THE OMAHA DAILY DEE : SUNDAY , O VOhEU 30 , 1892-SIXTEEN PAGES , KELLEY , STIGER & CO. Great Sacrifices in DRESS GOODS. Don't inlftsourbargalna on Monday in S.OOO jnrdB of fine Trench style Tweed cloth suitings. - Thcfio loprcsnnt the very best cloth offcota. They are worth 7oc yard , are nil wool. wool.Thirtyfive Cents. 'on must t'oiiio early to secure a ill his flue cloth nt 35c. 35c. Plaids. Plaids , UAUOAIXS. n,000 yards of beautiful plaid Biiitlng I ( you want a iroofi and cheap child's or liiuios' tiroes pattern como onrlyt Thirty-five Cents. Flannel Sackings Two casca of line all wool sacking fit ) Inchns wide , plain and mixed colors , they will soil fast ; they aio worth. 7oc , don't n OK loci this , f Sixty Cents. Serge. Serge , Flno all wool serge , any color. Thla is a great biirc.iin nl Fifty Cents. Cheviot Cheviot Splniulld winter cloth milting , all wool , fashionable stvlcs. Only Fifty Cents Whipcord , This popular Hoth so well known because of its durability. 4" inches wide ; soils a I ? 1. Our price now Seventy-Five Cents. Poplin Repps. Something now ; the most durab'c dross fabric mado.112 inches wide ; tik : price Eighty-five Cents. Gloves. Gloves. Visit our glove department on Mon day and wo will bhow you the voi'i latest fashions in party , dross am chopping gloves. New Pique Walking Gloves. A splendid glove is also our famou- Biari itglovo. . KEI Silk Silk NEW , , 1 IH laniiels " "Pnilla Fra.riceiiise $1.25 Pura Silk , beautilLil black. D.-oss Goods , during this snlc , OOc. Altiiei. R.otja.1 Sillv. $ I.UO. This silk wo gucii-nnice. Tno most beautiful finish nnd purest AT blnck dye , $1.1O. ] ? GEIU cte Soio- TpV I $1.85. Wnrrnntod in texture nnd dvc. Rich Blnck DPJSS Goods , sale U / \ -4" \ Til f lif * pi-ice , $1.10. I opuicir Blc'TClv © U1 ? iri Sillv. U4-lncn pui'o Bluok Silk Surah , rogulnr price $1.15. Sulc on Monday 8Bc. © critiri Rliticleimei. PRICES. Purj SilK , rich , blncK color , vs'orth $1. Silo price Mondny.7Oc. Novelties in Capes , Novelties in Wraps , Novelties in Jackets , Novelties in Cloaks , Novelties in Children's Cloaks. Novelties in Prices ! Oid Ladies' wraps in fine , clay diagonals nnd serge cloths-in , the n cv mantle shapes ; prices $20 and $25. See our line LADII2S Ulsters with CMPES military capes , line Our line of Sec our of ' also with ple'a- . Znfa nts' , ' * .t made of fine imported Matlasse , . Ladies' ted backs'jay ' d Ghildrau's tlio very newestbhapcs. ANO hoods and the ANOMissesi or cold weather , with istra- our prices Missesi Jackets CLOAKSor , mink , martin aud oipo tlirooo capsi Ulster - CLOAKS T seal , in great variety ofilylo. $20 and $30 in half box shapes , .11 to tor , entirely new , 30 inches long. Our i1 They range in price $ S , iS/iO , prices are the very lo\v- bpccial value < nt s th J lirgjit wo have over e&t. They range from carried and wo guarantee tlio S10 , $ ] 2 and u to ; > " > . worth SoOand $10. $5 up to $30. $15 , $10 * & 23 ; prices tha lowest over olTorod ' I KELLEY , I ONIY SFVFN WFRF SAYFD vllLl vJlJJljLi iiLlVLi. , OnVLU Further Particulars of the Loss of the British Stsamor Eoumauia. PASSED FROM SLUMBER TO DEATH 'limcnucrs on thu Ill-rnlril Slciimnr Unit no Cliiiiico tor Tliulf I.Ucs M'rcoks niul L'lmuiiltii's In tli I'Mcrro ( Jalen Tlmt Iluxo l'ra\ullvil. Lisnnv , Oct. yO. The place whole the Anchor line steamer Koumanln WHS Wrecked In n little to the northeast of Capo Carvoolro. Ills supposed that on account of the sovcro wcitorly gales the steamer marie more lee way than the captain counted on , bringing the vessel nearer to the shore than was supposed. Of 123 souls un board , passengers und crow , only seven wore saved. There are no life caving nppllaucus In the neighborhood of Iho wreck. The steamer Is breaking up aud the cargo in coming ashore nil along the coast. A heavy fog prevailed when the vessel struck. Seven nearly nude boclcs have been washed aslioro Indicating that tie | people on board were In tbolr berths when the steamer \ cumo aground. Cavalry Is patrolling the shore to prevent a wholesale robbery of tbo bodies und cargo. Lloutonant Uooko and a Laicar arrived ni. 1'cnlclio tl.hattornoou nnd wereatonco taken to the Hospital , whoio arery attention was given to thorn. Captain Hamilton anil the othnr survivor are also at the hospital. ,1 Though thov uio regaining strength they , are all In u serious condition. They Mute that for twelve hours they battled with the \vlnd and waves before thov succeeded In rnuchlng land. Captain Hamilton U of tlio Indian stall corps. Iloluid boon on n furlough to Hng- land , whore ho was married throe months ago. Ho wni on his return to I mi In. tailing his wife with him to Bombay. Among the Uouumnia's pasi3ngers were Captain J. K. Uarnok , Captain U , II Km- dolpli and Captain ( icorgu Hamilton and wife. Lieutenant B. fi. Cook nnd Lieutenant O. U. Stanford and wife , Lady Johnson nnd child , Hov. J. S , Molkln , MIM Iu Urldeo , daushtorof Canon nurbildgcof Liverpool , und several KnplUU ludiui who were return ing to India with their chlldron and nuruos. Almost all the omcors ot the ship were Scotch , Sixteen of tbo crow were Lasours , A special to ttio Times from Lisbon says that many boil lei from the Koumttnla have como ur.horo. Mo t of them were nttircd in nlcht oiothlrKi while otnorj were t.aked. Troops have been sent to guard tbo const and chockIho robbery of bodies and cargo by the people who have llocuod to the scene of tie disaster. urnoii ttio l.uke. TOUT Hi mis , Mich. , Oct. IW.-It In reported - ported that the b.irgos In tow ut the steamer George King are aground in Iho St. Glair river. \Vilbclmandconsortsaroaground tt the Indian church , below Simla. The \\cathorrturliiB the past twenty hours has boun very severe , a slxty-mllo pale blowing constantly on luke Kriu In the vicinity of Ambcrstburg , Out , Vosjeli have bsen havIng - Ing o rouh tlmo and the Lohlch Valley liner , T soatora , stranded oft there , anU Is now lying near Holso Ulano Island with is feet of water In her and more rapidly llowlug In. The steamers l > eck , Cofllnberry , Fay. otto , Hrawii und Adriatic uro nil grounded heavily in this vicinity una some of thum are balioveil to bo la n bad condition. Oravo feaw uro untortalned as to the fate of thu stonu dro eiDomlnlou nud her grow Shu hai beaa working uiir Lo uilaglou Out. , for some VVCCKS , and this morning she has disappeared entirely. She had a crew of MX men. Numerous other minor accidents have also been repotted. Al > .imli iicil Her Tint * . MirmflAN' CnV , Ind. , Oct. 2U. During the storm this morning the steam barge S.Clark , bound for Hay City , with the barges ICocnum , WlldUcrg , Hopublic , Senator Blood and Gould in tow , to save herself , had to cut the tow lines. The Clark finally reached Bay City In pretty bad shape. A tug was sent out to look for the barges , but , up to tonight , bud not returned. It ts fuarod the boats hbvo foundered or been driven aihoro. Mornm on tliB Lake. Bmti' . Mlcb. , Oct. 2'J. The biggest term In the past four years Is raging hero oday. The waves are coming over the top if the breakwater to iho height of thirty cot. An unknown sailor was washed oft ho main pier this morning nnd drowned. Che steamer O. W. Morley lost her consort en miles north of hoio and she Is drifting down , apparently unmanageable. Hint : i btormy rnt age. Yomc , Oct. 09 , The Canard steamer Uinhiia had a very rough VO.VERO from Llv- erDol , and O'J1) passengers were glad when they got ashore this evening. Lust Sunday nnd Wednesday the weather was unusually stormy. A strong northwest wind whistled ucross the steamer nnd big seas came tum- against her sides MotMiit'iiM cit Ort'iui Mrumcrx. Al Luaru blgbtoa Li Uurgugne , from Sow York for Cherbourg und Havro ; Greece , 'rom Now York for London. < \t Now York Arrived Brooklyn City , from Bristol : Nederlsnd , from Antwerp ; City of Berlin , from Liverpool. At iloston Arrived Venetian , from Liv erpool. Kcnldnir lluvnna of LiVKiirooi. , Oct. 2U. Frightful weather prevails in St. ( joorgo1 ? channel and the Irish oa. The storm Is particularly severe along the coist of Vuilos. A large number of coasting vessels Iravo found tha woatbor lee tempestuous for their safety und they huva put back to thU port to uwalt the abatement of tbo gale. lEiMU'liPil nliiirn In hurnty , MAHQVIITTE , Mich. , Oot , 2' ) . The scow with ton men on board which broke away from the tug Kit ward Fnlo oft ( . < ranlto Island last night drifted safely ashore near the head of l.Utlj 1'ojn.uo Isle this morning with the : non all safe. They suffered se verely from cold and exposure. jinnyotnrl * In I ( .inter. Qucussrowx , Oot. 2' ) . Vessels arriving hero today , us well as arrivals of yoiterdav , continue to report a hurricane on the Atlan tic , und fears for the safety of many vessels aio felt , > , _ hunk In lliirlior. MINUTES , Mich. , Oct. 2'J. The schooner Ella lUmmond , wheat ladun , sank at her pier lust night. Captain Nicholson was drowned. _ Plain of Cabinet Ofllcero. INDUSuoiii , Ind. , Oat. 89. It Is learned that the raumoori ot the uibmol bold un in formal meeting last night at the DonnUon hotel for the purpose ot deciding upon a course ot action with regard to their partici pation in the political campaign. Asa result ot tnulr deliberations it wa decided that Sccrntary Husk should npnuk In Wisconsin , Secretary Noble In Missouri , Attorney ( Jon' era ) Miller In West. Virginia , I'oitmnstoi Onncral Wanamuker in 1'enusvlvaula ana Secretary Charles Foster In Ohio. Secro- lury IClklna will also spjaK In West Vlrginu aud probably elsewbure. Secretary John W. Foster and Secretary Tracy are nol likely to tak.o part , altbbugb > t Is possible that too Utter uitty be Induced to ipeulc U I\ow Yurkboforo the election. The nrosldont It is said , know nothing of the meeting. S/I.V71. ! Vi : TKI.KUU.lI'llKUb. No rinul SottlDincnt of Tholr DUputc nltli tile Caiupnnjr Vet Itcnchril. Cnic\ao , 111. , Oct. 29. The strike of the telegraphers on the Gulf , Colorado & Santa Fo railroad , which the public have supposed had been poacuablv terminated , may possibly bo renewed in a day or two. No Unal set tlement ot the dispute which led to the strike has bean reached , a hitoh hav ing occurred In tha negotiations batwoen the management nnd a commlttoo ot operators , who came hero from Texas to conlcr with VlcoPresident Hoblnson. Whether nr not the difficulties will bo removed , tomorrow will tell , for o. llnal conference is to take nlacu at 10 o'clock. Tbomatterln dispute between the operators and tlia company is really small , tno sum of only S7UOJ u year being involved. The difllculty has arisen over the total amount by which the pay of the company Is to bo increased. The tclogrnpbort asked for i total Increase of J.'II.OOO , buc. finally brcught it down to $18,030 , so ns to effect a speedy settlement. This was to bo exclusive of any imount for overtime. They company say thoycmnot allow tholr increase to co be- vonrt S15.00U. and out of Ibis Jlr > ,000 $4,000 is : o be taken for contemplated overtime. ' 1 his proposition , .vblch is proctloilly re ducing the claim of SIS.OOO to $11,000 , the committee has absolutely refused to ugteo to. All the other points of alfToronco were ngrcod to. Should a ttrlitn take place on the Santa Fo no less than 1,700 men will bo af fected , for in addition to those on iho Santa Fo proper , the operator * on the Southern California , Atlantic & Pacillc will also turn out , thus oparailon on n vast Hue ot rtu'road ' will be brought to a standstill. in\ : i7xvin n n Itctolutlons AiloptiMl Itthe Ainuilcan Iliiiniinn Soclnty un llm Suboct. | ULi'iiiA , Pa , , Oct. 2'J. ' At tno moot ing ot the American Humane society the question of vivisection was discussed In a lively manner , Dr. LoOlngwoll of Unches- ter offered the following lesolutlon , which was adopted : "Tho American Humane association ro- speclfully urges upon tno legislature of every state in the union tha enactment of laws which shall prohibit , under severe pon- nlty , the practice of painful oxnorlmunls ' upon animals for the purpose of to'achintr or demonstrating well known and accepted facts. " The commlttoo on resolutions reported aud the convention adopted u number of resolu tions , including tno following : Condemning child [ nsuranro ; declaring that the exposure and starvation ot thousands of cattle on tbe plains during thu winter is a disgrace to American civilisation ; condemning the bar barity and extreme cruelty practiced by tbo Cierman and Austrian cavalry onicurs in their recent long aluanco race. Chicago IVKS chosen as the place for the next mooting In ISO. ! . These olllcnrs were elected ; Proildont , John G , Shortall , Chicago ; treasurer , C , I ) . Ritchie. Philadelphia ; secretary , M. V. U.tvis , I'hiladelphla , und u long list ol vice preildents from all parts of tbe country. JUDCJE BERKA'S OATOH , Mo Hull u FlililoR KxperlencoTlint lie IVlII l.niiK Uvnifllllicr. Judge Uorka flatters himself that be excels in two things. One Is "putting it onto'1 wlfebeatcrs aud the other is catching fish. Thu other day be and Colonel Bob Uilder went out for lha latter purpose. They did not do it , though tboy fished for long , weary hour. " , so tboy set their Hues in the reservoir and came homo to wait for the hsh to make up their minds to bite. Last night they went out to land tbe catcb , promising nil the boys a sbaro. Uilder pulled lir t and tbe ] uilgo stood ready wltb a club to kill the sharks nua eels which they were confident had attached themselves to the hooks. Ho got u link ol bologna sau sage und a ham bone. Tbo judge had an old pair of shoes und a kettle to cook them In on bit hook , Some of the rructlca Joker * of tbo police court had been there before fore them. KEARNEY'S ' REPUBLICAN DAY Tuousands of Buffalo Oountj Oitiz 3113 Par ticipate in the Grouel Bally. SENATOR PADDOCK'S ' VIEW OF THE ISSUES Homo of th lieiicllclul Legislation or tlio Itciuttillu.tii 1'iifty licet Sugar Iniliiili'y i'nrnrcil Slcn | < ll < l 1'iiture ut the Country. KIAUNEI : , Neb. , Out. QO.-fSpecial Tolo- Kram to TUB UKI : . ] This has been another republican any for Kcunioy. Senator A. S. I'jddoclc gave a short , practical talk on re- lubllcanism this nltcrnoon to a largo audi ence. The apenUc ? satiLLhat | ho bad recently como from his worlt nt wasbiiiRtoa and was tow Uolnc what ho coula to cousorve the in- crcsls of the republican party , which ho lad hulped to organl/e , Ilo declared that ho had been standing up for NabrasUa slnco it was organized and wus pained to hear some of bis tollo-.v citizens speak disparagingly of the stato. "At srch times , " suid he , "I al ways rauo tnv voice against the Insult. It Is bccouso such men as Van \Vyclc go around declaring that the slnto is bankrupt that the independents came Into existence. " llo thought reciprocity thu connoctlng link that will unite all the countries on this continent. He predicted that ho would Uvo to bee a railroad built into South America , and our commercial Interests become super ior to that of any nation. TUo moat inspec tion bill came In for Itt share of pralso by showlnc Unit the American bog now finds a libaral market with all nations , another act of republican legislation. The introduction of corn as food In ( Jcrmuny was montlonoi ! ns a great strike for western farmers , who were enjoined by the spenucr to hold unto their corn land. Succesi ul the I ml in try Aisiiroil , Tbo beet sugar Industry \v.u mon- Honed ns a promising induitrv for the west , which bun been'mndo possible by tbo ropuollcan ad minis tratoji. | Ho predicted 100 Mi-tones for Nebraska In his llfu tlino. The senator declaicd that democracy would wipo'cmt pensionc , becnuso the system was obnoxious to the party of the solid aouth. Jtefcrrinjt to Kern's ' record , ho said that he would not have mnntlon d him only that of late ha had. tali on his imtno In vmn regarding a I'llljo open tbo military rcsorvations In Nebriikn for.iettlcmont. The bill had passed tbo sijpato , hut Kom uover found it out , for the reason that bo dla not read the Congressional Record. ICeui gives ns an' okcuao In bis speeches that Paddock did noCtndvUo him of its pas- eugo. Tbo senator declares that ho sent bis clerk or wont In purypn twice to see Kera about brlnzlng up iho bill la tbo lower bouse , but ho could not po lound. He was busy preparing and committing apolitical speech to be spread air over tbo earth. The speaker closed Uy paying a tribute to tbo entire - tire state ticket. " " - ' ' ' 1 his evening a grand itreot parade took place and republican enthusiasm ran Qigh. Tha Kearney opera bouse was packed to hoar Charles H. Qrrcne and Will Uurley of Omaha. Gurloy gave a plain exposition o ; the turlJT Howard County , SEWAIUI , Neb. , Got. 20. fSporial to THE DEE. ] The ropubllcanr of Seward county are wldo awake and making n vigorous cam paign. Kvory man Is falllag into line lor iboSthof Novembar. Many who have boon votloB the Independent ticket are back into line again. Laro and enthusiastic moot Uicshavo been held at Beaver UrosMng doehner , IJeo unu Uermnntown this week , and last night a rousing meeting was belt at titaplenurst. l-'ullv ono thousand pee plo wore present. Hon , B. J. Haluer , Iho rcnub llcan candidate for congress , was the prlncl pat speaker and made u splendid speech Hon. ( icorpo \V , Sowloy , republican caudl date for state senator , and Hou. 1C. 1 > . An ucrton , reputillcBD candidate for county at- lanke ts - Comforts In this department we are showing a line of poods far superior In quality .to anythlnc over shown before. The following are some of the special bargains to which wo call attention. 10-1 white all wool b'ankcts , $3 ! T > a pilr. ll-l wblto all wool blankets , S4..T > a pair. 11-4 wblto wool blankets , So.oO a pair. KM X X X wool bHnkots , 38 00 a pair , ll-l Saxony all wool blankets , $10.00 a pair. 11-1 six pound gray wool blankets , $3.50 a p.ilr. 11-Jall wool sanitary gray blankets , * o.OO a pair. 10-1 all wool scarlet blankets , $5.60 a pair. 11-4 all weal hCirlot blanket * , Jli.SO a pair. Onr comforts are all filled with best quality "ot white cotton and r.ingo in prices from $1.03 upwards. Our down quilts are especially attractive and very low In price. torncy , also spoke. Only aoout onthlrd or these present were able to gat into the hull. Tlio people of Stanlobui'jt oatertainoil the larpo crowds in roval style. Hen. K , J. Hulnor Is making vole ; whore- \ ever ho goes. He has made several speeches I n this county and has aroused much cu- among voters. WIIUN ItltYAN WAS A IMtOIllH. 1U Sppccli Do'lTcreil In IlliuuN Ye.ira AC on tliu Snhject I'roilurnil. FALLS CmNeb. . , Oct. -Special ( to THE BEE. ] Hon. Allen \V. Welil hus hold arijo and enthusiastic meetings In Spelser , Jn\7son , Salem , Vordon , Stella , Shabort , 3arada , Arago and Preston this \vcolf. Hon. JauoD Ilauck , a Ocrnmu who , until within the past two years has addressed Gorman audiences In the interest of the democratic party , accompanied Mr. Field and made uany voles for Iho republican ticket. Ho produced the speech of William J , lirvan , lelivored in Illinois before his "Import" nto Nebraska , In which he declared for pro hibition. Hon J. StBilinc Morton spoke hero last night to a crowd composed of uoout ! ! 5 per cent of republicans , the balano3 dcmourats and "uopullsts. " Ho thiow the free-silver democrats iut6 spasms by his denunciation of free silver coinage , nnd ho made ihu Inilc- pondonts lool : llrod by hs ! roabtlns of Van \Vyck and c.xnosinij the lullacio ? of their theoriei. /'uiiiity rnlttUMl NiitfH. Fur.MOST. Nob. , Oct. ! -Special ' [ to TUB Bir.J : ; Tno total rngutration of voters thin farln thH city hajbaan ( JIO. Thorn are t'vo other days rema'alnp for registering , wht'h , It Is thouRht , wilt make the total vole 1JU. : ) Mr. I'ollurd , prcflileut ot the Sialu l o- publican league of Nebraska , delivered an address this ovenlnc in the Normal roUenu chiipol to the itudents and others present , who demonstrated their bnthuslajrn by fre quent ana hcarlv applause , A special coach wiis nttncbod to the THRU- lar pa enRer train that loft this city over Iho KlKhoru road this evening' , which con tained iho Frouioil Flambeau club with torches , the Fremont Silver ( Jor tot hand nnd cltl/ens tilled with enthusiasm , \\lio took part in thn great , grand and glorious re publican rally wbluh was hold In Hooper this evening. The spoultcrs were ; lion. J , K. Frlfilc of this city , Hon. Franit W. Col- linn of Lincoln and Cieaorul Daunls of Omaha. _ _ Cncorcil llm ltuinlillfuii ' WAVXB , Nob. , Oct. ! il ) . [ Sroclal to Tun HIK. : ] Ono of the most enthusiastic republi can meetings that has taken place In Wayne county occurred nt Carroll last aisht nt 8 o'clock. Q'lito a torchlight procession took place , headed bv n mnrilal band from Wayne , aoJ a display of liroworlts lent an impetus to the enthusiasm. A large audlenco assembled at the hall to listen to unlo discussions by Messrs. Wlllzer and Frank Fuller. At the close of the meetln ? the republicaiiE present were requested to rise and out of tin audience of about ItiO fully throe-fourths stood up , and three rousing cheers woie iiven for the entire republican ticket. Iu the Third lilitrlct , WAUSA , Nab , , Dot. ' . ' 0. [ Special to Tun nr.BJ The republicans held a big rally hero last evening. ( Joorgo 1) , Moiklo- John , candidate for congress Iu UIB ThlrU district , spoke to a very largo gathering In tbo bah. Much enthusiasm was shown throughout. Ho made soma winning hits and many friends. Captain Hayes of Nor folk uUo made an eloquent address durln ? tbo avonlne. W , II. Nocdham of Hloomllold Introduced the speaker * . Members of the Uepubliuau club , headed by the HloomlleJd Cornet band , paraded the town nnd escorted Melkli'John sroui the train to the hall. JCnox county will show up a big majoilty for tbo republicans at tbo coming election. Driiincrulii Mr t ut Ouklunil , OiKLiNi ) , i\ob , , Oct. 2U. [ Special to TUB BEE , ] Tha democrats of Oakland baa their first rally lust night and it was a total fail ure as fur as enthusiasm was concerned , At 7:30 : the Oakland band and a few of the prominent democrats went to the depot to meet tbo speakers of the evening , Muisn , G. F. Keipor , democratic candidate for con gress in this district , aud W. 11. Mungor. About 100 ncoplo congregated in the hall , two-thuds of them being republicans. Thn line of argument only on the tariff que.'tion , which was discussed. INTIIIJSIA : > M AT nom-iiie. Doilci ) County llcplllilKmiis Turn Out to < < ret t I'arty SpiMUcrx. , Neb. , Oct. 2' , ' . ( Special Telegram to THE HER. ] One of the biggest nnd most cnlhuslnstlc rallies ever held in Hooper loolc place bore this evening. The business houses and residences \vora In villa drus ? for the occasion. The people came in fioni the country rally in the day and every tram broucht In many woo came eithnr to participate or loon on. The band and Hum- beau club of Fremont , tn.iny cilizcns , camu In on the evening train and were mot ijy a lareo delegation. Tno torch light procoaslon consisting of many bands nnd clubs formed on , Milu street and marched to the opera house which was very appropriately decorated. Such a crowd itsemblcJ that many had to co away , 1101 icing able to get In. This town Inn Uaon considered one of the fitroneost In the country for the democratic inrty , but tbo croat domonstratiunh ivlt- uosscil hero tonight show tbut republicans are on tha Increase. Hon. L. Johnson of Omaha , tbo llrst speultor introdiicpd , spoke pjrttculnrlv on the silver question. Hon Howard Haldrklgo , also of Omaha , spoke for a short tlnio on soinorf the IcnUiiitr nines of the tiay. The apnluUBO Riven Uns genllcman showed their appreciation of him. Mr. Frlcl : of Fremont gave some bplendUl arguments for a protect ive lanff. Judge Norrls nnd Molklojoha will spcrk lioro next Tuesday evening. THtuut luiiiiliin | , Doxipiuv , Neb. , Oct. JJU.-SiJCcinl [ Tele gram to Tin1. DEI : . ! The e ontest political event of tbo campilgn occurred hero this ovoning. Hon. J , G. Tatc- , who bad been ad- veitUcu to address the republican * of this vicinity , came In on the evening trula from Hnsllngs , logclhcr with the Hustings Uo. pubucaa Flambeau club ami iho Hanson Military band , Korly In thu afternoon people - plo becan arriving by team from all parts of the country nnd surrounding towns , Wood Hiver , Grand Island , Truruiiull , Bromllold and Jlansen bolng well ranrosenteJ , Only those who wont to the hall early worn ( prlu- note enough to secure nven Maiuiiniloom. . The llrst ensaker introduced was \V. 1 * . McUrcary of Hastingi. 'J ho domocratiu schomoof wlthdritwini ; thulr elector * In Iho west for the purpose of throwing the olec- lion hi the houite was shown up in n way that carried conviction to every voter. Hon. J ( . } . Taio was Introduced amid great cheering. The speaker held the nudionco for or.o hour und n half. Mr , Tnto having lived Iu frco trade Knif- lanu and woiKod with his fuiborln Iho facto ries , he wus able 10 inuko a great implosion upon his hearers by comparing the wages of Englaud ivilh thoie of this country. llnal Ins tins Dlxtiiuiril. BlsEMEit , Nob. , Oct. W , [ Spjclal Tola- pramtoTiiK UKR.I Hon , C. W. Turroll of Lincoln addressed a largo crowd at this place this evening. His effort was a mas terly presentation ot lha real issues of the present campaign and was listened to with close attuntion for over two hnurs. Everyone ono was lilzbly plcasoJ wltu iho able man ner In which ho presented iho hsue * und predicted good results for republicanism In this part of the county. Druli ut Itinlni ; City. HIBINO CITV , Nob. , Oct. 21)-SpBilul ) [ ! Telegram - gram toTiie JJui : . | W , H. Deoli , the lade pendent candidate for conirresa of tbo Fourth district , and K. C. Carpenter spoke to n fair sizau audience In thU pluco lust nlgiu , bu did not bring up any points worth speak ing of. rrolilimiuuUU ut Ilatlil inty. DAVID CITV , Nob. , Oct. ' -Special [ to TUB BKK.J C. B. Hentley , prohibition cau dldato for ( Jovornor , spoke horu lai.t oveulng to a small audience. Not mote than fort ; niou , women and children were proteut. KELLEY.STIGERACO. . La ill a 3' Hosiery. Ladles' heavy black wool hose nl 2flo tuul Hoc Lmlies' line black cnshtnoro lioso nl I ) o , 60i ? , O.V , 7oo nntl $1. Opera Ladles1 lluo fast black double llcoco cotton ho < iO ntoo. . " > e nml ADJ. Now Myles In ladles' line fauoy Hslo mul silk plaited hosts for Mlpper wear. Sl'HOiAL An olccaut pure black silk hose , all , l/e * . at $1.10. worth $1.7ii. Children's Hosiery 101) ) do/.uu boys' extra ho.ivy fast black cotton school hose at "oc , worth 'We. Children's line black rlbbod wool ho o at 2" > e mul A-joi- Hoys'extra heavy black rihboil wool hose , ilotihloT knees , licols and tees , at ; i"c or ! t pairs for $1 ; wo.'th 50A Infants' eashmoro hose , cardinal and an.1 tofij at IMc. Missus' lluo cashiuoro hoao , ciirdinal and tan , nt uOe , CIV and 70c. Misses' fast black double llocco cotton ho o. U to 8 } , tit .MY. Iiadies' Underwear Ladies' nuttiral gray moritio vest" , with or without fileovsi at Mo nnd $1. L-idies' line natural gr.iy wool vest ? , with or without , sleeve * , at $1 , il.U'i , $1.4(1 ( and $ l.f > 0. Moiino and wool drawurs to mutch the nbovo nt SI , $1.2"i aud il.llfi. lidios' : lluo black wool vu H at $1.CI ) nnd $1.05. Drawers to match at $1.0. ) aud * 1 7" ) . l.udica' oxtrn heavy ecru cotton union suit * , I'fst luiitlo , at ? I.fill worth 8- . Jjlilies' natural trrnv UKM-iuo aud wool un.on Mills tit $12 , S'i'o , * " . . fH.oO , $4.7o , ! } " ) . S-1.12" ) . M.oO. S > o,7 < i and ill Ladies'black wool union Miltsnt $ It.50 , $ l.7fi , ! r"i , i" > L'fi , & . " > f > ' \ $ a7" and ill. F * f\l T OCj4-111 H § * CTllTCJ . . .5jljlicSGl Hull .9.1gxlua. Ladies' blade wool utiiii'stt'laii tights , tiuUlc lengths , at $1 7o , VW 10 , $ it0 ! , $2 SO mid Sd Knee Icnjrlh at $1.76 , $2 , S 'JO , * 2.40. ! iliO nnd * 2 SO. Ltidios' heavy blsieli hilk lltrhts , knee length , al W.oo" ill ami i-Vl. ( ! Ankle len Jth nl ? 0 f > ' ) . S7 and $7 .VJ. Children's natnialiiM } > or white Swiss rlhb.'d vests and mints at 7"c , SOe , Siie , HOc. Doe , il and $1.1 J. Childron's black or pray wool union fruits tit 5-1.05 , $1.8" , § 2 and flVJ. " ) . Sole agents for the we t for ttio Ypsi- liinli union suits and tiul ts. MliX'SWOOLU.N'DHRWEAR. ' SPECEAt LEADERS FOR lltXT WEEK. fiO tio/.on mon'fl duo while Saxotiy wool shirts and drawers , vor.Vbofl mihli , spe cial price $1.2o.oich : , worth Sl.'o. i I e'ano of the celebrated "Derby Kib- bed" shirts and drawers , nlco tan nhatlo , drawers all double .stayed mid bound hoams , steam shrunk aud oxtia well lln- , ished , special price Si.-50 , cheap at $2.00. 101)'do/on ) men's pure undyod natural gray wool shirts and drawers , ribbed burilor shirts , drawers slaved and bound ' throughout , at SI.50 each' . HALF HOtiH. 100 do/.en men's heavy'eamcl's hair seamless half hose til 2-rn : , good v.iluo at lioe. 7.1 do/ou men's heavy natural gray wool half hose , double merino heels and tncs , splendid wearing socks , at ! Mc , li fer $1.00. CEDAR COUNTY'S ' ( TRIBUTE Hartiugton Crowded with Oitizans to One Judge Orcunso. SURGING M\SS OF HAPPY PEOPLE ( no i > r tinCrcHltnl llnpiilMlciin ItulllOH al thu CuinpiilKii Miiny Indcponilrnls llx- | irr n Cunllilciipo III tint npointer Other I'ulitlntl Nftvs. HAIITINGIOV , Nob. , Oct. 20. | SpaoInl Ti lo- Bram to Tin : 15iu. | The streets of Hartlng- on were lilted with a surging mass of happy icoplo tonleht all anxious to hear the speech ot Hon. Lorenzo Crounsc. The tlairl oa club of this city oimo out fifty strongin irlght uniforms and liovJed by the Metro- lolltan band marched through Iho streets. V largo number of independents who had been here to hoar I'oyntcr and Dovino this iftcrnoon remained to listen to the lliago and plant themselves upon tha solid rocic of opiibllcanism The mooting was hold at the Young Men's club room , and all Unit could gain ndmmlon were crowded In , while * ACOIUS on the oiilsulo clamored for ( idmission. Music in Iho hall was furnlsbod by tua band nnJ the inalo qunriotto. When Jndgo Crounso nru Introduced to .ho nudionco the stamping nnd encoring 'airly shook the walls of the bulUilne , For over an hour tbo speaker poured a stnady stream of Invlnclblo loglolnto the uud'oncc , dwell ing on tbo Issues of the campuen In a mas terly nmntior mid undoubtedly made the tariff question plain to ovary ono who hoard tilrn. Ttio meeting wus ono of the mo-it on- tnusiastio held hero during the campaign. Crouso will bo roraoinboroJ by Cadar on the Sth of November. wiu , STAND ui' roit .MIIKASICA. : Kiurncy County Clli/en ICnlortiilnrilVllh. . homo Sound Kr.mnnlncr. . Nob. , Oct. " . ( > | Hpeclal Telo- grum to Tin : HirJ Sonutor Mandcraon to night addressed an audience ol fully 700 persons In this city. Tha sonatot In hh opening stated tbo political situation in tbla stale , showing that tha Independent party IH roiUlv not national in character , but con fined to tha trausmUsoiirl country , and that a vote for Weaver und I'lold was u vote for Cleveland and Ktevmison. Mr , Mandorson then took up the Independent nutlonal plat form , nnd clause by clause showed Us almost entire fuUlty. The turifl was next taken up , tbo fipoakor concluslvoly proving Us coustitutlonulltv and direct bcnolUs to tbo v/liolo pcopla ot tuo United States , as well 0,1 the prairie ot Nebraska us in the workshop In tbo cast. Free Hllver received attention , the speaker showing that the entire silver production was used under present coinage laws and tUo dollar given tbo people Is as good as any dollar on oartb , wllhout civlng mine owner * 12'J cents for BU cents. Mr. Mandor&oa , iii showing the prosperity of the country and. untruth ot statements of calamity spoakiri , took up the condition of Kearney county which has 10,000 poonle , $ I'J.VJOIK'worth ) ' ot property and but fTMJ.OOO inaobtodness. ICournny county will show bv HH vote on November B that Its people stand up tor Nebraska , tbo republican party and pros perity. Illne KprliiKi1 1'lrU Iliilly. nt.ueSi'iiiNos , N'Sb. , Out. ua. [ bpocial to. Tin ; HBK. ] Tlio flrat ropubllcan rally of the campaign ut this place came off last nl ht and was a grand success , For two hours tbo city was resplendent In colored lights , buntlnir and other decorations which Itllcd every largo window In town. A pro cession uarrylngCUOtornhcsmarcbod through ttiostroot * . Several corps of gully droiscd ladleH were In tbo lino. Hipulillc-ati clubs from Uoatrlce , Llbortv , Odell und Darno ton participated. I , W. Lansing was ttio peak r. Piles of poooie have piles , but Witch Haiel salv * will euro thorn.