Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    ntn ? nATr.v
ArnviiAV nrrmniiM ? * * \ ion < >
Mayor Weir Unbosonw Himself Oocoarning
the Present MuJdlo ,
HI * Object It to ( Jot nn Kxclso Hoard That
Will Acroo with Htm mill Tlicn ( live
the I'ollcpincn u Slink-
liiK I'p.
LISCOI.X , Nob. , Oct. no. [ Special to Tnn
BUR. | Mayor ' Weir was scon bv .1 represen
tative of T'IIR HEC today lu reference to the
status of the police muddle nnd ho txpreiiod
himself quite freely in regard to the matter.
Ho stated without hesitation that his desire
was to bring about n complete reorganization
of the police force. In order to accomplish
this It will bo absolutely necessary for n ma
jority of the members of the exclso board to
bo with him. The board ns It Is at present
constituted controls the police force In oppo
sition to the well known desires nnd policy
of the mayor. The long continued ubicnco
ot Mr. Dn'oltttlo from the Utv has convinced
Mayor Weir that ho has lost his residence In
the city. Hence his appointment ot Mr.
It has boon frequently stated that Mr.
Doollttlo. having heard of the latest move of
the in ay or , had telegraphed that ho would
start from Chicago to Lincoln nt once nnd
commence legal proceedings to prevent his
removal from the oxcUo board. Up to last
night , however , Mr. Doollttlo had not put In
appearance and Mnvor Weir stated that ho
did not believe that that Rontlcman would
raalto any serious opposition to the reorgani
zation of the excise board.
In the event of tbo reorganization of the
police force O. P. Dlngos will , undoubtedly ,
bo made chief of the force , unless ho 1s
legally disqualified by reason ot his nccopt-
nncoof a place on the Hoird of Public
Worns. The mayor paid u high compliment
to the zeal nnd fidelity of Mr. Dlngos In car
rying out the policy Inaugurated when the
prusont administration entered upon tbo
discharge of Its duties. Ho also denied em
phatically the Insinuations mailo by n local
paper of domocratio proclivities to the effect
that Mr. Doollulo's removal was tbo result
of an agreement between the mnvor and tbo
political managers of Allen W. Field , tbo
republican candidate for congress.
Progress ot tbu Knelt Island.
The bunureds of workmen in tbo Antelope
valley nro making rapid progress in the con
struction of the Uock Island. In addition to
the two main tracks that are already laid up
to O street , the McMurtry tract is covered
with n network of ten tracks. The main
switching yards ot the conumny will bo
located in this tract and from the number ot
trades being laid it is ovideut that thoHock
Island anticipates a largo business at tnis
point. The now passenger depot at
Twentieth nnd O strcels Is nssuming definite
chape and iho walls of thu superstructure are
already several feet nbovc the fouudatton
walls. Tno contractor hopes to have the
depot roadv for tbo roof before the close of
another week.
Tbis afternoon about twcntv tracklayers
appeared on the scone of the Hock Island
improvements und commented the work of
laying the truck across the line of tbo Homo
Street Hallway company on N street , be
tween Twentioln and Twenty-first streets.
\t4 o'clock the frogs had been placed in
ooslliop nnd cars loaded with iron and ties
run across. On October 10 the Homo Street
Railway comnanv applied for nnd obtained a
temporary injunction restraining the HOCK
Island from crossing its tracks , but the
notion of the latter company this afternoon
seams to show that the matter has been
amicably adjusted or clso that tbo injunction
is to bo disregarded.
Arrestnd for Ilorso Stealing.
A man named Fred Stensel was brought to
Lincoln this loronoon and placed behind the
bar ; at tbn police station , charged wltb
stealing n mule from Martin McMnnoroar , n
'armer living twenty-ono rallcj northwest of
" ho city. McManomar was driving into the
ity yesterday and a short uistnnco out was
accosted by Stcnsol , who asked him for n
ride. Tbo farmer was accommodating nnd
tbo two struck up a lively acquaintance.
Stensol prevailed on tbo farmer to buy him
a ticket to Omaha , out after the old man had
tnado a number of purchases bo concluded
that bo didn't cara to Invest In railroad
tickets at scalper's rates for the benefit of
a stranger. Later when ho wont to
look for his mules and wagon they were
missing. Inquiry revealed Iho fact that
Stonsel bad been seen driving tbo nnimuls
out of the cily on his way oast. McMano-
inar started In mirsult , but night coming on
ho put up at n farm house , lie bud been in
Dedbuta short limo when Stonsel catno
along with a broken wagon. Ho was granted
nornnsftlon lo stay all night , nnd this morn
ing was considerably slurllcd lo find himself
fur" ) to face with the mnn ho was trying to
KOt awny from. After ho bad ocen lodged
behind the bars ho explained that when Me-
Manomor refused to buy him n ticket to
Omaha be concluded to take the old man's
inulcs aud drive to tbn metropolis himself.
lludly Injnroil in n Itotr.
v Maggie GUIs , a buxom fomnlo of some
f Jitwant.T seasons , was arrested and placed 10c
\f. \ ' blnd ibo bars at the poilco station this after
noon charged with lighting. Maggie Is nn
inmate of the notorious Weir dive nnd last
night became involved In a quarrel with tbo
proprietress ever the nrocecds of tbo sale of
n quantity of liudwcisor's extra dry. The
quarrel was resumed this afternoon and In
the fracas that ensued Maggie had her band
laid open to tbo bo no wilh u hatchet. That's
her story , but it Is claimed by others that
who Indulged in a hlch old lonesome drunk
ibis afternoon and that her band was cut
while smashing n minor.
I'ri'pnrlni ; fora drrnt Time.
The Independent party traders nro pre
paring for n preal rally on next Wednesday > ,
upon which occasion Gonornl Weaver ntid
Mary Lonso will spnak In this city. Special
trains are to bo run Into Lincoln on nil the
roads loading to the city. Thcro will bo i a
parade lu Iho afternoon , and the managers in
this city conlldontlr claim that It will bo the
largest political demonstration over bold In
the Btntp , The full program of iho irhy'n
events has tint vet boon announced , but will
bo ready for publication In n day or so.
Lost In Iho Alnanorlli Hunk.
It transpires that the grand lodge of the
Nebraska Knights of Pythias Is tbo losar to
tbo extent of several thousand dollars by
reason of the failure of byM
iho bank of Alns-
worth two weeks ago. The cashier of tbo
bank , Mr Charles O. Alton , was tbo grand
treasurer of the knights nud bo bad on do-
iioilt In tbo now defunct bank about $3,01)0 ,
His bondsmen were also practically ruined
by tbu falluro of the Omaha barb wire con
cern , so it is hardly probable that tbo grand
lodpo will bo able to recover anything. Mr. .
Alton. Is a prominent and popular member .tr.of
tbo order of this state und uono of his fellow
Knights censure him for the loss of the funds.
Vin * Olobrntml ut Guuoin.
GENBVI , Nob. , Oct. 0. ( Special to TUB
HBB. Jr-Tho Ancient Order of United Work
men lodges of this county celebrated tbo
twenty-fourth annlroriary of the order rat
tbls place yesterday. The lodges of Geneva ,
Exeter , Fairmont , Ohlowo nnd Mllllgan
were represented. The meeting opened janat
ft o'clock In the afternoon , lD. . Domsthorpe
presiding , bj on address of welcome by Hov.
J , A. Darker followed by an address bvllon.
J. J , liurkr. Tfie ladles of tbo Degree )0f )
, Honor served ro fresh incuts from 5 until t *
o'clock and In tbo evening a concert was
Driven ' ' by tbo Adolphlan quartet of Crete ,
* * _ -yvnlch'wns pronounced tbo llnusi concert
1 orecll i toby the peopln. The-meet
" ings wcro very largely attended by member *
i"\ _ of the order and others.
Heading JCouui for Vnlpurulio ,
VJUNIUISO , Nob. , Oct. 80. [ Special to
TUB O .j The ladles of too Woman' *
Cbrlitlan Temperance union of thli plaoa are
erecting building to bo used as a publlo
reading room at well as a place for their
WMUngi. The building U S2x28 ! , one and a
half ilory frame and contain * beside * the
rcadlnc room , n sittlnR room , kitchen , two
bedrooms , pin try and closets for the u o of
thcrouolo who nttonil to the library. It is
located cast of the Dank near the depot.
Another hardware itoro Is to bo onanod
soon , and although there seem * to bo no
boom , yet overv ono acorns busy und It 1
nlmott impo lblo to find hnnas for ordinary
work. Farmers nro calling for corn hiukors.
Strnneers nro comlntt In on nearly cvcrv
train from the east looklnc for land nnd real
estate men nro happy. AUlenst twenty-live
farm have boon built within n radius
of four miles of Valparaiso thU season. b -
* ldes coed barns , stnblos , etc. . which
foot may tie taken either ns n sinn of pros
perity or of financial rnln ns the reader sto
lit. There batng no Idle men politics is
very quiet.
Wonirii L'rrpirlnc to Alii In rurnlstilnz tlic
World' * fair llullillng.
U'For POINT , Neb , Oct. dO.--Spor-lal | to
Tiir. URK.I A mooting wai held onVednns -
Jav afternoon nt tlio residence of MM. Dan
Glffort , this city , to sat on foot n movement
In which all tlio Indies of Cumlng county
will feel un Interest. As Is known , tlio
women of NobrasUa tiavu unilortalccn tlio
work of furnishing the rcoiptlon room of the
alato building at the World's fair , onch
county In the stuto making ono article tnado
of corn for the room. A meeting was called ,
ntid representatives won ) present from
UoatnerVisnor , nnncrott nnd West Point.
It was decided U > furnish u t-ibln , designs to
bosucuroJ from the designer of the Corn
palace at Sioux Oily , and the , work lo bo
done by Iho Indies of the different towns.
To rnUo the neccssiry funds IT p.u-l a sup
per will bo Riven Monday evening. Tlio
following nro the onicors : Mrs. Sam Pour-
yon , Wnsl Point , president ; MM. McNIsh ,
Wlsnor , vlco prosulant ; Mrs. Taylor.
Unt'tnrr , vlc > ! president ; Mr' . Hansom.
Bancroft , vice president ; Miss Alice
Shnircr. West Point , secretary.
Mrs. Kmtna D. Moodlo succumbed to the
disease to which she has boon subject for
more than ' a year on Wednesday morning.
Koccntly'thoy parted wltli their throe chil
dren. Mrs. Moodlii was n general favorite
to all who linow her. The tunoral took place
Friday afternoon. The eorteuo was brought
to the Congregational church where the ser
vices were held , nftor which the booy was
biought to the Swedish cemetery to hi ) laid
to rest with her throolitUuonoj. Mr * . Moo-
dlo loaves a husband , parents , sisters and
brothers to survive her.
Captain 13. H. McKee left for Canton , O. ,
Friday , wdero bo will henceforth reside
v/ith tils family.
Tno brewery association has decided to
make some costly additions to Us plane on
the present , .site.
Mrs. Molly Braytop , daughter of M. J.
Hughes , sr. , was down from Basset visitIng -
Ing her old schoolmates and parents , bhe
roturnea to tier homo Friday afternoon.
Miss Antoinette lajlcolc came fr > m Vallsoa ,
la. , last night , to attend the funo of bur
deceased friend , Mrs. P. M. Moodlo.
Ha Itolis a .Tewoli-r's Window Hoforo n
< 'ro d ot I'uauli- .
OiiLEtss , Nob. , Oct. 80. [ Special to Tun
BKE. ] About ? o'clock ttils evening a daring
robbery was committed at Ferguson's druc ;
store. A itranper walked UD while people
wcro walklnir lo and fro on the street and
while four or five customers were In the
store , put it stick through the handle of tlio
door , kicked in the window , lifted a tray of
watches and Jewelry , valued at , noout $ ! 00 ,
and tnado bis cscaue. At present ho is still
at largo.
.lunlnta Jottings.
Neb. , Oct. 30. [ Special to TIIB
l Clan Van Hunter came homo from
Burlington , la. , last \yeok , where ho grad
uated from Elliott's Business cello ? * .
W. K. St. John was at homos few days
last week.
Mr. mid Mrs.lll Thurn loft for their
homo m Koseland , In. , last Monday evening.
Mrs. M. A. Bross U visiting In Des
Moines , la.
William Mnnspeakor of Kearney , Neb. ,
formerly u resident of tUls place , was visit
ing hero last week. *
Will Bridges relumed homo from Wood
Hlvor last week.
Charles Tanner andV. . P. McCroary of
Hastings will talk political matters to the
people of Juniata next Monday ovonlupr.
M. A. Uurtignn of Hustings talked to the
republican clubs of Juuiata last Monday
Several republicans of 'his place wont out
to the Ash school nouse last Tuesday eves-
ing to hear K. E. Ferris spoak.
Mrs. F. E. Kelly , who has boon visiting in
the oasc , returned homo last Wednesday.
Mrs. E.M. Allen returned homo from
Washington , D. C. , and other eastern points
lost Tuesday evening' .
Uev. James Mason of Danbury , Nob. , was
visiting hero several days lust week.
Ditvnl City DuliiffH.
DAVID CITV , Neo. , Oct. 110. [ Special to
Tun Bru ; [ The machinery and fixtures of
the creamery bavo been put in position and
will bo started up Monday on trial.
The Hotel Perkins sewer bus boon eon
noctcd with the sewer from the court bouso.
Farmers are busy husking corn whiob is
yielding ; better than last year.
is in , ) iiii.
GENEVA , Nob. , Oct. : ! 0. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] Jim Coffee who
, was arrested for
robbing a man hero era
Monday evening , bad a
preliminary hearing before Judge WlUon
yesterday , unn was bound over to appear
boforo.tho district court at Its next session.
Bands wore fixed at (5UO. Failing to raise
same ho languishes m. jail.
Uinulio Tlilof Takers llnvo TJiclr Cl4
Full at 1'icsoiit.
Today Oftlcor Vizard loaves for Chicago to
bring back Al. Mosiorvho U wanted here
for robbing Lieutenant Mnnjuart of Fort >
Omaha of UDOUI100 worth of clothing.
Moiiar had boon employed us "striker" for
the lieutenant , but he could not stand such a
soft easy Job nnd evidently wanted some
ready cash. Two overcoats and ono suit of
tbo stolnii clotulng was found by Vizard.ln ago
pawn shop"nnd returned to tbo ofllcer.
This afternoon Ootoctivo
Dempeey will
to Oo Molues to bring back F-awnrrt bwlft
who has bron nrrosiod there and Is wanted
hero for being Implicated
in robbing tuo :
Sutcllffe aud Xuninor residences at i''ortv.
second nnd '
UiimlngBureaus some time ago.
On the ltd of the prcbont month Jobu An
derson was laying a coninnt lloor In tbo su -
mint of the Boston ntoro and had Ills ch ,
which was In bis vest , stolon. Yesterdav
tbo pollen arrested Bill Thompson , u colored
employe of the Grunt paving com panv , for
the crime. Thompson had tuo wutcb In his
possession at tlio time of his arrest.
Detective s'auchn and Oillcer Folev ar
rest d Ed K. Thompson yesterday af tot noon
while ha was trying to sell a stolen fur lapIn
robo.Oftlcor Donahue took two colored men In
out of the wet yesterday nnd sent them i to
jail for stalling a suit of clothes from 11 , toU.
Hanson , Seventh and Koavoriworth streets.
Tbo prisoners are chronio Hiieak thieves and
bavo both oecn lu Jail bofora Tbo clothing
was recovered , .
Yesterday afternoon the police arrested
Charles U. Seward and charged him with
carrying concealed weapons and lmper onat-
ing an otllcor. Scwnra was down In tbo burnt
district palming himself off as a special do.
tecUvo and worUing bis face far entertain
ment. Ho bad ( ho rck-uluUoii bogus detective
agency badge and a cheap revolver.
At tlm AsuocliiUon Hall.
The 4 o'clock meeting at tbo Youncr Men's
CbrUtlau association rooms yesterday was
addressed by Hov. W , P. Murray , the now
pastor of the Hunacom Park church. Hov.
Murray U a very young man , but a most
earnest and Interesting speaker. Ho als-
cussed tbo pleasures of a Christian life as
compared with those obtainable from the
world , and declared that happiness in Us
itual truest seu o was only to bo louud m a spir
Will HHVO Ituvlvul.
Rer. Dr. Fulton , who 'preached In the
First BuptUl church ycmurday , bas been
prevailed upon to romalu la the city and
conduct a series of
evao oUttio mooting * i in
tbo ctiurch at the corner of Fifteenth aad
Davenport ' streeti each evening at : 'W
o'clock , All aie cordially lovitod.
Origin of All-Hnllowa'en and tbo
That Curround the Titno.
l.ovo Clinrms nml Incantations - . . . „ „
for Tlioto UIin Ar Curious n * to tlio
Fntnrn Iliiilmnil or 'llo-
. . .
. ,
Hnir to I'rocrod.
All the boys nnd girls know that tonight ,
October .11 , will bo All-Hallowo'on , though
mo of them corrupt Its name "ilolly o'on. "
Th know that It Is n night of mlrtti and
mystery , specially devoted to mischief , fun ,
Incantations , divinations , charms nnd spells ,
but very few of them or tholr elders under
stand Its real significance or can toll wbcoco
Itc derives Its name.
It Is many centuries since the Homan
church , finding It Impossible , from thu great constantly Increasing multitude of the
snlntu. to sot sp.irt a separata day for each
oao , decreed that November 1 should hence
forward bo kept n3 n dny in honor of all the
snliits , and tbnt It should bo known as All-
Hallowmus or All-Saints' day , nnd that the
night of October 111 , Immediately preceding
It , should thereafter bo kuut as n vigil nud bo
itnown ns AlMIallowa'cu , these occasions
stilt observed In the Catholic , Epis
copal nnd Lutheran churches.
From Its first organization Hnllowo'on has
bcon invested with a peculiarly mystic char
acter. It is an almost universal biipersllllou
Hi at Kiipef until ml Influences then bavo un
usual power. Hint devils , witches and fairies
nro nbi/ud. tbnt oil spirits are free to roam
through space and that ihusuit itunlolcmauls
in nil Itvii.g humanity can be detached from
corporeal restraint nnd mailo to Its own
future or to reveal to others what fate may
have In store for them. As there is nothing
ii the chinch celebration of the ensuing day
of All-Saints' to Justify these singular Ideas
ntid customs associated with Hallowe'en , uud
as none of thoin nro of n religious character ,
wo muy justly regard tbom ns tullcsof pagan
Ono ol Its Mnur U os.
In - ' apes nnd countries Hallowe'en has
been deemed , as it still Is , the occasion par
excellence for divining the answer to that
momentous question which absorbs so Inure
n shnro of tbo thoughts of romutitio young
men und maidens. "Who is lo marry whom t"
The means employed to gain this much de-
si rod Information nro ns quaint nnd curlo'is
as they are numerous and varied. For this
purpose overv limo nnd nvery country
almost every district of over.v countrv fans
had its own charms and spoils peculiar to
itself and they have furnished an almost In-
oxbuustiblo theme to folK-poots and compil
ers of folk-lore.
These of Scotland have been most graph
ically described by that greatest of nil poets
of the pooplo. Kouert Hums. In his poem nf
"Hallowe'en" ho has given us n most vivid
account of more than half a scqro of Hallow
e'en charms and spells peculiar to the Scot
tish peasantry.
Inn very old book of folk-lore called "Yo
Truii Arto to Heado Yo Future" U fount ! the
following :
If a null d would know yo namoofyo mnn
she Is to marry lot heron All-llalloiro'on steal
out to .1 limo kiln und throw thcielnu nluo
of hi no v.irn , still holding to yo othcrond.
Presently yo end In yo kiln will bo sharply
nulled. Then yo innld must s.iy. "who
holds ? Whereupon yojvolco of her fiituro
luisbuml will uronouncn bis name both yo
Christian and ye surname.
The onlv obstacle to the successful per
formance of this spell is the difficulty of find
ing nu old lime Kiln , but ns limo idlns will bo
In great demand among our women when the
Important statement uisdo In the above para
graph becomes generally Known , nnd as a de
mand for any article in this country is speed
ily met by an abundant supnly thonumberof
limo kilns will doubtless soon bo largely aug
mented , to the great delight of anxious
match-making mammas and their dutiful
.So mo
Water , nuts and apples bear a prominent
part in the spells nnd charms of Hallowe'en.
A quaint old book of charms published In
Ediuburg in 1070. entitled , "Old Father
Time's Bundle of Faggots Newly Bound
Up , " declares that an infallible moans of
getting n view of vour future husband or
wife is to go to bed Hallowe'en with n glass
of water , in which a small sliver of wood
has bcon placed , standing on a table by your
bedside. In Ibo nlehtou will dream of
Jailing from n bridge into u river and ot
being rescued by your future wife or bus-
baud , whom vou will see ns distinctly as
though viewed with waking oyes. This
charm Is thus alluded to by the English poet
Guy :
, .
rA = t llallowo'en I lorr/ed rny love to see.
And irlrd uspull lo call her no lo mo.
With wood nud water bt Hiding by my sldo
I dreamed n. dream uud saw my own sweet
bride ,
In n folk-lore book called ' -Ye Mysteries of
tbo Wytchcruft , " there Is given a charm "by
which a mnld may know if vo man she loves
bo trua. " To perform tins the maid Is
directed to plucK ut midnight on All-Hullow-
e'on two monthly rosrs with long stems ,
numingoua for herself nd tbo other for her
lover. Sbo must then go directly to her
sleeping room without speauing to any one ,
and kneeling boaido ber bed must twine the
Ktoma of tbo two roses together and then
repeat tbo following lines , meanwhile g&zlng
intently upon the ro e named for her lover :
Twine , twine and intertwine ;
J.ot my lovr bo wholly mine.
If bin hcrirt bo kind nnd trim
Deeper grow bis rose's hue.
If her swalu bo faithful the color of the
roio roprcscntini : him will prow darker und
more Intense. Of all the many Hallowe'en
spells and charms , associated with nuts , ono
of tlio oldest is that which provalls m sonio
of England's northern counties , nnd which
Is lo tbo effect that If a young man or
woman will co nt midnight Hallowe'en to n
walnut trra end wulk nround It tbreo tunes ,
cryinir out each time , "Lot him ( or her ) that
is to bo my tiue love bring mo some wal
nuts , " tbo future wife or husband will [ JOie
seen In the tree catherlng its fruit. The :
poet Gny thus refers In his "Pastorals , " to
this custom :
Last Hnllowo'on T soncht n walnut Iron
In honuri my trim lovo'sfaco that I'might see
Three limes 1 called , tbreo limes I walked
Then in the tree I saw my true lovu's face.
Tills Iteqnlren CloMii Witto'linc ,
A very old Hallow eve divination , formerly
much practiced bv English rustics to toll
from what quarter of the compass the future
husband or wife , will come , Is performed by
stealing out unobserved nt miiinlebt
, pluck
ing n small lock of hair from one's head uul
casting it to the .
broe/o. Whatever direction
it is blown toward is boilovod to bo the loca :
tion of tbo future matrimonial partner. TbU
divination Is also mentioned u.v Gay lu his
"Pastorals" as follows :
I pluok this lock of hair from out mv head
To toll whence comes the ono that 1 shall
I'lv. sllkon hair , llv all the world around ,
Until von roach the spot whore my true love
IK found ,
There can bo no question that many of the
observances of Hallow eve
are derived from
these of the old Homan festival of Pomonn ,
when divinations and the consulting of
oracles and omens
were universally
Lighting bonfires is ono of the oldest toad
most unlvorabl of Hallow eve usages , vet tbo
Germanic and Celtic nations were botu ac
customed to tundlo thorn OctoDer 31
centuries before they over board of the
Christian religion and Us vigil of All-Hallow
eve. It Is probable thnt the boys of
these old racas Indulged on that date in the
tB'iio mischievous practices which now afford
so much pleasure to our own youngsters , S
no doubt the little
ons and daughter * of tbn
ancient Romans , Germans and Celts curmln- '
aied the municipality quite as extensively as
our o-vn children do now by ringing door
bolls and runuluii away before
they can bo
answered , beating In the panels of > ut
doora with cabbage heads , ml jnlacing slpne ,
gates and fences , and
raising Old Nick
erally. gen-
I'rnlliiaml sulunlii llurloil ,
The funeral of Ferdinand Scbinld. who
died Friday of consumption , was held yestor-
dav afternoon at tbo late residence of the
deceased , Sll South Ninth street. Mr.
Schrold was comparatively a young man ,
bulug only Ul year * old , aud bad lived bore
nearly nil his life. > Ta wm nvett-rnn fireman
nnd out of roiprct to the de J the Vottran
Fin-men's imoclatldn turned out In full
uniform to escort l\ho romilns of tholr bro
ther to the grave. Short services were held
at the house and them the funeral profession ,
headed bv the Walnut Hill band and followed
bv the Veteran Firemen , marched to the
Prospect hill camqwr.v , wboro the body was
FUKRKUt /'Mf. } nKFItiir.
Conditions \Vlilnlt Tnllnrnrril tlio Market *
LONDONOct. . Wj itlarly in the past week
discount ! bogsn Sfp rep , nnd brokers ap
peared , . little dljpojDd to support the Banlc
of 1 England , but the fooling changed on
Friday , when the Bank of England , nftor the
withdrawnlof nearly JEIOO,0 ( > 0. commenced by
borrowing In tbo market. It Is now probiblo
that the Bank of England wilt advance Us
rate to 4 per cent by Thursday next , ospe-
c'n' ' '
liank of Germany , which throws nn In
creased demand lu London , whllo the out
flow to Egypt , is likely to continue , nnd
Scotch demands must soon bo met.
On the Stock exchange business was re
stricted , owing to the monthly settlement ,
but In snili of the outlook money snowed nu
upward lendcncy. British funds were
easier. Colonial nnd British corporation
stocks wcro stronger , the Improvement in
the latter bolng duo to the succes ci of the
Norwich loan of 170,000 , tbo subscriptions
for which wcro sufficient to cover the loan
ton times. This fact Miows that there Is
pleutv of money awaiting sound investment ,
Indian rupee Issues closed n half lower lu
sympathy with the decline In silver. For
eign government securities were irregular
South American Issues woruiiealn supported.
Argentines generally were ! } higher on the
reduction or the gold premium , nnd Brazil
ians D'j higher on the Improvement in ex
change. European securities wcro de
pressed , owing to the weakness on conti
nental bourses. Kussiuns were 1 point
lower. English railways opened strong , but
afterwards bfc.imo ( lut , owing to the wet
wcnthcr There was an average fall of 1
point , the chief decline bdne In Brighton
rnllxvny , which dropped .T points , owing to
sales by bulls , tired of waiting for n rlao.
In American railway securities a good bus
iness was transacted at Iho beginning of Iho
week ; afterwards the tone became Hut in
sympathy with the tone in Ne v York. Bub
there was a slicht , spurt nt the end of the
week , lo.ivlug prices with a fractional ad
vance. Variations for the week - in
creases In Lake Shore. Northern Pacific preferred -
ferred nnd Missouri , Kansas & Texas of one-
half point each , nud decreases In Wnbash pre
ferred of t and in Central Pacific of one-half.
( Irani ! Trunk of Canada , IIrH nnd second
preferences , docllnod throe-fourths each for
thoweek. Areontlno rallwcvs were In bet
ter favor ; Buonot Ayres and Uoanrlo gamed
U points nnd Central Argentine 1 point.
In the mining market prices were very
llrtn , especially these of Diamond mlno
shares , in which tbo adx'mico averages ! ' < , .
Brewery shares were bought In inrcc
amount. Anglo-American telegraph iul-
vancoa 3 paints.
Munuy In
NEW YORK. Oct. 30. Banner Henry Clews
in las weekly review'savs :
"Tho hardening tendency of the money
markets here and iuEurope nnHirallJ ! holds
speculative trunsactibns In check , the more
so ns the drtf bas fun farther than baa been
generally expected.1Vo bavo boon assured
by Chicago bankingi authorities that that
money center bas so , far gained control of in
terior finances tliHt'tbo ' great grain states
would no longer bo'dependent on Now York
funds tor moving the crops. Some people
have believed thlsj' b'oast ' , and are consequently
quently taken by silrpriso at tbo present
condition of our bating ; but the fact has
been that , since * thn cha of Julv , the surplus
reserves of tbo clearing bouse banks bavo
fallen from twcntylfour millions to zero , nnd
that twenty million of money has been sent
from Now York to the interior. This Is a
change so sweeping nnd so unexpoclod that
it necessarily becomes ; a serious clnmont in i
Wall street oporutlbqs' . as" its effects nro
apparent in strlng'onvyyj and unmually hlsh
rates for loan's nnd 'discounts.
"A similar change has appeared in tbo
European monov markets. Not only has
the Bank of England advanced its rate of
discount from 13 to It per cent , but the London
open market , has since ihut change shown a
still hardening tendency in the rate for
money. At tbo otbor foreign centres a lH'o
tendency is apparent. Tbo notable , not to
say ominous , feature at all points is the
disposition ot the great banks to i
keep their gold nnd got more. Tbis incli
nation may bo attributed in part lo the con
tinuous purchases of Austro-Hung&ry , and
to tbo boarding of tbo Husslnn government
for some Inscrutable purpose ; but tt is no
doubt also stimulated by the position of the
silver question , which is broucht into un
usual prominence by the forthcoming
monetary conference nt Brussels.
"While , in view of the factors above re
ferred to , it may bo necessary to slacken pace
somewhat for a time iu stock operations , yet
the general situation is a strong one. The
business nf tbo country at larco Is sound and
nutivo and the nation ii probably accumulat
ing solid wealth faster than over before , the
Iargcnc4s of our currpnt imports even is evi
dence of that , The bink clearings show the
Increasing activity of business , the crops are
turning out considerably better than bas boon
estimated and tbo farmers are making money
and paying oil their dobts. Tno gross oirn-
Ings'of the railroads showstoady Increases of
earnings and the grain roads are blocked wltb
freight beyond tbo capacity of their cars ,
while the not earnings exhibit u gratifying
increaseovertbosoof last youruud ; the quan
tity ol grain coming to seaboard far oxcrods
all precedent , which Is evidence of extraor
dinary interior stocks of produce. All those
are circumstances Bearing favorably upon the
value of railroad investments , nud are pre
paring the way for a higher range of values
when thn present special conditions affecting
the money market have disappeared. "
On the IMrls liunrio.
PAIHS , Oct. 33. The bourse was depressed
during the past wojk and there was on ab
sence of business , partly duo to rumors of ba
coming cabinet crisis over tbo next ot
discussion and partly to doubts in rogaid to
the ratification ot the Franco-Swiss com
mercial treaty. The deficit In tno Kusjlun
budget and tbo expectation of a further nd- in the London bank rate also inllu-
onced the market. All International funds
ranged lower. Uusslans were the chief suf
ferers with a decline of Iff.
Hank of Franco shaies In spite of the at
tacks on tbo institution closed 40 francs
higher. Sue/ canal shares continued to fall ,
closing 23 francs lower. Hlo Tintos recov >
ered 1 > francs.
On tlio Frankfurt ISniirxt.
FitAMU'oitT , Oct. ffO.'jsBushioss was uullon
the bourse during tjyj week past. Russian
bonds cloicd IJtf loiyori , The final quotations
Include : Hungarian'ijpld rente , 91.70 , Aus
trian gold rente , 'J7.-W ; short exchange ISon
London , S.U5. u ct ,
On tbn ifnrhn lloiimn ,
Biuus' : , Oct. ! 10.- ) q ( , the bo'irso during
the past week buslnpfs was dull , Gorman
funds dropped , owing to the advance of bean
Imperial oantt rato''topercent. ! . Prussian
4'a closed yostorday'nt"l00.70. International
stocks shared In 'Uiu , decline. Uusslpns
chiefly were unoctoorj owlriB to thn with -
ilrawalof Husblan bold from the IJank han
KiiKlund. Tbo loan QT15SU i nd Oriental loan
closed U points lower and roubles H points
Austrian credit clo'sd'S yesterday at 101 50 !
BOYD'SXcwTlicdie. ( Thrco Msh us
; . | tat. Mat.
Commencing ; Monday , Oct. 31
in ihu followImsrepurlulro of Hliukciipurltin pluyn :
Monday Kvcnlng , Tuesday U
Wounuidiiy Matlni'u. Wudnutdny K IIS ,
nnd Dcutscha bank nt U.0.10. . Iron shnrra
\vero prcntly doprc.s < cd nt the of the
\\rek. Hochumor closed Saturday nt 110
nnd Ilarpcncrs nt IH't. Short oxchnneo on
London closed at S0.85 nnd long oxohango
Clionjulil nml Oniirrcy Will Mrrl In thn
Illnc Idiilcht.
Tonipht , before the Coney Island Athletic
club , the much talked of finish llKht between
Joe Uhoynskl qf Catlfornln nnd Georco ( .led-
frey , the Uoslou colored urodlgy , will lake
place. Whllo It will doubtless bo n great
contest , ns both men bnvo unsullied reputa
tions ns hard nnd honest fighters , tuo
authorities are wldo npart on the merits ot
the two gladlntor.s. Many of them ,
principally tlioo banging In nnd
about Gotham nnd Iho Hub , nre of the
opinion that "Old Chocolate , " ns Oodfrov
has been dubbed these many years , has n
big percentage over the man from
tlm 03.11 In science nud lint ;
Ronon Uh'p ' , nnd must pull off n
victory. The fact , lee , tbnt bo will enter
the arena possibly ton pounds heavier than
Chovnsld fortitics them In their belief. Ho
Is n k'ntno man , nnd cati stand enough pun
ishment to satisfy the greed of themoum-
satiate ring goer. With him fighting la
purely a business , nnd ho always goes about
it in n Utnlness-llUo wuy , nnd up lo date bas
.seldom omoritcd from n conlllct with the
small and of the stiilies.
On the other hand Joe Chovuskl i bis
dottulo for enmcnuss nnd fairness. Ho Is
considerably tnllor than the Itoston man nnd
nil have the ndVAlitnifo of a longer roach.
Ho lilts hunt and often , but Is unsteady on
his plus , which oftou matios htm appear
cltimsv. ! llohas not been nearly so nuccosa *
ful us Godfrey ami the ] ig time lu which big
,1m ( lodilard twice punched him into obliv
Ion loads many of "Old Uhocolato's" friends
to believe that ho will not ba nblo to with-
staiui thu severe punishment the colored
mnn Is known to bo able to Intlict In the
carlv stages ot n liclit. I look for the Call
fornlan to win purely on account of bis youth
nnd strcnglb , iniii doubly so If Iho light Is n
prolonged ono. In either event , however , he
may not. Godfrey , though u finely preserved
specimen of manhood. Is fully n dozen
y ars older than Joe , nnd when n
lighter gets well up Into the
thirties it is high time ho renounces the ring.
Ho may , however , add Uuoviisul's scalp to
the largo number that ntrcadv nilorn his
girdle , in which event I shall not bo sur
prised , as too many good men have gonu out
before bis CfUornii'nol and savage onslaughts.
A uunioor of local authorities , bislng their
opinions on Iho closn call .laclc O.ivls of this
city gave ChoynsUl twn years ago , will lay
their monov on tbo colored mnn.
Ailtfan , /r.W. ! > ' .
The Davidson Austen comparv , which
presented "Tho Dangers of a Gront City" at
the Boyd n snort time ago , an engage-
meut vesterday at tbo ivarnnm Streetthrntcr
In "Guiltv Without Crime. " The drama is
nn ndnptntlon of Miss Braddon's novel ,
"Aurora Flovd. " The stnrv turns upon the
experience of a young woman who as a silly
school girl loves nnd marries n man who
proves to Do a cambler and a geuerallv disreputable -
reputable ch-iractor. She oftorw.irds hears
of his sunposed death and marries nlord , but
the gambler turns up nnd tries to squeeze
hush morioy from her to keen the secret of
the first marriage. They bnvo n secret
moating , nnd tbo man is shot ami Killed by n
servant who is after the * UOOJ ) left lying on
the table. Suspicion points to the woman's
noble husband , but she confesses to tbo
crima In order to tavo him. Of course the
husband believes his wife innocent , the real
murderer Is discovered nnd nil ends happily.
The story hns enough of suspense to hold
Interest'to the end nnd receives u credilable
production by a company with considerable
merit among its merobnrs.
Church Howe is at the Pnxton.
H. C. Peters of Yutan Is at the Paxton.
C. E. Smith of Chicago is at the Mercer.
James Welser of Ponder is at tno Arcade.
F. C. Harrison of Lincoln is n guest at the
A. C. Hull of Hastings is registered at 1
It. If. Woods of Pawnee City is nt tha
W. B. Hogan of Norfolk is registered at
the Dellono.
U. M. Nesbit of Ainnswortb is a guest at
the Uollone.
W. W. Cumnock of Kearney spent Sunday
at the Paxton.
A. J. Kearney of Wnvorly was at too
Dollono yesterday.
J. W. Johnson of Lincoln was nt the
Mlllard yostordav.
L W. Uillingsloy of Lincoln was at the
Murray yesterday.
J. L. Webber of Beatrice was a Sunday
guest at the Mercer.
Dr. P. S. Prottymnn of Sioux City is a
guest nt the Murray.
O. W. Wilson of Fremont is among the
guests at the Arcado.
Mr. and Mrs. ( i. W. Floyd of Gothenourg
are guests at the Millard.
CIIICHOO , III. , Oct. I0. ! Tolegrar.i
to THE DKC. 1 Nebraska nrnvnls today :
Wfllllnelor S. n. I lay ilon and wife. Omahn.
Grand Pacific Wnltcr I. Smith , lOmcrv A.
Cobb , Omaha. Tromnnt IC'i Hoi" Ur >
What is wanted of
soap for the skin is to
wash it clean and not
hurt it. Pure soap docs
that. This is why we
want pure soap ; and ,
when we say pure , we
mean without alkali.
Pears' is pure ; no al
kali in it ; no free alkali.
There are a thousand
virtues of soap ; this one
is enough. You can trust
a soap that has no biting
alkali in it.
All sorts of stores sell
t , especially 'druggists ;
11 sorts of people
A M UVj B.M 12. N T w.
Farnam Str)3t ) Thaater rui |
One Week , Conunonjlhfcundiy 1HL , Oct. W > .
Matlnou U'ltdno-uHv
Wo will tend toll tlio niarit.u <
Krrodi I'rfpurutlon ' CALTHOd
fife , atid a I K I KUirauter iliu ,
IA1 IIIUS Mill HiMori.tour
Sleull , Mtn-uulli uuJ > Ifor.
I 'it ft anil fiir i/ialti/.td ,
Adclreia VON MOHL CO. ,
H.I. ioerltai it U , ( Utlulll. Obla.
Mr. Joseph Unntnct'tch
An old soldier , came out of the War greatly
enfeebled by T ) jilioiil Vror , anil atlcr li
\arlmis hospitals the doctors dlschargrd him
ns Incurable \\llh Oointimiiilou. lie bai
ln-cn In poor health since , until ho began to take
Hood's SarsapariHa
Immediately his cough grew looser , night
fiucnts erased , and ho icgatm-il Rood gi-ni-ial
liealth. Ho roidl.ill ) recommends Hood's S-ir-
Mpai Ilia , especially tocomrndcsmlliotJ. A .11.
HOOD'S PlULS euro ItMiltuM Contllpitluntiy
tcstorlnsii'rlsHHIcRcllonuf Ihe ailment vy canal ,
and notice to thu olcolors nu I lo Kalotors o
the i'lty of Din. ilin of an iiinual cltv oloi-tloii
of the city ot Dm ilia , to bo liuld on 'l'iu < dnv ,
IhoHlh day of Novoniiipr. iv , for the pur-
of olecllnit ono coiini-llinan from u tell
To Oniihui tin- electors and losnl voters of Iho rlty of
1 , lleorio I' , Itcmls , mayor of Iho ollv of
Omilia , do Isiilu llus , my pioclnmatlon. nnd
by tlio authority vested I i niu us such innriir
do hcrooy il\u pniillo notli-o to the electors
nnd Ic al voters of the City of Dinnli i Hint nn
niiuilal city ulo.'imn of thu city of ( Jinnlia.
\\lll bnlirld Ins-ililcityon TiiiMd iy , tliui'lclitli
dny of Nuvombcr , I Mi tor the piiriioseof elect-
fr one coiiiiollin in from unch w ird.
Tlio polls shall bo OIHMI on tlio u-iy of s.ild
oluctloi nt uliht oMock In Iho inornlii i nnd
sliall contlniii ) opiMi until slo'clock In llio
rvonln of thn i unu day , nt the respective
volln.jilaei's ) following , to-w It :
HUM \\A\llt \
K Cor"or Tth " "ll
" nnd
. , ' " N T : oor"8r 15tl
* Clef
of Ct"
cor"or " > lh and Hickory
cor"cr CUl uui1
' ' " ' '
N'w corner Oth and It.inoriift
X K corner 13th and Vlnton
1E.MMJ WAIlt ) .
X W corner llth nnd Jones
N W corner lath nnd 1'nelrio
S W corner ISIh nnd I.oaven-
H \V c > )
, .
M -
3 L corner 2)d ) nnd Ijo.iven-
otli IJIstnoT-Kisl sldo of South Win
in ; > nsto ! I'opploton : ITO , street ,
fib District S 13 corner JClh and I'lorco
till District S H corner 14th and William
Uth DIstrlct-N 13 corner Sixteenth and Con
or stnvits.
I nil llstrlot-N W
corner 2)th ) ami
Mill Ulblrlot S K corner SOth and Hancroft
I''th District N K corner l.'ith and Vlnlou
Uth Dlstflnt-S W coiner Kith nnd Valley
lllji Dlalrlct N E corner 20tb a.nd Donlovnrd
TIIIlll ) WARIl.
1st I ) strlct-S W
_ corner 12th and Chicago
2 < l District N W corner mil and D.tvimporl
ad District South sldo of Capitol iivunua
nmr ( nustofi 1,1th street.
4th District-West side of 12th street , bo-
nvcen Doilei > streets.
Oth District N 13 corner luth and O'anltol
Ulh DKtriet N 13 corner fllh and iMrnoy
7lh Jl trlot 9 n corner llth aud Duu/las
i Hue Is.
( < th District N 13 oornor 15th and Jaulcon
yih District S n corner 13th and Howard
street * .
- I. l District N W corner ITth nnd D-ivonpor'
Slid Dlslrlct N W corner S.'nd and lUvonporl
tree Is.
.Ird District N W corner S.Hli and Dodco
4th District N E coiner 17tb and DoiUo
11 i routs.
Stn District N 13 corner ITth nnd Ilarney
Mb DIstrlct-N W corner SOth nnd Douglas
7lh ' Iistrlct-N W corner Jflth street nnd St.
nrv's inenuo
Htb ' Di-lrlet S W corner20th street nnd bt.
Oth Distrlot E-ist sliloof .koiith I'Jlb ' slrcot.
uiuct-ii llnrnoy slrcot and bt. M.iry'tinvoniio.
IDih District N Wcornur ISth and Loivun-
> ortli streets.
lllli District S W corner l"lb Htrcot aud St.
I , ry's avonuo.
1st District I3ust si ID of Sbornmn uvonuo
iliposlto Mnndrrson htreot.
Jiid District S K corner Sherman avenue
mil WIrt street.
.Ird IINtnut S W corner avenue
-nil L ut o strnnU 0o
nil DNtilei N W corner Sliornian avunuo
. .
itli Dlbtrlct h W corner 17th and Clnirjo.i
. I roc Is
lith District I3nt : sldo of Hiormaii uvcnuo
hout.lli foot north of Nicholas slrcot.
Till District .4 i ; corner Ilith und Izaid
8lh Dlstrlul N W corner Ifith and Hurt
Uth District N 13 corner 15th and Oass
triiiits ,
lUUi District nastelilo North 17th street bo-
wt'on Oulifiirnla and U.iss btruots ,
tltb Dlsiriot-b )3 ) curlier 18th : Mid Oass
Ut District S K corner''Uh btrcotnntl Aniua
iVCIllll' .
' 'nil D'strlia-S ' W corner lOth alri-ot and
fraud uMiiinu.
aril District N 13 corner 45lh und Orant
4ih District S W cornoi "lib und Mnnclcrion
5lh DlHtrlct SKcornorSllh nnd WIrtitrec
Uth District H W uornor 3'lrd and I'arlcur
, trpots , ury
7th District N W corner ' . ' 4th aid C/'orby <
8th l/Istrlct N 13 corner 27th nuJ Unrdclto
Ulh lilstrlct N 13 cornur 2nd ! nnd ,
lull District N W corner aUh and I'rauklln
' "
JlVii"District H W corner 21th and Krunklln
' " '
[ "tli'blBtrlot S W corner S.'nd and Cl-irk
itroeu ,
1st Dlatrlot H W coiner 2Hli and M.iion
3t2nTDUtrlct-N L corner UOth avenue nnd ,
corner SOU. Bln-ot n.i.1 .
corner SOth .tro.t and
' >
8tb ) South sldo of Vlnton stn-ct
nu.irluiist of ) < mtli ; i'l ' avonnu.
Oth DUlrlct S 13 corner With avenue and
I'oiiplL-ion iivonun. . . . .
7111 Dlatrlct-N Vf corner 3lti ! iiml 1'ranuls
atrcut * .
EinilTII UAIII ) .
lit nistrlut-UiHl. Ido of Sfith street near
iMiutli of I Clmrlfs t-trin't.
Sii.l Dlstrlot-We-t side of 23d street imar
( luutliuDl'uuUlri-ut. . . , . . . . .
jrl Dislrict NV corner SOth and Mcholus
" '
'lui District N 13 corner 20th and Ounilns
6th DUtrlct West sldo of North 2itb
near ( north of ) "uniliis Htroot.
Wh DI trletA > 13 cornor'J-'d Hmlllnrt Htroots.
1th District S W corner VUtb und Uusu
bliuuts. '
1st District H W cornur 3d and Cumlnx
StJd'tlitrlot ' | ) N > V corner 40th nnd Oumliig
Ct.ialDl trlct N 13 cornnr 40th und 1'urnaiii
{ ' | ) trlct North * lrto of Davenport street
nourveit ( of I North X' < 1 uienua
5th dUtrlot b K rorucr 'JUt arnnuo and
t-H W corner 20th uvouuv and
,1'kson truiit.
In wltuois whereof I huve hereunto sot 'my
bnnd iiHin.ivor of bald city of Omaha , his
17th day of October
( ) Uyup <
Attest ! JOHN UIIOVKB , C'lty Clerlt. oJM.'lt
roolamiktlon nnd notice of sitbmlulon to Ibn
plootors ntid lo l votorj of the city ot
Unialia of the iinoitlon of Issulnu thn
bond s of iho oily of Omiilm In tlio mini of
ono niinflrril Ihonnni dullnrs ill ( > , ) to
pay for the ron of p'lvlns , ffpuvlntor
nitiiinlMiiz the Intorxoctlons of roots
spaces opposlin nltciyi in vil , | city , nnd to 1
P' y Iho cost of nnvlnc In front of roil ritnto
iiotsiililoct to us < oi mont of special taxes
for pdvfiiB pnrnosps.
° jtl'0 ' olci'torn nnd lojal voters of the city of
1. Ucorttn I1. HomK
mayor of the
tlty of
'i"\1 , ; . \ . . ! ! authority . ! ; ! ' " ' ' 'n-n ? . - . , " In ! > : mo i1. as ' i " inch ' ! " mayor ? . nm ' i
o hrrchy inyo publio not ro to IhoolocloM
nil lojal votciM of the oily of
Oninh i tlmt n
will bo hold
In siitl
uosday. tlm i.Klth | , on
or the day of Vo\oinbcr. IS9) .
purpose uf submitting
to said nloolors
"no l' ' " \"l.l'V.lllo1"cstlon \ nnd proportion ,
"J-ii ill lioiids of the cltv of Om.ilm In the
inn of ( mn biinilrcd llioi.s mil dollar
* ( { |
o Issued for thu purpusr of ii.iyni t thn coil of
avnij. rep ivlnn or iiiniMduiimiiN the lnt r-1
ocllonsof Htrputs nnd SHUT * opposite i lioyt /
maul ' city , or pivliipr the cost of p-xvlnjlii
rout of rent i-Mntc tint suhjonl to nMctsmont
f sppclnl nxrs for nivinir purposes , silil
imds lo run nol more than tnont- "
uio mu-roHt payiblo .sumUannuRllySLj
t a ritonot oxoccdliij llxn pur cent per an'
m. with conpoiM alt ichcd , to bo o.sjlodyv
avliitf I'onds and notto liusold for le \\\\\\\yi
\ \ \ \ \
It. t. the , ,
.V | tuvi-l 1 Ui which shrill I o iisi'd for nos f
lh r purpose Unn pivln * the cost nf II.IMIU ,
tipnvina or iniic.iflam pinif Ihu Intersection *
fstri'L'ts nnd . --1J
np.iops opposllo alleys In - -
'IV , or In front of rivil rsl'tln not suliji ;
isussinpnt of Hperixl tnti-s for pivluj
The silil question ninl nropoMt on shall b
illmillti'd to.s lUlolc'i'iorsimllrci
f" In u , , ,
orm | iiu\lilvd liv law fornlllc al bat ot
- tin wnr is " \ us" " .So" print" ' i tlii'roo
if wild ballots InvliiK nn.v mark t ,
\\t \ \ the ttor.l YrV'Hli ill tin roiintrd In f itorVx *
ifit Issuing sild honiK and nllnf snld lulloti
invlni : nn ' .V murk folio liu tno wont "No" ,
ball lie counted ntul oonsldorod as
ho Issulnuiif i.ild bonds.
The polls shall be open the diy of siihl rice-
Ion at I' nYlocU In iho morn MI tr and shall
' ontlminiiiu'iriitiill soYUiik | Inilio oxonliu
the siino nay at the icsp clnnotln
nccs , ns follows :
1st Dlstrlot-S 1-3
corner 7th and
cornar l.'th i
nor Uth n'nl llrit : L
loof I'aclfloslrootbo- )
of Cth
I N corner 10th nnd lllel.ftry
i rf corner Cth find Center
culk -N W corner th and Hnnoroft , ,
iei'l ' " ' 9trlct N' l : corner lath and Vlnton | J
" ' N W curilur luh 1XI1'1 ' 4
1Slh u"cl
CUr" ° r SJth ! ' "a'
C"r"Ur " " ' BIld 1
OUPOSttO ulh Dlstr ' et-I3jst sldo of South 3 > th slrect.
I'llpplvtOII ! .VO.
cor"cr and Willlim i
N 13 corner blslconth und Cun
Rl > 'jji ' [ ] D-slrlet-N W corner 8'th ' nnd Doro.ii
lllli D.striut-S H
corner SOth and llancroft
I'Jth Dlslrlct-X 13 corner 1.1th nnd Vlntoa
streets. '
ISth Dlstilnt-S W coiner Uth nnd VnllorjS
llth District N Kcorner2Jtb ind Doulovard .
Till III ) IVAUII. (
, , ) strlot-H w corner ISth nnd Oliloago'/ .
2d DIstilct-N W corner tUh and I )
stieuts. .i
ad DUtrlct South slilo of Capitol avcunuy
noirtwcstofl 1.11 h street , I
4th Dlstilct-Wust llo ( of 12th street , bo-t.
Doiulnsaml Dod o streets. iV
avunnu 5th DI lrlel-N-l3 toriior luth nnd Capitol'/ '
iiih Dlslrot N 13 corlicr Oth and Il.irnoyi
slicois. A
" < h DIalrict f 13 corner llth und Dou.'laa1 , ]
tli District N 13 corner 13th nnd .faokjqnC
strcuu. '
Uth Dlstrlot S 13 corner 10th nnd Howurd
1st DUtrlct N W coiner 17th and Davonnor *
' 'ml District N W corner a.'nd nnd Davenport
.Ird DIstrlet-N W corner 25th .ind Dodge , I
st routs. '
4th DIslriot-N 13 corner 17th and Dodge 'I ;
i-troBts. /I /
Ath District N 13 oornor 17th nnd Hainey'J
BllOOtS. If
Uth DIstrlct-N W corner 20lh und DiUBlu ) * l
htieota. > '
7th ' DIstrlct-N W corner 20th street and bt. 1
ilnry's iixeniie I
( Hi ' Dislilet S W corner 20th street and
Mary's in oniic ,
Dili Dlslilot r'istsliloof South I'lth ' slrcot.rt
hoincon llnrnoy strcol nnd St .M iry'saxminu. ( I
IDili District N W cm nor Ibth und L < oiton-l
> ' , ortli Htrools. tl
lllli ' Dlsiilct-S W corner 17th street nnd SUI (
Mnry's uvonuo.
1st District Kant si ID of bliormun nvcniio
opposite Mnndorsiin Mroi-t.
' 'nil Dlstrlot h 13 curnor Sliurninii nvcnuo
tind Win sticot.
.Ird Districi h W cornur Shi'rinaii avcnini
and I , no slrcol ,
uh Dlsiricl N W corner Shormtin nvcnuo
mil ( iruco strct-t.
.Mb DistrictS W rorner 17lh nnd Charles
( illi District Hist , sldo of Micrman avenue
.1 ho nt 111) fuut north nf Nicholas ntrent.
7lh District a 13 cornnr Uilli nnd Irani
Hlh District N W corner lOlh and Hurt ,
Ulh Jdstrict N 13 corner 15lli nnd tJass
10th District Knst sldu North 17th strool , bo-
nvonn ( Jiiiifouila und fuss sticuta ,
lllh Dlsuict-h V. ciiincr 16lh nnd
1st DMrlct S 13 coiner 24th slrcot and Amos j
a vi' n in1. .1
2nu I'strict ' H W ciniu'r Lfith utuot uud |
tir.ind IIMIIIIIU.
: ird District N K.coiuor 4jth and Orint
4ih District B W corner 21th nnd MundL r > im |
strootn T
.Itli District HI3 corner 2llh nnd WIrt tlrpolsl
Olh District H W ooini-r Jrd nnd r.iri.erl
glroou. I
7lh District N W corner ' 'lib mil I oibyl
BlrcolH. I
itth lUlrlct-N 13 curnor'Till and ItiirduitiiJ
strcet'J. 1
llth District N 13 coiner 2nd ! nii'l ' ( .rai'tj
1 uh District N Wcornur 2Jitli mid I'lanitiml
slroeti- . I
. , ,
llth District H W corner 2llh und rianklln ]
blri'tltH. '
r.'th Dlatrlct-S W corner 2.'nd amt Clar.i
1st DI trIct-S W corner 2sth and .Masoi4
bt rents. 1
2nd DIstrlct-N I. corner 20th avonno ainl
I'llplllOlDII UVI'IIIIC. 1
: ird DlHirlciW : ) corner COIh stn'ot iin < 1
Woolworth avonuo. 1
llh District .N W cornnr .Uth slri'ot ninl
Arhoi utii'iit. Wi
Stli Dlslrlot Hoiilh slilu of Vlntoa alroctB'
nirir ( mist oDnoiitli .I.M nvenno.
nth Dlstrlut S 13 corner JJtli uveiiuo nnd
I'DiiiiliiloJi uvitmin.
Tin Dlalrlct N \ \ ' cornnr 2llh nml Ir.uicl
Klfllllll WAIII ) ,
l t Dlsirlnt-I3iini Nldo of 21th utrmit nc
( wiiitliofi liiirJv-t .tri'iM.
2nd Dlfitrlcl-'Wiist Hide " ) lJd l blroct nou
( lontl , ) ! ) I'.iulKtrcul
'ir.l . District .N W corner 20th mid
4th Dlstrlot N 13 corner 2Uth and Uiimln
'ilh DUlrlcl WrstHldoof Nnrth I-'illi slim
Uth Diatilct .S I3i'iiri > ur2Mnud Hurt stroiit
7th Diutrlut a W uirnor ' 'Olh and CJc
Jut District H W corner Hit ) anil Cum i
I'd District N W oornor 40lb und Oiinili
; i < l District N 13 cornnr 10th und I'unm
4th District North sldo of Duvenp'Jrt tire
! ionr\vu t of ) North a.M u von mi
f.lli illitrlot H 13 roruvr aut avonno mf
Doduo ulrool.
Ulh Dlittrlct H W corner 'JOth avcuui * i ,
, | .J l/ , , H H | P * > - '
III witness whereof 1 have liiirnnnlo ct
linnil UK mavor of siU city of Oniali.i , II
Attest : JOHN OIIOVKH , iJlly OlorK.
. . * " ' ' * "
jji"ijrpAM8 | T5uYfM8"rff"iii'i
" *
xsffl Hbk'Jr"Uw ! ' " ' * ' "'lll
/OjV/lH'J llIwUrtinMicIiirkuuwBforl'lllou- !
Jf < CVJf _ fylntMH , < xm ll | tlon. dj- [ P l . Willl
L3 VnV'SItath ? ' , litaJ tbr. I MllUro , ' " < 'I
0 < S Bfe * /i > twtlir.iiirntjil iltfrr < Ali" > f HUUTUIF
- - - , | , | , | , . Mllu r..l- ' - I