Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1892, Part One, Page 5, Image 5

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1)1 )
Tifteen Thousand Independent Now York
Democrats Will Vote for Harrison.
Jttnult of tlin TlRor'n < InM | " " r for Power
Appnrrnt Attend- tlin City llarrl-
n' Clinnccii ( IrcMTliiK Much
> York.
NEW YOIIK , Oct 29. [ Special Telegram to
THE UEF. ] Conservative politicians estt
mate thit tbo withdrawal of tbo county
democrats ( romtho campaign will cost Clove-
lima nt leaU 15,000 votoi in this city. Tbero
are many domoerats In Now York who will
not vote for Tammany under any clroum-
atnnces , nnd so disgusted are they nt the way
they hiwo dccn treated by tbo managers of
tbo national committee that tboy will vote
tbo straight-out republican ticket.
Lawyer UcorRoLanRbein , who has worked
so faithfully for tuo succors of tUo county
democracy ticket , said that ho bad nodouht
butthnl 15,030 county democrats would cait
their votci for Harrison nnd Held.
"In tbo Twenty-second asnembly district. "
bo said , "I am Informed on Rood authority
that 1 ri.001) ) oomocrnllo voters will vote thn
republican ticket straight. They will not
have Tammany candidates thrust down tbolr
throat * , and Instead ot uilnir the posters
they will not bother , but will band in tbo
tralebt-out republican ticket. "
Other * Equally Sore.
In tbo Fourth assembly district Dan
Dowllni ? , the county democracy candidate
for the assembly , IE said to bo furious over
the withdrawal of the ticket and Is out with
a sharp knlfo for the whole democratic
ticket. Ho had , It Is said , a
fair chance of belne elected
and this throw down Is moro.tban bo and
bis followers can put up with. They
promiio to make tbo whole democratic ticket
look sIcU November 8 , ana if thov keep their
word tbo district will KO for Harrison anil
Tbo same can be nald of Mulligan In the
Thirteenth. His cbnnces were considered
ftist-ralc , and bo will not forget Tammany's
work on olocllnn day.
All over the city , In fact , tbo same story is
heard -that the only way to mnlin Tammany
Hnll suffer Is to vote the republican tlcKot.
The HPllishncss of TammLiiy , sav the count }
democrats , will cause their nofoat. It U itn
possible to got many Independent democrats
to vote for a Tammany candidate , and the
first object of the county in nulling nn antl-
Tammuny ticket in tbo Held was to brice tc
the noils this big independent , voto. In this
way they lioocd to Ketout tbo full strength
of thu democrats in this city , out Tammany
Is for Itsolfilrst.
M liy Tammany A\t Afraid.
The excellent republican local ticket and
the larRO vote lhat the countys would poll
roudo them uneasy and they forthwith
put the screws on the democratic com-
mlttoo ana forced it to der.y the
Inows of war , which were necessary for the
countys to make their tight. Then the
Tammany leaders wont to work and sue
cccdod in preventing the counties fruin hav
Inp their ticket printed on tbo Clovclanc
electoral ballot. They know ful
well that If such n chance wore
given tbo Independent democrats thej
would fro to the front and rnnko n fipht nnc
staud an excellent show. If they bad has
Cleveland on tholr ticket they might havi
wrested the local oRlces from the llper anc
with characteristic audacity the loaders o
Tammany Hall checked the move.
Current Nntui of the Cumpilcu Ullppvi
from the lineal l'r is.
Governor Flower recently assorted tha
the democrats would carry Now York b ;
CO.OUO majority. Within three days Chair
man Harrtty of the democratic national com
mlttoo , after wrestling with tbo rogistratioi
statistics , managed to > figure out a majorit ;
of 15,000. The discrepancy between tbo tw
claims serves to show bow rapidly duraocrail
nrotenses are dwindling In the Empire state
Republican managers present no llRiircs bu
insist thai the electoral vote of the slate wll
bo cast for Harrison and Held.
Democratic authority is not wanting t
how ltint New York Is far from being saf
for the democracy , nor can republican claim
Do substantiated. In its news columns las
Monday too Sun declared the state was n
man's , and such xvas the opinion or expor
enced campaigners. "Now York , " says th
Philadelphia Ledger , "if not absolutely th Is the most , doubtful state of all. I
18S4 there was a difference of only nluo oni
hutidredlhs of 1 pur cent between the part
votes. The small change required we
effected In 16SS , when the state WM turuo
to Harrison , tbo republicans getting 49.10 pc
cent of the vote and tbo democrats 43.01 ,
difference of liltlo moro thau 1 per cent. 1
is worth noting in this connection that tb
democratic vo'e fell oft very little , tboug
tbo republicans gained 1 per cent , tt
main loss per cent falling on tbo tbird DU
tics. In a state Dolling a million and half c
votes , with great centres of population 'lib
Now York and BrooKlyn , It U manifest thi
purely local causes might be suOlciont I
turn over enough votes to change tbo rcsu
ono way or the other , though the remilndi
of the state should stand steadfast In par !
ranks. It Is Impossible to canvass tuch
big siato closely enough to dotermmo 1
probublo vote where the margin Is so sinal
A child can guess quite as well as Chalrmo
Carter or Chairman Harrily wnat the rosu
bu , , unless there should bo signs of
political revolution. "
The remarkable Increase In registration I
the country districts , tha arrest of dom
orotlo ropcatcrs und the arrival of Ma
Quay to take u Uuud In the campaign bal
given republican managers n coulldunco n
heretofore snown. Spuakliic oa this poll
the Sun says : "Tho democrats at M
Sbeohan's bureau , some of them the mo
practical men in the party , could not for tl
life of them understand the cause of J.ho co
lldeuco of the republicans who gathered
the Fifth Avenue hotel. Those dotnocra
admitted frankly that the republicans wo
confluent not only of carrying Now Yo
staU\ but of circling Hurrlson. Tt
changed feeling on the part of the ropub
cans has boon partloulary noticeable sin
Friday nlnbt and the democrats nt N
Sbcebau's nureau havn observed that t
fcollng U prowinp. Mr. Shcohun and I
friends are so certain of carrying Now Yo
state that tboy. cannot understand ttio sol
chunks of confidence at tbo Fifth Avon
There will ho live sets of presidential oh
tors to bo voted for in Now York-roou
llcan , democratic , socialist labor , pcopli
nd prohibition parties.
It U reported by tbo .World "on good i
tborlty that nt Dolmonl o's Mlctiaol
Ihvyer , the well known horseman , hau t
10KX ( ) to fT.UUO that Cleveland will
elected. "
Much interest is manifested at both t
tlonaL bradquartora an to the effect of t
secret bulloi on tba party vote. Vane
modifications of the Australian ballot li
are uow In force In twcnly-eis'ut states , a
in nearly all of itui nnmbar it has be
adopted ilnco 1& > S , This will bo the II
presidential year hi wnluh tno secret bal
will tx > decisively tested. The republics
must cost these uow style ballots in flfu
states which baveoeon inoroor lets solidly
the republican column for years. These Mare
ro Call lorn It , Indiana , Maine , MIchliti
Minnesota. Nebraska , Now llamphiru. N
Yorlc- Ohio , Orepoo , I'eunjjlyoula , Uht
Island , llllno's , WUcratln and Vermo
ThaSun opines that thu result will del
jnluo. ( bo comparative. Intelligence of tbq I
* *
Senator * Matt Quay und Arthur P. U
mau huvnicltlud down to work at the
pectivo national headquarters. Tbo appe
ace of tbcso Ul linnui > hud campalitncrs
the party bulms proves that a mlubty str
Ble t bellijr made for New Yoik's thlrtv-
electoral votes.
"Kow men can unuKlno , " sayv thoS
"tbo number of telegrams und Utter * \vl
are oallr received at tUe two uatioaal h <
quartern nsVlnR for Information. Some ot
tbo Inquiries are not bued aUogetbor on
patriotic motives , netting men want early
Ins. for the information of those gentle- it authoritatively said that no
member of either national commltloo will is -
l > ly to these Inquiries. The commlttcemen
vlll not give tholr Individual opinions for
any such purpose. They are too busy In the
Irst place , and they \voula not care to risk
tholr Judgment In tbo second place. "
As nn expression of sympathy for Presi
dent Harrison In hl < great affliction , the
narodoof republican buslnots mon planned
for yesterday was abindoned. Organizations
with a membership of over 80,000 Intended to
[ urn out. _ _ _ _ _ _
HI tii the IR > rt cif the Incrratn
In llllniiK.
Tnophonomonal Increase in Chlcazo reg-
Dtr.itlon aUoiilshc ) politicians and upsets all
previous calculations. The Increase may bo
better understood from an examination of
the figures and a comparison wltb the reg
istration of previous yean. Tbo registra
tion was , In round numbers : 1&SS , 17 ,003 ;
IS''l , UU7.000 ; 18U ! , 270,000. This shows an
Incrcaio of 35.00J votes from ISSdto 1391 , and
of filX)0 ( ) Totei In the cightcoa months from
April , 1891 , to October , 1S'.U. How are these
11)0,000 ) now voters going to cast their ballots
on November S , Is the question which ta
puzzling iKillticlans of both parties. As
might bo oxpcctcd , both claim tbo ndvuu-
The Chlcnt-o Tribune publishes the lists In
detail bv wards a.d claims that on the
whole It'ls favorable to th9 republicans. "It
will bo noted at a glance , " says the Tribune ,
"that tbo gains nro proportionately larger
In the republican wards , llko the Third ,
Fourth , Tenth. Klcvontn. Twelfth , Thir
teenth. Fonrtoenth nnd Twentieth wards of
the old city than In tbo democratic wards ,
la the Fifteenth warn" , where the vole is
l.rotty . evenly divided , the gain Is largo.
This gain Is mostly In the now precincts ,
which formerly belonged to tbo village of
Jefferson , and which nro republican. It Is
tilso noticeable that that the gains are largest
in tbo precincts of the Sixteenth and Eigh
teenth wards , which give republican majori
ties , and In the eastern and pro-republican
precincts of tbo Fifth ward also. Tbo largo
registration In Cicero is also algnitlcantof
republican strength.
"Tho now wards , from the Twenty-fifth to
thoThlrty-lourtb , both Included , were not
portions of the city In 1SS3. Tbo vote for tno
towns out \\bichthoy had been formed Is
given for that year : Lnko , ii,5t5Hydoi'ark : ; ,
l'J.174 ; LaKe View , 0SW.lclTerson ( ; , l.S'JO. ! y
comparing tbo registration of this year with
the registration of 1S9J It will bo noticed tnat
the gains nro largest in the new republican
wnrds , the Thirty-tint , Thirty-second nnd
Thirty-fourth. The Thirtieth ward is claimed
bv both parties. The registration is best In
the southern republican precincts.
"Thoro ate bocio olTsots to republican satis
faction crovIng out of the registration. In
tbo Twenty-fourth ward the registration is
heaviest In the lodging bouse precincts. There
Is an unusually heavy lodcini ; house registra
tion also In the First and Eighteenth wards.
Much of this registration is bogus nnd hun
dreds of names will bo erased from the regis
try books In the First , Eighteenth nnd
Twenty-fourth wards If the clerks of elec
tion perform their duty as canvassers dili
gently nnd carefully. "
The democrats view the Increase through
spectacles of a different color. A corio-
.spondont of the St. Louis Jlopubllo presents
comparative Uguros nnd partv deductions as
follows. "In 1SS4 In Chicago Blaine received
09,000 und Cleveland 01,000 votes , a majority
of t > ,000 for Blaino. lu 1SS8 Harrison re
ceived 85,000 votes and Cleveland 84,200
votes , n majority of about 600 for Harrison ,
lletwcen these voars ibe democratic In
crease was 23,000 , or 00 per cent. The re
publican Increase was 10,000. or 40 per cent.
Assuming that this Increase Is maintained in
the coming election tbo democratic ticket
\vill receive a majority of 15.090. Two years
ago Wilson , the democratic candidate for
state treasurer , defeated Amburg , a popular
Chicago German , by ever 7.000 majority In
Cook county , while 'Haab , democrat , de
feated Edwards for stae superintendent of
Instruction by 18,000 majority. A close an
alysis of the situation warrants the predic
tion that Chicago is democratic by 20,000
majority. In the struggle to secure advan
tages by naturalizing new voters the demo
crats have obtained a decided advantage ,
havinir naturalized 14,000 against 4,000 for
the republicans , a clear gam of 10,00u votes
"Hoallzlnrr the fact that Chicago holds the
key to tbo situation , both democrats und re
publicans will bend every effort to obtain a
majority In Cook county , and the next two
weeks will witness a red-hotstrugglo for the
mastery. Upo.i Chicago's yoto may depend
the fate of tbo national tlcKcu"
President Hnrrison's plurality In Illinois
in 1SSO was 22.195.
.IFV ; .IT
Hanker .Moiitcomery'n Slayer Welcomed by
Ills .Many ( lid Friend * .
SALT LAKE , U. T. , Oct. 29. [ Special Telo-
( tram to Tun BEE.J W. II. Irvine arrived
in this city today. His coming was unan
nounced , but as soon as his presence
became known ho was overwhelmed by old
friends who called to congratulate him
upon his acquittal at Lincoln , Neb. Ho has
changed much in looks and appearance since
ho loft hero last spriuc. His face Is thinner
than usual and in nianv wavs he shows the
effects of bis long conBnoraont in prison.
At present bo will say nothlnc us to bis
plans for the future , other than that bo will
remain hero until after election and then
may go Into business.
All M'yoiulne Kuiu'limtMi nnil Cowboys
Carry \Vluulicatttrt unit MUcarrm.
Ru-in CmS. . D. , Oct. 20. All reports
from Wyoming ngrco that the cattlemen's
war yet smoulders and Uiat , tbo situation is
still critical. Parties who arrived here
todav , after making a trip through Johnson
county , say that every ranchman , small
stockman and cowboy they tnnt carried a
Winchester and were sldearras. All
strangers are regarded with suspicion and
tnu settlers claim to llvo In constant fear or
their lives.
A Curd from Air. I.obrclc.
OMAHA , Oct. 29. To tha Editor of THE
11 UK : In your ls ue ot Friday evening :
there was published a set uf rosolu
lions ndoplod at a meeting bold at 1003 btioot , by the Swedish-American
Kopublioan club , endorsing the Aurora above
all other Swedish papers published it. Ne
braska , as a republican paper. These reso
lutions appear with my name as vlco-prou-
dent of tbo club.
is I wish to ante that I have not authorized
U any one to use my name In connection wllb
Id ttieso resolutions and whouvcr had them nub.
liahcd and used my name did so without my
consent , or even Inquiry of mo. Them are
other papers published In the Swedish Ian.
cguaee in thli state that are dolnir yeoman
b. work for the republican party , and I should
curtamlv do an Injustice to them by In any
nay Doltttllng their work for tno success of
utho lopubllcan party , whonthay are support-
L < \ Ing Harrison. Croumc. ot nl. in a manner
et that will ba hlghiy gratifying to us wnon the
uo results of the election ore known. Yours
truly , U. O. LOIIECK.
County Onmniliilnnors.
iio The county commissioners held the rogu-
lutlou weekly inoolliirf yesterday afternoon
| W. without transacting any important business.
eu KturyV. . Uolstman , an old vov ran , was
stet ordered sent to the Soldiers homo HI Grand
ot Island.
ns Tbo monthly appropriation sheets were
en passed and then the board adjourned to meet
In next Wednesday afternoon.
Iturulril n Naloun.
in ,
> w Kopald's saloon at 714 North Sixteenth
do street was entered by burglars Friday nlztu who smithed the rear door and craokea tb )
srvo safe. Twenty dollars In money and a lot of
, vo clgsrs and wbisny was stolen.
Ke r York KichmiKe Uuotutluui.
nr- Ntw YOIIK , Oct 9. ( Special Telegram to
rear - TUB HEK.J Exchange was quoted as fol
arat lows : Chicago , 25c to40o premium ; Boston ,
Jg- 17c discount to par.
ltu lnc l riff .
W. K. Hoffman & Co. of Albion have sola
iin , out their furmturo buslueti.
Ich M , M , Story , la the grocery business at
ad- Newman's Grove , U selling ouu
Millinery Department. FALCONER Fan Assortment.
. HAND PAINTED OAiur. KAN ? , jiana ,
Second Floor. ,
t'lilntoil Sulln r n lioiUert . Otiiro . Vunt
Choice Mllllnerr. French Novelties. Im- I'repo Embroidered KanO'ei'orutoil l.nce ln . .no 10
iiortod HMs anil Itonntts , Exclusive Styles , worth IP < S til nn , oino Hint sold . nt ! U JI2.50 nml
rrlccs tocult nil. 18O8 to 16O9 Douglas Street , HV Vuitr clioloo Man I ijr $1 o tan.
"Positive * Saving o of Money. - "
T VORTUNE SMILES on Falconer's Methods quality first price next both right which means
J- for you absolute satisfaction and a
"Positive Saving of Money' ' .
"Positive Saving of Money"
Money"Velvets. .
° " .
' * " 7 'f\ ' 25 pieces Black-and Colored Failles
/ J/C No one sells at less than $1.25
A j _ / Q15 pieces Colored Velvets , always sold
-/JLL at $1.25. Monday 690.
Yes , a Positive Saving/
"Positive Saving of Money "
The best Uinrrltz Glove mndo $1.00. Comes in all colors.
Boatiful Silk Mittens 50c.
'JO Courvolsior or Trofousse in tlio now nnd fashionable shades.
A splendid fittinp Glove and worth moro money. SI. 50 ,
Yes , a Pjsl Hi's S ( iv ing ! , , -
"Positive Saving of Money'
A good Muslin Gown ,
43c Mother Hubuard style ,
trimmed with finishing
braid and ruflle.
A good Muslin Gown ,
63c Mother Hubbard style ,
_ V shape , trimmed in otn-
A good Muslin , Gown ,
73c Mother Hubburd style ,
high sleeve , tucked yoke
and trimmed in embroid
A good Mufalin Gown ,
98c Mother Hubbard stylo.with
yoke of insertion and cluster -
or of tucks.
Good Muslin Drawers , with
23c cluster of tucks and ruQlo.
Good Muslin Drawers , with
29c cluster of tucks und em
Yes , Positive Saving !
' Positive Saving of Money"
Under On
For Men's Full and Winter Wear.
French merino in three
$1,00 colors , all sizes , also ex
, tra heavy silk llooced ,
double ribbed cuff and
ankle , at $1.
or $2.75 a do/.en for
25c Men's ' extra fine French
Merino Ilalf Hose.
II A 1 ! A few dozen odds nnd
unul ends of Men's full Merino -
no and all wool underwear -
wear , in all colors , at
half price to close.
Yes , Positive Saving/
* 'Positive Saving of Money. ' ' ill.
On Ladies' Underwear.
Solo agents for "Onyx Dye" hosiery.Tlvery pair jjuiiraulocd.
& 1 nn Natural and black nil wool1"combination Bulls , feilk
trimmed und faced , colors guaranteed , vnluo $ a5.
1 Cfj Egyptian cotton combinationwilts ) , all stKos. Made for
$ > 1. J\J those who cannot wear wool. ifeeo them.
and $1.00 are the prices wo putiou a lot of odd sizes and
grades of ladles' , misses' ijnd children's underwear.
Original prices 76c , $1.00 anuJU.75.
Yes , a Positive , Saving , o t ,
"Positive Saving of Money"
On Corsets
A big line of odds and unds
65c in well known corsets , some
worthJnnd uonoloss than
91.35 Moudity 05o.
A full line of the best known
makes always on hand. Solo agents
for "Her Majesty's" Corsets , spe
cially adapted for utout ladles , at
money-saving prices.
Yes. a Postive Sat'tug/
"Positive Saving of Money"
O Op a yard for choice of
OvL our $ [ Figured China
/TOlp a yard for choice of
\JL/2\j our 750 Figured
China Silks
( O O C for choice of our
3pZJ $3 China fur rugs
( | i / ] A for choice of our
j ) I.JU$6. .50 Turkish rugs
a pair for choice
. of ten pairs of
reed portieres to
Estimates cheerfully given on all
kinds of shade and art drapsry work
and we will save you money.
Yes , Positive
1'Positive Saving of Money.
011 Dress Fabrics.
Just a hint , but of mighty interest to all
women. Hundreds of yards of some of
the handsomest dress stufTs in our store.
Widths vnrylnc Irom12 to 512 inches , Values
running up to $1.60. Monday and next wcuk
Fashion said Velour do Rnsso , 13on < ialitio and Satin Soloil ,
und s-o wo pot together what is unquestionably the larpcst ,
prettiest and best showing in the west. They DORin at Tl _ , . ! , , , ,
S1.U3 per yard up to $22.50 a suit. 1 clDl ICb.
Yes , Positive Saving ! _
"Positive Saving' of Money. ' '
A beleetlon of 501) ) .TUVENlLliS , boaiitifnlly Ultistr.ited , nicely
I5c bound , full of choice tales foitlio little ones , have been soiling
every day for 25c to 50c. Tomorrow 15 ? .
Wo have by far tbo best selections of books , now , that wo have over
bad , and our prices are the lowest.
Yes. ( i Positive S
'Positive Saving of Money. '
, C I
Cloaks and Suits. 2 floor-
ino The Cleverest Gotten-up Garments that you ever saw.
. : > B The Very Latest in Style and Pattern.
' " 'i- , -of- lfl * C * 2O vn ep Jackets made of imported diagonal , in tan and gray or black
cheviot , faced down the front with best French Coonoy handsome Bilk
, ornnmonts.
You save $ a. 12.
45 Ladies' Cheviot Walking Coats , astrachan collar and satin faced ,
$10.25 r ° ffular value $15.
. You save $3.23.
Ltidies' heavy storm serge suits , co lors tan navy and block , regular
.65 vulue 813. 50.
. You save $4.25.
"Yes , a Positive Savin ? "
Ladies' ' eiderdown house robes , all ready made of 85c quality eiderdown , colors tan , gray nnd cardinal ,
regular value S7.50 , our Monday price only 85.90.
( ( Positive Saving of Money"
On Black Goods.
The price means that 50 pieces of
high class novelty Black goods ,
including creponettes and fancy
weaves of- all kinds , and hereto
fore sold for $1.25 and $1.50 per
yard , are yours on Monday and
while they last at $1.00.
Yes , a Positive Saving !
"Positive Saving of Money"
On Dress Trimmings.
Fur Trimmings at astonishingly low prices All the latest novelties
in Beaded and Irridescent Trimmings with girdles to match.
O ey C Beautiful line of colors in Feather Edgings for Monday
cy exC Cut spun Silk Mbss Trimmings , former price $1.25.
50 pieces Silk Moss Trimmings , regular price 6oc ,
Silk Moss Trimmings with fancy corded edge , regular Soc qurtlit } ' .
Yes , a Positive Saving !
1 'Positive Saving of Money. "
On Laces.
Cr Wo 'put en sale Monday a lot pf liuun laces in dlf-
J * * feront widths and worth up to 20o a yard.
1 CP a yard for fine chiffon lace in all the uow shades
J JV * and widths. Go Monday at 15c.
N fW weaves in band made laces in Point do Russo ,
* * * v Brussels Polnlo , Borden , Point Apliquo.
Yes , a Positive Swing'/
"Positive Saving of Money'
On Skirts
On Monday.
< t fl ffA good Fi-onoh sateen skirt , Uuod
' UU an Plaited runleO0.value
and more.
$0 Cf"\ A good French sateen skirt , lined
/ } \ t throughout , with gathered ruffle ,
U"J\J $2.60. value $3.25.
* O A O A good brillinnUno skirt with gath-
ff1 S ' + { < \ ored rufllo and well lined , 83.48 ,
t > M lW value $5.00.
Yes , a Positive Saving !
"Positive Saving of Money1
On Handkerchiefs.
Plain 'white hemstitched and colored border Linen Hand-
korchlofH , valued at lOo.
Linen flundkerohlefa in plain white nnd colored border ,
valued at 12c. }
Handkerchiefs worth 20o to 23o , in plain white , hem
stitched nnd all linen ; also linen initial.
Yes , a Positive Saving/
"Positive Saving of Money"
On Domestics.
A full Dress Pattern of Bedford Cord
double-fold , all colors , value 750.
A full Dress Pattern of Armenian
Serge , double fold and worth $1.25.
Yes , a Positive Saving-/
"Positive Saving of Money"
On Comforts
/ < s A i 7 r * French sateen Eider-
SK4 - / down Comfortsworth
W I. I llp ns high ns $6.00 ,
Monday $4.75.
Finest French sateen
Eiderdown Comfort
in the city ; value $10 ;
Monday $7.20.
xfs-i / - r'rv For si'ik figured Com
\ h ) l ) forts worth $2" ) . & $30
U/JLV/ -/V/ Comforts go Monday
at $22.50.
Yes , Positive Saving/
'Positive Saving of Money"
On Blankets
A choice line
to select from.
C S U S 10-4 White Ulnkot
$ ) * J-/J vnluo$5.
/ S 11-1 White Blanket
.f - / value $7.50.
10-4 Gray Blanket
value $5.
C4 7
S Gray Blanket
P I . I U value $ .
3 10-4 Scarlet Blanket
value $4.60.
Woiir-Hoslsllng Blankets.
Yes , Positive Saving/
"Positive Saving of Money' '
On Soaps.
Choice of odorsCupo May ,
lOc Butter Milk , Hynnintli ,
Tlonoy , Queen Bay , Chun-
ntlw , I'oiiuli Blow , CiiBlllu ,
Honoyttuuklo nnd Dnndo-
lion Houna , all onu price
this week , lOo per caku.
Choice perfumes nt10o an ouuco.
Yest a Poslii'e Saving !