiin IL Apurovod : , , fijQ ( > , „ „ , „ _ lyor n TO CONS ruuoT sini : A- Tothoonnpis of the lols , p iris of lots nnd roil cst ito iloscrlhoil In Iho abovu loiolu- lion : Von ind inch of you nro liornbv nolldol to conslini't wooden slilownll.s as rconlroil I/ a icsol'JLJonof the i-ltv coiini'll .inilin.iyoroC t ho oil v of Ouiaha.of ulilch thnnlmiolM mopv. I' . W III UK II M'SI h. Gli.itrimin Itoinlof I'ulillo Uoil.s Omaha , Neb , OotoLior 'lth. IH'i ' ' : T Ol'1 DAM , AJiS : FOH CIJANfii : OK GUADK. To ibo owners of all lots or iiirtsof loin r.m | reul eil ito aloiu.lli I from ilitrnoy stieul til I.eivenworth street : lltli street fron IIill llu.v ird street lo Iieaveiiworlb stinet : .11(11 ( sliiet from llowirl lo Jonoi slieot and Inf lei-ettlne Hlreets : I Vou are liorubv notlfli ) , ! that the iimlcrl slunul , tlireo dialutero-itod fri'uliolduri of tlif elly of Om iln. have been duly nppoiiitiiil by the mivor. with the approv.il of the eltv councilor B.ild city , lo assosi the rUin leu Ir lliu onnon n'spcetlvoy of iho uioportv nlTcutod lv Lhniijfl of jjt ulo of sild sticiits ilec'iiidd ' nciossiry by 01 Iln moo No I'Jl i ) is > otl October" , IS U , unproved Uctobei I" IMi ) on arafurlliei notllloil.tb ith iv liu'.iccepleil Rind appointment an I duly < ju illlle ; ! M ra-j quired by law. vvu will , on llio .Ird ihiv > l November. A D.lhi ; , ut Urn hour of 10 il o'elouk In llio forenoon , attho ofll o of hlnlvoj iVO'Donohoi ) . IIOJ rirniiu Hlreot , within th < toriioralollmllB ) f a ildeltv. meet for the tmr-t pose of consldoiliii and in ikliu ihn asiesil inent of dimiKo to llio owners i-spo.itlvo . * of hald property alfeetoJ by said zi jdlnirl laUlns Into coinliler.itlon UDeolal hciiullu , II Vou nro notified to bo present at Ihn Ilin4 and plai-n nforos ild , and make imy objetilotij loot Nfitomonls lonuuinliu Hild atisesimcn1' ofd una < oi at y on muy < ' ' ' ' ! , , , ? " ' . \ \ O nllltlv Lie. ' ' ' ii'sicc.'r'u.o'i'ir T . , roinmltto of A npniUurt , Omiihn , Oct. SJth , IbUJ. o-VI TO THi : OWNERS OI-1 ALL LOTf 1'AUTS OF LOTS AND IIHAL J- > TATC ALONG SKWAHI ) KTHKIJ' KUOM iHi'II ! STHIOI-Vl' TO U6T1J Kl'KKBT AND TJ1K INTHUSKCTJ ING STlini-U' : Vou nro hereby notlflod th.it the uinlor sLuuil. ihrco dialnlc-rosloJ fruuholdorsof Hi ) ciiyof Omaha , have buon duly unpointed ) > the mayor , with llio approval of thoulty roiinj ell of Hiild cllv , U ) jbsim lliodiiniH.o to ihf OWIHHruspoutlvolvof Iho property uirunlu | bv iho chaiMO of Krado of Howard tlri-ul froil -Mh htroet lo "olh hlruot nnd Inurm ellnl street , diiUiurud noco tarv by onllnan n . ' Itil , puiul October Ilth , lhWi uppiotiu ( ' tolxr nth. 18 . , . Vou nro furlhor notlflnd tint havin ; A coulol Hild iipiiointmiinl , iiu'l ' duly on illlltl lib ruiiilreil by law. uflll on the .Ir J dny i < J ruMiimhiT , A D , IB'J. ' , al lh hoill of lUo'o < In lliu forenoon , ut thn olll u of .lohn 'I 1'iiicU ! M Olnimbor of CiiinmerLU. within tlj vorporitu limits of s ild i Ity nu.ut for thupui pos'j of consldurlii ) ! and m kliu iho uo'ji'jj inenlof OIIIIIIIKO lo Iho owner * lObpuutlvuly ' s I'd ' properly airuutud bvs ild oil nuuof ra'l ' til. nu' In to cuiul leratlon nuuoial bouutl' ' ] \ onnro notldi-d to lie prusont nl thn lint nnd nliito iiforoxnld anil innKo any objc ( tin I to or hi iliimonlH cuiii'oiuliif btld UHSUIISII of dumuKUS us you muy cmiHldcr iironiir JOHN I I | jA < K JO'llS W , HOIIIIIN1. . Omaha , Neb , Octobers , M * . o/JJiut. |