% . . -T * 0 TIIK OMAHA DAILY 11KK : SUNOlj OPTOHKR 30 , 1892--SIXTEEN TAOKR THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL BLUKPa OFFICKi - NO. 12 PI3AUL STREET ncllvtrcrt ty c.irtlar to any pirt of th ; city 11.V. . TJI/TON. - MANAGER ncKs Office ijtor ; | .MK.VTJO.V. K V. Plumbinr to. Council HlufTs Lumber Co. . Tbo funeral of MM. Donahue will occur this afternoon nt 3 o'clock , from St , Francis Xavlcr's Catholic church. Uruce Wclkcr was given tlilrlv days In the city Jull yesterday for drunkenness nnn using obscene language on the street. J. W. Smith lias been awarded the contract for building the now cola storage warehouse nt tbo corner of Uroadway and IJcnton street by Wheeler & HorelO. Two Omaha boys wcro arrested vcstorday rmornlng for distributing circulars without n license. They gave their names as hd bhntiK and Dan Mnronev und nro In the employ , of the American District Telegraph company. H. II. Carder , who was in-rested hero for breaking open some froltjtit car on the Hut-- llnnton road nt Murray , In. , has born in dieted by llio grand Jury on the charge of burglary ami will have a trial lu December. Herman Prill was the nurao given bv a man who stole two blankets from the Neil- tnavrbarn and then r.m arross a policeman with his booty In his arm * . Ho was taken to the police station , and alter a hearing was assessed a line of $10. Mrs. Mngglo Mitchell was fined ? * and cpsl * by Justice Sweanngon yesterday after noon In thu case in winch she was trlnd for nssaultaml haltcry a few days airo , n llltlo girl named Nnnnlo Gates being the prosecut ing witness The case In which Mrs. Danny appeared to pioietuto was not tried. William PiobUoie , who has boon nrroslcd a number ol limes nnd discharged on his promHiiL' lo leave the tlty , has been run to cover auaiti bv Iho police , tno attractions of Council Hlufts outweighing nil Iho lucon- vcntsnclcs of spending a term in n dungeon dark and Ur.nlc. Ho will bo given another chance to seek a now home. llrautlliil itrliliiR : < i Clinn Aw.iy. Choice of 100 llu eteliing-i given to anyone ptirehahing a frame for the name. Fine now line of mouldings just received , which wo are selling at irroatly reduced price ? . Kiley & Shot-radon , Art Kmporiuih Main street. If you don't wruit to buy hard coal you had " heller bee Uixby about those oil burners. They nro adapted for use in hot air furnaces , Bteam and hot water oollcrs , with no eoal or ashes to handle. Now matMngs , just received. Smyrna rugs from Too up. Oil cloths in pat terns , and linoleums , new line ; albo window shades , 2.5a up. Council Blull's Carpet Co. llov. .1 , H. Davis returned yesterday from a visit to Mason City. Mrs II. Hattenhauor is In St. Louis visit ing her daughter , Mrs. H. O. Wells. Mrs. ( joddcs of Grand Island , Nob. , is In the city visiting II. H. Field and family. S. B. Corhran of Chlcueo is In the cltv renewing old acquaintances aud U the guest of the i.umly of J. E. Harknoss , W. A. Illllls of Crete , Neb , , is 'in the city and will glvo a , brief address today to the > Congregational and Presbyterian Sunday Ecbools. Mr. mm Mrs. J G. Wadswortli , who have been living for the past three years in Liu- coin. Nob. have determined to return to Council Bluffs to make their home bore. They will bo bearlily welcomed back by tbelr many friends who have cnjoved Mrs. Wadaworth's singing. Mr. Wadsworth will resume his old place wita Iho linn of Burn- ham & Tulleys. Call on Messrs. Day < fc IIoss and ask to bo shown Iho Klein trayt of 401) acres no onsaloin llvo and ton aero tracts. They will show it frc-o to all. Save your hurl coal ; use wood , and call on II. A. Cox , 10 South Main stroot. Best Missouri wood So.OO per cord , do- livored. _ The Radiant novelty base burners nro the best hcatora in the city. See thorn at Swaine's. Moro "I saw a meek llltlo roast in Tnr. BEE the other day for Iho gas company , " said a citi zen yoslcrd ay who can see after-1 o'clock us well ns at nnv other tlmo of the day. "I wish you would say It again , and say it harder. I never know such miserable stuff to bo furnished people to burn. You may not bcllovo it , but I had an experience u nlgbl or two ago that awoke mo lo the fact that the need of something Inflammable In tbo way of gas was the crying need of Ihc hour. A gcnllcman called on mo at my house. 1 mot mm at the door , ushered him Into the parlor , unit although the gas was burnlne full blast , I had to strike u match before I could see hs ! face to rocognlzo bun. I'm road.v for n change. " There are doubtless a great many peopli in the city who use gas , and If so there arc n great many who feel moved to profanity about the time the sun sots. What th < trouble Is no one seems to know , but tbo fuel remains that the gasometers all ever towr go on with their work night nnd day as before fore , without furnishing thu people of thi city nnythlng as Iho result of their arduous labors. A reform will bo gladly welcomed See these oil haulers at Swalno's , 731 Broadway. Weather strips at Hiloy &Shorradon's Judson , civil engineer , 82 ? Broadway Mint Not Hum l.oaton. ' There Is a city ordinance that prohibit tbo burning of loaves or other rubbish on th block pavements , " said n city ofticial vaster day , "but it seems to bo disregarded in som Darts of the city. Many , perhaps , do no know there la any ordinance of the kind , an others who do Know It have forgotten It no\ that tbo trees are pulling ttiolr suuimo clothes in sonic. The block pavements won ! out soon enough , even with the best c > usage , but when It comes to applying the fir ' test , It won't work , The attention of proj crty owners one lit to bo called to the mallei ' m wo should hate to have to tuauo nn nrrcsti to put a btop lo U. " Fire JIro.nlway ami Corner of llniilo Stioot. Our Into loss by flro was covered b two policies , both in the COUNCli BLUFFS INSURANCE COMPANY. By 7 o'clock the next morning nftc the tire the Bocrotary was on Iho as heap , pencil in hand , roiidy to IIguro th loss down to bedrock , which ho did , to ( Baying th at1 It was his duty and n small part of his business. " So long r ho did not go below bed rook wo had n reason to complain , consequently th settlement was not only prompt , but i every way satlsfnolory , BO much bo thi in addition to $ ! ) ,200.0 ( ) ( seven pollute ! carried by this company before the IIr wo now add to it $10,000.00. BoiUar Intimately acquainted with th secretary and directors wo cannot L poi-Buaded that bettor indemnity can I obtained than that olTorpd by our lion : company , besides wo LOhovo in patrot lulng worthy homo c/iterprises , ever : thing being equal , ayd unless wo do \ \ shall continue to t/J dependent on fo clgn capital and ooi-porationg. G. \VH15KI.KH , JA8. A. IIliltULU , Mr , D. Wolltor wishes to Inform h old friends that ho lias loft the omplc of hit ) father and will commotion to wet for Geo. U. McBchondorf Saturdaywno > lie will bo pleased to wait upon tUorn. NEWS FR01I COUNCIL BLUFFS Mis. Wf A ! Oonlter Made Happy by a De cision cf the District Court , HER DIVORCE DECLARED TO BE LEGAL niiiMV11I Nrvrr Uc rrt Another Wnmiin Viilu ibln 1'rcporty Involtcil In thn C'onlroMT < y An Intrro tlni ; t'n o Dri'lilnl liy .Iiiilgc .llnry. W. A. Coullor WAS highly olnlcd ycslorday over n decision which was ren dered In the district court by Judge Macy and In which .she was defendant. The cuso was tried about a month ago , nnd Involved , not only the ownership ot a piece of property valued at about $1,000 , but the vattdlly of n divorce , winch was granted her in ino same cottrl a few yea s ago. Lemuel Slmtnons was Iho plaintiff , Ho was formerly the hus band ot Mrs. Coulter , but Iho laller was di vorced from him on the ground of desertion , nnd she was awarded the title to the property In question. Simmons , whoso whereabouts had boon unnnowu nt Iho llmor the decioo of divoico was granted , turned up later on and IllcJ a petition In court asking that Ibo decree bo sot aside In both particulars , ana that ho bo given possession ot the property. Ills allegation was that Mrs. Slmtnons had known where ho was at tlio time her petition for n dlvorca was filed , and that Instead of serving him with a notice , had published the notice in nn obscure country paper for the purpose of keeping him in the dark ns to hoc plnus. Yo3tord.iv the case was decided by Judge Miiey la favor of the defendant , so th.it all doubt cs to the owncrAhtp of tie ! tironerty and Iho legality of her sepia-allot ) from hot- former husband Is set at lest. Itrlluxrs III Protection. Judge James , who i.s known far nnd near us out * ot llio tried nnd true dotno- ot-atH , in talking yesterday admitted that ho believed in protceliot1. "That is , I bolicvo in it to this extent. 1 think that every ono should ( jut protection front loss by lire by insuring in our homo company , the National Mutual. It you call that believing in protection , sot , mo down tts ono of them. Hut , without jok ing , " continued the judge , "and without , reference lo politics , it seems a little strange thiit Iowa people nro so easily blinded to their own intoiosts. Our now company is doing 11 rut rule , and wo luivo no special cause for com plaint , but as with till enterprises wo have to moot eoinnotition nnd opposition , and lot tno tell you that the meanest opposition comes from outside companies They nro iiiauing a regular war on all Iowa companies. They say to their agents , 'you must not place any business in iowti companies , and if you do wo will lake our business away from you. ' In this way many agents are in llucncod again&t homo companies , aud their Iowa policy holders tire induced unwittingly to send their money outside of the btato , instead ot encouraging homo industries. How long will the Iowa agents allow themselves to bo bull- do/.ed , and. how long will the people allow themselves to bo drawn into a scliomo for supporting outside institu tions instead qf their own state com panies1 We have started in on n cam paign of education , nnd wp find that as fast as the pi > oplo _ got light they are more favorably inclined lo homo com- panics "Our company , the National Mutual , is ono ot the institutions thru Council Hltifl's people feel very kindly disposed to , and wo have done a bussness that is ' very gratifying. Our company is doing much more than its most sanguine friends anticipated , and wo have cov ered hundreds of homos and business houses with our policies. " Davis for drugs and paints. Criminal ! ) Sentci ceil. Judge Macy held a special session of the district court yesterday morning for the pur pose of sentencing the criminals who wore found guilty at tbo last term and closing up other business of the term. The following sentences were Imposed : Morris Quiuii , who was caught In tbo act of burglari/.ing Ibo Trcmunt house last spring , was given three years In the ponl tonliary , ho having pleaded guilty. Howard Sparks , Iho .sowing machlno man wno pleaded guilty to forgery , was given eighteen monthi in the ponitonliary. John Henry llrown , the coloroi man who ran away from his ono wife and look lo him self another , was sent to tbo penitentiary for ono year. The prisoners will bo taken lo Fort Modi- son this evening. The jury was discharged and the term of court adjourned. The next term will open on Tuesday with Judge Sraitb on the bench. The Boston Store closes every evening - ing nt U p. m. except Mondays and Saturday ? . The genuine Burr O.vk stoves are sold only by I'has. Swaino , 737 Broadway. Call and see thorn. S , B ProwoH , watchmaker , 710 Broad way. way.No No bankrupt , lire-smoked , damaged furniture at Meyer's , iWj-Ii'J ? Broadway , ' Clean goods , loss than any Omaha price's. Storage reasonable , 22 , 24 and 2 ( Pearl street , Council BlulTs. J. R Snydor. _ roll mi ; I'liicus Mclertocl. The township cleric has sotcclca places foi voting In Iho various wards and procmcls , a : ho is tequlrod by law lo do. They nro a follows : ' o First Ward-First product , fill , Eas itd Uroadway ; Second precinct , OiU ISast IJroail d way. 1V Second Ward First precinct , 82S Wes Hroailway ; Second precinct , 810 West Dread r wn f Third Wttrd First ureelnct , 20 Soutl " Mala street ; Second precinct , 823 Soutl Main street. i1 * Fourth Ward Kim precmot , 203 Soutl 'y Main street ; Second preulnet , corner Mini stieul nnd Kighlh avenue , tlio old lira house ) Klflh Wurd-First preomct , 11x13 Wes Broadway ; Second precinct , west on IManicr'ti hotol. Sixth Ward-First precinct , 2300 Wes Urosawuy ; Second precinct , ( Jut-Off , L.OCUS street , Kane Township Outsldo of City Green' resilience , near school houso. Don't forgot that Swaino sells th Klmtim-st stoves. Gentlemen , the finest line of tall good in the city , ju t ruceivoJ. Uoltor , tin tailor , 1110 Uroadway. Day & IIoss report th.it they are hav Ing a good demand for the toii-aero lot s } In the Klein tract. I 0poop1o in this city use gis steve 10 Ihe ( jus Uo. puts 'om fn at cost > o _ Iloston store closes every evening at p. in. , unless Mondays and Saturdays. " \Voathor strips at Hiloy & Shorradon'i 'o , , r- Clilrkuii Tliluvci. The residents of Taylor station ana tl vicinity have been troubled a great deal i late by chicken thieves. The hencoops ha ) la boeu devastated in all directions , ant ] tt lay trusting fowls have been wonedout of the > y nqits | n tbo irees ay an application of Hi and sulphur , unlil the chances for polplo ; a that vicinity are bscomlng snaiowuat illt A man natuod Hamilton U tbo latest vlclh Ho nml hl family were nt supper Frl'lny ovcning , whoa the thief ctuno nloncr nnd robood hi * lion roost of nearly 100 Inmate" * , from under his voty nso. To add to Mr. Hamilton'.1) exasperation , the vliltor traded a broken wagou toniruo for n ( rood ono that wai on \vnpon In Hnmltton's barn. The thlof was Uioitght to have coma to this clt.r , nnd a watch was kept for him yesterday , but without success , _ The Louis , Masonic block , will this week have special bargains In fall and winter millinery. 1'orsons whiting to onpago rooms at hotel "South Shore , " located near the World's fair building ! ! , Cnlcago , can see plan and got terms ofV. . S. lloinor dur ing this week at the store of A. A. Hart , 116 Uroadway. Ono of tlio great events of Iho coming social season will bo the production ot "Hen llur" by ever IflU ladloa and gentlemen of this city. Clinri'h Aiitiini Congregational-No prJachlng today. Sunday school at 12 o'clock ; Christian l-'n- deavor at 0:110 : p. in. ; prayer nieofln ? Thurs day evening at 7:110 : o'clock. First Avenue Mothodlst Episcopal , corner Kighlcontli street and Filth avenue Preach- me at 10iO : : a , tn. and 7:30 : p. tn , , Sunday- school nt 12 m. ; class mooting 0:33 : p. m. ; Kpworlh L.'jaguoGiiJJ p. tn. First I'roBbvtcrlati , corner uf Willow ave nue oud Seventh street , llsv. Stephen Phclps pastor Preaching by Iho nastor at 10'HO n. m. and 7:1 : ! . ) p. m. ; Sabbath school nt 12 tn. ; young people's mooting atPcIlO p. m. Second Presbyterian , Hnrmoay nml ijouau streets , S. Alexander pastor Preaching nt 10:30 : n. in. 'I'ho Ohrlitlan lOndoavor society will occupy the evening from 7 p.m. Sun- dnv school nt 12 m. Horoan 3aptlst-No services , morning or evening. Sunday school nt 11l."t : a. in. Union Christian Mission. 23S Broadwav Sunday school nt 11:30 : n. in. , A. A. Hurt , superintendent. Preaching nt S p. m. ov Mri. Fuller. Meeting every night In the week. Trinity Methodist Kplscopal , Fourth street and Ninth avenue , llov. II. H. Barton , pastor Proaehlug at lOtMO n. in. nnd ut7:30 : p. tn. Cliis meeting at ' .1:30 : a. m. Sunday schoolat 12 m. Cpworth loaguout 0:15 p. in , bt. John's Knclish Luthorau Services oil first llonr of Men-lain block. 20S Main nnd ' 200 I'enrl streets nt II u. in. and 71J ! p. in. llw. O. W. Snydcr , n is tor. Sunday school at 11:1.1.1 m. Christian Maconic Temple. Preaching nt 11 u , m. aad 7U : ! ) p. in. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Youn.r Peoplo1 j socletj" ntO.30 p. m. A. II. Carter , pastor. Broadway Mothodlst Knlscopal Preach- iti-at ( 100a. : ; ! in. aud 7:30 : p. HI. by llov. W. H. W. UPCS. D.U. Hov. Roes was" formerly pastor ot iJroadway chutch. It. P. Dudley , pastor. First Baptist Morning subject , "IStitcr in and Possess Iho Luna. " livening , ' -The Golden Imaco nna Iho Tlorv Furnace. " St. Francis Xavlor's Catholic There will bo vespers tlilsovonlnir at7tO. : ! Sermon on "Columbus" by llov. J. U. Kinllian. Younsr Men's Onristlat : Assoclnllnu Men's ' meoling nt 4 o'clock , led bv Mr. I. V. Howard. Topic , "Uod's word for it. " Lund Bros , have rocei veil some elegant now cut and crystal glass goods and have no fancy prices. Finest chamber sets in the city at Lund ] 3ro9' . l > Ii H'l'll-lK.lSCUS. ri"iloVlio | Have U'.tiulcrcil Off I.ntoly. xn , Pa. , Oct. 29. Another batch of disappearances of well known people is reported in this region. George W. Echsnoluorand Adam Wagner , both of Heading , bavo beeu niUsingfrom their homes for a week aud no trace of thorn can be found. Josiah Gerhard , a rich miller , has been missing slnco October M and fears uro cnter- lalned by his family lhat ho has mot with foul play. Georco W. Slnglery of Dorrunco disap peared mvsteriously last week. Hohascon- slderablo money and his friends are greatly alarmed for his safety. William Llovd , a feeble-minded resident of MInerville , wandered away from homo in September. It is believed that , ho has per ished In the mountains. Lillie Sewers of Lancaster Is also missing. William Whlttaknr and Miss Fantuo McCabe - Cabo of Mabouoy City disappeared October 10 , leaving no trace. Utilised tlio Injllliotlon. PIIILUICMMIIV , Pa.Oct. 29. After bearing argument today on Iho application of Iho four members of the Order ot Tontl for an Injunction to prevent thj conlluuatlon of ' the order's business. Judge Held today alsmissc'd Iho application. In his opinion , tbo juago aeclaieu that the court uld not intend to wind up a business simply on the allegation ? of ono member , which was in direct contradiction of the statements ot the others , and that if thn business of tbo order wap Illegal tlio members should have another remedy at law by which Its charter could bo vacated. Till ) ni-ilth Itnll. DEXVEIColo. . , Oct. 29. A special to the News from Colorado Springs says : Captain Frederick P. Whlto of the Pacific Mail Steamship company died hero today of pul monary consumption at tbe-nco 'of 51. JACK OXVII.M : , Fia , , Oct. 29. A St. Augustine special to the Evening Tolocram says : Henry M Cutting of New York , well known In Iho financial world and in Now York'socloty , died very unexpectedly at the Francis barracks In this city l.ito last night. The cause of death is not staled. Inrrc-aso In HID I tank Itcscrve. Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. 29. The weekly bank statement shows tno reserve has increased 81.711,000 , and specie has Increased $2,202,000. The banks now hold ttS9lOJO ; lu excess of legal requirements. U.ll.tll.l l.I'.llt.MlH.ll'llS. . Klevcn minor permits , aggravating $1,075 , wctoUsued by the supcriutondoni of build- IIIRS yesterday. Lust night Ibo police arrcslcd Joseph War- inir for sloalliic a clock from Mrs. Ambrose , \\lio lives at Tairloonth nnd Jones stroots. The local manager of Iho Postal Tologranb company has received aa ofllciial denial of the report that the Western Union had ab sorbed thai line , A ( lofcclivo lluo In a brick residence at 11115 Douglas slreet , occupied by Mrs. Hut- n- lor , was Ibo cause of the tire alarm trom box 01 at 3:10 : tills afternoon , No loss. nh h There will bo a meeting of the republicans n at Moronce , Monday , ( X-ioborlll , at 8 p. in. , . which will bu addressed by Hon. I ) , H , it Mercer and Hun. I'hll K Winters. itd As music cannot bo obtained on account of the grand concert to bo given by the Musical it union of the city on November 4 , the Catli. it olio Mutual Benefit association aunt-lilt ; party bus boon postponed to Tuesday evening , No vember 15. An inquest was hold on Iho body of Wll < helm I'roonnlfko , who killed himself ut his rosiuonro , OKI North Twcnlloiti street , Sat urday mornlnp , and the Jury rolurnoa n ver dict to the effect that the cause of his acatli was unknown , Mlns O. C. Tennant Clary will arnvo frorr Now York this week , ana In a few daye the regular announcement as to the opening of sulo , operas to DO proaented , etc. , will be made. The dates of tbo opera aoasou arc November 7 to 13 inclusive. The Young I'aoolq'R Souiotv of Chrlstlac Endnavor of Kouut/o Memorial Luthcrat church will hold an "All Hallowe'en" tocia in the chun-b parloi-i Monday evening. A general good tlmo is Insured , There will be Btorius , t-uuioj , music , otc. No chaigo foi ' admission. The Boy's and Girl's Homo and Employ ment association will meet tins evening a Kountzo McmortEl Lutheran church , Six tcenth and liurnoy streets. Trustees of thi lie Omahu homo are rorjuoilea lo attend tbi meeting , which will be addressed by Colone of A , llogoland , All mombori of the Omana Voterau Fire 1)0 men's association ore roquoitoj lo appear ai ur police court rooms this afternoon at 1U : ! to o'clock lu full uniform to attend the funera lu of tbelr late brolbor , Fcrd Schinld. Thi in , Uaioa 1'acltlo band will be m roaamojs ti ID. accompany Iho votcrana. COTNER LfflS EXPERIENCE H ft Poane's Foot Ball Asoam TOD Lively for the Outfil from Lincoln. KHOX BADLY DOWNED AT IOWA CITY Million Hojs Dnn ; UiiilrrMnncI Ilic lniuc l.lnroln llriitciiinil Don\cr I'rliirctnn 1'iiH * ( lilt Onn-Ilniviiril DUgmtn ft lt clr Ollinr J-portinc Now * . CIIF.TB , Nob. , Oct. 20.-ISpecial Telegram to Tun Bin : . ] Doano collOL-o nnd Cottier university ulayod foot ball on Dimno's grounds today mid the result was n victory for Uoauo , with n score of C'MoO. Doano's great gains were maoo by her end running. The blocking by Doano wns excellent , nnd the team did good team work , which is so essential for success. The Cottier team Is composed of gentlemen and they hnvo s > omo excellent material fo ? a good loam. They wcro unublo to mnuo nny end runs nml the only way they could advance Iho ball was by forming the V. The principal features of the game were Fuller's end run of eighty yards , Lcavlllos' excellent blocking for the runner nnd Iho tncklo nl.ivs. Imru Defeat * KIIOV. fovCtrv. . In. . Oot. 20. [ Special Tele gram lo Tin : JlKi : . ] - ICnox college of ( Sales- burg , 111. , fool ball loim wns dofoalod by the State University of Iovu ; team this alter- noon , the score being -HtoO. The Knox team will average IHloca pounds heavier , but the luck of training and experience lost it the game. Tito University term shoxved line bloculug , nlaycd tlio whirling V well , nnd by good team work won Ils pamo. Tlio onlv chance ICnox had wns when It had the lull , but It nlwavi lost It for want of gain , and whou the 'Varsity got Iho ball a touch down lo.Hiiltcd every time. It was a hard game , but science won ever strcnirth. Twenty-two points were scoicd In cash half. Piliiurtiiii l.lmhi-rltif ; l"l > > New YDIIK. Oct. 20. Princeton defeated Woslnynn o'l Ihn foot ball Hold today by the big score of 00 tot ) . It was llio lirst cham pionship game of the season and was wit- ni'sscd bv u largo crowd in spllo of the threatening weather. Ynlo nnd Harvard were represented on the Held to slzo up Princeton's play and Captain King of Prince ton did not don his canvas j.ickut , us ho also wished to study the work ut his tcaai. The llibt half of the gamii was us bad mi exhibition ut foot ball as has been seen hero this season. Wesleynn played like L-ramtnnr school botsand Prince ton wa < only a tri llo bettor. In the lust half , however , Princeton braced up and played In line form. .VdirasU i Downed , Dr.NVtit , Colo. , Oct. 20. The foot ball game between the Unlvcrtltv of Nebraska tram of Lincoln and the Denver Athletic club eleven was won by the Dcnvors by n icoro of IS to 4. Tno game was n very Inter- estinc ono and was'marked by hard playlcg throughout. Vnlc L'niintH Tlili Olio. NEHvvcjf , Conn. . Oct. 23. The foot ball game hero this afternoon botwosn Yale and Tu f Is col I ego * was brilliantly but not steadily played. It resulted la a victory for Yale by n score of 41 lo 0. Ilitn.irtl Disgusts Itsi-lf. BOSTONMass. . . Oct. 20. Thu Ila.-vard- Amherst foot Dajl game nt Cambridge this af ternoon is considered something of n vVater- lee for Harvard , for although that team won by a score of 33 to 10 , the fact that Amherst was able to score .so many points Is very dis heartening to the Cambridge team. \Vnii by llu > slugger * . PnirAniarnu , Pa. , Ojt. 29. A largo crowd v-itnessed a. close und exciting game of foot baU.on the University grounds this aflernoon-bclwoeti llio Chicago Athletic club and University of Pounsylvnnla.toams. The game resulted in n victory for the Ponusyl- vamas by a score of 1' ) to 10. IMo for IllluoU. S CITV. Mo. , Oct. 211. The foot ball team of tno Univcrsltv o ( Illinois uufoated the team of the Hyde 1'arjc Country club of this city by u score of 40 to 0. .SI'UIID Itl.VO. C'nliiniliUi' * liiiiikniiit Iiinneeiiient Sus- licnileil liy tint Association. CinciGo , III. , Oct. 29. President Doainan today suspended the Columbia Driving Park association of Colusibiu , Tunn. , froni mombcrshlp in the American Trotting asso ciation for failure to pay premiums , it will bo remembered that the moelineat Columbia ended suddenly yesterday owinR to the fact that achock mvon to a horse owner In pay ment of a premium was dishonored at the bank. ClO-lR lit ICVMIllllKI. WASHINGTON- . C. , Oct. S9. Today's races closed the most successful meeting ever hold under the auspices of the Wash ington Jockey club. The attendance today was above the average , and as every ono was looktnp for the get-awuy lonp shots , the bet- line wab heavy. The favorites won four ol the six r.icos , I'lrst race , pnrsoflOi , flvo fnrlnn " : Klnclft ( I lo 10) ) won. Nitptba 18 to I ) socoiul , Kdlth Del- rnontiro to II third. Time : 1JJ. : Haciiml race , puree JIOO. one mlle : Tomplc ( II teA ) won. Alualilo 1 1 to I ) sci'Oiul , h.iroluiionl (7 ( to L' ) third. Tlmo : 1:13. : Thlid rai'o , handle ip , purse II'H ' , ono mite and n fiirlou'ilouiii'n : ( ? (1 ( to 1) ) won , IllaliU ( S to - ' ) usuond , I'ido.Io (1 ( to 5) ) th id. TIiiio ; 1 : . " > ! J. Ponrth race , pnrsor > 0l ( , llvoand half fiirlonzs ; Void ( I to 1) ) wor , Suorllleu (4 ( to I ) tGuond , Itollu ( .Oto I ) third. Tln-o : 1:01) : ) . Klfth raep , pur-,0 * li'0 , slfurlon s : Mnjoi Daly ( A to I ) won , Helen HosoflltoO ) scconn Kosu H ( S toll third. Time : 1:10. : SlMli race , handloap sioojilooliiisc , purse IICO. full stuopleohnae course , about two mid ; half miles : U.in Uau ( oven ) won. Klip l'lap ( to 1) ) second , Itetnrn ( II to 1) ) third. Time : il'J : Nusli\illi > ' full .Hci'tiiiK- . NARIIVIM.R , Tonn. , Oct. 29. About flftooi hundred people attended the openine day a West Side pant. The day was clear bu ratbor cold. The books unt u little the wors of the daj's sport , three fuvorltes and twi heavily backed second choices lauding thi money. Summaries ; I'lrst race , pnrso * .110. ono mile : Yo Tain hlnn (10 ( toll ) uon. Vullcni (4 ( lo Dhei'onil , Indl : KiibburiV'i ! to 1) ) third. Tlinui 1U4. hi'cond race , RO.Iln. . pniso J.tiO , si\ furlongs Servitor (1 ( to I ) wnn , Kinprcss Predrluk (7 ( tn 1 xccpiid , Mor.to Vlqcp (7 ( to 1) ) third. Time Third nice , solllns. purse 7100 , mlle nnd sov only yards ; Aluljfin-jo C. to 1) ) won , l.lttli Annlou\unsoci ( ) > mhHunry Jenkins (10 ( to 1 th'rd. ' Tlmo ; UWi. Kouitli rnei' , parti M 110 , flvo furlonzbi Midi Marian Gl to \\nibIUolonol ) .S (10 ( to 1) ) sci'ond _ . . . ) ifllo 1) ) third Time : . . . . riflh nii'p. i ) Uriel } 100 , for tiiiililon 2-ynir : oliN , four fiirloil H Ida Mny Wi to li won I'.uldy Hoicli ft tviDjueuoiid , Oak rarest ( I' . ' ti Dthlid. Time : W. I'lill Ali-etlni ; ut Trinco. Six FIUXCISCO , Cal. , Oct. 20. Tbo fal meeting of the l nplllo Blood liorso assc elation opened Wt Bay District toaoy Weiilher line , fjunjinarlis : Opening ovontrflvo fnrinngA , all axes , purs I'lOO : ( ioraldlnn "UH , Miu-uoy bccond , ' 1'u Oallnnt third. WM : IsU'.i. Iliilf mlle ( Inuh.Rlor two-ymr-nlilH , jnirx (500 : Princess w u'l'Tlnccss l.orr.iinusfcoiu ] C'harnior thlnl. l us W4. ? . . . KU fitrlonss , UHUJKUH , pin so K 0 : Cliarme won , lliimiy Duyl'uccond , Urandeo tlilri : ' ' llui'xllo'up , purse l"50l Shorldup wnn , Alnio second , Funny a. colt. thud. Tlinus l-.lUi. Holllut purse , six fiirlon-st IduClenn wet Hod I'rlneo HO.'ond , 1-oltlo Slllls third , Tlmo | liiiprovomont at liiilelieiidonue , iNiici'ESPEXCB , la. , Oct. 29. Today BH\ a nn Improvement in weather and two race ' wore decided at Hash park. Tivo.yoar-old , 3M I * 'e. tiM : Ifessoll ivot llnrry Ni-vlns Hccond , Uiu Tupper thin Time : ! i:4l : ! > Si-W . Tlireo-iulnuto trot , I1" ! : Bhndolanil Iluro t on. Hos-itnond DDL-olid , Twinkle third , ICiiu ! nox fourth , i'lmut VWlig7J4. : . iJl. : Yrurllne Auction. Nifciivi.i.B , Tonn. , Oct. 29. Previous t i- tbo first race of tbo West Side park W. C it t Partner sold at auction twelve yearlings , th I property of B. U. Crumbiugb of the Klkwoo o ituil , Hopklnsville , Ky , , Iho Clearvlow stuc o Iho property of W. F. Olonn of tbu cltj ana U. T , Uuras of Madlsoa Station. The brought good prices The Klkwood stud hnlf iloreii uvcragoa fa'JI RiiS. th * hlRhosl nvor- ago ever iittntni-d bv the cot of nn untried niioln Amcrlcn. Thoontlro twclvosold for $ * ,07.nn average of tub'.S3 ) Oriiinnil Coinliic lo fuliforiilii. S x t-'iivxcixco , Cnl. , Oct. 20. It was re ported hero this evening Hint the KnglNh horse Ormond , who nchloved fame In 1SS3 by winning the derbv. has been purohasod for JWJ.OOO by W. C ) . McUonohtie , son of Me- lienohuc , the nnlllonauo coal dealer , -lie will , it Is said , bo brougnt to California from the Argentina Republic , where ho Is now In tlio possoision of it syndicate of capllallats. SPI ! ittn'i * CliMC. Srim.iA , Mo. , Oct. 29. This was Iho clos ing dav of Iho autumnal race meeting ot the Missouri Stale Kntr association. I'lrstriico troltlns. 2:40 : clnss. pur o $1)0 : MtDiogorVllkes won , Aslinmld mn-oad , l.ouls flir.iciiu third , lleittlnic : ' 'i 'j. ' fei-ond nco , 2:18 : clnis. piclus : Two Strike nun , llo ! > second , lloldeii Hey third. Itrst time : ' . ' : I5. Allotln-r Pnc-hiR Uonilrr. STOCKTON , Cal. , Oct. Wt the record nicotine lodny the 4-year-old pacer , W. W. Wood , by Stolnwavwont a mlle In UOT : wltli ca e , going the llrtt half mile l-i 1 : U * > und tlio Mulsh In 1:0-J. : Ho will ba sent next week nRalnst Mascott'n record of'JU1. : Sl'AUKS OlHI'UKV. . I'rlnrp nml tliu Ilorsi' < Tlil Alt , Jack I'rlnco will nnko a nluc-milo race agonist three fast trotlora this nfiernooa nt JliHo sharp. There will be no wailing , ns the soiul-olT will bo made on lime to tlio ininulo. The her es arolloriny T , " . : ' 'U ; Mary Howard. 2J : ) , and , lee , 'Ji'JS , the horses to change nt the pud of every three miles. I'rinco took his last practice yesterday afternoon , doing twelve inllos , going the lait quarter In ! 1J seconds a 2IH : clip. Nebraska's state record Is-J-IO : , which will furnish an' idea of how .lactc is working his safety. Didn't I'li-axn tlio Mold. L.ON-DOV , Oct. 20. The L-'teld today mib- llshes a very severe arraignment of the J\ew Yorlc Yacht club , brought nut by the'club's letter to Lord Dunruveii rcgaralni : a race tiost year for tuo America's uup. The Kleltt accuses the club of attempting n conll- donee trk'lt , and says it ts to bo honed that nn British yacht club will bo found .com plaisant enough to accept the chnllonge made under thu now deed gift , or while thu deed is in existence. \Viy iinylniCimrtmy. : ; . I'msnumi , I'.i. . Oct. 21) ) . Moro than 2,000 i'lttsburg sports turned out today lo sodtlio two-mile race between Joe Courtney , claim ing lo bo champion of Kucland , and 1'etor H. 1'ioddy of tbi clly. Courtney ran away from 'its opponent utter the llrst mile and won easily oy nu olghtn ot n mile. Time : 4:01) : ) . Wintn : to Shoot .Air. Kuril. OMAHA. Oct. 29. To tbo Sporting Kdttor of Tun IJun : 1 hereby clinllonuu ( Jeorgo Karll lor a fifty shot match on twenly-Ilvo ring largel for $23 n side. I have decosilou Iho amount with John L , . Durbin , 1.VJ1 Jaek- sou slreet , and leave cholco of tlmo nnd place to him , if accepted. P. H. lie IT. Will Shoot ill Tun VVrckn. The rillo raatth between l-'rod Fuller and 1..A. rjiugdon does not tuko place until bun- day , Novombar IH. In another column it is put down for this afternoon. IMPROPER MARRIAGES. Wlirre tlu , lIi'Mi.ins nt Dkxoire. During the past twenty years ! ! 28,000 di vorces have been granted by the courts of the Untied States , 'JJ per cent of tncrn to women. While this total is largo enouch lo appear to give good grounds for Iho asser tion that the perpetuity of the family Is threatened , says the Porllanti Orcgonlan , It dwindles when brought into comparison \\lth the number of marriages during Iho same period. One-twentieth ot the total Is 10,400 , the number granted each year , only noout 1 per cent of Iho number of marriages. Thoio is nothing in the world that human beings undertone to Oo that can show so small u percentage of total failure as marr'.ugo. ' Though statistics nro not ut hand to proveit , there ts doubt if divorces much exceed golden weddings in number. Tnuy certainly do not exceed silver wedoings. In vestigation of the subject of Improper mar riages would seem to offer more hope of re sults bcnclicial to society than examination of divorce statistics. It takes both tune and mouov lo get a divorce , while rnarriago Is easy ami cheap. ICvon a tramp waluinir across tbo country for a prl/o found no difllculty tbo other day in tuliillmx that part of his agreement re quiring him to marry some ono on Ihe way. Children , utterly unable to earn a living or to take care of Iho family nature is sure to inlllnt upon them , lind no difllculty when they run away from tbeir parents In per suading some preacher or mugtstrato totally unacquainted with them to unite them for life or the divorce court. Tucro are nol nearly so macy divorces as improper mar- riugot , and there are few cities in which thu preachers huvo not pcriormod more Improper marriages than the num ber of divorces granted by the courts. A lair share of divorces are granted in the in terests of decency , justice and morality , and lor the welfare of bocloty. This cannot be said of many marriages performed as an allowed sacred ceremony. No preacher \ \ ho unites children in marriage , or performs the ceremony for any couple uot Known lo him or vouched for by some responsible psrson whom ho icnows , should ever op.'n Ins mouth lu criticism of Iho divorce courts. That many divorcee ure Improperly ami fraudulently secured there is no uuubt , but tlio end of Ibo marriage relation where the most mischief Is done Is the front end , and a large sbaro of this mlschlct is done by lazy and greedy preacher.- , who ought to bo sawing wood for f > 'J ' cents a cord Instead of manylng babies for u few dollars a coupic. yf/.l/.VT .IX It VUlllUUN. Illinois lias a county , Culboun , that has no railroad , tolegrach or tolcphono wltbin its borders. Three hundred and sixty different moun tain peaks wlihin the limits of the United States exceed 10,000 feet In height. Tbo mlcroscoplsls nay that n mosquito lias twenty-two "U-oth" in tno end of Us bill- cloven above and Iho same number below , The poach Is of Persian origin nnd Ihe apri cot Svrlun , The former fiult Is mentioned by classical writers as early as 200 B. C ! , , but the loiter uot till 'M A. U. The oilier day a MUiouri man ate eleven plates of ice cream at a sitting. As ho was popular , It ] splu ot this cliucklo-lioudcd uct , his funeral was largely attended. The tola ! wurk performed by the liaman body during llvo hours of mountain cllmbtin ; is equal lo liiO.OUU : footpounds , not i-ouiitlng oilier forces everted , wnlcli Dr. Bucliolsler savs will tun Iho grand luUl up to 1USO,000 footpounds , When condensed milk was llrst introduced , thirty years ago , the Idea was laughed at. The Inventor carried the ctitlro daily supply for New York city In a tcn-iiunrt pail , de livering II personally to pations , llo died worth f7ODu,000 , made out of llio business , which has grown to bo a gigantic industry , A Kentucky man has a water spaniel tbet he has taugnt to extinguish lira whenever It sees anything burning. To ton the little dot' , a piece of paper was Ignited and dropped on the floor. In an instant tbo dog jumped upon tt and very quickly extln- gulsned the llamo by rubblcg it with his paws. Tbo do ; was tried with u lighted ciar , with the sameresult. . There Is no limit tn the audacity of the London private detcotivo. Ono of Ibo most enterprising of those worthies acknowledges , in an advertisement , the "many Invitations ho has received to stand ns a parliamentary candidate , " and suyH bo has boon unable to acknowledge "iumo individually In consequence - quenco of tbo many delicate matters requir ing his personal attonilon. " Tno Austrlans conaumo more tobacco llian any other nationality or race on Iho globe , civilised or savage. Kecont Investigation by eminent utatislicluns gives thu nuuibor ot pounds consumed annually by each 100 in habitants of the dlfteront Kuropoan coun tries as follows : Spain , 110 pounds ; Italy , 12.8s Oroat Hritaln , 133 ; Ituss la , IW : Don- mark , 'U.M ; Norway , 229 , and Austria , 873 pound At the bead of Holy Cross creek , noon Loadvllle , Colo. , and at anotncr place tn the almost Inaccessible denies of Mount Shasta , A LINCOLN MERCHANT Ho Hncl Cnlnrrhoftlio Honcl nntl Tlu-onl nnd Severe Uronchinl Trouble rot' Over Six Yenra Modot'ii , Sciontlflc Mathoda Cured Him. Mr.V. . S. Morton of HWI Q strool , Lincoln , Nob. , the well known llvo stock ami cotnniislon tncroliiuit , olUt-o 1012 ( ) struct , says : "I had catarrh before I ctuno to Nebraska six yonrs ngo and H has boon crowltifr nioro suriutis antl inoro complicated ever slnco from blin- plo rntnrrh of the homl to sovoi-o bronchial trouble. W. MOIITOS. IfiU T. I.INCOI . . . g . , . N. "My lu u 1 and nn o were topiit'l up , CIUMII.Z tllttl- en ty In lirua'hlnj , tiiivlnt to liriMKi * tuniitli ! hi ) moiitli nlluiotliornl tiiiu1 * . Tlit-rc m uiiithiuiill ) n dull , lull fi-ulltu n\or and t > p'\\4Mi thtM > > rxliU1' ) nsr ) nniui > iiiit. Muttur itroiijiol fni n ni > lien I lnt my tin nit fnivluii inn tuhiink nml M > lt unlllill - Hii-'ti-1 vvltli invvoll. Till * u ( Htjt | all > ttu I In tu ! morning. M ) tliuml nnsMira nml lurcliuJ an I I nc.ir- I ) it wij'lriil n miv , \ruiNn uiri.ii mil 11 Oi'i-p nroif > < In my limits I Kill o my lci > p illil iiK-niiKiiil t noidil nrlio nmriilnui tin-1 anil iinrplH' liiMt. "A t.lit > rl tlnn nun I lipjnn iipnnr o df trriilnn-nt wall the 1 > I | > sli-laiiinl Inn ( 'oiiolilnl Mollnil I'l-ll- tutiI'n lor tliok 1:10 : I lmtnint from HiLMO'y "l.irt nil I Inlay 1 am c'nllrcl ; W : I ; all inj trouble II.H tM-i1 ! ! riMIMlVtMl. " 1 \ill uilnilt ttiit Iont I to tlio i * iiliy lcliiii ulili * nut Inllh. lillil nntliollu\ucat -O'ln'ilullyi hri'ii- li-ratnrrli ruiilitburiirtit. T.io l > ot t tliliu I i-in " .i > It Unit 1 lii\o ! chaniri'il inliollLf. . Thc u | ili > li-li in luivo < t > inletoy | ) ) cnn-il nu- , und I urn ulii 1 to bo ono to rpiumniomltbu-n to my Irloiiti nml Die public. ' IIA VK YOU A COUOII ? IS TIT HUH A SOUHNK3S IN YOUK l.UXGS ? IS YOUK nUKATIIINf : nifPlCl'LT ? THIS IS IMONOIIIAL CATAHH1I. DON'T WAIT FOU IT TO HKCOMK CONSUMPTION. TUtiAT IT AND IT NOW. ARE YOU OUT OF TOWN ? And Do You Want the Uusxco'.Ud Mail Treatimn' ? Tlion wilto for tbu " > iiiitoni | lilau'c. " nhlcli nr , 'oi'i'luil A Mici.nrl cn I to tbd c nlimloilro t" tuko In ! fninoiiH I'diu'liiii-l \ Micpanl t.-cutnii-nt by mull. Tlio IthnikIHinmnlnuslv ilo\t"i > il , unit MHI c'in ttul our siiiiin'iis : In It ju-t n } on ilnln thc oi-n ie . Itoturnoil lollio In tllntult onnblct lr . Cnpo'inl ' \ Hii > pnrJtoilliuiin < .o > mirrii o iicrfpollj. Tn-nluiiMit sthen prcscrlbc.l , mo.llilirs pvpio--i'.l nml curie- Mioniloncj slioMlnu piOKro * ( nnit condition roiiulrcil. I'rj I he inn 11 trcntmcnt tCjoucnmini 1:01110 : totlionl- tic p. . DRS. COPKLAND & SIIEPAHD GUKK NOT ONLY CATA1WII , IHJT BLOOD DI3KASES.SKIX DISKASKS , RIIKUMATISM , ETC. S5.OO A MONTH. Catarrh treatol at the unifo-m r < xto of $5.UO a month medic i\3s furnished free. Fornllotlier disease J the rate- , will bo low nnd uniform. Patients .it a dlstiiic 3 BU - cebjfully troited. Send , fjr sympto.ii blank. ANDIU. : xr.\v VOUK urn BUILDING. OMAHA. M ? . \V. II. COPKtiANO. r. 1) . C. S. MIKPAUD , M. D. tlcH : t'ntnrrh , Axllinui. DruncliHK Nor vans Dlsaatci , lllond | ) | IURI'I. Itlii'iimntlniii. Con sumption nnd nil chronic affections of tbu Tliinat IIHKS fctiinmch. i-kln , l.l\er nml Klilni- ) > , Olllri- Hours -'J to 11 a m..2to&p m.TtuS p , in. Sunday , ID n in to I i m tJAHANBSJS AnoiT anl Coniplof ) Troat-noat , consl > tln { ol Suppotltorlei , Olnfii3Ut la ilipinlai , iilnu In IliX nndl'llli ; a I'oilUvo Cure far KtU'rnal. Intuniil bllndorUloailliu It3 ilnt , Cnronlc. Ituo.'ntor Hurjll tarylMoj. Tnl < Ita.naJjr hai narer ti.-on tnotrn to ( all. f 11 > jr box. i > forij ; sjnluy rn'illVliysuiIarfrj u IbUtorrlblu itltoii ] w.ui a wrlttin L'uirntJ ) ti iioaltlvolrKl'uii wltln > DJXiii r rufunl lli.iin 1111 ; i ( notcurdddon 1 ntvap for frJ3 bnmpl'j. dnirintoi lisnoil LrKutin , VCo. . Dru/Klitt , Solo Aven' ICith mill Doimi.u utrootJ uu..h.i. : Nub Cal , , there are hundreds of square feet of ground continually covered witti snow that Is ns red as blood , ' 1 hose two places are Iho only ones in Ihn Uniloil .Stales whom rod snow it Known , Tno phenomenon is duo to the presence of mlnuto anlmalcula1 lu Iho snow. How the little mldeots munapo to cut Into such niKli altitudes is not Unown , A now hotel at the corner of Klftli avenue nnd Klftv-nlnth Urcct , Now Yorlt , is said ts bo the loftiuit in tlio world. The depth of the excavation for the foundation ranees from twenty-two to forty feet. This has been nocossarv so as to have a rod ; basts , the rocu being tilastoil so as lo rondcr It ovon. I'lio now hotel Ims sovonloeii stories and is UJfi feet hlu'li. Tlio slto is 100 feet on Kiftn avenue by ift1 } feet deep on Kiftviiinth btrool. Tlio uiillilbK cost about f 1,000,00 ! ) and took two years to construct. Viilnu "I < > ltil NoHt- , St. Lenin Kopublio : llo v/oro a do jccted look and n neat flltinf , ' suit of clothes bomowhat the WUI-HO for time and wear. AB lie Blood nt tlio comm and ( , 'ay.cd earnestly at tlio pavement ho reminded one of a man that had placed Ills money on the wrong horse , From liin appearance ono would judge that the windB of about fifty winters had Hilled through his whlbkorfl. His hat was Hlill ulack , though faded , and hiri nose was the color of cooked lobstorH. A young and Htrufrgling phyulolan sauntered tip and lluia luldrcsscd him : "How do you do , miijor ? Toll you what I'll ' do. It's iiL'.ilnst the rules o my profession to solicit patronage , hut I am haul up , BO If you jiiBt say the word I'll euro that nose of yours for $1. " The alienee could bo folk Finally the major epoko deliberately und impres sively : "Voung man , the coloring matter in that part of my 'inatomy cost mo a fc5HK ( farm. Do you think I am going to let it go for W _ _ tiuwln Kldsloln , thn republican candidate for mayor of Now York , U a uutlvo of Cm clnnotl nnd 45 year * of a o. Ho was a mem ber of the Forty-sixth conitrosa. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS Tlio wnnt nilvortlsoiiioiii * nppoiritu \ i\ nov\ piper rtto often tliu mint InlorcUlti pntt of IU content * . They oxpr < < Ihn indent needs , the dally wMioi of the people who \viuit onioUiliis nml wlu txro wllihu lo do _ _ EStl'LOYMBNT. \VANrKO A competent slrl foPccnoral ' homework Uooil wases Call at oi Willow avenue. nVliuFooTor linhy i fl week. Apply Mrt. llor.ico i\orctt : , Second avenue mill Klshth Mrcot. \\7 ANTKD-Comnotciit clrt for housework. OJf Second nvcntio. LANDS. AH u - s In "woU" JMM ) fet Must lip gold nt once. I ) . ,1 lluu-lilinun . " I'o. , niT Hroadwny. TIT inmK line lii-iirliiH. Tn rlty l < inUs. .1 llutolilnqoti A. Co. . (117 ( Humilwny \y JllA , trade hnuso unil lot for Muck U j lliilclilnsoii A. Co. . 1117 llroudwuy , \\Ti : IIAVKnurehiisor for farm of irk ' HI-IPS , wltiilu so inllns of Omnlm , inuit bn Rood land ; don't earn for Improu'tiiiMils : will Pay ail oasli. 1 > . J. lluU-hliisnn A Co. , 017 Htoiiluav. Olt\N(1i ( : crows In KiorliU nml ( Tillfornla for iikor : trade , Uri'iMibhluuls , Nu-holson A I'o. /"MIK M'tllntii-r lands In Mlmioiutii for V In < iu intuit' * to suit , limy pvymt : > nu. ( ircvnsniuliH Mi-luitson \ To. T7 AUM nml olty lotu * . Money ImnnT oil * * - stiiok and LTilu. Unit cst ilo fni silo. nuslncss rontals. Monov In inn I for lee il luvoslor > . IOIIKL'O X To\vle-il5 \ I'o irl M ret1. . U UXOMANdK ( Mn-ir iimrtor-sci | > tnn ( of I mil for t'on neil Hlnir * proportj , ilitny \ i .li for illlli'rt'ni-i % . lireuushiuliis , Nn-liolbiin \ ro.n-1 llrontw.iy. _ fOlt S A M : Choicest farm in I'oittwiit i- in o I'o . 41.1 aero ? , well hvxtud mil lin- 1'rlco $ U .in ai-ro. 11 II _ _ In Al'UI'.S lund for s.ilo : bi'lui-cn ( .ouni'll llun | : ind Diniilin ; it ( MI iriilii If t ila-n - < iinii ( in'i'tish u ils XlfliiiNon & ( . - , ) , ( , . ' ! llro.id ay. IPOIt rXC'IIANTlT nciTiT m I'lnii IH Juinnt \ , e'o.o , with Impiovcmviits ( or stoc-K of dry toiiils ; und i-lullilni ; or ulliur nid < i . P. II. Hhn.ifu. ON 1'ASY pavniiMits Ti-iniiin house 'in ' niilfi 1st siri'ot. Oiconshlolds , Moluilsoii A. to. , O-'l Jlm.ul way. _ ii'OU . V I , II On SHI i I tiiymonls. fruit luiiT K < irdi > ii Ian I noir Council Hlull'j i : , U , . llroadw ly .in \lnln I \ streut l Ul'IT LAND , Il'i neros 1 limits. Ureunstiluids Moliotsnn lit < uhv.iy , \\r \ . WOOD .1 U ) . h.ivo so no of llio furins lu Bouthttustuni low.t for ' .ill and sue us f/JJ M.ilu struot. HOIt Cnul l.u&ny wanted for lirouorty In nortli\\04t piuofvlty tirunn- siiiolds , NichoUon & Co , DM Hro tdttay. A It A IK ! A IN. li-ueri ) fruit and K.tnlun tract i't miles from pnstolllcc.'J'i ai-rus m sraniH , i aL-ro In lilaiikiiL-rrlL-s. ' 'Si nmilo troo-i 7."i iliitn trci's. ilAiUiurry truos. s , stable. 1Ul'rlcuUini. . No tr.ulo. I'.ll. Mio.ifo. Ol ACU . Insldo city limits : \ull < .ell In lots fcJjnoiicru nn to suit Imyi-r llrt-onslilt'lds. XlehiiNnn & Uo . IS1 llroadwny. IT VOII liUo Ulnd tre.itnuMil and bar/alns In lual L'tt-ito oill on ( irccnshlulds , Nn-liol- on X. Co. . fii llro iilw.iv. 1ft ) ACItl.H of elu.ir land In o.istiirn No- brasKn tooxchnneo for a goo I rc'sldmcd In L'liuncll Illnirs. Waul lionsi's unil hits fur No- > irnsKi : land. Johnston X Van 1'attrn. \ VIHAVi : a goud lonilil for u llvo or six room honsu four or livii blouUs from posl- illlci' . ( .ireunshlulds , Meliolsun & t'o. . till Ilioadw ly. ( J CUO acres of cholco plnn lands for sale , 'fiioar I'm vis. Miss. l > isy tiirnis In- liilruof Mrs. If. O. liruolcs , or A. T. Klco , I''i 4th st root. 17 < l.i U IT V In peed Ciiiiia-li lllutls iioorlv. | ) -JMust tii ) sohl nilsuiic. . Urociishlolda , Nluholson Ac Co. \\7' ' ' HAVI2 custoincrslio want houses to ' iiMit. Have you lliulunisus ? Ureeiiblilelda , NU-liolson .t Co. "I > ANC1I of 2,0 ' 0 aero- ) , noir Cliovi'iino , Wvo. Jtilno liiiirc | < vomunts , sjniu stooc ! KUCS wltli 'iincli : ffni'st In tliuslnto. Will o\uliaii'o for Ciiuncll Iliiills or Oiu.ilri uroiiurty. ( iieon- , Nifliulaon A , On. , ( Ill Itro ulway , _ _ _ _ TTtOlt iXCIIANGn-.OJO stock of Konor.il JL ; mL'irlnuicllM ! for Io\v iMislurn NohrasUii land. Cioun-liluhls. Mcliol-on Co. , Uil : U'iMiy. intents for ailinlnl'-trator. I 1'YOU have -invtlilu ; for stlu or trailo sos L 1II. . Shnifis. llrot Iwav ami M tin sir.'nU ' : < ns. GucNsiiiir uKdits for nilmlnlstr itor. have for silo : one of the best ( ijb-auru stock farms lu ; vost- urn I own. HlOlt URXT-Tho rollowlus dwollliis ! : 1 10 room d wo lluir. l.ll Park ave. . flu. 8-rooin UwollliiK. 7-M Si ) , till st. , SB , & -ioom dwelliiii ; , 029-Jml , ivo. , J-5. 7-roum dwolllns , 801st uvo. , Ji'i. 7-room dwulIliiK. l tli ava.tM. li-rooin dwell n. , loth st. ami Avcnuo 0 , ? - ' ! 7-rooni . - , llioadwuy , t-'i. IC-iooni < rwulllni ; . : IB > llenton st. , f.M. S-rooni ilwulluiu. 111' . ! A VCMIIIU ( ! . $11 ! H.1. li-room dwullliiK. 110 X. l.ith st. Jln.iiS li-ioom il\\olllne. K.'U Avi-nuo H , * I8. l-iooin ( InuHlliK..110 MiH'oln uvd. , Jlf,0" . 7-rooin dwollln0 Iliiiiiiony hi. , $13. 7-i > oni dttulllm ; . lialmltt 1'luce. $ 5. ( i-rooiu dHollliiir. 411 ( 'nit's ' si. , $ ! . " > n-rnnm iiwulllui. Sil Mynstorst. . 111. A-IOOIII ilwollliiK , 1 St.ird iiviJl i. 4-looni dwelling. .V.'l Mynstcrst , JI2.5X C-rnom dwullliiB. ( iruhnin uvo . tlV. C-ronni iluollui.- . l.'it/iitllli ave. , tl' ' . il-room duelling. Italibllt ITii'i * . fi'-.W. 7-riinm liwolllnMmnlnu'sldo , } l.r > 0 4-riiota ( Inellln ? , 4 ( , " ) 1'arlc nvn , Jlu'.l ) . 5-iooni ( hsollln.'Dili Avimiiu A , $ ! 0 , 5-100111 ihscllltii : . I - ' ' > W.isliuuton avc. , HO. .VlllOIII llWOlllllK. 4J1 X. ( Itll HI. , fill 5 loom ( IwiillliiK. h'JI AVI-IIIIU CJ. ill ) , r.-rooin ilwollliiK , : : nl X. 7th st. . Jin. fi-ioom ilwullliiK. 1UW Avi'iiiin K. 110. 4-iiioin ilwolllnir. miMli uvo. U H-IIIOIII ilttollliiWt14tli t , * I" . 4-ionmilwolllinr. UH Vlnust. * IO. 4.riHin iiuulllnn' , fllRN Till. ill ) . 0-iimm dwollliik' , ' . ' : i7 17th itvn. . SIO. n-rnom dwijllln. , ' 'I 4 Avnniio Hm. iiooiii ! dnolllns , l.Vtt A vuniin II , * IO. . ' , room duolllir1111 llru.uhvny. $1U. ( i-iooin OHullllitf. Iil8lh ! ) ! avu. , fltf. ll-iiinni dwillln170) ) Avmmo A , JIO. f-nioin ( luellliiXt Uriham ava. nuiu-lll'h it , jj. 4-n im house , 701 So Olh hi , . $10. 'i-iomn d\MlllnK ) , : i - ) A vuniiu A. M. 4-rooni dwullliiKi 'l Aviiiiuu D.H fl-roum ilwcllln-A Wtf ! A vuniiu II. * i 4-nioin dwiilllns.010 A vuniiu O. H. .l-rooin dwir.lliiK. OIB AvununO. H ( i-room dwiilllii ! ? , 2stst. ! and Aveiiuo M , H riTiiom ilwullliiK. 70ii 8 .Mrd st. . K .Vioom duelling' , : i'K ' > Avuiiuo A. H 4-roiim dwollliic , UU N. 1st HI. , il. 4.100111 iiuoiiiiiu' nit fn. ist st , , tr.ra fi-roim ( dwulllnu' , IMiiQ A vimiio A , JJ. fi-room ilwo lint ; . -'IU nth avu. , to : i-room ilwellltiK , U'-"J A VCIIHU A , JO. n-Kiom dwolllnt , ' . aw < Avunui ! > , W. S-rnoiii dw-jllln. ' . HOJ Avcnuu II. tft. 4-rfiom ( luelllnir , -'III AVIIIIUU I ) , tl , : i.ini > m ilwull 11 ' , VJ. " . lith si . ( i. ; i-ii)0i ! ilwullliiK , 'l ' and Avuiiiiu I. tl. I' II. Slionfc. roulal IIRUIII. ItnwUttity ami Main sln-ol , . MIBCEL.L.ANBOUS , J ) diniihtoriifcrsilii. llxturuH Incliiilnil : ' vcilc'ii aljoiitJ-l.im' ) loo.tloillnnoo.il * will lllVOIL'U uuuui. - i u tt ; l.u.iui. > < fw. . luwii town of ' .f > 'W ' populations ilohis line bull- mm li. J. HiiichliiHoii .t Uu. UI7 Ilinuiluay , / TAKHAOI ; roiiitmiU , rnsvpnnls , vaults untl l ljlolijiniiOjrHoluiiHitl.J I' ' . lliirl ( . C.ly Itlilg. j < ) hAI < l < I'lirnlliiio , Ililnriifl und lu.isoiif * " 17UIt luraost inn llnmt Imtul In soiillioni Niilitiis'ia. ' All modern Itnpriivmmmu , olo- giiiitfuriiltiiro. Not prullts fl.iU.U' ( ) I"an ' " - mini ; building m-wly liil U nil uoiiipdlltlon. i > , .i < , , n > ioOi ) half easli. I-II bliuafuounull lu. "lAoit 8AI K IliinlwarJ tojks In Iowa ami 1 ? Nebraska , InvolusnII.MIW lo JI..OJJ. U II. t-liaafo. KAI.K cheap , or In ezchatmu for latul FOR usiiilillHlinil Imslnusu. Address I' , o bosfUoiinoll ( > Itlutfi ) . In. . OH r .Small cold Blur , Itutnrn toning.Till JOH for ruw.ir.l. rANTKI ) To buy H.UIU ' 'iiimiilty hot nlr fiiriiaci' , Uul'ur aildri'ss..lt Uroadway. UANC1NO SCHOOL. MONDAVHIn U. \ . parlori. ohlldroii. 1 P in. : nil nils , T'll p in , Kojlal * Buootid ami foiiilh MoiiduyBU ii , m. Mnslu fitiiiUhod tiir- tins und elubi Addri'm ul It. A. Parlors , ( 'cumuli 111 u IT j , or 1UM I'limam at. , Omaha. W > 0. cliaiiiburH. Instructor , HAIR WORK Of nil kinds promptly aim l torlly done by Mrs. GILLETTE , 938 PERIN AVE- , COUNCIL BlUFfS. If Incoiivenloirt to c.iIl.droDii [ icistul und \ruiH u ill be scut for aud delivered *