T1T1 ? OMAHA DAILY BEE : KtfXDAY. GOTO ff , R , BENNETT CO , PpcCial Bargains In Every Department All Next Week. AND LONGER IF THE GOODS LAST. If Ton Will Kindly llrnil Tlil IhroiiBli , Ton Will lie Convinced Tlmt llcn- nctt' Jt Hie rinco fur Van to Trmlc. IN HARD W ARK 'Wo ' have these now "always ready" clothcH racks , only GUc each ; they are very handy , ask to BCO thorn. Wo also have llro shovels at 3c , Cc and lOc. lOc.Coal Coal hodp , IDft Pokers ( good ones ) , Cc. Nutmeg graters , Ic. Lid lifters ( stove ) 80. Tin cups , U for Cc. Ton stralnors , lo oncli , Spring balances , Ha. Cuspidorcs , .lOc. Tubular lanterns , Soc. Apple corers , fie. Poarlng knives ( can't cut your lin gers kind , only Co. Padlocks , Gcflock up your coal it costs .iionoy now. Shoo bnifchcs ( good ) , lOe , Milk cans , lOc. G- gallon oil can and faucet , 08. Glues oil cans ( gallon * ) , 25 , And any quantity of other goods , the kind you need in every day llfo , all at Bennett's popular prices. CIGAR DEPARTMENT IB palronixed hy everybody. In cigars wo begin at Ic , 2c , 8cIc , Co and on up to 60c each. We can suit the most fastidious. PipoH , nil elegant nnd varied assort ment , from the -lo up to the expensive genuine meerschaum in a , dainty and richly lined plush case. Wo also carry the nicest assortment of chewing and smoking tobaccos , all standard and well known brands. You can get what you want of us and will not bo urged to buy some unheard of brand bee use it is just as good as the standard brand. Buy your cigars , pipes and tobacco of Bennett. OUK GROCKRY DEPARTMENT Is all bargains. Church & Co.'s ( Cow Brand ) soda , Cc. Corn stai Hi , Co. Bulk b'ttirchIc. . Oil sardines , -Ic. Sweet chocolate , Co , , Soapinc , , ' ! c. 1770 , ! ) c. Condonucd milklOo Bulk olives , 2oo qt. Axle crease , Sic. Scouring soap , Ge. FREE , SOMETHING FOR NOTHING. Gut a cup of our delicious collee. red- hot , at our tea. coftco and spice depart- iiient counter free. WE A1812 GIVING AWAY An elegant largo earthen lea pot with every pound of our 680 toa. ITavo you got ono yet ? You should have onobv all moans. DRY GOODS NOTION DEP'T. Offers boys' ' pants 51c. ' Gloves GOo and up. Mittens lee and upward. Kelt mitts lee pair. Souks 8c pair. Hiiudlfjrchieffl 2e , , ' ! e , Cc. Pins Ic piipor. SuspendersICcnnd up. All the above are extra peed values. IN OUR DRUG DEPARTMENT We ollor , not for one day , but for all time : Wyoth's Baof Iron and Wine , GOc. Sorupof'FigR , IWe. Koillieday's Medical Discovery , 81.00. So/.ouont , EOo. Hind's Honey nnd Almond Cream , Illc. Velvet Skin Powder , loc. Pear'f JJiiscontcd Soip , lOc. Sulpur candles , 20c. Cocoanut Oil Soap ; 2c. All Bennett's patents on a basis of G5c for $1.00 articles. THEY ARE THE BEST. Bring your prescriptions to us. If wo can ( ill them for you once wo know wo have you as a steady customer. Not only in drugs but in other depart ments. ments.CIIOCKERY CIIOCKERY DEPARTMENT. Main Jloor of annex. Now goods com ing in every dav. Lots wore marked and put in stock yesterday and there are lots on the road that will bo in every day for some time to come. oO-pieco teasel , $2.03. Water pitchers , 12o and up. Largo glass pitcher , 2.3c. Finished tumblers , ; ! c each. Klegant glass castor , 2."ie each. .Lamps , complete , lOo and up. Hanging lamps , 02-inch spring extension - tension , only $1.03. In this ifno wo have a largo nssort- mont , nnd in fact in all our lines wo ox col in goods and prices.- Coino and BOO us all next week. W. R. BENNETT CO. 8100.00 reward will bo given by'tbo Omaha Bricklayers union for the recov ery of the body of John Scow , who was drowned in Missouri river near Calhoun on the evening of Oct. 22. W , Houghton - ton , Pros ; ( .Joo. Clarke , Sco. . MIIS. DAVIS , .MIMIMitY. Going Out of HIIRIIU-BK , I'osltlvely ( illllllT Ollt Ol ItlUllM'HH. POSITIVELY RETIRING. Therefore our 6ntiro stock of milli nery will bo sold at LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICE. A very fashionable trimmed hut to morrow for $1.50. Styllbh btreot hat for $2.50. Wo have nothing but the finest line of goods , therefore these goods go at 10a grout sacrifice. HUMAN HAIR SALE TOMORROW. The most wonderful snfo over olTored In hair , as wo must reduce the stock. and at onco. 91.50 buys our $2,50 switch. $2.50 buys our $1.00 and $ . /50 / switches. MRS. R. II. DAVIES , 111 South Fifteeeth street. Opposite postotllco. Wiinlvil. Sales people for dross goods , cloak , underwear and notion departments. Applicants must ' bo experienced. jIAyUUN BROS. Now china for decorating at Hospo's. Ciillloriilu ixcnr : l < in . Pullman tourist stooping car * are run dally on all Pacific const trains via the Hanta Fe route , the shortest line to California. The cars are furnished with bedding , niatressoH , toilet articles , etc. Porters are In attendance. Second-class tickets uro honored on these cars. { n addition to the dally service the Bantu Fo Route runs special excursion parties with nn agent of the company in charge , using those tourist sleeping curs , and leaving Kunsiu City every Sunday noon. For further information nnd timetable of the Santa Fo Route and reserving of sleeping cur berths , nddre&s R L. Palmer , passenger agent ; 1310 Farnam street , Omaha , Nub. Being a regular nominee for council in the Utlf wai-J , I respectfully ask the support of all voters who holievo In bus iness principles in the council. ED. N. BROWN , Proprietor Brown's C. O. I ) . Grocery , Now acalo Kiuiball pmnos at Hospo'i. BOSTON STORE Mates Another Immqnso Gash Purohass of on Entire Dross Goods Stcck. ALL NEW AND STYLISH GOODS The Entire Stuck of Ktiotrlei nnd I'rc l > r , Whltn Street , N. 1. , nought from ttio SlicrlfTnt I.run Tlmn COo on ttio Dolliir. ALL GOES IN LOTS AS FOLLOWS TOMORROW : ALL AT 230 A YARD. 10,000 yards - of colored dress goods , double width , 40-Inch all wool cheviot Biiltlngs in iolid colors , with more and novel designs alwajs worth 40c ; also double width navy blue storm serges. The above at cc are the greatest value cvorscun. ALL AT 290 A YARD. 100 pieces colored dioss goods In 10-Inch changeable serges ; C4-lnch navy blue storm serge ; In G2-lnch gray homo- Hpuri with novel designs , worth O'Jc a yard. All the above at special price , ALL AT 31)0 ) A YARD. 7o pieces plaid dress irootls ! 58 inch nil wool plaidd and stripes , all new styles , bright and desirable patterns , woith OOo n yard. ! I8 inch novelties In camels hair and boucle effects hi browns , blacks nnd navies , worth 7oo. 42 inch black nnd white plaids and stripes in mohair brilliantincd worth 88c. The above are exceptionally bargains all at 80o per yard. ALLAT47JC A YARD. 10 pieces imported colored dross goods , all wool , navy blue storm serges , worth 70c ; alt wool Scotch mixtures , all wool .London cords , worth SI.00 ; all wool blauk sertro with black tufted plaids , regular Sl.CU goods ; all tbo above at 'A.LL AT 090 A YARD. CO pieces high grade imported colored dross goods , 40 inches , line imported serges in navy blue or black ; all wool French novelty dress goods in alligator nnd jai-qunrd effects , worth $1.20. The above for this tale at 09c. EXTRA SPECIAL. H yard wide all wool hair lined dress goods in two shades of grey and in two shades of brown. These goods are always worth OSo and for Monday 49c. Lathes' broadcloths at only 79c r. yard. These goods are made from fine materials , ami are in CO dilToront color- ingA This is ono of the desirable arti cles for fall and winter wear , and has been considered a bargain at a much higher price by other houses. HIGH GRADE NOVELTIES. Tn this stock will bo found hundreds of extreme high grade novelties in dross goods , such as are carried only by the very Iinost houbcs in New York. Those elegant goods \vill bo sacrificed along with the rest of the stock.at from iM to CO per cent less than they sold for in Now York. IN OUR SUNLIGHT BASEMENT. 40 inch twilled black dross goods with white plaids and stripes all now designs at 8c a yard , as the fashion requires only 8 yards' for a dress , you can buy of us on MonUay-a stylish dress pattern of this material for 48c. 4f > inches wide waterproof for dresses , anil just the thing for boys' wear , at 12Jc per yard. 41inch05 handsome plaid wool dross flannels , all dark combinations at 2oc wortli 49c. BOSTON STORE , Solo agents for McCall's Patterns. N. W. Cor. Kith and Douglas. Gold filled watches $5.73. 14 K gentlemen's watch , full jeweled , adjusted movement , 828.00. Gontlomon'd watches , Elgin move ment , $21.00. Boss lilled cases , warranted 1C years , Elgin , Waltham or Springlleld move- men t , 80. GO. Dueber Oiled case , warranted 20 years , railway Hampton movement. $21.50. LadiOn' f-olid gold watches , Swiss movement , $ ! ) .25. Ladies'gold llllod oases , warranted 15 years , American movement , $3.CO. Ladies' 11 K gold filled watches , pot with genuine diamonds , warranted 20 years. $11..10. Ladles' 14 K solid gold watches , Elgin , Waltham or Springlleld movement , $17.23. Boys' silvorino watches , good time keepers , $1.7o. Souvenir spoons , lOOdllTeront designs , floe. floe.Solid Solid gol.l band rings 89c , worth S2.CO. Solid gold baby rings Oc. Rogers' triple plate -1-pioco tea sot $ I.7C , worth $10.00. Roger.- , ' triple plate embossed 4-pieco tea sot $ " > .7u , worth $12.00. Rogers' quadruple plate 4-pioco tea set , hand engraved , $7.25. Rogers' knives and forks $1.25 per sot. sot.Nicklo Nicklo alarm clocks 0) . Sheet music lOc a copy. Out of town orders solicited ; prompt attention guaranteed. SIMON BANK , 11-1 S. lOth Bt. , Golden Eagle Storo. Next to O. O. D. Brown's. ( ir.inil Suln Of trot ing bred stock at Union Stock Yard * Horse market , Wednesday , No vember 2 , commencing at 10 a. in. The o'ntiro Bind of the Dale Stock farm , consisting of thirty "oad of reg istered marcs and colts , will bo sold at auctinii to highest bidder without ro- serve. Parties desiring anything of the kind should not fail to bo thoro. F. E. SHOUT , Manager , Horeo anil Mule Market. Poai'msk is the hsstr 'soft oail. Sold only by Jones , opooaito postollloo. Cli ! > ni > Trip to California. A personally conducted tourist oxcur- sion will leavn Omaha at 1:20 : p. in. , rj vcmborll , via The Great Rode Island j Route with tli rough tourist cars to San Franl-lsco and Los Angeles. ' This will bo the best opportunity of the season to Bcouro superior accommodations to the Pueilli- const i\t \ u very low rate. For particulars , berth reservations , etc. , call on or address Chun. Kennedy , G. N.V. . P. A. , No. IQOilFiirnum street. C'liolc-cst fall nnd winter woolens , best of btylefiA ; workmanshlp.ntRamgo's very Latest shoot music atiloapo's. Louis Verret , hairdresser at Ideal hair storo,200S. 15th , ild lloor. Tel. lOia f.eaira nt l * nr I'orty-rUe , . The Burlington's Vostlbulod Ltmltoil for Chicago. There are other trains , of ( . course the HII 111 n gtoij'd ltr ii.f * - + . * " "Chicago Spcclul" leaves p.m. ) , but the "Four Forty-llvo" suit- ) most people best. It carries , as does also tbo lliCOnin- " traln. sleeping , reclining clmtr , < sinok" Ing ' - and dining cars. 't'm The city ticket agent at 1223 Fnrnam St. , who represents all Trans-Atlantic steamship lines , will hu glut to glvo vou full Information , sell you u ticket'ro se rvo you a berth or ohookyourbagaggo direct from your residence JQ Qmniiii through I to destination , I'i -j : \i "j ; iKtf & 3LJUt. ft TRAINS ! 0"E.TRACK ! WUECR Two Heavy Freights on an Eastern Ball- road Collide with Awful Bosults. BOTH ENGINES DOWN EMBANKMENT Cnr < Oir the HnlU-IlcHTti ttio IMII-Uptlilo lo\vn Sinmlipd to Spllntrri Wliolo Sldrit Stnrn In ( liioiti Scat tered BOSTON STORE buys till the DRY GOODS that wore shipped ON THKSK TRAINS. As soon as possible after the wroek our eastern buyer made arrangements fur the iinmodiato nu.'chaso and ship ment to Omaha of every cuso , bale and package , whether entire or broken , that the railroad had to buy. When you figure the proportionate amount of dry goods In two through freight trains at this titnn of the year , you will easily BOO that the purchase Is simply gigantic. The claims against the railroad com pany amounted to over 3108,000 , this amount covering the entire ilgurcs on all the dry goods Invoices. In such cases the company retains the entire ' shipment ; , or as 'much of it H can bo found , and pays the consignee for the whole bill. In thin wreck wore the opening stocks ofDot two now dry goods houses , ono In Denver and ono in Dallas , Texas , and several fall hills of dry goods to mer chants on this end of the line. In securing these ( roods The Boston .Storo , pccures another argument in favor of spot i cash , and a colossal bargain at the same timo. For the last 10 Jays wo have been receiving - coiving these goods at the rate of about 150 cases a day until now the walls bulge out with the vast quantities of dry goods which are stored in solid pilc of cases over the whole upstairs of our block. bioI In this case , as always , Boston Store willet turn over the entire wrecked goods lot iho public In a very short time , next Wednesday , Noven.ber 2d , ami continue to dispose i of them at fabulously low prices until all is sold. Boston Store promises at the sale of these goods the wildest exsitotuont that ever shook Omahu. The date of this sale is next Wednes day , November 2d , otire. BOSTON STORE. N. W. cor. 10th and Douglas. > < MV Classes Tomorrow mid Tuesday. At the Omaha Commercial college over Boston store in .nil business branches . , also shorthand and typewrit lnE . Now chvs.sos In night school also. Now is the time to begin in day or even ing school. Boird for & hours work. Send for catalogue and beautiful speci men of penmanship. Address Rohr- bough Bros. , Omaha , Neb. A Card from N. II. Falconer , Owing ( to the increasing demand for fine fancy linens we have made arrange ments with the largest European house for their entire line of embroidered silk and linen scarfs , tray cloths , doylies , etc. These goods we will exhibit on Monday all day ( Monday only ) in our drapery department ( second lloor ) . Any laay desiring to place an order for these goods for Christmas will iind hero tbo most gorgeous array of the iinost Ihiens that was over yet witnessed and. the prices wo will guarantee to bo fully CO per cent below what you can over buy them at.again. Wo extend to all nn invitation to call and see this line of goods , whether you intend to place an order or not. " N. B. FALCONER. \VlltcIH-S , VtlltolH'S. The greatest bargains in watches , jew elry and silverware this week at Simon Bank's , 114 South 10th , next to C. O. D. Brown's. For Your Consideration. When selecting your route of travel , always remember that there are Parlor cars on the Sioux Oily & Pa- cilio day trains. Pullman mlaco ploopors on the Sioux City & ; Pacific night trains. Wagner palace fjlcopcrs to Hot Springs and Dead wood on the Fremont , Elkhorn Ss Missouri Valley trains. Frac reclining chair cars on Fremont , Elkliorn tc Missouri Valley through and local trains. In fact you can depend upon first class accommodations on' all . .trains of the ' Northwestern lino. " Citv Ticket ofllco HOI Farnam street. W. T. Seamanwajrons and carriages . AitmlnlHtrutor'H bale. Entire stock of wallpaper , room mold ing , shades , paints , sale and llxturos 13f the estate of the late George R' . Beard , 1616 Dodge btroot , west of postofllce. Fine papers worth lOc to 7oc per roll at fiom.'io to IGc. Borders at less than one-third real value. This Is not a mere advertising catch but n genuine closing out sale. Buy now and save 50 to "o per cent. T. J. Beard , administra tor , 1515 Dodge btrcot , west of postolllco. Heal estate. Bargains only. My word is good. W. G. Albright 621-2-3 N. Y. Life bldg. lrnr Kent , \Viirnliimne , A very desirable warehouse , 40x100 , suitable for a jobbing business and espe cially adapted for tha Hour and feed business. . Located on railroad tracks. Apply to E. A. Curiniohaol , cure of Mc- Cord , Brady Co. v " . Frescoing and Interior decorating ; de signs and estimates furnished. Henry Lolunann , 1608 Douglas stre.et. For First-Class 1'eople. Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Hallway , Everything First-Class. Now picture frames. A. Iloapo. Now Metropolitan club hall , 23d IS Harnoy sU , , can bo had for private IS and parties. For particulars Inquire of Morily Meyer at Max Meyer & Co's. N. Y. Board of Health disinfectant , "Anti-Germ. " Sherman A. McConnoll. Artists' materials at Hospa's. y M'\V T1MK OAKD. Via tlio .MU.oiirl I'uclllo Kr. Trains arrive nnd depart from depot at 16th and Webster streets for Plaits- mouth , Nebraska' City , Auburn , Falls City , Atchli > on , Loavonworth , Kantus City und St. Louts as follows : , Leave 1:10 : p. m. nnd 10:00 : p. m. _ Arrlvo5l5 : a. in. nnd1:55 : p. in. For Portal , Louisville , Weeping Water , Dunbur , Avoca , Tatmitgo und Auburn , train loaves ut4l0 : ! p.m. Returning - ing , arrives nt Omaha at 8:60 : a. in. For ' further informatfon call ut depot ) or city ofUco , N. Ii corner Ittlh and Furiiam ' streets. J. O , Pmr.ui'f , TJIOS. F. GODFREY , ; j A , G. F , & P. A. P. & T , A. J ST. ? THE 1IORSK DRY GOODS CO , A Ifo'.stor FnteJws ) of Ladies' find Chil dren * ' Hoiicrj , Jtfftnufactnrors1 Samples AT LESS THAN HALF COST ThVy ComUt of.Tlotton , I.lsto Thread. A1" brlccnn , Silk I'lutrd , HIIIIII Silk , In HlncknmlMutlil Cutura nntl Pitney Hoot KtTcctn. You will find them arranged on sepa rate lablos to > avoid confusion , insure prompt attention nnd quick , delivery of purchase. LADIES' HOSIERY. TABLE I. iHcvAVERAGE COST , GOc. TABLK2. 5c , AVERAGE COST , 7oo TA13LE 3. 45c. AVERAGE COST $1.03. TABLE 4. GGc , AVERAGE COST , $1.60. TABLE . . C. 03c , AVEUAGE COST , 11. % $2.00. MEN'S HOSIERY. Part of the same puruhnso , qualities In cotton , balbdggan , English merino , vicuna nnd natural wool , all go to morrow nt thoao reductions. LOT 1 8JC , AVERAGE COST loC. LOT 2 15(1 ( , AVERAGE COST 2oC. LOT ! 1 18C , AVERAGE COST o . LOT 4 2oC , AVERAGE COST COC. LOT.5 JWJC , AVERAGE COST OOC. LOT 0 4tlC , AVERAGE COST 7oC. LOT 7 55C , AVERAGE COST $1.00. Ladles' and children's hosiery on sale second Jloor. Men's hosiery on sale first lloor , Far nam btroot wing. SHOE DEPARTMENT. No use wasting words telling yon the why and wherefore. 'J'he values will bo iiero such values as you never saw bo- foro. foro.Your Your own interest would suggest your being hero enrly tomorrow whoa the sale begins. Wo are unable to give vou particulars of all the good numbers , but quote n few to illustrate. CHILDREN'S SHOES , $ I.M ) . This is our Dongola protection and uatcnt tip button shoo , in sixes Ole 11. Our special price $1.50. YOUTHS SHOES $1.75. Fine Dontrola kangaroo button and protection tip shoos very much under price , and onlv $1.7o a pair. TAN SUEDE OXFORD. Ladies desiring a low-heeled Tan Suede Oxford can Hud thorn in our splendidly assorted stock. THE MORSE D1U GOODS CO. OXI3 PARK HXCCKSION To the City of .Mexico : mi | lloturn. For the meeting of the A mo'lean Public Hoalth.Absocialion and Interna tional Medical Concrcss , to bo hold in the City of Mexico November 20 to De cember 2 , 1892 , * the Siuita. Fo route will sell tickets nt ono lowest first-class faro for the round trip. This is an excellent opportunity to visit Mexico , ono of the most delightful trips imaginable , at very little cost. A special party will leave Omaha Saturday , November 1 ! ) , and join a largo party from Boston and other eastern cities at Kansas City. The faro for the round trip from Omaha is only.-J8o4.90. For further' 'information nnd reserva tionof I'Pullnmn ' accommodations call on or ailile39 ; , E. L. 4ALMEK , Passenger Agcjit Santa Fo Route , 1310 Farnum St. , Omaha ) Nob. Wanted. Sales people for dross goods , cloak , nndorwcar > nnd notion departments , Applicants must bo experienced. HAYDEN TJ BROS. Induration and ICniuanUts. Dr. Fulton's lecture1 * in this city are creating great interest. lie will speak in the Exposition hall Sunday at 3 p. m. Subject , "Aro Romanists fit educators of American youthV" He also speaks at ] First Baptist church morning anU even ing. Scats free. Samuel Burns invites the nttontion of the Indies to an invoice of beautiful "Royal Crown" vases , $3 to 10 , for merly wore $5 to $18. Tnoy would make a very desirable present. Auction , I'lirnltiira Auctlnn. Monday at 10 a. m. , Forty-second and Cuming Btroot. Contents of entire house ; line brass bed , chilTonier chairs , dining table , carpets , etc. Everything must bo sold. R Wells , auctioneer. The Omaha school for physical training auspiciously inaugurates the formation of classes at the Madison Monday , October HI at 10 a. in. ; at High school building , 4 p. in. , ( lor the benefit . of touchers ) . TIIU KKAI.Tt : TNSTIIUME.XTS nluecd on roeorJ Ont J 20. . .1lii'J - . ' : oyor to Ilz/.lo Koeic , n ! J lot 11 , bloukMi. Houtli Omaha . i S00 1' It llolilon mid wlfoto O R Townsend , lot III , Work "O. " baiiiidcr ) ft H' uilil. . 553 Wllllnm A Kodlck anil wife lo Wllllnm Hens , lot 1 , li'nuk in , Hhnll'rt''d ' add . 1 , OM W I' ' .Siivdor lulu wife to Kintna Jolnihon. lot " > , KIr.iwood B A llenson and wife to K I ) llrown , lot Bc 4 , block" , IntUl. blouk r..llrlu'Ks I'laco. L-.B.O Cluules Nyitnlst nnd wife to A U Holf- mini , lots i ! nnd 7 , blookJ. . 1st add to Jlniinl Doiiilua 1,400 VN llrown tn Jullult llrown , lota , liloulc IB. Orebiird Mill 2.M3 J II l.oomls nnd wjfo to 0 11 Lane , lut 10 , liloulc lKumilzol'liieo. . , . ? , : > 00 W I , KiiHlimm and wife lo J II Luonilu , lolJl , bloo'cU. HIilnnN ndd 0,000 I'1 K llulloy and wife to Ole Ole-ion , lots I to IS. llurllnaton I'nii-o 11,000 J O Wllcox and wife to Sliorman Wllcov , lotB 1 to4. ill lo II ! . liloult a , lot5 tor. ' , . H block I' Oiiylonl r/WMooiJiSil und'wfo . . to Clmrlcs Oirutt , 1 . lotsl illicit , Ilot-k4 ) , Klluy I'lneu 10.000 I.uulsSclironder irusteito 1 < " S Uowoy. nS ! lot 18. bloekJO , llrown pnrlc Sij 1 ylUT-LI.A1.1l IJKttlJa. MnrlnfaMi-OlnrirttoHoiiry Aiiiblor. lots . n und U I , hloclc 1 : lots I to4. 17 und IH > liloulc Hi lota 1 ti ) H , U loW , blue ! ; 10 ; lots ! ! , I nun 0. blbete If lots 1.3 lo P. II , 12. IH. IU la 18 , blouk U1 ; lulu S , H , H , 14 , in , 17 and Ifi. bloulcl UI : iolb 5 , ( J. 7. 10 to 14. 17 und 1 ? , liloolH l low ' . V o.H. 1 . block It ; lots B.to 10. blook I7i lots I to Mil lo / ' , bloi-kilrit lots 010 10 , lifto W , bloJlcW , Ainblupl'luco 1 Kiuno to sumo , wii of o'i ' sw L'J-n-lJ . . . . . 1 Henry A miller and wife to .Mnrlndn MII- Uliiry. lols ! l. 7. . U. II ! . U lo , block IU ; lois 1 to5. 11 toJG. blockliO ; lotsS. II to SO , block Id ! low J loSJ. block IB ; ota 1 to I. ) , blook I7vluts ; II to 11. blook IS und , * . lot 'I. bloukS. Awljlur I'liieo. . . . . . . . . 1 O II Itiillon undiUD ) II illou to .Marlndii MuUlnry , lot a.bloek S , Ambler I'lBcu , . 1 PEUII3. O O A Ilonnelt. lioriff.ioOinnlia Saving * ° "banlF.'VoiWblopkl.MlllarinMnc-o . . . . S,9iO J.'A llinirnn. special uiivtor. lo Mutiiiil Iiivosiiiient company , lot 0. block S. ' ' ' ' ' w'd'lvVsrspeolai'miator , to'jes'slb ( Joil- ' f roy , lot a , tiicnibboii I'liict- ' > M Total amount of transfers $58TO ) Ciittnii NEW OHI.BAK8. I.U. . Oct. 20.-Q.ulot ! mlfl- dllii' . 7Vo ; low inlildliiiK. I'.ie : irooU oral- Ii iii-y , o cj not roculnts , fl.pll buloii irross 7.i-U > b'lli-si exports to Oreat llrllaln , SJ50 bales ; to 1'runee. 7.55J nalest ti ; ilio cun- tlneut. 20J u lies ; co itw. e , St8J : balesi Hales , stock. IGI.MI Hales. /ir naan. Tbo following marriage licenses were Is sued by Counly Judge Kller yoalerday ; Dame and address. Ago. James O. Hanson Omalm . ' > } ASIICB I * baron , Omaha . -a niomas.OIsen. puinhn. AnnloriQiihlaWtfitberj \\F.\i \ \ .m BOSTON STORE AGAIN Two Great Txching Bargain Sales on Iho Second Floor Tomorrow , nllLINERY SALE , CARPET SALE Illllncry In the front , CnrpoU In the Itcnr The Illccest Iturptlim Tor on Your Ilctiil ur Under Your 1'ccl ICvor Oflrrcil. LOOK AT TIIK PlllCKS. oOc Hertford cord utul heaver caps , "oc. 75c line cloth sailors for fall and wili er. Hoc. Fine CHshmcrotto sailors' with velvet crowns , in nil fashionable shades ; worth 81. 1M , only flOc. UOO beautifully trimmed huts , In tl | > 3 and ' silk ribbon or velvet ; worth SU.UU , 'oniorrow $1.60. HID elegant foil nnd velvet hats , olo-- Kant inntorlal ; should bo W.OO , but go omorrow at iJU.60 oiicli. Thcso are imply wonderful. Tomorrow wo place on sale a number of superb pattern hats produced for this Boasoa at a cost of from S1U to JI0 ! , at the single ptico of So. This oiler lias never been equalled in America. Nor lias there ever boon nn opportunity llko tills which would allow us to make this price on fliioh hatk A TUUM KNDOUS EXCITING CAIU'KT SALU Ingrain carpets , pretty patterns , good durnblo colors , 18c , UJuWe,38o : a yard , worth up to Too. Hemp carpet worth up to 120c go at lie id lUJcyard. Extra , all wool filling cotton chain carpet , worth 70o to 85 , at oOo a yard. All wool extra super worth $1.5 ! ) at (15c. ( Elegant tapestry Brussels -llu , 52c , 58c , 0-le , worth from $1.00 to $1.25 a ard. Superb Wilton velvet carpet OSo a , -ard , worth nearly $2 00. Miigniflcont moquotto carpets same grades aa tlie Wilton only 03c a yard , orth $2.00. BOSTON STORK , N. W. cor. 10th and Douglas. OMAHA ADD3 A MIT3. Sonic Attnrnry-i lloro WluiTpvtlfy lo .I The bar committee which was appointed recently to liivostip.Uo Judge C. U. Scott's mliclal performances mot in the Omaha National bank building yesterday aflornoon. E.hui M. Bartlett tool : occasion to Uony that ho lad over told Attorney Sears that Scott was insane. Silas Cobb related some of his cxporicnco with JtiQK < * Scott anil claimed that iiio latter llai sat down on nim on one or two Decision ? much harder than was compatible with the aicnuv of his judicial olllei. N. M. Hubbard , Jr. . tostitled that about two weeks nfter the death of Judge Love Judco bcott wrote a loltor to his father , Judga Hubbanl or Collar Kap- ids la. , in which ho said : "Do you tninlt old Love's soul Is far enough into the retorts yet so that ho repents of his infamous - famous rulings In the ISIlicott case ! " The witness also stated that some tiniango he had a case before Judge Scott In which no repre sented tlio defendant , a railroad company. md ; Judge Ulllis was the attorney for the plaintiff. The case had been once de cided in favor of tno plamtilT and came be fore Judge Scott on appeal. Judge OIllis wrote to the witness asking his cocsont to a continuance ! , as his child was very sick. He answered in tbu afllrmativo , and Judge Ulllis attached the letter to hu stipulation for u continuance. When the case ! was , called Judge Scott refused to honor the agreement for a stipulation niid denied the appeal. In conclusion Mr. Hubbard said that ho thought Judco Scott to bo unlit to perform the duties of his ofllco. David j Van Elton testified to havintr been repeatedly refused u hearinir on motions , after which the committee- adjourned until Monday. ( KNOWS WHSN TO QUIT. Di'Miller Is Dunn lit nu IMllor Illn ( ircut Cnliul sclii'iun. . "No. . sir , " said Dr. Goorso L. Mlllor , "tlicro is no truth in the report that I am contemplating another newspaper enterprise. Such a thing is entirely out of iho quesllon. " With regard to the I'latto river canal scheme Dr. Miller salu : "Jt is true that 1 expect to take an active part In the organi/a- lion of that which 1 consider the moat im portant financial enterprise over undortakeu. in Omnha , the building of an immense canal through which the water of the 1'latto river can be brought to Omaha and furnish the greatest natural water power in the United States , with the single exception of that fur nished : bv Niagara Falls.Vo uro simply waiting now for two very prominent clllzpns of Omaha to return be taking stops to find out at least what th people of Omulia are willing to do to further this proat enterprise. Wo know , ab solutely , whol citu bo done. Uo have Xur- vcvod anil re-surveyed the entire line and the practicability of the scheme bus been demon strated beyond tno possibility of a doubt. I shall probably notvbncomo t > o prominent in the enterprise as some other * who have an abundance of means and know exactly the situation , but I expect to nolp the enterprise along to the boat of my ability In every se of the word. There never lias been a movement : in Omaha that could possibly moan so much for the town us the oullulng of this canal , and 1 believe that I shall live to sco it an accomplished fact. When It is accomplished Omulm will certainly become ono of the greatest manufacturing canters la the United Slnt03. " * ec Or. I'nlton mi the Kclcirmatloii In Culm , Dr. Fulton spake baforo a largo audlor.ro le inTi the Mrst Baptist church Friday night. Ti these not acquainted with tbo speaker , it ttiSi isle meat that it should bo said that Dr. Ful Si ton gave up n pastorate in Brooklyn , N. Y. , ti ill March , 18S7 , because ho believes thai 01 Komnnlsts are itnporilod by error' and Ind' must have the truth revealed tn the word of d' d'w God if they are to bo saved , w As a result ho says that Homai.Uts hive \ been among his best frlendr , , Thny want BC. ti and aojcrvo clean homos , and a leadership la tiat their priests worthy of our American oppor 01 tunity. In the lecture to bo delivered in tno 01PI , Exposition building at fl this afternoon Ho a will reirito how no was Invited by Roman 11ol Catholics to visit their schools and pro- olcc tcctorv , and when ho exposed the character cc tool the'teachings and the books uaid In con zlT trast with the privileges enjoynd in the American schools , hundreds of children wore withdrawn from the parochial schools , lie. la EC Fulton bolloves in the patriotism of the masses of the people , and claims that they sro H only want to bo Informed to secure their help and support. For this reason ho bo- llovcs . it is more than a mUtako to Igaoro these vital laterfslH IP public discussion. Ho stands wltti Father McUlynn on tha school ( lu'oMlon end reerois that QUUQS elsuwlioro ] compel him to foropo the pleasure of rosponalnc to iho numerous Invitations to speak ] la different towns in Nebraska. Ho ncaks this morning and evening In the First Baptist church at tbo request of his friend Dr , Helllngs. WITH FflmiGIIT FAVORITES What Actors nnd Actresses of Note Are Doing Across the Atlantic. UNCLE TOM REPRODUCED IN ENGLAND It Witt ItoStngnl xrltliIrnml invott'lujn : IVInrli Mrct with tlio . \ | > prn\ul of Critical Audiences Momlit Alioiil Tennyson. LONDON. Oct. 29. All io Cralp , Ml Kllcn Torrj's ' daughter , who U well known In ninntcur circles , will mniio her debut ns n professional in n small part In "Liberty Hall. Hall.Mr. Mr. Sidney Alpart , manager of Terry's ' theater , has purchased the I'omoroa nan prf prize dop , ( Jueen , which WHS cxhitiitiil at tlic Crystal Palace. ThodoE jwlll appear In Snplo's ] farelual comedy , "A Lucky Doe , " wlnca has mot with such succors at Terry's. Mc. ra. Sims and Raleigh , iho well linown dramatic author' , have ngrocd to collaborate in their production of a now cnrtes of farcical comedies s'mllar ' to "Tho CSray Mure'1 and "Tho OuarUsman , " hoth of wtnch wore written by them. "Tbo OuarJsuian1 it % may bo ncnttonoil in p.isslnp , continues to draw good houses at the Court theater , Tun play 19 preceded by a curtain raiser , called "Crazed. " In which Messrs. C. I1. LUilo and H. Nam by and Miss Sibyl CJray appear. Thn IiHloonilcut | ) Theater company cave a ooiul performance ot "Tlio Duchess of Malli" on Tuesday at the Theater Uomlipic. A critical auuicnco tvas present , Including Swinburne , the pool , ami Georco Watts , the artUt. Apropoi of tbo Indopondoat theater , It may bo mentioned mat "Tho Visitb.v . Edward Brady , orlglnallv produced under his auspices nt the Royalty theater , \ > as re cently submitted by Miss Fortosquo to the verdict of a ISIrnilncliam nubile with a re sult which can hardly be described as en- cournglnR. The piece , ucsonllnp to the Birmingham Daily I'oat , was "faced by a largo audlcnco wltn respectful but horrlllcd lutorcst. " "It Is rot , " nddj the writer , "one to looit baclc upon with pleasure and cer tainly could not oaconio permanently papular in Birmingham. " Mr. E'louln thinks of producing the Knir- llsli version of "Lcs ' . ' 8 Jour do Clatrotte , " in tha provlnro-t in the llrst place , and after wards of submitting ll to the London audi ences at the Onora Uomtnuo. Mra. Cloincnts Scott is suld to have de layed his departure from London for his tour around the world until November 11. Undo Turn's Cabin. M r. Unllo Ililmaln , lassoo of the Koyal theater , Plymouth , nnd proprietor of various Una-class "provincial dramatic ana operatic companies , has taken a lease of the Princess theater , London , from October 'M. Ho will open his season vlth a pownrful and elaborate production of "LJnclo Tom's U.tbln , " under tbo direction of Charles Herman. T nu operatic season has boon so successful that SU1 Augustus his renewed his lease of the Coven t Garden theater. Mine. Putti has written tn Sip. La- cniia , promising to appear for him after the November concert If iho terms can bo ar ranged. In ] aa interview with the representative of tun Associated press Mr. Alexander McKenzie - Kenzio , principal of the Koyal Academy of Music , expressed himself as vary much pleased at the nrospnct of going to the United States. Ho said no had not decided what works ho would producoat iho World's fair at Chicaco < bui thov would probably bo "Tho Koso of Sharon , " "Dcthlohom" and another worlc. Ho described "Bntblchom" as being something In the style of tno old passion or mystery play. Ho added that ha hoped to gain somn useful ox- panenco In America that would provo of bonellt to his pupils. Ho has no prejudice , ho said , in favor of anv particular composers. Ho thinks that the musical taste of the Eng lish public equals that of other countries. Ho gave as an Instance of musical taste the enthusiastic rcccntion given in Germany , I'Vanco , Italy , England anil America to Mascagnls' "Cavellorla Uusticann , " which ho described as a crude and rough hewn , though powerful work , wbila the same com posers , in "Amicq Frit ? , " with its simple plot , line and delicately constructed music and artistic , masterful treatment , met with only limited success in these countries. liulnrn the Ouri-il. The queen has commanded the Carl Hosa cotnpanv to perform Donuattl's "Daughter of tlio Regiment" at Biilmor.il casllo. llor majesty has presented to Mr. Leo Stern ns a memento of his recent performance at Hal- moral n diamond scarf pin bearing the Ini tials "V. I. It. " Considerable excitement was caused in Parisian theatrical circles when it was learned that Jane Iladinr hud accepted an oneigeinont at iho Theater Fr.iucalao. M. Palleron refused to allow IheComedlo f'ran- calso lo pcrtorm Ills new play unless Iladlne created the ctilof rolo. The managers ni llrst declined to accept Mllo. Hading , whoso rap utatlon is hurdlv lilted to tlio traditions of tbo Comedlc Francalsc. The negotiations pointed to the conclusion of an agreement with the directors of tno Vnudovlllo thcaicr to produce the play , when M. Clarictlo , the director of llio ( Jomodlc f'rancaiso , rolemeii and signed a contract with Mllo. Hading. George K. Vatll , an American , ha- , just had a one-act , play accepted by ono of the boule vard theaters. This U bellewl to bo the lirst time that nn American has had such a success hero. * Messrs. Macmlllnn & Co , willsbortlvsoml to press a new posin by Mr. Alfred Austin called "Forluniitns , the 1'cssimlst. " In form It moro rosoirblos'Prince Lucifer" than any of the author's worlis. Tlio Acadomv suys : Wo belmvo that the general concensus of foreign opinion would nsslcn tlio first place among Tennyson's works to "Enoch Ardeu. " A few moi.ios atdi M. lieljamo , professor at the \iculto l des Lattres do 1'arli , publlfiliccl nn anointed edition : of It , to which was appandcd a con tinental olbllogranliy , From this wo learn that thcro aio scveu translations in French and six m Germnn. Of tbo former , ono Is b.v the li'.lo Xivlor Marmlor und anoiher has an Introduction by Schorer. Of iho latter , ono with Illustra tions has passed llirougti moi-o limn thirty editions , H has also been translated twlco Into Dutch ( with a irontlspicu * by .loaof Artix ) and into Spanish bv U. Vinccnto d'Arnali ( with IIlustralloiiK. ) , into Nor wegian , Into Hungarian and Into liohoniian. With \ the oxcopilon ot iho Spanish and Boino of the French , nil these transla- Uons uro in vorso. In addlllon , there are no loss than four editions in French and ono In Gorman. A dramatic version was 3 produced at ttotton In January , lb 7 > , within year after this publication , and another at $ iho Hovnl Surrov theater In 1800. A sedos articles on the traits of Tennyson will bo commenced In an early number of the Maga zine of Art from the pen of tils friend , Mr. Theodora Watts. Arthur Waugh's ' 'Study of Lord Tenny son. " which tiaa been in preparation for iho last two years , nnd was Intended for the spring bcuson , Is norf annctmcod by Mr. Helnmann for iinmodiato publication , ciil r .si'iivi'j'nviiriiinir. . Chlof Soavi < y advises the population to look after their gates , for the "larriknns , will bo out tomorrow nlsht "Hall owu'un , ' Attention , A. O. II. tr.l Union-Pacific ledge No. 17 will hold a special mooting on Friday ovculnt. ' , Novem. 11 , for the purport ) of oi'itanulug a The only I'urc Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. Used ill Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. DeKrepoMtonor. | A RenrrM Invitation In extended to the member * of the order In jcnornl , their wive * , dniiEhters nml tot attend * alil mo tlne. sutort. The mcetine wllloion wl h nunnrt enter- tilt - nmont , conilstlnc of vocal nnd muslcM solocilons and focltixllons : niliironscs will bo ilellverpd on the ob ] ct * . niirpo oi tnl beno- Ills of the nforosuld Loiieo of Honor , which Is n ladles' onrnnizMlon ol the A. O. U. W by members of the si\mo. Now let all who ntorost i themselves In tbls turn out anil lid ) tn | orgunlzo the Inrcost nnd host lodges of thM Html In of iho tnU' . PUce of incotinp. Oantinantnl . l.tilldlntr , corner F\f- tnc Ljcnthnnd DOURM ! sircois. 1'uko olorntor on Fifteenth Mrcot ontrnnco. Cliolrra When properly treated M eon us Ilia n jyraptoms nppo.ir. cholera cun nonrlv bo cured. i The nlwnj * patient should Ko Intnioilmteiy toi hcil and roinula n qulot at passible. Send for n phyMcimi , but wlnlo nwnlthiK ul nrrtvnl ml < n Uhamlwrliila's Colic. , mil Dinrrhim Komodjr in Uoublo doses . Uholora nftor each operation of the bowels moro than iiutirnl , If there In severe pnlti or inko It critmvi in double doles every llftoon mliuitct uiilll relieved. This remedy has boon usoa with great success In savou cplitomlcs of dysentery that were nlmost a a severe anil ilaneurous ns cholor.i , nan if mod m divaotcd n euro Is nltnnst corlaln. ICvorv fninllv should mvonfi'j-cont bottle nt hand roadvforln- stnnt uso. After the dlsaaso is undor'control - nstor oil must ua tnkoa to cleanse tbs systom. No other physio or subitltuto will ilnln Ulsi I plncoof cAsinr oil. For sale by rtrue THEN THEY DIDN'T. 1'nllvo Ciiitnro | n Alrnt Thief uml Allow Him to IIUIIH' ? | For some time past the warehouses of tbn Swift nnd Hnmmond I'aokliiR Soi coinpanlex on bouth Thirteenth street tmvo boon vlsltod by midnight maruudnrs , nnd n special wntch "l- * tun on the plnco bv the police. Friday ulcht Oftlcer Jackmna cupturcd niiin ' . In tbo nolphborhood with j'1'1. a saclt of meal n his hands. Ho wns sent to iho iinllon la the patrol wnfwn , but ns the wnRon cnloroa iho . ihoj.m court ho surntiK to iho ground anil ran Conductor Dlbbern omntioil his re volver afier him but failed to halt him. A Ctinlcr.i nonrp. A reported ouibroalc of cbolora nt Hel- mettn. N. J. , crontoil much oxcitomeiit hi - thutvlclnii.v. Invosllpniloa showed tlmt ihu llsonso was not cholera out n violent d.vson- tery , which Is ntmost ns rovnro nil ilniieer- ous as cholera. Mr. Walter Willnru. a iromlncnt niles merchant of .latnosburi ; , two from Holiiiotta , knys Olmiiiborlnlii's . 'olio , Oholora and Dlnrrhcni Uemody ban ; lven preut satis fnctlon In thu most SOVOM atos of dvsuntory. H Is certnlnly ono of ; hu best thlnps over mado. For snlo br to ISnTfiiili-rcct Priitik l.uiir. OMUIV , Oct. -Frunk > - MIIP , 12i ( ] . : Dear Sir U is desired by votir fnomls in Omahii , ! itid | they nro lojrion , that you accept nt their liunds a bciioflt for the purpose of testifying their appreciation of your tn'.onts ns an nolor atu your qualities ns a man. lloyil's ' Iho.i. lor , on thoovenins of NovoniUbr 1C , Is hereby plucort at your dlspoal for a bonollt. Hop- inn lliat you can 11 nil it convciilont to accept this testimonial of our rejr.ird , wo remain. yours very truly : Jiimcs K. iloyd , U. Ml Hitchcock , 1C. Uosuwater. K. L. Lomax , Max' ' flloyor , J. Francis , Fr.inlc 10. Moorcs , K. 11. - Pont ML * , O. W. Auics , .IcIT W. Jjeilford. P. | H. Johnson , G. U. Amos , W. J. lluriiess. Cnarles Ocdoii , D. W. Van Colt , J. T I Klnslor. Will Luwler , William tvrur Arthut , H. Jlrlgus. OMAIM Oct. ' . ' . , -His Kxrolloncr.lamos B. Hoyil , Miix Mover , T. .f. liters. . ) . FrnnoU.I O. W. Amos , Frank K. Moaros , E. L. Lonmx. . K Hobowater , Chnrl-n 0'don , Q. M. Hiich- coclc and othnrs : Gontlemou In reply to your letter of tho'.Tith hist. , I will slatu'thnt Lho dale you uamo Isagivoablo to mo. Thank ing you for your klndiioss. 1 nm , yours truly- , ' XK L\NB. AC nro tup There is no use of nny ono sufforlnp with tlm cholera when Ohnmburlaln's Colic , Cholera ami Diurrhiua Homouv can bo nro- curod. H will flvo relief In a ftuv uilnutoj nnd euro In n short tlinu. I have tried it ana know. W. II. Clinton. HelmottS , N J. Th < i epidemic nt Hoi mot ta was nt lirst bo ! Ic veil to bo cholera , but subsequent Investigation proved it lo bo n violent form of dysentery , almost as dangerous as oholora. Tlili remedy wns used there with great success. ' For sale by Y. AI. I , KnturtiilnmniitH. At St. I'liilomcnn's hull last Frldajbovon- lag another of these enjoyable entertain. ' monts was given by Iho Younjj Men's Insti- ' tute. Tbo attendance was Inrso nnd fully met the advantages for spondinca pleasant evening by oxhiliiilni : n positive willingness to n-clprocato the committee's efforts by lot- tntp go all restraint In merry pastime. " The next entertainment will bo ifvon ! I'rldayi ovoninc' , November II , at St. Phlloinona linll , OIKI it is hopad all our memboru anil' ' friends will bo present. If you have piles DuWitt's Witch salvo will surely euro you. bollcesof Ivellticii'rlcKi u i < i'i-thl&lieMJlftj\ \ cetilijcach nililtidl / line , ten crnt * . KCHMIO-Kred ' , azolll yoarc , O.-toUor W , 1833 I'unural will tilai nlaco Sun lav , 2 D. in. ' from residence , fiis Hontli Olh to I'rospoct' ' Mill. I'rionila nvited. LADIES i the following- ridiculous prices. Our beautiful stylish hats in lots , $2.5O , $3.50 and $5.OO. This beats any record evcr heard of Black Ostrich feathers , in plumes , tips and Prince of Wales efl'ects , at half their regular price. This is a Good Invest ment for YoU. . R. H. Davies t HIS. 15th St. , Opposite P.O.