Laraest hipment Ever Made to Any House in Omaha. Sixteen carloads of the finest , choicest and newest fall goods , consisting of Furniture , Carpets , Stoves and House Furnishing Goods arrived in Omaha last weak , consigned to the People's Mammoth Installment House. It represents by far the greatest purchase ever made by this house , and the entire purchase will be placed on sale beginning torn > rro\v , Monday , morning' . Obtober 3ist. In point of mag nitude and low prices which will prevail , it will unquestionably be the greatest sale ever held in this city. Great preparations have been mads to receive the large crowd of buyers which are expected , in consequence quence of which a double force of clerks and extra teams have been engaged. On account of the magnitude of this sale no goods will be promised for delivery same day as purchased , and no goods will be exchanged. _ . . „ . , „ . . , , . . \A/llM.n woftirnlslitliorlcli- \ViIlo \ for Kiimplcs of Car- " pslrosliloncps In inn' Inr o o.tics null hino tlio lurii'M. n . - lirts. mutinum of iirt ( ornUurc. in lilJli criulnvooils to bo fountl In Write for ! > iiei'liil SUne cat tliuontlro Wpit. wu Nh to 10- alogue. tin ) fnoi , thai our Krcnt pr iln U In fiiniMiliiu Ion itnil iiioiHiun m Write fi r spcrial llnliy Car- | > rli' il KooiN. Wliun HO cun ringo catalogue. Klvt ! n poor ntmi u butter t lia'r ' i Tiir j ( tliitn ho 01111 itut Hust a. Wrllo for t'JS page lllus- \\cst for tliu monry. HO tire liniipy. ( nit-d catalogue. Write fjr samples of Din ner Sels. TA9TK ilooH nut ooit 1 _ T i * ' V- ) * ' money. ' 1 liv txi't ilrtMneil iilrl I hi Oiualm ppimla H MTV tmitll CARPETS. iiiuonnt forhur wnnlioboeoniil rPlli : I'KOI'UI'H Im fnirl ) I miikM jourhonui or an\ room In It I I cnriu'il Itii reputation tit lm\- [ "n thine of Ituuty mil n Joy lor-1 . oxer. " Tlmum wfl liu but n true Ilion I Int. tli InruuM , I'liulu'M mil mo t [ i fninplpli1 lift ) nf tH"iit tH In tliG IMII lion of nhalMiu | irot l ly i'\pi'cl , | tire wet In rich umiili ni'iiru lh j If > ou tire nnlnltl itril atonic IIIUM * I lii mliifs , nml In Inn- mill nicillum [ MniM , 01 If 5 on lm\e lio.i ( thu \ UMtiu | inliol lid'Hli Ilium I * no tnrte In I of oitio unprlnclpUMl mere hunt u ho I ( Mirnunor woM nt Nuw York ( so ! * h iryisl > on Itibiilon prlu' . vrhllo I ( I ii iiint'tv 'ajl Unit \vlll uunimru I ( hi * nio i Importnnt purt oC youri wllliiniri. ' purtltiisoiroiH \ \ to bo jouroilnca I M'lnl or dill fur our "OAKI'IST. lion. TM.K , ' nnil nvnll yniir i > ir nf : i I i lllivriilrniiH'liMtii-ntlnu In Illtnon I nilnutpH \ < iu will knmr innri1 nliiiiil I i iiui'et t [ inn you Imvo oxcrk'imiLMl I , iliiniiu ytmrllfu. ii , Ir III YOU CAN order bv innll unil bo usvcll Hurvi'il 115 thouun vnu vhlteil our HtortOuoils ! nroBuweO up In Imtlnin , stuf- I Rr.MP.MIHIlt KGOII ovnry- Toil with Kfoulnlor. iilul roiu'li | I'llim ' no l In tliu homo , Troui you in porfuct foiulltlon , lieu fliiMippor norihe.nt corner < > r tliu i\ur : grout the distance. MiltMolliu lower noutlnu"'t cornvr n1-the it'ilnr. IinUIlAI'H oecll niuroirockvr ) tlmn the livr o t ( rix kury KB \K8 ( yom opinion tell yon ! lulillilmicnt la thu irnnt. Tint ilc 1 ' I'.rit I'li'ilrlu light or any other I paitment In ono or ttnr hobbli's Unlit Is Miiii'ilur tii Minx ! ne litrllI NVohivn Intiodiiesil iintl lnUt on liriuy nr Mttlntf room ? It oi'ihu | ) I HOllInt : ImpoitiMl I DBII II ooiU If i linnet * It. fur ymi urn "away mr " I ' joii bnlu ) 'cm , they ilo not - ' liu\ ' Ki-ro-i'im lamps liulit'iMi MI much ( ' " " ImpioM'ililiirlni : I'm la * ! snf vnuklu' ui "iriiM1 If you boll yciiror . Hint ( iinibiiHtlnii Is now al'iioM pnr-I Vm , Iho ) ilo lint "cr.ii.kli. " or tret rnrtlrnlnrlv If you u o ourt "CIM7U'1 If ) on kcop * IM.I a him ' HIH'MKiriMl I.A.MI'S. 'llni Ml ilrcil > cari * thoj ilo not "crnckltj N Miiuvly lilnckonu I TIOIII o or " ( .Tan1" luicllMi nooilb are ni'L'kV mil In iinotliir It Fclili ilrriirntcil nnilcr crs hcaiy Klnrr , rciuln < s trtniinlnit.-Impl ) npcili In I nnil nrultrlu > ilhlih inouim ho wlpol olT occasionally nltli n | that whim tliuy nro i hlppoil tlu > ) lIll'HIIlllltll. 6 rtimahi whlttiaml " 111 not hecnmu tuitiiratoil nlth xroiHU K V * j-A. m , _ - . MAN sid : ! : "No home In I A these ! UnlleJ Stntus cnrrlis at I nil llmt'H for litiiiu'illutu ilillvvry I W.R.R ' ' ' Mnintnotli In- = r = 'PHK I'eoplo'H ' A r . null ft iri < nt insorlmoiit of I'urpctx. I 0/AAH . 1 malliuent lloiiHO U onu ot tliu I't mul UIIKS lit ilijes tliuf ' ' l.irk'i'bt uml mo t rolliililo ci > tiibll li I nliln-nwnku , proiiri-silvo I'uoplo'x . . ' niunlH In Iliu U.S. mill ovcryhmly I Mammoth ln liillnicnt lloune , mul lit nopuliir ] > rk'L" , nijt uiily now , but I I ' anil mny tliulr rely on their uno teithul ill * n > t. GRRLORD PRICES. Heating Stoves $2.75 , $3-75. - S4-5Q and 5-5 ° . Cheap at tumble the price. Full Nickeled Hard Coal Heaters $10.50 , $14.50 , $17.50 and $20.50 Cheap at double the price , Ranges $17.50 , $20.50 , $24.56 and $26.50 Cheap at double the price Ingrain Carpets 4 130 , 170 , 24c and 29C Cheap sit double the price. Brussels Carpet 49C. 59C > ° " 9C and 780 Cheap at double the price. Lace Curtains 95 , $1.20 , $1.35 and $1.75 Cheap at iloublo the price. Comforts 75c , $ i , $1.25 and $1.50 Cheap at double the price. Mattresses $1.60 , $1.90 , $2.25 and $3 , Chonp at double the price. Lounges $4-5 ° . $5-5 ° . $6-75 and $8.50 Cheap at double Iho price. Extension Tables $3-75. . $4-5 ° - $5-30 and $6.25 Cheap at double the price. Folding Beds $9.50 , $14.50 , $19.50 and $22.75 Cheap at double the price. Hanging Lamps $1.95 , $2.75 , $3.50 and $4.75 Cheap at double the price , Parlor Rocker , Solid oak , antique polish finish , latest style , well made , upholstoiod in line quality silk tapestry. Mail eiders received Monday and Tuesday only will bo tilled. The Peninsular Stoves Are the best. The Peninsular Stoves are the best in the world. We control them. When you buy a "Peninsular" of us you get the best for what you would pay for the poor est elsewhere. We show one hundred different styles. \Vo also carry the llnost line of OIL TI13ATKHS in pi-ices far bolovv olhms. Large Oak Rocker , 2.6Q- : . - A beautiful rocker , latest style , antique polish finish , full si7.o , thoroughly well inudo and cheap at double the inonoy. This is only ono of the many bargains wo hnvo to olTor. Mall orders received Monday and Tuesday only will bo 1111 oil. 3QX3GXSSOffi000Gffi ) ® < SaXtffi ) < SQXBC EASY TERMS. CATALOCU COUPON. . Send for our Mammoth Portfolio , 128 BIIOOIP , 12 by / 18 Inches , showing the botit things In each depot , $ IO worth of goods , $1 per week , or $4 per month. TWO CONDITIONS month 1st. Name aomo ono who is building , has built or $25 worth of goods , SI.5O per week or $6 per will build. 2nd. Cut out and send tm this coupon. $5O worth of goods , $2 per week or $8 per month. Good oil our partial iiayinunt ulna nnywlicro this slrto the $75 worth of goods , S2.5O per week or $ IO per month. 1'noinc. HaiiiiiluBf.iluclhsoiitl ututo IcIciiUnd tnluo.iinay 100 inllus frahtht , uxcuiit on ccotls nilvortlsoil ui HIIUCUII i > rluus . SIOO worth of goods , $3 per week or SI2 per month. Ono price to n'l. _ HV-'JI-lloo. $2OO worth of goods , $5 per week or $2D per month 33XDffiGXSGX5XD < ! XS < DD ( < ! XIXD t .GRRLDRD PRICES. Chamber Suifcs $0.25 , $12.50 , $14.75 and $17.50 Cheap at double tlio price. Parlor Suits $16.50 , $22.50 , $29.50 and $34.50 Cheap ut double tlio prii'c. Wardrobes $6.50 , $9.50 , $12.50 and $14.50 Cheap at double the prlco Bedsteads $1.35 , $1.90 , $2.,15 and $2.75 Cheap ( it double tlio prlco Cook Stoves $7,50 , $10.50 , $12.50 and $15 Cheap at double thu price. Dinner Sets $6.50 , $8.50 , $10.50 and $12.50 C'honp ot double tlio prico. Tea Sets $3-25. . # 4.50i $6 and $ / Cheap at double tlio price. Pictures 75c. . $1-25 , $1.75 and $2.50 , Cheap at double Iho price , Center Tables 75C , $1.25 , $2 and $2.75 Cheap at double llio priuo , Rockers $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.25 Chonp at double ilin prluo. Bookcases $4.50 , $5-75 > $7-5 ° ancl $8.50 Chiup at double the price , t j t Hall Hacks $7-5 ° . S950.75 amljl 14.50 Choup at double Iho prk-o ( U3 TERMS : MOTTO : If the Goods are not On a Bill of Ten Dol- Satisfactory and as The and Stove House in America , lRrs' $1.OO Cash Cheapest Furniture , Carpet Represented , come to tis and we will and Week. $1.00 a 13 ] B1317 Karnam. Street , allow all claims. reasonable TELEPHONE V27. * OPEN 2SONDAY AND S , i'tTJRDAY EVENINGS ONLY ,