r * * * if "w m * A " " V"N M"a. M" 4 r * w A. & - iirv "wk. "v * * . < i " a * "s1 T I u * " 'A 'm < i PRRT TWO. IHE OMAHA ; SUNDAY BEE PRGES 9-16. TWENTY-SECOND YEAR. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , OCTOHER 30 , 1892--SIXTEEX PAGES. NUMBER 133. The ! Goods IS in ; er 4 4i i in of eir ARE THE WE ALSO E ELL THE OTHER FOUR NEXT And < -ell them cheaper and give just as good ball-faction as music houses do. f \ T"N A TvTO w < 3 are doing the leading organ trade of the I " ) JlLVT'A\ K u'lt > ' * Wo llon ' expect concert profits on our in- " " strumonls , and are satisfied with u margin for which \\o have become noted in dry goods circles. PIANOS AND ORGANS ON FOURTH FLOOH. ColoKd Dress Goods. 23P- piecesSvotch plaid goods from Miorlff Miii'of.Ely , Steams & ( Jo. , im porters , go on Palo Monday. These goods nro worth ! ! Sc tolOc a yard. Wo will sell the plaids Mnndny for 15c. 10-inch nil wool suitniKH , in stripes , plaids and mivtu-cs , l.'tj pieces to select from , north up to 05c n yard , take your choice of this lot for 2Sc. 54-inoh all wool broadcloth' , im- portord' price $1.H5This is a good homy ololh , in all colors , only flSe , 51-inch all wool llnuncls , worth Clc , this is without doubt the greatest bar gain of the season , -I5c. 51 inch all wool plaid sackings , just the thing for children's cloaks , worth $1.0 , Monday 05c. 125 pieces all wool imported Hertford cord , nil color" , worth up to $1.01 n yard , wo will place these on sale in three lots , 50c , 75c and -S3c. 00-inch English eravonotto rnin proof , worth $2.759. tire navv blue only , go in this salo/or , $1.0S. 12-lrieli real camel's hair , in stripe ? , worth $2.25. on sale Monday for $1.23. 28-Inch all wool llannols worth 40c , in nil colors , 24i\ ! IS-inch all wool heavy storm sorre , worth 85c , ii : navy blue , brown , gray , black and lanb , only oSu. Black Dress Goods. -JO-inch all wool India twills , the bobt value you over saw for the money , 50c. 10-inch line wilk warp honrlottu , Mon- dny 02c. ! l8-iiich all wool Gorman twill camel's hair affect , wortli OSc , on sale tomorrow for -I7c. 51-inch all wool ladies'cloth , fine as n broadcloth , SSc. A few moro pieces of the satin finish Ciorman bcnrietta10inch wide , worth S1.00 , for 72c. oO-inch all wool heavy cheviots , worth $1.25 , go for OSc. 5l'inch all wool extra fine Gorman twill , tomorrow $1.-45. 50-Inch very line beaver cloth , ronl value $5.00 per yard , go on sale tomor- lowfor ? ; t.5n. 51-Inch all wool black and white camol'ti hair plaids , regular price $1.75 , tomorrow Oflc. Fancy Goods. Wo have in this department a full stock of everything in the fancy work lino. Wo also have a very ni < , o line of shell novelties in this department. How is this ? The very best brand embroidery lloss fie per dozen ; the regular prlca of this lions is lOo per ( hi/oii. Very line knitting bilk 4 ounce spools 10c , regular price ! 13c. Chonlllo llowors 15c , 25oamH5o ! each. Chiiiillle cor > l 5c per yard. Silk lu.-scls ! ! u each. Chouillo balls lOo and 15a per duzon. ] k\st English tinsel 2jc nor ball. Wash silk only -lOn pjr do/.on. Fancv bunds lOc per strand. Wo have iv complete line of fancy atampcd linen goods and you will find the prices right. Drawn tin end doylies , very line , only ICc. ICc.Satin Satin damask doylies 2 for 25c. Hemstitched linuii doylies , stamped , fin and lOo. Tinted tidies only -I8c Drawn thread stampcil tldlns U5c , Linen drcaser suts iKSu pe KOU Dresser scarfs only 20o 72 inch. Tray cloths only flu and ll'i.1 ' each. Fancy hand painted shell pin trays only 2c. 1-anoy cmbroJdorod pin cushions onlv H2c. H2c.Fancy snolt sachet b.igs , hand paint ed , f > .V. Shell match safes : iio. : Snqll jewel boxes 02c. Special Sale on Bnttons. Wo have the largest Block of buttons of any house lu Hie connt.'y , from the common ngata to the finest pearl 01 inolnl , anil on Monday wo olTor you buV tons nt prices that will surprise * * you Arogotublo ivory buttons. So per do on , Viincy metal dress buttons , -Ic pat iozilu. Viiry line stool buttons , 7e per do/.un , Vury line lartro cloak buttons , lOo poi Jozen. \Vo have a lot of odd buttonn that yoi mtiko good Ube of , und cuu buy at tlu vtito oflo uor Uozou , . New Stock of Linens. Just opened our importation order of linens ; on snlo tomorrow. : ' . -l all linen dinner napkins , SI dozen. 5-S blo.ichod napkins , OOc , 7-5c and SI do/en. o-S extra heavy half bleached napinns at SI.50 do/on. 5-S o.slra line full b'.oaehed napkins , S1.03 do/.en. " , -l bluiichoil ulnnor napkins. 82.50 and y doxcn. 1'laiu white fringed napkins , GOc , 75c , 91. $1.20 and tl.50 dozen. Turkey red fringed napkins , 50c atid "H " do/on. All these napkins tire less than their vnluu , and worthy of inspection. 14-inch bleached all linen crash , 5c yard. 10-hu'h bleached all linen cra.sh , Cc ynrtl. IS-ii'.ch bleached all linen crash. 7c yard. 20-inch bleached all linen crash , Sc yard. IG-iiifh brown twilled cotton crash , 3Jc yard. Hayden Bros. ' brown linen crush at ' lOc. l'2c } and loc yttrd. We i-arry the largest block of linens in Omaha. Our slock you will find the best assorted ; our prices are the lowest. Wo can fill your order on table linens and will save you money. We have Iho best German bleached damask ( all linen ) in this country , 00 inches wide , at oOc a yard. Compare it with linens for which others ask you 75c yard. I Look nt our fine damask at 05c , 75c , S5c and SI yard. I We Import our linens direct from the manufacturer , for which reason wo are enabled to make you such low prices. Lunch cloths in great variety. Fine broohot bordered towels , which are slig'ntly'soiled , worth Toe. 83c , 81 , SI.25 , # 1.36 and il.6U each , on special sale tomorrow , all in ono lot ; choice of lot 50 < - each ; not moro than 0 towels to each customer at f > 0c oach. Hoc , lOc and 50o towels reduced to 23c each. Clarendon 11-1 crochet bed spreads ro- durcd to Jl each. Kemnants of table linen at prices to close. Millinery. This department is showing the larg est and most complete line of high class stylish millinery at lower prices than my house west of Chicago , Lidics" felt hau in all the now slripos nt 50c. nt75e , tit 81 , at $1.23 , worth $1.00 up to $2. 50. F.inoy feathers at 5c , 7o , lOc , 12e and loc. worth 15c to IHc. Kino ostrich tins at 23c , ! J7c , 50c , 03o , up lo$1.23. A gp'.cndid line of copied and import ed pattern huts at exceptionally low prices Toys and Fancy Goods. Dolls ut5c. 7c , lOc , 12o and 23c. Doll buggies at lOc , U')6. ) Sea and 50c. Albums in endless variety and low prices. Have yon a baby ? Why not buy a buggyV $10 buggies at $18 , $50 bungles nt $11 and $25 buggies at $12. Other huggics at all pricas down to $1,25. These goods will bo closed out rojr.ird- loss of cost to nuiko room for Xmrxs goods. Buttons , UPT STOCK OP BUTTONS , The largest stock of buttons ever dls- p ! ycd , by any house , \yholesalo or ro- Infl , on s\lo : in our button department ; also , in main nislo of now building , and , also , in main aisle of HHh street build ing , on .Monday , liuttons at 5c. lOc , loc and 4J5cdo/eu , worth 0 times the price wo tisu for them. Buttons of every style and description , also every color und tl/.o , nt Oc , lOo , 15cnnd 25o do/en. Buy your Piano at ' Haydens' . Largest stock of Wall Paper at Haydens' . Special sale on But tons Monday. Underwear. Wu have just completed the greatest nirchaso of this line of goods over nl- icniptPil by any one house in the west. JiHt think , the entire stock of i ! eastern mills bought by us at 40c on the dollar ; every dollar's worth of this goes on sale tomorrow morning. For this occasion wo have put 10 extra salespeople in this department. You may not have a chance to buy underwear so cheap as you will b.ivo at this sale. 1 case of ladles' vests and pants , fall weights , sale price lOc each. 1 lot of ladles' natural gray pants , worth oOc per pair , sale price 23c. 100 do/.on ladies' heavy natural gray and white pants , no vests in this lot , sale price liOc , actually worth OOc. 1 case of ladies' natural gray vests and pants , pearl buttons and nicely finished , only 60c each ; this garment was made to retail at7oc. 1 cabo ladies'scarlet lamb's wool vests and pants , worth $1.25 , go on sale at 75c each. 3 cases of ladles' fine camel's hair and natural wool underwear vests and pants , worth $1.00 , sale price 75.3 each , 2 cases of elegant goods In natural wools ar.d camel s hair vests and pants ; there is not one garment in this lot but is worth J1.50 to $2.00 ; they go on sale at $ 1.0" each. J JMBIN'ATION SUITS. In tins lot will be found an elegant lino. 1 case of ladies' combination suits , worth 81.23 , reduced to 75e. One case ladies' natural wool combina tion suits only $1.CO per suit , worth $2.00. 1 case ladies' black and natural gray suits only S2.00 , worth M.OO. 1 lot of fine wool combination suits in natural crr.iv only 82.50 , worth ? ! ! 50. CHILUUEN'S WOOL UNDEIl\VEAR. In this line wo will put on sale over 10 cases at just about one-half the regular price. Children's natural gray underwear 10 inch , lOc , rNo He on each sixe. Children's natural wools and camel's hair , 12c } for 10 inch , rise oc. Children's scarlet lamb's wool , 12c } for 10 , rise oc , Spr.dnl sale of gents' underwear and ovofbhirts for tomorrow. Window Shades , Clearing sale of odd lots of window shades , opaque and Holland , with spring I rollers , for 1'Jo. ' Wo also make shades to order any si/.o or quality. .Notions . , Wo are haadqu.trters for staple no- lloim of all descriptions and those prices will convlnca you that wo cannot bo un dersold. Adamantine pins Ic per package. Nursery pins Ic per pucknyro. Tumble's Ic each. 203 yard spool thread Ic each. Hod llos ? ic each. Rubber line cumbs 2c each. 100 yard SHOD ! linen thread Ic. Corset laces ic each. Gems' pocket combat. _ C ) rsot stools OB per pair ! Sboa buttons5c per gross. Atrnto buttons5s pa. ' gross. Key rings 2ic each. Extra heavy combs , unbreakable , 15c. Perfection dross stays l.'ij. C'roahot cotton 0 balls for 23c. Furniture. Our furniture deportment stands to day in the front r.mk of the grand army whose mission on oirtn is to bring the best , goods the factories of thu wo.-ld tif- fo.-a into the roach of Iho poor as well as the rich. Wo have gr.inod ihss much for humanity and our prices allost the same. Uod room suits $9,50 , 812.50 , § 1-1.50 , $15.60. Hod lounsos $7.21.JS.50 , $10.50 , $12.59. COMPARE PUICES. Mattro sos and springs , Iho bast in town for Uio least money. PHOVE ALL THINGS. Late style oak chairs 83c , OQ.i , 03a , 81. These are good and you can conio und got all you want , 1 or 103. Roukers to nntch in oak $1.20. $1.35 , $1.60 , 81 75. Elegant line of eluiir.s and rockora in nil the latest styles for holiday trade. You can pick out what you want , make a payment and wo will hold for you. Pictures at prices which plucj the best in the bands of all. Easels 33o , 5.03 , 75c , 81 , $1.25 , in bam boo and oak. Children's Cloaks , Our slock Is fie largo that it is impos sible to doscrlbo goods , but will ijuoto you a few prices. A good cloak for $2 50. A bollor grade for W.50. A beaver plaid for 81.40. And a few more of these elegant $5 cloaks loft. In our center aisle you will find 600 children's clonks , from 4 to. 12 years , marked at strictly Now York cost Thin id the opportunity of OIIO'H lit- . Cull uud got 0110 before they are till M. Books and Stationery. Horc is n chance of u llfo tlmo to so- euro u very line Stmulard Atlas of the World for SI.50. ' A Webster's Unabridged Dictionary 'or 75t > . Dickons'complete works In 15 volumes , illustrated , $ o. Thackeray's complete works in 10 vol umes ! , illustrated , $2.93. George Eliot's i complete works in 0 volumes , illustrated. $1.05. tfhnUespouroH complete works in one volume , $1.76. Llfo of Christ , by Flcct-.vood , SI.25. E. 1 * . Hoo'd works , per volume , 6Ue. Albert Hoss' works , per volume , ! 10o. A full line of eoth ] books : il 12jc. A very line line of juvenile books ut 2Sc. 2Sc.All All these works nro of the very high est standard and arc rare bargains at the prices offcwl. \Vo carry a complete stock of olllco supplies and offer-thorn very cheap. Envelopes only flu per package. Nolo paper only loc per i rcum. Tablets only 3c each. Lead pencils 1 conch. Playing cards Ifc per pack. Trunks and Yalises. In our World's fair trunk and valise department. , " Trunks $1.23 , 81.70. $ H.25 , $15.50 , $1.25 , $1 50. You can ot any Kind of trunk you want from 31.23 up tj the best solid solo leather trunk. " Valises 76c , 83c , OSc , $1.00 , 81.25 , SI.50 , SI.75 , $1.05. Solid leather 18 Inch bag SH.50 , worth $5.00. 22 inch $ . ' > 8) ) , worth $0. All the latest styles in < : lul { . Gladstone , Oxford , cabinet and teleucopo bags at usually low prices. Collars. Hero is a line of goods that wo will offer at special prices , via : Chiltlren's nice lace collars only 8c. Children's fine lace collars only So. Children's line torchon lace collars only lOc. i } Ladies' lace collars at 15c , 20c. 25c. Fine rui'liingSfpiitly ( ic per yard. Very fancy r'chings from lOc to 20c i , , < Blankets , Blankets. Our New Vork buyer has sent us n uig line of sample blankets which ho pur chased from the largest blanket house in Now York at. a discount of IWJ per cent. Some of those blankets are single blankets and will bo .sold as low as lOc , I 25c , l0c ! and 50c each and upwards , but the most of tlio.ni come in pairs , double blankets , anJ will bo sold at 69c , ( Joe , 75c. Soc , . $1,00 a pair and upwards. There nro about 00 pairs fine white blankolH in this1 lot. 10-4 , 11-4 and 12-1 si'/o , some all wool , homo nearly all wool and others nearly nil cotton , part or most all of them slightly soiled , but otherwise perfect About 20 pair line California blankets in this lot , take them all , at iho tame reduction ns wo bought them , they are tho\cst value ever offered by us mneo wo tire in the business. If you'intend buying any blankets this luuson now U your chance. All these in addition to our immense stock of blankqts a'nd the cold woithor coming on will cau o a bit. rush in this department und wo would advise you to coino ii3 early In the day us possible. Domestic jBgrgains. Unbloaohed-cptfon llannol Sjc , 5c , Oc , So , lOc , mijundj cyurd. Extra quality and wide shaker tlan- ncl mill rmnnauts from 5 to 20 yards long , worth , lijjo , lomorroiv only 5c yard.Mill Mill remnants . .of bleached cotton llannol , 5c/8o nyd Oo Ju'st half what " they are worth. ) 50 pieces of drpsa DannolcUo , 5c yard. 100 pieces aO-i'Aph Uritonia twilled Bultini ; , was 10c.jjpiv lOo yard. ' 30'inch wlclo soil Jinlnb bleached mus lin , worth Sjc. uotf ( ! Jc yard. Dark outing llannol , 5o yard. 42-inch bleacliel : pillow casing , 8Jc yard , Best dress lining cambric , 'Jjc. Now stock of lining just opened. Dress style gingham , 5e , 7ic , lOc. Wool hkirt pittorns 83c each. Hotter gr.ido at $1.2-5 , best $1.50. Cotton bills 4 rolls for 25c. Look over our remnants of d irk wash goods , saloon ? , bedford cords , twills , etc. Special Halo on buttons tomorrow in muinulslo , lUtli street building. Lace Curtains ; A good lice curt \\t\ \ \ fur 60c pah' . Extra value for 73c , 5c to $1. Jewelry Dept. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEKK. Gents' best rolled plated watch chains warranted to wear live yoar.s , OSc , worth $2.50. Ladle * ' best rolled plated Victoria chains , with beautiful charms , war ranted for llvo years , ! ) So , worth 32.50. Ladles' irold plated Victoria chains , with beautiful charms , -I5c , worth $1.50. Ladles' sollu gold neck chains OSc , positively worth ? H. Solid .sterling silver thimbles 15c ; worth 50c. Souvenir spoons , with gold bowls 20c. Fine pearl achromatic opera glasses in morocco leather cases , regular beauties , $ ; t.50 , worth $7. Morocco leather covered opera glasses in leather cases , 75c ; worth $2. Rogers' 12 dwt knives or forks 81.2-5 per sot. These goods are strictly first class and warranted. Silver plnlod napkin rings 5c each. If you want to buy a watch dort'l fail to cot our prices before you buy olso- whdro. Wo cun positively save "yon 50 cents oil the dollar. Gents' gold stiffened hunting case Btcm wind and set American watch 5.75. Gouts' jrold filled hunting case waichcs , Elgin , Springfield or Wai- tham movements , warranted 20 vcars , I $11.-15. Gents' 14 kt filled hunting case watch , stem wind and sot , beautifully engraved in the very lalcst designs , -und warrant- j cd to wear 20 years , with a full jeweled | adjusted American movement , S1S.50 ; . jewelers' prices S40 lo $50. | Ladies' gold filled hunting case fetom wind watch with Elsrin , Springfield or Wnttham movements , warranted to wear 20 years , $12.50. Ladies' 11 kt filled hunting case watch with a genuine diamond set in the case , and : i first eb'.ss Elgin. Springfield or Wai tham movement. $1S. 15 ; jewelers' prices S35 to $50. Wo are receiving new holiday goods daily. Why piy fancy prices el ewlicro when we can save you 50c to 75c on the dollar ? Watch and clock repairing at halt jewelers' prices. All good warranted as represented. Cloaks and Jackets The immense patronage in the above " department has "caused us to continue our cloak sale at prices never before of fered ill this city. Call and bo con- All our odds and ends of fcilk velvets and plushes will go on special sale to-morrow at 50c a yard. Many of them art * wurlh SI 50 They are all in the very latest colorings , over 1,500 yards. Our stJuk of black dress silks is. . direct from the looms of tho'most noted French anil American makers and are fully warranted. Our prices for Monday arc : Black Siiks for ! 65c worth $ i oo Black Silks for " 75c . . . . worth i 25 Black Silks for > ' SSc . . . . worth i [ -35 Black Silks for $ I.OO. . . .worth i 5 ° Black Silks for 1-13 worth i.65' ' Black Silks for 1.23 worth ' 75 Black Silks for 1.25 worth 2.25 And wo hove a special quality in oil finish , fully warnnUcd , which wo will offer on this sale at $1.27. Now , there is no boiler or richer silks in Iho world ' for J3.00 , and no amount of money can buy better silks to wear. Silk velvets in all colors , for Sl.OO , worth $1.75. * vinced. No garment advertised that wo do not have. An all wool fur trimmed jacket $5. No saline tto or shoddy b ul A\ < i \ . . A still bettor for SO 75. A Concord beaver , fur trimmed , $3.75. A Scotch oheviot , lur trimmed , $9.23. The above goods are all fresh and pea- sonnblc , and cannot bo duplicated by any other house for the same money. In plain walking jackets wo olTur tin elegant line of novelties tit $2,75. $ U. $ U.50 , $1 , $ UO , S5 50 , $0.50 , 87.25 , up to $25 , u largo reduction in prices. Purses , Pocketbooks and Wallets Wo have a very largo line of Uieso goods and will oil'r them at bonoiu figures. Gents' nice calfskin purses ntoo. Gents' ' heavy cnlfbkin purses at lOc. Gents' very nice leather purdo , with patent clasp , 15c. Gents'buclskln money Ings only loc. Gents' wallets at 23c , lion and loc. Lad IPS' purses at 5c. lilcand 15c. Wo have a ladies' nice snukoskin purse that wo will olVer on Monday at 20c. 20c.Hose Hose Supporters and Garters IlEftE ARE HAUGAINS FOR YOU. Babies lioso supporters only 5c per pair.Children's Children's hose supporters only 5e per p.iir.Misses' Misses' hose supporters only 5o per pair.Misses' Misses' hose supporters with boltonly lOc per pair. I/idlos'ri silk garters , only 25o per pair.Ladies' Ladies' silk garters , very line , only lOc pur pair. LidicB'silk garters , very line , all col ors , 0 * : per puir , Veilings , Veilings ; Wo have juat received n nice now line of fancy veilings , the very latest novel * tlo.s , and wo want every ( iidy in the city to look thorn over. Hero are some of the price : ; Very line velU for 8c , IQo and lee per veil. veil.All All utylua veiling atJ5c , 20o and 2oc up per yard. Wo have u now Hung In volls called the Columbian veil , it Is a full yard la length und u real beauty. House Famishing Goods. SPECIAL CHINA GOODS SALE. I'M no china plates. grape leave pat- torn. hniul-piintcd , 17c , regularly sold n50c. . Fine chliiii plates , gold relief pnttcrn , 20c. regular lysold at 75c. I'M no china plates , festoon edge , ! < hcll pattern , elaborate bandpali ting , 23c , regularly Fold at $1.00 each. Pansy pin trays 2-3o , worth 75e. Fern pin tr.vys loc , worth oOc French china cup , saucar and pluto Festoon pattern , gold band. , ' ! 5c , worth $1.50 anil regularly sold at that. German dolf CUD , saucer and plate , In blue and gold , ! ! 3c , worth SI 00. Fancy fiualo ornaments In candle stick ? , tooth pick holders , nuilch safes at 25o and IlOo each , worth 75c each , Lirgo china s'.ihul bowls $1.00 , worth $5.00. 1'Mno ' china A. D. colTees , 20c , worth 50c. 50c.French French china A. D. col'foos , UOc , worth $1.00. Extraordinary bargain In a 100-pieoe dinner bet , Hoyal Osborno. in blue and brown , SS.05 , sold nowhere for lo < s than $1-5.00. Splendid toilet sals , finely decorated , $1.05. worth 811.7. ) . Hanging lamps , the largest line in the west , they range In price from SI. ! ) " ) up. I I "Stand lamps In endless \arlety from ! I 15c up. I The Cnmco enamel ware ispro.'ingi j a big success. Another big line just received and romotnlnr it Is cheapo r than granite , flint or blue enamel w.iro and will last throe times ns long. An immense line of loinonu'lo and wine sols' ' , in line Inskols , from 75cnp. We have imported a line line of old ivory figures , n liguro that has generally boon sold at S20 00 , wo will give you for 0' ) . A few moro flower poU left , same price as last waok. Fire place fans , -loc , worth SI..11) ) . * Stoves and Ranges. If yon will examine our S27.50 solid steel range that other dealers ask i > lo.OO for you would take it in preference to others if wo ask also $ lai ( ) ) for them , but not n'ono giving you the best range in the world , wo save you 05 per cent Wo do the sntno thing in our cooking and boating htovcs. If you will read the following prices you can con vince vnursolf : ' IN HEATING STOVES : The Magnet 2.03 , worth three times ns much. , The V. W.Tr. . OaU Ji.-45. ( worth S12. The Emblem SO-'tO , worth 315. The Caiman -93.05 , worth $12. The P. I" . Stewart & )7.oll ) , worth $30. The Matchless $10.20 , worm ? : I5. The Splendid SoS.25 , worth $55. The Putnam $3.1- " ) , worth $10. IN COOKING STOVES. The Cooking Emblem $7. worth ill. The Iloaulisidc $9. to , worth $ ! S. The Matchless $10.0.1 , worth 27. The Signal $10 05 , worth ? 27. The P. P. Stewart , the finest cooking stove in the world , $22.03 , worth ? : ! .50 any man's money. Prescriptions. Our prcbfiriptions are all prepared by n regular graduated pharmacist and none but the purest drugs are used in the compounding. All prescriptions guaranteed to bo strictly correct and at lower prices than tiny drug store on earth quotes. Wo will save you many a dollar. Rod Cross Cough Cure ( largo ) , . ' ! 5c. Lulbiir's Hoof Iron and Wlno , Uoc. Lolblg's Extract Moat. 0c. Seven Sisters Hair Grower. 75c. Florida Fig Svrup ( largo ) , o5c. Mile's Nervine , 75c. Mustard piasters , 22c box. * Wright's sarsaparilla , 5'Jc. Hunyadl Malyas Water , 21c. Colgate's Bay Rum ( largo ) , otto. Oriental Cream , $1.15. Hind's Ilonoy Almond Cream , 39c. Orris tooth tablets , 5c. Carpets. In view of the recent advance in car pets a good all wool , extra . uper , is cheap nt05o. Wo are dally receiving additions to our largo stock of the celebrated - bratod Lowell 3-ply and extra super carpets - pots , which are thu bobl goods made. A good Hrufebols carpel tor 50c. Some very line ones at U5o to 75c. China matting , 12Ju to 20c. The best chonlllo curtain In tlio city or $ I.CO per pair. Letting Down Prices. Minneapolis best suparlativo Hour ( warranted ) Wo A irood Flour iSnowllako ) 05 o Harden Ilros. ' Host Snperlatlvo Flour . - $1.25 .lust received a car of now strictly pure buckwheat Hour . " . 5 o No. 1 sugar-cured hams 12 o Picnic hams 8Jo N. Y. hams So Dried beef 7 u Corned beef ,1 o Potted 1mm , per can 5 o Potted tongue 5 o Deviled ham o o Bologna sausage 5 o Liver satisago u is I load choose So Frank forts 7o } Smoked and sail fish of all kinds. . . California evaporated peaches 17jo California dried grapes Go. California evaporated pitted plums 17ju California white nocturo 17o } California , red nei-turc 17JC , California ovaporato'l apricots 15 o Imported English currants SJo Those are all now fruits just re ceived , and the most delicious you over ate. They nro worth lOc per Ib. more than wo ask. .Iu t imported from Seville , Spain , the llnot olives you ovorsiw , all packed fresh for us. Porqt. . Ii5 o Imported chow chow loc Imported mixed pickles lee jVo sell a gooil baking powder. . . . 5 o Evaporated raspberries ( now ) 25 c Now California rnUln-curod prunes 12Jo . 'Mb pill pure fruit jolly 20 tj 20-lb mil ; > uro fruit jolly 75 o L'irgo bottle blueing 5 c Corn starch 5 o Laundry starch 60 1 Bird seed ( very line ) 5 al I All kinds of washing powder ! lju I ' 2-lb ein : early June peas , 17je. If you buy a can and if you do not say they are the finest and most delicious pan you ever did oat , we will pay you back the mnnov. \Ve have uous for Sc } , lOic , 12e and Me per can. Condensed milk 10 o 2-lb can preserved raspberries in pure sugar syrup 17 jo 2-lb c.in preserved strawberries in pure sugur syrup 17Jo Tliis is tlio linost fruit packed. Try one can and yon will bo con vinced. 1Mb bar imported cnstile soap 25 o Tea and Goffae. On account of the quarantine cofTeo has advanced from 2c to Be per pound , but having a largo quantity on hand wo continue to give you the following low prices : Crushed Java . 15c and 1'Jo Crushed Java and Mocha . 20o Choice Rio . - . . 2JJ. ; and 25o Golden Kio . 25c and 28o Combination .lava . 300 1'eaborry Santos . HOe Charm .lava . ; ! 2d Old Government. Java and Mocha , . Iljc , or . ' ! pounds for $1.00 Cocoa Shells . ! ! c pound Japan sittings . 12jc and 15u Japan green . lOc , 25c , Me. 60o Haskct fired Japan . DOc , 35o , 45o Uncolored Japan" . 40c , 48o Choice fcidor ] ) leg Japan . 50c , OOo' Gun powder . ! ,1c , 50c , COo English breakfast . : > ScI8c , 55c , OOo Butter , Cheesf. , Oysters , CELERY AND CRANBERIUKS. Country buttoV that other stores charge 20c and 25c for ve sell for locr , 17c and lOc ; the very bc'at country but ter , 2le ; creamery , 2-'fc and 25cj Boparu lor creamery , 27c. Wo carry the finest stock of cheese ire the city. Young America full croum , lOe per pound , others charge 15c. Wisconsin full cream , lOc ; Now York full cream , 12jc and 14c. Roiikford full cream , Iho finest made , lOc. Imported brick obooso , 125c , lie and Hie. Hie.Swiss Swiss choose 15c and 17jc. Neufchalel choose , imported , 7jc pep 1'kg.Sab Sab sngo oheoso lOo pur pkg. , Wo have the finest Edam choono$1.23 each : others charge $1.50 and SI. 76. Limborgor choose 12iu and 15o. > Our oystot-H tire always fresh ; eohd , moatH for 23c per quart. Kincst Michigan celery H for Cape Cod cranberries 5a par quart , Haydcn 13ros. take plotihuro in nn , nounclng to the public of Omaha mid vicinity that they have secured iho ox-J cluslvo agency for Iho-colobrulcd QUININA'ls not an OIL ; contains no grease of any kind ; simply acts as a pa- cillcfor the hullbulbs. . IT WILL POSITIVELY STOP THE ITA.IR PROM FALLINQ.Oar AND WILL OUrtfcJ DANDRUFF DEYOND ANY DOUBT. The living proofs of what ( jUININA can and will do may bo boon in our etora window beginning tomorraiv morning at U-30 , Oct. Ulht. Three handsome , long-haired indies with hair trailing on iho lloor will bo oa exhibition at our store all day and in order to give the entire public an opportu nity of sftolng these long halrod Indies , npscial arrangements have boon mud a with the management of the company to exhibit the LONG-HAIRED LADIES In our windows in the ovtviinc from " : ; ' . ( ) to Bi : : ) ua well as during the cluv , KO DRY GOODS WILL BE SOD EVENING ? . Every lady vvho u hair ib falling should u i > QUININA. Ladicb well Informed upon Iho subjci-l nf Iho hulr will bo In attendance and give personal directions how lo use QUININA. HAYDEN BROS. Exclusive . , Agents.